
New Home

Today was the day I had been dreading all summer, The day I move away from my parents to my grandparents house because i've been a 'bad kid' and a 'bad infuence'. I had never met my grandparents and I had never intended too. The only connection I had ever had with my grandparents was when they would send me and my siblings holiday or birthday cards.
I didn't think I was that bad of a kid to get shipped away from home, but apperantly I was according to my parents. My 'talking back' pretty much led me to being shipped off to Vancouver aha great Canada is just were I wanted to be...NOT.
Im going to miss everyone here. I didnt really WANT to leave my parents, I sure DIDINT want to move, im not sure if my parents know how upset I am about this. But I think they just want to get rid of me since im so bad, and im really not im more normal rather then bad. My siblings all had perfect golden brown hair, got A pluses on their report cards.
But im the kid that gets C's and B's and talks to "people" rather than just their parents. I was born with red hair that everyone at school thinks I had dyed. I spoke my mind and never backed down from people that wanted to hurt me.
"KATE ARE YOU DONE PACKING?" I hear my mother calling from downstairs. "Yea mom I will be down soon." I call down to her. I pick up my bags and my ipod and head to the car. I look out the window as we drive I see my sisters waving goodbye kindly and we take off.
Im finally here my parents have already left and im alone to walk to the huge wooden door. I knock and there is no awnser. I find the doorbell and wring that, the door opens with a creek. "Hello how may I be of service." a young man greets. "Uhm im looking for my grandparents im staying with them for well this year." The man smiles "ahh you must be Kate, please come in." I step in the house has many windows and black carpets and marble, I whistle "Nice place." I say looking around.
"Oh yes it is marvolouse" he smiles, "I am afraid that your grandparents are not here at the moments, they left for a trip, I think they left you a note in the kitchen." Alright cool" I respond. I walk to the kitchen strangley I did not needhelp finding the note on the fridge.
Dear kate we trust you enough to stay at our house bye yourself for the week. Be good, dont go into the woods, Sincerley grandfather.
Alright awesome no woods, and they'd be gone for a week. kinda mysterious. I found my way to my room and set alll my stuff down and walk to the window. I had a good look at the woods actually and also a good look at its animals. I was shocked to see a wolf as big as a horse peering at me and running away. Woah.



A car screeched into the parkers driveway and let a girl with passionate red hair and the most beautiful face I have ever seen. She slammed the car door behind her and stalked to the Parkers front door, she banged on it with her pale fist a couple times but settled on wringing the doorbell.

The butler, Sam, opened the door "How may I be of service?" the girl twiddled her fingers "I’m looking for my grandparents I’m staying with them for well the year." her voice sounded like a beautiful chorus of bells. Sam smiles “You must be Kate, Please come in." she eagerly wonders inside. Sam catches a glimpse of me, nods and slams the door shut. Where did she go? Why can’t I see her anymore? Why did Sam slam the door? I paced the ground one paw in front of the other. Then the idea hit me, I could probably see her from her window.

Kate, KATE, Her name spread through my mind like addiction as I ran to the back of the two story house, still covered in a constant amount of trees. I see her in her room now setting things down, placing things here and there. When it seems as if she’s finished she takes slow steps towards her window looking out at the woods, looking at me...HUMANS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE US!I run as fast as I could through the woods and I kept running as I shift into human form, not even bothered by the scrunchyness of my skinny jeans.

"HEY MARCUS!" A voice cuts off my running "Well, well it seems as if you have a lil crush." Arynn says making kissy faces "Shut up Arynn" I snap back at her, which only makes her laugh more "Yea shut up Arynn we shouldn’t make lover boy feel bad." Adriane her twin brother says laughing louder than her. I was about to walk away when I smack into Brian "I think the alpha likes her to, that’s a shame pup." I hate when he calls me pup I mean I am only 2years younger than him.

Adriane's laugh chocked off "the alpha? Uh oh you’re not gonna have a chance now." I hear the pounding of footsteps as Marilyn runs towards us "The alpha wants to see you now." she says pointing to me. A bunch of OOOO's go through my pack as I fallow Marilyn to the alpha. When we reach him he is leaning against a tree picking as its leaves.

"Oh Marcus your here, we need to talk." I shuffle my feet. "About what exactly?" the alpha stands " I need to know if that girls saw you in your wolf form?" My heart felt like it was stopping. "Yes she saw me but im hoping she thinks I was just a regular wolf, and I think....I think we both like her." "Oh I don’t like her that much you can have her, I think I found my mate today." the alpha smiles.

I smile too "Well who is it?" I question. He sits again and looks dreamily at the sky "Her name is Kate she is staying at the parker’s house this year." Uh oh this is not good. "Uhm who were you talking about when we were discussing someone who saw me?" he frowns "Cindy Monroe of course." It was my turn to frown "I was talking about Kate." The alpha stand and growls. "You can’t have her pup, I don’t care how much you 'love' her she’s mine and I’m the alpha."

I hate it when Brian and the alpha call me PUP! I’m 16 they are 18! not that big of a difference, but I cant yell at him, I’ll get the crap beaten out of me "Alright" I say and walk away....I’m not letting her go this easy.

Not Just Some School Yard Secret

It’s hard to keep things secret, because after a while it’s WAY too much to bear. I see that wolf almost every day now, I know I’m supposed to tell someone, but I can’t. Today I’m starting school at Edgar J. High. What a boring name, for boring teachers I guess, for this boring town. I wasn’t allowed to leave the house once for the remaining of the summer.

Not even to go shopping or something even remotely close to that, not like there is anything here worth shopping for. But today was the day I’ve been dreading since I came to this town, High school. High school was something I used to be good at. But then I started hating it, I was bullied for being smarter than most kids, and not like honor roll smart, Genius smart. I could solve things other than just school problems, like real problems. I could find things very easily, I was overly observant.

But now I’m not, I choose to act like an idiot just to have friends. And that’s why I’m here, because I made the wrong choice and I really don’t want to make it again. I just want to go home. The wolf always reminds me of home. And I think that wolf is going to be my only friend in this town.

I walk to the door, now dressed and ready. “Sam I’m leaving now.” And slam the door shut. The ground was muddy and the air was still humid with summer heat. I walk to the road to see a car with a middle aged man in it “Hello my name is Greig, I’m your driver.” I sigh “I can walk you know.” Greig smiles “Can’t do that lil miss I’m paid to do this.”

I walk to the passenger’s seat and sit down. Looking over at Greig I huff “can we just go now?” Greig shifts in his seat “sure miss.” I glare at him “I’m not one for talk, and don’t call me miss my name is Kate.” I face the front window to avoid eye contact, I felt bad.


Greig finally drops me off at school, joy. I was greeted by the sight of cigarette smoke, blue and wafting towards my way. I wave it back and make my way inside. The school is big but not ginormous, Its walls decorated with colorful pictures and various themes. I slack my way to the office tugging on a loose thread on my backpack. I hit something hard and here a screech “WATCH WERE YOUR GOING!” I look up to see a girl with platinum blonde hair rubbing her shoulder.

“Sorry.” I say and give an apologetic smile. She sneers at me “Whatever ginger.” Her friends began to laugh. “Do I have freckles, uh no, do I have carrot red hair nope, seriously get your facts right.” I blurt. She gives me a mean smile. “Kay porcelain, seriously get a tan you look like my china doll.” I laugh “You play with dollies?” She frowns “No I got a doll from my dead grandma you idiot.”

Her friends ‘Awe’ and give her pats her on the back. A new voice pursues behind me “Well you shouldn’t have brought it up huh Chrystal?” I turn to see a very pretty brunette girl behind me hands on her hips, glaring at Chrystal. Chrystal smiles “Hey Arynn what’s up buddy and I brought it up because she’s a little freak and uh so are you, bye bye.” She tosses her hair and sends an evil glare to me. What I wrong with everyone here literally this is going to be the worst year ever.

The Attack

The rest of the day flew by, papers, pencils, rustling were all I could pay attention to. I was grateful for “Arynn” I think that was her name, for helping me, I wanted to tell her that but I couldn’t find her all day.


I walked home avoiding Grieg’s calls to me, after a while I think he just gave up. I couldn’t help but just take a look around this town, it was big enough there had to be something worth time out here. I walked a couple blocks and found a library quickly speeding inside. I grab a book, not even bothering to look at the title or anything about it, and read I am swept up into this book, so into it that when I am ready to leave its already eight o’ clock. Dark. I gather the book and put it back into the place I found it and ran out of the library. There are no streetlights on; I’m surrounded by a purple darkness that stretches across the town. There is no one out either. I hear slamming of doors and gates as I walk by houses and businesses, evil glares tossed at me in a very unfriendly way. Way to roll out the welcome wagon. Without thinking I run into the forest “Bright idea Kate you’re going to get yourself murdered out here.” Great now when my conscious begins to tell me these things there automatically going to happen. A growling of an animal startles me and I fall face down into the brush. I push myself back up this time running “Also another bad idea jeez what’s wrong with you.” The growling begins to get closer until I can feel the animals breath on my back. With the speed of a cheetah the animal pounces from behind and bites my arm, the pain is searing hot, another bite on my other arm makes me woozy “C’mon Kate adrenaline you can do this FIGHT, FIGHT.” I punch the animal with all my might; its piercing yellow eyes seemed to peer into me with so much hate and malice. I punch the animal {who know I know is a wolf} in the nose making it bounce back. Adrenaline gone I have to crawl another searing pain in my right leg as the wolf try’s to pull me back, I kick him in the nose and sprint, half limping home. I am greeted my Sam who takes me in and patches me up, but I’m still not ok.

Where Did You Go

I know why this town is so silent now; they’re scared, of what’s out there. What I know is out there. The wolf did bite me but the pain is gone now, not even a scratch to show. I sometimes feel like I’m crazy but the reminder questions Sam gives me always makes me recall the horror. My grandparents should be coming back in a couple of days, what do I tell them “Hi I’m Kate your granddaughter uh yeah while you were away I was mauled by a wolf, I know you don’t see any marks but that’s just because they disappeared” Yep that’s not what I’m going to say. Why is it me that has to be the different one? I bet you if it was one of my sisters they would have been traumatized and badly wounded, but no I’m the one that always gets into trouble and always has no proof. Is it weird that I can’t see that wolf anymore? Sometimes I feel like it’s out there but I can’t see him, I know the wolf that attacked me wasn’t him, my wolfs eyes are to kind, and they are blue but Sam thinks it’s him because he’s the only one that gets close, well at least close enough. But I know it’s not him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MARCUS P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It’s like she can’t see me, I’m still in the same spot, she still looks at me but it’s like she is not looking at me it’s almost as if she is looking at the air around me, her eyes still searching for me in the woods I feel like yelling IM RIGHT HERE. I thought she was something different, one of us different, humans literally cannot see us unless we want them to, the only reason Sam can see me is because his father was a werewolf, Sam’s only part wolf. But I was invisible the first day I saw Kate and she did still see me but now, it’s like she tuned me out. I can still smell her though she doesn’t have any sent of wolf on her and that is what puzzles me, her scent is very flowery, an earthy smell, sweeter than a wolves, our smell is more musky and deep. I have never recognized a sent like that, usually humans have similar scents but hers is unique, so unique it scares me a little.

Half Breed

Sam thinks I should stay home for the rest of the week, he says I have ‘emotional pain’. That’s not true, I don’t even care anymore of what happened I just want to find out why it happened, and where that wolf came from. I grab my book bag, its light now that almost everything I have fell out during the attack. I’m not going to worry about it though, I’m going to go back into the forest when it’s still light out and get my stuff back, and look for anything interesting that will help me figure out why that wolf would pull a random attack. I am almost to school now and I can’t help but feeling nervous, did anyone hear my scream? Did someone come looking for me and get attacked also? I push open the door to get inside the school, and can you say chaos. People where yelling at each other beating each other, pulling hair and accusing people of….of being the wolf. There was a group of three near a window who were not fighting but I could tell they were whispering urgently at each other. I recognized that one of the three was Arynn I was about to step forward to join them, I was sure Arynn wouldn’t mind helping me out and one of the boys she was with looked up, looked right at me. I am instantly reminded of my wolf, His reddish brown hair, his sharp blue eyes even his face. Arynn looks at him then at me and smirks and elbows him in the gut, he BARES his teeth, and she backs off his head turning to look at me again, but I turn so I can’t meet his eyes. I find the door and quickly leave, Sam was right I shouldn’t be at school.
I end up in the forest and find all of my stuff, put it in my book bag, and begin looking for paw prints. In the process of looking I’m interrupted by a voice like tinkling bells “Hello there, Faerie girl!” I look around and don’t see any one “Yes you over here!” I look once more still seeing nothing “Down here” I feel something knocking on my shoe and look down I gasp in shock at what I see, A girl with long black hair a pink dress, black angel wings, you would think it was a costume but her size is crazy, She’s about as big as a soda can. “Hello fellow faerie I need your help” My eyes widened “What do you mean by faerie” then her eyes widened “You mean you’re not of fey species” She runs begins to panic “Help! Demon! Demon!” I follow her “hey I’m not a demon and I’m not a uh faerie I’m human” she stops her panic “what then how can you see us” her sentence cuts off “oh I see you must be half breed” I scoff “half what?” she places her hand on her hips “half demon, half human, half faerie, there are only a few of you out there that have the sight”
“Oh” was all I could say
Then something insane happened, she grew to my height exactly. “And you know what they do to half breeds with the ‘sight’ right?”
I back away two steps “n-no, no I don’t”
“They cut their eyes out and sell them to the black markets”
I quiver and she laughs “I’m kidding silly half breed”
I now notice that her wings were gone, replaced by a backpack and her dress swapped out for hiking clothes.
“Uhm how did you do that?”
Her eyes brighten “Oh just a simple glamour spell, you would be surprised how many Demons, Faeries and other creatures glamour themselves”
“There is more?”
“Yep pretty much every ‘Fairy Tale’ monster or creature is based off of something real”
My mind reeled “E-even Werewolves?”
“Yes even them, I bet you have noticed, this town is full of the beasts”
“Yea I have noticed”

Hello Marcus

I held my new world close to my heart like a security blanket; just remember this is not your imagination. Buts it’s actually really hard I mean you try to look at a girl tall as a soda can and not freak out. My curiosity is its limit I feel like I need to know everything about this brand new shiny world. Its sounds so much better but Credessa, the Fae girl says it’s Dangerous and no place for a half breed like me especially because “Beasts” as she calls them are targeting me. Credessa has vowed to be everywhere with me because she thinks she should a good deed once by protecting me, so unfortunately we are both going to school. A sudden knock on the front door and a fully glamoured Credessa at the front door She looks almost the same except she is normal height and doesn’t have those Striking black wings “Hello Kate are you excited or what!” Her voice has reached a slightly deeper monotone then her usually tinkling bell voice.
“Yea sure.”
“Hey don’t even spoil this for me; this is my first time in a human school.” She grins widely and tugs on my arm. We head towards Grieg’s car. It was silence the ride to school I know I’m supposed to apologize but my stubbornness over rules me. We finally make it to school and instead of there being chaos like the last time I went it was like a ghost town, way less students were here then there were before. It was quiet to so quiet it scared me.
“Uh this isn’t what I expected.” Credessa says with a grimace
“Yea this isn’t what I expected either.” I can feel the scowl on my face as I see that one boy and Arynn looking at me again. Credessa looks in my direction and gives them a look full of vile hatred and whispers “Beasts.” My head snaps over to look at her
“Excuse me what did you say.”
“I said they are beasts.”
“You mean werewolves, or something different.”
“Beasts, werewolves, does it matter.”
As if Arynn heard she tugs the boys arm and walks over to us.
“Hello, Kate right?” she smiles.
“Yea, this is Credessa.” I point to her and a frown pins her face.
Arynn nods her head at her and says “This is Marcus my cousin.”
Marcus’s eyes pinned me like needles but the feeling is familiar “Hello.”
Oh my, he is my wolf


I tried to avoid Marcus all day I just can’t face him because if he is my wolf he has to have some recognition of me, but boys aren’t my problem I have to find out more about my kind, half breeds.
“Credessa, how much do you know about half breeds?” I ask
“Not anything but I can take you to someone who does know.” She implies
“Today?” I watch my feet and sigh
“Sure follow me.” Credessa then turns in to her soda can size and flies so fast I have to run to keep pace.
When we reach our destination we are at a marble home that looks so grand well-kept and pristine I’m afraid when I walk inside I will have to clean the floors if my shoes get on it.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” Credessa gawks at the marble palace
“Yea it’s a looker for sure.” Credessa lifts her hang to knock but the door is open before she can. A woman no older than 20 is at the door her face has striking features and she is by far the tallest woman I have seen, maybe 6’5. Her eyes were a different story, the only flaw about her, her eyes were two different colors, one blue and one red.
“Credessa? What?” The woman was a contradiction to me her features so soft and nice but her voice bitter and cold filled with disgust.
“Hello Ms. Estelle!” Credessa lets herself in and I am caught off guard, the welcome seemed so mean I wouldn’t have gone in.
“Are you with her?” The woman, Estelle, hooks her thumb at a dancing Credessa.
“Yes.” I imply hoping she likes simple answers I don’t want my first impression to be annoying.
“Come.” She says allowing me room to step inside first and I do swiftly.
The room we are in is even more pristine than the outside. Not only are the floors and walls white marble but everything she owns, couches, books, flowers in vases, it’s all white. I take a look at Estelle once more and realize her hair is a beautiful blonde- almost white. Me and Estelle sit while Cresessa dances.
“Why are you here Credessa?” Estelle asks blandly with no emotion.
“My friend, Kate would like to know about half breeds.” Credessa dances around the marble floor.
“Worthless abominations created by idiots.” Estelle glares at me. “And let me guess you’re one of them I can smell it on you.”
I stare at her my eyes wide “S-smell I just found out I’m one.”
Her lip curls “How can you just find out half breeds don’t bleed haven’t you ever thought that was a little strange!” She was right I haven’t ever bled before I guess I just hadn’t thought about it.
Estelle smiles grimly “Humans, Even monsters bleed but you don’t your just an empty shell harboring a tiny brain that lets you speak and think.” She smiles again at my discomfort “you’re a nothing, a waist of space.” I can feel my hands shaking with anger and I look to see Credessa has stopped dancing ready to hoist me out of there.
“Haven’t you ever thought you were different I mean look at you compared to your family and all the kids at your school, you may have monsters inside you but you are not one yourself nor are you human you are nothing.” She sneers
I stand and quietly exit the house but when I get outside I go on a rampage. Running full speed to my house the most animal of growls rips from my throat. I reach my house grabbing for the door I crush the knob and rip the door off its hinges, throwing it into the woods surrounding my house. I stalk up to my room and grab a pair of scissors. I cut my rib length hair above my shoulder and feel somewhat relived, I look down at the hair I just cut off once blood red and now golden brown, what my hair color would have been if I wasn’t a half breed I look at myself in the mirror again and gasp in shock my hair has already grown back to is previous rib length, I cut it again and again but it grows back each time. I throw the scissors out the window and lay on my bed. Why must i be a shell.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.03.2012

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