


Very interesting- very motivating”


Stephen Hauck- arsenal weapons developer (U.S. military)




Fantastic book…”


Ebenezer Laban- Marketing director (mother of 5)





For your Kids and Teens





An AAP Short read story





…“Thou fool, pull off the beams from the wooden horse first, then you can clearly see the enemy hidden within” The Trojan horse





Copyright 2015 SP. The Audi Alteram Partem (AAP) Short Read Stories- Writer’s Guild. Paradise Publishing, South Pacific Realm.


Notice: No part of this book is to be copied in any way or form without the written explicit permission of the copyright owner.















No Joke!



I ACTUALLY TAUGHT MY CHILDREN HOW TO BE LIKE BATS! Moreover, it worked! It helped my children become smarter, wiser, quicker; stronger, healthier, happy sharp winners!


It is my hope and prayer that in reading this book, your kids will become better listeners, more involved with family strengthening time, building a stronger healthier relationship with their siblings and parents.

















…but for now, let us look at home economics 101.



In marketing, methods and concepts are taught and echoed in the halls of BMG9 (Business Management level 9). Below are a few of these popular methods and concepts:




The “Push” and “Pull” method


Push is sales- selling or pushing a product to consumers even if it is not what they want.


Pull is marketing a product to consumers, that entails preplanned strategies; learn the attributes of consumers beforehand, know what their likes and dislikes are for a product, meet and fulfill those needs thus consumers pulling in the product.





The “Warm marketing” and “Cold marketing” concept


Warm marketing is the concept of familiarization procuring a product because a famous or popular person, group, friend, or relative, uses or recommends a specific product.


Cold marketing is the out-right selling of a product, like the door-to-door method of selling.









Someone once said that, nothing happens by chance, if it happened, you can bet that it was planned that way by someone, a group of people, or by unanticipated hidden blind spots or a scatoma.


Let us assume then, that there is an ongoing war happening right now vying to take our children's physical bodies, heart, mind and soul away from good old homegrown loving, guiding parents, in a caring home atmosphere, by unseen forces now casing us more than ever before! Every conceivable idea to capture the hearts of our generation to lead, direct, indirectly, consciously, or subconsciously mold our young people into becoming regulars, has been planned by hired think tank groups, who are some of the world’s top economical brains, scientists, doctors, educators; professors and psychiatrists down to a science!




















My conclusion is, if we, and our kids are trained at a very young age to become hooked, they will be the sure energy to fuel the country’s economy from one generation on to the next. If you’re a world planner, a marketing analyst, economist or an entrepreneur, this would make perfect sense! Such an idea would be considered as excellent, skilled, precision planning at its best! It is like giving suck to our babies from the day they are conceived right onto the nipple of society, including, but not limited to infant formulas, baby powdered milk, milking them farther away from their natural parents who are central figures in protecting the integrity of the family unit! Thus adopting them on to a chic, and inviting; trendy, luxurious, scrumptious economy so that every aspect of a growing child's lifestyle, will be a continual, perpetual partaker right into the lap of their adopted parents in the electronics field, the clothing industry, the make-up industry, the auto industry; the banking and loans industry, the food industry; TV, DVD, music, rugs, chairs, soap, watches, earrings, iPod’s, phones, every man made, woman made thing in this world. This can only happen if we allow them to infiltrate our homes with bombardments of instant, readily, accessible information, constant advertisements on new gadgets, thingamajigs, high tech, low tech; self gratification concepts and ideas. These preplanners have incorporated into our society ‘the rights movement.’ Now, kids have rights too! There's woman’s rights, gay rights, people’s rights, animal rights, tree rights, and everything else that make us think that they are right…you know, similar to that of the hippie movement concept “be free and do your own thing”.  Here are some specific examples of how this can get out of hand as intended: “…Mom you can’t stop me from getting a tattoo and a nose pierce, I have rights too, and I can do whatever I want to do!” “…I am tired of being cooped up in this house and being bored, I need a break away from my husband, as a woman, I have rights too!” Yes, we all have rights, and under the U.S. Constitution, these rights are already there, enforced, and protected under common law, the bill of rights, your constitutional rights! I mean someone once stated that there are so many laws today that it would fill up every room in the White House. Such propaganda's, are psychologically and meticulously planned, packaged and dressed up so that governments, colleges universities, agencies, head of households, children, and teens will endorse it, thus being pulled into what is supposed to be the sanctuary of each family member, the main protection core of family values, which is the home, slowly breaking down the homegrown family values protection shield (through the TV, radio, newspapers, internet etc.) without ever thinking twice about what we are doing and without ever knowing the real intent of the culprit!


My thoughts are... if the kids are broken down to go against all the good family values and the wise counsel from their most caring and loving parents, such as, dressing appropriately, taking care of their bodies and not abusing it by needling graffiti on it with permanent ink calling it body art, piercing their eyes, nose, belly buttons and other parts of their bodies with rings and things that practically defile it, causing permanent damage to some parts of the body, then the kids, teens, and parents will venture out, as willing participants in just about everything that they feed us from our adopted parents, because they have no family rules or boundaries set up to strengthen and protect our family members! Thus, a pair of earrings sold to many women, can now be sold to men, boys and teens; increasing the product line of earrings from just one pair, to four pairs sold, because of their preplanned methods. One popular method is to get famous and popular people to use their bodies to advertise the rings and things all over them! Not only have they increased product sales, but also a greater consumer demand for the product, thus fulfilling another aspect of 'warm marketing' and 'the pull method'. Now we have expensive rings and things- not just all over the ears, but on the belly buttons, the eyebrows, lip; tongue, nose, the nipples, and the trend is now worldwide! How easy it is, for our young people to get burned, and yet, the creative preplanners sit back and probably laugh at how ignorant people can really be. I mean I do not think these highly specialized groups would ever pierce their nose, belly buttons or nipples, how absurd! I think you get the picture.  If you don't, then allow me to demonstrate. Let us take one teens' daily usage, or consumption for our example, so you can get a clearer picture: cost of shampoo $.20, cost of shirt, pants, undies, socks and shoes $50, cost of soap $.20, under arm deodorant $.20, hair spray, or gel $.20, watch $45.00, jewelry n things $20, fuel for the body per day $40, shelter from the elements, transportation, maintenance i.e. gas, toiletry, pills, respite $100, personal entertainment paraphernalia's $50, this one single teen on average per day, contribute to societies economic growth $305.80 dollars in just one day! Now that is a very conservative figure of just one family member usage or, one 'sure energy' usage per day for the rest of his/her lifetime! Now that's excellent residual income! Now let us add on the 'can't do' without items, or 'addicted to' items that so many kids, teens and adults have been trained, or conditioned, to be a part of their everyday lives!  Here are some of them: ...internet, porn, tooth paste, tooth brush, soda's, chocolate, gum, hair gel, McDonald's, cars, Burger King, cinemas; potato chips, M&M's, baseball caps, beanies, perfumes, colognes, ice cream, cookies, cakes, new trend items, new electronic devices, cell phones, new sports shoes, TV., video's, lipstick, facial creams, body creams, ice, big gulp, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, household name brands- I KNOW HUH! It's so huge that you don't even realize it, but these items are now a part of your everyday lifestyles; your body has become accustomed- indeed addicted to it, they, and them!  There's so much more, that we haven't even gotten to half the load of these items! ...That's why they call your body a sure energy man! Thus a once great wise man said something to this effect, their roots are not embedded in the good soil, but on stony, and sandy ground, so that when the sun came up, it dried up their roots that it withered away! Parents, get a good foundation set up for your kids, so that their roots are deeply embedded in your teachings, your examples, your prayers and constant care, so that when the sun comes up, or adversity start to appear, they will be strong enough to overcome it, and not wither away and dry up! No truer love in rearing up children can ever be cultivated other than from ones’ own parent, not by the government, agencies, or professional clinics. Another great spiritual leader once said that “…the greatest work that we can do (as parents) are within the walls of our own home” and “no success can compensate for failure in the home!” Here is where discipline and wisdom is born and taught, attitudes are embedded, work ethics shown and fostered, feelings and emotions schooled; goals and aspirations directed, and where peace and harmony abides. No kids, teens or adults, in their right mind, will put the world on their bodies to decorate and display it. Such advertisements by industries will not flourish on their skin, in their skin, inside their bodies, outside their bodies, in their hearts and minds, if the family hold up correct principles, in truth, honesty integrity through good family values, through consistent daily family time and continuous nourishment of their physical and spiritual needs!


The family value barriers should not become weak or crumble. What will happen to our children let alone the adults? Well, all the jewelry, hair sprays, body sprays; clothing, car, cell phones all the amenities that is supposed to make life easy, will find


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.04.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-9184-5

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