
Virgil in Paradise

It was I

who led the

lost poet

along the path

of eternal woe,

toward the summit

of Earthly joy—

where my task

dictated I must

leave him

to the care

of worthier hands.


My task completed

I returned to

the eternal state

which was my

ordained place—

back to Limbo,

where I resided,

not in torment

but sans all hope.


Greater wisdom

than I could ever

hope to possess

decreed that those

born before

that blessed era

must reside—

as did I—

within that vestibule:

neither punished

nor rewarded.


This restriction

I accepted, coming

as it did,


Supreme Justice.


Thus I resigned

myself  to

that place

with no complaint.


No thought had I

that I should ever

again see

either of those ladies

in whose hand

I left the poet—

or that

blessed summit


And so,

I passed

the centuries

in company

of poets

and of thinkers

whose eternal lot

was predicated

upon their

having been born

too soon.

I took consolation

in the exchange

of ideas

and philosophies

with those

whose work

in the mortal realm

brought them

the semblance of



And in this state

I spent

seven centuries.


Seventeen years

into the seventh century

that self-same lady

who had entreated me

to gude the lost poet

appeared to me

once again.


“Look upon me,

dear Virgil.

You remember me,

I trust,”

she said.


Seven centuries

are, indeed, as

an eternity to one

who marks the

passage of time,

as we in that

nether region did.

Yet, how could

I forget such

divine beauty?


I replied,

“Beatrice, my lady.”

Her smile cast

a brilliance

not seen

there in Limbo

since her first visit.

“What can I

do for my

sweet lady?”

Her smile grew

in brilliance

at my query.


“Virgil, you

were instrumental

in the salvation of

our dear friend.


it is not

what you can


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.06.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7487-1087-5

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

For Ilene, Danielle, and Jordan Friedman In loving memory of my parents William and Lillian Friedman

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