My soul cries out
to you, O Lord,
my refuge and strength.
Temptations prick me
like fiery thorns.
Guide me, Lord,
In the right path.
Strengthen me with resolve
guide me in resistance
those darker impulses,
that I might keep
to the path of
Spiritual wellbeing.
An angel sent from above
to complement my heart.
Warm brown eyes filled with love,
of my soul the better part.
Mate to my incomplete soul
Sent to fill my heart with love,
Our souls together—one complete whole.
An angel sent from above.
Isolated, sitting, reflecting,
searching the deepest inner soul—that heart of darkness.
Asking myself the hard questions:
“Am I the man I so deeply wanted to become?
“Have I done right by my family?
“Have I shown I love my neighbor as I love myself?
“Have I truly been all I can be?
“Have I been the best possible me that I can be?
Sitting in quiet meditation,
plumbing the depths of the inner soul for the answers.
Calmly searching that heart of lightness,
epiphany strikes deep within my very being.
“I’m a work in progress—incomplete.
The answer lies in the future, not for me to know.
“All I can do is strive to become
the man of honor, dignity I hope to become.
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Texte: Mitchell Isaac Friedman
Lektorat: Mitchell Isaac Friedman
Korrektorat: Mitchell Isaac Friedman
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2024
ISBN: 978-3-7554-7837-9
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
This book is dedicated, with love, to my wife, Ilene, and our children, Danielle and Jordan.
Dedicated, also, with love to the memory of my parents, William and Lillian Friedman