

"Alicia" i heard someone whispering in my ear "ALICIA!" I heard my brother screamed "get up woman!" i groaned "leave me alone" he jumped on my bed and started screaming like a five year old "get up wake up before i leave you and you have to take the bus or miss school!" I said "bye" he got off my bed and and chuckled "bye" i heard his car start about 5 minutes later and drive off. I realized what just happen and shot up i mumbled to myself "he did not just really leave me and looked at my clock why was he leaving so early it was only 7:00 school doesn't start for a hour. I got up still a little groggy and walked to my mirror and jumped back a little realizing it was my image in the mirror and i mumbled "i really need to fix myself." I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of boot cut jeans that fit very well and grabbed a shirt that said "I am responsible for what I say,But not for what you miss understand" that was lime green. By the way im alicia if you havent relized im 5'6 yeah kinda tall. I'm 14 I have really curly black locks of hair and dark brown eyes and im a light caramel color. I'm not the popularst girl in my school actually people barley notice me except for the "it" crew when they torture me. My brother is a senior at the same school but barley relizes whats going on with the freshman he is really tall at 6'4 he has straight black hair and percing dark blue eyes. He is one of the "it" crews in the higher grade. I'm pretty sure that he would stick up for me but he doesnt need to know about it I know its kinda selfish but whatever.People at school dont know im his little sister though cause im pretty sure then the "it" crew would take me in but I want to get through highschool by myself well whatever.I got in the shower and got out I was ready by 7:25 I dryed my hair which got its normal soft curls,and went down stairs and grabbed a pop tart,and put it in the toster and smiled. I love those things I think I got a straberry one ."pop" I heard the toster sound and then put it on a plate and let it cool I ate it and saw it was 7:35,and I stuffed the rest the pop tart in my mouth and ran upstairs grabbed my books,and brushed my teeth really quick,and grabbed my black converse,and ran outside I was sitting on the stool. I heard some girls laughing down the road and I frowened and I heard kaity say "hey loser do you need a ride?" kaity has red hair and green eyes her friend beside her said "yeah loser did you hear her!" I just looked at them and looked away she said "I think we need to teach this loser a lesson" she got out of the car and grabbed her scissors and said why dont we show you what real fasion is.They cut up my shirt and left me I was kicking back but kaity just held my arms and legs while her evil minnion cut up my shirt.I ran into my house grabbed a new hollister shirt that was pink and walked out and whith my luck what happened I saw the bus drive off "GREAT!" then I heard a car pull by my house and said "do you need a ride?" i walked up closer so i could get a better look at the guy who offered me a ride he looked about 16 he was pretty cute I said "your not a perv trying to rape me right?" He smiled and said "get in" I looked at him and said "you never answered my question." He said "no im not trying to rape you but yes im a perv." He chuckled he said 'so you coming or not?!" I said "s....ure..." and I ran to the stop I was at and grabbed all my stuff,and ran up to his car.He smiled and I got in "logan...logan stonewall!" "I know who you are but im alicia kenish" he smiled and said "ahh nice name" I said "thanks I guess" he laughed "why are you being so stiff?" I said "i'm not being stiff" he said
"yes you are"
"no im not"
"yes you are"
"wow your a feisty one arnt you"
"well logan your a pretty boy arnt you"
"so you think im pretty?" He said batting his eyelashes like a school girl who had a crush on a boy

I said "dont flatter yourself"
he smiled and said "dont worry i get those from girls all the time."
I sneered he giggled
"hey what grade are you in?" he asked
"Oh no wounder."
"No wounder what?"
"no wounder I havent seen you"
we were silent the rest the way he was grinning the whole way though we got to school I said "hey thanks...for the ride" and smiled a little he said "oh so she has a smile" I put my hands up to my face and said "no way" he laughed and I heard some guys say screamed at his car. The scream came from over near a parking lot and the 5 boys that were there said "Logan get your ass over here!" He drove over near the parking space and I got out of the car and the 5 guys sitting there looked surprised. Then got a smirk on there face I got kinda creeped out and they said hey come over here to me. I walked over there and said "hi" like idiots I said "hi" and started walking away but then they said "wait" and then logan walked up. I actually didn't look at him much he was really cute he had light brown hair and bright green eyes he was about 6'1 he was hot.I thought and my mouth open with a little o shaping my mouth.little I turned and saw his friends smiling at us all the guys were cute one kinda short like 5'8 with blond hair he looked like a minutaure version of logan.There was one with redish brown hair that was spikie with frekles everywhere he was about 5'9. One with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes a little darker than mine same hight as the red head.Then one guy that had jet black hair like mine with grey eyes he was about 5'11. Then the last was a guy that had dark brown hair with hazel eyes about 6'2. They were all pretty buff and had deep voices the one with blonde hair asked with a smile "sooo is thiis your new girlfriend" me and logan looked at each other with wide eyes and said "girlfriend?!" "No we are just friends" I stammered "yeah what she said" he said kinda nervous why were we nervous? We weren't dating and they all said "uhm hum" and logan said "oh yeah" he pointed to the boy with blond hair trying to change the subject and said "that's justin and he is my little brother he is in 10th grade" and pointed to the red head "nik he is in 11th grade like me" and pointed at dark brown hair and said "kevin 12th" then pointed at the guy with black hair and said "austin 11th" and pointed at the guy with hazel eyes and said "alexander 12th(alex for short)." They all had a smile like the first one had big and toothy grins. They all said in tune "hello" I said "well i'm alicia" they said "Alicia" at the same time I said you guys dont have to say it in sync they all said it at a random time "ok" and laughed "yeah we do that to creep people out" said nik I said well it worked then Austin said "sooo logan lik...: logan cut in and said "soo I will see you later" and he looked at me like i should go I said "k later..." and then I realized omg nik is kaitys brother...


--Logan's pov--
She walked away and I just smirked. "Man you like her" austin said while slightly punching my arm my brother asked me "Do you like her?Do you want her to be your girlfriend?Do you want to..."
"bro..listen don't be like mom ha ha you ask to many questions."
"ha yeah talk about annoying siblings kaity had her stupid boyfriend over at our house last night and he ate all my pizza" said nik.
"Awwww man come to my house and ill by you pizza" said austin while he pat nik on the back
"Well bro i'm waiting for your answer.." said justin
"Why do you want to know?" i asked
"Cause I do man just answer the question don't be such a vagina" he said rolling his eyes
"Did you just saw vagina" I laughed out
"Yes i did now answer the question" he said
everyone else was silent and looking at me then I heard the bell and ran inside and I said "sorry you guys gotta get to class" I don't know why i was so nervous to answer that question I mean yeah I thought she was cute but i didn't like her i barley knew her.When i walked into the building i heard a bunch of girls giggling and saying "how hot logan is" "how cute I am" how awesome i am." I mean I did like the attention but it could get kinda crazy I was on my way to gym when i felt a tap on my shoulder and i turned around and saw Katie niks sister."Hi katie what do you want?" I said kinda rude "I was wondering if you were going to the pep rally this Friday?"She asked touching my arm and twirling her hair "Of course i'm going i'm the lead quarterback" katie really made me mad I didn't like her I was just nice to her cause she was my best friends younger sister "Well" she smiled "would you like to go with me then we could go do something else if you want" She bit her lower lip she looked like she was lusting me wait what lust? No no no this wasn't good why me i thought then I heard alicia's voice "Katie why don't you leave logan alone?"
"Why are you talking to me you piece of trash your ugly anyways"
"Katie I may be ugly but you are way uglier than me any-day you may be pretty on the outside but you are the ugliest person i know and personality don't tramp beauty unless you a re you who sleeps with every guy while dating Avery" she was right so i laughed a little and katie looked at me and she raised her hand and smacked alicia across the face she looked happy about it. "That's what you get you piece of trash" I looked at her and saw her brother with a shocked face


I walked in and saw my little sister slap alicia across the face I saw logan was between them I was so dissapointed the way she treated other people I mean she wasn't always like that she used to be my sweet little sister. I guess middle school changed her i was mad and angry so i walked up to them and grabbed her arm and said "what the hell is your problem you such a little bitch sometime and don't worry mom will know how you treat other people and logan yeah he doesn't like you he is nice to you cause I asked him to be so leave him alone and leave alicia alone also stop being a little brat" I spat it looked like I slapped her across her face she started crying and ran away i helped alicia pick up her books and looked at logan who was helping alicia up and she straightened out her clothes he said "nice job man" I said "yeah it was noting" I asked alicia if she was ok she stammered and said "y...yeah" and she looked like she was about to cry but she didn't then I saw Ryan kenish running t'words us he hugged alicia and logan looked surprised and said "uhm well alicia i will talk to you later" he ran off i think he thought that was alicia's boyfriend which I didn't know if they were or not "logan" alicia screamed "well ill talk to you guys later I have to talk to you later hey actually ill sit with you at lunch and I will bring logan to lunch." "Ok thanks" she looked like she was about to cry I will see you later" "bye" and I walked to class oh the joy of chemistry I sat in my seat next to who else but my beautiful girlfriend "hey babe" I said she said "oh hey and gave me a half hug"
"whats up"
"nothing" her name was jenny she had short blond hair that was in like a bob and bright blue eye's.
"so I was thinking" jenny said
"yes about?"
she smiled "I think i'm going to join swim team"
"That's awesome babe!" i said
"yeah and I was thinking you could join also" she grinned
"uhm i don't know about all of that but I will be there for every game I mean meet"
she looked dissapointed but said "ok"
"by the way we are sitting in a new place at lunch today"
"just cause"
then the teacher walked in and we stopped talking


I was walking down the hall and saw alicia walking down the hall she looked lost like always and it was already spring and school was almost over and she still looked lost she was pretty but she was a nerd and I'm dating katie."Hey alicia you need help' she looked up at me and said "s..ure" and we walked past the gym.I opened the door and saw katie grabbing logan's arm and flirting with him which made me pissed and alicia said "hey ill talk to you later if you wan't" I said "s..sure" focasing my attention on logan and katie he didn't look to happy about katie touching him I couldn't deal with this I walked to class and sat in my seat and sat next to this girl with braces she was drooling all over her paper and said "hi avery" i smiled and looked away and made a disgusting look She was kind of scary looking I mean she had like full out braces and was slobbering like my sister Jessie did. The teacher walked in the class room and then I saw Katie walk in class she looked like she was about to cry I asked her “what’s wrong” she said "it's none of your business" and the teacher said that we needed to be quiet so we did I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down welcome to dumpsvill population You”. I handed the paper to her and she read it and looked in shocked and said ‘why?’ I wrote 'cause you’re a whore and im tired of it' she frowned and rolled her eyes and went through the rest of the day ignoring her.


I was confused I walked here cause I knew I saw avery I had the biggest crush on him since the third grade. He walked and then asked me “Do you need help Alicia?” I was shocked he knew my name he hasn’t said it till the third grade were he kissed me under the basketball court for a dare he smiled at me his smile was so adorable but not as cute as logans wait!Why in the world am I thinking about logan I was walking with avery in my own thought thinking about logan he was so adorable I thought and so nice I wish he liked me I said in my mind and avery opend door for me and I smiled and said thanks and he said your welcome and he stood there in shock and I saw Katie flirting with logan and my heart broke a little for avery I said hey ill talk to you later cause he seemed really upset and so I walked over to Katie and logan and told her off she slapped me across my face my books flew across the room and I wanted to cry I saw nick I barley heard him say anythiy and saw Katie run away about to cry I got up then saw my brother running twords me and he hugged me and asked me “are you ok?”Yeah I saw logan looked a little hurt and he said “I have to go” he ran away and I screamed out “logan” hopeing it would stop him but he ignored me nik said hey I have to go looking at my brother suspiciously and said “ill sit with you at lucnch and I will bring logan” I said ok cause I felt bad about making logan feel bad I was about to cry I walked to my math class and sat in the back by mysewlf and the teacher began to teach and I fell asleep Imy day went by so fast I was already at lunch oh the joy of meat loaf Mondays I got a handburger though and got some grappes and jello with a chocolate milk I sat down at a table and saw nik walking my way with a veryt pretty girl I noticed I had lunch period with all of them a long time ago but I usually ate by myself except sometimes my friends sat with me but I mostly sat by myself yeah I know your surprised I have friends *shocked face* yeah but they don’t come up much in the book wait why am I talking to myself nik sat down and I saw logan get in line and he came to my table and sat down and nik said jenny Alicia Alicia jenny my girlfriend jenny said hi I said hiya and logan grumbled and went to his lunch I said whats wrong and he all of a sudden cracked on me.


When I saw him hugging her I clicked and I left and ran into class. I sat next to this girl in my class she was hot but she is absolutly dumb we had a project to do together the teacher was sitting in class and we were talking she said "like uhm i was woundering if you wanted to go out like you know sometime?'
"uhm julie your really beatiful babe but i'm kinda with urm someone kinda"
"oh and who is that?"
"You don't know her"
"oh ok."
I got up as the bell rang and I was thinking about alicia when that dude hugged her it was probable her boyfriend I got kinda mad but why exactly was I mad I didn't know exactly but here came nik walking twords me "hey man" he said
"whats up"
"nothing..Hey you know lets sit with alicia tonight"
i felt my face get red "why don't we not?"
"come on man for me"
"why do you want this so bad?"
"Cause man you like her i could tell it by the way you looked at her"
"i don't like her dude"
"Sure man then why did you drive her to school"
"cause I was doing a good deed for a neiboor in need."
"Sure man that's why you give her that look"
"what look?"
"the one were you get all smoshy"
"whatever man if i go to lunch with you will you leave me alone?"
"fine ill go to the stupid lunch" i shut my locker and walked away to my next class the day went by a lot i grabbed my lunch and sat down at alicia's table I was poking at my meat loaf and alicaia said "whats wrong"
"My boyfriend?"
she just laughed which made me more mad
"that's my brother didn't i tell you my last name?! its kenish if you never heard"
"yeah his name is ryan kenish and mine is alicia jessica kenish" she laughed
I blushed "sorry about that" she just laughed I blushed she said "you must really like me to be getting so mad" I turned even more red and shifted in my seat she raised a eyebrow and bit out of her burger everyone else just looked at me then all of a sudden my little brother came and put his tray down and asked why we all looked like a bunch of dead zombies we all just laughed "hey man" my brother said while patting on my back."Sup brother"
"nothing hey alicia" he said winking at her she blushed he smiled in satisfaction knowing he wanted to make her blush.
"Hey justin" she smiled
"Alicia...babe my brother and you should go out"
"What?!" I said
"calm down logie you guys would make a cute couple" said jenny and alicia just was looking down she was so adorable she looked up at me with those big brown puppy dog eyes man why am I talking like this I barley met this girl and she makes me feel happy when i'm around her I haven't felt this way in a long time.Dude snap out of it she is just some girl I slaped myself like a ideot and alicia just looked at me like what the hell "uhm are you ok" everyone asked as austin sat down at the table he had a bored look on his face like he always did looked at me and alicia and said "sooo you guys want to hang out after school?" I smiled and said "what do we have planned"
"uhmmm i dont know mabey it involves me you alicia.."
my brother said "wait wait why dont we have a foursom not just you guys god I dont want to be left out"
"What!?!?!" Alicia asked
"He is jokeing thats not what we are doing" austin said with a seriouse face
"Yeahhh...sure i was" my brother said with shifty eyes
austin punched him in the arm and said "shut up man"
"austin now its not nice punching people hasnt your mother taught you that tsk tsk tsk" my brother said pointing his finger at him
"So alicia....Uhm do you want to hang out with us ofter school" i asked lookeing down at my meat loaf as kevin sat down with alex next to him then justina came and sat down on alex's lap and rachel sat on kevins rachel was pretty kinda she had longish brown wavey hair and blue eyes and she was tall and skinny but she was just ok to me justina was the 'beauty queen' for my grade she had blond hair that was really long it reached to her lower back and it was ocks of curls she had blue eyes and she looked perfect which wasnt a understatement she was freaking but she wasnt my type she was kinda dumb im not saying all blondes are dumb its just that most of them at my school are.
"hiya" rachel said waving at alicia, alicia just smiled at her and justina smiled at alicia and said "like...whats up?!"
"nothing im alicia by the way: she smiled
"hey alicia" kevin alex rachel and justina said in different timeing
"Im rachel"
"You know us" said kevin and alex at the same time
"SO are you dating austin or justin?" asked rachel
"uhm none of them" alicia asked uncomfortable
"So your dateing logan" justina asked in shiock
"well i can tell he likes you" rachel said
"Why does everyone say that!?" I asked
"cause the way you look at her" everyone said in sync except alicia she looked kinda uncomfortable
"well...uhm...ok" alicia said she got up and said
"I uhm have to go.." she looked really uncomfortable
"wait up" i screamed running after her
"What now?" alicia asked
"what happend over there?"
"Its just weird"
"what is?"
"Im not used to being told that someone liked me.."
"Well...Uhm" I said screatching my head
"well what?" she asked lifting her eyebrow
"Do I what...Like you?"
"Uhm well yeah but I barley know you.."
"Well I like you also" " I said i bet my face was beat red her cheeks were turning red also
"Well..ok" then she started walking away
"Wait ..why dont we go out sometime?"
"I dont think that will be such a great idea logan" she sighed
"Well why not?"
"Cause me and you together that wouldnt be such a great idea"
"Well that makes no sense why dont we try"
"NO logan im trying to tell you no cuase I do like you dont get me wrong but i've heard you play girls so No is my finnal answer. I dont want to be just another one of those girls and it wouldnt be a great idea" I felt my heart shatter a little I stood there like a ideot with my mouth hung open for about 10 seconds she just stood there and stared at me then she turned and walked away she was gone and I screamed at myself "Ideot" and put my hands in my face and went back to the lunch table planning on going to do something to make her like me again. A light bulb poped in my head 'her brother' i said with a evil grin.


"Hey man whats up" i turned and saw logan stonewall
"Hey man nothing much" I said grabbing his hand and shakeing it we were on the same football team he was mr heartthrob for the 11th grade well thats what i heard
"I need a favor" logan asked
"Yeah man what is it?"
"You know Uhm alicia right alicia kenish?"
"Yeah she is my little sister why?"
"Well I was woundering if your parents would let me take her out"
"We don't live with our parents they left us alone and send money every week but why would you want to go out with alicia? She is only 14 well she is going to be 15 in September...Your not trying to use her as one of your little play toys right?"
he looked really seriouse when he tole me this
"No man no I like her she intrests me." I looked at him I don't know I know logan he isnt the greatest guy in the world but I would give him a chance with her
"ok im giving you this one chance man but if you ruin it never again"
"thanks so much man" and we gave a bro hug and my face looked exactly like this --> >.> when I told him how to win my sister over
"Ok so bring her white roses white not any other color make sure they have blummed only a little so she can watch them grow come to my house at 4:40 exactly and at 4:44 she makes a wish and then bring the flowers up to her give her this sob blah blah blah story but man it has to be original you cant get it off the internet.Then tell her she has no choice to go to a place ewith you say you wont leave until she says then if she says no say you will sing a song and you sing terabbily if she says no again and ask her again she will say no then you sing at the top of your lungs realllyyy bad" he looked kinda uncomfortable "Are you down for that" I asked him hopeing he would say 'no man I cant do that its to much' and start crying but insted he said
"Yes" man this dude must really be into my sister i thought kinda uncomfortable about a guy who not only was not a virgin but also who was one of the most popular people in the school and liked my little sister. I said "ok man if its to much just tell me no now and ill get on with my life and stuff"
"No man im cool with it but I gotta go ill see you later bruh" I eyed hiim and said "ok" and looked like this ----> -.- "what did I just doo?" i mubbled out loud i wanted to punch myself I just let a player like me ask my little sister out poop poop poop I triped over a trash can and looked around hopeing no one saw that and walked away like a cool kid and smiled at a group of girls who were looking at me and when they giggled I said to myself I still got it. Humm should i grorw a beard I think I would look really hot Your so random ryan thats why your so awesome no you are ryan no you are im going crazy yes I am i slaped myself inside my head and said get yourself together man and walked into my class.


Hummmm... Wait wait what just happend Did I just hear logan ask ryan what he could do to like alicia 'hehehe' i thought to myself I knew it he liked her yes its on and rocking i thought to myself ehh alicia is kinda hot but kinda not my type well she is but she is logan's kinda he owns her yeah yeah ladys we own you we are considered man whores if we stole you from your boyfriend well we don't own you I hope you know what I mean and anyways I could get any chick I wanted I just didn't want one at the moment well if you don't belive me the next chick that walks past me is mine oh shit its some goth chick oh well ill show you i get two chances
"Hey beth" I said flashing her a huge smile yeah she was hot but she had a lot of metal and looked pissed all the time kinda like me except for the meatal part she had blond hair she was kinda short and had black hilights and had tons of black liner around her eyes and lipstick the color of blood uhmmm mabey I could make this work
"Uhm hi austin"
"How are you?"
"Fine why are you talking to me?"
"Why well beth uase your absouloulty gorgus beth" I said with a smile she just gave me a weird look and said
"what do you really want austin"
"You" i said winking at her
"You want in my pants"
"No no no not that I mean that would be cool but I want a date"
she sighed and said "well your shit out of luck!"
"Why bethanie please your going to make me cry"
"Austin no your not why dont you go date ginger.." I looked over at ginger she was pretty but I want beth
"No I want a date with you"
"Why austin you havent talked to me since the 6th grade when we used to be friends then you became mr popularity!"
"Cause beth I missed you"
"uhm hummm sure" i grabbed a neclace out from my shirt and she saw it and looked like she almost was going to cry i fliped it over and ingraraved on it said beth and austin bestfriends forever
"You kept it?"
I smiled a little yeah me and beth were bestfriends since we were little and I wore that neclace she gave me in the third grade she had a braclet but I don't know if she still had it she smiled and gave me a hug and I heard gasps but I didnt care I really did miss beth I hugged her back and I heard wispers and more gasps I asked her "so will you still go out with me?"
"Yes austin" she said I smiled a little and said
"ill come to your house uhm this afternoon"
"Ok.." she said i saw her wipping away some of the black maskara that was going down her cheeks
"ill see you later beth" I smiled and walked away


“my boyfriend?”
“Hahaha” oh my god he thought my brother was my boyfriend he was getting really mad about me laughing also
“That’s my brother ha” I said you should have seen his face it was so red ------>insert lunch sean blah blah blah --- > I went through the day alright I guess then I walked to my brothers car and got in he smiled at me and said
“soooo logan stonewall” I looked at him with one eyebrow raised
“what about him/”
“I heard he drove you to school”
“yeah …”
“I heard he liked you also.”
‘Did he talk to you?”
“No why ”
I stared at him knowing hee lied and said “whatever “
We got home and I sat down I made a snack and it was 3”45 I sat down and watched t.v for a little bit and had some chttoes for a snack and did some of my homework and saw that it was 4::39 I was upstairs and I heard my brother open the door and said “you actually showed up” oh its probable one of his lame friends. It was 4:44 I wished that logan could forgive me then I heard a knock on the door I said
“come ….in…?” who was it I saw logan walk in my eyes almost poped out of my head he had white roses that hadn’t blummed that much
“hey Alicia lets go out”
“I told you logan no.”
“well im not leaveing until you say yes and these are for you” he handed me the roses and sat on my bed
“logan im not going to say yes”
“well then I might as well get comfy” he said laying down on my bed putting his hands behind his back he asked “now will you go out with me?”
“fine im going to start singing”
“yup and im a really bad singer”
“no please don’t”
“oh baby baby
How was I supposed to know
That something wasn't right here
Oh baby baby
I shouldn't have let you go
And now you're out of sight yeah
Show me how you want it to be
Tell me baby cause I need to know now oh because

My loneliness is killing me

I must confess I still believe
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time

Oh baby baby
The reason I breathe is you
Boy you got me blinded
Oh pretty baby
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
It's not the way I planned it
Show me how you want it to be
Tell me baby cause I need to know now oh because

My loneliness is killing me
I must confess I still believe
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time

Oh baby baby how was I supposed to know
Oh pretty baby I shouldn't have let you go

I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now
Don't you know I still believe
That you will be here
And give me a sign
Hit me baby….”
“fine fine god are you happy now I don’t have to like it and really Brittney spears!?” he smiled and said
“your special” he smiled and said
“not as special as you” I lifted my eyebrown and said
“whatever you can leavenow “
“ok but remember we have a date on Friday and im picking you up for school tommrow”
Before I could say no he walked away I smiled a little then my brother walked in my room sat next to me and said with a smirk on his face
“so logan stonewall”
“shut up”
“You like logan you like logan na na na na na na”
“suck a coconut”
“You want to suck logans coconut” he said while smiling I smacked him in the arm
“oh so you do haha cant wait till I tell him that”
“I never said I did”
“yeah but you never said you didn’t but you better not cause I will cut his coconut in half “ he said with a seriouse face and I just laughed we got pizza for dinner then I heard the door slam open “yo sup my hoes”
“mollie what are you doing home so late?” ryan asked
“I was doing stuff”
“what kind of stuff” I asked
“the kind of stuff that’s none of your business Alicia and you two ryan”
“did it involve a boy” ryan and me asked in sync
“how did you know and it also involved heaven stonewall”
Me and ryan looked at each other
“yup” she said mollie had short black hair that went just a little bit above her sholder with red hilights actually it covered most of the top of her head and the bottom was all black she had her nose periced and was only 13 she was going to be 14 this year on the last day of September mine is the 14th if you cared but yeah she was rebelling she hung out with a bunch of boys from the ages 15-21 and a few girls but they rebelled also I guess its cause me and ryan don’t give her enough attention that she has to get it from other boys I mean she doesn’t do anything with them cause they told me she doesn’t she looked a lot like me but mabey just a little prettier she grabbed a piece of pizza and sat on the couch ryan said
“no tattoos?”
“no more percings?”
“NO god will you just leave me alone!”
“mollie im sorry” ryan said hugging her “its just you have changed so much”
“I know I will try and be good fro now on im sorry” she said sniffling
“what happened?” I asked
“Colton …he tried to do something with me and I said no and then he tried rapeing me “ she said the ryan got really angry and said
“I told you they were bad news now were is that mother ..”
“its fine really im fine!”
“ok” he said colton was this guy that went to my school im pretty sure my brotherwas going to kill him when they got to school tommrow me and mollie went upstairs and sat in her room talking
“mollie guess what!”
“I have a date”she looked shocked
“with who?whats his name?how old is he? Is he cute ?he is really real right?” I laughed
“yes he is real his name is logan,he is 16,yeah he is really cute”
“great wait logan what?
“what the freaking frack that’s heavens brother”
“yeah I kinda figured that already”
“oh yeah he is really cute and her other brother is also haha”
“ know him also”
“yeah he is cool”
“nice the reson I asked if he was real is cause of tami she said she had a boyfriend and he was fake…”
“wow who does that?!”
“tami hahaha”
“true true”
“soooo you like uhm justin..”
“he is alright haha”
“would you go on a double date”
“sure why not if he wants to I wouldn’t mind haha”
“thank you so much”
“Welcome…I know im the best sister you ever had!”
“You’re the only one….”
“I know that’s why I said it cuase you couldn’t deni it hehe”
“ha ha “ I hugged her we both got ready for bed she went to be d and I did also I got ready in the morning and went to logans car and got in the front seat and saw Justin sitting in the back and my evil master pan was put in place…


Alicia got in the car and was smiling at me kinda creepy I said
“yes Alicia…”
“Justin you know I love you”
“what are you up to?”
“yeah what are you up to?” said logan eyeing me suspiciously
“you guys have a sister named heaven right?”
“yeah” me and logan said at the same time
“well I have a sister named mollie” I choked on my spit
“what?!” I said kindda squeaky
“yeah whats wrong with her?”
“nothing …nothing at all…” I said smiling her sister was hot though.
“so would you do me a favor..”
“sureee…what is it”
“go on a double date with me and her “.
Logan said “wait on our date”
“but it was going tobe just us…”
“now its not”
“so Justin what do you think of my sister”
“she is hot I woiuld totally do her…” she looked at me with one eyebrow up
“I mean take her on a respectable date” I said with shifty eyes
“good” she said


I got on the bus and sat next to heaven she was like me her parents swwere never home “hey mol’s”
“Hey hev…so whats up”
“nothing hey you want to come over Saturday and stay over?”
“yeah I have to ask ryan though..”
“since when”
“since last night when me and him got into a huge fight”
“well ok you should stay over and we can laugh at my brother Justin stare at you like a idiot”
“haha yeah that was funny last time”
“I think he drooled” she said busting out laughing so all the other 8th graders were looking at us
“hehe sorry” she said


Friday came quick and I was in my room getting ready so was Justin it was alicias plan I guess so she wouldn’t be alone with me. I wore a baby blue button up shirt with nice black jeans. My hair was perfect like always and yeah I do have my ears percied its not gay im telling you people I wore my dimonds and smiled at myself
“looking good logan”
“ha ha whatever logan” my little sister said walking in my room she came up to me she was small she was only 5 ‘3 she had to stand on my bed to look straight at me
“oh by the way logie my friend is comeing over tommrow…”
“yo man get down here we are going to be late!” Justin said
“heaven-leigh be good please for once for me”
“anything for you only if you give me 20 dollars” she said giving me a huge smile I grabbed my wallet and handed her a 20 and said no drugs
“like I would do drugs that’s for food!”
“ok…” I said eyein her suspiciously
“have fun on your dates haha tell Justin not to drule over mollie again”
“I DID NOT DRULE” Justin said screaming up the stairs
“sure you didn’t Justin hehe” me and Justin got in the car he started grumbling
“whats your problem” I asked
“heaven said I druled,I DON’T DRULE!”
“well I didn’t really pay attention to you drulling but she is staying over I think tommmrow…”
“yeahhhh ha ha”
“that’s not funny”
We were silent the rest the way which wasn’t that far like 6 minuts we got out and knocked on the door ryan answered eating a what looked like a bag of chips and said
“what do you guys want?”
“we are here for our date with mollie and uhrm Alicia” Justin said
“oh that’s why they look like that” he said stuffing his face with food I walked in and ryan said
“they are in the kitchen but I would be carful cause they are probably fighting”
Me and Justin just looked at each other we walked in the kitchen
“you’re the bitch” I heard a kinda familiar voice say who I would assume is mollie
“yeah im not the one who takes crap why don’t you eat it also”
I heard a slap in the face me and Justin walked in kinda hesitant and saw alicias face full of pie
“oh you little brat” Alicia said jumping on mollie
“wow ladys no need to fight over me” Justin said then at the same time mollie and Alicia turned and sae Justin and then then Alicia said
“mollie don’t you think these boys need some pie”
“Alicia I think that’s a great idea” they said grabbing a hand full of pie and throwing it at us
“oh now your going to get it” Justin said I laughed out
“oh well I think that we need to wash that pie down!” I grabbed the water hose and started the water and sprayed them we all laughed mollie screamed
“MY HAIR hAHA OH WELL HAHA” she looked kinda like Alicia but she straightend her hair haha soon Alicia me and Justin and mollie were looking at each other “mabey we should just clean up and ha ha order pizza and sit in alicias room and watch a movie”
“why my room why not yours” Alicia said
“if you want mine is fine also” mollie said I stood there like a moron and said “hi” then looked around with shifty eyes mollie looked at me with one eye brow raised looking me up and down cheaking every freature of me and finnaly smiled and said
“my sister was right..”
“about” she just grinned and said
“nothing hehe” then Justin was staring at mollie with drule coming out heaven was right I laughed and said
“heaven was right Justin” he looked at me and looked down and saw slobber and blushed a little
“heaven what about heaven she isn’t going to kill me right for going out with her I already talked to her about it …is that why she invited me over so she could cut me in half” mollie said looking around like a wild crazy animal panting
“urm….no” Justin said
She grabbed Justin by the sholders which wasn’t that hard cause he is only like 5’8 and she is like 5’5 and shook him and said
“are your for sure I don’t want to die” she said grabbing onto him hugging him with his super soaked shirt a smile lit his face and Alicia just looked at them and said
“Justin just remember what you said respectable date” he laughed and said
“sureeeee….” She flipped his blonde hair out of his face and said
“uhm me and my brother over here need sokme clothes we will be back I guess” this time mollies face lit up and said stay and ran away she was really curvey she had a really small waist she looked kinda like a modle (btw this is mollies real boyfriend writing this part haha I don’t want her to kick my ass but she really does look like that which is kinda weird lots of us guys have desided that so if you relize that there are parts were it sounds a lot like a guys writing cause its me she made me write for most the guys like logan I write completely for him and ryan which is my name btw >.>) we waited there for about 10 minuts when I heard a crash me Alicia and Justin ran to were the crash was it was mollie with a pile of clothes face forward in the couch she got up and said
“gee thanks you all are soooo helpful why don’t I just give a little dance to show you how happy I am” she stood there looking at us I said
“what are these”
“what do they look like” mollie said looking at me like I was dumb
“no dip Sherlock” mollie said while rolling her eyes (yes mollie is like that in real life but not as bad as she was in the beginning just reallllly sarcastic”
“ok well lets take showers I guess and then meet in mollies room first door to the left and then you can take a shower in her room and I will take a shower in my moms and mollie will take one in ryans and you can take one in my room logan.” Ok we all went upstairs and Alicia pointed us out to were we were going and towls and stuff are under the sink… we all took showers and meet up in mollies room which was purple and black I sat on her fuzzy bed with some of ryans clothes I would assume mollie walked in the room with sweat pants and a tank top she sat next to me and said
“hi “
“so what happened why were you guys yelling at each opther”
“cause …well uhm she ..uhm kinda well…”
“spit it out haha”
“she stole my brush”
I looked at her and just closed my eyes and blinked
“yeah” she said looking at me
“do…you want to know a secret” I said kinda slow.
“I don’t know …”
“do you or do you not..”
“I do..”
“my parents died and left me to take care of my brother and sister I haven’t had a real actual date in over …..ever…”
“yeah she hugged me
“my parents left ryan in charge they don’t stay with us they live on there own on some rsort or something they don’t even care I think…”
“im sorry..”
“I have a question….”
“hey I have a idea you aske me something then I ask you?”
“sure…uhm have you ever kissed a guy”
“haha what kind of question is that?!”I leaned over and kissed her on the lips wow they were really soft you know those sparks your soulposed to feel well I didn’t feel them it was like sitting on a warm beach just chilling( this is mollie my stupid boyfriend had to do something with some stupid girl >.


(i will add more later im just really tired and yeah sooo i will have more later sorry about that)


Texte: this book will not be permeated to be copy-ed in anyway meaning recorded videoed or anything other than reading it with your own eyes
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.05.2012

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