
Chapter 1
Vampires. Myths, right? Wrong. I know because I date one. His name is Damon Salavtore and he's wonderful. Well, as wonderful as a homocidal vampire can be. I'm 19 years old and I have the most unbelievable life in the world. Mystic Falls is no ordinary town and neither are its residents. I have just one question. Fancy a bite?

" No, no, no, no, NO!" I chorus as Damon takes my hand and brings it to his lips "Please. For me"

"I'm not going to any parties. Especially not a School dance!"

"But don't you wanna know what it was like in the 60's?"

"Erm, surprisingly, no." He puts his arm around my waist and kisses my neck. I shudder as I feel another part of my stubborness melt away. What can I say, he has that effect on people.Well, me mostly "Take it from someone who was ther, it was... fun. I met a lovely girl in the 60's. She was... Delicous." I smack him with the back of my hand and he laughs at me "If I agree to go will you leave me alone?"

"Maybe." Damon purred. He spins me around and kisses me on the lips. My arms tighten around his neck and he pulls me even closer. This moment was so perfetct I could hardly believe it. And then someone knocks at the door. I shove Damon towards my closet and, after he kisses me again, he hides. I open the door to find my square-jawed father with his hand in the perfect possision to knock again. God, he was so impatient "What do you want, dad?"

He shakes his head and says "Don't use that tone of voice with me young lady. Anyway you have a guest." dad opens the door futher to reveal a young man, only about 22, with curly blonde/brown hair and ancient brown eyes.


I gasp in shock and horror as I remember the last time I'd seen him "Hello, Monica." he grinned and that's when my screaming filled the whole neighbourhood.

Chapter 2
In a flash, Damon was standing in front of me. His arm went protectively around me and it was hard to believe that less than five minutes ago we had been laughing and messing around "What do you want?" Damon growled to the intruder. I was crying now and the tears poured down my cheeks hot and fast. Klaus smiled a lazy smile "I missed my friends. You helped me complete the sacrifice so I thought I'd pay you all a visit. Where's Elena? Doesn't she want to see Stefan?"
I'd almost forgotten about him. Elena's vampire boyfriend- and Damon's little brother- was made Klaus's slave after the sacrifice. I remember it clearly. Mainly because that was the night Damon almost died. Elena must not have known Klaus was here. Or Stefan. My dad was standing with a blank expression on his face, watching our violent exchange was wide eyes "Monica, why was there a man hiding in your room?" Great, just perfect. Klaus must've compelled him. Damn vampires "I'll explain later. Right no I need to go and see Elena."
"Yes, let's all go and see Elena." Klaus smiled brightly and clicked his fingers. Within seconds Stefan was beside him. My breath got caught in my throat as I take in his appearance. Formal Stefan. Kind Stefan. Human Stefan. It had all disappeared. He was wearing ripped jeans that were stained with blood and a tight shirt that was once white but was now a brilliant scarlet. His hair was unfashionably tousled and his eyes were flushed red. Black veins stood out over his cheek-bones and his fangs were extended. This Stefan was terrifying. Damon took a step backwards, meaning I had to as well "Hello brother." Stefan hissed. Damon had obviously recovered from the shock as his voice was fairly level "Hello Stefan. Have you been taking care of yourself?"
"I'm drinking human blood, if that's what you mean."
"You know what human blood does to you. Do you remember what happened last time you... indulged? Not pretty." Damon was back to him arrogant, cocky self "I thought this was what you wanted. All those times you tried to convince me to go after Elena or other victims. I resisted. Now I'm ready to embrace being a vampire. Like old-times. I'm a little thirsty. Let's feed together. What about her." Stefan nodded at me and that's when Damon snapped. The blood rushed to his eyes and his fangs came out "If you touch her I will break your neck." Damon snarled
"You can try, brother." Stefan hissed as he charged at Damon. They hissed and bit at each other as they wrecked my house "Well-" Klaus turned away from the fighting ball of hatred to grin at me"-aren't family reunions fun?"

Chapter 3

Once Klaus had stopped finding Damon and Stefan's conflict amusing he broke them up. I didn't think that would be possible but Klaus just grabbed them both by the collars of their shorts and left them dangling there. They looked kind of pathetic, actual "Right, boys, you've had your fun. Stop playing games and let's be serious.”
“You’re a dick.” Damon said with a scowl. Stefan just growled. Klaus burst out laughing which just annoyed Damon more “You two really are the most hormonal vampires that have ever lived. And believe me, I’ve met them all.” Klaus dropped the Salvatore brothers and they both caught themselves before they hit my bedroom floor.
If my dad freaked out about me having one guy in my room I wonder what he’d say about three. I don’t need to worry, though, as Klaus has compelled him to the point where he’d be pretty damn okay with anything. I picked up my phone and dialled in Elena’s number “Hello? Elena? Is that you?”
“Yes it’s me. Hey, Monica, how are you?”
“Erm... not very good. I have something to tell you but I’m not sure how you’ll take it. Are you sitting down?”
“Yes. What’s wrong?”
“Look Elena, its Klaus. And Stefan.”
“Oh my God what’s happened now?” I could hear the pain and the fear form in Elena’s soft voice and didn’t know what else to say. That the love of her life is back with his evil boss? That they might kill some of the people she cares about? That her ex-boyfriend nearly trashed my house trying to kill his brother? I don’t think so “Well, they’ve turned up and they want to see you. Is it okay if Damon and I come with them to see you?”
“I suppose so.” Elena didn’t sound too confident and neither was I. This has to come high in the top 10 worst days of my life. Next to Damon’s near death. He got bit by a Werewolf-Tyler Lockwood- and the venom spread around his body very quickly. Elena and I were with him that night. The only thing that would save him was the blood of a half Vampire half Werewolf. The only issue was Klaus is the only 50/50 hybrid and that’s how Stefan became his little pet. It was to save his brother’s life. I love Stefan; he’s like an older brother to me. The thought that he might want me dead truly upsets and terrifies me.
“See you soon.” I said to Elena and I put the phone down. I turn to face the three vampires that were standing in my small bedroom and sighed. It was a very big sigh “Let’s go then.” I swivel out onto the hall and pick up Damon’s keys. I didn’t know if they were following and I didn’t care. They could walk if they weren’t. Damon was behind me and he caught my hand in his “I’ll drive.” He whispered “Okay then.” I put my keys into his palm. It was probably for the best, actually. If Damon was driving there is a lesser chance him and Stefan will start fighting again. I hope.

Chapter 4
I get to Elena’s house without any fighting from the guys. There was some snide and sarcastic comments, yes, but as soon as Klaus got irritated by Damon and Stefan’s constant immaturity he told them to stop talking, only he was less polite then that.
Elena was sitting on her front porch by the time that we arrived. As soon as she saw Stefan she started crying, again.
I feel so sorry for her! She loses her Aunt, her biological mum and dad and her boyfriend- not to mention her adopted parents car accident, Damon’s recent near-death, her best friend supposedly ‘dying’ and her brother dying and coming back to life. Twice. A lot can happen in a small town.
I go to my friend and put my arm around her. She was trying to be strong but I knew her heart was breaking “Hello, sweetie-” Klaus goes and kneels by Elena and strokes her face with his thumb and index finger “- how are we today?”
“You can go to hell.” Elena spits in his face. Klaus stands up and laughs “Been there, done that. I got kicked out for being too... naughty. The Devil hasn’t got anything on me.” Klaus winks in my direction. I saw Damon stiffen.
Damon’s POV
I hate them. Klaus and Stefan, they’re both evil. Stefan’s dead to me and I don’t care what happens to him. If he so much as looks the wrong way at Monica or Elena I will drive a stake through his heart myself. Nobody will use the people of Mystic Falls like I did ever again. Not while I’m still breathing anyway.
Stefan looks like he’s going to kill someone at any moment. I remember a time when the thought of my brother drinking a human’s blood would make me ecstatic but a lot has changed since then. Since she came to Mystic Falls I’ve changed. I’ve become more human then I have been since Katherine. I do miss it. I miss it so much sometimes and it hurts. At least I have Monica. She's not going anywhere. Yet.

Chapter 5
Damon comes and stands next to me. Stefan watches his movements and I saw something in his eyes. It looked like resentment. Maybe the old Stefan is in there somewhere after all. “What’s wrong brother? Scared your girl might enjoy the dark side more than you? You think she might get bored? Or maybe you’re just jealous. You can’t be free to do whatever the hell you want like the old days.” Stefan spat. Maybe the old Stefan wasn’t there after all.
Elena was doing her best to ignore Stefan but she heard his remark. She didn’t like it either “What happened to you Stefan? I know why you did this but you don’t have to continue. Is it worth it, the blood? I presume that’s why you’re still letting him-” Elena glanced meaningfully in Klaus’s direction “- Control you? That’s not the Stefan I used to know. The Stefan I loved.” I think everybody noticed Elena’s change in tense, especially Stefan. With inhuman speed he was in Elena’s face “Maybe I like being the way I am. It’s better than playing at being a pathetic human.” Stefan spat the word human as if the mere sound of the word made him want to vomit. Elena looked close to tears again. She grabbed my hand as if squeezing me could make the pain she felt go
Damon’s POV
How could he be so cruel? Elena loves him with every cell of her being and he’s destroying her. She’s just in denial over his choice, that’s why she is ignoring her feelings for him. But she can’t hide everything. We can all see the look in her eyes. We can all see her soul shattering and her heart breaking... I can’t look. It’s too much. I used to love Elena like she loves Stefan and I still care about her. The fact that my brother is hurting her like this is too much for me to bare. I have a plan, though. I know exactly what to do. The only problem is convincing Monica- and Elena- that it’s a good idea.

Chapter 6
Damon’s POV
Klaus wouldn’t let any of us be alone with each other, even when we went to the toilet he made sure Stefan or his other pet Eric were on guard. I had absolutely no time to prepare Elena or Monica for my plan. Maybe it’s better this way, though, Then when they’re questioned (which they will be) they will be telling the truth; they don’t know a thing.
Right then, Damon, take a deep breath and here we go...
Monica’s POV
I knew something was wrong as soon as I stepped into the grand room that is the Salvatore living room. You could probably fit my kitchen in this room three times over. “I have something we need to talk about.” Damon said as he took a seat on one of the many big chairs that were scattered around the room. I knew being locked up like this was killing him. He had always been the bad one; the one to be afraid of. And now he’s being forced in one place by two vampires, one of which is his brother, and whatever Klaus is. A hybrid, I suppose I should call him. “Do go on. What troubles are on your mind this fine day, mmm?”
“Well, it’s more of a business proposition, really.” Damon says in a strong voice.
“Oh, really? And what could you possibly offer me?”
“Help. I’m offering to join you. I’ll be whatever you want, DO whatever you want. On one condition.” He had Klaus’s full attention now. The way he talked and presented himself was that of a proper businessman. He could’ve sold me anything and I would’ve bought it. “And what is this condition, I wonder? I bet I can guess. Kill Katarina... No that’s not it. Leave Mystic Falls... Not it either. I know! You want me to let your lady friends here go” Klaus sneered.
“Yes, that and-”he takes a deep breath, probably thinking about how to continue “-I want you to let my brother go as well.” The room suddenly turns silent as everyone takes in his offer.

Chapter 7
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...” Klaus’s laughter fills the room, making everyone shrink from his power. He is kinda intimidating a lot of the time. But I don’t think there’s anything funny about his offer, not at all. “I’m being serious!” Damon bellows indignantly. He obviously means it and I know he wants to help his brother: I understand it, I do, I just don’t get why he’s doing it this way. I want to help Stefan to I’m just not turning evil to do it. “And why should I trust you?” Klaus questions, moving forward, so he is in Damon’s face.
“Because there isn’t anything for me left in Mystic Falls anymore. There hasn’t been anything for me in this God forsaken town since Katherine. It just took me a while to realise that. I’ve tried to be good; I’ve tried to be human but it just isn’t me. I am a monster. People have totally forgotten that. I’m now prepared to embrace for your needs. This town, and everyone in it, is dead to me from now on.” I flinch from Damon’s words as if it was a physical blow. Maybe it was. It certainly hit my heart. It hit it and tore it into tiny pieces. If that’s the way he wants to play it then fine. He can. I don’t care about him anymore. In fact I now want nothing more then to drive a stake through his heart.
Damon’s POV
Oh, God how can I do this? I can’t. It’s that simple. Elena and Monica hate me. I can tell by their eyes. I don’t blame them, I hate me. I have to believe what I’m saying because I highly doubt Klaus will let me in without compelling me to tell him the truth. Yes, I digest vervain but I haven’t had any for a day or two. Maybe that wont be enough. I have to prepare myself for that. Because if I fail, everyone I care about will end up dead.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.07.2011

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