
Chapter One

Lexus ran in bone crunching leaps, jumping through bushes filled with briars. So terrified, he was barely mindful of the dangerous large gangly-roots growing throughout the forest floor. Like a horror movie waiting to happen he tripped and crashed to ground. Yet, he stumbled for only a second, his fear and knowledge of horror movies causing him to leap to his feet.


Running once more, Lexus glanced behind him, seeing nothing, yet hearing the snapping jaws of the beast closing in on his legs. Terrified he sped up, though his chest heaved with his ragged breaths, he fled blindly through the darkness of the trees.


He had known something like this would happen eventually. Having seen the supernatural beings his entire life, he knew well how dangerous it could be if he caught their attention. He had spent his whole life pretending to be oblivious of their existence. Hoping he could safeguard his presence from their watchful eyes.


Yet, here he was running for his life being hunted by one of these monsters. Preyed upon by one of those supernatural creatures he had so rightly feared. They were beings, who loved to toy with humans... they were horrifying, sick, and cruel. To them humans were nothing but food or trash, or in some revolting way, entertainment.


They had always frightened him, since a small age. Their cruelty towards the unsuspecting humans was harrowing. More often than not they were beautiful, appearing almost too perfect in Lexus’ sight. They would disguise themselves to appear harmless, and in the beginning their little pranks and antics would fit that mirage.


Yet, Lexus knew the truth, he knew of their true nature. He'd once seen a sprite, as small as a person's thumb; throw a man in front of a bus on the sole excuse that he had sneezed on her person. Numerous times he had watched as the beings murdered and maimed with gleeful innocence against the unsuspecting masses.


Long ago he had decided that avoiding their attention was best. Yet, he had somehow became the prey of a supernatural hunter. Even with as careful as he was not to show his ability, a predator had been stalking him both night and day.


For months now, Lexus had felt the predator's eyes watching him. Its presence becoming so inserted into his consciousness, he swore he could feel each breath his hunter took exhale down his neck.


Though he pretended to be unaware, for the past few weeks Lexus had been subjected to an onslaught of advances from his hunter. In many ways, they were only slight offences, offences committed with a specific purpose. His hunter was clearly suspicious.


It’s every assault seemed to study Lexus’ reactions in a way that was clear the hunter questioned if Lexus may be aware of the supernatural world. Lexus was left doubtless about his hunter's thoughts, the creature was surely on to his secret.


What had started out as small offences gradually escalated in time. Once, through a crowd of people, he had even felt the predator's coarse tongue lick the throbbing pulse of his throat. Yet, Lexus pretended none the wiser.


To acknowledge his hunter's actions was the same as acknowledging his presence. It was a deadly game of patience between the two of them, one that would leave Lexus dead if he wasn't careful. Yet, something strange had begun to happen.


An alertness that he had never known had begun to take hold of Lexus.


A connection, building with what could be his killer, had begun to grow between him and his hunter. Lexus shivered, even now as he ran from the creature, he could feel the predator's presence. Even worse, he could now hear its sickeningly murderous thoughts as the monster mentally urged him to run and play this deadly game.


Lexus was terrified, but not only of the creature, but of himself. For, surely, there must be something wrong with him to have the abilities he had been given? To be able to hear a monster’s thoughts? It was horrifying…


It had started nearly a month ago, the first occurrence had happened as Lexus lay in his bed. As was per usual, his hunter's all too familiar presence was lingering on the other side of his barred window. Being so close to something so dangerous Lexus could not sleep, even if he tried.


He had almost expected the hunter to burst through the window and attack him at any moment that night. Full of fear, he had been hesitant to drift into the only comfort he had felt for weeks.


Yet, just as his mind crossed over the thin barrier that veiled his current reality, Lexus was surged awake as a gravelly voice echoed within his mind. Run… Little Rabbit, Pretty Rabbit ~Run, the voice sung, almost in a begging whine.


That night was something Lexus was sure he would never forget. As he had flinched awake in sheer terror, the deep, breathy vocals still rung out within his mind. He had known without a doubt the thoughts had came from his hunter.


Though he heard nothing from its direction outside of his window, Lexus knew the hunter was on the other side pleading for him to walk over and step outside. However, from there on the hunter's thoughts grew ghastly as he planned each way he could kill Lexus, who lay stiff in his bed.


For weeks Lexus heard each of the hunter’s thoughts, some violent and others sexual.


The toll of experiencing his death played consistently, over-and-over again, in his mind from his would-be killer wreaked havoc on Lexus mind. Yet, Lexus persevered, forcing himself to remain calm, for months he out-waited the hunter. Pretending to be none-the-wiser, Lexus could only hope his fear was hidden from the creature.


Though, despite his best efforts, the creature seemed able to smell his fears. After orienting himself with his hunter’s thoughts, Lexus became aware of his predator’s reasoning. Of all the revealing things he had come to learn about his hunter, Lexus was shocked that its thoughts seem to focus on his smell. Like some monstrous beast it focused on his scent in an almost animalistic way. Something he smelled of intrigued the predator. To the being, he smelled both delicious and familiar, and so full of fear.


Regardless of how he tried to stay calm, the creature knew he was afraid, yet thankfully it didn’t know why Lexus was terrified. It was that thought alone that kept Lexus steady, it was his rock in a torrent of mighty waves. He knew what the creature thought, he knew the predator wanted nothing more, than for him to flee. It wanted to chase him down and kill him, to enjoy the thrill of its hunt, but Lexus refused to obey.


Though the creature may have his had doubts that Lexus was a regular human, it helped him in some ways. It wasn’t sure just what Lexus was exactly, it had many theories of what he could be, and this made the creature cautious.


Being thought of as a Spirit-Bound-Angel, was certainly new for Lexus. However, the belief that he wasn’t human was nothing new. Many of the creatures he had seen took notice of him, almost as if they could sense he could see them. Which was something they perceived to be threat. Many of them tried to gain his attention to confirm their suspicions.


Yet, Lexus had always faked ignorance at their attempts. It had been something which had worked well up-until-now. In most instances, whatever approached him always grew bored quickly. This predator, however, had followed him for months.


It had a distrustful nature, regardless of its sadistic thoughts. It was cautious to approach him too directly, though curious enough to try its luck at times. However, it seemed the game of cat-and-mouse was against the creature’s nature. As the weeks turned into months, the hunter’s interest seemed to wane.


As with all the other creatures that had taken interest in him, this Lexus’ oblivious approach seemed to be working. As time wore on the hunter became more and more agitated, bored from its hunt. Until one night the predator's lurking presence completely vanished altogether.


In wake of its disappearance, Lexus had snapped awake from his troubled sleep. Instantly alert, Lexus had mentally searched for the creature, yet not a thought from the hunter could be heard.


Almost willing to scream, 'Dobby is free.' Lexus had leapt from his bed. It seemed the psychological torment of his being preyed upon was finally over.


For days on end, he had stayed cooped up in his small apartment in an attempt to shield himself from his hunter's ever-watchful eyes. Eyeing a mirror for the first time in days, Lexus took in his appearance.


His short blonde hair stood on end in various directions in complete disarray. Dark circles and gaunt angular lines gave his face an unhealthy look.


Lexus grinned madly back at himself, he may look a mess, but he was alive!


He had survived the entire ordeal with only a few years having been shaved off his life. It was something he felt the need to celebrate, washing his face, he attempted to tame his hair. Yet, found his bed head beyond repair.


Dressing quickly, Lexus tossed on a hoodie that swallowed his form, and the donned pair of tight jogging pants. Knowing he looked every part of the crazy-hermit, he didn't feel entirely comfortable leaving the apartment.


However, it was against his very nature to stay cooped up that long, and his urge to run was nearly unbearable. He hesitated just once, looking at the clock on the nightstand Lexus guessed it would only be only an hour or more before sunrise. He should be safe, right? Lexus rationalized as he warred within himself.


Usually his hunter would sleep throughout the day, waking up only when Lexus was on the move. It was a complainant, lazy, brute of a beast. Surely if it was still around it would be sleeping, right? Lexus felt the fear grow inside him once more, yet, he squashed it before it could make him come to his senses.


A small window had opened before him, and Lexus jumped at the opportunity to run freely.

Chapter Two

It was so early in the morning. The air was cool, the grass was damp and slick beneath his neon green running shoes. All around him the woods were lit with an array of morning blues and violets. It filled him with an almost contagious inner peace.


Lexus paused to stare up at the few visible stars overlaying above him, where he stood stretching before his run. He stopped briefly, marveling at the fullness of the moon as it drifted towards the western horizon. It was in nature that he felt most at home.


Living so close to a park with so many trails had been a blessing before the hunter had shown up. His muscles literally burned with the need to run. At twenty, he had spent eleven years of his life as a marathon runner. The sudden halt of the activity made him itch to begin again.


Knowing every thought his hunter had made for the past few weeks made the choice in trails easy. His hunter was lazy, always full of complaints, so picking the hardest route was the best option. Suddenly cautious, Lexus paused and felt for the predator's presence once more.


Satisfied the danger was gone, he took off at a slow steady pace.


Popping in his ear buds, he was blasted with heavy music, perfect for his workout. He savored each step of his uphill battle of calf muscle and gravity. Lexus was in utter bliss, ignorant of both his troubles… and surroundings.


It was the sudden breezy-whoosh of something landing behind him made Lexus freeze. His short-step run, came to a skidding halt as Lexus realized something was behind him.


Something, large enough it's air resistance alone had nearly toppled him over! Knowing deep down what it was, but unable to stop himself from looking, Lexus turned. Find himself staring up at the most impossibly large wolf he'd ever seen. Backing up a step, Lexus swallowed harshly, his Adam’s apple bobbing, as his eyes widen with terror.


The wolf's eyes were yellow and cold. Its entire front was stained with blood, and from its mouth hung a limp human arm. One look into the monster's eyes and Lexus knew this was his hunter, this was the being that had wished to kill his for months. There was no way Lexus could think of that would hide the fact he saw the wolf in front of him, his fear was too vivid and much too obvious.


Dropping the arm from its mouth, the wolf tongue rolled out to lick its lips. The beast wore a look of surprise at the sight of Lexus. It sat down on it hunches to watch him with a curious look as it cocked its gigantic head.


Then, like a dam bursting, Lexus cringed at the sudden onslaught of thoughts that attacked his mind. As his ears began to hum from the buds of his headphones, Lexus mocked his luck, of course in his final moments Oomph!’s Labyrinth had begun to play.


He knew what the wolf wanted, and this time Lexus gave into the urge to run.


The flash of a wolfish smile was the last thing Lexus saw cross the wolf’s face. He turned and fled in with every muscle fiber he owned. Years of laboring marathons came to his aide. Doing as he had learned in the past, he controlled his breathing, then put all his force into longer strides and more pressure onto the balls of his feet. He never once letting his heels touch the ground.


Instead, Lexus ran with a speed that surprised both the wolf and himself.

Knowing he was easy prey on such an open path, Lexus jumped from the trail, sprinting and zigzagged his way through the trees. He hurtled anything that got in his way, running faster even as he heard the wolf cursing in his mind. After a time, he was out of breath, but he had put a good distance between his hunter and himself.


Yet, Lexus knew that would only be temporary. Now that he had seen his hunter was a wolf, he knew it wouldn't be long before the monster caught his trail once more. First thing first, he needed out of these woods, then he would get out of the city somehow.


Seeing a light ahead in the denseness of the woods, Lexus revived his pace and took off towards direction. As he broke through the trees, he realized with some disappointment it was a camp with only two men and small, burning, fire. Nevertheless, he knew he should warn them, possibly even ask them for directions out of the woods.


Without any hesitation, he ran up to the two men. Waving his arms for help, unable to breathe, he wondered if they would even understand his meaning. At the sight of him running from the tree-line, the two jumped to their feet, yet neither made any attempt to come closer to Lexus.


The two stared at him as if he hand lost his mind, yet both remained silent. As he finally neared one of the men, Lexus grabbed him by the arm. His breathes so ragged he could only heave, Lexus gave up trying to speak, and instead pointed desperately in the direction of the woods.


Only as he took in the appearance of the man he had touched did Lexus realize his mistake. That erethral beauty, the scantily bared skin covered only by fine silks, were all things he’d seen before in otherworldly creatures. Horrified, he snatched away his hand as if he'd been burned. Like the wolf, these two men were both supernatural beings.


Yet, they did not attack, instead they silently stared at him in shock. Lexus could feel the hair on his neck raise on-end as he looked at the two men. Both were ungodly handsome, and sniffing lightly Lexus trembled at their smell.


Even the feel of the one man's skin beneath his fingers had been utterly intoxicating. Somehow, Lexus found, he was unable to move or even look away from the two beautiful creatures. Unwillingly, Lexus felt the beginnings of his own arousal stir.


He trembled slightly, feeling the chill of the morning air for a completely different reason. As if the two could hear his thoughts, both of the men's flabbergasted attitudes began to change. The one he had unconsciously touched grabbed  hold of Lexus’ thin wrist in a tight grasp to keep him from fleeing.


Against his will, a wave of indescribable pleasure burned up Lexus’ arm, hitting him so hard he fell to his knees with a pitiful moan. At the sound, both the men’s eyes slanted into aroused gazes, their pupils vividly dilating as they took in Lexus. With a panicked start, Lexus realized what the creatures were.


Of course, he had run into a camp of fucking incubuses, Lexus cursed.


"The human smells of wolf... he's another's prey," the black-haired one said to the other, even as he cautiously stalked his way around the kneeling boy. Outside his view, the dark haired incubus came to a stop directly behind Lexus.


Tenderly a clawed hand caressed the back of Lexus’ neck until it held a lock of his hair. Then the creature did something strange, he leaned forward to scent the hair against Lexus’ overly-sensitive neck. Crying out, Lexus cringed away from the creature, feeling a warmth beginning to pool in his groin.


Much like the other incubus, the silver haired one seemed interested in his scent as well. First he sniffed at the palm of Lexus’ hand. Then the creature spread out Lexus’ fingers with his clawed hands eyeing them curiously as he held the extensions apart.


Lexus stared up at the strange creatures, frightfully noticing the short curled horns that grew from beneath both of the creatures’ bangs. Unsettled, he shakily got back to his feet and tried to pull his hand from the incubus’ clutches.


Yet, the silver haired creature playfully grinned a Lexus’ sad attempts of escaping, before licking at the fingers of Lexus’ captured hand. As Lexus stood withering from the feel of the incubus’ touch on his flesh, the creature paused briefly.


Those strange silver eyes bore down at him intently, taking in his red face and trembling knees, then he spoke to the other. "He's a rare human... to see us, and I don't smell a wolf for miles. We could take the wolf's prey.”


“He is special, to outrun a wolf in the forest," the silver-haired one complimented, before his fangs nipped at Lexus’ fingertip. Crying out from the sudden pain, Lexus tore his hand from the other’s grasp to clutch it protectively at his chest.


Momentarily awakened from whatever trance it was the two had placed on him, Lexus knew he did not need to hear anymore. Even standing near the two men made him ache in ways he already regretted. Mustering up every ounce of strength he possessed, he willed himself to fight against their supernatural powers.


When he was successfully able to step away from the silver-haired one he rejoiced, but Lexus found it nearly impossible turn away from the two men. Fighting against his self, Lexus forced his body to turn, then he willed his feet to leave the night-creatures behind.



Chapter Three


His steps were shaky at best, but Lexus fought to distance himself from the creatures.


Yet, it seemed, taking everything he had done to surprise them thus far, this undoubtedly was his most awing achievement to the two incubus males. Who now stood, shocked into silence, as they peered queerly at Lexus's back.


They were dumbfounded, and using it towards his advantage, Lexus attempted to put even more distance between them as he clumsily began to jog away from the pair.


However, in only a few seconds they had gathered their wits, and with a speed his mind could only comprehend as a blur the two now suddenly stood directly in-front of his escape route. Lexus stumbled back, shocked from the sudden appearance of the two before him, terrified as the two approached him with a foreboding air.


"We're not succubae," the silver-haired incubus said tersely as he grabbed Lexus gently by the arm, "...but for a human, male or not, to be able to resist our charms… is nothing short of insulting, boy..." the other finished. An insult they felt the need to rebut, Lexus guessed from the looks they gave.


Interest from people of the same gender was nothing new to Lexus, he was the type everyone just assumed was gay. He was a total twink, he’d been assured. Yet, call him homophobic... but the idea of getting fucked up the ass by some dude was not something he wanted to happen.


It had always been his strong belief… However, Lexus thought with a moan, his eyes clenching shut as the creatures’ hands roamed his body, the incubuses did have a certain charm, he had to admit, and the way they touched him ... he could, just this once-


Lexus violently shook his head fighting to stay clear of the creatures’ trance, and keep his mind clear from his treacherous thoughts. Yet, in the mere seconds he had been led astray, the two incubuses had removed nearly all of his clothing. Until he was left bare, in nothing more than a unbuttoned green flannel pajama-shirt.


Clearly masters of their art, silver-haired one now held him from behind, keeping his legs held wide apart. While the other kneeled between his open thighs to run his fingers down the sides of his rib cage in small circles.


As if sensing their spell had faded, the incubus from behind him licked the shell of his ear and sucked on the sensitive skin behind the appendage. Even awake and conscious of his own disapproval, Lexus could not find the words or effort to persuade the two men to stop touching his body.


Drugged by the nearness of the exotic creatures, he was helpless in their arms.


Yet, he warred within himself, determined to break free of the haze of attraction the two incubuses had used encase his mind. With all his effort, Lexus turned and bit bare the inner thigh of the silver-haired incubus holding him from behind.


He was ready for anything, a punch to the face or jaw, but instead the incubus let out a throaty moan. Lexus was stunned, stupefied even, his eyes widened and his jaw slackened. Seeing Lexus’ refusal to be put under their spell and the bloody bite mark taken from the flesh of the other incubus the soft, gentle, touches of the coaxing dark-haired incubus in front of him suddenly became quite harsh and painful.


"Brother, when was the last time we enjoyed one who could resist us so strongly?" the incubus behind Lexus murmured to the other, clearly excited at the idea.


Of course, Incubuses enjoy raping their victims; it must be a real fucking treat for a race fawned over with just a whiff of their scent, Lexus groaned. Glancing backwards at the one that held him from behind Lexus cringed. Gone were the gentle hands that had pinned him down so tenderly, and in their wake the silver-haired incubus' hands tightened roughly around his form digging into his flesh with no regard.


Lexus's senses, now immune to the being's glamour, were bombarded by the eagerness the two had to ravish his body. He could feel their readiness to violently fuck his body in the most excruciatingly painful ways they could envision.


Dread hit Lexus’ stomach like a knife at the revelation and he was filled with fear. Now earnestly struggling against their hold, Lexus was violently shoved to lay flat on his back.


The chill of the wet grass under his skin was nothing against the molten heat of being pinned between two incubuses. In only a brief second, the dark-haired one that had pushed him down caught his eye.


Lexus had only seconds to comprehend the fang-filled grin the dark-haired incubus flashed before the creature's sharp teeth sank deep into his collarbone. Lexus screamed in agony from the pain, rising from the ground shoving at the other’s chest to remove the needle like fangs from his neck.


Using that as the incentive, the other incubus slid in behind Lexus to pinned back his arms. Then without any hesitation, the creature sank his own teeth into the delicate skin of Lexus' back, beneath his shoulder blade.


With each bite of the incubuses' fang-filled mouths, Lexus could feel his flesh sever, in some places it seemed down to the very bone. Lexus could do nothing but scream, fighting their bone crushing hold, as the creatures’ bites continued.


He could feel them rubbing against him, their erections hard as steel against his flesh. The louder his cries rang out, the more wanting their behavior became. It wasn’t long before Lexus realized the pain he felt was only a stronger form of pleasure for them.


Suddenly, grabbed by the nape of his neck, Lexus was forced over on all fours. The silver-hair fiend forced Lexus' mouth on to his weeping erection. Straining and fighting futilely against their hold, Lexus bit down harshly when given the chance.


Expecting anything but for the incubus to ram his cock deeper down his throat, Lexus gagged. His mouth now filled with cock and the blood, Lexus vomited, while the incubus moaned. Their bodies were nurtured from sensation that they themselves and others felt. To an incubus, the pain was only a stronger form of pleasure for their bodies.


The hopelessness of his situation sank in when Lexus felt the incubus behind him bite down onto the boney jut of his hip. Velveteen hands cupped the cheeks of his ass and squeezed down harshly puncturing Lexus with all ten of his claws. Before spreading his ass wide, and digging his thumbs deep inside Lexus' protesting hole.


His scream was muffled between the thighs of the silver-haired incubus. Where he jumped at the pain and protrusion, springing forward to taking the cock deeper in his throat then he thought was possible. Gagging, he fought against the hold of the two incubuses. Lexus bit, punched, scratched, kicked, and beat at the thighs of the incubus in front of him vainly.


Yet, the two only seemed to enjoy it all the more. Pushing away at the incubus in front of him, Lexus tried to breath. Yet what little air he could pull to his lungs was drugged by the husky scent lingering between the incubus's rigid thighs.


Dizzy from lack of oxygen, Lexus felt faint. Yet, ever still the incubus held him by each side of his jaw forcefully slamming his cock inside Lexus' mouth. It seemed regardless of his teeth and struggles, he was hopelessly trapped between the pair.


As his vision darkened, Lexus felt the incubus behind him rub his dick up and down the crack of his ass, taunting him he knew. He was letting Lexus know he would ram it side him, and that he would make it as painful as he possible could.


Lexus sagged against the man in front of him, completely and utterly defeated.


Lexus clenched as he felt the incubus press forward, cringing under the rough hands that led the dick inside his body. As the incubus pressed through the straining bi-layer of muscle fighting to protect his hole, Lexus felt tears begin to roll down his face. He sobbed knowing these creatures would tear him apart.


Clawing at the ground beneath him, Lexus anguished at his plight. Yet, just before the incubus could forcefully push his way inside him, Lexus was showered in a warm spray. Within seconds, he was torn from the grasp of the silver-haired incubus.


The force of which he’d been yanked back left him with bits of cock in his mouth. He collapsed, gagging, spitting out what he could as he dry heaved left with nothing else to vomit, even as he was showered in another spray of blood.


Lexus froze in terror, unable to turn to look at the creature who had saved him. Knowing it was the wolf whose clawed hands were digging so painfully into the meat of his arm. Lexus found he couldn’t tear his eyes from the blood running down the skin of his arms. He could feel it's warmth as if he’d bathed in, as it trailed down his face and back.


"To touch the prey of another...," a rough voice spat out at the severed head of the dark-haired incubus that had tried to fuck him in the ass.


"Worthless trash...," the man cursed as he punted the head across the camp.


Chapter Four

Lexus' heart slammed against his ribs knowing his ordeal wasn’t over. Regardless of the claws so firmly embedded into his arm, Lexus ripped himself away from the wolf-man and sprinted in a mad attempt to flee the camp. Yet, he was captured in only seconds.


Not sure what exactly he was overcome with, Lexus fought wildly against the creature’s inhuman strength. Until, tired of his struggles, the man slammed Lexus to the ground. Wincing in pain as his face was grinded into the dirt, Lexus fought to bring air back into his winded lungs.


It was a sickly sound as he was finally able to breathe once more, yet he was unable to feel any relief. For as he did so Lexus a voice angrily hissed into his ear. "You will be still, or you will end up like him," the voice warned with a low growl.


Lexus hesitated long enough to crack open one eye and found he was staring into the depths of the eyes of the silver-haired incubus' severed head. Without even thinking Lexus went ridged, frozen to the spot, unable to look away from the head's glossy gaze.


He was frozen in that moment, knowing then and there that this is where he would die. It was surprising to Lexus, that he wasn’t afraid of being killed. Instead he only feared how long the man would keep him alive for what was about to come. Having already seen a thousand ways the man wished to kill him in his mind, Lexus fought to remember the best ones. His mind was consumed with this even as the man turned him over to lie on his back, poking and prodding him as if to inspect an already dead kill.


To his credit, Lexus lay there passively, like a game already bagged. Though the man was invasive, Lexus’ eyes were blank and unresponsive. He could not break his gaze with the incubus' soulless eyes.


At least, that was until he felt a course tongue lick at the cuts on his arm. The world seemed to come crashing back to his senses with that one gesture, and for the first time that night Lexus saw his hunter. He knew it was his hunter, but the creature had somehow shifted forms into the figure of a man, cloaked in a pelt of the large wolf.


The man's eyes were gold and wolf-like, coldly baring down at Lexus from under the shadowed upper-jaws of the wolf’s pelt as he cleaned Lexus's wounds with his tongue. With each stroke the man flashed a set of fangs that put the needle-like teeth of the two incubuses to shame.


The wolf-man had the eyes, teeth, and claws of a beast.


Yet, somehow possessed the body of a man. Unbeknownst to Lexus, his fear had gradually faded, as he had blatantly stared at the wolf-man for quite some time. Only to return fully, when a sudden loud rumble erupted from the man's chest as he snarled down at Lexus's arm with his lip curled in contempt.


"Smells and tastes like fucking incubi…,” the wolf-man cursed angrily.


Lexus flinched at the other's rage, cringing away as the man grabbed him and tossed him over his shoulder. The world spun around Lexus’ eyes as he was once more treating him like downed game.


Effortlessly, the wolf-man carried Lexus while maintaining an unfeasible speed as he stormed into the woods. Yet, Lexus’ amazement was short lived, for in the matter of seconds he had venerated his hunter, his hunter stopped and threw him into a lake of icy water. The chill of the lake’s waters was like razors slicing into his already battered body. Having already given up on all hope of surviving, Lexus was shocked as he surfaced. Only then realizing how much better drowning sounded, than being devoured by a wolf.


Lexus sputtered, hacking up the water from his lungs, yet all the while hoping it would kill him before the wolf captured him once again. When the wolf-man began undressing himself, Lexus instinctively became wary.


Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Lexus edged backwards into deeper waters. Having never been much of a swimmer, he wondered briefly if he could make it to the other side of the lake’s shore…


Yet, as the wolf-man stood nude before him, Lexus realized he would never make it before the wolf captured him again. As much of a bear as he was a twink, the wolf-man was sculpted in an unnatural fashion, his body rippling with impossible thick muscles. He was large and bulky, yet not as hairy as he originally would have assumed.


The wolf-guy was stacked like some type of Grecian model sculpted into marble, except h was hung... and hard, Lexus suddenly began to sweat. He didn’t need to hear the wolf’s thoughts to know what would happen if the monster got a hold of him, somehow knowing what the fiend had planned gave Lexus the will to fight.


As the wolf dove nude into the water, Lexus dived to grab a rock from the lake’s floor. Deciding to lay in wait for the wolf, Lexus inched closer to the shore with the stone in hand. Cautiously, Lexus circled the area where the wolf had disappeared, his nerves wracking in the silence.


Every sound, each cricket whether from an insect of ripple of water had Lexus on edge, but the wolf-man did not rise from the water. He wanted nothing more than to laugh and try to force himself into believing the entire night had been nothing more than a dream. Yet, as a large hand rose from the inky waters to engulf his own, Lexus felt his hope slip away just as easily as the the rock he had held so firmly in his grasp.


As another arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him roughly against a hard chest, Lexus found he had lost the will to fight and instead he dangled from the man’s arms as pathetically as broken doll. The other wasted no time as he pulled them both from the lake, pausing only to toss the rock back into the murky lake. Before he threw Lexus to the ground once again.


Grunting in pain, Lexus turning over onto his back to looking up at the man who now stood towering above him so threateningly. Beneath his long drenched hair, the man's eyes glowed heinously, and with each step the man took, Lexus inched back. Yet, soon the man came to a standstill between Lexus’ parted thighs, before he crouched downward before Lexus.


Knowing the figure about him could kill him in an instant, Lexus did not move. Instead his body moved on instinct, completely out of fear, to where he lay flat on his back. Lexus turned his head, bearing his throat, and clenching his eyes shut, he waited for the worse.


As the wolf-man’s body covered his own, Lexus couldn’t help but flinch from the searing contact of the other’s heated skin. Grunting beneath the weight of the creature, he struggled not to fight. Especially as he felt the wolf’s warm breath blow against his throat, with shaky breaths Lexus’ chest rose slowly in fear.


Hoping his death was quick, Lexus’ eyes clenched even tighter as his jaw tightened. Rigid beneath the other, Lexus jolted at the sudden lick of a warm tongue against the corner of his jaw. Lexus cringed, his tears leaking out as he cracked his eyes to peek up at the wolf, just as the other murmured a  sarcastic, "Good Boy…" against his throat.


Sickeningly, Lexus realized he could feel the wolf’s arousal pressed against his stomach. Yet, even as the creature’s clawed hands raked up his legs and across his torso, he did not dare fight the other. Unconsciously shivering against the heat that rolled from the wolf's body, Lexus tensed, and even briefly contemplated running once again.


However, where the incubuses had slowly taken their time to painfully explore his body, the wolf wasted no time. Without a moment's pause, the wolf flipped him over on all fours and brutally rammed inside his unprepared ass.


Lexus screamed, desperately trying to crawl from the man. Yet, his hips were held firmly in the wolf's firm clawed hands. While it had been the incubuses’ intent to play with his body, this man was a beast needing only physical satisfaction. Like a rutting animal, no matter how much Lexus screamed, kicked, and clawed at him the beast forcefully pounding his way inside his body.


The more he struggled, the more violently the man thrust inside him, and soon Lexus could do no more than cradle his head, with both his arms. Sobbing, Lexus shut his eyes desperately wishing for the nightmare to end, even as his vision blurred and he went limp beneath the monster’s heated thrusts.



Chapter Five


Spilling weeks of frustration inside the small human boy, the wolf could only sigh as he finished. He shuddered as his release finally ended, and he kneeled there in place, his cock still fully buried and twitching within the unconscious human's ass.


With a single motion his rose to stand above his prey, his cock popping from the boy's sullen puckered-hole with a satisfied wet smack as the boy collapsed forward. It gave him an odd thrill to see the boy’s ass leaking with both blood and thick white cum that oozed off the rounded curves of the human’s ass cheeks.


All in all, it had been over way too quickly for his tastes, it was nothing like what he had wanted to do to the boy. For the months he had spent trying to break the human, he had expected something. Yet, even now, the human’s scent was still just as sweet smelling, and in spite of his triumph over the boy, he was left completely dissatisfied.


Should he eat the boy, he wondered …would that help settle his distaste?


Staring down at the collapsed figure, he stared, analyzing at the boy’s features.


The boy was definitely a beauty, in better times he would have been a most sought after prize. Though he was a bit underdeveloped for his age, the human had been blessed with long thin limbs that showed his natural aptitude for running.


Hell the boy gave him the slip, not once but twice, the wolf scoffed.


Squatting down next to the unconscious figure he let out a long sigh, then with a clawed finger he began to tap in time with the beating pulse at the boy's throat. Mesmerized by the feebleness of the human below him, he knew how easy it would be to tear out the boy’s throat or even the beating organ within the child's chest.


Leaning forward, the wolf nuzzled of the juncture of the boy's neck and inhaled deeply, shuddering at the human's scent. He was unabashed by his behavior, to a wolf such a thing was a symbol of affection. Yet, he wasn’t ashamed of it, after all it was the scent of the boy that had first gained his attention. That oh so familiar scent he could never place, it had intoxicated him the moment he had first scented the boy.


He had quickly become obsessed by it, for days after catching the child's scent he had watched him, and soon he began to suspect the boy's slightly unsettled actions. He had wondered if the human could see or feel him in its surroundings. If nothing more, this intrigued him the most, for very few humans had the ability to sense Demonic forces.


For weeks he stalked and teased the human boy. Taunting the boy’s senses in public, hoping to make him lapse in his careful actions. Wanting the boy to do something that would prove the child had the senses he thought the boy possessed.


Yet, the boy had been unaware of his every action, he had even given up on his hunt, the wolf silently swore to himself. For months he'd followed the boy, under a charade, only to find the boy in the park after he had already sated his hunger.


The horror that crossed the child's face, he shivered again in pleasure, feeling his cock harden once more. Even the thought of the chase had him palming himself, It had been so much fun ...until those damn incubi, he spat on the ground angrily.


They should have pulled themselves back together by now. He wondered if he should return to tear them apart just once more before the sun rose to sit above the horizon. Yet, a pained moan from the sleeping boy broke his thoughts.


No, he decided I have more pressing issues. This boy was a threat, he was different from normal humans, and that was dangerous. He was not a Spiritual Being, an angel reincarnated into a human form, but the boy had no Guardian…


Sniffing the boy again, he was sure the boy had few sins. Demons could easily scent the sins in a human, The more corrupt, the better they taste, he thought evilly to himself.


The more sins a human collected the weaker their Guardian Angel became, until eventually their Guardian was reprieved. Even with as few sins the boy had collected he should still have a powerful Guardian. The boy, however, was unprotected like a lamb without a flock or shepherd, and that bothered him more that he would like to admit.


Something about the boy was different... yet familiar. However, the more he thought about it the harder it was to place. The child was an enigma, too difficult to contemplate, he decided as he roughly scratched his chin, his eyes closed in thought.


He wondered briefly what he should do, for surely the boy would taste awful. Eating him was out of the question, so- … A sudden sharp pain ripped him from his ponderings.


Shocked the wolf looked down at the boy and the glass bottle in now embedded inside his rib. Another thing that bothered him about the boy, he had a hunter's stealth.


"I hope you die," the boy screamed with rage, yet looking completely terrified at the same time with all the tears that were streaming down his face. Yet the boy pressed on, pushing the down on the glass as hard as he could. Almost as if he truly believed he had a chance of killing a Demon with a glass bottle.


Mockingly, the wolf laughed aloud at the boy's actions.


Despite the pain in his side, it was just all too funny. Well, it was funny until the boy began to twist the bottle in his rib. The boy sure knew how to make it hurt, he granted, suddenly pissed off.


"Demons are immortal," he snarled at the child. Then with one hand, he grasped both of the boy's own and jerked the glass bottle from his rib. Before their eyes the blood stopped almost instantaneously as the  wound began to heal itself.


Keeping his eyes on the flashing emotions that crossing the child’s face, the wolf shivered. That look of horror on that crossed boy's face was more than enough to make him stiffen. He could smell the boy’s fear in the air, and as the Little Rabbit attempted to flee once again he easily tackled the child.


Pinning the human to the group the wolf made short work of positioning the boy’s lips. Elevating the boy's hips off the ground, he forced the screaming boy lay on his back as he spread the human’s thighs far apart.


Angling the human’s spine and legs in a way that put the boy's knees on either side of his face, he flashed a wolfish smile down at the boy. Even as the boy stared at him in shock, his clear eyes widened with terror as the wolf slowly licked his lips.


An evil gleam shone in the Demon’s eyes as he looked down at the boy, "We got interrupted earlier, and now you're all slick and loose...," he gave a menacing smile while he traced the boy's puckered hole with a claw tipped finger.


"Can't let this go to waste, now can we?" the wolf asked, his yellow eyes glinting.


Tensing in the monster's hold, Lexus watched in horror as the wolf-man's long tongue plunged inside his aching hole. He could feel it rolling deep within him, and the more he fought the wolf's hold by turning and arching his back to pull away, the farther inside him the tongue went.


Vainly he struggled, clawing at his attacker down the length of his ribs and arms. Above him the wolf’s face harden into a scowl, for Immortal or not he felt the pain from the boy's pathetic claws. Lexus gasped in complete disarray, in one moment he had been struggling against the wolf then in the next he was suddenly flipped over onto all fours. His attacker's cock now firmly embedded deep inside Lexus’ straining ass.


Beneath the wolf, Lexus' eyes flash wildly with terror and pain as his screams echoed on endlessly.

Chapter Six


Collapsing low to the ground, Lexus cradled his head, sobbing uncontrollably. Wishing he would drown from the large tears and snot streaming down his face as his attacker callously pounded away inside his aching hole.


However, to the wolf, the sight of the sniveling boy trembling beneath him and the scent tears mixed with the strange smell the boy carried began to stir something inside the wolf. He flipped the boy over onto his back. Looking deep into the frightened tear-filled eyes of the glaring human trembling beneath him, and doggedly he felt a strangling presence well-up within his chest.


Those clear eyes bore into his soul.


Something about them, the hate that filled them, struck a carnal urge inside him to please the one below him. Why, he wondered. Did those eyes disturb him so?


Forcefully, he kissed the human, and in shock the boy's tears stopped.


The boy stared up at him with wide eyes and trembling lips, but his protests were swallowed as the wolf-man's long canine tongue swept into the other's mouth. The human glare darkened with both confusion and rage. He bit down harshly on the intruding lips and tongue, filling both their mouths with the coppery taste of blood.


Lexus couldn’t help but wonder what his attacker was thinking, Why had the wolf-man's cold yellow-eyes suddenly become so blank? He couldn't stop the tears or hate that flowed from his body. His attacker paused at his glare with a crude questioning look.


The taste of the boy and his blatant refusal to give in was astonishing. He grabbed the human's jaw careful of his own strength. He was determined to taste the boy again, yet he was careful to keep himself from breaking the boy's jaw.


Forcefully, he swept his long tongue deep into the human's mouth. Holding the boy's face, keeping the human’s head tilted back, and his jaw pried open as he explored the depths of the human's mouth.


Pulling the boy close, hard against his chest, as he plunged deep inside both the boy's ass and mouth. Soon he began to notice as the human's struggles lessen. The longer they kissed, the weaker the boy became, until they broke apart from each other panting for some much need air.


The flushed, tear stained, expression of the boy made the wolf shudder. Even the dribble of drool, escaping the corner of the child's throbbing red, swollen, lips made him swell to new lengths with need. Licking the exposed side of the boy's throat, he groaned at the sudden feel of the human's ass clenching around his cock.


Attacking the boy's neck with vigor he found the human had become receptive to his touches, being sensitive in the tenderest of places. Using his tongue, he licked a long draw over the boy's nipple, shivering as he rammed inside the boy's tightening hole.


Like an eruption, the boy cried out in a throaty moan. His frail arms wrapping around his neck to tangle his finger into the wolfish mane of his attacker's hair. It turned him on, watching the boy so lost in pleasure, and him being so frightened by it.


I want to see all of him… all the expressions on his face, the wolf thought.


Beneath him, the boy's moans and protests, more than doubled under his touch. He pulled the human into his lap thrusting his way inside him from beneath at a demonic pace. Attacking and nipping the boy's body with his tongue and teeth, yet, all the while, he was careful to keep from breaking the human.


As the human began to arch his back in need, the wolf pulled the boy tight against his chest. Increasing his pace until he came, surprised to feel the boy tighten his arms around him and cry out in release as well. Nuzzling his nose against the juncture of the boy's neck, he rewarded the human.


As his sputtering cock throbbed out the last remnants of his pleasure spewing from his bollocks, he frozen at the smell he inhaled from the boy. Every muscle in his body went rigid as the boy cried collapsed in his arms.


Wolf... the boy was WOLF, he thought shocked.


A hundred different thoughts crossed his mind in that moment. Somehow it seemed the boy had never shifted... his first shift had been under such duress, he cursed himself. In horror, he looked down at the half-shifted cub in his arms.


His teeth were like a baby vampire's, with only the canines elongated. The blunt human-nails of his hands had grown into menacing claws. The half-shift caused his human's ears to shift into a wolf's now sitting atop of his head, and had even shifted his lower spine into a beautiful tail.


He had not hunted a human; he had hunted his own kin, of his own clan. Beaten and abused, both mentally and physically, To think the boy's body underwent a cub's first shift in that state... he panicked.


Wrapping the boy in his pelt, he raced to the dwelling where the boy lived, carrying him as gently as possible. It all made sense now, the familiar scent … However sweet it may have been. The ability to see otherworldly beings, and the lack of a Guardian...

It all fit together so well …now that he understood.


Laying the cub in the comfort of its own bed, the wolf-man quickly went to work.

Licking each of the many wounds that covered the cub's body, he attempted to heal the boy. Knowing, all the while, he was in trouble... he'd already stayed in the human world for months. Should the elders find out that he'd attacked and violated a cub… he'd never hear the end of it... he inwardly cursed.


Still…, he thought, looking down at the boy whose head now lay atop of his lap, there were still so many questions left unanswered.


The boy's lack of a marking disturbed him most of all. No matter what, the cub should have some mark of heritage on his body. Though the thought was unsettling, the idea of thoroughly searching for a mark on the boy's body made him shiver. Unable to stop the smug satisfaction of having seen all the boy had to offer, he gave a wolfish grin at the thought of further inspection.


Yet, dawn was breaking, even as he lay down next to the boy.


Wrapping his arms around the cub's body, he closed his eyes. Breathing the light sweet-smelling scent of the cub's hair. He would have his answered by nightfall, yet now it was day and time to sleep.




He felt the shifting of the bed before he had even open his eyes.


Catching the boy's fists midair, he attempted to calm the raging beast in his arms.


Yet, without pause, Lexus reared back his head to slam it down directly onto the bridge of the Demon's nose. The attack left them both dazed and starry-eyed. Yet, Lexus was able to free himself from the Demon's iron grasp.


However, as he turned to run, he found his vision was blurred.


His head spinning from the jolting blow to his skull. Lexus found his efforts had left him collapsed on the floor, only able to crawl away. Much too dizzy to stand and barely able inch backwards as the Demon approached.


Lexus whimpered frightfully as the Demon reached out for him, flinching as its clawed hands approached. Yet, instead of pain, Lexus was greeted by the soothing embrace of the Demon's arms. Effortlessly, the demon lifted him up into his arms, almost cradling him, as he carried Lexus into the bathroom that connected into his bedroom.

Chapter Seven


Still frightened of what the other planned to do to him, Lexus fought against the wolf’s hold, as he desperately grabbed for the doorframe.


No matter what he shrieked, and despite all his protests and struggles, the Demon got the two of them into the bathroom and into the tub together. Accomplishing all of this, All the while making sure the water was warm enough to enjoy.


Lexus stiffened, revolted at the sound of the demon's complacent sigh as he sank blissfully into the heated water. Forced to sit on the Demon's lap, he cringed as the other made quick work washing the two of them together.


He sat quietly, unable to escape, his skin crawling as the monster behind him started to wash his back with slow gentle strokes. Noticing a sharp pain resonating from his clenched fists, Lexus stared shocked. His hands had transformed into a similar, yet smaller, versions of the Demon's own.


The blunt edges of his nails were now distortedly morphed into the clawed nails of the beast incompliantly washing his body. Even as gently as the demon scrubbed, Lexus could still feel the razor edges lightly scrape against his skin in a way that made his hair stand on end. Peeking down at his toes through the bubbles of the water, he found they too were the same, and as if the Demon sensed his discovery it talked for the first time since they had woken up together. At first Lexus had flinched away from the Demon's words, almost missing what it said, "You've shifted…" it announced.


"Both your nails and teeth are a common shift, but the shifting of your ears and tail... show this is your first true shift, a cub-shift…," he continued to explain while scrubbing his own chest nonchalantly.


Every motion that the Demon stirred behind him made Lexus go rigid with fear. Yet, regardless, he had to check for himself. Running his tongue over his teeth, Lexus found the man was speaking the truth. He visibly flinched in pain when one of his fangs nicked the roaming edge of his tongue.


Lexus sat, shocked, completely frozen until the rest of the man's words hit him.


Reaching to feel for his ears with both his hands, Lexus desperately grabbed at either side of his face, terrified when he found both ears were gone. He had been about to go into a full blown panic. Yet, almost tenderly, a pair of large hands cupped his own, causing Lexus to still. Then, ever so slowly, the Demon's hands forced Lexus’ upwards, placing them at the top of his head, and after reluctantly feeling for his ears once again, he found something there.


Patting the objects atop his head, Lexus found he now had dog-ears! Feeling his way over them from base to tip, he turned and looked at the man behind him... bewildered and confused at the cartilaginous obstructions he held in his hands.


Beneath the shaggy edges of his black bangs, the Demon's gold eyes peered at him back at him, leisurely taking in his every reaction. The studying way he observed him made Lexus unnerved.


However, what was most unnerving was the bond he now felt with the Demon. Something of his conscious had shifted along with the changing of his body. How could he, as terrified as he was sitting in the giants lap, feel protected?


Lexus turned away as he felt something brush against his leg. Looking downward, beneath the water, he found exactly what the Demon had said. He had grown a tail, a large, blonde, tail that ran all the way down to his knees.


He panicked…


His breathing was so rapid he doubted if he was even breathing at all. Even his heart seemed to race and stop all at once. He had already taken so much. The Demon had unwarrantedly entered his life, possessed his mind, ravished his body, and now somehow shifted his body into some sort of morphed figure that was half-man, half-beast!


He couldn't breathe, but even still he felt the tears roll down his face and inwardly he mocked himself at his ability to cry when he was unable to draw a breath of air. The Demon held him from behind, holding him close while nuzzling his neck in an obvious effort of trying to reassure him.


For the entire span of the episode, the Demon gently held Lexus, until boy’s breathing returned to a normal pace and his heart slowed down to a steady beat. Unlike the night before, the man's hands were earnest and tender, and Lexus didn't even bother to fight the as the Demon made love to his body.


He could feel the man's effort to reassure him and was comforted. Afterwards, Lexus collapsed against the man's chest and fell asleep. There upon, the Demon stood to his full height with the boy in his arms and looked down at the cub's sleeping face.


Unsure of how to go about explaining anything to the boy, he dried the cub’s unconscious body and laid him back into the bed. Covering the slumbering figure with only the topmost quilt on the bed, the wolf left him there. Figuring the boy would need something to eat upon his next awakening, he went to find something. Completely unaware of the seed his actions had sowed.




It seemed in only a matter of minutes, Lexus woke heated by a fever he had never known. It was as if something was boiling inside his blood, his body was suddenly overcome with lust. He could feel it throughout his entire body, even the feel of the soft blanket on his skin was enough to make him achingly hard.


Beneath his quilt, Lexus trailed his hand down his stomach to palm himself, yet the contact wasn’t enough. Taking hold of his erection with both hands, Lexus rubbed both the shaft and the head all at once in hopes to detour his mind-raveling lust.


It was like something was burning inside him, he could feel it, and as if he had lost his mind, Lexus realized he could not stop masturbating. Scanning the room, he found the Demon was gone, that evil beast had left him alone with this need.


Was this how the wolf-man planned to kill him, Lexus wondered hopelessly. For it seemed no matter what he did he could not ease his pain. Kicking the smoothing obstruction atop him off to the floor, Lexus flipped over on his belly.


As if his hands were possessed by another’s will, he began to fingering himself from behind as he stroked his dick, yet it did nothing to cool the fire in his blood. The room filled with his pitiful moans of both pleasure and pain. Though, his asshole was still sore from the night before, Lexus was already three fingers in, yet, it was all for naught.


Nothing he did seemed to work in cooling his ache, and just as his frustration gave way to tears the door to his room opened and in walked the Demon that had made all of this happen. If it had been anyone, hell anything else, Lexus knew he would have been mortified. Yet, at the sight of the Demon, Lexus was filled with an intense anger.


Seething, Lexus turned away from the other’s nude form, unwilling to ask the man for his help. His anger broiling, Lexus bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed, refusing to beg the Demon for help with his need. Only then did Lexus discover he was unable to stop, even in front of the monster he hated so much, he could not quell his hands.


His next move was clearly to smother himself,  Lexus decided, refusing to look up the monster staring so intently at him from the doorway.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I loved the story: "Yokubou no Shizuku" but I felt that the last pairing was underrated, so I gave it my own twist and made it my own. So my respects to Higashino You, his manga was my inspiration~!! *Also the picture isn't mine, just something I got from Google.*

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