

Raven colored hair,

long and straight,

framed a moon shaped face,

contrasting with her French vanilla complexion.

Brown eyes ignited

her cheeks’ rosy glow

when she smiled,

her pale pink lips

curled upward and opened

to reveal radiant white teeth.

I still see her

sitting at the piano

in complete rapture

as she played.

My whole being was

captivated as I watched

of her tapered fingers

gently caressing the keys

as she played

the “Minuet in G.” 


In the clouded sideview mirror

a hazy pinpoint of light comes into view;

small and fuzzy, growing, defining itself, closing in and

then veering on a tangent.

A crimson halo hovers,

mesmerizing me, then vanishes, replaced by

a green, spell releasing aura.

Prism Path


Off the walls of the expressway

       crystalline threads of

ruby, sapphire, gold, and emerald rays

interlace my path with fine

        frigid lights;

frozen signs

of the spectrum of sights

         that jewel the

path of my flight;

chilled refractions accompany me

         along this lonely highway,

joining me as I flee—

where I cannot say.

Christmas Tree at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

From the silver and gold star

angels, arrayed in magenta and indigo,

with gilded horns descend

to herald the sacred birth.



Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.10.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7487-5395-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

For Ilene, Danielle, and Jordan Friedman In loving memory of William and Lillian Friedman

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