


You see that block of ice? Just floating in space? Well that's me: Aveline Pedersen. Neat name, huh? I love my name, though I don't really understand it. I guess I was named after some great ancestor of mine. Anywho! Back to me floating in space... Well, the reason for me floating in space all happened because of a tragic accident back on Earth a few lifetimes before I was even born.

Back when humans still lived on Earth, scientists were trying to find a way to live in space. The sad part was, they had no idea how to do it without just relying on rockets and dehydrated foods. They sent people out, famillies out, one by one. While expirimenting with living in space, something called the Idiopathic or unknown disease, clung to the human hosts. Slowly, the humans that had the illness either withered away in death or turned into something mutated. Something dangerous to the rest of mankind. These mutations were called Dinosaurs. They were feared throughout the land, known for their temper and transformations into what others saw as the prehistoric beasts they resembled. Next thing everyone knew, people were being tested. Which led to murders being committed behind lab doors. Anyone in contact with the disease was killed. Without question.

I bet your wondering, But what does this have to do with you? Ha, let's just say the Dinosaurs weren't the only unwelcome specimens. There were the Droids who had the strength of any comic book hero and iron tough skin, to Rubbers who were strong and just as flexible as their name sake. Which is what led to my generation. Most of the human race had been wiped out by the time my great-great-great-great grandparents were born. It had taken a long time, but we were wasting away. And this meant some humans repopulated with Rubbers and Droids. After another 100 years, the human race was completely erased except for the hybrid heirs.

Those who were not a danger left, evacuated our home planet and left to build homes around the moon. To find some peace. There, scientists were born all over again; they begin to theorize. How could the humans ever be brought back? Were they just as extinct as their own ancestors' dinosaurs? The thought kept them going and kept them passing information to their own students. Here in space, was were the two most brilliant hybrids had a dangerous plan. To make a child who could bring back the human race. These scientists are my own mom and dad. And I was that child.


Okay, so I probably scared you silly saying I was that child. I still am their child, but it's more complicated now then what it was supposed to be. So perhaps after I tell you my parents' story, you'll understand more. And if you do, please do share with me. Cause even now, everything is still kinda blurry... But listen first and tell me later.

Them and Me

Lionel. That's my father's name. It seems to be quite nostalgic to the Elders. The name, not my father. But to me, he is nostalgic because I had no memories of him until recently. This must be really confusing... But bear with me; like me, you'll have to have learned all of this in time... But Lionel Pederson is his name. He's quite young though, at the age of thirty-seven. Though nineteen is quite young to even parent a child. Yea, I'm only sixteen. But he was nineteen when he and my mother planned to have a child. Speaking of my mother.

Erica. She's not so nostalgic to the Elders as my father's name is. My mother was a special case among the last human descendants. As a child both of her parents mysteriously disappeared, and never came back. So the Woman Elders decided to take her in as their own and raise her properly. She's only thirty-six years old.

I could tell you everything about them. Their favorite color, favorite book, the first thing they crave when they're depressed. The thing is, I forgot all of my own favorites. Slowly I won't be able to remember anything. My name? Aveline. Aveline. If I keep saying it, I'll remember. Maybe. Aveline. Aveline. I'd tell you the rest but I'm starting to black out.

Chemistry 1

It was terrifying but brilliant. It was absolutely, one hundred percent terrifying but also briliiant. Lionel and I came up with a theory on how to save the human race... or what was left of it. The plan was to create a child who would be the base of all forms except Dinosaur and have her mate with the Chosen one, who the Mothers say will let humanity bloom once again by bringing any full human into the world.
But Lionel and I have the best possibility of carrying the genes to create such a child...and even if the expiriment was a failure, I love him to the point where I'd still take care of his child. Of course it's one sided, but it's been that way for so long; I'm what the Mothers call 'head over heels' in love. The only thing important is the experiment. For one week the two of us will isolate ourselves to...make the baby. Is it okay to be nervous? To be giddy?
"Erica." I jumped, shivering at the voice I've been familliar with for the past seven years.
"Lionel, don't scare me so." Could he hear my heart beating??
He chuckles, a scratchy sound. "Sorry to disturb." I shake my head and turn to meet him.
"It's no probl---," I gasp. His eyes are a deep russet, a muddy red. His blonde hair is cropped to his shoulders. He's staring into my eyes and I can only think about how he's so gorgeous. I sigh, "Em."
Again with the chuckling, "Oh Erica, you're so amusing." His gaze roams over me, appreciation in his eyes.
"Well all matters beside, I have some news for us." I can feel my face flaming. "We can start isolation today."
It's quiet except for our breathing, and his eyes are on my face again. He looks like he wants to say something, but only steps closer.
"So we can start today?" His voice is soft.
"Yes." My voice is just as low.
"Hmmmmmm." A hand brushes away my bangs from my eyes. "So you're mine for a whole week?"
Swoon. "Yes, I'm all yours." Is it hot in here, or is it just me.
"Well then I'm not going to beat around the bush." His breath is warm as it fans my face. He smells like mint, and I lean into it.
"Please. Don't try." Thats when our lips met. It was so gentle, I almost wept from it being my first kiss.
"Don't worry, this child will be perfect. It will have everything in it." More kisses.
"No dinosaur." My voice is firm but I doubt he can hear me.
We kissed again, and this time, it was not so gentle. His tounge slipped into my mouth. "Mmmmmmmmm!" I gave him access to it. "Lionel." A hand gripped my hair, but I didn't feel the pain
"Erica, you're mine." And everything was quiet.

Chemistry 2

Her mouth was heaven. It tasted like peaches and when she opened her mouth to me, I almost died.
"Lionel?" She whispered. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing purple irises. The hand in her hair didn't release, it pulled her closer. The auburn locks were soft.
"Yes, Erica?" I purred. Her red hair hung down in spikes, and her face was a very satisfying pink.
She was beautiful, this woman I loved. Sadly, of course it was one sided.
"Take me." The pupils in the girl's eyes dilated, and my breathing hitched. It was probably her first time as well.
I ducked my head to touch foreheads. "As you wish, m'lady." I swept Erica into my arms, crushing her to my chest. If she was going to say anything, it was too late. I crushed my lips to her, no longer wanting to wait.
Our tounges danced as I draped her along the shuttle's giant bed. I started to take off my flight suit, and she her own. She was the quickest, and then I felt her bare chest press onto my own. The wicked girl. I growled.
Using my hands to snare her arms, I pinned them over her head. Gently sucking on her neck, she gasped. Slowly I felt her turning into her second form and I follow her, caressing her face. And as we kept moving together, I saw fireworks. It was so greatly amazing. Erica must've thought the same because she wept quietly until she finally dozed off. The last thing I heard was,
"Thank you." I smiled, and hugged her close.

"No problem."

Just Me Now

My parents were like that all week...I still blush thinking about it. Well after that one week, my parents waited for Erica to get her pregnancy test back. When the Healer came out, Lionel spoke to him. I was conceived! Erica wouldn't stop laughing, she was hysterical with joy. They even embraced, though neither had confessed their love still. Those idiots.

Even I know how stupid it was for them to not say anything. But hey! Young love.

After the checkup, my parents had to wait at least a month before knowing if the pregnancy would take a normal human birth period. And you guessed it. I did take all nine months. Nine long happy months for my parents. And then....well, I was born. Lets have a flashback.

It was in the Hospital wing. The Women Elders were around my mother's cot, preparing her for my arrival. My father was outside the room, forced against his will, pacing non stop. It was the perfect picture. Until I came out.

"A girl! A beautiful girl just like you hoped!" The women cried with joy! And just as they cut the cord they saw my back. And so did my mother. She screamed so loud, my dad came rushing in. Everything went quiet as Lionel strode over to me and picked me up. Along the small of my back was a silver scar in the shape of a flower. From the center there was a short black tail; a Dinosaur's mark. And there my mother realized her true love was part Dinosaur.

Before anyone could say anything, I opened my eyes to see the world. Eyes that were the color of the universe. Lionel stared into my eyes, with tears escaping his own. He cautiously smoothed down the patch of black hair on my head and brought my tiny body closer. He kissed my forehead, and whispered hoarsley, "My Aveline..." He quickly moved me intoa woman's arms and turned to fled.

With one glance back towards Erica and me, my father disappeared before someone could call out. My mother hadn't said or down anything after she screamed. The only thought that passed through her head was, I gave birth to a monster... That part always makes me cry. But then she shook herself and looked at me as she silently cried. Erica held out her arms to her aunt, the woman who held me. I was tucked into them quietly.

My mother's best friend Tanya sat beside her as she just looked at me. With an arm around the two of us she said clearly, "A beautiful girl; just expected from Lionel and yourself. She's both blessing and curse... What will you name her, love?"

It didn't take my mother long to answer as she held me tight, shielding me with her hair as she kissed my brow, "Aveline. Aveline Chance Pederson."

Flying By 1

My birth was obviously tragic to most people.. I don't blame them. Looking down at all of this now-quite literally, too- I can see the pure disgust when my mother hands me over for people to oogle at.
Very few people treated me just like other babies, only Tanya, my mother.. sometimes, Jeanette an Elder, and father's best friend. And my dad but then again, I wasn't conscious of him being by my side.
Time seemed to have stopped when everyone found out what kind of blood I had. But like everything else in life, it sped into fast forward. Before we knew it I was growing up from a baby to a toddler.
And then, it was my sixth birthday. Probably the day my life slowly turned upside down.


" Mommy! Are you sleeping?" I tugged on her nightgowns sleeve. "Mommy.... I want to eat with you today."
Around that time Erica had stopped looking me in the eyes, had stopped looking at me period. Whenever I tried to talk to her she'd be halfhearted-leaving her only daughter to crumble.
"Aveline Pederson leave sleeping." Her voice was sleepy but cold. I shivered but went to touch her cheek."Mommy are you ok..?" Her red hair ducked under the covers as she cringed away from my hand. I stood there, looking into her icy purple eyes as she stared at me through a crack.
I then started to cry.. hiccuping for breath. That was the day I got my very first beating. Bam... Right across the face, I got a slap. I stopped hiccuping right away. I started shaking uncontrollably, backing away to the door though. My vision was so blurry, I remember falling down half way..That's right; Erica's eyes got so wide...and she reached out to me, to hurt me again or comfort me I don't know...
She began to speak, "Baby, I didn't--" But I'd gotten up and had ran out of the room. That day, I didn't receive any presents. And the only people who came over was-you guessed it. Blaise, his daughter Rosie, Tanya, and Jeanette. We ate something called cake... and I blew out the six matches on it, making a wish I can't recall... Mommy didn't come out at all for the rest of the day. Tanya went in to check on her though.
I tugged on her suit and she knelt down beside me so I could hug her. I told her: "Will you give this to mommy and tell her I'm sorry?"
Tanya hugged me close tightly after that...for quite awhile. When she came out she didn't say a word, though her eyes seemed moist. My mother's door remained shut. I showed everyone the way out, gave hugs and kisses, and cleaned up everything as soon as they were gone.
I wanted everything to look good; to make my mom proud and happy of me.
That night, as I was sleeping, I dreamt of a warm man hugging me close, whispering how much he loved me. I swear I cried with my eyes closed; I believed it was my daddy wishing me a happy birthday.
And as I cried in my sleep, my mother pulled the blankets closer to me...and kissed me goodnight... There were tears on her cheeks, too. My lovely mother... she regretted what she did...I see that now. But......
I feel so weak.......again.....maybe she'll be happier this way.....if I remain sleeping in this empty space and never wake up......


Texte: This book is officially mine. If you use it at all without my consent, not only will I be pissed, you'll be fined.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.11.2011

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To Haley and Abbey...who dealt with this dream without freaking out too much ;)

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