
Implausible Provision: Part One

Implausible provision

Part one: The Capture

My mother and I have never really gotten along, we don’t agree on most things, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. But, there was one particular time in our lives in which we wish we did get along, and we didn’t even see it coming…

One regular day in my neighborhood; my mother and I were fighting in the car. We usually carried on about the stupidest things in life, because inside we both got some sick pleasure from hurting each other. Anyway, we pulled up to the house, and I quickly got out of the car. I decided not to help with the groceries because I was dissatisfied with how the fight ended.
“ Are you going to help me?” My mother asked.
“Why should I?” I replied. I then raced into the house, neither of us noticed an unusual car sitting at the top of the hill by our house watching every move we made; waiting for the right time to attack. Suddenly, within a split second, (as it seemed to me) a tall husky bald guy jumped out from behind our house and grabbed me from the back as I was walking back outside the door to help mom.
I tried to scream because I was so startled, but he gently put his hand over my mouth and whispered, “It’s ok,” He whispered in my ear. “I won’t hurt you Sade, just relax.”

The next thing I know, I see Mom drop the bags she was carrying and she started to scream. As she got louder another man jumped out of the car (even bigger than the first guy) and pointed a gun straight toward my mother’s stomach. She instantly quieted down. It wasn’t two seconds when the big guy shot my mother, he shot her twice, and she instantly fell. Then like a flash, the first guy threw me in the car and sped off. I bumped my head on the door and was instantly surrounded by darkness.

I woke up to the sound of a TV. I had a deathly headache, and whined as it throbbed when I moved my head. I sat up and looked around discovering that I was in a living room, lying on a couch. The couch seemed so new, for it had that “new” smell to it. I tried to raise my hand to rub my face, but my hands were bound together. Then suddenly, all of the things that happened flooded back on me, I liked down at my clothes, and saw a red liquid. I didn’t take me long to realize the liquid was blood.

I wanted to scream so bad; to holler for my dad, but as I opened my mouth, nothing came out, my throaty was so dry, and I couldn’t even swallow. AS I looked around the room I noticed that it smelled of dried paint. I assumed that I was in a brand new house these men had broken into. Across the living room was the kitchen, I could hear dishes rattling, and footsteps walking back and forth. I was startled when I heard one of the men clear his throat, he was sitting across the room staring at me smiling.
“Hey beautiful.” He replied. “How are you feeling?” He then looked down and started to rub something with a towel, something that he had covered up with a rag. I felt so weak, I wanted to throw up, but I dared not to. A vision of my mother being shot flashed before my eyes, I closed m, eyes tightly and tried to erase it away.

It had to have been an hour until the other man came into the same room I was in. I sit on the couch the whole time not daring to move, staring at the television. He stood in the door way with his hands in his pockets. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn’t turn my head to see. I blocked the sound of the TV out, hoping to hear the two men whisper of their plans, neither on e of them said a word. From the corner of my eyes, I watched The big guy walk back and forth to another room on the other side of the couch, and the bald guy would occasionally look up at me and then look back down at the rag he was hiding something under. I had a very strong urge to use the restroom, and I had become very antsy, so I finally got up the nerve to ask one of them if I could go.

Clearing my throat and fearing for my life, I whispered, “Ummm, can I use the restroom?” The bald guy looked at me and flinched. I guess he thought I said something, but wasn’t for sure, so he continued to do what he was doing. I strained my eyes to figure out what he was cleaning under the towel, but he had it hidden so well. I repeated my question, “Can I go to the restroom?” I said more clearly this time, and a little louder. he looked at me again, but this time, he stared at me, with an uncertain look; then the towel fell.
I then gasped for breath and scooted back on the couch. He immediately picked the towel up and covered the gun. “I didn’t mean for it to scare you sweetheart.” He said. I was still gasping for air, “ I’ll take it to the =room where you won’t be scared anymore.” He then got up to leave, but he stopped and looked at eh other guy. “Let her go to the bathroom.”
“I won’t runaway,” I started to squirm. “ Just please let me go to the bathroom.” I replied. This time the bald guy left the room into another, and the big guy got up and walked over toward me.

He wiped his face with a handkerchief and frowned as he walked toward me. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a bunch of keys. He finally found a small silver key with a dollar sign on it and inserted it in the handcuffs. He looked at me dead in my eyes as he bent down by my neck. I felt him smell my hair and he brushed his arm against mine. I was almost ready to pee in my pants. I was sure that he was going to follow me into the bathroom, but he didn’t; he just stood by the door.

AS soon as I got in there and locked the door, I turned on the sink and scrubbed my arm with a small drop of soap from the dispenser, I cried softly, where he wouldn’t hear me and stood over the toilet. I was so scared, it took me a while to pee, when I did I didn’t want to leave the security of the bathroom, but I know if I didn’t then one of them would shoot me.

When I got out, I slowly walked straight back to the couch. My head was down, and I didn’t look up at either one of them. As soon as I sit down, the big guy raised up out of the recliner, he had the keys and cuffs in his hand. “Sit down.” The bald guy said. “She won’t do anything, she’s harmless.” I looked over at the bald guy and he has a glass of water now, he took a drink out of it while he was staring at the TV. I just curled up on the couch and closed my eyes.

I guess two hours passed, I had fallen asleep, when I woke up when I heard a loud noise. It was a cat that ran out of the hallway. it came to me, so I reached down to pick it up, but first I looked around to see if the big guy was in there. He wasn’t , so I grabbed the cat and held her close. She felt like the softest thing I had ever held in my life, I decided she would be my comfort zone. After a while, I looked around and neither of the men was to be found. I thought about getting up and looking around, but I changed my mind. I laid back down, and I saw a crack in the wall by the front door, all I could see was darkness, so I figured it was nighttime. Then, my stomach started to growl. I cringed for the fear that they might come back in the living room and take the cat away from me, so I just sucked in my gut, and hugged the cat tighter. After a while I heard the men talking in another room. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, because the door was closed. The cat meowed real loud and the talking immediately stopped. I heard the door open and the bald guy walked into the room I was in.

I looked up startled, when he walked over toward the couch and stopped about three feet from it, “I see you’ve found Muchy, She seems to like you. I bought him a couple of days ago.” He looked at me and smiled again. I looked back down at the floor and started to rub the cat. He just stood there above me for a while, from the corner of my eye I could see him reach out his hand toward my head. I moved my head and as I did, the cat got away. “ I need you to know that I won’t hurt you.” He said. I didn’t look up, but I saw him raise his hand again. I clenched and raised my shoulders; was he going to hit me? Then he slowly took his hand away. For some odd reason, I think he was going to try and rub my head again.

He just stood there, there was this awkward silence amongst us, and I breathed loud to break it. It was a while before I finally looked up at him in his eyes, I couldn’t take my eyes off his. They were so brown; the brownest I had ever seen. And his face, it was obviously scarred from battles, but the scars didn’t take away from his eyes. His lips were so pink and full, shaped like two half’s of an apple. When I realized he was looking back at me the way I was looking at him, I lowered my head. Guilt started to overflow me, why couldn’t I take my eyes off him? Why did he look at me that way? Why did I suddenly think that he was a little attractive?

When he left the room I was thinking, His eyes had an expression that was screaming at me inside from his soul; I knew that later this would catch my eye. He was older than the bigger guy, and had to have been in his mid twenties. I kind of got mad at myself for thinking positive about him; because he had kidnapped me, but the thought quickly faded away. He left and went into the other room and came back with a chair. He sat the chair down in front of the couch and left again toward the kitchen. He came back with a glass of water and he sits in the chair, crosses his legs, rests his face on his left hand, and looked at me.

“I bet you want to ask me a lot of questions.” He says with a low voice. “I know you’re wondering why we got you, why we shot your mother and picked you from all the others in the world.” I just sat there. He looked at me for a response, but I just sit there. “The truth is Sade, that I’ve been watching you and your family for a while now. I know how close knit your family, is, I know how close you and your father are, I know what time everyone gets home from work and school, I was just waiting for the right time to come get you.” I continued to sit there on the couch taking in everything he said to me. “Do you have anything to say?” He finally asked. I was astonished at this man, what did he expect for me to say? Thanks? He had kidnapped me, killed my mother and took me in the middle of nowhere. Or was I in the middle of nowhere? It took me a while to find something to say, and when I did, I almost regretted it.
“You do know my father will find me right?” I slyly looked up at him with a frown.
“Yeah.” He said. “But the last time I checked, your father and sister were out of town on one of his evangelist trips, am I right Sade?” he smiled while looking at me in my eyes. (For some reason, I wanted to smile back so bad; this man didn’t seem harmful at all.) But , I kept my cool.
“What do you want with me?” I asked.
“Well,” the guy rubbed his bald head and smiled. “I wanted to rescue you from your boring life. I wanted to save you from yourself. I know that you are an adventurous soul as well as I-
“What do you mean by that?” I cut him off.
“I admire you Sade, I have studied your ways. You don’t need to waste you life in that small town, I’ve decided to show you the real world, the way things work; you can look at it as a favor.”
“Why would I want a favor from you?” I asked.
“ Because I saved you.” He replied.
“From who?” I asked.
“From yourself.” He answered. “I am a big fan of your writing, and I think the person your are in your stories ins the person who’s dying to get out, but can’t because she’s trapped in that dead city.”
“This is about my stories?” I asked sounding very irritated. “ Do you want to buy one of them?” (I had cut him off again.)
“No.” he said. “I just wanted to personally meet the young woman who wrote the stories. I couldn’t believe someone as young as you could think of these things, ( he held up a book; one that I had written) I was moved by them, all of them, your words are powerful.”
“ So you kidnapped me to show gratitude?” I asked.
“I guess you could say that.” He answered scooting to the edge of his chair. His face was so close to mine now, he looked so deep into me, I wanted to look away, but I didn’t. I took a deep hidden breath, and I smelled his cologne, it was so strong, I almost choked, but it smelled good. I breathed it in again for a minute; and closed my eyes, until I realized where I was. My thoughts were racing, I had to find something to say to take my mind of this smell; it was pulling me into him; and I think he knew it, I hesitated for a minute;
“Where could you take me that I haven’t already been in my mind?” I asked with a little sarcasm. It took him a moment to respond. He sat back in the chair and rubbed his face.
“Aren’t you happy Sade?” he said situating himself in the chair. “You say in your stories that you’re miserable, that you don’t like your life, that you use your stories as an escape from your real life. I’m just trying to make it all go away. I’ll help you. Don’t you see?”
“I don’t see you helping anybody here.” I said looking down. Things were silent for a moment. I looked over at the bigger guy and he was sitting the recliner looking at the floor. There was dead silence for a moment when I decided to fill it. “ OK, if what you are saying is true, then what are you going to do to me now?” ( I straightened up on the couch, I was sitting on my legs.) “Tell me, what is your name?” I asked the bald guy. “If you want to help me, then it would only be fair for you to tell me your name.” I straightened up on the couch, The bald guy looked at me and sit up in the chair and hesitated for a minute, looked away, and took a breath.
“Why?” he asked. “Aren’t I supposed to be asking the questions?”
“From what I have learned, you are my host, I deserve to know your name.” I can tell he was uneasy about me taking control of the situation.
He smirked and looked at me in the weirdest way. I sighed. “ I’m Not the slightest bit afraid of you, now that I know you are a couple of men who want to help me, what is your name?” The bigger guy in the recliner got up slowly and left the room. I heard him sit on a bed, then I saw a light come on and go off. The bald guy looked at me then looked down. There was another silence when the bald guy sat scooted on the edge of his seat, then opened his mouth.
“Damien, My name is Damien Mesely.” He whispered. For a moment I thought he was lying, but I sensed an uneasiness in his movements, so I let it go.
“And the other guy?” I asked pointing toward the room the bigger guy was in.
“David, his name is David molder. He’s my little brother.”
“Does he talk?” I asked not sure if I should’ve. Damien then got up and started to pace the floor.
“No,” Damien said quietly. He then stopped pacing and gave me a confused look. I’m supposed to be taking care of him too, but he takes care of me. Why?” He asked. He sat back down in the chair.
“ I just thought it was only fair for me to know.” I answered. Damien then gave me one of those looks again. He got out of the chair, and sit at the other end of the couch. He began to whisper as if he didn’t want David to hear him. He motioned for me to come closer, and I did, but not immediately.
“David stopped talking when he saw our mother die when we were younger. He blames himself for her death, he hadn’t been right since. He is a very good listener, but don’t be intimidated by him, he’s a big scary cat himself.” He paused for a minute, and we heard David move in the bed. “I’m going to bed now, have a good sleep.” He got up and walked away.
“Damien,” I called after him. He turned around. “Could you leave a light on for me? I can’t sleep in complete darkness.”
“I know.” He said scratching his head. He walked into the kitchen and turned down the light, then he went into a room and settled down. I heard him strike a match, and lay back in the bed, I closed my eyes, and hoped for a better day tomorrow.

It never occurred to me before that Damien was going through a lot of pain. Not too long after I closed my eyes, I found myself falling into a dream. The first thing I saw was a guy, who was standing at the end of a hallway waiting for me. I couldn’t see his face, for he was standing in the shadows, but I wanted to reach him. When I approached him, he gently grabbed my hips and breathed in the perfume on my neck. He then pushed my hair back and started to kiss my neck. I was getting so much into the dream, I started to touch him; when he made it to the last button on my shirt, and I slowly opened my eyes and screamed.

David was on top of me taking my clothes off. I pushed him off with all the strength I had and screamed again. The next thing I knew, Damien was standing in the room. He grabbed David by the next and punched him in the face.
“What are you doing man?” He yelled at him. David let out a sorrowful cry as if he was to apologize, and ran back into the room. Damien ran over to me and covered me up with a blanket that was behind the couch. “I am so sorry.” He was panting. “Are you alright?” I was shaking too much to reply. Damien backed up and went to get Mushy from the kitchen. He handed her to me and walked toward the room David was in.

When the door shut to that room, I heard him screaming and I heard some things break. I knew that Damien was hitting him. I wanted to tell him to stop, but I wanted David to be punished. Whatever Damien did to him, he deserved.

I was awakened by the sound of frying food on a stove, then I smelled the aroma of bacon. I pulled the covers off of my body, and opened my eyes. Damien must’ve wrapped the cover around me, because I didn’t remember doing it. Hesitantly, I began to sit up on the couch and stretch, when Mushy jumped off the couch and startled me. David was in the recliner looking at me he had a black eye and a busted lip. When he blinked I looked down at the floor. I slowly sit up and he got up and left into the kitchen. He came back with a plate, and handed it to me. I noticed that his hands were cut up, I guess from the glass, and they were shaking. “Thank you.” I smiled. The smell of the food made my mouth water, I was so hungry. I started to gorge the food down, but slowed down when I saw David staring at me again.

It had to have been about ten in the morning, because I recognized the cartoon on the television. The sound was turned all the way down, so I tried not to make too many noises with my silverware. I again looked over at the recliner and David had moved it more in the corner, away from the couch, I guess he wanted to get a good look at me, checking to see if he was still there. When I was finished, I wanted to get up and walk into the kitchen, but I dared not to, Damien wasn’t anywhere to be found. So I continued to sit there; until I heard the slightest noise, the smallest sign to show me that Damien was up.

About twenty minutes later, I heard a car pull up, a door shut, up and Damien came swinging through the door with some bags. “Hey!” he looked directly at the couch and said to me. He sounded so happy. There wasn’t a scratch on him anywhere, and his hands were perfect. For some reason, I was delighted to see him. I didn’t like being in the same room with David, and with Damien, I felt a sense of security. “How long have you been up?” Damien asked me walking into the kitchen with some bags.
“Umm, about twenty minutes.” I seemed to choke out. He peeped his head around the corner of the door.
“Has David fixed you something to eat?”
“Yes.” I said holding up my plate shyly. I didn’t look straight at him, for I thought he might try something again.
“Come in here and put it up.” Damien said. I was surprised, I hesitated for a moment and straightened my legs out (I was sitting on them) and started to get up, but sit back down. “Aren’t you going to come in here and put your plate away?” Damien called from the kitchen. I looked over at David as though he was going to stop me. I then slowly got up, (I stumbled because of the weight I put on my feet so quickly.) I started to make my way toward the kitchen when I stopped in the middle of the living room and looked at David. He was watching me walk, my every move toward the kitchen; and it made me even more nervous. I looked down almost instantly, and continued to walk into the kitchen.

It was only a few steps, when I finally got into the kitchen, I looked around. It was so big, you wouldn’t be able to tell how big it was from the couch. There were canned goods everywhere, but it was clean, you could tell that a couple of men lived there. Then, my eyes fell on Damien, he was sitting in the middle of the room at a table with about five bags by his feet, looking straight at me.
“Isn’t what you expected?” he asked with a smirk on his face.
“W-Where do I put this?” I stuttered.
“There.” Damien pointed to the sink almost on the other side of the room. I left the doorway, and started to walk toward the sink when Damien stopped me.
“Hey.” He quietly said holding his arm out to block me. I stopped instantly and slowly looked at him with my head slightly down. “I’m so sorry about last night, I taught him a lesson though, and it’s just that David’s never been close to a girl.”
“I see.” I replied. I then looked down at the floor. “What’s wrong?” he asked with a worried look on his face. “Did you get enough to eat?” I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out, I suddenly felt dizzy, it seemed like my whole world was spinning, I couldn’t stand up and my knees felt so weak. I fell reaching for Damien, but he seemed to be so far away. Every thing was in a blur. I tried to say something, but my mouth was too dry, before I knew it, everything on my body was numb. I heard my heart beating loud, so loud it felt as though it was going to explode. Damien dropped to the floor and picked up my head. He gently smacked my face, but I couldn’t respond. Then suddenly, everything went black.

My head hurt like someone had hit me in the back of it with a glass bottle. I slowly opened my eyes when from a distance I could hear someone call my name. I stirred a little, trying to make myself wake up; but it was so hard. “Sade?” I could hear in the distance, “Sade?” I heard again. But this time it took all of my vigor to wake up, I slowly opened my eyes and some extremely bright lights made me close them again. “She’s waking up.” I heard someone excitedly whisper. This voice was recognizable, I manly voice, I gradually opened my eyes once more, and I saw my father, he looked so restless and agitated I tried to raise my arms up to hug him, but my strength was too weak. “Shh,” he said. “Don’t say anything, just rest.”

Part two: The Hospital

When I opened my eyes again, I was tied to a bed. I yelled for help, but nobody came. I struggled to get free from the restraints, but nothing gave. I yelled again when a big guy busted through the door with a needle in his hand and rammed it into my arm. I jumped.

I was just a dream. This time when I woke up, I was in a hospital bed surrounded by flowers and gifts. I was alone, and I noticed I was hooked up to all kinds of machines. Suddenly all the memories of what had happened flashed in my head. I saw a glimpse of a couple of people’s faces, but it took me a while to realize it was just a glimpse. I strained to open my eyes wider to make all of my memories clearer, when I set up in the bed and searched for the call light. Reaching for it straining not to rip out the IV, I almost fell. When I finally found it, I repeatedly pushed it.

About three minutes later a nurse walked in and came up to the bed. “Can I help you?” She asked looking at the machines and writing down he numbers.
“Are my parents here?” I managed to whisper.
“I don’t know Hun, do you want me to check in the waiting room?”
“Yeah.” I whispered. She then left with her clipboard and about ten minutes later showed up again.
“Sade?” She said walking through the door, I looked over at her. “I didn’t see your parents, but they did leave a message at the nurses desk for us to call them when you wake up, would you like to talk to them?” I hesitated for a moment, I really wanted to talk to my dad, to see him, but I also wanted to recap on what just happened to me. But, I also knew my dad well enough to know that he would be mad if I didn’t call him, so I told the nurse to call them.

“Daddy?” I asked when I heard him pick up the phone. “Yeah, I’m okay. What are yaw doing? Umm hmm. O.k.” I hung up the phone. He said he was going to come over. I flipped over on my other side as pain shot through my spine. I looked out the window and started to wander why the grass around every hospital always looked so dead and gloomy. I stared out the window forever when my sister busted in.
“Hey!” She yelled.
“Shhh!” My dad came in after her “She’s too tired to talk now, this is a hospital, now act like you got some sense.” She looked down disappointed then looked at me.
“How do you feel?” Dad asked me looking at the machines.
“Fine.” I whispered. “These people act like I had a heart attack, or something by checking in on me every five seconds. I just want to know why I am hooked up to all these machines.” I chuckled and tried to be humorous, but I could see that it didn’t work.
“Do you know what happened Sade?” Dad asked me pulling up a chair to the bed.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “At first I thought I was dreaming, but then I saw a glimpse of Damien’s face in my mind, and remembered it all.
“Damien who?” Daddy rose up out of the seat, his voice was a little louder then before. Is that his name?”
“Why are you so upset? What happened?” I asked.
“You were kidnapped Sade, and poisoned, were just glad you weren’t killed.”
“What I’m wondering,” Daddy replied. “Is why the sick bastards drugged you and then brought you to the hospital.”
“ So it was real.” I whispered. I looked around for a minute. “Where’s momma?” I asked.
“She’s alright, she’s home on bed rest, do9ctors orders. They shot her with a tranquilizer.” My sister said.
“ This Damien, Is he one of the guys who drugged you?” Daddy asked.
“He didn’t drug me.” I replied.
“What?!” Daddy said. “What do you mean, he didn’t drug you? They grabbed you in the middle of the day, shot your mother, then poisoned you!”
“poisoned?” I asked confused. “I don’t’ understand, Damien was the good one.”

A doctor then interrupted us. He walked in and smiled down at me.
“How you feeling Sade?” He asked.
“Fine.” I replied. He then asked daddy to go outside the door so they could talk.
“What’s going on?” I asked. I had to know.
“You just rest.” The doctor motioned for me to relax.
“No,” I replied. “What is going on, what do you have to say to my father that you can’t tell me?” The doctor then sit down in the chair beside the bed, and looked up at my father.
“You were severely poisioned, Sade. We don’t know who did this, but we believe it was the man who brought you here to the hospital two days ago.
“Did anyone see him?” My dad asked pacing the room.
“No,” The doctor replied. “By the time we tried to get information out of him, he was gone, his face was covered up, and so was his body. We ran some tests, (he looked at daddy) and they show negative for any sign of forced intercourse.”
“I wasn’t raped!” I almost yelled.
“Sade!” Daddy yelled.
“ What?” I asked. “Damien did not intend to hurt me, you’ll don’t understand, he’s the good one, he’s harmless.”
“What about the other one?” Daddy asked. “Your mother told me there was two of them.”
“His little brother, he’s the one who drugged me, not Damien.” The doctor got up to leave the room. Daddy went to go sit in the chair that the doctor was in.
“What was the other one’s name?” He asked.
“I can’t remember,” I lied. “I want to go home, I’m feeling better.”
“You were poisoned Ms.Bradley.” The doctor replied. “We have to make sure everything is alright before we release you.”
“Well do what you have to, I’m ready to leave.” I said turning over.

After they left, I had to ask myself a million questions, What had really went on in that house? What was really going on? Why did David poison me? Why would Damien allow that to happen? Who brought me here? Daddy came back in the room, looked at me, and smiled. “They got to run some more tests, but he said you can come home tomorrow.”
“You alright?” My sister asked me. I just lay there, on my side, confused, and wanting some answers.

It was later on in the afternoon on the next day when I got to leave. I had to beg daddy to tell the police not to watch my room. When I got home, there was a police car parked in front of the house looking up at my bedroom window. I somehow convinced them that if they brought me home, then they didn’t want me anymore, and that watching every move that I made was invading my privacy. After all, if they wanted to kill me, they would’ve done it.

When everything was settled, I ran up to my room to lie down. I cried for a while because of all the balled up confusion and anger, but I soon calmed down around dinnertime. It seemed like every five minutes that passed, Dad would come up to check up on me. I had to convince him I was all right and that I didn’t need anything, every time. Around seven, the phone rang. I didn’t want to answer it at first, but thought that it might be Damien. After the fifth rang, I picked it up.
“Hello?” I asked.
“Sade?” A male voice was on the other side.
“Damien?” I had recognized him. There was a small silence then I heard him give a sigh.
“How are you feeling?” He asked. I wanted to ask him what happened, but I couldn’t, I mean I couldn’t let him hang up. The thought of turning him in crossed my mind, but I cared about him too much to do it.
“I’m fine.” I whispered. “And you?” There was another long silence until I repeated my question.
“Are they treating you good?” He asked almost in a hurry, like someone was waiting on him. “I had to take you home before he tried to harm you again.”
“What happened?” I finally asked, almost in a whine, this was he had to answer me. “I thought you cared about me, I trusted you.” Then, I heard a car horn in the background and I realized that, he was on a payphone.
“I just wanted to call and see how you were, I have to go.” He said quickly and hung up on the phone. I was left on the other line with my question unanswered and tears stung my eyes. I heard Dad’s footsteps coming up the stairs again, so I quickly put eh phone back on the receiver and covered my face.
“You alright?” He asked opening my door.
“Yes dad.” I said from under my pillow.
“Do you need anything?” He asked.
“No dad.” I replied. For a moment, I thought he was going to ask me who called, but didn’t because he knew I was already annoyed.

After dinner, dad tried to convince me to go talk to mom but I couldn’t, for I knew that we would somehow get into a fight, and she would blame me for everything that happened. When I finished eating, I went back to my room and turned on my stereo. My sister came in long after and sits on my bed.
“What happened to you?” She asked. I didn’t hear her but I could read her lips. She asked another question and when I didn’t answer her, she yanked the covers back off my body.
“What is your problem?” I asked.
“Why didn’t you go talk to mom?” she asked ignoring my anger.
“Because I didn’t feel like it, besides you and I both know I’m the last person she wants to see anyway.”
“She loves you.” She replied.
“Get out of my room.” I yelled and kicked her off the bed. Now I was enraged. I didn’t want to talk to anybody, I just lay there, and eventually, I fell asleep.

As I fell asleep, I immediately fell into a dream, I saw a couch, a window, Muchy, and I realized that I was in Damien’s apartment. I tried to wake my self up moving, but I was too deep into the dream. I wasn’t lying on the couch though; I was standing up; in the living room. I didn’t see anyone there, so I began to wander. I walked toward the room I heard Damien talking to David in three days earlier, and I opened the door.

There wasn’t hardly anything in there, just a bed, and a dresser, I walked over to the dresser, and opened the top drawer. There were some clothes, folded very neatly, I wanted to go through them, but I didn’t. I suddenly had a head rush, so I instantly sit down on the bed. When I did, I felt something underneath me, I rose up, and there was the gun! I jumped at first, but calmed down. I took the end of my nightgown, picked the gun up, and moved it to the head of the bed.

It was a couple of minutes when I decided to get back up and wander the rest of the house. I walked to the other side of the room, and there was a window. I opened the blinds, and saw nothing but grassy rolling hills. There wasn’t anything but grass; the house must’ve been way out in the country. I closed the blinds and walked slowly back to the door.

I walked back through the living room and stopped, I looked thought the door way into the kitchen, I saw the table with bags on it, there were all kinds of can-food lying around; like someone had threw them on the floor. I walked in the kitchen toward the sink, when I did, I wasn’t looking down and I slipped, in some kind of liquid, I instantly looked down, and it was blood! I shrieked and jumped back, whose blood was this?

I quickly (almost ran back into the living room). The blood was still on the bottom of my feet, I had to wash it off, I was breathing so hard, and I felt like I was going into a panic attack. When I passed a bedroom, the door was open, it was the bedroom Damien slept in, right across the bathroom, and I had to walk in.

In this bedroom, a lot more stuff was in it, there was a TV, a night stand, there were cigarettes on it; Marlboros’ and a lighter, a glass, and a piece of paper. On the paper was a number, I didn’t recognize it, and so I left it there. I walked toward the bed, when I saw a suitcase, it was closed, I couldn’t help myself, and I had to see what was in it.

When I opened the suitcase I saw a picture of me, I was smiling sitting on my bed with a pencil and paper in my hand. This picture was from my house! I looked at it for about five minutes wide-eyed and in awe; Damien has been in my house. I then put the picture down, and went through the rest of the stuff in the suitcase, there was two cartons of Marlboros’ and about five shirts along with six pairs of jeans, I recognized one of the shirts, it was the one that Damien was wearing the night of the capture, I had to retaliate and pick it up, I held it so close to my face, I closed my eyes and I smelled it. It smelled of his cologne and snuggles, I smiled and open my eyes, thinking; Damien was planning to leave.

I then sit laid down on his bed, and stretched out; it was a big bed, comfy. I then started to get up, but I couldn’t, something was holding me down. I tried to getup again, was I handcuffed? I looked over at my arm, the arm I had his shirt in, and saw wires, no tubes, I sit up-

I opened my eyes, and I was in my bedroom again. I realized and remembered, it was all a dream. I opened my hand, and his shirt wasn’t’ there. I lay back down, and sighed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.09.2012

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