
“Girl I should kill you for smoking up all my dope!” 7 o’clock in the morning, you could hear Earl and Denise arguing in side of their small two bedroom apartment. It was an everyday thing for the pair. They fought so much that the neighbors stopped calling the police a long time ago.

“So what, next time hide it in a better spot where I can’t find it.” Denise yelled while getting in Earl’s face so close that he could smell her hot morning breath. She added, “I know you got some more stashed somewhere. You lucky I didn’t find that too!”

Earl was fed up with Denise’s drug habit. He hustled to pay the bills and feed her kids, but she always smoked up his profit, and today was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“You ain't nothing but a junkie,and I don’t know why I bother with you.. You don’t work, don’t clean, and you don’t cook. If it wasn’t for the sex, I would’ve been left.” Earl spat as he pushed Denise out of his face.

“I hate you!” she screamed as she slapped him across his face so hard that the neighbors thought someone had slammed the door.

Earl stood there in shock trying to get the feelin back in his face. His jaw hurt and he could taste da blood in his mouth. Just as he was cocking back to hit her, Denise’s oldest son Kamar was stepping out of his bedroom. The loud arguing and the sound of the slap had been heard from his room; however, he was unsure of who had hit who.

“Why are ya'll so loud ? Shut up before y’all wake Kevin.”

Normally, Earl would’ve put Kamar in check for talking to him like dat, but instead, he just grabbed his jacket and left. Denise walked past her son with tears in her eyes, entered her bedroom and slammed the door. Kamar shook his head thinking how he couldn’t wait to move out. He was tired of his crack head mother. His stepdad, Earl, was cool, but rarely home. Kamar was used to them fighting. Sometimes Earl would smack his mother around, but he didn’t even care, because he had lost all respect for her. Ever since she began getting high, Kamar had to learn to fend for himself. Kamar went into the kitchen to get a drink. He looked around at the dishes piled up, the roaches and mice playing, and the trash which smelled as if it hadn’t been taken out in weeks. He opened the fridge and saw to containers of milk. One was so old, it was turning colors, and the other was a fresh half gallon that he bought two days ago. There was also a box of cereal, a stick of butter, two eggs, and a box of baking soda. He picked up the fresh container of milk, and began to drink it straight from the container. He put the milk back and glanced down at his watch and realized he had less than an hour to get him and his little brother ready for school. He walked back to his room and continued rolling the blunt he was twisting prior to the argument, turned on da radio, and proceeded to wake up Lil’ Kev.

“Wake up Big Head, it’s time for school.” Kamar said as he shook his little brother.

“I don’t wanna go to school. I don’t feel so good.” Kevin whined.

“You say that every morning; now get your little ass up.” Kamar laughed, pullin Kevin off da top bunk and carrying him on his shoulders.

Kamar, 18, and Kevin, 8, were ten years apart. You couldn’t even tell by looking at them that they were family. Kamar had smooth, dark skin (which resembled the color of brown M&M’s), long corn rolls, and pearly white teeth, with a smile that could light up a room. At 6’6”, 240 lbs., he was the biggest and most popular kid in school. On the other hand, lil’ Kevin was light skin with curly hair and dimples in both cheeks. Lil’ Kevin looked like he could easily be Hispanic. Denise tried to tell everyone that Earl was the father of her two boys; however, he was much darker then the two boys. Earl’s friends would tease him by stating that lil’ Kevin was the mailman’s baby. These comments didn’t faze Earl, because he knew he was not their father, but he chose to keep it to himself.

Kamar threw his little brother on the bottom bunk and tickled him until he almost pissed himself.

“Stop Mar… I’m getting ready to get up now” he laughed.

“Alright, now go in da bathroom and wash your face and brush your teeth, while I pick out your clothes.” Kamar stated.

“Ok, but I can pick out my own clothes. I’m a big boy now; I’m almost 9 years old.” Lil Kevin replied.

“Oh, ok big boy, just go throw some toothpaste in dat hot mouth of yours.” Kamar said chuckling

Lil Kev jumped off the bed, punched Kamar in the stomach and ran to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Kamar and Kevin were far apart in age but they were close as two twins. Since Earl was never home and Denise was in her own world, Kamar was left to raise his little brother. At first he complained because Kevin was born addicted to crack so he cried a lot, but as he got older they got closer.

While lil Kev was in the bathroom, Kamar took out his clothes and set them on the bed. Then he went to the kitchen to fix Kev a bowl of cereal. Once again the sight and smell of the kitchen made Kamar sick.
There were no clean bowls and all the spoons were burnt up from Denise’s drug habit.
While looking around the filthy kitchen, he decided to go to McDonalds’ and get his brother some breakfast.

“Hurry up lil Kev, so we can stop by Mickey Deez and get something to eat.” Kamar said banging on the bathroom door. Kevin opened the door and stuck his little head out.

“I don’t want McDonalds right now; I can never get a happy meal in the morning. Besides I want to eat the cereal you brought me.”

Kamar thought about how bad the kitchen looked and he didn’t want to wash out any bowls or mess with them burnt spoons, but his brother was special to him and he got him whatever he wanted.
Lil Kev ran out the bathroom and went straight to his dresser to find something to wear.

“I got your clothes right there on the bed.” Kamar said. Lil Kev looked at the bed and shook his head.

“That shirt don’t match the sneakers I’m wearing today. Plus you don’t even match so how you gonna pick out my clothes.” Lil Kev said with a grin.

“Boy you crazy, talking bout I don’t match. White tee, crisp jean and a fresh kick, it don’t get any better than this.” Kamar said looking at himself in the full length mirror.

“Man you always wear that. It’s time to switch up your style like me, see I got flavor.” Lil Kev said picking out a Rocawear jean outfit, with all white air ones to match.

“Who do you think brought that for you? I know what style is, remember you got your flavor from me, now hurry up and get dressed so we can get to school.” Lil Kev put on his clothes while dancing to the music on the radio. Afterwards he ran to the living room and found his brother on the couch smoking a Newport, watching Sportscenter.

“Where’s mommy? “Lil Kev asked

“She is in her room sleeping” Kamar replied

“Where’s dad?”

“He’s at work.” Kamar lied

“He’s always working.”

“Yeah I know, but that’s what a man is supposed to do so he can provide for his family.”

“Oh then where do you work, cause you always provide for me.”

Kamar just sat back and laughed at how intelligent his little brother was.

“Don’t worry about where I work, lets bounce so we can get to McDonalds before we go to school.”

“I told you I want the new star crunch cereal that you got for me.” Lil Kev whined

“Man you getting on my nerves. There are no clean bowls and all the spoons are dirty.”

“Mommy let me eat out the pots and she said the black stuff on the spoons isn’t dirt, it’s just that the spoons are old and rusty.” Lil Kev said

Kamar shook his head at the thought of how careless his mom could be.

“Check it out Lil Kev, I’m gonna make a deal with you. How bout I take you to Mickey Deez for breakfast and on the way home we can stop by there again to get you a happy meal. Ok?”

Lil Kev shrugged his shoulders and ran to the room to get his jacket and book bag. After putting on his jacket he stopped by his mom’s bedroom, knocked once and opened the door. Denise jumped and dropped the crack pipe she was just holding to her lips. The pipe fell to the floor and broke in pieces .Lil Kev knew not to enter his mom’s room without being told to do so and by the look on her face he also knew that he was in big trouble.

“Boy what is wrong with you?” Denise screamed “I told you a thousand times to knock on my door, and don’t just barge in here. Now look what you made me do.”

“I’m sorry mommy but I did knock, I thought you were sleeping. I just wanted to kiss you goodbye.” Lil Kev pouted.

“I don’t care what you wanted now get outta my face.” she screamed

Kevin slammed the door shut and ran past Kamar into the living room. He sat on the couch with his arms folded and tears streaming down his face.

Kamar was on the way to his mom’s room when Lil Kev ran past him. He stood in front of the door and was about to knock when it flew open. With eyes big as two plates, hair all wild, and a belt in her hand, Denise tried to brush pass Kamar and get to Kevin.

“Denise what is your problem?” Kamar asked. He stopped calling her mom a long time ago and she didn’t care at all.

“Mind your bizness Kamar, ya little brother around here slamming doors like he pay bills in here.” she shouted.

“Well what you plan on doing with that belt?”

“Don't worry about it, but you can get some too if you don’t get out of my way.”

“Look at you. All dumb and high talking bout you gonna beat somebody. You need to go beat some soap and water, cause you smell like the inside of a boxing glove.”

“Kamar. I’m your mother and you better start showing me some respect.”

“Yeah whatever.” said Kamar while turning around and heading to the living room. He grabbed his little brother’s hand and they left for school, slamming the door behind them.

Chapter Two

“How was school today?” Kamar asked his little brother, while they stood in line at McDonald’s.

“It was ok,” he answered, “until this girl tried to kiss me. I pushed her away from me, and she started crying.”

“Why did you push her away from you? What, you don’t like girls or something?” Kamar asked.

“Yeah, I like girls. I just don’t like that one. I like this girl named Michelle, but I think she like Tony.”

“How do you know?” asked Kamar.

“Cause she with him all da time. They are on da playground together and she always shares her lunch with him.”

Kamar laughed at his little brother’s facial expression, cause Lil Kev looked so mad, but all the sudden he started smiling. Kamar then turned around to see what Lil Kev was smiling at. Before he could say anything, Lil Kevin began running to a table where his father was sitting.

“Hey, waz up Dad?” Lil Kev said while beaming and smiling from ear to ear.

“Hey Lil Kev, how is my lil man doing?” Earl said happy to see his son.

“I’m just chillin’, Kamar brought me here to get a Happy Meal, what are you doin’ here?” Kevin asked, while looking at the pretty girl sitting with Earl.

She looked young enough to be his daughter. Earl was 38 years old, but with his clean face, sharp shape up, and baggy clothes, he looked a lot younger then he really was. Earl had a thing for young ladies, or as he called them “fresh meat”, and they had a thing for Earl. Earl stood 6’3” tall, had short well kept dreads, dark skin, muscular build, all which made him a true ladies man.

“I’m just having lunch with my friend Nicole.” Earl stated with a half smile which showed off his mouth full of gold. As he was speaking, Kamar walked up to the table.

“What’s crackin’ ole man?” Kamar asked as he gave his stepdad a pound.

“Ain’t nothing young boi.” Earl replied. “This is my friend Nicole, we just havin’ lunch.” He stated nervously.

“Datz waz up. Me and Lil Kev were just doin da same.” Kamar stated while looking at Nicole. There was something familiar about her, but he couldn’t remember wher he knew her from. She smiled politely and waved. It was a known fact that Earl cheated on his mother, but he didn’t mind. Earl paid all the bills and his mom was a lazy drug addict, who deserved to be smacked around and cheated on. Earl felt awkward at the time because of how Kamar was staring at Nicole. Earl knew that Nicole had just graduated a year earlier from Kamar’s school, and we didn’t know if they knew each other.

“So what y’all got planned for the rest of da day?” Earl questioned, trying to break the awkward silence.

“Not much. After I drop Lil Kev off at home, I’m goin’ out for a lil bit.” Kamar answered, still trying to figure out how he knew Nicole .

“Dad, after I finish my homework, I’m gonna ask mom to take me to da park. I wanna ride my new bike.” Lil Kev added.

“O.K. Lil man, datz waz up.”

“Dad, what time are you comin’ home?” asked Lil Kev.

“Why?” Earl asked.

“Cause if it’s not too late, I want you to take me to da park. Mommy always wants to leave early.”

“I don’t know what time I’ll be home, but I’ll try to come home a little early to take you to the park, o.k.?”

“Thanks Dad,” Lil Kev exclaimed, smiling so that you may see his two missing teeth.

“You got some money on you lil man?” Earl asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t have it on me. Kamar gave me $10 yesterday and Mommy told me to let her hold it so I don’t lose it.” Lil Kev stated. Kamar and Earl both looked at each other knowing damn well that the money was long gone. Earl reached in his pocket and pulled out a small knot and gave Lil Kev $20.

“Now don’t let ya mom know you got this money. Hide it in a safe spot till you ready to spend it. O.K.?” Earl said with a grin. Lil Kev nodded his head and stuffed the money inside the pocket of his jean jacket. Earl glanced over at Kamar, “You got some money on you?”

“Yeah, I’m straight, good lookin’ though.” Kamar answered. Earl then peeled out a $100 and handed it to Kamar. Partly giving it to him for being caught, the other to show off in front of dat girl. Even though it hurt his pockets a little bit, he thought it would be well worth it when he’s digging Nicole’s back out.

Kamar grabbed the money, thanked Earl while giving him daps, and got back in line. Lil Kev gave his dad pound and followed Kamar.

By the time Kamar and Kevin made it home, Denise was just getting out of bed. She was coming out her room as they were walking through the door.

“Mommy guess what. I seen daddy and he….” Kamar mashed lil Kev in the back of his head before he could finish his sentence. Kevin rubbed his head and remembered that he wasn’t supposed to tell his mom about the money his dad gave him.

“He what?” Denise said looking at Kamar, wondering why he cut lil Kev off.

“He brought us some McDonalds.” Kamar finished.

“Yeah whatever he was probably with some trick.” Denise said, lighting a cigarette.

“No he wasn’t. Daddy was with his friend Nicole on their lunch break.” Lil Kev said

“That’s what I thought, ole no good dog.” Denise mumbled under her breath

“Mommy after I finish my homework can you take me to the park?”

“NO!!! After you do your homework, I want you to go to your room and get ready for bed!!” Denise yelled, obviously still upset with Lil Kev from that morning when he made her break her pipe.

“For what? I didn’t do anything.” Lil Kev said with tears in his eyes.

“Because I said so. Now get out my face and go do your homework.”

“What about dinner?” he asked.

Without a second thought, she plucked her cigarette at Lil Kev and yelled “Go to your darn room and stop questioning me.”

The lit cigarette hit him in the chest and he took off running to his room. It all happened so fast that Kamar couldn’t react quick enough. He lunged at his mom and for the first time in his 18 years on earth, he wanted to strike the woman that gave birth to him.

“What is wrong with you.” Kamar said with anger in his eyes

“That boy is getting out of control, and if YOU don’t like how I raise MY son, then YOU can get ta packing and get outta MY house.”

“YOU don’t even pay no bills in here. Earl does and when he finds out that you plucked a lit Newport at his son, he might kick you out ”

“I dont care, if HE doesn’t like how I raise MY son either. Kevin isn’t his child anyway.”
Soon as the words left her mouth she regretted it. Everyone knew that Earl wasn’t Kevin’s real dad, but nobody ever said a word about it. Lil Kev was in his room listening and as soon as she said it, he came running out.

“MY dad isn’t my real dad?” Lil Kev asked with dried up tears on his face.

Denise didn’t answer him. She just went to her room and slammed the door behind her.
Lil Kev turned to his brother.

“Dad said that God made me special. That’s why I look different than him.”

“Don’t worry about it Lil Kev. Go get your bike so I can take you to the park. You can do your homework later.” Kamar said trying to take his brothers mind off of what he just heard.

“That’s ok. I don’t want to go to the park now. I’m going to finish my homework and wait for my dad…I mean wait for Earl to come home.” Lil Kev said sniffing, holding back tears.

“Alright lil man, I’m going out for a minute, I’ll be back later. I’ll bring dinner too, but call me if you need anything.” Kamar said putting his arm around his little brother’s shoulder.

“Thanks Kamar. See you later.” They gave each other a pound, and Kamar grabbed his jacket and left.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.01.2011

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