

"Mom! Im heading to school!" Rose said, as she was walking down the driveway to the bus stop. There was one particular reason why she didnt want to go to school today. Scott Dunham. Ever since she broke up with him a month ago he had been harrasing her nonstop. What didnt help at all was he lived down the street from her. Last week him and two other boys showed up at her house. Scott, Briar Nickens, and Ashton Jones. The three boys egged her house just for fun and for kicks, they threw bird droppings at her bedroom window. What hurt even more was she had a major crush on Ashton, Scotts best friend, also one of the reasons she broke up with him. "Beep, Beep!" Rose jumped. She looked and saw her bus coming toward her. As Mrs.S haulted the bus to a stop she opened the doors for Rose. Rose climbed aboard and sat in the second seat behind the driver, where she always sat. Mrs.S turned onto St. Bernard Drive, where Scott lived. As Scott climbed the three steps to the long aisle of the bus Rose turned away and looked out of the window. She hated him. Wanted to rip his heart out and feed it to her dog, Izzy. "Rose!" Someone called from the doorway. It was April, Roses best friend. She had been gone for two months to go on a trip to Maine. It was blueberry season and her parents made her go, it was also an extra way to get cash. "Hey April!" Rose said, as April slid in next to her on the old, cruddy seat. "So? Spill the beans!" April demanded. "Whataya mean?" Rose replied. "I mean your 1 month kiss with Scott!" She said eagerly. The one month kiss, the happiest time in a couples 1 month of dating. Fortunatly, she had dumped Scott before that had happened. "Oh,that. Well, I dumped Scott.... a month ago." Rose mumbled. "You did what?! Are you completly out of your mind!?" "Whoa, whoa calm down. Whats the big deal anyways?" Asked Rose. "Whats the big deal? Whats the big deal? Girl! Helloooo? Hes one of the most popular guys in school!" April practicly screamed. "Okay! Chill. Does it matter? Hes a jerk." "Alright fine, maybe it doesnt matter but who do you have your eyes set on now?" Roses' eyes glided over to Ashton who had just gotten on and was sliding in on the seat where Scott was sitting. "Oh my god. Ashton? Your not serious." April said. Rose looked down at her phone and started to unlock the screen. "Rose! Why didnt you ever tell me?" April demanded. She shrugged. "Well, when did you start liking him?" Rose had liked Ashton since the third month of school but it was now halfway through the year and she hadnt told ANYONE. "I know he'd never like me anyways...." Rose exclaimed. "Oh sweety. You never know until you ask." Rose glanced back over at him. He was listening to his ipod, Scott was blabbing to him about something senseless. "Lets not try..."

Chapter 1: Beginnings and End

Rose was walking with April to class when Scott showed up in the hall with Ashton. Without thinking, she turned and started walking the other way. "Um, Rose? Are you okay?" asked April. "6:00!" April darted around and saw Ashton and Scott walking towards them. "Are they following us?" Rose asked. They turned down another hall and another. "Yep, they are still right behind us. Dont make eye contact, just keep walking. And dont lose your temper!" April commanded. Out of one ear Rose heard Ashton ask where they where going and Scott shushing him. They turned another corner, dead end. April spun around but Rose stared at the wall "Why does this always happen to me?!" Rose thought. She turned slowly. Scott was standing in front of Ashton with his fists curled in tight balls. "So hows the two little princesses of Mississippi been?" Scott teased. "Go away." April hissed. "Actually we were thinking we could help you ladies to your classrooms." Scott grabbed Roses shirt, she jerked away. "Dont. Touch. Me." She said sternly. Her eyes went to Ashton then to April. April. Her eyes screaming, "Be careful!". All of a sudden she had a splitting head ache and was seeing colors. "Rose! Rose, are you okay?!" someone said, but she couldnt make out who. "Rose!" "Common dude lets get out of here!" Scott. "What about Rose?" Ashton. "Rose, Rose. Come on get up!" April. Then, black.

Rose woke up to beeping monitors and white ceilings and walls. She groaned. "Rose!?" Someone said. She blinked a couple times and said, "April?". She looked up. It wasnt April, or anyone she knew. "Rose, are you feeling alright?" A lady in a white shirt and jeans asked. "Who are you?" "Haha. Answer my question, i'll answer yours." The lady said. "Yeah im fine I guess..." Who was this woman kneeling over her, asking if she was alright. Where were her parents, April? "Now answer my question. Who are you." She said. "That you will find out soon enough" She smiled. Were those fangs!? The headache was back. She looked up, the woman was gone! Confused she sat up and looked around. It was clear she was in the hospital. There was a curtain wall set up on either side of her bed. "Rose?" She turned, it was April. "Rose your alright!" She ran over and gave Rose a big hug. "Do you feel okay?" "Yeah, im good. Is anyone else here?" Asked Rose hoping Ashton would come up. "No, not yet. They just called your parents and they're on their way. "Oh, great" Rose thought. Just what she needed, her overprotective parents coming at her with all sorts of questions. "Have you thought anymore about Ashton?" April asked. "Yeah, alot actually..." She answered. "Well you gonna ask him? If he likes you, that is." "I dont know... Should I?" She thought to herself for a minute then spoke, "No, a guy like that's never going to like a girl like me."

'What? She likes Me?' Ashton thought to hisself as he listened behind the curtain wall. "I dont believe this!" Scott whispered. "And to think I brought her a flower." "A plastic one bro. Besides you dont like her anymore anyway, right?" Ashton asked. "Are you seriously considering asking her out!?" Asked Scott. "No! Im just wondering..." "Yeah, right. Well im outta here. See you at school" Scott said angrily. "Wait! Let me catch a ride with ya." He said glancing back for a split second. "Alright lets go." Scott said as he walked out the door. Ashton put the flowers on the table with a card, and walked out the door only remembering when he was halfway home, he forgot to sign it.

Chapter 2: Can't Get Any Worse Than This

"Rose!" Roses' friend Aimiee screamed. "Come sit with us!" Aimiee was a nice girl, but extremly bossy. Rose was walking to the table where Aimiee was seated when Ashton popped up behind the wall coming toward the same table. "This is my chance, common just sit down!" Rose thought to herself. She started walking agian when Kaitlyn Carter stepped in front of her. "Where do you think your going?" "None of your buisness, Kaitlyn." Rose spat back. "Oh, your going to sit by Ashton! Please like you'll EVER have a chance with him." Her and her "possy" laughed and walked away. "Slut.." Rose whispered under her breath. "Excuse me!" "Oh, no" Rose thought. "What did you just call me, Loser?" Kaitlyn demanded. "Nothing..." "Yeah, whatever." Before Rose could turn away Kaitlyn tripped her and she fell to the ground, with all of her food landing on top of her. She looked around everyone was pointing, and laughing. Ashton came over and asked, "Are you okay?" She couldnt bear for him to see her like that. Before she knew it, she was in the bathroom, crying her eyes out. "Rose?" She opened the door and April was standing outside of the stall. "Oh, Rose. Are you alright?" She asked. Then she exploded, she couldnt hold it in any longer, couldnt shake it off! "No! Im not alright! Ive got food all over me, and Ashton saw the whole thing! Do you know how embarresing that was!?" She fell to the floor crying. "I'll kill her! I'll kill her!" Rose screamed. "Woah, woah. Sweety, hold on a minute, who?" April Asked. "Kaitlyn!" They both sat there in silence for a few minutes. "Okay, you know what? Enough's, enough. We are gonna clean you up and get that beautiful white skin glowing!" Rose smiled. "Thanks April, you're the best."

Chapter 3: Changes

"Beep, Beep, Beep. Beep, Beep, Beep." Rose jumped out of bed. "Oh, no. Im late!" She ran downstairs. "Mom! Mom why didnt you..." Her voice trailed off. Instead of her mother there was a petite, slender lady sitting at the counter. "Who are you, and why are you in my house?" She said. The lady turned around and smiled. The woman from the hospital! "You! Why are you here!?" Rose cried. "Oh, now dear. Lets not be hasty about things. Im Mrs. Dawndear. And I already know who you are." She smiled. "But you're, you, you were at the hospital! Where are my parents!?" She screamed. "Now, now. They're at work. And I wanted you to be late and realize it so you would come down here to see me. You didn't really think it was 8:00 did you?" Rose glanced at the clock, 5:30 a.m. "You mean you woke me up at 5:00 in the morning just so i would come and see you!?" "Precisly." Mrs. Dawndear said putting her frappachino down. "Now lets see those teeth." She said coming toward her. "NO! What are you doing!?" She screamed as she pushed Mrs. Dawndear away. "Fiesty, but dehydrated you need liquids." "Ive got water thanks." She replied. "Ah, but thats not going to keep you going today." Mrs.Dawndear smiled. "Excuse me?" Rose asked with a scared look in her eyes. "You need fresh blood to keep you going all day today." "What?! Your crazy!" Rose sped to the door but it closed and Mrs. Dawndear was standing in front of it. "Wha.. How did you get there so fast? Who? What are you!?" She backed away slowly as Mrs.Dawndear walked toward her. "Humf, your fangs already grew in, empressive." She said. "What? What are you talking about?" "Im talking about your traits! Your a Vampire!" She froze, couldnt move. Wanted to scream as loud as she could but just couldnt. "What?", She said as she caught her breath. "I cant be a..a vampire." "Vampiress, to be exact. Have you been experiencing some changes, Rose?" Said Mrs.Dawndear. "Um, Mrs. Dawndear?" "Oh please, call me Moon." She interrupted. "Um, Okay... Moon, what makes you think im a vampiress?" Rose asked. "Oh, dear. I've known since you were a baby." Moon answered. Rose was stunned. Did her parents know? Her whole family? "Who else knows?" "Just me." Said Moon. "Well why did you make me like this? Did you use magic or something? Make my parents drink a potion?" exclaimed Rose. "Haha!" Moon laughed. "Im afraid thats not how this works. You see we have a sixth sense about newborn vampires. If a baby is born who is a vampire we know about it instantly, of course they pick a guardian for the child. Which, would be me." "You, your a.. vampire too?" Rose said shocked. "Well of course, what did you think I was a werewolf? Haha." Moon exclaimed. Rose didnt answer. "Now lets get you going." "What? Where?" Rose asked. "To school of course, silly. I want to see how much control you have." Moon smiled. Not a sweet smile, one of those devious, evil smiles.

Chapter 4: Forbidden Love

"Rose, you okay?" April called from down the hall. "Youve been quiet all day." Rose was about to answer when April shoved her against the wall. She interrupted her agian while pointing down the hall. Just a few feet away Ashton and Scott were staring at them. "What are they doing?" Rose asked. "Trying to scare us?" "I dunno." April replied. "Common." April started dragging her to the opposite side of the hall where they walked slightly towards the two boys. "Rose! Wait up!" Ashton called. "Ashton? What do you want? Not that I dont want you here or anything its just..." Rose stopped speaking. "Do you wanna, maybe, go out with me?" Ashton asked. "Really?" Rose answered. "Sure!" Ashton smiled and started walking away and called over his shoulder, "Text me!" Rose turned to April saying, "Best. Day. Ever." April smiled and turned. "Comon slow poke. We're gonna be late."

After school, Rose jumped off her bus and ran to the door, excited to tell her mom all about what happened. "Hello, my dear." Moon said turning around from where she sat at the kitchen bar. "Moon!" Rose said, startled. "Darling, you're so pale. Have you not ate at all?!" Moon exclaimed. "Of course I ate. Food." "What kind of food?" Moon asked. "HUMAN food. Like all NORMAL people do." Rose spat back. "You really are denying what and who you are, aren't you?" Moon said. "I'm not denying anything." said Rose. Could it be true? Could she really be a Vampiress? "Come on." Moon said, grabbing Roses' arm and pulling her outside. "What!? Let GO of me!" She screamed. "You cannot deny who and what you are any longer, Rose!" Moon screamed back. "Rose?" Rose shot her head back only to see, Ashton. "Ashton?" Rose said. "Is everything okay?" He asked. "Oh, no. Everything's just fine, little boy." Moon replied. "I was...coming to see if you wanted to come to a movie tonight..." Ashton said. "Oh! Well, yeah, sure." Rose replied. "NO! No,no,no,no. She must come with me." Moon said, pushing Rose in the other direction. "Hey! Watch it!" Rose said. "If it's a bad time, we can do a movie this weekend." He said, with his big, brown, perfect eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Umm. Yeah, that's fine. This weekend." Rose said. "Great." Ashton said, walking away. "Good looking boy. Too bad you'll never be with him." Moon said as she pulled Rose to her the car.

"Why's that?" Rose asked. "Because, darling. You're a Vampiress and he's a human. It simply doesn't work..." Moon replied pulling out of the driveway. She looked over her shoulder att Roses dissapointed face. "I'm sorry. I realize you want to be a normal teenager, but let's face it. The truth is was it is, and, as a matter of fact, my dear, love bites."

Chapter 5: The Rowan Clan

"But Moon, I dont know anything about hunting...." Rose called after Moon, gliding down the trail to the Spinning Pond at the end of the south woods at Jackson Park. "Moon! Wait! Do I REALLY have to hunt like this????? Couldn't I just eat some raw meat or somethng?" "Are you crazy!?" Moon exclaimed. "You're not a lion, you're a Vam.." "A Vampiress. I know, I know." Rose said, cutting Moon off in mid-sentence. Rose and Moon walked about a half hour longer searching up, down and around for any type of animal with more than a liter of blood in them. "Moon, look. I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I wanna go home. We haven't even seen more than two squirrels." Rose gasped. "Moon common we gotta.." "SHH!" Moon said, interrupting Rose. "What? What is it?" Rose asked. "Shhhhhhh!!!" Moon practically squealed.

Moons sharp ears pricked up and she sniffed the air. Her eyes became black as night as she growled under her breath, "The Rowan Clan.." Rose looked more concerned than scared as Moon whipped around and grasped her hand. "Run." Was all Moon said as she took off in the woods ahead of Rose. "Moon! Wait! I can't run as fast as you!" *Crunch* Rose stopped dead in her tracks. *Crunch* She turned slowly as she heard a low, raspy chuckle. "Ah, Miss. Rosalina. It's been so long. Haven't you had anything to eat?" A man with jet black hair and red ruby eyes asked. "N-n-no sir.." Rose stuttered. "I-i seem to have l-lost my mother.. I-i'm sorry to have b-bothered you.." Rose turned suddenly and tried to flee but bumped into a massive, bulky man with tattoos and very, very, very big fangs. She gulped. "Now, now. Where do you think you're going?" The man with the black hair asked. "You wouldn't be trying to run away now would you? Silly girl. So weak, so vile. Beautiful, though. I might let you keep her as your own, Bilks." The man said as he gestured to the big one with the tattoos.

"What do you want with me?" Rose sqeaked. "You have no buisness taunting me or keeping me here. Now, if you let me go peacefully I won't tell the police." The man with the black hair eyeballed her and said, "Little girl, do you know who I am?" Rose shook her head. "Why, I'm Riquel Rown, at your service. Or, should I say for you to be at MY service." He said, giving that low, raspy chuckle agian. "I know what you are, Rose. And so does Bilks, and Siara here. But, don't worry. We're the same kind as you are. Only trained and well-kept." Riquel said as he looked Rose up and down. "Now Rosalina.." "It's Rose." She interrupted. "Rose. We need your help." Riquel said. "Why would you need my help? You seem perfectly capable with your being trained and well-kept." She snapped. Bilks stepped forward as if to do something about her parcial insult. "Now, Bilks. She is just a child. Wouldn't want to harm an innocent 13-year-old now would we, err, Rose?" Riquel spat back hesitating before saying her name. He turned to console with Bilks and Siara.

Right once she saw him turn Rose bolted. Through the trees and brush, past the sticker bushes and sticky spiderwebs until, finally she made it to a clearing. And there, she saw the most magnificent creature ever. It was Ashton.

Chapter 6: Broken Hearts, Broken Love

"Ashton?" Rose exclaimed half relieved, half suspicious. He turned with a sad look in his eyes. Rose walked up to him and sat down where he rested. "Ash? What's wrong?" She asked him. "I can't." "You can't what?" Rose asked. "I can't be with you. Not now, not ever. I'm sorry." He got up and started across the clearing. "What? So that's it?! Is this about Scott!? He's a loser! I shouldn't have ever been with him in the first place. You're the one I want to be with! You can't walk out on me like this!" Rose screamed as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." He said under his breath, still turned away from her. "I never wanted to hurt you." She couldn't take anymore she ran through the woods to the trail and half ran, half tripped the rest of the way. When she got to the park her eyes were stinging because of how hard and long she had cried.

Rose ran all the way back home, seven miles. She didn't care how hurt she was, she didn't care how tired or how bruised and cut. All she wanted was Ashton, this whole time, and now, she couldn't have him. She opened the door to the house and slammed it as hard as she could. She ran up to her room and threw herself down on the bed. "I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS! I WANT TO BE NORMAL! I HATE SCHOOL, I HATE VAMPIRES, I HATE HUMANS, I HATE SCOTT AND KATELYN!! AND I HATE ASHTON!" She sobbed herself to sleep and was awakened by none other than, Moon. "You!" Rose screamed. "You left me there like bait! They could have KILLED me!" "But, they didn't, Rose. Now did they?" Moon replied. "You know what? Screw you and your stupid Vampiress rules!" Rose screamed, "I want to be normal, I want to have friends! I want.." "You want Ashton..." Moon said. Rose threw her arms around Moon and cried until Moon had to brush her off and tell her to get dressed.

"Where are we going?" Rose asked as she climbed into the silver mercedes. "Well, what do normal teenagers do on Saturdays?" Moon said. Rose smiled as she told Moon all the things she loved to do. They went to thirteen different stores and three different salons. One for hair, one for nails, and one for make-up. "Oh my God! I think we spent like a thousand dollars in there!" Rose laughed. "Haha. I think we did." Moon replied. "See? You can still be a normal teenager through other things that you do. So what if you didn't get the guy? There'll be plenty more. So what if you suck blood? I heard alot of people at your school suck too." "Hahaha. Moon, that's an expression. Not to be taken lightly, either." Rose said. "Thank you, Moon. I needed this. I needed you." They both looked at each other and smiled then Moon turned the radio up and they both sang along to the radio on the way back home.

Chapter 7: The Lycan

"Moon, what's a Blood Moon?" Rose asked. "The what????" Moon replied. "Oh, The Blood Moon. Ah, yes. Well. The Blood Moon is a phase in the atmosphere where the sun appears to be glowing red. And also at this point causing the Vampire species to go on a bloody rampage through 12 hours of glowing red darkness..." Moon sighed and sat down to rest in a stool by the kitchen counter. "Moon? Are you okay?" Rose asked concerned. Moon stood up from where she was sitting. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine. Rose, you have to understand there are things about being a Vampire you don't understand. The Blood Moon is VERY dangerous. Understand?" Moon said sounding disturbed. Rose nodded her head slowly. "Good. Now, time for feeding. Come along."

Rose followed close behind Moon as she led her to the farthest part of the red woods. "Now, show me what you've got." Moon said stepping away from the trees into a big clearing. Rose looked at Moon with a strange look in her eyes. "I don't understand..." Rose said. Be free, be a Vampiress." Moon replied. Her words shifted over and over again in Rose's mind. "Be free, be a Vampiress... Be free, be a Vampiress..

Next thing she knew, she was running, running around and around the entire clearing atleast twenty times in a matter of seconds! She stopped suddenly and repeated the words again in her head. Be free, be a Vampiress..

She flipped, not a crazy flip an actual flip through the air! She went up atleast six or seven feet and landed. When she looked up Moon was standing above her.

"Fantasically exceptional." Moon said smiling.

"What..what..Did I just do that?" Rose asked, astonished at her own actions. But, besides that point see knew it was completely impossible. "Yes, Rose. It was. You're maturing much faster than I thought you would. Congratulations." Moon answered. "Look, I don't need any 'Congratulations' from you." "You think you don't, when, in all reality, you need my help, Rose." Rose looked up and glared at her. Moon continued quite un-empressed by her childish behavior. "Rose, you have great power. And with great power, comes great responsibility." "Yea." Rose scoffed. "You got that from Spiderman." Moon looked at her confused, then realizing what she was saying merely answered, "No, my dear, Spiderman got that from US." Rose couldn't help but stare when she said the word, 'US'. Perhaps it was because it rolled off her dark red lips and tongue so smoothly.... or maybe it was the fact that when she said it, her fangs stuck out to where you could see the blade of the sides and the sharp tip where just a little blood was left over from Moon's last feeding.

"I don't want to be like you!" Rose screamed. She fled into the woods, sure Moon was following on her heels, but she didn't care. Tears streamed down Roses face as she realized what she was really becoming. 'I'm not a princess, I'm not a superstar, I'm not changing into anything good.' She thought to herself. 'I'm..I'm..I'm a monster... a blood-thirsty monster.. Thanks to that stupid, gray-haired, Vampire, Moon!' Before she could stop, she ran head-first into a tree. And as she lay on the ground, she looked up and saw.. "Ashton?"


"Rose! Rose, are you okay!?" Ashton asked her over and over. When she finally came to she realized where she was, what had happened. 'Why is Ashton here? I thought he didn't care for me anymore..' She thought. "Yeah, I'm fine." Rose slowly got up and looked around. 'Huh,' She thought. 'No Moon to rescue me this time.' She turned around and faced Ashton who looked like he had just seen a ghost. "Are you sure? Cause I can take you to a hospital if you have a concussion." He said, worrying. "Ashton, I'm fine, I promise. I'm not bleeding, am I?" Rose exclaimed. "Well, no. Which, I don't see how that's possible considering how hard you hit that thing. By the time I got over here I thought you'd broken your neck!" "Well, I didn't. And what are you doing here, anyway?" Rose asked. "OH! I was going for a morning run. I was 5 feet away from you on the trail when I saw you. You were running really fast, in fact, I don't think I've EVER seen you run that fast. Ever think of joining Track?" Ashton asked. "No. I don't usually run. And.." Ashton interrupted, "And you're not even breathing hard. I don't understand how you do it!" Rose looked up, she could've sworn she heard something from the trees about a quarter mile down South. "Rose? You okay? You seem spooked." Rose turned toward him again. "Yea, I'm okay. We should get going.. now." Before he could say anything else, Rose pulled Ashton back onto the trail and they back tracked until they got to the parking lot.

"Ugh.. I didn't bring my car." Rose spat. "What? Then how'd you get here?" Ashton asked, confused. "Nevermind, that. Did you bring your car or what?" "Well, yea. Do you want a ride?" Ashton asked. "Yes, thank you." Ashton unlocked the car door and climbed in. "Rose, are you mad at me for the other day? I didn't mean to hurt you, I've just got a lot on my mind." He told her. Rose didn't answer. He was about to shut the door when, "GET DOWN!" Rose spun around and saw Moon fleeing from the woods. 'What was she running from?' Rose thought. "GET DOWN! NOW!" Moon gripped Roses shirt and pulled her to the ground, as well as Ashton's. When Rose finally had the chance to look up she saw a huge monster-like animal coming from out of the woods. She froze. "WHAT IS THAT!?" Ashton yelled. "Its a lycan. A mythical being that is half wolf, half man. Lycans are what formed the word 'Werewolf'. "What? You mean, these things are real!?" "Exactly. Rose, please keep an eye on this one, he's a bit slow." Moon got up and pulled some type of gun from her pocket and filled it with liquid filled darts. "Moon!" Rose hissed. "Where are you going!?" "I'm GOING to get this thing away from YOU and the other innocent people in this parking lot." Moon spat back. "Now, HIDE." She then ran from behind the car and started shooting the menacing beast. With every shot came a loud howl that could've busted your eardrums if you were any closer. Rose felt Ashton grab her arm and pull her towards the trail. "What are you doing!?" Rose exclaimed. "She told us to hide, didn't she?" "Well, yea, but what if there are MORE in there?" Rose said. Ashton looked at her. In his eyes she could see he thought they were going to die. Rose grabbed his hand. "We're going to be okay." Another ear-busting sound came from the Lycans mouth and the last thing she saw was Rose being thrown into the trees, and the monster come pounding towards them.

Chapter 8: The Truth

"Rose, run!" Ashton screamed as he grabbed her arm and they both bolted towards the trail. 'Maybe the trail was too small for the Lycan. Maybe he would turn around and find somewhere else to enter. Which would give them time to run a farther distance.' Rose thought. Ashton was running out of breath and she could tell. Up ahead there was a clearing and to Roses relief, it was somewhere they could rest. The middle of the clearing had a little break house with restrooms, a water fountain, and shade. Ashton started toward the house but Rose pulled him back. Ashton looked at her with confusion. "We'll be seen!" She hissed. "Rose, we lost that thing all the way back at the beginning of the trail. Nothing will see us." Ashton explained. Rose reluctantly and cautiously let him pull her to the break house. He started to gulp down water as Rose scanned the perimeter. "We should be safe for maybe 15 minutes, but then we have to start moving again." "What? Why?" She looked at Ashton with a sense of authority. "Fine. Okay. 15 minutes." He said.

It wasn't too long before they heard the howls again. 'Maybe Moon is alright and she's fighting it again.' Rose thought. But, those thoughts faded away as they realized the sound was getting closer. "GO!" Rose screamed. She grabbed Ashton's hand and pulled him towards the opposite side of the house. Rose peered around the side. She saw where it was coming from. "On the count of three you run." Rose told Ashton. "What? What about you!? You can't take on that thing it'll rip you to pieces!" "ON. THREE." She said sternly. "But, Rose." "ONE!" She heard the trees breaking from the humongous beasts clawed feet. "TWO!" Ashton looked at her like she was crazy, then she saw it.. It busted through the trees as if it took no effort at all! "THREE!" She pushed Ashton out of her way and ran around the house in full site of the Lycan. "You want me!? Come and get me!" She darted to the East side of the clearing while, she was hoping, Ashton was running towards the South. But, did she really want him to leave her alone? She did tell him to, after all.

There was no time to talk to herself. When she got to the edge of the clearing, she spun around and saw it. It was atleast 10 feet tall and maybe 13 or 14 feet wide. She thought about what Moon told her, but she couldn't consentrate. Then, a backpack flew out of the woods and landed beside her. Carefully, she unzipped the backpack and saw the contents: Two of the guns Moon had used, a black outfit, and some knives. She wondered why on earth there was a black leather outfit when she knew she had no time whatsoever to pull it on. Then, something else was thrown. A necklace? She picked it up and it started to glow. "Throw it in the backpack!" She heard someone's voice, but she didn't dare disobey. She threw it in the backpack and a huge light beamed across the entire clearing, rowling up the monster. She looked down and all that was in the backpack was the necklace. "Pick it up and put it on!" Again, she didn't dare disobey. As she did the voice said, "Now say these words, Kyūketsuki ga jōshō shite iru! Hurry!" "Kyūketsuki ga jōshō shite iru!" Rose screamed. All of a sudden the beam of light came back and she looked down, she was wearing the black outfit, and from her perpective, there were pockets holding all of the weapons she needed. There was one knife in her boot, two on her waist, and one on the side of her knee, then the two guns were placed in holsters by her side. 'Eh, what the heck.' She thought.

Rose ran at the monster with a pace she had never met before, she jumped and flipped onto the beasts head. As she pulled out one of her knives, she was almost flung off! She stabbed it in the side of the neck and fell sideways, still holding onto the knife. As she hung there, she got another and stabbed it between the shoulder blades and pulled, lifting herself up. Suddenly an arrow hit Roses arm and she fell off the monster, to the ground. When she hit the ground a great pain swelled up inside her. She needed Moon. So, where the heck was she?!

Before the Lycan could attack she rolled over to her side and snapped the arrow. She cried out in pain, but eventually got both sides out of her arm. She bounded to her feet and pulled out one of the guns. She shot the beast as many times in the head and neck as she could. Thank goodness she had good aim. Before she could reload, Rose got smacked into a tree on the Northern side of the clearing. She pulled out a knife and flung it towards the monster, praying it would atleast hit the neck. But, in her luck, she hit the Lycan square between the eyes and it fell, dead.

Before she could get up another arrow came flying towards her. To her surprise, she caught it, before it was within 2 inches of her face. "Rose! Look out!" She looked up and saw Ashton behind a man with a bow and arrow pointed at her. Before she could react, he turned toward Ashton and let an arrow lose. "NO!" Rose screamed. She ran at the mysterious man with all her might and let another knife go into him. But, it only hit his leg. He chuckled. "Do you really think, A mere knife can injure me?" Rose looked behind the man and saw Ashton, the arrow only got his leg and he was fully consious. "What do you want? Did you sick that thing on me?" Rose demanded an answer. "Did you!?" "No." He said calmly, "I simply gave it your scent so I could find you." He smiled evily. "And WHY would you want to find ME?" She asked. "Because of what you are, my dear." He answered. "What do you mean?" "I mean, what KIND you are." He chuckled again, "Hello, my Vampiress."

Chapter 9: Secrets

"What?" Ashton said wincing from the pain in his leg. "I said, your little girlfriend is a Vampire. A mythical monster who drinks blood and eats flesh for a living. Your case, however, is special." "HOW?" She scoffed. "Why, my dear. You weren't CHANGED into a Vampire. You were BORN one. Yes, your parents might be human, but what of your grandparents?" the mysterious man spat back. "I've never met them." Rose answered. He chuckled that annoying, evil, laugh. 'You will not make my life this way.' Rose thought to herself. She reached for her gun and pointed it, straight at his head. "What? You're going to shoot me with a dart?" He laughed. "What dart?" She smiled and shot the gun. The bullet when straight through his head and into the wall of the break house behind him. "You really think a little arrow could injure me?" She taunted towards his dead body.

She turned and saw Ashton staring at her. "Ashton, I wanted to tell you.." She said as she saw the hurt in his eyes. "But you didn't." He said, now apparently angry with her. "And what was I supposed to say exactly, hm? 'Hi, Ashton. I'm sorry, I can't go on our date this weekend because I might lose control and accidentally eat you alive!?'" Ashton looked down at his injured leg. "I'm sorry.." Rose said. She helped ashton up and started walking when she heard clapping. She looked up and saw Moon. "Bravo." She said. Rose then realized who had helped her. "You were the voice I heard in the woods! You told me how to.." Rose looked up and saw her smiling. "How do I get out of this junk?" Rose asked her. Moon giggled. "Say: 'Kyūketsuki ga futatabi kuru'. It is ancient japanese for, 'The Vampire will come again.' And the first saying, Kyūketsuki ga jōshō shite iru, means, 'The Vampire has risen.'" Rose repeated, "Kyūketsuki ga futatabi kuru." Almost instantly she was in her regular clothes again, with no weapons, and the necklace hanging from her neck. "What is this thing?" Rose asked, examining the priceless blue, diamond encrusted jewel. "It is a nekkuresu. It harnesses any object you would like it to, and puts it on you when you would like it to. In this case, I gave you a comfortable leather suit, knives, two guns, and a few grenades. The necklace harnessed all of these objects into matter which it could contain until you needed it." Moon explained. "Grenades? I didn't see any grenades." Rose said. "That's because they were in the front pocket of the back pack and on your belt in the back of your outfit." Moon said, quite pleased with herself.

"Can we just get Ashton to a hospital, please? He's hurt." Rose told her. "I see." Moon replied. She leaned down and snapped the arrow out of Ashton's leg just as Rose had done from her arm, which made him flinch, and grit his teeth. Moon then got a piece of cloth from her back pocket, put some liquid from a vial on it, then tied it to Ashton's leg. "What was that stuff?" Rose asked her. "Healing potion. He should be fine in about an hour." Moon answered. She then smiled and walked away. Rose sat Ashton down next to a wall and supported his leg in her lap. He smiled at her and asked, "Why did you think I'd freak out if you told me you were a Vampire?" She looked down. 'Why did you tell me you couldn't be with me' She decided against saying that aloud and said, "Because I'm 'A mythical monster who drinks blood and eats flesh for a living.'" Rose replied, mocking the mysterious man who tried to kill her. "Well, I don't think you are." Ashton said taking her hand. They both looked at each other and smiled. How she longed for him. And, without thinking, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.


Back at her house, Rose started making dinner for her parents and her now welcome house guest, Moon. 'Apparently Moon had talked her parents into letting her stay until I was fully trained. Which I guess that meant now they know what I am. Which would explain why they won't talk to me much anymore.' She thought. After that day in the woods Rose and Ashton were now officially boyfriend/girlfriend and she liked the sound of calling him her boyfriend, for she smiled at the thought.

Rose was pouring the batter for the dessert cake when the doorbell rang. She quickly set the bowl down and rushed towards the door. When she opened it she got a sickening feeling in her stomach. The kind you get when you have a stomach virus, or when you've seen something absoloutley disgusting. There, at her doorstep, standing in front of her, was Scott.

Chapter 10: Longings

"Scott?" Rose exclaimed. "Yeah, sorry for stopping by so suddenly." Scott said, "I should've called." Rose stood there, frozen. She didn't know what to say or what to ask. Why was her ex-boyfriend at her front door? Stopping by for a visit? Or to torment her some more? "What do you want, Scott?" Rose asked. "Look, I know I messed up." Scott exclaimed, "But, I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought things were going good, until you broke up with me." "Going good?" Rose said, "You being a jerk and a bully to everyone around me was 'good'?" Scott looked down at his feet. He didn't know what else to say. He'd come over to apoligize, but some part of him knew it was going to turn into an argument.

"I'm sorry. That's all I came to say." Said Scott. He then turned and started down the steps to the driveway. "Wait!" Rose demanded, "Why are you sorry?" Scott turned and looked at Rose. She was so beautiful. He was so lucky to be with a girl like her but he blew it. So, why couldn't he just say that? "Scott?" Rose asked. "Yea?" Scott looked up, "Oh, yea. Well, the thing is, I knew I was being a jerk. I thought if I did that you would think it was cool and want to be with me even more. It was stupid. I should've just listened to you when you told me to stop, instead of turning it into a huge arguement." He looked down at his feet again, "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I miss you. And I want you back." Rose was stunned. She didn't know what to say. But, she was with Ashton, he had to know that, right? "Scott, I'm sorry." She started, "But, I'm with Ashton.."

Scott looked up for a brief minute then turned and ran down the steps, onto the driveway, and to the road. "Scott! Wait!" Rose called after him. But, he didn't stop. He hated himself for doing this, all he wanted was her, and his best friend took her from him.


When he got home he ran straight up the steps to his room and slammed the door. He didn't care if his mom heard him all he wanted to do was die. He locked his door and went to his dresser. He pulled open the top drawer to reveal his pocket knife. What could he do? Live with the pain until it went away? What if it never went away? He slid open the knife and examined the sirated edges. "I'm sorry, Rose." He lifted the knife and brought it down hard.


Rose tried his cellphone, his house phone, his Facebook, everything. Scott wouldn't answer. Why had he wanted her back all of a sudden? Didn't he hate her for what she had done to him? She tried his cellphone one last time and when he didn't answer, ran downstairs and got her car keys. 'Good thing 15 year old's can have their permits.' She thought to herself. 'Better not get caught driving without an adult.'

She got in and started the car. Rose knew inside this was a bad idea, but it was a faster way to get to Scott if something had happened. She drove down the road past April's house and past Ashton's. When she finally got to Scott's road she saw atleast three cop cars pulled up in the driveway and an ambulance. She pulled into the driveway and got out. The first thing she saw was Scotts mom on the doorstep, ready to pass out. "Mrs. Dunham! Are you alright?! Where's Scott?" Rose exclaimed. "He..he..he had a knife and he.. he" Mrs. Dunham started crying uncontrollably which looked like the 15th time to day because of her red, puffy eyes.

Rose bolted into the house and up the stairs. She didn't know which room was Scott's so she figured it was the one busted open by police officers. She ran inside and found two paramedics wrapping Scott in gauze and cloth. "SCOTT!" Rose cried, "What did you do!? WHY would you do this!? What were you thinking!?" Scott wouldn't look at her, and a police officer tried to escort her out "Get your hands OFF me!" Rose screamed, "What happened to him!?" "Ma'am, it seems your friend tried to commit suicide. If his mom wouldn't have panicked because his door was locked and he wasn't answering, he'd probably be dead.

Rose couldn't believe what she was hearing. She ran downstairs and out the door, ignoring Mrs. Dunham's attempts to call her back over. She started her car and drove down the street. Rose pulled into a driveway, ran up to the front door, and frantically started ringing the doorbell. When the door open Ashton stood in the doorway. "Rose. What's wrong?" Ashton asked. Rose couldn't help it, she ran into Ashton's arms and squeezed him. "It's Scott!"

"Who's this?" Rose looked up and saw a girl about her age standing in front of her. She looked angry. "I'm Rose." She said, "Who are you?" The girl looked surprized, as if Rose was SUPPOSED to know who she was. "I'm Victoria. Ashton's sister." Before Rose could say anything else, Kaitlyn came around the corner asking who was at the door. "Kaitlyn?! What are YOU doing here?!" Rose exclaimed, angrily. "I HAPPEN to be here on a date!" Kaitlyn snarled, "With MY boyfriend." She grabbed Ashton's arm and pulled him back.

"Wha-what?" Rose said on the verge of tears. Ashton looked up at her. "I'm so sorry. This is why I said I couldn't see you anymore, I was afraid I would be too into Kaitlyn and do stuff with HER while WE were together." He paused, "I never meant to hurt you." She looked at him, then fury came over her instead of sadness, she exploded. "Wow! You know what!? I came here crying into YOUR arms because your best friend just stabbed himself because of ME AND YOU! And I come here to find out that you're CHEATING on me!? Fine! You can have Kaitlyn! I'm DONE!" Rose ran from the porch and cranked up the car.

'Why?' She thought, 'Why does EVERYTHING happen to me!? Ashton can have a nice life and so can Kaitlyn! Right now, I'm just worried about how Scott's doing.' Rose drove down the long road to Scott's own street and turned. The police cars were no longer there, but the ambulance was. When she turned she didn't realize how fast she was going or how there was a huge puddle where it had just rained. She lost control of the wheel and the car spun out of control. She heard the car hit something then, black.

Chapter 11: Forgiveness and More Rowans

When Scott woke up he was in a hospital room with four white walls, a white ceiling, and white furniture. 'Does EVERYTHING in a hospital have to be white?' Scott thought as he examined his new living area for the next week and a half. "Scott? Sweetie, are you awake?" It was Scott's mother, Mrs. Dunham. "Hey, mom. Yea, I am." He replied, "Has Rose been here yet?" Mrs. Dunham bit her bottom lip. "No, honey. That's what I came to tell you." Scott's eyes got wide. "Rose was in a car crash. She totalled the car coming back to see if you were okay." "What!?" He cried, "Is she okay!? She's not hurt is she!?" She grabbed Scott's hand to calm him down. "Yes, sweetheart, she's fine. Maybe some scrapes and bruises here and there. But, she'll be alright. They're letting her go home today."

Scott sat straight up. "Can I see her?" Mrs. Dunham sat quietly for a while then said, "Yes. I'll go see if she's up." She left the room and Scott sat and waited.


She didn't know what had happened. All she remembered was driving to Scott's house, then the turn, then, nothing. Rose finished brushing her hair and put the brush back in the over-night bag her mom had brought her. She leaned over the sink and splashed some water in her face. 'What have I done now?' She thought to herself.

Rose jumped as she heard a knock at her hospital room door. They had the liberty of giving her the one she was born in, Room 119. She opened the door to find Mrs. Dunham standing there looking as happy as ever. Which was odd to Rose as she would've thought she'd been very depressed. "Oh! Hello, Mrs. Dunham. What a surprize." She said. "Yes, well, Scott wanted to know that, when you were ready, if you'd come and see him before you go." Rose looked back at the clock, 12:35. Her mom was supposed to pick her up at one o'clock. "Yea, sure. Definitely."

Rose followed Mrs. Dunham down three very long hallways and up an elevator until they got to Scott's hospital room. 'Room 452, how conveniant.' She thought to herself. "Scott?" Mrs. Dunham started, "Rose is here to see you." Scott turned his head to face us and Mrs. Dunham walked out of the room to the hallway. From the screen of the TV, she could tell he'd been watching Grey's Anatomy. 'Ironic.' She thought and laughed to herself.

"What's so funny?" Scott asked. Rose had come into the room just minutes before and she was laughing at him? "Oh! No, sorry. I was just..thinking." Rose said. Scott relaxed, "Oh. What were you thinking about?" "Oh, nothing important." She answered and sat down in a white plush chair next to the bed. "Are you sure?" Scott asked, a little uneasy. "Positive." Rose smiled and Scott smiled back.

"Yes." Rose said, suddenly. Scott looked confused, "Yes, what?" Rose blushed and looked down. "Yes, I forgive you." Rose leaned down and kissed Scott on the cheek. When she pulled away, Scott pulled her back in and kissed her. They stayed that way for a while and not once had Rose wanted to pull away. It was her first kiss and she loved every second of it.


"That's it! I can't take it anymore!!" Riquel fumed, throwing a beer bottle at the stone wall and smashing it into pieces. "That stupid little girl got away from US!? The Rowans!? We had her in the palm of our hands and we let her slip through our fingers!" He slammed his fist down hard on a wooden antique table and broke it in half. Bilks looked at the broken table and said, "That was our mums, Ricky." "DON'T call me Ricky!" He shouted. Bilks shrunk into the big, throne room worthy, red velvet chair.

Riquel calmed himself and popped his neck. "I do apoligize for my unruly behavior." He said looking around the room, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight." As he was walking away Siara spoke up, "Always leave it to Ricky to go to bed while we TRY to fix a problem." Riquel darted around. "Do NOT call me Ricky! It is Riquel and it always has been!" Siara scoffed, "Sure. Now, how to we get rid of a pure-born vampiress?" Riquel and Bilks were quiet. "Ugh! We BURN her you idiots!" Siara strode over to the fire place and got a small tooth from the stone shelf above. "See this?" She asked, "It's one of our fathers vampire teeth. Everyone knows once any part of a vampire touches fire it takes one minute for it to turn to nothing but ashes. So! We shall BURN the pure-born." She smiled wickedly as her brothers strode off to pack the weapons. 'This time the wench WON'T escape'

Chapter 12: My Vampire Classmate

"You're absoloutley crazy!" Shouted April. "April! Keep it down, we're not in Times Square." Rose hissed back. "I thought you said you and Scott were O-V-E-R, over!" April could be annoying sometimes and a real prep, too. But, Rose looked out the window and turned on, 'Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance', one of her favorite bands. "Whatever. Thanks for letting me know." April got up angrily and pushed her way to another seat. 'Why was she so mad? So I liked Scott again, so what? It wasn't that big of a deal.' She thought.

At school people were yapping like hyena's, about Scott, about us being a couple, the suicide attempt, everything. As Rose was getting her books from her locker she spotted Kaitlyn and Ashton maybe five or ten feet away. "What's up, loser?" Kaitlyn said as she pushed her way past Rose. 'That's it!' She thought to herself and slammed her locker shut. Kaitlyn and Scott both turned around surprized. "You know what Kaitlyn? YOU'RE the loser. Bullying people just to make you seem high and mighty, when it DOESN'T. Then, when some people go off and hurt themselves because of YOUR mental and physical abuse, you call them freaks!" Rose snarled, "I think you should give everyone in this school a break. Because if you don't," Rose grabbed Kaitlyn's arm and shoved her into a locker, and while Ashton tried tor release her iron grip she said this, "You think you're so much better than everybody else? Look in a mirror." She then let go of Kaitlyn, turned, and walked to her next class.


At home, Rose was doing her Algebra homework when the phone rang. She leaped up, ran, did a front flip over the phone, grabbed the phone off the hook and landed. "Hello?" Rose said. "Hey" It was Scott. "Hi! How are you? You got your cellphone back? Why did you call my house phone?.." "Whoa! Okay, I'm fine, I didn't get my cell back I'm using the hospitals, and because I haven't memorised your cellphone number." He answered. "Oh. I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I'm just worried." She paused, "And I'm not gonna be able to come visit you today or tomorrow. My mom said I have to review for exams." When Scott finally answered he said, "It's okay, babe. Not your fault. I'll see you Friday." "You called me babe." Rose said, blushing, "I mean, yea. I will also escort you out, since that IS your last day there.

Scott laughed, "Yep, I'll see you then. Bye." "Bye." And she hung up. 'UGH!' She thought to herself. 'My life is a freaking soapoprah.'


The next day at school, all Rose wanted to do was see Scott. She was hoping maybe the day would go by faster than usual and get to Friday. But, as usual, it didn't.

She was almost asleep with her head buried in her math book when Mrs. Smith stood up at her desk and announced, "Class. We will be having a new student today." Everyone looked confused. 'A new student? This late in the year? Exams are in a week and they are giving us a new student?' Rose thought as she looked up from her textbook. She hoped she didn't look like she'd been sleeping, only reading.

"Her name is Siara and you will ALL make her feel welcome." Mrs. Smith demanded. Siara? Where had she heard that name before? She looked up and saw the new student, jet black hair, and red ruby eyes. "You've GOT to be kidding me." She said aloud. "Excuse me?" Mrs. Smith asked. 'Great. Now I can have a week's worth of detention to look forward to.' She thought. "One weeks detention and I expect you to be here!" Before Rose could get up and write her name on the detention list Siara spoke, "Wait! That won't be necessary. She was just shocked is all. I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt my feelings in anyway." The vampire cooed. "Very, well. Sit!" She commanded. Rose very quickly got back in her seat. 'Why did she do that? Doesn't she want to kill me? Trying to get on my good side, I guess. That's not happening in a million years.' Rose thought.

"Siara, you may sit by your new-found buddy. Mrs. Rose? Please get another chair for our new classmate." Rose slowly got up, but then, "No. It's fine. I can get it myself." Siara strode to the back of the classroom, got a chair, and placed it beside Rose. Rose leaned over and whispered, "I know who you are and why you're here. But, we will NEVER be the same people." Rose sat back down, as did Siara and the class process continued.

Chapter 13: Vampire Queen

"Rose! Rose, wait up!" April yelled from down the hallway. "Hey, what's up with you? You've been avoiding me all day." Rose looked at her with a sense of confusion. "Come on, don't look at me like that. You've been avoiding talking to me about Scott." She stated firmly, "I'm not going to lecture you. I just want to know what happened." Rose closed her locker and snapped the lock shut. "There's nothing to tell. We made up and got back together. That's it." Rose started towards her next class. "Whoa! You are NOT getting away that easily." Just as April was about to lecture her on the fact that they were best friends and best friends told each other EVERYTHING, Scott came up behind Rose. "Hey, beautiful." Scott cooed as he wrapped his arms around Rose's waist. "Ugh. Excuse me I have to go barf." Said April as she stormed away.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in biology." Rose scolded. "Yea, I know. But, I wanted to see you so I told my teacher I'd go for a quick bathroom break." "Mhmm." Rose said, turning away. "Well, if I don't go now, I'M going to be late." "Fine." Scott replied disappointed. "But, you're still coming over to study, right?" Rose laughed. "Something tells me I won't be as focused as I should if we do that." "Come on, please? I promise I'll focuse." Scott pleaded. "Oh, fine." Rose said, "But, no funny buisness. Got it?" "Yes, ma'am." Scott said, winking at her. "Okay, well, I'll see you later. Bye" Said Rose,kissing him on the cheek then bounding towards her next class.

She was almost there when she ran into Ashton. "Oh! I'm so sorry" Rose cried before realizing who it was. "On second thought, watch where you're going next time." Rose turned and Ashton gripped her arm. "Look, I want to apoligize. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything. And I just want you to know, your secret's safe with me." Ashton said. Rose nodded and walked past him into her next class. 'My secret better be safe with you.' She thought to herself. 'Or else..'


"FOOLS! YOU'RE ALL FOOLS! EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!" Ciara screamed as she threw vase after vase at her unfortunate brothers. "What did WE do!?" Riquel yelled back. "UGH! THE FACT THAT YOU DON'T EVEN RECOLLECT WHAT YOU'VE DONE PROVES YOU'RE GUILTY!" She cried sending another expensive vase flying. "Bilks! Do you have any idea WHY she's angry!?" Riquel shouted to his brother who was crouching behind a coffee table that hid him poorly. "I dunno. Maybe it's that time of the month, you think?" "IDIOTS! THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT!!" Ciara threw one last vase and fell to the floor. "I have worked SO HARD these past few years to be the one who gets the blood crown, Riquel." She hissed. "Oh! My dear sister. That is what all of this ruckess is about? That silly thing, really?" Riquel said, chuckling. "IT IS NOT SILLY! IT IS A SYMBOL OF WHO WILL RULE OUR NATION, BROTHER! AND SO HELP ME I WILL BE THE VAMPIRE RACES' NEW QUEEN WHETHER OR NOT I KILL EVERYONE STANDING IN MY WAY!" Ciara stormed threw the double doors, not bothering to look back. "Yep, it's that time of the month." Bilks commented as Riquel smacked the back of his head. "Enough, you fool. It's time we teach our little sister a lesson on manners." Riquel said with a sly smile stretching across his face.


When Rose got off the bus she ran straight through the front door and up to her room. "My word! What's the rush!?" Her mother called after her. "I have a study date with Scott! Remember??" Rose called back. ~If my velocity starts to make you sweat then just don't, let g~ She cut her cell phone off in mid-chorus as she answered. "Hello?" She asked. "Hey!" It was Scott. "Hey! Are you ready to study?" Rose asked him. "Sure. We DO have that big history final coming up." Scott said, "Is it cool if I pick you up in about ten minutes?" "Pick me up? I thought I was just walking to your house." She answered. "Nah, my mom picked me up from school early." -So that's why he wasn't on the bus.' "And she had to run a couple errands and we're almost there. So is that okay?" He asked. "Yea, of course." Rose answered.

After they hung up she gathered her backpack and purse and went downstairs to tell her mom the plan. "Yea, so they'll be here in about five minutes." Rose told her mother. "So, I'll just wait on the front porch." Her mom turned around to face her. "Alright that's fine. But, remember, curfew's nine thirty." "Yes ma'am, I know." Rose turned and ran out the front door, and to her surprize, she ran straight into Moon. "Moon!" Rose cried startled. 'What is it with me running into people today?' She thought to herself. "Rose! I was expecting you to be gone already." " Moon replied. "Oh, no. Scott's coming to pick me up now. And there he is." Rose said waving in the direction of his mom's car. "Alright, dear. Have fun." Moon turned and walked inside. 'Moon's been very loose with me lately. Has she just been under a lot of pressure, or is she hiding something?' Rose thought as she was getting into the white mercedes. "Your mom has a nice car." Rose commented. "Thanks." Scott answered, "She just got it."

'This is it.' Rose thought. 'I have to tell him, I have to tell him everything.'

Chapter 14: Study Date

"So, 'x-5+15/2=10?'" Scott asked, concentrating hard. "No, you made the same mistake again. You're supposed to do '-5+15' first, which gives you 10. Not 20. You added. Again." Rose said,growing tired of telling Scott the same thing over and over. It had been nearly an hour and they weren't even past number 10 yet. "Why don't we take a break?" She suggested. Scott nodded and leaned back in the wooden chair.

"So? You wanna talk about it now?" Scott asked, unexpectedly. "Do YOU really wanna talk about it?" Rose spat back, looking down at her unfinished work. "Of course I do. I just hope this isn't some big prank." Scott scoffed. Rose had told Scott everything right before the study session. Her being a vampire, turning into this leather-loving, butt-kicking, vampire babe. And how all her power came from her necklace. Oh, AND that she had told Ashton, too. He didn't believe her at first. But when she showed him her fangs, he couldn't deny what she really was. "Fine." Rose pouted.

"When am I gonna meet that Moon chick that you keep telling me about?" Scott asked when he finally spoke. "Never, hopefully." She replied. "And why not?" Rose didn't say anything. "Look, I think I deserve a little bit more than the silent treatment after all that you've told me." Scott said, getting irritated. "It's bad enough that you didn't tell me before now. But, now you don't even want me involved, period." Rose looked away and pulled out her cellphone. Four missed calls. 'From who?' She thought. She unlocked the screen and saw 'RESTRICTED' plastered on the screen, as the same person called her for the fifth time.

"Who's that?" Scott demanded. "I dunno." Rose said back as she answered the phone.

"Hello?" "Rose!" It was April. "April! Why are you calling me from a restricted number?" She didn't answer. "April, you there?" "Yea. Just come to the park. Hurry." April sounded..scared? "But--" She was cut off by the phone. A loud screeching sound hit her eardrum, causing her to cradle it in pain. 'What the-' She thought as she hung up the phone. "Come on. April needs us at the park." Rose said grabbing her bag and car keys. "Did she say what for?" Scott asked as she walked towards the front door. "Whoa!" He said, taking the keys from her, "You don't even have your license yet. I'M driving" Rose scowled as he walked out the front door to her car.


*At The Park*

"We're here." Scott said blankly. "Yep." Rose started to unbuckle when Scott grabbed her hand to stop her. "What?" Rose asked in an annoyed tone. "Look around. There's no one here." Rose looked up. Sure enough, there was absoloutely no one around but them. But, shouldn't April be there? "Come on." Rose said, jumping out of the car. "Rose!" Scott jumped out along with her and ran to her side. "I think we should go back. Something tells me April wasn't the only one on the phone." "You're being paranoid." Rose exclaimed. "Chill out." She walked over to the trail and called for April.

As she walked back to Scott's side she said, "I don't get it she said she would be here. Why would she call me and tell me to come here if she wasn't even gonna be here?" Rose scowled in annoyance. But, she stopped and stared as she heard a rustle. 'In the bushes?' She thought turning to her side. There it was again. 'No, in the trees.' Rose looked toward the trail. Nothing.

"I have a bad feeling." Scott complained, "Maybe we should just go. You can call her back when we get back to my place." Rose gripped his arm as he turned away. "Did you hear that?" The rustling again. "No. Hear what?-" "Shh!" She cut him off. "Stay here." She commanded. "No way! I'm not letting you go over there by yourself. What if there's some psychopath hiding behind the trees!?" "You worry too much. Remember?" Rose flashed her fangs at him. "I'm a vampire." She walked towards the two gigantic trees leading into the narrow trail. That smell. It was familiar. Wow, she really was beginning to be a real vampire. 'What is that?' She though, 'Colone? Expensive Colone. And--' She stopped in her tracks as blood dropped on her shoulder. It came from the trees. 'Oh please, God, don't let it be--' She looked up.

Chapter 15: The Sacrifice? Part 1

Rose screamed as she fell backwards, tearing her eyes away from April's limp, blood-stained body. Scott ran over and helped her up. "What's going--" He cut himself off as he saw April. A branch had been stabbed right through her so that she just hung there, dead. Scott pulled Rose closer as she buried her head into his neck. "It's gonna be okay. Please don't cry. Everything's gonna be okay." Scott said, trying to calm her down.

*Roses POV*

I had a scent. It was that REALLY expensive colone that you could buy from those boutiques and crap near the city. But, there was something else. Something that made my mouth water, like when they serve turkey and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. I don't know what it is, but it smells REALLY good. I froze and turned to look at my shoulder. Blood. That's what had smelled so good. But, where is it coming from? The trees? I looked up and screamed, "APRIL!"

*Scotts POV*

I had never seen her this upset before. She looked destroyed. I mean, I would be too if that was my best friend being shishcabobbed by a tree branch. The whole thing was just gory. If this was vampires, why did it look like they hadn't even taken an ounce of her blood? "Rose?" She looked up at me. God I loved those eyes. "Who do you think did this to April?" She looked down. "The Rowans. It has to be." "Are they vampires too?" I asked her. "Yes, but they're much more vicious. And whatever they were doing wasn't to hurt me. It was to warn me." She clenched her fists. Was something wrong with her? She was shaking. "Rose?" I looked down at her, but she wasn't looking back. "The blood." She looked up. Her eyes, they weren't hazel anymore they were.... red.

*Regular POV*

Rose clenched her fists. She was straining. The blood, it just smelled so good. "Scott. The blood." She looked up at him, "You have to get out of here-" Scott started to say something but he was cut off as she doubled over in pain. What was happening to her? Rose looked down. The necklace, it was glowing? But, why?


'The light, its the same light that I saw in the meadow. The one right before I turned into- Oh no.' She thought grabbing her side which now felt soft and smooth. Leather?

*Scotts POV*

'What's happening to her? First a flash and now- Wow, she looks hot in leather.' She stood up, she wasn't even looking at me anymore she was looking behind me. 'WOAH! She had weapons and everything-!' He thought, 'Calm down, dude. This is NOT a time to be having fantasies.' I stood up with her and turned around. Who was that guy? Whoever he was he had black hair, and red eyes, like Rose. 'So this must be one of the vampires she was talking about.' "Rose?" I asked. She didn't even look in my direction, just pushed me out of the way.

"Are you crazy!?" I grabbed her wrist and she stopped. 'Well that was easy' I thought. Rose turned around and started laughing. "Do you REALLY think I'm going to let a puny thing like you stop me from getting my revenge?" She said, still laughing. This wasn't Rose. For one thing she had a different voice, and different hair and eyes. "You're not Rose" I exclaimed. "Of course I'm not Rose, you idiot!" She scoffed at me, "I'm the vampire side of her. I'm stronger, faster, more intelligent, AND better looking. Now, are you going to let go of my wrist or am I going to have to MAKE you" She sounded so bitter, so cold. What the heck was going on!?

*Roses POV*

'What am I saying? I would NEVER say something like that to Scott!' "Who are you!? Why are you in my body!? Let me go! What are you doing!?" My screams were useless. It was like yelling at a wall to move. But, I couldn't do ANYTHING. All, I could do is sit there and wait.

*Regular POV*

Scott sat in awe as what was supposed to be his girlfriend, turned into a blood-thirsty killer. 'What am I supposed to do now?' Scott thought. So, he did what anyone's instincts would've told him. He ran.

"Ah, Rosalina. Glad you could show up for the party." Riquel chuckled. "Are you going to blabber, or fight?" Vampire Rose answered. "Ah, eager are we? But, don't get your panties in a twist. You won't be fighting me today. You'll be fighting, these young brutes." Riquel chuckled his deep throaty chuckle and was gone. "COWARD!" She screamed after him.

"What brutes are you even talking about, Riquel!?" Just as she said it she saw a figure moving in the woods. Then two, then six, then over a dozen. What was going on? Then she saw it, bloody, tattered clothing, showing bones and other insides. They were- "Zombies? Really?" Rose cracked her knuckles, "Piece of cake." Then she was off.

Chapter 16: The Sacrifice? Part 2

Rose woke up on the damp grass, her clothes soaking wet and blood-stained. 'What happened yesterday?' She thought, 'Right before the fight with all those zombies everything became a blurry.' She slowly stood up and looked around. April's body was gone and so was Scott! Rose started to panic. "Scott!" She screamed, "Scott, where are you!?" She fell to the ground in a heap. 'What if he's dead!?' Rose thought, 'What if he's dead and it's all my fault!?' She curled up in a ball and started to cry. She had just lost her best friend she couldn't lose her boyfriend, too!

All of a sudden she heard a low chuckle and whipped her head around. "Riquel!" Rose screamed angrily, "What did you do to him!? Where is he!?" She noticed the necklace glowing again but she didn't care. "Rosalina, my dear. Let's be rational about this." He answered. "I don't wanna be rational! Tell me where he is!" Rose could feel the necklace getting brighter.


She looked down. 'The weapons, the clothes, their all here.' She thought, 'But, wheres the other me? That vampire me.' Rose thought back to the day before, she had been so rude to Scott. But, it wasn't really her, and didn't she tell Scott that?' "Ah, your X-Level vampire has not joined you this time." Said Riquel, laughing. Rose scowled at his words. She didn't need that stupid vampire telling her what and what not to do, and ESPECIALLY not laughing at her! "I don't need her to fight you." Riquel immediately stopped laughing and frowned. "Now, dear. You wouldn't want to be killed in a place like this. Where zombies, witches, likens, and other horrible animals come out at night, do you?" He chuckled, "You're body would be eaten alive before anyone even found you."

At this she turned away from him. "Tell me where Scott is and I'll leave." "No." Rose screamed, "What!? Why!?" Riquel laughed as if to make fun of her. "I don't even have my sister or Bilks here, there's no way I'm letting you run off." Rose stepped back unsure of what to do, then an idea struck her, "Where ARE your sister and brother?" "Is that any of your concern?" Riquel stated, clearly annoyed at the question. "Yes. It is if they have Scott." She snapped at him. He paused a moment, then rage entered his face as he said, "What!? Am I not good enough to fight?! Do you have to have one of my siblings too!?" She smiled as he screamed, "We don't even HAVE your precious Scott, you little urchin!"

Rose turned, and as she was walking away she said, "Thank you, Riquel. You've just made my day." Riquel looked in astonishment, 'Was she ACTUALLY walking AWAY from him?!' He shreiked, making Rose turn around very quickly. But he was gone. Rose spotted her car and ran towards it. 'Good, the keys are still in the ignition.' She thought. She started the engine and took off down the narrow road. She had to find Scott, she had to find him and ask him what happened.


*Roses' POV*

I parked my car in Scotts driveway and took off running to the door. I knocked on the door about 50 times before someone could answer it. "Rose? What are you doing here?" Scott asked when he answered the door. "Scott!" I ran into him, putting my arms around his neck and feeling his warmth. "Whoa! What's wrong? You never called me after that. I got worried." Scott said blushing a little. "You got worried!? I thought you were dead!" I exclaimed. I wobbled a little as I spoke, completely realizing now that I was exhausted. How late had I been up fighting those things? "Rose, come inside. You need to lay down." I followed Scott into his room where he motioned for me to go to the bed. "You're okay, right? After last night? You're not hurt?" Scott asked me. "No, I'm fine. This is zombie blood." I explained, laughing. I laid down on his bed. It took me a few minutes to realize he was staring at me. "What?" I asked him. "Oh! Sorry, do you need to take a shower or something. My sister should have some spare clothes." He explained. "Oh. Okay, thanks." I lifted myself off the bed and Scott showed me where the bathroom was and gave me a couple of towels. I said thank you and he kissed me on the forehead before heading back to his room.

*Scotts POV*

I went back to my room and shut the door. What was wrong with me? Why am I all of a sudden so shy around her? I turned on my TV and sat back on my couch. Yea, my room was huge. The old me would've joked around with her and asked to get in with her. She would've slapped me and I would've kissed her, that's how we worked. But, something didn't feel right, something was off. I heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Crap! I didn't get her any clothes. I ran into my sisters' room and grabbed a t-shirt and shorts. I knocked on the bathroom door. "Rose? I got you some clothes." I said. "Okay, hold on." She answered. She unlocked the door and opened it. My cheeks turned a burning red and I tried to hide it by looking at my feet. She was wearing one of the towels I gave her. JUST the towel. My teenage hormones started bouncing off the walls. Finally I said, "Here's the clothes" and walked away.

*Regular POV*

Rose stood there with a confused expression on her face. 'What's up with him? He usually would've cracked a perverted joke and I would've slapped him for it.' She closed the door and started to get dressed. She brushed her hair as well as she could with one of Scott's Moms brushes.

When she was done she headed back to Scotts room. "Um, hi." Rose said in the doorway. She wasn't surprised when Scotts mouth dropped open, he gave her way too short of shorts and a really low cut t-shirt. "I think you planned this." She said winking at him. He fell back on his couch laughing and laughing. "Shut up! You suck!" Rose started hitting him with a pillow and he picked her up and threw her on the bed. She laughed as he started to tickle her making her nearly roll off the bed. After that they just laid there.

"Scott?" Rose asked, "When do you think they'll realize April's dead? Her body's gone. Riquel said it was probably eaten by something." Tears started to form in her eyes and Scott wrapped his arms around her. "It'll be alright. I wouldn't be surprised if they were using her as a sacrifice to get to you." He said. Rose buried her face into his shirt. "I hope you're wrong. She didn't deserve to be used like that."

*Roses' POV*

I don't know how long he held me like that, but I liked it. He comforted me, which is something he almost never would do. I'm starting to like this new Scott.

Chapter 17: Break up?

*Roses' POV*

Scott was sitting on the couch while I was laying down on the bed. He thought I was asleep, but I really had been awake for a while now. I finally plucked up the courage to say something when he said, "Rose, you awake?" I looked at him, he looked sad. "Yea. What's wrong?" He stood up and walked over to me. "I have to talked to you." He held out his hand, I took it and he led me to the front porch. It was raining outside so we stayed under the safety of the porch. "Okay, what is it?" I asked. Scott scratched the back of his neck and ran his hand through his hair. Was he fixing to break up with me? Without even thinking I let a tear roll down my cheek. But, I quickly wiped it off, hoping he hadn't seen. "So I guess you know what I'm going to say." Scott told me. He did see the tear, but wait that means...

I backed away from him, letting another tear escape the clutches of my eyelashes. "Rose, I'm so sorry. I mean I don't wanna hurt you. It's just.." he trailed off. "It's just you can't deal with me being a vampire." He looked shocked. But, I didn't care, "My vampire side scares you so much you don't know how to handle it, do you?" Scott just stood there like the idiot he was. I can't believe him! I can't help what I am! Him of all people should understand that! "You don't wanna hurt me?! Really!? That's the oldest excuse in the book! To hell with you! Because you know what, I'm better off!" I ran down the porch steps into the rain, ready to run all the way home when he caught my arm. "You're not going home in this rain!" He shouted angrily. "WHY NOT! I LIKE THE RAIN!" I snapped back. He grabbed me again and held onto me. "Scott! Let go!" He wouldn't let me go, WHY WOULDN'T HE LET ME GO!? I fell to the ground, sobbing.

*Scott's POV*

I didn't want it to get this bad. She was so happy, she was spending time with me. Why did I just mess everything up? I didn't want to break up with her, but something was telling me I had to. Great, Scott. You've given her one more reason to hate herself. I mean, she was in my arms crying! What am I supposed to do!? I don't care about that stupid voice in my head. What ever its saying it can say it to someone who cares. I pulled her off of me and looked at her. She was a wreck. I brushed some hair out of her face and said, "Rose, look at me. I know you thought I was gonna break up with you, heck so did I. But, I can't-" She cut me off, and slapped me! "OW!" I cried. Why would she smack me!? "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!!!!" She yelled. I started to laugh and to hold her again. "Rose?" "Yea?" She answered. "I love you." Maybe it was just me, but I could tell she was smiling. "I love you too." She answered.

So, we sat there in the rain for 30 minutes. Just holding each other. So, I can imagine my moms surprize when she came outside and saw us. "Alright, you too. Inside! You'll catch a cold!" When we were finally inside Rose looked up at me, "Scott? Do you think we'll be together for a long time?" I laughed at her hopeful expression. "Yea, I do." I grabbed her hand, pulled her to me, and kissed her. It had been such a long time since our last kiss. Atleast, for me it was. ~BUZZBUZZBUZZ~ "UGH." She let out a groan as she answered her cell. "Hey, mom. Yea, I'm fine. I'm with Scott. No ma'am we didn't." She winked at me, "Yes ma'am, I know. Okay. Love you too. Bye." I laughed at her. "You're moms so overprotective." "Shut up! She's not THAT overprotective." I shot her a 'you're dillousional' look. "FINE! Maybe she is."

I know, I know. Short Chapter. DEAL WITH IT!
--Destiny Rose


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.08.2011

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