
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Story Log:Brianna~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I turned around, "Oh my gosh! Hi Baby!!" I squealed. "Heyy babe." Mike winked. I gave him a hug. Monna, Teana, Carly, and Logan watched me and whispered something. Mike asked them, "Is it okay if I talk to her privately?" They nodded, "Sure, have fun!" Mike brought me to his locker and asked, "So you like it?" I yelled, "Hell yeah!" He gave me a smile and winked. When we were about to kiss, Mary came by and grabbed Mike by his leather jacket. "Hey there big boy." She cooed in a flirting voice. I defended, "Hey back off! He's mines and he is absolutely not gonna cheat on me." Mike looked at her and said, "That's right, back off." Mary gave me a glare, "Whatever, he's trash, take him." I yelled, "Like you aren't." Mary just sashayed away. Ugh! That bitch! The bell rang. "Sorry Mike, I gotta go." I said and hurried away. Mike waved at me. I ran to Monna and Carly. "Hey. Where's Teana." I asked. Monna cried, "Teana had a seizure, now she's in a coma." Carly was crying, I wanted to cry too but I just couldn't, "Oh my god. What happened?" Carly said in a squeaky voice,"Teana got tripped by some girl and we went to check if she was okay. . .but. . .but. . " Her voice trailed off. I walked past them and saw Teana on a hospital bed. "No. No! This can't be happening!!" I wanted to die! I fell on my knees and started crying. Logan saw me and tried cheering me up, "C'mon. She'll be alright. We gotta go to class." I cried, "Alright."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Written from Brianna's log~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OMG. I don't believe this. Why god? Why good then bad? Oh, then I'll have a dead mother. How great. I'm tired of this. Please, god. Make sure my friend is okay. I'm gonna find the girl who did this! She can NOT be forgiven. I have my list of suspects:
1)Of course, Mary
3)The other girl
4) Not sure
Anyways, ttyl from Brianna <3 Byes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Phone Convo w/ Mon, Car, Lo~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Briskaluv 1:32PM sent: wow :'( without teana our Monte Carlo isn't complete!

MonnaDew 1:32PM sent: poor Teana, she never deserved that. im gonna beat the shit out of the girl who tripped her.
Carliism 1:33PM sent: :'( i miss teana without her our life seems worse and boring, she brings the funk out! (oh and i changed my font cuz' it was kinda small)
LoFL 1:34PM sent: same, i bet i know who did this!
Briskaluv 1:34PM sent: yea, Mary. but what if it wasn't her. bcuz she was with me that time.

MonnaDew 1:35PM sent: ohh, but what if that was a replica?
Carliism 1:35PM sent: i don't think ther is a twin of Mary. mary is a bitch that can never be replaced.
LoFL 1:36PM sent: you'll nvr no.
Briskaluv 1:36PM sent: sh sh, guys my phone keeps on vibrating,,but i think my teacher won;'t hear. but i'ma close it jus in case. anyways bye :( i miss teana.

MonnaDew 1:37PM sent: bye luvley:(
LoFL 1:37PM sent: kk, be happy :) bye.
Carliism 1:38PM sent: Bye:)
Briskaluv has left the conversation.
MonnaDew 1:38PM sent: ahaha, Brandon just asked the teacher,"what is an orgasm?" lmao. lemme hear what she;d say
LoFL 1:39PM sent: haha, oh oh oh ohhhhhhh!"
Carliism 1:39PM sent: *slaps Logan* hey, you're not doing it. it;s for later.
LoFL 1:40PM sent: *stares at Carly's boobs*
MonnaDew 1:40PM sent: Omg! LOL! she said, 'its what girls and boys do after they have it."lol, some people asked have what?"
Carliism 1:40PM sent: i want your teacher! she's cracks me up! and logan stop staring o
r i'ma kick you in your no-no place.
LoFL 1:41PM sent: *gulp* I'm sorry ma'am.
Carliism 1:41PM sent: you better be. anyways check u guys out l8r. ttfn.
Carliism has left the conversation.
LoFL 1:42PM sent: ya, bye too monna.
MonnaDew 1:42 sent: same. ttfn2u2.
LoFL and MonnaDew has left the conversation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Story Log: Carly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Leaning on my left elbow, tapping my pencil, watching the clock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Ugh, can this clock be any slower!? I thought to myself. As Mr.Freen keeps blabbing I pass Logan a note saying, "Hey, how're you doing?" Mr.Freen turns around. Oh shit! But he doesn't see. That's so close. Logan passes back the note, "Bored like hell. You?" I write, "Same." And passes it back. Ugh, my life sucks, just waiting for the clock to tick. "Carly. What is the equation to finding pi?" Mr.Freen asks. I reply stuttering, "Th-th-there isn't a-a fully explained equation. It remains a mystery." Mr.Freen nods his head and tells me, "Sit down."
Phew. That was close. I slump back down on my seat. -BRRRNGGG- The bells goes. "YES!" I cheer. We all hurried outside. Time for P.E with Monna and Brianna. Suddenly, I see Mike and some girl next to his locker. They were talking about something. The girl looked so familiar. HOLY FU**! It's Mary! What is she doing with him? I walked to an angle so that I'm not very visible. Then I heard Mike say, "Here you go. A beautiful bracelet, one of a kind. Just like you." And he leaned over and kissed her. THAT BITCH! How dare she!! I better not tell Brianna or she'll go mad. Ugh!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Story Log: Monna~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yay! Time to see my besties! I rushed to the 3rd floor. I see them! "Heyyy gals!" I cheered. Brianna said, "What's up my fave love!?" Carly greeted, "Heyy!" I asked, "What's up?" "Not much." Brianna replied. "I'm ok..." Carly said. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. . ." Carly said. Brianna asked, "Is it about Teana?" Carly said, "'s something about someone." I thought who's that someone? Well I can't wait to find out...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.06.2011

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