
Book 1: That Little Thing Called Day-Dream

Intro To The Dream...

Ever had one of those days where you just wake up thinking today is going to be one of the best days ever? Just think, last day of high school, graduation parties, summer vaca, friends saying their last goodbyes just before they all go their separate ways, like for college, the army, an internship or whatever it is. Pretty normal, huh? That’s what I thought until the final bell of school rang. That’s when all the weirdest started.

What happen to me was definitely unexpected; you could call it even a serendipitous domino effect.” But at the same time what happen to me had to be the most invigorating and most amazing splurge of adrenaline rush I’ve ever had. I’ve never felt so...thrilled.

I bet by now you’re wondering what this big thing is, right? Well, let me rewind back to the final school bell ringing. Honestly what I’m about to tell you will psych you out and be absolutely hard to believe because not even I believe this and it happen to me. It reminds me of that little thing we call a day-dream.

Chapter 1: How We All Got Started! (Friday)

Ring a ding ding! The school bell rang and it sounded off the last day of high school. I’m go my locker to start cleaning out everything, because whatever I don’t take with me gets thrown away by the janitors; and I just know I’ve left some very important things there. But they’d be much easier to find if my sloppy pig of a best friend, Reenee, wouldn’t constantly always dump her crap in my locker. She is such a packrat; she never throws anything away. Whatever doesn’t fit into her locker gets tossed into mine. And for some reason I never changed my lock. But I guess it wouldn’t matter because Reenee would always find a way to break in somehow.

“Ok now let’s see, what I want and don’t want. I don’t want this. I do want that. This is trash. This still works. ” I mumble on and on to myself.


“Oh my goodness, I’ve been looking for this text book since the second month of school.” Man is Reenee gonna be mad. I chuckled as I’m holding out my Advance algebra text book.

Reenee’s best friend and somewhere around the second month of school I lost my algebra textbook, so I used Reenee’s for the remainder of the semester. This is great news that I’ve found it because now I don’t have to pay $220 to replace the textbook. I bet your thinking there is no way that a high school textbook cost that much well it wouldn’t except that all the senior classes were chosen to receive brand spanking new textbooks that the school had to buy themselves without funding. Our school supplies used to be donated from nearby universities but they’ve been having financial troubles lately so now the school has to pay for most things themselves this year. Which kind of sucks since this was my senior year. Everything cost so much money including prom and all the school dances.

But that’s ok because I have an awesome best friend who helped me think up of crazy ways to get money; like a lemonade stand (yeah I know we actually did that) but that didn’t get much profit. See Reenee tricked her little sister into making all the lemonade, signs and flyers. But her little sister is in 1s t grade and still learning how to read and write. So the reason why we didn’t get much profit is because the sign had said “COME AND GET YOUR LEMONAIDS”. Funny, right? No, you didn’t get it, well here’s the punch line. She couldn’t fit the letters aids in the first row so they were written on the second, alone. It read come and get your lemon-aids. Haha! I can see why people wouldn’t buy. We switch the sign later on but it got dark half an hour later so we only got like $15. But even though that failed it didn’t get us down we also tried car washes, selling candy, kissing booth, magic tricks, we even hustled a few people by pretending to be bad at card games, when we really were quite awesome. Actually I was kidding about the kissing booth but it did come up as an option. Basically it just sucked that we had to pay for everything.

“Wow, no way here’s my Yu-gi-oh card I thought I lost.” I was gonna trade this to one of my nerdy friend Kel. The card is Exodia’s left arm. The whole collection of his 5 body parts are super rare. Kel was gonna to give me $150 for the whole set but I just couldn’t find his left arm. Now I know where it went, under all Reenee’s crap.

Hmm I wonder if Kel will still pay me for the cards.

“HEY AM!” Shouted Reenee from the top of her lungs.

Man, is she loud and always shouting.

I smiled. “What’s up and why you hollering?”

“News just in, Cassandra’s big graduation party may have just gotten better. From an anonymous source, CJ Detwiler (in a deep speedy voice), there just might be trouble in paradise between Calvoon high’s all so perfect couple, Casseve.” She uttered in a news reporter type tone.

Casseve or Cassandra and Steve are supposedly the hottest couple in school even though Steve graduated 2 years ago.

“Let me guess, Cassandra dumped Steve again; over what this time? Did she catch him trying to join the track team so he could muster up enough speed to actually get away from her crazy ass?” I questioned.

“Actually Steve dumped her. Rumor is, according to CJ Detwiler (speedy deep man voice), she caught him kissing another girl and she went ballistic.” Reenee started to explain.

“Wait if he cheated then why did he break up with her” I questioned confusedly.

“Hush I’m getting to that! Well it turns out that Steve dumped Cassandra right after he graduated 2 yrs ago.” Reenee continued.

“No freaking way!” I exclaimed hitting Reenee in her shoulder. “They broke up two years ago. We definitely have to rub this in her face at her party. This will be complete payback for stealing our parts in the musical.” I cheered.

A few months ago Reenee and I decided to try out for the school musical and Cassandra and her little clone posy stole our parts. But that’s another story for another day.

“I know and that’s not all.” Reenee continued.

“There’s more!” I was definitely wide-eyed and enthused to hear the rest.

“Yeah! Also for the past two years Steve has been hooking up and dating other girls in college and Cassandra convinced him to pretend to continue being her boyfriend just so she could look cool for dating a college man. And have a better chance at winning cutest couple in the yearbook.”

I just stood there for a second with this devilish gleam in my eyes. I knew exactly what evil deeds to do with this information. I had already cooked up a complete and utter payback scheme for everything Cassandra has ever done to us and the rest of the student body she has tortured in my head.

“Do you have any idea what this means Reenee. We can seriously destroy her and get payback for all those snarky remarks and social abuse.” I began. “Even though we have done our fair share of equal retaliation torture tactics.” I continued in a sarcastically tone of voice.

“Doesn’t matter because Cassandra is about to get hers.”

Reenee and I looked at each other because we knew we both had thought up of the same diabolically scheme. It was going to be bitter sweet.

“Reveal everything at the party?” Reenee and I both answered in the most devious voices imaginable.

We both started to laugh as this is the most unreal thing Cassandra has ever done and let me tell you she has done some really incredible things, incredible meaning bad.

For the next forty-five minutes, as we were creatively hatching our plan to deconstruct the social life of an unsuspecting graduating senior, (high school right! even when it’s over it’s not over.) Reenee helped me to finish cleaning out my incredibly junkie locker. There were a lot of things in there that I thought I had lost, throughout the year; but it turned out that everything’s just been in my locker all piled up under Reenee’s stuff.

“Good! Finally done!” Reenee breathed with relief slamming my locker shut.

We started toward exiting the school.

“Thanks!” I said.

“Yeah yeah! That’s what friends are for. Plus most of the stuff was mine. But let’s just get you home so you can prepare for the party. Because I need you to help pick out my dress and so I can make up your face.”

“Eww no! You know I hate wearing make-up. It makes me look like a clown.” I protested.

“No it doesn’t, you looked so cute at homecoming. One of my best works ever. I deserved a standing ovation for completely reconstructing that train-wreck you called your face.” She teased.

“Hey I’m pretty. My mommy said so.” I said jokingly back.

“Ode to thee a face only a mother shall love.” Reenee continued trying to sound like Shakespeare.

“Shut up!” I said punching her in the arm playfully.

We both laughed and began teasing each other on our looks and personality habits. But then we came across a strange super bright light coming from the end of the hallway, just as we were about to walk out of the school through the side doors. Reenee noticed the light first since she was technically still inside the school but I had already walked out first.

“Hey what is that?”

“What’s what?”

“That light.”

“What light?”

“Come back inside.” Reenee said in a hushed voice pulling me back inside the school. “Come here look.”


“Look at the bright light!” I saw the look on Reenee’s face she looked astound and curious. And whenever she usually gets that look we usually get into trouble. But hey, she’s my best friend right, through thick and thin.

So I walked back into the building and we both crept toward the light around the corner as we were shushing one another to be quiet. The closer we got the more clearly we could hear someone talking out of frustration in hushed tones. Just as we were about to peek around the corner the bright light started to flicker. Reenee was in front so she peeked first.

“Whoa!” She gasped silently.

“What! What is it? What do you see?” I asked curiously but still trying to stay quiet.

“I see someone. But I can’t really see them. The light’s too bright.”

“Let me see” Reenee stepped aside to allow me to see what was up.


“Whoa is right.” Reenee added.

“What’s up with this light? It’s so weird. And what is she or he doing?”

“I don’t know but I’m about to find out.” Reenee began to run towards the other side of the hallway. I grabbed her arm trying to stop her but she shrugged me off and went anyways.

“Reenee don’t. Your gonna make’em mad.”

“Don’t be such a wimp. I’m just gonna scare them.”

“Fine but you’re insane.”

“And you know this.”

I watched Reenee creep closer and closer into the excessively bright and mysterious light. The further she went, the harder it was to see her. Soon I could only see the silhouette of Reenee just as the other person who was already there. I was starting to get really nervous. This chick or dude was really started to freak me out. But the thought that we were in school calmed my nerves a bit because what terrible incident could possible happen in a high school. On second thought, high school could be the most dangerous part of anyone’s life.

I snapped out of my “bad things could happen” trance and started focusing on Reenee again. I wanted to follow her in but I’m such a big scaredy cat I just couldn’t bring myself to. Whoever was in that light stopped whispering and the light was still flickering but now it was doubt so really fast. I took a step forward peering out even further into the hall to try and get a better look of where Reenee I’m thinking this has to be someone from the magicians club.

“Ahhh! What….what are you!”Reenee screamed.

I shouted scaredly “REENEE!”

“Huh! Ugh. Get out of here!” Answered a voice as the light began to fall.

I was just about to muster up enough courage to take my entire body out from hiding and step into the hall but at that exact moment I felt a hand lightly touch my shoulder then tighten up a second later. “Hey shouldn’t you be leaving, school ended an hour ago.”

I stared at the man terrified assuming something dangerous has caught me. But a second later I realized that it was only the janitor. But not just any janitor; Siam. The creepy one. “Aren’t you a senior? I would have thought you’d be the first out of here.”

I stood silent for a few seconds longer still a bit shaken up about Reenee’s scream. I looked over down the hallway and there was nothing there. Nothing at all. There was no light, no talking, no person and most importantly no Reenee, where the heck did she go?

“You should be on your way starting your summer vacation or something.”

I looked at him speechless. This was all too weird for me to process so quickly. I looked back down the hall again. Still not a single trace of anything in sight.

“Um. Yes! Yeah I was just leaving. I was only looking for my friend at her locker. She must have left already.” There was an awkward silence for a second.

“Um…….bye”. I stood there for a second longer hoping he’d leave so I could investigating; but he didn’t so I scooted off as quickly as possible back to the exit. And once I hit that pavement and Siam the janitor couldn’t see me anymore I jetted down the block A.S.A.P. because I wanted to get as far away from that school as possible.

After running non-stop for a few blocks nearly almost home, I pulled out my cell phone and called Reenee. I waited impatiently as it rang a few times. Oh please please pick up. And when I thought the phone was about to go to voicemail it clicked over.


It was Reenee. She sounded okay because she answered in a cheery voice.

“Oh my gosh Reenee where are you? (What!)Are you ok? (I’m fine) Where did you go? (Nowhere I’m -) What happen? Who did you see? What’d they look like! Oh my gosh, you just disappeared and -”

“Calm down Amethyst. I’m safe and I’m at home. I’m A-ok. I don’t know why you would think otherwise. But listen come over at four so we can hang before the graduation party. I’m so excited. I’m going to do your makeup and no buts about it! Good-”

“No Wait!”


I hung up the phone and continued walking home. Phew good thing Reenee’s safe. I was about to – Wait! I stopped dead in my tracks. Reenee called me Amethyst. She pronounced it with an “A” and not an “E.” She also said “hello” when she answered. Renee would never answes the phone with a simple hello. She’s too outgoing to sound so ordinary. Plus she said she’s “going to” do my makeup. Me nor Reenee ever pronounces the word “going” we always use “gonna.”

The reason being when I was really little I had a bit of a speech problem. I got it from my dad. I couldn’t pronounce the word “going” correctly. It sounded like “gwin.” I got tease a lot in school. It was only a mild speech impediment. It wasn’t even as bad as my dad’s but it still wasn’t something I liked. I also couldn’t even say my own name correctly. I pronounced the “Am” as if it were spelled “Em”. Eventually everyone just called me the way I pronounced it. Even my little sister named, Topaz. I always have said Topez with an “E”. I have a thing with long “A”s. And to stop the other kids from teasing me Reenee started to stutter right along with me; she started mis-pronouncing every word I couldn’t say. Soon after, everyone got theirs laughs in and the teasing stopped. Ever since she’s been helping me with my speech; I’ve improved so much but I still am having trouble with that word. So we vowed to use “gonna” as an alternative until I can pronounce that word correctly.

I shook my head. Nevermind she’s just freaked from all the weirdness that just happen” I thought. I began to start walking again to my house. There’s only a few blocks left.

But then again why was Reenee so cheery on the phone. I can give her the conversation, but how did she get home so fast and how did she just suddenly disappear from the hall. Maybe she teamed up with the magicians club and put this all together just to freak me out. Hmm this was a mystery that needed to be cracked.

But it sounded like something Reenee would do. It is the last day a school after all. I pondered some more on the rest of the walk home but still couldn’t find any reasonable explanations.

I got my keys out and unlocked the door. I tried to rush upstairs before my mom bombards me with products from her job like she usually does almost every day when I get home from school. As I’m dashing up the stairs thinking for once I’ve gotten away with it my mom calls out to me. I didn’t get away but it was so close I made it to the 3rd to last step; the closest I’ve ever gotten in history.

“And where do you think you’re going madam?” I heard my mom’s voice question with a snarky I got’cha tone.

“Mommy not now I just want to go up to my room. I have a busy day today.”

“Ha! I laugh at the thought of that ridiculously statement. My daughter has a long day ahead of her. Then I better stand out of her way and let her begin her busy busy day.”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes.

“Did you lock the door?” She said with her “why do we have to go through this everyday” voice.


“No you didn’t.”

“I did!”

“I didn’t hear it lock.”

“Ugh! Fine I’ll go check.”

I knew I didn’t lock the door because I never do. It’s not on purpose; I just have a habit of not locking the door. Except for at night. I usually triple check that lock to make sure it’s closed. Because once Reenee showed me this scary movie when we were about 12, where this girl didn’t lock her back door after going clubbing with her friends one night (yeah I know and yes it was rated R) and this lunatic started harassing the girl and her friends. And the whole time they thought he was outside the house but he was watching from the inside the whole time. After that I always double-check the door for being locked. But I guess I’m only afraid at night. Since that is when the freaks come out.

I locked the door. My mom had this accomplished and proud look on her face as I was walking back from the door.

“See now if you could just do this every day without me telling you.” Mom detested while looking inside of her purse. I put my hand against the side my head while having my elbow leaning against the rail of the staircase with my legs crossed because I knew mom was getting out her jewelry.

“Now Ammy I need you to tell me what do you think of these necklaces and bracelets?”

“Ugh! Mommy you know I don’t really care for jewelry. Ask Topaz, she’s crazy for that stuff.” I began to walk upstairs.

“I know but I still want your opinion. You used to love picking out jewelry with me. It was our thing. Please! Last time I’ll ask you.”

“You promise?” I questioned hesitantly since knowing my mom, this was not gonna be the last time she’s gonna ask, since she’s made this deal many times before.

She crossed her fingers and said “Scouts honor.”

“But you never were a scout.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Heh. Ok fine. But you have to swear….uh I mean promise this is gonna be the last time.” Mom hates it when we swear on anything so she always makes us say I promise instead.

“Yes yes yes yes. Now just come over here and look. Tell me what you think.” I walked over to my mom and looked at the jewelry she pulled out of her purse.

My eyes widen as I looked at her pictures. I gave a tiny smile. It’s only a picture that she drew and colored but it was simply just beautiful. There was a matching set of a necklace and a bracelet. Both pieces are in different layers. The necklace had about 4 layers and had different sized Amethyst gems encasing it, surrounded by a silver chain. The other drawings were just as beautiful except they were used with Topaz, Sapphire and Ruby gems. The last drawing is of a watch. It looked less girly but it was designed with a focus on Onyx gems. It’d be perfect for my little brother.

Oh right! I never mentioned that the gems my mom used are based on my family’s’ names. My mom name is Ruby, my brother’s name is Onyx, my sister’s name is Topaz, my grandma’s name is Sapphire and of course I’m Amethyst. My mother wanted to name all of her children after gems and so did my grandmother. They both get a lot a pleasure out of making and designing jewelry. Which is what my mom and I used to do together a lot when I was younger. So after looking at all the jewelry I gave my mother a smile and told her my opinion.

“Hmm. It’s pretty mommy! I think it’s one of your best yet.”

“Aww shucks! I’m making it all for the family to wear at your graduation. I thought it’ll make us look unified although there not all done yet but it’ll definitely be ready by your graduation ceremony.”

“Yeah mommy it’s great. But I have to get ready for my grad party so if this is all, can I go now?” I said as I was walking away from my mother.

But before I could get far enough away from her she grabbed and hugged me tightly.

“Mommy what are you doing? Why are you being all emotion again?” I mumbled since my face was smushed in my mom’s chest.

She looked down at me still hugging.

“I know it’s just your growing up so fast. Your graduating high school and will be off to college soon. And then you’re not going to need me anymore.”

“Mommy! Please don’t. Not this again. Look I will always be your daughter and around you. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” We stopped hugging at this point.

“And besides who’s gonna do my laundry, cook me my favorite meals and even protect me the monsters under my bed.” I said jokily trying to get my mom out of her funk.

“Yeah you’re right you’re completely hopeless without me.” Mommy chuckled looking proud and finally chilled.

I started walking towards the stairs again to head to my room.

“Obviously. Ok I’m gonna go up to my room now. And please, no more mushy mushy moments.”

My mom put her hand up facing my direction. “Pst whatever homes. You always be on me like butter on toast son.” She said trying to impersonate her version of I’m guessing a ghetto person. My mom tries to be funny sometimes by trying to talk like kids my age or what she thinks we talk like.

I started to giggle all the way upstairs. “Whatever lunatic!” I shouted towards my mother.

I get into my room, drop my bag and flop onto my bed.

“Phew, so tired.” I closed my eyes with my hands on my chest thinking about the party and how much fun it’s going to be. I was thinking about finally graduating and moving on with my life. And all the great things I was going to do.

Just as I was about to doze off to sleep I could swear I almost heard Reenee’s voice; but very lightly, almost chanting “Help me Am. I’m scared. I don’t know where I am. Please help me.” I could nearly see Reenee now.

The whole space that Reenee and I are suddenly in is dark and pitch black. There’s no one around but us. So I start running to her. “Reenee I’m here. Just wait for me I’m almost there.” I start to notice that the closer I got to her, the further away she seemed to be. I just couldn’t reach her.

All of a sudden the area around us changed to a lab type view and there were men in white coats surrounding everywhere, running about. Then I saw Reenee, she was on top of a lab bench being poked with needles and screaming her head off, pleading for the men in white coats to stop. She looked up at me as I stared back at her crying my eyes out in disbelief that this was all really happening.

“Amethyst save me. Please save me. It hurts. It’s hurts so much. You’re my best friend. Save me.” Next she started screaming profusely breaking free from the right cuff that had her right arm pinned down tight. Next she broke loose her left foot. Then the men started yelling “She’s getting out of hand. We have to sedate her. Hurry!” That’s when I couldn’t take it anymore; I started screaming Reenee’s name and yelling at the men to stop. I couldn’t understand what was going on. I wanted to run to her side but I was so terrified I just froze up.

I’m on the floor crying on my knees with my hands covering my mouth. And at that very moment I was grabbed. The men in the white coats were taking me to a lab bench just like the one Reenee was on. I started to scream and kick trying to escape but it was useless there was just too many of them. But I kicked one in the face and punch another and I managed to wiggle my way out of the clutches of the rest. But just as I picked myself up ready for escape, a tall man stabbed me with something. I looked over at him and realized it was a sedative. Damn! I tried to look up at his face before I completely passed out but I couldn’t see his face it was almost as if he didn’t have one. He was blurred.

I’m being carried back to the lab bench as my body whimpered. I tried my best to look over at Reenee one last time before I fully passed out from the drug; but she wasn’t there anymore I couldn’t see her.

Was she dead? Where did they take her? Couldn’t she handle whatever experiment they were doing to her? And was the same thing about to happen to me.

Tears ran down the side of my face as I was about to finally slip into a deep sleep. But just as I was about to absolutely go under the tall man said “Your friends alright. She’s in our special hands now. No need to worry. You just need to wake up now just wake up.” He announced as he was putting a mask over my face.

“Ahhhhh!” I woke up and looked around my room frantically expecting to find my dream coming to life.

“Oh thank god that was just a dream.” I said with relief flopping my head back onto my soft pillow.

“Phew. Most realistic dream I’ve ever had; especially during the day.”

I’ve been having these same dreams lately, of Reenee. In each one she’s always being taken and experimented on. She screams my name for help but I always freeze up and do nothing. I never told her about these dreams. I mean they are just dreams right. Or so I hoped.

I looked over to my right and saw my alarm clock. It said 4:30.

“Oh snap” Reenee probably called by now. I scurried out of bed and went to my backpack and saw 2 missed calls both from Reenee.

“Crap she’s gonna give it to me.”

I dial Reenee’s number and waited as the phone rang. It goes to voice mail after a couple of rings. So I call again and she picked up this time.

“Hey sorry I-”

“Did you like me not picking up the first time?”

“Sorry Reenee I fell asleep as soon as I got home. And I just woke – wait are you saying you ignored my call on purpose.”

“Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying jerkface. Now get your voluptuous booty downstairs before I kick it. I’m outside in the car waiting for you.”

“Hahaha right. Give me 5. I did just wake up remember.”

“Fine but a second more and I’m making you the costar to Cassandra’s absolute demise tonight.”

“Yes sir!” I said as I saluted even though I knew Reenee couldn’t see me.

We both clicked over.

I’m looking around my room collecting everything I need for the rest of the day because I’m sleeping over Reenee’s house after the party.

“Ok I need my brush, my comb, my jammies…….”

I finally head out the door to see an impatient Reenee texting then looking up at me with a “could you be any slower” look on her face.

“I’m coming I’m coming. Don’t give me that look.” I said getting into the car.

“Just come on. These shoes went on sale yesterday and I have to have them. They’re gonna make me look so fly like a G6” Reenee protested.

“Wow your soooo lame! Like a G6? Really?” I gave her a hard look.

Reenee chuckled. As I laughed at her.

She started driving and I plug in my mp3 to the car radio and play “like a G6”. We jammed out in the car, singing all the way to the mall.

Chapter 2: And Then We Continued…(Still Friday)

Reenee and I finally arrived and by the time we do, somehow we started rocking out from Far East Movements Like a G6 and ended up all the way to old Disney classics like Lion King and Mulan. We were listening to the song were Simba was singing about not waiting to be king. Reenee teased me about even having this song in my playlist. But I called her out on the fact that she has it too.

I know this is no real excuse why two graduating high-schoolers would have a bunch of Disney songs in their mp3’s; but this stuff kind of happens to you when you have younger siblings that keep on sucking you in every time you try to break free from the power of Disney. We sometimes even listen to Justin Beiber, but that’s our guilty pleasure as well as our dirty little secret. Our little sisters both are wildly obsessed with JB, they both said that they’re going to marry him. And they’ve agreed that my sister Topaz is going to be his first wife and Reenee’s lil sis Csonia is going to be his second wife. The things little kids say these days, right!

“Alright we need to go to Sneakervilla.” Reenee announced looking like a stressed out mother. She was wide-eyed and looking kind of crazy. I swear I could see her foaming at the mouth.

“Ok ok but why are you walking so fast? The shoes aren’t gonna anywhere. They’ll still be in the store when we get there.” I tried.

“No they won’t. Melinda works across from Sneakervilla and she said that there are only three pairs left and there’s more in the back. And only two size 7’s and a size 6 are left. So I absolutely have to get those size 7’s before it’s too late.” She uttered at me sounding like this was a major crisis.

“Ok fine. But I don’t see the big deal Reenee. You have a million really hot and may I add very expensive sneakers in your closet. You have enough to even open your own sneaker store. You can call it: REENEE’S SNEAKER PALACE: WHERE YOUR FEET COULD BE LIVING LIKE KINGS.”

“One that’s lame and two no. These sneakers are special. There from a new but not really known designer Joc’ SePaul. He’s Canadian.” Reenee bragged.

I gave Reenee a defeated look because I knew a story was coming on.

“He is the only designer to use clashing colors in such a successful and complementary way. And he uses just the right amount for each and every piece. He is a genius. Plus these sneakers are a limited edition and really rare, there’s only about 500 made in the U.S.”

“Yeah yeah I get it. I felt the same way when my favorite t-shirt designer had the limited P-Swade edition on sale for only 2 hours at Strip Search.” I reminisced.

“Yeah I remember that you made me wait outside with you for four hours until the mall opened.”

Sneakervilla and Strip Search are both Reenee’s and I’s ultimate fashion obsessions. I just love my graffiti tees and Reenee sure does love her colorful sneakers. We both are absolute slaves to these stores.

Reenee and I finally got to the third floor of the mall and came to an intersection. We saw the store and noticed that there was a huge crowd of people by it because everyone knew there was a super sale in that store today.

“Look! There’re a whole lot of people over there. How are we even gonna get in the store. It’s blocked tight.” I pointed out.

Reenee stopped walking to check a text from Melinda. “Oh no….damn!”

“What?” I asked.

“Melinda just texted me that there’s only one pair left and it’s the size 7’s.” Reenee had a sad and defeated look on her face.

“Man I knew I should of skipped school and got them this morning.”

I felt kind of bad for Reenee. She really wanted those sneakers. And this Joc’ SePaul guy’s fashions were her obsession. I could not let her down, not after she’s done so much for me. I just could not to let my best friend lose out on this opportunity.

“Reenee.” I said as I grabbed her arm as she was attempting to walk away.

“Were going in?” I continued.

“But how, it’s like a Justin Bieber concert up in there.”

“Oh where getting in.” I said with my I’ve got a plan face on.

I quickly whispered my scheme to Reenee in a corner. She thought there was no way this would work; but I saw it in a movie and you should always try to repeat what you see in movies. They never fail. Well……ok maybe not but it’s all I got on such short notice. Don’t judge.

We quickly walked in front of the store, but we both were in such a hurr,y Reenee tripped and pretty much stamped on my foot and shoved me into the wall. Accidently I assume but at that moment all I could feel was my shoulder being jammed into the wall. I was so furious that I pushed Reenee.

“Oww! Watch it big foot!”

She pushed me back and said “My bad! It was an accident. Don’t be all dramatic Amethyst.”

“Dramatic? I’ll show you dramatic.” I stormed over to Reenee and pushed her really hard onto the ground. She flopped right on her butt. It looked kind of painful. I didn’t intended on pushing her that hard.

Her face was ferociously infuriated. Her cheeks turned to a bright crimson red.

She got up and stormed over to me shouting “You bitch” and slapped me with such a loud clap.

“Ahhhh!” I screamed holding my face. “I’m gonna kick your ass!”

We both grabbed each other and started throwing down. By this time there had been a pretty huge crowd developing. Even the people from the sneaker store were clearing out just to see us fight. Reenee could hear people chanting “yeah kick her ass” “punch her punch her” “rip her hair out” and what sounded like a dude’s voice shouting “rip her close off”. Soon enough we heard someone say “security’s coming.” That was our cue. Reenee ran left and I ran to the right we quickly grabbed two of the closes girls to us and threw them in the middle and jetted into the store. I looked back, just for a second and saw that two girls were so confused. And at that moment the security guards arrived and assumed they were the ones fighting and started to grab them off of one another I felt bad but I’m such a genius I thought.

We were finally in the huge sneaker store. We took a quick surrounding look and began to part ways on the search for Reenee’s limited edition Baisley Pricen Pleckers.

“I can’t believe that worked Am.” Reenee shouted from across the room.

“I told ya to trust me.” I responded feeling on top of the world.

“You’re like my own personal pocket genius.”

I smiled with the cheesiest smile ever.

“Ok Am you go that way and I’ll go this way.”


I ran up and down and left and right all throughout the store. I couldn’t find the shoes anywhere. So I stopped for a second to check my phone for the picture Reenee sent to me. Ok the sneakers are blue black and purple. I looked around the store some more and still couldn’t find them. Humph. I stopped to lean on one of the shoe racks. I hunched over because I was out of breath from the fake fight and the running around.

Gasp. Oh my gosh. My eyes widen I couldn’t believe it. After all we did to try to get the sneakers; there right across from me was…….Cassandra!

We both saw each other and acknowledged each other’s presence with complete shock.



“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your party?” I said pretending to be polite.

“Yes I am. I’m just making a quick stop to pick up something.”

“Oh and what is that?”

“Oh nothing, just some limited edition Baisley Pricen Pleckers sneakers.”

What! That’s exactly what I’m looking for. How did she know about them? Damn that Melinda she’s never loyal to just one side. She’s like a female CJ Detweiler except she’s always in the know with things that are in style or popular.

“Really? Well your too late I heard those were sold out since this morning.” I sneered.

“That’s interesting because my in-tell says their still one last pair in stock and it’s my size. So why are you here not for the same thing I assume. You’re into graffiti shirts, right?”

She had the most devious smile on her face. She knew what I was here for and the expression on her face seemed to be so sure that she was going to get the shoes for herself. Not on my watch. There is no way that I was gonna let Cassandra take something else from Reenee and I.
“Actually I -” The sneakers!

I began to run towards them and so does Cassandra once she realized where they were too. Their directly in front of us but they’re all the way down the long aisle.

“You’re not getting those sneakers Cassie. There’s no way.” I yelled.

“Think again. Those sneaks are mine.”

“You don’t even wear sneakers.”

“They’re not for me. I just want them to throw away.”


At this point Cassandra and I are both tossing things in each other’s direction; things from off the shelves, completely destroying the store.

“You’re going to throw them away. Then what’s the point?”

She tosses some more items at me to get me to trip. “The point is so Reenee can’t have them.” She said with a selfishly snarky smile.

Ugh I hate her so much. She is such a –

“You are such a ahhhhhh - ” I tripped.

“Oww.” No she’s about to get the sneakers. To stop her I crawled over to a shelf and grabbed a box and tossed it as hard as I could at a round table filled with shoes on display. The table was kind of leaning so I knew it was unstable enough to fall over. And it did, everything fell on top of Cassandra. It was classic.

I looked up toward the shelf where the shoes were sitting, and they were gone. “No!” Sorry Reenee I failed. Cassandra still won. Even though she didn’t technically get the shoes it still feels like she bested us.

Once I finally pulled myself up I realize that the person with the sneakers was Reenee. Cassandra’s drones were on the floor covered in shoes. They looked hurt. Seems Reenee had to fight them for the sneaks.

She looked at me. “Hey Am, I did I got the sneakers. We won.” Then she looked right at Cassandra. “Yeah. In your face Cassandra. You lose. Woo woo!”

Reenee started to do her victory dance. But I wasn’t smiling anymore because things were about to get bad. Reenee stopped dancing once she saw the worried expression on my face. She looked to her left and instantly she was being tackled by security. I saw two more guys coming for Cassandra and me, I tried to run but they already caught me. Cassandra was spewing her spiel about her significance.

“Do you know who I am? I am the daughter of TV’s Patrick Cavera. My father will have your job.” Etc etc etc.

As we were all being taken out of the store Reenee mouth to me that she was so sorry she got me into this. I mouth back that it was ok. I looked back and saw some girl pick up the sneakers that Reenee dropped when she was tackle by security.

Damn this was all this for nothing.

The security guards nearly, literally thrown us all out of the store. “And don’t you bratty kids come back. Your all banned for a year.”

“A year? You can’t ban us. I’m Cassandra Cavera. I’m - ”

*Snap snap snap*

They took our pictures with a Polaroid and put us up in the window. The security guards snared at us and walked back inside the store.

I dusted myself off. “Well that’s that. We all lose. No one gets the sneaks.”

Everyone else started to get up off the ground as well.

“Thanks a lot this is all your fault. You got me kicked out of sneakervilla.” Cassandra protested.

“Yeah you guys are barbaric.” Added one of Cassandra's clones. I honestly don’t even know her name.

“Yeah.” The other said while putting her hands confidently on her hips. I don’t know her name either. I think its Bethany or Brianna or something.

Reenee was steaming mad. “Our fault? This is our fault? You don’t even wear sneakers. You were just doing this to get back at me for buying the dress you wanted for prom. Get over it.”

“Doesn’t matter. My goal was met. You lose something you really wanted. And as an added plus you’re banned from your favorite store. Just face it, you two will always lose to me and I will always win to you. I’m just better than you.” Cassandra taunted us in the most arrogant tone of voice.

Now Reenee was really steaming at this point. So she stepped forwards in Cassandra’s direction. “You know what Cassandra I’m gonna - ”

I held Reenee back. “No it’s not worth it. She’s just jealous and upset that when it comes to us we never bow down and let her get her way. Like her mindless……airheaded……posse of - ”

“Excuse me. You dropped this on your way out?”

We all look over and there’s a girl standing there holding the last pair of the limited edition Baisley Pricen Pleckers.

“Um no I - ” Reenee began.

“Well I saw you dropped them and there’s a receipt and everything.”

“Oh! ”

“If they’re not yours you can have it anyways. I don’t need them. I’m more of a heel type woman myself.”

Reenee took the bag from the mystery girl. “Th th thanks. Right I did drop these. I must ofdidn’t notice.”

“Well bye.” The girl left in as quick of a flash as she entered.


“Whoa you got them.” I exclaimed with joy. “That was so weird and really lucky.”

“Yeah I know.” Reenee looked back up at Cassandra with the only expression of sweet sweet victory on her face.

“Grrrr.” Cassandra stormed off followed by her cronies.

“This isn’t over”

“Yeah this isn’t over”

Reenee and I started giggling, laughing and talking about all the craziness that just went on. We got back to her car still laughing it up.

“I can’t believe all of that just happened Am. That was so wild and crazy. Ok, from now on all of our shopping sprees should be that high staked.


Wow that was really insane back there. All that fuss just for some shoes. Girls are just extremely comprised I guess. You just have to have what you really want, by any means necessary. That just goes to show that – WAIT A MINUTE. That girl! She seemed familiar. Like we just unofficially met somewhere else. I wonder where?

Chapter 2: And Then We Continued…

Reenee and I finally arrived and by the time we do, somehow we started rocking out from Far East Movements Like a G6 and ended up all the way to old Disney classics like Lion King and Mulan. We were listening to the song were Simba was singing about not waiting to be king. Reenee teased me about even having this song in my playlist. But I called her out on the fact that she has it too.

I know this is no real excuse why two graduating high-schoolers would have a bunch of Disney songs in their mp3’s; but this stuff kind of happens to you when you have younger siblings that keep on sucking you in every time you try to break free from the power of Disney. We sometimes even listen to Justin Beiber, but that’s our guilty pleasure as well as our dirty little secret. Our little sisters both are wildly obsessed with JB, they both said that they’re going to marry him. And they’ve agreed that my sister Topaz is going to be his first wife and Reenee’s lil sis Csonia is going to be his second wife. The things little kids say these days, right!

“Alright we need to go to Sneakervilla.” Reenee announced looking like a stressed out mother. She was wide-eyed and looking kind of crazy. I swear I could see her foaming at the mouth.

“Ok ok but why are you walking so fast? The shoes aren’t gonna anywhere. They’ll still be in the store when we get there.” I tried.

“No they won’t. Melinda works across from Sneakervilla and she said that there are only three pairs left and there’s more in the back. And only two size 7’s and a size 6 are left. So I absolutely have to get those size 7’s before it’s too late.” She uttered at me sounding like this was a major crisis.

“Ok fine. But I don’t see the big deal Reenee. You have a million really hot and may I add very expensive sneakers in your closet. You have enough to even open your own sneaker store. You can call it: REENEE’S SNEAKER PALACE: WHERE YOUR FEET COULD BE LIVING LIKE KINGS.”

“One that’s lame and two no. These sneakers are special. There from a new but not really known designer Joc’ SePaul. He’s Canadian.” Reenee bragged.

I gave Reenee a defeated look because I knew a story was coming on.

“He is the only designer to use clashing colors in such a successful and complementary way. And he uses just the right amount for each and every piece. He is a genius. Plus these sneakers are a limited edition and really rare, there’s only about 500 made in the U.S.”

“Yeah yeah I get it. I felt the same way when my favorite t-shirt designer had the limited P-Swade edition on sale for only 2 hours at Strip Search.” I reminisced.

“Yeah I remember that you made me wait outside with you for four hours until the mall opened.”

Sneakervilla and Strip Search are both Reenee’s and I’s ultimate fashion obsessions. I just love my graffiti tees and Reenee sure does love her colorful sneakers. We both are absolute slaves to these stores.

Reenee and I finally got to the third floor of the mall and came to an intersection. We saw the store and noticed that there was a huge crowd of people by it because everyone knew there was a super sale in that store today.

“Look! There’re a whole lot of people over there. How are we even gonna get in the store. It’s blocked tight.” I pointed out.

Reenee stopped walking to check a text from Melinda. “Oh no….damn!”

“What?” I asked.

“Melinda just texted me that there’s only one pair left and it’s the size 7’s.” Reenee had a sad and defeated look on her face.

“Man I knew I should of skipped school and got them this morning.”

I felt kind of bad for Reenee. She really wanted those sneakers. And this Joc’ SePaul guy’s fashions were her obsession. I could not let her down, not after she’s done so much for me. I just could not to let my best friend lose out on this opportunity.

“Reenee.” I said as I grabbed her arm as she was attempting to walk away.

“Were going in?” I continued.

“But how, it’s like a Justin Bieber concert up in there.”

“Oh where getting in.” I said with my I’ve got a plan face on.

I quickly whispered my scheme to Reenee in a corner. She thought there was no way this would work; but I saw it in a movie and you should always try to repeat what you see in movies. They never fail. Well……ok maybe not but it’s all I got on such short notice. Don’t judge.

We quickly walked in front of the store, but we both were in such a hurr,y Reenee tripped and pretty much stamped on my foot and shoved me into the wall. Accidently I assume but at that moment all I could feel was my shoulder being jammed into the wall. I was so furious that I pushed Reenee.

“Oww! Watch it big foot!”

She pushed me back and said “My bad! It was an accident. Don’t be all dramatic Amethyst.”

“Dramatic? I’ll show you dramatic.” I stormed over to Reenee and pushed her really hard onto the ground. She flopped right on her butt. It looked kind of painful. I didn’t intended on pushing her that hard.

Her face was ferociously infuriated. Her cheeks turned to a bright crimson red.

She got up and stormed over to me shouting “You bitch” and slapped me with such a loud clap.

“Ahhhh!” I screamed holding my face. “I’m gonna kick your ass!”

We both grabbed each other and started throwing down. By this time there had been a pretty huge crowd developing. Even the people from the sneaker store were clearing out just to see us fight. Reenee could hear people chanting “yeah kick her ass” “punch her punch her” “rip her hair out” and what sounded like a dude’s voice shouting “rip her close off”. Soon enough we heard someone say “security’s coming.” That was our cue. Reenee ran left and I ran to the right we quickly grabbed two of the closes girls to us and threw them in the middle and jetted into the store. I looked back, just for a second and saw that two girls were so confused. And at that moment the security guards arrived and assumed they were the ones fighting and started to grab them off of one another I felt bad but I’m such a genius I thought.

We were finally in the huge sneaker store. We took a quick surrounding look and began to part ways on the search for Reenee’s limited edition Baisley Pricen Pleckers.

“I can’t believe that worked Am.” Reenee shouted from across the room.

“I told ya to trust me.” I responded feeling on top of the world.

“You’re like my own personal pocket genius.”

I smiled with the cheesiest smile ever.

“Ok Am you go that way and I’ll go this way.”


I ran up and down and left and right all throughout the store. I couldn’t find the shoes anywhere. So I stopped for a second to check my phone for the picture Reenee sent to me. Ok the sneakers are blue black and purple. I looked around the store some more and still couldn’t find them. Humph. I stopped to lean on one of the shoe racks. I hunched over because I was out of breath from the fake fight and the running around.

Gasp. Oh my gosh. My eyes widen I couldn’t believe it. After all we did to try to get the sneakers; there right across from me was…….Cassandra!

We both saw each other and acknowledged each other’s presence with complete shock.



“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your party?” I said pretending to be polite.

“Yes I am. I’m just making a quick stop to pick up something.”

“Oh and what is that?”

“Oh nothing, just some limited edition Baisley Pricen Pleckers sneakers.”

What! That’s exactly what I’m looking for. How did she know about them? Damn that Melinda she’s never loyal to just one side. She’s like a female CJ Detweiler except she’s always in the know with things that are in style or popular.

“Really? Well your too late I heard those were sold out since this morning.” I sneered.

“That’s interesting because my in-tell says their still one last pair in stock and it’s my size. So why are you here not for the same thing I assume. You’re into graffiti shirts, right?”

She had the most devious smile on her face. She knew what I was here for and the expression on her face seemed to be so sure that she was going to get the shoes for herself. Not on my watch. There is no way that I was gonna let Cassandra take something else from Reenee and I.
“Actually I -” The sneakers!

I began to run towards them and so does Cassandra once she realized where they were too. Their directly in front of us but they’re all the way down the long aisle.

“You’re not getting those sneakers Cassie. There’s no way.” I yelled.

“Think again. Those sneaks are mine.”

“You don’t even wear sneakers.”

“They’re not for me. I just want them to throw away.”


At this point Cassandra and I are both tossing things in each other’s direction; things from off the shelves, completely destroying the store.

“You’re going to throw them away. Then what’s the point?”

She tosses some more items at me to get me to trip. “The point is so Reenee can’t have them.” She said with a selfishly snarky smile.

Ugh I hate her so much. She is such a –

“You are such a ahhhhhh - ” I tripped.

“Oww.” No she’s about to get the sneakers. To stop her I crawled over to a shelf and grabbed a box and tossed it as hard as I could at a round table filled with shoes on display. The table was kind of leaning so I knew it was unstable enough to fall over. And it did, everything fell on top of Cassandra. It was classic.

I looked up toward the shelf where the shoes were sitting, and they were gone. “No!” Sorry Reenee I failed. Cassandra still won. Even though she didn’t technically get the shoes it still feels like she bested us.

Once I finally pulled myself up I realize that the person with the sneakers was Reenee. Cassandra’s drones were on the floor covered in shoes. They looked hurt. Seems Reenee had to fight them for the sneaks.

She looked at me. “Hey Am, I did I got the sneakers. We won.” Then she looked right at Cassandra. “Yeah. In your face Cassandra. You lose. Woo woo!”

Reenee started to do her victory dance. But I wasn’t smiling anymore because things were about to get bad. Reenee stopped dancing once she saw the worried expression on my face. She looked to her left and instantly she was being tackled by security. I saw two more guys coming for Cassandra and me, I tried to run but they already caught me. Cassandra was spewing her spiel about her significance.

“Do you know who I am? I am the daughter of TV’s Patrick Cavera. My father will have your job.” Etc etc etc.

As we were all being taken out of the store Reenee mouth to me that she was so sorry she got me into this. I mouth back that it was ok. I looked back and saw some girl pick up the sneakers that Reenee dropped when she was tackle by security.

Damn this was all this for nothing.

The security guards nearly, literally thrown us all out of the store. “And don’t you bratty kids come back. Your all banned for a year.”

“A year? You can’t ban us. I’m Cassandra Cavera. I’m - ”

*Snap snap snap*

They took our pictures with a Polaroid and put us up in the window. The security guards snared at us and walked back inside the store.

I dusted myself off. “Well that’s that. We all lose. No one gets the sneaks.”

Everyone else started to get up off the ground as well.

“Thanks a lot this is all your fault. You got me kicked out of sneakervilla.” Cassandra protested.

“Yeah you guys are barbaric.” Added one of Cassandra's clones. I honestly don’t even know her name.

“Yeah.” The other said while putting her hands confidently on her hips. I don’t know her name either. I think its Bethany or Brianna or something.

Reenee was steaming mad. “Our fault? This is our fault? You don’t even wear sneakers. You were just doing this to get back at me for buying the dress you wanted for prom. Get over it.”

“Doesn’t matter. My goal was met. You lose something you really wanted. And as an added plus you’re banned from your favorite store. Just face it, you two will always lose to me and I will always win to you. I’m just better than you.” Cassandra taunted us in the most arrogant tone of voice.

Now Reenee was really steaming at this point. So she stepped forwards in Cassandra’s direction. “You know what Cassandra I’m gonna - ”

I held Reenee back. “No it’s not worth it. She’s just jealous and upset that when it comes to us we never bow down and let her get her way. Like her mindless……airheaded……posse of - ”

“Excuse me. You dropped this on your way out?”

We all look over and there’s a girl standing there holding the last pair of the limited edition Baisley Pricen Pleckers.

“Um no I - ” Reenee began.

“Well I saw you dropped them and there’s a receipt and everything.”

“Oh! ”

“If they’re not yours you can have it anyways. I don’t need them. I’m more of a heel type woman myself.”

Reenee took the bag from the mystery girl. “Th th thanks. Right I did drop these. I must ofdidn’t notice.”

“Well bye.” The girl left in as quick of a flash as she entered.


“Whoa you got them.” I exclaimed with joy. “That was so weird and really lucky.”

“Yeah I know.” Reenee looked back up at Cassandra with the only expression of sweet sweet victory on her face.

“Grrrr.” Cassandra stormed off followed by her cronies.

“This isn’t over”

“Yeah this isn’t over”

Reenee and I started giggling, laughing and talking about all the craziness that just went on. We got back to her car still laughing it up.

“I can’t believe all of that just happened Am. That was so wild and crazy. Ok, from now on all of our shopping sprees should be that high staked.


Wow that was really insane back there. All that fuss just for some shoes. Girls are just extremely comprised I guess. You just have to have what you really want, by any means necessary. That just goes to show that – WAIT A MINUTE. That girl! She seemed familiar. Like we just unofficially met somewhere else. I wonder where?

Chapter 3: A Graduation Ball!

We’ve just arrived back at Renee’s house and were still laughing about the mall madness adventure we just shared.

“Just put your stuff up in my room. I’m gonna bring up some food what do you want?”

“Hmm you know what I like, surprise me!”

“Ok.” We both giggled.

I walked upstairs into Reenee’s room threw my bag down. I just tossed it onto the floor and flopped in the bed.

“Ahhh that feels soooo good.” My back and my legs hurt from having all those shoes chucked at me. “I am never getting up.”

Reenee started shouting from the top of her lungs. “Am do you want cheese its, chip ahoys or both.”



“I want both.”

“What, I can’t hear you.”

I go to the door and shout. “I want both cheese its and chips ahoys.”

“Ok no need to shout.” Reenee teased.

All of a sudden, my heart dropped. My skin began to crawl. I looked straight ahead and then turned my body slightly to the left. Then my heart left it’s seemingly paused position and sped up rapidly. There, right in front of me was him. Who’s him you ask. He is Reenee’s older brother Tavan. And why has my heart suddenly dropped. Well that easy, about two weeks ago we made out. And instead of it being this magically moment, he gave me this harsh look and just walked away. No words, no emotion, no nothing. He just kissed me and then acted as if I was the worst kisser on the plant and walked away.

“Amethyst hi.” He said.

“Hey Tavan.” I said back.

I opened my mouth to say something else to him but he interrupted.

“So how you been?” He stammered.

We haven’t seen or talked to each other since that night.

“Um good. I’ve been great.” He put his hand out as if to help him speak his next line without stammering over it.

“That’s nice.” I shook my head in an agreeing manner then it became silent.

In an attempt to break the awkwardness I create an excuse to leave from the hallway.

“Um I should go downstairs… um help Reenee with the snacks.” I forced a smile. “You know Reenee, she always overdoes things. She probably prepared like a months’ worth of snacks just for today.” I chuckled awkwardly.

He nods agreeing “Yeah your right. You should help her carry them….all.”

At this moment I just feel so stupid and embarrassed. I turned to walk downstairs but just as I was taking the first step onto the staircase, Tavan began saying something.

“Um Amethyst.” My heart sang as he said my name.

“I’m sorry.” He continued.

“For what?”

“For what I did to you two weeks ago.”

Wait, for what you did to me two weeks ago? What is he talking about?

“What do you mean? All we did was - ”

“Kissing you!” I just stood there with a solid expression on my face because I didn’t know what to say next; so I just awaited for his next response.

“I’m sorry I took advantage of you like that. (took advantage of me) I shouldn’t have kissed you. (so you regret it) I was going through an emotion break up and - ”

“No I get it. I completely understand. (so I was just the rebound girl) I’m not mad. (well I can’t say I’m completely surprised he did break up with his girl a mere 10 minutes before we made out. I was hoping it meant more) You’re still my brother.” I smiled, but half of it was fake.



We hugged. I guess you’ll never know how I truly feel about you. And that it wasn’t you who was using me that night. I was using your break-up as an excuse to get close enough to kiss you. But I guess it’s not meant to be. We’re just gonna have to stay friends….for now.

“So what’s going here you love birds?” Reenee unexpectedly came up the stairs with a bunch load of snacks in her hands, nearly spilling from her arms.

We broke apart. I could feel his and my heart both pounding with fright thinking does she know. Did she hear our conversation? But she doesn’t look shocked.

“Shut up I’m just consoling Tay about his break-up with May.” I tried to play it off as best as I possibly could, but we’ll just have to see if she’ll buy it.

“Yeah, well just help with your snacks, greedy.” She emphasized I grabbed some of the food that Reenee’s about to spill.

“Greedy? You offered, so I’m gonna take.”

She followed me back into her room and flops everything on her bed. “And Tay you really need to get over her. I didn’t even like her anyways. She was lame.”

Tavon started to laugh a little.

“What are you talking about? You loved her. You loved how she’d lie for you, about your age when picking up boys at the clubs.”

“Yeah, your right, she was great. Must be something wrong with you then.” Reenee teased Tavan.

“Yeah, maybe.“ Tavon responded with a sad look on his face. “Well, I’m going to Vin’s house. See ya later.” Tavan heads toward the staircase but just as he’s in the middle, Reenee stops him.

“Tay.” He looked up, ears all perked for listening. “It’s her lost.” He started to smile a little. “Your amazing.” He smiled then continued down the stairs, raised his right hand and said thanks.

For the next two hours Reenee and I gossiped, ate snacks and tried to prepare for Cassandra’s graduation/birthday party. We had little time to prepare but we can make it. And I know what you’re thinking, do we serious think were still invited to Cassandra’s party? Well yes, you see us and Cassie’s crew have a strange relationship. We all hate one another’s guts, but yet, we still talk and invite each other to parties and social outings; because were always trying to outdo one another. We tell Cassie about all the parties we hear about and she does the same for us, most of the time. It’s a weird relationship but it works for us. That’s just high school!

It’s finally 8:00pm and Cassandra’s party just started. Reenee and I are just putting the finishing touches to our outfits. And if I do say so myself we look absolutely hot. Were way beyond beautiful or just cute, we’ve ran straight through the sexy marker.

I’m wearing a black and neon green dress with ruffles at the bottom, making the lower portion very poofy and stylish. My waist is tighten, giving me the appearance of a very fit women, which I seriously am by the way. The dress is strapless and the back is pretty low cut. The front isn’t too revealing; I am still technically a minor you know, so I can only tease the boys so much. My breasts are wrought with the heart-shaped base of the dress, not exposing them but just enough to give off a sense of mystery and wonder. My heels are a shiny crisp black; they have some over lapping design of the straps. And the heel is about 3 inches high. But don’t worry I’m not crazy I’m bringing flats. The heels are just for show.

Reenee’s dress is just as flattering to her figure as mine. Her dress is black and cerulean blue. She has one shoulder strap and it’s tightened at the waist with a cerulean blue ban. Reenee dress is a touch longer than mine and isn’t poofy it’s actually very tight. It’s really slimming on her. She almost looks like a supermodel. Not to sound a bit homo but her body is amazing. I didn’t mention this before but Reenee is some sort of super athlete. She’s done track, tennis, soccer even competitive chess. She’s a monster when it comes to sports. So her body is a class A fitness sculpture. She’s always been fit and her abs are, in the words of Tyra Banks fierce.

“Damn girl you look so fine right now. I think I might have my first lesbian crush.” Reenee teased then ask me to do a spin take.

“Reenee your so charismatic with your words I don’t even know how boys handle your personality. I don’t even know how I do it.” I said in response.

She started to put on her lipstick.

“Some are born with the talent of will and can handle me…..that’s you! And some are born gutless……that’s every man who feels I’m too much for him.”

We both started to laugh.

She puts lipstick on me and finishes the rest of my make-up. I’d do it myself but the last time I made an attempt, I was known as clowny-face for two months. The most embarrassing moment of my life.

Right now were both doing spin takes in the mirror complementing each other on how cute the other looks. We grabbed our purses and headed out to the car; driving to the party of the year. We don’t like Cassandra, but girl she sure knows how to throw a great party.

We parked and walked around to the back and wouldn’t you believe just as expected, the greatest party of our senior year doesn’t disappoint. It’s a diamond fashion theme. Everything is extra cute, flashy and sparkly. Cassandra is really rich so you know her parties are always this extreme.

Were only about 45 minutes late so we missed Cassandra’s grand entrance. But we met up with a few friends and they told us that Cassie arrived in a Barbie box dressed in a really skanky white but cute dress that was practically made out of diamonds. Ok, I added the skanky part but it was a really revealing dress. I hate to say it but what was shown to us on a cell phone admittedly was a really beautiful dress. I just wish she didn’t steal my Barbie in the box idea that Reenee and I did at the school talent show.

“Hey Amethyst, Reenee!”

“Melinda!” We both replied.

“Finally you guys got here. I was worried you wouldn’t come.”

“Why would you think that that?” I asked.

“Because Cassandra tweeted that you guys got arrested at the mall for vandalism.”

Reenee and I were both shocked. It’s just like Cassandra to try and pull one over us.

We quickly explained to Melinda what really happened at the mall in an attempt to clear our names and discredit Cassandra’s lies.

“Wow, guys are epic. I think this party needs one of your famous demolition schemes Reenee.”

“Already ahead of you Melinda!” Reenee had this really devilish gleam in her smile.

The three of us walk over to the food table to take samples and drinks. After we finished trying practically everything on the table we started dancing our asses off to burn off all the food we just ate.

“Ugh what a prima donna!” Reenee blurred.

“Who are you talking about?” I was confused thinking if she was talking about Melinda or me.

“Look!” She pointed.

Melinda and I followed her finger with of eyes and you know what we saw, another attempt for Cassandra to get everyone to pay attention to her and only her. Up on the telescreen was a slideshow of pictures of Cassandra in really exaggerated shots and really sexy clothes. I know it’s her party and everything but she really doesn’t have to show off. We get it she’s rich and pretty.

“I’m Cassandra Cavera and my family’s rich because we invented the toaster marc 5000. And everyone loves me because I’m so rich and beautiful.” Reenee teased in a snooty upper class accent.

“Ooo ooo I got one. If I’m so amazing and rich and beautiful, why are my only true friends complete idiots that do whatever I say.” Melinda teased continuing in the accent.

“And my boyfriend Steve whom I love very so has been cheating on me for the past two years with hotter, richer, smarter and less bitchy girls. He will miss out on all our fake dates and fake make outs. Hmm. I finished off the roast in the same snooty accent.

We all began laughing insanely. Reenee and I were laughing not only because we all were making fun of Cassandra but because we were purposely speaking loudly so the crowd of people next to us would overhear our conversation about Casseve; then hopefully gossip and spread the rumor throughout the party and embarrass Cassandra. Pretty evil huh, well she asked for it. I know we seem like the means girls now, from this point of view, but trust me Cassandra’s the real mean girl in all this.

A girl walked over to us with her little group of friends standing away from us, observing her entrance into our circle. “So is that true. Casseve is over?” She asked.

I was about to respond but Reenee beat me to it.

“Yeah they’ve been over since he graduated. Rumor is she just pretended to still be with Steve so she could win cutest couple.”

I heard she even begged him to take her back but he’s so fed up with her he doesn’t even keep her as a friend.” I added.

“Really…..that’s interesting. Because Steve is actually here.” The girl said.

The three of us said nothing because we were all frozen with shock.

“And he came as Cassandra’s date.” The girl continued.

I tried to speak but Reenee cut me off again.

“Well it’s obvious that Cassie somehow convinced Steve to show up so she wouldn’t look bad.”

“Maybe or your just hating on Cassandra.” The girl suggested.

“I seriously doubt that.” Added Reenee.

I’ve was so upset at this point. How dare this girl accuse us of being jealous of Cassandra when she’s the one who is jealous of us. So I decided to step in.

“Hold on just one minute. There is nobody over here that’s jealous of Cassandra Cavera. In fact - ”

The girl cut me off. “That interesting and all but I nor my friends care if you really hate Cassandra or not. We don’t like the bitch. Were only here because she throws a hell of a party.” The girl smiled insatiably.

Now I was really confused. This girl completely did a one-eighty. “Oh?”

“But this little rumor that you guys are obviously trying to start, it would be my absolute honor to help spread the good news.” The girl said cried out with pleasurable glee.

Reenee continued the conversation with the girl. “Hmm, so you picked up on that.”

The girl smiled.

“Okay but now we have a problem.” Reenee added.

“Right! How to get Steve to either admit he and Cassandra are over or break up with her right in front of everyone. I mean that is if your rumor is actually true.” The girl stated.

“Trust me, this is in no way a just a high school rumor.”

I couldn’t believe this right now. Reenee and this girl are plotting a scheme so in sync as if they knew exactly what each other would say next. They talked as if they were rivals coming together for the first time just to get rid of a common enemy.

“So is that the plan?” The girl asked us.

All three of us agreed, then we turned to walk our separate ways but I turned back around to ask that girl a question.


She looked back.

“So what’s your name?”

“Just call me summer”

“And I’m Amethyst.”

“I didn’t ask.”

She walked away and rejoined her group of friends.

“So shall we?” Reenee asked.

“We shall.” Melinda answered.

I followed them back to the food table.

“Hey are either of you getting a weird vibe from that girl, Summer.” I asked concern.

“Oh so you felt it too?” Melinda asked.

“Okay it did feel like that girl and her friends had an ulterior motive. But Cassandra’s had it coming to her.” Reenee reminded me.

I thought about what that girl said and everything Reenee was saying. And their right, Cassandra so deserves this but something just doesn’t fit right to me. How much is too far?

“Yeah, game on!” I said agreeing.

The three of us all grab some more drinks. Reenee downed two shots of vodka. Melinda and I both drink about half a glass of wine and a shot of captain Morgan. Then Melinda gets a text to meet up with her other friends from choir, so she took off. Reenee and I notice a photo booth and took 3 sets of pictures. Then we started mingling with our other friends at the party. We also took a turn in the money booth, took pictures with celebrity cutouts and more pictures with the professional photographer. We even messed with the jumbo tron and got our faces to show on the TV for a whole 5 minutes. So cool.

It is now a few minutes till midnight and it’s time to execute of plan B; since plan A was ruined the minute Steve was seen at the party. Reenee, Summer, her friends and I were soon all in position getting and ready to do this. But I had to go to bathroom really really bad. I tried to hold it but I just couldn’t wait; so I left my position to use it real quick. I told the others to wait until I get back. I ran as quickly as I could to the restroom because midnight was only 2 minutes away and Cassandra was about to give her speech. She does this at every single one of her parties, thanking everyone for coming then bragging about herself. I raced to the toilet seat and signed with relief.

But just as I was opening the stall door to wash my hands I heard Cassandra, Brittany and Tiffany walk in. Cassandra was crying. So I quickly went back in the stall and stood on the toilet seat to hide.

“I can’t believe this is happening to me. How does everyone know about Steve?”

Tiffany stands in to console Cassandra. “It’s okay Cassie. You’re still the most popular girl in school and the riches.”

“Yeah, I mean so what if everyone’s knows that you and Steve broke up. He’s a jerk anyways.” Brittany continued.

“But I love him!”

Cassandra just lost it at this point; her tears started falling down from her face as if there were a mini streams of Niagara Falls. Tiffany lifted Cassandra’s face up off the sink and wiped the side of her face with her hands. Then held her face making her stare directly into her eyes.

“Cassie, look at me. We are your best friends and we’ll help you through this but Steve is never going to appreciate you. He is never going to love you the way you love him. You’re so pretty and wonderful. Just think, once you get to college guys will be lining up to date you for miles and miles.” Tiffany explained.

Brittany walked over and held Cassandra going in for a group hug. “Yeah. And stop crying over him. He’s not worth a single tear. You’re way too amazing to be crying over some man. And besides your Cassandra FREAKING Cavera.”

Cassandra started to chuckle. “Thanks guys, your right Steve was always a loser. He doesn’t deserve me. I make his life, he doesn’t make mine.”

Wow I can’t believe this. Cassandra Cavera actually has a heart. I’ve never seen her in such a weakened state. I always thought of her as this cold hearted girl who only likes popularity and didn’t care about anyone’s feeling except her own. And her friends, their completely different from what I expected, they don’t seem to be as brainless as I thought. They seem like……like……like real people. I feel such like a jerk now. Oh no! I’ve got to stop the plan!

A few more moments went by and the three of them were fixing Cassie’s makeup before she went back out there to do her speech.

Cassandra is now putting her lipstick on. “And you know what; I think I might also want to squash the beef between us and them. (Them? Who is she talking about? Is she talking about Reenee and I ) We’re graduating now and it’s kind of silly to still be beefing with them over all this little kid stuff. I think I’m going to bring them on stage and apologize and offer my full friendship. (WHAT! Is she serious?) Because when it comes down to it I truly don’t hate those two. But I have to admit we did have some wild times trying to one up each other.”

“Uh huh remember the school talent show?” Brittany reminisced.

“Yeah, right. We all almost got expelled for sabotaging each other’s auditions” Tiffany said.

“I know, and even though for the past four years all we’ve done is try to embarrass each other, I can honestly say that I consider us to be very close……….friends.”

No way! now I really feel like a jerk.

“Me too!” Tiffany agreed.

“Same.” Brittany concured.

They finally left the bathroom and headed out in preparation for Cassie’s last speech. I came out the stall puzzled, guilty, jerkish, expressing every other saddened conscious feeling in the book.

A girl walked in.

“Hey you should hurry Amethyst. Cassandra’s about to do her thank you speech.”

“Yeah thanks.” I said.

I rushed out the bathroom pulling out my phone about to text Reenee to call off the plan because I just can’t bring myself to go through with it anymore. Actually when I think about it too, I truly don’t hate Cassandra either. I mean she bugged me all the time but it was never not pure hate. My text was sent automatically to drafts because I just received an incoming text from Reenee.

Am I don’t want to do this anymore Cassandra’s mean but this is just cruel And Summer won’t call it off, something’s wrong, CALL ME!

I’m dialing Reenee as I see Summer to the side of the stage signaling her friends to begin the plan. Oh no!

“Amethyst!” Reenee answered.

“Reenee I see Summer but she’s already given the signal, you stop her friends, I’ll handle her.” I said.


We hung up. I quickly speed walked over to Summer, passing through the huge crowd. I finally get to her but Cassandra’s already started her speech.

“Summer you have to call this off. This is just too mean.”

“Heh mean? You were all in for this a few moments ago. Now you want to chicken out.”

“No I’m not chickening out. I just don’t think Cassandra deserves to be embarrassed this much. I don’t want to hurt her. At least not like this.”

She chuckled miraculously. “You really think this is about you. This has nothing to do with you.”

“What?” I’m so confused right now.

She sneered out another menacing chuckle. “Don’t you get it. I was just using you. I needed someone who knew Cassandra from the inside to give us the access we needed to complete our plan.”

“So you already planned this even before you overhead me and friends talking.”

“Hey aren’t you a smart cookie.”

She turned around to signal her friends again with a laser light but I grabbed it from her before she did.

“What are you doing? Give that back! You stupid stupid girl. THAT BITCH WILL PAY FOR WHAT SHE DID TO ME. SHE RUINED MY LIFE!” She screamed.

I stared, shocked at how violent her voice was. Summer started tearing up. Her face was red with furry and had the most ferocious expression. Her hands were clenched tightly shut. She had her teeth clenched and lips vaguely opened. Her hair became wild and untamed. This girl looked absolutely nuts. That’s when it hit me. The bad feelings that I’ve been getting since the moment we met were suddenly clear. She was…. this girl…..she’s -

“Your Siarra Conally.”

“Took ya long enough.” She said with the most villainess smirk on her face.

“You’re the girl who got expelled in the beginning of freshman year for locking Cassandra in the girls locker room attempting to set it on fire.”

Her cruel smirk turn into the biggest and most disturbing smile I have ever seen, not even in a horror movie.

“Your insane!” I protest.

She positioned herself in a solid stance. “Insane no……. cruel maybe…… vengeful….. hell freaking yeah.”

“So I guess the rumors were true. You are a psychotic schizophrenic.”

She laughed hysterically at my words. “It’s too late! The deed is already done.”

I looked down and saw her texting. I ran towards her to stop her.

“No your not!”

We started fighting over the phone but struggling because we both were evenly matched. We ended up on the floor.The phone fell out of her and slid onto the stage. I started crawling as fast as I could to get it but she kept pulling me back as I did her. At this point Cassandra stopped speaking to turn around because she heard a lot of background noise. We crashed through the curtain still fighting like two monkeys trying to share one banana because neither of us are letting up.

I grabbed the phone. “Yes!”

“Do it now guys?” She shouted.

“What’s going on here?” A confused Cassandra asked.

Things were looking our way. I saw Reenee and Melinda standing over Siarra’s defeated friends. I smiled victoriously. “Awesome!”

“NOOOOOO!” Siarra turned to me with a look that could kill. “You ruined everything! You……..ahhhhh…….I could kill you.” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

I’m still knelt down on the ground observing Siarra’s face. Her expression is terrifying. She really looked unbalanced; her eyes are telling me that she wanted to put a dagger through my heart…….literally!

“Ahh get your bloody hands off of me!” Reenee shouted.

I looked up and Siarra’s friends’ and they had Reenee and Melinda trapped in their arms.

“No, Reenee! Melinda!” I shouted.

“Amethyst what are you doing? Do you want me to throw you out?” Cassandra threaten me still not sure what’s actually happening right now.

Siarra cried out another villainess laugh. “I’ll get all of you. I’ll get all of you.” Siarra screamed threatening me again.

She came right at me, charging with full speed and precision. It took me about a second to notice that she had a knife.

“I’ll get you. I’ll get both of you.” She threatened again.

“Siarra stop! What are you doing?” Her friend shouted.

“Yeah, were just supposed to pull a prank!” Another shrieked.

No! Amethyst run. Get up. Get up and run. Do it! Do it now! I’m scared. So why can’t I run. Why can’t I get up? Why won’t my body move?

My eyes widened with fear thinking this can’t seriously be happening right now. There’s no way.

Everything has slowed down. I can almost see her charging towards me in slow motion still rendering me unable to run. It’s almost as if I’m frozen with fear like a deer in headlights. Everyone at this point, is looking, observing and waiting for the unthinkable to occur. The crowd is in a shocked hypnotic dazed with ignorant disbelief.

You know now people say just before you die your life flashes before your eyes; and then you come to a revelation about whether you lived your life to the fullest up until the moment you die. Well, that’s not what happen to me. All I could envision is my lifeless body on the cold ground drenched in my own blood. I couldn’t help but think how did a silly little prank turn into such a horrible fate?

Everything started to speed up again; my heart is accelerated faster than it ever has in my entire life. I began to tear up thinking this is it, my life is over and I’ve never got the chance to do so many things and confess so many feelings. This is all my fault. I did it to myself. I closed my eyes blinding myself in tears.

“Amethyst run. Get out of the way. Move damn it.” Reenee shouted breaking free from her holder.

Just as Siarra is about to stab me with her knife she falls over to my left. I looked up relieved and confused. Why has she suddenly fallen? Then I look over on the stage floor and see a microphone lying next to her. That’s when I realize she’s been hit. But that would mean –

“You are NOT going to hurt my friend you crazy ass psychotic BITCH!”

That was Cassandra. She just saved my life. And she called me her friend to boot. She walked over to me knelt down and stared directly into my eyes.

“Are you ok?”

I stared at her shocked but internally grateful and begin crying outrageously, falling into her arms.

She helds me tightly comforting me explaining that everything’s okay. Then police sirens suddenly were going wild. We found out later that a neighbor called the cops because of all the commotion.

“Cassandra watch out!” I’m shouted pushing her out of the way. I saw Siarra get up and about to attack Cassandra. I tried to stand up in an attempt to stop the blade even though I’m defenseless. I held out my hand hoping to catch the knife without it tearing right through my palm.

“Ahhh look out!” A voice shouted.

Just then another rush of good luck struck. Siarra got bashed in the head by a rock. She fell to the ground so quickly I thought she was dead. I saw a little boy run across the stage wet and in teared up clothes. The boy is running like he is scared. But of what and who is he running from.

Suddenly a whole barrage of rocks, tree branches, a fence and a whole mess of other odd things were being chucked at everyone at the party. People started screaming and shouting running in all directions. And to my surprise some were running towards the cop cars. I guess the randomness of Mother Nature falling from the sky was more terrifying then the police busting them all for underage drinking.



We tried to get to one another but the crowd was too wild and hecked. We couldn’t.

“This way Amethyst, follow me.” Cassandra suggested.

I tried to argue that I wanted to follow Reenee but she made a good point that it’s too dangerous. So we ran toward her house but half a tree blocked our entrance inside. So we ran into the street with the rest of the fleeting crowd. Trying to avoid the falling objects while getting to safety.

“What’s going on here?” I shouted.

I turned around and there I saw that girl……that girl from the mall…..she’s tossing things around without even touching them. She’s picking up huge and heavy objects like a tree with her bare hands and tossing them around like she’s carrying a loaf of bread. And what’s worse, it seemed like she’s only attacking that boy who ran across the stage. I continued running but I saw Reenee got hit by a branch and was trapped under it, in an attempt to rescue that little boy who fell down.

I ignored Cassandra’s attempt to hold me back and ran as fast as I could over to Reenee’s aid. But before I got there the boy saved her. She was just about to be pummeled by a huge range of objects; but with only the boys fist he punched, smacked and threw the objects out of Reenee’s way, got her out from under the branch and took her to safety. I continued chasing after them. But instead of catching up with them I caught up with the super strong girl. She looked pissed off.

“Hey you. What are you doing here? Why are you attacking that boy?” I shouted to her looking for answers.

She looked at me, smiled then picked me up and tossed me up in the air.

What! She didn’t even touch me. How is this even happening?

“Your insignificant.” She said grinning. Then release whatever it was that she was using to levitate me. But luckily that little boy caught me. Told me to get on his back, I did and he started running to a safer location.

“Ahh! Who are you? What are you doing? Who’s that psychopath destroying everything? And what are you guys? How are - ” I barred the boy with questions.

“No time to explain ahhhhh.” Screamedthe boy.

He fell, got up then grabbed my hand and pleaded for me to run.

We ran down an alley. Shoot. We got cornered.

“Where are you Zane?” The girl taunted. “This is very naughty. You shouldn’t be running away from me.”

Zane started punching the wall trying to make an exit but it wasn’t completed in time. The woman showed up. At this point I’m so terrified that I’m wishing this was really all just one huge nightmare and I’m about to wake up any minute now.

“I’m not going back with you Senya. I don’t want to hurt people. You should quick too. It’s not too late. We could go away together and - ” Zane proclaimed.

She laughed. “You’re a funny kid, you know that right? You seriously expect me too – ” Senya started to speak.

“Hey…..hey! You! Just who the hell are you? And why are you attacking this boy? He’s just a kid. You’re an adult. I don’t fully understand what’s going on here but I do know that you’re in the wrong. I thank for saving my life back there. But that doesn’t make it right for you to attack innocent children. He’s just - ” I protested.

She laughed hysterically interrupting. “First I am going to take Zane back to headquarters. Then I am going to kill you because you seriously are annoying.”

She took a few steps toward us but I stepped in front of the boy reassuring him that I won’t let her take him back to whatever horrible place she’s kept him. Zane grabbed my hand and told me that it’s okay he’s stronger than I think and he’ll protect me. I was puzzled. What can a little boy like him do. Suddenly I remembered the boy saving Reenee by tossing huge objects with his fists alone. I looked at him as he engaged in a fight with the woman he referred to as Senya.

Who is this boy? What is this boy? And who is she? Headquarters? What headquarters? Is there some kind of governmental conspiracy where they create genetically muted kids? I don’t get it. I’m so confused.

Let me tell you, if you could see what I’m seeing right now I guarantee you’ll be questioning reality. How is this even possible? Why is this possible? Who orchestrated this? Who’s created them and why? So many questions were rattling around in my head. I couldn’t control my spiraling dizziness and confusion.

Hey what’s that? I thought to myself.

There’s something falling out of the sky. It looked like it fell from Zane’s person. It’s beautiful and it’s glowing. The object is mesmerizing. I can’t help but to look at it with such awing bliss. I run to catch it. It looked like a snowflake except the middle is round like a ball. I think it’s some sort of crystal but it’s not any I’ve ever seen or heard of before. It’s different, it appeared to be watery except when I touched it, it’s solid. I don’t understand how that could be but what I do know is that this thing. This object is simply beautiful.

“Hey give that back to me. That doesn’t belong to you it’s mine.” Senya shouted with raging furry.

She tossed Zane aside and charged towards me.

Oh no not again I can’t move. I’m too scared.

“No, Senya don’t.” Zane shouted.

She was mere inches away from me when a bright bluish light emerged from the crystal-like object. It sent Senya flying backwards. The crystal started to encase itself around me. I started freaking out. Now I really couldn’t move except this time it wasn’t because I was too scared. The crystal engulfed me completely and then the pieces around me shattered and dissipated like magic. I looked around unsure of what just happened but I noticed my body glowing with sparkles then vanished almost instantaneously.

Senya and Zane both stared at me in disbelief. “No way! She’s……”

Senya then snapped out of her daze and charge at me again trying to retrive the crystal from me. I was caught off guard and didn’t know what to do so I simply just held my hand out hoping that would stop her by some miracle chance. And to my surprise it did. She was levitated in the air as she did me moments ago. I was thinking this cannot be for real. I used both hands and tossed her to the side of the dead end wall. Then Zane grabbed me immediately and we jetted out of there.

“That was amazing! How did you do that back there? Are you one of us? Noone ever been able to knock Senya down to size. Ever.” Zane asked curiousity.

“I…I…I don’t know. One of you? I’m not sure what you are? And what was that back there. How did I do that? And what is this thing? Did it give me that ability?”

He looked back at me. “Guess not.” He said.

We continued running away as fast as we could but it was useless. Senya still caught up with us. She tossed a stop sign at me, I tried to use my newfound ability again but it was futile; it already disappeared from my control. Zane jumped in the way and stopped it then chucked it back at Senya. She punched it out of her way too. Whoa they are strong. Zane and Senya started fighting again. The stone began to glow again but this time it felt weird. It was burning my hand, so I dropped it then it attacked me with that blue light as it did Senya. And that’s the last thing I remember.

Chapter 4: Dazed Hazed and Downright Info-Amazed (Saturday)


“Oww (moan) my head hurts.” I sat up in my bed exhausted and in pain.

“Ahh oh oww.” I held my head trying to remember everything that happened the night before.

“Man that party was wild.” I ate, I danced, took pictures, ate some more then the police showed up and I.....I got drunk? Whoa! Some wild and crazy night.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to begin my day with a nice warm healing bath. But my head was still spinning, but not just because my whole body ached, but because I just couldn’t wrap my brain around the idea that I actually got drunk. I never get drunk, I hardly even drink. But I did last night and for some reason I don’t really remember why. I have memories downing about 8 shots of alcohol but then again I don’t. My memories feel foggy, lost or faded; almost fake. But I guess that’s what happens when you drink too much right.

I took my clothes off and stepped towards the bathtub but I remembered I forgot my flip flops for when I get out so I walked back to my room to get them. And as I’m grabbing them and heading back towards the bathroom, something dropped. I looked at my closet expecting it to be cracked open and things falling out but it was still closed.

“Hmm weird.” I head to the shower and took a nice long 1 ½ hour bath.

“Ahhh, this is so good.”

I slid down deeper into the bathtub with just my head above the water relaxing my mind and body from all the confusion and physical pain I was feeling. I thought about what I was going to do today while simultaneously trying to make sense of last night.

I didn’t realize it but soon enough I started to drift off into a drowsy sleep. I tried to stay awake but couldn’t. My body was saying I’m fully rested and not tired but my mind was telling me to go to sleep, almost as if I was being hypnotized. I finally drifted off but then I heard a loud crash. I jumped up a little scared. I looked around the bathroom but didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. So I quickly cleaned myself and got out.

When I got into my room I felt something was out of its place. Something was moved or touched. I’m thinking it was probably Topez going through my clothes again. I’m gonna kill that twible. (twible is what I call Topez and Onyx whenever they bug me which means “twin trouble”). I ignored my suspicious feelings and began to dry myself off then put on my clothes.

“Oops!” Yelped a voice as my closet door spun open.

“Ahh Topez I knew it you were in my room.” I shrieked as I grabbed my towel quickly and wrapped it around me. But just as I turned around to face the closet door I saw it close hastily.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to look. I didn’t see anything.”

I paused because the voice wasn’t Topez’s, it was a boy’s voice. But it didn’t really sound like Onyx’s voice either. I crept closer to the door to open it. “Onyx is that you. No answer. I’m not mad just come out.”

Just as my hand was about to touch the knob it opened. I stepped back, a little nervous with so many thought racing through my mind. To calm myself I said it’s probably just one of Onyx’s silly friends’.

The door opened completely and there was a boy whom I never seen before standing in my closet. He didn’t look like either Topez’s nor Onyx’s usual friends’ they bring over.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to see you naked. I was just looking at - ”

I wasn’t exactly naked, I had my undergarments on but it was still a little embarrassing having this kid see me in just my underwear.

“What are you doing in my room? If you’re in here to steal my underwear or something for one of your weirdo games I -”

“No no no it’s nothing like that. I was just making sure you were ok.” He stated waving his hands in a no gesture with a teddy bear in one hand.

I bent down to grab the boy out of my closet. “What are you talking about and who are you. You’re not my guest so you shouldn’t be - ”

“After what happened yesterday. I just had to stick around to make sure you were ok and that she doesn’t come back to hurt you.”

It’s official, this boy……is weird.

“She? Who’s she? You know what, never mind, just get out.” I said frustrated pushing him out of the door.

“Onyx, Onyx come get your annoying little friend. I told you too - ”


This crystal fell out of the boys bear. I picked it up to give it back to him.

“Here you dropped this.” Just as my hand was returning it to his my whole body halted and my vision was altered. Right there before me I saw everything. I remembered everything. The boy, that girl, the party, Reenee, the chaos. It was all coming back to me now, that boy is –

“Ahh stay away from me.” I said dropping the crystal. “And take your freaky magic diamond with you”. I demanded backing away.

“No no Amethyst. It’s ok!” He said stepping towards me.

“Listen you little -” I began.

“Ammy what do you want? Why are you screaming my name?” Onyx shouted coming up the stairs towards my room.

“Onyx!” I screamed looking for help.

“No don’t.” Begged the boy as he pushed me down on the bed hushing me up by covering my mouth with his hands.

“Please don’t scream. I don’t want to hurt you. I want to help you. We can’t get anyone else involved.”

He looked over to the door worried about Onyx and looked back at me and told me to tell him not to come in.

I don’t know what it was that made me listen, whether it was because I was a little nervous or my curiosity or the fact that this small boy was able to pin me down so easily. He’s strength was overwhelmingly amazing. My curiosity exceeded my fright, which was very different for me.

I shooked my head in cooperation. Onyx came to my room about to push open my room door just as I shouted “Wait don’t! I’m not dressed.”

“Ok then what did you want me for?” Onyx asked.

“Um - ” I looked at the boy hoping for an idea but he gave me none. “Um nevermind I already found my shirt.”


“I said I found it.”

“Huh, why would I even – whatever.” He said walking back downstairs.

“Phew.” We both sighed with relief.

It took us about a minute but neither of us realized that my towel had slipped off when he pinned me down. We both blushed and immediately jumped away from one another. I had my hands covering my body as he had his face planted inside the belly of his teddybear. I can tell he was seriously embarrassed and ashamed. I thought he was about to cry. He passed me my towel and I covered myself.

“So, explain?” I demanded.

We must have been in my room for hours because it was already 5pm. And I don’t even how to begin to explain to you what this boy told me. About these experiments that this organization called S.W.I.F.T. does on kids. They inject them with this serum derived from this crystal called The Chrysalis, which I now possess. It’s what gave Zane and Senya there abnormal inhuman abilities.

Zane also told me he lived in foster care since he was about 3. I bet you’re wondering then how did he get himself attached with this mess. Well, he said he was running one day from school away from these bullies and he bumped into Senya. She scared them away but called him a weakling when he thanked her. Ever since he’s been following her around, telling her about his life and all of his troubles, bugging her really. Eventually after weeks of pestering, she offered him a way to get stronger, she introduced him to the headmaster of S.W.I.F.T.. He allowed Zane to become a part of their institution to make him strong so he will never be broken down again.

After hearing this I was shocked but only because Zane told me he was still allowed to live at the foster home. This was strange to me because he also mentioned that everyone one in S.W.I.F.T. is never allowed to leave the walls without being out on a mission or an excursion assignment. But for some reason the headmaster allowed Zane to stay at the foster home without being on missions or excursions. He is the only exception.

Zane wouldn’t explain to me why he wanted to stay at the foster home when S.W.I.F.T. was offering a home for him. All he said was that he was waiting for someone. I didn’t ask him anymore questions about that subject because the expression on his face was saddened. He looked as if there was some deep emotional story behind that. I figured he was probably waiting for his parents to come back for him.

I asked him more questions. He told me he doesn’t know a whole lot exactly about S.W.I.F.T. All he really knows is that they helped kids get what they truly desire. Another thing that was weird was throughout our whole conversation whenever I mentioned Senya he always spoke pleasantly of her even though she tried to kill him last night. Apparently she wanted the stone that Zane took from S.W.I.F.T.. No one is allowed to touch it or even go near it but Zane snatched it up as soon as he saw something he wasn’t supposed too.

He went beyond the closed off areas in the S.W.I.F.T. Laboratories and spotted a room full of children crying and screaming begging to be released. He said it look as if they were being tortured and experimented on, since there were with the lab benches, test tubes, needles, mad scientist in white coats and all. That’s when Zane realized that this is exactly what happened to him too. He said he’s been having nightmares for a long time being strapped down and experimented on like he’s a lab rat.

And in that moment was when he put it together that he never willingly agreed to be a part of S.W.I.F.T. They forced him. Once he touched the stone that’s when his memories started coming back about that day. Senya did save him from the bullies. But she tricked him into coming back with her to S.W.I.F.T. to be tested on as an experiment with this serum which gave him his super strength. He remembered the horrible feeling and how Senya ignored his screams before he passed out during the procedure. He also remembered that she used her abilities to make him forget what really happen when he initially woke up. This is why he grabbed the Chrysalis, released the children and dashed out of there ASAP. This also explains why the tremendous battle that lead to the Cassandra’s party happen. She was ordered by any means necessary to retrieve the Chrysalis. This is why she whipped my memory last night right before I passed out; so I wouldn’t get involved in helping Zane.

With everything that was said it was all just so much to take in. I wasn’t exactly sure what to think. I couldn’t not believe it, because I witnessed it all last night. But the one thing that was definitely on my mind, that I was worried about the most was if I were experimented on as well. Because Zane’s dream sounds almost exactly like the one I’ve been having for the past few months except Reenee’s the one being experimented on. I always wake up before the same fate happens to me. Or does this mean Reenee is the one being experimented on and I escaped somehow. I don’t know but I’m not telling Zane anything until I know I can trust him for sure.

“Zane!” His ears perked up awaiting for me to speak.

“So last night, when I – I mean what I did – no, what I’m trying to say is - .” I stumbled on my words.

“I don’t know. I’m not even exactly sure how you did what you did. It’s theoretically impossible unless you’ve been injected with the serum a multiple number of times; because no one can just obtain powers from the Chrysalis just by touching it. It has to be inserted within not absorbed. At least that’s what I think.” Zane answered for me.

“Oh.” I said sadly.

I have to admit I was kind of hoping to have some cool abilities.

“But I will have to admit. What you did yesterday was really amazing. No one’s ever been able to make the Chrysalis glow like that just by touching it. Well that’s just what Senya told me” He said in an excited kid voice.

I listened to Zane talk more about the battle that happened yesterday. He looked so enthused. He acted everything out, jumping all over the place, telling me how cool I was to challenge Senya. I don’t know what it is with this kid but he’s already showing that he trusts me and wants to protect me. I thought I had to wait a while longer to figure out if I trust him but for some reason I’m starting too.

I’m not sure if its fate forcing me to trust him as an ally or what but I do trust him. For reasons I can’t explain; I feel as if I could actually go the extra mile for this kid. Especially because I have a feeling this summer is definitely gonna be something most people would call a day-dream.

Chapter 5: It’s the Chrysalis or My Heart! (Saturday Night)

Riiing riing riiing riing.

“Hello? Reenee?”

“Where have you been girl I’ve been calling you all freaking day?”

“Oh sorry. I uh….. I um…..had my phone on vibrate and I woke up later in the day then I ended up just spending time with my sibs so uh um I - ”

“Yeah yeah yeah but you still could of called jerk? I will forgive you this time but only if you get ready in about 10 minutes. I’m coming to pick you up.”

I stood up, abruptly shocked to the tee. “What? Why?” I was almost shouting.

“Uh, hello CJ Detweiler’s party, remember? He always throws a small after party the day after Cassandra’s big wild parties.”

“Right right right.” I said forgetfully while frantically pacing back and forth around the room.

“Look Reenee I don’t know if I’ll be able to go. Because something came up and – “

“Don’t give me that. Come onnnnn if you’re worried you’re gonna get drunk again, don’t, because I am putting you on a severe potential alcoholic watch. No more than one drink per hour.”

“What? Drunk again? I wasn’t - ”

I stopped myself because I remember that Zane mention that Senya probably used her powers of erasing and replacing memories on everyone at the party. And because of the Chrysalis I am the only one who remembered what really happened last night.

“Oh yeah right but it’s not that. It’s just - ”

“Come on, please.” She begged in a longing fashion.

“I haven’t seen my best friend all day and yesterday she was so drunk at the party even I hardly remember it. My memories are so mixed up and confusing.” She continued.

So I’m not the only one that was suspicious about their memories from last night. It seemed Senya probably replaced everyone with the same drunken memories.

I thought about it for a second and why not go. After everything that’s been happening all of a sudden since the final bell of school ringing. I could use a little chilling with friends. Having a nice NORMAL evening kicking it as my last night of being just a high school kid.

“Yeah I guess I’ll go. But don’t come pick me up, I’ll just walk. CJ Detweiler’s house isn’t that far away from mine.”

“Why? I could just as easily pick you up. Wait! Are you with a boy? You hooked up with someone didn’t you. Ooh so cute. It’s about time girl. Finally!” Reenee kept talking and asking more and more questions not even letting me answer any of them so I had to end the conversation abruptly.

“Ok Reenee. I’ll meet you there at 9.” I giggled as I hung up.

I turned my attention back to Zane and his facial expression looked a bit worrisome and a little afraid.

“What’s the matter? You look just as I did yesterday when I saw a flying tree.” I joked.

“Your leaving?” He said with the most sadden eyes I’ve ever seen on a kid.

“Yeah, I have this party to go to and - ”

Vzzz Vzzz. My phone vibrated because of a texted from Reenee. It said no come at 7. CJ Detweiler wants us to come early to pregame. I text her back saying ok.

I looked back to Zane unsure what to do with him. “Zane do you have a cell phone?”

“No, fostercare remember.”

“Right um.” I scurried all across my closet looking for my emergency box fill with all my in case of an emergency items, like my flashlight, my screwdriver, my favorite (expired) candy, clothes, a knife, money etc etc. I looked for my old prepaid phone, turn it on and check the minutes I had left.

“Here I have 300 minutes left. You can call me on this.”

“Call you?”

“Yeah. If you find out any new info about this S.W.I.F.T. operation or if Senya comes back.”

“Please don’t?” He said in such a low voice I didn’t even hear him say it.

“Because I have to go to my party and you have to go home.”

“Don’t leave!” He cried silently.

“I’m sure your foster mother is really worried about you. I mean you didn’t even go home last night and your only 10 so she’ll - ”

“Please don’t leave me!” Zane’s shouted as he ran up to me clinching so tightly around my waist.

I was so shocked I couldn’t even move at first. My whole body froze.

“Zane!” I have my hands up because I’m not sure what to do, if I should hug him back or not.

“Don’t leave me alone. If you send me home she’s going to take me back to S.W.I.F.T.. They’re going to do more experiments on me. And I’ll be alone again.” He started to cry viciously. All of his inner pent up feelings started pouring out like the Niagara. “Please don’t leave me. Don’t let her take me.”

Man what do I do? I barley know this kid and I’m already expected to rescue him. But that look in his face, he seems so… scared. He’s petrified. Reminds me of when –

I smiled then held him back just as tightly.

I knelt down, looked up at him and place my hand on his check tilting his head up toward mine, so our eyes would meet. Like I said before I don’t know what it is about this boy but all I could tell you is in that moment this boy was someone I wanted to protect.

“You don’t have to worry about a thing I will protect you. As long as I can still take breaths, no one will hurt you. Promise.” I held out my pinky waiting for him to accept my promise. He did it with the biggest smile of extreme happiness.

Oh and something that you may want to know, this is the moment when Zane and I started the formation of B.O.N.D.S, but we just didn’t know it yet. What’s B.O.N.D.S you’re wondering; well you’ll find out soon.

Roughly two hours have gone by and I’ve arrived at CJ Detweiler’s house. He let me in but asked about my short friend. I tried to disguise Zane the best I could to make him look older but it was a desperately failing attempt. It took a lot of my cunning and wit to convince him that Zane was 16 with Turner’s syndrome which explains his height and the reason they’ve never met is because he’s from our rival school. CJ Detweiler may be the king of gossip and a genius but he isn’t that great at biology or he would have known that only women can have Turner’s syndrome which B.T.W. not even I knew at the moment but I found out, eventually.

“Amethyst! Oh my gosh I thought you had died or something. I have’t seen my B.F.F. all stinking day.” Reenee immediately rushed towards me hugging me with excessive glee.

I smiled because I realized I missed her too. “Reenee you just spoke to me not even two hours ago.”

“I know but I need to see your face. I need my daily dose of Ammy.” She cried over dramatically pinching my cheeks..

I patted her head playing along. “Now now, there there.”

“Wait a second.” She finally noticed Zane and pushed me aside to get a better look at him.

“Who’s this?” She continued.

“And why did you bring him here?” She said clenching her teeth smiling ever so politely.

Zane stood almost behind me acting very shy. “Um, I’m Zane. I’m 16 with turner’s disease and I go to Salvoon high.”

Reenee chuckled insatiably. “Cute. You do know that only women can have turner’s disease right. Oh wait, or are you female. I’m sorry.” Reenee’s purposely began mocking me about my ridiculously unbelievable story for Zane.

“No, I’m a boy.” He stated confidently coming from behind me.

“Uh huh. Zane can I borrow you date for a second.” Reenee announced pulling me aside not waiting for Zane’s response.

“Look before you say anything. I had no choice I had to watch him and -”

Reenee cut me off. “Really that’s the best story you came up with, a 16 yr old with Turner’s syndrome from Salvoon. You could have said he was a midget or have GHD; that would have been more believable.”


“That disease that makes you look younger than you really are.”

I thought for a second. “Hmm you’re right I’m going with that.”

I started to walk away to tell Zane his new story but Reenee grabbed me.

“So why did you bring this kid here. And who is he. I’ve never seen him.”

I wanted to tell Reenee a quick version of the truth right then and there but I knew I couldn’t. For one she wouldn’t believe me because her memories are wiped and two Zane begged me not too; because according to him it’s too dangerous and the less innocent people involved the better. He also noted he doesn’t want Reenee at risk to be taken.

I guess he is right I should at least find out if I’m even safe myself before I go jeopardizing more people.

“Ok, truth. He’s is a runaway. And I promised I wouldn’t call the police on him for one night only as long as he promised to go home tomorrow.”

“Really?” Reenee’s face still seemed a bit skeptical.

“Yeah, he and his…..older sister got into a huge fight over a…. over a watch and their parents took her side so he ran away.”

“That’s what happen?” She questioned.

“Yep that’s what he told me.” I replied begging her to stop asking questions in my head.

“Sounds stupid.”

“I mean come on he’s 10. They get upset over stupid things. It’s like -”

Once again Reenee cut me off. “Yeah yeah yeah I don’t need a life story. Just make sure he doesn’t drink any anything.”

“Already planned on that.”

“No no no I mean don’t let him drink anything. Not even the water. I’m pretty sure someone already spiked that too.”

“Right. I’ll just give’em some from the tap.”

I turned around to give my attention back to Zane.

“Hey Zane do you want some-” Zane was gone.

“Zane? Where’d you go?” I called out.

“I can already see this is gonna be one special night for you Ammy.” Said Reenee patting me on the shoulder tauntingly.

CJ Detweiler walked in laughing hysterically. “Oh my freaking god. AmmyAmmy yo, your friend Zane is funny as hell. The little dude is seriously one sick character.”

“What?” I’m shocked and confused about what’s he talking about exactly. What could Zane have possibly said or done in such a short amount of time.

“Little dude got tricks too.” CJ Detweiler handed us some drinks and asked Reenee and I to join him and everyone else in the backyard.

What I saw when I joined the group really was an O.M.G moment. There in the center of everything was Zane. He’s really entertaining the crowd with stories of his adventures at S.W.I.F.T.. Of course he didn’t use certain details like their abilities or the experiments but he just told stories of all the places he’s been while in their care. If I didn’t know beforehand the horrible stuff about S.W.I.F.T. I would have though, just by what Zane is saying, that S.W.I.F.T. was an amazing outdoors group to join.

“Here Zane take a shot.” Laughed Lion.

My heart started beating like drums. I was so shocked. I didn’t expect Lion to be here.

Ahhh Lion the cutest boy in the whole school. Well at least to me he is. He’s perfect. Tall, fit, charming, smart, cool, exciting, sexy, magnificent and just absolutely pure perfection. I’ve had a crush on him since the beginning of time. Actually just last year. Lion is one of those transfer students that appears right in the middle of the year like in a movie when things are getting romantically dramatic. And all the girls are just throwing themselves at him. Not to mention a lot of girls have gotten in fights over him. It was like a steel cage match at WrestleMania or a ladder-match. And who ever reach the top gets to have Lion.

He also has an accent because he’s British but he’s not from Britain; strangely enough he’s actually from Alabama. But his parents are from Britain. And if you ever met his family, there kind of weird but only because just like Lion, their accents are all messed up. See, they have a British accent but their vocabulary and lingo is of how they would speak down south. Ever heard a British guy speak like an Alabamian. Let me tell you, if he looks like Lion then it is the single most sexiest thing you’ve ever heard. And what’s makes him even more unique is his name Lion, which is actually pronounced Lee-on. Ah that is so cute.

WAIT! Did he offer Zane a shot?

“No!” I shouted a bit too loudly. Everyone got quiet and looked at me strangely.

I paused before I spoken thinking of how to recover from my awkward outburst. “Uh he’s a…..he’s a recovering alcoholic so no drinks.”

“I’m not an alcoholic Amethyst. I’ve never -”

“Hehe yep that’s right. Just keep telling yourself that and you will succeed with your recovery Zane.”

I quickly took the shot from Lion and downed it myself. Then I decided to get the pre-gamed party started. There were 8 of us, and that’s not including Zane. We spent the next 3 hours goofing and helping to get ready for the main party. The music had to be picked, the food and “juice” bowls had to be filled. We even played spin the bottle and never have I ever for a bit. Unfortunately I didn’t get to kiss Lion because right when it was my turn, the bottle did spin on him but the doorbell rang and party guest were showing up so our game got cut short. So close!

So far the party is wildly amazing. I just hope not as wild as Cassandra’s party. I, Reenee and the rest of the party are enjoying our last night as high school seniors; at least those of us who are seniors. Everything was practically perfect. Or so I thought until I kept getting one surprise heart pulsing attack after another.

“Hey Amethyst!”

I freeze up for a second because the voice I think I heard is Lions’.

I froze up from where I was sitting and my assumptions were correct. It was Lion. He asked to talk to me alone and of course I said yes. But I felt like a dork because I did it so shyly. And naturally the group of girls I was just talking to all teased me in unison.

“Oooooo. Get it girl. Save some for me. Don’t come back empty.” This made me blush so much. If I had lighter skin I swear, along with my face my entire body would be a blushed red.

Lion and I walked over to the snack table and began talking while refilling our drinks.

“So hey.” He said awkwardly shy.

“Hey.” I responded back with I’m sure had to have been the absolute cheesiest shy smile ever recorded in history.

“So your enjoying yourself so far?” Lion asked.

I take a sip trying to avoid stuttering and making a complete fool out of myself. “Um yeah. CJ Detweiler’s parties are always super amazingly fun.”

Damn, did I just say super amazingly fun. Stupid stupid stupid. I’m inner consciously beating myself in the head.

He laughed at me. “Yeah your right their almost as wild as Cassandra Cavera’s parties.”

We both laughed. Then I took another sip. There was an awkward silence for about 5 seconds. I knew I had to do something to spark up our conversation before he gets bored and leave.

“So, were finally graduating huh.” I muttered in pure urgency.

“Oh. Yeah, it’s been a rough journey.” He answered.

“Absolutely. I mean there was track, the school play, clubs, AP classes, Cassandra and her drones.” He chuckled at my joke.

“It’s been so heckted I wasn’t even sure I’d make it.” I continued.

“He giggled yeah. And relationships?”

My heart started to beat insanely faster. Because I knew where the conversation was going. He’s gonna make us talk about…….well us and what used to be or could have been.

Oh I guess I didn’t mention this before but Lion and I used to date. I know, story changer right. We dated almost immediately when he transferred our junior year. And like I said before he’s that movie type guy. He transferred right in the middle of the year and naturally had girls throwing themselves at him. He didn’t really acknowledge anyone. He told me it was because they were all too easy. He didn’t like girls like that, he wanted a challenge, a chase, which apparently I must have gave him.

We met in track practice. But he also did soccer. His parents moved him here because he was getting into too much trouble back home. He sort of had a gang. Although Lion himself never did much bad things, he got into trouble a lot just by association.

Lion told me everything about himself. And I did the same with myself. It was the day I was falling behind in practice that we officially met. I don’t know what it was but I just had an awful practice day. And lion stayed after to help me train. Basically from there we became inseparable. We started dating about 3 weeks later. (Actually it was just a week after but I was so blind to notice that we were already dating.) He never actually asked me out; we kind of just started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend.

But one memory of lion that is still burned into my mind is the last day of summer vacation of that same year. We were at his house with friends. He threw a small party because his parents were away for the entire weekend. And when it was all over they all left and I helped him clean up. Next we went upstairs to his room and watched a movie. We saw Big Mama’s House 2, not the most romantic movie I know, but it was really funny. We laughed our whole way through it but didn’t even realize how much closer we were sliding together on his bed. Then when the movie ended we started reciting our favorite parts and reminisced other funny movies. At that moment, just as you probably guessed what happened next, we started to get intimate.

At first, the usual we started making out excessively and passionately. But something was different that time. When our eyes met, I had this strange feeling rush over my body from top to bottom. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was scary but exciting. Terrifying but exhilarating. Troubling but – you get the point. I’m not sure what I was doing but I started to take his shirt off. Then he did mine. Then came our pants and soon enough we were both down to our underwear. Something told me that I shouldn’t be doing this; that it’s a bad idea but a more inspiring feeling told that me I shouldn’t stop because everything was feeling right.

I was on top and in full control of the situation. At least I thought I was until Lion began taking off my bra and his parents walked in. We immediately jumped apart and all I could remember after that is a lot of screaming and nasty words thrown at me by his mother.

That was actually the last time I spoke to Lion. His mother put him on lock down. She and her husband dropped and picked Lion up from school and practices every day. They never let him out of their site. She even had him transferred out of every class we had together and demanded the principle keep me as far away from Lion as possible. But luckily when she called my house to tell my mom what a tramp I was Tavan and Reenee were there so Tavan answered the phone.

And that’s our story; and the reason why speaking to him right now is so awkward. Things were left unfinished.

“No, not me. I wasn’t in any relationship during my senior year. I…..uh…..I couldn’t find anyone that was as exciting or as dangerous as you.”

He smirked.

“Well I was……dating someone.” Lion had his head down, looking to his side as if he was about to break up with me.

So the rumors were true then.

“Dating. I’m surprised. I thought your mom would never – wait did you just say WAS.” I asked shocked, puzzled and all toiled up with emotions.

“Yeah. She was my fiancé. After my mom found us… know in that situation she decided that, that was the last mistake I’d ever make and she will pick someone for me.”

“For you?”

“I know. So she picked this snotty rich girl who is supposed to be a respectable woman that every parent would want. But what my mom and her parents don’t know is that she is the biggest and best liar I’ve ever met. She’s actually pretty loose, luckily for me.” He chuckled lightly.

I cannot believe he’s bragging right now. “Oh you must be really lucky then because -” I began to step back preparing to make a hasty exit.

He reached for my arm and reeled me back in. “No no no you misunderstood I just meant it is ironic that my parents chose someone they thought would be perfect and respectable for me but it turned out she’s the exact opposite. You were the right girl for me.”

I can’t believe he’s going to make me get all emotional right now. Why is he bringing this up now? Why is he even out, his mom is such a tightass. Is he trying to say goodbye or what? Or is he –

“And besides I broke off the engagement. I’m 18 now. I finally stood up to my mother and told her that I make my own decisions now; and that I know I have made mistakes in the past but you were the one and one choice I had ever made that wasn’t a mistake. My mom was furious. But then I stormed out the house and came here. I snuck out yesterday too but I couldn’t find you.”

I cannot believe this.

“So your telling me you disobeyed your mother, broke off your engagement, risk being disowned just to tell me that you made a mistake.”

“I know it’s a little too late I should have done this sooner but my mom wouldn’t let me out of her sight and - ”

I shut Lion up by hugging him tightly. Just knowing that he was still thinking of me was comforting; and the rumors of him dating some rich girl from his part of town weren’t true also were comforting.

I smiled so big. “I’m so happy.”

We both stared fiercely into one another’s eyes watching all our past memories in the other’s pupils like a bootlegged movie.

Once again I started first. I leaned in to kiss him and he followed but as luck would have it, it doesn’t like me too much. There standing right behind Lion’s head in the other room was Senya. What the hell is she doing here?

Oh no Zane! She’s looking for Zane!

“Zane!” I shouted quickly speeding away from Lion.

Lion called out to me but I didn’t go back to explain.

“Wait, where you going?”

“Sorry I have to go. Expain later.”

Argh, I was so close. Where the hell is Zane? I’ll check back in the main room. No, he’s not in here. Ugh, ok maybe he’s in the backyard. Nope not here either.

“Hey Amethyst, come dance with me.” Melinda cheered grabbing my hands and shaking me with the music.

“No.” I looked around the room some more hoping to find Zane on the dance floor.

“No? What do you mean no? This is a party don’t look so worried, have fun girl!

“Hey have you seen Zane?”

“Zane? Who’s that? Come on shake it girl.”

Ugh damn, she’s drunk.

“Never mind I’ll catch up with you later.” I make a speedy exit worried what will happen if Senya decides to make the same type of appearance as she did at Cassandra’s party.

“Well well well look what we have here. Little miss -”

“Not now Cassandra. I am not in the mood.” I said in a stern no nonsense type of voice. I sped right past her and her cronies.

I walked through every room of the house on the first floor and no Zane. Now that I come to think of it I don’t see Senya either. Maybe I imagined it. Hmm no no I definitely saw her. I sat on the steps to think about where Zane could be. Then I heard some noises. But it’s not coming from the party, it’s coming from upstairs. No one is allowed upstairs so I thought that was strange. At first I ignored it thinking it might just be CJ Detweiler but I could hear two voices arguing about something. I started to become curious about who it is so I opened the gate that was set up to barred the staircase leading upstairs.

As I crept upstairs I could hear the voices more clearly. I was shocked to say the voices were Zane’s and Senya’s. I moved closer to the top of the stairs but stayed aloof so I can hear what they’re saying.

“Where is the stone Zane? I am not playing with you.” Senya said in a stern threatening voice.

“I told you already I don’t know I lost it during our fight.”

“Look, you don’t have to come back to S.W.I.F.T. but you do have to give me back the stone.”

“I can’t I really don’t have it.”

Senya slammed her hand onto the wall near her. “Don’t you say that, damn it!” Zane started to look really scared.

Senya continued. “Do you know what Sebastian will do to you once he finds you? He is going to kill you then kill me for letting this happen. Don’t you understand that? Look, if you give me the stone I just might be able to talk him into a minimum punishment for you. I can’t do much but I promise I won’t let him hurt you. I will protect you, remember I promised that.” She touched his face softly as if she actually meant what she said.

“Zane don’t believe her!” I accidently blurted out.

I pinned myself up against the wall covering my mouth tightly hoping she didn’t hear that. I started creeping back downstairs praying to get away and hoping I didn’t start any tossing frenzy.

Just as I thought I was getting away I was grabbed and thrown up against the wall.

“Who are you?” She demanded to know.


“How much did you hear?”

“Uhhh (gulp) I.”

“Senya no! Let her go!” Zane pleaded.

“You know this girl?” Senya had her hands positioned as if she is going to punch me in the face.

“Yes leave her. She’s has nothing to do with this.” Zane said pulling her hand away.

What’s going on doesn’t she want to pulverize me. I mean after everything that happen – wait that’s right last night when she attacked me I held up the crystal and her attack reflected off of it and hit her instead so she forgot who I was.

“Yes! Don’t hurt me I was just looking for Zane to come join the party. Everyone is cheering for him to come back to tell his stories.

She glared at me with this look that said she wanted to hurt me and I mean bad. But I don’t know what made up her mind but she did let me go. She told Zane that she’d deal with him later and just left. I slid down the wall and took the biggest deep breath of my life.

“That was a close one hey Amethyst. If you hadn’t showed up when you did I was sure she’d take me back by force.”

Zane slid down the wall right beside me. “So it seems she does have some sort of a soft spot for you. Or does she pretend to care a lot.” I asked trying to interpret her feelings.

“It looked like the only reason why she didn’t clock me is because you asked her too.” I continued.

“I don’t know that’s just how Senya’s always been. For a second she’ll show you just an ounce of kindness and then it shifts. She becomes as hard as ice. Like when we first met. She beat up those boys pretty good. Although it was bad for them, it was nice for me. Even when she took me to S.W.I.F.T I thought she was doing it because she cared and wanted me to be strong and brave like her but obviously I guess not. For a second I did believed her; that she would protect me from Sebastian.” But I don’t know; it’s hard to tell anymore.

Zane’s curled up with his head positioned right in between his legs. He’s curled her so much that he looked uneasy.

I looked at Zane with sad eyes. I can see that he’s very sadden, that he feels he’s lost someone very special to him. That’s he feels betrayed, lost, forgotten. I don’t know how I know these things or why I can already tell how he feels on such a deep level, we just met after all. But whatever the reason I know it’ll help me in the long run to understand how he feels for sure.

I looked at Zane right in the eye because I wanted him to know that what he’s feeling is wrong. “Zane I know she may not be who you expected her to be but how your feeling is not true. This chick has some serious issues. But I will protect you now. I won’t ever betray you. I won’t ever forget you. I won’t ever hurt you.”

“Thank you. But I can’t get you involved any more than you already are. It was just by sheer luck that her energy ricocheted off the stone and back at her, because if she hadn’t forgotten your face, she might have hurt you just now. And maybe even brought you back with her to S.W.I.F.T; not only as an enemy but as an experiment as well. But you’re safe now. So just give me back the stone and I’ll leave you alone.”

I stood up boldly ready to lighten up the mood. “I can’t do that so I guess we’ll just have to make you stronger.”


I pulled Zane up off his feet.

“I’m not exactly sure of this S.W.I.F.T. Organization’s true nature but all I know is that they’re the bad guys and we cannot let them have this stone. And since I clearly don’t have any powers because I was never a test subject of S.W.I.F.T., then that means you will have to get stronger. Get meaner, leaner, become a pumpkin eater.”

“What?” Zane questioned.

I scratched my head. “Sorry I couldn’t think of a third related rhyming word.”

“Thank you.” Zane said hugging me gratefully.

I hugged him back. “My pleasure.”

“Thank you for staying with me.”

I looked at my phone and noticed it’s after 12:30. “Ok, enough with this touchy feely emotional junk. You want to go party with me? I’m a great dancer.” I boasted.

“Ok but I must warn you, where I’m from I’m the freak machine.” He replied.


“No, but I can do the robot.”

He showed me a brief summary of his moves as the robot. We both giggled and headed downstairs to join the rest of the party.

Chapter 6: Thank God! I Made It To Graduation! (Sudnay)

“Amethyst. Amethyst. Amethyst.”

“Ah! Ooph.” I jumped onto my pillow scared out of my wits.

Topez, Onyx and my mom all released some confetti and blew noise makers.

“Congratulations!” They all shouted making more incredibly loud noises. At least it seemed really loud because I was just asleep.

“Thanks guys. Now can I go back to sleep.” I said trying to snuggle my way back into bed.

My mom pulled my covers off of me. “No, you have to get ready now, your graduation is at 12.”

I pulled my covers back over my head. “So what time is it now?”

“6:30.” Topez answered.

I popped up my head. “What? Why’d you wake me up so early?”

“Because big sister you have made it to graduation day, which means you are not a statistic. So we need to celebrate.” Topez teased.

“Technically you still could be if somehow you were to miss walking down the aisle to receive your fake diploma.” Onyx added schemingly.

“Thanks Onyx I love your support.” I replied sarcastically.

Mom pulled out the cake she made and told me to make a wish. It’s not my birthday but this is just my mom’s way of saying she’s proud. I blew it out and made a wish but expressed to my mom that I was not gonna taste it.

My mom loves making things with her hands; she’s good at making jewelry, making purses and craft stuff but she’s all thumbs when it comes to cooking. Wait isn’t that metaphor used for gardening. Oh who cares? No one can hear my thoughts. Topez told me she made an extra nontoxic, mom free cake and put it in the refrigerator for me to eat later.

Mommy also handed me the necklace and bracelet she promised to give to me during graduation. And of course it was beautiful. Topez and Onyx showed me the gifts mommy gave to them as well. Just like she said we all looked like a loving unified family. I looked at my family’s smiling faces and wished I could have this moment for life.

After debating with my mom for a bit she let me sleep for a while longer, although she did say it was my own fault for staying out all night. She’s right though, mama’s always right.

It’s now about 10:30am and I’m almost ready to leave.

“Amethyst, come on. Mom said to hurry up or we’ll be late.” Topez shouted from the bottom of the staircase.

“Alright alright. I’m coming.” I shouted back to her.” Sheesh, always rushing me.” I mumbled to myself.

I’m about to jet out of my room but just before I do I look in my mirror and put on my lip gloss.

*Smack smack* You did it Amethyst. You made it to graduation. Today’s the day where everything you worked toward pays off.

*Beep beep*

“Let’s go honey. I love you but I swear I will drag you out of that house by your hair if you don’t come on.” Threaten mommy.

I gave myself one more look in the mirror, smiled and then headed out. But not before I grabbed the Chrysalis of course and put it into my purse.

“Finally! Geez it’s hot in here.” Whined Onyx.

“Wah wah wah, cry baby. I’m here so stop complaining.” I said arguably while Onyx pouted some more.

“Next stop my baby’s graduation.” Mommy started the car. Then she turned to me and helds me. Onyz and Topez moaned and unbuckled their seatbelts because they knew we were gonna be here for a while.

“Ammy, no, Amethyst you have come to be a marvelous young woman. I‘ve watched you grow up from this little ity bity baby seed in a strong-willed and delicate flower and I just want you to know that I will always love you. And you can come to me for anything because your father and I - ”

“Mom! Do you have to do this now? I get it you’ll love me forever and ever and ever. I can come to you for anything. Don’t think twice yada yada yada. Can we go now?” I said trying to speed things along and avoiding another one of my mommy’s famous heart-felt moments.

She smiled then set out on the road. But just as she was getting the car out of park I felt as if I might have hurt her feelings a little for cutting her off so I had to apologize somehow.

“I love you too mommy and I’m glad you’re proud of me.”

She smiled.

It’s a little past 11 and graduation is just moments away from starting. The parents, family and guest are frantically looking for the best seats while the graduates are excitedly waiting to walk down the isle.

As I looked for my spot in line of the enormous sea of students I began to see all my friends who are joining in the walk to remember. Most people are excited, some are nervous and for others this is just another day in their lives. But for me and my friends this day is magical. I said hi to everyone I saw. We laughed, joked, teased, cried and just enjoyed everything everyone was bragging about; who and what they are gonna become after today. It really is just a perfectly spectacular day for me and I’m really glad because I thought some more freaky weirdest was gonna happen. But so far so good.

“Amethyst!” Melinda shouted.

“Melinda!” I shouted.

“Melinda!” Reenee shouted.

“Reenee!” Melinda shouted.

“Reenee!” I shouted.

“Amethyst!” Reenee shouted.

The 3 of us laughed at how funny calling each other’s name just sounded. We huddled together and did a huge group hug and chanted our secret (not really so secret) best friends cheer.

“Now I know the three of you are not doing the B.F.F Cheer Dance without me.”

“CJ Detwiler!” We all cheered in unison rushing to give him a huge hug.

“You guys.” He chuckled happily while being practically squished in the middle of the three of us.

We did our B.F.F Cheer Dance again but with CJ Detweiler this time.

“Can you guys believe it. We did it, we graduated.” Melinda announced cheerfully.

“I know were not statistics.” I shouted a bit too loudly.

“Huh?” The three of them said puzzeled.

“Were not high school dropouts so were not part of the percentage.”

“Oh, right.” The three of them said in unison again. They laughed at my joke.

The head organizer started to speak on a megaphone. “Ok students, graduation is about to begin in 20 minutes so please return to your designated places in line. I repeat graduation is about to begin in 20 minutes so please return to you designated places in line. I repeat gra - ”

“Alright we get it.” Everyone chanted back to her.

“Well…..looks like you’re all growing up.” She sniffles then wipes a single tear.

Melinda, Reenee, CJ Detweiler and I all return to our places waiting to be signaled to walk right after we waved goodbye and said good luck to one another. And just to be funny Reenee teased everyone to try and not trip down the aisle, probably jinxing us.

Yes! Just moments away from graduating. I can’t freaking wait. It’s so exciting. I’m gonna spend all summer kicking it, going to beach, playing arcade games, shooting hoops, chilling with my crew and then go to Calvoon university for fashion design with Reenee and Melinda. Ah I can’t wait!

“Pst Amethyst.”

“Huh? Did you just call me Frank.” I asked looking behind me.

“No? Did you say something?” He asked.

“No. Hmm weird. Ok never mind then.” I said.

He just shrugged his shoulders and continued talking to his buddies.

“Pst Amethyst. Over here.” This time I looked all around me and saw no one looking out in my direction.

“No, over here. The other way. No, not that way, this way. No no no no.” Directed the mystery voice.

“Who’s calling me?” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Suddenly the hallway went almost dead silent. Just the people in the surrounding area who could hear me stopped to stare.

Damn I did it again. I’ve got to stop doing that.

I tried to play it off the best way I could.

I pulled out my phone as invisibly as possible and put it to my ear. “Finally, you people are so rude. I’ll on the phone.” I said embarrassedly facing the wall to hide my outburst of shame.

Moments later everyone went back to doing whatever it was they were doing previous, that is after they whispered how weird I was and laughing hysterically. I guess not even on the proudest day of my life can turn out smoothly, there’s always something.

Next thing I knew there were little pieces of leaves being thrown in my hair and the voice of the same mystery man calling my name again.

“Pst Amethyst look over here. Behind the flowers.” Directed the voice again.

But what I just realized is that there were flowers everywhere set up all around the building. This is just a cruel joke.

Vzz Vzz. Vzz Vzz. I got a text?

Look to your left past the flowers, through the chairs, over the ramp and to the side of the hamster tank. If you can see past the windows, you’ve looked too far.

Eh? Zane?

I viewed his text but chose to reply by calling him instead.

“Zane what are you doing here? I thought you were grounded for not coming home.” I asked curiously.

“I was – well I still am but I asked Mrs.Gardner if I could come to see you graduate and she let me. But I just had to promise to come home right away.” He answered.

“Really? I was 10 once too you know and I’m pretty sure there are no exceptions to being ground except for maybe birthdays, there usually the deal breaker. So you want to run that by me again.” I said.

“Ok she said no but she took the other children to the park so I’d figure I come see you before she gets back.” He said.

“That’s sweet but you really should go home. I don’t want you to get into more trouble. And trust me I know trying to find loop holes when being grounded sounds easy but it only causes you to be grounded even longer. Loop holes are nothing but trouble.” I explained.

“The truth is I just wanted to see you graduate. And I was worried that some S.W.I.F.T agents might come to ruin your day for you. So I came to make sure nothing went wrong.

I smiled for a moment realizing that I was thinking the same exact thing earlier and it might actually be a good idea that he is here.

“Ok you can stay but find a seat in the auditorium.”

“Where’s the auditorium?”

“Just come over to where I am and I’ll show you the direction.”


We both hang up and he started to walk towards me but only as luck would have it, he was stopped by a security guard asking him for his ticket.


I scurried out of line to go help Zane get past him.

“I’m sorry sir this is my little brother. He just went to the bathroom. I’ll show him back to the auditorium.”

“Ok but where’s his ticket. No one’s supposed to leave the auditorium without a ticket for security reasons. There was a huge security breach last year so security is very much tighten this year.” Explained the cop.

“I know I’m sorry but he left it inside so - ”

“Sorry mam but his mother would have to come get him. We can’t have him just walking around.”

Is this guy for real? Why is taking his job so seriously. You’re working a graduation ceremony for Christ sakes. What do think someone’s planning to do, set off a bomb or have a shootout. WAIT! Did he just call me mam? How does he think I look?

“Ok I understand sir.” I said.

I looked at the cop then looked at Zane. Next I smiled at him and thought up of the best plan ever.

“Zane, run!” I said grabbing his arm to allow him to follow quicker.

“Ahhh!” Screamed Zane.

I turned around and the cop is actually running after us. I figured he’d probably try to grab us, but once he couldn’t initially, I figured he’d just let us go; but this guy was serious about his job. If only you could see the look on this cops face then the look on yours would definitely be WTF!

It’s a good thing I was a track star because this guy looked like he was in shape and is dead set on capturing us.

“This is a 10-15. I repeat 10-15. We got two trespassers. One disguised as a graduate about 18 and the other a young boy about 10-12 years of age.”

What? Now I’m a trespasser. Oh god, I knew it. I just knew something would turn my, oh so special day awry.

“Amethyst he’s gaining on us.” Zane blurted sounding completely freaked out.

We paused for a second down another hallway. I looked left and right trying to decide which direction is best. I didn’t know. Then all of a sudden I saw Zane and I heading right and a door with the words “laundry room” on it.

Whoa that was weird.

“Which way Amethyst?” Zane asked.

“Uh, right!” I said grabbing Zane’s hand and leading him down the hallway.

We came to another fork but once again I had another weird glimpse of Zane and I. This time we went left.

“Get back here you kids. Stop running.” The cop shouted to us.

“Stop chasing us and we’ll stop running.” I shouted back.

I turned around only for a second and now there are 3 cops chasing us.

What the heck! How is this getting that serious, now we need 3 cops chasing us? Do they really think we’re that much of a security threat? In the words of Charlie Brown, good grief!

Suddenly as I came around another corner I saw a door that said laundry room, so I guided Zane and myself in. And I slammed the door quickly. I told Zane to get down and hide behind something. We both did. I could hear the cops running past the doors in a hurry.


“I think it’s safe now.” Zane announced.

“Yeah I think so too.” I said breathing as heavily as I would after a race; or at least that’s what it felt like.

“Let me, let me get a minute.” I asked Zane.

“Ok, me too.” He said back, breathing just as hard.

About a minute in a half went by until I was ready to get back up. But I had to literally pick Zane up. I never noticed this before but Zane is really heavy. Especially for a 10 year old who’s not fat or even slightly overweight.

I wonder why he’s so heavy. I know he can’t be developing muscles because he’s still just a kid, not even middle school aged yet.

“So what do we do now Amethyst?”

“Um I don’t know. My whole plan was just to run. And we already did that.”

I began to look for another way out like maybe a back door or a door that leads to the next room over but there’s nothing, absolutely nothing.

“Ugh I don’t know how get out of here Zane.” I whined almost giving up.

“Hey check in the laundry room and see if they ran in there.” A forgein voice announced.

“Oh no! Their coming back down the hall.” I exclaimed worriedly.

“Whatta we do? Whatta we do? Whatta we do?” I continued frantically pacing around the room thinking were doomed.

“Here give me a boost.” Zane asked me sounding assured.

“What?” I responed in return.

“Do you trust me?”

I paused for a second because I realized I’ve never actually admitted to Zane if I did trust him or not.

“Yeah I do.” I replied.

“Then give me a boost.” He asked me again.

So I did and his plan was to go through the vents.

“This is not gonna work. Stuff like this only works in movies.” I protested.

“Trust me.”

“What are you gonna do, unscrew it with your finger nails.” I said a little skeptically.

*Drop drop*

My jaw dropped. I can’t believe this; he just ripped the vent cover off with his bare hands. This boy really is strong.

He climbed up into the vent then reached down to grab me. He told me to grab the steel cover too so I did. Suddenly I heard keys jingling to open the laundry door.

“Come on Amethyst. Hurry up. There coming.” Zane cried.

At first I refused to put the dirty steel cover in my mouth but seeing how close we were to being caught I just did it and Zane pulled me up. And he did it with such ease. I was truly impressed as usual with his strength. These S.W.I.F.T people really knew what they were doing.

I put the cover back over the vent. Then the door opened. We stood still.

“Are they in there?” One cop asked.

The cop turned on the lights and scanned the room. He uncovered every blanket he saw over large objects. He was checking to see if we were hiding inside of anything.

“No.” Replied the cop who opened the door.

And just as he was about to leave a sound came from Zane’s backpack.


My eyes bulged and looked up at Zane with a what the heck was that look on my face.

We saw the cop look up at us.

“There in the vents. There in the vents.” He shouted to the other cops signifying the urgency of our predicament.

“ZANE GO!” I shouted.

He started crawling quickly. I rushed too, so quickly I accidently kicked the steel cover and it fell through and hit the cop on his head.

“Oops sorry.” I said apologizing but secretly snickered on the inside.

Zane lead the way out the tunnels through my guidance with these odd captions that keep appearing in head. There like dreams of the future or something. I don’t know, I can’t explain it.

We finally get to where we need to be at least according to these visual flashes in my head. We’re above some kind of recreational room or something. Zane punched through the vent and we jumped down. I looked around the room then listen outside the door to make sure the cops aren’t on our trail.

“Hey.” I said trying to gain Zane’s attention.


“What was that?”

“What was what?”

“Hello, that roaring sound back there.”

“Oh that was Mr. WildCat.”

“Eh? Mr.WildCat?”

“Yeah he’s my - ”

“Oh you mean that teddy bear I that’s on your - ”

“He’s not a teddy bear. He’s a liger. He’s the most ferocious animal on dried land.” Zane Snapped.

Whoa. Touchy.

“Saa-riee, didn’t know.”

“And I know what you’re thinking, that ligers don’t exist. But they do. There are about 80 kept in captivity in the whole world; because ligers are too big and too dangerous to be kept alongside other natural species to be released into the wild. They’ll mess up the balance.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t believe in them. I know they exist. Napoleon Dynamite said they did. And anything that guy says must be true and funny.” I said jokingly back.


“Never mind, let’s just get out of here.”

I was about to walk to the door to see if it was clear to leave when I heard talking coming from the other side of it. It sounded kind of loud and coming from some kind of megaphone or microphone. That’s when it hit me that we’re inside the auditorium. We’re inside a room to the side of the stage against the right side of the wal. I slowly cracked the door to get a peak of what’s going on and it seemed graduates were being called up. I soon realized that their on the letter D.

Oh no. I’m coming up soon since my last name begins with F and there aren’t that many last names that begin with the letter E.

And just my luck, the cops caught me peeking out from behind the door. At this point I could see a whole quadrant of police officers stationed at nearly every corner, nook and cranny of the auditorium.

I slammed the door shut.

“Shoot shoot shoot.” I cursed.

“What? What did you see?” Zane asked.

“That stupid jerky cop from before just saw me. Damn.” I was angry.

“Hey there’s another door back here.” Zane announced to me. I turned around.

“Oh cool but – but all that stuff in in the way. I can’t lift that. But wait. You can. Can you Zane?”

“This is cake!” He said feeling cocky.

Once again Zane proved his strength to not only be useful but always on the money. Zane and I went through the other door. Zane brought the big piece of wood blocking the door to our side and put it in front of the door so it would block the cops from getting through.

“Good thinking!” I said to Zane. He smiled blushingly.

We were backstage behind everything. Zane and I were looking for a way through to the other side where all the graduates were. It was really hard because it was so dark backstage. None of the lights were on.

“Lashawna Fabioun.” Called out the principle.

“Oh no no no no. I’m about to be next.” I answered worried, freaking out.

“No way. You’re going to graduate today.” Zane said with fired up furry.

He started charging through objects pushing them aside. He was making a lot of noise but at least he was stalling the principle with the unrecognizable racket.

“I cleared a path Amethyst.” Zane said.

“Rebecca Feeling.” Announced the principle again.

“No stop. I’m a graduate. My name is about to be called.” I shouted to the cop holding me about to handcuff me.

Zane then got captured too. “She’s telling the truth. She’s a graduate. She has to get up there now.” Zane said trying to help my pled.

“Yeah yeah I’m a graduate too.” Teased the cop.

“Yeah about 15 years ago.” Taunted another.

“We’re gonna take you two to the holding cell.” Said the original cop.

I was still struggling with the handcuffs just as Zane was.

“This is a college there are no holding cells.” I corrected the cop.

“Oh there is one today.” The first cop antagonized.

“Amethyst Fields.” Announced the principle.

“Grrrr nooooo.” I shouted.

I’m not sure what happened next all I know is that somehow the police officers all rose in the air and were tossed aside like magic.

“Amethyst Fields.” The principle repeated.

“Go Amethyst go.”

I swear if I were on a track right now I’m sure I broke some kind of record because I jetted out from behind the stage and onto the main stage in what felt like 3 milliseconds. The principle was just about to call Steve Fifosol’s name. But I managed to shout here and get around to sneaking in line with the graduates without too many people noticing. My hair was a little bit frizzed and I was sweating a little but at that moment I didn’t care because I was just so happy I got my diploma. The crowd was cheering super loudly, especially my mom.

“That’s my baby! That’s my baby! She made it! My baby made it! Woo woo!”

I as a bit embarrassed and I could see that the people next to her were a little scared. They were actually trying to move their seats away from my mom.

Next, as I stared into the crowd, I fist-pumped my diploma into the air and cheered.

“Thank God! I made it to graduation!” I said out loud.

And no one looked at me funny this time.

I walked off stage and sat in my seat enjoying the rest of graduation. After we switched our tassels, threw up our hats and had everyone try to grab their exact hat; I said my last goodbyes to as much of my friends as I could find. Everyone was happy telling one another to call, Facebook, text, IM, email and everything else to one another.

No one ever says this out loud but although graduation fills me with happiness, it is also sad. Most people say they’ll write but we all know they won’t or I’ll stop after a while. Next you have to grow up, get a job, start a career, get married, have kids, be responsible, the works. But even though I know a lot more is expected of me as of right now and it’s kind of scary; I know I’ll be ok because I have friends and family who will always be there for me. So in the end I’m actually happy. I finally get to be a grown up.

“Hey Speedy Gonzales.” Said a voice.

I removed my attention from the group I was with to focus on whose mouth that sentence just came from although I think I already know.

“Lion!” I shouted with a huge smile on my face.

“You dropped something earlier.” He said handing me this really shinny crystal.

It’s the chrysalis. How did he get it?

I took it from him as puzzled as ever.

“Where’d you get this?”

“I saw it fall from your purse as soon as I saw you. I got here kind of late arguing with my mom again. Then I saw you in line but when I went to go say hi you dashed off and that fell out of your purse.” He explained.

“Oh. Well thanks. Most people wouldn’t have even given this back.”

“Well I considered taking and pawning it but then I thought about how hard your mom works on your jewelry.” He teased playfully.

“Yeah she does work hard.” I said putting the chrysalis away then touching my neck where my mom’s graduation present laid.

“That’s pretty. I think it’s the most beautiful one yet.” Lion said flattering me.

We smiled and gazed shyly into each other’s eyes.

“Thank you.” I said blush fully.

He touched the side of my face stroking it gently then smiled again.

“I’m gonna miss you.” He said.

“You could always sneak out to see me again.”

“I don’t think I can do that from England.”

“England? You’re going to England? That’s great. You’ll be – wait miss me? You’re not coming back are you?”

“I don’t know about that but I plan on staying for at least the whole summer. I need some time away from my old life and to start a new one.”

I thought for a second and to be honest I was quite sad. I was actually hoping Lion and I would get back together. Now that he finally stood up to his mother. I really wanted us to do this right, this time. So many thoughts were going through my mind. I was about to explode and ask him if I could travel to England with him but I knew that wouldn’t be right; besides you know what they say if you love something, set it free and if it comes back then it was meant to be.

“Do it.” I said.

The expression on his face looked shocked as if he were expecting me to be mad with him or something. But how can I be, Lion had become such a people pleaser because of his controlling mother, so he needs this. He needs to become the man he always was meant to be.

“Thanks I was worried you’d hate me for leaving or something.” He said feeling relieved.

“Nope, you deserve this….and you deserve this.”

I made my move on Lion. And gave him the kiss I owed him from the party last night.

“Typical. You always make the first move.” He said.

“You got to be quicker.”

“You’re just too quick. I like that.”

We kissed again.

Graduation turned out to be the best ever, including the police chase. I have to say it really did get my adrenaline pumping. I really didn’t want my good times to end here at graduation so I invited Reenee, Melinda and CJ Detweiler to get our families together so we could spend our graduation evening together. Everyone immediately conjoined their plans together. I even invited Cassandra and Lion. Lion turned me down at first but it’s hard for that boy to say no to me, 12 times in a row. He eventually came around. And as usual Cassandra was annoying as ever but in the end it was nice.

And of course our valedictorian Melinda and salutatorian CJ Detweiler bickered about where to go and everything else as usual. Their so schedule detailed. I can’t believe they won cutest couple. They broke up and got back together so often it’s hard to tell what their relationship is anymore.

Oh I guess I never mentioned it but Melinda and CJ Detweiler are a couple. They have been since freshman year and they fight a lot but it’s all love. Their honestly that old married couple who cracks on each other but still has a strong connection to each other. And besides how do you think they obtain all their juicy gossip and information if they weren’t genius.

So this is my graduation day and all I have to say it was absolutely perfect.

Chapter 7: Precious (Monday)

“Is everybody ready?” Asked CJ Detweiler.

“Dude just open the gate.” Reenee threaten him.

“Woohoo.” I, Reenee and Melinda shouted rushing towards the ocean.

We inconsiderately threw all of our bags, beach towels and chairs down right next to CJ Detweiler hoping he’d set up our things for us while we had fun in the water.

The three of us charged straight through the water until we got up to our necks. It’s a tradition we do. Whenever we go to the beach we have to immediately rush in up to our necks so we’d get used to the water quicker.

“Ahahaha no Melinda. Stop.” I laughed splashing her back.

“You stop first.” She laughed splashing me.

“Here I come suckers.” Reenee shouted splashing enormous chunks of water at us.

Melinda’s idea of starting of summer vacation right away with this beach trip was the best idea. We were having the time of our lives.


“Come take the picture Reenee, since you didn’t help us make the sand castle.” CJ Detweiler asked Reenee practically demanding her too.

“Yeah give me a sec. I’m working on my tan.” She asked looking for some more time for her skin to bronze.

“Ugh come on Reenee.” Melinda sneered.

“Ugh fine, your so whiney.” Reenee said a little irritated.

The 3 of us gathered kneeling down in front of our sand castle smiling really cheesy.

“Say dorks!” Reenee announced.

“Dorks!” We announced back taunting Reenee.

*Snap snap*

“Let me see let me see.” Melinda asked.

“Ooo me too I want to see it.” I ask too.

We rushed to look at the picture excited that we just made a new memory.

“Ahh look at us were so cute.” I gawked.

“Aww!” Melinda added.

“Man I should be a photographer because I take amazing pictures. I even hid Melinda’s mustache.” Reenee teased.

“Wait what? I don’t have a mustache.” Melinda said in a tone that was longing for a positive answer. She covered her mouth and looked at Reenee for her response then at CJ Detweiler.

“Hahaha come on baby you know Reenee makes fun of everybody.” He said getting up from his beach chair to comfort Melinda’s insecurities.

“Then again you do have a small little - ”

“CJ!” Melinda shouted slapping him on his arm.

He smiled snickering begging Melinda for forgiveness. In the meanwhile Reenee and I took a couple of more pictures on the beach while CJ Detweiler and Melinda were patching up their relationship. Reenee got the idea to take pictures with strangers. I’m always super shy when she suggests this; but I always go along with it because the pictures usually come out really funny. What we do is walk by people who are minding their own business (usually ridiculously hot guys) and stand by them posing as if we were talking to them. I know it sounds corny but it’s more fun than you think. We took a picture of this really hot guy and me running towards one another, at least that’s what it looked like in the picture. He was actually running towards some woman who may have been his girlfriend. Damn.

“Reenee! Amethyst! Melinda is hungry you guys want to get something to eat now.” CJ Detweiler shouted halfway across the beach.

It was about an hour later and at this point Reenee and I were practically wrestling each other and rolling around in the sand. This was because Reenee took a very embarrassing picture of me and I wanted to erase it. We stopped the second time CJ Detweiler called out our names and rushed over to our spot on the beach.

“Yeah I’m hungry let’s go eat.” Reenee agreed.

“Reenee give me the camera. Stop playing around. I want it.” I said nearly jumping on her back trying to grab the camera from her.

Reenee’s a tad bit taller than me so she teased me even more by holding her hand high in the air on her tippy toes waving the camera in the air while I was jumping around trying to reach it.

“Come on doggie you gots to want it. You gotta want it. Who wants the camera? Who wants the camera? You do. Yes you do. You want it bad.” Reenee teased me even more by taunting me with her doggish type banter.

“Reenee come on your acting like a jerk. I’m gonna kill you once i get a hold that camera.” I snapped back in retaliation.

“CJ Detweiler……catch!” Shouted Reenee.

He caught it and keep the game going.

“CJ Detweiler give it. Give it to me now.” I shouted getting worried that were about to play a crude game of monkey in the middle and I knew who would be playing the monkey.

I tried to grab it from him but he tossed it to Melinda who luckily for me didn’t catch on so quickly because she wasn’t paying attention to the cruel joke; but unfortunately for me just as I was about to win this evil game CJ Detweiler and Reenee both shouted don’t give it to her.

And as luck wouldn’t have it she didn’t. She betrayed me to the dark side.

“Melinda no!” I shouted as I watched the camera leave her hands and in between the fingers of Reenee.

Darn it!

Hahahaha, they all cheered as my three best friends got a kick out of taunting me with an embarrassing photo.

“You guys are so mean. Why am I even friends with you.” I whined.

“Hahaha what are you talking about this is fun.” Reenee said as she poked fun at me.

“So what is this picture you don’t want us to see?” Melinda asked.

Reenee started to answer. “It’s a picture of Am grabbing - ”

“Reenee shut up! She’s lying. It’s nothing.” I protested trying to grab the camera from Melinda hastily.

“Oh my gosh what’s on here?” Melinda snared now understanding that the photo was something really embarrassing.

She tossed it to CJ Detweiler as I ran at him jumping up for my life to get it.

“So what were you grabbing Am. Were you grabbing your - ”

“CJ Detweiler don’t you dare. I’m the only girls’ chest you should be curious about.” Melinda warned.

He got distracted pleading his case that he wasn’t thinking about my chest and I almost retrieved the camera but just as I tackled him he threw it to Reenee. Right now my face looks as if I’m shouting no in slow motion like in a comedy themed movie.

I ran towards Reenee and everything seemed to be in slow motion because now I’m determined to get that camera back and deleted that horrible picture of me fixing my bathing suit in the crotch area. And I know I shouldn’t have tried to fix it in public, someone could be watching. But it’s not my fault sand was getting in my bottoms.

I am not gonna let you get that camera again Reenee. I won’t let you guys toss me around like some bean bag. I will get that camera by the element of surprise I’m gonna tackle you Reenee.

The plan I had in my head seemed as if it was gonna work. But I miscalculated how hard CJ Detweiler threw the camera. It flew right above Reenee’s head. And once I saw that Reenee was gonna get to it first I decided to play dirty and trip her. She tried to grab my leg but I jumped up and she missed. I started running faster because I noticed CJ Detweiler and Melinda were coming after me. They seemed to be running in slow motion and so was I; even the camera looked as if to be flying in slow mo.

At this point I knew what I had to do. I had to shift my body into superstar track mode; if I wanted to get that camera first. For a brief moment I swear it seemed as if I were the only thing on the entire beach moving at regular speed.

Almost there. Almost there. I can make it. I can do it. Nearly at the finish line.

I jump up about to grab the camera when –


Right before my eyes my entire vision shift. What I saw in front of me isn’t what I was just looking at. I was still on the beach but I was near the water. I’m looking at a girl and she’s drowning. She’s crying out for help. There are a few small children by the water just looking at her. I guess trying to figure out what’s wrong. I could see one little girl running away and bringing back her mom pointing out to the little girl in the ocean. The next thing I knew the mom was screaming save her save her there’s a little girl drowning. I look over at the lifeguard chair and there was no one there. I started to run into the ocean swimming to help the girl. I finally got to her but as I was bringing her body ashore she looked already dead. By the time I got to her body had already started sinking.


“Oof.” I fell to the ground hard. I didn’t realize at first but I was being tackled by my friends.

“Nice bathing suit.”

I looked up and saw this really hot guy looking at the camera. I smiled but then I realized that Reenee never turned the camera off and it was still on display mode. Oh crap! This guy he saw me – oh god. I close my eyes and put my head down to take in my moment of shame. I may not be able to crawl under a rock but I’m glad most of my body is piled under my friends hiding some of my shame.

They get off me and laughed not realizing that this guy has our camera.

I looked up wanting to kill him and hide his body somewhere so he may never speak to anyone what he saw me doing in the picture.

But instead I simply I took the camera from him debating in my head whether or not I should actually go through with my plan to exterminate him.

“Thanks.” I blushed so hard that even with my dark skin I swear my cheeks turned a bright blushful red.

There was a small awkward silence for a second because I wouldn’t look at him and I was just so embarrassed I wanted to run away so I didn’t speak.

“Sup I’m Reenee. Sorry about bumping into you.” Reenee said waving at the hot guy.

“Yeah we were just messing around. Our bad. Melinda.”

“Sorry dude. CJ Detweiler.”

“It’s cool. And besides I didn’t mind bumping into a pretty girl such as yourself.” The really really really really hot guy said looking directly at me. Sorry, I know I added a few extra really’s but I think this guy is hitting on me so that makes him extra hot.

I smiled.

Wait no! I can’t play this shy girl routine I have to be flirtatious yet sarcastically witty and cute.

“Really because I was thinking the same thing about you.” I said trying to attempt some kind of indirect flirty humor.

We both giggled a little.

“Yo D! We need to get back man.”

The hot guy turned his attention to his friend who just called out to him. And I have to say whoa! His friend is just as ridiculously hot if not hotter.

“Yeah man. I’m coming.” The hot guy responded.

Then he put his attention back on me and put on this smile that made me melt. But I have to be strong, can’t let some random hot guy get me all weak kneed.

“Looks like I have to go. But nice meeting you uhhh”

“Amethyst.” I blushed even harder.

“Amethyst. That’s cute. Well see ya around…..Amethyst…...and friends.” He caught up with his buddy.

It took me a second but I realized that he never told me his name.

“Hey! What’s yours? What’s your name?” I asked.

“D.” He answered.

D. Just D? That’s what his friend called him. We’ll probably never meet again so I guess its ok.

“Ooo Ammy. Muah muah muah.” Reenee and Melinda teased me.

“Shut up.” I said walking away deleting the photo and scanning through the rest to make sure there are no more embarrassing shots.

“Oh Am you should go and get his number. CJ Detweiler suggested.”

“Uh no. I’m good.”

“Ah come on Am. That guy was crazy gorgeous. You should definitely talk to him and get his digits.” Reenee said trying to convince me.

“Yeah and this time don’t try to be all smooth. You looked silly. Just be your regular old goofy self.” Melinda continued.

“Exactly it’s part of your charm.” Finished CJ Detweiler.

“What are you guys talking about? I can be smooth. I gots me some game. I’m as cool as a cucumber. As saucy as spaghetti and as sweet as a sweet potato pie.” I said trying to prove how smooth I really was.

Everyone paused for a second looked at one another then burst out laughing like a hyena.

“What! What!” I was beginning to get flustered. “Whatever you guys are jerks.”

It took the three of them about 30 minutes to stop laughing at me. They kept bringing up what I said and kept calling me a dork.

We ate at one of the eating stations at the beach. A place called parasitic paradise. And trust me the food is great despite the ominous name.

“Am Am Ammy Amethyst.”


“You’re zoning out again.” Melinda said concerned.

“Oh. Sorry.”

“Look I’m sorry we didn’t mean to make fun of you. You know how easy it is to join in when Reenee makes fun of people.” She said.

“Oh no it’s not that. It’s just……..nothing.”

“Are you thinking about that guy. Oh my gosh your love struck already?” she teased.

“No no no no.”

“Ahhhh come on. Don’t get shy on me. It’s ok he was incredible gorgeous.”

I blushed a little. “Yeah he was cute. Wasn’t he. Too bad he saw that picture. He probably thinks I’m some kind of weirdo now.”

“Ahhh don’t worry about it. If you ever see him again you can date him friend. He was cuter anyway.”

“Yeah but too bad he probably told him. I can just see them now laughing it up at me grabbing the front part of my bathing. I swear I was trying to get the sand out of my pants. I wasn’t itchy.” I said not only trying to defend my humiliation but to redeem my self-respect. I banged my forehead on the table reminiscing and hiding my shame.

“There there. Don’t be so dramatic.” Melinda said trying to cheer me up patting my back.

“Look I have to go to the bathroom so try not to wallow in your self-humiliation while I’m gone.”

“Okay.” I said letting out a dramatic weep.

She left me alone. Reenee and CJ Detweiler were still playing with the Frisbee while I was sitting here contemplating.

I actually wasn’t upset that they were teasing me nor was I thinking about that guy. Well I am now but I wasn’t before.

I’m actually thinking about that vision I had, that sudden corruption of my eyes.

What was that? Could I even call that a vision? Is that even a vision? How is it possible that I could be doing one thing and be seeing something else? I don’t get it. Am I psychic or something? I’ve seen this before at graduation. What does this mean? When I held that crystal it did something to me. What was it? Oh right! I was completely engulfed by it. It didn’t hurt but all of a sudden I felt….I felt powerful and strong. I felt this strange urge to explode, to… release something I had bottled up inside; like it’s been hidden inside me for so long. I don’t get it but it felt amazing. I should ask Zane about this. Ask him if somehow I’ve obtain powers of the chrysalis like he did but without being experimented on. I’m positive about that.

I lifted my head up off the table and stared out into the beach synthesizing my thoughts while taking a few sips of my drink.

But I don’t get it, Zane said someone couldn’t just possess powers from just touching the chrysalis. A person has to be injected with the special serum. Hmm….maybe I was taken but I just don’t remember. Zane did say his memories were erased of the whole procedure. But then again I don’t have any holes in my memories. The chrysalis gave them back to me.

Wait! He also mention that Senya could replace…..memories not only erase them. But all my memories feel real, like they actually happen. And none of friends have reacted to anything. I don’t get it. But what I do get is that I have visions. And so far everyone I saw came true. Ah wait!

“That girl she’s gonna drown.” I blurted out explosively. I stood up abruptly.

The people around me stared, then gasped and stared at the beach. Once they realized that there wasn’t anyone drowning, they all looked back at me strangely.

“Uh, never mind I thought I saw a girl drowning but she was just – hehe.” I sat back down thinking that I’m doomed to always embarrassing myself because I just don’t know how to keep my personal thoughts to myself sometimes.

Why do I keep doing that? Ugh!

“Amethyst. Amethyst. I just kicked CJ Detweiler’s butt at horse 9 times in a row. ” Reenee cheered running back over to our table.

“That’s because she was cheating. She kept calling out technicalities and interference.” CJ Detweiler said trying to defend himself.

I snapped out of my pity trip and joined the conversation.

“I thought you guys were playing frisbee.” I asked.

“We were then we decided to play horse. But since we didn’t have a ball we used the frisbee. And it was a lot harder than regular horse.” Reenee explained.

“Yep and Reenee kept throwing it super high or really short or into people so I could miss. CJ Detweiler construed how Reenee made in harder for him.

“Nu uh you just sucked Mr. Sore Loser.” Reenee taunted.

CJ Detweiler whatever’ed Reenee and grabbed the rest of his food.

“So where’s Melinda, Ammy?” Reenee asked.

“She went to the bathroom.”




“What? What are you laughing at Reenee?”

CJ Detweiler was ignoring us because he was too busy scarfing down his seemingly super delectable cheeseburger.

“Never gets old.”

“What? What? Oh I said baff-frum. Ha ha ha. It’s funny I can’t pronounce the word bathroom.”

“Sorry it’s just so cute how you say it. I like it when you mispronounce words Am.”

“It’s not cute. I hate it. I always do badly with public speaking stuff. I can never get through an oral presentation without the teacher or a jerk correcting me in the middle of my essay. It’s a pain.”

“Ahh come on, the one people who ever really did that was Cassandra and her goons.”

“Not when I was little everyone made fun of me.”

“Ahh don’t go back to that. At least you don’t really studder anymore.”

“Thanks to you bestie.”

“Aww. Hug me.”

I did. I hugged Reenee and we had a gooey girl moment.

“Aww how sickening.” CJ Detweiler said teasing.

“Shut up and eat your heart attack burger.” Reenee retaliated.

They both started clowning each other with insults. And that’s when I saw him. He was standing behind Reenee’s head in the distance. And I just couldn’t believe I just believe I saw I was seeing him right now. I quietly whispered his name under my breath.

“I’ll be right back. I have to go see something.” I said.



Melinda came back and I announced again that I was leaving. She said ok too but got stuck trying to break up the verbal turned physical fight between Reenee and her boyfriend.

I know I saw him but that can’t be. Why would he be here; at the beach of all places.

I ran up to the hotel, far up the beach and looked around. But I couldn’t find him.

I don’t think he went inside but I’ll check anyways.

The hotel was just as beautiful as ever. It had the same expensive golden taste to it. Everything is crystal, fine, golden, sparkly and absolutely exquisite. It smelled absolutely divine as usually. I haven’t stayed in this hotel since I was little, since my dad died to be completely exact. We had a weekend scheduled here just before he died but we never checked in. It was too sad for my mom to bear.

I looked around gazing in awe noticing that some things were different like the chairs and tables, but most of the things were still the same like the welcome boy.

Shoot I better hide before he sees me.

In case you’re wondering, why would I be hiding from him? Well my family used to come here a lot and sometimes with Reenee's family and whenever we came together we would cause trouble. Reenee and I would always pull pranks on Timothy. We soaked him, we broke him, we paint balled him, we tripped him like a million times and the list goes on and on. But the one thing that he hated more than anything we did to him was when we called him Timothy. His name is actually Tim and it’s not short for Timothy; but we liked to call him that because his face always turned a bright crimson red as if he’s about to kill us.

Right now I’m hiding behind some dudes enormous amount a luggage looking for the boy I saw.

Ah the elevator.

I just saw it close and I think that was him. So I go up to it and see which floor he went on.


I take the stairs because I don’t want to miss him.

*Huff and puff*

Phew! Feels like a 200m dash.

I looked down the hall to check if I saw him and to my shock I did, around the corner.

“Hey wait. Wait up Chr - ”

*Flash flash*

My eyes are changing my vision again. I see him. I think. He’s talking to someone. And he seemed mad.

“What have you done to her? You promised you wouldn’t hurt her? You said if I never saw her again you would leave her alone. You lied. You lied to me. You bastard! How could you go back on your word.”

There was a brief silence.

“That’s it deals off. I’m outta here.”

He started to walk away.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The other man he was talking to said.

He paused where he stepped.

“And why is that. You’re gonna stop me?”

“No, but she will.”

He looked up and saw someone standing in the doorway of the office. I saw the look on his face, it was gut-wrenching. He didn’t look scared or afraid; he looked more shocked and hurt like he saw someone he wasn’t expecting.

I noticed that I wasn’t just looking at this scene like in my other visions but this time I could actually feel my body as if I was standing right there in the room but I couldn’t quite see in the doorway. I wanted to see who this person was that he had such a morbid look for. I walked from the corner I was in and came around from behind the door and when I peeked my head from behind the door my visions stopped.

*Flash flash*

“Whoa, what was all that?” I said almost whispering to myself.

“What was what?” A voice said.

*Gasp* I turned around abruptly.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” The person said.

It’s him. D.

“Oh hi D. No you didn’t scare me. I was just looking at um I thought I saw someone I knew. But I guess it wasn’t.” I said looking around the corner checking if I’ve completely missed him or not.

I did.

D laughed at me. “May I ask who were you looking for?” D asked smiling kindly.

I blushed. “Uhhh no one. Just someone from high school.”

“Well since you can’t you find who you’re looking for would you mind spending some time with me?”

What! I can’t believe he’s asking me this right now. YES! YES! YES!

“Um yeah I would love too – oh but wait I really should tell my friends where I am I didn’t even tell them I was coming in here.”

“It’s cool I actually have something to do anyways.”

I looked at him with a confused look.

“Oh, I have this event I’m supposed to go to now but I was looking for a good enough excuse to skip it. I really shouldn’t in the first place but you seemed to be that interesting.”

At this point I’m blushing so much that I can literally feel my blood boiling from all this hormonal heat radiating from my emotions.

“Oh. Yeah we were gonna do something now….too….anyways.” I said trying really hard not to seem desperate not even looking at D.

There was a brief silence.

“Uh see ya. I guess.” I said shyly while walking away.

“Uh Amethyst right?”


“Do you live around here?”

“Unfortunately no.”

“That’s too bad. I would have loved to get to know you better.”

“Me too. But hopefully when I visit again you’ll still be here.”


We both smiled then departed our separate ways. I took the stairs to avoid that awkward elevator wait.

Stupid stupid stupid. I should have gotten his number. I bet he wanted me to say that I wanted to hang out with him too not maybe I’ll visit again. Stupid stupid stupid. He clearly was waiting for me to take initiative. Darn it. Reenee’s gonna be very disappointed. So many years of lessons wasted.

As I walked out to the lobby I held my head down in shame thinking about what could have been.

I blew it. I don’t usually freeze up that badly when talking to a hot guy. Ugh.

I’ve reached the main lobby.


“Huh, what?”

“Evil girl! Evil!”

“Oh Timothy! What’s up? Haven’t seen you in a while.” I said smiling vigorously.

He points to me again and hisses this time.

“I’m watching you! I’m…..watching….you!” He said pointing two fingers from his eyes to mine.

“That’s nice. It’s great that you’ve been thinking of me after all this time. I feel all special inside now.” I said smiling so angelically that it pushed Tim into a hysterical paranoia.

He started to step backwards with a facial expression that seemed to be completely freaked out. He looked as if he were about to be murdered and was tourtured with fear.

“Yo-You’re not going to get me. You’re not going to get me. Ahhh!” He shouted at me running away in terror I noticed. He still had that limp in his right leg from that time when Reenee and I were 10 and we tricked Timothy into climbing on top of this little supply shed for the hotel; Reenee made him believe I was stuck on the roof of it but this shed was a little torn down back then so when he climbed up to get me he fell threw a weak point on the roof and had to go to the hospital. We felt really bad and visited him. From that point on we were always super nice to Timothy but he always assumed it was a reverse psychology scheme and always was frightened whenever we were around like right now. But I think he might be finally over it……or not!

I watched him run away from me in complete fear and it brought a small amount of attention to me but I ignored it.

“Alright, see ya later Timothy. It was nice catching up.” I exclaimed giggling a little.

Haha Timothy. Still funny as ever. But I think we might have damaged him a bit. He seemed a smidge afraid of me or is it just my imagination. Oh well. I have to get back.

I leave the hotel and head back to the beach.

“Yo Ammy where have you been?” Reenee shouted from across the beach.

I began to run back to our spot where my friends were all laying out.

“Oh nothing I just thought I saw someone from school. But it wasn’t him.”

“Oh. Who was it?” Asked Melinda.

“Uh um Kel. I thought I saw Kel but it wasn’t him.”

“That nerdy kid you hung out with all last semester.” She questioned sharply.

“He’s not nerdy. He was cool. We had a lot to talk about.” I said trying to defend Kel and I’s friendship.

“Whatever, he was still a lose-zer-er. Reenee exclaimed holding up an L sign above her forehead.”

I was about to snap back in defense of kel but Reenee wanted to talk about something else.

“So how’s Timothy. Did he remember you?” Reenee asked laughing.

“What! What do you mean?” I asked.

“I saw you leave the hotel. You must have seen Timothy or does he not work there anymore?”

“Oh no he’s still there but I think he missed me. When I saw him he was hyperventilating and everything. He was so overcome with joy he could barely speak. Then he left in a hurry, but I think it was because he wanted to start missing me again.”

The 4 of us burst out laughing because we all knew I was being sarcastic and they figured he probably ran away from me in terror and not to miss me.

Next we went to rent a boat so we could go water skiing. CJ Detweiler was too scared to try it at first as usual. But after years and years of us trying to get to try water skiing with us he finally cracked and did it this time. He said he might as well since this is gonna be his last summer to be a kid and not have any real responsibilities.

I have to say we had gone to the beach a thousand times and had done these same activities a million times; but I have to declare that today feels like the best time ever.

“Last one out has too tie down the boat!” CJ Detweiler shouted racing the rest of us to shore. Melinda was almost the loser but I got my foot caught up in the rope and nearly tripped.

We were on the boat for about two and a half hours before we were ready to get off.

“Ah not fair. My foot got caught.” I stated making a sorry excuse at an attempt to not be declared the loser.

“Haha Am. Too bad.” They all laughed.


So I tied up the boat and went to alert the boat keeper that we were done renting. While he was checking the boat out we engaged in a little bit of small talk. It wasn’t anything spectacular, the old guy just asked about my age, my schooling, my goals; you know old people type questions. But I have to say he was quite a funny old guy.

I walked away smiling, still laughing excessively over the old man’s joke. It was one of those rabbi and a priest in a bar type jokes except he used a Christian, a Jew, an Atheist at the altar. I’d tell you the joke but I probably couldn’t repeat it quite as funny.

“Come on Am. Let’s pack it in. I want to school you at bowling.” Reenee shouted from halfway across the beach.

“Yeah right. I believe the score is 2 to 6. You got a long way to go sista.” I antagonized back at Reenee sticking out my tongue.

I was just about to jog back up to our spot when I noticed a small group of children down by the edge of the beach. They looked so cute. But I wondered who’s watching them. The looked awfully small to be playing by the water themselves and it was pretty dark out, almost 9 o’clock. But I continued jogging anyways.

But then something hit me, I noticed the kids were all staring into the ocean as if their watching a movie. I looked over to see what’s up and there’s another little girl in the ocean but she’s much older than the other children. At first I figured they must be watching her swim but the little girl, I noticed was splashing an awful to be playing so far out by herself. Next I saw one of the little girls go get her mom and pointed out to the ocean. Next thing I knew the mom was screaming like a lunatic save her save her there’s a little girl drowning.

I couldn’t believe it took me that long to realize. And once I did I looked over at the lifeguard chair and there was no lifeguard because of the hour I immediately rushed towards the ocean in an attempt to save the little girl. As I was swimming I was thinking how often does this happen twice in the same day.

I called out to the little girl but no response she was already sinking. I swam even faster and pulled her out to shore. She wasn’t breathing right away and I began to freak out. I smacked her face a few times begging her to wake up but she didn’t so I pushed on her stomach.

“Hey hey, come on wake up! Wake up.” I wanted her to wake up but she just wouldn’t and I was starting to get mad at her.

*Coughs and pants excessively*

She woke up and a little crowd was forming around the girl and I. It was mostly just those other children, that mother, 2 teenage boys and my friends.

“Are you alright.? Are you ok? Does it hurt anywhere?” I asked wanting to break out into tears.

She smacked my hand away from her.

“Get away from me I don’t need your help.” She pointed out to me.

“What! You were drowning and I - ”

She stood her up almost falling over. I caught her and helped her stand up. “I said let me go. I don’t want your help.” She pulled away from me once more.

“But I - ”

The crowd was shocked at the little girls’ response. She was being so exceptionally ungrateful. She stormed off the beach pushing her way through the small crowd in a hurry not even thanking me for saving her life.

The crowd began to dissipate talking amongst themselves. The two boys were saying that I should have let the ungrateful brat drown. The mother was crying thanking me for saving the girls life even though she was rude. And the children acted as if they were scared of her.

“What was that about?” Reenee asked out loud.

“I don’t know. But that was a weird response to almost drowning.” CJ Detweiler continued.

“Oh she probably was just scared. And that’s the only way she could react.” Melinda said trying to empathize with the little girls’ unusual behavior.

“You’re alright Am.” Reenee asked. “Am Am. Are you ok?”

I couldn’t really hear anything thing anyone was saying because I just had another one of those visual flashes except this one was about that girl. We were together and I was holding her in my arms. We were embracing as if we just had some kind of touching break through moment like in therapy.

“Am Am. Snap out of it!” Reenee was shaking me, hoping to snap me out of my trance.

“Oh uh I’m fine.”

“Really because you looked like you were zombified.”

“No I’m good…..just a little shaken up. That girl - ”

“Forget her. She didn’t appreciate you saving her life but I think she’ll be fine.”

“Uh….ok.” Reenee helped me up.

“Yeah you sure you’re ok Am.” Melinda asked feeling concerned.

I shook my head.

“Come on let’s go.” Reenee said putting her arm around my shoulder.

The four of us walked back to our spot and finished packing. I wanted to go home and think about what just happened but I didn’t want to ruin our day. I couldn’t stop thinking about that girl and my vision. It didn’t take me long to realize that two girls weren’t drowning today one was my vision and the other actually happened. I couldn’t tell you what all of this meant. It was seriously weirding me out. But once we got to the bowling alley I ignored it all. I just wanted to have fun with my friends and enjoy our day together because to me it was truly just precious.

Chapter 8: Surprise Surprise! (Friday)

I’m waiting for the receptionist to come back. She’s getting the woman in charge of this entire establishment. It’s really pretty in here. A lot better looking than I expected. There’s no red carpet or chairs made from solid gold but it is truly beautiful. I’ve never been to a place like this before so I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. But I guess I expected it to look kind of sad and like an asylum. Where everything has a place and there is nothing but the four walls. Some people really over-exaggerate what a place like this is supposed to look, feel, and sound like. I mean it’s homey, it’s roomy, and it’s snuggly. But perhaps that may be because this place has such a great caretaker. At least that’s what I heard.

There are beautiful curtains hanging from the windows. And the tiles on the floor look like new. The interior designing looks like a real home. Just like in brochures; at least the ones that actually look like the picture.

“Hi I’m Mrs. Gardner. And you…..would be Senya I assume.”


“Uh no I’m Amethyst. Amethyst Fields.” I shook her hand.

“Oh I’m sorry. Zane is always talking about this Senya girl. Wait! Amethyst? As in the Amethyst who graduated a few days ago.”

“Uh yeah how did you know about that?” I asked curiously.

“I caught my Zane sneaking out and when he came back he told me he went to your graduation. At first, I didn’t think he was telling the truth because he never mentioned you before. But then again Zane isn’t known for lying.”

“Oh I’m…..a new friend.”

“I see. Oh and congratulations.”


“May I ask, how is it you met my Zane?” She looked serious and had a sketchy look on her face that showed she kind of distrusted me.

“Um we uh met in….the Park. I was taking a walk….to clear my head and he was playing with other children there and we accidently ran into each other and…..that’s how we met. Yep that’s it, that’s how we met.” I knew my response was weak. How could I expect her to believe that when I don’t even believe it myself.

“Sounds almost perfect. Like it was meant to be.” She laughed a little.

I smiled back nervously.

“So what is it you want with Zane today?” She asked looking serious again.

I was so nervous to even answer this woman’s question, I actually wanted to run away as fast as I could and never look back. This woman had this look and feel to her that felt scary. The aura she presented was stern and vengeful. I had a feeling she was one of those few women in the world that would go the extra mile for kids that weren’t even hers. I could tell she was strong, brave and very protective of the kids in her home.

“I was hoping if he wanted too; go and get some ice-cream or something with me today. I mean if he isn’t still grounded of course.” At this point I was doing my absolute best to not only, not look this woman in the eye but not cry and beg for forgiveness for wasting her precious time of even speak to her right now. I know what you’re thinking “could this woman actually be all that scary” and the response to your question would be yes. She seemed accurately cruel but yet precisely generous. It was a world-wind of unlinked emotions.

She looked at me for a moment and had this look that could definitely kill. Thank god humans don’t have that ability. Then she smiled slowly and I swear I felt as if a halo appeared over her head.

“Well I guess if you are Zane’s friend he could go. And he has been more openly with my other children so I guess he could get off punishment early just this once. It is his first offense after all.” Her smile was invigoratingly warm and gentle. Mrs. Gardner’s new aura suddenly became one that I wouldn’t mind being sucked into. She laughed a little, I’m guessing at me. I figured she probably does this hot and cold routine with everyone who wants to see her kids. She scares them, then makes them feel welcome.

“Great! I’m really happy about that.” I smiled thinking the worse is finally over.

“Ok, come with me. Zane’s in his room right now. And I’m sorry about the stare down. I had to make sure you weren’t dangerous to my baby.”

“That’s…..ok.” I was still a little shaken up. This lady was definitely scary.

I followed her up the stairs into the halls of this still surprisingly tasteful building. I looked around and saw a lot of children; from infants to kids my age running around being loud and having fun with each other. Some of the smaller children waved to me overzealously excited. The bigger kids just either ignored my presence or took only a single glance at me. The middle children were running around screaming like maniacs disregarding that I was even there. But some were behaving properly in front of my company.

“Ciara! Marissa! Stop running we have a guest.”

“Sorry Mrs.Gardner.” The two little girls spoke in sync sounding almost like a voicemail recording. Then they started to speed walked past us giggling like the little girls they were.

Mrs.Gardner guided me the rest of the way to Zane’s room.

“He’s in here.”

*Knock knock*

“Zane you have a guest.”

I peered into his room and I cannot believe what I saw. I don’t know if the word grounded has changed since I was 10 but whatever it is called now I want it.

In Zane’s room were a bunch of different game consoles and toys. His room was stocked with a Nintendo Wii, a PS3, a basketball hoop, soldiers, a huge train set and about 3 boxes of the Magnetix building set. He even had a drum set.

How could a foster home afford all of this?

He was playing with the train set when we walked in.

Zane gasped then propped up quickly and rushed over to us.

“So you do know this young lady Zane?”

“Yes, I went to her graduation remember. I told you that. I told you I wasn’t lying.”

“Yes I can see that now. Zane, miss…Amethyst was it?” I nodded yes. “Wants to take you out for ice cream. Do you want to go with her today?” Mrs. Gardner asked ruffling his hair.

He looked up at me brushing Mrs. Gardner hand off of his head. His expression said really, you really want to take me out with you.

“Yes! Can I go?” He asked looking in Mrs. Gardner’s direction.

“Uh huh.”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Zane started prancing all around the room gathering his shoes and that teddy bear bag thing again.

“As long……as you come back home this time.” She warned jokingly. I think.

“Yes I promise.” He gave Mrs. Gardner a huge hug and told her that he was going to be good and that he loved her. Then we left. She told me to be back by 6 in time for dinner. I agreed.

That’s kind of weird, Zane telling his foster mother that he loved her. I didn’t think foster homes were that close. I’ve heard so many terrible stories about them. Then again that night when Zane spilled his guts to me he did speak very highly of his foster mother. Actually now that I think about it she was the only person he actually mentioned from the foster home. Is he not close to any of the other children? Well he is a 10 years old boy that still walks around with a stuffed bear….wait, excuse me, liger.

“Are we really going to get ice scream Amethyst?”

“Yeah I thought it’d be nice if we caught up. I have a few questions to ask you.”

He just skipped happily alongside me holding the straps to his liger.

“Oh and what happened to the cellphone I gave you. I tried texting you a few days ago but you didn’t respond.”

“Oh it’s right here.” He took it out of his liger’s zipped pocket part.

“The batteries died though. You never gave me the charger.”

Oh right I didn’t.

I took it from him and put it in my Precious Moments backpack.

“I’ll go to my house later and give it to you ok.”


He skipped and smiled some more; then started humming.

“So what did you want to ask me?”

“It’s about these visions I keep having. I mean I haven’t had any since Monday went I was at the beach with my friends; but I’m just curious. I think I might be psychic. And I know how crazy that sounds but with all the things I’ve seen lately I pretty much can believe anything. Plus I know what you said about how someone can’t obtain any powers without the injections but I really don’t believe I was ever kidnapped or exposed. I don’t even know how but I got these powers somehow and it had to have been that night we meet, when we fought Senya. The Chrysalis engulfed me and I had powers momentarily, like telekinesis or something. I remember and – Zane? Zane! Where are you?

I looked around my surroundings and saw no sign of him anywhere. That’s when I also realized I’ve been talking to myself for about 15 minutes.

“Amethyst! Amethyst, hurry up. I’m waiting.”

He was sticking his head out of the ice cream shop gesturing me to come over. I was a little baffled at how he got over their so fast without me even noticing. But I guess that happens when I’m lost in my own curiosity.

“I’m coming Zane. Hold the door.” I began to shuffle to the end of the street racing to the ice cream shop.

Zane and I ordered. I told him to get whatever he wanted and whatever how much he wanted. I got my favorite, the triple chocolate rehab. It’s a bowl filled with chocolate ice cream, chocolate chips and chocolate syrup. It usually comes in a cone but you get way more for the same price in a bowl. But Zane’s order amazed me; he ordered so much. At first he just ordered a basic pistachio ice cream cone, but with some motivation from me he racked up on his order. He asked for the pistachio mega mixer. This is basically one of those build-it-yourself orders with any flavor. But he just wanted pistachio. I swear he got nearly every topping with a double deep deluxe scooping of pistachio. This kid was like a bottomless pit.

I guess this might be because he’s lived in a foster home for a really long time. I didn’t know how long exactly, he never answered me when I asked him that about a week ago. But I do know he must never get a chance to splurge like this since he probably has to share a lot in the foster home. But it’s ok because seeing the smile on his face now is enough.

Sitting here watching Zane get so excited, eating his ice-cream makes me want to enjoy the moment with him; so I decided not to bring up my questions again. I just want to enjoy this precious moment. Besides I couldn’t get word in anyways he just kept talking. But I liked it. He was pretty funny.

We sat at the top right corner of the ice-cream shop closest to the register. I didn’t realize it but someone who I actually wanted to meet up with again in the future walked in and started ordering. But since I didn’t realize it yet my attention was still on Zane.

“Yeah can I get an order of the chocolate supreme…..with sprinkles?”

“Yes you may. And what order can I get for you sir.”

“I would like the -”

“Well well well. Never thought I’d see you again.”

I turn around realizing that someone else was talking to me.

*Gasp* I can’t believe it’s him.

“D? Hi!” I stammered a little bit on my hello.

“You know I’m beginning to think your stalking me.” He said jokingly.

I giggled a little.

“Really! Because I was just about to say the same thing about you.” Smooth comeback…..check! Told ya I can be smooth.

“Touché! So I’m guessing you live around here?” D asked.

“Yeah I actually live in Calvoon City. You too?” I asked.

“Not officially. My boy and I were thinking about moving out here. We think it’s about time we moved out and start living on our own.”

“Oh cool. I bet you guys think your real grown-ups now huh.”

“I would like to think so.” He started to walk over closer to our table. “I mean we would be allowed to do our own thing, in our own house at any time.”

I started to blush a little as he’s leaning on our table getting awfully close to kissing distance from my face.

“But the best part about living on your own is making your own grown-up rules and doing very……grown-up things in your own house.” He continued.

At this point my face is being incinerated with excessive amounts of heat and blush rushing over it like a newly erupted volcano.

I looked down at my ice cream and took another bite. As I thought about how to recover.

“Yeah your right. But I wonder, in your new grown-up house where you make your own rules, are girls allowed because I just might know someone who could help you enforce those ahem grown-up things.” Yes! Yes! Yes! That was so freaking smooth. Two points for me.

He stepped back from off the table realizing that I was not gonna let him take me over with his charm.

“Hahaha cute. I knew it.”

“Knew what?” I asked intrigued yet slightly confused.

“That you were interesting. I knew it since the moment we met and I saw you piled under your friends at the becach. I have to say you do take really cute pictures.”

My faced melted. I felt like running away. As far away as I could because I remembered that embarrassing moment when he saw me grabbing at my bathing suit shorts. Complete and utter humiliation.

“Eh whatta you mean?” I couldn’t even speak proper English, I was so nervous. Dang, all that good cute and witty flirting for nothing.

“The picture of you and your friends posing with your sandcastle.”

What? He didn’t see it. How come? Not that I’m complaining. Wait! With all that tossing we did with the camera the picture must have been clicked over to the next one. Yes! Yes! Yes! Humiliation – 0, dignity - 1.

“Oh right. Yeah I did have a pretty cute bathing suit.” I was being really cocky at this point.

He smiled again. “Oh and what were you doing exactly to your bottom half.”

A chill of utter gloom smacked me right in the face when he said that. I guess the camera didn’t click over, I guess it was on slideshow. He knew exactly what he was doing. He got me. He got me to play right into his hands. I was completely defenseless. My humiliation outshined my will for a witty recovery-like comeback. I stammered trying to find the right words to explain myself.

“Hey dude come on, here’s your ice cream.” Said D’s friend. It was the same one from the beach.

“Well hello. Who’s your friend D.”

Thank god!

“This is Amethyst. The girl from the beach I told you about. The one.”

The one? What does that mean? Oh who cares, he mentioned me, that’s enough. But I hope good things.

“Oh yeah I see. You know you look a lot cuter than what my man described. I’m Shaynen, Shaynen Kennel.” The friend said holding my right hand and kissing it lightly.

Is this guy for real? Oh who cares, I didn’t think it was possible but he’s even hotter than D. Looks like Santa thought I was a very good girl this year. Oh no! I shouldn’t be thinking these naughty thoughts. Snap out of it Amethyst.

“Thank you!” I couldn’t help but blush he was acting like he’s a prince or something.

“My name is Zane.”

Oh snap! I completely forgot Zane was even here. This is the power of a pretty face.

“Nice to meet you Zane.” Shaynen said introducing himself again. And Zane smiled childishly.

Shaynen nudged D in the arm. I don’t know what for; but maybe it was some secret bro-code thing.

“Well we have to go, more houses to look at before we make our final decision.” D pointed out.

“Ok it was nice seeing you again.” I said shyly.

They waved goodbye to me and hand-slapped Zane goodbye.

“Are those your friends?” Zane asked me.

“Um more like acquaintances. You see we’ve only - ”

“Hey Amethyst!” D walked back in addressing me.

“I’m sorry I was too nervous to ask you before but I was wondering if I could get our number. Now that we’ll be living in the same city; I figured I could hit you up sometime and we could go out….or something.”

If I were a cartoon character my eyes would be filled with hearts and my real heart would be thumping right out of my chest with sparkles in the background illuminating my excitement.

“Sure. I was wondering how long it would take for you to ask me.” Yes, another cute and witty comment, 3 points baby!

He recorded my number in his cellphone and the expression on his face was just as thrilled as mine.

“So I’ll call you.”

I just smiled.


He started to walk towards the door again but just as he opened it he turned back around and asked me if I wanted to go to this club tonight. And of course I said yes.

I sat at the table smiling amuck thinking about how coincidental and cool that whole situation was. I’ve never had a problem getting guys to talk to me before, but these guys were ridiculously gorgeous. Almost too good to be true. But who cares, too good is hardly ever a bad thing.

“Do you like him Amethyst?”

I was daydreaming for a minute but Zane’s question snapped me out of it.

“Uh I don’t know. It’s too early to tell. Why do you ask?”

“Because you’re letting your ice cream melt and you’re acting like the teenagers in the foster home when they like somebody.”

“Oh!” I blushed a little. “I don’t know Zane……we’ll see.”

A few seconds later I received a text message saying Hi this is Damian. Save my number.

Wow. Damian? Cute.

After Zane and I finished our ice cream we walked to my house so I could get him my charger. He was so amazed at how huge my house was; although I don’t really think it’s that big. It’s just an average middle class family house of 5…..I mean 4. No matter how many years past I’m still not use to saying that.

I didn’t get why he was amazed, he’s already been here even though it was only my room. We had to crawl out the window last time he was here because I didn’t want to risk explaining who Zane was to my family.

My brother was home with his friends and curious Zane didn’t stay hidden in my room like I told him too. He had a little run-in with Onyx’s buddies. Onyx’s friends are the goody two-shoe type but then again they are pre-teens so they teased Zane a little bit because he was carrying his liger bag on his back. But fortunately for me I didn’t have to break up a fight or anything because like I said Zane’s friends are goody goody……and a bit nerdy too. But Zane didn’t seem to realize that they were teasing him because he didn’t get their sarcasm.

I broke it up and told his friends to go away and once again Onyx made a snarky remark towards me then he and his friends went outside to play ball. After that Zane and I walked to the park to spend some time together. I told him I’ll let him ride my bike, but my real motive was to bring up my concerns again. Since we already had our touching moment at the ice cream shop. But every time I brought it up he just blurted out something irrelevant. He kept going on and on about how much fun he was having with me. He rode my bike, played on the slide, crawled on and across the monkey bars, spun on the carousel circle, made me ride the teeter-totter with him; he even stood up on the tire swing swinging like a little monkey.

Once again I decided not to bring up about my questions. This time because Zane was having so much fun. I mean, I’ve been 10 before, and it wasn’t that long ago for my sister and brother but I swear Zane was the most childlike and playful 10 year old I’ve ever seen in my life. He looked overzealous and so enthused, it was like he’s never even been to a park before or seen toys; but of course I knew that can’t be true.

After Zane and I’s park excursion I dropped him off back home. And I have to say even though I didn’t get any of my questions answered, I’m still glad I went with him. It was fun seeing him so happy. I don’t know why but I have a feeling that Zane has a past. And yeah I know everyone has a past but, I feel in Zane’s, there’s a lot of hurt and anguish.

When I took Zane home I had made it way before his 6:00 curfew. Thank goodness though, because I was scared if I didn’t Mrs. Gardner would hunt me down and terrorize me. All I could picture was this 200lb woman charging at me in the middle of the street. Haha it actually looks kind of funny in my head, like in a comedy or something.

We said our goodbyes and I was off too Melinda’s house to say my goodbyes to her before she left. She and CJ Detweiler are going away on vacation for two weeks. They’re going to California. I’ve been teasing them that their really just going to get eloped and start a family but they swear it’s just a vacation for them two to get away from the craziness, that is their families.

Hearing that it’s not too hold to believe. See Melinda’s family is consisted of just her and her mom. Her dad left when she was 5, on her first day of kindergarten to be exact. He took her to school, kissed her on her forehead, said I love you, hugged her and just never came back.

It took Melinda forever to realized that her daddy was never coming back, almost a year. Her mom tried to tell her a million times but she just never got it until one day her mom snapped and yelled at Melinda to stop asking about him. Ever since that day Melinda and her mom has never been the same. She could never keep a job, and became a very grouchy woman. There was this one day when she got addicted to her prescription pills when Melinda was 8. She almost lost her daughter that day because she and Melinda were trapped in the house when it caught on fire. She had overdosed and was completely knocked out but luckily my mom, Reenee’s mom and CJ Detweiler mom all ban together to convince the judge that this was a one-time thing and it’ll never happen again. It never did, that was the first and last day she ever over dosed.

How they were able to keep the house was actually because of Melinda’s dad. He left some money. He had an account set up for them but it was just enough money to cover only household bills for about five years. Melinda’s mom never used it until the day of the fire. She used it to help repair the damages. But it didn’t matter because just a year later they had use up the last of the money. They became pretty much broke since her mom hadn’t had a consistent job. Plus their savings were all used up too. So Melinda had to help by doing lots of babysitting jobs, tutoring jobs, odd jobs, raking, shoveling snow, watching rich people’s house when they went away on vacation, and pretty much everything. Which is why she became so smart, she always had to work extra hard to get what she wanted.

And CJ Detweiler’s family was just as messed up, sort of. His parents were kind of the snooty rich type. He was pretty wealthy; not millionaires type wealthy but had enough to buy a personal jet type wealthy. They’ve always liked us, CJ Detweiler’s best friends but it wasn’t until he started dating Melinda that they became so judgmental. They said she had too many problems and they had always secretly hoped that once he’d graduated from high school he’d grow out of her.

It’s not that they don’t like Melinda and her mother it’s just that they were being so pressure and judged by their rich friends that they started to question CJ Detweiler’s judgment. Once his parents saw them two at graduation they finally gave him their officially approval to be with Melinda even though they were dating anyways. When they saw how much Melinda had accomplished on her own they knew that no girl from a prominent family could be as wonderful as her even if they tried. Melinda’s mom use to judge CJ Detweiler’s family too, saying he only pity’s her, but deep down Melinda’s mom always loved him too like he was already part of their family.

I get to Melinda’s house and Reenee and CJ Detweiler’s are already here. And are slacking off instead of helping Melinda pack.

“Hey guys! Shouldn’t you all be packing and not cruising. You bunch of lazies.”

“Amethyst!” Melinda gave me the hugest hug I’ve ever gotten from her.

“Oh I’m going to miss you so much.” She added.

“Me too. Why do you have to go without us? Reenee and I promise to stay out of your hair, when you and CJ Detweiler get you know…..all snuggly.” I said teasingly.

“Whatever. I want you guys too but we need this. Some time to just be together. No pressure, no family, no problems, no stress just us working on being together.”

“Yeah because god only knows you two deserve it.” I said.

“Er hem.”

“What?” I asked Reenee.

“Don’t I get a hug? Or is Melinda the only woman in your life.”

“Hahaha Reenee.” I jumped on the coach landing on top of her hugging and kissing her all over. She pushed me off and said we needed to take a break from our relationship because I was smothering her…..literally.

About an hour in a half went by until we were done packing Melinda’s things into CJ Detweiler car. We said our see ya later’s then Reenee and I watched as they went off to California, and not only just for their lovers vacation but also so CJ Detweiler could check out where he wants to become an actor. You know for a couple of smart kids they sure don’t like to follow through with professions that require them to use their extensive knowledge. What a waste! If I had their brains I’d become a neurosurgeon or something. But hey you still make a lot of money in both the fashion and entertainment industry; but of course there still both incredible hard.

As Reenee and I were planning on what to do tonight on our drive in her car, I interrupted to tell her about D….or should i say Damian.

“Seriously he said that.”

“Yeah. It was almost perfect. It’s like fate wanted us to be together so they made it happen.”

We both shrieked in excitement like how teenaged girls do on TV.

“Man I could see it now. 10 years from now you and Damian vacationing in a foreign country, watching your 4 kids run around enjoying the sites.” Reenee fantasized.

“Yeah I could– wait 4? 4 kids are you crazy? That’s like a suicide mission. Maybe two or two in a half.” I snapped back.

“Hold up, how do you get a half child.”



“Yeah they don’t count as two separate babies, one in a half.”

“I don’t know where you get your math Ammy.”

We both laughed.

Reenee drove me home and said she’d come over when she was done getting ready. I told her about the party at the club that Damian invited me too. Reenee at first had her doubts because neither of us were old enough or even close enough to be believable as 21. I mean it’s only been a week since we graduated from high school, I’m sure we still look like high school students.

But Reenee did raise a point, how the heck were we suppose to get in? We don’t even have fake ID’s. Well we used to, but we had to scrap them because the school caught on to the student scam trade. I don’t know, maybe we could rely on our looks and flirt with the bouncer. We’ve done that before but it only actually worked like twice.

Before I started to get ready I hopped in my bed to rest and to just think. I was pretty physically exhausted from playing in the park all day and my mind was still swirling with questions about this S.W.I.F.T business. Something bites.

I soon found myself drifting off to sleep, dreaming about my dad. I missed him so much. He’d know exactly what to do in a time like this…..well maybe not but he’d have some good advice though.

My daddy and I were home alone playing together. I was 12 again and I could even remember the way the house looked when he was alive. All his things everywhere all tossed about. Daddy was really messy and I could remember how mommy used to always throw a pillow at his head which meant to clean up his mess. Onyx, Topez and I always made fun of him because of that; saying how he may be the boss of us mommy is the boss of him.

I could see daddy pulling me on his back playing horsey. I loved that game. Sometimes he’d even race me and of course I always won. I used to want to be a cowgirl so I could just ride a horse everyday and be an outlaw or capture bad guys; whichever came first. I was definitely a daddy’s girls. When mommy got mad at me I would go cry to daddy, they were usually fake tears but I’m sure he knew that, but he always made me feel better anyways. Daddy was the fun parent and mommy was the responsible one. Mommy always had to have everything be on time and on schedule, daddy was spontaneous and indecisive. Mommy loved and hated it.

In my dream, it was like I was watching a little family movie of all the times me and daddy spent together. I absolutely loved it. I started to remember everything we ever did together. We always had fun and rarely disagreed. I guess I might have had this special bond with my father because we both stuttered. We were the only two in the family. His was always worse than mine but it was ok because we could both comfortable speak to each other and not have to worry if someone was gonna make fun of us.

Then my dream changed right when things were getting good. My dad started shouting my name.

“Amethyst! Amethyst! Amethyst! Amethyst!” I started to get scared; it was like he was screaming actually. Like were so far away or something and he thinks I can’t hear.

“Amethyst! Amethyst!” We were in a white room except I couldn’t tell if they were walls. Everything around us was just white.

“Daddy I’m right here. I’m right in front of you. Look down.” I shouted to him as loud as I could but he couldn’t hear me for some reason even though I was literally right in front of him.

He walked away from me still screaming my name. His eyes then turned blank like he was frightened with fear. I realized my body changed back from a little girl to who I am now. The whole room changed too. We were now on the side walk in front of the car. I turned and looked up to see what he was looking at and that’s when I saw myself. The 12 year old me again; I was crossing the street looking happy but daddy was scared and so was I now.


“Ahhhh!” I woke up panting like crazy. I was sweating a little and frantically looking around the room.

I fell back on my pillow and thought about my dream. This is actually one of my few reoccurring dreams. This one is usually violent but over the years it has gotten increasingly calmer. I used to see blood in this type of dream. Although this reoccurring dream slightly changes each time. After the first few months I’ve been able to wake myself up before the really bad stuff started to happen. It used to be real scary but with my mom’s help I’ve been able to handle it.

I looked at the clock and realized an hour has gone by. I decide to get into the shower then pick out a dress for tonight because I’m not even sure when Damian will call.

Chapter 9: I Remember You! (Friday Night)

Damian finally called me when I was in the shower so I texted him back in response to his voice message. Reenee was already at my house talking to my mom and sister downstairs. My brother was sleeping over a friend’s house.

I was putting on my lip gloss when Damian called me to say he was here to pick me and Reenee up. Actually I’m kind of shock he actually takes the time to call, most people especially people who just met someone new rather text. I guess he’s still stuck in the past. Haha!

“Bye mom.”

“Bye Mrs. Fields.”

“Amethyst wait a minute!”

“Ugh what mom?”

“Er hem.”

Grrrr. “Muah. Love you too. Can I go?” I hugged her goodbye and so did Reenee.

“Be safe and don’t give in to peer pressure.” Topez added as I slammed the door shut as quickly as possible. My sister is so weird sometimes; she talked in a monotone type voice like she just did.

We saw Damian and his friend Shaynen standing outside. Damian was leaning against the driver side of his car and Shaynen was sitting on the head part of the front row passenger seat.

“Wow! You ladies look amazing.” Damian said with the most cutest smile.


His compliment made me blush but not Reenee she was too powerful against the charms of men.

“Thanks!” I said.

“Thanks I know we look absolutely breathtaking.” Reenee said feeling strong and flipping her hair brilliantly. That’s Reenee all right; always have to make a bold statement.

“Someone’s a little confidant……or a diva.” Shaynen stated.

“Well you know what they say.”

“No I don’t. What do they say?”

“A diva’s confidence is only measured by the dedication of her fans.”

“Oh. Well looks like you just got one more.”

Shaynen and Reenee went back and forth with their witty banter. It’s just like Reenee to demand more followers.

We got in the car and drove off with the boys.

“So Damian what club are we going to.”


“Sinners!” Reenee and I both spit that word out with surprise. Sinner’s was the absolute hottest club in Calvoon City. Anyone who’s anyone goes there. Even celebrities who drive through our town are known for stopping by there. I looked at Reenee and she looked at me because we both knew there was no absolute way that we were gonna get in that club. Both our eyes met and said we should tell these guys were only 17/18 years old. But we were worried that they’d tell us to get lost then.

“You guys have been there before?” Damian asked.

I began. “Uh actually were - ”

“We’ve been there many times. Were actually regulars, the bouncer even knows us by name.” Reenee lied interrupting me so I elbowed her.

Damn it Reenee why would you say that. We don’t even have fake ID’s to continue with this lie. What are these guys going to say when we get there and the bouncer turns us away? Gosh Reenee you never think these things through.

“Oh by name? That’s convenient because were not 21.”

“You’re not?” I asked.

“21?” Reenee added.

“Nah were just 20.” Damian stated.

“Yeah, how old are you two?” Shaynen asked us.

Reenee looked at asking me with her eyes so how old are we?

I knew were in a bind. If I lied and said 21 we might get caught when we get to Sinners. But if I tell the truth they might dump us on the side of the road. I knew what I had to do.

“Old enough!” Reenee gave me a looked that said that’s the best you got. I shrugged a yeah.

“Haha cute. You two ladies sure are interesting.” Damian said looking directly at me in the mirror and I looked at him. I couldn’t help but blush.

As we were still driving to the other side of town the four of us keep up our witty direct indirect flirting. I wasn’t quiet but I couldn’t help blushing the whole time. And as for Reenee, I was starting to notice her wall crumbling down. The wall she puts up around guys she likes or is interesting in so she won’t ever be the one who wants the other more. She plays this stand offish game where she flirts then acts cold. Plays the cute and innocent card then wild and dangerous, so the guy would be so interested and confused all at the same time, he won’t be able to figure her out. She definitely knows how to play the field. But this guy Shaynen was definitely her match. Like I said before he talked, looked and acted like a rebellious prince. Weird but cute! He knew exactly who to say.

“So were here ladies.” Damian announced.

Shaynen flipped out the top of the door of the convertible. He did it so smoothly; it was like watching a pro in the 50’s.

Reenee and I followed the boys to the line. At first we stopped at the end of it but then they kept walking towards the front.

“Amethyst what’ do we do? These guys think we know the bouncer like old chums. What if they expect us to get them in?” Reenee asked panicky.

“Don’t panic Reenee. I mean they invited us here. They must have some plan of getting in themselves.” I suggested.

“Right right, your right Ammy.”

Hmm why’s Reenee so worried? That’s usually my role. It’s like she’s nervous what the guys would think of us or something. Hmm…..maybe Shaynen makes her sweat.

We approach the front of the line thinking this is it were about to be busted.

“What’s up Joe-myster.” Damian slapped hands with the bouncer followed by a man hug.

“Sup D. Haven’t seen you here in a while.” Said Joe cheerfully.

“How are you Joe?” Shaynen followed.

“Good good. You fellas hear alone again. Not that that’s a problem because you always leave with the hottest babes.” Joe gave Shaynen the same welcoming treatment.

“Actually were here with two regulars you may know.” Shaynen said looking directly at Reenee. She froze up a little. I had to step in, seems Shaynen got her paralyzed.

“Hey! Yeah we haven’t been here such long awhile. I wonder how much the place has changed if any at all.” I said trying to repair damage control.

“Lovely.” Joe said kissing my hand. I cringed but not because I was disgusted but because I was nervous of what was gonna happen next. “And the miss behind you.” He continued. Reenee just waved shyly.

“Alright Joe enough of the pleasantry’s me and my group are about to get wild.” Damian said confidently.

Joe lifted up the rope to let us in. We just passed the rope when Joe turned to speak.

“Hey are you two 21?” He was talking to Reenee and I.

We looked at each other.

“They’re with us so it’s cool right.” Shaynen said looking directly into his eyes.

“I like you guys but….but….uh yeah it’s cool. Go in.” Joe said.

Whoa! I guess Shaynen’s hotness of persuasion works on men too. Haha.

“Whoa!” Reenee and I both gasped. The place was amazing and we were probably the first people in our school to actually get inside here. Well Cassandra did say she got in this one time but when we asked for proof she never delivered.

Damian and Shaynen looked at us as we marveled in awe.

“Uh uh yep Reenee the place is defiantly different from the last time we’ve been here, right?” I asked nudging her to play along.

“Uh yeah. Right Ammy very different.”


The party scene was amazing. There were people everywhere all over the place dancing their asses off. As the fellas ushered us over to the V.I.P section I noticed right in the center of the club a giant cage. And inside of it were two women dancing. They looked completely trashed because their hair and clothes were kind of sloppy. But the crowd watching them seemed to enjoy whatever performance they were doing. They started making out and the sea of men around them cheered even louder. I looked away.

There was a second story platform full of more people dancing the night away but at the top the dancing seemed more sensual, more grown-up and physical. I couldn’t stop staring, not that I’m a creep or anything it was just I couldn’t understand how could people be so close like that in public. I thought it was trashy but a part of me found it intriguing.

“Ladies first.” Damian addressed, opening the curtain to the V.I.P section.

“Thank you.” I said smiling.

Wow this place looks great. Nothing like in the movies, except for the part that it’s dark.

The V.I.P room looked like some classed-up hippy living room. It had swirly pattern couch, bean bag chairs, giant sized throw pillows, beautifully design curtains and of course a whole groovy cabinet full of alcohol.

“My man D and Shay. What’s going on?” Asked a guy sitting up against a wall sitting on an inhumanly-sized throw pillow with two women wrapped in his arm.

“Not much man just got here.” Damian said pounding his first.

“Do you have anything good?” Shaynen asked.

“Yeah top shelf right. Enjoy. And definitely get screwed up tonight.” Shaynen only smiled then walked toward the cabinet to get “the good stuff”.

“Whoa whoa hello. And who are these absolutely breathtaking creatures.” The man asked Damian.

“Oh these are some new friends, Amethyst and Reenee. There sweet and respectable ladies so don’t bite.”

The man got up and walked over to us staring hard. “Hi and welcome to the Groovy Room. This is the only room in the whole joint where they let you smoke. But I’m Rapheeky. Please to meet you two lovely ladies.”

I don’t know about Reenee but I was getting a creepy vibe from this guy. He dressed younger than he looked which was about 40. How does Damian even know someone this old? I felt like we’ve entered a trap.

“Me too I’m Reenee.”

“And I’m Amethyst. But you could call me Am.”

He kissed both our hands and told us we smelted good. Now I was really feeling the creepiness.

“Sit sit and drink.” Rapheeky clapped his hands twice and the two women by him got up and got us drinks.

“No no that’s ok we - ”

He interrupted Reenee.

“Drink. You’re at a club. So you need to have fun.”

Only Reenee, Shaynen and I got drinks because Damian was our designated driver. We looked at our drinks for a second, then at Damian and Shaynen, they nodded us that it was ok, so we drank them. And it was strong. It tasted like straight alcohol so we both only took a small single sip. We didn’t completely trust the people around us especially now that this adult was in the room.

Rapheeky started asking us questions. Like where were from, who we are, what do we do, etc. And it was hard, we had to lie a lot to cover up the previous lies we told Damian and Shaynen before. It is true what they said, you do get tangled up in your web of lies. But fortunately for us Reenee and I are experts. I’m not saying were proud of it but we are happy at how good we are. Like the Pringles commercial said, once we got started we just couldn’t stop it.

After spending 30 minutes in the Groovy Room I didn’t think Rapheeky was so creepy anymore. He was still strange just not as creepy. He was actually a pretty funny guy. Then soon the guys asked us to dance. Reenee and I both reluctantly accepted. We were ready to really party.

They guided us down to the first floor near the center to get our groove thangs on. The song that was playing was Trey Songs Invented Sex. I had to admit I was a little nervous I rather our first dance be the song that was previously playing, In My Head by Jason Derulo. At least that didn’t classify me to be all extra sexy.

Damian took my hand and it calmed me a bit. We started dancing. First we were facing each other and everything was good; but then I don’t know what came over me but about 42 seconds in the song I got wild. I was grooving like I was simply at a high school party. I became so comfortable so fast. It shocked me. And so did Reenee she was lighting up the floor with Shaynen. A couple more seconds into the song I turned around so my backside was facing his front. We were so close I could almost feel his every breath beating up against my neck.

We were so in sync. Every sway, every grind, every drop and rise was perfect. He put his arm around my waist and moved me with his groove. I liked it so I left his arm there. Then I turned back around so I could face him. I wanted to see his face. I was curious on what he was thinking about. I wanted to look directly into his eyes. And so I did. We looked directly into each other’s eyes.

That made me more enthused so I started dancing a little freer. I stepped away from him a little and started doing my own thing. My hair was being whipped everywhere and I loved it. He saw what I was doing and decided to join in. I felt like I was in a music video. We were vibing off of each other so perfectly it was like we rehearsed this beforehand. I didn’t notice right away but a circle was forming around us. I was so focused on dancing and how Damian and I looked that I didn’t even notice until the song ended. We finished with my arms around his neck and our eyes fixated on one another’s.

In that moment we were both breathing pretty hard. We really worked out that song. I was still looking fiercely into his eyes when I had this feeling rush over me that said I should –

“Oh my gosh you guys. That was awesome!” Reenee sped over to tell me. Bad timing Reenee I was having that movie moment.

“Yeah looks like you guys drew in a crowd.” Shaynen continued.

We broke apart and looked around us, there were people clapping, whistling and cheering.

“Give it up for D and his beautiful newcomer heating up the dance floor.” The DJ put us on the spot with a spotlight. Everyone cheered even more. “Now let’s really funk it up. Who else is ready to……Get It In.”

The next song started and Damian looked at me, asking me with his eyes if I still wanted to dance. But Shaynen cut in and asked me. I said yeah. So Damian danced with Reenee. Throughout the rest of the night Damian, Reenee, Shaynen and I changed partners with every few songs. We even danced with a few of the other guys at the club. We were pretty much the hot topic of the night.

These guys invited us to the Flower Room. At first we weren’t sure but when we looked around for Damian and Shaynen we saw that they were already dancing with other girls a couple of feet away so we decided to go with the guys.

When we got there it was so pretty. It was like a secret room made specifically for a girl. It was so cute. The guys gave us some drinks. We hesitated but we were in such a good mood we drank a few sips. These guys seemed nice and this time the drink tasted more like juice than alcohol, so we figured why not. These guys were so funny; they were frat boys at Calvoon University. So they had a lot of personality. They just finished their junior year and had a lot to talk about with their college experience. With everything that they were saying, Reenee and I became even more excited to go to Calvoon U because these guys made it seem like a playground paradise.

From there on the frat guys took us V.I.P Room hopping. We visited the Hip Hop Room, the Starlight Room, the Period Room, the Asian Room and lastly the Seductive Room. And the Seductive Room definitely lived up to its name. Once we walked in we immediately saw people making out. But not just regular loving couples making out, I mean about to get it on making out.

“Uh I don’t know about this.” I said.

“Come on it’s a party. Let’s have some real fun.” One of the frat guys said to me, pulling me inside.

“Come on Am it’s a party don’t be such a sour puss. Yeah! Give me some of that.” Reenee grabbed a drink and downed it so fast I can’t even remember what color the drink was.

I can tell she was almost trashed. And being in this room was not a good sign. But Reenee did I have a point I needed to loosen up. This is a grown up party so I needed to act like one. I grabbed a drink but I only pretended to take a sip. One of us need to in their right mind.

This room was full of guys in their fraternity. At first the guys were being polite to us but then they started to get really piss drunk and the pleasantries became rude obnoxious behavior.

This one guy kept putting his hand on my leg while he was talking to me. I’m not even sure he was even paying attention the whole time I was talking. But I pushed his hand off my leg.

“Ah you’re so pretty?” The guy said to me.

“Uh thanks.” I wasn’t really flattered this time at all because I knew the guy was drunk.

“You have such pretty hair too.”

“Eh thank you. Maybe you had enough to drink.” I took his drink away from him and placed it on the table.

“Wow you’re so nice because most girls would have taken this opportunity to take advantage of a nice boy like myself.”

I laughed at his gender-flipped joke.

I started to talk but he shut me up unexpectedly by kissing me.

“No!” I pushed him away. “You’re way too drunk.”

“It’s ok I trust you.” His joking didn’t seem funny to me anymore. He climbed on top of me attempting for a second kiss.

“NO! GET OFF!” I tried to push him off. “I MEAN IT. I’M NOT KIDDING!”

“Dude come on the girl say no. Hop off.” One of the two original frat guys came to my rescue and made his friend get off.

He lifted me up by grabbing my hand and asked if I wanted to leave. I said yes. We walked out and the drunken guy scowled at me and shouted “If you didn’t want any you shouldn’t have to the party skank.”

The guy I walked out with told me to ignore him because he always gets like this at a party.

“You’re ok right?”

“Yeah I’m fine. He’s just such a - ”

“Yeah I know. Don’t worry about it. I’m sorry I put you in that situation.”

“It’s fine. It’s not your fault. You can’t control what others - ”

He kissed me lightly. I covered my mouth in shocked.

“I like you.”

“Eh sorry. I can’t. I have to go.” I walked back towards the Seductive Room so I could get Reenee and go. But he grabbed my arm pulling me back.

“What’s the matter?” He asked.

“Nothing I just have to go.”

“Come on stop being such a bitch. It’s a party.” I looked at him shocked. His personality just changed dramatically. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say that. It’s just - ”

“Let go of me. I want to go.” I tried to shrug him away.

“Come on why are you being like this? I took time of my life to show you a good time and you’re just going to run off. I don’t think so. I think I deserve a little something for being for hero.” That’s when it hit me; I think this is a routine. These frat guys plan is to trick girls that one guy is a jerk and the other is a nice guy, so they could hook up. That’s so messed up.

“LET GO OF ME!” I punched him in his face. He went down kind of easy because he was a little drunk. Then he got up and started towards me. I was trapped in a corner.

“Excuse me sir. But I believe that’s my date.” Someone tapped the frat guy on his left shoulder and when he turned around he punched him…..HARD!


“Damsel in distress I’m at your service.”

“I’m not a damsel or in distress, just ticked off. And I could have handled it myself.”

“Oh really.”

“Yes really. But I do appreciate your help but I need to find Reenee because I’m ready - ”

*Flash flash*

I was having another vision. And this was of Reenee. She was running screaming my name and she looked hurt. It looked like she was outside.

“Amethyst! Amethyst! Help me!” She dropped her phone then took a couple more steps. She fell to the ground on her knees then turned over to sit up against a building at a corner.

“There you are. I’ve been looking for you all over. You shouldn’t have run away from me. Something could of happened.” Then I saw a hand reach out to Reenee.

*Flash flash*

“Hellooooo. Hello. Amethyst. Are you - ”


“Reenee!” I ran back inside the room to check real quickly if Reenee was in there. She wasn’t. So I stormed out freaked. And I rushed down to the other rooms we were at to check if she was in there. I knew what I saw in my vision, but I was hoping she hadn’t left yet so I could stop my vision from happening.

“Hey Amethyst what’s the matter? You look like you’re hunting for a kill.”

“I have to find Reenee.”

“Ok no need to get all - ”


Damian appeared shocked at my sudden outburst. “Ok?”

“She’s in trouble and I need to get to her now.”

“How do you know? Did she call you?”

“No I can’t explain it I just know.”

“Ok I’ll help.”

We finally pushed our way through an angry crowd cursing us for pushing them and we made it outside. I called Reenee’s name under my breath. I looked left and right and I didn’t see her. I didn’t know which way to go.

“Which way?” Damian asked.

I closed my eyes and thought about my vision. I’m trying to rekindle what I saw.

She was running. Past a red car. On the street. She screamed my name and a guy in leather jacket walked by looking at her strangely. She dropped her phone. Then she fell to the ground and laid against wall. There was light. But what was behind that light. A store? But what was the name of the store? Darn I couldn’t see it. It was too bright.

I opened my eyes realizing that all was lost. Then I saw it. I saw a red car go by and a guy in a leather jacket. It took me 10 seconds too realized but I now knew that Reenee went left.

“This way!” I said to Damian grabbing his hand telling him which direction to run.

I get to the end of the corner and I could now see that bright light coming from a store. Then I saw Shaynen. What’s he doing here? Was he the hand I saw in my vision? He was carrying Reenee on his back. She was asleep. I ran over to them.

“Oh my gosh! What happen?”

“Calm down. Its ok she’s just sleeping off all the drinks she had. I saw her leaving the club so I followed her but she kept running for some reason screaming your name.” I petted Reenee’s head. “I thought she might have been really wasted so she was screaming your name looking for you so you guys could go home. But it’s all thanks to this woman that I was able to catch up to her.”

Phew. Thanks goodness! Wait what woman?

We started walking to the car.

“Who are you talking about?” I asked puzzled.

“Me. It’s a good thing I caught up to her in time. I thought she might have run in the street. But it’s a good thing though. Something awfully terrible could have happened to her.”

I froze dead in my tracks. That voice. It couldn’t be. No way. It’s –

“Yeah we were real fortunate.” Shaynen said.

“Thank you very much uhh.” Damian asked.


“Senya. Well thanks very much again. We owe ya one.” Shaynen continued.

We arrived to the car but that entire walk over was very uncomfortable because Senya was there and the pleasant conversation that they were all having. But I didn’t panic too much because she doesn’t know who I am. So were all safe…..for now. Shaynen and Damian helped Reenee get into the car. So that left me and Senya.

“Well I have to go. Oh but before I do. She dropped this.” Senya handed me Reenee’s cell phone and I paused before reaching my hand out to take it.

“Thanks.” I stuttered that.

But before Senya let go of the phone she leaned in close to me and whispered.

“You better watch out because……I remember you.”

Chapter 10: Freak The Freak Out! (Saturday)

It’s Saturday afternoon and I haven’t even gone outside yet. And I don’t think I will ever go out again. Not with that lunatic on the loose. She remembers who I am and who knows what she’ll do if she gets a whole of me or this Chrysalis. I’m a little scared.

But Friday night was fun, at first, but things were getting a little out of hand. If this is how grown men act then I’m afraid to be in their age group one day. At least it was pretty fun while it lasted.

It really was a night to remember. But I just had to apologize and thank Damian for last night. I even told him the truth that we weren’t as old as he thought, but somehow he said he already knew. He said we gave it away, but when I asked him how, he just smiled, kissed me on the cheek then left. It was sweet but I really wished he’d kissed me on the lips. I think I would have let him. Ok it’s official, I am definitely crushing on Damian.

I had to sleep over at Reenee’s house because I didn’t want her to get into too much trouble strolling in at four in the morning and totally drunk. I knew if her mom saw me there too she’d go easy on Reenee, she always does. Her mom pretty much thinks I’m an angel. I guess I sort of am, not to sound completely full of it.

I woke up the next day before Reenee, since she still was sleeping off her major headache. I went down stairs to get some breakfast. It was already 3 in the afternoon but I was seriously craving some cereal. I grabbed the box of Fruit Loops and made myself a huge bowl.

My eyes were still tired and my feet ached from my shoes pinching my feet all night. I was groggy, disheveled and not in the mood for loud noises. But as usual, fate was not on my side.

“Hi Amme. I missed you.” Csonia, Reenee’s little sister jumped onto me. I picked her up in my arms.

“Waa-ho! Csonia, you’re getting heavy. But hi.”

She grasped her arms around my neck so hard I thought I was going to choke. “I missed you so much. Did you miss me?”

I looked at her cute face and saw such an angelic-like glow that I just had to shape up my downing attitude and perk up just for her. Her face was so irresistibly cute. “Oh course I did little lady. Why do you think I slept over, just to see you.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek then put her down.

I sat in a chair and began eating my breakfast but this little lady was much too excited to see me.

“Amme I made you this for when you wake’ed up.” She opened her princess bag and handed me a friendship bracelet. I wasn’t really up for her usual cheery routine but the way she did her cutesy talk when she presented it made me just play along.

“Aww this is beautiful CC. I’ll add it to the rest of my collection.” Csonia has made me at least 10 of these friendship bracelets already.

She giggled and asked me to put it on, so I did. This bracelet read AMME & CC = SISTERS.

This one was the most precious yet. She added a whole bunch of junk, like flowers, butterflies, stars, circle beads, oval beads, the works.

I petted her head and sent her off so I could finally eat my breakfast but all she wanted to do was play with me today.

“I can wait. I’ll sitt right here with you. I want cereal too.” Csonia unarguably determined for herself.

She took the Fruit Loops and attempted to pour herself a bowl; I stopped her because I knew her mom wouldn’t like her eating cereal at such an odd time. She’s very strict about Csonia’s diet.

Csonia argued a bit but new I was right. So she just sat there with her knees in the chair talking to me.

“Is neenee still sick?” Csonia asked me.

“What do you mean? Reenee’s not sick? Who told you that?” I asked back.

“Mommy did. She said Reenee’s head was hurting again and she needed to sleep all day; just like before because Reenee gets sick a lot.”

“Oh. Right! Yeah Reenee is sick again. She does get sick a lot.”

“I think my mommy is mad at her because she is sick. So can you help me make neenee some chicken soup so she can get better and mommy won’t be mad anymore. I don’t like when they fight.”

“Yeah of course let me just finish this bowl.”

Reenee wasn’t sick and I knew that. She just was having a mild hangover. This isn’t the first time Reenee’s come home drunk or almost drunk really late at night. I sometimes feel she does it on purpose just to make her mom mad.

Reenee’s family are Christians and not just any type of Christians. Their SDA Christians, which stands for Seventh-Day Adventist. These types of Christians are pretty much the same as regular Christians except they have more god-worshiping rules. It used to be hard to hang out with Reenee on the weekends but ever since she’s been acting out, since sixth grade to be exact, hanging out with her on the weekends haven’t been much of a problem. But her mom hates it. Her dad does too but he’s a little more flexible than Reenee’s mom is.

Pretty much since the sixth grade Reenee’s been at war with her mother and try’s her best to disregard their religion. Csonia’s the only one in their house that doesn’t understand that “Reenee’s sick” is code for another drunken late night. But don’t get too judgmental, Reenee hasn’t been getting “sick” since the sixth grade, it’s more of a recent thing.

“Well good evening Amethyst. Or should I say good morning?” Mrs. Jinkins greeted me as she was just getting in from tending her garden.

“Good morning Mrs. Jinkins. Thanks for letting me sleep over last night. My mom would have been so upset with me if I walked in at 4am.”

“That’s alright. I’m sure you had good reasons for staying out so late; probably looking out for my mess of daughter. I’m very sorry you had to be put in such a terrible situation. Reenee can be something extra sometimes.”

“Oh no, it was nothing like that. It wasn’t exactly all Reenee’s fault. I mean I wanted to - ”

“It’s ok you don’t have to cover for her. I know who my daughter is. She’s….she’s… - ”

“Good. Neenee’s really good mommy.” Csonia butted in. Mrs. Jinkins started to tear up a little. I could see her heart breaking just by how much I could tell she wanted to burst into tears. She couldn’t even look Csonia in the eye. She couldn’t even respond to her outburst. So she just turned away and crept back outside.

I know how this looks bad but Mrs. Jinkins doesn’t hate Reenee, she’s not even disappointed in her. At least I know that’s how it sounds, but I don’t believe she is; I just think she’s s little shocked.

*Yawn groan*

“Neenee!” Csonia rushed over to hug Reenee because she just walked into the dining room.

“Are you feeling better? Me and Amme was going to make you some noodles to feel better.”

“Is that so? Hmm would you make me a bowl Amethyst?”

I go to the cupboard to get Reenee her bowl and hopefully finally enjoy a nice afternoon breakfast. “So how ya feeling?” I asked.

She stretched a little some then sat in her chair. “Not my worse day.” She said holding her head until I put her bowl in front of her.

I took my seat in between Reenee and Csonia who were both at opposite ends of the table.

“So how much of last night do you remember?” I asked Reenee.

“I wasn’t drunk Am; just a little bit tipsy. And yes I remember last night, all of it. Even the parts about you and that Damian fellow lighten up the dance floor.”

I had to smile. “Yeah, we were pretty hot.”

“You must have even a small crush on this dude. I’ve never seen you let a guy be all over you like that at a party since……well, you know.”

“You can say his name. I don’t hate him for leaving me in a vulnerable position….twice”


“Yep, Lion. And I don’t know, maybe I like him.”

“Are you kidding me he’s hot. If you don’t go for him I will.”

“And what about Shaynen?”

“What about him?”

“Aren’t you into him?”

Reenee just kept quiet. I could see her blushing slightly.

“I like Mark. He’s my best friend. And he likes me too.” Csonia interrupted our conversation.

“Oh?” I smirked.

“Do you like your friend too Neenee?” She asked.

Reenee paused for a moment before answering. “Just shut up and eat your food.”

“I’m sorry Neenee.”

“Reenee come on. Was that necessary? You could of just said no.” I snapped at her.

“Whatever, she needs to stay out of our conversations.”

Csonia held her head down under the table and started to tear a little bit.

“Look Reenee. See what you did.” I got up and tended to Csonia to try and make her feel better. “Don’t cry, Reenee is just sick remember, so she didn’t mean that.”

“I’m going upstairs Am. Call me when the baby stops whining.”

“Reenee! Reenee!” I called out to her but she didn’t answer or turn back around.

After a few minutes Csonia stopped being sad and went back to being her cute and perky self. I guess I should mention this even though it’s quite obviously, Reenee and Csonia don’t quite get along too well. It’s not that Reenee doesn’t like her; it’s just she gets annoyed by her a little too easily.

Reenee has this theory that her mother loves Csonia more than her. She said her mother only had Csonia to replace her. She’s been feeling this way for years. Almost right after Csonia was born. I’ve tried to convince her time and time again that, that cannot be the case but it doesn’t matter what I say, her mind is already made up about her theory.

“Reenee, why do you always have to do that?”

“Do what?” Reenee was lying on her bed comfortably.

“Be mean to Csonia. What do you think?”

“I’m not being mean to her.” She didn’t even to look at me when she said that because she knew she wasn’t being honest. “So what, clearly she wants you to be her big sister and not me. She loooves you.”

“That’s not true and you know it.”

“Amme and CC equals Sisters. Yeah, clearly I’m her favorite.”

After sometime have past and a failed attempt to snap some sense into Reenee, I went home. It was almost 5pm and my mom was blowing up my phone with text messages. I guess Mrs. Jinkins couldn’t keep my late night arrival to herself. But when I actually did get home my mom only wanted me to look at some more jewelry. Same-o same-o.

I decided to visit Zane again because sitting in my room for another hour was becoming too nerve reckoning, especially because all I could think about was Senya and what’s her next move.

Mrs. Gardner didn’t stare me down like last time; she instead greeted me with open arms like I was one of her foster kids.

“Are you sure Amethyst? Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes. I’m sure. I want to find Senya. She might be able to be reasoned with, especially if your there. She’s seems pretty cold to me but when your around I think she takes down her guard. Even if it is just for a brief second I feel she does have feelings for you; like your her kryptonite or something.”

“I don’t about that.”

“What! What do you mean? Weren’t you the one that kept telling me how great she was and how nice she was, despite all that she did to you?”

“I know but it sounds like she’s messing with you and your friend.”

“Huh?” I raised an eyebrow.

“About how she helped Reenee, I’m not100% sure but I think that was a warning.”

“A warning? Yeah a warning that she’s coming after me.”

“Yes but not exactly. She warning you that she has easy access to someone you care about and if you don’t give her what she wants she could hurt Reenee with no problem. Think about it if you hadn’t had that vision, how would you have even know where Reenee was. Plus you couldn’t even see Senya in your vision. It didn’t completely come through for you.”

“I guess your right? So your saying I should just give her the Chrysalis and be done with it.”

“NO! YOU CAN’T DO THAT…..I mean you can’t do that.”

“Then what is it I’m supposed to do. I don’t understand…..I give up.” I slammed my face in between my knees. I was sitting on Zane’s carpeted floor.

Zane was on his bed looking down in my direction. “No I just mean you need to be careful.”

I propped up off the floor so quickly I nearly fell over. “Ok so it’s decided.”

“What’s decided?”

“We need confront them.”

“Confront them!”

“We have to hunt down Senya and let her know that she doesn’t scare us and we have to destroy S.W.I.F.T headquarters. And then we’ll use the Chrysalis to prank people and take over the world.” I said maniacally.


“Or we can use it to end world hunger or something, I guess?”

Zane just stared at me unsure how to react.

“What! I’m just kidding but if you want to use these powers for something practical I guess when this is all over we could also cure cancer or something. I mean if you want to use it for something boring.”

Zane laughed. He told me that my plan was good except there was one flaw. Finding Senya and getting into S.W.I.F.T headquarters was nearly impossible. Senya was a highly trained assailant of S.W.I.F.T and their headquarters is invisible to nearly everyone. It’s not exactly invisible it’s just hidden by an illusion. The entire building is a mirage of a hotel.

And that’s not even the strange part. If a person who is not part of S.W.I.F.T walks in they immediately go into a dream-like trance and forget the reason why they even came there in the first place. The agents there use their abilities to first subdue the intruder and then tamper with their memories. It’s so people won’t get suspicious of what’s in that building also so they could be in plain sight. Also the headmaster legally owns that space so there is even more reason for people not to be suspicious.

I know this is a long shot and that this plan is probably stupid and might get me killed but I can’t just live out the rest of my life wondering if Senya or anyone else is going to attack or kill me. So I have to do this.

“So are you in?” I asked Zane holding out my hand.

Zane stared at me for a second, looked to the side then got off the bed and reached out for my hand. “I’m in. But I must warn you, Senya can be ruthless when she wants to be. She’s really scary.”

“That’s ok. I may not be a typical heroine but I have to try to be, because that jerk threaten my friend, so now it’s personal.” I actually wanted to say the B word but out of respect for Zane I decided to go with jerk.

Zane said that the only way for sure that we can contact Senya is just to wait by S.W.I.F.T. headquarters. He said that whenever necessary she always found him and he could never find her except when he traveled there. So that’s what we did, we bought a whole bunch of stake out gear and watched the hotel from a hill way on the other side of the street. It wasn’t the most glamorous or exciting plan but it was something at least.

“Auaaaa! How long is this going to take? You said she’d be coming back here.”

“You have to be patient. It’s only been 3 hours.”

“Grr, she better get here soon because I’m getting real antsy and I’m hungry. I knew I should have gotten some food but I got distracted by the - ”

“Look! She’s here!”

I rolled back onto my stomach and took the binoculars from Zane, I looked through them and spotted Senya. She was walking towards the side of the hotel. I couldn’t believe waiting around for her actually worked, because too be honest I was worried find out we were spying on her and get us before we got her.

I was just about to tell Zane to let’s make our move and follow her but then I noticed two things. One she was with another girl and two they were talking to a boy. Initially I wasn’t even considering the fact that this boy could be him, but once I adjusted the binoculars for a closer view I realized that the boy they were talking too was Christopher, Reenee’s missing ex-boyfriend.

Christopher disappeared last summer and I don’t just mean out of Reenee’s life, I mean he just disappeared……from existence. No one knew where he was, not his parents, not his friends and definitely not Reenee. This was weird because the night before he disappeared Christopher and Reenee were closer than ever. It was the night of Reenee’s first time. It was after they left Lion’s house party, Christopher drove her to his favorite spot at the pier.

He told her that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and that he would follow her anywhere. It took him awhile to say this because he didn’t want to go to college like Reenee wanted him too, but that night he just decided to follow her. Not exactly to college but where ever she wanted to go. He also told her that she was his every reason for getting up in the morning and that without her he had absolutely no reason to live. And once he said that they both said I love you and they had their first deep physical moment together.

Reenee couldn’t wait to tell me the next day but as you know now he never show up to school. He never answered anyone’s calls and not even his parents knew where he was, not that they cared anyways. He didn’t have a very loving home to go to. His father always picked fights with him and his mother blamed him for his father’s violent behavior.

So pretty much it’s been a year since I’ve seen him, since anyone’s seen him. So now you could understand why I am so shocked to be seeing him here at a place like this, after all this time has passed. Since he just disappeared when he did, that very date is considered to be the worst day of me and Reenee’s life. It will always and forever be the anniversary of the day we both loss of first loves.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I hope he’s not one of these S.W.I.F.T agents, because I just don’t know what I intend to do about it!

Chapter 11: S.W.I.F.T. Moves! (Early Saturday Night)

“No way! Christopher!”

“No, that’s Senya remember, Sen-ya.”

“No the boy their talking too. That’s Christopher Sans. I knew it! I knew that was him at the beach hotel. But….but what’s he doing here?”

“Who’s Christopher?”

“He’s Reenee’s ex but that doesn’t matter anymore. Now we really have to get in there. I have to find out what happen to him and what’s going on. Let’s go.” I stuffed the binoculars back in my backpack and shot down the hill, practically skateboarding with my feet.

“Wait up! Amethyst! Wait!”

Zane grabbed my arm to hold me back. He nearly yanked my arm right out of its socket. “Ah! Geez!”

“Sorry. I’m still can’t control my own strength. But you can’t just barge in there. They’ll spot you before you even make it down the hill and send out a retrieval force.”

“So! That doesn’t give you any good reason to relocate the position of my arm. Ow, gosh! That really hurts.” I was rubbing my arm smoothly. I knew Zane didn’t mean it but I was just so anxious to find out what happen to Christopher that I didn’t even think it through.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to -”

“It’s find. So what do you suppose we do Zane?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think about what to do when we actually spotted Senya. I guess we could – WAIT! I remember something. Senya told me about a way I could get in without her bringing me here. But she said it was only to be used if I absolutely had to see, because it is forbidden, not even she is allowed to enter the building this way.”

“So what is it?”

“I don’t know how were going to do it but the only safe way to enter the building without being caught is on the roof.”

“The roof? How the heck are we supposed to get to the top of the roof without of being seen; and hello, neither of us can fly. And even if we could it wouldn’t matter because there are camera’s circling all the entrances so we’d be caught if we get even within a few feet of the building.”

“I know I asked her about that too and all she said was if I felt my heart I will know how to fly.”

“What in the hey does that mean?”

“I don’t know, that’s all she said.”

“I think she was messing with you Zane.”

He held his head down saddened by the thought that Senya might have toyed with his emotions even more. I put my hand on his shoulder to let him know that it was ok that he trusted her and he’s not stupid for doing so.

“Hmm. I wonder?” I mumbled.

“Wonder what?”

“If I really could fly?”

“Huh? You can’t fly.”

“Can’t I?” I said arching my eyebrow comically.

“I’m not sure what you’re thinking but it’s scaring me.”

“Hey how good of a climber are you?”

Zane hesitated to answer at first but he reluctantly responded. “Good I guess. What are you thinking?”

“You see that tree right.” I pointed.


“Were going to climb it.”

“I don’t get it. Why? No! If you’re thinking we can jump from that tree to the top of the building then you’re crazy.”

We began to walk down the street and then crossed over away from S.W.I.F.T. headquarters to where the tree was. “What no, were not jumping? That would be crazy. I’m thinking I’ll lift you and myself over from the very tip of that last branch sticking to the top of the roof.”

Zane just looked at me like I had lost some brain cells or something. He was completely speechless about my suicidal plan. I guess I could understand why. The tree stood in the next property over but it was massive. It was taller than the 6 story building. And its branches were crazy long and wide spread that some were even stretch over S.W.I.F.T.’s parking lot. I figured if we climbed to the top of the tree and crawled alongside the branch that was just barely touching it; I could then use that levitating ability I used before and get us across. But I guess Zane had no faith in that.

“But you don’t have any powers remember we talked about this.”

“I know what you said but you believed me when I said I had visions right? So whether or not I actually have powers from the Chrysalis I do have some type of power; like these visions or that levitation ability I used before. And it wasn’t just once I used it either. Remember at my graduation when the security guards were lifted into the air all of sudden. I don’t think that was just a coincidence I think that was me.”

Zane just kept quiet.

“Hello! Say something!”

He was still silent for a moment more.

“Alright, I guess we could try it. What do we got to lose.”

We put my plan into action. It took us a while to get up the tree, as it was really high. I fell a couple times and I got a bit frustrated because Zane climb up so much easier than I did. But once I started climbing, my partial fear of heights started rising within me.


“What’s the matter?” Zane looked down to see why I suddenly scream. He saw me hugged tightly to a tree branch. I don’t know why but for some reason he thought this was funny.

“I can’t move.”

Zane laughed at me. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of heights.”

“No no. I love heights. I even like roller coasters. I mean who wouldn’t love being over 10 feet in the air, up a tree, over the busy night street and really fast cars moving in all direction? This is like a dream for me. A very…very…very realistic dream.” My voice was cracking from being so scared.

It is true I like roller coasters and being way up high; but the reason why I’m only partially scared is because whenever I do anything dealing with heights I shut my eyes the entire time until I’m back on the ground.

“Here I got you.”

I looked down because I notice Zane climbed down from the tree and he was starting to climb back up underneath me.

“See if your about to fall, all I have to do is catch you. I’m really strong so I know I’ll be able to carry your weight.”

Once again Zane just made me smile. I couldn’t believe I was having a moment with this kid, again. I felt as if this was fate or something, like we were born purposely to create this bond with each other as if everything in my life was leading up to this moment.

I shook my head and grabbed onto my inner courage and climbed up that tree. It took a while but thankfully Zane never had to catch me. But him posing as my safety net was all I needed to press on.

We finally made it to the top of the tree and as far out on top of the as branch we could go. The closer we got to the edge the weaker the branch was. But now this was my time, my turn to show Zane that he could trust me. We were side by side. He was sitting on the branch that was just a bit higher than mines.

“Ok Zane, you ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” He gave me a thumbs up and a great big smile, which I knew was fake. I could tell he was still very nervous.

I took a deep breath and focused on channeling that energy I used before. I remember both times I was in a stressful situation so I tried to remember those emotions; the emotions of high stakes.

Almost 3 minutes have gone by and nothing has happen. I know that doesn’t seem long but when you’re waiting for something amazing to happen, 3 minutes feels like 3 hours.

“Nothing’s happening.” Zane proclaimed impatiently.

“Just give me a sec. It will come. Just one…more…second.”

One more second went by.

“Uh, still nothing has gone by Amethyst.”

“Be patient. It will happen I just need to reconfigure my emotions.”

“You don’t have any levitating powers. See, I told you Amethyst.”

I was beginning to get frustrated with Zane’s impatientness so I lashed out still keeping my eyes close but angrily pointing at him. I was thrashing my arms all about expressing my frustration.

“Could you wait just one stinking minute. I’m about to get there, but you’re not letting me focus.”

“Ahhhh!” Zane screamed suddenly.

“Oh, so now you’re gonna scream, real mature Zane.”


I was so shocked I looked down and saw that he fell out of the tree.

“ZANE, OH MY GOD NO! ZANE!”I reached out my hand to him knowing that, that wouldn’t do anything but it was my first reaction.

But right when I thought I should hear a splat Zane suddenly stopped falling, right in midair. I couldn’t believe this but I think I finally did it. I was levitating his body. But I’m also glad I caught him just as he was about to appear in front of the security cameras.

Zane and I both felt relieved as I slowly managed to pull his body up on top of the roof. Next I carefully attempted to do the same for myself but it didn’t work so I gave myself a running start and that did the trick. We rested for about a minute before we made our way down to the 6th floor.

It was really dark with vaguely dimmed lights and a silence where you could even hear an ant chew. It looked like the part of a movie where the audience would be screaming go back stupid your about to die. But we crept forward anyways. Once we passed the stairs and onto the actually floor there was nothing but a long darken hallway with multiple rooms lining alongside the walls. It didn’t really look like a hotel but more like an abandoned hospital. All the doors were marked with letters and numbers like A-1, A-2, B-1, B-2. And I have to say, I was seriously curious.

The rooms looked like something really important was hidden inside them. We tried to open them but they were all locked. Zane suggested he just brake the door knob but I said no because I didn’t want anyone to know that we were here.

We made it down the entire hallway and there was no one in sight and since we couldn’t open any doors we decided to go to the 5th floor. Things were a bit livelier down there. It was still deserted, but it at least had full lights on and two people in the hallway. We peered into the entrance and waited for the guys to leave. They got on the elevator and that’s when Zane and I made our move and scouted the halls.

We saw that there was one door open and crept into it, hoping there was no one in it. Luckily for us there wasn’t, so we walked in to investigate. We seriously went P.I. in the room. But there was nothing interesting to find because all of the draws and cabinets were all locked except one. The very last draw on the left side of the desk was cracked slightly so I opened it curiously. I didn’t know what I was expecting to find, but I was hoping it was something useful.

So I began to read one of the files.

The experiments are becoming much more successful. The new subjects are exhibiting multiple abilities of the same element. They are evolving and gaining advance subdivisions to a single ability. And with each new subdivision their abilities grow stronger than it would have if the subject were retaining injections of different elements.

But our most precious creation, S.U.W. is displaying great results. If we continue the injections at this same constant rate then this trial may just be a success. So far the subject has not been in any great risk of dying but has suffered from hysteria, disillusions, and a mild personality’s disorder. We will continue with the injections and hopefully if the subject does not die this time, we will have created the perfect weapon.

I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I didn’t understand most of it but I did understand the part about how someone could possibly die. I skimmed threw some more of the pages and saw something else that caught my eye.

S.U.W. ran off again. The subject has been growing more and more difficult to control. Agent 001’s abilities are too weak to control its mind all the time. So I’ve decided to allow S.U.W. to live its normal life in the real world; and at times when I need it’s abilities I will call upon her it immediately.

Lower down the page I read something even more interesting.

S.U.W has rekindled its memories but this time we were not able to retrieve my precious creation in time, before its escape. It has taken a few vials with it along with the Chrysalis. I don’t know what the subject plans on doing or what it wants but I will not allow my work to be ruin. I want to succeed in my father’s work in which he has not completed effectively without fail.

“What is that Amethyst? What are you reading? Your face looks really scary.”

“I don’t know Zane but I think were way more than just in over our heads.”

“Bring them in now. I don’t want any more excuses. I want them in my office immediately.”

“Yes headmaster.”

“Headmaster! This is the headmaster’s office?” I turned to Zane shocked that he didn’t even mention that.

“I didn’t know. I never made it past the 4th floor. Whenever he saw me it was usually at my home or on the 1st floor.”

“Quick, hide!” I whisperd to Zane.

“Hide where?”

“I don’t know, in the closet!”

We both rushed to the closet but we noticed that we both wouldn’t fit. It was like a filing closet. We heard his footsteps get closer so in the heat of the moment I stuffed Zane inside and ran to hide under his desk. I wanted to check the other closet but I was worried it might be completely filled with files unlike the one Zane was in.

“It’s about time she did something right. First she let that kid get in and release all the subjects and we’ve only been able to recaptured a handful of them. I swear I’ll put her in the oubliette the next time she - ”

“I’m here headmaster and I brought Maya. She came willingly.”

“Welcome back Maya.” The headmaster said gently.

“She actually found me and demanded to see you. She wanted to know - ”

“That’s all Senya. I believe Maya can speak for herself. You can go get out of my sight and find some way to be useful.”

She bowed her head then left his office.

“So Maya I am so glad that your well and that you came back. It is so nice to - ”

“Cut the crap! I’m not here to rejoin your little club. I want to know what the hell you did to me. What did you do to turn me into this ….this freak of nature?”

“I didn’t do anything you didn’t want me to Maya. I didn’t force you into anything. You wanted this. You wanted to be in control, to make a change, to be someone that people would bow and praise forever. Remember, that’s what you asked for. You - ”

“Shut up!” Maya slammed the top of his desk and I jumped. I had to cover my mouth to prevent myself from making a sound. “Just shut up! I didn’t ask for this. You changed me!” She started to tear up. “You changed who I was and I…I…I almost killed someone. Someone is in Acoma because of me. And because of this ability you gave me my best friend tried to shoot herself, my boyfriend tried to drown himself and….my parents… mom she…she…..THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”

“Maya, I can see that you are very unhappy with the gift I have given you. But if you are so unhappy, I guess I can remove it and have you go back to your average teenage American life.” The headmaster got up and began guiding Maya to the front door where two agents stood waiting to return her to, I’m guessing the lab.

“Wait! What! No! You said you were going to take it back.” She shrieked stepping away from the agents.

“And ruin all my valuable research. I don’t think so. After what you just told me I can see you will be a very valuable asset to my research.”

“No, stop!”

“Get her! And bring her to the fourth floor. I can see she will need much more extensive care and supervision.”


The two agents went after her. One had stretchy arms and tried to grab her. The other let out sound kind of sonic boom. Maya ran out of the way and jumped onto the headmasters’ desk attempting to flee. The agent with the stretchy arms were moving them past the desk to get Maya and it freaked me out so much that I kicked it away from me and screamed.

“Who’s there?” Shouted the headmaster.


Zane, Maya and I all busted out of the headmasters’ office like it was on fire or something. The three of us ran down the hall like we were in a 100m sprint. I clicked the elevator but Maya shouted to use the stairs. We ran down the right stairwell and kept going but we weren’t that fast because the two agents were right on our tails.

“Ah help!” Maya was captured by the stretchy arm guy.

“Amethyst wait! That girls been captured.” Zane shouted.

“Zane we can’t, we have to get out of – ah!” I was hit with something. It felt like a big gust of wind just smack me with a really loud sonic sound. I know that sounds weird but it’s the best way I can describe it.


“Zane.” I moaned.

The girl with the sonic boom ability grabbed me but was quickly able to release me because Zane broke a pipe from the stairwell and threw it at her. I was about to grab Zane hand and run but I decided to help out that girl because she was screaming so loudly.

“Let me go!” She screamed again.

“Hold on girl. We’re coming to help you.” I ran back up one flight of stairs and attempted to use my powers to levitate the boy but I was stumped, it didn’t work.

“I command you to LET….ME….GO!”

“I don’t think so. You know you’re actually quite sexy and you smell nice. I think I will….I will let you go.” Stretchy arm guy said.

I couldn’t believe it but he actually did it. He actually let her go. Why? Is that her ability?

Sonic boom girl blew Zane and me up against the wall and this time it really really hurt.

“What do you think you’re doing Jake? Why did you - ”

“Shut up!” Maya interrupted her.

“Who do you think you’re talking to bi - ”

“Don’t you want to tell your buddy Jake how much you love him and how much you want to be with him.” Maya continued just in the nick of time.

“What! You little, grrr.” Sonic boom girl march toward Maya and was about to let out another powerful attack but Maya stop her.

“You love him, don’t you and you want to kiss him right now.” Maya added.

The girls’ evil expression turned into a pure one all of a sudden. “Your right I do. Jake I love you. I have always loved you and I want to show you how much I do.” She ran to him.

Zane and I just stared puzzled.

“What are you two waiting for, let’s go. I can’t control it for very long.”

I noticed that she was already down to the next flight of stairs. So Zane and I dusted out selves off and followed her. She knew exactly were to go. And when we ran into other agents she just used her mind controlling ability to tell them to let us pass and they did. We managed to get through to the back door but there were some more agents there waiting for us. And not just any agents, Senya and Christopher.

Chapter 12: S.W.I.F.T’s Elite!



We looked at each other stunned and at a lost for anymore words.

“So you know each other?” Senya broke the silence.

“What! What are you doing here? What is she doing here Senya?” Christopher first spoke to me then spoke to Senya. I could feel that he was in shock; and his voice sounded like he was afraid and angry.

“She’s the intruder Headmaster warned us about. She’s the one with the Chrysalis in her possession.” Senya answered.

“Amethyst? Why? Why is she even involved in this Senya?” His voice became angrier and less scared. “He promised me. He promised me that no one.” He paused in mid-sentence glaring at Senya then at the ground.

For a brief moment I could have sworn Senya had a momentary expression of fear painted across her face when Christopher was practically yelling at her. But within a blink of an eye she came back to her normal ruthless self.

“Chris, calm down and let’s do our job, headmaster wants - ”

“I told you NOT to call me Chris. We are not friends.”

Senya stood at a standstill appalled at his outburst. I could tell she wanted to hit him.

“Whatever. If you’re not going to get them I will and I’ll take all the credit.” She snapped her attention right back at to us and we all flinched.

“Ok kiddies. Game’s over. You’re coming with me.” She marched towards us.

“Let’s go you two, RUN!” Maya shouted to us. She was already escaping while Christopher and Senya were arguing.

Zane and I followed her but Senya and Christopher were right behind us.

“I don’t think so!” Senya used her telekinesis ability, the same as mine to lift herself right in front of us. It looked almost as if she flew.

The 3 of us shirked in fear.

“Senya please let us go. Headmaster is the bad guy. He’s - ”

“Zane! If you come back now, we can save you. Headmaster will forgive you taking the Chrysalis and releasing his agents.” Maya interrupted.

“You mean experiments.” Maya added. “That man is a liar. He tricked me as he is tricking you. It is only a matter of time before you see. He’s using both of you, don’t you see it. We’re nothing but an experimental gain for him. He ruined my life and it’s only a matter of time before he ruins yours. That man is - ”

“BE QUIET! Now you have two options, you could either come with us willingly and maybe, just maybe you’ll be spared further experimentation or we can drag your asses back into the confines of the S.W.I.F.T. walls and send you directly to level 4. And I’m sure you all heard about the stories of level 4.” I was utterly stunned at the language Christopher was using. I’ve never seen him like this, well at least not in a long time, not since he and Reenee started to go out.

“Christopher, wait! What’s gonna on with you. Why are you here; and why are you doing this? I’m your friend remember. Remember me; I’m the best friend of your girlfriend. When you left Reenee was heartbroken, she blamed herself and thought she messed up somehow. She wouldn’t come out of her room for weeks and - ”

“Yeah yeah yeah. No one cares about your sob story. Can we just take these guys in already or do you want to still take your trip down memory lane Christopher.” Maya was relentless on trying to bring us back into the Headmaster’s control.

“Wait wait wait! Can’t we talk about this first, Senya, its Senya right? Look, look maybe you should just calm down and let us go. We’ll be out of your hair forever if you just - ” Maya began.

“Aei-yah! That tricks not going to work.” Senya attacked but missed us and instead punched the ground and created a small crack. We ran further behind the building since Senya and Christopher cornered us horizontally.

All of the sudden the ground began to shake like an earthquake, not that I know what an earthquake feels like, but I’m sure it’s pretty close to this. The small rocks and fallen leaves were bouncing off the ground like they were basketballs. None of us could hold our balance anymore, we were about to fall over on our butts when all of a sudden it just stopped.

Zane fell over while Maya and I found a way to hold our ground.

“What was that?” I asked shocked. “Was that an earthquake or what?”

“I don’t think so. But I think I know who caused that eruption.” Maya answered.


“That guy you called Christopher.”

“What, how could he have caused – ahh! What’s going on? Where did this sand come from?”

The three of us were suddenly in a pile of quicksand. I don’t know how, maybe when we ran away we didn’t notice; but if so, why is there a random pile of quicksand in the city behind this building.

“Ah ah no I’m sinking. Amethyst help!” Zane screamed to me.

“Uh ah I can’t I’m stuck too.”

“Stop it you two. You have to fight it. This is only an illusion.” Maya tried to inform us while struggling herself to pretend it’s not real.

“An illusion?” Zane and I both gasped at the same time.

“Haven’t you heard of the rumors. There’s a guy that is part of the elite S.W.I.F.T. agents and his ability is to create realistic illusions. I think that guy is him.” Maya yelled at us trying to get Zane and me to understand.

Christopher. So Christopher is one of them. He’s one their lab rats. But I don’t get it, why? How?

I struggled some more trying to get out of the quicksand but Maya just warned me to stay still. I wanted to believe her but the quicksand felt so real that I couldn’t stop.

“Alright you win. Just please let us out of this.” I tried to reason with them. I looked directly into Christopher eyes trying to make some kind of connection. Trying to make him remember that I was his friend.

He didn’t even seem to care that much. But then I noticed something, a slight hand gesture. He was putting up the sign. The hand sign that Reenee, Melinda and I showed our boyfriends the night at Lions house party. It was supposed to have been like a secret code between us that meant no matter what happens we got each other’s back.

The sign was the pointer finger and the middle finger crossed while the thumb lies on top of the pinker and the last finger bent. I know it sounds silly but the meaning was deep. The two crossed fingers meant that we’re close and best friends. The bent finger and the crossed ones looked like a backwards 4 when you held your hand upside down. And the last two fingers are in the shape of a circle meaning the circle of life. So when it is put all together it meant, Best Friends 4 Life. Yeah, real corny, but it felt special at the time. And right now Christopher was putting it up which meant not only does he remember but he also had a plan.

“Alright, I’ll let you go but you have to come without struggle. And if any of you try to use your abilities, especially you Maya I will have to crush you and bring you back in pieces if I have too.” Christopher emphasized in the most un-threating tone of voice.

I looked at Maya as now the sand was up to my neck. I was hoping she’d get the hint but I soon realized she didn’t because the expression on her face was as dazed as ever.

I decided to become the hero and play along. “We promise! We promise to come willingly. Right Maya, you will NOT use your MIND CONTROLLING ability to overtake Christopher’s mind and let us escape, right?”

I was really praying she got the memo now.

“What! It’s not going to work on him; I’m in too much stress. It only works when my mind is more focused and all I can focus on is getting out of here.”

“Just do it!” I screamed. The sand was now swallowing my head but I managed to at least keep my face afloat.

She did what I asked and attempted to take control of his mind.

“Release us from this illusion and attack Senya instead.” Maya demanded.

“Ha, if you think your little powers could control us then think again little girl, because we are the elite team of S.W.I.F.T. and were – Ahh!”

Senya was being attacked by really huge bumble bees while we were released from our quicksand prison.

“How did I do that? I was barley concentrating.” Maya said astounded.

“It was Christopher.” I said as I was catching my breath.

“What do you mean Amethyst?” Zane asked.

“Christopher pretended that you were controlling him so we’d escape.” I explained.

“And why would he do that?”

“You guys better get out of here before Senya gets out of this illusion.” Christopher shouted to us.

“Come on, let’s go!” I said.

In only a couple of seconds Zane, Maya and I rushed from S.W.I.F.T. headquarters scurrying away as quickly as mice when lights are being turned on. I guided the group to a location that’s kind of a secret. It’s a secret hideout that my friends and I use whenever we want to be alone. We found this place when we were younger. It was right after my dad died. Reenee figured I needed somewhere I could be alone and clear my head sometimes; but overtime we all began to use it as sort of a club house. We even cleaned it up a bit.

The area is a bit secluded because it is an abandoned pet shelter that was condemned years ago before I was even born. My mom said it used to be a very popular pet-shelter until the owners were caught abusing the animals. They would have dog fights, cat fights, bird fights, dog vs cat vs bird fights and so on. My mom said it was even rumored that they killed the losing animals. It was all just so cruel, but that was years ago.

The pet shelter owned such a huge piece of land that when it was shut down, the whole area became like a ghost town. There were so much fields of grass surrounding it, probably for the pets to run around when they weren’t being tortured. It even had a lake with a tire swing above it that was perfect for jumps.

“Is everybody ok?” I asked breathing heavily.

They both replied yeah.

“Oh god! I can’t believe I just ran. It felt like a 100 miles. And eww I’m all sweaty and my hairs’ extra moist and frizzy. Oh my god I broke 3 of my nails. My clothes are dirty, my shoes are ruined and the worst of it all is that I’m still stuck with these horrible abilities.” Maya whined and moaned like a little kid as Zane and I watched observantly.

“What are you two looking at? You never seen a – no no no no no! My purse! Where is my purse? Oh no, I must have dropped it back when we first were trying to escaped.” Maya screamed then growled a bit stomping around swearing that if she ever saw Senya again she was going to rip her a new one.

Zane just stood by me holding on to my shirt afraid of Maya because she was getting madder and madder. “Hey! Hey! HEY!” I screamed. “Could you please calm down a little bit your scaring Zane. I know your upset about your purse but - ”

“Upset! No soirée, I am waaaaaay beyond upset. I’m furious. Do you not know how much my purse cost and these shoes and my dress? These are very expensive items that probably cost more than your house.” She went on.

“Hey! You better watch what you say because you don’t know anything about me or how I live! And if I remember correctly we are the ones who just saved your butt back there. So before you go off on us about your stupid shoes and your stupid dress you might want to thank us for saving your snobby butt because I can tell you this, it won’t happen - ”

“Thank you.”

I stood quietly forming a relaxed position.

“Thank you for rescuing me even though we just met. You didn’t have to do that. And I’m sorry for being such ungrateful brat just now. It’s just these things are very important to me and I - ”

“Apology accepted.” I said interrupting her.

“Me too. Apology accepted.” Zane added.

We had a brief silence while we smiled at one another realizing the touching moment that just took place.

“So Maya is it?” She nodded answering.

“How did you get mixed up in all this mess?”

“I don’t even know anymore. All I wanted was for things to change.” I noticed she turned her head to the side when she finished her sentence. I couldn’t help but wonder if something really bad happened to her.

“Things to change? Like what, exactly?”

She opened her mouth to answer but then decided not to speak, but instead responded by snapping at me saying that it was none of my business.

She immediately stormed off but I chased after her; Zane followed.

“Wait! Where are you going?” I shouted.

She turned around abruptly and stopped me dead in my tracks as Zane bumped into me. “Stop following me. Look, thank you for getting me out of that hell hole but it’s time for this little group bonding thing to disperse. I have places to be and people to see. I am a very important person and I don’t need you or anyone else getting into my business. It’s time we get back to our own individual lives.” She turned back around and began walking away again.

I just stood there unsure of what to do. Maybe she’s right I should let her and myself get back to our regular lives. I mean what can we really do for each other. I still don’t even completely understand what is going on anyways. But even so, even though I have no idea how to solve this big S.W.I.F.T mystery, I just have this feeling rushing over me screaming that we should at least stick together. After all there is strength in numbers and we just might be able to beat these S.W.I.F.T. guys if we stick together.

“I can help you!” I yelled.

She stopped moving and waited for what I was going to say next.

“I don’t know how and I don’t know if I even could but it’s pretty clear that were on the same side and you need me, as I, I mean we need you. Let’s face it Senya pretty much made it clear that she’s not gonna give up on finding us. So the best thing we could do is stick together.” After my speech, Maya pressed on forward and I guessed it just wasn’t meant to be. I guess Zane and I would have to keep attempting to take down S.W.I.F.T ourselves.

But just as I thought Maya was not into my team unity offer, she surprised me and turned back around. She walked straight up to my face.

“So you really think you could help me.”

Chapter 13: I Can See You But You Can’t See Me! (Sunday)

*Ding Dong*

Zane and I waited for the door to open. Maya had invited us to her house to talk. She didn’t want to talk last night because she really wanted to go home. But I have to tell you, as we were standing by the door waiting for her to answer it Zane and I were definitely not expecting this. Her house is huge, even bigger than CJ Detweiler’s. The outside is beautiful with its white and golden designs painted all across the entire estate.

Their door was massive; it looked custom made because it was bigger than a human sized doorway. I swear if that Asian basketball player Sun Ming Ming, had a twin he could ride on his back and still be tall enough to fit through the door without bending down. And that’s not all, the stairs that lead up to the door were actually designed to look like a Xylophone; it was beautiful. And when we walked on it, it surprised us because it created musical notes. Zane and I were trying to compose a song while we wait; we were pretty decent at it but not quite musical geniuses.

Oh did I also mention the marbled road. It was also a gorgeous site to see, seriously. It was patterned with some plain tiles and some type of abstracted animal, maybe a lion, or a kola bear; I don’t know but whatever it was, it was incredible. I can tell these people were loaded. I’ve lived in Calvoon city my entire life and I’ve never heard of this part of town. It’s like a billionaire village or something. Her house was so far away that I actually had to call a cab to get here. I didn’t want to ask Reenee to drop me off because I knew she would want to come. And I really wouldn’t even know how to begin to explain to her how I knew someone this wealthy, since were nearly inseparable.

But back to Maya’s god cave, it was simply, how would the French say, magnifique! I could go on and on about how spectacular the entire view of the house was but that could take all day; considering the size.

A man opened the door. So we were cut off guard because we were still prancing on top of the stairs, but as soon as we noticed him we stood as straight as we could be feeling slightly awkward.

“Miss Maya is waiting for you in the main room, if you wouldn’t mind to join her.”

“Uh no. Thank You. I mean yes. No? Yes, we would like to join her.” I said to their butler. At least that’s the impression I’m getting since he’s wearing what seems like a uniform except it’s not the cliché black and white suit; it’s a white and golden suit that matches the outside of the house perfectly.

He stared. “Yes, follow me.”

Zane and I kept speechless while the butler did his rehearsed introductory speech. We weren’t even paying attention to him because we were in such awe of the house that it felt as if every sound in the world suddenly became mute.

The inside was even more impressive than the outside and a bit different. It was painted with the same gold and white but there were added colors and the ceiling was so high that you would need a firemen’s ladder to reach it. As we walked further and further into the house following the butler the rooms kept with the same design style except changing one color in each room. The entrance was gold, white and blue. The living room was gold, white and red. A nice choice I thought.

“Miss Maya your guest have made their arrival right on schedule.” The butler announced.

She didn’t say a word she just held up her hand and gestured him to leave. But before he did he asked if she wanted anything else but she still just gestured him to leave without saying a single word.

We walked forward to the couch and stood before Maya in a gown that was exquisite. She was overly dressed. She looked as if she was going to a casual ball, but not just any type of ball, a ball for a billionaire’s meeting or to accompany a prince for his royal speech.

She was lying on the couch looking as lovely as a picture. She looked as perfect as snow white did in her forever sleep. She laid there pretty and so elegantly as if someone were describing the perfect poem of the most beautiful princess in history.

It was silent for a few seconds then I tried to speak but I just didn’t know what to say.

“So…..aren’t you going to speak?” Maya asked us.

“Oh yeah, um your house is beautiful. It is very - ”

“I thought you came here to help me.”

“Yes I did but I was - ”

“So help me. You were going on and on yesterday about how we all need each other to survive or whatever. But what I really care about is getting rid of this curse. I do not want it. It caused way too much trouble for me.” She turned her head from facing the couch into our direction.

“What kind of trouble?” I asked.

She scolded up her eyebrows. “That’s none of your business. Are you going to help me or not, that is what I need to know.”

I just looked at this girl like she was insane. She was just so hostile and rude I was at lost for words.

“You don’t have to be so rude. She’s just trying to help. We’re all in this together whether you realize it or not. It’s not all about you it’s - ”

“You! You’re that boy. You’re that boy aren’t you? You’re the boy that got all of us out, right? Aren’t you?” She rose from her position and began to stand staring down Zane like a beam.

Zane was at ease because he was trying to reminisce that night; that night he freed all of S.W.I.F.T.’s experiments.

“Yes, that was me.” He said in a low voice.

She stared at Zane and he stared at her and I stared at the both of them. It was silent. And for a moment I didn’t understand what was happening right now.

She spoke. “Thank you. Thank you so much. It wasn’t until I got out when I realized what I’ve been doing. They didn’t tell what they’ve given me exactly, they just said I will have everything I ever wanted and that I’ll be able to get exactly what I deserved. But being as I am I was just being selfish thinking only of me so thank you.” She looked as if she were going to cry.

“Uh, you’re welcome but I have to ask how did you meet them exactly? And what made you go? For me it was because I was weak physically. But what was it for you, because you’re really rich? Zane asked.

She looked over at her butler cleaning in the next room. “Not here let’s go to my room.”

So we followed her to her room and on our way up we noticed that the hall was split into almost two very different sections. It looked as if the left wing was like an 8 years olds’ full on jungle gym/obstacle course and the right wing was more mature and looked like an older teenager or young adult lived there.

We walked down the mature wing and turned through so many halls that I honestly was lost. I felt like I was trapped in a human sized labyrinth.

Maya guided us to sit on the couch in her room which was a hot pink and dark brown with encrusted designs on the couch pillows and the actually couch.

She offered us tea and scones, we both declined. Although I think Zane might have said no because he never heard of it and the expression on his face, when she showed them to him was a noted disgusted look.

Maya sat in her hot pink and dark brown hair that was designed so eloquently. It looked like a royal chair that belonged in the room of a princess. She sipped her tea then began her story.

“It was a few months ago, I was becoming really depressed. I don’t know why I just was; probably because February 24th was approaching. Don’t ask me why but for some reason that day has always made me sad. And anything anyone said to me just pissed me off. So I skipped school that day and just walked around. I wasn’t going anywhere I just felt like I needed to breathe and just be by myself. I laid in the grass at a park. And that’s when I met her, Senya. She asked me if I was tired of being unhappy. But I told her to go away. She was about too but then she told me it wasn’t my fault and that it was possibly I could be happy again. She said I could be in full control of everything in my life. And I know that sounded weird but it was almost like she knew what I was thinking and feeling; not that I knew exactly myself. My parents always start to ague around this time of the year and sometimes I felt like it was all my fault. My mom would also cry a lot.”

“So I went with her to this S.W.I.F.T. place and I had this good feeling, like everything was about to be alright. But when she led me into this room the feeling of hope and happiness I had left my body just as quickly as it came. I remember meeting that headmaster guy. He was really scary. He gave me an offer. He said I can give you what your heart truly desires but in return you will be compliant to my commands. Will you accept your purpose?”

Zane repeated the line word from word as Maya was saying it.

“How did you know that?” She asked.

“Because he asked me the same thing. I didn’t understand what he meant by it but all I knew was that he made me want whatever it was he was talking about. He said he could make me strong. Strong enough where no one would ever pick on me again and he did. But…..but it came at a price, he made me different. So different that people were actually afraid of me. My strength became monstrous.” Zane explained.

“Same here. He promised me I would be happy. That everyone would want to make me happy and do exactly what I wanted from them. But I didn’t know he meant that part literally.” Maya confessed.

“What do you mean Maya, by he meant it literally.” I asked.

“Well you know that ability I have that you think is mind control?” She asked me.


“Well it’s not.”

“It’s not! But….but you were able to tell all those guys what to do like you were controlling their mind.” I got excited and stood up.

Maya shook her head gesturing no. “That’s wrong. That’s not mind control their merely suggestions.”

“I don’t get it.” I stated.

“Me neither.” Added Zane.

“Well, remember how I told the girl that she wanted to kiss that boy.”

We both nodded.

“Well that was just a thought I put in her head. At first I did think I had the ability to control the minds of people but I soon realized that their just suggestions, just really strong-willed suggestions.”

“How do you know for sure?” Zane asked.

“A few days ago after you rescued me, I was trying to look for answers as to why this guy would do this to me. I was so really angry and confused. I didn’t know what to do. Then I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my so called best friend and I was so mad at them that I told her to shoot herself because she betrayed me. And then I told him that he needed to jump off a bridge because he doesn’t he deserve to share the same air as me. Of course I didn’t really mean it but I was just so angry and it was just one of those regretful things you say out of angry, you know. Big mistake because they actually listened to me. But luckily hey were stopped in time.”

We listened for more as Maya took another sip of her tea.

“But that’s not what proved to me that my abilities were only suggestions, because right after my first visit from S.W.I.F.T. headquarters, the next day of school I was exhilarated. I was so happy beyond belief. I got an extension on a homework assignment, I didn’t have to take a pop quiz and I caused a girl I didn’t like to get detention for something she didn’t even do. But a few weeks later I bumped into this girl in my school; people called her Handy Mandy and I think you can guess why; well I don’t like her and we’ve had it out for each other since we were in middle school. But when I suggested to her that she should just confess to everyone what trash she was and just drop out of school to become a stripper; she just snapped and told me right off. At this point I knew I had some kind of ability but she wouldn’t do what I asked because she didn’t care what I said about her nor did she believe the other rude comments I made.”

“So that’s how I realized that no one matter what I said, it all depends if the person choses to accept it. Like if I were to tell you that I thought you were fat. In your mind you may start to believe it only if you were having doubts or believed it remotely yourself. ”

“I see, I see. So when you told that girl that she wanted to kiss that boy, maybe she already had feeling for him or if not maybe she was just attracted enough to even consider it.” I attempted to comprehend.

“Exactly. It’s all about what you’re willing to believe and would do. I could sense people’s emotions; so this ability just makes it easier to control how a person feels about themselves and others.” Maya finished off.

“Ok, but I just got one question.” I asked.

“Uh huh, shoot.” She sipped her tea again.

“Did you really hate Mandy that much that you would purposely suggest her to drop out of school and strip?”

“I would have probably told her not to after like a day has passed…..or not.”

“That’s cold and you’re dangerous. Remind me to never get on your bad side.”

“Yeah, because that’s not a side you want to be on.”

“I have a question too.” Zane joined in.

“Yeah?” Maya asked.

“What does it mean to be a Handy Mandy?”

Maya and I both looked at each other remembering that Zane is still very young.

“How old are you?”


“You’ll get it in about 5 years or so.”

“You’re not going to tell me?”

Maya and I both laughed.

Zane kept asking us to tell him what Handy Mandy meant but we refused because then we would have to probably explain the birds and the bees to him; and that is definitely not our job.

I decided to end our conversation there because I reminded Maya that we had to be ready the next time Senya showed up so I suggested we go to our new hideout to train and maybe hone our skills. She was resistant complaining that she doesn’t do any type of physical activity, which included practicing or training for anything. But Zane backed me up and pulled the, I saved you your life card on her. But after some more stubbornness from Maya we finally got her to come back with us to the abandoned pet shelter to train.

But before we left Maya had to go through about 12 different dress change until she found the right outfit to get worked up in.

“Ah ha! Take that and that!” I shouted with raging adrenaline coursing through my veins like a shot of drugs.

“I don’t think so, you missed me; too slow Amethyst!” Zane cheered taunting me while he evaded every attack I threw at him.

“Alright it’s on now!” I used my newfound telekinetic ability to pick up a really large branch which was really heavy and flung it at Zane; but I had such trouble picking it up that he had more than enough time to get out of the way.

“Aah ha Amethyst! Are you even trying to get me or do you just suck with control.” He laughed.

“Oh really! So now we’re trash talking! Well then I guess I better get my skinny butt in gear. ” I said getting fired up.

I lifted a few miscellaneous items that were on the ground like an old bucket, a lost shoe, a busted tire and a broken chair and tossed it at Zane hoping that I would finally hit him but he was good, real good. He evaded me like he was a trained ninja. I was truly amazed really; I wasn’t even frustrated or upset. I was just so curious about what they did to him during his long adventures with S.W.I.F.T and what type of training they did. It’s like he’s their ace or something. But whatever it is, this kid was definitely full of mystery and talent.

Sometimes he’s brave, sometimes he scared but he’s sweet all the time.

“Ha ha you missed again! Now it’s my turn!” Zane shouted.

“Wait wait, Zane no! Ah!” I screamed really loud running away in terror because whenever it was Zane’s turn he nearly kills me.

He chucked some of the other trash at me that were laying around the abandoned area but they were the much heavier trash that people left behind; like the hood of a car, wooden crates, an armchair and an outhouse which by the way did have some old poo and urine in it.

“Ah Zane don’t! Not that! It’s too big and what if it still has – ah!” I dodged out of the way just in time but the forest-like area soon began to smell rotten.

*Sniff sniff*

“Eww, what is that smell!” Maya shrieked.

“Zane knocked over the porta potty.” I answered.

“Eww, this is why I didn’t want to come. It stinks. That’s it I’m going home.” She announced getting up and leaving.

“No Maya, wait! Don’t leave yet you haven’t even done any training. You’ve just been sitting there.” I protested.

“I know and it’s because I did not want to get dirty and you guys are practically dancing in this filth so I’m - ” She suddenly stopped talking and just stared into these bushes that were to the side of her.

I followed her gaining chase trying to prevent her from leaving. “Wait Maya! Just wait a minute I know you said you don’t like too – ooph.” She stopped me from talking by whacking me in the stomach as I approached her.

“Ow what you do that for?”

“Shh, listen.”

“Listen for what?” I asked still not understanding why she whacked me.

“You hear that?” She asked silently.

“Hear what?”

“Shh!” She insisted.

I listened for some kind of noise but didn’t hear anything out of the ordinary.

“So what exactly are we listening out for? No wait, is it Senya did she somehow follow us here. This place is nearly a secret. No one even comes to these parts anymore.” I spoke silently.

“I don’t know. Just listen.”

So we did. We listened but only heard small sound like birds in the sky or bugs making noises. Then just as we were about to be relieved we saw the bushes move. And it totally freaked us out; we got really scared and started tensing up getting ready for a fight.

The bushes moved some more and just as we anticipated for the final reveal of whatever it was that was in the bushes, out came a fluffy white and grey rabbit. We looked at eat other, took a deep breath and laughed at how worked up we got just over a little bunny.

“Aww look how cute it is.” I said walking closer to it at eye level.

“Yeah I know. He’s so adorable. I could take him home and put him in designer booties and outfits.” Maya added.

“Really, that’s what you want to do to it. Don’t you think the rabbit would be more comfortable without stuffy cotton outfits? He already has fur.”

“Cotton! Now that’s an insult I don’t wear cotton or anything with - ”

*Chomp chomp*

“AHH! AHH! AHH!” We both screamed startled by a snake devouring the little bunny rabbit.

After we saw the snake strangle then swallow it whole we saw the look in its eyes and knew we were probably next. I could tell Maya wanted to run but I grabbed her saying that we should step away slowly because snakes do not like sudden movements.

“What do you mean not to run? Are you crazy? Did we not just see the same thing?” She protested.

“Look we just have to - ”

“NO STOP GIVE THAT BACK!” We heard Zane shout from afar.

We looked in his direction then back at the snake.

“Ok I have a plan Amethyst.”

“What is it?”

“You stand here trying to calm the snake.”

“Ok, then what will you do? I asked.”


Ans she did. She ran so fast it brought up a wind that whipped my hair.

I looked at the snake because it hissed at me and started slithering towards me.

“Eh huh……hi……bye.” I sprinted after Maya following her cowardly dust cloud.

“Wait up Maya!” I yelled.

I soon did catch up to her but I ran into because I was looking behind me just making sure the snake wasn’t following me, not that it could. I saw her staring into the open field we were just at; and there was a girl there with Zane. She had his Liger backpack prancing around taunting him.

“Give that back! You can’t touch it!” He yelled.

She just laughed teasing him that he couldn’t catch her.

“Give it back to me before I get mad. And you won’t like me when I’m mad.” Zane warned.

“Or what, you’ll turn into the incredible hulk.” She mocked.

This made Zane really mad. His face got all red and his fists were clenched so tight it was probably as hard as a rock. His eyes became so fixated on her; it honestly looked like he wanted to kill her. He just had that look in his eyes. That look in a person’s eyes when you know it was time to stop messing around.

“I know who you are Zane. I know all about you and your abilities.”

“Fine! In that case then I won’t feel bad about doing this.” Zane charged at her with his fist clenching tight aiming to hit her. But she dodged it by flipping backwards and jumping off the ground landing over 10 feet away.

Maya and I were just jaw-dropped, shocked and amazed at how this little girl moved; and that she appeared to be no older than Zane.

Zane put a small hole in the ground. “What are you?” He asked because he too was quite shocked at her agility.

“Doesn’t matter. The real question is what attachment do you have with this girly purse?” She ridiculed him even more.

This just pissed Zane off even more and he was about to take aim at her with another fist blow.

“Zane, no!” I ran to him as fast as I could. I stopped him by grabbing his waist but he was so heavy and so strong that I actually hurt myself pulling him back.

I fell to the ground moaning. The sound of me in pain stopped Zane and he tended to me.

“I’m sorry. Are you ok?” He asked.

I let him help pick me up. “Yeah I’m ok. You just stepped on my foot and elbowed me in the stomach that’s all. Ow.”

“I’m sorry.” He repeated.

“Its fine but you sure do weigh a lot Zane.”

“So who are you?” Maya asked the little girl joining Zane and I into the field.

“You know its common courtesy to give your own name before you ask for someone else’s. Or don’t you have any home training.” The little girl responded.

“Who do you think you are, you little brat? Don’t make me - ” I stopped Maya and told her to calm down.

“Two things. First can I have that bag back?” I asked her. She looked at me for a second then tossed it to me. I gave it to Zane; he checked it first then put it on his back. “And second who are you? Oh by the way I’m Amethyst. This is Maya and you’ve already met Zane?”

“Ha! So you’re the baby, you’re the rich snob and the king of losers. She said pointing as she was giving us our new nicknames.


“I’m not a baby!”

“Who do you think you’re talking to, you little brat. If it’s an attitude adjustment you need then I could fix that for you. I specialize in changing people’s behaviors. And it looks like you could be my next patient.” Maya stepped forward preparing to use her persuasive suggestions ability on the girl. But once again I had to stop her and calm her down. She was such a loose cannon.

“Listen little girl. I’m going to ask you one more time. Who are you? We gave you our name so who are you and why did you come here. This place is abandoned so you definitely shouldn’t be here. It’s also dangerous and toxic there’s a lot of toxic synthesized waste in these parts.”

“Then why are you here?” She asked avoiding my questions.

“I think I’ll ask the questions here. So you just need to answer them.” I demanded.

She smiled rudely.

“Now I’ll ask you one more time. Who are you and why are you following us; because if you’re here on Senya’s order then forget it little girl were not going anywhere with you nor will I give you the Chrysalis so - ”

She cut me off by laughing. “You’re so paranoid. Who am I? The names Zorra. Do I work for Senya? Hell no. But do I want the Chrysalis? Maybe , if I find it probable to my cause.”

Zane, Maya and I all looked at one another trying to figure out if this girl was for real or if we were just being punk’d. Neither of us said anything because we just didn’t know how to react.

“Cat got your tongue.” Zorra toyed.

“So you’re not with S.W.I.F.T?” Zane asked.


“And you’re not buddies with that chick Senya, either right?” Maya asked.

“Nuh uh.”

“Ok. But you still haven’t answered why your hear Sorra.” I asked.

“It’s Zorra, with a Z. And the reason why I’m here is because I want in.”

“In what?” I asked curiously.

“I want in your little club because I also have a bone to pick with those S.W.I.F.T bastards.”

I hesitated at the language she was using. She was just so young. “Really? Why? Are you - ”

“I am. I am one of the four exclusives.”

“Exclusives?” I said puzzled.

“Yeah don’t you know?”

“Know what?” Maya asked curiously.

“That there are four kids that the headmaster chose to specifically become special experiments on level 4.” She went on to explain.

“I still don’t get it.” I said contemplating.

“Wait! I think I heard something about that. Sometimes Senya would talk about the Headmaster’s plans and she would mention that he was doing some kind of special research to make the world a better place. She said it was exclusive and that I was his prize. And only a few are accepted in taking on this honor. ” Zane recalled.

“What! Seriously! This dude is seriously one messed up fruit loop.” Maya added.

“I never knew what she meant by that. Only that I was special in some way. I just thought it meant he cared about making me happy again. I thought he just wanted to help me.” Zane continued.

“Ok Zorra so what does being exclusive mean exactly. What’s a level 4?” I asked awaited her response.

“A level 4 is a kid who was experimented on the 4th floor of the S.W.I.F.T. lab. It pretty much means that you have more special abilities than any of the experiments.”

“More special abilities? How do you even know all of this? How do we know that you’re not lying or if we could even trust you? For all we know you could just be one of their spies or something or even brainwashed.” I fired back out of panic.

“I can assure you that I am not one of their spies and you can trust me. I’ve escaped from S.W.I.F.T. months ago and ever since I’ve been keeping tabs on them. I’ve wanted to know who they are and why they wanted me. But while I was there I was able to recover my memories but I pretend that I had lost them for a while so I could gather information. Honestly at first I was so scared. But I knew I had to be strong if I wanted to get out of there.”

“On one of my visits when Senya came to get me for a checkup I stumbled upon a room on the 5th floor. I didn’t know it at the time but it was the headmaster’s office. I saw his computer and it was still on. It was also dumb luck that he just happened to be signed in. So when I looked at his computer I saw a bunch of files and documents. I ran through some of them but didn’t understand a thing then I saw a file labeled The Exclusives. I didn’t get a chance to read much because he came back but I overheard him and Senya talking about me. They said I was the perfect Exclusive candidate and that he was thinking about taking control of me full time. That’s when I knew I had to get out of there. So I did. And strangely enough they haven’t bothered me much. But Senya did come to see me face to face one time after I escaped. And all she said was she’ll get me when I was needed, so stay strong. Ever since I just have been trying to gather information while staying hidden.”

“Whoa. You went through all of that?” I asked wanting to just run over and hug her.

“Yeah, it’s ok now. But something has definitely stirred up at S.W.I.F.T headquarters.” Zorra continued.

“What do you mean?” Maya asked.

“What I mean is, because you have the Chrysalis. It really keeps the Headmaster powerless.”

“Really? This little crystal has the power to do all that.” I said in astonishment.

“Well, not quite powerless but I learned that the Chrysalis is the source of how we all got our powers.”

“Wait how do you know all three of us had powers. You’ve been keeping tabs on us or something.” Zane questioned.

“No but I have been following S.W.I.F.T’s movement for the last 2 weeks closely and I noticed that now you guys are all involved. Especially you Zane; I saw you freed all the other children there. I don’t know how you did it but you did those kids all a good favor.”

“I know. I just couldn’t escape myself knowing that there were other people there suffering.” He responded.

“But your efforts didn’t pay off too well because some of those kids were recaptured again.”


“Yeah. They were. I saw it with my own eyes.”

A silence spewed over us while everyone processed the information that was being spit out left and right. I thought for a second about everything that was being said and wondered how smoothly this was all happening. First I meet Zane, then Maya and now another girl named Zorra. We met so conveniently, I feel like were either falling into a trap or this was fate asking us to bind together to form some sort of resistance team or something. I knew what had to be done.

“So you want to join, huh?” I asked Zorra. She just looked at me and smiled sweetly.

Chapter 2: ...Because I Have Too!


Chapter 2: ...Because I Have Too!

The day is pretty much over when Tylin rushes over to my locker talking non-stop about something big that happened today.

"And then she said, 'I can't believe you cheated on me with that bitch. I thought you loved me.' It was so crazy Chris. They were going at it for a long while; then the girl he was cheating with started to defend him after the girlfriend slapped him. Then, the girls started fighting, but the principal came and broke it up before anything interesting actually happen. Man I love this school. There's always something juicy going on. And to think I use to have a crush on that girl, Kara. I can't believe she was messing with another girl's boyfriend. Everyone thought she was so innocent. I wonder who else she's been with. Probably a lot of guys. You know it's always the goody-two-shoes you have to look out for."

I slam my locker shut after grabbing what I need and glare at Tylin. I didn't say anything to him about his misinformation. I simply walk away. The trio fight he's babbling about are the two girls and guy I saw earlier today at my locker. The couple who broke up and the girl, Kara, who tells her friends she isn't a virgin anymore.

"Where you going man? I was talking," Tylin shouts.


"What? Since when are you in a rush to get home," he ask.

"Today's special."

Tylin runs up from behind me and stands in front of me halting me to stop.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's up man. Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?"

I allow him to stop me. "I'm not. I simply don't want to hear anymore of your nonsense." I walk around him.

"Nonsense? You mean about the fight? That's not nonsense. I saw it happen. I'm not some gossiping teenage girl, Chris."

Tylin follows me.

"I thought I told you my name is Christopher not Chris."

"Whoa. You always let me call you Chris. But you must be upset with me or something. You only tell me to call you Christopher when you're mad."

I stop walking and Tylin mimics.

"Before you go ahead and declare ultimate judgement on someone, you should know the full story first. Not everything is what it seems. The color in a photo can sometimes be distorted thus telling a lie." I walk away heading out the school doors.

"What?" Tylin ponders to himself for a brief second. He's thinking too literately about what I said.

He ran up to me again. "I really don't have any idea what you're talking about Chris. Umm, Christopher."

"I'm talking about what you said about Kara. She's not some easy lay or whatever."

"I'm sorry man. I didn't know you liked her. I -"

"No. You're not listening. "Kara isn't like that because she really did care about that guy. She was actually in love with him. I don't know much about her, but she truly is a nice girl. Practically an angel."

"I'm confused. Do you know her or don't you?"

"I guess you could say I don't. At least not personally. I have two classes and a free period with her. She talks with her friends around me a lot. I usually stay quiet. I've only actually spoken with her a few times, but I can tell that everything she does comes from a good place. I heard her whisper to her two friends this morning that she lost her virginity last night. Besides I know for a fact that that guy has been cheating on his girlfriend with more girls than just Kara. He's not very good with juggling woman."

Tylin rubs his head in thought. "Sorry man. I didn't mean to make you upset. I never actually talk to Kara before . She was just in my spanish class last year. I thought she was cute."

I smile. "You think every girl is cute, Tylin" I say walking away.

"I do not. There's just a lot of pretty girls at this school." He follows me to the bus stop.

A few minutes past and the school bus arrives. As I board, Tylin waves goodbye and shouts, "I'll call you." I hold up my hand and toss a subtle wave without turning around.

I go take my seat and put my headphones on. As the bus fills up, it becomes louder and louder. Everyone is blabbering about the blow up with Kara and that couple. The girls of course were verbally ripping her to shreds and the guys were either simulating what sex would be like with her or saying how they always knew she was a freak, and going on about how hot they think she is, among other things. So I turn my volume all the way up reassigning the mute button to the crowd.

I notice as I look over to my right Alexion's backpack looks like a pack of wild dogs used it as their chew toy. It was badly torn. He was even carrying some of his things in his hands because his bag was so tarnish. Wasn't his backpack new this morning I thought. Whatever.

"Nice book bag poindexter," says Marc slapping Alexion in the back of the head as he passes grabbing his seat at the back of thebus. Marc is one of the two rowdiest boys on the bus. He's usually the prim culprit when drama goes down.

"Yeah, geek-wad. I like what you've done with it," says Anthony, Marc's right hand man. He says this to Alexion directly up in his face. I pretend to not notice by looking out the window.

That's when it hit me. Before the break Alexion had a different backpack. I think I remember it being messed up too, except not at all this bad.

I feel bad for this kid. I do not get why he simply does not tell them to leave him alone or confront the principal with this issue. He can't really be that much of a wuss.

I completely ignore what happens and stare out into space. I listen to my music imaging how my life connects to the song. A loud obnoxious screech suddenly overpowers the bliss of my music as well as the voices of the other teens on the bus. At first, I ignore it because I simply don't care. I'm use to any extremities that occurs on the bus; but I feel a light brush against my arm so my attention is grasped. I turn around and I see the girl that usually sits by me on the bus screaming her lungs out in the face of Alexion. He looks frighten.

"Who the hell do you think you are, huh? You think you big and bad. You took my seat, then you have the nerve to tell me you ain't gettin' up."

Alexion starts to rise. "Fine, I'll get up. You're overreacting."

She grabs Alexion's arm and violently seats him back down. "Nah, you can have the seat. You can sit there cuz' you wanted to sit there, right. I don't want you to think I'm overreacting or anything. Sit...sit." She says in a snarky tone.

Alexion starts to get up again. "I said sit down dummy. You want the seat so bad I'll sit somewhere else." So She did, and she pulls a guy from another seat and takes his.

"You need to calm down Crystal. He's not bothering you," shouts another girl who evidently does not like Crystal. This is obvious because of the way they argue almost everyday on the bus.

"Shut up and mind your own damn business Paige."

"Who do think you're talking too! I'm from the hood in New Jersey. I'll get a bitch to cut you," Crystal threatens.

Paige is now over her seat pointing and yelling back at Crystal. "You've been making that same threat for years and you haven't done not a damn thing. I ain't afraid of you. I'll -"

My headphones are now back on muting the noisy nonsense. I focus on the music in my head until I get to my stop which isn't my usual stop during the week but sometimes on Fridays I get off at a stop that's about 45 minutes from my home. Then I take a 20 minute walk from that point on.

I work at 'Indy's Place' every weekend on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Today I decide to show up early and do my homework in the back, then prepare for my 9:00pm shift. I'm not suppose to be here this early especially when the owners aren't, but I simply do not want to deal with my father today.

Indy's Place is a club run by two fraternal twin sisters, Mindy and Cindy. They inherited this place from the old man who died recently. And the first thing they did was change the name. They both were loyal employees and managers for years so you can say they earn the spot, as his own children wanted to sell the place. They're off doing bigger and better things.

Mindy and Cindy are also two very generous women. About three in a half years ago on a Thursday, I snuck into the club to get away from my father. He was beating on me, so I really needed an out that night. I got so drunk that night I blacked out in their bathroom stall. And instead of calling the police or my father, they gave me a job. To this day I still do not understand why they would do such a thing, but I am internally thankful for their show of kindness. Regardless how illegal it seems.

They're taking an enormous risk paying me under-the-table as one would say. Their club is for 21 and over, except on thursdays, it's over 18 nights. After three hours of homework I fall asleep in the storage room, only to be woken up by Mindy, the nicer and older twin.

"Hey...hey...get up. Wake up Chris."

I jump in shock and stand up abruptly.

"I'm so sorry, Mindy. I didn't mean for you to catch me. I mean I didn't mean to fall sneak in -"

She holds up her hands to silence me. "It's ok. I'm not going to fire you. I won't tell Cindy either, but you have to grab your things and get out. Cindy is on her way now."

I scurry to gather my things and leave, but just before I do and after thanking Mindy, she tells me to give her back the secret spare keys I've been hiding to the storage room. Damn. If I hadn't fallen asleep and gotten caught she might have never found out that I have one.

Nine o'clock rolls around and I begin my work as a waiter. They have me dress up and everything. Mindy and Cindy are already committing a crime by allowing me to work here but having me dress up in outfits and encouraging me to flirt with the women here is really taking the cake. Neither actually came out and told me to do this, but based on how they explained my job description, it became pretty clear. Also there is the message from cindy that I better do this their way or I'm fired. Apparently, I'm a hot piece of meat to women in the 21-35 age group; according to a joke Mindy made once. That was a tad awkward. They just hope no one realizes I'm actually 17.

I question a group of ladies, "Two long island's and three shots of vodka?"



"Thaaank you."

The girls I'm serving take their drinks and I notice one of the three takes all the shots for herself.

"Those three shots can't be all for you, can it? I ask. Your boyfriend wouldn't want you to be taken advantage of by some random guy," I continue to say.

They all look at each other and paste smiles smeared with blush and excitement across their faces.

She answers, "That's ok. My girls have my back."

"I don't know. The men are persistent around here. But if you need one, we had a bat."

"Thanks, I'll let you know." she says.

I push the empty tray under my arm, smile and politely disengage myself from further flirtatious conversation. As I walk away, I could hear them shrieking with glee and shushing one another until I was further away.

My eyes lit up as I made way to my next order because I know I am definitely getting a decent tip from those girls or at least a phone number. But I rather have the tip.

As night goes on and the later it gets, the easier it is to flirt and gain decent to great tips. A lot of the time, all I have to do is smile and tell women I love how they look tonight and they do the rest. Some are verbally aggressive and insist they're taking me home while others want to wait for me to get off work to drive me home. Some woman invite me to sit and chat with them. Then there are the rare few who want to take me into the single stall bathrooms for some quote unquote one-on-one converstaion. Regardless, I do not care at all. As long as I get money, it is definitely worth it.

The more money I get. The easier it will be for me to move out as soon as I graduate. And to get out of that hell hole of a suppose home.

"Hey, hey, Dr. Naughty," the girls shouts.

"Over here," the second girl shouts out.

"Where's our shots?" says the third.

I scurry over to the table with a a massive smile. "Someone's a bit impatient. This is your tables' fifth round of shots in one hour. I'm starting to think you ladies are getting drunk just to see me."

"The view isn't hard to look at, Dr. Naughty," the seemingly most drunk girl says.

"Yeah, you're so cute. I still can't believe you don't have a girlfriend," another one says.

"I don't know what to say. I really like women. There's simply too many pretty girls with big hearts to choose from. I like to make sure I'm dating the right one," I say flirtatiously.

"Aww," they all say looking at each other.

"You should hang out with us after work Doctor. You'll need to wind down from working so hard," the most confident girl of the group says.

"Yeah that'll be fun," says the girl who looks like the tag-a-long friend.

"I do."

"Aww, you should have time for fun," drunk girl says.

"Oh, he does. I know you be flirting with every girl in the club. That's ok, though. It's how you get paid, right." confident girl says.

I smile as the two other girls as they await my response. I only smiling because I think it's amusing these girls are assigning me such ridiculous nickname. I tell one sexual innuendo to make them laugh and possible earn a larger tip and they nickname me Dr. Naughty. I wish I can say this was a first.

"I won't lie to you girls, I do. But I have to admit, I have never spent this much time talking to a customer more than you ladies. You're all funny, sweet and extremely beautiful.

"Aww,"drunk and tag-a-long girl says. "Thank you."

"You know it's funny. You keep looking at your watch but you say you get off really late," confident girl ask.

"I like to keep track of how many hours I have left," I respond.

"According to the bartender, you have none left. You get off in 10."


"Sorry. I asked her earlier. You lied to us. I guess that means you really don't want to hang out with us."

At this point confident girl is making me mad. She's acting like she needs to expose me like on an episode of Cheaters. The other two girls simply look at me in disappointment. I need to figure out a way to gain back their trust. I need my tips.

"No, it's not that. I would love to spend the night with you ladies. You are all gorgeous but I can't because I...I still live with my parents, so I can't bring anyone over."

"I own my own place," confident girl says.

Damn. I see she exudes not just confident but also persistence.

"My mother freaks out when I don't come home; she pays the bills, so..."

"Oh come on. Just one night. You're at least 21, right. What's she going to do, ground you?"

I let out a light chuckle.

"Yeah, it'll be great. You'll have fun with us," tag-a-long girl says in a seductive tone.

Drunk girl hiccups. "I agree. We'll do anything to get you to come. Anything." She says raising an eyebrow.

Confident girl ask, "Oh, it's one o'clock now. So, what's it going to be, Dr. N?"



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.08.2011

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Dedicated to Young Shante`

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