

I saw it with my both eyes of how fast his moves are. He lunged on him and I seem frozen on my spot and my breathing stops. I can’t move every inch of my bone like figure, my eyes widen in horror and tears were freely running in my cheeks. I wanted to scream a bloody fucking murder but it seems that I lost my vocal chords, I wanted to run and held his muscular body in my arms but I felt like there’s a glue sticks on my shoes that keeps me from moving.

I was busy looking into my boyfriend’s lifeless body that I haven’t realised someone was calling my name. A cold, strong grip of hand forced my chin up to look at the slayer in the eyes. His baby blue eyes that I used to admire turned into a crimson red, his friendly smile now looks like a creepy one. The warm and comfortable feeling that flows between us now changed into fear and hatred.

“Why, why, why… what a surprise visit.” He clapped his hands together making a clacking noise echoing in every corner of the wall.

“Welcome to the Halloween Party, my love.” He spread his both arms like he was expecting a hug whilst smiling creepily at me.

I could feel the goose bumps crawling on my now pale skin. I looked down at the bloody floor and lifeless bodies in front of me before looking back up to him. My tears were running like a waterfall. I glare towards him and his smile become even bigger than what they already are.

“Why?” is the only word that came out from my mouth.

I felt the atmosphere inside the room became sad and friendly but it soon vanished as quickly as it appears. He took a step forward on my direction and I panicked.

Every step he took, I also step backwards. I really don’t want to be with him right now, because for sure, my best friend is not kind and harmless but definitely dangerous.

I didn’t realise that there’s a coffee table behind me and I stumble and fall on the floor. He quickly reached for my hair and tugged it harshly, forcing me to look at him in the eyes.

“I think you should know the answer of your questions by now,” he said calmly but dangerously on my face.

My brows narrowed in confusion and he yanked my head down letting go of my hair and grab a handful of his hair and snarl.

“Are you really that stupid? I thought you’re the smartest of all students in the school? Hell, I even thought that you’re smarter than the teachers in University. But for one fucking simple thing, you haven’t realised and see it? Wow! How stupid you can be?” he shouted and pacing back and forth in front of me.

His soft, caring voice now boomed into a scary one that makes me cower on the floor. He saw my action and he quickly touched my foot.

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed from the top of my lungs. I didn’t bother to cover my shaky voice.

He looked me dead in the eye, “You are MINE! No one and I mean N-O O-N-E would have you. You are destined to be my beloved and you will always be on my hand. It’s been a century that I started looking for someone that could complete the bond and I haven’t seen anyone. I almost lost hope, until YOU my precious little beloved came into my life and wakes the dreams that I’ve been patiently looking in my entire life.” He said dreamily and I cringed in disgust.

I slowly backed away carefully trying to put more distance between us. “Why me?” I asked trying to distract him.

He stop for a sec and started pacing again. “Well you see, you are special. Not just special but extremely special one. I’ve never seen a young lady that radiates the beauty on her, inside and out. When I saw you in the shopping centre, my inner side told me that you’re the one. I then knew that you were pure. A person that was full of positive in her life. You never had a problem that came to you since you were born in earth. You never had negatives in your soul and I knew that you’re the one.” He finished showing his long fangs.

My heart beats faster like a running cheetah and I move back again until I felt something sharp underneath my palm. I looked down quickly and looked up back at him again. A broken sharp glass placed properly on my palm. I held it tightly and decided to wait for him to come closer to me again.

“If you want me why did you kill them? Why did you kill him?” I cried and shouted at him.

He looked down at me and smirked, “Because I know that you will come back at him and decided to give yourself to him. Now, where’s the fun on that, sweetheart. As what I told you earlier, you are mine and always be mine. And I love his blood on my mouth.” He flashed me a smile.

I can’t control my anger and hatred anymore. Instead of waiting, I voluntarily run towards him while holding my small weapon on my hand ready to aim it on his heart. But he was too quick than the human and strong like a beast that he is.

He twisted my hand and I cried in pain. The weapon fell down on the floor and before I knew it, I was slammed into the wall and a strong hand placed into my neck holding me up, hanging from the floor.

I gasped for air and give all my might to fight back at him but it’s useless. He is so strong. He lowered his head and placed it on the crook of my neck. I froze on my spot and I felt like my breathing actually stops.

I could feel his fangs became longer and sharper until it touches my soft skin. I heard him took a long breath and his fangs dig a bit on my skin. I thought today is the last day of my life, but he stop and froze in the spot.

He slowly let go of me and look around the room before whispering into my ear, “I will let you live for now. But I will come back soon and finish my plan. I will see you soon, my beloved.” And after that he was gone like a wind.



Entity - Chapter One

I was dreaming heavenly eating my favourite chocolate bar, when I was rudely interrupted by someone shaking my body like a mad dog. I groaned and yanked the hand away from me. I felt a hand again shaking me like crazy and I groaned loudly.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT!” I shouted like there’s no tomorrow and I heard someone hiss but I ignore it and continue sleeping while dreaming to my chocolate.

“We’re here. Mum and dad want me to wake your heavy ass up and get a shower.” The voice said and I instantly recognised that devil annoying voice.

“Go away hyena,” I shooed, my eyes are still closed.

I thought he walked away until I feel something that wakes the hell out of me. “What the FUCK are you doing?” I asked furiously, totally wide awake.

My ass of a brother just laughed at me while clutching his stomach like a moron. “Ahahaha… I knew you would awake if I tickle your feet.” He announced proudly and I just rolled my eyes and walked inside our new mansion.

“Hey, come back here and grab your things.” He shouted behind me.

I ignored him and continued walking until I reach the porch and open it revealing a clean and very shiny marbled floor. A big chandelier with candles and diamonds hanging on it was placed at the ceiling in the middle of the house. A white piano was designed professionally in the centre between the two stairs from left and right up the second floor.

I felt my body’s slowly shutting down, so I decided to go up to my room and sleep. Since we move bought this place a month earlier and move in our things earlier before, I don’t need to pack up and I can easily found my way up to my room.

I slammed at my soft master bed like a walking dead and snuggled closely to my pillow. I feel my eyes slowly drop and I let the darkness welcome me.


I was waken up rudely for a second time in one day but this time, Mrs Carmen walks into my room and prepare my bath. I sat up lazily and practically dragged myself to the bathroom that connected to my room and stripped my dress before sinking in the warm water. I decided to put my pair of headphone in my ear and played one of my favourite songs, ‘Wings’ by Birdy. I stayed in the bath for a couple of minutes before wrapping myself a clean towel and walked outside my bathroom.

I approach my walk in closet and look for a dress for tonight. I know you might think why I’m looking for a dress and let me fill you in. I love fashion. I really do and because of that, I love dressing up either I’m inside the house or outside the house. Anyways, my mum introduces me to her world when I was still a kid, so here I am.

I walked down stairs and head to the kitchen. I found my brother, mother and father talking to their phones and they looked up at me and send me creepy smiles as soon as they feel my presence. My eyebrows met together and I give them my questioning look.

My brother just ignored me and finally my mother hangs up her phone first and spoke for my benefit.

“Oh you’re here. Take a seat, sweetheart,” she beamed happily and I just rolled my eyes.

As soon as I took a seat, I look up to my mother and asked her, “Ok… so, what’s up?”

My mother took a seat as well and intertwined her hands together in front of her like she was on some important business. “Well you see, since we move out here and we’re new to this city, your father, brother and I decided to invite our friends to have a little dinner welcome party with us in our house tomorrow night. So, we started contacting them to join us.” She explained happily.

My eyebrow went up high. “How come? I’ve never heard you guys have friends here in Canada?”

My mum opens her mouth but my brother beats her, “It’s because you hate socialising with people and every time we have a party in France, you never walks out of your room.” He said like he was stating the obvious – which is true.

I nod in understanding and decided to serve myself a food. I slowly munching my dinner and after I finished, I gave mum and dad a kiss in the cheek and give my brother a pat on the head before walking out of the kitchen.

I unzipped my dress leaving into my undies and bra. I always sleep with just my undergarments, so I never bother to grab a pair of PJ’s. I slowly lay on the comfy bed and looked outside my balcony glass door.

Tomorrow is the beginning of my new life. Everything will be strange and new for me, new school, new teachers, new surroundings, new bitches and hopefully new friends. I just want to live my life in peace without having a fight to anyone. I mean, I’m not a trouble maker or anything but I’m pretty sure there would be girls that would get envy on me. Yea, my parents are extremely loaded and I know that my new school is a very expensive private one and all of the students that attend in there are rich too, but I am not stupid enough to think that no one would get jealous to someone who has everything, especially to a new girl. I just hope everything will go smoothly tomorrow.

My mind wanders back to where I came from. I never intended to leave France ever, but because of the incident that happen to my life and all the threats that I’ve always received in our mailbox every 2 months, my parents decided to move in here in Canada and focus on our 4 businesses here. I refuse at first though, I mean yea, I’d received some threats letters and sick delivery things but my life was bound on France, I grew up in France, I learnt how to spoke, walk, and wrote in France. My friends lived in France, my happiness was in France, but I have to leave all of the things that are important to me and sacrifice my happiness and start a new and fresh beginning here in Canada. I just hope that I would never regret living here in this new place and people would hopefully welcome me with kindness in this community.

My eyelids slowly drop and I decided to welcome the darkness for a second time of the day.

Entity - Chapter Two

I wake up from the noise of my alarm clock. I tried to ignore it waiting for the noise to stop, but the sound just going and I’ve had enough. I grab my alarm clock at the top of the small wooden table beside my bed and throw it across my room. I heard the object break to pieces and I sleepily smiled in content.

Just then, Carmen walk inside the room holding a clean towel and went to my bathroom. I keep snuggling into my pillow but was interrupted shortly of Carmen’s voice.

“Ezzie wake up now, before your brother will barge in your room and poured a bucket of water in you.” She informed.

I just shifted into my bed and face the other way, completely ignoring Carmen’s words. Carmen is like a grandma that I never had. She was so cool for her age and she was always there for me taking my sides when my brother and I have had a fight. I’ve known her since I was a kid in France.

“Let him be Nana, I don’t really care. And besides its Saturday anyway, so can the lady get some peaceful sleep?” I asked hoping that she would go away and let me sleep.

But I guess luck isn’t with me today because Carmen’s next word makes me bolt up straight from my bed and hurriedly walk into the bathroom and closed the door with a loud bang.

I totally forget that today is my first day in my new school and I don’t want to arrive late in my first day. I quickly took a shower and hurriedly get out of the bathroom and walked into my walk in closet.

I decided to wear all leather, so I grab my fit leathered jeans and my tight leathered jumper than shows a bit of my flat belly. I quickly searched on my undergarments drawer and wear my black lace bra and undies before wearing my jeans and jumper. I glance at my body length mirror and satisfied at my outfit.

I then, moved on to my shoes. I grab my leathered knee length four inch boots and hurriedly wear them. I decided to flow my natural straight hair behind me and put a light make up on. I didn’t bother to put any jewellery, well except for the diamond earrings that shined brightly on my ears.

I run to my bed where my things for school were placed and quickly put it on my shoulder bag and run downstairs. I glanced at the watch on my wrist and my eyes widen in panic. I didn’t bother to eat breakfast because according to my watch I’m already three minutes late.

I’ve owned four fast cars but since I don’t have time and I’m pretty sure the city would be busy, I decided to ride on my MV Agusta motorcycle that I bought in Italy 2 years ago.

I reversed into our parking lot and drove as fast as I can to school. I then realised I don’t know which way I would go, so I quickly pulled my iPhone and used GPS to locate my new school.

I arrived in the school in about 5 minutes. I was shocked yet amused that the cops wasn’t on my tail to pull over and give me lecture at how fast I drove instead of following the speed limit.

I parked my bike on the school parking lot and literally run towards the entrance door. The school is pretty big. I wasn’t surprised of that. I’ve been attending on a private and expensive famous school of my entire life. But this school seems kind of different from the other expensive school.

I’ve never heard of a “Lykánthro̱pos Academy” before. My mum always told me a story of how this school is awesome and interesting and very high when it comes to sports or what my brother always said ‘training’.

I walked into the hall and found a door that has ‘office’ sign on it. I opened it carefully and found a middle age woman busy typing on the computer in front of her. I slowly closed the door and when I turned back, I was taken a back and took a couple of step back when the face of the woman who sat on her chair now staring up at me creepily.

I felt a goosebumps crawling on my skin, “Whoa… that was not what I expected for a welcome,” I said still shock of how quick she stood in front of me without making any noise.

Her brown eyes held mine and she looked me up and down and crunched up her nose in disgust. I suddenly looked down at my look and raised a brow at her.

“What?” I asked irritated.

She looked up again and plastered a fake smile on her lips, “Oh, nothing dear. Just wondering why you’re wearing all leather while the sun is up brightly shining. Didn’t you feel hot?” she asked.

I just shrugged, “I’m already hot and besides I like the way I look,” I announced cockily.

She walked back on her seat and faced her computer again. “Cocky, I see.” She took a deep breath and froze. I looked at her weirdly while she looked at me with wide eyes as if she was scared or something.

She stayed like that that seems like forever, staring at wide eyes and lips slightly parted whilst I was standing uncomfortably under her gaze. She then cleared her throat and gave me another fake smile.

“What’s your name, dear?” she asked and I quickly gave her my answer antsy to get out of her creepy looks.

“Blazelmay Guillory.”

She typed my name making a click noise and again she looked up at me with wide eyes for the third time. I have a feeling that I would get this reaction a lot so I let myself adopt this kind of reaction.

She quickly stood up from her chair and she stumbled a bit but she quickly regain her balance and walked to the drawer in the corner of the room and pulled out a piece of paper, a metal object that I assume is for my new locker and long folder.

She placed it carefully in front of me and I quickly grab it and walked out the door. I looked back at the office door once more and I felt a shiver run down my spine. That woman is so weird and creepy.

I then realised that I am beyond late. I check on my watch and found out that the bell would ring any seconds for my second period, and I was right. The sound of the bell echoed on the empty hall and I sighed in relieve. Well, I guess I’m going to my second lesson then.

I went to my locker and found it in the middle area. My eyebrow rose up, “They should’ve give me a locker in the end because I’m a transferee student, but instead they gave me one in the middle area.” I mumbled to myself.

I took a step back and look up to my locker, then a sign caught my eye where it says ‘Special Lockers’ in bold old English written. I shrugged it off and open my locker to put some of the things that I didn’t need for my second period and closed it.

I look around at a still empty hall and realised that the signal for second period is gone 5 minutes ago and I haven’t seen any students walk out of the classrooms. I felt scared for the first time of my 18 years of living of being alone in a place where I didn’t even recognise. I feel my heart beats faster than my normal beating and I tried so hard to just ignore the feelings and to relax, but I guess that idea didn’t work.

I pulled my schedule from my jean pocket and look at it intensely. Then I found out that every first subject contained 2 hours, so that means you will be staying in one classroom in 2 hours.

I exhaled loudly. I’ve never been so relieved in my entire life. I smiled to myself and walked to the corner of the hall to find my classroom. I looked down at my schedule to check what room I should go to and found out that I need to go to room number 312.

I continued walking and found an elevator and I press number 3. The elevator went up and it stop in the third floor. I walk out of the elevator and found a sign of room number 300-320 in the left side and room number 321-340 in the right side.

I went to the left side since my room is obviously on the left. Every time I took every step, I could hear voices in each room from a teachers trying to explain a lesson to his/her noisy students. I rolled my eyes; Canada is absolutely the same to France. Then I stupidly realised that all of the schools are the same.

When I reach my room, I haven’t heard any noise inside. I looked at the door questioningly and I slowly twisted the knob and carefully pull it open revealing busy students taking notes and a man whom I assume as a teacher.

I took a step forward and closed the door behind me and saw all eyes staring in my direction. I stood on the ground uncomfortably and smile at them awkwardly. I walked slowly to the table in front of the class and place the folder the woman had gave me from the office. The teacher that was writing on the white board turned around and I was slightly shock of his beauty.

Entity - Chapter Three

A beautiful pair of hazel-green eyes held my gray eyes and I instantly got lost on them. His eyes look like it was sparkling from the excitement? I have no idea of what kind of emotion he has on his eyes; I’m not really good at reading people when it comes to eye battle.

I let my eyes study his beautiful face. He’s nose is perfectly straight and pointy, his dark-brown hair makes him even more attractive with it’ messily styles. It suits him really well. He has a strong jaw and he also has a dimple on his chin. Without my permission, my eyes wander to his soft pink lips that slightly turned upward.

I then realised that I was totally checking him out and the worst is, he caught me looking at him like an idiot. I mentally face palm myself and I’m pretty sure my face looks like a tomato.

“Oh, what do we have here?” the man finally spoke and I feel uncomfortable standing in front of the class again. I would never transfer another school again.

The man or shall I say the teacher pick up the folder that I placed on his table and pulled out a piece of paper what I assume is my profile and the schedule that he need to sign.

He grabs a pen from his pocket and signed his name like a doctor. He handed the folder back to me. I look down at his signature but I can’t really read them. I guess he found me reading his name but realised that I can’t read it so he offered to tell me his name.

“I am your History and Maths teacher and students call me Mr Jayvie.” He said happily at me and I just arched my brow at him.

He cleared his throat and he motioned his hand to the vacant seat at the back of the room. I just nodded my head, aware to the burning looks that students thrown at me. But I never get them on my nerves.

After the ‘incident’, my life quickly changed like a blink of an eye. People at school and outside the school would look on my direction and followed my every move. People throw me hatred gaze, others looked at me sympathetically but I just ignored them. My soul was used to the attention I was getting, positive looks but mostly negative.

I pulled out the chair and took a sat down. I thought as soon as I sat down people would stop looking at me but man, was I wrong? Every time I look around the room, I could see pairs of different eyes burning holes on my skin.

Thankfully, Mr Jayvie cleared his throat once again and started writing back up to the white board. I pulled out my newest edition of Apple laptop and turned it on. I can still feel their gaze on me but I stayed still and continue looking for my Microsoft OneNote to copy some notes.

I started typing on my laptop quietly and I let out a long breath when I looked around the room and found that students were back on copying some notes. I looked back to the screen of my laptop and copy the notes from the white board.

The class went pretty quickly. Students started packing up and exit outside the door. I packed my laptop and put it on my bag and started walking towards the door but before I could exit, Mr Jayvie called my name.

I turned around and saw him looking at me while sitting on the top of the table. I raised my eyebrow at him and saw his lips went up forming into a small smile.

“What?” I asked hoping I could get out of this room because my stomach is growling like crazy.

He shot up and walked towards me and stops in front of me. “I was just wondering why you used your laptop for taking notes instead of a notebook.”

I look up at him confused, “Uh… because I always used laptop to take notes since I was in France?” I explained like it was obvious. I mean hello? This is private school and a very expensive one, so students should use technology by now and not notebook and a pen.

“But Miss Guillory our school didn’t tolerate lazy kids to use technology just to copy notes,” he said and I was slightly hurt and insulted when he said ‘lazy’ and ‘kids’.

I felt my blood boil inside of me and I just shrugged and turned my back in front of him and walk away. I didn’t even bother answering his little insult. As soon as I stepped in outside the classroom, I saw some students standing outside the door probably listening to our conversation.

They look at me from head to toe and back again but I don’t really care of their looks. I just want to grab a food and feed my bloody stomach. I walked into the crowded hall and look down at the map that was placed inside the folder. I followed the instruction of the map and soon enough, I found the cafeteria.

An automatic glass door open revealing a very loud and crowded cafeteria. I walk to the counter and grab a food that I want and pay for them. The old man smiled at me and gave me my change. I walk in the middle of the cafeteria to look for an empty seat.

The loud cafeteria became deadly quiet and I feel all eyes landed on me. I grip the tray tightly and continue looking around for an empty table, but all of the table are full so I started to turn around and walk at the door.

Then I heard someone said, “Hey, wait up!”

I stop on my tracks and slowly turning around and saw a guy in my age smiling at me. He had a dark-brown hair with green eyes. He was slightly tanned and muscular but not as muscly as Mr Jayvie.

“I saw you looking for a table. Do you want to sit with us?” he asked and motion his hand to the big table in the middle of the room. I then catch up that he was popular. Maybe he was a quarter back? Who knows?

I glanced at the girls that sit around the table. They seem friendly enough, so I nodded my head and heard people gasp in the background. I rolled my eyes at them.

“Awesome!” cheered the guy and fist pumps the air, I smiled at his childish behaviour. “I’m Ashton by the way.” He introduced.

I nodded, “Blazelmay,” I said and we started walking to the table. The room is still silent and if this wouldn’t stop any minute, I swear I will transfer to another school that isn’t full of weird people.

We stop in the table and Ashton introduced me to his friends. “Guys this is the new babe, Blazelmay,” he started and I rolled my eyes at the babe part. “Blazelmay this is my girlfriend, Sydney.”

A black hair girl stood up and sticks out her hand. “It’s nice meeting you,” she smiled and I shook her hand and gave her a small smile.

“This are my best friends; Jillian, Clifford, Florence, Xavier, and Terrence.” Ashton pointed to the guys who sat on the left side of the table.

They look me up and down and I heard them whistle and I heard a growl behind me. It’s really low growl but I could still hear it. I turned around but found no one so I look back at to Ashton and Sydney that now looked frozen.

I narrowed my eyes at them and they look at me with wide smiles. I look at them suspiciously and then Sydney decided to introduce the people who sat on the right side of the table.

“And this are my best friends; Maricar, Charel, Pauline, and Andy. Maricar is Terrence girlfriend, Charel is Jillian’s girlfriend, Pauline is Florence’s girlfriend and Andy is Clifford’s girlfriend. Xavier is the only single in our group.” Sydney said happily.

I sat down and started picking on my food. I nearly chock on my pizza when a blonde girl, Andy, jumped beside me happily and announced the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.

“Oh-em-gee…. You and Xavier would be best and cutest couple in our school if you guys would hook up.” She said cheerfully.

I fiddle uncomfortably on the chair and hesitantly to look to Xavier on what’s his reaction. But then I wasn’t really surprised of his flirty look that he was publicly showed towards me. His playful smirk and flirty wink makes me cringed in disgust.

Don’t get me wrong, the man has the look. I mean, who wouldn’t fall for his charm. He is hot. But I really don’t want a relationship just yet. I smile back at him boringly and continued eating my lunch then the bell rang.

My new friends and I separated ways and I headed to the Art for my third lesson. I open the room and luckily I’m not late. In fact, I’m the first one who entered the room. I decided to sit in the back like I usually did in France and started to prepare all of my things that needed for Art.

Students started entering the room until all the chairs are full and a very good looking teacher walk in with some colouring materials on his arms. He looked same age as Mr Jayvie but the way his eyes flickered on my direction tells me that he’s not a threat and that I could trust him.

He stood in front of the class and opens the folder that I placed on his table just like I did to Mr Jayvie’s class. He looked at it and signed it and put it back inside the folder. He looked at my direction and flashed a breathtaking smile.

“Welcome to my class Miss Guillory and you can call me Mr Irving,” he said and I just smile and nodded totally lost of words.

Entity - Chapter Four

 When I arrived home from school, I was greeted by a mouth watering smell and my belly instantly responded on it. I heard a chuckle from far corner of the room and I quickly spun and saw my father standing outside the door frame looking at me amusely.


"Hey dad," I greeted him with a big fat smile. 


"Hello sweetheart," he greeted back with his own ttothy smile. "Seems like you have a bit of situation going on in there." He asked slightly laughing.


I scratched the back of my head whilst walking up to him. "Yeah, well I am really hungry since five hours ago."


Dad gave me a tight hug, "Why are you hungry? Haven't you eaten at school?" He asked then kissed my cheeks.


I kissed his cheeks back, "I did actually. I don't know I just felt hungry that's all." I answered honestly.


We both walked towards the kitchen where the maids put a lot of food on the table that ten people couldn't even finished it. 


Three old fashion yet elegant candle lights where placed in the centre of the table along with three vases with roses on them. Different kind of foods where scattered all over the table including different kind of desserts. Three different flavoured bottle of wines were also placed on a different table where the plates and other utensils was put neatly. I wonder why we have a lot of foods today? I mean, we always have plenty of foods on the table but today seems to be overloaded.


I turned at dad who is busy ordering our maids to make the table look more elegant. "Dad, what's going on with all these?" I asked pointing my fingers to the table.


"Oh, don't you remember what your mother told you the other night?" He said not really facing me.


I stopped for a moment and think what he just said and what mom told me the other night but my mind seems empty. It's probably beacause I am hungry. I couldn't really think straight when I am hungry, so it is very important to feed my empty stomach before I gone loco.


Dad turned at me giving me his full attention and must've probably read my expression and decided to explain it anyway. "We have some visitors coming over tonight for dinner. They are both Mayors from North Canada and Western Canada and also our family's closest friends. They will be here in about an hour with their families."


My mother walked in joining us. "Clyde will be joining with the sons for dinner tonight and he said they will be a little late so we can start dinner ahead without them."


I arched my eyebrows at her, "Sons?" I asked.


Mom opened her mouth but stopped and turned to one of the maid. "Can you change this one? The color doesn't fit the room."


The maid bowed her head and quickly changed the cloth that my mother was holding. I was waiting for her to answer my question but she was totally distracted on arranging things around the dining area. 


"Each of the Mayor has a son. One and only child too." Dad answered my question instead.


I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "You mean they only have a child and it's a boy?" 


"Yes." Dad answered looking at me like I am his two-year-old daughter who's still trying to learn how to speak.


"That is so weird." I murmured completely confused about the situation.


It's probably a tradition in Canada that they must have a boy to rule the community after his dad. I thought to myself. 


"What on earth are you still doing here young lady?" my mother spat at me, loud enough to make my soul jump out of my body.


My mother was looking at me intenly raising one of her perfect arched eyebrows while tapping her stilettoes on the concrete floor. I just look at her not knowing what to do.


She walked towards me and shooed me out of the room and walked me upstairs towards my bedroom door. 


"Take a shower and clean yourself up. Wear a dress and put a little bit of make up on your pale face, you look like a ghost. Have you been eating healthy foods?" Mum rumbled and I just shook my head upwards not saying a word and sighed loudly.


"Good. Now hurry up because they will be here soon."


I did not respond back and went straight to my bathroom and took a really hot shower. My mind wandered back at school. The school is pretty neat and the buildings looks very classy and so are the students but there's something seriously odd about the school. It's way too quite in hallways, the students are acting really weird, they look at me like I'm a prey and they are predators that's going to attack me whenever they wanted to. The teacher..... oh, the two teachers are unbelievably good looking and sexy like a some kind of models that walked outside the magazine. Everything about their physical appearance are so unreal. That weird noise. I have never heard that noise ever in my entire life before. Even though it was only a little but I can still hear it and it's not because I'm delusional or something. It's like a lion's roar. A light bulb flickered inside my head and thought maybe there is a living lion inside that school. Maybe it's a punishment to students who are being naughty and sent them on the lion's den. The thought itself gives me goosebumps and I shivered slightly.


I quickly got out of the shower and envelop myself with a warm fresh towel. I walked out the door and walked to my bed where an emerald green dress placed neatly next to my silver stilettoes with emerald stone necklace and a pair of emerald earrings.


My mother probably ordered one of the maids to pick that specific dress for me. My mom doesn't trust my sense of fashion that much. She might approved some of the clothes I pick but she once told me that I sometimes picked weird combination of fashion. Like earlier today before I went to school, she ran towards me and almost tackled me to the ground because she doesn't want me to leave the house wearing all leather clothes including my shoes in the middle of a sunny day. But I just shrugged and wear it anyway. I love my own kind of fashion. I feel comfortable wearing the clothes that I pick. But tonight, I'm going to let it pass since some famous big people going to have dinner with us tonight and I don't want to embarrass my own mother in front of them.


Without a second thought, I wear the dress and it covers every curved of my body. It emphasizes my round big bottom and my C-cup natural breast that I manage to adopt from my mother.


The dress is simple. It's a one arm long sleeved dress. The other arm is completely bare. There's no patterns or flowery designs on it. It's just a silver sequens around the wrist area. I put my jewellery on and put a little bit of make up on. Instead of styling my hear, I heard the doorbell ring and I know it was them so I just straightened my hair instead and wear my shoes before walking downstairs.


As I enter the living room, my parents were both talking to two couples who looks around my parent's age. Both man - which I'm guessing are the Mayors looks extremely tall and muscular than my father. They almost look like around mid-twenties.


I saw my mom turned at my direction and motioned her hand to come closer at them. The two couples were looking at me giving me friendly warm smiles. I smiled back in return.


"This is my daughter, Blazelmay." My mother announced and all of them smiled at me brightly including my father.


"You are so beautiful just like your mother." The woman said with dark-browned hair beamed at me happily and I chuckled at her childlike behaviour.


"Thank you," I replied shyly.


"Blazel, this is Raul and Clara from North Canada." My dad introduced and I smiled and shook their hands but Raul pull me in a hug and I stumbled a little and a little gasp escaped my lips.


"Nice to finally meet you sweetheart. I'm sorry but we don't do handshake up North." he break the hug and winked at me playfully leaving me dumbfounded.


Clara hit Raul's arm and grunted playfully in response. "You are scaring the poor girl Raul." She scolded and went to face me and gave me a bone crashing hug. "You are so beautiful." She gushed twice and I can't help myself but luagh at her remarks.


"Hey, hey, hey.... don't keep the young lady all by yourself." The other woman stood behind Clara smiling at us in amusement.


"Oh, please. You can wait Celocia, I am not done yet with her." Clara muttered but gave me to Celocia after.


"Hi, I'm Celocia and this is Orlie my husband and we are from Western Canada." Celocia offered her wide open arms and a smile creep on my face.


"Hello nice to meet you." I hugged her and she felt tiny around my tall frame.


Then I moved to Orlie and gave him a hug as well. Orlie winked at me playfully and Celocia smaked his arm. "You and you're cousin are so the same." She stated.


I heard Raul grumble and muttered some inappropriate words and I looked at them slightly gaping. "You are cousins?" I asked totally shocked and pointed my fingers from Raul to Orlie.


They both laughed at me and nodded their head like a kid wanted some ice cream. My belly made a noise again and everyone looked at me in slight shock.


"What on earth is that?" Clara asked looking at my mother almost scared.


I raised my hand and smiled at them sheepishly. "I'm sorry but I am really hungry. " I announced embbarrsed.


My father laughed out loud and walked me towards the dinight area. "Let's go and have dinner before the food gets cold." He announced and I heard everyone followed suit.  




Texte: This book is owned and written by myself. If I made a mistake of my grammar, please feel free to message me so that I could change it. I haven't finished this book yet, obviously, but please fon't copy my book and announced it as yours. Thanks!
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.11.2013

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'Seductive, suspenseful and exquisitely written' (with my little head, laptop, little not pad and pen (LOL) ) Give my book a chance and if you like it add it to your favorite list. Thank you! :)

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