
Dedicated to my brilliant mother who has taken so good care of me and made me into the creative young woman I am today. I love you, mom.

Meet The Family:Introduction

It was 1865 when I was born. I had an older brother named James and a younger one name Charles. I was the only girl in the family, so I got more attention than the boys. Papa used to always say I was his little angel. That was before he left us for dead.

Right now it's January 15th, 1887. One more week till my birthday and I'll be 13-years old. Finally old enough to walk to school by myself and NOT with James. He's been so bossy now that he turned 17 last year. He has been doin' most of the outside chores now that papa went on that "trip." Maybe he'll come back for us. But, mama doesn't have much faith. She hasn't talked about him since he left.

I asked Mama if he was ever comin' back. She got really mad. James thinks Mama is lyin' to us about Papa. He says that Papa left us and he ain't comin' back. After I told Mama what he'd said she needed to have a serious talk with him. I heard her say somethin' I regret hearin'. She said he wasn't s'posed to tell me Papa wasn't comin' back!

I spoke with Mama the next morning n' she said that she was sorry but Papa was not comin' back. Later she had to tell Charles. He's only eight and Lord knows how hard it is on him. He hasn't come out of his room for three days. Mama feels really guilty about tellin' him. At least I have my birthday comin' up.

The Disease

January 17th, 1887
Today Mama didn't wake up at her usual time. James got up at 12:00pm and woke us up. He told us somethin' was wrong with Mama and that we were gonna stay with Mrs. Lamb for a couple of days. While James was walkin' us to Mrs. Lamb's house I asked him why we were goin' to her house. He didn't answer me so I didn't ask anymore questions.

It only took us ten minutes tops to get to Mrs. Lamb's house. She has two children who are both fixin' to turn 13 too. Lily and Micheal who are futernal twins. Micheal has had a crush on me ever since 5th grade. I admit he's very cute but he doesn't go to school, and Mama always says to marry a guy with an education so I wont be livin' like we are now.

Micheal was the first to greet me at the door(of course), Lily was the second and for an odd reason Mrs. Lamb didn't come to the door but I didn't ask why. Mama would've said it'd been rude. When Lily greeted us in James said he had to go but he would see us in a couple of days. I asked him why we didn't pack any clothes but Lily interupted and said they would explain inside.

Mrs. Lamb greeted us in thier living room. She told us to please take a seat. I didn't like the expression on her face. But, she told us that we might not be goin' home. Charles started cryin' and I don't know why, because there's no way mama would ever let us live with Mrs. Lamb. She said that Mama has Malaria and that she might not get better. It WAS misquito season.

She said we might need to sleep on it so she sent us to the guest room. I couldn't sleep with Charles sobbing all night so I just sang a song that Mama used to sing to us and he fell right asleep. After that I just cryed myself to sleep, it helped, not much though. It hurt so bad to hear about Mama that I don't know if I can take it.

Little Old Cottage

January 20th, 1887
I don't know how long really we've been at Mrs. Lamb's, but I do know it's two days until my birthday. This morning Mrs. Lamb annouced at the breakfast table that we will be going to Lily and Micheal's new school. Lily and Micheal were excited, but I wasn't and Charles was heart broken. He was asking all these questions about if he was ever goin' to see his friends or even Mama again! I can't act like everything is okay when it's not..

Mrs. Lamb acted as if she wanted to cry, as if she knew something we didn't. I couldn't take this anymore I wanted answers and I wanted them now! I slammed my fists on the table and stood up before her. Knowing how un-ladylike I was being, I straigtened my dress, gathered all my courage and shouted, "WHERE IS MY FAMILY?!"

Mrs. Lamb looked shocked and everyone else just stared at me. I bolted out the front door and ran down the path till I came to an old meadow about two miles from town. In the distance there was a little cottage. It was brown with what looked like a little brown porch with a rocking chair and in that rocking chair, a little old lady, sleeping.

As I walked up to the porch and up the stairs they creaked and the little old lady woke up. I jumped into the bush and I heard her start laughing. She said she knows who I am and to come out of the bush. When I come out I notice her eyes are white as snow. And then, I realize, from mama telling me about patients she see's at the town doctor, that she is blind.

She tells me how she knows my mother and my brother and she knows both are sick. She also told me that she knows where they are but that she can't tell me. We talked a long time after that and she told me I should run home. When I got back to Mrs. Lamb's I didn't even get punished, which I was surprized about. Mrs. Lamb told me I didn't have to go to school until I felt like it. That, I was happy for.

Spared Lives

January 21st, 1887
I came back to the cottage the next day, and the old lady, whose name I now know as Prudence, told me a story about swords and knights and princesses. In the middle of the story I heard horses and a look of fear formed over the old ladys face. She told me to hide behind the lumber behind her house. I obeyed. I hear voices of soldiers and her voice rufusing to speak to them any longer.

I heard talk of jail, witchcraft, and murder. Hours passed and I was still behind the lumber when I heard my name and then silence. I came out from behind the lumber and walked to the front of the house slowly. The door was kicked open and the inside of the house trashed. I slowly creaked in and called out to Prudence.

When she did not answer my calls I ran to the front door. I stopped at the porch steps and crouched down. I could hear people calling to me, for it was almost midnight. I could tell. I searched everywhere for anything to hide myself in, then I noticed a boat floating near the dock. As I approached the boat an awful feeling came over me. I looked closer and realized what I was seeing wasn't in my head. It was a hand hanging off the side of the boat.

Greatest Fears

January 21st, 1887
As I approached the boat my heart knew who was going to be in the boat. It was Prudence, the little old blind lady that lived in the house. I screamed in horror! My screams attracted a little boy not to far from me. He ran toward me and asked me if I was Rosetta Robinson. When I said yes, he started clapping his hands together and called everyone in the search party over.

Charles was the first to come he said how happy he was to see me. I was crying at this point so of course he asked me what was wrong. I told him everything. It just spilled out! He started to tear up. Knowing Charles, he gets emotional at deaths whether or not he knows them. He ran over to the boat and examined the scene. Mrs. Lamb ran over to see what was wrong, as did Lily and Micheal.

I told Mrs. Lamb what happened and it spread pretty quick through the search party. Everything then told me how Prudence was accused of being a witch and sentenced to death. But, when she was proved innocent, the city council got angry and sent her away. She was docking the boat when an angry councilmen came behind her and stabbed her. Could all this have happened within the course of hours? I must've been behind that lumber for some time.

A Highlight

Its January 22,1888.
I'm 14 today and it's been a year since Prudence died and there is still no sign of James or Mama. I hear people behind my back at school saying that James is never going to come back for us, nor mama. James was s'posed to be 19 this year. I miss him so much. He doesn't even know how Charles has gone deaf.

When he was goin' to school, he said these 8th grade boys walked up to him and started teasing him. When he tryed to get away, they started hitting him. After they were done they saw both his ears were dripping blood and ran away. It turns out that they busted both his eardrums.

January 23, 1888

Today I was walking to school and the little cottage, where Prudence used to live and died, it's lights were on! I ran down the path and up the front steps and stopped dead in my tracks. There was a man that looked about 19 years old cookin' something good. It reminded me of James cookin'. I asked him if he was the new owner of the house and he answered 'yes' without turnin' around.

I asked him if he saw any one about his age or an older woman come through on boat. He answered that there was a woman and that he came with her and that she was around back without turnin' around again. I also asked him for his name, at that he turned around and said to me, 'What does it matter to you?' But I didnt care what he said, because I realized who it was. It was James!

James started to ask who I was but then he stopped in midsentence and said, "Rosetta?" I started to cry as much as I could I didn't care who was watching! James and I talked all night. He told me how him and mama got back a few nights ago and that they had found a cure and were able to come home. But, the town wouldn't give them our house back so we get to live here!

He also told me how everyone told him and mama that we died because of Prudence. I explained how it was a mistake and that she had gotten mudered! Mama cooked us dinner after I went back and got Charles. We all had a family meal and talked and talked. Mama was very saddened to hear about Charles' ear problem. But, in the end, we had a very happy night. My family is reunited and its gonna stay that way for a long time!

The End


May 9th, 1890
James has a job on a ship now that he's old enough,which was always his dream. He brought us back all these antiques from other countries! I am now 16 and married to Micheal Lamb, we haven't any kids yet, but maybe sometime soon. Charles has started to flirt with a young girl at his school, and how I hope he will make a good husband someday! Mama is still alive and well and is remarried to Henry Smith. He is a very good man, and a very good fit for Mama. My family is a whole and we will never be parted again.
Well, Maybe.

The End.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2010

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