
Message from the Author

Alright, this is my fith book. Here is a warning, if you are homophobic, I suggest you not read this book. There is age worthy scenes in here so you have been warned.


Note: I am not homophobic, I love and support gay couples even though I am a girl. Don't judge.

Finding My Mate

Nathan's POV


"Get your ass up Fag!!" My father yelled at me from downstairs. Let me explain, my name is Nathan Bersack. I am 17 years old, and I am gay. I'm the Omega of the Moon Blood Pack. Ever since I came out of the closet about being gay, my parents started treating me like trash. The only one who actually cared about me was my brother, Sokno.


When a wolf turns 18, they are supposed to find their mate. A mate is our other half. They complete us and love us till the end. However, sometimes one can get rejected, and they go through unimaginable pain. The pain is said to feel like needles stabbing your heart. The only reason I'm alive is because I find my mate in a few days. 


I had planned to commit suicide, but I decided to live for my mate. Unfortunately, my birthday is the same day as the son of the Alphas. No one is the pack likes me, so I don't celebrate my birthday. I am like the servant to the whole pack. I am afraid that my mate will reject me though. I get bullied and tortured at school and have scars all over my body. 


"Did you hear me boy!!! GET THE HELL UP!!" My dad came into the room and throw me on the ground. He kicked me in the stomach and walked away. I could barely stand up. 


My brother came into my room and helped me up.


"Nathan, why do you not fight back?" My brother asked as he rubbed my back. He asks that question every day. 


"Because if I do, they will punish me. I don't want to live anymore, Sokno. I want to die." My tears ran down my face.


"You can't die. What about your mate? He needs you, I need you. I love you." He said still rubbing my back as I sobbed into his neck.


I got off him and stood up, "Come on, I have to go make breakfast for the pack, then go to school." I said and walked out my bedroom. I walked downstairs, and started cooking and set up everything.


After that, I was ready for school.




As soon as I got to school, the torture began quickly. 


"So the Fag, thinks he's good enough to have his birthday on the same day as mine. You don't even have a mate." Brian, my main bully at school. He is also the Alphas son. He kicked my in the stomach and turned to his friends who soon joined in on the beating. After a few kicks to the stomach, I started to cough up blood.


Great, they broke my ribs. After a while they got bored and went to class, leaving me on the hallway floor bleeding in multiple places. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my friend Miki. He was the only one who stayed with me, after beatings. I felt something when Brian kicked me.


No, it can't be. He can't be my mate. There is no point in me living now. He will reject me tomorrow. I know the goddess hates me now. Why would she purposely put me with someone who will automatically when he finds out, reject me. 


"Miki, I don't want to live anymore. There is no point."I said crying again.

"What do you mean?" He asked picking me up.


"Brian is my mate, he will reject me tomorrow," I said.

He sighed. He has been growing distant lately. " What is wrong?" I asked him.


" I can't be friends with you anymore. As the next Beta, I can't be friends with an Omega." I looked at him. My eyes started to fill with tears. I got down and started walking down the hallway, to exit the school. I'm done. Tomorrow, at the party, after the rejection, I will commit suicide. 

Near Death

 I walked home and got a piece of paper, and wrote a note to my brother, for tomorrow.


Dear Brother,


   I love you, I really do. But I can't live in a world where I am unloved by even my own mate. I am sorry I wasn't the brother you wished for. I do love you. You couldn't watch me for my entire life. You have your own mate and life, and I didn't want to keep that from you. Our parents can be happy that they had one right son. I love you. I leave everything to you.


Love Nathan


I folded it and put it where he could find it tomorrow when my brother came to get me. 

Tomorrow is my last day on earth.




I had everything ready. After the rejection, I would take an overdose of pills in my room, and cut my wrist so no one could save me. I was standing in the middle of the party, and Brian was looking for his mate. He suddenly walked over to me and dragged me to the woods. 


" I Brian Hook, future Alpha of the Moon Blood Pack, reject you, Nathen Biersack, Omega of the Moon Blood Pack, as my mate and future Luna." I dropped to the ground.The pain was unbearable, but it was going to end in a couple of minutes.


" I accept the rejection." I walked off to my room and got the pills and razor. Then I took a handful of pills and then cut my wrist. 


As my vision started to go dark, I saw my brother rush into my room. He must have found the note. He came to me and held me on his lap. I could see tears building up in his eyes. I smiled weakly at him.


"I love you." I said as the darkness surrounded me.


 Sokno's POV


I had found a note in my brother's room earlier, but I thought it was him just leaving a note telling me where he went. I didn't think to look at it, till I heard Nathan's wolf howl in pain. I pulled out the note and read it.


No...No. He can't. He has to be in his room. Please let me find him alive goddess. I love him. Why do you have to be so cruel at times? He has done nothing to deserve this. When I find him, we're going to our uncle's pack. I mind linked my uncle  Nate.


"What up kido? We were on our way to your pack right now." Nate said.


"Good. Nathan left a note saying he was going to kill himself. I'm taking him away from here. I'm trying to find him. Meet me at the border in a couple minutes." I said as I ran into our house and up the stairs to Nathans room. I could feel Uncle Nate nod. 


I barged into his room and looked around. I saw him laying on the ground barely breathing. I saw a pill bottle beside him. He didn't...I ran over to him and pulled him onto my lap. He smiled weakly at me.


"I love you." He said and closed his eyes. No... No! I shook him and tried to get him to wake up. His breathing was slowing down. Just then, Uncle Nate barged into the room.


"He overdosed. And cut his wrist. I don't know what to do." Nate took Nathan from me and put his head on his lap. He then took two fingers and stuck then down Nathans' throat. Nathen gagged and threw up. Nathan chucked up all the pills he had swallowed and passed out, breathing really hard.


"Now we need to get him, back to my pack, so they can help him. Try to stop the bleeding on his wrist. He only has a couple minutes. The pills had already started affecting him." I nodded and wrapped Nathen's wrist up, and ran to the border with Uncle Nate following carrying Nathan.


When we got to the border, my uncle's mate was there and ready to go. We ran as fast as we could to their pack and took him to the pack hospital. They took him, and hooked him up, and kicked us out while they worked. 


Please, Nathan, live.




I walked into Nathans hospital room. They had said he had fallen into a coma. 

I walked over to his bed and stroked his pale face. He had a breathing tube down his throat, and a ventilator hooked up to help him breathe. He had multiple IVs all over his body. I could tell he was struggling to survive when all he wanted was to die.


I held his hand as the heart monitor went off. I started to panic. His heart rate was slowing down. I gripped his hand.


"Nathan. I need you to be strong. I need you to try and survive. You are strong, and I know you want someone to love you. All you have to do is wait for your second chance mate." His heart rate came back up, and he relaxed. His breathing was still a little off, but at least he was alive.


Uncle Nate came in with his mate John. "How is he? And could you please explain how this could happen, and why your parents aren't answering, and hung up when I told them about Nathan?"


"He is fine. He is still having trouble breathing though. And our parents abused him. Father hated having a gay child and beat him every day. And then his mate came and rejected him. I tried to tell him that he had us, but I think his mind was set on the fact that he had waited for his mate to save him, only to be put in more pain, by rejection.I am worried though. The effects of the rejection will slowly kill him, and his wolf was already weak before. He might be too weak to do anything." I said.


"Don't worry he will be fine. He is strong." John said.



 Sokno's POV


It's been 3 weeks since Nathan fell into a coma. He hasn't moved at all. Although his other wounds have already healed, his breathing is still off.


I was sitting by his side, running my fingers through his hair. 


I heard a little groan. I looked down and saw Nathans' eyes flutter open.


"Nathan, you're okay! Don't move." I said as I noticed he was trying to sit up. He went to talk but he still had the tube down his throat.


"Hey, it's okay. It's only there to help you breathe. You still can't breathe properly. I'll be right back with your doctor." I said as I stood up and walked out the room. I got his doctor and brought him to Nathans room, to take the tube out. The doctor took the tube out and replaced it with a breathing mask.


"Sokno? What happened? Where are we?" He asked through the breathing mask.


"We are at Uncle Nates pack. We brought you here, to get treatment. You have been in a coma for 3 weeks. I am sorry to say that you are too weak to do anything for a while. Hopefully, you will start to feel the effects of the rejection in a...." I trailed off, as Nathan's face scrunched up in pain.


Oh no, it can't be happening now, he just woke up. I got up in his bed and put him on my lap. I rubbed his back to try and ease the pain. His skin was almost as white as his hair. He was in so much pain. He was struggling to breathe with the mask. I rubbed his back and rocked him back and forth. After a while, he settled down and fell asleep.


I sighed and went downstairs to talk to Uncle Nate. We really need to find something to help Nathan with his pain, otherwise, it will kill him slowly.


_________________________Time Skip


      When I went back to Nathan's room, he was still asleep. Uncle Nate had said it would be good if he does not walk around for a few days. I can carry him around if he wants to go somewhere. But what I'm really worried, because he has to stay on oxygen for months. He can't take it off, it helps him breathe. Apparently, all those times he was beaten, damaged his lungs and heart, so he may be on oxygen for months, or the rest of his life.


Uncle Nate also said that we had to pay a visit to our old pack, today for our clothes. And we have to take Nathan, and I have to carry him. Not that I mind, but he is in no condition to see them or make the walk to the pack.

Goddess, please make this trip worthwhile.

Return to Moon Blood Pack

 Nathan's POV


I woke up to my brother sitting next to me. I was in so much pain, and I knew half of it was from the rejection. Before I could think anymore, my brother pulled me out of my thoughts.


"Nathan, we're returning to our old pack to get our stuff then come back. But you have to come with us because you didn't break the bond from your mate. If you don't then you'll slowly die."


"No, I won't do that. If I do that, Brian will suffer, and I don't want that. I'm fine, let's go." I said sitting up and grimacing in pain. 


My brother picked me up with my oxygen connected and carried me to a car that was waiting in the front drive. I was having trouble with breathing still, but I'm still alive. Though it would have been good if I had died. After about an hour in the car, we arrived at the Blood Moon Pack, pack house. 


My brother got out of the car, and came around to my seat and got me out of the car. He carried me into the pack house. As soon as we got in the house, my pain increased and I gripped my brothers' shirt. 


'Give me a minute Nathan. I will give you your medicine in a minute. Just hold on. You took a dose about an hour before we left, so you still have about 15 minutes before I can give you your next one." My brother said. I just nodded, too much in pain to answer.


After our little talk, Brian walked into the room. He looked at me and started laughing. I hid my face in my brothers' shirt.


"What are you laughing at asshole? You think hurting my little brother is funny? Touch him again, and you will regret it. You can't do anything to us anymore, I am the future Alpha of my uncle's pack. The Ice Crystal Pack. Since my uncles don't have any kids." My brother said with a growl.


"Calm down Sokno. I'm fine." I said.


He nodded and calmed down. Brian walked over to me.


"So did you try and kill yourself? That's pathetic." Brian said and walked away. The pain in my chest grew to the point that I couldn't take it anymore.

I passed out in my brothers' arms. The last thing I heard was Brian laughing.

Unwanted Mating

 Nathan's POV


 I woke up in a bed, with Brian sitting in front of me. 


"What are you doing in here?" I asked sitting up with my oxygen on my nose. At least I could breathe a little better.


"I am going to mate with you." Brian said, getting on the bed with me.


"What!!! No!!!" I said, trying to back away. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

I had about 10 seconds before his lips were on mine.


He kissed me with vigor. I can't believe this is happening to me. I'm not even strong enough to fight back against him. 


As he kissed me, his hand slipped into my pants and started rubbing me through my briefs. I moaned into his lips. He pulled my pants and briefs down and took them off. He let off my lips, and traveled down to my "little friend". I looked down, as he took me into his mouth. I moaned. 


No... This is not what I want. He rejected me. And now he's mating me. 


By the time I got done, I came in his mouth and passed out from lack of breath. 




When I woke up again, I was in a hospital room, Brian was gone, and my brother was sitting next to me. I still have the oxygen on my nose, though I'm pretty sure that I will have it for a while.


I sat up, and my brother looked at me. Every thing that happened between Brian and I came rushing back.

No....Please no. He didn't...


"What happened? I came in and saw you on the bed, passed out with your clothes off. Why do you smell like a mated wolf." He asked. 


I just sat there, not being able to say anything. He did rape me. And I couldn't do anything about it. I sure as hell wasn't about to tell my brother. He'd flip his shit. I started crying, and my brother put me on his lap.


"It's ok. You have to stay here for awhile. I have a feeling I know what happened, but I won't say anything until you tell me. But whatever happened, it damaged some of your organs." Sokno said as he rocked me back and forth. He was trying to put me to sleep. I was too tired to stop him. 

I slowly fell asleep in his arms. My last thought was how I wish my life had ended when tried to take it. I guess the Goddess really does hate me.

What's Done is Done

 Nathan's POV


I woke up still in my brothers' arms. I smiled up at him, and he adjusted the oxygen mask on my face. I looked around and noticed we were in the Pack hospital. My brother had me in his lap, combing his fingers through my hair.


"How are you feeling?" Sokno asked and brought me out of my thoughts. 


"I'm fine. Why are we here?" I asked looking up at him.


"You were having trouble breathing while you were sleep, so I brought you here. I was so worried. You wouldn't wake up. And you couldn't breathe, even though you had your oxygen on. Maybe it has something to do with what happened." he said putting me back on the bed.


"Maybe. I was too weak for him to mate me and he forced it on me. I don't deserve to be alive after that. He only mated with me for a horrible reason." I didn't say the rest of it.


I knew why he had done it. If I was to reject him, I would die. And if he were to reject me, I were to die. It wouldn't make a difference. I would die either way. My body is too weak to do anything against the pain.


But I knew I couldn't reject him. No matter how much I want to die, I couldn't. I would bare the pain of Brian having sex with others, just to hurt me.

Why Me Goddess? Why Me?

 Sokno's POV


      I woke up to screaming. What the hell is going on at this time a night? 

I looked at the clock. It's 3 in the damn morning. Who is screaming!!


I got out of bed and put a shirt on. I went into the hall and was bombarded by loud screams. It sounded like it was coming from my brothers' room. 


I ran to his room and barged into the room. He was on his bed wriggling and screaming. What happened?


"Nathan!! What happened?What's happening?!" I asked him, running to the side of his bed and pulling him up on my lap.


"It hurts......Please make it stop....I can't breathe right..." he said, trying to take deep breaths, but not being able. 


"Calm down. Hold on. I'll take you to the pack doctor." I picked him up. He buried his head in my chest. Gripping my shirt, in his pale fist. His sobbing was heartbreaking. I love him so much, and see him in this much pain is killing me.


I ran all the way to the pack doctor. I burst through the door and ran in and put him on one of the beds.


"Sokno!? What are you doing here at this time of night?" Dr. Mace asked as he walked into the room.


I looked down at my brother. "He woke up screaming. He said he hurt and couldn't breathe right." I said rubbing my brothers back. His breathing was ragged and he was trembling. 


"Big brother? Help." 


"Hold on Nathan." I picked him up and put him on my lap. He was trembling like a leaf. I looked at the pack doctor. 


"Do something!!" I yelled at him. The pack doctor nodded and set to work. He walked out the room and came back with a needle. He pushed the needle into my brother's arm. After a few seconds, my brother slowly fell asleep. 


After he was fully asleep, the doctor opened his mouth and put a tube down his little throat. and placed an oxygen nose tube around his face. 


"What is the tube for?" I asked.


"I put him in a temporary coma, till I can find out what is wrong with him. His immune system is really weak and his heart and lungs are severely damaged. I'm not sure if he will live long enough to find his second chance mate." The pack doctor said, looking at my little brother with pity. 


I growled lowly. That bastard did this. I will kill him if my brother dies. This is his fault. I looked at my brother. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. I knew doing this was the only chance for him to be out of the pain, and torture.


I looked at my brother one last time, and walked out of the building and went to find the jackass that did this to my brother.

This Is War

 Soknos' POV


It was a little past nine o'clock in the morning. I walked up to the main pack house where the Alpha family lived. I banged on the door. 


The Alpha opened the door with an annoyed face.


"What do you want?" He asked looking at me.


"I need to speak with your son." I said with a cold and cruel tone. I bugged past him and followed Brians sent to his room. I barged into his room.


"Wake up jackass!! I have a bone to pick with you!" He jumped up and looked at me.


"What do YOU want?" He said looking like he was bored.


"You hurt my brother. You rejected him, and then mated with him. You knew if he were to reject you, he would die. Now he's in the infirmary because he can't breathe right, and is dying. They put him in a coma." I screamed at him. I turned around and met the face of his parents.


"I will let you know right now.....If my brother dies because of you. It. Will. Be. War." I said walking out of his room and out of the house. I took a deep breath and walked to my uncle's room. I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer.


"What's wrong Sokno?" Uncle Nate asked.


" in another coma." I said closing my eyes, not wanting to see their reactions to what I said.


"What!! How?!" Uncle Nate asked, with anger in his voice.


"Brian mated with him, by force. Then he rejected him. Nathans' body couldn't handle the stress. In order to keep him stable, we put him under. He was just in to much pain, to keep him awake. He kept screaming, and he couldn't breathe, and his chest was hurting. The doctor said that his immune system is weak and that his lungs and heart are severely damaged. He said he might not live to meet his second chance mate. And even if he did, he would be in pain from the forced mating. I told Brian that if he died, it would be war." I told them looking down.


"That is fine. We will go see Nathan, as soon as we go talk to Brians parents. I have a few words to say to them about their son. Then we can go talk to your parents after that." Uncle Nate said.


I nodded and walked out, heading back to Nathan.

We Don't Want You, Nor Do We Need You

 Soknos' POV


I walked back to Nathans room to see how he was doing. I swear to the goddess that if he dies, I will kill everyone in this pack.


I got to Nathans room and walked in. What I didn't want to see was our parents sitting by his bed.


"What r you people doing here?" I asked in a cold tone.


"We wanted to see our son. Is that so wrong?" Our father said standing my brothers bed.


"No, it's not. Not when you're one of the people that almost killed him!! You abused him, and now that he's back you want to be a father?" I screamed.


"What do you mean, "Almost killed him"? I only hit him a couple times.


"You say that so easily. No, you people almost killed him. And you killed him mentally. He won't let anyone touch him. And I said almost because we don't know if he will live till he finds his second chance mate. The rejection and beatings are killing him. His heart and lungs are severely damaged. And that dumbass, Brian, raped him. This pack is slowly killing him. That's why we left this pack and went to uncle Nate's pack. We're not staying here. We don't need you. Nor do we want you." I said walking to my brother's bed and stroking his forehead. 


His skin was cold. The only thing indicating that he was alive, and the heart monitor beeping. His breathing was still forced. And he was still on the ventilator.


I turned towards our used to be parents.


"If he doesn't live, and dies because of this. We have declared war on this pack." I said.


"What!!!You don't mean that?" My mother said.


"Oh. I do mean it. I have already told the Alpha and Luna. Now GET OUT!!" I screamed the last part. 


They rushed out the door. I turned back to my brother. 


I smiled at his sleeping figure. Then the heart monitor went off, showing he was flatlining.


My eyes widened, as doctors rushed in, to get his heart started back up.They pushed me out of the room and sat me in the waiting room.


No.....No....This can't be happening. He's too young to die. 




I had been sitting in the waiting room for 2 hours now. And I still hadn't heard what was happening.


Just then a doctor came out to talk to me.


"How is he?" I asked with my watering.


"He's fine for now. His heart stopped for over half an hour. We have him on a ventilator, so he's not breathing on his own. A machine is breathing for him. For now, he is in the clear. We do have a solution to his other injuries. He can under go surgery to fix his heart. However, there is a 50/50 chance he will not make it through the surgery." The doctor said.


"Alright. I'll get back to you on that. I have to talk to my Uncle. I will be back in an hour." I said and walked out of the pack hospital, and to the pack house to have a little conversation with the future Alpha.


I got there and walked in. They were sitting at the table. 


"What are you doing here?" Brian asked looking scared.


"I've come to give you a message. My little brother's heart stopped 2 hours ago...." I stopped and looked at them. They had a look of fear on their faces.


"H-He's dead?" The Alpha asked.


"Thankfully no. But he might as well be. His heart stopped beating for 30 minutes. He could be brain damaged. They are going to do a surgery to save his heart. But, he has a 50% chance of making it through the surgery. I'm telling you this because if he dies, I will not wage war against the whole pack. It will just be against your son, and my parents and your son's friends that tortured Nathan." I said walking out after that.


I walked back to the hospital and told the doctor to go ahead and do the surgery. 


Please survive Nathan. You can do this. You and your wolf are strong.

Thank The Goddess

 Nathan's POV


   My eyes felt heavy, and I couldn't move. After trying a couple times, I was able to open my eyes a crack. I was back in a hospital room. I saw my brother sitting in a chair next to my bed. 


I tried to sit up, but my chest heart too much to move. I guess the moving around woke up my brother, and his eyes widened.


"Nathan you're awake!! Thank the goddess you are alive." He said lightly hugging me.


"What do you mean? How long was I out?" I asked looking at him. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.


"You've been out for a month." He said, looking down. He sat on the end of my bed and rubbed my forehead.


"What?" I said. I tried to move and winced at the pain I felt. 


"Be still. You got surgery a couple days ago. You almost died twice. I thought I lost you." He looked at me in tears. 


"What do you mean?" I asked slowly crawling into his lap.


"You almost died before the surgery. Your heart stopped for 30 minutes. Then when you went to surgery, your heart stopped. It took them awhile to  get it started." He said rubbing my forehead. 


" I sorry for making you worry," I said. I was still a little tired.


"It's fine. Get some sleep. You need it." my brother told me. I laid back down and went to sleep.


Sokno's POV


I sighed when he finally went back to sleep. The fact that he almost died twice was still clear in my mind.


There must be a way for him to become healthy again. He just can't be in pain every moment of the rest of his life.


That bastard is going to pay. He doesn't even regret it, and his parents aren't any better.


I got up and made my way to the pack house. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. I was about to knock again when the door opened and Brian was standing there.


"Ugh. What do you want now?" He groaned at me. I snarled. 


"Watch who you are talking to boy. I came to talk to you and your pathetic family." I said and walked past him into his house.


"You can't just come in! That's rude, did your parents not teach you to respect your Alpha." He said.


"Your one to talk. Obviously, your parents didn't teach you that beating kids is wrong, though maybe they did the same thing. And just to remind you....You are not Alpha yet. And I'm the soon to be Alpha of my uncles' pack."

I said and walked to the living room. 


"Where are your parents? This is the last time I will ask, or I will break every door down in this house." I said losing my patience.


"Calm down we are right here. No need to go around and destroy my house." The Alpha walked in and sat down with his wife following behind him.


"We need to talk. It's about Nathan and Brian." I said looking him dead in the eye. "And you will agree with whatever I have to say."

Break the Bond by Force or Willingly

 Sokno's POV


I looked them in the eyes and began what I had to say.


"Your son will be breaking the bond with Nathan by performing the proper incantation. My brother is in too much pain to be mated with your horrid son, especially when he goes around having sex with every girl he sees. If your son does not comply and continue to keep hurting my will no longer have an heir. I will take him to my pack and he will stay there. He will be not only be forced to break the bond, but he will endure the same torture my brother did. For the same amount of years my brother did." I said and turned to look at Brian. 


He looked like he was ready to pee his pants. The thought made me smirk. I looked back to his parents who were just sitting there and looking at me with horror. 


Not only did I not give them a choice I am practically forcing him to do what I say. Though he has a choice to do it willingly or by force.


"Are you crazy!! I'm not breaking the bond with him. That will make me weak, and I am not going to your pack." Brian said looking at me.


"Then I will force you. You will come back to my pack, and suffer the same way he did. We will make you break the bond. And you will still suffer as he did." I said standing up.


As I walked out the door, I turned around and looked at Brian. "I'll be back in the morning. You can either come willingly or by force, and I will drag you out by your neck. Have a nice day." I said as I walked out of the Pack House.


He must be fuming by now. Now to go check on Nathan.


I started running to the Pack Hospital and walked to his room. As I neared I could hear voices. When I got to the door I listened for a minute and recognized the voices.


I thought I told them to stay away from him. I slammed the door open.


I walked into the room and glared at our parents.


"I thought I told you not to come here." I said sitting in the seat next to Nathan, who was awake and looking between us terrified.


"You can't stop us from coming to see our son." My supposed mother said.


"Oh so now he is your son? Before he was garbage and a faggot. And a waste of space. What changed? The fact that he is the soon to be Beta of uncles pack?" I said looking at them. Uncle Nate had told me about a week ago that Nathan would be the Beta after I became the Alpha. 


"Of course not. We didn't even know he was going to be the Beta of Nates Pack. And why would he make him Beta? It will make his pack look weak." My father stated.


I growled. I looked at down at Nathan. His eyes held tears. "He is stronger than you think. Now get out. We are leaving tomorrow and he needs his rest." I said.


They walked out  And I calmed down Nathan enough so he would sleep.


Tomorrow is going to be a headache.

Back to the Ice Crystal Pack

Sokno's POV


    I woke up next to Nathan. He looked so peaceful, that I didn't want to wake up. 


I got up and started getting his stuff ready to go back to our uncle's pack. I walked out of the room and started heading to the Pack House. I wonder if the idiot will heed my warning and coming willingly. Though I hope he doesn't. I would love nothing more than to drag him out by his neck.


I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. I waited...and waited....and waited. And I'm STILL WAITING. So they are not going to answer the door. I kicked the door open.


The Alpha and Luna and their son were sitting there. they were ignoring me. 


"Well. Are you ready to go or do I have to take you by force?" I said facing Brian. His dad looked at me and nodded.


"He will be going with you." His dad said with a scowl on his face. 


"WHAT!!Are you crazy?! I'm not going with him." Brian said his face turning red. I looked at him with a blank look and dragged him by the collor out the door. 

"I told you if you wouldn't come peacfully, i would make you by force." 


I dragged him to the car. Someone had already packed our stuff, and Nathan was in the front seat still sleeping with him oxgyen. I shoved Brian into the car and scowled at him. "Touch him and you die." I said walking around the car. 


We were going to meet our uncles back at their back so I could get Nathan and his things together. Nathan was going to need his treatment room set up, with all of his equipment. I hate that he has to go through all of this. He's nothing but sweet and kind and the moon goddess gave him an asshole for a mate. He might not even meet his second chance that this rate. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.01.2017

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