
Bye-Bye Birdy

As usual it was raining outside in dreary Seattle, Washington. My names Rowan.Rowan Walker that is. I'm a sixteen year-old who lives with my Gran, Ben and Lewie.They're my brothers. The three of us live with Gran because my parents Lillian and John were on a buisness trip. I was adopted in this family, so my parents aren't really my mom and dad.
There hasn't been a time when I haven't known it though. No drama, no secrets. And even though they aren't my biological parents, they've raised me for the last 15 years.
Jasmine, my gran, told me stories of where I came from and why I was given my name. Rowan is a lacey,frilly flower that is a pale ivy colour; my skin resembles the shade. Not to mention that it was a family tradition to name the first daughter of every Gates family after a flower. My hair is a curly dark brown, almost black looking, and my eyes are an ice blue. Not at all like Lewie and Ben. Lewie's eighteen, in his last year of high school hard to believe with the way he acts. His eyes seem to be the exact green of my mom's and the same sandy locks of Gramps. Ben is alot younger than me though, twelve and a half, with dark hair like mine and gray eyes like daddy's. Both of them were born in Sacremento, California. My mom, Paris, and my dad, Boston, Mass. Then there's me... I was born in Moscow, Russia; the most beautiful place on earth.
Anyways, back to mom and dad: Lillian and John work as lawyers, and solve cases all across the country. They're amazing and they always get the job done. Being popular like this causes us to travel alot. And Seattle has been my longest home yet. Two years.
'One day, I will find my own home...' I thought, my eyelids grew heavy, 'But for now, I'm content with where I am,with who I live with, and I will not leave the nest just yet.'
As I drifted into a comfortable sleep, I saw a family of swans below take flight under the moon. I watched them fly away from a branch in a tree high above. Tomorrow mom and dad were leaving for the airport. Another trip, in Conneticut. In this dream, a tear fell down my cheek and I watched the descending birds. Good-bye, little birds. Take care...


I woke up to a rare sunny day. Outside was a green wilderness, growth covering most areas. Smiling, I stretched and looked across my room. There was a stack of clothes and pair of shoes on my old wooden bureau. Remembering today's schedule I fell back into the pillows with a groan.
"Why me!" I said, my voice muffled with the pillow.
"I hate Mondays! Why does this have to be today?!" ranting as I threw the coverlet from around my feet to the floor. The air was so cold that my teeth started to chatter so I ran to the door in a flurry.
"Turn on the heat!" I called.
Sounds of bustling feet came from the kitchen.
Gran, you sneaky rat, I thought as she moved to the bottom of he stairs. Directly below my room. In front of the thermastate. Dang. Your good! She gave me a shrewed look and said:
"Get dressed, Row, and you won't be so cold. Now, please, hon, stop screaming like a maniac and dont wake up your parents for another hour." She smiles tenderly at me.
"Oh alright!" I whisper shouted. "But maybe you'd put the the heater up a notch, please?" I asked, softening my voice, giving my favorite grandmother a smile.
There was a twinkle in her eyes as she walked back into the kitchen with a smirk on her face. I went back into a pout as I rushed to the dresser, pulling my night-gown off as fast as I could. I decided to wear a salmon pink sweater dress with leggings for the airport. Yea, a liitle too much, for an airport. But this was the two out of five most important people in my world. Of course I was going to dress up for them!
It was going to be a long good-bye. I wouldn't see them for three monthes!
Downstairs the coffee pot was a brew'n and the smell of eggs wafted up the hallway. In the rooms across the hall of the old victorian house, the rest of my family was getting up to put on a play. Nice Ro. It wasn't a literal play, just a really sad good-bye. A dramatic one too.
It was always like that. For school,for camp,for walking the lizard. Always a little parting, a sad good-bye. But today was our first time separating from our parents on a buisness trip. The first. Mom must be a wreck! I went downstairs just as the first of three doors were opening.
'Its showtime!' I thought sarcastically, a grin lighting my face. Jazz hands...curtains are opened.

Good-bye Surprise?

I stood there in front of Sea-Tac Airport, waiting for my family to catch up. Even with half of mom and dad's luggage I was faster than them. The goofballs I call brothers only held a single bag!
How typical of them... I thought, rolling my eyes. 'Even dad, whos almost six feet-two can't walk as fast or stride as I.Nice way to take advantage.' I smirked at that.
I turned around, smiling as I said to my parents,"Did you guys get lost? I've been standing here forever when I thought I should call Sher---," I was caught off guard as Lewie swung me into a head-lock.
"Haha runt." Grr... I hate that nickname so much, I was in the mood to sock him."It was so funny I forgot to laugh."
He laughed as I threw a punch at his gut. "Oh really wise guy? You did laugh, only moments ago. Did you already forget? Well, you'll smarten up... eventually."
Ben looked at me with raised eyebrows. I had a poker face on and Lewie pretended to get mad. Ben and I looked at his face and we instantly started laughing. It was hard to run as we tried to get away from our maniac of a brother.
"That's it. You'll get it runts!" Lewie grabbed Ben by the shirt and threw him up on his back. Little ol' Benny sat there clinging to his broad shoulders giggling loudly. It was a hysterical sight.
"You're next!" Lewie said, grinning evily. His left hand shot out and snaked around my waist. I started shouting.
"Lewie you big bully! Put me down this inst-----!" I couldn't even finish the sentence, when I remembered something like this.
It was the first day of summer, Lewie and I were running through the grass, mom slowly walking behind us with her big ballon belly. Lewie, eight years old swung me through the air. I would be six years old tomorrow. And the baby maybe a week after. "We are gonna have a baby." Mama said."Another one!" Lewie said as he swung me through the breeze. I laughed, holding on to his neck."Our baby! A baby! Our new little baby!" Lewie and I crowed. Mama smiled and hugged Daddy. It made me smile, too.
I looked up at Lewie who was grinning at Benny and I. Together. A bright place in eachothers hearts. I looked towards mama and daddy. I threw my arms around Lewie and spun around. It was 11 years ago today we walked that beautiful summer day.
Mom and daddy joined in too, even Gran! We had our last moment together for awhile, spinning in a big circle. And when it was time for their planes departure, I was the first to give them both a tight hug.
"Love you, angel." he smiled.
"Me too, baby, I'll miss you! Be good! And please take care of Benny" Mom said, tears filling her eyes.
"And please for the love of God, don't change. No boys. And no trouble for Gran." Oh boy... I kissed her cheek. Gran laughed as she winked at me.
"I'll be good, but I don't know about these two..." I stuck a thumb at the goofballs behind me.
"Can I trust you?" Mom said.
Benny and Lewie... including Gran said, "Yes ma'm!"
"Dismissed." She called. And then they left.
Altogether the four of us watched them enter the plane, and with a single glance, they were off. We wouldn't see them for the entire summer...
And my summer only just began. On our way out... I met him...

Best Way To Get A Vision...Stupidity

My eyes wandered to the plane flying over our heads. It was their plane. We were late at arriving so it had to be. I looked at the wrist-watch that hung from my wrist; 10:58 am.
"I opened my eyes last night, and saw you in the low light..." I sang softly. Gran was leading the way down the stairs now. Lewie and Ben were arguing about who would ride shotgun. How immature, I smiled.
Again I sang softly, "Walking down by the bay, staring up at the planes..." My eyes closed, I pictured myself ice skating. One step at a time I glided over the stone and leaped over a rail. "That aren't there anymore." I kept gliding, my heart was pounding, I wanted to jump, to run, to skate... I spun a 360, and kept spinning. Leaping, dancing, my legs carried me past the others. My eyes were still closed, but I could feel eyes on me.
I slowly spun a 180 and crouched low for a turn. Beautiful.... My head jerked up and I leaped into the air...what was that?! I didn't know, but I kept moving without opening my eyes...
Only to run into someone. I fell. Gran and my brothers ran towards me. Cool arms lifted me up off the ground. A strange face was smiling in almost apology at me. I almost fainted. The smiling face grew stricken a little.
Then some blood dripped from my leg, and when I looked down, I saw it sparkle. The stranger wasn't hurt visibly and yet I heard him say, "Ouch."?
"Ohmygosh, I'm so terribly sorry!" my words were jumbled "I was leaping around like an idiot and wasn't paying attention! I'm sorry!" I tried to stand up. My breath made a whosh sound as I collapsed back onto the ground. My legs burned like fire, and stung like ice; my head was another story. So painful... Everything went black as my head hit the ground.
How much more stupid can I get, I thought. The darkness was swallowing me up like a wave. I tried to fight it. But I was swallowed, and saw a feather... a white feather in the darkness... I reached for it as it came to a stop at an endless bottom. Trumpets. A swan. Me. Wait, me? What?! Whats going----!
My breath stopped. The strange boy I knocked into earlier... was standing right in front of me. I looked at my clock quickly. It had froze. 11:10. I tapped it persistantly, only to look at a black butterfly fly out of it. It's wings shimmered a fiery trail of purple as it flew, like the purple painted on its wings.
A Butterfly? pretty..... my mind thought. I reached out to touch the marvel. Like glass, the butterfly shattered. It seemed my own soul cracked. I was lost in the darkness. Randomly, I recalled what kind of butterfly it was. A Hell butterfly.

Another Surprise

After a few moments, things unfroze and I blinked. Then I looked at the stranger who caught me. The butterfly was gone. He just stood there in front of me, motionless, looking at me. I stared right back, though it was kinda getting to the point where it freaked me out. His eyes were a silvery metal like color, brighter and sharper than anything I'd ever seen.
The boy was the first to look away. I followed his gaze to a swan. The swan hissed at him. Then like water,the swan came to me. It seemed to guess I wasn't a threat, for she didn't hiss. Ok...just a little bit weird, but hey, it's just a dream. Right...?
I couldn't keep my eyes off the swan. It was beautiful; snowy white with large eyes. I looked down, bowing my head. The swan paused a moment, bowing its own head. That stopped me short.
Why the heck did I just bow my head? How come the bird did!? I couldn't believe what I was doing. What a weird dream. I made a face at that.
The beautiful creature kept moving, all the way to me. It looked at me with those big eyes. To me, it seemed to be smiling.
That's because I am smiling and you bowed out of respect, silly goose. I jumped. Someone was talking to me. IN MY MIND! I paniced, freezing in the spot.
No need to be afraid little bird, huh you're slow... I mean no offence!
Uhhhh----? I'm sorry?? I'm a little startled to hear you speaking to me... I thought in apology, shaking my head. Was it weird I was talking to a swan? Oddly enough, I didn't think so. The swan smiled; she seemed to understand.
Rowan you've met Tristian before, right? Oh! Jeez I'm so forgetful! My name is Hana, I'm your friend... Hana smiled. But then she looked angrily at the boy called Tristian.
Have you two met? Hana's tone was surprising, something I couldn't name was in it. I looked at Tristian, to get a better look. He was at little over six feet tall, with dirty blonde hair that curled at the ends. In all he was what I would call pretty "bad-boyish". Then again, he stopped me from falling onto my face. Something like sadness washed over me.
That was weird... I looked again at Hana. This was getting weirder by the second.
He stopped me from falling just before I came here. Something was off. I could feel it. And I didn't know why or how. Thats when I saw a wolf staring at Hana from a distance. I turned to see Tristian looking intently at the thing, and almost a look of anger had started contorting his face. The beast stopped staring at Hana, and looked at me.
Rowan... I couldn't stop staring at the wolf. It had called my name. How did everyone know my name? I was talking to Hana... and the wolf came out of no where! Gold eyes stared at me from across the darkness.
Rowan... my lady...please----I felt eyes all over me. One pair was Hana's as she moved closer to me. Warm, soft feathers embraced me as a cold wind shook through my body.
"Thank you." I whispered. I was strangely happy the creature behind me was there to hold me up. More importantly, her wings brought mental security, filling me with relief.
I could still feel other eyes on me. Tristian's eyes. They were confused looking. A mix of emotions were on his face. Eagerness, confusion, pain, sadness, anger... Anger and pain was winning over, as far as I could see.
Hana hissed when Tristian walked toward us. The wolf silently followed him, a copy, a shadow. When he reached us, I was shocked when he smacked me across the face. The blow stung like ice,and burned like fire, just like my leg had. Around me, the warm feathers trembled as Hana shook, outraged profanities rushed through my mind. Hana hissed again. Black spots were taking over my vision as Tristian struck me once again. I tasted blood.
Blackness swarmed above me, darkening the shadows already there. I looked at the furry beast that looked at me in sympathy from behind. Why? What? I whimpered. Why was I dreaming of this? What was going was on?!
I'm sorry my lady, Rowan. You can call me Lupin. I- I'm sorry about Tristian... he's very wor----. All of a sudden he yelped. I leaned over to see Tristian's foot make contact with his rear.
Seeing Lupin getting hurt made me feel like my skin was on fire, and not in pain. My heart.... Did I have one? It seemed it shattered again. A scream filled the air when he raised his foot again. I covered my ears; the sound hurt too much... Then I covered my mouth. The terrible siren like screams were coming from there...
The wolf looked at me in grattitude, my screams a distraction, as he bound away for protection. Like a ragdoll, Tristian yanked my arm hard enough to pull me off the ground. Only to be smacked again, but harder so now I really could taste blood... Yet as more dark spots bloomed my vision, Tristian then held me. That's when he leaned away, only to lean forward with those silver eyes, and his lips touched mine, at first soft like Hana's feathers.
"Why, Rowan? What have you done? Rowan! Remember!" His voice echoed off the darkness. Before he kissed me again, his eyes were a golden honey color, nothing of silver remained. Neither did my thoughts. Tristian's lips crushed mine, all softness gone. My first real kiss, and I could taste the sadness, bitterness, and an unknown feeling filled the air. Then I saw a Hell Butterfly before collapsing onto the ground once more.

New Kid

The darkness released me, and with a gasp I sat up. Gran was holding me in her arms. Lewie and Ben were a foot away, looking down. It was almost like someone died.
"Gran? What happened?" I croaked. It sounded like I lost my voice. I sat up straighter, remembering my dream. Hana.... Lupin....Tristian. Weird. I shuddered.
Gran went still, and looked at me. A smile of relief broke out on her face.
"You fell, you flightless bird." she scolded gently.
"Oh yea... My bad?" I already remembered, I just wanted to play it up a little bit. Lewie looking like he was seeing a ghost, he walked towards me. He reached out to touch my cheek. It stung where his finger brushed against my skin. I silently winced.
"Your face..." he whispered. Again his finger brushed the cut where Tristian smacked me. Was it really a dream? The pain was so real. I looked around. There he was, standing nearby. He smiled though it didn't reach his cold eyes. It was like he was there with me. How could someone I just met be so darn cold? Gosh dammit, I'm so confused!
"How are you feeling, Ms. Walker? I'm sorry I ran into you like that." He sure didn't sound that sorry. In fact I thought I heard some cockiness in it. My hand twitched, remembering when I fainted. Ohhhhh.... I wanted to hit something. I was going crazy. What was that, when I passed out?
Trying not to seem too fake, I gave a tight smile, "I'm obviously great! Not a scratch on me." Gods help me, my cut oozed a little bit; the traitor. I bit my cheek, still smiling.
Gran gave me a look. Lewie and Ben.... were too busy now looking at an insect crawling up the stairs. Oh boy... Todays your lucky day Row! You've fallen on a cute stranger, gone entirely nuts, and have pissed off almost everyone around in one day! You win...ding ding ding: embarrassment! My teeth gritted. They were waiting for me to say something. Great. Sarcasm was totally with me all the way!
Well, they'll have to keep waiting then, I thought smugly.
Tristian looked pissed off, unlike Gran who had on her poker face. It looked like it was forced, when he smiled at Gran. I could tell instantly something was up. I looked at them with lowered lids so I wouldn't seem suspicious. What the HECK was happening?!
"Once again, Mrs.Humphry, I'm sorry for bumping into you guys. If you need anything, you can reach me at O Dea High School, or by my number." he winked.
"Thank you very much, Tristian." Gran stared at me while she was talking. A blush warmed my cheeks. I hated being center of attention...wait, what?! O Dea High?! NO! This was not happening! Could this day get any worse...?!?!
I looked at Tristian straight in the eye, and smiled coyly at him, "You're registered in O Dea? The private school?" My smile was still in place. I knew his secret. He wasn't even registered, I knew by the lists I had gotten earlier. He couldn't have been. I tried not to look smug. I really did.
Oh...This bub gave me a look worth smacking, that took the good humor out of me. The rat was quick enough to hide the expression, too. I tucked my hand inside my elbow, cradling it. It took almost all of my will power to not reach out and smash something. He wasn't even registered... he wasn't. What a fool. Nice try. Besides, since he isn't I don't have a care in the world. I sighed mentally.
"Well, not exactly, but I've been accepted to it, yes." he gave a watery smile.
The corner of my mouth twitched, like my hand. I kept a poker face.
"I'll see you at school then, Tristian?" my smile was still on.
"Yea, sure, bye..." Gran waved as he turned on his heel.
I was almost absolutely sure I didn't know him, and yet his face was so familiiar....where have I seen him before I bumped into him?!? I knew one day I'd take a trip to the kukoo-room. I guess that day finally had come.
Then he turned once more, and with an evil smile that finally lit his eyes, he said, "Oh, it was nice to see you again, Rowan."
My mouth fell open, the smile gone. Brinnnnggggg! Hello? Yes, this is insanity. You've been on our list for quite awhile and it's time to renew your registration, etc. No, really. I've OFFICIALLY GONE INSANE TO THE POINT OF EXPLODING! I don't even know him and it's like we've been enemies since we were born. So freaking complicated.
What I did know, was that I never saw a twisted rat named Tristian. At least that's what I kept telling myself. Ironically enough, I just thought, At least I'm not the only new kid... I laughed out loud. He stared at me, a small smile curving his lips, though it didn't reach his eyes. My heart flipped, What a... Pfffft. Like I've ever met him before. He walked away,and he didn't turn back.
That wasn't the last I saw of Tristian, if I only didn't care... but I doubt that would've changed our future any other way.

Thank God I Make A Mean Pie

On are way home, Gran went kukoo.
"Rowan Walker, I swear to Zeus, you are in so much trouble!" she said calmly. I flinched back. When she was quiet she was hard not to get any angrier.
"Gran, you know that's not fair! I mean, I'm normally a klutz!" I insisted. I was slipping up, trying to fix the 'bad attitude'. Oh brother. Speaking of which, I turned in my seat to stare at Lewie. He stared back, and when Gran's full attention was on the road, he winked.
The all so heroic Lewis leaned over my grandmother's seat to pat her shoulder reassuringly. Somehow, it didn't reassure me.
"Now, now Gran. You know perfectly well how stupid and idiotic our Row is. I see this as a minor setback," where was he going with this? Oh no, he's just gonna make this worse. Internally groaning, I facepalmed myself.
Lewis was going on and on about my balance issues. All of a sudden, I had an urge to thump him. This wasn't going to well, and my instincts told me it was about to be like ugly on a freaking ape. "I bet it's just puberty!" he chortled. Gran repressed a smile, and lil Benny shook his head at Lewie, giving me a go get him, get him good look.
I smirked at him raising a fist. He pounded it back and we laughed at the one out of a million chance of Lewie getting away from my perfected roundhouse kicks unscathed.
Gran looked at my face in the rearview mirror. I smiled.
She sighed in exasperation, "Oh alright! You owe me an apple pie tonight kid."
YES!! I'm off the hook! Fanfares cheered in my head.
In synchronization, Ben and I stared at our big brother. He looked back, looking a little scared. We grinned evily. Oh well, at least I had a gift for making some mean pie! If I didn't, then Lewie would've been screwed.
In the back of my head, a voice shouted, Save pieces for us, too! You better or there's gonna be some trouble! Startled, I squeaked. I ignored everyones eyes on me, and in a second I recognized it as Lupin's voice. Deep down I knew they weren't kidding. But were they really real?? Looking out the window, I laughed as I heard the voices in my head list of the pies they wanted. I was gonna have to get used to these new gifts...if I could even call them that.

Happy Birthday To Me~

Part 1

I fell back onto my matress, sighing in exhaustion. Oh gods, what are they trying to do?! Kill me?! Closing my eyes I could still see the dozen pies, all lined up on the counter, neat and ready. Flour, batter, crust, sweat, tears. All had coated my face by the time I was done. Yea, I was exhausted after making 12 freaking different pies!
With the tome and effort, my gift had been a sucess. Now, only six and a half remained. Everyone had a pie each and then there had to be seconds and they attacked a half of MY rasberry pie! Not to mention Hana wanted a piece too.
Why? Why did I go there? Can I go back? Are Lupin and Hana real? These things didn't answer themselves. I sighed again. Three pieces of pie sat on my nightstand. During making all of the pies, I made three special ones. A piece of rasberry pie, filled with baby blueberries for Hana; a lemon custard with stripped bacon and ham in the middle for Lupin; and strawberries on top of mint chocolate piece of pie for the still unknown Tristian.
"Will this help answer my questions?" I said aloud. Slowly, my lids dropped.As if I was being taken over, something inside me pulled at my heart, and with a gasp my eyes shot open. Only did I see everything get dark, and a fiery trail of purple as a Hell Butterfly flew from my chest.
Beautiful------- And I slowly fell into the strangely familliar darkness, as the butterfly flew out of my arms and into the darkness with me. I think I'm getting used to this...


Part 2
I felt something cold press against my cheek. It was not uncomfortable,my skin still felt flush from baking. I sighed. I didn't want to move, I was to content, and for a moment I forgot what I was trying to prove. Until I heard their voices.
Is she ok? She might have sprained something... I felt something soft and warm lean into me. The cold was back on my cheek.
My lady's heart is beatting perfectly. She doesn't look more pale than she is, so...
Both voices were so familliar. I knew the first voice right off. Hana, the swan who meet me my first time here. The second, it was warm and nice to hear. Lupin Lunaer. The wolf who I practically saved a good kicking from, the one who called me : "my lady". Softly, I pressed my self in his fur, feeling Hana's feathers run through my hair. I was in peace for a minute until I heard a quiet but loud enough snort to reach us.
"Trust me. That girl is as tough as nails. She's not a helpless princess, are you sweet-heart?" his voice loud enough for me to hear the venom.
The rat didn't hide his disgust of me. I shuddered, trying not to remember what happened last time. Hana's feathers stopped where they brushed my hair and put a wing over me. She hissed, and footsteps were easy to hear in the darkness. Lupin moved closer, growling enough to scare me being so close. I cringed and he stopped with a huff. A tear escaped my squeezed eyelids, falling with a pat. It stung my still hurt cheek before it finally fell.
It was loud enough to fill the darkness when the steps stopped. I opened my eyes to catch a glimpse of Hana as she silently locked gaze with him. Then she looked at Lupin. Quietly for only Lupin's ears and mine, she whispered, Its ok. Lupin? What's he up to?! Rowan, be sincere.Keep your head, please.
I nodded. Up on my feet, I turned to meet the pain-in-the-ass's glare. His eyes widened and he smirked. I brushed my tears away, hiding the action by brushing my hair.
Raising my chin, feeling like tough nails, I said dryly,"Nope, not as pitiful as you would think, huh, darling?" I made the end sickly sweet with a tight smile. Feel my bitchy wraith, you jerk. I couldn't help grinning, a chuckle slid through. His gorgeous eyes went from silver to black, narrowing.
"Well! Enough chit-chat!" I clapped my hands, turning on my heel. I scanned the darkness's floor. "Ahah!" I squealed. Picking up the ribboned platters. I must be crazy. But this is shocking... I honestly had no clue this would work! Two eyes stared shocked at me, curious. The other... well, he'd have to get used to me being around.
"Tristian?" I was kind of shocked to hear some softness, when I said his name. He is a jerk. I turned. My new friends just waited patiently. In my head, I heard a buzz, odd enough, I had a feeling they were talking amongst each other. "What time is it?" I ignored them.
The jerk transformed. His face was puzzled, cocked, and no angry lines showed. His eyes went orange, stilling me. Hes... cute--- when he's not pissed. Talk about moodswings... Woah. I snapped my head back into reality. Jeezums... Almost deja vu. "It's now just 12:07," he said emotionlessly. His eyes were silver again, not black. I sighed, strangely glad he wasn't mad at me. Whenever his eyes did that-often enough-I always felt relievd that they weren't always black. Hmmmmm...
He stared at me, looking blank, like the others,"Why?" His eyes locked onto mine, and the sudden smile on my face seemed to put him in awe. He looked down, but I Iooked at the others while looking at him outta the corner. When he looked up to watch me do so, he looked shocked and turned a shade of red. Another hmmm. "Its now 12:07."he muttered.
"Today is now my sixteenth birthday. Now, who wants to celebrate with some pie!" I jumped in the air. The animals looked at me, with surprise in their eyes. Together they knelt, both bowing. My smile faded and my mouth dropped when Tristian knelt, one hand over his heart.
We'd be honored Our Lady. In unison they chimed. Tristian looked at me with a look I couldn't understand. It was almost... kind. My heart melted. I stood straight, shaking my head. The goop called my heart shook itself off. I quickly curtsied, feeling awkward and a little weird. There was that deja vu feeling again!
"You all have alot of explaining to do. And you can call me Rowan, but I don't mind if you call me 'My Lady' now and again. I like that, but we're friends now, so don't trouble yourself." I smiled, tilting my head, my heart pounding in my chest. I have friends! In all my life, I was thought a freak. But, now, it was strangely familliar and different. It was a nice feeling.
Yes, Lady Rowan, as you wish. Happy Birthday! May happiness find you!
I saw Tristian bow his head further down. His eyes looked glazed over, a blue now. They raised their heads, but his eyes silver again. If animals could smile, it was the funniest thing ever. They tried their best. Lupin nuzzled my cheek as he got his slice of pie. He wolfed it down.I laughed, stroking his fur. He seemed to hum with pleasure, my pun didn't seem to work for that. Hana nibbled on her's, giving me a peck on the forehead as she waddled past. I scratched between her wings in thanks. Her feathers ruffled. Tristian came next. He had finished his slice. He looked at me.
"Thank you, Ms. Walker." his eyes twinkled a little. A smudge of chocolate was left on his mouth. It was annoying the hell out of me, so I decided to have a little entertainment. I grabbed at napkin, and without thinking, started to dab his lips. He went stiff, and I gently wiped the smudge away. Watching his eyes, I had a little fun. It was fun teasing him.
His eyes were gold now, and his shoulders relaxed before I pulled away. His face looked flushed, like before. I smiled, and turned away, my hand lingering, still playing.... when he grabbed it.
He placed my pale hand to his lips. They brushed my skin and he stared at my shocked face, humor and hope in his gold eyes. I hoped he didn't see the sad familliarness in my eyes, it was about to leak onto my facial expression.
I turned sharply away. Greatfully, my bangs hid half of the side of my face that was crying. Stiffly, I walked to where I came from, and smiled at everyone, specifically avoiding his stare, and waved. I called into the darkness,"Thank you! I had fun, I know I'll come back some time! You better explain yourselves next time!" And wih that, words flew from my lips. It was wicked...strange...beautiful.
Come with me my butterfly
Run with me, fly with me.
Bring me home, you see why...
The Hell Butterfly flew to me, and as it circled me I saw everones face. One stood there, tortured and hurt, making tears squeeze through run. Tears fell again, and when it finally hit the ground the butterfly's dust had swept me away.
And as I was falling back home through the darkness, I saw an image of my face; older, prettier, and the image grew. Sitting beside me, was Tristian. And I kept staring at his face, he was reaching out to the older me, his eyes the same gold as before. My heart was ripping apart as I saw the other me fade into a fair lady, totally skank looking. She looked away from him to me. She laughed, almost like she could see me.
The skank leaned in to press her lips to his. It was as though a scream ripped through my soul. It was so odd! I didn't know her! Why do I care who he kisses?!? From deep inside, I felt the horrible sense of deja vu.
Its because it is one of your memories.
I felt cold, I kept falling, I knew something awful, I knew I wasn't me...
I remembered something completely different, totally opposite of who I am. I saw myself....

Our True Forms

Lupin's POV

The sun hung overhead. Even in the darkness there was light. Hana was laying beside me, and it was starting to get warmer. She wouldn't need her feathers anymore. I stretched till my paws reached the edge of the shadows.
Slowly, as they inched towards sunlight, my paws began to fade into fingers. I watched in awe as they finally transformed into hands. This was all going on while Rowan slept.
I stared at the trees surrounding us. Rowan...
Hana's feathers started to drop off of her, slowly falling. Soon, her fair skin showed through. When she was no longer a beak-head, I touched her forehead. Black eyes looked at me from under suddenly open lids. Her hair spikey around the edges, her eyes crinkled as she smiled. My smile was brief.
"Where did our little bird go?" Hana sighed, her smile now gone.
"She went back, and we need to tell her some of what's happening." I rolled my eyes. It felt good... It felt human.
She closed her eyes. "What an eager little thing. You'd think she'd at least recognize us. Now we're friends all over again!" As if she was still a swan, Hana puffed up a bit.
"Its tough on all of us, Han. We know who Milady is and what happened to us. Rowan just can't remember at this moment." I sat straighter, knowing it hurt me, too.
Rowan, remember Milady, mustn't come back yet...we'll save you...
Hana stopped cold. One of her get-this-idea scary faces was on. Oh brother...Her black eyes sparkled in the shadows. "I have an idea! We'll explain... in a way..." she trailed off as she rose from the ground.
When Hana turned to smile at me, she stepped into the sunlight. "On the other side." Everywhere I looked, a white light surrounded the girl.
I suddenly comphrehended what she said. The other side...
"We'll explain... everything...And finally save her." For the first time in a long time I smiled a real smile. Wolfier and sharper than my original one. Finally...we'd be together at last.

Explain. Now.

I just sat there, staring at the wall. It was exactly 5:59 in the morning, my first day of school. I shuddered at the thought, unwilling to get out from under my down blanket. Shivering, I rolled over, to stare into familliar black eyes beside me. They were those of a girl my age, and she had almost snow white skin, like mine but more solid. Her hair was as black as her eyes, and down to shoulders.
Something about this girl in my bed shook my half-asleep brain awakw. There were three children, running to a little girl in a large field. One of the three children, This girl! , held out a piece of candy. That little girl that sat in the field turned with gray eyes, which lightened to a blue. An ice blue.
When that memory faded my senses jolted back into reality. That girl! That girl! Shes laying next to me!!!!
The girl smiled at me, showing perfect little teeth. I gasped. I would know that smile anywhere! "Hana, not to be rude but where the hell did you come from and why the crap aren't you a swan?!" I squeaked.
Hana's smile only grew, "I came to see you. You know, I thought we could go to school together." Her laugh was gentle,and I knew she didn't want me to scream. But I was about to pass out. I think she expected as much, and shook me a little.
You wanted us to explain, right? We're here to explain and see you,since we are human too! So get off your ass and get dressed or I'm leaving and won't go to high school with you. And it's my first time, too. She puffed up a little at the end.
I was amazed she could still do that. I whispered, "I'm sorry, I just didn't expect to wake up to a girl that I didn't think I knew and have a frigg'n heart attack on the first damn day of school." I started to cry from leftover shock. Wow, I'm a crybaby.Nice way to start the day!
She came closer to me and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her, I never did that to Other Hana, cause I thought it would hurt her and her delicate bird bones.
"Ah, see? Don't I make you feel better?" She laughed and sighed at the same time.
"I never thought I'd do this again, Rowan." I felt something wet on my shoulder, but when I looked at her face, it was dry. I didn't remind her she hugged me for the pie last night. It seemed liked she wasn't talking to me anymore.
For the first time since I've seen her normal, I took a good look at her. It seemed like a white light surrounded her whole body; like a halo. She was wearing a pumpkin colored sweater dress, like she knew today there was a a ceremony. She wore pumpkin and gold hightops that really completed the outfit, as if she were ready for a sprint.
"You look really pretty Hana. Swan-like and girly." I said, smiling. "You really want to go to school with me? Or is it just to keep my hopes up?" She smirked.
"No, I want to go, since it is my choice. I'll explain everything when your ready, but you also need time to remember on your own." She smiled but it felt like she was avoiding my eyes. Even though I didn't know her too well, I could tell she was hiding something, but I kept my mind busy thinking on what outfit I should wear. I knew she could read minds. That was a fact since I first found her during my accident.
She smiled, and jumped up gracefully, and landed on the sole of the sneakers. Though they landed quietly, they ended up squeaky. It took all the strength I had to keep my laughter in. Hana looked around unaware it came from her feet.
My giggle exploded from my mouth and I had to bury myself in a pillow to muffle it. She shrugged when I was done, and grabbed my arm to bring me to my closet. She tapped twice on the knob and opened the door. I gasped in shock for the second time.
She made. My closet. Into a mall. There was a giant mini mall inside, full of cabinets and tables, and at the back were three vending machines. One for shoes, accesories and bags. I looked at Hana, my heart jumping at the sight before me. I squealed in delight as I hugged her with a hundred thank you's and I love you's.
"Let me do it first for you. You seem too eager. It's just magic!" She was laughing but squeezing my shoulders in anticipation. She was the same height as me so it would be perfect to share.
I followed her as she picked out my outfit for the day she asked me questions, like the day it was today and my favorite color and number. I asked her questions too. Her favorite color was autumn, a nice blend I had never seen before, though I guessed it was like the season. She said it was because I hadn't been to her homeland before either. She turned her head away for a second while she looked through Abercrombie shirts.
Her favorite season was summer, she loved omelettes, she enjoyed swimming and flying when she was a swan. I enjoyed getting to know her at the end of her pursuit for the perfect outfit for me. I honestly considered her my first friend. I laughed,best friend.
"Voila!" She held up my outfit."It's complete!" I stared at my outfit. There was honestly no good enough word I could think of to compliment it. It was more beautiful than charming, it was more different than unique, it was more perfect to suit anyones taste. It was f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s. It was a silver silk blouse with puffed sleeves, and jean skirt that had blue rowan flowers on the side, that matched my eyes. Then it was complete with silver ballet flats and jean patch carrier bag.
For the first time in a long time, it felt like me. It made me feel beautiful and organized. My bag was even half-filled with everything I needed. And this bag was small! Everything is so neat! Its so me! Everything was small except for a binder that held three wallets and a good 700 sheets of paper. The wallets were marked: Emergency, Cash, and Utensils.
I almost started to cry, it was like magic! "It is magic silly goose." She bumped my elbow as we quietly went down stairs, careful not to wake anyone. I grabbed two Pourtugese rolls from the bread box and they were buttered and stiff, like biscutts. She laughed at my effort, and I laughed when she sniffed it. I quickly scribbled a note for Gran, and wrote the time for Benny's bus schedule.
Hana and I were laughing quietly as we walked out the door, nibbling our 'biscutts' when I saw a tan boy our age at the bottom of the porch steps. He had chestnut hair with red highlights, and you could easily tell he worked out from the muscled arms under the blue sweater he wore with black jeans.
I wasn't the only one who stared. The boy was staring at Hana and me with an awe in his eyes and a playful smirk on his lips. Hana just stared at him, laughter written all over her face, her eyes turned brown for a minute. The sun was shining through now, and you could easily see her eyes. The boy's eyes were an almost gold, very light.
Both of us were walking closely to each other and I followed her as she walked to the stranger's side. I kept staring, keeping my thoughts to myself. Hana looked the guy up and down and started laughing as she grabbed his arm. "You clean up good, wolf boy." She smiled that perfect smile. His smile was strikingly as kind as his voice, and my bad thoughts vanished.
"Not to shabby yourself, bird girl." He looked at me briefly before turning back to her.
"You didn't tell her?" There was accusation and mock anger in his voice.
Hana fidgeted. She turned back to me, and wrapped her arm through mine. "Okay, Rowan Walker, Lupin Lunaer; Lupin, Rowan. There you've met again, happy?" She looked great even rolling her eyes. I stared at Lupin, I had my poker face on. Inside, I was screaming, WTH?!?. It actually didn't really surprise me. I wondered why I was like that...
He mocked bowed. "Glad to entertain you." he muttered sarcastically,"I hope she didn't give you a shock, Rowan. I wouldn't be good if she made our dear friend die from shock, would it?" He smiled, pulling out a hand. I blushed as all three of us laughed. I shook his hand, my cheeks still burning, when he pulled me into a hug. I stood still and straight like a bird. Something was scratching through his throat when I realized it was his laugh.
I pulled away, smiling,the hug felt good, like Hana's.Almost welcoming. "Let's go!We can't be late to school on our first day!" I grabbed their hands and pulled them to the bus stop. They both made a face. "Shes worse than you." He pointed at Hana. "No, its good to be in control!" Hana said, defending me. We both stuck our tounge out at him.
Lupin, rolled his eyes. We all laughed, and they both looped arms with me, and that felt so wonderful and familliar. That made me think of something.
Four children, by their back, one boy at each end and they were all hollding hands. The girl with longest hair pulled away, and turned to me, but I couldn't see the child's face. She started to cry and scream, and ran into some woods they were walking by. The other three children stood still crying, but one boy, the ones hand she had been holding ran after her. As I watched the two children grew to look as though they were fourteen.
From the woods, the little girl with long hair didn't return with the boy, until he walked forward, limping with an unconcious girl in his lanky arms. The boys face was hardly visible, tears were running down it. I just stood there, suddenly behind the boys frame, as he screamed a girls name that I couldn't hear.
But the girl stood up, backing away from the boy who ran after her, and something trickled down her face. I couldn't tell whether it was blood or tears, but she looped arms with the other two and never looked back as she ran away.
I was pulled back to Hana and Lupin, and they were talking to me. "What's a bus like? Is it as big as a dragon, or clunky like that thing?" They pointed to my Gran's car.
Tears were in my eyes and I blinked them away, shocked at those tears. "It's normal, yellow and big. But, no, not as big OR clunky like my Gran's car or dragon! " I rolled my eyes and sighed in relief. The tears were gone. This will take some time getting used to, I chuckled as they half covered me as the bus came.
"Well, it smells like sweaty jocks, its yellow, and it brings a dragon to shame." I muttered, "This is what a bus is." I patted their arms and pulled them aside.
"Watch me." I explained. I walked toward the doors and said good-morning to the bus driver. He was friendly looking, and had red cheeks from happiness. I liked him instantly. Slowly Lupin and Hana came when I beckoned them. "First time?" the bus driver asked kindly. Both of them looked sharply at him. "Yes." They both agreed at the same time and looked warily at the half full bus.
"Thanks!" I shouted as I walked to the middle of the bus where it was empty. Both of my friends followed quickly to my side and we shared the three person seat, me in the middle. Some jocks where behind us, whistling. "Hey, sweetheart! My names, Yours." I turned around to stare at an impish guy staring at me with wild eyes.
Lupin started to get up when my eyes narrowed, but I looked at him.
Can I please go? Please? He seems like a jerk who needs some shredding...Lupin asked. I think you shouldn't not if you want Rowan and me to get hurt, Lu. Hana smiled, then added Maybe after school, we can use a mask? Oh, I can persuade them to come over and you can beat them to a pulp! Can we Rowan?! She looked at me pleadingly,eagerness seeping through her smile.
"After. And please, please don't kill them." I pointed at Lupin,remembering he had wolf instincts. He smiled.I turned back to the jock, really wanting to do something, and purred,"Yours, right?" He nodded eagerly at me tone. "Well, can I tell you a secret? You can take Yours and screw yourself. I personally would kill myself rather than be with an ass like you, who has a girlfriend and two other girls who are older and unaware of eachother. How unfortunate...if something like that were to slip out if you try hitting on me again."
I batted my eyelashes and smiled, rememberng how much that pissed the guys off in middle school.
The jock wasn't smiling when I turned around, my friends laughing their butts off. I was proud to finish, but at the next stop, he came up to me, his breath in my ear, and Lupin turned to him, anger in his eyes, Hana her hands into claws. But he whispered,"No girl gets away with dissing Burns Howe. So, none of your friends get hurt and you don't get any problems from my buddies over there, get it, sweet cheeks?" I nodded at my friends, and the anger still burned in Lu's eyes, but Hana's hands relaxed from claws but turned into fists. I looked at Burns, and answered him, full of venom.
"Listen here, bub, I am no one's 'sweet cheeks' and if you try to hurt either my friends or me, I will not stand it. If you think a punk-ass, snobby, stupid, jerky jock like you can threaten me, think again. Even though I'm a girl, I have a mind to kick the snot out of you." I felt my eyes burning and adrenaline was pumping through my body.
But this guy was stubborn, Burns reached out and pulled my hair when I turned back to Lu and Hana, a smile on my face. The smile didn't last, and I cried out in pain, my head aching. The bus driver was talking to the boy who just got on and both of them turned their heads. Lupin and Hana gasped. The boy was Tristian, and he looked non-to-pleased when he saw me. I saw Lupin staring at him, and heard the buzz that showed he was talking to him.
Hana was wimpering as I was yanked back again, farther to the back of the bus,smashing into seats. Someone kicked my back, and I arched against them as they kept pulling and kicking. One of them yelled, "Its that Walker kid! She's that adopted freak, Burns! Why'd you pick that witch?!" Laughing, cheering on Burns, the tears pored down my face. My friends stared at me, shuddering in fury, I looked at them, wanting for someone to save me, but not getting them involved. Both was impossible.
All of a sudden the front of the bus, my friends, they all seemed miles away. I was against the back of the exit door, they were kicking me, pulling at my jacket, still pulling my long hair. Things became dark, and the last thing I saw before I collapsed was Tristian, Lupin and Hana rushing towards me. Hana pulled me forward, and I was embraced by Lu and her. Tristian went behind me, and I heard cracking sounds and shouts.
Then, my head exploded, and I passed out, with Lupin holding me, Hana still embracing me, and Tristian holding my hand. The bus driver with the red cheeks looked down at me, picking up my other hand. "Welcome to high school." he said grimly.


When I awoke, I was still on the bus. Lupin and Hana were sitting on either side of me, each holding my hands. Someone was stroking my hair from behind. I sat up straighter, and yet the hands kept brushing through my hair. Hana looked at my face, finally discovering that I was officially awake. She kicked my foot which brushed right up to Lupin's.
He turned his head around, and he sighed when he saw my open eyes. I smiled, but then his eyes tightened when he gazed at the side of my face, where it throbbed.
Hana was talking,"Row, we're at school, its about to start now, so do you feel okay to start?" Her eyes were shiny as she looked at me when I turned.
"Yeah, but, um...." I couldn't say that I couldn't remember what happened before I fell.
"What?" I laughed at their concern, but I was touched. I raised my hands to touch their cheeks."Can you help me up?" They smiled at me, and put my arms through theirs and walked me down the aisle. It felt both good and bad to walk. Once we got off, the bus driver followed.
"Are you okay, little lady?" he asked sincerely, his jaw red. I smiled an apology,"Yes I am okay, thank you. I'm sorry." He frowned and gently patted my covered shoulder. I held back a whimper. "It's not your fault, hon. Take it easy." I nodded. Tristian suddenly came off the bus. And I remembered half of what happened. The names, the pulling, standing in front of Lu and Han, trying to make sure they didn't hurt them....
Tristian looked at my face and walked towards me. Both of them let me go, and stood in front of me. They looked sad as they saw him stand there, telling the bus driver we were fine. I looked at Hana, and she gave me a weird look. She patted me gently and said to Lu, "Talk to him, please." Hana looked on the verge of tears, and it tore me apart. I edged closer and hugged her. My shoulders screamed, but I kept my arms around her.
We started walking together towards O Dea High, and an aristicratic-like lady came through the doors. "Are you Ms.Walker? We've been expecting you. I am Mrs.Von Valliere, the principal of this school. And you are...?" She looked at Lupin and Hana beside me.
Lu held out his hand to Mrs.Von Valliere, "Nice to meet you. I'm new here as well. I am Lupin Walker, her brother. This is our sister Hana. She, too, is new." He smiled pleasantly as he told me, For now, go along with it, please. We have to stay together. I nodded when she looked at me, eyebrows raised.
"Well, your homeroom is Ms.Todd and your dorm is Room 315 it's allowed four people, and there are already two people as your roomates. You may bring Ms.Hana there with you. Morning classes are 7:45am-4:00pm. Lunch and Study Hall is at 11:30 and 1:20. You will get your schedule during homeroom, and your luggage right after. As for you Mr.Tristian, since you have a two-person room with no one else, would you please share with Mr....Lupin, is it?" "Yes ma'm." his answer was quick. She nodded in approvel. "Now please get to class, your already tardy; especially when you have only four days of school in a week. Now go!"
We went without question."What about the mall?" Hana muttered, and I laughed. Tristian walked briskly ahead bumping into my shoulder. I bit my lip. Han's hand tightened her grip on mine. "You could at least be polite." she said angrily. He turned on her like a snake, and I stepped in front of him, between them. Just then there was a sharp crack, and the sting followed it. It hurt just as much as it sounded. But no way in hell am I gonna show this bozo that!
Hana gasped, and when I turned to look at her, she went pale. Something trickled down my cheek. Deja vu... Slapped again. I laughed as I turned back to Tristian. "When do you have the right to hit her. Next time take it out on me." His eyes burned and for the first time he spoke, "Don't worry I'll take that to mind. Especially after I don't get a thanks for saving your ass back there, it's all right, right?" His voice was full of venom.
Tears blurried my vision and I was pulled back into cold, frail arms. I stared him straight on, my tears fell with my blood. "I didn't ask you to help me, did I?" I wanted to run. To run away from all of this. Especially him. "This is my first day of high school, and I'll tell you right now, Tristian, I don't like your attitude, so get to class and I'll bring Lupin to his." He stared at me, his eyes like steel. "Go on! Get, before I have to make you. You're ruining our day." My head felt heavy and I was in no mood to talk to him
He humphed arrogantly and turned on his heel, "Don't expect me to help you again, Walker, so you should find yourself a bodyguard." He laughed as he walked away. I started to walk the opposite way when I saw a rock. I decided to use it. I turned to Lupin and Hana. I whispered, "Talk to me." My eyes locked on the rock. They stared wide eyed as the rock lifted up from the ground. "So, do we all have Ms.Todd?" Way to go, Lu! "Yea, I hear from Gran she's really, really nice and young." I said, sounding bored as I turned the rock in Tristian's dirction. "I hope we have alot of classes together like that." Han! Keep talking! "I mean, lets get away from him if he bothers you so much, Row."
The rock was alined with his head. "Let's get to class early." I suggested, walking away quickly, and they followed, worried glances on their faces, which were becoming smiles. I flung the rock with my mind, using as much strentgh as I had. We were around the corner when I heard him, "Ow! What---! Damn it, Hana! Lupin!" Running I dashed into Room 315, dragging Lu with us.
Two girls stared at us. I smiled as Han, Lu, and I sat down against the door. "Hi, I'm Rowan, but you can call me Row. You must be Molly and Ella, right? This is Hana, and we're gonna be roomies. Sorry; this is Lupin, he's hiding with us. We can right? Join us! Its an adventure!" They stared at each other, than at us, and started laughing. We laughed with them until Lu heard footsteps.
"Wait---- I thought I heard him outside the door..." he said his eyes filled with dramatic dread. Hana looked at Molly and Ella, "Do you mind if we hide and pretend we didn't come in here?" she asked anxiously. They nodded, seeming half serious. Thats when I heard the shouts. I leaned my head over and pressed my ear to the door. He was going down the hall.
"Quick! Hide somewhere not visible!" I whispered. He's next door! He'll kill me! They nodded and Lu put a fist out. Hana touched it and nodded at me. I smiled and added mine to theirs. There was a knock at the door. Lupin scrambled into the desk cabinet at the end of the room, luckily it was big enough. I grabbed Hana's hand and we scuttled under the bed Ella was sitting on. There was already stuff around on the floor, so we could hide and peek out, with out getting caught.
"Just a minute!" Molly called out. She looked at me, and under the bed I gave her a thumbs up. She opened the door. The arrogant rat stood there, he looked half drenched. I thought I heard rain earlier...Funny. I kept my thoughts shielded, I pictured a brick wall. But he started to speak so I kept my thoughts low.
"I'm sorry,but have you seen two girls and a guy? The girls have black hair, ones longer than the other, the guy's tan." I inched a little closer, peering through a pair of converse.His shaggy hair was half in his face, which was a light pink. His eyes, they were orange with black around it. He was maaaaaad... I'm gonna have to hide for a little while, I thought. Tristian was looking for them though, not me. He doesn't know why everyone I knew called me 'witch', or why I always,always got into trouble. I am sixteen years old, I love to sing and ice-skate, and I don't have many friends. I've been cursed, and I can do things no one else can. I'm both scared and scarey.
Molly looked, well, mollified."No, I'm sorry I haven't. But, Ella, didn't you see three newbies running down the hall?" She turned to look at me quickly and wink at Ella. The bed jiggled a little,Ella's voice came from above,"Yeah, this girl you described, she was tall and had blue eyes, she just passed me, saying 'Excuse us.' It sounded like she was in a hurry." I could see Molly turn towards the rat. "She was coming this way, so your friends must've gone the other way. Sorry, good luck finding them." It seemed like he was out of breath, "Thank you very much." His feet disappeared as he ran off. Molly quickly closed and locked the door. A sigh came from the closet. Hana started laughing at my side as she came up to rest her head on my shoulder. All five of us started laughing.
"Friend of yours?" Ella, who had kind green eyes and striking red hair, asked. "Sorta like that..." The three of us muttered once we came out of hiding. Molly was a dirty blonde with almost the same colored eyes as Ella. "He seems to like you." She teased us after we talked a little bit.Homeroom would start soon. Gran would bring my luggage, and after school Han and I would go shopping, she had saved up a lot of money for this. How she got it, I don't know, and I don't want to be a prying friend. But this was exciting.
"Well, Tristian doesn't like me that much. He doesn't know that I threw a rock at him, though, he thinks Lupin or Hana did that. I don't know why he doesn't like me..." I explained. My hair was in a braid, with my bangs in my eyes, it was comfortable, the room was warm for Seattle weather. It was nice getting to know Molly and Ella like I had with Hana. Next was Lupin... but I was willing to try to get to know Tristian, even if he was a jerk.
The school bell rang and all five of us left, Tristian in the back of my head, to get to Ms.Todd's room. Ella and Molly had Mr.Gander, down the hall from us. Lupin had Ms.Todd with us, too, so it was easy for all three of us. Tristian wasn't there though. It was just the three of us, and it felt good. So far, the day was going well, until P.E. that is...

High Scool VS Me

Hana and I had four classes together. We had homeroom, Chemistry, Science, Mythology, and Trigometry. Lupin had all of the classes but one with me, The Arts. But all three of us had P.E. together.
Mrs.Kate and Mr.Thompson, the coaches, wanted to start off with dodge ball for a first day activity. We'd be starting volleyball next week. Woo, team spirit, oh yeah. Ever since homeroom, my sarcasm bar has been way up there. But I was glad about the fitness program here, I could show them what I could do. At my old school, I had to restrain my muscles, because girls were supposed to be slow and I was weird for my flexibility and speed.
All of us had to do the mile, which everyone grumbled about, except for Lupin and me. We were pumped, I wanted to stretch, he wanted to run. Hana was different, she could go fast but she was a flying type. Dodgeball was enough for both of my friends could dodge swiftly. I laughed every time I dodged one,since I was used to this since young. Bitch, Devil, Witch, Disgrace. I ran away from those names, that cruel life. This was a different time and place. And dogeball. Not names.
I wasn't about to run this time. So when I saw what my team was up against, I laughed. But my laughter was short when the jock that hit on me that morning appeared with his buddies. Tristian followed them, showing up for class late.
Mrs.Kate picked me girls' captain. I pointed at each girl, and they said their names, smiling towards me. I smiled at them and said confidently, "Let's show these guys what we're made of! I know that Coach Kate will treat us to something if we beat them, if we do well. So lets have fun and try to win this?" I put my hand out, smiling. Han put hers on top, and one by one the girls cheered and added their's. Game on.
Lupin was good. I wasn't surprised but his speed took my breath away. He was almost as fast as me! I was too fast for them, though. The jocks didn't notice me at first, until I threw a ball at one of Burn's minions with too much force. He fell to the ground with an oomf and shook himself off. This guy was the one that kicked me. I turned my back to him, and barely missed a dodgeball as soon as I did. I turned to see Burns glaring at me.
"Hey, sweet cheeks. Miss me?" he hissed. I looked at him calmly a ball in my hand that felt light as a feather. I turned from him, letting my ball drop. Like lightning, I struck before one blow could hit me, holding the ball I 'dropped'. The ball I held, smacked him across the face as I caught the ball about to hit mine. I smirked at him as he looked up at me with a disgusted look. I wanted to smack him, with my own hand.
Tristian ran up to Burns, talking to him, helping him up with his forearm. Burns nodded towards me, and I felt his eyes as I walked away. I caught another ball behind my back, it was too easy to predict. The ball flew out of my hand as I whipped my arm back, and hit the boy Corey, who called me the Witch. I knew him in Middle school. Wiping my hands on my pants I took up another ball. Time was flying and there were four people left on each side.
Hana, two girls named Jaz and Tabitha, and me on our side. On the other, Tristian, Lupin, and two of Burn's hench men, Greg and Steve. It was well matched except that after a while, after Hana struck out Tristian and me Lupin, Jaz and Tabitha got wiped out. All that was left was me and the two henchmen. All the girls were rooting for me, their captain. All the guys picked sides, Greg's or Steve's. I turned to Mrs.Kate, "Can I use flips, like front flips?" She shrugged, "Don't hurt yourself."
The guys groaned, but smirked once I got back. My braid swung like a whip behind me. Boy did they underestimate me. I laughed as they took up a ball, I just kept laughing and that made them mad. Temper,temper,temper.... I scolded mentally. I laughed on the outside, laughing at how I could barely hold mine in.
"You think you can beat us, witch? I'd like to see you try. Howabout we make a deal?" Steve seemed so confident. "If we win, you serve us as a maid for a month, all of us."
"And if I win, it's going to get a whole lot worse." It was cruel, but they didn't seem to notice. They were working up a strategy. To bad I could hear everything---I yawned, trying to look disinterested. Their plan was good, I didn't want to hurt their feelings. I wanted to alot. I also knew what they wanted from me.
I personally don't think I'm pretty at all, so why do guys like to treat me like I'm some sort of model than a witch? Why did girls get jealous of me, and boys treat my like I was theirs? Makes no sense. Feeling that way made me want to win, make them see the real me. I didn't want them to be scared though. I sighed in yearning.
"Done daydreaming princess? Or are you gonna forfeit?" they joked, half hopeful.
I looked at my nails, plain but nicely filed. I have to thank Molly after I won the match.
"In your dreams. I'll finish this now." I said, my voice rising. I loved doing this, showing off a little. I rounded off to the side, making a split. I grabbed a ball, and threw it at Steve. He was a second too late. Where he reached out, was air, the ball on the ground al-ready. One down.
"Hey, Greg, you look ticked there. Cool down." I said, bouncing the ball to let it roll away. Steve patted his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled, which drove a knife in my head. I knew what happened next. The ball. I leaped into a handstand, watching the ball just slide past me. Greg cursed.
I back flipped to land on my feet. I'm glad I borrowed sweats. Another thank you; towards Ella. I grabbed a dodgeball from where I stood. "This is for calling me a witch and kicking my spine." I smiled. "Thanks by the way, the cricks are gone now." My arm shot off, the ball sliding off my fingertips. It flew passed his face, a dazzed expression on his face.
I called out, "I quit. You win, good game." With a turn, I left everyone speechless in the gym, my hair now hanging loosely, bangs and all. It covered my face, which I was grateful. My body ached all over, remembering the pain that was still there. The ceremony had been tough, even in soft chairs. Now this.
My legs felt like knives as I ran out to the courtyard. The dark curtain around me swayed. It was lunch time, so no one could bother me. I was thankful to Lu and Han. I hoped they wouldn't tell anyone, even after I had quickly told them not to, without an explaination.
Running finally started to hurt me. Limping in the courtyard, I went to the place Molly told me about. The secret spring in the hedge that only her and Ella knew about. O Dea had a uniform, so I tucked mine under my arm as I took off the gym clothes.
The water on my skin felt wonderful. My skin, pale and witchy was reflected off the water, showing bruises. They were everywhere. Blood even colored the water when I sank deeper, the cut on my cheek still healing. It needed attention. It stung as hot as an iron.
I sung a poem I had once heard, "Just a sunny sky, and in that sky, there is a rainbow that shows our love..." I loved the tale of the Water Maiden falling in love with the Wind spirit. It eased my heart that they were together. My troubles from gym slipped away with the water, the wind ruffled my newly pulled up hair. The ribbon fell away though and my hair curtained my body again, half of it wet, soft as feathers.
I felt childish, shaking off in the sun as I ran out, careful not to get any more hair wet. I left, singing of the bird from faraway. I sang a long time as I ventured the school, careful not to get caught by someone. Until a hand covered my mouth.
"Couroo couroo, my little witch." The voice breathed. "You'll serve me first." A meaty hand reached in front of me, ripping the t-shirt I just put on open, I begged against the hand. It removed the hand to have dry lips kiss my swolen mouth, muffling my words. I bit Burn's lip and he smacked me. I felt a sharp pang in my head as he grabbed my face again. This time, I really struggled. I kicked him, my heart racing, kicked him in his spot as he tried to kiss me. He cried out in pain, and I ran. My legs were light now, the water reannabling them.
I didn't stop, I never looked back. I ran back to the courtyard, and scraped up the tree in the center of it. It was covered in leaves, and hid my pale flesh. The tree was tall and wide, as if shaped just for me. I fell onto the bark and embraced it, biting the skin to muffle my coming sobs. My hair still curtained me, protective of my body. I layed there for a long time until I heard foot-steps.
Inside, my heart was hammering, my brain giving instructions. I clung to the limb I layed on and waited. The footsteps were replaced by scraping. I pressed harder, becoming quieter. My body was weak, it was giving way. I turned, grabbed a branch and ripped it from the tree, "I'm sorry, dear tree." I whispered. I looked at where I had come through, it was the only way in, and safe way out. The face appearing through the leaves made me gasp. The branch slipped through my fingers.
Tristian! No! Why? I gotta get away! I moved farther away, near the edge of the limb, away from him. He moved closer still, his eyes green, staring into mine, he held out his hand. Footsteps came from below the tree and I was about to scream when I heard Burn's voice. Then Mrs. Von Valliere spoke, "I'll have you know Mr.Howe, I don't belive you at all." I was about to call out when she walked away, Burns following behind her, talking about how I was hurt. My mouth opened to scream when Tristian leaped across the limb...
My cry stopped abruptly, and I stared forward in shock. Tristian was hugging me. Hugging me... No one ever really hugged me before, not even my family, just Han and Lu; these arms were familliar and unfamilliar at the same time. Tears pored down my cheeks. I loved the feel of arms around me, it made me feel, safe...
He pulled away, holding onto my shoulders. His fingers went to his lips, showing, Be quiet. I nodded. Tristian spoke quietly, "Are you okay? I saw you run...and..." He blushed. "Are you okay?" he asked again.
"No, I'm not." I said in a fairly audible whisper. I clutched my shirt. His eyes traveled down, to where the seams teared.The green was quickly turned to black. Something like a growl rumbled in his throat. He started taking off his jacket, and I shut my eyes. The soft fabric wrapped around my shoulders and a scent clung to it like perfume. Like snow,
but like the woods. It smelt wonderful.
His arms gently wrapped around me again. I was pulled up against him, my cheek pressed against Tristian's chest. The black was still there in his eyes, but gold and orange speckled it now. When he saw me looking at his face, gold invaded his eyes, leaving just black, no orange. My heart was beating faster than when Burns grabbed me. This was pleasant, and tears leaked out. "I'm sorry." I whispered, getting closer to my comforter.
Tristian wrapped me tighter,vand his voice was gentle, but it had a catch in it, "What happened to you, Rowan?" I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. He called me Rowan... I nodded my head, but I couldn't say anything. My voice was gone,and my eyes were showing black spots. I felt weaker.
The girl sat staring at the sea, waiting for him to come. She sat there, and sat there, and sat there. He never came. Cold and weak the little girl now big walked home, only to meet the boy she waited for. He reached out to her, she to him and they embraced. For so long she wanted to remember, to see his face. He kissed her and she returned back to the sea, with him, and she finally remembered. They looked up to see a great rainbow. The water, the wind, together, remembered.
I looked up at Tristian, and I knew my mind was playing tricks on me. Tears were in his eyes, black as the night again. I touched his cheek, and he shuddered from my touch. But when I pulled away, he grabbed my hand and put it to his face, my fingers bathed in his tears. "Smile, Tristian, it suits you. Please, I'll tell you if you smile..." My voice was really weak, as weak as I felt at the moment; I wasn't acting like myself. I feel so numb. He yanked my face to his neck, and I cried out when he pulled my hair. I wasn't feeling right, I wasn't thinking right. I didn't complain for what happened next...
Gently this time, he pulled my face towards his. The world stopped for me. My breath caught and his eyes were gold before he kissed me. His lips were just as soft as his hands as they pulled me tighter, crushing me to him. It didn't hurt. My heart was going berserk. I slowly grew stronger, a warmth was filling my belly. It was coming from him. He pretended to be mean, to be strong. He was a suck up, a rat, an enemy. But as I kissed him back, I knew I didn't care, I didn't think at all. It was like he was giving me energy, I was grateful for that. My cheek prickled, and my skin felt light.
My mind was a quiet place, no pain lingered there. I wasted energy, but now I was getting it back. Again, like in my dorm, he was breathless, but he kept giving me energy. His kisses were hard and gentle, unlike my soft ones. I was taking energy, I needed only a little. I wouldn't hurt him. Under me, his lips curved. I stopped moving all together, he was... smiling. It hurt, trying to pull away, to see him smile. His eyes were closed, lips curved into an innocent smile. I stared and I couldn't let him give any more.
I started to turn, but I was pulled back, "You're still weak. Stay put." His voice made me shiver, so gentle. The way he pulled me back against him, was electrifying. Both our eyes were open now, his a burning gold, no black. My hair was still wet and some of it was on his arms. Tristian moved closer, my heart still beating wildly. Our lips met, and a light seemed to come from me. Beautiful blue light shied from my body, making my skin radiate. His seemed to leak red light. It was pretty, but I let go. "Please, let me go."I whispered into his chest. The light was disappearing, now. He let go of me, his arms releasing me immediately.
"I'm sorry." I whispered. I leapt down from the branch, running full sprint down to the dorms. I flung open Room 315, and rushed to Gran, who was still setting up for me. The beds Hana and I had, matched in lavender quilts and autumn like bedskirts. My bunny sat on my pillow. A swan layed on Hana's. Our desk we shared had my laptop and books, with Hana's vase and CDs. I flung myself at her, tears streaming down my face. She held me, in a tight embrace, and rocked me back and forth.
Together, she rocked me and I sobbed loudly into her shoulder. She didn't say anything, but when I finally spoke, a tear fell from her loving eyes. "Gran? Why am I different?" I never told anyone how I felt. No one asked. No one cared. I was a shadow, invisible. Nothing. So why did I feel that I had to tell Han and Lu? I wanted to tell my friends. I stopped crying. I had to be strong; I didn't need those answers. I'm Rowan Walker. I can't be loved,love,know friends,know kindness. All I needed was answers. The ones that would solve my problems and end my worries. Now.

The Girl I Used To Know

Tristian's POV

I watched her run off. I've seen it before. But...I didn't want to see it. After a long time, I see her again, but... she's not Rowan. Not the one Lupin, Hana and I knew from long ago.
My ears followed her footsteps, even when they passed the door. I sat, still on the same limb. Inside, my heart was racing, my mind angry for doing what my heart loved. I had kissed her, given her energy. Yet my body craved more, more than what I wanted to bargain her for. She wasn't my Rowan, she didn't know, didn't remember. I still grieved.
Her footsteps were light, even from here. They ran across the grass to the courtyard. I turned over, not wanting to see her eyes. When I kissed her before, she was crying, but her eyes were black. Like before, she was starting to change. Hana and Lupin should've noticed it. If she had changed, why in hell did she keep kissing me?! For energy, probably, the greedy girl.
Rowan Walker stood under the limb I still sat on, layed back with my hands behind my head. No smile, no eye contact like always. Though what happened minutes ago still made the cold heart inside me race, it didn't show. I could hear her's as well. Nothing big. She didn't come up, but stood there. It was quiet before I felt a thud behind my ear.
"Ouch! Damn it!" I winced, my eyes still closed. "What, Walker? Feeling better after that?" My voice was cold, distant. When I opened my eyes and stared at her, it took all my strength to keep it that way. She had changed into shorts and her silk blouse. Her hair swung in a braid again, still wet. She isn't her! Stop it! I scolded my beating heart.
"I want answers. Now." Rowan stared at me, her eyes a piercing ice blue. It gave me the chills, everytime. Like her voice, it was meant to stab me. I dramatically winced.
"Don't know what you're talking about. Did my kiss give you a concussion? Good thing it wasn't real." I looked at my hand, but I saw her jump like I electricuted her. A rock scrapped my cheek, leaving it open. That was it. I glared at her and stopped when I saw half a dozen rocks floating in the air. Her eyes turned gray, unknowning that they had.
"The hell you don't! Tell me why I can do this, since you know me oh so well. I've been doin' this since I was little. I'm a witch." her eyes filled with tears, that didn't match the venom in her voice. All of the rocks dropped. She looked at me with such hatred in her eyes, a look that tore through my soul. I reached out to her, forgetting that I thought she wasn't her, my act, everything in the present. She stepped away, making my heart turning into stone.
Rowan Walker kept her eyes on me. "You asshole. Why'd you give me energy? How do you know about me?! I need to know!" She was pleading, begging, letting her soul flow out in every word. I started to speak, but she wouldn't stop. "If you won't tell me why I'm a witch than I rather never know!" It was a scream, not a cry. Her tears were gone,her eyes black as her hair. The skin that covered her became too pale. She was done.
"Rowan! Don't!" I leaped off the tree, but she was gone, running towards Burns and his asshole friends. She was a fast girl, her legs long enough to show it. I reminded me of when I lost her in the woods, and how I searched for so long, a year... This time I couldn't find her, I'd lost her. Again. Stop! Stop! Stoooop! My soul screamed, my head ached, my legs burned. I raced to her. She was talking to him, and put her arms around his neck. I saw him smiling, pulling her braid loose. All of his friends whistled or cat called. He pulled her under the guys' dorms door and they disappeared in the shadows. The witch was pulling her fingers through his hair, dragging a finger down his jaw, teasing. I couldn't watch. But when he drew her closer and disappeared into her hair, I shrieked. She wasn't his property, but neither was she mine...
The guys looked at me, and they started calling out to me. "Tristian. Burns will forgive you now! Now that the skank apologized for kicking him and you punching him, he won't hurt you. He won't hurt her weird friends either. Too bad, you could've had her, man. Shes a hot piece of---" I punched him in the face. The boy Corey went down, out like a light. Around us, the boys stared. Burns came out of the doorway, a scrape on his jaw, a bloody lip. Rowan followed.
She looked smug and she had a hand on one shoulder that rubbed Burns slowly. Even when she whispered it, I could hear. "Sorry, did I hurt you? Let me fix that..." She brushed her lips on his neck, and I shuddered in disgust. Her lips opened again, "But take care of your friends, they all tried to do it with me, before you. Every single one of them." The voice that came out snared his heart, it was bitter and full of longing. Burns's eyes lit up and one by one all of the guys were knocked out but when he came for me, she stepped in front of me. "No Burns. Bad. Play with me." Her fingers moved to his shoulder and pushed down. Burns collapsed.
"" I stared at her, her eyes going gray to blue. When she turned around, her smile was sad. "What can I say? I'm a witch." She turned back around, but when I tried to speak, she was right in my face, finger to my lip. Her eyes glinted in a knowing way.
"Well, now that thats taking care of, I'm off to see Hana. If you'll finally butt the hell out, thank you." Rowan walked away, carefully avoiding bodies by stepping over them. She looked back only once. "I'll trust you can make them forget, right? Please do." My heart was cold, but I walked up to her and grabbed her wrist. She struggled, about to protest when I pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry about earlier. That was mean." I mumbled. She wasn't my Rowan. She didn't remember yet. But I still would protect her. And yet, she accepted it. A rock hit my head. I looked down at her, frowning. "I said sorry." Rowan walked out of my embrace, but I saw her smile before she turned,
"We'll see." She said."We'll see...." I knew what would happen; this wouldn't be my last sorry.

I Got What I Wanted..Sorta

I sat in bed, hugging Loki, my new tortoiseshell kitten. It's been three days since I found out the truth. Hana turned over next to me, she had been sleeping with me since three days ago. The bed was intoxicated with the smell of crushed roses, a habit of Gran's. She'd sent me tons of get-well gifts, since it was a school policy for students to see family and guardians on weekends.
A down pillow, stack of new books I've been wanting, an ipod touch, and Loki. I left her messages, telling her a bunch of thanks and I love you's to Benny and Lewie. I didn't tell them I wasn't sick, that I was really just in pain. I still was in shock of what Lupin told me...
"You aren't what you think you are. You're...special..." Lu said gently. Han looked sad as Tristian walked to my side. He leaned to get in my face. His voice was quiet, dead. "Rowan Walker doesn't exist. Who you are, what you do, it's a sad dream. Wake up and smell the magic. You're a witch. You're not Rowan. She died a century ago." My voice was calm, level, "Your saying I'm not me? That I died." They stared at me, all of them. Hana walked to me, and pushed Tristian aside. She held me tightly, and whispered in my ear, "You don't exist, wake up Milady. Rowan, wake up." Hana held tighter even when my feet gave way from me. "I'm Rowan. No one can change me." I whispered. Lupin looked grim. Tristian came back to me. He slapped me in the face. Han flinched. "You are Princess Rowan Louise Saya O'Shea. You loved the snow, strawberries, and skating on ice. You died. You stayed that way; young forever. Then you grew back to a seed in a peasant in Canada, where you were born twice. You lived to be seventeen before, and now its been one hundred thirty-three years. Remember, Your Highness, your father? Or Michael, your Angel? How about Thor, your brother? Wake up, Rowan Louise Saya O'Shea!" I let go all together. Of my hope. Of my threads to the present, the past, the future. I knew.
"Milady?" I looked down. Hana was awake, looking at me with red eyes. My eyes were clear, gray. I had stood in front of the mirror and watched my eyes change. I was a witch, a princess. I was 133 years old. I was still Rowan though. Hana's voice pulled me back.
"I'm sorry, Milady, I wanted to stay with you here and let you remember. But, you were so against it, I wanted to be friends again." Her voice caught in a sob. I had no reaction to it. My legs moved and my mouth moved. "I'm going to the music room." Inside, I was banging on the door that led to the outside. I couldn't open it...
Lupin was outside my door, and when he saw me he started to speak. "Stay silent, Lupin Lunaer. Go tell Tristian I wish to go to the music room. Tell him I said I don't wish to speak." I touched his cheek as I passed, and he was quiet as he walked down the hall. During my period of shock, I learned to use my witch senses. I could hear all the way to the dorm room 315 when I entered the music room, two wings over. The music was flowing through my head; my mother taught me how to play piano, so I knew the keys instantly. My nightgown wrapped around my legs when I sat. I closed my eyes, willing the door in my heart to open.
Not until my numb fingers flowed down the piano, did my heart open. A lullaby I knew started to form in the air around me, as if you could pluck out the words with a wave of your hand. I began to sing......
"When and how long ago did we meet that day, That day we made that memory."
"The sun way shining in gentle rays, The waves tickling our feet, so sensury."
"I sung a song to you from the ground, You heard it from the clouds, the cloud."
"You caught my heart, and played a tune, My Guardian Angel, what a sweet tune."
My heart was open and pouring out when a sigh caught my attention. I kept playing, I didn't want to stop. No one would stop me. I kept singing those verses over and over again, thinking on how Gran told me about the girl who had been fallen for by an angel. The tale brought back memories, of how it was before I was a witch. My hands stopped,and my closed eyes rained tears. The sigh I heard before was there again, but before I could turn around, arms wrapped around my waist.
A voice like bells whispered, "Don't be sad, my Rowan Louise. Sing that song for me, your voice is so beautiful. It will ease your pain. Do you remember how I eased your pain?" The arms hugged me tighter. I sat still, my breath still. I was crying again...And I knew that voice. I remembered something.
The trees were tall and still, like my heart should have been. I laid there, my gown tattered and bloodied, my black hair streaming damp beind me, half in water. Pain covered every inch of me. The blood trickled over my lips and eyes, and I choked. I wanted to die, it was awful what they called me. I'm not a witch, I'm a girl. Why....WHY?! I cried for a long time, the pain grew worse and worse. A shadow came across me and I screamed. A beautiful face appeared and touched my beaten cheek. I stilled, as still as the trees. The voice like musical bells came from the beautiful face. I stared, not being polite, I didn't care what this creature did to me, as long as the pain stopped. "I will help you, Your Majesty." The voice said kindly. My voice now rough, hurt like knives against my throat as I spoke, "Who are you? What are you going to fo to me?" He smiled, sad, and bent to kiss her bloody lips, "Give you energy, dear Rowan Louise. You may call me, Michael. I'm your Angel." I closed my eyes as he bent down again, the pain numbing, "Michael..."
I turned, Michael sitting beside me, I whispered, "Michael...!" I grabbed his shoulders and with my heart still open, I sobbed as I pulled him against me. He held me, stroking my hair like when I was a child. When I thought someone was touching my hair, but when I looked, no one was there. But I remember before then he did that, too.
Michael sat there, rubbing my shoulders as I cried. We sat like that for a long time. When I was done, he kissed my forehead and the crying stopped. His eyes were as blue as the sky and his hair as fine as the clouds of dawn. Before now, before I remembered him, I never knew I had missed him so much. I hugged him tightly as he got up from the piano bench and sat me on his lap. He told me, "Tell me everything, little one." His eyes were kind, and without looking away from me, he played the piano, a beautiful tune, too low for any Angel.
So while he played that lullaby, I told him. How I felt, how I was still remembering, why I didn't cry. Everything. So I didnt even notice we were in front of the Girls Door, until he smoothed my hair, and patted my cheek. I blinked and he kissed me. It was like I was in a daze. But when I opened my eyes, I felt better, and Michael looked at me. I nodded. "Thank you, Angel." I said, my voice soft. He nodded, too. Slowly, he took my hand and walked me to Room 315. "I'll be there, just call on me." he said, his voice gentle. I curtsied, than blushed when I did. I was getting Princess Instincts. Lovely . He chuckled and bowed, kissing my hand at the same time. My heart stuttered. Michael smiled, and let go, dissapearing.
I walked into the room, smiling when Hana looked up. She rushed to me, crying. I hugged her and called out, aware of the spies. "You can come on out Lupin. I'm not gonna smack you. Yet..." I smiled when he came out of the cabinet, giving a Come here look. He looked startled but came over. "Group hug!" I laughed, reaching out for him. He started laughing, and tried to get away when Han joined in and we tackled him. It seemed our friendship got bigger. We were laughing when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. Witch senses ,you gotta love 'em...I shook my head. "Tristian, you join in too!" I called out. I stared him straight in the eye, daring with my eyes to walk away. "Get 'im!" Lu growled. I laughed, tickling him, and patted his shoulder, looking at Tristian's scared face. "You can go to, Han."I encouraged her. She smiled, and leaned into a crouch.
"Wait!" I said. They were practically half out the door. I smiled at Tristian."Thanks, I needed him. Next time though, don't butt in with my mind or my memories." He looked at me in shock, eyes purple and green. They changed to green though, thankfully Molly and Ella went shopping. I picked up the bat beside my bed, a present from Lewie, mentally. I said in a mock angry voice,"Get 'im boy-os!" the bat swung in the air, pointed at Tristian. "Gee, your welcome!" I heard him shout down the hall as the bat, Lu and Han chased him. I heard bell-like laughter from the hall below, including the shouts as Tristian ran.
Smiling, I picked up Loki and went to the coffee pot we all shared to make cocoa. He meowed at me, his beautiful green eyes staring lovingly into mine. I nuzzled his soft cheek, giving him a kiss. Sighing happily with my kitty and cocoa, I burried myself under the covers, window open and TV put on to watch Spongebob. My day turned from sadly shoking to awesome bright. Things couldn't get any better, even for a witch like me.

Going My Way

When Lu and Han showed up an hour later, sweaty and smiling, I knew they had fun. I smiled, forgetting I was a witch, imagining Tristian covered in bruises. The thought cheered me up instantly. Ella and Molly had met up with them earlier, to give them a bag of candy. It was chocolate, caramel, and butterscotch mixed. Spongebob was still on, so Lupin plopped down on the floor while Hana layed down next to me on the bed. We laughed ourselves silly, and when Hana gave me a caramel, I smiled. "Candy makes people happy. If you put it in your mouth, and savor its sweetness, a blossom will bloom." Lupin stared at us, his mouth hanging open as he was about to pop a butterscotch on his tounge. Those words reminded me of when I knew them before.
The princess hid behind a tree, crying for being scolded again. Nearby, a girl who worked in the palace, the same age as the young princess, heard her from the shore. She ran to Her Majesty, a smile on her lips. Her hair was cropped an inch below her ears, and her petite face was kind. She offered the crying girl her hand, and the princess looked up. The strange girl placed a sweet in her palm and told her. "Candy makes people happy. If you but it in your mouth, and savor its sweetness, a blossom will bloom. Thats what Maman says." Young Princess Rowan took the candy, and with a smile brighter than the castle's best polished dish, she said, "Thank you! If it does bloom, let's be friends, okay?" And she threw the candy in her mouth, and sucked. A sweet sensation bloomed on her tounge, and her smile was brilliant. The strange kind girl held out her hand to the Princess, "I'm Hana. You still want to be friends?" "Yes! I hope we can stay friends forever! I like you! I'm Rowan, but call me Row." The two new friends ran off, hand in hand, talking about candy and things to do with each other.
I nodded, smiling. I reached out for her hand and squeezed it tight. "Yum. Sweet." I said around the candy. That couldn't not make them laugh. They were happy to see me happy, I knew that much. But, I wanted to enjoy this moment, so I turned to Spongebob. Hmmmm....
"Ah! What time is it!? I got to go!" I scrambled from the bed, taking Hana with me. "Lupin, come with us! We have to get papers today!" I started to throw on flip-flops. Sneakered feet at the door stopped me. A boy with curly blonde hair was holding a folder in one hand and package in the other. "Rowan Walker?" he asked shyly, eyes wide at the look of my apperance and company.
"Um, yea, can I help you? I was just on the way out to get paperwork and mail..." I was staring at the look on his face and realized I hadn't been exactly polite. And that I was the world's most clueless freshman in the history of O Dea. "That's mine...isn't it...?" I asked politely, pointing at the stuff he held.
He seemed a little dazed, looking intently at my face. I cleared my throat, trying not to be rude. The boy shook his head and smiled, "Yeah, this is for you, Rowan." He handed me the papers and package, which I tossed onto the desk nearby. "Do I need to sign paperwork... Mister...?" I could tell he needed some help.
"Sorry, the names Allen. I'm the newspaper kid." He held out his hand. I shook it, pointing to Lupin and Hana. "These are my siblings, Hana and Lupin." He nodded at Hana and shook hands with Lupin, too. "Sorry, gotta run. Gotta deliver." Allen ran down the hall. I shut the door.
My 'siblings' looked at me, and I stared with a poker face right back at them. We started cracking up. It was just too funny. I was just ready to run out for something and I was an utter mess. I tackled them, making us laugh harder saying, "Quit laughing at me! I will not hold back on tickling you!" They stopped laughing, looking at me with concern. I glared at them with raised, ready fingers. What happened next, I didn't see coming. Lu wrapped his arms around my forearms and held me back. Hana started tickling my stomache. I cried so hard as I laughed, yet I managed to tickle Hana's socked feet with my bare toes and start pinching Lupin's sides.
By the time I was through with them, there were tears on our red faces and I was lying on top of both of them. We had a group hug. "I love you two. I thought I was gonna die there for a second, thanks to you, Lupin!" Han punched him while I pinched his cheek.
He had us in his control, in headlocks, while he ate popcorn and watched Scooby-Doo. We weren't to old for cartoons! At least, I wasn't, Lu and Han never watched cartoons or so they said. They were too busy looking for me,'cause they also slept as long as I had when I died. They wouldn't leave me. But, we were still watching cartoons when an hour an a half later, Tristian walked in with Ella and Molly. I was still awake unlike the two couch potatoes beside me. When they opened the door, I gave them the quiet singal. They waved hi except for Tristian, who held my bat. Good, I'll need it later.
I rolled away silently from them, careful not to touch their sleeping bodies, I got off the bed. Walking to the door I turned to my roomies, "I'll be back soon." I whispered. They nodded already getting ready for bed. Once I was out in the hallway, I checked my watch, it read 6:47. I had enough time to take a dip in the pond and get supper before curfew. Footsteps were behind me, and I knew they were Tristian's. His aura unnerved me. I turned around. He stopped, and was turning around when I said, "Don't follow me. If you need to talk to me, I'll be back by quarter of seven, in the cafe, okay?" His head bobbed as a reply. I nodded back.
Once under the doors, I ran to the courtyard. I was too quick for everyone. Entering the hedge, a sigh was the only sound I made. Taking off my outfit, my bathing suit was wrapped around my body, revealing flashes of now yellow bruises. The water looked so inviting I didn't put up my hair, didn't check the temperature. I just dove right in, and when my body was enveloped into it, all of my worries from the last few days, slipped away, like before.
The water was clear, I could see the surface and world from below. It was breathtaking, if I could breathe underwater. My feet kicked in smooth strides, almost being caressed by the water, my hair was like a ray behind me, shiny and smooth. Colored fish I never noticed before dared come close and brush my cheek. I laughed, still holding my breath. And I wish I could stay in all day, no breaks. But I had to go eat, I hadn't eaten much at all, and my stomache rumbling scared the fish. Spreading my arms wide, I broke through the surface, and a warm breeze welcomed me back. In the bush I saw my clothes, the light was bright. Looking up to see it was twilight, and the moon shone through wisps of clouds. The sun had finally set.
A shadow was in the tree outside the pond. That mysterious shadow started to take form, and the almost white hair instantly caught my attention. Michael sat still in the tree, watching me as I stepped out from the cool water. The grass tickled and the earth was warm. But I didn't pay any attention to that, I was busy looking at Michael. Behind him something rustled the leaves. He turned, but before he disappeared, he looked at me and smiled. Great white wings unfurled from the darkness of the incoming night, and I watched, mesmorized. I stood still as his figure leapt into the air and vanished. Until he was gone did I move, my heart beating rapidly. Only did I remember where I was supposed to be when my stomache growled.
I ran back, holding my watch and flip-flops in on hand, my wallet in the other. When I was at the Girls' Door, I tried to remember where the Cafe was. An arm wrapped around my neck, making me still. His voice was bored and irritated, "You said you'd be hear 15 minutes ago. I should just leave you here without dinner for standing me up." The arm tightened. I calmly took his arm, and ducked under it as I walked away from him.
"Please do. I was going to apologize by offering you cake but if you don't want it..." I kept walking, making my voice just as dull as his. I didn't have to wait long, he grabbed my wrist before I had walked too far away. "You don't even know you're way, do you?" he asked, laughing. I smirked to myself, it was dark enough for the moon to have become the sun. I turned around, grabbing his wrist to pull him towards the smell of steak and roast. Tristian wasn't laughing when I stopped in front of the cafe. I raised my eyebrows at him, waiting.
"Just your stupid witch-senses..." he grumbled, looking away. I smiled, making it innocent enough. My hand raised to his cheek, like I did with Burns, and teasingly dragged it down. His breath caught, making me smile more, "Don't you want steak?" he asked, his voice small. I looked up at him under thick lashes, "No," I said moving closer, "I want..." my hand moved to the edge of his mouth, "cake." He blinked, and he stepped away, blushing, eyes black. I thought I saw some gold in it though, and I frowned playfully but my smile seemed to take control of my face, and couldn't help laughing. Musical laughter was pronounced in the darkness from where we entered. My heart started pounding. It wasn't him. Chill.
"See ya!" I said, shoving him out the door. I turned to the waiter nearby. I walked over to him. "Um, can I have a seat for one, please?" He looked up from the paper he was writing on. Half of his hair was hidden under a cap, but his eyes were wide and blue. They looked mischievious and knowing. "Yes, ma'm. In just a minute, please. What'd you like?" I kept my face smooth. "Strawberry-Short Cake with an ice water please." He looked surprised, from what I could see. "How big the slice?" I pretended to think about it. My voice was childlike. "What do you think I should have?" The waiter smiled, "Half a cake okay with you?" "Perfect." I smiled back.
In seconds there was a beautiful strawberry cake in front of me, and I was given a seat at an antique marble table near the glass windows. The cafe had a fireplace, so it was warm and the moon still shone through the glass. It was like Starbucks but more classy. I liked it. "I asked for half a cake..." I look up, and jumped when I saw Tristian standing across from me, cheeks full of cake. He chewed, "You offered." I shrugged. Wanting to leave, I drained the cup of water I recieved. "Sir! Can I have this to go?" The waiter looked up and smiled. I smiled back again.
As he handed me the To-Go box, I placed my sandals on. No shoes, no cake; and I wanted cake. I sliced off a little over half of it and packed it inside. With Tristian behind me, chewing his cake, I left him in Cafe, heading back to the room I shared with Han. I could just see her face, happy as she chewed the strawberries with care. Grabbing a tiny one, I nibbled on it under the moon. It was sweet and tart; an interesting twist.
I closed the pack tight, running across the palely lit ground. My shadow was small compared to my size, and it danced beside me as I ran. I didn't stop until I reached the Dorm Door, my breath even, showing in the cool night. A loud huff of breath came from behind me, and I turned to see Tristian, a few feet away. His eyes were back to silver, and boy were they glowing. I waved at him and he came towards me. When I was close enough to see the whites of his eyes, did he touch my cheek. He pulled back, sucking his finger, smiling. I just stared. Tristian walked right by me then, giving a Good-night over his shoulder. My eyes rolled. What a weird guy. In the dark, I thought I saw Michael in the shadows of the arc.
And as for my first week at this insane dormatory high school as a witch, it was pretty good. Nothing was surprising anymore. That included a Guardian Angel. I blew a kiss in his direction, "Good night, Angel." I called out. He saluted to me, and I smiled as I walked to my room, where everyone but Molly was asleep. I waved to her and motioned towards the cake. Her eyes twinkled as she used her fingers to say, Tiny piece. Smiling, I got both her and myself a slice, cuddling with Loki as we sat in front of the TV. She turned it on to the Goonies. When I looked at her she blushed, "It's my favorite movie!" I didn't laugh, I was happy, "Don't worry. Mine, too, Molly. Mine, too."
That night, I had a blast. Stuffing myself with the best cake in the world, cuddling with my awesome kitty, spending time with Molly, and watching the Fratellis go after Mikey and his pals. As my eyelids started to get heavy, I turned towards my roomie, "Molly, thanks for becoming my friend. Let's have all of us go out to the mall and hang out before we go home for the week. I've been once, Hana never. It'd be fun!" My voice was slurring and my eyes were now closed. But before I blacked out, I heard Molly say, "Sounds like fun." In my sleep, I could smile through all of it.

Going Ghost

Midnight. That was the exact time I woke up at, thanks to Loki's pitiful meows. I raised myself up with eyes blurry from sleep to watch him look out the window. A growl was coming up his throat and I walked over quickly to were he sat. Loki looked at me, his eyes piercing, tail swishing. I nuzzled him, looking to see what was out the window. It was very cold for autumn, and Loki wouldn't stop staring at me, and his growls went to meows of sadness. He tried pawing the hand I scratched him with, but something hot only touched it. I fell to the floor.
Loki's paw went through me. WENT THROUGH ME. I slowly raised myself to the window again, and reached for Loki to rub the hand he went through. I started to panic when he couldn't touch me. Hana was still in bed, right next to the window. Silent like a ghost, I tapped her shoulder. My hand just sunk through her. After trying over and over and over again, I started screaming like a maniac. Loki's ears just flicked, and he cried as his owner sobbed in Hana, to hug the sleeping girl.
"HANA! HANA!" I screamed in defeat,for the last time audibly and first mentally. When she didn't wake up after I screamed mentally, I had to see what Loki was looking at in the first place. I looked out the window with Loki, my only witness, to stare right down at me. Oh Row, don't panic, its just you, looking at a you that looks like a FRIGG'N CORPSE! Now, I know I'm sarcastic, but seeing that girl that looked just like me outside, wiped it all away for the instant. Hana started sitting up next to me, rubbing her eyes. "Rowan...?" she looked around sleepily, and blinked when her eyes passed me.
Her head snapped back to me, and I waved. HANA! Help ME!!! Eyes the size of golfballs, she raised her hand to my cheek, shuddering when her hand went through cold air. You're telling ME that YOUR cold? If only you were me at this moment! Now HELP ME HANA!
I ran away and went to pull the doorknob. My hand disappeared for a moment. I sceeched in my head, frustrated. Everything was cold, and I love the cold, but this was too much for the normal me. And passing through solid objects, not for the normal me, either. Too bad I wasn't normal and just a witch. That gave me an idea. If anyone saw me they would have laughed their ass off. I stared at the door, like I had x-ray vision, and used my hands to indicate to the door it should open. When it finally creaked open a foot, I leaped out. Hana!Keep Loki inside! Come to me, right away! I heard Lupin grunt awake when Loki was dropped gently on his chest, meowing like he was struggling.
Out the Dorm Door, I ran to the patch of earth below our window. When I reached it, my body was laying face up to the moon, glowing a pearly white. But as I inched towards me, light began to slowly shy from it. It was the same light blue as when I remembered some of my memories. That wasn't stopping me though, I kept walking to her, my body. Ice blue eyes stared at me when I came near, and I finally stopped cold.
My voice rung as it spoke from my empty body. It was a gentle voice, as sweet as a baby's gurgle, and I couldn't talk like that. "Rowan. Its been awhile." The light around my body dimmed, but Rowan Louise tried to move, my body's hands twitching.
I heard a gasp from someone as two pairs of running footsteps came to a stop behind. At the same time, both of us looked towards the gasp. A flashlight passed right through me, like I was a ghost, which I technically was. Tears started to fill my eyes when I heard Other Me speak. "Lupi! Han!" Turning slightly, I saw her struggle to get up. Hana and Lupin's eyes were staring at her, Lupin looked relieved and Hana confused.
"Ugh! Help me, please!" Rowan Louise whimpered. Before they could move, I was talking to her, "You have magic, too. Use it." I stared at her hard, using the same technique for the door and with all my mental power, I lifted her half way up before my friends came over. "I can. They can. Your welcome. Now give me back my body."
Hana was there in front of me before I could finish.Something really hot went through me. I cried out. Hot, too hot... Then, Hana went behind me and I felt something REALLY hot got through me. I fell to the ground, crawling towards the old, Other Me. "Rowan, I'm giving you a break! Take it seriously. Figure things out. Right now there's a serious danger." Hana crouched down in front of me, "I'm sorry. I was just curious..." Her eyes were sad, but they looked through me. She couldn't really even see me.
The tears that had filled my eyes before where overflowing. They hit the pale ground, the only visible thing from me. What should I expect, I am and will always be invisible to you, I thought to myself. It was all so strange, and I didn't know what the heck was happening. I shook my head, and as the tears kept falling, I started to get sleepy again. Hana....I reached out to her, and I watched with self-disgust as she shivered at my touch. I fell into a different darkness.


I didn't wake up this time. The darkness was too deep to escape. In the darkness, I awoke to a dark sky. Though I just woke up, it wasn't like when I woke up to the sun or I awoke in the cool darkness with Hana and Lupin. This kind of dark scared the crap out of me.
I sat up, looking around. Trees seemed to come out of no where when I look down into the bottomless hole I sat on. The air around me, was dark like dirt. It reminded me of my favorite book, Alice In Wonderland. My smile didn't last long, I remembered Loki, and watching my body move without me in it. And Rowan Louise, the Other Me, the one that's from the past. At least that's what I had thought...
My legs pulled me up, and I almost fell from stiffness. I looked down, trying to balance myself. What I saw literally almost made me topple over, but not from clutziness. Instead of my silk nightgown, I was wearing a blue satin dress, and on top a crisp lace apron of silver. I lifted the hem to see black ballet flats, my hair coating my cheek. It layed in a twist with a matching silk bow. I felt my heart leap as I thought of Alice. Looks like I filled her slot.
The trees I saw earlier were physically there now, and footprints jotted out in front of me. They looked like.... You have gotta be kidding me! I threw up my hands in disbelief. Of course, of course they were rabbit prints. I rolled my eyes, and took a step towards them. Why not just go along with it? Why pass up an adventure? At least sarcasm was still on my side.
As I followed the Rabbit tracks, there were more things off the path now. It reminded me of old dreams. Little birds with scissors for beaks and squirrels with dusters for tails came out to watch me. Other animals were more unique, like geckos that lit up and moved like slinkies, or deer that had stilts for legs and hat racks for antlers. My favorite was the butterflies that looked like china cups.
It was a while before I stopped walking. That's when the tracks stopped. I blinked, and I yawned. I started to look around when I stopped. I yawned again; huh, no sound. Weird... It seemed like I was still in 'spirit form'. I still wasn't used to it, and I felt real enough, so that really was bizarre.
All of a sudden, a giant building appeared before me. It was as silver as my apron. It was beautiful, white rose bushes surrounding a great marble arch. The windows were bowl like, and I edged closer, I was amazed by the craftsmenship done to the perfectly etched walls. I blinked, amazed by how just the building caught my attention.
I walked closer till I pressed up against the carved marble. My hair looked do much darker than it usually did, but then again, my skin was pretty darn paler when I heard two familliar voices. I edged around the corner, and as I looked past the stone, I let out a gasp.
Tristian and Lupin looked up at me from the giant table they sat at. My gasp was audible...I tilted my head and yawned to myself. Yepp, I had voice. I looked back towards them and had to cover my mouth before the hysteria building inside me bursted. Lu was a dog. At least, half-dog... he stared at me with those deep gold eyes. His rose was covered in the pie he sat eating.A tail swished back and forth behing him, some red streaks visible.
The table was set with fancy china and all types of treats. My hysteria stopped when I looked up at Tristian. His dirty blonde hair wasn't curled, but waved off to the side. A silver top hat was perched on top, covering most of the hair, making his eyes look hypnotizing. What? Tristian's eyes were.... mauve...
My feet moved cautiously away from the wall, and towards the table. Their eyes followed me, and I felt self conscious. When I looked into those mauve eyes, I felt sort of disgusted. What were they up too, getting me into this? Then again, this was just a dream... Right?
Lupin looked up at me as I walked closer. His gold eyes were like diamonds, and his wagging tail had me laugh. All of this, just the dream in general, made me hysterical. My head craned back as I laughed harder. It was difficult to breathe.
I heard them laughing too while I tried to compose myself. Lupin was the only one howling. When I finally regained my composure, I looked back at them; I almost laughed out loud.How odd. They both had poker faces. I tried so hard to control myself from bursting out again. Slowly, I took a breath, "Hello."
They looked as though they hadn't remembered what had happened only awhile ago. It was odd, but I couldn't care less at this point. "Welcome back Rowan!" Lupin was the first to speak. He jumped up from his chair, revealing ruddish paws.
" Welcome..." Tristian muttered. Just then, I didn't give a damn that his eyes made my knees shake. I wanted to shake the crap out of him. Especially what had happened to me. I stared at him coldly, but his gaze held mine steadily. By my side, my fists clenched.
Lu held a chair out to me, and briskly pushed in when I sat. It was the first comforting thing since I woke up.
It was quiet as I watched him pour me some tea. Tristian was making himself at home by getting a slice of pie; I watched him out of the corner of my eye. Sadly, my stomache grumbled at this point. He looked at me sharply, which I ignored.
To Lupin I said, "Could you please explain to me what the hell is going on?"
"Manners! We are in Wonderland you know!" Lupin looked aghast. I snickered at this.
"Please tell me what's happening, sir." I had to sneer at the title. I couldn't help it! It's just my second nature...
Lupin pouted. He looked at the tea cup he held. Opening his mouth, he whispered,"I don't know what's with you Rowan. After you just came back, too..." He looked on the verge of tears. I suddenly regretted my words. I hated how I made him look like that...
I reached out to touch his face when a hand snatched my arm. Lu flinched back. Warm breath tickled my neck and cheek as Tristian spoke softly. His voice was so cold, so calm... so dead...Right at my ear.
"Don't touch my dog, Rowan. What gave you the smallest idea that you could touch him?" My bangs blew away from ribbon, hiding my eyes.
"You want to know? You're out of control. You've set Him free once again. You've caused them all pain, by not remembering and giving up." his voice trickled with poison. It felt like ice water was going through my veins. The hand that touched me scorched the skin, making my heart race.
"Damn you..." I whispered. It wasn't even audible, just a puff of wind. The tears that were in my eyes earlier came back, sliding off my cheeks. Crap.Why...Why do I feel this way?! It tore me apart, feeling so abused. For the first time in my life, I felt back stabbed... I hated it instantly. And then I knew he could tell and feel what I was thinking. He went still.
Tristian threw my arm, leaving a mark. He turned away, walking back to his chair. His brim hid his eyes, but his voice carried over.
"Where should I begin? Lu? What do you think we should tell our little Rowan Alice?"
Lu looked at me with sorrow, but his voice clear, "Everything."
Tristian looked up, his brim no longer hiding his eyes. I gasped. He smirked, chuckling without humor. His eyes burned with heat and coldness, and silver.
"Well, Rowan. Someone favors you. Welcome to Wonderland. I guess you can call me, The Hatter, for now." But when he raised his tea cup, his eyes seemed to try to tell me something. They were so deep. "Welcome." I realized Alice, was amazing, story world and out.

Danger A Foot

"Okay... So what you're saying is that...Rowan Louise came back to protect me?!" I squeaked.
"Yes. And to tell us the truth." Tristian nodded. His eyes were not silver anymore, just a dark scarlet. Apparently, he was in deep thought, because he wasn't even paying attention when I threw a rock at his head with my mind. He looked up, startled.
"Hatter. Tell me, why am I here though...?" I whimpered. I was so close to losing my sanity. First I realize I really am not just a witch, but a princess too...then I realize I'm an incarnation and not really myself...and NOW I'M IN DANGER AND HAVE BEEN SENT OFF TO WONDERLAND!
He sighed, rubbing Lu's ears. Lu was asleep on his chair, cake still on his face. It was so childlike but very endearing. I leaned in my seat, drinking the sweetened tea. The conversation was growing awkward rapidly... It unerved me.
"When you were still Rowan Louise... there were some problems in the Kingdom where your family was thought bad being a family of witch craft... Even your mother who was kind and the Priestess, was sought evil! You, still a young girl, and the only daughter... It was excruciating for your family." Tristian sighed. His eyes were still far away.
I walked over towards him, abandoning my tea. Taking off his hat, I smoothed the shaggy dirty blonde hair. He still didn't seem to notice.
"The Drasigmeres were a high class family... never really cared for yours. The queens , your mother and her were sisters, so both born witches. But the Drasigmere husband, banded his wife's powers. And then she died after childbirth. He was outraged, and told his eldest son to destroy the family with his last breaths..." His voice grew hoarse. And his pupil's dilated. My heart was racing, but I smoothed out his hair still.
"The prince thought, after his father's death, that he would destroy the girl's heart first before killing her. He tortured your family, leaving dead animal carcasses and burning farms... Then maids and butlers died from poison... There would be death weapons everywhere! Soon... the King died... leaving his only daughter a note about everything. Telling you to save your mother and brother, Thor, and your friends. He said to do your best... And that they all loved you." Tears ran down his cheeks, his eyes a light blue.
"You tried your best... Your brother ran with his army, promising to come back with a bigger and stronger league. But... time passed and you and your mother seemed to have given up hope. She held your hand and patted your cheek, saying 'what a brave bird'...She died with a smile. It tore you apart... With Thor gone, now an orphan, and Prince Drasigmere wanting blood..."
"It was too much. You brought us outside the kingdom...Me, Han, and Lu... and told us to stay and never return. You ran into the woods with going me after you. You ran into the Prince and he wasn't hesitating to put that arrow in your chest." The last sentence was barely audible and I had to strain to hear them.
"I grabbed you, and ran. You were unconscious the whole time. Seven whole monthes. The next five were unbearable. Trying to pull the arrow out and finding a way to stop the bleeding while hiding from the prince's subjects... We both survived and got well. One day as you slept, I picked you up and ran to the kingdom. I didn't realize you had awoken. Once we got there, you ran off with Hana and Lu, screaming that you wouldn't forgive me even after I apologized..." He was about to continue, but I fell to my knees, my hand over his mouth. The tears were about to burst.
I felt my bangs come over my eyes, and sat still. It was quiet except for the chirping wind up birds, Lu's snoring and our heart beats. I remembered...
Tristian pulled my hand away from his mouth gently, and pulled me up onto his chair. I folded into his body easily, like the shape was just for me. I cried a little, remembering what had happened, slowly:
The gates were covered in prickly vines as we ran.But as soon as we neared the gate, I was tacken away from Hana and Lupin. My scream shattered the air, and became drastic wails. I wanted to reach out to them, and bring them through the gate, but arms bound me. I turned to see the black eyes of Alucard Drasigmere stare down at me. I couldn't tell if shock or magic bound me next, but Alucard's lips came down on mine. I tasted bitter cold liquid, and choked. Using my human self, I kicked him in the groins, running wildly to the palace. In the throne room, I sunk into my chair's back. There I hid...and I felt like a child again. Never to be found unless my friends came... My eyes drooped then. And I saw a black butterfly, flying from somewhere unknown. I reached for it, it shatterd; I screamed from somewhere. And then there was darkness.
He rocked me back in forth, strangely gentle. I have never seen him like this. I didn't want to shatter this, like the butterfly. For the first time in awhile, I was scared.
"Alucard..." I whispered, shuddering as I remembered those cold eyes.
"Yes. Now, breathe." Tristian was still gently rocking me, but his words were ice. I sat still, daring to look up. His eyes were black and gold. I breathed in, watching mutely as his color grew more gold.
I sat up more straight now, remembering my place. He let me go, almost reluctant. My heart stuttered. I leaned forward until my face was in the hollow of his neck. A rumbling was coming from inside him.
"Please, let me go back!" I said, earnest. He looked at me sharply, then turned just as quickly away. I moved to meet his eyes. When we were just inches apart, he stared into my eyes. I didn't flinch as he made them change colors. In fact, it was amusing. Watching them turn black to brown to orange to red. All 'terrifying' colors. I laughed softly, thinking my eyes would be the opposite with purple. His eyes turned gold. Boy, that color made me shiver.
His eyes wouldn't stop changing either, they just kept turning a deeper gold. Under my hands, his heart was racing so fast I couldn't move. I leaned forward and batted my eye lashes.
"Please?" I asked softly, half way melting. Just then, my brain made a click. Damn!
Out loud and mentally the word penetrated me.
"No..." He just sat there, looking me in the eyes as I knelt there on his knees, our faces inches apart, my hands on his chest. My own heart seemed to be hammering, too. I leaned even more until our noises touched, and his breath caught. That sound sent an electric jolt through me, and I lost all thought.
Gently, our lips touched. Then my hands were out of control, too. They reached up to wavy hair and tangled their fingers in it. I pulled it closer, bringing his head as well. He responded to it; he lifted his hands off the arm rests and settled one on my neck, the other taking one of my tangled hands. My heart beat stopped when he sighed. I pressed my lips to his a little more harder, and Tristian followed. Something in my stomache coiled but I ignored it, shaking my hand free of his hair. The one holding his hand stroked his cheek, fingers intertwined. Our breathing was hard, and Lu's soft snoring rumbled on.
Tristian's silver hat was askew, and his eyes were still a breathtaking gold. As I stared into them and watched them dilate as they stared back. God, I want to look into a mirror. But just then my eyes started to get heavy, and he looked suddenly aware. The only thing weird was that I was suddenly transparent. I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his forehead. I smiled, feeling sorta bad for unconsciously decieving him. Then I stepped back off his lap and stood.
My time being Alice was over. And I turned away only to look back when I felt a squeeze on my hand. Tristian was gripping our hands, looking scared. Ahhhh...
"Yes...I'm sorry. But, yes." I smiled one last time before I saw darkness. It was the same familliar darkness. My legs felt suddenly loose. I looked down to see my nightgown. And my watch; frozen. The Hell Butterfly appeared. I reached out, but this time, it didn't shatter. Instead it fell still. I guess I'm just no stranger to danger....


Texte: This is officially copyrighted by Sydney Arruda. If you use any of it without my permission you will be reported. Please ask guys, usually Im cool with whats asked of me.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my friends who gave me the courage to put my day dreams on paper. I love you guys!

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