
Mum, Dad, and I


My father. I've always hated him. He was such a strange man. He'd lurk around like some creep, like he didn't even live here. He'd stare at me like I was some type of extra-terrestrial. Like I didn't belong here. Like I wasn't his blood-related daughter. What did my mother see in him anyway? He's a science super-freak with dirty blonde hair & he's just overall gross-looking.

My mother on the other hand is a beautiful woman. Tall, strawberry-blonde, majestic blue eyes. She teaches an advanced defensive fighting class at our local YMCA. She gets paid about $100.00 per class, and there are classes every weekday. $700.00 a week is pretty amazing pay. I would love to be as successful as my mother when I grow up.

And then, there's me. I'm Anne. I was a normal, blonde-hair-blue-eyes, little human English girl, until I got experimented on. Now I'm no longer just a human. I'm superhuman. And this is my story.








 We all lived together in our nice, 2-story house until 3 months ago, when mother and father got divorced.


Anne - London, England - March 15, 2006


Mother noticed that Dad was acting really strange around me. He would give me weird looks and try to keep his distance. Unless we were eating breakfast or dinner, then he would seem to be examining me; taking notes, saying, "Mhmm," etc. One night after dinner, I was in the middle of washing my plate off and my mother told me to go upstairs. I say, "Okay mum," headed up to my room, and shut the door. I didn't know what was going to happen, so I sat and waited. I only waited for a little over 10 minutes before I heard my mother yelling to the top of her lungs, "You think our daughter is an experiment?!"

All I could hear is them arguing back and forth. "Not necessarily honey, she just seems like she could be a good experiment. I would never actually use her for my testing, that would be cruel."

 "But you've thought about it! You've even written about it in your journals!" Mum screamed.

 "You went into my office ... AND read my journals?! Whatever happened to me having my privacy dear? You have yours! Anne has hers! But when it comes to my needs, they just don't matter, huh?" Dad raised his voice back at her.

 "You do get your privacy! All during the day, and late at night. You never eat lunch with me or Anne, and after dinner is over, and Anne is in bed, you never spend personal time with me before I fall asleep every night. We never bother you, EVER! So don't yell at me about privacy! And don't try to change the subject! You want to use our daughter, our precious little girl, for your psychotic experiments! You sicken me, George. You really sicken me."

"Mary, don't be like this. You know I'm a scientist, and scientists say crazy things. So, why don't we just forget about this and go to bed? I will even save my work for tomorrow so I can sleep with you. Does that sound okay?"

"Does that sound okay ... DOES THAT SOUND OKAY?! Get your hands off me George!" Mum yells. Then I hear an extremely loud crash, like Dad tripped into the china case.

"BLOODY HELL MARY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Dad yelled back at her, responding to her sudden act of violence.

"That was for your stupidity! Get the hell out of my house George! I cannot have a man like you, being the father of my child, act so foolish and say things, even think things like experimenting on his own daughter. As a matter of fact, I can't even think of being married to such a man."

"Mary, what are you saying?" Dad asks, kind of surprised.

"What I'm saying, George, is that you need to pack your things, find a new home, say goodbye to your daughter, and prepare to sign some divorce papers in the near future. You're leaving and not coming back."

I sat on my bed, confused. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know whether I should be upset or start jumping and screaming with excitement. I've always wanted Dad gone, I never thought Mum would actually get rid of him. I mean, it took her long enough. But all hatred aside, he is still my father. Should I be sad? ... Na.

"Fine, Mary. If you don't want me here, I will leave." I heard Dad stomp up the stairs, open the hallway closet door, and pull out his giant suitcase. He packed his clothes relatively fast, and stomped back down the stairs.

Then, my mother came stomping upstairs and opened my bedroom door. "Anne, sweety? Are you okay?"

"Yes Mum, I'm fine." I say calmly.

"Did you hear your father stomping up here?"

"Yes Mum."

"Do you know why?"

"Yeah. Wasn't it because he wanted to use me for an experiment or something?" I asked.

"Yes honey. And I wasn't going to let him do it, so now daddy is moving out and we aren't going to be married anymore." She explained, even though I already heard what happened.

"So, no more Dad?"

"No dear, no more Dad." She says as she hugs me, thinking I'm going to cry or something. But I don't, I just hug her back.

Then, Dad bursts into my room, not knowing that Mum was in there with me. "Anne, I'm going away now. I'm sure that your mum already told you what happened, or you'd already heard it. So I don't have explain." Mum and I release each other from our hug so that Dad can give me his goodbye hug. I didn't want it, I just wanted him to leave, but I couldn't just sit there and not hug back; so, I hugged back.

"Bye Dad." I said as he kissed my forehead.

"Goodbye." He walked out of my room, down the stairs, and outside to his car. I heard his car engine rev as he sped off out of the driveway and out of the neighborhood.

After that night, Dad constantly came back to get the rest of his things from the basement, his office and the garage. He never talked to me though, hardly even looked at me.


Anne - London, England - June 24, 2006


It was about 2:52am on a warm Wednesday night, and I was sound asleep. Cozy under my bed sheets, in a deep sleep. Suddenly, I was slightly awoken by a loud sound of something breaking, like someone was bursting through my from door. I sat up in my bed, holding my stuffed animal puppy for dear life. I was so scared, I couldn't move. All I could hear was my heartbeat and some faint footsteps. They sounded like they were heading towards my room, so I prepared to defend myself. I found this old baseball bat that Mum gave me that has been sitting in my closet for years without a purpose. Now, it has one; the purpose to be my defensive object.

To my surprise though, the footsteps weren't of a stranger; they were my mother's. She opened my door, looking at me with a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness you're okay." She runs over to my bed and hugs me tightly.

"Yes Mum, I'm okay, but there's someone downstairs." I whisper, frightened.

"I know sweety, I know. I'm going to go see what's going on downstairs and then I'm going to come back upstairs to help you go back to sleep, okay?" Mum said calmly. "Stay put and don't move."

"Okay Mum." I sat, silently waiting for my mother to leave and then return.

I heard her faint footsteps make their way slowly down the stairs. I don't hear anything for about 5 minutes. Suddenly, heavy footsteps comes walking up the stairs. I run into my closet and slide one of the doors closed, but leave it a bit cracked so that I can peek out. My closet is diagonally across the room from my bedroom door, so I saw when the dark figure appeared in my doorway. I was so terrified. I didn't know what to think. I had so many questions; what happened to Mum? Where is she? Who is this guy? Why is he invading my house?

"Anne, come here dear. I know you're in here somewhere." A familiar voice says.

'Dad?' I think to myself.

"Anne. Please dear. It is daddy."

'What? Wh--' I was interrupted by my closet door sliding open.

"Hi Anne." He looked down on me like I was a helpless animal.

"Uh, hi Daddy." I said, clueless. I didn't know how to react.

"Why are you hiding from me Anne?" He asked sounding really creepy.

"Mum told me to hide because we heard a loud noise downstairs."

"Oh, I'm sorry. That was me. I hope I didn't startle you too much."

"You didn't startle us." I lied. "Mum just went downstairs to check and see what was happening, that's all."

"Oh, that's good. Well sweetheart, I have to tell you something." He was seriously freaking me out. "You're not going to be living here anymore. You're coming with me." He smirked.

"W--Ahhh!" I scream as Dad grabbed me, handcuffed me, taped my mouth shut, and carried me downstairs.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw Mum fighting off 3 different guys at once. Dad threw me on the couch so that he could grab something from the basement.

Mum saw me, helpless on the couch, and I saw a tear in her eye. "Anne!" She kicked one guy in the chin, knocking him out; scissor-kicked another guy, knocking him out; and punched the last guy in the spine, paralyzing his whole body. Mum left the paralyzed guy on the floor and ran over to help me. "Mummy's going to get you out of this, okay? Don't worry, we will get through this together." She was trying to reassure me.

"Mmmm ... Mmmm!" I'm trying to warn Mum about Dad smacking her in the back of the head with a huge metal box, knocking her out. She falls to the floor, and Dad picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. Seeing my mother unconscious made me cry. I've never seen her so powerless in such a situation. Usually, she has all the power and energy, and wins the battles; but this time, it was different. Like Dad knew her weak points like the back of his own hand. It scared me too much. So I tried to think positively; Mum is going to save me from Dad, and teach me to be as awesome as her.

Mum got up, but was instantly surrounded by big muscular men that held her arms and legs so that she couldn't save me. "George! Why are you doing this?! What happened to you? What happened to the George I married 10 years ago?" She asked desperately.

Dad put me in the back of a jet back van, walked back over to my mother, looked her right in the eyes, and said, "Mary, I'm a scientist; a mad scientist. I'm doing this because it feels right and our daughter is the perfect subject for my planned experiments for the future. Science happened to me dear; it changed me. The man you married 10 years ago and had a child with, didn't have the knowledge that science gave him. So he decided to learn more about that knowledge, and now here I am. Does that answer al of your stupid questions?" He stormed away from her, slamming the back door of the van shut, getting into the driver's seat, and making the getaway.

I couldn't help but panic. I wanted my Mum, not this psychopath of a father. I want my warm bed, not the cold floor of this van. I want a normal summer, not this crazy summer that went wrong. Why can't everything be normal, like in the movies?

Anne - London Central Science Facility - June 24, 2006


I was so exhausted from all the commotion, I fell asleep in the back of that terribly uncomfortable van. I probably slept for a few hours, but it didn't feel like long. I dreamt of the events that just took place, only in my dream, Mum saved me from my kidnapper of a father and his big buff bodyguards. They went to jail, and Mum and I lived life normally after that. I wish this could come true, but alas, it was only the wishes of my imagination.

I was awoken by the van abruptly coming to a stop. I wasn't fully awake, but I was awake enough to know that Dad was talking to some man, like a guard of some sort. "Let me see your I.D. sir." The guard said, emotionless.

"Here you go, officer." I sat up so I could at least try to see what's going on. Dad handed his I.D. to the officer. The officer scanned it visually, then scanned it on his computer. The gate, in front of this horrible van I'm trapped in, opened up slowly.

The guard handed Dad's I.D. back to him. "Have a good morning sir." He nodded, signaling Dad to move along.

"Thanks. You too." Dad drove the van slowly through the opening of the gate and entered this unknown place. I really wanted to know where we were, but I was too afraid to ask and I truly did not want to speak to my father because of this. But I got the courage to ask anyway.

"Daddy, where are we?" I asked trying to sound sweet, even though I was scared and angry.

"We are in a really big science facility sweetie." He said calmly. "It's like a big fort so bad people don't get in or out."

"So, is it like a jail?"

"No Anne, it's not a jail. We just keep bad people locked up here and try to transform them into something better."

"What does that mean Daddy? And if this place is for bad people, why am I here? Is this where you are going to experiment on me, even though Mummy wouldn't let you?"

"You ask a lot of questions dear. Just lay back down and go back to sleep." He said aloud. "It will be easy to get things done without you awake." Dad mumbled to himself.

I did as he said and laid back down, but I did not go to sleep. I couldn't, I was too afraid. I just laid there and shivered, until the van stopped again. I didn't want to sit up and see what was happening this time. I just wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare.

Dad got out of the van and shut the door. I couldn't hear any talking, just mumbled words and sounds that I couldn't understand. After about 3 minutes of the non-understandable conversation, the back door of the van opened and I was blinded with an extremely bright white light. I couldn't see at all, but I could feel someone grab my ankle and pull me towards the door. Then, I was in a set of arms, being carried somewhere.

My vision slowly started to come back and I saw that the man carrying me was bringing me into a big white building. I could hear the breathing of my carrier; the breaths were really short. I turn my head upwards towards this man to see his face. He held a very stern look and couldn't be any older than 30. He had on camouflage army attire and a matching cap. His loud, heavy footsteps were the only thing I could hear until Dad broke the silence.

"Just put her down on the table, please Mark." He politely told the man.

The man, I mean, Mark, set me down on the table gently, and then turned to my father. "Anything else George?" He asked.

"Just one more thing... Tell the commissioner his newest lab rat is here." Dad responded.

Mark nods, then turns and leaves.

Dad turns to my tired body lying on the table. "You're going to meet the commissioner soon. He's going to like you." He smiles at me.

I look back at him, sleep still drifting in my eyes.

"Just go back to sleep, this is probably going to take a while." Dad tells me, while sticking a needle into my arm. It hurt a lot.

"Ouch!" I yell.

"Shh shh, just let it kick in." He pets my hair.

Suddenly, I felt even more tired than I already did. I tried all that I could to stay awake because I saw Mark walk back into the room, but I was asleep before I could catch anything he was about to say.

I woke up uncomfortably on a surgical table. There were tubes coming from my arm that is connected to a, nearly full, bag of blood hanging on a rack. There were two others hanging too, but they were already full.

Just then, Mark walked in with a glass of water. "Good morning sleeping beauty. How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"I was a bit uncomfortable, but okay I guess." I said back.

"Well, I'm sorry about that but we needed some blood from you before the doctors started the experiments for safe keeping. Here's some water if you're thirsty." He handed me the glass, smiling politely.

I took a sip, I was a little thirsty. That was quite a long night. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now come on, I'm taking you to see the commissioner." He helped me down from the table.

I looked down at myself. I was still in my jammers.

Mark noticed. "I'm sorry but we don't have any clothes for you yet." He took the tube out of my arm delicately and guided out of my room.

"There are a lot of rooms in this hallway Mark." I said.

"Yes, I know. What's your name again? I forgot."

"My name's Anne. I'm nine years old and I'm from London, England." I said shyly.

"It's nice to meet you Anne, who is nine years old and from London, England.” I giggled. “I'm Mark, and we're going to see the commissioner." He responded.

I didn't want to go to the commissioner's office, he sounded big and scary, but I couldn't just make a run for it, I wouldn’t know where to go.

We stepped into an elevator. Mark went to push a button, but before he could even touch it, we both heard a loud scream. Mark told me to stay put and keep the door open. He ran halfway down the hallway and into the room to his left. The screaming continued. I did as I was told and kept holding the "<|>" button to keep the door open.

A few minutes pass and I see a tan, black-haired boy about my age running out of the room that Mark ran into. He was coming straight for me and the elevator.

"No! NO!" He was screaming back at Mark and another guard behind him, who were chasing him. He ran into the elevator yelling, "CLOSE THE DOOR! CLOSE THE DOOR SO THEY DON'T GET ME!" I just looked at him, still holding the button.

‘His eyes are so… Beautiful. I’ve never seen icy blue eyes like his before. He’s so beautiful.’ I thought.


‘Why is he looking at me like that? Wait, is he saying something to me?’ I asked myself.

I snapped back to reality to notice what was going on.

I didn't want to disobey Mark, plus, I didn’t know this beautiful boy, so I just stood silently, still holding the button.

"WHAT ARE YOU RETARDED?! MOVE!" The boy grabs my shoulders and pushes me to the floor of the elevator.

Mark puts his foot in the way of the door so it didn't close. "You're coming with us to see your uncle. Grab him Jeff." The other guard, Jeff, grabs the boy and holds him in his place. Mark helps me stand up and pushes the button for the 6th floor.

I look to my right at the boy. He was glaring back at me. I was going to say that I was sorry, but I couldn't even start my sentence. I just looked into his eyes. I pretty much got lost in them and didn't even notice.

"Stop googly-eyeing me, freak." He said rudely.

I looked away quickly and didn't look back.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.10.2012

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