
Chapter One

     The night sky shimered with stars. I wondered if my life would get any excitment at all. Nothing ever happens in my life. My name is Misaki Tasoro. I'm a Junior in high school. And my life is uterly boring. My father was the head of the Tasoro Campany, which suppiled all the buisnesses in town and around the world. So to make it simple, I'm rich. Everyone seems to think that being rich means your life is full of excitment, and service. 


     However, not everyone who is rich has a life that is full of excitment. For instance, my life. After my father dies my twin brother Haro takes over the main company, and I take over the product company. All my life, my father has done nothing but drill into me how to be a good business owner, how to act like a lady, and how to make more money.



I never had any friends. Well real friends anyway.



   They all thought I would be snobish, and rude, when I was just trying to be nice. They would talk about me when they know I am listening. They ask me, " Are you going to run home and tell your rich daddy?" I knew they were just being mean, but I was starting to get a little irritated at them for bullying me. 


    It was Saturday night, and like always I had nothing to do. I decided to take a walk in the city, seeing as soon I wouldn't be able to even step out the office, let alone go for a walk. I wanted to get to know the people in this town. Considering, I was kept away from people unless at school.


    There had been rumers that a vampire was going around attacking people. Though, I don't believe in the supernatural. Its just a rummor that people are spreading around to keep the kids around the city in check.



For all they know it might just be a man going around attacking people at random, or just a rummor somwone made up. 



      What I didn't know was that I was targeted to be assasinated that night by one of my fathers enemys.

Chapter Two

   For some reason I felt like someone was watching me. I didn't know what it was. Maybe an animal. I kept feeling someones....or somethings, eyes on me. Maybe it was the person that was going around attacking people. I kept on walking till I got to the edge of the park. When I sat down, I closed my eyes for just one second.


My eyes snaped open when I heard the leaves behind me russel.


"Who's there? Come out now!" I turned around in a complete circle.


Maybe it's just my imagination.


My nerves are getting the better of me. I turned back around.



   It all happened in a flash. I didn't even see it coming. A guy jumped out of the bushes behind me and ran tword me. I tried to run away, but he was too fast.


"Who are you?!" I screamed. He ignored my question and grabed me.


"Let me go! What are you doing?!" I screamed in panic.


He stilled ignores me, and grabed my neck with great strength. He started stranging me. 


"St-stop! Please!" I sreamed. Surely someone would hear screams. "Someone help me!" I screamed over and over. 


     "Please let me go!" I strugged to grab his hands, to get them off of me. Was I going to die like this? Well it's not like anyone would care.


My brother would be happy to own the entire company, and my dad would be happy because he wouldn't have to worry about me messing up his company. I started to stop fighting.


      Black dots started to form in my eye-sight. Just when my vision gave out, the strange man pulled out a knife and a man rushed out of the bush behind me. I didn't see all of it, but I made out the sight of the man beating my captor, and catching me as I fell.


Chapter Three

     I woke up in a soft bed. The sheets were a dark red, almost the color of blood. I sat up, groaning in pain from the pounding in my head. Dear god, what happened? 


And where am I? 


     I remmember being strangled, but that doesn't explain why I am in a strangers house. And it doesn't explain how i'm still alive. And who it was that saved me.


I looked around the room. I was almost no light in here. The windows were closed. And everything was dark and quiet. 



Just when I was about to get up, the door that was at the front of the room creeked open.

"Ah, your finally awake. Good to see you up and about. You were out for about 3 days. I thought I had overdosed you on my blood." The man was very pale, and had dark black hair. His eyes were the color of dried blood.


"Who are you? And what are you?" I asked, kind of getting a bad feeeling. 

"My name is Vale Valintin. I'm a vampire. I saw that you were in danger, and rushed to save you. When I had got there, the man had you by the neck choking you and had stabbed you. When I had got him to let you go, you fell unconcious. But you were already close to death. I did the only thing I could think to save you. Since I am the last pureblood vampire, I have the ability to change you into a vampire. I am the pureblood prince, and now you......are my princess."


He said that like I was fully understanding what he was saying. I was so lost. He turned me into a vampire?


I'm a Princess? What the hell is going on?!


I don't understand any of this. This all must be a dream. I pinched myself to make myself wake up. Nope...not a dream.


"Why did you save me?" I asked the main question in my head.


"You are my mate. I felt the pull. I could not just let you die. I would risk my life for you." He said hugging me. 


"Thnak you for saving me. But I have to go home. My father is going to kill me because i've been gone so long." I said getting out of the bed.


"Ok, well make sure that you come over once in a while to feed. If you don't you will lose control. I don't want you to hurt yourself or someone in your family. I will come get your fathers permision to marry you in a couple of days." He said as I started to leave.


"I will keep my word to come back." I said and left.


I had no idea that my life had changed forever. And there was no going back.



Chapter Four

 When he said he was going to come by my house to ask my fathers permision to marry me, I didn't think he meant the next day.


Ok let me back up a little........


    After I left, I saw that it was dark outside. I woke up at night, ironic for a newborn vampire. I still can't believe i'm a vampire. I didn't even believe in them till awhile ago. When I finally got back to the mansion, I saw the lights were out. Which means that everyone is asleep. 

Maybe they weren't worried about me. Maybe they didn't care. I would have to see. I would wait under my fathers windowsil for him to wake up. Then I would listen to him talk to my brother about my dissaperance.




When the sun came up, I sat and waited. After awhile, my brother walked into my fathers room. I could hear everything they were saying, thanks to my inhanced hearing.


"Did they have any news on her?" My father asked in a monnotone voice.


"No." My brother answered.


"That is fine. Tell them to cancel the search. You will take over the entire company. She shouldn't have gotten herself kidnapped." My father replied.

"Very well." My brother said walking out of the room.

I can't believe it. They actully didn't care about me. I thought they would at least try, but no. 


Tears welled in my eyes. I slid down the side of the wall and cried.


"What is the matter my dear?" said a familiar voice.


Vale? What is he doing here.


"What are you doing here?" I asked still crying, trying to stop the tears.


"I came to ask your fathers permision to marry you. But why are you siting outside?" He asked me helping me up.


"Well you don't have to worry about asking him. I will marry you. My father doesn't even care that i'm gone. He just gave the rest of the company to my brother, so I don't have a reason to stay anymore." I said hugging him.


He hugged me back, and kissed my forehead.



"Can I come live with you from now on?" I asked.


"Of course you can. But I must warn you. I have many foes, and as my wife you may be puting your life in danger by living with me." He said tilting my chin up to look at him.

"I know, but i don't care. You saved me when I was on the verge of death. I wanted to die, and I knew I would if I didn't fight back. My father never cared about me, and I see that now. And I would be glad to be your Vampire Princess." I said fighting more tears.



"Alright. I understand. And you should never try to end your life. Even if they don't care about you. Don't try to kill yourself again." He said puting his chin on my head. 


"I'll try." I said. 


He lead me back to his house. He took me to his room, and we layed down on his bed. Thinking back on today, you would think I was in a fairytale, where the maiden finally met her prince charming.



After a while, I fell asleep in his arms. I guess I finally found my Vampire Prince Charming.

Chapter Five

 I woke up still in Vale's arms. He may look cold, but he was really warm. And he was really cute when he was sleep. It was dark outside, so I had a feeling he would be waking up soon.


As if hearing my thoughts his eyeslids flutered open. He looked at me then smiled. 


"Good morning sweetheart. How are you? Did you sleep well?" He said strokeing my hair.


"I'm fine. Just a little hungry." I said snuggling closer to him.






"Ah, thats right. I still haven't told you how feeding works." He said facepalming.


"What do you mean?" I asked looking up at him.


"Usually a newborn vampire drinks the blood of an animal. However, because we're mates we drink from each other. We do not have to ask for each others permision, we just drink. And since you are new to this, I will guide you through it."

He pulled me up so my mouth was at his neck, and he was siting up with his back aganist the headboard. 

"Now imagine your vampire self. Your fangs will then come out. From there you will drink my blood. I will tell you when to stop. After that, I will drink from you." He said holding me.


I nodded, and pictured my vampire self. When I opened my eyes, I had silver hair and my eyes were the color and blood. 


"Your vampire form is even better than your human form. Now....are you ready?" he asked.


I nodded, and bent down and put my face to his neck. I opened my mouth, and my fangs sprang out. I took a deep breath, and bit down. 


His blood speeped into my mouth. He taste like sweet honey, but better. He moaned softly. I kept drinking till I felt sleepy. 


Vale pulled my face away from his neck. 


"That should help." He said.


"I'm tired." I said laying my head on his chest. 






"I know its because, you transformed, and your not used to it, so it took a lot of energy. Are you ready for me to feed?" he asked puting his lips to my neck.


I nodded slightly. He bit down and I felt my blood seep though my neck. I moaned a little. After a while he pulled away.


I callapsed against his chest.

"How about we go back to sleep? We can go over the rest later." he said laying us back down. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 


Maybe my life will be a little better with Vale in my life.



A Poem of My Life (Misaki Tasoro POV)


This poem describes my life, and relationship with my dad perfectly. My dad never loved me. When I was kidnapped, he didn't even care to look for me. He replaced me with my brother. I was bitter and I tried to kill myself. But I found a love, and he loves me more than anything. I am now the vampire Princess.

Chapter Six

When I woke up again it was still dark outside. I turned over and realised that Vale wasn't beside me anymore. 


I wonder where he went. I heard commontion outside, and went to go see what it was.


As I was about to step out of the room, a girl in a maid uniform stepped in front of me.


"Miss. Tasoro. Lord Vale has requested that you stay in your room." The girl said pushing me back inside.


"But why? Where is he? And who are you?" I asked confusion clouding my mind. 

"He is dealing with some buisness, and doesn't want you hurt. My name is May Hiyomi.



I am your personal maid. Please ask me to do anything you wish. I am to go anywhere and everywhere you go, and do anything you ask me to do. Now Miss, please stay inside your room." She said steping out and closing the door behind her.


  If my love is in danger, I will help him. I'm not totally helpless. Maybe he doesn't actully love me. I mean my father said he loved me, and he threw me away the first chance he got. I started to cry. I walked to the bathroom and opened the cabinet. I picked up a razer, and slowly slid it across my rist. I wont try to kill myself, but if it happens it happens.


As I made one more cut, the door slamed open and Vale ran in. He scared me and I cut to hard. I think I hit a vain, because it wouldn't stop bleeding, and I think I lost to much blood.


I started to fall and Vale caught me.


"I thought you weren't going to try and kill yourself again? What were you doing?" He asked picking me up and carrying me to the bed. He set me down, and I winced from the pain in my arms.


 "I wasn't trying to kill myself. I was trying to dull the pain. But, I thought that if I did kill myself, then it was meant to be. I wasn't trying to leave you. But I thought maybe you saved me out of pity, that you didn't actully love me." I said. My eyes started to grow heavy. I was starting to grow tired.


"Why would you think that. I truly love you. Don't fall asleep, i'll help you." He bent down and bit my neck. I felt him inject his blood into me.


I was so tired, I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.



Information Chapter

 The next chapter will be in Vale's Point of view. It will change the plot and twist it info something intresting. It will be a very short chapter. Every chapter after that will be back to the original point of view.

Chapter Seven

 Vale's Point of View


      She is going to be the death of me. I can't believe she thought I didn't love her. I watched her as she slept. I had to do something, I couldn't just let her die. She passed out right as I was done injecting my blood into her. 


I walked in the bedroom and didn't see her, so I guessed she was in the bathroom, I walked in on her cutting herself. The maid was supposed to be pertecting her, but I guess she was trying to keep her in her room.


May had told me that she had tried to come out of her room. I was handling some important buisness. Someone had tried to break in and kill my Princess. I didn't want her to get hurt and she hadn't learned her powers yet.


I should teach her when she wakes up. After she feeds. She will be hungry when she wakes up. She lost a lot of blood, and she needs to replace it. But that's ok, because she has me.

Chapter Eight

 I woke up with Vale standing over me. I was very thristy. I sat up, and he leaned down and put his neck to my mouth. I transformed into my vampire form. It was like I had no control over my body.


   I bit down on his neck, and closed my eyes as I felt his blood seep into my mouth. After I was done I sat up and looked at him. He looked at me with a worried face.


"Why did you think I did not love you? You could have died. I was so worried. You lost a lot a blood, and it will take a while your body to replace the blood you lost. But until then, I will help you around the house." He said as I gave him a kiss on the cheak.





"I do love you. I just thought you had saved me out of pity, or that you knew I was the daughter of a rich man, and would be payed for it. I don't know. After my father practicly told my brother that he didn't care that I was gone, it was like what little hope I had left was gone. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I will try not to hurt myself." I told him with a slite smile.


He nodded and kissed me. He picked me up and carried me out of the room. He took me to a room that was all black. He sat me down, and left for a minute. He came back with a plate of meat. 


"You do have to eat real food once in a while. Our blood is only when nesasary." He said as he gave me the plate, and sat next to me on the couch. May came into the room, walking up to me.


"My lady, would you like to take a shower? Or perhaps a bath?" She asked. 


"That would be nice. I haven't had one since the night I was attacked." I said looking at may with a smile. She nodded.


"I will get it ready immediatly. And dinner will be ready with in an hour." She said and walked out.


Vale took hold of me, and kissed me.


"Promise you'll tell me if you are depressed or anything. I don't want anything to happen to you. You should know that your life is valuable. I love you." He said kissing all over my face.


"I love you too. And I promise. I will tell you if I am having doubts about my life." I said with a smile.


"Thank you my love. Now lets go to your room so May can give you a bath."


He picked me up, and spun me in a circle. He carried me to my room, and to the bathroom. May was standing there, waiting for the water to get hot. He set me down on the floor.


"Ready for your bath, Miss?" 



Chapter Nine

After May had gave me a bath, I felt refreashed and happy. I walked to Vale's room and knocked on the door. 


"Come in." I heard him say. I opened the door and walked over to his bed.


"You didn't have to knock, my sweet. We are mates. What is mine, is yours. Speaking of that, we need to talk about our marrige." He said picking me up and tworling me around.


"We can get married Saturday." I said laying on his chest.

"We should tell your father. I know you don't want to, but we at least need to tell him, you are alive." I froze and tensed up.



"Alright. We will go later today. I just hope it goes well." I said.


He kissed me on my forehead."Thank you. I will be with you the entire time." He said hugging me.


"I know. I'm just nervous as to what he will do." I said.


He called in a servent, and told them to ready the car. As we drove through the town, I leaned on his sholder.


When we arrived in my house, the driver opened the door. I steped out and walked up to the door. May knocked on the door. A few minutes later, my father answered the door.


"Oh, your back. I thought you were kidnapped by someone. Now you have some strangers bring you back." He said not even leting us in.




I hugged Vale tighter. "We only came here to tell you that I am geting married, and to tell you that I don't need you. I heared you talking to my brother about my dissaperance. You told him you didn't care, and that I shouldn't have gotten kiddnaped. I got attacked that night, and almost died. I tried so hard to please you, and it didn't work. So, now i'm done."



I paused for a minute.
" I found someone who actully loves me, and will protect me. And u'm geting married this Saturday." I continued.




 "Well you don't live here anymore, so why should I care that your geting married. Did you think I would put off work to come to your wedding? I don't think so." 


At this point I was in tears. I buried my head into Vale's chest. 


"Alright, I have had enough. Why do you treat your daughter this way? DO YOU LIKE TO SEE HER CRY!! Well I don't. You are a horrible father for saying something like that. All fathers should walk down the aile with their daughters when they get married.The fact that you won't because of work is stupid." 



Vale had completly snapped. My father just looked at him.


"And who might you people be." He asked not completly careing.



"I am May. I am Miss.Tasoro's personal maid. I would be pleased if you would not make her cry." May said looking upset.


"I am Vale. I am you daughters soon to be husband. I love her with a passion." Vale said steping tword my father.


"That is enough. I am okay. We should go now. I won't bother you again father. I'm sorry." I said and turned to walk to the car.


 "Misaki wait up." I heard Vale call. We got in the car, and drove home.


While in the car, everyone was completly silent.


When we arrived back at Vale's mansion, I headed tword Vale's room, with Vale following me.


"Are you sure you're alright?" Vale asked as we sat on the bed.




My eyes were starting to water again.


"Please Vale. I don't know what to do. I've always done as father has said. I have never disobeyed him. Why does he hate me so much?" I said crying into his chest.




"Everything will be okay, my sweet. Everything wiill be okay." He replied as I fell into a deep sleep.



Chapter Ten

It had been a couple days since I cried myself to sleep, in Vale's arms. Vale had taught me how to use most of my powers. 


Vale and I had just left the mansion for a vampire ball in Transivania. He had agreed to take my, on one ccondition......that I stay by his side the whole time.


I didn't want to...but I also wanted to go. So I agreed. I mean I can protect myself.


I as much as I hate to admit it, there is always someone strongerWe arived at the ball room, with a few minutes to spare. I had on a dark blood red strapless dress. It had perals on the lining. 

The skull designs on it made it even more awsome. 



As people started to arive, we stood and waited for it to start. People would come up and greet Vale, with respect and poise. He was treated like a Prince. Because he was one.


And now......I was his Princess.


His father was the king of Pure-Bloods, but he passed away. 


I stood there with Vale, as he had his arm around my waist.


There were vampires prouwling around, and he didn't want me getting caught up in it. As soon as everyone had arrived, Vale took the stage dragging me along with him.




"Good evening everyone. I would like to entroduce my mate, and bride to be.......Misaki Tasoro. She is a newborn vampire, but already has controle of her powers. Please welcome her into our pack."


He nodded to me, his arm still around my waist. 


"Helllo everyone. I am pleased to meet you. I will try my best to get to know each and every one of you." I said, with a little wave.


Vale took back the mic that I didn't know I was holding, and began to talk.

"Let the party begin!" The hall erupted in cheers. The lights were dim, and everything was a low light color. For vampires, they sure can throw a party. I had only every been to business banquets, and I hated them. But this was way better then networking, about a stupid buisness.


We actully had fun tonight. That is until the party was crashed, quite literaly, by hunters.

Chapter Eleven

     The night started out quiet, and calm. However about an hour into the party, there were loud banging noises outside. Everyone in the hall completly stoped what they were doing.


The doors flew off there hinges, flying in oppisite directions. Steping inside the doorway, were men and women, in black hoods, and with wepons.


They started attacking people, and everyone was either running away, or fighting for their lives. I didn't notice when one of the hunters snuck up behind me. I had felt a someone behind me, and I thought it was Vale. I turned around, and the man stabed me in the stomach. 

I held my stomach with one hand, and used my powers to get him away from me.



I saw Vale running tword me, trying to get to me. There were black dots dancing in front of my vision. By the time Vale got there, I was half way sleep. I was so tired.


"Misaki hold on. I'll get you some help." Vale said picking me up. 


"Vale...i'm tired. I sleep. It hurts.....I want it to stop." I said griping his shirt. 


I choked on my blood. Vale wiped the stream of blood driping down my chin.


"Just stay awake for me till we get home.Okay?" Vale saiid and started running with his vampire speed back to the house. 



As we arrived May took me to my room. After awhile Vale came in with a strange looking man. He had a black trench coat and red glasses.


"Misaki, this is Doctor Haro. He will help you. Just stay still and let him help you." Vale said geting a chair to sit down on. I didn't say anything since it hurt to move.


The doctors examined me, and frowned.


"Lord Vale. I am afraid that there is little I can do. She was stabed with a vampire blade. It was covered with posion. She will have to survive the pain. This posion works its way through its host and slowly eats it away. I can only slow her pain, and the poison, but evenualy you will have to fine a cure."




Vale nodded. 


"I advise that you would keep her in bed. Moving around could speed up the process."


Vale nodded. The doctor left, and I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter Twelve

 I woke up with Vale siting next to me, rubbing my head. He hadn't relised I was awake yet. I moved my head.


He looked at me, and smiled.


"Good your awake. You've been asleep for five days now. I was worried that you had fell into a coma. But i'm glad your awake." 


Vale said. He picked me up, and took me to the living room. He wouldn't let me walk or do anything proactive.


He set me down on the couch and kissed me softly on the lips.


"Your not allowed to do anything that involves moving. Not until I find the cure for you. I don't want your condition geting even worse." Vale said as he put his forehead on mine.


"Okay dear." I said and leaned my head on his sholder.


"Then after we get you healthy again, we can get married." He said.


We sat there for a few minutes until Mary came in.


"Would you like to eat my Lady? It has been five day since you last ate. You must be hungry." she asked. I nodded my head already tired of talking. 


After eating and siting on the couch, I fell into a light sleep. I am guessing that afteer I fell asleep, Vale took me back to my room. 


I am awaked by the sound of yelling and gun shots.


I looked around. What is happening?


Just then my door is banged open by a man in dark clothing. 


"Are you the soon to be Vampire Princess?" he asked with a glare.


"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" I asked. My voice was still soft.


The man didn't answer my question, instead he walked up to me and grabed me by the neck.


" I asked you a question?! And YOU WILL ANSWER IT! Or I will kill you." he said not letting go of my neck.


"I- I am her." I said. Maybe he would leave everyone else alone.


" Good. Thank you for telling me. You're coming with me." he said, pulling me out of my bed. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I felt horrible pain. 


I screamed. The man ignored me and draged me out of the room, and down the hall tword the door.


As soon as we were in the living room, Vale steped in front of the man.


"You are not taking her anywhere." Vale said and swung at the man. The man just swiped at him, and Vale was knocked to the ground. 


"Vale! Vale! PLEASE GET UP!" I screamed and tried to get out of the mans grip. 


"Stop moving you bitch, or i'll stab you." the man said. 


I kept trying to get away from him. He hit me in the back of the head, and I started to see black dots. 


"Misaki!" Vale called. Then I passed out.

Chapter Thirteen

 When I woke up, for the second time today, I think, I was in a dark room with no windows at all. I sat there looking at nothing, in the darkness.


Oh Vale, where are you. What is going to happen to me?


I knew that because of I the moving I did when I was kidnapped, the poison had spread even faster, and I knew we had to find the cure fast. Otherwise I wouldn't live till the wedding.


Help me Vale. Please. I don't want to die here.


I layed on the cold ground, and tried to go back to sleep. But before I could, someone barged into the room. I looked up to see the man that had kidnapped me, looking down at me with a glare.


"Come on girl. You are going to be experimented on to figure out how you became a vampire." he grabed me by my arm and pulled me into the hall.


He pulled me into a room that had multiple torture tools. He straped me to the bed, and got one of the tools from the wall. 


"Now don't worry. This won't hurt a bit. Well it won't hurt me." He busted out laughing. He stabed me with the tool, and grabed an electric pole that was hanging on the wall.


He stuck it in, and I felt electric shocks run through my body. I screamed in pain. I kept screaming until, I was on the line of passing out. I was bleeding in several spots. 


My body hurts so much. Just when the man was about to stab me for the third time, Vale came running into the room.


"GET AWAAY FROM HER!!" he yelled at him. The man ignored him and continued to try and stab me. Vale grabed his hand slamed him against the wall. The man slumped to the floor knocked out.


Vale ran to me, and unstraped me. He picked me up and carried me to the car waiting outside the building. He slid me into the backseat and go in next to me.


He put my head on his lap. I was resisting the urge to sleep. 


"Hold on baby. We're almost there. Just stay awake a little longer." he said and rubed and kissed my forehead.


I groaned. I was in so much pain. "Vale, make it stop please. I think the posion has sped up." Vale paled and kissed me.


When we arived back at the mansion, Vale took me to my room. As he set me down on the bed, I closed my eyes.


"Vale. No matter what. I love you. Please, stay strong and find the medicine. I will be fine." I said and fell into a deep sleep. 


I hope he will be alright.

Chapter Fourteen

 Vale's POV


      "No...No...No! Misaki!? Please wake up..." I shook her, and she didn't move. That man would pay dearly for hurting her. He put her on the brink of dealth. 


 There's no telling what would have happened to my beloved if I had been a minute later. I could tell that she was in pain, from the way her eyes were srunched together as she slept. There was no telling when she would wake up.


"May!!!" I yelled.


"Yes sir?" She asked walking into the room.


"Watch Misaki, while I go take care of some buisness." I said walking out of Misaki's room.


"Yes sir." May repiled and sat down.


I walked into the living room and called one of my field officers that take care of assassinations.


"Sir. Yes. Sir!" He yelled coming into command.


"I have a job for you Luis. I need you and your team to track down the man that put my beloved near death. His name is Marsh BanWald. He is a criminal in so many ways. I want you to find him....and kill him." I said.


"Yes sir." he said walking out in a hury.


I also called one of the medical agents my company has. A small young women walked in. She had light brown hair, and grey eyes.

"Sir. What can I do for you?" she asked.


"I need you to come up with a cure for Misaki. She was posioned during an attack. I need you to run all the test and findd the cure." I said calm and collected.


She nodded and walked out. 


I took a two hour nap, and went to check on Misaki.


When I got to her room, the medics were running around her room trying to figure out what was wrong. She was hooked to many things to monitor her health.


Her face was a little more peaceful, and she didn't look like she was in a whole lot of pain.


"Master. Are you okay?" May asked looking at me.


"I'm fine. How is she?" I asked, then walked over to Misaki's bed and took her hand.


"She is stable now. We had a little problem, where she had stoped breathing for awhile. But, we were able to get it under contro. She is fine now. They put her on oxygen for the time being." She said. I nodded.


"By the way I would like to inform you that Lady Misaki is pregnant. It seems that because she is your mate, the first time she drank your blood, it was able to produce another lifeform. In other words a baby. So congrats are going to be a father. However there is the issue of her being human, and carring a vampire baby. The baby needs to be taken out, now. Or they will both die." May said looking at Misaki with a frown.


"So they are going to remove the baby from her? And then we have to worry about the posion that is in her system." I said.


"That is correct. If our calculations are correct, the baby is unaffected by the posion. Also we have found that the posion is not resistent to vampire venom. So when we take the baby out, you can change her into a full-vampire. I know you wanted to wait till after the wedding, but if we don't she'll die." 


I nodded my head, giving premission, for them to do the procedure.


Please Misaki, live through this, and we will be together forever.

Chapter Fifteen

 Misaki POV


    I woke up with a major headache. It was like someone was pounding on my skull with a hammer. I looked around the room to see if anyone was in here.


May was siting in a chair at the end of the bed. I tried to sit up and groaned in pain.


"My lady. Please be still. You are in no condition to move." She said pushing me back down on the bed.


"I'm fine. Where is Vale? Is he here?" I asked siting back up.


She sighed.


"Yes he is here. I will go get him. Just please lay back down." She said and walked out.


A few minutes later she came back with Vale right behind her.


"Misaki thank goodness your awake. Would you like to see our child?" He asked, going to the other side of the room.


Now I was confused. What child? I wasn't peregnant. Was I?


"Our child?" I asked.

He nodded. He handed me a bundle of blankets, with a baby girl in them.


"What should we name her?" He asked, with a small smile.


"How about Meria." I said kissing the baby on the head. 


"That's perfect, and so are you." He said, and kissed me. 


"May, will be taking care of her as long as it takes till we fine the cure for you." He said.

I nodded. 


"By the way. You are now a full fleged vampire princess. Before you were still a half vampire. Our baby is one too. And our wedding will be tomorrow, at noon." He said.


I can't believe this is my life now. I have a baby and I can't wait to raise her. Even if I might not live to see her fully grow.

Message From the Author

 Hey guys, so this is book one of two books.The Sequel will be out soon.

  Hope you like it, here is a preview of "My Changed Life" Book 2.

Preview of "My Changed Life" Book 2

"Sir, her heart rate is dropping!" A servent said runing to Vale.


"Then get her stable. She can't die. Hurry up and put her on a ventalatior. She may not be able to breath for herself, but we can." Vale said walking around.


Everyone could see that he was tired and nervous. Their child had been restless, and would not stop crying. 


They had to hurry and find the cure for Misaki. She could not die. He loved her to much.


"Send more scouters to look for the cure." Vale said walking out of the room.


Texte: Nilea RayAnn
Lektorat: Nilea RayAnn Lewis
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.11.2016

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