
Chapter One

Maggie slipped out of class as soon as the bell rang, and went to her locker. Max was waiting for her by her locker with both of their books for their next class, which made Maggie smile a bit.
“You know I can carry my own books to class, right?” she blushed. Max shrugged and tugged her along to advanced algebra.
In class, Maggie zoned out. She knew everything anyway. Instead, she doodled in her notebook. She drew her dream from the night before, of kissing the boy with black hair, and black eyes. Maggie felt a tap on her shoulder, and looked back to see Max with a puzzled expression. He motioned to our teacher who was saying something about a new student. Maggie forgot about her drawing to focus on the new student. When she glanced around, everyone else seemed interested too. It was not every day that Howard Taft High got a new student. In fact, Maggie’s class had not had a new student since seventh grade, and they were now all seniors.
His name was Logan, and he was from California. Why would someone from such a big town come to such a small town like Collridge? Whoever he was, Maggie wanted to stay away from him. Since he was new, everyone would be watching him, and if Maggie had any interaction with him, everyone would be watching her as well.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.12.2012

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