
Change of Plans
Mystery Girl’s P.O.V
It is official I have been declared dead, leaving me to continue, working on my journey, where I will go, I have no idea, but it must start with a change of identity, from this start on I will be known as Jayden for one and all. This will be one heck of a journey.

Luke’s P.O.V
I can’t believe it, the girl I was supposed to marry is dead. So we think. I am overcome with grief, I can’t think, I see the servants giving me strange looks they think that I have become a heartless man again, giving me glares behind my back, but what they don’t know won’t hurt them, but in truth I can see everything. Hear everything. Smell Everything, and Touch everything, including the dead. Making me know that my once betrothed is not dead. Not yet.

Mystery Girl’s P.O.V
I had to leave, I had found out who I was to marry and well he is a man I have met before, that tends to be quite scary so, I just couldn’t have that, I have never had my own life, so I started to make one of my own. I am glad I left, not only have I created my own life, I have left memories behind. Memories I choose not to remember.

Luke’s P.O.V
I have decided to leave this dreadful place, with my mother harping on me, we will find you another girl, and my father making me learn my civic duties, well you know what I think, Screw civic duties
 “Luke, come here son.” My dad called interrupting my thoughts.
“I have found a suitable girl, by the name of Kaiden. She lives in the northern country. Her father has already agreed, for he thinks this girl is a little free-spirited and he believes that having her get married might help settle her down.” There go my plans.
“Yes, Father.”
“Good she shall be arriving in about an hour.” So this plan of his has been going on for a while now. I see.
“Shall I meet her by the gates?” Dreading to hear a yes.
“Do as you wish. Now leave me.” I did as he said, I am such a wuss. I suppose I should go put on decent clothes, Jayden leaving my mind. Clothes have always been my forte. Glancing at the family portraits, on the way up the stairway to my room, I see the one of my dad and my older brother with my mother before she died giving birth to me. I never understood how a family could be so perfect, until they had me. I once was the splitting image of my father with my mother’s dark eyes, my dad’s black hair and pale skin, but now that image what once was is ruined with a dark pink scar running up the side of my left cheek going through my eye, making me wear an eyepatch. Most girls run at the sight of me, but you get used to it. My thoughts bring me to the door of my room, the first sight brought to my eyes is the color red bursting red, with black trying to take away the attention of the red, but never really winning. Then my bed brings you’re attention next, with the black iron rails twisting into leaves creating a headboard made out of iron leaves, with each detail still intact, except for one dent, from my father’s fist. Stepping further into my room you notice the white curtain, and white, black, and red photos. The one that bring the most attention, that you have to look carefully for, is the one dashed with purple. I walked into my closet, closing off memories, of the photo. I see my black skinny jeans, red supra shoes, then grab my black, red, and white plaid button up shirt, I see my purple tie, and black leather jacket. Lastly my hair, I leave it the way it is, only spiking up the front. I walk out to hear my younger step half sister, whistle.
“Looking sharp, Luke.”
“Aww shut it Soph.”
“I hear little lukey poo, scared off his first fiance, so you got another chance, bud?”
“I said, shut up Sophie.”
“You’re too sensitive.” Hearing her footsteps walk away, I continue, on my way, I hear, a scream. Without taking a beat to second guess myself, I turn and find myself traveling faster, than the average person, I knew I could do this, but nobody else did, I notice the servants staring so make my pace slower, trying to act like nothing happened, the inside being inside of me isn’t happy.
Kaiden’s P.O.V
I have just found out I am too married, I have thought about running for it, but the bad part of it is that, I am already here at his house to stay. I’m so mad at my father I scream in frustration, when I feel a hand clamp over my mouth. I turn around shocked that someone would dare touch me, and without thinking I thrust my knee into whoever’s groin. I hear a moan of pain, and the release of my mouth.
“How dare you touch me!” I shout, but only get a moan in response, I hear footsteps running in our direction, but when they see the boy on the ground I am surprised to hear laughter, and they all walk away. I look down to see who I had really kneed, when I realize, it is quite a handsome man, with black hair and light skin, dark mysterious eyes, well one eye anyway the other appears to be covered by an eye patch I bet there is a story to that also he has that scar down his cheek and into his eyebrow, and if I do say so myself quite the sense of style. I reach my hand out to help this mysterious man up, but he was too stubborn and gets up by himself and glares. He looks like a regular person, and I really need to use the bathroom, so I am hopping that he can lead me to one.
“Hi, I am really sorry about kneeing you, but you were the one who took me by surprise. Anyway do you think you can lead me to the nearest bathroom?” I asked. He looked taken by surprise, that I was talking to him.
“I suppose.” He said in a really cute accent. Standing there awkwardly, I realize I can’t really wait much longer.
“Umm I really do have to use the bathroom you know?” Confused why were still standing there.
“Right this way.” For a second it seemed if he had forgotten. He led me down so many halls I am officially lost.
Luke’s P.O.V
The girl kneed my crotch, without even looking who I was, I have a newfound respect of this girl whoever she may be. I can tell she isn’t from around here, she has a funny accent, that is cute and fits her. She is about “5 feet where I stand at “6.2, so it is kind of funny how much I have to look down at her, she has long brown hair witch is curled at the end just the way I like it, and the prettiest brown eyes, I have ever seen, with tan skin, also I have never seen a girl wear such an outfit in public before I think that thing she wears over her chest is called a corset, but I like her already she is wearing a red lace corset, black skinny jeans, and red vans, with a black scarf, and her sunglasses made me laugh for she will not see much sun here. I may like her just from the fact that she doesn’t treat me differently like so many others do. I may be leading her to the bathroom, but from the courtyard to the closest bathroom, it takes around five minutes so I am enjoying the view.
“Are we almost there yet?” I heard her ask with a tone of annoyance.
“From you were to the closest bathroom takes about five minutes.” I hear a groan in response.
“Why, so far away?”
“This building is so old it was made before they had bathrooms, they had pots, so when we moved in we had to put in bathrooms, but most of the rooms were already full, not leaving many options.”
“Oh.” We continued walking in silence.
“Here we are.”
“Oh, thank god.” She said rushing in. I stood outside the door, waiting for her to come out. When I hear footsteps turning around the corner I instantly flinch knowing it is my brother.
“Hey, little bro, hows life?” He said with a sneer.
“Good, how about you?” Not taking the bait. That made him a little angry.
“I heard about you’re new little plaything.” He said with a smirk knowing that would make me mad.
“Only you treat women as if they were toys, now leave me alone Antonio.” Trying, but not really succeeding in not taking the bait.
“Aw is the little boy getting mad?” When I hear the door open to the bathroom.
“He said leave him alone, now didn’t he?” The girl asked with disgust pointed at my brother.
“Who might this be, defending my little man whore of a brother.”
“I am Kaiden Ann Montage, here to marry Lukas Matthew Russo, and I demand you stop picking on him!” She exclaimed, while I looked away in shame. When hearing my brother laugh.
Kaiden’s P.O.V
I am trying to defend this man, and while he is looking away in shame, it appears his brother is laughing at me.
“He hasn’t told you?” Antonio, laughing even louder, while walking away.
“What? Told me what?” I asked in utter confusion. Turning to the man in front of me expecting and explanation. When yet another pair of footsteps were heard, the man looked scared, grabbed my hand and gave me no time to explain my frustration, at why he keeps touches me, but at the moment, I will just have to stay silent for I fear if I was to open my mouth, it would be ripped off of my head. How is it possible for him to be running this fast, and from what? Thoughts rush through my head, but none of them catch my interest besides what he might be running from. That is when I realize he had just said something.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“You can let go now.” He said making me blush.
“Sorry.” I mumble.
“Now, what did Antonio mean you haven’t told me.”
“I think it is time we were properly introduced, but it will be a while, because are presence has been requested. Shall we?” He said holding out his hand. I slipped my hand inside of his and he started running, and then we appeared next to a door, that he instantly slowed near, leading me this way and right, I have no clue where we are now, we are now at a walking pace, but as we get closer and closer to our destination, I can feel him become tense. After a while of drifting through my thoughts I pull back to the present, we have arrived in front of two large oak doors covered in ornamental engravings. Thousands of people were standing trying to get through, but they all cleared to make a path for us. Which led me to wonder why. We have walked into an elaborate Throne Room, with nine thrones up at the front, eight of them were filled the fourth one was empty, The herald announces that Lukas has arrived leaving me to wonder who I am about to marry, and who the fourth throne belongs to. As we make our way to the front of the Throne Room, I notice as the people start to bow, leaving me looking around trying to see who they were bowing to.
“They are bowing to us.” The man whispers into my ear. Before he can say anymore, he leaves walking up to fourth throne, leaving me behind, and very confused. The sovereign or so I presume beckons me forward.
“We are here today to welcome Kaiden Ann Montage to our country, to become the wife of my second son, who will take the throne when I die, for my first son is leaving to help his first wife rule her country, so when I die I am leaving this country in the hand of Lukas, Kaiden and Lukas will take great care for most of you as you may know, for Lukas is friends of you all, any way you are all invited to wedding on May 10, if anybody has any objections, please say so now.” He said, but that would make me a ruler, I am not sure if I can handle that I am only sixteen, and besides the age factor I don’t even know who I am to marry, beside the name, plus he is only a year older than me.
“You’re majesty, I have no objection, but may I ask what happened to the first fiancé?” A random person yells out from the crowd. I am now very confused.
“On normal circumstances I wouldn’t answer, but because I don’t know the answer myself, why don’t we have Lukas answer.” Yes, please, at least this would give me a clue at who I was to marry, but then the man I least expected stood up. As he cleared his throat, he turned to look me in the eyes, and tell the story of what is told to be.
“You all met Jayden, but I had only met her once, and that was the day on the wedding that was scheduled, I know that is considered bad luck, but I just had to meet her once, and so I found her on the floor of her dressing room, with her neck slit, and my jewel encrusted blade in her hand, it is told that she had been shown a picture of me, and had thought I too scary to continue on with the wedding, and decided to kill herself was best. So she is dead, and end of story, shall we move on now please.” His face returning to stone, as he sat down.
“Yes, m’lord.” The person replied, the crowd went silent to have heard the story, and had now gotten very loud, over the discussion of how deeply scary the prince truly was.
“Lukas, you may leave, make sure to bring Kaiden, with you.”
“Yes, Father.” He said tightly, then got up to leave.
“Wait, I wasn’t done, read this note and follow as it says.” Lukas replied with a curt nod. Then we left, it was oddly silent, but yet it fit, the mood, I had a sense that it wasn’t something to Lukas wanted to talk about, so we walked on in silence.
“I will show you around tomorrow, for now I will bring us to my room, where we can obey, his notes wishes.” Lukas said subtly startling me out of the silence.
“Lukas, what exactly does the note say?” I asked suddenly curious.
“Call me Luke, and later.” He replied curtly, ending the conversation, sending me back into my thoughts. When I ran into a guardian, who was guarding one of the doors. Luke gave me a funny look, but continued walking, I apologized to the man getting no response, and continued walking trying to catch up to Luke, but when I would get close, he would speed up losing me again, so it turned into a game until I was running, trying to keep up to see where we were going. When finally he came to a stop waiting for me to catch up.
Lukas’s P.O.V
I am waiting for her to catch up and then when she reaches the corner I will enter my room, leaving the door open slightly, then wait to see her expression of seeing the room she would be living in from now on. I hear her coming closer, and see her red shoe, pop around the corner so I race into my room, and hop onto my bed waiting to see her expression, I keep my senses up so I make sure she finds her way, she keeps taking tantalizingly slow footsteps as if she wants to see how I will react, and so I wait. She comes across the door, and slowly opens it, I turn over, to see her mouth hanging open in shock. When I notice she is looking towards my purple butterfly, not getting caught up in those memories, I turn back to face her. She is now glancing at my flatscreen, by bed, the doors to the bathroom and closet, and then back to me, where her gaze stops and rests.
“You like?” I asked teasing her
 “Very much so. All of it.”
“Funny. You hungry?” I asked trying to keep the conversation light and easy for now.
“Yes, please.” She said with a hopeful glance, at a chance of getting some food.
“You could have told me, you don’t have to starve you know.” Suddenly she says something that I really don’t know how to answer.
“Okay, I have several questions, the first one. Do we have to sleep with each other?”
“Well, unless you want to sleep on the floor, but other that, no we don’t have to, share the same bed. I can get you some blankets, for the floor if you would like.” I said with a grin tossed her way.
“Now, you’re just being mean, I don’t want to sleep on the floor, but no funny business.” She said.
“Not a problem of mine. Next question.” I said smartly.
“Did you know that you brother was giving up the throne?’
“Truthfully.” Seeing her nod, I continue. “No, no I didn’t, it was a shock as much as me to you, but I just know how to keep, a straight face during a court gesture.”
“Well, keeping a straight face, isn’t as easy for me as it is for you, my father isn’t as formal as yours and doesn’t continue any of those old traditions.”
“Don’t worry I’m not making fun of you.” I said trying to hold back a laugh, but I saw the look of outrage on her face.
Kaiden’s P.O.V.
That, that jerk, how could her just stand there and make fun of me in front of my face, I was so angry I got up and left. I hear his laughter following me. Trying to blow of steam I don’t really watch where I am going my mind is just in a blaze of red. When I hear footsteps following me. Thinking it was Lukas, I spun around and poked him in the chest. When I realized that it wasn’t Luke.
“Well, that is a polite way of saying hello.” The man said.
“I’m sorry I thought you were someone else.” I said as I shrugged and continued walking.
“I’m guessing that someone else would be my brother?” The man said with a chuckle. Making me shocked. This man was gorgeous, he was about six feet and five inches, with dirty blonde hair, with smoky gray eyes, he had a blue streak going down his hair, making his eyes pop. He was wearing a gray suit, with a blue tie, and had bright blue Vans. He looked nothing like Lukas, making me wonder.
“You hypothesis would be correct. Who might you just be?” I said slyly.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m Liam, Lukas’s younger brother, but only by a two years, but that makes me a middle child with all the rest.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, you must not get a lot of attention, but then again, I don’t no much I am the oldest girl in my family, with only one older brother, I guess I never really knew how my other siblings were treated.” I said with a sad smile.
“Well, now you know, it is exactly the same for me, I get ignored by my siblings, and aren’t my parents first priority. Leaving me to do what I want.”
“Oh. Maybe, we will just have to fix that. Hi, my name is Kaiden, and I will be your new follower.” I said with a giggle.
“I can already see, you are going to be a really cool sister, anyway would you like a tour of the place, cause I can guess that my brother hasn’t showed you much.” Liam said with a grin.
“Well, that may be true, but I don’t need you to talk about me behind my back.” Luke said appearing out of no where making me screech. Making the boys groan in pain.
“Do what?” Lukas asked.
“Sneak up on me!” I said in frustration as if it wasn’t obvious, that is when my stomach chose to growl.
“I guess the first place on our tour, will be the kitchen.” Liam said with a grin.

Lukas’s P.O.V.
I found Kaiden in the hallway, near my father’s room, talking to Liam my younger brother, offering to take her on a tour of the place and So I choose the perfect time to interrupt.
“Well, that may be true, but I don’t need you to talk about me behind my back.” I said with a grin tossed at them. When Kaiden let out an ear-splitting screech, making both me and my brother groan in pain. The more I look at Liam, I realize that he might just be handsome, it is kind of weird observing him now, after I have spent so much time trying to avoid my family. Where Kaiden decides to let me know her opinion of me sneaking up on them.
“DON’T DO THAT!” She said in frustration I guess pointed at me, she looked cute when she was mad, she put her fists, to her sides, and crinkled up her nose.
“Do what?” I said pretending that I didn’t already know, which made her annoyed.
“Sneak up on me.” She said still with her fists on her hips. When her stomach growled, making me grin. While Liam offered to show her the way to the kitchen. On our walk I observed Kaiden, she would flinch at every little noise, and hated silence, so she tried to create small talk.
“How old are you Liam?”
“Sixteen.” Liam replied. I was confused, he was sixteen already. I hadn’t noticed.
“Really?” I asked. Not noticing I had voiced my opinion aloud.
“Yes,” My brother said, sounding annoyed, that I didn’t believe him.
"Well sorry, if no one has noticed, I sort have been secluded for a while." I said with a grimace, and holding onto my head.
"Are you okay?" Kaiden asked, grabbing on to my arm.
“Not really. No. Look, Kaiden, why don’t you continue the tour, with Liam, I think I am going to lie down for a while.”
“Okay, if you are sure.” She said glancing at me in concern. I gave her a curt nod. So they went, leaving me stuck in memory lane.


Texte: I own this book, please no one steal my writing.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.05.2012

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