
Doggy Park(1)


Dan groans and rolls over to have his pillow covering his vision.His alarm clock kept beeping until Dan pressed 'snooze'.He had forgotten to turn his alarm off,sadly.

He rolls over again, and falls off the bed.Dan just groaned again.The floor wasn't hard,heck,it was carpet.Dan pulled himself up,and yawned again.Today was a Saturday,so Dan could have fallen asleep again,but he chose not to.

As he puts his normal black sweater,a bing noise came out of his phone.He walks over it,and unlocks it.It was a text from his best friend--Phil.

Phil-Cake:Gm,you up?

Danny:yeah,I'm up

Phil-Cake:I was wondering if you'd like to go somewhere with me and film a video

Danny:sure,I'll ask my parents

Dan put his phone down,and went to find his parents.Even though Dan is 17,he still lives with his parents.After a while,he couldn't find them.He sighed,and ran his fingers up his hair.He exhales,and gets some paper.Dan gets the nearest pen,being a glittery pink one,he writes;

Dear Mum and dad,
    No,I'm not running away.I'm writing this note to inform you about me and Phil going out.And--no,we're not dating.Don't worry.I'll be home by 8 pm or something.
           -Dan <3

Dan drops the pen,and reads the note.He nods in approval as he tapes it to his white fridge.Dan had named this fridge Phil when he was little because Phil was very pale,and the fridge was white.The top of the fridge was black,just like Phil's hair.Dan smiles every time he opens it.

Dan goes back to his room,and checks his wardrobe for some clothes he can wear.He find a dark grey T-shirt,a black leather jacket,some black pants,and some black and white checkered Vans.Dan nods at his choice,and begins to go downstairs to eat.

He makes himself some Delia Smith pancakes,pours some milk to drink,and some eggs.

After he eats,he grabs his phone,forgetting he had to text Phil.

Danny:hey,my parents aren't home,but I left a note
Phil-cake:ok! :D

Dan puts his phone in his pocket,and starts heading out the door.

"Hey Dan!Ready to go?"

Dan hears that sweet cherry voice.The one he always wants to hear.

"Yeah,I'm ready.Where we going?"Dan asks as he steps into the front passenger's seat.The cold air rushing out the air vents made Dan shiver a bit.

"Oh,we're going to a dog park!"Phil sequels as he squeezes the steering wheel.Dan laughs a bit before Phil play punches him in the arm.

"But,really,why a dog park?All month we've been going places to do with dogs"Dan asks as he clicks his seatbelt in place.

"Did you bring the camera?"Phil questions,changing the subject quickly.He taps his fingers on he steering wheel,ready for an answer.

Phil shoots an awkward smile at Dan,and Dan eyes at him weirdly.Phil would never shoot an awkward smile at Dan out of a video.

"Yes,yes I did"replies Dan as he opens his book back to see his camera.He takes it out and zips up the book bag again.

Dan hands Phil the Sony camera,and their hands lightly brush.It was one of those things Dan really loved when they happened.

Phil nods as he leans closer to Dan.He aims the camera on both of them before pressing a button.

A button that changed their lives together.

"Hello internet,today we're going to the dog park!"Dan says exited.

"In America!"and Phil eyebrow wiggles at the camera,as if a whole audience was there.The truth is,there is an audience,Dan and Phil just can't see them.

Dan bursts out laughing while gripping Phil's shirts.Phil let out some giggles,but Dan let everything out.

When Dan was done,Phil opened the car door,and motioned for Dan to get out.Dan opened the door,the satisfying click ringing through his ears.

Phil took the camera,and pointed it at the park.It was filled with cute adorable dogs.There were labradors,shibu-inus,poodles,pugs,Rottweiler,and some golden retrievers.

They walked towards the entrance,and when Phil approached,all the dogs eyed at him,and then barked at him.Then,they all fled to the gate,awaiting Phil.

Dan opened the gate,and the dogs showered Phil in licks and tails to the face when he bent down to pet them.Dan pointed the camera at him,and he laughed while Phil was suffering.

Soon,the dogs left and played with one another.It was weird to enter a dog park if you have no dog,but honestly,there are no other ways to enjoy dogs if you don't have one(other than foster caring them or open up a doggy day care,and we all know Dan and Phil would die of work and cuteness).

The video continued,and it was awesome.Well,for Phil anyways.The dogs would go to Phil immediately,then go off somewhere after they have showered him with love and affection.

"Don't worry,I was at a friend's house and they have a dog,it must be the smell"Phil suggested.He smiled awkwardly again,and pulled Dan into a hug.Dan sighed mentally,and he hugged Phil too.

They let go of the hug,and they left.Dan turned off the camera,and put it back into his backpack.

During the car ride,Phil suddenly sighed.

"You OK?"Dan asked,his hands close to Phil's.

Phil just shrugged,and moved his right hand to wrap his fingers around Dan's hand.Dan turned a light shade of pink,and he noticed Phil wasn't smiling.

After that,they were greeted by silence again.This time,it was uncomfortable.The kind of silence that would wrap around you,and make you choke out words just to make the silence go away.


I'm so proud of this :')


Dogs And Tears(2)


Phil had dropped Dan home before editing the video.This was new,they never edit a video without each other.

When Dan got home,he yelled,"I'm home!"Silence greeted him.He sighed,and he dropped his book back carelessly near the door.Dan ran up the stairs to his room,but not before he heard low growls coming from it.

He looked around for a weapon,and saw his old magic wand from a trip to Disney World.Dan grabbed it,and approached his room.

He shakily reached for the door knob.Dan twisted the knob quickly and swung the door open.

There was a white wolf in his room,curling up in the covers.It had a big bushy tail with a black tip.It's ears were large,too.

Dan backed away slowly,the Disney wand falling out his grip.He suddenly reached a wall,and the impact shook it.

The wolf stopped everything it was doing.It looked behind him,and it saw Dan.

Dan saw it had bright blue eyes – just like Phil.

Before Dan could observe anymore,the wolf jumped out his window.Dan approached his room,and closed the window.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

What was that wolf doing in my room?


Dan heard his parents open the house door,and he quickly hid his laptop under his pillow,and closed his eyes.He heard the creak of his old bedroom door being open,and a soft "good night" from his parents.

The brown haired clad turned over to see his alarm clocked, and sighed when it read 2:47 am."I should call Phil and tell him.."Dan quietly whispered to himself.He extended his arm to the dark oak wood nightstand, and grabbed it.Dan quickly turned it on and plugged his headphones in.

He called Phil,and waited.The familiar ringtone blasted in his ears.

Phil picked up,and said"what the heck are you doing at 2 am calling me?"He sounded a bit annoyed.

"There was a wolf in my room Phil!I'm not sure where it came from,but it managed to get through my window,into my room"Dan replied.


It was again the kind of silence that chocked you until you spoke.He then heard Phil sigh.

"Stop making excuses to call me in the middle of the night,Dan"

And with that,Phil had hung up.


Dan woke up to the annoying alarm.

He sighed,realized that he forgot to turn off his alarm.Well,too late now to sleep in.

Dan pressed the snooze button,and went on Twitter.

He couldn't help but to look at one post that he was tagged in.

It read:
"Dan is THE most stupidest person I've met in my life"

And there were more.

Some would be of "Dan is horrible" or "Dan is weird".

Dan began to cry,the tear streaming down his face.He kept scrolling down.He couldn't stop himself.

He wanted to agree,but disagree.It was all strange.He hated to do this to himself.

Dan exited out of Twitter,and wanted to call Phil.So,he rang him up.

"What happened?!"

Dan just wanted to be held by him,cuddled right beside him.

"Hold up,on coming to your house"

Phil—nor Dan—hung up,so Dan could hear what Phil would say when he'd get ready.

It followed through with "hmm" and "whoops".

When Phil was done,he grabbed his phone,and hung up.

Dan felt the tears on his face drying,and it stung a bit when he wiped them off with his sleeve.
It's been about an hour.

And Phil's not here.

Dan's wondering if Phil is coming or not,so he begins to sob—once again—into his bedsheets.

Dan suddenly heard the doorbell.He quickly jumped out of bed—in clothes of course—and walked down stairs.

It was always scary to have a room upstairs.The floors could always give out,and break.The roof would crush you first if it fell down.Dan was afraid of most things(one would be Phil leaving him).

Dan opened the door,and he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him.He inhaled the familiar sent.Dog smell.

"Dan,tell me what's wrong"



White Fur(3)


Both men were now upstairs,in Dan's room

Phil hated to see Dan cry,it was horrible.The way he cried was very quiet,so no one would hear.It was only Phil who could hear his sobs.


"Yes Dan?"

Dan broke the hug by leaning his head on Phil.Both didn't mind,as they did this so much.

"What if I die tomorrow?What w-would you do?"

Phil looked down at Dan,a held his face,making the other brit look at him.

"Don't think about doing that Dan.There are so many people who love you.People who adore you"

Phil let go,and Dan leaned on him again.

Silence had wrapped around both of them.It was comfortable,hearing the chirps of the birds and the gentle breeze of the wind.

Everything was peaceful.

Phil eventually heard snoring,ruining the peace.He looked down and saw Dan fast asleep.Phil smiled,and layed Dan's head on the pillow,and left.

Dan woke up,and yawned.He shivered from the loss of warmth.Dan got up,and looked around.Phil was gone.

He wanted Phil back,but sighed.Dan couldn't be greedy with Phil.Phil had other people in his life as well.

Dan stood up,and soon slipping over something.He feared it would be a giant moth waiting to eat it.He looked down and saw the wolf plushie a fan had given them a year ago at Vid-Con.

Dan had to admit,he sleeps with it.It relaxes,and it reminds him of the fans who love him.The stuffed animal also smelled of Phil,which was heaven to Dan.

He picked it up,and placed it on his bed.He wondered how it got on the floor,it was on his shelf above his bed.Dan would sometimes take it off to cuddle with him,but other than that he never takes it off.

He looks closer at the wolf plushie,and saw strands of white hair.Or was it fur?Dan wasn't sure,but it was freaking him out.He placed the wolf on the shelf,and looked at the time.It was 6:28,and Dan was hungry.He yawned,and walked downstairs.

He opened the fridge,and saw yogurt,ice cream,fruits(full of mold since no one ate them),and a half full milk carton.Dan got the ice cream,and saw a white figure out the window.Now,there are outdoor cats wondering around the neighborhood,and Dan thought it was a cat.

The figure was too big to be a cat,it was the size of a large dog.It's fur was well kept,strange for a stray dog.The figure's ears were high and pointed.The tail was short and furry.

Dan rubbed his eyes.It looked like the wolf that was in his room the other day.He sighed,thinking he was probably going crazy.Dan picked up the bowl of ice cream,and walked upstairs to his room.

He opened his door,and there he saw the same wolf he saw in his bed the other day.The same bushy tail,same large ears,and same blue piercing eyes.

Dan stared into it's eyes.It was probably the worst thing to do at the moment,but he had no other choice.The wolf looked relaxed—it didn't show any signs of being tense.It was like the wolf knew who Dan was.

Well,Dan didn't know who this wolf was,so he ran downstairs into the guest bathroom.He reached for his phone in his pockets,but it wasn't there.He panicked,thinking the wolf was tearing it up right now.

Dan put the ice cream bowl on top of the shelf they had in the bathroom,and headed up stairs to his room.

He opened the door again,and the wolf was gone.Dan waked to his bed,and saw the same white fur he saw on the wolf plushie.

Speaking of the stuffed animal,it was there on the bed,full of the white fur.Dan took a step backwards,afraid.The wolf was getting into his room every night.That fact scared him more.


He heard the front door open.



Texte: Jay
Bildmaterialien: N/A
Cover: N/A
Lektorat: Jay
Übersetzung: N/A
Satz: N/A
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.09.2017

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[Wattpad] @AnonKnows ;for being careful and kind with me when i need it most, for making me giggle to weird conversations late at night @i_lik_nutella ;for being there when i was feeling depressed,when something goes wrong - she comes to the rescue @thisislifenow ;you've done so much - to making me laugh until i hiccup, to comforting me when i needed it - you've opened my eyes so much @-fuluv- ;oh god - you opened my eyes so much.taught me without teaching, and made me laugh through my tears @lynxstorm27 ;from just sitting next to me in lunch - to telling each other secrets - and to end on crying with each other -- we are best buddies @red-soda ;i hate my art sometimes, so i wonder why you love my art so much.but - i don't care - thanks for being there and let me tell you distressing things at 3 am @OD_T0ri ;you've been such a nice friend - you helped me in my fetus age where i just joined wattpad - i still can't thank you enough for helping me @abbyhoppy ;you're not shit :)

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