

Thick gray clouds were building along the horizon. From the top of the cliff, where a gray stone castle and its accompanying Dowager House and gate house stood guard for a small village that lay behind them in the valley below, the tall, sandy-haired man with blue eyes, dressed in warm brown tweed woolens that kept out the autumn chill, could see white caps out on the ocean. A raven haired girl stood next to him in front of her mother’s and uncle’s graves as still as a statue, her small hand clasped in his larger one. The wind whipped her hair and skirts around the gray tweed coat that sheltered her slim body from the chill air, yet she never moved.
A storm was brewing; and it was in direct contrast to the strange peace on the pale face of the fifteen year old standing next to him. Perhaps the storm, he fancied, was mirroring the true thoughts of the child beside him. He found it disturbing to see the girl so calm. But she had been this calm when she was five; when his twin sister had abandoned her almost eleven years earlier.
Their older brother, Adam, had gone after their sister again to try to convince Aileen that she needed to come home and they had both vanished. The first month of looking out windows and running to opening doors led to tears, but Evangeline had eventually quieted; accepting that her mother was not coming back for her. He had known trouble was dogging his sister’s footsteps but all his searches had found no trace of his sister or their brother.
He had given up and concentrated all his efforts on making certain that the poor child felt like she belonged. But even after almost eleven years, he had the feeling she still felt like she was of no importance to the family, like she was an afterthought. The only ones who might see her that way, unfortunately, were his children.
The ‘terrible trio’; as the three moodier Sterling children were called by their cousins, would play mean little tricks on Evangeline. He knew from the numerous bruises and scrapes that they were tormenting her; but she never said a word against them. He did not understand how she could be so forgiving. Sometimes he felt as if she believed that she deserved to be so ill-treated; but he would put such fanciful thoughts aside as nonsense. He had never met a child who was less deserving of punishment in his life.
“I wish we could have found them sooner, child,” Alastair Sterling said as they turned from the graves. “Adam and Aileen should be alive.”
“We found them, Uncle,” Evangeline said softly; as if the fact that her mother and uncle were dead and buried in the family plot had no more effect on her than putting a period to the end of a sentence. She put half of the bouquet of red roses on each grave and stepped back, biting her lip. “They’re home now.”
Alastair squeezed her hand reassuringly, but said nothing. He could tell she was hurting; her beautiful emerald green eyes were bright with tears, but she refused to let herself cry. She had certainly cried enough in the first month after Aileen had left her; but he wished she would cry now. This quiet acceptance of such a tragic act unnerved him far more than tears would have. He would be able to comfort her if she were crying. They walked up the hill to the family house and Evangeline suddenly stopped and looked up at the gray stone of the Sterling family castle with a frown on her face.
“Is something wrong, Eva?” Sterling asked as he saw the strange expression on her face. He knew that look. He had seen it on her mother’s face many times. The child had inherited Aileen’s gift for ‘feeling’ things. “What are you feeling?”
Evangeline didn’t answer right away. Her slim hand moved out to touch the rough gray stone that the castle the first Lord Sterling had used to fashion his family holding in 1450. It was always cold to the touch but today she felt a chill in the stone that mirrored the one in her heart. This place had been the only home she had known for almost eleven years and she was happy here most of the time. She felt safe here and that was not something she wanted to let go of.
She heard him repeat his question and looked up at him. He was worried about her, she felt from him. But that was Sterling’s manner; he worried about everything and everyone. She didn’t really belong to him, any more than Cook or the maids and the other servants did. And Evangeline desperately wanted to belong to someone and some place of her own.
“I’m not going to be here much longer, Uncle,” Evangeline said softly. “Someone is coming who was never meant to be out of my life.” She sighed and looked up at him then and he saw the tears he had been hoping for earlier spilling unchecked down her cheeks. “He’ll take me away from here. Must I go?”
“Your life will follow the path it was meant to follow, child,” Sterling said gently as he reached out to open the front door. The butler, Hurst, already had the door opening for them. He took their coats and closed the door behind them after they entered. “No matter how many twists and turns there are, you’ll always be guided back to where you belong.”
“Do I belong here, Uncle?” she whimpered as he spoke her own thoughts back to her. He pulled her into his arms. “Really?”
“You’re a part of this place,” he said as she looked up at him; “because you are a part of this family.” She smiled up at him weakly and he kissed her forehead. “Now dry those pretty eyes of yours, Evie, and go to your room. Rest before dinner.”
“Yes, Uncle,” Evangeline nodded. She rose up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek.
Then she went inside the old gray stone building, home to generations of Sterlings by blood, and one suddenly frightened girl felt as if she finally belonged after ten years. She moved through the marble floored entry hall flanked by its immense columns remembering how terrified she had been when her mother and his older brother had brought her here when she was five.
The immense stone structure dominating the cliff with its smaller accompanying structures had been so different from the sunny house she, her mother, and Sylvie had in Normandy. Sterling had been welcoming enough and most of the children of the house had been warm; but she had known her mother had brought her here to leave her behind. Even at that young age, she had learned to recognize the signs that her mother was ready to run. Aileen had stayed three days as the family took Evangeline into their keeping. The little girl Evangeline had been was not fooled, she knew the moment Aileen felt her relax; her mother would be gone. She was polite, for Mama had taught her manners, but she remained quiet and watchful. She followed Aileen around as often as she could. She was determined that her mother would not leave without her knowing. But Aileen had slipped away one night without a word to anyone. She had heard her uncles speaking about it when she woke up the next morning. She had been inconsolable for the next month and would not listen to anyone when they tried to explain why she could not go with Adam to look for her. The voice of her new cousin, Daria; Alastair’s daughter, was the one that finally got through. “She didn’t want you anymore; that’s why she left you,” the spiteful nine-year- old had told her. Evangeline could still see the angel-faced child turn into a demon and start packing her suitcase. She’d dragged Evangeline to the front door, fully intending to throw her out. “Well, I don’t want you either, so go away!”
Evangeline paused at the top of the grand staircase and looked back out the immense leaded window shaped in the form of a shield over the front door towards the cliffs. Her mother and the uncle who had brought them here had gone on another journey now and, once again; she could not go with them. She choked back a sob and headed to her room. She would not let herself fall to grief as she had once before. It was a waste of time she chided herself. Lost in her mental battle, she didn’t hear a door open as she turned along the right corridor off the landing to head to her room. But she did hear the cold voice, piercing through her pain, and ringing alarm bells in her mind.
“Evangeline, dear,” Daria Sterling smiled sweetly and quite insincerely as she stood in the doorway of the girls’ suite. Evangeline winced. Daria only called her by her full name when she was really angry. Daria was a beautiful girl; all gold and cream like an angel, with the cool cornflower blue eyes all that could soothe or shatter as her mood dictated. She could be charm itself to get her way, or cruel and cutting when she felt someone was holding out on her. But one never knew which way her mood had turned; it was hidden behind pretty smiles and sweet words. “Do come in here, cousin. I need to speak to you.”
“I need to rest, Daria,” Evangeline sighed. She was exhausted from struggling not to care. All she wanted to do was go to bed for a while and forget. “Can’t this wait?”
“Come here now!” the petulant golden-haired teen snapped as she yanked Evangeline into the room by her hair. Evangeline bit her lip to keep from crying; it never did any good to cry, and waited to hear what she could have done to make nineteen-year-old Daria mad this time. She winced as her cousin Daria slapped her across the face, hard enough to bring tears to her eyes. “You’re not paying attention to me, Evangeline.”
“But, I…”
“You are not going to talk back to me,” Daria said, her voice deadly calm, “are you, Evie dear?”
“No, Daria,” Evangeline whimpered and tried to move away.
“You left the house without letting me know you were going,” Daria frowned at Evangeline and went to the mirror to check her appearance. Daria never appeared anywhere, even dinner at home, with so much as a curl out of place. She turned and there was a look of great sadness on her face; she looked truly wounded. “You promised that you would help me with my lessons this afternoon.”
“Uncle took me to see Mama’s and Uncle Adam’s graves…” Evangeline started to explain why she was late. She should have known better. Daria was never interested in her reasons for not being where Daria wanted her to be. “Ow!” she cried out as Daria yanked on her thick raven curls. “You hurt me!”
Daria slapped her again and Evangeline cried out in pain as she felt the edge of the ring her cousin wore on her finger cut into her cheek. Her cousin saw the change in Evangeline’s expression and whatever imp held her locked to her bad behavior fled. Daria’s eyes widened as she saw the blood and she was instantly repentant. Of course Evangeline knew she was still thinking only of herself. If Sterling knew his daughter had hurt Evangeline again, he would be very angry. He would lecture Daria and Evangeline would be punished for it.
“Evie! I’m sorry,” She yanked Evangeline up and shoved her towards the door. “Go get that looked to. Quickly! We are expected to be at dinner in an hour.”
Evangeline ran as if the very demons of hell were after her. She went across the covered walkway and downstairs into the hospital that took up the newer wing of the family castle added in 1620, and looked for her uncle, Alexander Sterling; one of the younger brothers of the current lord Sterling, who was the doctor in charge here. He turned as she stepped inside his office. His kind eyes clouded over with anger as he saw the bruised cheek and the scratch. He said nothing as he tended to the injuries. This child had become very precious to him and the rest of the castle and hospital staff; it bothered him that his older brother could be so blind to what was going on. Evangeline had been here far too often with some bruise or cut for him to tend since she had come to them. His three children had taken the child under their wings and done their best to protect her, but she still ran afoul of Sterling’s children far too often. They were too much like their father and his twin for their own good. Alexander and his children did what they could to keep her out of the way of the trio; but they could not be everywhere.
“I’m not going to ask who or why, child,” he said as he looked into her wary eyes; “you always say they didn’t mean to or they apologized.” She relaxed only slightly and that wounded him. No girl of fifteen should be so afraid of things; especially not her own family. They were supposed to protect her from harm. He did his best to tend the injuries and laid his hands on her shoulders. “I know you cannot remain longer,” he said when he was done; “you will be expected at dinner.” The door opened and he smiled. “Here’s Sylvie to get you ready.”
“Miss Evangeline,” the gray-haired matron smiled in relief as she saw her charge. Sylvie Lombard had been with Evangeline since she’d been born, and was more of a mother to the child than her own mother had ever been. “Miss Daria said you had a clumsy moment and I would find you here.” Her eyes narrowed as she saw Evangeline’s face. “Did she do that?”
“It is nothing,” Evangeline spoke up quickly; knowing what Sylvie was about to say. It hurt her more to worry the people she knew cared about her. “She has already apologized for losing her temper with me.” Evangeline shook her head as she saw Sylvie’s determined look. She would not tell even this adored companion what had happened; she really didn’t need to. Sylvie seemed to know everything. Evangeline was tired of her cousin Daria using her as a punching bag. It was time she let her cousin know that her cruelty was over, Evangeline told herself as she followed the woman out of the hospital and across the gardens to the main house.
“Why do you let her do such things to you?” Sylvie sighed. When Evangeline did not respond, she gave up and held out her hand. “Come along, child. We will punish her by making you the prettiest lady at the table tonight.”
Evangeline went upstairs and saw that Sylvie already laid a dress out for her. She took a quick shower and sat down at the vanity table to let Sylvie help her comb out her long thick raven curls. Evangeline had always toyed with the idea of cutting her hair, but Uncle Sterling had refused to allow it. Evangeline could sit on her hair it was so long, and it gave her tormentors something to grab onto when they wanted to hurt her; but, being the obedient child that she was, Evangeline did as he asked and kept it long. Sylvie put it into its usual thick braids along the crown of Evangeline’s head that became one at the nape of the neck.
“I know you’re grieving for your Mama now, little one,” Sylvie said as she finished braiding her charge’s hair. “She did you a great wrong by letting them bring you here.”
“But, you were the one who called Uncle Adam,” Evangeline frowned as she looked at the woman. “Weren’t you, Sylvie?”
“I thought you’d be safe here,” Sylvie sniffed and looked very upset. She took Evangeline’s hands in hers. “They’re your family. They are supposed to keep you safe.” She stroked the girl’s hair and something in her expression made Evangeline nervous; like Sylvie thought of her as her own personal property. “You know there’s only one person who will keep you safe, don’t you, darling?”
Evangeline didn’t say anything. She was struck by how the woman who had practically raised her was suddenly frightening her. It had to be because of Daria’s earlier attack. So she simply nodded and saw the joy in the old woman’s eyes. Sylvie hugged her close and stroked her hair and murmured endearments to her in French. The words that used to comfort her when she was younger suddenly sounded hollow to her. She put aside such fancy and got to her feet. She might not feel like she belonged here, but she would be respectful and follow the family rules as long as she was here; one of which was that no one was ever late for dinner. It was a sign of disrespect.
“Thank you, Sylvie,” Evangeline said as she kissed Sylvie’s cheek. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Be late for everything,” Sylvie sniffed. She glanced at the clock as she checked Evangeline over. The child was dressed simply, as ever, in an unadorned charcoal gray wool jersey dress with just her crucifix at her throat and a belt about her slim hips; but that simplicity made her prettier than her vain cousin. Sylvie had always seen in this child the same grace and gentleness as the Dowager Duchess who had been Evangeline’s grandmother. “Get on with you now,” Sylvie nodded as she adjusted the hem of the skirt of the dress. “You know that your uncle does not appreciate tardiness.”
Evangeline hurried out of her room; the smallest bedroom in the very back of the children’s wing. This meant she had to pass everyone else’s room to get to the main staircase. She usually took the servant’s staircase in back just to avoid what usually happened by taking the family route. Tonight was no exception. She had gotten past the girl’s rooms and could see the corner that led out onto the landing of the main staircase when the door to the boys’ rooms opened. Douglas and Dustin were standing there, talking about their latest conquests. One at a time they were hateful, together they were monstrous. Like their sister, they had faces like angels, and their temperaments were just as mercurial. Unlike their sister, their torments usually included shoving little girls into dark closets or empty unused rooms. Evangeline was in no mood to play such games tonight.
“You’re looking very pretty, Evangeline,” Dustin smiled as he saw her. His use of her full name was the only warning she usually got that they were intending to do something to her. Evangeline tried to go past him and his arm shot out and cut her off. She looked up at him coldly as he toyed with a curl that had slipped free of her braids. “No ‘thank you’, little girl? How rude.”
“Let me pass, Dustin,” Evangeline frowned up at him. “Your father wants us at dinner on time.”
“Did you make Daria mad again, Evangeline?” Dustin was smiling in a way that had her skin crawling. He reached out to touch her wounded cheek and she flinched from his touch. “Poor poppet,” his smile went colder. “Father isn’t going to like seeing that bruise.”
“I’m not going to tell on her,” Evangeline said to him. She tried to pass by and he pushed her against the wall. “Dustin, please stop…” “I think we should make certain of that, don’t you?” Douglas broke in firmly. Evangeline looked past Dustin to see that the oldest of Alastair Sterling’s sons was standing in the doorway of the main room in the boys’ suite where Sterling’s sons and nephews resided. At 19, he was as mercurial in temperament as his twin sister; and younger brother Dustin, at 18, was their willing accomplice. “A little hide and seek? We hide you and, when we believe you will not cause trouble, then we shall come seek you.” “Douglas, please…” Evangeline pleaded as she felt Dustin’s hand tighten on her wrist. She looked from one to the other and knew she was not going to be able to talk them out of this. She was going to be locked up in a dark place where she had to hope they would not forget her. “Fussy little girls,” Dustin teased her, “bring the shadow men hunting.” He saw her pale and wondered why she was still so terrified of an old family story. He shrugged. It kept her quiet and that was what they needed right now. “We’d best put her someplace no one will stumble on her too quickly,” Douglas smiled as he looked into her resigned expression. He nodded to his brother and Dustin clamped his hand over her mouth and lifted Evangeline off her feet so she was easier to manage. “Outside with her, Dustin.” Evangeline kicked, and squirmed; but Dustin was just too strong for her. He got her down the servants’ staircase and out through the garden. She saw where he was taking her and she fought harder. Her feet connected with his shins and he cried out in pain and dropped her. But Douglas grabbed Evangeline’s braid as she tried to run and yanked her back. Instinctively, she defended herself and felt her wrist snap as she connected with his jaw. “You little bitch!” Douglas hissed as she backed away from him, looking stunned. “You’re going to hurt for that!” Evangeline ran in terror as she saw that he was serious. She had never seen Douglas so angry. She headed for the forests lining the road down into the valley and turned back to see Dustin arguing with his older brother. Douglas slugged his brother across the jaw and then came after her. Evangeline turned to run and screamed as her feet went out from under her accompanied by the sound of splintering wood. She cried out as her feet slipped on slimy rock and pain shot up her leg as her right ankle twisted. The back of her head hit the wall as she continued falling hard enough to make her black out again. “She’s fallen into the old well, Douglas,” Dustin cried as he saw their cousin vanish from sight. “We have to get help…” “Why?” Douglas broke in. “We were going to leave her out here for a couple of hours anyway. She’ll be just fine down there until after dinner.” “Are you certain about that, Douglas?” Dustin asked as they headed back. He usually enjoyed these pranks they pulled on Evangeline, but something about this one just felt wrong. “She can’t come to any harm down there, Dustin,” Douglas told his younger brother. “Her falling in will explain the bruise on her face. We’ll let her up in a few hours.” “I don’t know about this, Douglas,” Dustin continued speaking his worries. “Something about this feels wrong.” “You sound like an old woman, Dustin,” Douglas snapped. “Quit fretting. She’ll be just fine.” He looked at Dustin. “You’d better get cleaned up, Dustin. You show up at dinner looking like that and Father will know we’ve been up to something.” Dustin looked at the dirt all over his slacks and nodded. He hurried upstairs and took a quick shower. He still wasn’t certain they had done the right thing. He glanced out the windows as he combed out his thick sandy brown hair and frowned. Had the clouds been that threatening earlier? He shrugged and hurried downstairs to the dining room. “Dustin,” Sterling frowned as his son walked into the dining room a half hour late. “Where is your cousin, Eva?” “She asked to be excused, Father,” Douglas lied glibly. Dustin always was too quick to give in, and this prank would only work if it lasted a bit longer. “She wasn’t feeling well.” He glanced briefly over at Daria who hid her distress. “She said she would have a tray sent up to her room.” Sterling knew that something had happened to the girl then; but he only had suspicions. She probably had ‘fallen’ again and was hiding the bruise or scratch from him. He beckoned one of the servants over and had him go check. Then he nodded to his nephew, James, the seminary student back from school on break, to say Grace. The meal was more silent than usual, especially from his children; and he was more certain than ever that they had done something to upset their cousin again. Sylvie came down in answer to his summons looking agitated. “Eva is not up in her room?” Sterling said calmly, in a manner that had everyone at the table alerted to his anger. “No, lord Sterling,” Sylvie told him as she answered his query. “Eva went down to dinner on time. I made certain of it.” She looked distressed. “Maybe she went out for a little air and lost track of the time?” she suggested. “The child does that when she’s…” “Upset?” Sterling suggested. Sylvie nodded and he cursed. He looked at his children then. As usual, the trio looked uneasy; while his brother’s children; James and his sisters; twins, Jennifer and Jessica, looked confused and then angry. “Does your cousin have a reason to be upset, children?” His children all looked uneasy then. They knew their father’s tones and expressions and he was in a fine rage over this already. Douglas looked down at his plate as if the prime rib was suddenly something quite fascination. Dustin began to fidget in his seat and Daria bit her lip. It was Daria who finally broke down. She knew it was no use, she always told her father the truth. “She and I might have gotten into an argument, Father,” Daria said softly. She was the very picture of abject apology and he felt his anger mount. “The kind where you strike her while she stands there quietly,” Sterling’s voice grew even more still; “that kind of argument?” “She promised to help me this afternoon,” Daria defended herself, “and she just left…” “She was with me, girl,” Sterling snapped at her. “Your cousin does not need your permission to come and go around here.” Daria paled at the anger in his voice and he shook his head in disbelief. “Honestly, Daria,” he glared at her; “how can you continually disgrace yourself like that? Eva has never done a thing to warrant such treatment!” The others were on their feet now; knowing something was wrong. “Jennifer,” he looked at his brother Alexander’s twin girls; “you and Jessica check the gardens. Judith,” he nodded to his sisters-in-law,” you and Maura take the stables, Douglas and Dustin, the riding trails. James, you and I will search down by the river.” “She won’t be there,” Douglas spoke up. The others looked at him in shock. He looked very defensive. “She was running and she fell into the old well.” “And you left her there?” Judith cried in anger. “You little bastard!” She looked at Sterling. “I’ll get things ready in the hospital.” “I’ll rally the servants,” Maura added. “We’ll need a stretcher and some blankets. “Girls, bring down some dry clothing for her.” “I do hope she hasn’t hurt herself,” Jessica, the younger twin, cried in alarm as she started off. “It’s really raining out there,” Jennifer said as she looked out the window. She turned to Sterling and the others. “You’d better get your slickers.” “What?” Dustin cursed; glared at Douglas a brief second, and then ran from the room. Douglas took off after him. “They did something to make her fall, Uncle,” James guessed from his uncle’s tight expression. “Damn!” the seminary student cursed and did not correct himself. “If she’s hurt, I’ll wring their fool necks!” “We’ll just concentrate on getting her out of there first,” Sterling replied. “Leave the neck wringing to me.” They moved out over the grounds, and the exodus of the family had the servants following suit. As the sunset behind the horizon, flashlights played over the estate grounds and several voices called out the girl’s name. Evangeline heard them and raised her head to look around her in confusion. She was in a hole, she realized. How had she gotten here? She sat up and pain hit her head. She tried to stand up and she screamed as pain shot up her leg. She looked at it but she could see nothing through the water she was sitting in. Her confusion grew. Why was she in the water? “Somebody help me,” Evangeline screamed as she looked around desperately for some way out. Her voice came out as a harsh croak and her throat hurt. She was soaked, and so cold her teeth were chattering. “Please,” she sobbed as she heard something scratching nearby and saw a rat looking back at her. She backed away and her leg gave out. She fell back into the water with a cry of fear. When she tried to get up again, her wounded leg buckled under her and the knee of her good leg struck something hard hidden under the water; making stars shoot off in front of her eyes. She had been down here a while, Evangeline realized. Had she fallen in? She could not remember how or even why she was down here. All she knew was that her skin was cold to the touch and she was soaked. She shivered as the water came in from above her. It was raining! She tried again to get on her feet but she was shaking now and her legs would not hold her. She wrapped her arms around her body, trying to get warm; and prayed someone would find her. The water was rising steadily around her, if someone didn’t find her soon; she could drown. “There is always a way,” Evangeline whimpered as she tried to stay above the water level. “Sterlings never give up.” She felt around the walls and grimaced. They were cold, wet, and slimy. Even if she had two good legs, there was no way she could climb up. “Please,” she screamed out as loud as she could, and whimpered as it hurt her throat. “Someone please help me.” She kept screaming until she couldn’t scream anymore. She fell back into the water, exhausted and whimpering. “Evie?” Evangeline looked up; feeling worse than she had ever thought it was possible to feel. She was more confused than ever. Her legs were throbbing and she was wet and cold. She couldn’t seem to stop shaking. She saw light shining down from above her and she tried to get on her feet but both her legs were injured now. “I can’t stand up,” she tried to scream. Her throat hurt from all the screaming and came out as just a hoarse whisper. “I’ve hurt myself.” Evangeline heard the rat again. “Please get me out! There’s something down here with me and the water is coming in.” “Don’t panic, baby,” Douglas’ voice called down to her, comfortingly. “Dustin is coming down to you on the rope. You’ll soon be safely out of there.” Evangeline watched as a dark figure came down towards her. She could barely make out that it was a person in the darkness inside the well. Her head ached and her eyes were losing focus from the pain. Dustin knelt down next to her and he saw how pale she was in the light he was holding. Her teeth were chattering and her lips were turning blue. His worry grew as he felt the heat emanating off of her, and he realized that she was getting sick. He showed her the rope he was holding. “I’m going to tie this off under your arms, Evangeline,” he said as he did so. “Douglas is up there with some of the servants. They’ll pull you up.” He hid his worry. “Hang on to the rope, poppet,” Dustin said as he put her hands where they needed to be. When she did not have even enough strength to grip the rope, he adjusted the rope for her and kissed her on the forehead. “It might hurt a little.” “Just get me out of here,” Evangeline sobbed as she threw her arms around his neck. He finished tying off the rope and picked her up in his arms. Then she was being lifted up and away from him. Relief flooded through her and she passed out again; completely oblivious as the servants put her on a stretcher and ran her to the hospital that took up the newest wing of the estate house. Douglas and Dustin watched her go and then went to get in Douglas’ car. They knew it was best for them if they were not around for a while. “I’m going to kill them,” David, the eldest of the Sterling cousins hissed. He had arrived just as the servants brought Evangeline into the hospital and was still in his police uniform. Like his father, Andrew, the youngest son of the parental generation; the broad-shouldered, blue-eyed sandy-haired youth had gone into law enforcement. After he had graduated from the Academy, he had chosen to go to work with his father in the local constabulary. “How could they be so cruel?” “We don’t know they were responsible, cousin,” Jessica said softly as she turned her cousin’s wet clothing over to one of the laundresses. Her sister, Jennifer, was drying Evangeline’s hair with a thick towel. They had helped her into a warm, dry nightgown. Everyone looked at Jessica and she lowered her head. “Well, we don’t.” “She knows where the well is, Jess,” James, Alexander’s son, told his younger sister bluntly; “we all do.” He frowned as he thought of it. “She had to be upset or frightened about something so she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. That adds up to those two…” “Enough,” Sterling hissed as he finally had enough of waiting. His niece and nephews had not asked anything he had not been asking himself. How could his sons have done something so thoughtless as to leave their cousin in a well? “Start calling around to see if you can’t locate the monsters. They should be here whether they put her down there or not.” He entered the exam room where the on-call doctor, Nathaniel Lyndon, cousin of lord Sterling and his siblings, was cleaning the gash on Evangeline’s knee. He had already checked her head and found the lump there. She looked so small lying there; Sterling thought as he made his way to her side. She looked up at him with such pain in her eyes that his heart nearly broke. He took her hand in his and waited as the doctor and nurses worked. “Well?” “Eva is lucky, Alastair,” Nathaniel told him bluntly. “The worst of it is that she was in that cold water as long as she was. She’s running a fever. I’d like to keep her here in case it gets worse…” “No,” Evangeline broke in, her eyes wide with panic. She gripped Sterling’s hand tight. “Please don’t leave me here, Uncle.” Sterling looked at the terror in her eyes and wondered why she was feeling this way. She was safe now. She should be feeling relieved. He sat with her as the nurse finished bandaging the knee so Nathaniel could move to the ankle. Evangeline went white as his hands touched her. Sprain, at the very least; he decided. He turned as the door opened and Alexander came into the room. “You must really like our company, girl,” Alexander said softly as he came up to Evangeline’s side. “But you don’t need to hurt yourself to come see us.” He had been off making his rounds of the neighborhood and only just heard of her accident as the news filtered down from the estate to the villagers. He looked at his older brother coldly. “Another ‘clumsy’ moment?” He smiled at the girl gently. “What happened, Eva?”Images flooded into her mind and they were confusing and unconnected. All was overlaid with darkness and water; fear and despair. She could not recall how she had gotten into the well. All she knew was that she had been wet and injured and overcome by worry that she would never be found; that she would die down there. She looked at her uncles as they waited for her to give them some answer. “I don’t know,” she forced out and whimpered from the pain. She saw their disbelief. “Honestly,” she insisted, refusing to let the pain keep her silent. “The last thing I remember was that I was on my way to dinner and I woke up in the well.” “Douglas said you were not feeling well and would have dinner in your room,” Sterling frowned. It worried him that she could not remember. The blow to the head had obviously done more damage then they realized. “Sylvie said you might have gone out for some air.” “I honestly don’t remember, Uncle,” Evangeline sighed. She could feel the chill still seated inside of her despite the blankets covering her. Even wrapped in her thick warm robe, she was freezing and every part of her body ached. “I’m so cold.” Nathaniel took her temperature again and frowned. He showed it to Alexander and told him what it had been. Alexander got the medication and he gave her an injection of a fever reducer and painkiller; then he checked her over quickly. Her condition was deteriorating but he did not let her see that they were worried. He and Nathaniel worked in tandem now to keep her from falling any further into decline. “We’ll soon have these nasties dealt with,” Alexander said to her, as he continued to check his younger cousin’s work and nodded. “Nate has done an excellent job. We’ll just get the cast on…” “Cast?” Sterling flinched and looked at Nathaniel. “You didn’t say anything about a broken bone, Nate.” “It’s not surprising you missed it, Nate,” Alexander said as he showed him what he had missed on the scanner he pulled over and focused on Evangeline’s ankle. They could all see the sign of damage now. “She must have slipped on the rocks down there. She’s sprained her ankle and cracked the bone,” he pointed on the picture, “just there.” “She broke her ankle?” Sterling was incensed now. He was livid with his sons for being so thoughtless. “Just a crack,” Alexander repeated. “She’ll be off of her feet for a while until it mends. Bandaging it as a sprain would work as well, but we’ll make certain it heals properly by putting a soft cast on it.” He tried to keep an unconcerned look on his face. “It’s easy to miss, boy.” Alexander laid his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “Eva has other injuries that were more apparent and needed tending as well. Just get the cast on it.” Sylvie came in now, her usually calm face showing her anguish. She was told what had happened and she went to Evangeline and sat next to the table, stroking her charge’s hand. No one said a word to her. They could see in her eyes that she was quite prepared to hurt someone over this. Sylvie had been with the family for most of her sixty plus years. She had taught French to all the Sterling family children, acted as companion to those children she took a liking to, and been a confidant, confessor, and champion. Even Sterling would not dare cross the woman. When Aileen left her husband, Stefano Roza, but refused to come back to her family, Sylvie had gone to her aide. It was Sylvie who had sent word to the family five years later that had Adam bringing Aileen and her child home to Sterling Manor. She sat there in her usual uniform of dark gray dress with the white lace collar caught up in a cameo daring them to hurt her girl. Alexander took his brother out into the waiting room where his son and daughters, and Andrew’s son; were waiting anxiously for news of their cousin’s condition. As usual, Alastair’s three children were the ones who were missing. And they were the most likely suspects in what might have started as a harmless prank but had become a life-threatening event when Evangeline had hurt herself. It was more than Alexander could handle. He turned on Alastair and decided to do something he had promised he would never do; vent the full force of his anger on his older brother. Sylvie beat him to it. “I have stayed quiet over the years of bumps and bruises she’s suffered, ” she said coldly; “thinking it was a phase and those monsters of yours would grow out of it. But this is too much.” She actually poked her finger at his chest, her pale blue eyes cold. “If you do not do something to make them stop hurting this child, I will take her away from here! I will make certain that you never see her again!” She stormed back into the exam room and there was stunned silence for a moment. No one had ever seen Sylvie take on Sterling over anything before. They knew she was serious and they were glad that they were not the responsible parties. Douglas and Dustin were going to be in a lot of trouble with the old woman when they came back home. “She did not fall down that well by herself, Alastair,” Alexander continued what Sylvie had started. “Evangeline may not remember what happened,” he saw the children go pale at this news; “but those boys need to be questioned.” Sterling nodded. He knew he had let this go on too long. It had only been a minor annoyance when Evangeline was five, but it had become enough of a worry with Daria that he had sent his daughter to a counselor. He still remembered catching nine-year-old Daria telling Evangeline that she wasn’t wanted and she should just go away. His daughter had actually packed her cousin’s suitcase and was dragging Evangeline downstairs to make her leave. He’d watched her as she threw the suitcase outside and shoved Evangeline after it. He had never believed a child of his could be so nasty until he had witnessed that. He had an uncomfortable feeling that Daria still made Evangeline feel like she shouldn’t be here. His sons were no better, but they did with little ‘pranks’ what Daria did with words. And Evangeline had taken it all without a word of complaint. It was time for this nonsense to stop! “I’ll call Andrew,” the lord Sterling agreed. He looked at his nephews and nieces. “Any word on their whereabouts?” “Nothing from their usual haunts, Uncle,” David the responsible young 24 year old reported. “I’ve left messages with their friends telling them to let the monsters know that Evangeline’s been hurt and they need to come home immediately.” His eyes were dark with anger. “I’ve already called the Constable for you. Father said he’d have his men looking for them, as well.” “Good boy,” Sterling nodded. “Eva is running a fever,” Alexander continued his report. “With that broken ankle, she is not going to be on her feet for a while; so I want all of you to see what you can do to help Sylvie to care for her.” The children all nodded solemnly. “I am not going to sugar coat this, children. Your cousin is seriously ill after this little stunt,” Alexander saw their expressions and knew they understood how serious this was. “If she had been down there much longer, we could have lost her.” He thought of the way the fever had been rising and frowned. “We still might.” “She’s going to get better, isn’t she?” Jessica asked her father. She had been the cousin who had usually soothed Evangeline’s fears after most of the pranks played on her. She had a truly gentle nature and it wounded her to the heart to think that Evangeline could be seriously hurt. “That depends on how long it takes for her fever to break,” Alexander replied. “Nate and I will be checking on her off and on during the night.” He ran his hand through his thick brown hair. “I tell you, Alastair; that child must have an army of angels watching out for her. She could have broken her neck ‘falling’ into that well.” “Evangeline fell into the well?” Daria was standing in the doorway, her face deathly pale. She was taking off her rain slicker for the Butler as she spoke. “Thank you, Hurst.” He took the slicker with him and she turned to see their accusing looks and she was stricken with horror. “I had nothing to do with it!” She turned to her uncle, her cornflower blue eyes filled with worry. “She isn’t seriously hurt, is she?” “Not as badly as she could have been,” Alexander frowned. “She’ll be off her feet for at least three weeks so that the bone in her ankle can heal. What worries me most is the fever.” He saw Daria’s expression as he continued his report, and realized the girl was truly concerned about her cousin. “You started this little nightmare with your earlier attack, Daria,” he said sternly. “You should have known better!” “I never meant…” Daria looked around the room and knew they did not believe her. She quit her protests and sat down. Then she looked up again in anguish. “You think Douglas and Dustin had a hand in her fall, don’t you?” She thought it over and paled. It was not unknown for her brothers to cover for her. “Oh no!” “Are they here?” David hissed. “If you know where they went to after dinner, Daria; now is the time to tell us.” She burst into tears at the thought that she could have anything to do with actually hurting Evangeline this badly. Jessica put her arms around her older cousin and stroked her back. The ‘little mother’, as her sister and brother called her, was in her element when people needed comforting. The rest of them would have left Daria hanging, but Jess could never resist a call for help. She and Evangeline were a great deal like each other in that way. “They have a place they go when they know they’re in trouble,” Daria replied. She saw no reason to protect them, even if they had done this to protect her. They had gone too far this time. “A pub in Darrow called the ‘Ancient and Honorable’.” “I know the place,” David frowned. “Some of the patrons might be ancient; but not a one of them could be considered ‘honorable’. I’ll call the Constable and have him send some men to back me up.” He pulled out his cell phone and dialed. He went into the corridor between the castle and the hospital to talk. Daria looked at her father’s stern expression and knew playtime was over. She and her brothers had gone too far this time, and he was not going to ignore the attacks on his niece any longer. She sank down on a chair and shuddered. How had it gotten this far? They’d just been having a little fun with their quiet little cousin. “You’re arresting them?” Daria looked at her father in shock as she realized what David was saying. “Only if we can prove they had a hand in this,” Sterling replied. He saw his brother stiffen. “Evangeline doesn’t remember, Alexander. All we have is Douglas’ word that they saw her fall and left her there. It was an accident, but their negligence made it something far worse.” “Criminal negligence I’d call it, wouldn’t you?” a cold voice sounded from the doorway. They all turned to see the youngest Sterling uncle, the ‘Constable’, standing there. He shared the same lean face and build as his brothers and the other males in the family; the same cornflower blue eyes as all Sterlings. His expression showed them all that he was not amused by this latest ‘accident’ Evangeline had suffered. “I talked to some of the servants on the way over, Alastair,” he said to his older brother. “They told me that Douglas and Dustin were the ones who pulled Evangeline out of the well.” He spared a kiss for his worried wife, Maura, and a smile for his nephews and nieces, and then returned to official mode. “Do we have a lead on their whereabouts?” “I was calling you, sir,” David said as he followed his father into the waiting room. “Daria told us they go to the pub in Darrow when they want to keep their heads down.” “We’re off then,” Andrew nodded. He looked at Sterling as he paused by the door and his expression told his older brother that he needed to hear something. “Your boys might have been chasing her,” he said almost gently, “but they wouldn’t have wanted her hurt.” “Does it matter?” Sterling asked his brother. “She was still hurt.” He sank down on a chair and put his head in his hands. “What did I ever do to make these children such monsters?” “They’ll have to pay some price for their part in this,” Andrew said firmly. “My son and I are just two concerned family members coming to collect them.” He looked at his oldest brother coldly. “I think it is high time you put those two in the military.” “Always blunt and to the point,” Alexander nodded approvingly as Andrew and David hurried away. He looked at his older brother and saw the lines of strain around his eyes. He also noted that Sterling and James had not bothered to change since coming in after a servant had given them word that Evangeline had been found. “Get out of those wet clothes, you two. You’ll catch your death if you don’t take care of yourself and we already have one family member to care for.” He laid his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Eva is safe and we are taking excellent care of her. See to yourself or you won’t be any good for anyone.” “I called her father,” Sterling said as he turned to go. He saw Alexander stiffen. “He needs to know about this, Alexander.” “Why?” Alexander hissed. “He’s managed to keep out of her life for fifteen years. If she mattered to him…” “He’d have been here for her?” Sterling finished. He shook his head and told Alexander something he had sworn he would hold secret. Aileen had made it pretty clear to him when she left Evangeline with them that he was not to allow Roza to come near her child. “She told him me would come back and kill Evangeline before she would let him have her.” He saw Alexander’s stricken look. “Oh hell! This is getting to all of us.” “I knew our sister was disturbed, Alastair,” Alexander said softly, “but when did she go so completely over the edge?” He thought of the sister he had known and could not believe her possible of such a thing. He had been led to believe that Roza was the cause of all the trouble. “We shouldn’t worry her with this now.” He looked back towards the exam room. “Isn’t she in enough pain?” “Perhaps he won’t come?” Sterling suggested. He saw Alexander’s dark look and sighed. “You’re right. He’d be waiting for a chance like this.” “Go on and tend to your needs, Alastair,” Alexander sighed. “See that my son there does as well. We’ll deal with this other matter when the man arrives.” He turned to go back to the exam room. James and his sisters watched as their father and uncle walked off and they looked at each other in confusion. They had been told that their aunt Aileen had been married, but they had not been told anything about her husband. What kind of man was told he could never see his child? He had to be a criminal or a junkie or something equally unsavory to earn that punishment. They knew, without being told, that they were not to speak to their cousin Evangeline of this. For once, even Daria was determined to protect the girl. While the rest of the family was waiting to hear how Evangeline was, Douglas and Dustin sat in the back of the pub nursing their drinks and praying. They had not expected it to rain when they had seen Evangeline fall into the well. They could only hope that the servants had gotten her to care and that she had not been seriously injured by the fall. For the first time they both realized just how cruel they had been to their young cousin and they were heartily sorry for it. They just weren’t quite brave enough to go home quite yet. A shadow fell over them and they looked up to see a tall, copper-haired man with a dark goatee on his lean face. He was built like what he was, a warrior. His lean frame was well muscled from years of fighting and training fighters to engage in all forms of combat. Gideon Lyndon, one of the three older brothers of Nathaniel Lyndon, took a chair at their table and looked at them coldly. “Everyone is looking for you, boys,” Gideon said simply. He saw them pale. “Your cousin was found. She hurt her head, banged her knee and broke her ankle,” he continued; “minor injuries compared to the fever she is running.” His eyes narrowed. “That was a very stupid stunt, boys. The girl could have broken her neck falling into the well.” “The well isn’t that deep,” Dustin cried in protest. He looked at Douglas and saw his older brother’s angry eyes. “She must have slipped.” “So why did you run?” Gideon snapped at him. He nodded when the younger boy closed his mouth and looked extremely remorseful. Then he turned to look at the older boy. He sighed to himself. Douglas Sterling was going to be a danger until he learned to think about other people beside himself. “You have nothing to say, Douglas?” “They didn’t send you to take us back, Gideon,” Douglas said softly. “You’ve delivered your message; now go away. Dustin and I will go back when we decide to go back.” Gideon met the spoiled brat’s eyes coldly and he could see that Douglas was serious. He had never met anyone so self-centered in his life. Sterling had done his son a grave disservice by allowing him to remain this way. Well, Gideon’s eyes told Douglas in a manner that had the boy’s arrogance failing, the soft times were over. It was time for the boy to grow up and be a better man than he had been. “You boys need to go some place you can learn not to be so careless with other people’s well-being” Gideon said coldly as two other men came up to the table. The boy’s bluster faded as the two obviously superbly trained fighting machines stood there. Dark shirts and dark slacks seemed to be the uniform among Lyndon’s men and, like Gideon, they seemed to be molded to frames that were sculpted by training and combat. Their eyes were cold as they waited for Gideon’s order. “My men are going to take you to the nearest Induction Center and make certain you sign up for a hitch in the military. I’ll take your car home.” “We don’t have any intention…” “Would you prefer that we just stage a little traffic accident, then?” Gideon broke in harshly. He had no more patience for this pair of brats. “You are both drunk enough that such an event would be believable. That is the only other option.” “No,” Dustin shook his head. He could see Gideon was serious and he was too young to die because of a prank. Being away from home for a while was far more preferable, to his way of thinking. “Can we at least tell our father where we’re going, Gideon?” “I will tell him where you’ve gone,” Gideon replied tightly; “but you will write to him once you’ve signed up and apologize to him for being such bad sons. You will also write and apologize to your cousin, Evangeline, for your thoughtlessness.” “You certainly have a lot of orders, Gideon,” Douglas sniffed. “Be glad I’m letting you live, you mouthy brat,” Gideon replied. “If your little stunt had caused your cousin any more injury, you would have had only the one option. You are both intelligent enough to know I am not referring to the military.” He frowned as he saw the Constable and David come in. “We have no time for a family argument,” he frowned as he yanked Dustin to his feet and shoved him out the back; leaving his men to get Douglas going. “Come along, boys.” Andrew and David stepped up to the bar just after Douglas and Dustin were taken out the back. They talked to the barkeep and he pointed towards the table in back. But the table was empty; the boys had obviously seen them coming and run for it. Andrew frowned as he saw that there were several empty pints on the table, and had David talk to the other patrons, while he went outside to make a call. He told his men that Douglas and Dustin were to be arrested for DUI if they were spotted on the roads. Then he rejoined David and they headed back to the Sterling estate. “They are lucky the Lyndon man stepped in when he did,” a blonde woman hissed as she watched from the other corner. “I would slit their throats for what they did to the child.” She looked at her twin, who was seated beside her. “Can we not take her now, Elaine? That family is hurting her.” “That is not the plan, Elinor,” Elaine smiled down at the younger. She stroked her sister’s hand and the woman smiled up at her lovingly. “My darling twin,” she purred; “we must stick to Mother’s plan. Through that child, we will finally bring the families of Roza and Sterling to their knees.” The first week passed in a blur for Evangeline. The fever held on with a vengeance for the first three days and they were afraid she was developing pneumonia. She was extremely weakened when the fever finally broke and her lungs began to clear. She had very little strength so she found herself catered to at every turn by Sylvie and her cousins. It was so different from how she was usually treated that she felt like she was in a dream. She was going to wake up and they would all be back to being kindly indifferent or outright cruel. They were all there when Alexander came to check on her ankle, except for Douglas and Dustin. He pronounced himself satisfied with how it was healing but kept it in the cast. “It will still hurt for a while yet,” he said as he carried her over to the couch and set her down. “The cast will remind you not to overdo it.” He looked at the children. “Your cousins will help you, I’m certain. Don’t be too selfless to ask.” “How long, Uncle?” Evangeline asked as she found herself surrounded by concerned cousins. “How long depends on you now, child.” He wished he had a camera; he thought as he saw the cousins around her. He leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. “You’ll be remaining in your room until you can get around on your own without pain.” He saw her dark look. “Unless you can sweet talk your male cousins into helping you downstairs.” “Anything you want, Evangeline,” David nodded eagerly. “We are at your beck and call, my lady,” James added. He glared at his sisters and Daria as the three girls giggled. “It would be nice to be out of doors,” Evangeline sighed in longing as she saw the sunny skies outside of her window. “Could I spend a few hours in the gardens today, Uncle?” Alexander looked at her and almost said no. She had been without a fever for four days but she was still very weak and tired easily. He couldn’t see keeping her a prisoner in her room, however. He nodded and her happiness at being allowed this treat lent her color and strength. Evangeline held her arms out to James and her cousin smiled and picked her up. “Just don’t push yourself needlessly,” Alexander warned her. “Two hours,” he told his son; “no longer.” He turned to the others. “There’s a chill in the air. Make certain she has a coat handy.” James nodded and carried Evangeline down the stairs; followed by the others carrying a coat, sketch pad and pencils, a harp, and embroidery materials. The little party came into the main entry hall as the door opened and Andrew strode in beside Sterling. They froze as they saw the worry on Sterling’s face and the frustration on Andrew’s face. It didn’t take long to realize they were discussing Sterling’s sons. James unashamedly remained where he was as the others moved on, listening to what their elders had to say. He saw Evangeline’s expression and knew she felt the same way. They might be thoughtless brutes at times; but Douglas and Dustin were still family. “I tell you, Alastair,” Andrew was saying as they came in; “Gideon did those boys of yours a kindness when he…” He paused as he saw James and Evangeline. His concern shifted to delight. “Here’s our little invalid! Up and out of her room.” He came over to kiss Evangeline on the cheek. “Feeling better, poppet?” “Yes, thank you, Uncle,” Evangeline smiled up at him briefly. “I’m going out to the garden for some sun.” She looked worried as she saw Sterling’s expression. “Has something happened to Douglas and Dustin?” “Nothing bad,” Sterling assured her. He looked at James. “You were taking her to the gardens, nephew?” James nodded and took Evangeline out. Sterling looked over at his younger brother and knew he was thinking the same thing he was. Evangeline had remembered that the boys had been chasing her when she fell into the well. She had made Douglas mad when she slapped him trying to get free of their prank. Sterling knew that she would still worry about her cousins; however, that was just the way the girl was. He turned towards his study and frowned as someone banged on the front door. The butler opened it and Sterling’s eyes narrowed with suspicion as Stefano Roza strode inside without a word. Stefano waved Hurst off as he waited for his coat. It was obvious he was not staying long. “Prince Roza,” Sterling frowned as he recognized his visitor. “Welcome to Sterling Manor.” “Lord Sterling,” Roza nodded. “Constable Sterling.” He met Andrew’s eyes with equal chill. “I came to hear how my daughter is doing.” “Took your time about it,” Andrew muttered. He met Roza’s chill expression easily. “I’d say you’re ten years late for this conversation, Prince Roza,” he said bluntly. He looked at Sterling. “I have duties to perform. I’ll see you at dinner.” “I see the Sterling men are still as implacable as ever,” Roza said as he watched Andrew leave. “Nothing changes with you people, does it?” Sterling looked at the cold-eyed man standing in the entry hall. He was the very image of a noble elite. He wore the best suits cut to enhance his lean physique. Everything from his expensive manicure to the cut of his hair was perfect. Nothing was ever out of place. Looking at him, one knew that he would never be blindsided by anyone. Sterling hoped that the man had not come to insist that his daughter be turned over to him after this latest incident. He would not blame the man, but the thought of Evangeline anywhere near this shark frightened him. The innocent girl would not know how to function in the society Roza kept. “Come into the study,” Sterling snapped. He closed the door once Roza was inside. “Drink?” “You can spare the amenities, Sterling,” Roza said coldly. He had no time for manners. He was seething with rage at hearing what had happened to his child and he wanted to hurt someone over it. “How is my daughter?” “Very weak,” Sterling said as he sat down behind his desk. “The fever broke for good four days ago.” He noted that Roza looked very relieved. “The leg is still going to give her some pain for a while; Alexander is leaving it in the soft cast for at least another week. Her cousins are all out in the garden with her if you’d care to look.” He nodded out the French doors. “You can just see them from there.” He watched as Roza crossed to the doors and looked out. Sterling saw the chill exterior melt and there was a look of such intense longing and regret on the man’s face that it struck Sterling hard. Aileen had lied to him; Stefano had actually wanted his child. He watched Stefano as the man looked out at his pretty girl. She was seated on a bench smiling as her cousin, Daria, played something on the harp that David was singing along to. James was dropping daisies in Evangeline’s lap. Jennifer was sketching and Jessica was doing embroidery. It was a very poignant little scene and he felt as if someone had reached in and grabbed his heart. She was her mother all over again; though Evangeline’s hair was dark where her mother’s had been fair and she had; he was even more stunned by this – the Roza emerald eyes! There could be no doubt that she was his child. “She looks so much like her mother,” Stefano said softly, his voice filled with pain and regret as he watched Evangeline. He frowned as he remembered what Sterling had just told him. “Is she supposed to be out of bed? You said the fever only broke four days ago.” He noted how pale she was. Despite the smile on her lovely little face, he could see that she was tired. He wanted to rush out there and make her go back to bed. The surge of protectiveness stunned him. He had not even met his daughter, and he was already thinking he needed to take care of her. How had he sat back and let this little angel remain here so long? He should have come the moment Aileen had left her here and scooped his daughter up. “She has your stubborn streak,” Sterling was telling him. “She will push herself to the point of injury if she wants something badly enough.” He saw the man stiffen and knew his words were bringing back old memories. “You’re thinking of taking her, aren’t you?” “Not without a bit more thought on the subject and her agreement,” Stefano told him candidly. His eyes never left Evangeline. “She seems quite happy here.” “That surprises you?” “My spies tell me your children have not been exactly kind to her, Sterling,” Roza said stiffly. He did not take his eyes from the garden; but he knew Sterling had been struck by his censure even more than the fact that Roza had planted someone in the household to watch the child. “She is obviously like her grandmother in manner. Were she more like Aileen or me, you might have found your children suffering the same ‘clumsiness’.” “Evangeline is a very gentle and forgiving child,” Sterling nodded. As like and unlike his sister as a person could get, he mused. Evangeline was quieter and more reserved than her mother. She chose to forgive wholeheartedly and without thought of vengeance where Aileen would have forgiven only to punish when her victim had relaxed their guard. She gave her talents and time where Aileen had demanded and taken. It was the girl’s gentleness that made him fear for her if she went to her father. “So you just came to check on her,” Sterling relaxed his guard. “I would hope when you do come for her, you would at least give me some warning so I can prepare her…” “Like Aileen gave me?” Roza hissed. He remembered that day when Aileen had come to him and told him she was leaving. She was tired of being kept in a prison, she snapped at him when he asked why. She wanted a life free of people telling her what to do, what to wear, and how to behave. Stefano had seen his nine-year-old son’s face fall as his mother had gone without a backwards glance. Aileen paused at the door and looked at them both with a hatred he had never known she was capable of. He could keep his son, she had said coldly, but if he ever came near her or the child she was carrying, she would have him jailed. His money and position would not keep her from seeing him destroyed. “I apologize, lord Sterling. It was not your family that drove her to that decision.” “You could have petitioned the court for custody,” Sterling reminded him; “when Aileen disappeared. Why didn’t you?” “As I said,” Roza replied; “Evangeline appears to be quite happy here. You seem to have done an excellent job with her, lord Sterling; despite the little vipers in your nest.” He watched a moment longer until he could stand no more. “I would like to meet her now, if you would allow it.” Sterling nodded and went out to the garden. Stefano watched as his brother-in-law picked the girl up in his arms. He didn’t say anything to the children and they watched with expressions of concern on their faces. They cared very deeply for their cousin, and that was not something he meant to take from her, if he could help it. Sterling returned with Evangeline in his arms and Stefano saw her looking at him with curiosity and wariness in her pretty green eyes. Sterling set her down on the couch and Stefano sat down nearby. “I’ll leave you to talk,” Sterling said and left the room, closing the door behind him. “Uncle Sterling told me that you needed to talk to me,” Evangeline said simply. She looked at him closely and something about his expression warned her. “You’re my father, aren’t you?” “Yes, Evangeline,” Stefano nodded. “I am.” He was quite curious now. She accepted this as if such things happened every day. “You’re very calm.” “Would the fact that you’re my father alter,” Evangeline asked him bluntly; “if I got upset?” She looked at him calmly. “You’re taking me away from here.” Stefano could feel her discomfort at this thought. He was really quite proud of her for being as brave as she was. She had a composure that many young women years older than she was did not possess. He wanted to get to know her even more now. He got up and went to get her a glass of water and himself a glass of something stiffer. She smiled up at him in gratitude and he was stricken again at how much she looked like Aileen. “You are only fifteen,” Stefano finally said. “In the eyes of the law, you need a parent or guardian to care for you.” He held his hand up as she started to speak. “Your uncle Adam brought you both to family when your mother got too ill to live on her own and they appear to have done an excellent job in raising you.” “So you’re not taking me away?” Evangeline wondered why she suddenly felt upset. It wasn’t like she even knew this man. She should be happy he didn’t want to take her away after everything Sylvie had told her about him. Instead, she felt as if she was being abandoned all over again and she asked the one question she had been dying to ask him all her life. “Why didn’t you come sooner?” “I was told to stay out of your life, child,” Stefano told her honestly. He saw her confusion. “Perhaps later we can go into the details,” he said as he rose to his feet. “I merely wished to meet you today.” He touched her cheek and his smile was warm with regard. “When you are feeling better, we can spend some time together; you, your brother, and I.” “I would like that,” Evangeline nodded and his smile warmed her heart. Her father! She had been told that he was a brute and would hurt her if he were given the chance. She had accepted this from her mother when she was small, but now that she had met him she knew she’d been lied to. Her mother was the one who hurt people and lied to them. Evangeline knew that there was something about this situation she had been too young to hear before. She watched the man leave and was still pondering this change in her fortune when Sterling came back into the room. He sat down in the chair and waited for her to ask her questions. “Is he a bad person, Uncle?” Evangeline asked simply. “Is that why Mama wouldn’t let him see me?” “No,” Sterling told her truthfully. “He is a man with a lot of enemies. Your mother didn’t want you becoming a target…” “But she left my brother behind,” Evangeline broke in, looking at the man in confusion. “What kind of mother would leave her son behind if it was dangerous?” Sterling flinched and then looked away. She had apparently asked a question that he did not want to answer. “There is more to this than you’re telling me, Uncle…” “Lord Sterling,” Sylvie’s voice broke in as the door opened. “Have you seen…” She smiled as she saw Evangeline. “There you are, Miss. It’s time for your medication.” She stepped aside so that David could come pick Evangeline up. When the children had gone, Sylvie closed the door. “I saw him leave. Did you tell her?” “Only that he is her father, Sylvie,” Sterling replied, frowning. “The rest is up to him.” He saw the woman’s dark look. “It is not my place, or yours, to share his secrets with his daughter.” “Such secrets could endanger her life,” Sylvie frowned. She was silent for a moment and decided not to argue further. “I’d better go see to her now.” She did not go to Evangeline’s room immediately. Instead she went to her room and made a phone call. Her usually calm demeanor had altered drastically. She was cold with anger as she waited. “Her father has come for her,” she said simply. “It’s time for us to take the little princess into our keeping.” Evangeline was coming out of the bathroom when Sylvie came into her room. She knew that Sylvie knew the truth as she saw her companion’s expression. But she was keeping it to herself. Evangeline could see that her father was the only one who she would hear the whole truth from now. She sat in silence as Sylvie combed out her hair and helped her to bed. Once she was comfortable, Sylvie brought her mail to her. Inside was a letter from a military base in Scotland. “It’s from Douglas and Dustin,” Evangeline said to the woman as Sylvie cleared the room. She read the letter and smiled in relief. “They joined the military, Sylvie. They are going to spend the next few years trying to make up for what they did.” She was frowning as she set the letter down. “They didn’t mean to hurt me. Why would they think they had to go?” Sylvie didn’t say a word. As far as she was concerned, it was past time for that pair to do something meaningful with their lives. The military would be good for them. She watched Evangeline fall to sleep and went to the rocking chair by the windows to take up her knitting. There were far more important things about to happen in the girl’s life. She did not need the distraction of that pair of delinquents now. Evangeline was coming down the stairs on her own two weeks later when there was a knock on the door. She watched Hurst open it and saw the man who had told her he was her father coming inside with a younger copy of himself at his side. They walked past the butler and Stefano saw her. He said something to his copy and the boy looked up at Evangeline and smiled. Sterling came out of his study and saw the pair and then followed their eyes up the stairs to where Evangeline was frozen. “Your father and brother are going to join us for your birthday week celebrations, Evangeline,” Sterling told her. He nodded to Hurst. “They are staying in the Dowager House, Hurst. Abigail and the maids have already made it ready for them.” He saw the dark look on Stefano’s face directed at him and wondered what that meant. The man was harder to understand than Advanced Mathematics. Trying to gauge his reactions made Sterling’s head hurt. Then he saw the direction the man was looking and realized he was worried. Sterling frowned as he saw Evangeline’s pale face. He wanted to kick himself then. Was he never to get anything right where this child was concerned? “A little warning might have been in order,” Stefano said as he went towards the stairs to help her. “My daughter looks as if she’s been struck upside the head…” “It’s quite all right,” Evangeline broke in and came slowly down the stairs. She was looking at the young man as Stefano kissed her on the forehead. She held her hand out to the newcomer, smiling. “You must be my brother.” “That would be correct,” Sebastian smiled back at her. “My name is Sebastian.” He turned to his father and said something in Italian before turning back to his sister. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “I am quite happy to finally meet you little sister.” “I will be moving to the Dowager House then, Uncle?” Evangeline asked as she turned to Sterling. She saw the shock on Sterling’s face and the surprise on Stefano’s. “If you wouldn’t mind, Father? It will give us a chance to start to learn about each other.” She heard a commotion at the head of the stairs and turned to see Daria coming towards her with a pair of crutches in her hand. Her cousin saw the strangers and froze. “Daria. This is my father and brother. They’ve come to spend my birthday week with us.” “Doctor Stefano Roza,” Sterling nodded as his daughter forgot her manners. “Doctor Sebastian Roza. This is my daughter, Daria.” He raised an eyebrow and waited. “Am I correct in assuming that those are for your cousin, girl?” “What?” Daria blinked and looked at the crutches. “Yes,” she nodded as she held them out without ever taking her eyes off of Sebastian’s handsome face. “Uncle Alex said that Eva was to use them for another two days.” She shook her head at Evangeline. “You can see how well she listens.” She looked at Sebastian. “You’re awfully young to be a doctor,” she said with her characteristic bluntness. “I have been told so,” Sebastian looked amused by her manner. “I have just completed my internship at the hospital in Vienna. I was given the week off to visit with my sister before I begin work there as a fully accredited doctor.” Evangeline took the offensive objects in her hands and promptly set them aside. She sank down on the bench in the entry hall and thought over what was happening. It was nice to think that her father and brother would be here to help her celebrate her sixteenth birthday. They had missed so much because of Aileen’s decision. Sebastian sat down next to her as their father went into the study with Sterling. He smiled at her with an open affection that Evangeline found quite surprising. He was acting as if they had been family all the time. “I don’t care for crutches either,” he told her in his gloriously accented English as he patted her knee. “I broke my leg skiing a few years ago and I grew to loathe the things.” He looked at her quite seriously then. “You know you don’t have to move in with us, Evangeline. You’ll be seeing enough of us this week as it is.” The front door burst open and David came strolling in. He handed his hat and overcoat to Hurst and looked at the stranger sitting next to Evangeline. “Thank you, Hurst,” he said to the long-suffering man. Hurst took the soaking wet articles with him, holding them as if he were handling toxic waste. “I assume the army gathering around the Dowager House belongs to you?” “Doctor Sebastian Roza,” Daria spoke up before Evangeline could. “This is our cousin, Officer David Sterling. His father is the local constable and David works with him.” She saw Sebastian nod acknowledgment of the introduction as he offered his hand to another cousin he had been kept from knowing. “David, this is Evangeline’s brother, so that means he is our cousin. His father is in the Study with mine.” “We were told to expect you,” David nodded as he shook hands with the other young man. He still wore a worried expression and Sebastian did not blame him. “But we weren’t told about the army that came along with you.” “My father doesn’t travel light,” Sebastian shrugged. “They won’t get in the way, David.” He looked at Evangeline when he spoke. “Father is a very skilled psychiatrist, Evangeline. His clients include members of the nobility of Europe and prominent politicians in several countries. People who insist he be protected.” Stefano frowned as he heard his son’s comment on his way out of the Study. It was quite obvious he did not like his personal information being shared so freely. He came over to Evangeline and Sebastian moved aside so he could sit down next to the girl. He picked up the crutches and leaned on them to watch the meeting with a pleased smile on his face. “It’s their secrets they really wish to see protected,” He smiled at Evangeline. “You’re looking better, child.” He kissed her on the forehead. “Lord Sterling will tell your woman to pack some things for you. He has made certain that the housekeeper at the Dowager House has dinner waiting for us.” He picked Evangeline up in his arms and nodded to his son. “Sebastian. Bring your sister’s crutches.” David and Daria followed and saw the expensive convertible outside the castle. Stefano put Evangeline in the front passenger seat as Sebastian got in back. It drove off with a purr only a well maintained engine could provide and headed to the Dowager House that took pride of place nearer the cliffs. The cousins stood side by side, each deep in their own thoughts as they watched this change occurring in Evangeline’s and their lives. “That is one arrogant man,” David frowned as he looked at his cousin. “I notice you never took your eyes off his son, cousin.” “He’s a very handsome man,” Daria smiled. “It’s a shame he’s our cousin.” She shrugged and set it aside. “This week is certainly going to be interesting with those two around.” Evangeline was astounded by the gentility of the men who were her family. She was not used to being treated like she was breakable. Her Sterling cousins, even the kind ones, usually treated her like she was made of sterner stuff. She didn’t know whether to be amused or annoyed. These Roza men were not like anyone she had ever met before in her life. She was going to enjoy getting to know them. “Miss Evangeline is to be given the best bedroom,” Stefano told the housekeeper, Abigail, as he carried Evangeline in. “When may we expect dinner?” “In an hour, Doctor Roza,” Abigail told him. “The Dowager bedroom is the one at the end of the corridor to the left at the top of the landing.” She smiled at Evangeline. The staff all adored this child and she was glad the girl had found her father. “We’re happy to see you are back on your feet, Miss Evangeline. Any news of your cousins?” “I had another letter from them a few days ago,” Evangeline nodded and smiled. “They are actually enjoying being in the Army, Abigail!” “God help the Country!” Abigail laughed. “The thought of those two having access to weaponry is going to give me nightmares.” She saw Evangeline’s frown and ruffled the girl’s hair. “You are a good girl, Miss Evangeline. Only an angel would care what happens to those two.” She showed Stefano to the room and left him to settle Evangeline. She looked around the beautifully furnished room with the heavy old furniture. The furniture, she knew, had been in the family since the 1800s. Rich brocaded curtains hung along the rails of the four-poster bed matched the curtains over the windows and the opening out onto the balcony. The linens on the bed picked up the colors of the flowers in the brocade. Evangeline limped out onto the balcony and looked out over the ocean. “This should be your room,” she said to Stefano, who joined her on the balcony. “It is far more than I am used to.” “It is far less than you deserve,” Stefano told her. “Resign yourself, child. While Sebastian and I are here you will be pampered and spoiled at every turn. We have sixteen years to make up for.” He turned her to face him. “I have asked a dressmaker to come tomorrow. She is bringing several dresses and gowns she designed especially for you. My gift to you on the second day of your sixteenth birthday week.” Evangeline started to tell him that this was too much, but the look on his face made her quiet. He was determined to make up to her for not being in her life and she hadn’t the heart to stop him. She was overwhelmed at the thought of being given such gifts; it wasn’t at all what she was used to as the orphaned Sterling child. Despite what she had been told her entire life, it was evident that this man actually cared for her. “Evangeline?” “I hear your companion now,” Stefano smiled and kissed her cheek. “I will see you at dinner.” Evangeline smiled and turned her gaze back out over the ocean. She enjoyed the way the sunlight danced on the water below her. Sea birds wheeled above screaming at each other. It was a very peaceful scene. She shivered as she felt a chill go up her spine. This was not going to last long. Something was going to happen soon to shatter the peace. She turned to see Sylvie watching her. “Another one, child?” “A warning of danger,” Evangeline nodded as she hobbled into the room and sat down on the bench at the foot of the bed. She put her head in her hands and shook. “I don’t like this, Sylvie. Why do I have to have these ‘feelings’?” “You’ve inherited your mother’s gift, child,” Sylvie told her. “What would you like to wear to dinner, Evangeline? I’ve brought a few of your dinner frocks for you to select from.” “What does one wear to the first dinner one shares with a parent?” Evangeline shrugged. “I’ll leave you to choose, Sylvie. I just want to lie down for a bit.” Stefano and Sebastian were in the sitting room when Evangeline came downstairs. The argument she had heard all the way down the stairs died as their eyes widened. She could see they thought she was very lovely in the emerald green dress Sylvie had chosen. Its simple and classic lines suited her, enhancing her coloring and her frame. Around her throat hung the simple gold locket her mother had left for her when she had left her behind. Stefano helped her to the dining room and saw her seated at his right while Sebastian took the seat to the left. For the next hour they got to know each other over the excellent dinner Abigail and the cook had prepared for them. “Tonight is the first night of your birthday week,” Stefano said as Sebastian got up and left the room. “Your brother and I thought we’d start off with giving you the gifts we never had a chance to give you.” Evangeline watched as Sebastian and two other men brought in three large boxes. They set these on the table and the men left the room. Sebastian opened the first box and smiled as he lifted out the first package. It was wrapped in the kind of paper one would use for a newborn and the card with it was written in the hand of a young child. “Welcome to my baby sister,” Evangeline read aloud, tears glistening in her eyes. “My name is Sebastian. I am nine.” She looked at her brother as she saw the photograph of the dark-haired boy with braces on his teeth pasted inside of the card. “You?” “Yes,” Sebastian nodded. “I wanted you to know how I looked.” He looked at his father as if asking permission to say more. Stefano nodded and Sebastian laid his hand on Evangeline’s hand. “If I never got a chance to meet you, at least you’d know who I was.” He pushed the package towards her. “Open it, Evangeline. I’ve been waiting sixteen years to see your face when you see the pretty things I got for you.” Evangeline opened the package and saw a beautiful silver charm bracelet with seventeen charms on it. Each charm was a different shape or object and held a precious gem. She had seen enough real stones on her aunts to realize that these were not glass or paste. She looked at her brother’s eager face and she burst into tears. He had put this together for her over the past sixteen years; even knowing he would not be able to give it to her. How could Sylvie have thought these men did not want her? “You don’t like it?” “Of course I like it, Sebastian,” Evangeline said as she ran the tip of her finger along the bracelet. “It is the loveliest thing I have ever seen in my life.” She came around the table and hugged him. “Thank you.” “The cards for each year have been bound into an album,” Sebastian said as he got out another package. Evangeline opened it and saw a book with a polished wood cover inside. On the exquisitely worked cover were the words ‘For My Sister’ in gilt lettering. She flipped through the pages and saw that they were the cards for each of her birthdays, with the photographs of her brother over those years. She was enchanted and she burst into tears again. Sebastian shook his head as he put the first card back in its place. “You are a tender-hearted girl, aren’t you?” “Don’t tease the child,” Stefano chided his son. “There is nothing at all wrong with her reaction. It shows a great sense of empathy towards your loss of her in your life.” He smiled at Evangeline warmly and took a large engraved and enameled box out. “Your grandmother Roza wanted you to have the family jewels,” he said as she opened the box and saw that it contained jewel boxes for necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings; “except for the sapphires that go to your brother’s bride when he marries, when you reached your sixteenth birthday. She will be quite happy to meet you when you choose to visit Italy.” “When would I ever have a chance to wear even a third of this?” Evangeline asked as she looked over the jewelry. It was all so lovely and several of the pieces were obviously antiques. She fingered the locket around her neck, the only piece of jewelry she had ever worn. She looked at her father then and guessed. “You’re more than a doctor, aren’t you?” “That is a conversation for another time and place,” Stefano told her firmly. “If you choose to visit with us outside of Sterling Manor then we shall tell you your full heritage, my child. This week, we are just your loving father and adoring brother come to celebrate your birthday.” He saw her argument forming and steeled himself for it; but there was a knock on the door and a maid came to get him for a phone call. He kissed Evangeline on the cheek. “Please don’t push your brother for information while I am gone.” Evangeline nodded and contented herself with asking her brother for a history of each piece of jewelry. Each one was quite well made and they contained precious gems like emeralds and rubies and diamonds. There were also strands of pearls and gold and silver chains for all of the various pendants. She almost expected to see a tiara or two among the collection and Sebastian laughed when she asked. He did not explain his amusement, however; he just told her she would have to ask their Grandmother about such things. Stefano returned and he lifted out the final package. Evangeline unwrapped a lovely music box. “This was made especially for you,” Stefano told her as she wound the key. Evangeline smiled as she heard the strains of the overture of ‘Carmen’. Evangeline had grown up hearing Ravel’s music in the house in Normandy where she had lived with Aileen and Sylvie. “Your mother loved the opera ‘Carmen’,” her father said softly. “Had that character had any redeeming qualities, I believe she would have named you that.” He reached over to touch his daughter’s cheek. He saw her looking at him worriedly. “Is something wrong, child?” “You had some bad news in that phone call,” Evangeline said simply. “Something that could make you leave here earlier than you had planned.” She laid her hand on his. “It’s all right, Father. You have important work to do. I’ll have other birthdays.” “I have already missed sixteen of them, daughter,” Stefano said to her, squeezing her hand and smiling. “I will not miss another one, if it can be helped.” There were presents in the other two boxes but Evangeline was told they had to wait until her actual birthday. Some of them were from her uncle Sergio and Sergio’s wife Elena. Their children had all chipped in to buy her something together; and even Stefano did not know what it was. They finished dinner and gift-giving and moved into the Study for Stefano to give her one last gift. Evangeline took a chair next to the one he took behind the desk and watched as he pulled a wrapped package out from underneath. “I opened an account for you on the day I learned you were on the way,” Stefano told her as Evangeline opened the gift and saw a checkbook and wallet inside with a very nice shoulder bag. “It has been added to on each of your birthdays and Christmases since by myself and other members of the Roza family. There are also several credit cards for your use with balances of $25,000 each.” He saw the shock on her face. “I would have spent far more on you over the last sixteen years if I had been allowed to involve myself in your life, child.” “There are more important things you could be spending such money on, Father,” Evangeline said as she closed the checkbook and put it in the bag. “More important than my own child?” Stefano laughed. He shook his head. “You are a silly girl.” He saw Sylvie standing in the doorway, her arms crossed, and a look of impatience on her sharp-featured face. He looked at the clock and realized that it was growing late. In the woman’s eyes, it was obviously far too late for a young woman who was still recovering from a serious illness to be up. “Your companion is here to help you to your room.” Stefano helped Evangeline to her feet and kissed her on the forehead. “We’ll speak more on this tomorrow.” “I’ll carry your gifts up,” Sebastian offered as he put them back in the first box. “The others will remain in the Study for now.” “You’ve already given me so much!” Evangeline protested as a man was called to take the other boxes away. “I’m not used to…” “You are my daughter,” Stefano broke in and looked a trifle stern. “You should have been raised to expect such pampering. It is only what befits a child of your rank and station.” Evangeline was overwhelmed. She knew she was going to have a hard time getting used to receiving so much. For the past sixteen years she had received gifts from the Sterlings that all together could not match the cost of even one of the objects she had just received from her father and brother. They seemed to want to make up for lost time and she would have preferred it be done in simple things like conversations and walks. She had developed simple tastes during her childhood; the better gifts seemed always to go to the Sterling children who still had fathers and/or mothers. Sylvie had made up for this by seeing to it that Evangeline was the best educated of the brood. Things broke and were lost, she would tell the child; but knowledge was a treasure beyond price. “Good night, Father,” Evangeline smiled briefly and went to Sylvie. “Thank you for all the lovely gifts.” She ignored the crutches in Sylvie’s hands and limped up the stairs. Her mind was spinning at the thought that she had suddenly become Cinderella after the ball. “She’s overwhelmed,” Sebastian said to his father as he remained behind a moment. “Perhaps we should have gone a little slower?” “We have no time,” Stefano replied. “She must be ready to face her new life.” He watched his daughter go and he smiled. “She is definitely a Roza: strong-willed, resilient, and intelligent.” “If she hadn’t been,” Sebastian nodded his agreement; “I am afraid this family would have beaten her down. They have a lot to answer for…” “And they will!” Stefano nodded. “But not until she is safely away from here.” He beckoned to his lieutenant. “Emilio, have we heard anything more about transport?” “They will arrive on schedule, Your Highness,” Emilio, a tall mountain of a man with square features and a perpetual scowl, bowed his head. “The princess is much like her mother,” he said as he caught sight of Evangeline pausing on the landing and looking back. She looked as if she had heard them and was worried. “You will have to be careful of her.” “You saw it, too?” Stefano asked. He hadn’t been certain until she had mentioned his call. She had been right. The call had contained information that meant he had to be ready to move quickly. His daughter had inherited at least one of her mother’s gifts and he was quite pleased. Such a talent would prove an asset to his family, once the girl was made comfortable among them. Evangeline listened to them and wondered if she shouldn’t have told her father and brother that she knew Italian; along with the French and German she was certain they spoke as well. Sylvie had taught her these languages along with the vocal lessons once it was evident that she had a lovely singing voice. Evangeline had learned arias, not pop songs. Sylvie, and Evangeline’s aunt, Maura; who had taught her piano, were a pair of snobs as far as culture went. It was her Aunt Judith, Alexander’s wife, who had taught her something of lighter fare when she had taken Evangeline under her wing and taught her to play the lap harp. “They’re up to something, Sylvie,” Evangeline finally said. She turned to the woman. “You’d tell me what was going on if I asked, wouldn’t you?” “What you wish to know,” Sylvie replied as she helped Evangeline along, “is for your father to tell you.” She went ahead to open the door and set the crutches down. “I’ll run a bath for you. Your leg is causing you pain.” She saw Evangeline’s look. “You have a very expressive face, child. Your insistence on walking free of the crutches is putting a strain on your leg muscles.” Evangeline couldn’t argue with the woman. But then, she never could. It was like Sylvie could see into her mind sometimes. This woman had raised her and Evangeline knew she did not relish the thought of leaving the old darling behind. Would she have to leave her behind? If she went with her father and brother, Evangeline decided as she took off her shoes and stockings, she would insist that Sylvie come with her. She would need someone familiar around to help her adjust to her new life. She heard a groan from inside the bathroom and then a thump. “Sylvie?” Evangeline was on her feet and running. She saw Sylvie lying on the floor, groaning. Her face was pale as the porcelain tub. Evangeline turned off the water and sank down to check on the woman. Something was very wrong. “Sylvie, please wake up!” She heard someone and looked up to see Sebastian standing there. “I heard her fall,” she said to him as he knelt down and began to examine the woman. “Is she all right?” “She’s breathing,” Sebastian replied. “Her pulse is erratic. She may have had an attack of some kind.” He stroked her hair as he rose. “Don’t worry. We’ll see your companion is well cared for.” He went out and a few moments after he returned Emilio came in. He picked Sylvie up as if the woman were fragile and carried her away. Sebastian went with them, leaving Evangeline alone in the room. She watched from the balcony as Alexander arrived to take the woman into his care. Evangeline felt as if she was losing her strength with Sylvie and she sank down on the bench and wrapped her arms around her body. If anything happened to her friend, she would be alone. Now was not the time to think of herself, she chided herself. Sylvie was the one who mattered. She changed into a pair of slacks and a sweater and put on shoes and socks and got the hated crutches. “Where are you going, child?” Evangeline looked up as she met her father at the top of the landing. She saw the concern in his eyes, but knew it was not for Sylvie. She needed to be with Sylvie now. She had no time for mysterious fathers and brothers. He put his hand on her shoulder and looked at her quite kindly. But he shook his head and turned her back to the bedroom. He made her sit down and laid the crutches on the floor of the closet. “There is nothing you can do for the woman,” he said simply. “Your uncle and your brother will let you know how she is doing. You need to rest.” “I’ve never been without her, Father,” Evangeline said simply. “Not one moment since I was born.” She was shaking as fear hit her and felt the tears begin. “If anything happens to her…” “You will adjust,” Stefano broke in gently. “Your guardian is a formidable woman but even she cannot prevent the infirmities of age.” He stroked her hair. “We shall pray that she recovers, yes?” Evangeline nodded and he gave her a hug. “Rest now, child. We will hear how she is once the doctors finish their examination.” He rang for a maid and Abigail came up herself. The woman saw Evangeline to a bath and Stefano went back to the Study. It was time that his daughter learned to deal with people without the crutch Sylvie represented. She would not have been allowed to accompany the child anyway, he had determined. The woman was too connected to what had happened in the past. There were new companions waiting for his daughter who had been specially trained to see to her welfare and her security. Of course, the thought of the woman ill was a sad one, but it was to be expected of a woman in her seventies. The phone rang and he listened to Sebastian’s report. “Your sister will be relieved to hear this,” Stefano nodded. “Stay with the woman as long as you will. I shall tell Evangeline the good news.” He looked up to see Evangeline standing in the doorway, her long dark hair still damp from the bath. “Your Sylvie had a minor heart attack, but she is recovering. She will stay at the hospital for a few days.” He motioned her to a seat and Evangeline sank down with a look of relief on her face. “I understand you are attached to her, daughter…” “But she won’t be coming with me,” Evangeline finished for him, meeting his eyes easily. She nodded. “It is probably for the best. I’m not a child any longer, am I?” She saw that he was astounded by her acceptance of this situation. “Sylvie has always taught me to accept things as they are, Father.” “She has done you a great service in this,” Stefano nodded. “I shall have to thank her.” He looked at her curiously. “What else has your Sylvie taught you?” he asked with his eyes twinkling. “Italian, perhaps?” He saw her blush and knew he’d been right. “Keep that to yourself for now, child. It will serve you well if people think they can speak freely around you.” Evangeline looked at her father in shock. He was giving her permission to lie to people? There was no reason for that. Lies just led to trouble, and if she were going to be in trouble she would prefer it was because she told the truth. She did not appreciate people lying to her, as Daria often had. She could see he was thinking of it as a protection for her when she began to associate with new people, but it was not the kind of armor she wanted. “I don’t lie, Father,” Evangeline shook her head. “Such an omission would be a lie.” She saw the respect in his eyes and smiled. “I have also been taught French and German,” Evangeline informed him. “Sylvie insisted that Uncle Sterling provide the best tutors for me and bullied him into hiring a vocal coach when she discovered that I had a nice voice. My aunt Judith, Alexander’s wife, has taught me the lap harp and Gaelic. And Aunt Maura was my piano teacher. She was teaching Daria…” “But the girl was undisciplined and you far surpassed your cousin in a desire to learn and had talent and aptitude?” Stefano asked. He saw her nod. “It is the way of Roza children. They learn quickly and they learn well and with great skill. That is how your brother will be a doctor in his own right at the age of twenty five.” He looked at her closely. “Do you dance, Evangeline?” “Yes,” Evangeline nodded. “Uncle Sterling had Signore Scarlatti begin lessons for all of the children when we were young. All of us are quite passable, he says.” “Which means you are excellent,” Stefano nodded. “I have heard of Scarlatti. He is faint of praise, but he is an accomplished teacher. He would not have remained in the household if he believed you were not worthy of his instruction.” He was quite pleased. “There is to be a Debutante’s Ball in Paris in three months time. An old friend of mine, and his wife, are hosting it this year. You and I will attend.” Evangeline was astounded now. Paris! She had always dreamed of being able to travel, but her uncle had kept her close. Only trips to London had been allowed her. She had always wondered if he were afraid she would run away and go looking for her mother and uncle. She could see how he could have thought that the first few months she had been in his care, but as she grew older she had accepted her place as the less important member in the Sterling family. It had hurt to watch the others go to Paris. Daria had been especially condescending after such trips. “And the house in Paris is to be prepared for us,” she heard her father’s voice cut through her reverie. She saw that he was on the phone. “My daughter and I shall be in residence there for the next three months, at least. We shall arrange for tutors when we arrive next week.” He smiled at her and she felt the warmth of it melting her fears away. He was a good man who had been denied the chance of loving her for far too long. Surely he would slow down eventually with giving such extravagant gifts and they would get to know each other as people. That was what she really wanted from him and her brother. He hung up and smiled at her. “I know I am taking a great many things for granted, child…” “I am your daughter,” Evangeline broke in. “I should be with you and my brother, not here with my uncles and their families.” She had a worrying thought. “Uncle Sterling would not fight you over this, would he?” “Only if he thought it was not your wish,” Stefano told her bluntly. He saw the relief in her eyes and nodded. He would have hated to tell her that he had no intention of letting her remain here a moment longer than the end of this week. He would take her by force to remove her from this hateful place. He was still quite angry at hearing all the stories of her upbringing; the cruelty suffered, the joys withheld. His Evangeline was worth ten of any of those Sterling children, Stefano thought as he came to her side and helped her to her feet. “It is late, child. You should go to sleep now.” He picked her up and carried her to her room. “Now sleep, my angel. In the morning we will go see how your Sylvie is doing, yes?” Evangeline drifted off and he sat at the side of the bed stroking her hair long after she was asleep. All the years he had missed because of Aileen’s fears. He was going to see to it that Evangeline understood just how much she had been wanted. He would try not to tell her why her mother had fled, if it could be helped. He did not want to disillusion his child too greatly. She looked so much like her mother as she lay there innocently that it hurt. He heard a sound and looked up to see the door opening. Emilio was standing there. He nodded and Stefano got to his feet. He bent down to kiss his daughter on the forehead and left the room with his lieutenant. “Everything has been arranged as you asked, Your Highness,” Emilio said as they entered the study. “My daughters will be in residence by tomorrow and have everything prepared for the princess by the time you arrive.” He set this aside. “Carlo sent your appointment log by email. He did his best to clear the next three months for you, as you requested; but there are still a few that you cannot put off. It is up on the screen there.” “You aren’t too happy at seeing his name there,” Stefano said as he saw one of the appointments. “The man tried to slit your throat, Your Highness,” Emilio frowned. “He should have been executed…” “Instead he is up for parole,” Stefano broke into his man’s tirade. “I am asked to attend his hearing as witness.” His eyes went dark with anger. “Do not worry, Emilio. I shall tell the panel exactly how depraved that man is. If they parole him after that, I shall petition the President of France for them to be subjected to medical examination.” He saw Emilio’s expression and shook his head. “You worry more than an old woman, Emilio. I shall be fine.” “The man has followers, Your Highness,” Emilio reminded his employer and long-time friend stiffly. “They could make trouble.” “Then you will see to it that no harm comes to my children because of them, old friend,” Stefano told him. He sent his acceptance and turned to his other emails. He smiled as he saw the one containing photographs of his twin fourteen year old nephews at their soccer game; his seventeen year old niece at her violin recital. He moved on to the one from the Countess and assured her that his daughter and he would be attending the Ball. He added a special note that they would be in residence in Paris before then and would be pleased to accept visits from her and her family. He could think of no woman more qualified to help his daughter learn to negotiate in their society than the Countess Monique Grimaldi. “Your Highness!” Stefano looked up at Emilio’s sharp exclamation and saw him looking at a piece of art on the wall. He got up and joined him in looking at a likeness of the late Dowager Deborah Lyndon Sterling, his late wife’s mother. It was done with exceptional skill and one could almost believe the sketch itself could come to life. The little brass plaque on the frame however declared it to be the work of Evangeline Roza, aged eight. He was as astounded as Emilio had been. He knew many adult artists who had studied for years who were not capable of such skill in portraiture. It was not just the technique that struck him, however; the way Evangeline had captured the woman’s personality in the sketch that was unique. “Such skill,” Emilio said softly, “and at only eight? I suspect if you ask your daughter she will tell you that she just sketches to amuse herself.” “And you would be right,” Alastair said from where he stood in the doorway. He had a portfolio under his arm. “I thought you might like to see more of her work while you are here.” He set the portfolio on the desk and went to pour himself a drink. “These are from this past year.” Stefano sat down and pulled the portfolio to him. He looked at each one and was convinced his daughter had true genius. He would have to see to it that she studied with someone who would encourage her talent. Since they were going to Paris, he could think of only one man he would trust with his daughter. He picked up the receiver and dialed as he continued looking at a sketch of the entire Sterling family. “She did it entirely from memory, Your Highness,” Sterling told him as he saw what sketch the man was looking at. “Your daughter is very gifted. Had she been my child…” “She is your niece,” Stefano broke in coldly. “Your twin sister’s daughter. That should not have made her less important in your eyes and affection, Sterling! I still fail to comprehend how her torture was overlooked…” “Your daughter would not complain,” Sterling defended himself; although he saw no defense he could give to excuse himself to this man. Stefano was right. He had treated Evangeline like a duty, instead of a child to be loved and nurtured like his own. “My children were disciplined whenever I was certain they were hurting her. I should have done more…” “On that we are agreed,” Stefano nodded. He looked at the man sternly and told him what he had just decided. “Evangeline will be coming with me at the end of the week.” He saw the man stiffen and he ignored the argument he felt coming. Had this man treated his daughter with more regard, Stefano would not be making this move. As it was, he saw her departure as the only means of extricating her from an impossible situation. “She has made this decision on her own, I assure you.” “Of that I am certain,” Sterling smiled briefly and sadly. “Your daughter is an angel, but she can be quite stubborn if she feels she is being forced to do something against her will. She is like Aileen in that regard.” He finished his drink and turned to go. “That is the only advice I would deign to leave you with, Your Highness. I know you will care for her as I should have.” Stefano watched the man go and felt he had missed an opportunity. He did not understand how the man had stayed silent while his own children molested the girl. What worried him more was why his daughter had allowed herself to be treated with such disrespect. She could not truly believe that she deserved to be pushed around. He was going to have to look into this immediately. No child of his should believe they deserved to be so badly treated. How could Aileen have left their child in this horrible place? The lord Sterling might be too prickly to interview, but the other family members surely knew enough to help him get a clearer picture of the situation. He continued looking at the sketches and one fact became quite clear. Despite the treatment she had received his daughter loved these people dearly. It was evident in every pencil stroke. He could not move on this family until he was certain they deserved the punishment. He was just as guilty in this matter. He should never have allowed Aileen to order him not to have anything to do with his own child. Even more, he should have taken the child the moment Aileen had abandoned her. “See that my daughter’s belongings are shipped to our residence in Paris, Emilio,” Stefano finally said as he closed the portfolio. “If Evangeline requires anything more than Madame Lombard brought over for this week, I will purchase it for her.” Emilio nodded and left Stefano alone. He opened the portfolio again and went to the sketch of Aileen. Evangeline had not seen her mother for ten years and she still had captured her to perfection. There was the same determination mixed with impatience and longing in her expression that Stefano remembered so vividly. Aileen had never been happy in one place long; she wanted to see and experience everything. Stefano wanted to pull the woman from the sketch and demand to know why she had done this to their child. Keeping her away from Stefano was one thing, but leaving her abandoned to this family so that she could be free to continue her own pursuits was inexcusable. Worse still, her selfishness had led not only to her death but the death of her older brother. Evangeline was sitting out in the garden of the Dowager House the next morning after breakfast. She had her sketchbook open and she was capturing Stefano as he sat in the Study with the door open going over a patient’s file. He had such an intense look on his face but Evangeline knew there was more to him than that. His concern for the person he was treating was quite evident to her and that was what she concentrated on as she drew. Sebastian came up behind her and saw the picture. He sank down on the bench and smiled as she continued to work. “How do you do that, little sister?” he asked as he looked at his father and then the sketch. “You are seeing more in him than is evident to my poor eye; and I know him better.” “I have always seen beyond the surface,” Evangeline said to him as she applied shadows to give depth to the sketch. “That is one reason why I never had Daria punished for her treatment of me. I knew there was more than mere pettiness at work in her.” She saw his look and smiled. “You see it, too; I think.” “I have only just met the girl, sister,” Sebastian laughed at her fancy. “I find her in drastic need of some behavior modification, but I have accepted a residency at the hospital in Vienna; so there is no time to involve myself in such things.” He frowned as he saw Stefano get up and come their way. “Father, I was just about to ask my sister if she would show me the town while we are here. Would you care to join us?” “Your sister has an appointment with the dressmaker,” Stefano reminded them. “Perhaps later you can have your tour.” He turned to smile at Evangeline. “Madame Clermont is in the library with the selection of gowns I promised you. We should not keep her waiting.” Evangeline shut her sketchbook and followed him into the house. She noticed that Sebastian headed out the gate leading in the direction of the main house and she smiled. He might not have time for dating, but he was not above doing a little flirting, even with a cousin. Evangeline should be more worried about him. Her cousin was not a pleasant person at times, and she had only just met her brother. She had a feeling he was more than capable of handling the headstrong and moody girl. “Daughter,” Stefano smiled as they entered the library and she saw the racks of gowns and dresses. “I would like to present you to Madame Clermont. She was an apprentice of the great Givenchy.” He nodded to the short round woman in the burgundy suit. “Terese, my daughter, Evangeline.” “What a exquisite child!” Terese Clermont cooed as she took Evangeline by the hands and looked her over. “And she is only fifteen you say?” Stefano nodded. “She will be quite a stunning woman when she matures, sir.” She nodded and released Evangeline. “I would be honored to serve as her personal designer and dresser.” “Show us what you have designed for her thus far,” Stefano said as he pulled the stunned girl to a seat and took the one next to it. “We are prepared to be amazed, Terese.” “Given her coloring,” Terese nodded and became all business; “which I must admit is quite stunning,” she smiled at Evangeline and saw the girl blush, “I chose colors to enhance those glorious eyes and her beautiful skin tone. And all the styles are in keeping with her age as you directed.” She nodded to Stefano. “I immediately thought of the styles Givenchy designed for the young Audrey Hepburn.” For the next hour she went through each garment and Evangeline was left stunned as her father discussed fashion with an understanding that she would not have expected from any man. Was there anything her father did not know about? But how had he known her sizes? He had obviously been in contact with her uncle over the years. Her delight waned as she thought of this man leaving her here without any knowledge of him all these years. “Father,” Evangeline said as she looked at him with determination. “There are things we need to speak of.” “After this, child,” Stefano said with equal firmness. “Let us see how well Madame Clermont has done her work.” He saw one that particularly caught his eye and pointed to it. “That lovely blue dress, Madame. I wish to see my daughter in that.” He got up and pulled Evangeline to her feet. “I will return in five minutes.” He saw the stubborn look on her face. “We will have our talk afterwards, child.” Evangeline had the feeling she would not like what he was going to tell her, but it didn’t matter. She needed to know the truth. There was more going on around her than she had knowledge of, and she did not like that. From the little time she had spent with her father; had it only been two days, she could not understand how her mother would leave the man. Had her mother been insane? She took her mind off her questions and looked in the mirror at the calf-length dress Terese had helped her into. “That’s not me,” she said softly as she saw the way that particular shade of blue deepened the blue highlights hidden in the color of her eyes. The gown was long sleeved and full-skirted. She turned and saw the slit down the back that was caught up in a bow. A lace insert of the same shade of blue was snapped in to fill the opening and the same lace was an underskirt that peeked out at the hem of the skirts. “It’s lovelier than anything I have ever worn in my life.” “It is not nearly as lovely as the young woman wearing it,” Stefano smiled as he came back. He nodded to Terese. “Madame Clermont, you have done quite well. It is a beautiful dress.” “My sister is a stone cold fox,” Sebastian said as he came in and saw Evangeline. His wolf whistle made her blush. “You’re going to need an army to keep the men off of her, Father.” “And you’ll be the general in charge?” Evangeline asked her brother. “When you aren’t at your duties as a doctor?” “They shall have to beat me bloody to get to you,” Sebastian said fiercely. “There are very few young men of our society I would allow near you without someone to stand guard.” He looked at his father and saw him nod. “Are you ready for that tour?” Evangeline turned to their father and he was already leaving. She knew she should stick to her guns and make him tell her the truth, but she was actually looking forward to spending time with her brother. Her brother! The thought of her having a sibling of her own made her quite happy. She sent him out so she could change and then led him to the stables. She was not supposed to walk over much even now so she decided they would ride. She smiled as the stable manager came up. “Abner Jennings,” Evangeline smiled at the old gray-haired man. “This is my brother, Doctor Sebastian Roza. Is there any chance we could borrow a pair of geldings to go to town? Uncle Alex says I’m not to walk too much.” “Geldings?” Jennings sniffed. “Miss Evangeline, honestly. You are a very accomplished rider. You shall have Jubilee as your mount.” He looked at Sebastian. “Do you ride, Doctor?” “We have stables at each of our residences,” Sebastian nodded. “I can handle anything you choose for me.” “Indeed?” Jennings chuckled and went to a stall near the end. He pulled out an immense black stallion. The stable seemed to shrink as the horse reared his head proudly. “This is Goliath. He should suit you.” “Jennings!” Evangeline shook her head at the man. “Has my brother done something to make you want to punish him?” She turned to her brother and the worry on her face made him feel foolishly happy. She actually cared about his welfare! “Goliath is a headstrong animal with some very nasty tricks. If he doesn’t wish to be ridden, he will find ways to make you pay.” “We shall come to an understanding then,” Sebastian smiled at the challenge. He walked up to the stallion and grabbed both sides of the harness. He looked the stallion in the eyes and put on a stern expression. “You do not mess with me, signore Goliath,” he said sternly; “and I will not mess with you.” He stopped the stable hand and saddled the horse himself. He frowned as he saw the signs of one particularly nasty trick. He slapped the stallion on the side and nodded as he saw the horse’s sides grow narrower. “I see you like to play games, signore.” He finished saddling the stallion and mounted. “We shall have to run you to exhaustion then, si?” “You know your way around horses, Doctor,” Jennings said with sincere respect for the young man. “Consider Goliath yours while you are here. No one else will waste time on the monster except Miss Evangeline.” “He is not a monster,” Evangeline protested as she approached the stallion and stroked his nose. Goliath leaned his head against her and she giggled. “He’s a darling!” She stroked his neck. “Now you behave. This is my brother you are carrying and I want him to remain unharmed.” She got onto the chestnut mare that the stable hand brought to her. Sebastian was struck again by her grace and competence. Was there anything she was not capable of? She executed each skill with a complete lack of regard as to its difficulty. He was already growing to love his little sister dearly. They rode down the hill and through the forest towards the town in the valley below. As they went Evangeline told him about the people who lived there. She described them in such detail that he knew he would recognize everyone immediately when they got there. He was puzzled when they stopped in front of the church. The Vicar was engaged in sweeping the stairs. He saw Evangeline and waved at her and smiled. “Vicar,” Evangeline smiled as she stopped so the man could approach. “I would like to introduce you to my brother…” “Sebastian Roza!” the Vicar cried out excitedly and grabbed the young man’s hand, shaking it fiercely. He saw Evangeline’s confusion. “You did not know that your brother played professional soccer, Miss Evangeline?” “I didn’t know I had a brother until yesterday,” Evangeline told him honestly. “Imagine your being related to ‘the’ Sebastian Roza. He set such records when he was playing.” He smiled at the young man. “So we hear that you’re going to be a doctor now, young man. I am quite certain you shall be just as committed to that endeavor as you were to the game of soccer.” Evangeline was astounded by the Vicar’s ready acceptance of her brother because he had been a soccer player. She went in to pray for a few moments and came out to find the men still in conversation about soccer. They bid him goodbye and left the horses where they were to walk down the main street to the shop Sebastian had asked about. As Evangeline sat down on a bench and watched, her brother thoroughly charmed the old man who ran the shop. Old Hathaway never smiled, and Sebastian had him smiling and laughing aloud. She was related to a true charmer. They went to the local pub to have lunch and the locals all found some way to arrive and be introduced to her handsome brother. The pleasant hour sped by and was only marred when the door burst open and James strode in. “Evangeline!” her usually gentle cousin snapped as he came to the table. “You were supposed to be at lunch with us today.” He looked at Sebastian insolently. “I’m told that you are her brother. You may have been raised to disregard commitments, but Evangeline was not!” “It is not his fault, James,” Evangeline defended her brother. She was shocked at James’ uncharacteristic behavior. “I quite forgot…” “You have no need to defend me, sister,” Sebastian said calmly as he rose, his eyes never leaving James’. “You have quite a temper for a student of religion, Mr. Sterling. You will apologize to my sister for snapping at her as if she were of no account.” James went bright red as he realized he had yelled at his sweet cousin. He turned to Evangeline and went down on one knee asking for her forgiveness in his best manner. Evangeline threw her arms around his neck and assured him that she forgave him. She had forgotten her commitment to his family and was quite mortified. There was nothing she could say in her defense that would excuse such an oversight. She got to her feet and went with him, leaving Sebastian to find his way back alone. He decided to remain in town a little longer as he pondered his sister’s behavior. “Miss Evangeline chose the path of no resistance from the very beginning,” the Vicar said when he went to talk to the man about his feelings. “She thought it would lessen her cousins’ resentment towards her if she was the obedient child.” He frowned as he remembered some of the earlier counseling sessions. “It did not, but she refused to blame them. Your sister has a very rare gift…” “She sees beneath the surface to the heart of things,” Sebastian finished for the man. The Vicar looked at him in surprise. “Our mother had such a gift and it terrified her to the point of retreat.” “Your mother was a weak woman,” the Vicar said plainly and with no sign of apology. “Aileen could have been so much more than she allowed herself to be. I blame the family for that,” he continued, happy to have someone he could finally talk to about his concerns for the girl; “they spoiled that young woman and let her have her way far too often for her own good. Lord Sterling seems to be repeating this destructive pattern with his own children.” Sebastian spent another few hours with the Vicar. By the time he left the town, he had a more complete picture of the Sterling family. Despite his bad behavior, James and his sisters, along with David, were good decent young people. Their parents had not allowed them to be lazy and shiftless pranksters. Those four had done all they could to protect Evangeline from the lord Sterling’s deadly trio. So, Sebastian nodded, the entire family was not to be written off. He only wished Daria were more like his sister and less like his mother. She would be nearly perfect in such a case; it was too bad she was his cousin. He smiled at the direction his thoughts were taking. Perhaps he would enlist his little sister’s help in teaching Daria how to be a good woman? As if the thought of her conjured her into existence, she and Alexander’s daughters were in the library with his sister when he got back. “Wow!” Jessica said as she saw Sebastian for the first time. “You didn’t tell us your brother was a hottie, Evie!” “Sebastian,” Evangeline blushed at her cousin’s statement. “You haven’t met Uncle Alexander’s daughters yet. Jessica is the outspoken one. Jennifer is the other.” “And James would be their brother?” Sebastian queried as he smiled at the pretty brunettes. The seventeen year olds were both quite lovely and had far better manners than their brother or older cousin. “Tell me, pretty cousins; do you share his temperament, or can I hope you are more gently natured?” “James does not usually lose his temper,” Jennifer excused her older brother’s poor behavior readily. “He had just had some unpleasant news about his last exams and was feeling annoyed.” “Father was quite put out when he heard about it,” Jessica nodded. She ran her hand along the skirts of a burgundy gown. “These are all so lovely, Evangeline. Your father must be quite rich to afford to give you so much.” Sebastian caught Evangeline’s frown and knew that the confrontation was coming. His father had made it quite clear that none of the Sterling family was to know the truth about their family yet. He wished he could tell her what was coming, but he had never disobeyed his father’s wishes once in his twenty-five years of life. Stefano always had good reasons for the decisions he made, and he was almost invariably correct. As much as he might wish to put his sister out of her misery, he would not. Sebastian was not going to start second-guessing his father now. “He’s had sixteen years to save up for it,” Sebastian smiled at them. “I believe you had a talk scheduled with Father, little one?” he said to Evangeline. She nodded. “Why don’t you go along? I’ll keep our pretty cousins entertained.” Evangeline nodded and left the room without a word. She was near to bursting with the questions she needed answered. But search as she might she could not find their father anywhere. Emilio, the man mountain who was in charge of the small army surrounding her father, told her that Doctor Roza had gone up to the main house to speak to her uncle. He would be back in time to change for dinner, which they would be sharing with the Sterling family. “Emilio,” Evangeline asked as she started to go. She turned to see him attentive. “How long have you known my father?” She could see him debating whether it was wise to answer her question. But what harm could it be for her to know how long he had known her father? He seemed to think the same thing because he softened even further and sat down on the edge of the couch. His smile was warm as he cast back in his memory and it softened his face and made him less threatening. Evangeline found she liked this man much better than the stern-faced giant she had met yesterday. “Since we were in parochial school together in Florence,” Emilio told her. “About forty years now.” He could guess where this was going. “I can tell you he is a good man, Miss Evangeline; you could want no finer man for a father. What I cannot tell you are the very things you wish to know. Those answers should come directly from him.” “You are his most loyal friend,” Evangeline smiled at the man. He returned her smile easily and he enchanted her by his manner. Her father must be a very good man indeed to have such friends and loyal companions. But there was something she was not being told and whether she knew it or not, the danger she had sensed earlier was coming because of that secret. Somehow she knew that whatever was coming would touch her hardest of all. She rejoined the others and Evangeline encouraged her cousins to try on whatever gown struck their fancy. They were of a size with her, if a bit taller, and the gowns fit them well. On her they had been a bit loose to allow her to wear them a bit longer. She made them smile by giving them the gown that each had chosen as a gift from her. Madame Clermont and her assistants came to pack up the gowns and dresses, leaving only the blue one out for Evangeline to wear on the night of her birthday. They went up to the main house an hour later and Sebastian was introduced to the other uncles and aunts. They took in the look of the young man and were quite impressed. He was every inch his father’s son, but he had not yet learned to be hard. He was quite charming and he had the aunts blushing and giggling like young girls. Evangeline took a moment to go check on Sylvie, who had been put on bed rest. The nurse who had been arguing with the woman over medication left the room. “You’re off to Paris with your father then?” Sylvie snapped at Evangeline. The girl forgave her; she knew it was sadness and sickness making her beloved companion so nasty. “You won’t want me along, will you?” Evangeline sank down in the chair next to the bed and took Sylvie’s hands in hers, stricken with anguish. This dear old woman had been a mother to her. There was no way she could leave her. Sylvie had been the one who had seen to her education. The woman had been the one who had stayed with her when her mother wandered off looking for something new. There would be days, or even weeks, when it would be just the two of them. Evangeline could not see going anywhere without Sylvie. “I wouldn’t leave you behind,” Evangeline told her. “You’re my dearest friend and companion, Sylvie. What would I do without you?” “Become the young lady you are meant to be, child,” Sylvie replied. She smiled at the girl weakly. “I have watched you grow up and I have never been prouder of a charge. But it is time for you to move on without me.” She held her hand up as Evangeline started to protest. “You are too old to have an old woman as your companion. Your father will have other companions chosen for you who understand the world you’re going to be part of now.” “They won’t be you, Sylvie,” Evangeline sniffed. “You’ve been like a mother to me all these years. I will be leaving a part of my heart behind if you remain.” Sylvie’s pale blue eyes were swimming with tears she refused to shed. She held out her arms and Evangeline went into them with a sob. She stroked the girl’s back and the triumph on her face was hidden from the girl. The child was still her toy. The Roza family was in a position to be harmed because of this girl, and they could not miss out on this opportunity. “Then you’ll have a reason to come back and visit me,” Sylvie smiled. “I’m too old to go with you, precious child. I am going to retire now.” She set Evangeline back. “Now dry your eyes you silly girl and go down to dinner. The family is waiting for you.” Evangeline kissed the woman on the cheek and left the servants’ quarters. She was not looking where she was going; she had gone this way many times over the years and could do it in the dark. So she did not see the man she ran into until she hit his chest. Evangeline looked at the pair of work boots, the rough cloth of his gray trousers, the workman’s shirt and came at last to a totally unfamiliar face. This man was not one of the servants. He did not belong here. But before she could say anything, he had his hand over her mouth and was pressing her against the wall. “Tell your father, pretty girl,” the man hissed in her ear; “that he had better do nothing to jeopardize the parole or he will lose you.” Evangeline watched the man stride off, shaken by his manner and his message. She hurried to the dining room and her father saw her pale face and obvious anxiety. He made their excuses and took her to the Study where he poured her a small amount of brandy. He closed the door as she took a sip and smiled at the face she made. He made her finish it before he took the empty glass from her. Evangeline told him what had happened and she heard him curse. “I expected something like this to happen,” Evangeline said plainly. He turned to look down at her in shock. “I have had a feeling for the past two days that danger was coming.” She shivered as she remembered the man’s eyes. “He was not joking around, Father. He meant what he said.” She held up her hand as Stefano started to speak. “I don’t care how he threatens. You are to do what is right.” “Is that an order, my fearless child?” Stefano didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. She had been threatened while his men were elsewhere and she was telling him not to listen to that threat. He put his arms around her and held her to his chest tightly. “You humble me with your bravery, Evangeline.” “He must be a very nasty person,” Evangeline replied as she shifted her head so she could breathe, “if you want him to stay in jail.” She looked up at him shyly. “I have not known you long, Father; but I am certain you would not do anything that would allow such a man to roam free.” He released her and she smiled back at his worry. “It’s all right, Father. I know your men will do their best to keep us all safe.” He nodded and she knew there would be changes in orders tonight. “Shall we go to dinner now?” “Do you think you could sketch the man for me first, darling?” Stefano asked as he got a sheet of paper from the desk and a pen. Evangeline did so and his frown deepened as he recognized the man. It just wasn’t possible that he could have been the one issuing the threat to Evangeline. “I’ll have Emilio handle this,” he said. He held his hand out to her. “Dinner is a very good idea.” Evangeline saw him hand over the sketch to Emilio and tell him to see that there was a team on her from that moment onwards. Stefano took her back to the dining room and no one asked what that had been about. Evangeline was grateful. She wanted to forget it had ever happened now and pay attention to her family. She only had four more days with them before she left with her father. Sebastian would be going on to Vienna to take up his internship again and would not be accompanying them to Paris. She missed him already, Evangeline thought to herself as she watched him plying his charm on Aunt Maura, Andrew’s wife and David’s mother. The usually reserved woman was blushing like an innocent child at his praises. She overheard him telling Maura that he had caught her last performance in Vienna and known he had heard greatness. “You are shameless, Sebastian,” Evangeline chided him when they went to the music room after dinner. “Is there any woman you can’t charm?” “I had a bit of trouble with Madame Lombard,” Sebastian said to her, his green eyes twinkling with mischief. “But she was ill so I make allowances for her nastiness.” He laid his hand on hers. “I know she is dear to you, Evangeline...” “Please call me Eva, Sebastian,” Evangeline smiled up at him. “I’m far too young for such a ponderous name as Evangeline, don’t you think?” She looked up as her Aunt Maura called to her. “Yes, Aunt?” “We are in need of your skills at the piano, child,” Maura smiled over at her. “David is going to start off the evening with one of those tedious little folk songs he is forever bringing home.” Evangeline shook her head at that. Anything not written before 1800 was considered a tedious folk song to her aunt. Maura was a concert pianist and a bit of a snob where music was concerned. Evangeline took her place and David leaned over to tell her what he was going to sing. She giggled as she saw the look of glee on his face and went into the opening bars of one of Figaro’s solos. David had a very beautiful baritone voice and he handled the piece with a maturity and skill that was surprising in a man with no operatic training. Everyone sang or played something; even Stefano took up the guitar that was James’ instrument of choice and played a fine flamenco piece before he excused himself for the evening. Sebastian looked at his sister and leaned close to suggest something. She looked at him in shock and pleasure. He assured her that he was quite serious and she asked Maura to play for them. They sang a duet from Aida and she was stunned at how beautiful her brother’s voice was. He sang with his characteristic assurance and skill and she was completely enchanted. “You and Father are men with hidden talents, brother,” she said as she hugged him. “Are there going to be any other surprises coming my way?” “If I told you, little one,” Sebastian smiled at her, “then they would no longer be surprises, would they?” “You are a cruel man, Sebastian Roza.” “And you are an angel, my sweet little sister,” Sebastian laughed and hugged her. He saw the time on the clock and touched her hand. She looked up at him expectantly. “It is growing late. You should be getting ready for bed now.” Evangeline nodded and made her good nights. She and Sebastian headed for the Dowager House slowly. It felt good to be able to walk without pain again if at a slower pace. The night was quite lovely. The moon was full that night and it cast a magic glow over the grounds. She felt transported with the joy of being given her family this year for her birthday. She was quite in love with her father and brother now and she couldn’t wait to find out more about them. There was still something they were keeping from her, but that secret was not the one that had brought the threat. “Did you hear that?” Sebastian asked as something thudded nearby. It sounded again and Sebastian stepped in front of her. “When I tell you to, move as quickly as you can towards the house.” “I can’t leave you here alone,” Evangeline protested. Her brother had transformed from a gentle brother to a fierce warrior in one instant. As much as it delighted her that he cared so deeply about her safety, she was worried he would come to harm. “It’s probably just a near-sighted bat hitting the trunk of a tree. That happens from time to time.” The thud sounded again and it was closer. She grabbed Sebastian’s hand and pulled him along. “We go together, Sebastian. I will not leave you behind.” “You’re a stubborn little thing,” Sebastian looked down at her in annoyance. “I’m not going to be able to convince you to go, am I?” “No,” Evangeline shook her head. Sebastian sighed and shook his head. They continued on towards the house and saw the guard as they came closer. Evangeline felt her brother stiffen and knew that something was wrong from the tight expression on his handsome face. They entered to find Andrew and David waiting with Stefano in the study. Sebastian and Evangeline sat down at his nod and the door was closed. Emilio stood there, looking every bit as stern as their father, cousin and uncle. “I gave the sketch to Emilio,” Stefano told his children; “and he passed it along to the Constable.” He was shaking with anger. “They have both found out the same thing. The man who threatened you, Evangeline, has been dead for three months.” “Whoever attacked you, child,” Andrew said to her worriedly, “was wearing another man’s face. This makes the situation even more precarious. Your father,” he nodded at Stefano briefly, “and I have discussed this matter and we are in complete agreement. You need to go someplace your safety can be assured until this parole hearing is over.” “No,” Evangeline shook her head in disagreement. The mere suggestion had hit her like a hammer with intense pain. If she left, she would be in grave danger. “I need to stay close,” she said to them firmly. She looked at Andrew. “If I go, we are playing into their hands, Uncle.” She saw their expressions and knew they were not listening. She was so tired of people not listening to her. “I won’t go!” “The arrangements have already been made,” Stefano told her. “You will go with Emilio to Paris.” The door opened and she saw the man waiting for her. “Now.” Evangeline saw that he was serious and she got to her feet. She didn’t say a word to any of them. They were ignoring her because she was a child. Surely Uncle Andrew should know better by now. But she was taken to the waiting car and driven away from Sterling Manor. She knew this was wrong and had her fears confirmed when Emilio took a turn that led away from the airport. She saw the dark smile on the man’s face and knew she was in trouble. She tried to open the door and it was locked fast. “Just sit quiet, child,” Emilio told her in a voice that wasn’t his. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you fight me.” Evangeline recognized that voice. She was in the hands of the man who had threatened her earlier. She grabbed the wheel and threw her full weight into turning it. The man slapped her away and turned just as the car hit the tree. Evangeline felt pain but knew it was not her own. She was pinned to the seat by the airbag and she was bruised but otherwise unharmed. She looked over at the man and saw the tear in the mask. She had been right; this had not been Emilio. She turned the car off and grabbed the keys out of the ignition before she climbed out. She didn’t know how she knew, but she went to the trunk and opened it. Emilio was lying inside, his wrists and ankles bound. Her shoulder bag was lying beside him. She heard someone moving nearby and turned too slowly. “You should have stayed with the car, girl,” a man’s cold voice sounded in her ear as his hand clamped over her mouth. “You would have been safer.” She was dragged into the forest and slammed up against as tree hard enough to daze her. By the time she recovered her wits, the man had her arms behind her and her wrists bound on the other side of a tree trunk. He had also done something to her eyes so that she could not see. “You are a very brave little girl,” he said coldly as he ran his fingers over her lips; “but that is not going to stop us. If your father does not do as we ask we will turn you into a plaything for rich men.” His hand moved down to her breast and he dug in his nails making her whimper in protest. “I can get a lot of money hiring out a pretty thing like you.” “My father is going to do what he should,” Evangeline replied coldly. She was not going to let this monster use her to force her father to make a wrong decision or action. “So go ahead and do your worst! I won’t let you use me as a pawn.” “You have no choice, little girl,” the man laughed from a bit further away. “You’re in our hands now and we’ll do what we wish with you.” Evangeline screamed and kept doing so until his hands were around her throat. She felt him lean against her cheek and knew he was going to say something nasty or vicious. They would be just words, and words could not hurt as his hold was. But when he did speak to her he chose exactly the right words that could make her behave. “If you do not stop that, little girl,” he said softly, with threat evident in his tones; “I will call my friends, the shadow men. They will come take you away with them and your father will never see you again.” “No,” Evangeline whimpered in fear. “Please don’t…” “Then you sit there quietly,” the man broke in, his nasty smile widening, “or you’ll be going to the shadow lands for sure.” Evangeline nodded her head and she heard his laughter as he went back to his seat. She was shaking now in fear. She did not stop to wonder how this stranger could know about the shadow men. Her mother and Sylvie used to tell her stories about them when she was younger, and her cousins had taken up those tales to keep her cowed. She was too old to believe such stories, Evangeline knew, but she could not make herself ignore the words. She dozed off and came awake as she heard men talking nearby. Off in the distance she thought she heard a car door closing. “She was right,” the original abductor laughed. “The child was so terrorized by those stories she quit fighting the moment I used them against her. Any word on what we do next?” “Not yet,” a second man replied. There was a pause and Evangeline felt the threat in it. “Pretty girl, isn’t she? Be a shame to damage her.” “That is completely up to her father, isn’t it?” a woman’s voice sounded so close to Evangeline that she jumped. The woman’s nails dug into her chin and Evangeline whimpered as her head was turned from side to side. “My brother’s freedom for her life. Roza can’t possibly be so stupid as to endanger his own child’s life, could he?” “He will do what’s right!” Evangeline snapped at her. “Then he will lose you, child,” the woman said coldly. Her fingers ran along Evangeline’s jaw line and she felt the girl shudder. “You will wind up as my brother’s plaything. He is not gentle with his toys.” They laughed then and the sound sent chills up her spine. Evangeline had to find some way to get free of these people before they made good on this threat. She did not want to be anyone’s ‘plaything’. She heard them move off and began to pull the ropes binding her wrists slowly back and forth against the bark. One of them came over and she felt a straw against her lips. She shook her head and they insisted. She felt someone unbuttoning her blouse and she shuddered. The blouse was lowered to her elbows and her bra pulled down. Three men whistled in appreciation. The man who had arrived with the woman took out a pen and began to draw something on her right breast, incorporating the nipple into the design and then moved down between her breasts. “I am going to take my time with you, little princess,” Edward Landry laughed as she fought them. “Your mark shall be as much of a masterpiece as you are.” He ran his hand along her arms, smiling as he saw the anger in her eyes. She was going to give him a fight! “We’ll start slowly,” Edward said as he ran his fingers over her lips and she bit him. He laughed as he pulled back. “You go ahead and fight all you want, little one. It’s not going to change anything.” “Let me go, you bastard!” Evangeline hissed as his hand moved to her breast again. “No! This is not right!” She tried to struggle free of him but the ropes held her easily. She winced as she felt them burning her skin. “Please don’t do this!” “I have you captive now, Princess,” Edward laughed at her. “Why should I stop?” He lowered his head to her breast and she gasped in pain and shock as he nipped her. “I am merely going to mark you as mine as I do all of my toys.” He bit her left breast until he drew blood and then licked the wounds. He felt her shudder in horror and he was delighted. “You are so wonderfully responsive. I am going to enjoy owning you.” He took his tattoo tools out of their box and Evangeline bit her lip to keep from screaming as he began to poke the drawing he had made on her right breast. He was really going to mark her, she realized. She could feel the blood flowing from the punctures and she felt sick. He was smiling as he made the first section of the tattoo. He put the tools back in his pocket and took out a packet of something. Once he cleaned the punctures, with an antiseptic that stung and burned, he poured the contents of the packet over the wounds. Evangeline felt fire surging through her breast as he blew on the powder. When it had cooled, he put a bandage over the area. “I am going to come back for you, Princess,” Edward whispered as he ran his tongue along her jaw line and up her cheek. “Again and again.” He clamped his hand on her throat as he continued taunting her. “You won’t know when,” he said as he pulled her closer and she cried out in pain as the ropes bit deeper into her skin. “But you will know I will always come for you,” he laughed as he tightened his grip and saw her struggling for air. “And by the time I am through marking you, my pretty toy, you will obey me willingly.” He looked over at his men. “You know where to take her. I have to get back to my cell.” He kissed her roughly and Evangeline whimpered in protest. “I will dream of how it will be when I come for you, little one.” Evangeline heard his laughter growing distant as he left. There was the sound of a car door opening and closing and then it drove off. The drug she’d been given began to take effect and she slipped down in the darkness, wondering what the man had meant. Were they going to let her go once this hearing was over? She had a feeling that all depended on whether her father did as they wanted or not. Stefano cursed as he read the note that had been pinned to Emilio’s shirt when he had been found two hours earlier. He had sent his men out immediately along with Andrew Sterling and his men. But waiting was not his strong suit. He got to his feet to look out the window of the study in the hospital. What was he going to do? If he did nothing that bastard would walk free. But if he did what he knew he should, his beautiful child would be harmed. The man should stay in jail. But, as Emilio had said, the man had followers and they had gotten to his child. He looked at Alexander and saw the concern in the man’s eyes. “What would you do, Alexander?” Stefano asked the man bluntly once he had told him the situation. “I know Evangeline would tell me not to let the bastard walk, but I don’t think I could live with myself if they harmed her.” “You have no guarantee that they haven’t already harmed her, Stefano,” Alexander told him. “If this were one of your daughters?” “Neither of my daughters would be as fearless as our little Evangeline,” Alexander told him bluntly. “I can imagine she is not giving the bastard a moment of satisfaction. If he expects her to scream and beg him to stop, he chose the wrong Sterling to take hostage.” He saw the look on Stefano’s face. “Your men and Andrew’s are out there looking for her. They’ll get her home soon.” Stefano nodded and saw a car approaching. Emilio got out and strode into the study, frowning darkly. That look was one Stefano knew. It meant something was going wrong with the search. Emilio nodded thanks as Judith handed him a cup of coffee and he took a sip before he looked at his employer. They could all see he did not want to tell them what they had found. “We found their tracks and followed them to a clearing in the forest north of the accident sight,” Emilio stated. “We found signs that they were there. They had tied the child to a tree to keep her secured. The ropes had blood on them from where she was trying to free herself.” “They’ve moved on, haven’t they?” Stefano hissed. “We were too slow.” “I think the accident caused them to change their plans somewhat,” Emilio replied. “Our men are checking out the local houses and farms. Constable Sterling and his men are heading to a mental hospital in the vicinity.” “Mental hospital?” Alexander was confused. “Why would they take her to a mental hospital?” “Landry’s sister is a psychiatrist, Alexander,” Stefano told the worried man. “If she has done any research at all on my daughter, she will know Evangeline’s weaknesses and how to use them against her.” “Eva doesn’t have any…” Alexander went white. “Oh God!” he continued. “You have got to find her fast! If the woman knows about that, Eva will be helpless to stop her from hurting her.” “About what?” Stefano snapped. He saw Alexander hang his head and knew it was something the man did not want to share with him. “Out with it! If my daughter is harmed because of this secret you seem averse to share then your family is going to regret it.” “It was something our old Nanny started with us,” Alexander told him. “She used to tell us stories about the ‘shadow men’. She said they came for fussy children. My brothers and I weren’t kept in check by her telling us that they would take us away and make us like them for long. But Aileen…” “She passed these stories on to our daughter,” Stefano finished and Alexander nodded, “and your nephews continued the torment when they played their nasty tricks on her.” He looked at Emilio. “Find out if the woman has a practice near here.” Emilio nodded and ran. Stefano turned back to Alexander. “I should have come for her. Leaving her with you people has damaged my child, and that is unacceptable.” He turned on his heel and left the study. Alexander could hear him slamming doors as he went and he did not blame the man one bit. He should have known! But, for some reason he did not understand, he had assumed that his sister would never subject her own child to those terrible stories. Obviously he had been wrong once again as far as his flighty older sister had been concerned. He looked over at his wife and saw that she shared his concerns. “We should have told Alastair to go to hell, Judith,” Alexander said as he poured himself a cup of coffee; “and called Prince Roza the moment we realized Aileen had abandoned her child.” “There are a lot of things we ‘should’ have done, my dear,” Judith replied. She came over to take his hand in hers. “For now, our first concern is bringing her back safely .We can deal with what’s past once she’s home.” Evangeline woke up and whimpered as she found herself lying on something soft. They had moved her out of the forest and taken her away. She opened her eyes and was relieved to find that they had taken the lenses out. She recognized this room, she realized. It was her mother’s bedroom in the house in Normandy. What was she doing here? She started to get up and a young woman in a nurse’s uniform appeared out of nowhere and made her lie down again. “You need to rest, Mademoiselle,” a young woman with a French accent said to her gently. “You are only just recovering from the accident.” “Accident?” Evangeline shook her head. “There was no accident,” she frowned at this lie. “I was abducted from my home and brought here…” “You can leave us, Amelie,” a familiar voice sounded in Evangeline’s ear. Evangeline looked past the nurse to where Sylvie stood in the doorway to the bathroom with a bowl of water and a towel. “I will take over from here.” “Oui, Madame,” the woman replied. Evangeline could almost hear the air rustle as the person hurried out. Evangeline flinched as Sylvie’s hand touched her forehead and pain flooded through her head. Her head shouldn’t hurt. Perhaps there had been an accident after all. She waited for Sylvie to tell her what was going on, but the old woman was contenting herself with bathing Evangeline’s face. She grew angry and finally demanded to know what was going on. Sylvie set the towel down. Evangeline heard the splash of water as the bowl was set down on a nightstand near the bed. “I know you are curious as to how you ended up here, child,” Sylvie said as she took Evangeline’s hands in hers. “All I can tell you is that the men who abducted you are dead, and you were hurt in the accident.” “I don’t remember any accident,” Evangeline whimpered. She gripped the woman’s arm. “Does my Father know?” “Word was left for him,” Sylvie lied to the girl, enjoying having her helpless again. “He had already left for the hearing.” He saw Evangeline frown. “He knows you are safe. He has not been told that you were injured.” She took out a brush and began to deal with Evangeline’s hair. “Do not worry. He will be here soon. Until then, it shall be as it was when it was just the two of us.” Evangeline let Sylvie brush out her hair and wondered what was going on. She had no reason to disbelieve Sylvie’s story. It could all have happened. Her head certainly hurt enough for it to be true. But being back in the house in Normandy after she had been abducted confused her. Why would she be here? She watched Sylvie set the brush aside and turn to kiss her on the forehead. “Now that you are awake,” she smiled at the girl,” I will have a meal sent up for you.” “Sylvie,” Evangeline started to ask, “why are we here? Shouldn’t I have been taken home?” “This is home, child,” Sylvie said to her. “It is the only place where you and I have ever been truly happy.” Evangeline frowned at that. How could she think that? Evangeline had spent her first five years never knowing if her Mama was going to be home or gone. At least living with the Sterlings she had family around who stayed where they belonged. She had been mostly happy there. Something was going on here. She looked around for the phone and saw it on the desk on the other side of the room under the picture window she knew looked out at the gardens. She got up on her feet and frowned as her knees buckled underneath her. Evangeline refused to be stopped. She pulled herself up on the bed and used the furniture and walls to get to the desk. But when she picked up the phone, someone else was already on it. “We have the princess in our hands,” the woman she had heard in the forest laughed to someone else. “She will be ready for you by the time you arrive.” Evangeline dropped the receiver with a cry of dismay. Sylvie was working with the kidnappers? But that made no sense. Sylvie was her dearest friend, her almost mother; someone that Evangeline had trusted her entire life. She couldn’t possibly be involved in something this heinous. She looked up as the door burst open and a man in a white uniform approached her. He pulled her to her feet and Evangeline fought for all she was worth, determined to get free of this place. The man had a hard time holding on to her. Nothing was going to stop her. The door opened and she saw another man in a white coat coming towards her with a needle in his hand. “Hush now, child,” he crooned as he injected the sedative. “You’ll hurt yourself throwing such a tantrum.” He looked into her angry eyes and shook his head. “We’re here to help you, Princess.” “I want to go home!” Evangeline wailed. She saw another man coming in with a straightjacket. “Let me go!” she protested as she was yanked to her feet. “No! Don’t!” she shrieked as the man holding her put her arms out in front of her so the other orderly could get the jacket on her. She glared at them coldly as they kept securing her. “You can’t keep me here! I don’t belong here!” “Of course you don’t, Princess,” the Doctor said gently; “but you aren’t well enough to go home. Your little tantrum just proved that.” He watched her slide down to the floor and shook his head. “We’re going to have to keep her doped,” he said as he and the orderly got Evangeline back to bed. “She’ll hurt herself trying to get loose if we don’t.” Evangeline could not raise her head; she was too weak to move now. Someone had to find her! She could not let them keep her here as a hostage to insure her father did as they told him. She heard the door open and saw a pretty blond woman with soft gray eyes coming towards her. The woman stood next to the bed and made Evangeline look at her. “Poor little princess,” the woman laughed as she saw Evangeline’s condition. She opened the robe Evangeline was wearing and removed the bandage over the mark the man had made. “It’s healing quite nicely,” she nodded. “My brother does excellent work, don’t you think?” “You know that bastard?” Evangeline said softly, her voice rendered a mere whisper by the sedative. “You can’t keep me here!” “Of course I can, little one,” the woman replied. “I am the Doctor in Charge of your care. I can keep you here as long as I choose.” She stroked Evangeline’s hair and smiled. “By the time I am through with you, darling; you will have been programmed to be a willing plaything for my brother.” “No,” Evangeline shook her head. “I won’t let you…” The woman patted Evangeline’s cheek and laughed as she got up to leave. Evangeline fought the urge to close her eyes but the sedative took over. She finally fell asleep and did not see the triumphant look on the woman’s face. Elinor Landry aka Eleanor Lombard was quite pleased with the success of their ploy. She now had Prince Roza’s daughter in her hands and she was going to damage the child’s mind to the point where her interfering father could never undo it. Perhaps she would plant a command in the girl’s mind to attack anyone who tried to help her. The thought had merit; she would have to consider it. “You are such an innocent,” the woman laughed in delight. “I am going to enjoy modifying your mind.” Her eyes went cold. “Serves your father right for what he’s done to my patients.” She smiled as she left the room. The girl was going to be a joy to work on; she was already primed by the work her Mother and others had done on her since she was a small child. They had gotten the girl out of Stefano’s hands just in time. If she had stayed with him, he would have given her the ability to fight them. They could not let her gain the ability to fight what they had planned for her. “Doctor Emerson?” an orderly asked as she came out of the room and locked the door. “Aileen is acting up again.” “I’ll come now,” Elinor nodded. “No one is allowed in that room without me, is that clear? The girl is far too fragile right now.” “We’ll keep her isolated, Doctor,” the orderly nodded. Elinor smiled and went to the bedroom down the hall that had been Sylvie’s. She opened the door and looked in at the woman huddled in the corner, sobbing. The patient was wringing her hands and whimpering. Elinor unlocked the door and the woman looked up sharply. As she recognized her visitor relief replaced terror. Tears flowed down her pale cheeks and brightened her cornflower blue eyes. She was dressed in a silk negligee that caressed her curves lovingly and her rich blonde hair hung down to her waist in a silken curtain. Elinor smiled gently as she approached her. “They came after me again, Doctor,” Aileen sobbed as Elinor helped her to her feet and sat her down on the bed. “You have to give me something to help me sleep. I won’t make any noise then and they won’t know where to come.” “We’ve talked about this, Aileen,” Elinor said gently as she raised Aileen Sterling Roza’s eyes to hers. “You know what you have to do to keep them away.” “Please don’t make me do that, Doctor!” She gripped Elinor’s arm and her eyes were frantic again. “All I have to do is be quiet and they’ll stay away.” “It doesn’t work that way any more, Aileen,” Elinor said to her victim. “They know where you are now. The only way you’ll be free of them is if you do as I say.” She stroked the woman’s hair. “If you please my men, they will protect you.” Aileen hung her head and sobbed. Elinor went to the door and opened it. She beckoned to one of the orderlies. “This is Gerald, Aileen. He will be one of the men you must please. Once he is satisfied, he will keep the shadow people away from you.” “Doctor, please…” “I’m sorry, Aileen,” Elinor broke in and looked at her victim sternly. “This is the only way you’ll be safe. You don’t want to go to the Shadow Lands, do you?” “No,” Aileen shook her head. She looked at Gerald warily. “He won’t hurt me, will he?” “You will do whatever pleases him, Aileen,” Elinor replied. She looked over at Gerald. “Hurting or not hurting is his choice, not yours.” Two days passed and Evangeline was kept drugged to the point of near immobility. She could not stay on her feet; it was too much of an effort. It wouldn’t have mattered if she could walk; her kidnapper accompanied everyone who entered the room so she had no chance of seeking help. She was confused when she was helped to her feet and taken to the hallway where a wheelchair waited. An orderly pushed the chair along behind Elinor and they went to a door at the end of the hall. She watched as Elinor unlocked the door and they entered what had once been her nursery. She could see some of her old furniture in the corner as she was taken to a large desk where an immense screen was hooked into a computer. Elinor had the chair pushed to a place next to the desk and the orderly left. The woman got out a long white blond wig and a put it on Evangeline. Then she put a pair of contacts in the girl’s eyes. “You are about to meet the man who your father’s testimony will condemn or set free,” Elinor told her as her fingers danced over the keyboard. The screen flared to life and a man with gray eyes and white blond hair appeared. “Hello, Edward.” “Hello, sister,” Edward nodded. “I see our little friend is feeling a bit better.” He looked at Evangeline and she shivered as a chill coursed up her spine. She recognized his voice. This was the man who had marked her. “Hello, sweetheart.” “No,” Evangeline shook her head slowly and forced her head up. “Not…your… sweetheart!” “You wound me greatly, my angel,” Edward said, his expression sad and filled with regret. “You know I’m your sweetheart. I’ve only been gone five years, baby.” He looked at Elinor. “That accident did more damage than you told me, sister.” “I didn’t want to upset you, Edward,” Elinor replied, enjoying the little fiction they were putting on for the benefit of the prison staff. “We are learning how to adjust to the limitations.” She stroked Evangeline’s hand and the girl struck out at her, whimpering in protest. “The mood swings are the worst of it. I never know if she’s going to be angry or happy or violent.” “I…hate…you!” “Today,” Elinor sighed; “we’re being angry.” She looked at Evangeline. The girl glared at her with as much energy as her doped mind could muster. “We are ready to do what we can to help you.” Edward nodded and turned away from the computer. He saw the guard standing behind him and he kept a mournful look on his face. “My niece was injured in a car accident a few months ago. Her father was killed outright and she suffered severe brain trauma.” “Poor kid,” the guard responded as Edward had known he would. He moved a step closer and ran his eyes over the girl with the same gray eyes and white blond hair as her uncle. “Pretty little thing.” Evangeline sobbed and tried to get out of the chair. Elinor pushed her back down and the girl hit her. It was a weak blow, her arms felt like lead, but she smiled at the woman anyway. Elinor looked at her brother in feigned distress and the guard was horrified at the way the child was behaving. This was exactly what Edward had been hoping for. “She was an angel before the accident,” Edward sighed. “The damage has left her unable to control her emotions. My sister is hoping to teach her new ways of controlling herself.” “So your sister won’t be here today?” He heard the lock being disengaged. “Pity. She’s not hard on the eyes, either.” The door opened and two other guards came in with the wrist and leg shackles. “Time for your hearing, Landry.” They put the shackles on Landry and took him down the corridor and out several gates. They entered a large room and he saw his sister’s face on a large screen set up near the table where the panel was waiting. Behind her their prisoner sat silent and angry. He smiled and sat down in the chair. A door opened and the Warden came in with the lawyers and psychiatrist chosen to sit in on the parole board. Behind them Prince Roza and his son followed. They took chairs near the screen. Edward looked at Stefano and saw the rage being barely controlled. “We are here to decide on the advisability of parole for Prisoner No. 45283, Edward Landry,” the Warden said as they opened their folders. “His sister, Doctor Emerson, is here via computer link. Thank you for taking time to be here today, Doctor.” “My brother’s welfare is important to me, Warden Maxwell,” Elinor nodded her head. She heard Evangeline struggling and turned to see her pushing herself up on the arms of the wheelchair. “Baby, you’ll hurt yourself!” She looked back at the panel. “Please give me a minute. It’s time for my daughter’s medication.” “We heard about the accident, Doctor,” Maxwell nodded. “We sympathize with your loss and hope your daughter recovers.” “It’s going to be a long hard road,” Elinor said sadly. She filled a needle and Evangeline slapped her across the face. “My daughter has no control over her impulses now.” Elinor said apologetically. “Angel, darling,” she crooned as she pushed the chair out of sight. “Mama only wants to help you. Don’t fight me, baby.” Edward kept his face showing anguish at his ‘niece’s’ condition. The display won the heart of the three women on the panel but he could see it had done nothing to sway Stefano or the Warden. The other man, Judge Atherton, was his man; so he knew how that one would vote. Elinor came back on screen a few minutes later and he could see a Nurse pushing the chair away with a sleeping Evangeline strapped into it. “I apologize for that,” Elinor said to the panel. “Angel is having a bad day. She was so excited about seeing her uncle earlier today.” “You have nothing to apologize for, Doctor,” Atherton spoke up. He looked at the Warden. “Can we get on with the hearing now?” The hearing continued and Stefano could see how it was going. Despite his rehashing of the details of Landry’s career as a serial rapist and torturer, he could see the panel was not swayed. The little act of the man’s sister had been keyed to win the sympathy of the softer hearted women on the panel. It appeared to have done exactly that. He was close to losing all control after seeing that woman abusing his daughter. He knew that was Evangeline; Elinor had no children. His research on the woman was years in the making. But these people were expected to take doctored documents as gospel, and they were doing a good job at it. If he had not known they were aware of his findings, he would be worried. The panel went out to make their deliberations and Stefano’s cell phone went off. He listened and a smile crossed his face. “Go now,” he said simply and hung up the phone. He said something to Sebastian in whispered Italian and Edward knew something was going wrong. Elinor caught the sign from her brother and knew his hearing was going to go wrong. It didn’t change anything, the princess was in her hands now and she was going to be programmed to belong to Edward. It would just give her more time to work with the child if he remained in prison. The panel came back in and Edward could see that something had shifted in their mood. The Warden actually glared at him as he was handed the paper with the decision on it. He looked over at Stefano and nodded slightly. “We have gone over all the evidence,” he said tightly, “and listened to the witnesses and experts.” He looked at Edward again. “Having your sister lie about a daughter and husband she never had, Landry, is beneath contempt. We don’t know who that poor child is, but we are assured that someone will take her away from your sister and see she gets the proper care.” He held up a stamp and slammed it on the inkpad, then slammed it on the paper. “Parole is denied. Take the prisoner back to his cell.” Night came and Evangeline woke up to see Edward Landry in her room. He stood over her bed and she smelled the ether. She was too weak to fight as he laid the cloth over her face and took her down. She was aware then of floating and noted peripherally that she was being carried out. She was put in the trunk of a car and wrapped in blankets gently. Then the lid closed and she was out. Edward laughed and looked over at his sister, Elaine, twin to Elinor. “Pietro is going to love her, sister,” he smiled. “Shall we deliver his new attraction to him?” Evangeline came awake as pain surged through her chest. She opened her eyes and saw white blond hair in front of them. She had been strapped down on a bed and he was finishing the tattoo. She wasn’t wearing anything at all and she was horrified. She did not want this! But the shackles held her down and there was a gag in her mouth so she could not scream. She closed her eyes as the tears sprang to her eyes and flinched as someone dried them for her. “There!” Edward smiled as he finished the last of the tattoo work and looked at his work. “The tattoo is complete and you are mine.” Evangeline shook her head and he laughed at her. He ran his fingers along the mark and she winced as the salt in his skin burned along the marks. She could not scream; only soft whimpers of pain were heard as he deliberately tormented her and caused her pain. He patted her cheek and smiled at her nastily. “You make a lovely little toy,” Edward said to her. Evangeline whimpered as he ran his fingers down her arm. “You are my property now, Princess, and I will do as I wish with you.” He leaned over her and laid his lips against hers. She knew he was daring her to fight him and she wanted to hurt him badly. But if she did that he would hurt her; she was certain of it. “What? No biting?” He stroked her cheek and smiled warmly. “What a good little girl you are.” He cleaned her off and put on the sealant. Then he removed the shackles and the gag and went to a cabinet to get out a box. Evangeline sat up slowly and looked around the room in confusion. It wasn’t a room; it was more of a brightly colored box. “Where have you brought me?” Evangeline asked as she pulled on the robe lying at the foot of the bunk. Her chest hurt but she refused to look at the cause. She did not want to see what he had done to her. “We are traveling with a friend’s carnival, my pet,” Edward told her. “We will be performing for him to earn our passage to our new home. I,” he smiled as he picked up four juggling pins and tossed them expertly, “as a juggler. You,” he smiled, “as a singer and dancer.” He laid his fingers on her lips as she started to protest. “If you do not perform for the carnival, my pet, I have given Pietro permission to add you to his brothel, as he did my sister, Elaine.” He shook his head. “She was not happy at my decision to do this to you. I needed to remind her who was in command in our family.” He yanked her to her feet and led her out of the wagon. She saw that their wagon was fastened into a long line of other wagons. People sat on the back stairs or front driver’s area or on the stages formed by letting one side down and resting it on concrete blocks. Edward led her up to the very first wagon and shoved her to her knees in front of an immense man with thick purple and silver hair that hung to his waist. He was dressed like a pirate, Evangeline thought, as he rose to his feet and smiled widely at the offering that Edward had brought. He raised Evangeline’s eyes to his but spoke to Edward. “You have told her the options, my friend?” he asked as he ran his thumb over her lips and she shuddered in revulsion. “A virgin! What a treasure you hold, Edward.” “She will perform, Pietro,” Edward told him the decision he had made for his captive. “She has a voice like an angel, and she plays the lap harp, so I thought…” “We have not used that harness for quite some time,” Pietro smiled. “We shall have to see if it is intact.” He clapped his hands and barked out orders. A few minutes later, a man arrived carrying a pair of wings covered with actual feathers. Attached to them was a gold harness with a mesh front. “Make her hair and eyes gold ladies. Make her sparkle like the very stars in the heavens. Then bring our angel back here to be placed in the harness.” The women yanked Evangeline to her feet and took her into a wagon. They washed her hair and applied a dye that turned her black hair to gold. A pair of lenses was brought out that made her eyes appear gold. She could see through them, but everything was now bathed in a golden light. The sprayed something all over her hair and body and she looked at her skin shimmering in the light like she was fashioned of crystal. Rainbows danced on her arms and she was horrified and fascinated at the same time. They led her out and she was put into the harness. She felt something cold along her spine and then she was being pressed back against the wings. The harness tingled and she felt the wings move. Edward put a golden shackle on her ankle with a long chain as the wings began to flap. A moment later, she was off the ground. “Until we are certain you will not fly off on us, little angel,” Pietro laughed as she pulled against the leash; “you will remain caged and shackled.” He clapped his hand. “Bring the cage for the pretty angel.” He came up to her and grabbed her chin. “There is only one rule in the carnival, angel. Obey Pietro. From this moment on, you do not speak to anyone. Your voice you will save for the singing. If you break this rule, you will be whipped. Is this understood?” “You have no right to do this to me!” Evangeline sobbed. “Let me go home, please?” “This is your home now, angela mia,” Pietro smiled as he ran the butt of his whip along her jaw line slowly. “Because you are adjusting, we will not punish you this time.” He saw her trying to pull off the harness. “Save your strength, little one. Everything you wear now is fastened to your body. There is no removing it until I so choose.” He watched the child’s eyes fill with tears. “You are my property now.” “It was his doing,” Evangeline sobbed. “Please let me…” She could see he was not listening to her and she quieted. “That’s a good girl,” Pietro nodded. He came over to stroke her cheek. “Do not be afraid. Pietro takes good care of his animals. As long as you do as you are told, there is no reason for you to be hurt.” “I want to go home,” Evangeline cried as she tried once more to get the man to listen to her. “You don’t want to be party to kidnapping, do you?” “How you got to us, child,” Pietro told her bluntly, “is not important. You belong to us now.” He looked over at Edward coldly. He had not been aware that Edward had brought this child to him against her will. He shrugged. It didn’t matter now. Once she had been turned over to him, her old life was over. He would do the only thing he could do for her and punish the man and his accomplice for her. “You remember your command, angela mia?” Evangeline nodded. “Then we shall place you in your pretty cage and you shall be cared for like any of the other animals.” He snapped his fingers. “The robe!” He looked at one of the women and she ran and returned with a sheer white halter garment. This was put on over the harness and hung down low in back to accommodate the wings. The skirts were slit from mid-thigh to the ankle. A collar of neck-width gold was put on Evangeline’s neck and Pietro proclaimed himself satisfied with the result. Two men brought out a cage and Evangeline backed away from it. Edward pushed her forward as a man opened the door. The floor was covered in hay like any other animal’s cage. Evangeline was shoved inside and the end of the chain was padlocked to a thick iron ring near the door. There was a padded ledge along the back and a padded swing in the center. She saw a woman bring a container of water and slide it inside of the cage. She returned with a bowl of stew with no gravy and raised a section of the bars to slide the bowl inside. She took them to the ledge and sat down to eat. The drugs went into effect as she finished the last piece of meat and she passed out cold on the cage floor. “You involved me in a kidnapping, Edward,” Pietro smiled coldly as they looked in at their sleeping captive. “It is now time for your punishment.” He smiled as his men came out of hiding and grabbed Edward. “We have been without a performing bear for quite some time, my friend,” he laughed at the struggling man. “You and your sister shall be two.” “What about the girl, Pietro?” one of his men asked. “Are we returning her to her people?” “Only if they come asking for her,” Pietro replied. “We have no idea who they might be, do we? “We could ask her,” the man replied. “She is one of us now,” Pietro stated firmly. “For her there is no going back.” He nodded to the man as he turned to go to his wagon. “We leave for Paris in the morning. See that all is secured for the journey.” The journey to Paris took four months. The carnival traveled two days, ran for five days and took off again. So Evangeline performed for her strange captors sixteen times before the wagons finally pulled onto a freighter in Bristol and sailed off towards ports unknown. She had been shocked when she had heard her voice the first time. Pietro had added some drug to her food and water that had raised it two octaves. She sounded more like a bird than a human being, and she realized this was on purpose. If anyone who knew her heard her sing, they would not know her. She wondered where they were as the wagons pulled into an auditorium and began to set up for a three month long engagement. As always the public was allowed to come visit the animals and performers at set times during each day before the performances began. Evangeline heard the excited chatter of children and their parents more somber tones. As usual there was the Ooh and Aah as people saw an angel for the first time. She was combing out her golden hair when she heard voices of children. She turned and saw several children accompanied by nuns. She approached the bars and crouched down to reach out to them. A little dark-haired, dark-eyed girl came up to the cage fearlessly and Evangeline stroked the girl’s hair and smiled. She loved children so this part of her act was not hard. “I see you admire our angel,” Pietro said as he rushed over. He looked at her harshly and Evangeline knew he would hurt her if she said anything. He had whipped her several times over the past four months for forgetting her command and speaking to someone and she did not want to hurt again. “Is she not beautiful?” “She’s not a real angel!” the little girl said stiffly. “God wouldn’t let you keep an angel in a cage!” Pietro looked down at the little girl and he laughed. The sound sent the child running to cling to one of the nuns. The carnival owner looked at his ‘angel’ and saw the anger in her eyes. So, he smiled to himself, she cared for these little ones. He leaned in close and whispered to her that the little ones would make very fine performers if she didn’t behave. They were orphans and no one would miss them. She bit her lip and hung her head and he knew he had her cowed. He raised her eyes to his with the butt of his whip and saw that she would obey him. He nodded and turned to the crowd. “Perhaps you would like to hear our angel sing?” he asked the crowd. The people clapped and nodded and he unlocked the cage. “Come out little one. These nice people wish to hear you sing.” Evangeline stepped out of the cage and someone brought her harp. She sank down on the stairs and sang one of the songs Pietro had chosen for her repertoire; fairly unknown folk songs that would not raise any suspicions as to her parentage. The harp was specially designed to start to play on its own after the string sequence had been played completely through once and repeat until she finished singing. So she finished the engage sequence and set the harp into its specially designed holder on the outside of the cage. Then she unfurled her wings and began to dance. She raised her hands heavenward with a look of intense longing on her face. They began to flap and she was off the ground, flying an aerial ballet that had the people watching enchanted. She felt the yank on her ankle and looked down in regret. She landed and let the wings fold around her, hiding her from view. The applause, as always, was like a knife in her heart. She wanted to be free to dance and sing by her own choice. “You shouldn’t keep the angel in a cage!” That was the little girl again. Evangeline smiled to herself, hidden in the cocoon of her wings. Pietro made some placating sounds and the nuns took the children on. Evangeline felt as if her heart would break. She went back into her cage and curled up on the ledge, sobbing silently as she wrapped her wings around her shaking body. She heard the door close and looked up to see Pietro standing there. “You were reluctant, Angel,” he said simply. She nodded and knew what was coming next. “You will perform then under the rainbow influence.” Evangeline shook her head and backed away from him. He had used this drug on her at the beginning to insure that she would obey him. It made her so happy she had no problems doing exactly what she was told. Fortunately for her, she was given only minimal doses when she was proving ‘reluctant’ to behave. Since Edward and Elaine had been taken they had been placed on a steady dosage. Their minds and bodies were completely chained to the drug. “You know better than that, Angela mia,” Pietro chuckled. He opened the door and beckoned to her. Come now, little angela. Come to your Pietro.” Evangeline knew better than to fight. She got off the ledge and crawled to him slowly, tears flowing down her face. He sat down on the top step and she put her head down in his lap. He stroked her hair until he felt her shivering stop and looked down to see her eyes closed. Then he took a pouch out of his pocket and took out one small purple pill. He tapped on her chin and she opened her mouth for him. He stroked her throat as she swallowed and heard her sigh. “There’s my good little angela,” Pietro smiled as her eyes began to glow with happiness. “Happy, little one?” Evangeline nodded helplessly. “You will perform beautifully for those precious little ones, won’t you?” Evangeline was sleeping when the carnival opened up again, so the wings were not on her. Pietro had started leaving them off when she slept since they had arrived here and she was quite happy about that. She came awake and her head shot up as she heard a familiar voice. She saw her father and his entourage coming in to meet the performers. She was on her feet, reaching out to him through the bars. “Father!” she sobbed as he came towards her. “Please take me home.” She backed away from Pietro as the man turned to glare at her. “You can’t keep me now! My Father is here to rescue me.” Stefano watched as she reached up to her eyes and gold became the familiar emerald green. His daughter! Stefano felt his heart nearly breaking with relief. He watched the carnival owner unlock the cage and take off his own cape to put it around the girl. Evangeline stood there shaking, and uncertain. She was terrified that he was going to leave here here, Stefano realized. How could she believe that? But then he remembered that her mother had abandoned her repeatedly when the girl was growing up. How could she not believe it? “Emilio,” he turned to the man behind him, frowning. “We’ve found her.” The man came forward and his eyes smoldered with anger as he realized where the girl they’d been searching for the past four months had been. Stefano turned to the carnival owner. “You have no other information about her what the man who sold her to you said?” “I assure you, Your Highness,” Pietro lied to the man easily; “I was told she was never going to remember who she was.” “Is this true, child?” Stefano asked his daughter. “No, Father,” Evangeline replied honestly. She stepped away from the man so he could not hurt her. “Edward Landry brought me here to him. I told the man he was involving himself in a kidnapping but he said I belonged to him now and it didn’t matter how I got into his hands.” “She is my daughter, sir,” Stefano’s voice was deadly calm as he looked at Pietro. “Evangeline was abducted from her uncle’s home over four months ago by a lunatic who meant to use her as a bargaining chip.” He looked quite angry with himself. “When I did not do as he asked, he escaped from prison and vanished with her.” He reached out to touch Evangeline’s cheek and she looked up at him in confusion. “If you have any idea where the man is now it would go a long way towards excusing you from your part in her ordeal.” Pietro knew he should tell him, but he was suddenly quite desirous to whip a certain dancing bear. “Some of my men took exception with his card playing and slit his throat on the voyage here, Your Highness. I’m afraid you will find her kidnapper at the bottom of the English Channel.” He beckoned to one of the women. “Take the little one and remove her angel’s guise.” The woman took Evangeline to the women’s wagon and washed away the gold and glitter. When she returned, Evangeline was dressed in a simple blue cotton dress. Her feet were wearing ballet flats. She ran to her father and he held her as she sobbed in relief. He was so happy to have her back that he let Pietro off. The man had done her a great service by ridding the world of Edward Landry. Evangeline stayed glued to his side as they left the auditorium, as if she were afraid someone else was going to come and take her away from him. Stefano gave her something to calm her down and she fell asleep. He held her close to his side, unwilling to be far from her as well. When she woke up, she was in a plane. She sat up and looked around in confusion and concern. But then she saw her father and brother and their men and knew everything was all right. A limousine was waiting for them on the tarmac when they disembarked. Evangeline looked at the official vehicle with its diplomatic flags flying and knew this was part of the secret he had not yet shared with her. Several large men in black suits stood at attention. Stefano nodded to them and saw her seated. He said nothing to her as they drove off and she was annoyed at him. Did he think she had not noticed the deference being given to him? He was someone of great importance and he had been keeping the extent of that importance from her. They drove on and she saw the lights of Paris as they approached. “You will like Paris,” Stefano smiled as he saw the delight in her eyes. “While we are here, I have asked some very dear friends of mine; the Count and Countess Grimaldi and their children, to be your guides.” “We’re not staying in the city?” Evangeline asked as the car moved north and headed into the countryside. It was lovely here. The sun was just beginning to set and the colors were exquisite. But she felt the old chill along her spine and knew danger had followed them. Even the sight of the castle with its high walls and iron gates did not reassure her. They drove in and the limousine paused in front of the small castle built of a lovely gray stone veined with deeper black, grays and creams. She wasn’t certain until she touched it. “It’s made of marble!” “Most of it is, yes,” Stefano smiled and escorted her inside. “The area of Italy that the Roza family comes from is known for its marble quarries.” He saw the line of household staff waiting. “Let me introduce you to the staff.” He nodded to a tall officious looking man holding a long staff in his hand. The staff boomed on the marble flooring and echoed through the hall, and the staff went to attention. “All attend,” he said in a deep voice that brought everyone to attention. “Prince Roza and his daughter, Princess Evangeline, are now in residence.” Evangeline was struck dumb by this introduction. Her father was a prince? She barely registered names and faces as she was introduced to the staff. She recognized Madame Clermont and her assistants and some of the shock wore off. The seriousness of her position was brought home as the last introductions were made to a trio of tall, very pretty women: Yvette, Yvaine, and Ynez Santos, who she was told were Emilio’s older daughters. “The sisters will be your companions, daughter,” Stefano told her. “They will act as your personal secretaries, your ladies in waiting, and your bodyguard.” “Have I a need for such?” Evangeline asked softly. “Father…” “See our daughter to her apartment now,” Stefano broke in. “She is tired from our flight and should rest.” He laid his hand against her cheek and smiled at her gently. “Tomorrow, Evangeline. You will have all of your questions answered tomorrow.” He turned on his heel and Emilio and two other men followed him. “My lady?” Evangeline toyed with the idea of following him. He had dropped this on her as if it were something easily accepted. How did one accept the fact that the father who had remained out of their life was nobility? And not just some minor lord or duke like her uncles. No, her father was a prince! She turned towards the three women and Yvette, the eldest, indicated she should precede them. She went up the immense marble stairs and was shown to the left. Immense doors of what she assumed were mahogany were guarded by two of the dark suited men. They bowed their heads to her and opened the doors for her to reveal a large sitting room. Her bedroom back in Sterling Manor would have been a closet for this one room. Her companions’ rooms were set along one side; her personal room was along the other. “We understand this is all new to you, Princess,” Yvette said kindly as she and her sisters laid out a nightgown and robe for her. “It is for you to tell us how much or how little assistance you require.” “I have been raised to tend to my own needs,” Evangeline told her as she entered the immense bathroom with their choice of nightclothes; “but I would appreciate your input as to what I should wear. I have never paid much attention to fashion.” The décor was cream and gold with touches of rose and violet. It was beautiful and Evangeline was quite impressed. “I am not used to being treated like I am important,” she continued as she ran her hand along the porcelain of the claw-footed tub in the corner. “This is all real, isn’t it?” she asked as she turned back to her companions. “I’m not going to wake up and be back in my room at Sterling Manor?” “This is all real, Princess,” Yvaine nodded and smiled. “Tomorrow there shall be a ball to celebrate your safe return to your father. Several very important dignitaries and nobles shall be presented to you.” She saw Evangeline frown. “It is only what is due a Roza princess!” “We shall leave you to your bath, Princess,” Ynez, the youngest daughter smiled and nodded to her sisters. “We remain within the sound of your voice in case you need us.” Evangeline nodded absently and turned on the water. The women left her alone, as they had said and she relaxed. She saw the bath salts and smiled as she saw that they were scents that she enjoyed. She poured a little vanilla and honeysuckle into the water as it flowed into the tub that was large enough for three people and put her hair up. As she sank into the warm water, she sighed in relief. Here at least she was alone to think over everything that had happened to her since her father and brother had come back into her life. They certainly did not act like royalty. It had been far more important to them to be men of worth; doctors. The fact that they were royalty was secondary to being useful. She would follow that example gladly. “I thought I’d come say good night,” Sebastian smiled as she came out of the bathroom combing out her long wavy hair. He had been standing at the windows. He beckoned her over. “Come see the view, Eva. From your rooms, you have the gardens and the city beyond.” She came to his side and he put his arm around her shoulder. “Don’t be too angry with us, little sister. We thought it would be too much for you to take in all at once.” “You could have given me some warning,” Evangeline replied. “I’m not used to…” He laid his fingers on her lips and shook his head. “That is a phrase you will forget, little sister,” Sebastian said to her firmly. “You are a Roza princess! There is nothing you cannot have if you wish it.” He saw her eyes. “I am overjoyed to see that you are safe, Eva. You do not realize how frantic we all were becoming the longer you remained away from us.” He pulled her into his arms then and held her close. “Welcome home, little one.” Sebastian smiled and kissed her on the forehead. “There will be company at breakfast. The Count and Countess Grimaldi and their children will join us. Father wished you to meet them before the party.” He saw her uneasiness. “You should not be intimidated by titles. They are the dearest and most generous people I have ever known. They will take you to their hearts quite readily.” “I shan’t know how to behave with people like that, Sebastian,” Evangeline frowned. “Our Sterling uncles always treated their titles like they were an annoyance.” “Just be your own sweet self, little one,” Sebastian smiled down at her. “It is late. I will leave you to your rest.” Evangeline stood at the windows for a while longer as she struggled to accept what she had learned about her father’s family. She was suddenly thrust into the center of attention after an entire life of being on the outskirts; feeling like a cast-off. The ordeal of being kept as a performing monkey all these months paled in comparison to what she was going to face now. She did not know how to behave in such a world; her uncle had kept her sheltered from society. She just could not understand why her mother would deny herself this life. Where could they be safer than among the security she had seen everywhere on arrival? She finally settled down to sleep and woke feeling even less certain she was ready for this new status that had been thrust upon her. “If you would prefer to wear something else,” Ynez said as she came in and saw Evangeline holding the violet under dress to her slim form that had been laid out for her and frowning; “there are several other garments to choose from.” “No, Ynez. It’s lovely,” Evangeline sighed as she felt the silk against her skin. She slid it on and turned to find Ynez holding out the long sleeved nearly sheer floral over dress with its full skirts to her. The necklines were cut high enough that the tattoo that had been forced on her was not visible. Evangeline put it on and smiled. “I look like I’m going to tea with the Queen.” “You look beautiful, Princess,” Yvette said as she came into the room as Ynez put the violet sash on Evangeline’s waist and tied it in a bow in back. “Would you like your hair loose or styled?” “I’ve never had anyone ask before,” Evangeline replied, the question leaving her momentarily disconcerted. “Sylvie always insisted on keeping it in braids, and the carnival man...” She shuddered as the memory of that situation struck at her. She fought back the feelings of despair and hopelessness that had begun to creep into her mind and turned it back to the woman’s question. She thought it over and had an idea. “There wouldn’t be a band in the closet of this same violet shade, would there?” Five minutes later, her hair was held back from her face by a gold filigree band through which deep purple, violet and white ribbons had been laced. She smiled and nodded. “I like that.” There was a knock on the door and Yvaine answered it. Evangeline smiled warmly. “Good morning, brother.” “You are looking very pretty this morning, little sister,” Sebastian smiled. He held his arm out to her. “Are you ready? We’re having breakfast out on the terrace.” He saw her uneasiness and patted her hand. “Don’t be frightened. The Grimaldis are very nice people.” Evangeline was not as certain as he was when she saw the couple and the four young people with them. All of them had rich brown hair and brown eyes. They were dressed richly and their eyes looked her over as if they were examining her. She appeared to pass the test, however; for the Countess was on her feet and embracing her like a long-lost daughter. Monique brought her to the table and looked at Stefano, who was watching all of this in amusement. “You are a naughty man, Stefano,” Monique chided him; “keeping this delightful child from us all these years.” She made Evangeline sit down. “Darling, you are going to become quite tired of our company. My family and I are going to take you everywhere while you are here.” “Monique,” her husband sighed; “quit chattering at the girl and let her breathe.” He took Evangeline’s hand in his and his eyes were twinkling as he laid his lips to her skin lightly. “It is a distinct pleasure to meet you at last, Princess. I am Count Bernard Grimaldi. My wife, Monique, and our children and I will consider it an honor if you will allow us to spend time in your company while you are here in France.” He nodded towards the young people. “Our daughters, Elizabeth and Veronica. Our sons, Bernard and Theodore.” “I am honored to meet all of you,” Evangeline smiled. Sebastian was right. These were nice people. She had no reason to be afraid of them. For the next hour the members of the Grimaldi family went out of their way to make her feel comfortable and accepted. When breakfast was over, Elizabeth and Veronica went back to her rooms with her and helped her choose something for the ball that evening. “Of course it must be white,” Veronica said as she pulled out a gown and laid it on the bed. “You are not to wear color to formal parties until after the Debutante’s Ball. It’s traditional.” She smiled at Evangeline. “White suits you, Princess…” “Please don’t call me that,” Evangeline broke in as she held the gown up to her body and moved from side to side. “In private, I would like it if you would call me Eva.” She looked at the gown. “It’s very lovely.” “You are very lovely,” Elizabeth smiled as she hugged her new friend. “Happy Birthday, Eva.” There was a sudden burst of noise outside the main doors and she frowned. “What is that horrible racket? It sounds like a street fight.” The doors burst open and Daria stood there with the other Sterling cousins. She strode in as if she owned the place and froze as Elizabeth and Veronica looked down their noses at her. She had never been treated with such discourtesy and she was outraged. She looked at Evangeline, who was watching her warily. Daria felt her heart breaking at that look. She had seen it far too often all their life and she was tired of it. She went to Evangeline and put her arms around her. “I’ve been such a bitch to you, Eva,” Daria said sadly; with sincere regret. “You never deserved any of it.” She kissed Evangeline on the cheek. “Happy Birthday.” She stepped away and returned her gaze to the view. “You can see the city from here. I hope you’ll let us show you some of our favorite sights while we’re here?” “I’d like that,” Evangeline smiled. “Are your brothers going to be here?” “Father contacted their Commanding Officer before we left,” Daria replied. “We hadn’t heard by the time we left. You actually want them here?” she asked, stunned at the thought. “After what they did to you?” “I hurt myself,” Evangeline shrugged. “They were only guilty of their usual thoughtlessness.” She looked over at the Grimaldi sisters. “Daria’s brothers are in the Army,” she explained the exchange. “They liked to play pranks on me.” “I hope the Army matures them,” Veronica sniffed. She looked Daria over and had to admit the young woman was beautiful, if a bit cold. The twins were far warmer and their beauty was more internal, like their cousin, Evangeline. “Martine would kill to be allowed to dress you Sterlings. You must all come with us tomorrow when Eva has her consultation.” “Lady Elizabeth,” Evangeline smiled in relief and made the introductions that had been forgotten in the shock of Daria’s embrace; “Lady Veronica. May I present my cousin, Lady Daria Sterling. Cousin, these are the daughters of Count Grimaldi.” She moved past Daria to Jennifer and Jessica. “The ladies, Jennifer and Jessica Sterling, and the lords, David and James Sterling. The ladies Grimaldi.” She embraced them all warmly, although the sisters noted she was a bit more reserved with Daria. They couldn’t blame her; that one was a bitch. “I’m so glad you’re here.” “We wouldn’t miss your Welcome Home party, Princess,” James beamed at her. He looked at her blushing face. “I always knew you were someone special, Eva,” he continued as he kissed her on the forehead. “This room could hold ours,” Jennifer smiled as she looked around. She walked up to Elizabeth and held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ladies. Knowing our Eva had friends here in Paris will make not having her around easier to bear.” “Have you been shown your rooms?” Evangeline asked them, her concern for them quite plain. The Grimaldi sisters were quite impressed with the child. “They’re quite comfortable,” Jessica smiled as she walked over to the bed and looked at the gown Evangeline had set down when they had arrived. “This is what you’re wearing tonight?” She ran her hand over it gently. “It’s lovely, Eva. It will make you look every inch the princess.” Evangeline smiled and listened to them chatter. They went downstairs and spent the next couple of hours in the gardens. Evangeline had been quite pleased to see the maze from her windows. It would be fun to have a chance to run through it. Perhaps before the cousins left, she would suggest it as a game. Whoever solved it would be given a special prize? She saw the seats up on stands above the maze and the idea formulated. Teams cheered on by herself and Sebastian? The more she thought of it, the more she liked the idea. They had lunch and she sat back to listen as the Grimaldis and her cousins got to know each other. She saw her father and the Count and Countess off in the distance in serious discussion. “Leave it, sister,” Sebastian said as his hand stilled her as she started towards them. She looked down at him questioningly. “It’s better you learn now to interpret his expressions. That one is quite definitely the ‘do not approach, this is not for your ears’ look.” “Our father has far too many secrets, Sebastian,” Evangeline frowned, Even as she sat back down. “I’ve been thinking of a game we can play sometime this week, brother.” She explained the concept and saw his eyes start to twinkle with amusement. “We could make it a contest. The captains are allowed to misdirect as well as guide. Of course,” she giggled, “it will only be really enjoyable if Daria’s brothers are here.” “We make an agreement to get them hopelessly lost,” Sebastian said as he rubbed her shoulders, “and leave them to find their way out?” Evangeline nodded and he agreed. “I like the thought of that, little sister. We’ll do it!” He turned to the others and laid out a slightly altered plan. The cousins were quite eager to give the brothers a little payback on behalf of Evangeline. They would make it appear as if they were following Douglas and Dustin, who would be chosen captains of the two teams. The moment the brothers disappeared, they would leave the maze and take up positions outside the walls. Evangeline and Sebastian would continue as if the others were still in the maze and send the brothers deep into it until they were completely turned around. “I like it,” Daria giggled. “It’s time those two had a taste of their own.” She put her arms around Evangeline’s neck and leaned her cheek against Evangeline’s. “Serves them right for all those nasty tricks they pulled on you.” Their free time ended far too quickly and Evangeline was back in her rooms with her trio of companions. They helped her dress and Yvaine proved to be a skilled hairdresser. She was admiring the effect the white gown with crystals at the neckline had on her when the doors opened. Ynez was putting a green sash around her waist and tying a box when Stefano came in carrying a box in his hands. He was dressed in a uniform of white and gold with an emerald sash across his chest. Several medals were pinned to it at chest level. He stopped a moment as the women curtsied and left the room and closed the doors and Evangeline knew he was thinking of her mother. “A princess,” he said as he set the box down and opened it, “should have a tiara. This was your mother’s.” He lifted a beautiful piece of gold set with diamonds and emeralds out of the box and came towards her. “If you would allow me?” Evangeline nodded and let him set it on her head. He stepped aside so she could see the effect. “Perfection,” he nodded and looked at her quite proudly. “You do your old father great honor, my darling child.” He frowned. “But there is something missing,” he said as he slid a box out of his pocket and moved behind her. Evangeline’s eyes widened as she lowered a necklace of gold, diamonds, and emeralds fashioned into delicate little flowers and fastened it around her throat. He added the matching bracelet and then let her put in the earrings that had a tiny flower as the stud with delicate dangling chains of gold holding more flowers. “There,” he smiled and kissed her cheek. “That is what was lacking. A gift from your Lyndon grandmother for your sixteenth birthday.” A wolf whistle broke the spell Evangeline felt herself falling under. She turned to see Sebastian, dressed like their father, but with far fewer medals, waiting for her in the doorway. He held his arm out to her and she looked to Stefano. He nodded and she understood that she was to be escorted by her brother. Stefano followed behind, his thoughts heavy with regret. Her mother should have been here to share this day with their daughter. He heard the fanfare and smiled as Evangeline looked at her brother for reassurance. It did his heart good to see how close she had become to them in the few days before she had been abducted. It was as if they had never been without her in their lives. “Their Royal Highnesses,” the Major Domo, dressed like all the guards in emerald green uniform with gold embellishment and black boots, boomed as they paused at the head of the stairs. “Prince Sebastian and Princess Evangeline.” Evangeline and Sebastian started down the stairs and she saw the line of people waiting at the bottom of stairs and strung out towards the ballroom. Sebastian introduced her to those she had not met and they curtsied and bowed to her, as was her due. After the first couple of people in the receiving line, the Count and Countess Grimaldi and their children, she no longer cringed at being shown such deference. “His Most Exalted Royal Highness, Prince Roza!” the major domo intoned as Sebastian and Evangeline took their places at the foot of the dais holding three thrones, two on a lower step, one a stair above. Stefano came in and Evangeline’s heart swelled with pride. This glorious man was her father! When he came up to them, she curtsied to him eagerly as her brother bowed. Stefano took his seat and they waited until he sat before they took their own seats. “You will do me the honor of the first dance, little sister,” Sebastian smiled as he got to his feet and bowed to her. He held out his hand and she took it and rose to her feet. “This waltz was composed by our own uncle Sergio in honor of your birthday.” Evangeline looked over at her uncle Sergio where he stood with his wife and their three children and she smiled at him. He bowed his head to her and blushed bright red. The music began and she moved through it on a cloud of happiness. This was what it felt like to be a family, she thought as she danced. When it was over, she went to her uncle and threw her arms around his neck, thanking him for the lovely music. She insisted that he be her next partner and the man was overwhelmed. When their dance was over, he escorted her back to his brother and bowed. “Your daughter does the Roza proud, my brother,” he said warmly as he looked at Evangeline. “Niece, thank you for the dance.” Evangeline nodded and smiled as he left. She saw the frown on her father’s face and wondered why he was not happy. A shadow fell across her and she turned to see a young man who had been introduced to her as Luc Dubois, grandson of the Duc Alexandre Dubois et Ardennes, standing in front of her. He was a handsome man with his deep blue eyes and brown hair but unlike his cousin, Paul; there was a stiffness about him that annoyed her instantly. He bowed low to her father and nodded to her brother, who also looked quite annoyed. Evangeline looked to her father and he nodded. She took the man’s hand and let him lead her to the dance floor. “It may not be proper, Your Highness,” Luc said as they moved through the dance, “but I cannot hold my tongue. You are the loveliest young woman I have ever met in my life!” “Then you must not get out much, Monsieur Dubois,” Evangeline replied. His manner was correct, but there was something in the way he was looking at her that made her cringe. “My cousin, lady Daria Sterling, is far lovelier.” “She is superficial,” Luc replied honestly; “and needs to learn that life is not all about gratifying her own whims.” He saw her frown. “I meant no insult to the lovely lady, Your Highness…” “I will hear no criticism of my family, sir,” Evangeline broke in stiffly. The dance ended and she glared at him. “For your penance you will pay court to the lady Daria until you see something in her you obviously are not seeing.” She turned to find herself facing Luc’s cousin, Paul. He bowed to her and held out his hand. “Monsieur. I would sit out this dance,” she told him. “Perhaps you would do me the kindness of bringing me some water?” “I will draw it personally from the well if you wish it, lovely princess,” Paul smiled. He escorted her to her seat, bowed low to her, and her father, and moved off. “You do not dance with the younger Dubois, daughter?” Stefano asked, puzzled. “He is a far less odious choice as a dance partner than his cousin.” “I will not dance again until you are my partner, Father,” Evangeline told him bluntly. She saw his frown. “It is my birthday. I would dance with the man who was responsible for my being alive.” “Put that way,” Stefano smiled as he rose to his feet and held his hand out to her, “how could I possibly refuse?” They moved out together and there was a murmur in the hall. Evangeline saw the looks of amazement on many faces and realized her father did not usually dance. It was not for lack of skill she knew after the first moment. He was a very accomplished dancer. He moved with assurance and grace. It was another reason that kept him from dancing and she knew what it was the moment she saw the expression shift in his eyes. He was still smiling at her proudly, but there was a great regret and grief in the depths of his eyes where it could be seen only if one looked deeper than the surface. He was missing her mother! He escorted her back to her seat and went out into the gardens. She saw Monique excuse herself and follow him. “My wife and your father are very dear friends,” Bernard smiled as he led Evangeline into the next dance. “She will soon have him back with us again.” “You knew my mother, didn’t you?” Evangeline asked the dear old man. She saw him flinch. “Why did she ever leave him? It’s obvious he loved her.” “Perhaps tomorrow we can have this conversation,” Bernard replied. “It is your birthday, Princess. Let there be only happiness tonight, yes?” Evangeline decided to take his advice. It did no good to push for information no one seemed prepared to give her. It was as if her father had issued a royal proclamation that her mother was not to be a topic of conversation tonight. She decided to go out in the gardens herself. She moved out and knew Yvette and her sisters were close at hand. She was safe here. No one could hurt her. She sank down on the base of the fountain and ran her fingers through the cool water. “So pensive,” Paul’s voice cut through her thoughts. He smiled warmly as she looked up at him and handed her the glass of water. “I was hoping we could have our dance, lovely princess.” He sat down on the bench nearby. “I can see you have had enough of dance for a while.” She nodded and he shrugged. “There will be other balls. I can wait.” He smiled at her in amusement. “I hear there is a great game to be played when certain parties arrive. I would be quite happy to be of service to you in this endeavor.” “Sebastian has a big mouth.” “He shared it only with me, Princess,” Paul assured her. “Your brother and I are very close friends and trust each other implicitly. It is the only reason he is not swooping out here to rescue you from my foul attentions.” “As he would be if it were your cousin here with me instead of you?” Evangeline guessed. She saw Paul’s smile widen even further. She looked past him a moment as if expecting the man to appear. “I gave him a penance. Is he following it?” “It cannot be a penance to dance with a pretty girl like your cousin, Princess,” Paul looked confused. “He must have said something quite thoughtless about her.” He shook his head as Evangeline nodded. “My cousin does not always think when he speaks. He is of the opinion that whatever he says is so evident it will be accepted without censure.” “There is something else you wish to ask me, Monsieur Dubois,” Evangeline guessed from the slight fidgeting of the young man. “What is it?” “If you can spare her for a moment,” Paul said as he bowed his head; “I would take Yvette from you for a dance or two. I have been out of the country and have missed my fiancé.” “You and Yvette?” Evangeline was enchanted. “By all means, Monsieur; dance with your pretty fiancé. As long as you both wish it. I am certain Yvaine and Ynez will be able to keep me out of trouble.” She suddenly frowned as she saw two young men in uniform standing in the doors from the ballroom. She knew it was her cousins and her slow stroll became a headlong rush as she threw herself at Douglas with a cry of joy. “Monsters! You are here!” “We were ordered to be here,” Douglas told her even as he laughed and returned her embrace. “We were going to stay away.” “And spoil my birthday?” Evangeline frowned up at him. She looked over at Dustin who could not quite meet her eyes. “You’re not still blaming yourselves for my accident, are you?” They nodded and she laughed and shook her head. “I was the one who hurt myself.” “But you wouldn’t have,” Dustin replied softly, “if we hadn’t chased you in the first place.” “So we are all at fault,” Evangeline laughed. “I forgive you. Will you forgive me?” She linked her arms through theirs. “You must dance with me immediately as the first act of penance.” “First act?” Douglas choked. He saw the impish gleam in her eyes and wondered when that had happened. Evangeline had a new confidence and joy in her since her father and brother had come into her life. He found he approved. She could have been like this already, he thought sadly; if he and his siblings had treated her with care instead of cruelty. “How long are you going to punish us?” Dustin asked her, feigning horror. He was down on one knee, his hands clasping hers. “Oh please, fair princess,” he intoned in his best dramatic manner. “Say you will smile on us again and we will be your most devoted champions from this moment on.” “You are a silly creature, lord Dustin,” Evangeline giggled. “Do get up. Your commanding officer is not going to like you putting dirt on the trousers of your dress uniform.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Be a darling and ask the orchestra to play a rumba and a tango for us in that order.” She saw Dustin hurry off on his errand and smiled up at Douglas. “You shouldn’t have run off like that, Douglas. You had everyone very worried.” “We thought it best,” Douglas replied. He bowed as the opening strains of the rumba began and offered her his arm. “Shall we, fair one?” They moved into the dance and were completely unaware that there were no other dancers on the floor. They had learned all the ballroom dances under Signore Scarlatti and the rumba was a particular favorite of the Sterling children. Fire and Ice in an epic struggle to remain apart. At the end, however, Ice had been overcome by the passion of Fire. Evangeline was on the floor, leaning against Douglas’ leg and wondering what the noise was as he pulled her up and hugged her. Then she realized they were being applauded and she blushed. The lights suddenly went out and a single spot hit a figure near the doors to the garden. The man turned and she saw that it was Dustin. He brought out a single rose as he approached her and she felt tears flowing down her cheeks as she began to giggle when he put it between his teeth. He bowed low to her and took her in his arms as the tango began. “If you were not my cousin,” he whispered at the end as they stood panting from the exertion; “I would be completely lost to you now. You move like the very goddess of dance herself, Evangeline.” “You’re my cousin,” Evangeline shook her head at his praise; “you’re supposed to say such things to me.” “Then look at all the men with their jaws on the floor,” Dustin said as he turned her towards the guests. “You did that to them, Evangeline,” he whispered in her ear. “It is apparent that you inherited the Roza charm as well.” Sebastian said as he came to her side. Evangeline could hear the pride in his voice. He saw the Major Domo nod. “It is time for the gifts,” he said as he took her to her seat. “We saved them for you,” he said as he kissed her on the cheek. “We knew you’d be coming home to us.” “But it isn’t my birthday anymore,” Evangeline frowned as she watched a long table was carried in and set down in front of her chair. More presents than she had received in her entire life were piled on top and more were being brought in on another table. She was stunned. These couldn’t possibly be all for her. Sebastian’s smile assured her that it was so. He beckoned to Yvaine, who brought a notepad and pen with her while Ynez handed Evangeline a package. Evangeline could hear the scrape of chairs as the guests took their seats and watched. It took two hours to go through all the gifts and she was overwhelmed. She was glad when the last package was finally set before her and she opened it. Inside of the box was a locket with a rose enameled on the cover in rich colors and with great detail. Something about the design was familiar. Her hand moved up to the spot where she had been tattooed and she turned white. She looked over at her father and brother and they came to her side. They saw the note and barely managed to control their rage. Stefano motioned to Emilio and the man took the package away. “Thank you all for the lovely gifts,” Evangeline said as she rose and smiled at the guests, most of whom she had just met that day. “It is late and I would retire, but you are welcome to remain as long as the musicians wish to play.” Sebastian offered her his arm and he escorted her to her rooms. He kissed her on the forehead and left her with two of her companions. “That was too much,” Evangeline sighed as she took off her shoes and relished the feel of the carpet against her bruised feet. She looked at the two sisters who had come up with her. “You know these people better than I do. Would they be offended if I sold their gifts and used the monies to fund an orphanage?” “The gifts are yours to do with as you please, Princess,” Yvaine assured her. “Whether the givers would be offended should be of no concern.” “The fact that their feelings concern you, child,” Stefano said as he came into the room; “shows that you are a young woman of character.” He kissed her on the forehead. “Did you enjoy your birthday ball, my angel?” “It was very nice, Father, until that last package,” Evangeline smiled up at him; “and I am quite exhausted. I think I danced with every man in the place before I tired.” She saw his face and knew he had come to speak of something serious. Possibly the thing he had spoken to the Grimaldis about earlier? “He’s gone, Father. Why is this still going on?” “The monster had associates and disciples,” Stefano told her bluntly. He saw her face pale. “I did not wish to worry you with this, but the gift confirmed it…” “One of his associates is going to come after me to avenge him?” Evangeline nodded. “That’s what the note meant.” It only made sense. Edward Landry had fallen because of her and his people wanted revenge. “I will do whatever you advise me to do, Father.” “You are safe here and among our friends,” Stefano told her. “There is no need to curtail your activities. You must only promise that you will do as your guard tells you and I will be content.” “Of course, Father,” Evangeline nodded. “There is an army around this castle. No one is going to get in here without help.” She went to the windows and saw Daria and Luc Dubois out in the gardens. Something about that pairing worried her. “I do hope she knows what she is doing. Luc Dubois is too full of himself.” “So they are a pair,” Stefano replied as he joined her. “Do not worry. There are guards in the gardens. The will escort Monsieur Dubois out if he gets too fresh with your pretty cousin.” He pointed them out to her and saw her relax. “All of our family is kept well protected here. Good night, my angel. Rest well.” “Good night, Father,” Evangeline smiled and kissed his cheek. He left the bedroom and eventually Evangeline was alone in her room. She tried to sleep but it was long in coming. She kept hearing Edward’s threat that he was going to come for her. She got up and went to the mirror in the bathroom. She pushed the strap down on her nightgown and looked at the perfect rose he had tattooed onto her breast. It was dripping drops of blood that became a heart that looked like it had been dropped into a pool of blood. She shuddered at the thought of that man putting his hands on her to make this mark. And he had only begun tattooing the design onto her; most of it was just permanent ink. She shuddered as she remembered him telling her that by the time he finished it, she would do whatever he wanted willingly. The phone rang and she picked it up automatically. “You look very lovely standing there in the moonlight, Princess,” a man’s cold voice sounded over the line. “I’ll be seeing you quite soon.” Evangeline slammed the receiver down as he laughed and backed away from it. She looked out the window and saw a dark figure moving away. How had he gotten on the property? She started to call security and thought better of it. He hadn’t hurt her, only frightened her. She was not going to let the man think he had frightened her; she would not give him that satisfaction. She took a sedative and got back into bed, letting the drug keep her from nightmare. The next morning, Evangeline entered the dress shop with the Grimaldi girls and her cousins. Martine and Madame Clermont were waiting for them. The salon owner knew Terese quite well and the consultation went quite swiftly as those two put their heads together. The dress was designed; measurements were taken, and Evangeline had a new gown ready to be made for the Debutantes’ Ball. She sat back then and watched with the other young women as Martine had her collection paraded before them. “You’d look exquisite in that one,” Luc Dubois said from behind their chairs near the end of the show. Evangeline turned to see that he had Paul with him. “I’m not a fan of gold foil fabric,” Evangeline told him as she looked back at the gold sheath with the slits up the front of each leg. “And I am far too young to show so much of what is not offered.” Luc looked from the dress to Evangeline and back again and wished he could see what she had to offer. Even at so young an age, she had a slim dancer’s body that made him want to have her in his arms. He could imagine her dark rich hair splayed out on the pillow of his bed, her beautiful emerald eyes blazing with passion, and her body writhing with pleasure. He swallowed hard and bit his lip hard to keep from saying something inappropriate. “You will not say what is on your mind, Luc Dubois,” Veronica said to the young man. She looked at Evangeline. “He has the filthiest mind for one of our rank. You would be wise not to encourage him.” “I have no intention of doing so,” Evangeline replied. She turned back to Luc. “He is still under sentence.” She saw him wince. “Unless you managed to see what I asked you to look for, Monsieur Luc?” “I admit that I am mystified,” Luc replied, even as he went to sit next to Daria; “but she is amystery I am quite willing to unravel.” He raised her hand to his lips and his heart flipped over when she smiled on him. The image he had just had of Evangeline was repeated with the golden angel at his side and he was enthralled. “Lady Daria. You are looking quite lovely this morning.” Paul went to stand next to Yvette and planted a discreet kiss on her cheek. Evangeline noted her companion’s slight blush and she was enchanted. She liked them both and wished them a long and happy life together. “Madame Martine,” she said as she looked to the woman; “have you anything in day wear we could see? Dresses and gowns are quite lovely, but there are times they are not…” “Martine!” an imperious voice cut across her words. They all turned to see a cold-eyed matron standing on the landing. The large-figured woman was dressed in a shade of purple that clashed with her overly made-up face and stiff silver hair, and there was a fur stole around her shoulders. In her arms she carried a small Pekingese. “When was your salon turned into a sorority house?” “Madame la Duchesse!” Martine smiled as she approached the silver-haired lady. “May I present you to the Princess Roza and her companions?” “Roza?” The woman looked down her nose at the girls and tried to decide which was the princess. She knew it immediately as she saw Evangeline. “Your Highness,” she bowed her head. “You look exactly like your dear mother. I should have known you at once.” “I cannot say the same for you, Madame Duchesse,” Evangeline replied a bit tightly. She could see from the expressions on the other young people’s faces that they did not care for this odious woman either. The fact that she had not been invited to her birthday ball was enough of a censure for Evangeline. This was not a person her father wanted her associating with. “We are obviously in your way. We shall depart now.” She waved the woman’s protests away. “We have an appointment elsewhere. Madame Martine,” she turned to smile at the woman. “Thank you for showing us your beautiful gowns.” “You are most kind, Your Highness,” Martine bowed low and smiled at the girl in a way that nearly brought a giggle from Evangeline’s lips. “Madame Clermont shall contact you to arrange another appointment for us,” Evangeline told her. “She will know then what I am looking for in casual wear.” Evangeline and her entourage left the salon and she noted that Luc did not look at all put out at having to remain at Daria’s side. She had not liked the Duchess’ haughty manner. She had no time for people who acted as if they were better than other people simply because they held a rank or title. A golden haired man with the chiseled features of a Norse god walked up to her and bowed. In his hand he held a single red rose. Paul frowned as the man waited expectantly. “Your Highness,” he said tightly as he turned to Evangeline. “May I present Mikhael Evanovich?” Evangeline nodded absently, her eyes locked to the handsome face. For some reason she was having a hard time seeing beyond the face to the truth and it bothered her. “He is a cultural attaché from the Russian embassy.” “We have a friend in common, Your Highness,” Mikael smiled as he held out the rose. “I was quite grieved to hear about the horrors he subjected you to.” He put the rose in her unresisting hand. “I always thought better of Landry than that.” He leaned close as if to kiss her cheek and his voice was cold. “He is very annoyed, Princess. He is not going to be gentle when he comes for you.” Evangeline whimpered and let the rose fall. The mask fell in that moment and she knew the truth. This man was one of Edward’s associates sent to deliver a warning: Landry was not dead. She fled, leaving her companions to make her excuses. They caught up with her half a block away and no one said a word s as she struggled to control her reaction to what had just happened. When she was calm, they walked down the street to the gallery and spent an hour admiring the artwork. Evangeline saw her brother coming out of the back talking to a tall stick thin man dressed in a robe sporting all the colors of the rainbow. Sebastian saw her and smiled. He said something to the man and the rainbow turned his head with its ornate tattoos of several famous paintings on his bald scalp and beamed at her. He came towards her with his arms outspread. “Princess Evangeline!” he beamed as he kissed her hands. “Your adoring brother has just been telling me about you.” He pulled her away from the others to where Sebastian was waiting. “He failed to mention that you are a goddess.” “Sister,” Sebastian smiled as he kissed her on the forehead. “This is Maximilian Otto. Father asked me to approach him about finding a teacher for you.” They went into the office where she saw one of her sketches. “I have shown him some samples of your work and he agrees with us that you are quite brilliant.” “But they are nothing,” Evangeline shook her head. “Sketching is just something I do to amuse myself.” “Nonsense! These are the work of a person of great talent and insight,” Max argued as he sat behind the desk. The flamboyance was gone now; he was all business. “They are so good, Princess; that you should consider putting them on exhibit. There is great feeling you display for each of your subjects that is there for anyone with eyes to see.” He could see she was unconvinced. “I would like you to consider putting a few of these in other mediums. You have worked with oils and watercolors before?” “No,” Evangeline shook her head. “I never thought of my drawing as anything special…” “Than whoever taught you did you a great disservice, Princess,” Max said tightly. “Such a gift should be shared with the world; not kept as a private ‘amusement’.” He looked her over closely. “You do not appear to me to be a selfish child, so I will take on the task of teaching you about the different mediums personally. Our first lesson shall be tomorrow at three at your residence. Expect me.” “But, I…” Maximilian had already turned away. Sebastian picked up the portfolio and took Evangeline back to the others. They were all quite pleased to hear his report. And they all agreed, to Evangeline’s amazement, that she should think seriously about studying. Sylvie had never made an issue out of her sketches like this. Evangeline had always been of the opinion that they were meaningless and of no value to anyone but herself and her Grandmother Deborah. She remembered Grandmother now and realized that she had seen, back when Evangeline was only eight, what these people were telling her now; she had talent. They moved to a nearby restaurant and took a table outdoors where they could watch the people go by. Sebastian’s phone went off as they talked about the birthday party. “Doctor Roza,” he said without thinking. He smiled as the person calling told him what he obviously wanted to hear. “We’ll be right there.” He hung up and turned to Evangeline. “Sister. We have a new boarder at the stables who would like to say hello to you.” He nodded to the others. “You are all welcome to come along.” Everyone came along and it was a veritable convoy that arrived at the Roza estate and parked in front of the stables. Sebastian took Evangeline by the hand and led her to a corral where a palomino Arabian mare was strutting and shaking her pale mane in the air. She was the most beautiful horse Evangeline had ever seen in her life. Evangeline walked towards her slowly and the horse lowered her head to look at the intruder. “Hello you beautiful girl,” Evangeline said softly as she opened the gate and slipped inside. “And who do you belong to?” “That would be you, little sister,” Sebastian told her. Evangeline turned to look at him and he nodded. “Our uncle Silvano bought her for you. Her name is Shalimar.” He watched his sister and the horse closely. “Her breeder says she is partial to apples.” “Apples are very good for growing girls,” Evangeline nodded as she turned her eyes back on the mare. She laid her hand on the mare’s nose so that the horse could learn her scent and kept her voice low and gentle. “Pretty Shalimar. Do you want to be my friend?” She laughed as the mare nosed her pocket. She backed away and Sebastian handed her a sliced apple. She held one up and the mare took a step towards her, nostrils quivering eagerly. “Would you like this, pretty girl?” Evangeline went to get a bridle and harness. “Let me put this on?” The mare backed up and shook her head and Evangeline laughed in delight. This was no pushover, this horse. She would be a challenge. She managed to get the bridle and harness on after three slices of apple and then just led the mare around the corral as she stroked her neck and murmured to the horse gently. When she finally left the corral, she was certain that the mare was her friend. Evangeline slipped out after the last slice was given and threw her arms around Sebastian’s neck. “She’s perfect!” Evangeline laughed in delight. “When can we go riding?” “Tomorrow,” Sebastian told her; “after breakfast. Goliath will be arriving then and we’ll both need to be here to soothe that old monster.” He saw her confusion. “Uncle Sterling gave him to me as a birthday gift. I seem to be the only person the horse will listen to.” “So tell me, brother dear,” Evangeline smiled as she linked arms with him and they went back to the cars; “when is your birthday?” “The same day as yours, sister,” Sebastian smiled at her. He nodded at her look of disbelief. “It is true. Mother and Father gave me a beautiful and talented baby sister for my birthday sixteen years ago, and I have needed no other presents since.” They arrived back at the castle and Evangeline went up to change for dinner. Sebastian and Paul went to find Emilio and show him the note Evangeline had received. She had just finished with her hair when there was a knock on the door. She went into the sitting room and no one was there. She went to the doors and no one was outside of them, including the guards. Something was very wrong. She picked up the receiver on the phone and no one was on the other end. Evangeline knew her brother had left with Paul and her cousins were out for the night with the Grimaldi children, so she didn’t look for them. But there should be servants and guards around. She had no one to tell her what to do so she made her own decision and went down the servant’s stairway to the guards’ barracks. The door was barred on the outside. “Princess,” Emilio smiled as she removed the bar and stepped into the room. She saw all the guards inside. “How did you get here without alerting them?” “They probably expected me to use the main staircase,” Evangeline told him. “Sometimes being underestimated can work to one’s advantage.” She saw them strapping on their pistols. “What is going on?” “Your father is at Count Grimaldi’s estate with your brother and Paul Dubois,” Emilio said as he continued moving. “You know that your cousins decided to go to a nightclub tonight?” She nodded and he frowned at how everything seemed to be working in the intruder’s favor. “So you are the only family member in residence at the moment.” He was angry when he thought how easily they had been invaded. “Someone began circulating an order for the guards to assemble in the barracks and we found ourselves locked in here.” “So it’s the twelve of us against whoever staged this little invasion?” Evangeline bit her lip. “I am out of my element here, Emilio. You’re going to have to tell me what I should do.” “You’ve done just fine on your own this far, Princess,” one of the guards said to her. She blushed and he smiled at her. “Your father would be very proud of you.” Emilio nodded and held his hand out to her. Evangeline took it and they made their way along the back passages and into the gardens. He froze as the sound of booted feet came closer and nodded towards the maze. She told Emilio, when he asked, that she knew the pattern from watching the maze from her windows. He told her that there was an exit hidden in the center that led down to the river. She was to use it and take a boat to the Grimaldi estate down river. She entered it as he moved to join his men as a rear guard. “Princess,” Edward’s cold voice called after her. “You would be wise to quit running. You’re not going to get away from me.” Evangeline could hear the sound of fighting outside of the maze and knew the guards were doing their best to protect her. She concentrated on getting to the center of the maze. They knew what they were doing and she would only prove a distraction to them if she tried to do anything but what Emilio had asked her to do. She took the turns as she had memorized them and was about halfway through when she saw Edward coming towards her from the opposite direction. “Hello, little girl,” Edward smiled nastily. “I’ve been hoping to run into you.” Evangeline turned to run and another man was behind her. He grabbed her and she raked her nails across his face. The man slapped her and she hit the thick bush that formed the walls of the maze. Before she could free herself he had her wrists bound and was shoving her to Edward. “Pretty princess,” Edward crooned as he grabbed her by the hair and forced her through the maze. “Your father needs to learn that he should do as he is told.” He shoved her into the center of the maze and she saw the altar. “Quite appropriate, don’t you agree? He sacrificed you to us when he refused to obey.” “No one commands a Roza,” Evangeline snapped and yanked free of his hold. She ran for the exit passage and the second man cut her off. She turned back to face Edward. “You hurt me and my father will hunt you down like the animal you are!” “Not if he wants you to live, pretty girl,” the monster laughed at her. “You are coming with us as our hostage.” “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Evangeline retorted. She saw Emilio climbing up one of the ladders with a rifle in his hands. “Leave now or you’ll be dead.” Edward laughed as his man clamped his arms around Evangeline and lifted her off her feet. As she struggled to free herself, she saw Edward whirl and shoot Emilio. She screamed as the man fell. She was being carried away like a sack of laundry, and there was nothing she could do to make the man let go of her. So she decided to follow her instincts and went limp enough to reach his bare arm. She bit him and he cried out and dropped her. She was running then, screaming for help at the top of her lungs. A moment later, she felt something burning along her spine and her legs began to go numb. She crumpled to the ground with a cry of rage. “We did not come unprepared, little princess,” Edward laughed as he grabbed her hair and dragged her to her feet. He shoved her to his man. “See if you can’t keep hold of her this time.” Evangeline saw that they were taking her down towards the river. There was a boat waiting at the pier, and a third man was just untying the rope. The guards were lying on the ground and Evangeline hoped they were alive. She would try one more time to get free of these people. If she could get to the boat without these men, the Grimaldi estate was only a few minutes down river from their castle. Edward dropped her into the boat and she attacked, sending the man behind the wheel into the water. She got the wheel and yanked herself up as she hit the gas. Edward went flying back onto the pier. She heard a crack and winced as something burned along her arm. She refused to let it stop her. Evangeline put on more speed and hurried down river. Her cries brought the Grimaldi guards to her assistance. “They got everyone out of the house,” Evangeline told her father after the guards sent for him and he came running. “There were only eleven guards left when they attacked.” She gripped her father’s arm as he untied her and examined her wrists. “It was that monster from the parole hearing, Father. He was going to take me hostage so that you would do what he told you to do.” She could feel the sensation returning to her legs. “Edward Landry isn’t dead, Father. He shot Emilio,” she sobbed as pain followed the prickling. “You have to get help to him.” “Don’t worry about Emilio,” Stefano said as he picked her up in his arms and carried her into the Grimaldi estate. “He’s probably already back on his feet and cleaning up after your attackers.” He saw Monique go pale, and the Count grew angry, as they saw him coming in with his bleeding daughter in his arms. “Just a graze,” he said as he saw their eyes on Evangeline’s bloody arm. “The man meant only to slow her down so he could get his hands on her.” “Bring her into the lounge,” Bernard nodded. “Monique, get my bag please?” He had Stefano put Evangeline down on a bar stool and then he examined the wound. “You are right; just a graze. She won’t need stitches. We’ll get it cleaned up and put your little tigress to bed.” Once the wound was cleaned and bandaged and Monique and the maid took Evangeline upstairs, Bernard and Stefano sat down. “I don’t like this, Stefano. Your child could have been seriously injured…” “She took on that bastard and his men and she got clear of them,” Stefano said as he sipped at his drink. “Three grown men could not handle my daughter even after they shot her.” He looked very proud. “She has proven that she is more than capable of keeping a clear head and taking care of herself.” “So you are not worried…” “Of course I am worried,” Stefano broke in. “Those bastards broke into our home and tried to steal my daughter from me! They laid their hands on my little angel!” He began to chuckle. “And she gave them the slip!” He saw Bernard’s dark look. “I cannot help it, Bernard. She is just a child and they could not keep their hands on her.” “Don’t let her see that,” Bernard warned him. “Evangeline could get cocky and wind up hurt.” He finished his drink and poured another one. “What are you going to do?” Stefano thought about the matter. If he were wise, he would take her to Italy and leave her in the care of his mother. But making such a change so soon would upset the child. He wanted her to feel completely secure with them before he introduced her to the rest of the family. He could see what Bernard was expecting him to say, what Bernard would do if it were his child who had been attacked. His friend had gone through something quite similar once and it had nearly ended tragically. “Stay right where we are,” Stefano replied. “On full alert. No one leaves the grounds from this night on without a full team as escort. Evangeline’s tutors will come to us.” He ran a hand through his thick wavy black hair. “If she must sightsee it will be with people who know not to take their eyes off of her.” “Are you certain that’s the wisest course of action?” Bernard asked him. He was remembering a similar situation when he was courting Monique. He did not want Stefano’s child to go through what his wife had. “You could send her to your mother in Italy.” “Yes, I could send her away;” he nodded; “but there is no place he could not reach her now that he knows she exists.” He answered his cell on the first ring. “We will be back in the morning.” He hung up. “Emilio says the place is secured. The man only winged him.” His head shot up as he heard a scream. He was on his feet and running as the screaming continued. Evangeline was sitting up in bed, looking off into nowhere and she was shaking in terror. Stefano sat down next to her and saw she was still caught up in the nightmare. He stroked her hair and murmured to her gently and the screaming stopped. She started to cry then and he took her in his arms and stroked her back. “He said he would come for me,” Evangeline whimpered as she clung to him. “And that I would do what he wanted willingly.” “Hush now, my angel,” Stefano said gently. “No one is going to take you away from me. I will not allow it!” He made her lie down. “Sleep now. Papa is here to keep watch on you.” “He – he shot Emilio, Father,” Evangeline continued to whimper. “Because I would not do what he wanted!” She shook her head at the thought. “I could not bear it if someone was hurt because of me.” She looked up at him. “Please don’t let him take me away from you again…” “You’re safe now, angel,” Stefano frowned as he stroked her back. “Trust your Papa. No one is taking you anywhere you do not wish to go as long as I can do anything to prevent it.” He looked at his friend. “Do you have any sedatives on hand? I think we should give her something to relax her.” Bernard nodded agreement and came back a moment later with a pill and a glass of water. “Thank you.” He helped Evangeline sit up. “Here, angel. Take the pill. It will calm you so that you can sleep.” Evangeline took the pill and fell to sleep. Stefano sat with her another few minutes to insure that the nightmare did not return. Then he left Evangeline with one of the maids and joined Bernard and Monique in their rooms. He was disturbed that his daughter had been that upset by what had happened. She had kept her head as long as she needed to deal with the situation and he was quite proud of her. Edward had never been angrier in his life. The men who had accompanied him had failed to lay their hands on one little girl. They had crippled her and she had still managed to escape them. The two in the boat were dead now, their bodies would be found floating in the river with their throats slit. He could not abide this failure. It was time he used other measures to get close enough to take the girl prisoner. And that meant becoming someone she trusted. He listened to his agent read the report again. “The stables,” he decided. “The riding trails are along the edge of the property. You will station men at various points along them off the grounds and prepare to move as soon as a pattern is noted. Get me the particulars on stable hands, the manager, and anyone else who works with the horses. See who would be easiest to replace.” The man nodded and left the room. Aileen looked up from where she was polishing her nails and her expression was not pleasant. Edward smiled as he laid his hand on the woman’s shoulders. Aileen smiled and laid her hand on his. Elinor had done an excellent job programming the woman, Edward thought as he ran his hand along Aileen’s cheek and she leaned into his touch. “You are going to an awful lot of trouble to lay your hands on the child,” Aileen frowned. “Am I not enough for you?” “There is something quite special about your daughter, Aileen,” her captor replied. He sat down on the arm of the chair near her and began to rub the back of her neck. He looked over at his other sister. “What a challenge she would be for your programming process, Elinor.” He could see the hunger in her eyes and knew he had her hooked. “You will have the daughter of the man who has single-handedly undone some of your greatest work in your hands.” He raised Aileen’s eyes to his and smiled as she waited for his command. “We must get close to her.” “I will do whatever you ask me to do, darling,” Aileen smiled up at him. “If you want my daughter, then I will help you.” “Appearance is quite an easy thing to alter.” Elinor smiled as she had an idea. “I think it is time I rejoined my ‘husband’. Dear old Maximilian will be quite happy to have me back. Perhaps he will even allow me to accompany him on these lessons he is giving the pretty princess.” Edward smiled and kissed Aileen on the back of the neck. She sighed and put the bottle of polish down. Then she put her arms around his neck and kissed him warmly. Yes, she decided as he pressed his advantage, she would help capture his little princess for him. Elinor would program the child, and Evangeline would become a slave for his pleasures, as her mother was. Elinor left the apartment and made her way to the gallery. Maximilian was in the office when she arrived. He looked up and his eyes narrowed in anger as he recognized his errant wife. He had forgotten how beautiful the blue-eyed redhead was, but he had not forgotten how devious and selfish she was. He did not return her smile. “Run out of money, woman?” he asked coldly. “Don’t be that way, Maxie,” Elinor cooed as she moved around the desk and sat in the man’s lap. Her hands moved up his chest as he sat stiff and unyielding. She frowned up at him. “You didn’t miss me even a little while I was gone?” “I don’t have times for your games, Lenore,” Max shot back at her. He set her on her feet. “Go find some other man to torment.” “I hear through our mutual friends,” Elinor said as she sat on the desk and ran his nails lightly up his arm; “that you have made some powerful new friends. Isn’t giving art lessons a little beneath you, darling?” “I am not introducing you to them, Lenore,” Max snarled. “They are good people and the child has real talent…” He hissed as her hand moved to a certain spot. “Stop it! I don’t want…” He suddenly froze and his face went completely blank. Then his eyes softened as he saw her and he pulled her to him. “Lenore, my love. How I’ve missed you!” “My darling man,” Elinor cooed up at him. “I could not stay away a moment longer. Take me to bed and show me how you’ve missed me.” “I would,” Max told her sadly, “but I have a meeting with a potential student. Brilliant child with real talent.” He thought about it as her hands caressed and teased. “You could come with me to meet the family. Her father is royalty.” Elinor nodded and he kissed her willingly then, groaning with the need she had programmed into his mind years ago. This man had been one of her first patients; and she had made him her willing puppet. He could no more fight her will than he could stop breathing. He set her on her feet again and got his keys and paints and brushes. He got a roll of canvas and some frames and tools. Elinor helped him pack the supplies and then got in the car. They held hands like a teenaged couple as they drove to the castle. Elinor looked up as they were stopped at the gate and was very impressed with the Roza estate. She could see herself living here as in-law to the new prince, her brother. They joined Evangeline in the conservatory. The girl turned and Elinor noted that the child had spent a restless night. There was a bandage on her arm, but it was not the injury that had caused the haunted look in her eyes. Elinor smiled to herself. She knew what had plagued the girl. Her brother’s threats and the little ‘gifts’ they had sent were frightening her. Which is exactly what they had been calculated to do. “Princess Evangeline,” Max smiled as he pulled Elinor forward. “I would like to present my wife to you, Lenore Otto.” He frowned. “You did not sleep well, little princess?” “It happens,” Evangeline shrugged. She saw all the supplies the servants were carrying in. “All this to make oil paintings?” “It is time consuming,” Max nodded; “but the effects are worth the effort. And a child of your talent should be aware of all the mediums available to you.” He sat her down. “Let me show you how to stretch a canvas and then we will begin.” He nodded towards his wife. “You may use Lenore as your model for this lesson.” Evangeline looked at the blond woman and shivered. There was something hard about this woman, hidden underneath the russet curls and violet blue eyes. She was wearing a mask, the girl thought; as she picked up her sketchbook and began to draw. She watched Max prepare a canvas and decided that she liked her sketchbook better. All that she required was a blank page and pencils. But she was intrigued enough by his offer to teach her new skills to go along with these lessons. Max came over to see the sketch and he looked at his wife. He didn’t see what the girl was seeing and that bothered him; but it was her vision that was the point, not his. He handed her the pencil. “You transfer the sketch to the canvas,” he instructed her; “enlarging it as needed to fill the entire area. Decide what the focus of this piece is; what you wish to convey to your audience.” Evangeline sat down on the stool in front of the blank canvas and looked from the sketch to the white space. She drew the woman’s eyes, for that was where the secrets lay hidden. “She does have beautiful eyes,” Max nodded as he watched over Evangeline’s shoulder. “Would you care for some refreshment while you wait?” Evangeline offered as she remembered her manners. She rang for a maid. “I would like some raspberry tea and some aspirin, please. Monsieur Otto and his wife are to be given whatever they wish, Charlotte.” The orders given, Evangeline returned her attention to the sketch. She seemed to know without being told to apply the pencil lightly. She finished making the sketch on the canvas and knew what she needed to convey. There would be shadows in this portrait. The woman was full of dark corners where secrets were hidden and danger lurked for those who were taken in too quickly by her pretty face. Max showed her how to mix the paints and she went to work. “You see something in her,” he said as he checked on Evangeline’s progress, “that I am not noting.” He looked at Elinor. “I usually see what you mean to convey with your sketches, Princess.” “I am looking at your wife with fresh eyes,” Evangeline told him. “Having never met her before, I can only present what I see in her at this first meeting.” She looked at Elinor and controlled the shudder. “Perhaps I shall see more of what you see with longer exposure?” She looked again and something in the shape of the woman’s face struck her as odd. It stirred a memory of another place, another person. She rubbed the spot where she had been tattooed absently as she set the brush down and got to her feet, shaking. “I’m sorry, Max. I can’t finish this now. I have a headache.” “Finish?” Max was confused. To him the portrait was more than finished. He had never seen anything more accomplished from a person just introduced to working with oils. “Shall I take this with me, Princess.” “No,” Evangeline shook her head. “I may feel like working on it further once I’ve had a short nap.” She smiled at the man and put her hand on his. “Thank you for taking this time to teach me, Max. I greatly appreciate your patience with me.” She left the room and Elinor went to look at the painting. She was in the forefront but her face was partially in shadow. She was wearing a masquerade costume and an ornate mask was held in her slim fingers. There was a smile on her face, but it was not one of amusement. She could see this woman was pleased at the thought that people did not see she was playing with them. Maximilian was on his knees before her, looking up at her adoringly, and holding out a single red rose. Other people were in the background wearing other masks, and one of them remarkably reminiscent of her brother, Edward. Elaine flinched. This girl was a menace. Without being aware of it, she could see to the very essence of a person and bring it out in her artwork. “You were right, darling,” Elinor said as she laid her hand on his arm. “Your little princess is quite talented. But if this is how she sees me,” she continued as she started to turn away, “I have a long way to go to earn her trust.” As they left the estate, Elinor saw the princess out on the terrace speaking to the head of the security forces. That child was not as innocent or unseeing as she liked people to think. The man was listening to her quite closely. So she had proven to a grown man trained to protect and harm as necessary that her fears should be heeded. That was not good. If she took one step out of line around this child, Elinor realized; her secret would become known. “I don’t know why, Emilio,” Evangeline said, as she studiously did not watch the woman. “That woman Max claims is his wife disturbs me. Could you look into her background for me? Maybe I’m just sensitive because she is unknown to me and Max is my friend.” “I’ll have Petrie on it,” Emilio nodded. He would never question this child’s instincts again. She was a wonder child and should be heeded. “He is the best at such things. The woman will not even know we suspect her.” He accompanied her to the conservatory and looked at the painting. “If that is how you see her, Princess; we have reason to suspect her of something.” Evangeline looked at the portrait and decided she really did not want to work on it further. Looking at it made her head hurt. There was something about that woman that raised bad memories she did not want to remember. She was still upset with herself for breaking down last night after the attack. She’d been so weak! Her father had seen her fear and must surely be disgusted with her over it. He had not spoken to her about it once since they had come back home. “Emilio,” Evangeline asked as another thought crossed her mind. “I don’t know much about you. Is there a Mrs. Emilio?” “There was,” Emilio told her, wondering why it was so easy to open up around this pretty child. “My wife and youngest daughter died a long time ago in a car accident during a storm.” He saw the tears in her eyes. She actually cared very deeply about people he noted. It did his heart good to think there was someone who cared for him that way. “Ysabel would have been about your age if she had survived.” He shook his head as if he were coming out from under a spell. “I don’t know why I told you that. I never talk about my family.” He left after one more glance at the portrait. He went to find Stefano. He found him in the study going over some reports. “Your child is a witch, my friend.” “What was that?” Stefano looked up from his reading, amused by his friend’s comment. He closed the file and set it aside. “A witch, you say?” “She sees into people’s hearts,” Emilio nodded. “And gets others to talk about things they have not thought about in years.” He looked sheepish. “I told her about my Yarena and Ysabel, Stefano.” His friend looked at him sharply and he nodded. “We were just standing there looking at the portrait she’d done of Otto’s wife and she asked about my family. I told her.” “My daughter should be a psychiatrist,” Stefano smiled briefly. He frowned. “You say Otto brought a wife with him for this lesson?” Emilio nodded and Stefano was on his feet. “I’d like to see what my daughter saw in this woman.” “You’re not going to like it,” Emilio said as he followed. “It made me very uneasy.” They entered the conservatory and Evangeline was lying on a padded bench sleeping. Stefano found her shawl and covered her with it before he turned to the portrait. He could see why it would make Emilio uneasy. Here, for all with eyes to see, was a woman who was hiding secrets and was amused at the thought of how she was pulling things over on people. This was not a woman who should be allowed near his child, Stefano decided. Her secrets could cause harm to Evangeline. “The princess already asked me to look into the woman’s background,” Emilio told him. “I’m putting Petrie in charge of that.” “Best choice for work like that,” Stefano nodded. He found his eyes drawn to a man in the background. “This woman made her remember him? This is not good at all, Emilio.” He turned the portrait to the wall and put his mind to the problem. “Tell Petrie he is to put shadows on this woman. I want to know where she goes; whom she talks to, and whom she calls. Don’t let Max know,” he decided. “I have a strange feeling she has him completely fooled,” he said as he saw Max on his knees at the woman’s feet holding a red rose out to her. He had a full head of black hair and was dressed in costume as well; that of the jester. He was looking at the woman with slavish adoration. “Evangeline is telling us that Max won’t believe us if we tell him his darling wife is a liar.” He turned as he heard Evangeline murmuring in her sleep. He recognized the signs of nightmare and he understood. The woman had unlocked the old memory again. He sat down next to her and stroked her hair, murmuring in Italian to her. Emilio left them alone until he heard her scream. He ran back to see her staring off into space as Stefano held her tight. “What is she seeing?” “Creatures her mother and nasty cousins used to torment her with,” Stefano said as he continued to stroke the girl’s back until she calmed. He helped her lie back down and covered her with the shawl again. “Shadow men, she calls them.” He was frowning as he thought of it. How could anyone be so deliberately cruel to a child? “Aileen would tell Evangeline that they would come for her if she fussed. Her cousins would lock her in closets and empty rooms and tell her that the shadow men would come take her away if she cried for help.” “Little bastards!” “I would have wrung Sebastian’s neck,” Stefano said stiffly, “if he had treated a lonely child that cruelly. And yet, my angel child forgave them every time because she knew they didn’t really mean it.” “Their harmless fun at her expense,” Emilio frowned darkly, “has left her wounded.” He was angrier than he had any right to be. “She will not like that we have seen her break down like this. Your child is very much like you in such matters.” “She will think I see her as weak and have lost respect for her,” Stefano frowned. “My angel,” he shook his head. “How could that get any further from my true feelings for you?” He looked at Emilio. “Has it only been a few weeks since I found her? I feel as if she has been with us always.” “As I said, my friend,” Emilio laughed; “your daughter is a witch.” Stefano laughed and called a maid. “Please bring the princess another cup of raspberry tea, Charlotte. She will feel the need for it when she wakes.” The maid bobbed a quick curtsy. He nodded to the canvas. “Have that portrait moved to the Study. The princess is not to see it again. If she asks, tell her to speak to me about it.” “Yes, my lord,” the woman nodded. She took the canvas and left the easel. Stefano was satisfied when she did not even look at the offensive thing. The more he had looked at it the more disturbed he had become. Stefano remained with his daughter as she slept on; the nightmare sent fleeing under his gentle care. How she could think anyone would judge her harshly over something she had no control of was beyond him. What kind of upbringing had she been given? Education in the arts was all well and good, but her emotional welfare had been overlooked. Lord Sterling had assumed that just because she would not complain the incidents had not harmed her. Nothing could be further from the truth as Stefano had now seen. He saw Evangeline’s eyes opening. “Did you have a nice nap, my angel?” “That portrait,” Evangeline frowned as she sat up. “Something about it was giving me a headache. She looked towards the easel. “It’s gone.” “And it stays gone,” Stefano replied. “You are not the only one who is disturbed by that portrait. We understood your message and the matter is being is looked into.” He helped her to her feet. “I think you need a special treat to take your mind off of it. What could we do to make you smile again?” “You’ve given me so much already, Father,” Evangeline smiled up at him. “Let me take you to lunch and then, perhaps, a walk?” He nodded and she kissed him on the cheek. She looked at her rumpled skirts. “Let me change into something a little less wrinkled first.” Stefano watched her dance away and he was content. She was happy in that moment and that was what mattered. He would give his fortune to keep that lovely smile on her beautiful face. She came downstairs as he finished putting his files away and he was again struck by how much she resembled her mother; except for the eyes, Evangeline was Aileen all over again. Only in looks, he reminded himself sternly. Evangeline had his strength in her; she was not going to fall apart and run screaming in terror because life got difficult or decide her need to see what lay elsewhere was more important than her children’s welfare. Eva had already proven she was capable of handling herself in a crisis. As much as he hated the thought of the conversation, it was time Evangeline knew the truth about her mother. She should have been told much sooner. “There is a restaurant in the Eiffel Tower, is there not?” Evangeline asked as she came down the stairs towards him. Her eyes were dancing with happiness. “It probably requires reservations, though.” Before Stefano could say a word, she shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. We will find something else.” She was trying too hard, Stefano realized. She was feeling ashamed of herself for the breakdown even now. He was determined to cure her of that; she had nothing to be ashamed of. His daughter was fine just the way she was, despite the bad memories and nightmares. They got in the convertible and Stefano took the wheel, leaving Emilio and Petrie to sit in back. They parked with the other tourists and the guards fell back to let Stefano and Evangeline enjoy some time nearly alone. They went up to the observation deck of the Tower and Emilio passed the word to the Maitre’d that Prince Roza and his daughter would be grateful if he could squeeze them in. He did better than that. Stefano and Evangeline were shown to the best table and she looked out over the city in true delight. Stefano left her with the guards and went to speak to the Maitre’d. “You have made my daughter very happy, sir,” he said to the delighted man. “If there is anything I can ever do to help you, please contact me.” “Your Highness is doing that now,” the man blushed, “by honoring our poor establishment with his presence. A table shall be kept open for members of your family any time you wish to dine here.” “The princess will most assuredly wish to take you up on your kind offer,” Stefano smiled. “When you have a moment, kindly come over so that she may thank you personally for your thoughtfulness.” The Maitre’d practically fainted in delight. Stefano returned to Evangeline and found her crouched down looking into the eyes of a small child. The little girl was blushing and smiling at being presented to a ‘real’ princess. The parents had a camera and his darling daughter was allowing them to photograph her with their child. But then she asked Petrie to take a picture of her and the entire family with the parents’ camera. That simple act was going to be a memory that child would cherish forever. Evangeline returned to her seat blushing after the child threw her arms around her neck and kissed her on the cheek. “I need to be doing something meaningful, Father,” Evangeline said once they had ordered their lunch. “There is an orphanage near our estate. I would like to visit it and find out how I can help them.” “I believe it is run by nuns, Your Highness,” Petrie said from where he stood nearby on guard. “They have fundraisers once each year that barely cover their yearly expenses. The next one is in two weeks.” “How do you know so much about them, Petrie?” Evangeline asked the man. She saw his expression. “You grew up there, didn’t you?” Petrie nodded and she smiled at him gently. His stiffness softened then as he saw she was not judging him. Evangeline turned back to her father. “Might I attend, Father?” Evangeline asked Stefano, her eyes glowing with joy. “Having our name associated with such a worthy cause cannot be wrong, surely.” “We shall look into the matter when we return to the estate,” Stefano nodded. He caught Emilio’s shocked look and understood the reason for it. He was not one for involving himself personally in such matters. This child of his was changing everything. Suddenly he wanted to be out among people where he could watch her affecting lives and bringing smiles to small children. He looked down as something tugged on his sleeve. There was a young boy of about ten standing at his side looking very nervous. “Yes, young man?” “Are you a real prince, sir?” he stammered. “Mama says you are, but I wasn’t certain.” “What made you uncertain?” Stefano asked kindly. “In our stories,” the boy said, growing braver as he saw that he was being taken seriously; “princesses’ fathers are always kings.” “In real life,” Stefano assured the boy; “princess’ fathers can be princes. Your mother is right.” He saw the blushing woman and his smile was warm enough to make her nearly swoon. “You have a very intelligent son, Madame. You should be very proud of him.” He looked at the boy seriously. “You should remember that your Mama will be right most of the time, young man. But don’t let that keep you from asking questions.” “Come along, Frederick,” the woman blushed and pulled her son back; “the prince and princess need to eat their lunch; as we do.” She shot Stefano a grateful look and ushered her boy back to their table. Stefano looked over to see his daughter beaming at him. The happiness on her face at witnessing an event he would have just as cheerfully avoided before she had come into his life made his heart swell with joy. This girl of his was a witch! But he was not complaining. The changes her mere presence was affecting in him and the rest of his household were nothing short of miraculous. She actually convinced him to take a stroll with her and they talked about the orphanage and how they might help. The serious conversation could wait until they were back at the estate. They came across a street vendor who was selling carnations and Evangeline bought them all. She pinned one to the lapels of the jackets of the men with her and then moved along handing them out to people who had sour looks on their faces. “Is your daughter for real, sir?” the woman asked him. “I’ve only seen people that happy in fairy stories.” “She’s had a hard life,” Stefano replied. “If it makes her happy to see people smile I am not going to stop her.” He moved off and Emilio looked at the man he had known for the past forty years in shock. This was not the Stefano he had begun to get used to. This was the Stefano of twenty years ago when he was young and in love with life. He caught a dark-eyed man watching the girl and her father and noted his interest. When the camera came out, Emilio was on the move. He took the camera away from the man and looked at him sternly. “Prince Roza does not appreciate ambush photography,” Emilio told the man. “I am certain if you ask politely he may actually allow you to photograph him and his daughter.” The man looked at him in disbelief. “Shall we ask?” The man nodded dumbly and found himself being escorted up to the man most of the news media had dubbed ‘the Hermit Prince’. This smiling person could not possibly be that man. “Your Highness? This gentleman of the press would like your permission to photograph you and the princess.” “If he promises to behave,” Stefano replied, “he is free to take all the photographs he wishes. We will not have our daughter disturbed by nasty rumors and outright lies. Is that clear?” Evangeline smiled as the man nodded and put a carnation in his buttonhole. Then she moved down the road spending time at each of the vendors’ stalls and having sincere conversations with the people on the street who were brave enough to approach her. She was determined not to be afraid of anything. The sun was shining, the scent of flowers filled the air, and there was no reason to let this afternoon’s nightmares color the rest of the day. She heard music and they found a musical being staged. Evangeline found a place to sit and her father stood near her as she enjoyed the performance of the amateur theatrical company. “Monsieur Marcel?” “Yes, Your Highness?” the photographer asked as he took another shot of the beautiful child as she went up to congratulate the actors and actresses at the end of the show. “Are you employed by a specific paper,” Evangeline asked him as the company insisted she let them photograph her among them; “or are you freelance?” She saw his question. “I am merely asking because I am going to be in need of a Public Relations person and you impress me as a man who could fill that role quite nicely.” “She’s doing it again, my lord,” Emilio whispered to Stefano. Marcel was stunned. His answer remained unspoken as the girl turned to one of the actresses to compliment her on her singing. The costumes, the staging, and the pacing were all complimented and the director and other department heads came forward to thank her for her kind words to their ‘poor company’. Evangeline fairly glowed with happiness as the people went out of their way to be kind to her. She finally managed to extricate herself from the company and turned to ask Marcel her question again. “Daughter,” Stefano said as he laid his hand on her arm. Evangeline looked up at him and he saw the determination there. She knew what she was doing, he realized. “Monsieur Marcel may not wish to be the Public Relations Officer for the Roza household.” “You are right, of course, Father,” Evangeline nodded. “It is wrong of me to expect him to do as I ask, simply because it is what I want. That is quite unacceptable behavior.” She turned to the man expectantly and saw him blush. “Please think it over, Monsieur Marcel, and let us know?” She saw a woman standing of in the distance smiling at her and a chill went up her spine. It was not possible for her to be here! She was dead. She looked back at her father to see if he had seen the woman and he looked at her puzzled. “This has been quite pleasant, Father,” she said softly, relegating the sighting to exhaustion; “but I am growing tired. I think we should return home now.” “Petrie will retrieve the car,” Stefano nodded to the man. “We shall remain here with Emilio until he arrives.” He saw a sidewalk café and herded her towards it. He could see she was tired. “We shall have some refreshment while we wait,” he said as the restaurant manager came outside to clear a table for them personally, “and talk with Monsieur Marcel about the position we are offering him.” Monsieur Marcel was certain he was dreaming. He had only been looking for a few photographs of Paris’ most elusive noble and he was being offered the job of his dreams. This princess could not be for real, he thought; but her father, the Hermit Prince himself, was confirming her decision. He would be insane not to accept what they were offering to him. “We are not insane, Monsieur Marcel,” Evangeline smiled at him warmly as she guessed his thoughts. “A city I have only ever dreamed of visiting is now my home. I am desperate to have an adviser in the ways I may avoid making any mistakes that will reflect poorly on my family and I have a feeling that you would be the perfect man for this task.” He could almost see tears in her eyes and he was lost. He nodded his acceptance. “Oh Monsieur Marcel. Thank you so very much.” “You can begin immediately?” Stefano asked the stunned man. “Your pay, of course, began as of the first of this month. We are thinking 10,000 francs a month during the 90-day trial period?” He saw the man choke. “If that is not enough, we can renegotiate the amounts. I have not had a PR Officer for many years; I may be insulting you with this offer.” “I assure you, Your Highness,” Marcel gasped out; “you are more than generous and I will work my fingers to the bone to earn every franc.” He had a thought. “May I build a team to assist with this task?” “We leave the specifics up to you, Monsieur,” Evangeline said as her father hesitated. “We reserve the right to do a background search on any person you propose to include in your team for security reasons.” “But of course, Your Highness,” Marcel nodded, amazed that a mere child had such a grasp of things she claimed to be ignorant of. “That goes without saying. Persons of your rank cannot be too careful. I expect you to run my background as well, in case there is anything about me you find unacceptable.” “It is time for us to leave, Monsieur Marcel,” Stefano nodded as he saw Petrie pulling up. “We expect to see you at the estate in two hours for dinner. Bring your family with you, if you have one.” He helped Evangeline to her feet. “Come along, child. We should get back.” Evangeline nodded and smiled once more at the man she’d chosen. She could see the eagerness in him to do a good job and that was what mattered. He would kill himself to make himself acceptable to them. She wondered if he realized that she would never ask that much from him. She got in the back with her father and leaned against him. Stefano put his arm around her and let her sleep. They arrived back at the estate a half hour before dinner and he carried his still sleeping daughter up to her room. She stirred as she set her down. “Dinner in thirty minutes, child,” Stefano said as he kissed her on the forehead. “Have I told you how very proud you make me, Evangeline?” Evangeline was driving the convertible when she and her companions and two of the guards went to the Orphanage with Marcel two days later. Marcel had called them and the nun had told him they would be delighted to meet with the Princess. She pulled up to the curb carefully and looked at Marcel, who was looking very amazed and relieved. He had not expected her to be able to drive that competently, she guessed. He got out and the guard was already opening her door for her. He frowned as Evangeline suddenly went white and turned to see what she could have seen that had upset her. There was a woman walking away. “You’re ready to take your license test now,” he told her as he attempted to draw her attention back. “Sister Constantia said that the children are out in the gardens waiting for us.” He held his arm out to her and she allowed him to escort her inside. She had worn a blue velvet pillbox hat with a satin band that matched the blue dress her father had admired. Yvaine had put her hair into a chignon to make her look more adult, as well. The children, the nuns had informed them, had never seen a princess before. Evangeline smiled at the nun who opened the door and the young woman blushed and curtsied. She saw the three women and two large men following the princess and she was awestruck. “Children,” Sister Constantia, who proved to be a tall willowy woman with a square jaw and light brown hair and eyes; smiled as Evangeline appeared. “Let us welcome the princess and her ladies properly.” The children bowed and curtsied to her and the sisters and Evangeline was enchanted. These were the same orphans she had seen when she was being held prisoner by the carnival. She curtsied back to them and the children giggled and smiled. She sat down on a bench and let them come to her with their questions and touches. For several moments, she let them chatter away. Their excitement was quite heady, she thought as the nuns finally got the children to settle down in front of her. “I am told you are having a fundraiser soon,” Evangeline said to them. “Can you tell me what you will be doing?” The children shouted out answers and she nodded and looked serious. “I adore Gilbert and Sullivan. My cousins and I used to put on our own amateur theatricals of the operettas. Perhaps you would allow me to help?” “That would be more than we could expect, Your Highness,” Sister Constantia protested. “Nonsense,” Evangeline replied. “I would be honored to play a small part in your fundraiser.” She had an idea. “My brother also sings. Have you learned only the one operetta?” She smiled as they told her what they had been doing. “Then may I make a suggestion?” she asked them. The children nodded and even Sister Constantia was enthralled. “You write out your favorite songs from that operetta and who you would like singing them. My brother and I will each do a solo and a piece with you children.” “Will you wear your crown, Princess?” one of the little girls, Marie, asked. “And a long gown?” “If you wish it,” Evangeline smiled gently; “my brother and I will dress in our court costume.” The children were ecstatic. “And,” she continued; “we will hold the fundraiser at the gallery of a very dear friend of mine, Monsieur Otto.” She looked at Sister Constantia and saw the relief in her eyes. “If this is acceptable with you, Sister? I do not want you altering your plans if you have them already set.” “Your suggestions will work quite well, Your Highness,” Constantia replied. “The only requirement we have is that the fundraiser be held in the early afternoon. We can’t keep the children up late.” “Of course not,” Evangeline nodded and looked at the children. “I have an early bedtime myself,” she assured them. “My father does not think a sixteen-year-old should be up later than eleven.” She saw the shock on the nuns’ faces. They had thought she was much older and she was amused. “Is my age a problem, sisters?” They assured her that it was not. So for the rest of the afternoon, Evangeline and the children worked on the musical pieces they would do. She delighted them by showing that she could play the music on the piano. She had Marcel take notes on what they would require for the gallery once he had called Maximilian and been assured that he would assist with the fundraiser on the afternoon in question. The children insisted that she and Sebastian should have thrones on the stage and she hadn’t the heart to refuse them. When she finally left, she had lost her heart completely to the orphans and their loving attendants. “I have fallen in love,” Evangeline sighed when they walked back into the castle to get ready for dinner. She saw her father freeze in shock as he heard her as he came out of the Study. She giggled as he opened his mouth to demand what she was talking about. “With forty of the most delightful children I have ever met in my life.” She went over to kiss him on the cheek. “Father, really! I’m only sixteen. I’m far too young to lose my heart to anyone just now.” She went up the stairs to her room, humming ‘Poor Wand’ring One’ as she went. There was a box sitting in the center of her bed. Evangeline opened it and saw the single red rose inside of it with a spray of baby’s breath and ferns. She backed away from it, shaking her head. How had he gotten it into her apartments? Someone clamped their hand over her mouth and pulled her into the closet. Their other hand moved under her blouse and she felt fingers tracing the tattoo. “You grow lovelier with every passing day, my pretty princess,” Edward whispered into her ear as she struggled to free herself. “You continue helping those dear little orphans,” he laughed as he ran his tongue along her cheek and heard her whimper. “They will make excellent hostages if you ever refuse to do as I ask.” He laughed as she fainted and carried her over to the bed. He put her down gently and took the rose with him in the box. Stefano was just coming up the stairs. “Your daughter has just gone down for a nap, my lord,” Edward said with Petrie’s voice. He handed him the box. “She found this on her bed and gave it to me to bring to you.” He hid his pleasure as Stefano’s eyes blazed with rage at reading the card. He turned on his heel, cursing in Italian and ran to his Study to call Emilio. The two weeks passed swiftly as Evangeline rehearsed with the children at the Orphanage. Edward continued borrowing guards’ faces to plant his little ‘gifts’ where she would find them first and he was quite pleased with how nervous and edgy she became. Aileen’s appearances were only making it worse for the girl. He watched her struggling to remain strong and he was quite impressed with her will power. He would have a true challenge on his hands when he finally took her. He was looking forward to it. Marcel put out a press release and the limited tickets sold out swiftly. Evangeline entered the gallery on the afternoon of the fundraiser with her brother as her escort. He had flown back from Vienna especially for this event and knew next to nothing about it except that they were to dress in full court regalia as requested by the children and be familiar with the songs from the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta The Pirates of Penzance. The security team was heavier than usual because of this and she knew she would see at least one of them in sight at every moment during the course of the afternoon. It made her feel secure and smothered at the same time, but it was the one condition her father had put on this outing and she had agreed. They approached Max and Elinor and Evangeline felt the shiver course up her spine as the woman smiled in her direction. “Princess Evangeline. Prince Sebastian,” Max smiled and embraced them both. “I was just assuring Lenore that you would make an appearance. She did not believe me.” “How could we not come,” Sebastian asked. “My sister arranged this exhibit to benefit the orphanage. She actually broke down and is allowing the sale of her ‘doodles’ to raise money for those needy children.” He looked at Elinor. “You obviously deal with lesser nobility; we Roza pride ourselves on honoring our commitments.” Elinor hid her anger and annoyance. How dare this royal brat talk down to her! She was going to enjoy seeing his life end at the hands of his sister once she had finished programming the princess. Looking at the girl now only made her much more eager to get her hands on the girl. She was too innocent, too pure, to be believed. Evangeline needed to learn the world was not a safe place for little princesses. “Sebastian,” Evangeline chided her brother. “There is no reason to be rude. I am certain Madame Otto meant no disrespect or criticism.” She smiled at the woman and watched the mask drop in place. Elinor was all warmth and light. “Has Sister Constantia arrived yet with the children?” “This way, Princess,” Max smiled and showed her to the area set aside for the small stage. She and Sebastian took the thrones that the children had insisted be put on display as the nun played the Roza anthem and sat down. Max turned with a flourish, his cape sweeping out dramatically to the delight of the orphans. “Ladies and Gentlemen. I present to you the hostess for this event, Princess Evangeline Roza, and her brother, Prince Sebastian Roza.” Eva blinked as the flashes went off and she smiled as she approached the children. They all curtsied and bowed to her and Sebastian and she crouched down to embrace them each in turn or shake the hands of the older boys. They were far more impressed with Sebastian in his dress uniform. The little girls gravitated to her with her tiara and silk gown. She let them stroke it; not minding in the least as they left wrinkles or smudges. This was their event, not hers; and she wanted them to enjoy every moment of it. She went to the microphone and smiled as the children and guests applauded. “I would like to welcome you all to this event,” she said softly as she looked out over the crowd; “meant to benefit a charity that is dear to my heart, the Holy Rosary Orphanage. Please spend some time getting to know each of these dear children. They are worth your time and attention.” She smiled over at Sebastian. “The sisters have been introducing the children to Gilbert and Sullivan so my brother and I, and some of the children themselves, will be entertaining you with pieces from one of their operettas.” She almost giggled as she saw the shock on Sebastian’s face before he controlled himself. “Pierre?” One of the older boys stepped forward and bowed to her gallantly. “What is the first selection?” The boy stepped up to a crystal bowl filled with slips of paper and drew one out. He brought it to her and handed it over. She curtsied to him and smiled. “Thank you, kind sir.” “It is my honor, Your Highness,” the boy said gallantly and bowed again. “Our first piece shall be,” Eva read the slip and blushed, “Maybel’s opening song from The Pirates of Penzance. The children have asked that I sing this piece.” She turned to the nun at the piano and nodded. She loved Gilbert and Sullivan. The Sterling family children had spent hours putting on their own versions of the beloved operettas and she knew most of the pieces by heart. She sung ‘Poor Wand’ring One’ without a slip and blushed as the guests burst into cheers and applause. “Thank you. Marie?” A dark-eyed girl stepped forward and selected a slip. She curtsied quite prettily and Eva returned it. “Prince Sebastian will sing ‘I Am A Pirate King’ with the children.” She saw Sebastian’s look. “I did not make these selections, dear brother. The children did.” “Then I would be a poor Roza indeed to deny the ‘children’,” he looked at his little sister sharply as she stifled a giggle, “their entertainment. But,” he said as Eva turned to sit, “you are to play for me.” Evangeline could not refuse. She took the nun’s place at the piano and scanned the music. Then she waited for his nod. She launched into the piece with great feeling and was enchanted as Sebastian not only sung the piece; but acted out the role with every ounce of his considerable charm and talent. She could see that every woman in the gallery was in love with her handsome brother after that performance. The afternoon only got better after that as more and more of the pieces were sung and acted by the children themselves. Marcel and his team took roll after roll of photographs. The only bad note was when Pierre brought her a bouquet of red roses and baby’s breath. “We all wanted to thank you for helping us, Your Highness,” the little boy smiled. He saw her go white. “We thought you would like the flowers.” “My sister loves your flowers, Pierre,” Sebastian assured him as he squeezed Evangeline’s shoulder. “She is just tired.” He looked over at Constantia. “As I am certain you all are.” “Thank you for the lovely flowers, children,” Evangeline managed to smile for them and they did not notice anything wrong. Sister Constantia did and she remained behind as the other nuns got the children to the bus. “I have a stalker, Sister,” Evangeline told the woman when she asked. “He is fond of sending me red roses.” “Then you shall not keep these,” Constantia replied. She took out the large card. “It is this that is the true gift.” She watched Evangeline open it and smile as she saw the photograph of all the children and the nuns with her during one of her visits. It had been signed on the back ‘To Our Princess, With All our Love’ and all the children’s names and the nuns’ signatures were there. She took Evangeline in her arms as the girl burst into tears. “You are a gentle and loving creature, Your Highness. We will pray God protects you from your stalker.” She curtsied to Sebastian as she took the roses and threw them away. “Good night, you precious pair.” Sebastian smiled as he handed his sister a handkerchief. She was such an emotional little thing, he thought; as he escorted her to the buffet supper arranged for the older guests. Neither of them saw Elinor’s satisfied smile as they left. She had been quite pleased to note the reaction of the princess when she had seen the red roses. Their actions were bearing fruit already. She went to the office and reported their success with an immensely satisfied smile on her face. Evangeline and her brother and their entourage went to the gallery the next morning to hear a report on the fundraiser. She smiled at Sister Constantia as she saw the woman already there and then sat down. Elinor noticed that the girl had not slept well again and knew she had suffered another nightmare. She smiled vaguely as Elinor handed her a glass of water and sipped at it before setting it aside. “Every piece sold, Princess,” Max was astounded. “We had people bidding against each other on several of them. Even the children’s art sold and those monies will be put into accounts in the names of the young artists as you requested. Your artwork raised 2.5 million dollars for the orphanage.” “That much?” Eva was stunned. “I never expected people would actually want my sketches.” She squeezed her brother’s hand. “They’ll be able to afford all the repairs they needed done to bring the buildings up to code, Sebastian. Thank you for being a part of this with me.” “I would not have missed it, little sister,” Sebastian smiled. “How often does a doctor get shanghaied to sing Gilbert and Sullivan?” He leaned his cheek against hers. “You could have warned me. I felt a fool…” “You were superb!” She was glowing as she turned to Max. “Sister Constantia and I have a meeting with the contractors tomorrow at the Orphanage. They’ll be very glad to get their down payment.” “Evangeline has decided repair is not enough,” Sebastian smiled at her fondly. “Oh no! My little sister is having them restore the building to its original glory.” He kissed her hand. “Nothing done in a minor way by this Roza princess.” He looked at his watch. “The hour is late. We will take the checks to the bank, Max. Evangeline will bring you your commission afterwards.” Maximilian nodded agreement and got up to see Sister Constantia to the door. The nun was asking him about holding their fundraisers here again. The children, she was telling him as the door closed, had been quite excited about being in an art gallery. Evangeline caught Maximilian’s pleased smile and she was relieved. “May I ask you what may seem an impertinent question, Princess?” Elinor asked the girl as they got up to go. Eva nodded. “Why orphans? There are other charities you could have selected.” “Because, Madame Otto,” Eva told the woman, “I know what it is like to feel like you don’t belong to anyone and I do not want these children ever feeling that way. Not while I can do something about it.” “Is that child for real?” Elinor said after Eva and Sebastian had left. She was having second thoughts about what her brother had asked her to do. The more time she spent in this child’s presence, the less inclined she felt to hurt the girl. There was just something about the child that made you want to keep her safe. She would have to make a move soon or she would not be able to go forward with their plans. But then she thought of her twin sister imprisoned in the guise of a performing animal in Pietro’s carnival and she regained her perspective. She was not going to let this gentle child break her. The next morning dawned cold and clear and Eva and Sebastian went riding with their father and a team of security. They did not speak much, but enjoyed the time they had left together. Sebastian was going back to Vienna and would not be back until the Ball in two and a half months. Stefano could not put off his patients any longer and was headed to Florence for three weeks. Eva knew he was worried about her being left alone in Paris, but she was looking forward to it. And she had the sisters, Marcel and his team, and a security force of twenty, along with the household staff here with her. She was hardly going to be alone. She had promised to spend time with the Grimaldi family as much as possible. “I can’t believe you’ve only been with us three weeks, Evangeline,” Stefano finally broke the silence. “Are you certain you need to remain in Paris?” he asked for the tenth time since she had come to the decision. “You are paying people to handle this restoration, child.” “It’s not just the restoration, Father,” Eva reminded him. “The orphans are going to need to be settled elsewhere while the work is being done. And I promised them that I would help them with their Christmas pageant.” “Just do not ignore your lessons, child,” Stefano told her. “I shall call you every evening…” “I love you too, Father,” Eva smiled over at him warmly. “I’ll bet you a month’s allowance donated to the Orphanage that Shalimar and I can beat you back to the stables.” She heard their laughter as she took off without warning. She leaned against the mare’s neck and hung on for dear life. She knew Shalimar was swift; riding her was like being swept along by a storm force wind. She could see the stables as they came out of the trees and heard her father or her brother behind her. Black moved into her peripheral vision and she knew it was Sebastian on Goliath catching her up. She urged Shalimar on and gave her mare full rein. She was already dismounted when her brother rode in. “You were holding her back?” Sebastian was astounded. He patted Shalimar’s nose. “They should have named you Zephyr, you swift beauty.” He frowned suddenly as he realized that their father hadn’t shown up yet. “Where’s Father?” he looked back down the trail and there was no sign of him or the security men. He got back on Goliath. “Stay here, Eva.” Eva ran to the office and was picking up the receiver to call the house when someone grabbed her. She drove her elbow back and heard the man grunt as it connected with his ribs. But he did not let go. She was pulled out and forced towards a waiting van. Eva’s mind screamed in protest as she realized she was being abducted. They had done something to draw her father and brother away and that had left her open to attack. Well, she was not going without a fight! They were going to find that trying to abduct a Roza was not an easy task. She twisted around and drove the heel of her hand up under his nose. He let her go then with a curse and she was running. She heard galloping hooves as she got out into the corral and found herself being enveloped in her father’s embrace. “You’re not staying behind, Evangeline,” he said as he looked at the bruises on her arms. She started to protest and he shook his head. “Your safety is far more important to me than any other person’s welfare; don’t you understand that, child?” Eva couldn’t speak then. He was completely sincere and she was lost. Her father loved her so deeply that she knew he would willingly die if it kept her safe from harm. She couldn’t let that happen! So she let him think he had won and went about her business for the day with her mind spinning out a plan that would allow her to remain in Paris. She took a shower and changed then went to the car. Sebastian feigned horror and alarm as she drove them to the bank. “You’re awfully quiet, little one,” he said as they entered the building with the proceeds from the fundraiser. He turned her to face him and she would not look him in the eyes. “You know he’s only doing what he thinks is best for you, Eva.” “I’m not used to having someone care that fiercely about my safety,” Eva replied honestly. She saw the bank manager coming their way and smiled. She knew the man; he was her dresser’s brother. “Monsieur Clermont. I deposited the monies from the fundraiser yesterday and completely forgot that I wanted to add to them.” She went into his office with him while Sebastian remained outside the door. “I would like to take the same amount from my personal account to add to the Orphanage restoration funds.” “I should have called you, Your Highness,” Clermont frowned. “Someone has purchased the building that is currently being used as the orphanage. They plan to turn it into a hotel.” “No!” Eva cried out in protest. “Where will the orphans go if this is done?” “I do not think the new owner cares,” Clermont replied. “He is in this for business, not charity.” He saw her go pale and went to get her brother. Sebastian brought her some water and stroked her hands. “I am sorry, Your Highness but such things are common practice…” “I want his name,” Eva said tightly as she turned on the man. “He has to be made to understand that he cannot do such things to people!” He shook his head and made noises about client confidentiality. “Then you will have to decide whose business you prefer, Monsieur Clermont. If this man goes through with his plans to destroy the orphanage, I will be moving my accounts to another financial institution.” She got to her feet and left without another word. She entered the orphanage and joined Sister Constantia in the office. For several moments she just stood looking out the window overlooking the playground. The sound of children’s laughter brought tears to her eyes. But then Eva began to smile. She turned to the nuns and her brother and he knew she had a plan. He knew every expression on that pretty face of hers now. “My father wants me to accompany him to Italy,” she told the sisters. “You and the orphans will take over the estate.” She held up her hand as the nuns protested. “It is the least I can do after being blindsided by this business deal. The servants will remain to help you settle in. I want you to make yourselves completely at home. The horses will benefit from the riding lessons the boys and girls will enjoy and there is the pool and the tennis courts for exercise.” “But it is your home, Princess,” Constantia protested. “We could not take over your family home.” “It is a building,” Sebastian assured her as he saw what Eva wanted. “Our home is wherever we are together. Please, Sister Constantia. You must do this for my sister and I. We are mortified that this happened to you.” “I will not leave this office unless you agree,” Eva assured the woman. “Please Sister. It is, as my brother has said, only a building. If it can be put to such good use, then let it be so.” The sisters discussed it and agreed that it was their only option. They had been told they had to move by the end of the month. Instead, they loaded the children on the buses and followed Sebastian and Eva to the Roza estate. While the children ran around getting a feel for the place, the sisters and Eva descended on her father. He looked at her as if she had lost her mind. “You want to turn our family home into an orphanage, daughter?” he said softly as he pulled her out to speak to her privately. “What nonsense is this?” “They are losing their building, Father,” Eva told him what the bank president had told her. “The sisters and the children are being kicked out at the end of the month and will have no place to go.” She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “Please, Father. Let them remain here. The place has forty bedrooms and is more than large enough for them.” Her eyes searched his. “We can rent the penthouse level in some ritzy hotel in Paris when we come back. It will be far easier to secure than this massive place.” Stefano thought it over and could not see her budging. He had loved this place very dearly once, but it had lost is charm when Aileen had left him. It was only now becoming a home again and the reason for this, his long-lost daughter, wanted him to turn it over to orphans and live out of a hotel. He could see the sense in that. It was not like they needed a huge place. He nodded his agreement and Eva squealed in delight and threw her arms around his neck. “I will agree as long as it is understood that we have access to the stables,” Stefano said gruffly. “We will build a smaller residence for the family elsewhere on the property so that we can oversee your investment in these children, and add on to the stables.” He stroked her hair and smiled at her lovingly. “Go tell your nuns the good news and then we shall go back to Monsieur Clermont on the way to the airport to find some answers.” An hour later, Eva left with her father after leaving instructions with the servants to pack up her things for storage until they returned to Paris. She took only her jewelry and a few favorite outfits with her. They fit easily into the trunk of the convertible. They stopped at the bank and Clermont went white as a sheet as he saw Eva return with her father in tow. He tried to give her father the runaround but Stefano would not hear of it. Eva watched as her father made the man squirm and then break, all the while maintaining a polite and calm demeanor. They went to an architect next. “My mother is an architect,” Stefano told the man proudly. “She drew a smaller estate for our family before she and my father were wed. He insisted on something grander.” He smiled over at Evangeline. “Now that my child has turned our home into an Orphanage, we wish to have the smaller estate built. The blueprints will be sent to you.” He held up his hand as the man began to say something. “We will leave you to adjust for codes and security concerns, Monsieur Torval, but the estate must have the outer appearance of the original drawings.” “I don’t see any problem with that, Your Highness,” Monsieur Torval, a nervous little man with a thin moustache and dark brown eyes and hair smiled as he bowed to them both. “We shall break ground the moment we receive the blueprints.” “I shall see that the security captain knows to admit you and your men, and shows you the sight we have chosen for the new residence,” Stefano nodded. “My daughter, Evangeline, will be your contact with the family.” He put his hand to Evangeline’s elbow. “Come along, child. We have a plane to catch.” They pulled up to the jet at the airfield and Evangeline saw the woman again. Was she a ghost? She seemed to appear and disappear at will, and only she saw her. She got on the jet and settled down to ponder this situation. She had buried her mother only five months ago. Evangeline had thought she had made her goodbyes, but these appearances were making her uncertain. Her mother was not through with her yet. When they arrived in Italy, Eva found herself being taken to an even grander castle and estate than the one in France. These were the properties the Roza family had possessed since the twelfth century. People were lined up along the main road to the castle and they actually bowed with hats in hands as the car went by. The car stopped in the courtyard and servants jumped to attention to take their suitcases. Eva turned to see a tall silver-haired woman with green eyes watching her. Stefano smiled and pulled her towards the formidable creature. “Mama,” he smiled proudly as she held Eva at his side. “My daughter has finally come to us. Evangeline, meet your Grandmother, the Princess Morgana Roza.” “I am honored to meet you, Grandmother,” Eva said as she curtsied to the older woman. “You are terrified, child,” Morgana smiled at the girl and embraced her. “I will not eat you, darling. I have never been happier than I am at this moment.” They went inside and entered a sitting room where tea had been set up. Morgana snapped her fingers and a maid came forward with a paper in her hand. “I assume that this delightful child is responsible for this news, my son? I could not see you doing any such thing.” Stefano took the paper and they saw the article in the Paris paper. The headline read ‘Roza family turns ancestral estate over to local orphanage’. He read the article quickly and praised Marcel silently for getting all of the facts straight. He handed the newspaper to Eva and watched her blush. She hadn’t expected what she had done to become news. Eva still did not seem to understand how important she now was in her new rank in life. Everything she did was going to be reported on and commented on. “She is a Roza, Mama,” Stefano said proudly. “Nothing done halfway.” “And why this incredible decision, girl?” Morgana asked Eva. The girl blushed and lowered her eyes. Morgana made the girl look up. “We Roza are never ashamed. A decision made should be one you are proud to admit to, or it should not be made.” Evangeline was overjoyed at the woman’s acceptance of her. She could see that her grandmother was not judging her for this decision, only curious as to why it had been made. So Eva told her the whole story, sparing no detail, and watched Morgana carefully. There was no censure, no criticism, and Eva knew she had no reason to be afraid of her grandmother. “After everything we had done to insure the orphanage would have a sound building,” Eva finished her story; “some one came in and bought the building out from under them. I felt responsible for the children by then, Grandmother. I could not abandon them to an uncertain future.” She looked at Morgana without fear then. “The house was too large for just the three of us. It needed to be used.” “There’s the Roza in you,” Morgana laughed and embraced Eva again. “Come now, you darling child, and let me show you your apartment.” Eva went upstairs with the woman and was shown into a suite of rooms off the right corridor. It was every bit as large as her rooms in the house in Paris, but the colors were more vibrant; and the style more traditional. “You have six hours to rest and refresh yourself, Eva. The entire town will be here tonight to welcome you home.” “But I thought we would be staying in Florence,” Evangeline replied. She turned and realized that her father had not come with them. “He left me here?” The memory and emotions of the morning her mother had abandoned her hit her and she had to catch herself on a nearby chair to keep from fainting. “He’s coming back, isn’t he?” she asked in a small voice trembling with fear. “Of course, darling,” Morgana assured her as she embraced the girl. “He had a patient to see. He will be back in an hour or two.” She kissed her on the forehead. “Try to get some rest now.” Evangeline sank down on the bench under the window near the bed and looked out across the countryside. Her grandmother Roza was a force of nature. Grandmother Sterling had been like a calm and gentle spring breeze compared to this woman. And the entire town was expecting to greet her? Eva did not know if she would ever get used to so many people caring what she did and said. She felt an urge to run and hide but she clamped down on it and went to lie down for an hour. Evangeline came awake as laughter floated up through the window from the gardens below. She got up and went to the windows to look out. Her father and grandmother were in the garden talking, but they were too far away for her to hear what they were discussing. “Princess?” Eva turned to see a maid standing in the room. “Your father would like you to join himself and the Princess Morgana in the gardens.” “Thank you,” Eva replied. She decided to change into something a bit cooler and was just slipping her feet into a pair of sandals when she heard gunfire. She ran to the window and saw several people riding up on the estate firing weapons into the air. She hurried down to the gardens as the gate opened and one of the men strode in. “Roza!” He roared, his dark eyes dancing with delight. He turned those eyes on Evangeline, who took a step closer to her father, and bowed gallantly. “We heard the news of your arrival, little princess, and we had to come.” “Evangeline,” Stefano smiled as he squeezed her hand. “This ill-mannered lout is your uncle, Silvano.” “The one who sent me Shalimar?” Eva asked as she eyed the bearded man warily. “How many uncles do I have, Father? “I am the only one who matters, little one,” Silvano laughed. He came to her and picked her up and spun her around. When he set her down, he was pleased to see she was giggling. “Definitely a Roza, this one.” He clamped his hand on hers and led her out of the gardens. “Come see what your favorite uncle has brought you, little princess.” Eva saw her father and grandmother following so she was not afraid to go. Silvano’s men had dismounted and were holding their mounts. One of them had a second horse with him, a gray Arabian with a jet black mane and tail. Silvano led her to it and placed the reins in her hand. Then he stepped back and watched as Eva and the mare introduced themselves to each other. He was quite impressed. The child was not in the least bit hesitant around the mare. “Her name is Zephyr,” Silvano told her. He saw the shocked look on her face. “You may change the name if it does not please you.” “No,” Eva shook her head as she stroked the mare’s neck. “I am certain it suits her. It’s just that Sebastian commented that Shalimar, the Arabian at our stables in France, should have been named Zephyr.” She looked at the horse. “I am certain you are just as swift, aren’t you, beautiful one?” She looked at her father and grandmother. “Do I have time to ride before the party, Grandmother?” “Your child knows the way of things, Stefano,” Morgana laughed. She looked at her watch. “You have two hours before you should get ready, darling. Ride your pretty mare. Silvano will bring you back when it is time.” “Of course, Mama,” Silvano smiled and picked his mother up off the ground to kiss her on each cheek. He mounted his stallion and watched Eva mount her mare with a grace that astounded him. She was definitely a horsewoman. “Come, we will show you around the estate, little princess.” They rode off with cries of joy and the dust rose with them. When it had settled, the group was already some distance from the estate. Stefano was not certain his daughter should be exposed to Silvano without a guard present. His younger brother was as boisterous as Stefano was reserved. Silvano was still young enough to get into trouble for not thinking things out. If anything happened to his daughter because of Silvano’s recklessness, he would hurt his brother. He felt a hand on his arm and looked into his mother’s knowing expression. “He will guard her with his life, Stefano,” Morgana said to him. “You worry too much. From all you have told me your darling child is more than capable of looking out for herself. If she feels he is leading her astray, I am certain she will say something to him about it.” “She may look like her mother,” Stefano nodded; “but she is definitely more Roza than Sterling.” “So come back to the garden, my son,” Morgana urged as she linked her arm through his. “Tell me more about these nightmares that plague our pretty Evangeline.” Eva rode with her uncle and his band of men across the countryside for several miles before they came to the village. They reined their horses and took seats at the restaurant. Silvano grabbed a waitress around the waist and hauled her into his lap as the pretty woman giggled and hit his shoulder. He kissed her on the cheek and set her on her feet before ordering a round of wine for him and his men and lemonade for Eva. “You’re not used to lively men, niece?” Silvano asked bluntly as he saw the girl watching him in a mixture of shock and wariness. “No,” Eva answered truthfully. She saw the waitress looking at her coldly. “Your friend doesn’t seem to like me, Uncle.” “Rosa?” Silvano saw who she was looking at and shrugged. “That one doesn’t like many people. I torment her just so I can see her smile.” He raised his glass. “A toast!” he boomed out and got to his feet. His men joined him. “To the most beautiful female on this planet; my niece Evangeline.” He bowed to her as he rose to his feet along with his men and they cheered. “To the Princess!” Eva was blushing as he and his men sat back down. He was stunned. “You have not had men compliment you on your beauty? Are they blind in England and France?” “They are not quite so – vocal,” Eva replied. She smiled at him then. “I think I’m going to like being around you, Uncle.” “And that is as it should be,” Silvano nodded, his eyes twinkling with pleasure. “No Roza should be unable to accept the truth about themselves. “We have heard you are quite ferocious, little princess,” one of the other men, Remy Primus said. “Is it true you took on three gunmen who were intent on your abduction and gave them the slip?” “Not without injury,” Eva replied. She told them what had happened and saw the anger and pride in her uncle’s eyes. “I was far more concerned about Emilio than myself. He was shot.” “That one!” Silvano laughed. “The man has a head like a boulder, Eva. Nothing short of a bomb could slow him down.” “I don’t know about that, Silvano,” one of the men in back laughed. “You forget about the time Emilio was driving your brother’s car and…” “We will not go into such stories,” Silvano broke in as he saw that Evangeline was far too interested. “No!” He turned to Rosa and raised his empty glass. “Today we celebrate the fact that my beautiful niece is home with us where she belongs!” He finished his second glass and pulled Eva to her feet. “Remain here, my friends. I take my niece shopping.” “But I…” “No arguments,” Silvano told her as he guided her across the square. “I insist you allow me to give you a present. I was in Iraq until recently and missed out on your Welcome Home party.” He looked so downcast that Evangeline didn’t remind him that he had already given her two Arabian mares. He held a door open for her and they stepped into a shop that catered to artists. “I am told you are an artist, little one. Anything you wish, it is yours.” He smiled at the old man behind the counter. “Giorgio,” he bowed his head to the man slightly. “My niece, Evangeline Roza.” “Princess,” the little man bowed to her. “You honor my shop with your presence.” He got on his feet and put a crutch under his arm to come to her side. “Is there anything specific you wish to see?” “I have been learning oils,” Eva told him, “but I have always preferred pencil sketches.” “An artist should learn about other mediums before deciding on the one that displays their talent to its full effect,” Giorgio said sagely. “We have some fine paints and canvases here.” He looked at Silvano who was over by the chalks. “Your uncle Silvano prefers chalks.” “You are an artist, Uncle?” Eva looked at the man in delight. “You must show me your work. Perhaps teach me about using chalks?” “Perhaps,” Silvano replied. He scowled at the little man and Giorgio met his dark look without fear. He walked over to a beautifully carved wooden box and opened it. “This is a fine set of pencils and paints, Eva,” he said as he drew her attention away from him and back to her. “There are brushes, and all the tools, as well.” Eva realized that her uncle did not like talking about himself. She would have to find ways to make him unbend, she thought as she examined the collection. She nodded. It would do quite well for her work. She found a sketchbook and some canvas and frames and a staple gun and looked at Silvano. “It is too much, isn’t it?” she asked him worriedly. She still was not used to being allowed anything she wanted. “Darling child,” Silvano laughed at her and ruffled her hair. “We would buy out the store for you if that is what you wanted.” He cupped her chin in his hand and looked at her seriously. “You need to stop thinking you have no right to be pampered, little one. You deserve all of it and much more besides.” He turned to Giorgio. “Can you have it delivered to the estate, Giorgio? We rode here.” “I shall bring it myself when I come for the party,” Giorgio beamed. He turned to Eva. “You will get much use from that collection, Princess. If you require more pencils or paints, you have but to send word and it shall be brought to you.” “Thank you, Giorgio.” Silvano saw the little man turn bright red with pleasure and he knew his little niece had the Roza charm. She was beautiful, she was intelligent, she was talented, she was fearless, and she was as innocent as an angel. Despite the horrors she had already been exposed to, she was not tainted. He was quite pleased to see this. Silvano had been afraid he would find his niece like her jaded mother. Evangeline was nothing like that selfish female. “Come, niece,” Silvano held out his hand to her. “We must get back to the estate to ready ourselves for the party.” They arrived to find the maid assigned to Evangeline wringing her hands. Evangeline took a shower and saw the pretty dress that had been laid out for her. It was white lace over a vivid emerald under dress. The sleeves were elbow-length and lacy underskirts made it stand out. The maid was tying an emerald sash at he waist into a bow at the back when Stefano came into the room. He smiled as he saw her. “You look lovely, child,” he said as he kissed her on the forehead. He held out a box that held a spray of white roses and baby’s breath on a gold filigree headband. He put this on her and nodded. “Quite lovely.” He held his arm out to her and she went with him. They entered the courtyard, and it had been ringed around with tables. Flowered garlands were hanging everywhere, scenting the area with their fragrance. Musicians were set up to one side under the banner that proclaimed welcome to her. Eva could feel the tears misting in her eyes and she smiled up at her father. This was all for her! There were cheers as she went to her place at the head table next to her Grandmother on her father’s arm. The wine flowed, the music played, and the evening swept on. She watched as the entertainments were put on and was thoroughly delighted by everything. But as the party wound down she suddenly froze. “Eva?” Silvano, who was dancing with her when this happened, saw the look in her eyes. “Something is wrong?” “It’s all fire and blood and pain, Uncle,” Eva whimpered as the impressions came. “Something very bad is going to happen.” She was shaking as fear hit her. “I shouldn’t have come here. It’s followed me.” Silvano got her back to her seat and handed her a glass of wine. He found Stefano and beckoned him over. He told him what Eva had said and left his brother to deal with what was happening. Stefano took her hands in his and made her look him in the eyes. Eva saw his eyes willing her to face what was occurring without fear. When she had calmed down, he nodded and let her go. She told him how she got these ‘feelings’ from time to time that usually meant something bad was going to happen. She had quit trying to make them go away, but it was still hard to experience them. “I want to run away afterwards,” she told him honestly. “That’s what Mother did, isn’t it?” He nodded and she knew he did not want to say anything more. He wanted her to think kindly of her mother. “You want to run to protect people,” he said simply. “Your mother ran because she could not see beyond the fear.” He held her to his chest and did not let go until she relaxed. “There is not a person here, my little one; who will not stand with you against the danger you sense. You have no reason to run.” He raised her eyes to his. “Do you believe this?” “It is so different from what I’ve known, Father,” Evangeline replied softly. “Sylvie always told me to keep these things to myself. She didn’t think the Sterlings would be happy knowing I could do the same thing my mother had.” She shook her head. “I couldn’t lie to them, though. The uncles all understood and they encouraged me to come to them when I got one of my ‘feelings’.” Stefano kissed her on the forehead and pulled her to her feet. He made their excuses and took her to the family chapel. The quiet as the thick wooden doors closed was quite restful. They sat down in the back and sat quietly for a few moments. Evangeline got the feeling that he needed time to figure out how to speak to her about her mother. “I know she was damaged, Father,” Evangeline assured him. “She loved me as much as she was capable of loving me, but she was cruel and thoughtless when I needed her to be supportive and protective. If Sylvie had not been there, I am afraid to think what life would have been like with only Mama. She got worse as I got older and Sylvie called Uncle Adam. He convinced Mama to go home to Sterling Manor.” “Your uncle Adam,” Stefano told her, “always wanted to believe his sister could change. He could not see that her behavior was set.” “I knew she wasn’t going to stay with me when we went back,” Evangeline sighed. “I knew the signs by the time I was five that meant she was going to run. But she always came back after a few days or weeks.” She was shaking as she remembered. “I knew this time was different. I did everything I could think of to keep her in sight but she slipped away one night while I was sleeping and I was inconsolable.” She could feel the tears and she did nothing to stop them. “She said we would always be together, Father, and then she abandoned me! I was so hurt that I let myself believe all the hateful things Daria said to me: that I wasn’t wanted, that my own mother didn’t love me.” She took the handkerchief he handed to her. “She said that you didn’t want me either; that’s why you let Mother take me away from you.” She started crying for real then and he held her as the storm raged. Stefano could not believe anyone could have been so cruel to his beautiful child. But he had seen the effects of jealousy and insecurity and knew they could cause a lot of damage. Daria was beginning to make up to her cousin for her thoughtlessness and selfishness now. One day his niece would be a wonderful young woman. He stroked Evangeline’s back and murmured endearments to her in Italian. When the crying stopped, he looked down to see that she was sleeping with a happy smile on her face. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to her bed. Several days passed and Evangeline settled into the life of the estate in Italy. She went everywhere with her Grandmother. When she was not with Morgana, she would go riding with Silvano and his men. Her father stayed at the estate, but his days were filled with consultations with his patients. It was all right. She had time to get to know about him from his mother and brothers. She was beginning to relax and forget about the threat of Edward Landry and the strange sightings of the woman she had thought was her mother. She was sitting in the gardens enjoying some quiet time with her Grandmother and uncles after dinner when Stefano came back from a consultation. “We will be going home soon, child,” Stefano smiled as he kissed her cheek. “Your Grandmother had the plans for the new residence sent to Monsieur Torval. He should already have the foundation laid for the new residence and most of the framing done by now.” “So it is to be the same as the main house,” Evangeline nodded, “except for the number of bedrooms.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Do we ever do anything in a small way?” “We are Roza,” The three brothers intoned as one. “We make our presence known to all.” They looked over at Morgana, who was shaking her head. “Is that not so, Mama?” “Disrespectful imps!” the woman laughed. She held her hand out to Evangeline. “I have the sketches I made of what I wished the house to look like, child. I think you might like those. Come with me.” They went into Morgana’s sitting room and she went to the desk and pulled out a small portfolio. She opened it and Evangeline saw the sketches for a small castle set among different types of landscaping. “This is what I wanted your grandfather to build on the property in France,” she explained. “He insisted we needed something grander.” “So all Roza men think on a larger scale than necessary, Grandmother?” “We Roza are a proud lot, child,” Morgana smiled. “We want the world to sit up and take notice of us.” She saw the look in Evangeline’s eyes. “You, I think, would prefer to devote yourself to others and not be noted?” Evangeline nodded. “You can get a lot more accomplished by allowing people to take note, child. Your rank allows you aid that you would not have as a commoner. Think on that.” She kissed Evangeline on the forehead and closed the portfolio to give to her. “Father said you were an architect, Grandmother?” Evangeline was even more enchanted when Morgana nodded affirmation of her guess. She looked at the sketches again. “It is plain to see where Silvano and I get our artistic talent from, Grandmother. These are the loveliest sketches I have ever seen.” “You are definitely Roza,” Morgana laughed and embraced her grandchild. “That was the prettiest compliment I have received in a very long time.” She saw the time. “It is time you went to bed.” Then she returned to the study where she knew her sons would be waiting for her. She sat back with a cup of tea and waited for Stefano to tell them what had been bothering him since the night of the party. She did not have to wait long for him to break. He was far less secretive than his younger brothers. Stefano always preferred to handle things head on. That was one of the characteristics he shared with his father. “She has her mother’s sight,” Stefano told them honestly. He could see they were as worried as he was. “If she says that danger is coming, we need to be prepared for it.” He thought over the past three weeks. “She also has an ability I have never seen in anyone before: she can see past the masks people put on to the truth.” He pulled the canvas out and showed it to them. “This woman came to the residence in France and was all smiles and warmth. But you see what my daughter saw in her?” “I know that smile,” Silvano said tightly. “I have met this woman before.” He thought about it and knew where they had met. “The hair and eyes are a different color, and the nose and jaw are altered, but this is one of Edward Landry’s twin sisters, Elaine or Elinor. I am certain of it.” He heard Stefano’s curse and nodded. “Both of them are nasty customers.” “They had Evangeline in their hands once already,” Stefano told them what had happened and saw their anger and concern mount. “I will not let it happen again.” “The child is not allowed off the estate,” Morgana ordered, “without a guard from this night on. I want at least five people knowing exactly where she is at every moment.” She saw Stefano starting to say something. “I do not care if she likes it or not, my son. We must protect our little angel.” “I was not going to argue, Mama,” Stefano smiled at her. He nodded behind her to the doorway. “I just wanted you to know that Evangeline heard every word you just said.” He watched as his mother held her hand out to his daughter. “What woke you, child?” Morgana asked as Evangeline came to sit on the arm of her chair. “You were sound asleep when I left you.” “I had a nightmare,” she told him as she leaned her cheek against the top of her grandmother’s head, “about Mama. She was in a room with a shackle on her ankle and she was being forced…” She bit her lip and looked down a moment. “A man was forcing her. And I could hear that woman’s voice saying Mama had to make the man happy or they would give her to the shadow men.” She looked at them all and they could see she was serious. “She’s not dead, Father. She’s being held prisoner somewhere by that witch and being used like a whore.” “Evangeline!” “Don’t correct her, Sergio,” Stefano said to his more straight-laced brother. “That is exactly what it sounds like.” He looked at Evangeline. “This room,” he asked gently; “was it in the same place you were being held?” “I don’t know,” Evangeline told him honestly. “It felt more like a hospital room. The man was in white like the orderlies at a hospital.” She got up on her feet and went to the window. “I have to know the truth, Father. This nightmare was too real, too detailed, to be just a dream.” She fell silent for a moment and when she turned they could see she was determined. “I’m going back to France,” she told them. “I know you have patients you need to see here for the next two weeks, Father, but I cannot wait that long. Emilio will watch out for me.” Evangeline watched their expressions and steeled herself for argument. She could see their concern for her, and it made her feel loved and secure. But this was something she needed to do. The last place she had seen this woman was in Paris. If she was still posing as Lenore Otto, then they could trap her and make the woman tell them the truth. If the nightmare was true, Aileen needed help desperately. “My men and I will go with you,” Silvano spoke up. “We haven’t seen Paris in a while.” He saw his mother’s look. “Don’t worry, Mama. Our first priority will be to look out for my darling niece.” “You’ll be ready to leave in the morning then,” Stefano decided. “While you’re there you can check on the new residence.” He smiled briefly as Evangeline threw her arms around him. “I let you go on one condition, daughter.” She nodded. “You are not to go anywhere without at least three men and the Santos women in your company. Is this clear?” She nodded. “Now it is time for you to go back to bed,” Morgan said as she turned Evangeline towards the doors. “I am going to miss you, Eva. I have quite enjoyed having you here.” They arrived back in France the next afternoon and Evangeline could see life was going to be a great deal more interesting with Silvano and his men around. The moment they drove up to the house, Emilio was there. He had a very stern look on his face as he saw Silvano. For a moment, Evangeline was afraid they would come to blows. But then the moment passed and Emilio was embracing the younger man and slapping him on the back. “Princess!” one of the children squealed as he saw her coming in. “Sister! Sister! The princess is back!” Silvano and his men watched in amusement and horror as children and nuns seemed to come out of every door and down the stairs. Evangeline crouched down to embrace each of them in turn or curtsy in return to their bows and curtsies. A short round man with a brown goatee and hair came out of the Study. He was beaming as he saw her. Evangeline held out her hand to him and he bowed over it gallantly. Then he was taking her into the Study and the door was shut. “Monsieur Marcel,” Emilio informed Silvano as he held the prince back. “He is your niece’s Public Relations Officer.” He indicated the children who were hanging around nervously. “Enfants, this is the princess’ uncle, Prince Silvano. These men with him are his personal guard. They will not be around to disturb you for long.” “If he’s a prince,” Pierre shot out as he stood forward; “where is his crown? Prince Sebastian has a crown.” “He let us wear it!” another of the boys shot out. “If you are very, very good,” Evangeline said as she came out in time to hear this interchange, “my uncle may let you wear his, too. He will be in charge of buying ponies for your riding lessons, so you must be nice to him.” Silvano shot her a look of sheer panic. “I didn’t bring you along for decoration, Uncle. Everyone has a job here; that shall be yours.” She turned back to Marcel. “My uncle and I will be staying at the Savoy in Paris. We have the penthouse on the top floor.” She heard the disappointed sounds from the children. “I shall be back every day to see you,” she promised them. “We have a Christmas pageant to plan, do we not?” “I will see that our hotel reservations are set,” Silvano said as he watched the children pulling her away so they could show her what they had done while she’d been gone. He turned to Emilio, who was watching the girl like a doting uncle himself. “My men and I will only be gone an hour or two…” “Do not worry,” Emilio broke in. “Anyone who tries for her now will have forty orphans, twenty nuns, and my men and I to go through first.” He laid his large hand on Silvano’s shoulder. “I am glad to see you, boy. It’s been too long.” Silvano nodded and left the estate with his men. They went to the hotel and were assured that the rooms on the top floor were ready for them. He went upstairs to double-check for himself and left half his men behind to keep watch. They were sweeping the rooms for hidden microphones when he left with the other ten still in tow. They made a quick stop at the gallery and he went in with only two men. Maximilian came out and found them looking at the sketch that Evangeline had done of Elaine. “Monsieur Otto,” Silvano said simply. “I see you have the honor of possessing one of my favorite artist’s works.” He saw the man look at him sharply and he held out his hand. “I am Silvano Roza. Evangeline is my niece. I am in town to purchase ponies for her orphanage stables.” “And is the princess with you?” Maximilian asked him. “She is overseeing the construction of the new family residence and additions to our stables to house the ponies she is purchasing for the orphans,” Silvano nodded absently; as if it were of no consequence. He appeared enamored with the sketch. “Lovely woman. Is she known to you?” “My wife,” Maximilian said proudly. “Lenore.” “We are staying at the Savoy, Monsieur Otto,” Silvano told him. “I am certain my niece would be quite pleased if you and your lovely wife paid her a call while we are in town.” He left then, having laid out the bait for their trap. He was quite pleased that the woman had not put in an appearance. He would not have been able to keep from strangling the bitch and that was not the plan. They needed her alive and talking so they could figure out if Evangeline’s nightmare was actually more than that. He stepped out onto the sidewalk and noted that there was a basement level to this building. There was an upper floor for the family residences, as well. If the witch was holding Aileen, she might even be here. He leaned over to one of the men and gave his instructions. He nodded and beckoned two more to go with him. “Antony,” he said to his lieutenant; “take three with you and go back to the penthouse. I want to know all the exits and entrances to the floor and I want them all monitored and alarmed.” “Yes, my lord,” Antony nodded and chose three men. Silvano arrived back at the family estate with four men in two. Emilio raised an eyebrow in query and Silvano said only ‘the trap is set’. Emilio nodded and smiled. He had trained this young man himself and knew what he was talking about. By the time Evangeline got to the hotel, it would have become an impregnable fortress. No one would get on that level without at least six people knowing they were coming. Whoever she was setting her trap for would never know what hit them. Silvano heard the sounds of young voices raised in song and followed it to the old ballroom. It had been transformed into a theater with a stage at one end and an orchestra pit in front of it. Evangeline was playing the piano for the orphans and she looked quite happy to be doing so. He stood in the doorway and watched the little angel as she played. She deserved to have a life free from danger, he thought to himself. If she needed him to, he would give his life to see that happen. A bell rang and the children stopped singing and ran with happy squeals through a side door. “Would you care to join us for lunch, Your Highness?” Silvano looked down to see a nun that came up to his shoulder standing there. That meant she was relatively tall for a female as he was six five himself. He looked over at his niece and she nodded. So he nodded and followed his niece and the nun out onto the terrace where several long tables were set out. The children were settling themselves down with all the noise and exuberance of children everywhere. They quieted as he and Evangeline appeared and were on their best behavior from that moment on. The silence ended when a woman gasped and something hit the ground and shattered. Silvano was reaching for a gun he was not wearing as he turned and he saw Ynez. She looked stunned at the sight of him for a moment. Then she glared at him and fled. “History, Uncle?” “Nothing you need to worry about, niece,” Silvano told Evangeline. “It is best to leave it lie.” He saw Yvette and Yvaine and turned to her. “You have all of them as your ladies, Eva?” “It was Father’s decision,” Evangeline told him. “I arrived here in Paris to find them in place.” She saw the tightening of his jaw. “If there is a problem, Uncle…” “I’ll deal with it,” Silvano finished for her. He heard something move nearby and wheeled around to see Pierre standing there. The boy was not even uneasy at how quickly Silvano had reacted. He just stood there waiting to be acknowledged. “Yes?” “When you go get the ponies, Prince Silvano,” Pierre asked him bravely, his eyes filled with hope; “can I go with you?” “Do you know anything about ponies, boy?” Silvano asked the boy. Pierre shook his head and turned away, believing himself dismissed. “Where are you going?” Pierre turned back. “If you wish to learn, then you can find no better teacher. If it is permitted by your Sister Constantia, then you will come with me.” He nodded to the empty place. “Finish your lunch now, boy.” “You are a surprising man, Uncle,” Evangeline smiled as she leaned towards him. “Why?” “He appears quite eager to learn,” Silvano replied. “I like that in a child. If he is as intelligent as he is brave then he will be an apt pupil.” He smiled at the look of disbelief on her face. “Do not believe it when you are told I am selfish, reckless, and completely lacking in motivation,” he said as he locked eyes with Ynez, who had gotten over her anger and was helping the smaller children at the far end of the table with their lunches. “Such a criticism will be based on out of date information.” Evangeline saw the longing in his eyes hidden just beneath the irritation and knew the truth. He wanted Ynez but was afraid she still held him in poor regard. Evangeline would have to see what she could do about that. The first thing she would do was put them together at every possible opportunity. She smiled to herself and called the woman to her side. “Ynez,” she said simply. “I think it might be wise if a woman went along to buy ponies for the children. You will have a better feel for what will suit the younger ones.” She saw her uncle stiffen. “I am not belittling your knowledge of horses, Uncle; but I have no idea how knowledgeable you are when it comes to children.” “Princess,” Ynez protested; “Yvaine is a far better choice for this task. She has studied…” “Humor me, Ynez,” Evangeline told her. “I would be grateful if you would do this for the orphans.” Ynez nodded and Evangeline got to her feet and picked up her plate. She started down the table to pick up other empty plates. “Prince Silvano will be leaving after lunch, so I will take your duties in the kitchen.” “Princess!” “That is my choice, Ynez,” Evangeline told her. “Please don’t disappoint me by treating me like a useless person.” “Of course not, Your Highness,” Ynez hung her head. “I will be ready to leave when he is.” Evangeline took her stack into the kitchens and set them down next to the sink. She counted to five and turned to see her uncle coming in. He looked very put out with her and she was in no mood to play games. He set the glasses he had collected down and then picked her up and planted a kiss on each of her cheeks. “Thank you, you little witch!” he laughed. “How did you know?” “If it was a secret how you feel about her,” Evangeline smiled back at him, “you were not hiding it very well.” She turned him away once he set her down and shoved him towards the doors. “Go get her, Uncle. I will accept nothing less than forgiveness and happiness from you two.” Silvano bowed and left the kitchen. Evangeline laughed and filled the first sink with warm soapy water. Then she put on an apron, rolled up her sleeves and got to work. She had many offers from people to take over and she refused them all. She liked being useful, she told them. So they let her wash the dishes and then go out and help sweep the terrace. As she leaned on the broom, she saw smoke coming from the direction of the stables. “Emilio!” she cried as she set the broom aside and started running. “Something is happening at the stables.” She ran as swiftly as she could and Silvano’s men were right behind her. They arrived at the stables and saw smoke pouring out of the office. She ran in and saw that it was only a small fire in the wastebasket and the smoke was being fed out the window to make it appear worse than it was. She called the house and told them what had happened and Emilio assured her they would keep the children safe. She put out the fire and carried the smoldering remains out into the stables to see Silvano’s men on the ground. She saw the red tufts sticking out of their arms, back, and/or shoulders and knew it was a trap. She turned to see Aileen standing behind her. “Hello, Daughter,” she smiled coldly as she raised the tranq gun. “It’s time for you to join me in our new home.” Evangeline threw the basket as she saw the woman’s finger move and the tranq was deflected. She turned and ran and saw two men in the doorway, cutting off her route. She entered an empty stall and tried to open the doors out to the corral beyond. The latch was stuck and she could not make it loosen. She heard Aileen’s laugh and turned as the dart fired. It hit the wall just above her shoulder and she shoved the woman back and ran back towards the office. She was caught before she could hit the alarm and dragged back to Aileen. “You were not taught to be so disobedient, child,” Aileen shook her head as she took a dart and stuck it into Evangeline’s arm. She smiled as the girl collapsed. “We go now.” “Yes, Princess,” the men nodded. “What about the men?” “They will be punished enough when their superiors learn they have lost the little princess,” Aileen replied. She followed them out of the stables to their waiting vehicle. None of them saw the man watching from the shadows. He waited until they were gone and then went into the office and called the house. “The lioness has taken the lamb,” Petrie said simply. “Their transport has been tagged.” He hung up and went to see to the men, relieved when he saw that they were merely sleeping. He took the dart out of one of their arms and tested it. Once he knew what the sedative was, he gave them the antidote. They sat up and looked around groggily. “The witch has our princess,” he told them. “It’s time to move.” Evangeline woke up and saw that she was lying in a padded room. She was in a straightjacket but she had not been drugged. That was all right, she thought as she struggled to sit up and the room spun around her. The after-effects of the tranquilizer were making her groggy enough. She looked up as the door opened and saw Aileen coming towards her. “How are we feeling, baby?” she crooned as she crouched down and stroked Evangeline’s hair. Evangeline pulled away from her, glaring at her coldly, and Aileen laughed. “I see we are feeling angry.” She got up. “I couldn’t leave you there, baby. You should be with your Mama.” “Then you should have stayed with me!” Evangeline snapped at her. “We buried you, Mama…” “A necessary lie, child,” Aileen said sadly. “So that they would stop looking for me.” She opened a flap on the straightjacket’s arm and Evangeline saw that an IV had been placed in her arm. “You saw how they were, darling. I couldn’t leave you there knowing they were hurting you.” She tried to pull away and Aileen yanked her back. “Don’t fight me, baby. It will only hurt you.” She took a syringe out of her pocket and took the cap off the needle. She pressed the needle into the line and injected something into it that burned through Evangeline’s vein. “There we go, angel. You’ll be nice and calm when they start questioning you.” “I won’t tell you anything!” Evangeline snapped. She fell back as the room began to spin slowly around her. “What did you do?” “Just a little sodium pentothal, angel,” Elinor laughed as she came into the room. “We can’t let you lie to us, can we?” She stroked Evangeline’s cheek. “It will take about fifteen minutes for full effect.” She went to the door and knocked on it. “Bring our little pet to the apartment, please.” Two men came in and helped Evangeline to her feet. She was having trouble walking but she did her best to fight them anyway. They got her into the wheelchair and she heard something snap to the sleeves of the straightjacket, securing her to the chair. Elinor patted her cheek and led the way to the apartment. Evangeline wasn’t certain, but she thought she was back in the hospital in England again. The room certainly looked the same, if her drugged senses were to be believed. She heard the men leave and watched Elinor moving around. Aileen came out with a teapot and cups on a tray and set it down on the table. “Mama?” Evangeline could not believe it. This was her mother serving tea to the witch who had just abducted her. “Why are you doing this?” “She has been taught her place, angel,” Elinor laughed; “now she is our willing slave.” She sat down and accepted the cup Aileen handed to her. “Thank you, Aileen. Please go ready the transformation materials for your daughter.” “Yes, Doctor,” Aileen nodded and left the room. “Now, precious,” Elinor smiled as she sipped the tea and set the cup down; “shall we have our little talk?” She laid her hand on Evangeline’s knee. “This was supposed to be a trap to catch my brother and I, wasn’t it?” “Yes,” Evangeline nodded helplessly. “The men tagged the van so they could follow you.” “Then isn’t it a good thing we dumped that vehicle before we got to the airport,” Elinor smiled. She saw Evangeline frown. “You thought we were still in France?” “Yes,’ Evangeline replied. “We knew you were pretending to be Lenore Otto and have been watching the gallery and you since you left the estate that day.” “I see.” Elinor frowned. “They will check out the hospital in England, won’t they?” Evangeline nodded and she smiled. “It will be a waste of time, precious. We aren’t in England. They do not know this place because I am not connected to it in any way.” She saw the fear in Evangeline’s eyes. “Your programming will be handled by my old mentor, Oscar Angelis.” The door opened and Evangeline heard footsteps coming her way. But her head was spinning badly now. She had a vague impression of a silver-haired man with concern in his brown eyes. He touched her cheek and she flinched. He frowned and turned to Elinor. “I was saddened to hear about your sister’s situation, Elinor,” Oscar said softly. “I shall endeavor to undo the damage done to her mind once she is returned to us.” Elinor nodded and he looked down at Evangeline. “So this is the pretty child your brother will have as his bride. Lovely girl.” “Won’t…marry… him,” Evangeline forced out. “I don’t…belong…to him!” “Stubborn little girl, isn’t she?” Oscar frowned. “It won’t help.” He turned to Aileen. “Do you have everything ready for her, Aileen?” “Yes, Doctor.” “Then let’s get started,” Oscar nodded. “The sooner we begin after the drug has been given, the more permanent the results will be.” Evangeline could feel herself spiraling down into the darkness and she did not fight it any longer. The last things she saw were Aileen and Elinor’s triumphant smiles while Oscar bent down to check on her. When she came awake again, she was in the padded room. She was shackled up against the wall by straps around her throat, around her waist and on her upper arms and wrists. An IV stand was hung on the wall beside her and a drug was being fed into her vein. The door opened and Oscar stepped inside. He smiled at her sadly as he checked the drip on the line. “I know Elinor is lying to me, child,” he said as he touched her cheek; “but there is nothing I can do to stop this for now. We must make her believe she is winning.” He pulled a needle out of his pocket and injected the sedative into her IV line. Then he pulled out a pair of headphones and put them over her ears, attaching the line to a plug in the wall. “When this is over you will believe you are Landry’s loving fiancé unless your cavalry arrives in time.” Evangeline begged him to stop this but he kept walking. The lights went out in the room and the slit in the door closed. She was alone in the dark and terror flooded through her mind. As she struggled to control that fear and remind herself she was only in danger of having her mind stolen from her, the program began. “The only way you will be safe from the shadow men,” Elinor’s voice sounded over the recording, “is to marry Edward Landry. He loves you and will keep you safe from them. You love him and will willingly do whatever he asks of you.” “No!” Evangeline screamed and tried to pull free of her bonds. “There are no such things as shadow men. It’s all a lie!” She heard something move and a figure stepped out of the shadows. It was a man, all grays and blacks. He was smiling nastily at her and reaching out for her. “No! It’s not real!” But she felt his hands on her arms and saw his black eyes. “We’re coming for you, Evangeline,” the man told her. “We have been waiting a long time for you, pretty girl. You will be one of us…just like your pretty mother.” “No!” Evangeline screamed and raised her legs to kick out at him. He went flying and she saw he move back into the shadows. “Leave me alone!” She wiggled her hand around and tried to undo the strap on her wrist. Pain shot through her as she bent it a bit too far but she let it hurt. She had to get free! She got the wrist loose and freed her other wrist. Then she reached up and yanked the plug out of the wall. She had the straps loose and threw the headset into the corner when the door opened. Evangeline screamed as a man came towards her and struck out blindly in her fear and anger. “No!” she cried in protest. “I won’t go with you! I won’t let you turn me into a slave!” “Hush now, Princess,” Emilio’s voice sounded in her ear. He removed the IV line from her arm and held her as her knees buckled. “Why would I want to do that?” “Emilio?” Evangeline burst into tears and she threw her arms around him. “How did you find me?” He tapped the earrings she was wearing, plain gold studs that had been overlooked by her captors. “You bugged me?” “We weren’t taking any chances,” Silvano said as he flipped on the lights. “You poor angel. What have those horrid people done to you?” He removed the contact lenses and scowled. “My mother,” Evangeline cried and started to run. She would have fallen on her face if Emilio hadn’t caught her. She looked at her uncle in desperation. “My mother is here, Uncle! I saw her!” “We’ll find her, sweetheart,” Silvano nodded as he picked her up in his arms. “We got in before any of them could slip out.” He carried her out of the room and down the front stairs. Evangeline saw Elinor and Oscar in handcuffs, but the other woman was missing. The woman glared at her coldly, but Oscar looked relieved. “Doctor Angelis. I would like to thank you for your assistance. We couldn’t have gotten in if you hadn’t turned off the alarms.” “You did what?” Elinor hissed and turned on her old mentor. “How could you, Oscar! Knowing what we hold on you?” “It is precisely because of your endless threats,” Oscar replied coldly, “that I made that move.” He looked at Evangeline. “I am glad they arrived before any real damage was done, Princess.” “My mother?” Evangeline demanded as he looked at Elinor. “Where is she?” “Up on the roof,” Elinor said nastily. “I told her that the shadow people were coming for her and she would only be safe if she flew away.” She saw men running. “If you’re very quick, you might actually get to her before she jumps.” “Get this bitch out of here,” Silvano snapped as Evangeline burst into tears. He held her close. “Hush now, little one. My men will get her down for you. We will have the best doctors work to undo the damage this witch and her mentor did to your Mama’s mind.” Evangeline struggled out of his arms and stumbled to the elevator. He followed her and they went up to the top floor and out through the roof access. Aileen was in a corner, her eyes wild with terror. She was holding the men off with a pipe wrench a maintenance worker had left on the roof. Evangeline waved them off and walked towards her mother slowly, her hands out. “Mama,” she said gently and Aileen looked at her. “It’s all right now. The shadow men are gone. We made them leave.” “They don’t leave,” Aileen shook her head. “They are always waiting…” “For fussy children to cry,” Evangeline finished for her. She had Aileen’s attention now and she knew how to end this. “But they are sent away by children who… “Act like angels,” Aileen provided the ending. She looked at Evangeline. “You are my angel child!” she sighed and dropped the wrench. “You sent them away for me?” “Yes, I did,” Evangeline nodded. “Because our family wants you to come home. We miss you terribly.” She held her hand out and took a step forward. “Let me take you home, Mama.” Aileen came to Evangeline and the girl took her mother in her arms and held her as she sobbed. How long had she been trapped in this nightmare world? She felt Silvano’s arms around her and she burst into tears. How could anyone be so cruel as to steal a person’s mind and leave them locked in nightmare? Aileen was alive and hopefully her mind would be retrieved for her. And if she was alive, did that mean her uncle Adam was alive as well? “That witch has a lot to answer for, Uncle,” Evangeline said wearily as he picked Aileen up in his arms and they left the roof. She could feel her eyelids drooping and so she missed the look on that passed between her uncle and her mother. He carried Aileen down to the car and strapped her in the front seat. Evangeline got in back and began to drift off. He drove a few miles and then pulled off the road. Evangeline was brought awake by the sound of duct tape being pulled off a roll. She opened her eyes to see her mother wrapping her in tape. “What are you doing?” she cried as he continued until she was cocooned in the tape. “Mama…” Aileen put tape over her mouth to still her cries and Silvano removed her earrings. He dropped them out the window, and then pulled something out of the glove compartment. He slid the hood over her head so she could not see. Evangeline tried to pull free but the tape held her securely. This was not her uncle, her mind screamed. This was someone wearing Silvano’s face. She was being abducted again! She felt a hand move up under her skirt and she struggled to get free. “Don’t fight it, precious,” Edward Landry’s voice sounded in her ear. “You are mine for the moment and I mean to enjoy my toy for a while before I let you go home.” He pushed her on her back and she felt him removing her underwear. She kicked out at him but he only laughed. She felt his hand between her legs and then his fingers stroking her. Her mind went blank. This was not right! He couldn’t just force himself on her like this. It was wrong! But he didn’t seem to care what was right or wrong. His fingers continued to stroke her and she began to feel things she didn’t understand. Her entire body began to pulse and ache in response to what he was doing to her. And then she heard him unzip his trousers. He was going to rape her! Here in this car while she was completely helpless to stop him. She struggled as well as she could but it did nothing. Then he zipped up his trousers and laughed. “I wish we had time for play, Princess,” Edward said as he taped her ankles and yanked her out of the car; “but we have to get going before they think to look for your mother and you.” She heard the jangle of keys as he hefted her over his shoulder and then the trunk lid being opened. He dumped her inside and he removed the hood a moment and slipped an oxygen mask over her face. Then he put the hood back on. “Sleep now, little one,” her mother smiled down at her gently as she lowered the lid. “When you awaken, we will be in a place where we can talk in private.” Emilio looked around for Silvano and Aileen and Evangeline and they were nowhere in sight. They had been right behind him; he was certain of it. He sent his men through to sweep the place and they came back to tell him that the prince and princess were gone. He shrugged. Perhaps Silvano had decided to take Evangeline home and merely forgotten to tell anyone. It was not uncommon for the man to be that thoughtless when he was focused on something important. He was convinced that this was what had happened until a car drove up and Silvano got out from behind the wheel. “What do you mean I was here earlier?” the prince looked at Emilio as if he had lost his mind. “I’ve been buying ponies for the orphanage. I only just heard about this an hour ago, Emilio.” He went pale. “Someone has taken her!” “We have the woman and her accomplices,” Emilio frowned. He strode up to a squad car and yanked Elinor out. “Where is she, woman? Who has taken the princess?” “Did you really think you could outwit him?” Elinor laughed at the pair. “He has wanted the girl since he first laid eyes on her. By the time you figure out where he is going, she will be his.” “Tell us where he is taking her, woman,” Emilio roared as he clamped his hands around Elinor’s throat. “Ask Prince Roza,” Elinor choked out. “He knows. He was the one who chose the place when he called the authorities down on my brother!” Emilio shoved her back in the car and slammed the door. He left the clean up to his men and the authorities and followed Silvano to the car. One of the patients jumped in as they took off and they turned to see someone who could only be a Sterling. There was a chill in his cornflower blue eyes and his sandy hair was cut to stubble, but there was no mistaking his features. “Adam Sterling?” “That’s what my parents named me,” the man nodded. “It took you long enough to find us,” he frowned at them. “How could you let them get their hands on that child? I left her with my family so they wouldn’t go after her.” “My brother wanted his daughter,” Silvano hissed at the man. Adam turned his cold blue eyes on him and he felt chilled. “You had no right to keep her from him.” “She was not safe with him,” Adam replied; “not after he took down Landry. He made her a target the moment he came back into her life. Landry’s bitch sister followed him right to the girl.” “This argument gets us nowhere,” Emilio broke in as Silvano started to defend his brother again. “Landry has the princess. We want her back.” He looked at them both. “So start thinking, gentlemen. Where would he take her?” Evangeline was tired of being helpless. She had woken up to darkness and panicked a moment before she remembered her situation. She was locked in a trunk being driven somewhere by a madman her father had helped put in prison. She was not going to let him force her. She would see him dead first! She felt the car slowing and then the squeal of the brakes. A minute later, the trunk was opened and she was yanked out and carried off over his shoulder as she struggled to make him let her go. “You really need to stop fighting me, precious,” he said as he held her in place. She heard a door being slid aside and they stepped into a place that was cool. Air conditioning? The door slammed shut and he was carrying her into a large space. She could hear his footsteps echoing as he walked. Then he put her down on something hard and cold. She heard him walk away and she rolled off whatever he had put her on and cried out in pain as she fell. She struggled to her feet and her mother caught her as she tried to run. “Oh no, baby,” Aileen laughed as she led Evangeline back; “you are not going anywhere.” Evangeline heard the sound of scissors opening and closing. “Not when the fun is just about to begin.” He began cutting the tape off and her clothing went with it. He grabbed her wrist as she took a swing at him and she felt something cold on it. He was shackling her down, her mind told her. Evangeline took another swipe at him and he just laughed and shackled her other wrist so that her arms were held up above her head. She pulled on the shackles and heard the clatter of chain. She shuddered as he ran his hand along her arms and continued down her body. He cut her bra off and she shivered as the cold air hit her naked torso. He did not cut off her skirt, however; and he put her underwear back on her as she kicked out at him and tried to connect with his face or body. “It is as exquisite as you are, pretty one,” Edward smiled as he traced the mark tattoo he had put on her. He showed it to her in the mirror. “As an artist, I am certain you can appreciate my work.” “It is a foul reminder of your brutality and cruelty,” Evangeline spat. “I mean to have it removed at the first opportunity!” “Why would you do such a hateful thing?” Edward laughed. “You do not appreciate being my canvas, pretty child?” Evangeline shook her head and he laughed and kissed her. “That’s just too bad. I want the world to know that you belong to me!” “I do not!” Evangeline hissed at him. “I brought you here so we could go over the rules of your new status as my property, Princess,” Edward said to her coldly. “Be silent and listen to me.” He let her go roughly. “If you try to leave Paris or you refuse to come to me, I will slit the throat of one of your little orphans and dump them in your bed. Is that clear enough for you?” He yanked her up and she sobbed as her arms were pulled back. “You belong to me now, Princess. You will do as I command.” “I belong to myself, Landry!” Evangeline hissed at him. “You can not command me like I was your pet!” “Then prepare to attend a lot of funerals, my dear,” Edward laughed. “If you tell anyone what I have threatened, Princess, they will die first!” He traced the tattoo and smiled as he admired his work on the living canvas he wanted to possess. “One or two more ‘sessions’ and you will see that you have no choice but to obey me. Then, my precious toy,” he laughed as he claimed her unmarked breast, suckling her until she was sobbing in horror, “we will begin your training for my bed.” He heard sirens and let her go. He kissed her one more time and then slugged her across the jaw. She blacked out as he and Aileen ran. When she came to, a police officer was covering her with his jacket. A crime lab person dusted the shackles for prints and took photographs of the scene and of her body. The officer removed her wrists from the shackles and helped her sit up. She was lost. She could not fight that maniac. Not if she wanted her orphans to stay alive. He had known exactly how to threaten to get her to obey. She was in the ambulance when the car with her uncles and Emilio arrived. “Is she all right?” Silvano asked the EMT. “He didn’t…” “He didn’t rape her,” the man shook his head. “Her wrists are bruised from the shackles, but he didn’t hurt her.” He looked at Evangeline. “She’s just been frightened…” Evangeline whimpered and Silvano sat down next to her and held her hand. She would not look at him and he knew she was hiding something. The man had threatened her in a way she felt she could not fight. Well, he was going to show her that was not true. He watched the EMT give her something to calm her and she drifted off to sleep. “My angel?” Stefano said softly as she started to come around again. Her eyes shot open and he saw the terror in them. That bastard was going to pay for doing this to his child. His beautiful fearless child was traumatized by what he had said to her. He pulled her into his arms. “Do not be afraid, child. Papa is here.” Evangeline burst into tears and turned away from him. Whatever Landry had said to her had left a mark on her mind; as he had left the additional marks on her body. Stefano let her go and motioned Sister Constantia over to see to her. She would not stop crying, even for the motherly woman. Stefano left the bedroom and entered the main room of the penthouse. All of the family was there, and he could see they were ready to shed blood over this. He did not blame them. He nodded as Alexander handed him a whiskey and sat down. “She is traumatized by this event,” Stefano told them bluntly. “She would not speak to me.” He looked at them all. “The monster is following his same pattern. He finds a victim and takes them somewhere to mark them. He tells them he will be back to claim them and if they refuse to go with him, he will hurt someone they care about. She thinks we are unaware of this.” He saw the girls go pale. “I do not want to inflict this on you, girls. Perhaps you could go sit with your cousin?” Daria and the twins went into the bedroom and closed the door. Stefano looked at the Sterling men and his brothers and his son. They were of a mind on this, he could see. They needed to find out whom Landry had threatened so they could protect them. And then they would lock Evangeline in a room if they had to in order to keep her from making an unnecessary sacrifice. He had a feeling he knew who Landry’s targets would be. “He will go after the orphans,” he told the men bluntly. “He won’t bother coming after the family; we are too well protected.” “I’ll put some shadows in place around the orphanage,” Emilio nodded. He got up to go and paused to look at the closed door. “If I get my hands on that bastard…” “We all share your rage, Emilio,” Stefano nodded. “Let us see what we can do about getting our hands on the man before he makes his next move.” “Just how do we do that?” Sterling asked bluntly. “You and the authorities tracked him for five years before he slipped up and you caught him. He is not going to make the same mistake again.” “Neither am I,” Stefano said coldly. “We know him, Alastair. He is a creature of habit. He will not wait long before he takes another girl.” He frowned as he thought the situation over. “He took Evangeline because she is my daughter and he wanted to wound me. She is not his usual type and that explains why the tattoo is not his usual style.” He went to the phone and called Interpol. “Inspector Lancaster, please. This is Prince Roza.” He only waited half a minute. “Lancaster? Yes, we are fully aware that he is loose. He took my daughter.” He nodded as the other man talked a moment. “I need you to send a copy of your files on this man to the Savoy in Paris. We have the penthouse.” He nodded. “That might be best. We’ll have a room prepared for you.” He hung up and turned to the others. “He will be bringing the files and as many of the original team that took Landry down as possible.” The door opened and Daria stood there, ashen faced. “Uncle Stefano,” she choked out, “we need you in here.” He hurried in and the others wondered what was going on. Daria closed the door on them and turned to her uncle. “She is muttering all kinds of nonsense about how it would be better if she just died. They’d be safe if she were dead.” She looked at him. “What is she talking about, Uncle?” “If you could all leave me alone with my daughter?” Stefano asked as he approached the bed. He watched the four women leave and then locked the door behind them. He went to sit on the bed and yanked Evangeline up. She looked at him in shock. “What is wrong with you, child? You’ve faced worse than this and come out fighting.” He shook her roughly. “Do you really think we are going to allow him to hurt your orphans or keep your Mother in thrall?” He saw her eyes widen and he nodded. “Of course, we know what he said to you. I put this man in prison, daughter; do you think I did that without learning something about how he works?” “He-he said he would slit their throats and dump them in my bed,” Evangeline sobbed, “if I didn’t come when he called.” “Are you his bitch, daughter?” Stefano said harshly. He could see it was working as the familiar fire flared to life in her eyes. “No, you are Roza! And we do not heel for maniacs!” He embraced her then and all the stiffness flowed out of her. “You do not keep such secrets from us again, child! We are family and we stand as one.” “Yes, Father.” Evangeline sobbed. “He – he won’t hurt my orphans? Or Mama?” “Let him try!” Stefano said to her. “He will find himself back in prison!” He held out his handkerchief. “Now dry those beautiful eyes of yours and put on something pretty. We will go out to dinner.” He went out and sent the girls back in to help Evangeline get ready. He looked at Adam. “All this time he was pulling the same thing on Aileen, and I never knew it!” He put his head in his hands. “If only she’d said something to me, we could have avoided all of this.” Days passed and Evangeline began to feel more confident in their abilities to keep the orphans safe. She sat on Shalimar and watched as the new house went up, her three ladies and two guards accompanying her. The foundation and exterior were up now and landscaping was being put in place. She was fascinated by the way it matched the sketches her Grandmother had made. They went inside and all of the walls were up and the finishes were going in. She smiled as the contractor Monsieur Torval had hired to oversee the work came over and spent a few moments discussing changes that had been made to the layout in order to accommodate the security protocols her father had asked for. “As long as it does not jeopardize the space requirements over much, Monsieur Boussard,” Evangeline told him; “you are free to do what you need to do. All I care for is that it looks like my Grandmother’s blueprints and sketches.” “Princess,” Yvette called out, and tapped her watch. “I must go now,” Evangeline smiled at him. “I have an appointment I cannot miss.” She went back out and mounted her mare and rode off with her entourage. They left their mounts in the care of the stable hands and went to the main house. The children were all waiting for her in the theater. “Have you been practicing? “Yes, Princess,” the children chimed together. “Then you will show me, please, what you have learned,” Evangeline smiled over at a silver-haired man with a bushy moustache, “from Signore Scarlatti.” She sat down on the stage and smiled as the nun played the waltz at a slow pace. She was impressed with how well most of the children had picked up the steps; but there was one boy who seemed determined to step on his partner’s toes. “Pierre! This is not combat.” She got on her feet and held her hand out to Signore Scarlatti. “Signore? Shall we show them again what a waltz should look like?” “I shall be honored,” Scarlatti smiled and took her hand in his. The children moved off to the sides of the room and Evangeline curtsied to her partner. He bowed and then took her in his arms. The music played and they moved around the room. At seventy, the man still had most of the men she had danced with beat. When it was over, she was in awe of him. He bowed low and kissed her hand. Then he turned to the children. “We try again!” he ordered and the children took their places. “Pierre,” he pointed to the boy; “you will dance with the Princess. I shall have your partner.” Evangeline held her hand out to the boy and he turned bright red as he took it and she curtsied to him. He bowed and then put his hand on her waist. The music started and she led him gently and patiently through the steps. He only stepped on her toes once and she merely smiled and urged him to continue. At the end he was beaming with pride at his accomplishment. Evangeline shook his hand and left him to continue with Marie. Scarlatti came over to sit with her. “You have done wonders with these children, Miss Evangeline,” he said bluntly. Then he colored. “I mean, Princess…” “You, Signore,” Evangeline broke in, “may call me Eva, as all of my friends and loved ones do.” She took his hand in hers. “I grew up with your teaching. I look on you as another uncle. Thank you for helping me with the little ones.” “It is my pleasure,” Scarlatti blushed crimson. He looked at his watch. “It is time to end this. May we have one more dance before I take my leave? Your choice.” “Jive?” “Are you certain you are up to it?” Scarlatti teased her. He went to the piano and told the nun what he wanted her to play. “If you know the piece.” She played the first three measures and he smiled. “I would not think such music common for a nunnery.” “I had a life before I became a nun,” the woman sniffed at him. “Little men,” Scarlatti boomed as he turned and clapped his hands. “Little women,” he bowed to the girls and they giggled. “The Princess and I are going to show you a new dance. It is called the Jive.” He looked at Evangeline and she went to the far corner as he stood by the piano. He nodded and they danced towards each other. When Evangeline reached him, he threw her up in the air and caught her, spun her around his body and hefted her up on his shoulder. They continued on, as the children cheered and clapped. When it was over, Scarlatti was actually looking less than regal. He bowed low to Evangeline and she curtsied prettily. “Your Highness. It is always a pleasure.” “When can we learn to do that?” Maurice, one of the older boys asked. “That looked like fun.” “That kind of fun is a lot of hard work,” Evangeline told him, “and a great responsibility. You are responsible for your partner’s safety.” She saw Scarlatti go and she gathered the children. “I will show you the basic steps next time; but the lifts and spins will have to wait until you are a bit stronger.” They protested and she put her hands on her hips. “You would rather dance than eat your lunch?” They shook their heads and she laughed. “I did not think so. Go on with you.” “You are not joining us for lunch, Your Highness?” Pierre asked as he hung back. “We are having strawberry ice cream for dessert. I helped crank the handle.” “You must see that you save me a spoonful then, Pierre,” Evangeline smiled gently at the boy. “I have a meeting with Monsieur Marcel and Sister Constantia now.” He looked upset. She crouched down and put her hands on his shoulders. “Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten that I promised to take you riding after lunch.” He smiled then and ran off as the lunch bell rang. Evangeline went into the Study and spent the next half hour going over the accounts with Marcel and Constantia. When the meeting was over, they went to the terrace and found three plates waiting for them and a bowl of ice cream each. Pierre was practically dancing with anxiety by the time Evangeline finished. She took him by the hand and he shook his head and let go. He held his arm out to her and she laid her hand on it. Someone had been teaching the boy courtly manners and she was impressed. They walked down to the stables and her entourage was right behind them. “Prince Silvano showed me how to saddle my own pony,” Pierre said as he brought out the little black animal he had been using in the lessons. Evangeline nodded solemnly and watched as the boy saddled his own mount. He performed the task as if it was a holy ritual and she was happy to see he had learned it well. He mounted and waited for her and the others; then Evangeline rode up next to him and they set off. “Do you think I could work with horses when I am older, Princess Evangeline?” “You can do anything you want to do, Pierre,” Evangeline told him; “as long as you are willing to study hard and work hard and never quit.” She nodded to the tree line. “We will ride just to the tree line and then use the open field to work on gaits.” “Prince Silvano has shown me gaits,” Pierre assured her. “He says I have a good seat.” “He does, does he?” Evangeline smiled down at the boy. “Then by all means, show me how well you sit your horse in a canter.” Pierre nodded eagerly and took off. He disappeared into the tree line and Evangeline grew worried when he did not come back. A moment later, the pony came back without the boy. The guards rode in after him as Evangeline caught the pony. She saw the card stuck in the bridle and her heart stopped as she pulled it out. She opened it and her blood ran cold as she read what was written inside. “Meet me at the Eiffel Tower in one hour,” it read, “or the boy will not live to see another birthday.” Evangeline rode back to the stables, leaving her guard in the dust. She was dismounted and behind the wheel of the stables’ truck before they could catch her. She was the only one who had seen what was written on the note. She roared through the main gate and took off, her heart in her throat. If he hurt that boy, she would slit his throat, Evangeline thought as she drove to the Tower. She left the truck in the parking lot and was just getting out when someone clamped their hand over her mouth, put their arm around her waist and pulled her into the bushes. She saw Pierre lying on the ground bound and gagged. His face was bruised and his clothing was torn but she could see the fire in his eyes. He had not come quietly. “I’ve missed you, precious,” Edward said as he pulled her against him. “You didn’t need to involve him,” Evangeline snapped. “He is an innocent child…” “He is an alley cat!” Edward snarled. “I would be doing the world a favor if I ended his life now.” “No,” Evangeline cried in protest. “Please don’t hurt him.” “Then stay right here, Princess,” Edward said as he hefted the boy up on his feet. Evangeline watched as he took Pierre to the truck and dumped him in the cab. She looked around for a rock or a fallen branch and found what she was looking for. As he locked the doors, she moved up behind him and bashed him over the head. He fell to his knees and she grabbed the keys he dropped. She ran to the truck and jammed the keys in. She saw Pierre’s eyes widen and dodged. The branch hit the cab top and snapped in half. Evangeline ran as he cursed and he caught her by the hair and slammed her up against he truck and kissed her roughly. She bit him and he slapped her across the face. Her head hit the truck and stars exploded in front of her eyes. He clamped his hands around her throat and she tried to knee him in the groin. He moved at the last moment and she scratched his face. He struck her head against the truck repeatedly until she collapsed to her knees, her vision blurring in and out. “You fight me anymore,” he said as he yanked her up and claimed her lips and his tongue ran along them; “and I will slit the brat’s throat while I make you watch.” He kissed her and she bit him again. He pulled back and his eyes were cold. “You don’t want the boy to die, do you, Princess? All I’m asking for is a little affection.” She wanted to fight him tooth and nail. But Pierre was lying helpless in the truck and his life depended on her doing as this man told her to do. Edward took her back into the bushes out of sight and shoved her back up against a tree. He unbuttoned the front of her dress and his mouth moved down to her breast. Evangeline bit her lip to keep from crying but she could not stop the tears. She felt his tongue tracing the tattoo he had put on her and she could stand no more. This was too much, her mind screamed. She tried to push him off and he caught her wrists and bound them fast. “Bad girl,” Edward laughed as he raised her arms and she saw him hanging her off the lower branch of the tree. “I’m going to have to punish you for that.” He grabbed her chin and squeezed until tears sprang into her eyes. “The boy will have to die now.” “No!” Evangeline sobbed and tried to get free as he turned away. “Please don’t hurt him.” She saw the look on his face and knew what he wanted. She lowered her head. “I won’t fight anymore,” she said softly. “Please don’t hurt Pierre.” He lifted her off the branch and cut her loose. Then he led her away; his hand bruising her arm as he forced her along. She saw his car in a shadowed corner away from everyone else. She bit her lip as he shoved her into the passenger seat and kept his eye on her as he went to get behind the wheel. She heard the locks engage and knew she was trapped for now. She saw a squad car and an ambulance heading back towards the parking lot where Pierre was and breathed a sigh of relief. “The boy’s torment is over, Princess,” Edward said as he looked over at her. “Yours is just beginning.” He drove her to the train station and parked. They went to a private car waiting on a side rail and he shoved her inside. “Aileen, sweetheart,” he laughed as he watched Evangeline fall. “I’ve brought your pretty child home to you.” Aileen smiled as she rose from the seat she had been occupying to come help Evangeline to her feet. She frowned as he child pulled loose and went to sit away from her. The hurt on her mother’s face almost made Evangeline cry. If it had been sincere, she would have been. “You shouldn’t be so harsh to your Mama, Princess,” Edward said as he closed and locked the door and pocketed the key. “She hasn’t been in her right mind since just before you were born.” He smiled as Aileen brought him a drink and pulled the woman to his side. “She was one of the first of my sister’s subjects, you see.” He saw that he had Evangeline’s attention. “Every time she ‘wandered’ off, she was with us undergoing another process.” He ran his tongue along Aileen’s neck and the woman sighed. “So that she could become the gloriously obedient and willing slave you see before you.” Evangeline looked horrified. “She left you with the Sterlings at my order, child,” he continued as he set the drink down and opened Aileen’s blouse so he could claim her breast. “Mmm. So responsive.” “Stop it!” Evangeline cried in anger. “Leave my mother alone!” “Now why would I want him to do that, darling?” Aileen laughed at her. “Edward has been my lover for the past fifteen years.” She moved closer to the man as she ran her fingers along his lips. “I shall be able to teach you every little thing that pleases him before he makes me his wife and you his mistress.” She smiled. “When he has you fully trained, he will sell you as wife to one of his rich, depraved friends.” “No!” Evangeline shook her head and ran for the door, forgetting in her terror that he had locked it. She pulled on the handle, sobbing. “I won’t let you!” “Your daughter is overjoyed by my proposal, Aileen,” Edward laughed as he set Aileen aside. “Put her in storage for now.” Pierre woke up several hours later and his ears were hissing with static. He could not hear what was going on around him and he was terrified. He was lying in a private hospital room and his head was killing him. His vision was blurring in and out, and his body ached. He whimpered and five heads turned in his direction. He saw her father, her brother, her uncle, and Ynez looking at him in concern. He knew they were talking to him; their lips were moving, but he couldn’t hear them. “I can’t hear,” he sobbed as he looked at them. “It’s all static. Where am I? What happened?” “Safe,” Silvano wrote on a notepad and showed it to him. “Did you see what happened to Princess Evangeline?” “She tried to keep me safe,” Pierre wrote. “She hit him over the head with a branch and he slammed her head against the truck.” He looked horrified at his weakness. “He hit me so hard I couldn’t help her.” Stefano pressed the call button and a young man in a white uniform stepped in. Pierre saw him talking. He knew there were words coming out of the man’s mouth, but he couldn’t hear anything over the static. He bit his lip as another wave of pain shot through his head and his vision went black for a second. “It hurts so bad now it’s making my eyesight go away.” Silvano looked at the boy in shock. “The princess saved my life. We have to stop that monster.” He felt warmth flowing into his arm and saw the man in white injecting something into the IV line. Pierre smiled as the pain drifted off and he closed his eyes. Silvano watched the boy sleep, worried about the deafness. With all the damage Landry had done to the boy, he was surprised he wasn’t suffering more; but he did not want the boy handicapped because he had tried to save Evangeline’s life. Stefano laid his hand on his brother’s shoulder and looked up as the door opened and smiled as he saw his old friend, Morton ‘Tank’ Guthrie come into the room. Tank was the hospital administrator. “How is he doing, Shark?” he asked as he picked up the file. “I see Stuart gave him a painkiller. Was he complaining?” “He said it was so bad his vision was being affected,” Silvano replied. He stroked Pierre’s cheek and frowned. “That bastard meant to kill someone. If my niece hadn’t intervened it would have been this boy.” He looked at Tank. “Any word on the results of the blood tests?” “This boy is definitely your son,” Tank smiled at the child. “Stuart says that he is having trouble hearing because of ‘static’?” “That’s how he described it,” Silvano nodded. “He’s more worried about Evangeline than himself, though. He is a good boy.” He held Pierre’s hand. “My son,” he smiled softly. “They told us he was dead, Tank.” “Well they lied, Silvano,” Tank replied. That was a matter for another day, however. They had to find Evangeline now. He wished the family well and left to return to his office and his duties as Administrator. There was a knock on the door and he looked up to see his new assistant standing there. “You asked me to bring the cost breakdown on the benefit, Doctor?” the slim redhead smiled as she laid a folder on his desk. Her soft gray eyes were soft and smiling and he had to remember to breathe. “Thank you, Amelia,” Tank nodded. She remained where she was and he looked up, trying not to note the way her blue dress accented her ample curves. “Was there anything else?” “You asked me to remind you when it was time for your meds?” Tank nodded. Amelia put a glass of water down on his desk. “Now.” She left the office and shut the door. When she was certain she would not be overheard, she took out her cell phone and dialed. “He’ll be ready for pickup tonight at seven.” She listened to the other person and frowned. “Yes, I’m certain he’ll get you close to the prince. He’s a close personal friend of her father’s.” Evangeline opened her eyes and looked out at the main room of the private car from where she had been shackled inside a closet by her own mother. She was trapped inside a space only as wide as she was in both directions. Two-way glass that she knew was a mirror on the other side behind the bar was set directly in front of her face. She could hear and see everything but no one could see or hear her, unless they knew where the intercom switch was. Her mother and Edward had been showing her what Edward would expect her to know when he made her his mistress and she could not turn her head away. She was held perfectly still by the harness she’d been shackled into. They were taking her back to England. Aileen had already contacted her family and they were giving her Sterling Manor, the family home in London, as her residence. “You’ll like it there, baby,” Aileen smiled in at her imprisoned daughter. “And as long as you behave yourself, your movement won’t be too seriously curtailed.” Edward came up behind her and clamped his hands on her breasts. Aileen’s eyes sparkled with pleasure. “You will start your lessons in pleasing Edward then.” “I don’t think she is as happy about that as we might hope, my love,” Edward smiled in at Evangeline nastily. “It doesn’t matter, does it, my dear?” Aileen laughed. “As her loving parents, she will do what we tell her to do.” She held up her hand and showed Evangeline the ring, smiling warmly. “Mrs. Aileen Lombard,” she sighed happily. “Sylvie is now your grandmother, baby.” She heard the whistle. “We have arrived at Calais.” “It’s time to give our daughter her medication then,” Edward told his wife. “We can’t have her throwing a temper tantrum.” Aileen nodded and opened the closet door. She shoved a baby bottle into Evangeline’s mouth and the girl choked as the milk flowed down her throat. She was not allowed to refuse and by the time the bottle was empty her throat felt cold and heavy. Aileen freed her from the shackles and helped her to the couch. Edward sat down next to her, holding her hands in his as she tried to pull free. “You will get your pretty voice back,” he said as he ran his hand along her neck slowly, “when your Mama and I see you have learned to obey us. If you do anything to make us angry with you, pet,” he continued, “we will take your legs next. Is this clear?” Evangeline did not answer and he forced her to look at him. “Don’t push me, Princess. I will hurt you.” The train slowed down and came to a stop. Men came into to get their trunks and Edward pulled her to her feet. He and Aileen each took a hand and forced her along with them as they followed the luggage to a waiting ship. She could not say a word to the police officer on the docks. There was no way she could warm him that the dark-haired man holding her captive was an escaped felon. Edward had altered his appearance and looked every inch the successful businessman. According to his papers, he was Peter Lombard, a British banker who Aileen and the Sterling family had known through Sylvie. The white blond hair was gone now and the gray eyes were now a rich blue. He had offices in Paris and Aileen had gone to him when she and Evangeline had escaped from Edward Landry. They got into their stateroom and Peter shoved Evangeline to the couch. “Well, daughter,” he smiled nastily. “Now that we are on our way home, we shall go over the rules I, as your new Papa, expect you to follow.” He saw the anger in her eyes and he laughed. “Give me trouble, little one. I am looking forward to whipping you.” “Don’t look to me for support, baby,” Aileen told her. “I expect you to obey your new Papa. He only wants what is best for you.” Evangeline sobbed and threw herself down on the couch. They left her alone and she was grateful for that small respite. They locked her in the cabin and went up to get some air during the voyage across the Channel. She didn’t care. They were not there taunting her and she could put her mind to finding a way to stop them. She fell asleep and, when she woke up, she found that she was still alone. She looked at the clock and realized Aileen and Edward had been gone for several hours. The ship had stopped moving. “Hello, baby,” Sylvie smiled as she came into the cabin. “Welcome home, little one.” Evangeline sobbed and moved away from the woman. Sylvie looked hurt as the child she had raised for this exact purpose fled from her. She shrugged and closed the door. “Your parents are with the Captain overseeing the unloading of your trunks. I am to take you to the car.” She grabbed Evangeline’s wrist and yanked her along. “I know you’re not happy that your Mama married my son, Eva,” she said as she forced Evangeline to accompany her, “but that is no reason to throw a tantrum.” Evangeline let Sylvie get her down to the car and then she yanked her arm loose and ran. She was not going to let them do this to her! She had only gotten around the corner when she ran into a wide chest. She looked up to see a tall, brown-eyed man with thick russet hair and a goatee standing there. Relief flooded through her as she recognized Gideon Lyndon. But he led her back to the car and turned her over to Sylvie. “You have to keep better watch on her than that, Sylvie,” he said as he smiled at the older woman. “We don’t want little Evangeline hurt wandering this nasty town.” He chucked Evangeline under the chin and smiled past her to where Aileen and Edward were coming down the ramp. “Aileen,” he beamed and picked the woman up to spin around with her. He kissed her on the cheek. “It is so good to see you looking healthy and happy.” He turned to Edward. “Peter. I never thought you’d be the one to land her.” “Aileen and I were always meant to be together,” Edward smiled at his friend; a man he had been misleading for over thirty years. He pulled Aileen to his side and kissed her on the lips. Then he looked over at Evangeline and frowned. “I wish Eva was as happy about our marriage as you are, Gideon.” “She’s an intelligent child,” Gideon shrugged. “She just needs time to adjust to this change.” He was smiling as he turned towards Evangeline. “You’ll be staying at Sterling Manor, I hear. Give me a call, we’ll do dinner when I get back.” “Another assignment, Gideon?” Edward asked, instantly interested. “Old friend has lost track of his child,” Gideon told him. “Last time he saw his kid, the boy was boarding a tramp steamer headed to Morocco. I fly out in the morning with my team.” He smiled as he raised Evangeline’s eyes to his. “You’re awfully quiet, Eva.” “She’s taken a vow of silence,” Aileen frowned. “Eva won’t talk to any of us.” She made Evangeline get in the car. “She can be very stubborn when she’s upset about something.” “She gets that from you, cousin,” Gideon replied. He laughed. “They say a parent gets the child they deserve…” He ruffled Aileen’s hair. “You’ve got your hands full, Aileen.” “Lucky me,” Aileen laughed. “It was very thoughtful of you to meet our boat, Gideon.” She linked arms with her cousin. “Have dinner with us tonight?” “I’d like to,” Gideon replied; “but I have packing and prep to handle.” He looked in at Evangeline, who was sitting in the corner making herself as small as possible. The poor child was so angry, he thought. He wished he could assure her things were going to get better. “Be a good kid, Eva. Things will look better soon.” Evangeline heard him say goodbye to her mother and Edward. The couple got in and the trunks were loaded. The car moved away from the port and headed towards London. She fell asleep and woke as the car pulled up in front of one of the old London townhouses in Regency Square. Despite her anger, Evangeline was quite intrigued by the line of white buildings set in a block across from a park. Sylvie took her inside and led her upstairs to a bedroom in the back. There were bars on the window of the prettily decorated room. “You’ll be locked in here,” Edward told her, “unless we require your presence elsewhere.” He looked over at Sylvie. “We will begin the lessons immediately. See that she is given the antidote to the muting agent and then prepare her for me.” He closed the door and Evangeline heard the lock being engaged. She watched as Sylvie ran a bath for her and laid out an emerald green evening gown with a slit up each thigh that appeared to be filled with more emerald green lace. The slits were still there, only camouflaged. She felt like she was being prepared for her execution, Evangeline thought as she took the bath and was rubbed with a perfumed cream all over her body. The scent made her head spin and she knew this was its purpose as she began to fill a strange lethargy. Sylvie combed out her long raven curls and left them hanging around her body. She handed Evangeline a pill and a glass of water and the girl took the pill only when Sylvie told her she’d be able to speak again. Then Sylvia put a strand of gold chains around Evangeline’s neck and a set of gold bangles on her wrist before handing her a pashmina in emerald green and gold and black. “He’s ready for her,” Aileen smiled as he unlocked the door and came in. She walked around her daughter, smiling. “He is going to be very pleased with you, Eva. You have grown into a very beautiful young woman.” “Mama, please don’t do this to me,” Evangeline cried for help. “We belong to him, baby,” Aileen said to her as Sylvie helped Evangeline into a pair of black strappy high heels. “We must do as he says.” She took her daughter’s hand in hers and led her out of the room and down the corridor to the master bedroom. “Here she is, my love. Ready for her lessons.” Edward turned from the windows overlooking the street and the park and smiled. He held his hand out to her and Evangeline remained where she was. Aileen pushed her forward, not allowing her to refuse. Edward pulled a chair out from beneath the small table set up in an alcove by the bed and Aileen made her sit down. There was a bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne in it. Edward poured out two glasses. “You’ll learn to obey me, Princess,” Edward frowned as Evangeline threw hers into his face and tried to run. He was holding her down as she struggled on the floor after Aileen had tripped her. “I would prefer not to have to resort to drugs and programming with you,” he continued as he made her sit again; “but I shall if you force me.” “Is that what happened to my Mama?” Evangeline asked him coldly. “She told you to go to hell and so you turned her into your pleasure slave in retribution?” “You are a very perceptive child,” Edward laughed as he sent Aileen away. “Your mother is a very beautiful woman. As I grew up around her, I found that I wanted her as my own. But she met Stefano and would have nothing to do with me.” He ran his fingers along Evangeline’s arm and felt her shudder. “I waited as she gave my rival a son and the I started the attack.” “You told her you’d murder my brother if she didn’t come to you,” Evangeline guessed. “He probably started having inexplicable bouts of ‘clumsiness’? The man’s smile confirmed her suspicions. “Have you always been such a bastard?” “I can be far worse, my sweet,” Edward laughed. He grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm up behind her back until she was on her knees sobbing in pain. “You are being groomed to become an acceptable wife to a rich and powerful man. If you are a good student, and do not fight me, I shall see that he is also a kind man. Otherwise,” he hissed and ran his tongue along her lips, “I shall choose the most sadistic and perverted man I know for you.” “There are men worse than you?” Evangeline snapped back at him. She expected him to strike her, but instead he laughed and assured her that he was mild compared to most of the men he associated with. “We will begin by getting you used to being touched and petted,” Edward told her. There was a knock on the door and he went to open it. Evangeline watched warily as two tall, gray-eyed men with blond hair walked in. They were dressed in tuxedos. Their bored expressions altered immediately as they saw Eva. “These are Geoffrey and Gerome Lassiter. They have been chosen to be your instructors, daughter. They are both highly skilled in the art of seduction.” He smiled at the look of shock on her face. You thought I was going to be the one? You’re my stepdaughter, Eva. Such an act would be immoral.” He looked at the boys. “You’ll be taking her to the opera, gentlemen. As long as she remains a virgin, you have carte-blanche” “Yes, sir,” the twins said in tandem. Edward left the room and they turned to watch as Evangeline rose to her feet and backed away. “Don’t run,” Geoffrey smiled as he caught her by the wrists and yanked her back. “We’ve only just started, pretty,” Gerome added as he moved behind her. He looked at his brother as he put the shawl around Evangeline’s shoulders. “Our own little doll, brother,” he smiled and offered her his arm and Evangeline was helpless to refuse. She put her hand on his arm and they left the bedroom and hurried out to a waiting limousine. “How shall we begin?” “You won the toss, brother,” Geoffrey replied. “Your call.” “We’ll bind her,” Gerome nodded after some deliberation. He poured a glass of champagne for each of them and watched as she poured hers out the window. “Yes,” he nodded as he got out a pair of handcuffs and slipped them into his jacket pocket. “Definitely bondage with this one.” They drove to the Opera House and the twins escorted her in with all gentility. It wasn’t until they arrived at the private box and the curtains were pulled closed that Evangeline knew she was in a lot of trouble. She tried to run but Geoffrey was at the door, cutting her off. Gerome sat her down and cuffed her wrists behind her back to the rail of the seat back. Geoffrey knelt between her legs and he smiled at her as he reached through the slits in her skirt to pull her underwear slowly down her body. “No,” Evangeline cried as this happened. “Please don’t do this to me! It’s not right!” “Consider this just another subject you must learn, Princess,” Gerome said as he took his handkerchief and gagged her with it. He leaned over the back of the chair and pushed the bodice of her gown down to expose her breasts. “You are so beautiful,” he sighed as his hands began to stroke her. “You were made to be pleasured and to give pleasure.” Geoffrey nodded as he heard the opening strains of the Wagner opera begin. “You will be our masterpiece, Princess.” He raised her up off the chair and pushed her skirts up around her waist. Then he lowered his head between her legs and began to lick her. “Ooh, darling!” he laughed as Evangeline bucked and writhed to get away from him. “Such fire is going to be glorious once we have taught you to use it.” He went back down and Evangeline screamed in protest. It wasn’t right what they were doing to her. She did not want their hands on her like this! She continued fighting them but they just laughed and continued petting and stroking and kissing and licking. There wasn’t an inch on her body they did not assault as the music crashed on the other side of the curtains. Evangeline screamed but no one could hear her over the music. She passed out and the twins looked at her in disappointment. They had hoped to get much more from her before terror sent her crashing into the darkness. As Geoffrey began to stroke her again and bring her back to consciousness, the door slammed open and two very angry young men stood there with clenched fists and murder in their eyes. “Get your filthy hands off of my cousin!” David roared as he and James pulled the Lassiters off of Evangeline. The Lassiters, being the cowards they were, fled and David removed the handcuffs. He held Evangeline as she sobbed in terror. “They wouldn’t stop, David,” Evangeline cried in despair. “I screamed and I tried to fight, but it wasn’t enough.” “It’s all right, baby.” David’s voice was calm and gentle as he stroked her cheek. He could see that she was close to fainting again; her eyes wild with terror. “It’s all right. James and I are here now.” They helped Evangeline to her feet and took her out to the alley where a car was waiting. Evangeline saw Gideon and four other people in the vehicle as she slid back into the darkness, overcome by the shock of what had happened to her. Gideon drove them tot eh airfield and turned Evangeline over to her father. He was enraged as he heard her whimpering. He had never thought it possible for Aileen to be so deliberately cruel to anyone, especially not to her own child. “I don’t care what you have to do, Lyndon,” he said as he turned go get back aboard the jet. “You will stop that bastard and get Aileen away from him before he does any more damage to my child, or anyone else. Hush now, my sweet child,” he crooned as he boarded and the hatch closed behind him. “Papa is here. You’re safe now.” A week later, Evangeline leaned on the railings of the new corral and watched as Pierre worked with his new horse. Silvano had decided he was skilled enough to graduate from a pony and the boy was glowing with pride at being trusted with such a huge responsibility. His first horse was a chestnut gelding with a white blaze on his nose and white stockings on all four legs. Pierre waved at her and Evangeline smiled at her young cousin. He started working on giants with the animal and she slipped back into the fog that had seemed to settle on her since the episode with her mother and Edward and the Lassiters. “Brrr!” a man’s voice sounded behind her. Evangeline looked up in a panic and the man was instantly repentant. He had been told the girl was wounded and he had been thoughtless. “I’m sorry, Princess. It was just such a shock to see the way your mood shifted so rapidly.” He held his hand out to her. “My name is…” “Gregory Dumont,” Evangeline finished for the tall, dark-haired man with the most beautiful brown eyes she had ever seen. She shut down appreciation of his physical form. “Father told me he had hired a new riding instructor for the orphanage.” She turned back to watch her cousin. “I’m certain you will be fine.” She knew she was being rude, but she just didn’t care. She was being weak by allowing herself to wallow like this. “I’m sorry, Mr. Dumont…” “Gregory, please,” the man said softly. He could see the pain in her. It was still so fresh that she was having a hard time dealing with it. “Mr. Dumont,” Evangeline repeated. “Has anyone shown you around the stables or introduced you to your students?” “Yes, ma’am,” Gregory nodded. “I just thought I’d introduce myself to the person I was told was responsible for this wonderful place.” “I was in the right place at the right time,” Evangeline shrugged. “Anyone would have…” “No, Princess,” Gregory broke in firmly. She looked up at him in confusion. “Not just anyone would have done all you have done for these kids. You should be proud of what you have accomplished here.” He watched Pierre. “That kid is going to be something when he gets older.” “Yes,” Evangeline nodded; “my cousin is quite talented.” She had had enough of trying to be pleasant. “Pierre,” she called to the boy. “Mr. Dumont will assist you with the rest of the lesson. I have to lie down.” “Of course, Eva,” Pierre nodded and watched his cousin walk off without another word. He looked at the man worriedly. “She is much changed since her mother gave her to those monsters.” He shook his head. “I wish I could think of some way to help her come back.” They watched as Silvano came riding out of the forest just then. The terror on Evangeline’s face before she realized who it was wounded them. Silvano leaned down to help her up onto the back of Goliath and he turned and took her to the family residence by the river. Pierre bit his lip and dismounted. He had lost the taste for riding. Gregory helped him remove the horse’s saddle and then watched as the boy walked to the family residence, kicking at rocks as he went. The girl’s wounds were hurting more than just herself. He hoped she would recover before she did some damage of her own. “She’s stronger than this,” Stefano was crying as Pierre walked into the castle. “Evangeline has faced worse…” “Different, brother,” Silvano broke in. “This is the first time her Mother took an active part in harming her. That betrayal is adding to her pain. Yes,” Silvano continued as Pierre found a place to listen, “she knows that her mother is as much a victim of that bastard as she was, but it still wounded her.” “Give her time, Stefano,” Ynez spoke up. “It’s only been a few days. You can’t expect the child to bounce back overnight from something like this.” “At least she was out of her rooms,” Daria added. Pierre could just see his pretty Sterling cousin as she moved into sight. “That’s certainly an improvement.” She grew silent. “We need to keep her involved in other people’s concerns, so she doesn’t have time to…” She turned and saw Pierre. “It is considered rude to eavesdrop, young Pierre.” “She’s my cousin, too,” the boy defended his actions as he stepped into the room. “I’m worried about her every bit as much as you all are.” He saw his parents looking at him with looks of concern. “She wasn’t very nice to Mr. Dumont.” “She was actually talking to the man?” Stefano smiled as he looked over at his brother. “That is interesting.” He hit a switch on the intercom. “Yvaine, please ask my daughter to come to the Study. I need to speak to her.” He turned to the others. “This is a private conversation. Why don’t you go get ready for dinner?” He looked over at Pierre. “No eavesdropping, little pitcher.” “Yes, Uncle,” Pierre nodded. He went with his parents and Stefano smiled as he heard the boy asking them to explain what Stefano had meant. Stefano liked his nephew. The boy was everything he knew Evangeline would have been if she’d been allowed to grow up in a house where she was treasured as she should be. Instead she had grown up being teased and tormented by cousins who treated her like an afterthought, an outcast. There was a knock on the door and he looked up to see his precious daughter standing there. She looked like she hadn’t slept in a week and he knew she was still having nightmares. He held his hand out to her and she came to his side and sat down on the desk to wait to hear what he had to say. Instead, he took her hand and walked to the lake that had been created in the center of the castle gardens with her. They sat down on a bench and remained silent for several moments. “I hear you were rude to Mr. Dumont,” he said simply. He felt his daughter stiffen. “You may be hurting, child, but that is no reason for you to be rude to him, or anyone else.” “No, Father,” Evangeline shook her head. “You will apologize to him at your earliest convenience,” Stefano continued. “Your cousin, Daria, is going out with Luc Dubois tonight. You will ask Mr. Dumont to go with you when you act as her chaperon.” “Father, I…” Evangeline’s eyes were wide with terror. “I can’t!” She was shaking with fear at the thought of being with a man she did not know. “Please don’t ask…” “You care about your cousin, don’t you?” “Of course I do, Father,” Evangeline replied. “But she is older than I am. Surely Yvaine or Yvette would be a better choice as chaperon.” “I have asked you, daughter,” Stefano said more harshly than he intended. He saw her wince at the tone in his voice and he was sorry for it. “You will go speak to Mr. Dumont now and be ready to accompany your cousin to the fashion show in two hours.” Evangeline nodded and rose to her feet. She moved off like she was going to an execution and he almost called her back. But she needed to stop hiding and this was one way to start the process. He had known Gregory Dumont his entire life. The young man was not going to do anything to hurt the girl. He might actually be just what Evangeline needed to come back to life. He called to the stables and warned Gregory what was about to happen and ordered him not to say no. For a brief moment he toyed with the idea of telling his daughter who Gregory Dumont was and then decided against it. Such things as titles were of less importance then a person’s character. Let the children get to know each other first. So when Evangeline entered the stables and saw him brushing the mane of Pierre’s horse, Gregory was prepared for the condemned prisoner look on her lovely face. He was actually angry then. How could she think going anywhere with him was a punishment? “I was rude to you earlier, Mr. Dumont,” Evangeline said softly. She kept her eyes on the ground and he could almost see her trying to figure out some way to get out of the situation was forcing her into. “My father has asked me to accompany my cousin to a Fashion Show,” she frowned. “I am without an escort and I…” she paused and licked her lips. He felt his heart flip over in his chest. “I mean I…” she bit her lip and looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I would be honored to be your escort, Your Highness,” Gregory rescued her before she could drown in her own tears. “What time?” “We’ll be leaving in two hours,” Evangeline looked at him with such gratitude he wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her. He kept his arms down at his sides and nodded. She actually smiled at him, for about two seconds, and left the stables. Those two seconds, however, had been glorious. He had seen a brief flash of the girl she had been before she had been wounded and he wanted more of that. He finished brushing out the mane and put the horse back in its stable. He went to his apartment in the barracks and frowned as he realized he had nothing to wear to a Fashion Show. There was a knock on the door and Emilio stood there with a bag in his hands; the kind that held tuxedos and suits. “His Highness,” Emilio smiled at the young man as he held out the bag, “wasn’t certain you had an outfit suitable for the event he has asked you to escort his daughter to, Dumont. He had this sent over.” “It will be my size, won’t it?” “His Highness does not make mistakes,” Emilio replied. He looked at Gregory sternly. “This is the first time she will have been out in public in over a week, De Tourville. Don’t do anything to make her father regret choosing you for this task or your life won’t be worth living.” “I have every intention of making her live again, Santos,” Gregory replied honestly. “But I will never do anything to cause her a moment’s pain or distress, if I can avoid it.” “See that you don’t!” Emilio sniffed. “Our princess is precious to us. We will not have her hurt by anyone. Especially not by a noble playing peasant.” Gregory nodded and got ready for the event. As he walked through the barracks, he could see every last guard watching him closely. He had never felt such animosity in his life. These men would hurt him bad if he did anything to frighten ‘their’ princess. He had known the girl was special, but this was more than he had expected. He arrived in the main entry hall of the family residence and the girls were waiting for him. He felt his heart stop as he saw Evangeline in the blue dress. She looked so fragile he wanted to pull her into his arms and protect her from the world. He didn’t even notice what the other girl was wearing. Daria cleared her throat as she saw her cousin blush and the man turned to her with an expression that told her he was shocked that she was there. “Monsieur Dubois will be picking us up any moment,” she told him stiffly. “Have you ever been to a fashion show before, Mr. Dumont?” she asked him as rudely and in as condescending a manner as possible. “They don’t have many of them where you’re from, do they? Missouri, isn’t it?” “France, Lady Sterling,” Gregory replied calmly, refusing to be drawn into a hissing contest with the pretty blond. She gave the impression that she was quite skilled at such behavior. He turned back to Evangeline and saw her frowning. “Is something wrong, Your Highness?” “I don’t think it was very kind of you to disparage Mr. Dumont’s experience, Daria,” Evangeline said tightly as she turned on her cousin. “We don’t know anything about him.” She smiled at Gregory and held out her hand. “Please forgive my cousin. She can be quite nasty at times.” “Don’t worry about me, Your Highness,” Gregory said in his best court manner. “Where I am from the women would have your pretty cousin for breakfast.” Evangeline actually giggled and he was lost. He had to bring her back because he wanted her whole and healed and his. “You have a delightful laugh, Your Highness,” he said as he bowed over her hand. The door opened and Luc Dubois swept in. “Was that sylvan sound the laughter of our pretty princess?” Luc asked, stunned as he saw the girl actually smiling and blushing. He looked at Gregory, who he assumed was the cause. “Were you the wizard who broke the evil spell on our lovely princess,” he said as he offered Daria his arm. He did a double take as he recognized the man. “De Tourville? I thought you were in Africa.” “I just got back,” Gregory frowned at the man as he saw Evangeline’s smile slip. Why should it matter if he had a title, for God’s sake? She hadn’t struck him as someone who that mattered to. “We were never formally introduced, Your Highess,” he said as he brought her hand to his lips. “Gregory Dumont, the Marquis de Tourville.” He glared at Luc and the other man wondered what he’d said. “You know my aunt and uncle, the Count and Countess Grimaldi.” “Well, if we’re going,” Luc’s voice broke into the silence. “Let’s go.” Gregory offered Evangeline his arm and she laid her hand on it with a shy smile on her face. At least she was smiling now, he thought as they left the house and got into Luc’s convertible. He took a scarf out of his pocket and handed it to her so she could cover her hair. He did not stop to ask himself why he had a scarf in the tuxedo pocket. He was just glad he had the opportunity to do something that made her smile again. He bit his lip to keep from falling all over himself to compliment her on that lovely smile and saw Luc watching him closely. Was everybody her sworn protector? They arrived at the Fashion Show and he was lost in the swirl of color that formed around his charge. He could not think of her as a date, he was here at her father’s command. He stayed close to her to keep the wolves at bay and the bitches at distance and she actually squeezed his hand and looked up at him gratefully. The afternoon passed quite pleasantly until a pair of bookends walked up to her and bowed. Her face went pale and she began to shudder. “Excuse me, gentlemen,” Gregory said coldly; “but you are distressing Her Highness. I’ll thank you to step off and find someone else to bother.” He met their bored looks coldly and the men appeared to have some sense. They turned without a word and left Evangeline alone. He turned towards her to see such a look of gratitude on her lovely face that it broke his heart. Don’t fall in love with me, he willed her. “I assume you’ve had the displeasure of meeting the bookends before, Your Highness?” “Bookends?” Evangeline was momentarily puzzled and then she began to laugh. Not a hesitant, shy laugh, but one filled with such amusement that it turned heads. She laid her hand on his arm and her eyes glowed with happiness. “You, sir, are my savior.” She looked for the twins and saw them glaring at her. Suddenly they were no longer frightening. “Bookends!” she giggled and turned to find her cousin looking at her in amazement. “Daria,” she asked as he hooked her arm in her cousin’s and walked away a bit; “what did you think of that last collection?” Gregory started after them and Luc stopped him and shook his head. He handed Gregory a beer and a glass of water with a lemon and lime slice in it. Gregory saw that the young nobleman had a beer and a glass of white wine. “Wine is far too pretentious and I’ve never liked the taste of grain alcohol,” Luc explained. He sipped at his beer a moment and then nodded. “I am prepared to like you, Gregory,” he said simply as he met Gregory’s eyes. He saw Daria turn and his eyes glowed with happiness as she beckoned to him. “Our goddesses summon us, Gregory. Shall we go worship them as they deserve?” “Luc,” Daria smiled as her beau handed her the white wine, “you are a darling.” She saw the beer and sighed. “Am I never going to get you to drink something a bit more civilized, my love?” “Consider it part of my imperfections,” Luc smiled at her. “For how can this mere mortal be anything but imperfect around a goddess such as yourself?” “You are a silly man, Luc,” Evangeline laughed as Gregory handed her the water. She blushed as their fingers touched briefly. “Thank you, Gregory. You are very thoughtful.” “Luc was the thoughtful one,” Gregory shrugged. “I was just being used as a waiter.” “How refreshing!” Countess Grimaldi laughed as she came up behind them. “A young man who knows the value of honesty. They all turned as she saw who she was complimenting. “Why Gregory Dumont! I should have known it was you. Only a Dumont male can fill out a suit that way.” She turned to her daughters. “Look who is here, my cheres.” “Cousin!” Elizabeth giggled and threw her arms around Gregory’s neck. “It’s been ages since we saw you last.” “It’s been twelve months, Bit!” Gregory corrected her. “I have written faithfully every month I was gone.” He kissed her cheek and turned to Veronica. “You are looking very colorful tonight, Vera.” “Don’t call me that, you brute!” Veronica laughed and kissed his cheek. She turned to Evangeline and smiled. “I didn’t know you knew our cousin, Eva…” “I didn’t,” Evangeline spoke up absently. Her attention had been drawn away and she had gone quite stiff. “How does she dare?” She turned to Daria and said something to her. The lady looked and her eyes blazed. She was ready to do battle, Gregory realized. “No, Daria,” Evangeline shook her head. “Let’s just leave? I don’t feel up to that confrontation just yet.” She bit her lip. “If she’s here, and the twins are here…” She suddenly felt quite faint and Gregory caught her as she lost her balance. “Please take me home?” she cried softly as she gripped his arm. “Please.” “Of course, Princess,” Gregory nodded. He looked over to see Luc and Daria already heading off towards the parking lot. “Are you well enough to walk…” He looked up as Evangeline’s eyes went wild with panic and saw a dark-haired man standing in their way. “Monsieur? You will kindly step out of the way.” “And I will thank you to take your hands off of my stepdaughter,” Edward said stiffly. He turned to Evangeline. “Your mother and I were quite disturbed when you left us without a word of goodbye, child. We need to talk…” “I have nothing to say to either of you,” Evangeline broke in. “Gregory, please let’s go.” “You are not going anywhere,” Edward snapped at her, “except back to your Mother where you belong.” “I am living with my Father,” Evangeline said softly, her voice trembling with pain and anger. “If you don’t leave me alone, Mr. Lombard,” she said with as much bravery as she could muster, “I will have you arrested. It must be against the law for a stepfather to turn his stepdaughter over to know molesters?” She saw the man pale and she felt the stronger for it. “Gregory?” Gregory had never been prouder of anyone in his life. He saw her to the doors and frowned as the man she’d called Lombard cut them off again. He could see Luc and Daria coming back in their direction, but that would not help at the moment. He stepped in front of Evangeline and met the cold eyes of Edward easily, mustering up all the haughtiness generations of breeding allowed. “I will thank you not to speak to my fiancé again, Monsieur Lombard,” he said coldly as he put his arm around Evangeline. He had the satisfaction of seeing the man go deathly pale and step aside. He got Evangeline away from him and they went out to the car. He saw that Evangeline was not that far from pale herself. “I am sorry to tell such a horrendous lie, Your Highness. It seemed like the fastest way to get rid of that bastard.” “You don’t realize what you’ve done, Gregory!” Evangeline cried in dismay. She gripped his arm and her concern was quite plain. “He will hurt you!” She shook her head. “I could not bear it!” She turned to Luc. “Can we stop for dinner somewhere, Luc? I need some nourishment.” “There is a restaurant just two blocks over,” Gregory told them. “It is owned by a very dear friend of mine.” They parked and put up the top then walked to the restaurant. Evangeline watched as he approached a very pretty black woman and lifted her off her feet to kiss her on the forehead. She felt very uneasy about this. How dare he put his arms around another woman. Hadn’t he just declared himself her fiancé? “Is something wrong, Princess?” “No, I…” Evangeline blushed and turned to the woman. Her neck bore an ugly scar where it looked like someone had tried to slit her throat. She held out her hand and smiled. “Please excuse my fiancé’s poor manners. I am Evangeline Roza. This is my cousin, Lady Daria Sterling, and our friend Luc Dubois.” “You have a fiancé, my friend?” the woman looked at Gregory. “When did this occur? You have only been back in France a week.” She shook her head as Gregory stood there in shock. “Yes,” she smiled warmly at Evangeline; “the man has horrible manners; but as he saved my life I can excuse him that. I am Fumi and this humble establishment is open to friends of my tongue-tied champion.” She slapped him on the back and he blinked. “Gendu! Bring some champagne for our friends. We have a matter of great joy to celebrate!” Gregory pulled Evangeline aside as the others settled down to work out dinner. He looked down into her wariness and saw that she was ready for him to hurt her. He had no desire to cause her any harm. So he bowed his head and brought her hand to his lips. She blushed as she saw the concern and the affection in his eyes and knew he was not going to hurt her. It was a harmless little fiction that would keep her stepfather at bay and allow them a chance to spend some time getting to know each other. Engagements were broken all the time. She could imagine her father would call this one off by morning. She was only just sixteen, far too young to be contemplating matrimony. When they finally pulled in around three a.m., her father was more worried about her being out so late than the fact that she had acquired a fiancé while she was out. “It is a sound plan,” he nodded when they told him. “We will do it up properly,” he decided. “As I have no objections to my daughter contemplating matrimony with such a fine young man as the Marquis de Tourville, we shall post an announcement in the morning news.” He was on the phone. “Marcel! We need you here immediately!” He hung up and dialed. “Bernard, ask your lovely wife to come over later this morning to discuss arrangements for an Engagement Party.” He hung up the phone then and came around the desk to embrace his daughter who was looking quite stunned. “You, my darling child, shall be given a party such as this country has not seen since the days before the Revolution!” “I have a very uneasy feeling,” Evangeline said as she looked at her partner in crime, “that we should not have told him. He is far too eager to give substance to our fiction.” “What harm can it do for your father to have a little fun?” Gregory asked her. He took her hands in his and kissed them. “I will stand as your protector and friend until the day comes when you find the man you are meant to be with. Until then, we are both safe from fortune hunters, yes?” “I will only agree to go along with this,” Evangeline said to him; “if you tell me the truth, Gregory. Are you really here to teach my orphans to ride?” “Of course I am,” Gregory nodded. “I find the chance to pass on knowledge to less fortunate children quite enjoyable. It is why I have spent the last year in Africa in the Peace Corps. I would also teach your orphans archery,” he said to her, “if you think there is room somewhere for setting up a proper range…” “Maybe it should be indoors?” Evangeline broke in over his eagerness. “The children can be quite ‘accident-prone’ around here.” She was feeling very odd as he stroked her hand gently. His eyes were so nice, she sighed as he seemed to be leaning closer. He was going to kiss her, she realized and the thought did not terrify her. She would like him to kiss her. He smiled, as if he could read her thoughts, and his kiss landed on her forehead. “It’s late,” Gregory said simply as he got up to leave. “We should get some rest. I have an appointment with my family solicitor in the morning.” “Gregory?” “Yes, Princess?” he asked softly as he turned back to see those glorious emerald eyes glowing at him. He swallowed and remembered to breathe. He had not felt this way around a girl since he had been this princess’ age. “You will kiss me sometime,” she asked him bluntly; “won’t you?” She looked so appealing in the moment with her eyes glowing warm and wanting. Gregory knew if he did not leave now, he would do something he would regret. “We’ll see,” he said simply. He bowed and fled from the Study. He made it back to his room in the Barracks before her finally let out the curse her wanting him had caused. “Damn and blast! That girl is going to be the ruination of all my best intentions!” He turned as there was a knock on the door. Emilio was standing there and he was looking more like a disapproving father than Prince Stefano had. “I know,” he sighed. “If I hurt her, I’ll suffer.” “That too,” Emilio nodded. He stepped into the room. “All of us are ready to do whatever we can to help you protect her, boy; even from yourself. Remember that while you’re trying to keep your hands off the pretty child.” “I would appreciate it if you would run interference, Emilio,” Gregory nodded. “Because I am half in love with our princess already.” The arrangements for the engagement party were made quickly. All of Paris was abuzz with the news of the engagement of the Angel Princess and the Marquis de Tourville. It was a modern day romance that had all the tender hearted people in Paris swooning with delight.Pictures of the happy couple started appearing everywhere and Marcel and his people were hard pressed to keep the stories honest and clean. Evangeline and Gregory appeared everywhere, in between their work with the Orphanage. The children always came first, after all. They were at lunch at the Eiffel Tower one afternoon two weeks after the announcement had been made when their happiness was interrupted. Evangeline and Gregory were sitting hand-in-hand gazing into each other’s eyes, and the affection they displayed was not feigned. They had become quite close since the lie had begun. “Isn’t this a sweet picture?” Aileen’s cold voice cut through the warmth. She stood there and glared at her daughter. “Are you going to introduce me to your friend, Eva?” “I would rather not,” Evangeline sighed, “but good manners force me to do otherwise. Mother,” she said as she watched Gregory get to his feet. “Gregory Dumont, the Marquis of Tourville. Gregory this is Aileen Sterling Roza Lombard, the woman who gave birth to me.” “Then I am in her debt, beloved,” Gregory smiled warmly as he bowed over Aileen’s hand. “I can never thank her enough for the gift she has bestowed on me in you.” He laid his hand on the back of a chair. “You will join us?” “No, I…” Aileen was at a loss. She had come here to demand and punish and she had been treated like she mattered. “I am supposed to meet my husband…” “Surely you can spare a few moments?” Gregory pushed her and she sank down in the chair helplessly. He motioned to the waiter. “A glass of Riesling for Madame.” Aileen was stunned. He knew her favorite wine? “I am ashamed to admit that I had you researched, Madame Aileen. I had to know everything about the mother of my beloved Evangeline!” His smile widened. “And here is my aunt and uncle. You must know them, Madame Aileen?” “Bernard,” Aileen stiffened as she saw the Count and Countess. She had not known the boy was this well connected. This was going to be harder than they had thought. “Monique. How ‘nice’ to see you both after all these years.” “Aileen,” they chimed together. “Have you come to talk your pretty child out of marrying my nephew?” Bernard asked her bluntly. Aileen looked at him in shock. “You can save your breath. This union is sanctioned by both of their families. We could not be happier. Of course, the wedding cannot take place for at least three years, but long engagements are not unknown. It will give the young ones time to truly get to know each other.” He was smiling but his eyes were cold as he looked at Aileen. “No rushing into matrimony after a mere week of acquaintance for these two.” “Pardon me,” Aileen snapped and got to her feet. “I have to meet my husband now. It was nice to meet you Monsieur de Tourville.” She leaned down to kiss her daughter on the forehead. “Think twice before you ally yourself to these people, baby.” “Are they going to turn me over to molesters, Mama?” Evangeline whispered softly, every word dripping ice. She felt her mother stiffen and wished she could take it back. “Good bye, Mama.” Aileen nodded and marched off feeling as if she had lost something precious. She turned back at the elevator to watch the two couples smiling and laughing happily. That should be her place with her child. She should be the one celebrating an engagement. She had done this to herself, Aileen sniffed. She should never have allowed Edward to force her to leave her marriage. She turned as the doors opened and he was standing there. “I’ve lost her because of you, Edward,” Aileen snapped at him. “I shall never forgive you for that.” “You lost her because you are a weak and selfish bitch,” Edward hissed back at her as he dragged her to the elevator, “who never once considered anyone but herself!” He shoved her up against the wall and she cried out in pain. “It’s time I rid myself of you, bitch! Once you are gone, I will take your pretty daughter for myself.” “You won’t touch her!” Aileen screamed. Her nails raked his face and he cried out in anger and pain. He stopped the elevator at the observation platform and led her towards the stairs. “Let me go!” Aileen demanded as he pressed her against the railing. “I am going to tell them everything and you are going to fry!” “You will go first, my dear,” Edward laughed. He looked to make certain no one was watching and then he shoved her over the railing. He walked off smiling happily as her scream followed her to the ground. Once again Evangeline stood at the grave of her mother. Only this time, there was actually a woman in the coffin that was being buried today. She clung to her father’s hand as they both mourned her loss. Her brother was pale and silent as he struggled to understand how his mother could have come to such an end. He had to have answers and the woman was gone now. He would never know the truth from her. The family filed into the castle and sat around the laden tables nodding numbly to the commiserations of the town folk and close family friends, the only people who had been invited to the funeral. “His sister, Elinor, will not betray him,” Stefano said to Andrew off in the corner as they discussed going after Edward, who had been smart enough not to make an appearance at the funeral. “I know someone who will,” Evangeline spoke up. They all looked at her. “He has another sister. He had her sold into prostitution when she wouldn’t go along with his plans to hurt me.” She was on her feet. “I know who would be able to tell us where she is.” She went to the Study and dialed a number. “Reprobate? You said you owed me a favor because my father didn’t prosecute you. I need to talk to Elaine Landry.” She looked over at her family and frowned. “Alone?” She covered the receiver. “He is fearing a trap. He wants me to come alone.” They all shook their heads and she made a decision. “All right. Tell me where you are and I will come to you.” “You can’t meet that bastard alone, daughter,” Stefano protested. “There is no time for argument,” Evangeline told them. “If we don’t move quickly, we will lose his trail. Elaine knows where he’s likely to go.” She saw their stern faces and knew they meant to argue further. “He is asking for a meet at his next performance. It is as public as one can get, surely? As long as no one he recognizes comes with me, he can not suspect I bring reinforcements, can he?” They discussed it and argued it for the rest of the day. But when night fell they had to agree she had a point. So they selected the least obvious and stealthiest of the men and let her go. She had Gregory and Sebastian accompany her to the performance. The meeting was alone. Pietro had said nothing about her not enjoying the show in the company of her friends and family. She went to the viewing with her brother and friend before the performances and told them she had to step away. They nodded and she went to Pietro’s wagon where he was sitting on the stage wall waiting. “Princess,” he smiled and bowed gallantly. “I am pleased to see you again.” He frowned at her. “You did not come alone…” “We are alone now, Pietro,” Evangeline broke in. “My father would not let me come without some assurance he would get me back.” Pietro roared and bowed again. “Your father is a cautious man these days. He is correct to keep such as one as you closely guarded.” His smiled died and Evangeline knew she was in trouble again. A bag came down over her and she was carted into one of the wagons. It came off only enough to allow the women to strip her clothing off of her. She was tied with her back to the center post in the wagon. Edward and Pietro walked in, smiling. “Your princess, my friend,” Pietro smiled as he met Evangeline’s angry eyes. He shrugged. “He arrived before you called, Princess. His offer was far more lucrative than yours was.” He stroked Evangeline’s hair and she turned away from him. “It is only right, angela mia. When you left us, the carnival fell on hard times. His money makes up to us for the damage your selfishness wrought. “It’s not going to work,” Evangeline protested. “My family knows I came to see you, Pietro.” “So we must arrange a tragic accident for you.” Pietro laughed. “Dear Elaine was only too glad to volunteer to portray you in the fire that is going to destroy poor Princess Evangeline.” He opened the pouch on his belt and held out a blue pill she knew was a sedative. “When you wake, you will begin a new life with Landry.” He watched her fall asleep and then he went to another wagon where Gregory and Sebastian were being given the run around. Pietro bowed to them and handed them the forged note that had been prepared. In it Evangeline told them that she was going to the house in Normandy. Elaine had told her that Edward was using it as his bolt hole. She had to go quickly and so had left the note to tell them where to find her. Pietro hid his smile as the two young men cursed and ran off. Eight other men from various areas in the auditorium followed them. He clapped his hands and the carnival began to break down. Darkness. Cold. Pain. These three sensations were constant as Evangeline woke up and saw nothing. She tried to check her eyes and there were no lenses rendering her blind. She could hear sounds all around her but they were muted as if she were inside of something, or they were. She sat up and her head hit a lid. She was inside of something. She tried to make it open and it would not budge. She was locked inside of something. Evangeline fought the panic that coursed through her mind and put herself to the problem of escape. They couldn’t get her away; she had brought her own squad of bodyguards with her. Any minute they would arrive and she would be set free. She felt her body and she was wearing only her bra and panties. She remembered that they had stripped her when they had taken her prisoner. They were going to kill Elaine Landry and make it look like Evangeline was dead. She couldn’t let that happen. The woman, evil as she had been, did not deserve to die like that. She beat on the trunk lid and screamed for help, but no one came at her call. “She’s awake,” Pietro smiled as he sat with his feet on top of the trunk Evangeline was locked inside. “What do you plan to do with her this time, my friend?” “I’ve sold her to the Lassiter twins,” Edward told him. “They were so enchanted with her during the training session that I hadn’t the heart to refuse them.” He saw the man frown. “You disapprove?” “I am in no position to disapprove,” Pietro replied. “You have given us enough money to keep the carnival running for twenty years. Do what you please with the girl.” He looked at the man curiously. “I thought you wanted the princess as your own?” “She’s too much trouble for me,” Edward replied. “I need to be able to move quickly and she would tie me down.” He shook his head. “She will be much more use as arm candy for those spoiled dandies.” Pietro shook his head and got to his feet. He went to his door and opened it. Edward watched as men with guns walked in. He found himself in handcuffs as Pietro unlocked the trunk and helped Evangeline out. He took a blanket off the bed and wrapped her in it then let her sit down. She looked at him in confusion as he began to pull off his beard. His face came off next and Edward hissed as he recognized Inspector Lancaster from Interpol. “Edward Landry,” he said simply as he continued pulling off his disguise; “aka Peter Lombard. You are under arrest for multiple charges of kidnapping, white slavery, and a murder.” He nodded to his men. “Get him out of here.” He watched the man go and then turned to the girl. “Princess, I am Inspector Lancaster from Interpol. I worked with your father the last time that monster was taken into custody.” He went to get a towel and wet it so he could wipe the makeup off. “He asked me to step in and make certain ‘Pietro’ was not in a position to harm you.” “But you make a very convincing Pietro, Inspector Lancaster,” Evangeline shook her head. “You find it useful to play the wandering carnival?” “You are a very perceptive young woman,” Lancaster aka Pietro smiled at her. “Have you ever thought of a career in law enforcement?” “I would drive my father insane with worry, Inspector,” Evangeline laughed. She pulled the blanket closer. “There are more of them out there,” she said softly as she remembered something she’d heard once. Lancaster looked at her quizzically. “Landry has associates and disciples. They are going to blame me for this.” “We could arrange your death…” “I’ve only just found my family, Inspector,” Evangeline shook her head. “I couldn’t do that to them. Not like my uncle Adam did.” “How do you know these things, girl?” Lancaster asked her. “Do we have it tattooed across our foreheads?” He saw her wince and he frowned. “I’m sorry, Princess. That was a very thoughtless comment.” He watched her open the trunk and pull out a plain blue dress. He turned his back so she could put it on. “All right,” he nodded and held out his hand. “I have a challenge for you.” He saw that she was curious. “Come along, Princess.” They walked out onto the deck of a boat where the carnival men and women were sitting. Lancaster nodded to the carnival people. “Tell me which of them is Interpol and why you think so.” “This one,” Evangeline nodded to a short round man with a thin moustache and goatee. “Uncle Adam’s hands are too clean and too soft for someone who is supposed to have worked a carnival.” She approached the next person and pulled off the obvious wig. “Honestly, Gideon,” she laughed at her cousin. “You need a better wigmaker.” She stood back. “That one is Michael Lyndon. That one is Gabriel Lyndon. The four on the end are Lyndon trained but nearly fooled me because I don’t know them.” She turned to the women. “The makeup is either too soft or too overdone, and again the hands are too soft and they are too clean.” There were only five people left among the carnival folk. She drew one forward. “Now this is how you should look. Uncle Silvano and his men know what they are doing.” “She didn’t miss one of us,” Michael Lyndon frowned. “We’ve been training for years and this little girl saw right through us.” He ruffled Evangeline’s hair. “Must be the Lyndon blood in you.” “She caught you first,” Silvano sniffed. He pulled out his cell phone. “Brother. The monster is caught. You can come claim your child.” He hung up and held his arms out to Evangeline. “Little angel, you are a wonder,” he said as he embraced her. “You should think about taking up a place in this traveling asylum from time to time.” “Over my dead body,” Stefano hissed as he heard his brother’s comment. He held his arms out to his daughter and held her tight to his chest. “If it were the good old days, I would lock this one in a tower and not let her out until I had her husband chosen and the priest standing ready to join them.” He saw her look and laughed. “But she is Roza. She will do as her mind and her heart dictate.” “For now,” Evangeline sighed as she leaned close and listened to her father’s heartbeat; “let’s go home, Father. Where we belong.”


Texte: M J Marlow
Bildmaterialien: Bookrix
Lektorat: M J Marlow
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2010

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