
There were two friends and they were the closest you can be to a friend. She was always there for him and he always tried to protect her. Until one day she got a boyfriend, she went to go tell him who and he got mad. The truth of the matter was he was in love with his best friend, he tried to tell her how he was but she did not believe him. That hurt him, and it hurt her too so she ran away from him crying.
Months went by and they did not speak a word to each other or even look at each other. The boy missed her he was just about to go crazy when he noticed her running towards him crying. It brought him relief to see her going towards him but then he felt anger to know that he hurt her. Therefore, he met her half way.
“I’m sorry.” She cried hugging him tightly. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” She mumbled still crying. He held her telling her “you have nothing to be sorry for.” he was so happy to have her back but it made him angry not know what he did to her to make her cry. “What happened?” he asked her. He wanted to understand the reasons behind the tears. However, she just started to cry even more so he took her to the football field so they could talk.
“Okay, now what’s going on?” he asked. She looked at him with a look of sadness and shamefulness. “He dumped me…,” she said. He looked at her realizing there was more to it then she was telling. “He dumped you? There more to it though, isn’t there?” she did not say anything she just sat there holding herself. “Why did he dump you Janie?” he asked. She sighed, he felt his heart drop to his stomach he wanted so badly for it to be just the fact that he dumped her.
He watched her lips quiver as she said, “He broke up with me… because I’m pregnant.” His heart fell and then filled with anger. “It’s okay.” He said. “I’m going to make it okay.” He said as he began to run back to the school. “Shawn!” she shouted but he was already gone. He made his way back to the school rather quickly and spotted him. “Darren!” he shouted at him. Darren turned to see who called him. Shawn punched him and threw him into the wall.
Darren was freaked out but the sudden attack and from the anger, Shawn was showing. “You god damn selfish piece of crap!” he shouted at him. “What the hell are you doing Shawn? Let me go.” He said. Shawn pushed him into the wall. “Are you mad because I broke your little friends heart.” He said smiling. “Not just that… but the big one is why you broke up with her.” Darren’s eyes shot open. “You have to take responsibility for what you have done!” Shawn shouted at him but Darren just smiled and shook his head. “I am not going to have a baby with anybody right now. Besides I never really liked her she was just around at the right time.” Darren laughed.
Shawn swung his fist and connected it with Darren’s face causing him to fall back. “Pathetic… you are a pathetic waste of life. You never deserved her.” He said as he walked back to where Janie was. Once he was in view, she ran to him hugging him tightly. He held her apologizing to about not protecting her like he used to. They had no idea what they were going to do now. Therefore, they left early from school and he walked her home.
Her parents were happy to see him again being that it had been a few months since the last time. They went outside and just then, Shawn got an idea. “Janie, look you are going to have a baby, and Darren’s not going to take responsibility for it… so…” he said taking her hand. “I’ll do it” she looked at him shocked. “What?”
“I’ll be the baby’s father, if you will let me.” She smiled and started to cry. “I don’t want to ruin your life.” She said. Shawn laughed. “Honestly, my life would be ruined without you. Marry me Janie.” She smiled and nodded. He smiled and gave her a small kiss, grabbed her hand and prepared to face the parents.
“You sure?” she asked. “I’m more sure about this than anything else.” He said as they walked to the living room where her parents were. They held hands, took some deep breaths and she said. “Mom, Dad, there is something we need to tell you…”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2010

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