
The Holistic Gastroenterology Method : Finding the truth behind So-Called " inflammatory Bowel Diseases"

The Holistic Gastroenterology Method


Finding the Truth behind


The Myth of Inflammatory Bowel Disease



This is a small yet very powerful book. Small because it does not contain any bull shit.


Powerful because it is going to give you the power to take back control of your body.


This book is going to change your life.




What you will find in this book has never been written anywhere before. It has only been


passed onto my patients over my 34-year career of treating mostly the worst of the


worst cases -- the ones who were considered unfixable. They all got healed.




The secrets to healing inflammatory bowel conditions are simple. There are just several


core issues that need to be understood. With them you will be healed. Without them,


you never will.




  1. You must know what you have.




  1. You must know how you got that way.




  1. 3. You must understand how the body works and what it




  1. Give me three to six months and you will be permanently healed. I always


guarantee my work.




Talk to any medical professional, and they will tell you that the first step in curing any


health condition is to understand its cause. Without knowing the nature of the problem,

there is no way to come up with a treatment strategy that will actually work. For the


most part, medicine has been very successful at using technology and science to


determine causes and effective treatments. However, there is one category of health


concern that has not evolved with science and technology. This is the category of


gastroenterology. They are still using the Stone Age technologies from last century of


drugs and surgery. Really----you mean to say there is no other way? Actually there is.




For many years, physicians believed that inflammatory bowels came from a germ. This


is called the Germ Theory of Disease. It accurately applies to some illnesses but not


inflammatory bowel problems.




The latest medical theory is to believe and treat inflammatory bowel as if it is an


autoimmune disease. It is not.




These two misguided theories explain why conventional medicine cannot claim even


one case of the healing of inflammatory bowel. They will tell you that they really don't


know what it is and also that they are sure there is no cure. How can you know there is


no cure if you don't even know what the problem is?




That is the status of modern (archaic) gastroenterology. Who has been in charge of


your bowel lately? Are you healed yet? Look around, has anyone else you know been






Folks-----they are driving you down a dead end road. Wake up! You need to try


something different. Something that makes sense. Something that works.




The Holistic Gastroenterology Method works!


The Purpose of This Book

This is not a how-to book. I cannot tell you exactly all of the steps you individually need to take. Every case is different. What I can do, which is the essential first step, is to clarify the issue, enlighten you to the truth and start you on the road to transformation. This book is going to provide you with that “ah-ha” moment, when the light bulb goes

on, when you “get it”. Only then will you be able to travel down the right road. You being


enlightened is an essential part of the healing process. You cannot be healed without


knowing exactly 'what you've got.' I am very excited for you.


You have finally found your way.


Every one of my patients starts off with 'the talk'---this is yours.



This book is designed to set the record straight. You need to know the truth about


inflammatory bowel conditions, and you won’t find that truth in traditional medicine. In


fact, you have probably been quite confused considering how you have been told there


is no cure for your problem. Be clear that you are being told this by people who readily


admit that they don't know exactly what it is and how you got it.




In this book, I am going to explain what it is you have, how you got that way, and that


you can be healed permanently. If you don’t hear and understand the message in this


book, then you will never be healed. You will be like everyone else who does not see


this message. To be blunt you will be destined for great suffering and have a high


likelihood for surgery in your future, just like the 1000's of people who will never see this


book. But, once you read this and understand it, you will begin your journey to healing.


The Problem with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease isn’t just a minor health problem. It is one that can fully


disrupt and dominate your life. You have probably done all of the supposedly right


things and are still sick and very frustrated. You likely went to your primary care


physician. You were then referred to a gastroenterologist. There, you likely went


through quite a few different tests, including blood work, colonoscopies, endoscopies,


and CT scans.




Eventually, you were given a diagnosis. You were told you had an inflammatory bowel


disease. Perhaps they gave it a name- IBS, colitis or Crohn's disease. They gave you


some half-assed explanation about the immune system attacking your bowel that didn't


entirely make sense. They gave you quite a few different prescription medications and

you were told to follow some dietary instructions. And, you intuitively felt like you are

headed down a dead end road. Unfortunately, the truth is you are right.




In discussing this with your doctor, if they were honest with you, they would have told


you that there was no effective medical treatment for inflammatory bowel disease. They


would have also told you that you would eventually need surgery. They are all reading


off the same page and if the real effective treatment is not taught in medical school then


they, and you, are out of luck. The truth is the doctor is completely correct in saying that


they cannot cure you. But, that doesn’t mean there is no one that can cure you. There is


an effective treatment that will cure you of your condition for life. You happened to get


lucky today. It is your destiny to keep your colon.




The first thing you need to know is that you do NOT have an incurable DISEASE. You


have a MANMADE condition and it’s called Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. It is


completely curable. And, in this book, you will learn what is wrong with your body and


learn that you can be healed and get back to your normal life.

Chapter 1: Truth Number one

For a very long time, traditional medicine has been taught the wrong thing, leading to a


great deal of misinformation transmitted to patients as well. In fact, there are three basic


ways that misunderstanding has continued in the medical world:




 Doctors have been taught that the cause of the various inflammatory bowel


conditions is yet unknown. If pressed on this they will acknowledge that


this is a theory.




 They have also been taught that inflammatory bowel conditions are probably the


result of being infected by germs or by the body’s own immune system


attacking the colon.




 Finally, they have been taught that there is no cure for inflammatory bowel


conditions, so they often admit that there is no medical treatment that






However, all of these statements are erroneous. And in order to effectively treat the


condition, it is important that we establish what it actually is first.






An Umbrella Term



Inflammatory bowel disease is not a condition in itself. Instead, it is a misnomer, an


umbrella term, or catch all, used by physicians and medical professionals to refer to:

 Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS




 Colitis




 Ulcerative Colitis




 Crohn’s Disease




 Chronic Constipation




However, none of these properly describe the actual condition. In fact, the best term for


this bowel issue is Acquired Inflammatory Bowel.






Taking a Deeper Look



While traditional medicine believes that the conditions named above are separate


diseases, they aren’t. They aren't diseases at all and there is really only one condition.


They are confused and they confuse us. To better understand this, let’s look at the


terms used by conventional medicine to describe them.




According to WebMD, the definition of inflammatory bowel disease is:




“The term inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) describes a group of disorders in


which the intestines become inflamed. The likeliest cause is an immune reaction


in the body against its own intestinal tissue.” (WebMD)




Take note of something in that definition: it says “the likeliest cause.” There is no


published research that proves IBD is an autoimmune condition. This explains why


treating IBD as an autoimmune disease doesn’t work.






The Problem with the Autoimmune Model

According to the Wikipedia page on the subject,




“An autoimmune disorder occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and


destroys healthy body tissue by mistake.” (Wikipedia)




Really? Our immune system just makes a mistake and starts attacking our GI tract for


no reason whatsoever? And that mistake is all of a sudden being made in millions of


people all at the same time? Like nature just flipped the switch? What an inexplicable


coincidence. There is no science that supports this. It is a guess. A theory. This does


not make sense, especially when it is a theory coming from people who acknowledge


they don’t really know the cause of IBD and that they don’t know how to effectively treat






Think about it. Are people who are being treated for IBD through traditional medicine


being healed? Have you been healed? Why not? They only treat the symptoms. They


offer two options-drugs or surgery.




Don't you wish there was a third option? There is.




The first thing that you need to understand is that inflammatory bowel conditions are not


diseases. They aren’t syndromes or any other name you may have heard for them.


There is a much more logical explanation of what they are, and this is something that


you will learn as you read this book. Next, we will dispel another common myth about


the so-called “diseases.”

Chapter 2: Truth Number two

Let’s talk about another myth that is causing problems in modern medicine: the myth


that there are numerous and different types of gastrointestinal conditions. Doctors try to


put a name on it as if it were different, separate “diseases” – IBS, colitis, Crohn’s


disease, chronic constipation – but the truth is they are all the same condition. There is


only one condition, it is an inflamed bowel and there only being different degrees of


inflammation. To help you better see this, let’s look at some traits of each of these so-


called “diseases.”









Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by bloating, nausea and diarrhea. According


to physicians, IBS is often caused by stress or foods that the suffering person has


chosen to eat. This is inaccurate.










Break down the word for a better understanding here. “Col” is referring to the colon and


“itis” refers to irritation or pain. Colitis is characterized by persistent or urgent diarrhea


and bowel pain. Another more severe form of this is called ulcerative colitis. This is


essentially when one has a hole or holes through the bowel wall and is characterized by


more acute pain and severe diarrhea and blood in the stool. This is inaccurate.






Crohn’s Disease


Crohn's occurs when there is a complete deterioration of the bowel. It is characterized


by even more severe diarrhea along blood and mucus in the stool.




This is definitely not a disease-none of them are- but is rather an extension of the other


names I have listed here & occurs when one does not receive the proper treatment. In


other words------you are doomed to eventually lose your colon. It does not have to be


this way.



Chronic Constipation



Finally, there is chronic constipation, which refers to a loss of bowel function because of


tissue that has become weak, eroded or irritated. This can manifest at any stage of the


other conditions or can appear all on its own. You do not need to have any of the other


symptoms to experience chronic constipation.




Now, I need to make one thing very clear. All of these are terms that conventional


medicine uses to describe what they consider to be different diseases. But, in reality,


they are all the same condition just in different stages of tissue deterioration. Different


stages manifest in different degrees of symptoms. The source of these stages and


symptoms is one condition, Acquired Inflammatory Bowel, which is a degenerative


manmade condition.




Again as I will repeat over and over-- there is only one condition-- all of the other


supposed conditions are nothing other than extensions of the original condition. It starts


out as a relatively small manmade injury and over time without the proper care, it gets


worse and worse. One big festering mess. This is where you were headed until you met






Once the tissue has become damaged by Acquired Inflammatory Bowel, it will continue


to break down from exposure to digestive acids and fibrous foods. The more the tissue


gets damaged, the more severe the symptoms will become. This will not just go away


on its own. The tissue cannot regenerate itself.




One of the problems that doctors have when it comes to treating bowel conditions is

that they try to diagnose various conditions based on different parts of the intestine.


They break it up by the colon, the small intestine, the stomach— left side and right side.


But the truth is that it is all one unit. A condition that affects one part of the GI tract is the


same condition that would affect the other. If you had a sunburn you wouldn’t call one


location on your skin a different condition than any other. So it doesn’t make sense to


break up the different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. However, traditional doctors do


this, and this causes even more confusion as far as treatment goes.




And since doctors try to treat each “condition” and location differently, the problem


continues to get worse. Think of it like a pothole. It may start out small. But, as more


cars drive over it, it gets deeper and deeper, becoming more serious of a problem. Your


stomach and bowel are the same way. As acids and fibers pass over that damaged


area it continues to break down.




News Flash: Food has nothing to do with inflammatory bowel. It doesn't matter what


you eat. You can't eat your way out of or into these conditions. The only issue with food


is that in this already vulnerable state fibrous foods when dragged over this already


irritated tissue will irritate it more triggering even more severe symptoms.




Instead of using the traditional methods of trying to determine what part of the GI tract is


damaged, it is best to diagnose based on symptoms which tells us what is most


important, the amount damage to the tissue. Do you have blood or mucous in your


stool? Do you have pain and bloating? Do you have diarrhea? These are the kinds of


questions that an enlightened gastroenterologist will ask. These are symptoms. They


are body language. We want to listen to the body rather that blunting the symptoms with


drugs. Does your doctor speak body language?




Now, you are probably wondering just what Acquired Inflammatory Bowel is and how it


is manmade. That’s what we will address next.




Chapter 3: Truth Number Three

AIB, as I mentioned previously stands for Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. This is a


manmade condition. It isn’t natural. It isn’t genetic. It isn’t contagious. And, it most


certainly isn’t an autoimmune disease. You can’t get the condition from other people


due to an exchange of germs, viruses, or bacteria. You cannot get it from a toilet seat.


You cannot get this condition from eating a poor diet or from being stressed out. It


doesn’t work that way.




No Scientific Evidence





In fact, when it comes to all of the conditions we discussed in the previous chapter,


there is no scientific evidence that any of them are caused by genetics, nature,


contagions, diet, lifestyle or autoimmune disorders.


So, in reality, the conventional medical view of the conditions is simply a theory. That’s


right. Your doctor is guessing. And, do you really want to leave your health up to a


guess? Of course not.


And the fact that it is an inaccurate theory explains why there has been no conventional


medical success in treating inflammatory bowel conditions. Medical doctors are going


about it the wrong way, and as a result, a lot of patients are suffering when they don’t


have to.








The Difference with Acquired Inflammatory Bowel




Usually, when someone is sick, they look for something to blame. They got a virus.


They came in contact with bacteria. They got it because their parents had it. Their


immune system has gone haywire. They are grasping at straws. Anyone who has an


inflammatory bowel condition (no matter what the doctor may be calling it) actually has


Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. They acquired it, and there is only one cause of it.



The most important thing you need to know and understand is that this condition is manmade.




Now, imagine how much would be different if traditional medicine understood this. They


aren’t recognizing that this is a manmade condition. Instead, they are trying to break it


up into different categories and then give different causes and different treatments for


each. Doctors are simply not treating the condition correctly, and it is a perpetual


problem that you will suffer for as long as your colon can hold out or until you met me.


It's nice to meet you.




You will not get off that merry go round until you get lucky. Unless it is your destiny to


read this powerful little book.




There is no way that traditional medicine will ever cure an inflammatory bowel condition.


It is impossible.




The good news is that there is a cure for Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. Next we will


discuss the one cause of AIB.


Chapter 4: Truth Number Four

There Is Only One Cause of Acquired Inflammatory Bowel



Now that we have established that there is only one condition: Acquired Inflammatory


Bowel, let’s discuss how there is only one cause of it. Right now, traditional doctors are


so focused on finding a variety of different causes for the supposed different diseases


(like chasing ghosts – they don't exist) that is why they have never found it. They have


overlooked the actual root cause of the condition. By not knowing the cause, they also

don’t know how to heal the illness.



So, since we now know that all of the supposedly different bowel conditions are the


same thing, we can give it one name and search for its one cause. Acquired


Inflammatory Bowel is a manmade injury to your GI tract – not a genetic illness, virus, or


an autoimmune disease. It is an injury and has to be handled so. There is no such


conditions such as IBS, colitis or Crohn's. There is only one condition—Acquired


Inflammatory Bowel.



The Problem with Antibiotics. A Double Edged Sword



Acquired Inflammatory Bowel is connected to one cause: the introduction of synthetic


antibiotics into the body via oral and topical medicines and that are present in our food,


water, toiletries, and household cleaners. They are everywhere and they are effective at


killing bacteria---the ones we don't want and unfortunately the ones we need to live. The


trouble is that sometimes we need them but also sometimes, they will devastate our GI


tract. Sometimes they save life-sometimes they kill, but they always negatively impact


our GI tract.



Essentially, these are extremely strong drugs. So strong that they change the terrain in


the GI tissues and cause them trauma. In fact, this new breed of drugs is so powerful


they can kill the most potent bacteria on the planet----anthrax. And to think your doctor


thinks nothing of writing you out a prescription for this supposed germ-based “disease.”




This is the only cause of AIB. There is nothing else that can lead to this. It doesn’t come


from poor diet. It is not caused by stress. Those two have been with us forever.




The actual cause – synthetic antibiotics were unleashed upon us just after World War II


creating an epidemic of inflamed bowel problems. This epidemic of inflamed bowels did


not exist prior to this because there were no substances on this planet that killed off the


good and bad strains of bacteria. Penicillin had been around for a while prior to WWII


but, it being natural and gentler, it did not devastate the bowels and all that was needed


to correct it was a mouthful of something such as yogurt. That does not work now and


we are no longer in Kansas.



A History Lesson



As already stated-Acquired Inflammatory Bowel did not exist before World War II and


that’s for a very good reason.




During the time just after World War II, a tremendous amount of synthetic antibiotics


were suddenly prescribed. These antibiotics were much stronger and different from


what doctors had been using. Up until that time, doctors depended on penicillin, which


was a natural antibiotic that could kill off negative bacteria.




It is when these 'atomic bomb' like synthetic antibiotics hit the market and hit your body,


including amoxicillin, Cipro, Bactrim, Zithromax, erythromycin, and tetracycline that


everything changed and the epidemic of GI problems started. These synthetic


antibiotics are referred to as full spectrum. That means they kill off all bacteria, not just


the negative kind. They kill the good bacteria that our body needs. And, those good


bacteria cannot grow back on their own. They have to be reintroduced into the system,


and that’s the basis for the cure, which we will discuss later.




Worst of all—no one was warned. The drug companies who surely know have a vested


interest in keeping the secret from their sales people—the doctors. Believe it or not what


take you and me just minutes to understand—you doctor, under the barrage of lies from


the drug companies, cannot see. Your doctor is blinded by science.






The Bowel Tissue



When the good bacteria is destroyed, this leaves tender tissues in the bowel exposed to


damaging elements, including digestive acids and fibrous foods. These then with every


single meal begin eroding and irritating the bowel wall eventually leading to symptoms


such as pain, diarrhea, blood and mucus in the stool.




This is the manmade injury I refer to. There is only one condition, Acquired


Inflammatory Bowel, with various degrees of damage manifesting in various symptoms.



Like first, second, and third degree burns, it's all just burnt skin. Or a cut that needs five


stitches vs 20 stitches, it's still a cut. Wouldn't it be weird to break them up and give


them different names and call them different diseases? That is what they do with


inflammatory bowel.




What many people don’t realize is that the good bacteria is an absolute must for health.


They build our immune system, give tissue the ability to repair itself, and add protection


for sensitive tissues as well. The positive strains of bacteria make up the mucosal lining


in the stomach and bowel. When they are gone we will have a problem.




When the positive bacteria are killed, the mucosal lining is damaged or destroyed. As a


result, it leaves the bowel open to a Pandora’s Box of damage and that is what leads to


Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. Bottom line— when the mucosal lining is breached the


stomach acid penetrates and eats the bowel wall and given enough time, while your


doctor is wasting time with a colonoscopies and experimental drugs it will eat a hole


right through your intestinal wall. Did you have breakfast or lunch today? You just lost


another layer of flesh and the clock is ticking. How long will it take before you look down


and see a bright red toilet bowl? Of course, that would never happen to you. Would it?




So, that is the bottom line. All of those “conditions” the doctor refers to are the same


thing. There is only one condition, which is Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. There is only


one singular cause for it. We live in a worldwide environment that is laced with


chemicals that kill bad and good bacteria. Every breath we take, every time we eat or


rub antibiotic creams onto our skin, we lose—we lose the most important part of our


anatomy—the mucosal lining, and then we start to lose actual flesh, skin, fat and






The chances are that because of a recent round of antibiotics you will be more prone to


infections and remain on the antibiotic treadmill. It's a slippery slope. Eventually some


symptoms will appear and you will have no way to reconcile them with the antibiotic you


took three years ago, or that the water and food you ingest, or the air that you breathe,


or the tooth paste and mouthwash that you use, not to mention the bath water or


swimming pool you dive into. Antibacterials are everywhere.




Once the symptoms appear they will never go away on their own. You can trick yourself


by juggling foods or standing on your head but that will not stem the tide. Even when


taking various drugs that cover the symptoms, the damage continues. One day, even


the drugs will not cover up the symptoms. Those are the only people I can't help. The


ones who wait too long. What happened is their digestive acids cannibalized their colon.


I can't rebuild something that is no longer there. If you have been diagnosed with


Crohn's disease you are knocking on that door.




Being degenerative by nature they will assuredly keep getting worse. You will not get


any effective treatment from your doctor. They do not understand Acquired


Inflammatory Bowel. The good news is that there is a cure. While medical doctors will


say there is no effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disorders, they are wrong on


this matter. In fact, there is a cure. There is only one cure, and it is not the path that


your doctor would have you take. Next I will discuss what that one cure is.

Chapter 5: Truth Number Five

There Is Only One Cure for AIB

There is only one cure for Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. You can't eat your way out of

it. Managing stress will not help. New experimental drugs are more damaging. There

are even doctors prescribing anti depression meds for bowel problems. That is an

extraordinary grasping at straws attempt. Is your bowel depressed? I guess it would be

if it was inflamed all day. None of these work because they do not address the real

issue. Your bowel is being eroded by your own stomach acids and further irritated by

the foods you eat. It gets worse every time you eat.


The only cure for AIB is to rebuild the colon by ingesting the same organic materials that

the tissue is made of in the first place.


The Problem with Medicine

Why won’t medicine work? Quite simply, the lining of your stomach and colon is not made of chemicals. You have to feed this tissue properly with things such as amino and

fatty acids, herbs and more. Medicines cannot do this. They cannot grow even a toenail.

I can show you how to regrow your colon.


Doctors will tell you that you have a disease. But, you don’t. You have an injury much

like if you had cut your finger or slid from your bike and gashed your knee. Externally

you can isolate and protect the cut with a band aid. The problem with an injury to your

bowel is that you can’t do that on the inside, as the GI tract is a high traffic, acidic

environment. It has to be treated differently.


It requires the skillful use of specialized nutritional supplements in order to heal the

damage and replace the delicate lining of the bowel.


It appears that there is only one person who knows how to do this. That person has

spent their whole adult life thinking about how to heal inflamed bowels and figured it out.


Understanding Your Bowel

Your small and large bowel is a very busy place, doing much more than you may

realize. It has a big job in the body that goes well beyond digesting foods. It absorbs

nutrients, sends waste along its way, and even functions as a big part of your immune

system. When the bowel is not functioning properly, you can run into a whole variety of

different inflammatory bowel issues with different symptoms. However, they are not

separate conditions. They are all Acquired Inflammatory Bowel, and the good news is

when micro-managed properly the injury can be healed.


When you have developed Acquired Inflammatory Bowel, your body's symptoms are

telling you that it needs help. That is how it communicates with us, through its language

—symptoms. A holistic gastroenterologist can translate the symptoms and determine

exactly what is needed. You can give your body what it needs to rebuild and heal itself.

You will not find a cure from traditional medicine. The colon is not made of prednisone.

Instead, you will reach dead end after dead end as your doctor prescribes a variety of

different medicines in an attempt to ease your symptoms. In the world of modern

medicine, it will be a never-ending cycle of medicines and eventually surgery. That’sbecause there is only one solution and they don't know what it is. They are

overeducated. It is right in front of their noses—basic physiology—pre chemical era.

They lost their way.


Now, you are probably wondering why don’t the doctors fix this? That’s what we will talk

about next.

Chapter 6: Truth Number Six

Why Your Doctor Cannot Fix It



It is because they have been mis-educated on this subject. They are using the wrong


paradigm. They have been trained to think within the context of the germ theory or that


inflammatory bowel is caused by our immune system. Among other things, they are


misled by drug companies about the side effects of some medicines. They are guilty of


over-prescribing harsh antibiotics. They never see any success stories because they


are only treating sick people who receive their ineffective treatment. They don't evolve


their thinking of these issues. They don't tend to think outside of the box. Outside the


box is where all innovation and invention occurs.





The Autoimmune Condition Issue



Why do they label it an auto-immune disease? One reason for doing so is that when


there is an “injury” to the body there will naturally be a lot of immune activity in that


location. You want and need that to prevent infection and to facilitate healing. So when


they see a lot of immune activity in the colon area and they see an inflamed colon they


make a desperate analysis (guess) that it must be the immune system causing the


problem. To support this misdiagnosis when they prescribe an immune suppressant


drug, the symptoms do decrease. This is because immune factors do have


inflammatory properties, that is how they kill germs, but they are secondary to the


original cause.




So tell me, if you suppress the immune system how is there ever going to be a


recovery. That is their dilemma, they never see anyone get healed so therefore there


must not be a cure—well not it their world anyways. Is surgery considered healing?









Doctors have been misinformed about synthetic antibiotics by the manufacturers. Most


of the research done on antibiotics were funded by drug companies. The downside of


antibiotics is swept under the rug. Want proof? Ask your doctor about the effects of the


antibiotics upon the mucosal lining. Hell, even ask them about the role of the mucosal


lining in bowel health. Get ready for the deer in the headlights look. They don’t realize


that these manufactured medicines actually damage the mucous lining of the bowel and


that is the genesis of inflammatory bowel.




Doctors learn two primary treatments in medical school: give drugs or do surgery. They


are not taught about nutritional supplements and how they could provide a permanent


resolution to Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. This doesn’t mean your doctor is


incompetent. In many other conditions and diseases, traditional medicine is highly


capable of healing and curing. Your doctor can help you with many different diseases


and conditions, but they will not be able to help you with your inflamed bowel.




But, there is a solution that actually does heal and doesn’t just cover up symptoms. And,


it involves alternative medicine. That’s what we will go over next.


Chapter 7: Truth Number Seven


Why Alternative Medicine Can Heal Your Acquired Inflammatory




Traditional medicine only uses drugs and surgery to try to treat many health issues. This


is effective for some things but disastrous for others. Alternative medicine is different,


and it can actually fully cure Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. That’s because alternative


medicine listens to the symptoms and uses them to understand the true nature of the






Alternative medicine looks at the specific natural and nutritional supplements needed to


rebuild the mucous membrane of the bowel. The key word here is to REBUILD the


bowel. Given the proper nutritional building blocks, you can heal your inflamed bowel.




The basics are:




  1. Find out what bowels are made of.




  1. Find out what herbs and micro-nutrients facilitate their transmission into


healthy flesh.





Body Language



How does alternative medicine do this? It understands the only test that actually matters


when it comes to Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. This is the body language test. Your


body has a language, which is otherwise known as symptoms. A traditional doctor will


not know how to read body language, but a holistic gastroenterologist will know and can

translate its needs into a treatment that will actually work.




Pain, diarrhea, blood and mucus in the stool tell the holistic doctor the severity of the


injury to the bowel. That is all they need to know— what's happening and to what


degree. The remedy for any of the symptoms is the same—nutritional factors, and the


only variable in the treatment is the dose.




As the treatment brings down the noise your body is creating, you will eventually reach


silence and that means one very good thing: no more symptoms = no more


inflammatory bowel.




It is 100% curable, but it cannot be cured by the things traditional doctors provide.


Changes in lifestyle and diet, medicines, and surgery will not make a difference. But,


there is a cure and even very few holistic doctors know what it is.




How will you know when you are healed? You will know when there are no more


symptoms. Simple.

Chapter 8: Truth Eight

The Answer: The Holistic Gastroenterology Method


We have established that there is only one condition which is manmade injury: Acquired


Inflammatory Bowel. We have discussed the fact that traditional medicine cannot cure it,


and I have mentioned that there is a cure that will work. By now, you are likely quite


ready to find out what that cure is, especially if you have been dealing with inflammatory


bowel for a long time.




There is a way out. It is called the Holistic Gastroenterology Method and it was


developed by me over 34 years of successfully treating inflamed bowels and you can be


healed of your inflammatory bowel condition. The main principle of this method is that


the problem is not disease – it is a manmade injury.




IBS, colitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and chronic constipation are actually all


the same condition in different degrees of severity. It’s no different from a burn, which


could be first, second, or third degree. You can have different degrees of Acquired


Inflammatory Bowel with different symptoms and medical doctors tend to try to give


them different names. But, they shouldn't be given different names. They are all AIB and


this is 100% curable.




The Treatment



I have found that there is a way to completely reverse the damage that has been done


to your bowel. And, it doesn’t matter what part of your bowel is damaged – it’s all the


same unit and all the same condition. So, treatment comes from rebuilding the


damaged skin, fat, and muscle that create the bowel wall and by replacing the mucous


membrane. This can be accomplished by ingesting the specific nutrients that the tissue


is made of. Not drugs.


This concept should not seem foreign. It is a common practice to take a calcium


supplement to maintain or heal damaged bones. This is the same concept. You will take


supplements that contain the raw materials that are what the bowel tissue is made of


and when used properly it will completely heal the bowel.




I have been using the Holistic Gastroenterology Method for 34 years, and I have had a


98% success rate. The other 2%? They waited too long. They waited until the damage


to the bowel wall was too severe.




The Core Principles of the Method



These are the core principles of this method that will help you better understand that


you can be fully healed:




 All inflammatory bowel conditions are not diseases.




 There are not different illnesses, but instead one condition called Acquired


Inflammatory Bowel.




 Acquired Inflammatory Bowel is manmade.




 There is only one cause of Acquired Inflammatory Bowel.




 There is only one cure of Acquired Inflammatory Bowel.



This is the central theme of this book and understanding it is the 1st step to you being


healed and regaining your quality of life.



The Bowel as a Computer Metaphor


To help understand how this method can cure Acquired Inflammatory Bowel, you can think of

a computer as a metaphor for the gastrointestinal tract.



The GI tract wall is the computer hardware. The mucosal lining of the stomach and


bowel is the software. The things that enter your stomach, including food and


medications, are the data. The data has to be processed, or digested. For the


processing to take place, the following must happen:




 The mucosal lining (software) identifies the data.




 The message is translated to the stomach wall (hardware).




 The stomach wall has parietal cells (switches) that secrete acids to process the






 Synthetic antibiotics (computer viruses) destroy the software, essentially wiping


the whole hard drive clean. Now, the computer has no way of identifying


and processing data.




 The computer freezes up and the patient deals with GI tract malfunction.




 When this happens, the hardware can become damaged (the membrane wall)


and this leads to the symptoms that doctors refer to as colitis, IBS,


Crohn’s disease, and chronic constipation.




When the computer (your bowel) starts shutting down, digestive acids and dietary fibers


travel through the hardware (intestines) unopposed causing further damage to the


bowel wall.


Fixing the Compute

As with an actual computer, there is a way to fix the system. It just requires that you


reinstall the software onto the hard drive. That means you need to replace the mucosal


lining of the stomach and bowel walls. This can be done with cutting edge nutritional





With skillful micromanagement the tissue of the bowel and intestinal mucosal lining can

be regrown. You already know that different body parts can regenerate. You have seen


cuts and broken bones heal. So, you should understand that this problem can be healed


too. With the right treatment through the Holistic Gastroenterology Method, your GI tract


can start functioning properly again. Once it has healed, which typically takes two to


three months, you will then live symptom free with no need for diet or lifestyle






That is my definition of being healed.



It is clear by your experience and that of millions of people in this country and around


the world that the conventional medical strategy for treating inflammatory bowel is


flawed. It just does not work. There needs to be a new model. One that is logical, that


makes sense. One that works.




The Holistic Gastroenterology Method is that model. It works. I told you that this book is


powerful. This method is powerful and you hold the power to make a bold move.




When you are ready contact me.




Dr. Alberto Snow




Holistic Gastroenterology








You are welcome to call me at any time to discuss your gastrointestinal problem at no


charge. I am always glad to help anyone overcome this debilitating challenge.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.06.2015

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