
And so It begins.


I run downstairs to be greeted with a great surprise." Please repeat those words mother"my stern face caused my mother to become silent before speaking. "Were taking a week vacation to Louisiana,be excited!" She jumped from her chair with the butcher knife still clamped in her hands, jumping up and down causing my little sister Rosa to come in. " mm, what's going on?" My mother looked shocked to just be notified of the ruckus she made. She slowly put down the butcher knife and ran to Rosa. " Oh Hun..I am very sorry I woke you. Please go back to bed" Rosa nodded turning around dragging her stuffed bear up the stairs taking a breath after every step seeming like a zombie. My mother glanced back at me with her bright green eyes, trying to confirm something. " Alikah I don' care for your response, it'll only be 1 week and you'll be back to your worthless life." giving me a hard core glare my mother took a regular knife and proceeded cutting the
carrots. " tch, I didn't say i wouldn't agree I said I'm shocked at the point that you would agree to something like that without consulting me on my feelings." I nodded doubtlessly and headed off back to bed to scream into my pillow. "FUCK MY LIFE" I said as the words echoed through the hallways. Slowly drifting off to sleep the noise of beeping alarm clocks filled the air. "mm, ROSA TURN OFF YOUR DAM CLOCK!" She seemed a little startled before answer from the room door down. "S-Sorry Alikah". I arose from my bed like a zombie and proceeded to the kitchen to be welcomed with a sweet breakfast smell. As the blurriness went away my vision got more clear. below me there in sight was a richly coated eggs warm delicious looking chocolate drink waiting beside and bright coated red bacon strips hanging off the side. Licking my lips I walked over to grab the plate but was caught off guard and hand followed to be slammed into a empty table. " What the-" " this isn't yours, go heat up some bread or something" I looked up to see my mother looking straight down at me. " w-what the hell's your problem!?" My face went tense at the sight of my mother. " we don't have time for your long chewing, go make toast and head off to packing." I made a little fit before grabbing a slice of bread from the cupboard and placing it in the toaster, stealing glances of my horrible mother. We never had that mother daughter relationship like you think we did. All my life she would treat Rosa like that was the first daughter she ever had,and well me. I would be the off side character no one cared about, same goes with my father. They never treated me right so if something goes wrong when In Louisiana and we somehow get separated I'll be gladder than this toast about to jump out. My mind cleared of thought as the toast went off, and I grabbed my food in mid-air. I munched the whole thing in one bite followed by a glass of orange juice and headed off to start packing. My room was a mess when I finished but luckily I always had clean clothes. Slipping into the shower about 5 minutes later the lukewarm drips greeted my back as all the tense muscles went away. When my shower was finished I did my normal routine of drying my brown curly ends, straightening, applying a small shade of lip gloss, and heading into my bedroom. I got out my regular clothes I mean this trip wasn't going to be anything fancy. I slipped on some white skinny jeans and a blue and white stripped baggy top, that showed a small tint of my bra. Walking downstairs my hands clutched to suit case and loosened as I threw it swiftly into the back of the car. Slowly the car started to pack up. My mother was in the far end with her glasses cocked up on her face and leg crossed over one reading a magazine,Rosa hugged her bear slowly drifting off to sleep.well I wouldn't blame her I wouldn't be able to get any sleep either if all i heard at 3 am in the morning was yelling from a sister and mother. My father drifted into gear gripping onto the steering wheel and proceeded driving off. Instantly I got knocked out into a deep sleep. with the song " Lucky strike" by maroon 5 playing over and over in my head.When I awoke, my blurry vision was replaced with a clear sign saying. "welcome to Louisiana" I jumped from my chair to see the view. It was indeed beautiful.Trees surrounded my eyes as I heard beautiful nature fill songs in my ears. We stopped at a Large tall building. I opened my door when my father stopped the engine of the car making the humming sound." Incredible!" Rosa murmured under her breath,The building stood tall and was wide, It seemed like your regular everyday business place where Adults do office work,but No where was it near my conclusion. When we stepped inside a pale light purple coated the walls, my warm ocean blue eyes quickly searched for the Check-in desk. I scanned the lady behind it. Her dark brown eyes seem to match perfectly with her long blonde wavy hair, the glasses she wore gave a intense look on her face but her smile was indeed welcoming. I stepped toward her following my mother and father while my sister went to admire the t.v. show that seemed to be playing in the other room. "Welcome to Sundas Magical Inn,what can I do for you today?" the more closer you went to the lady the more it seemed she was in her early 40's or late 30's. The soft smile on her face meant she was not only here for business but also to make customers happy.My mother gave a polite smile back before letting my father answer."I would like to book a room of 3 beds and 1 bathroom please." She nodded at my fathers request and started to type insanely fast. After our registration I grabbed my bags to our 1 week stay room 204 and flopped on the old fashioned neat bed. " Ah finally I can sit down" I gave a big sigh before feeling a soft yet hard sensation hit my face with a slam. moaning the object removed from my face to be revealing my blurred sister. " OW! ugh Rosa!" I snatched the pillow from her hand and attacked her with my playful wolf instincts. She giggled loudly as we tossed and turned on the bed. " Playtime over we need rest I'll be nice, tomorrow take your sister to the pool Alikah" My mother said grabbing the pillow to set it gently on the bed next to us. "Ugh, Why me!? I wanna go see If there's a mall nearby" I pleaded with puppy eyes, which only resulted to get a death stare from my mother. At this I agreed willingly.




The loud beeps of an alarm clock droned my ears as I got up in zombie mode to see my mother and Rosa watching t.v " It's bout time you got up Go down the hotel for breakfast we already ate" My mother said glancing at my way before handing Rosa her swimwear. " Me and your father will be taking care of business so after you finish eating grab your bathing suit and go." I walked out the door trying to tune out the horrible sound of my mothers voice. When suddenly I was bumped into a hard wall that gave me a small spark. No wait this wasn't a wall It was a person, me and my dumb carelessness. " Ah! My apologies, I seemed to doze off into another world and I-" The small beautiful chuckle filled my ears before I could finish my sentence. " Don't worry about it, Tell me your name beautiful" the stranger said with a husky voice. I looked up to be greeted with a beautiful man seemed to be one year older than me. His bright green eyes searched me up and down. I blushed for the moment turning my head hoping he wouldn't see, " Alikah, yours?" " Steven but call me Steve if you don't mind" His polite smile reached his eyes to be seen as a grin. " Well um I should be heading My way, aha you know breakfast and all" I gave him a shy smile before trying to find escape. " Wait,let me guide you, your probably new here right?" grabbing my hand Steve pulled me slowly to the so called " breakfast' area. I took a deep breath of the smell of fresh toast and eggs. As I gathered food I notice the guy was still here. I walked to a table and glanced to see him following me. I finally got the chance to speak up and said " Weren't you going somewhere?" " Huh? oh! um back to my parents but I'm sure they won't notice If I'm gone I told them I'm gonna head over to the pool" " oh really? I have to bring my sister to the pool" " great! I'll get my stuff and we'll meet at the pool?" Steve gave a grin before hearing me say a a yes or no and ran off." Geez what a difficult one, You okay with this Clar?" "Absolutely! he's wonderful and hot" Clar (pronounced Cl-r , not Claire) is my inner wolf as I guess you would call it. I'm part werewolf so this would be understandable for our race and most humans who know about us. After breakfast I walked slowly back to room 204 to be greeted by my cheery sister. " POOL POOL POOL!" Rosa chanted " I got it pool" I said pulling on my shorts and a bra. As soon as I finished Rosa grabbed me by my knee and pulled all the way to the door " Rosa! I'm gonna tr-" Luckily at that same time It was like in slow-motion Steve came to my rescue. Rosa oohed in excitement and Steve gave a slight pink blush, hardly see able. " Oh uh your here I thought we were meeting at the pool? " my face seemed questioning, he seemed a bit puzzled until remembering the fact I came out the other door. " oh that's because I'm in room 205" Steve gave a light grin before ushering my little sister to his back. " YAY PIGGY!" Rosa giggled slightly
before pouncing like a wild animal on Steve's back,He twitched for a second not believing her weight before proceeding to the pool. As soon as I got there the harsh wind flew me back in surprise and I was dumped into the pool while the dark world slowly ate at me bit by bit...I awoke to a fuzzy room and a blurred face starring directly at me. "ASDFF!!" I said but didn't realize what i said that was suppose to be a scream until it processed enough in my head,"A-Alikah?" The blur finally cleared up enough to reveal a handsome teenage 18 year old boy seeming frightened and relief in one. It was Steve. His hand slowly tipped itself to the bridge of my jaw to check for a bruise, The spark like touch made me blush light red . He let out a small laugh before removing his hand and a new facial expression that seemed like sadness. "Are
you okay? Do you feel hurt? Any dizziness?" The questions over flowed my head too much. I couldn't take it
forcing me to hold my head in both arms. " A-Ah, sorry I didn't mean to make too much noise, I'm just worried" " It's okay" I removed my hands, soon enough I was tackled by a small body with long wavy brown hair " Ali! " my sister cried hugging me tightly. I let out a small squeak," I'm f-fine Rosa, your k-killing me enough.." she let go wiping the tears that soon flooded her eyes. " Well were not here for a funeral, so I suggest we skip the pool and head back and get you some rest" Steve picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, His mint leaf like scent made me want to hug him all day, but I tried my best to resist. I was still confused on why I felt so drawn to him, I've been around other guys back at my old school,but never felt anything like this. Life is so complicated. Rosa lead the way as she jumped to open the door to room 204. " Put me down already! I have the keys" I banged on his back until he let out a chuckle and let me reach the floor gently. I sprung open the keys out my pocket to open the door as it creaked. " Home!" Rosa jumped onto the well soft cushioned bed and turn around to make a pose. She patted one side of the bed and winked at me " Come come Ali, my and teddy are waiting." I Laughed as I pulled Steve and walked over to sit next to Rosa. " Are you sure it"s okay for me to be here..?" " YUP !" I Flopped backwards onto the bed. "Alikah, I hope you know, but a few days after today I'll be getting my stuff ready going back to school." " Aw, So soon? I only met you today. Then why don't we find a mall or something tomorrow?" I glanced over to Steve as he scratched the back of his head thinking. " Yea sure" " Well I'll get going now. Some friends wanted to hang later" He got up as I closed my eyes to hear the open and close clicks of a door.

What!? Leaving me here?

I woke up noticing I fell asleep near Rosa snuggling her bear. Mother or Father haven't came back it seemed. This is  really strange, do they have so much stuff to do that they didn't bother to come home. It's already been 4 days since we first arrived, and I felt comfy knowing there would be a day I'd have to go back to Cali and live my regular life again. I rolled over to tap Rosa. " Rosa, Get up we gotta get breakfast or they might close soon." " mm. Okay sis" She got up rubbing her eyes and placing her bear gently on the pillow. As I got up I lifted up Rosa and showered and found some clothes for her to wear.I found some Dark blue overalls, black boots, and tied her hair up in a ponytail before taking a shower.I got out my pink domo shirt, black boots and white stripped skinny jeans. Yea I have alot of white skinny jeans for some reason, but I guess you can say I keep them to Practice not getting clothes dirty on a first day? I picked up Rosa and shoved the key In my back pocket as we headed out the door to eat. Meeting Steve once again I gave him a slight smile as we all walked to breakfast. " SO uh, I'm leaving tomorrow. Any plan you wanna put on schedule today?" " Yea, how about Park ? If we can find one, or maybe a Mall I really want to see Louisiana style's" We both had an awkward laugh before entering the breakfast area. Rosa jumped out my arms to get a plate and 4 stacks of toast with eggs and bacon. I didn't say anything because I knew Rosa, She would eat an entire field of Corn when It comes to morning food. " Uh Alikah, shouldn't you say something? Isn't she just gonna end up wasting the food" " nOpe! She's always like that In the morning. " I said passing him a plate before getting 1 bread and some eggs and bacon with orange juice. We sat at a small table I watched silently as Rosa stuffed one bread and another down her throat. " Slow down there Rosa, You might choke" She giggles before drinking some milk with it down. We all slowly eat breakfast and laugh, and scorn rosa for trying to stick the fork up her nose and see how far it would go. I couldn't belive the last time I had this much fun, I mean I had best friends and all but they discluded me and they only talk with me If I gossip with them. It wasn't the greatest of days at that highschool, I kind of regret becoming friends with them in a way. I'm shocked out of my daze when I hear the husky relaxing voice of Steve sound more excited than he usally does. " Hey Alikah, speaking of places to go for my last day why not go to the fair nearby? I herd this is the last day they'll be in town, Whaddaya Say?" It felt like every sense in my brain had wanted to just jump out of my chair and say yes. Though I had to be more mature than that, I've never been to a fair once in my life and just the excitment of going on rides makes me happy, actually we don't really have to cause I'm not a great fan of rides.Other than that our first D-date!! I mean when we went to the mall that wasn't really a date because we just walked around and left 5 mintues later cause I still wasn't very full awake from my last incident, so we couldn't really have fun. " I-I mean yea! why not? to be honest I'm a bit excited.I've never been to a fair before" I say with a smile that I hope wouldn't look like I"m trying to scare him, more than smiling. He smiles and looks deeply with excitment when he hears my response. "Great! how about 5? pm of course." he smiles packing the plates by the trash. "I follow him to the trash with rosa right behind me" Sounds awesome, guess I'll be seeing u before 5 then?". "yeah. see you later Alikah" he nods at me before jogging away leaving Rosa and I behind. She pouts her face and says " will Steve come bacK?" " yea.. something like that rosa. Le'ts get going mom said to stay in the rest of the day. 


As we head back I notice in the blurred distance a person 



It's almost to 5 and I reapply my makeup for the zillionth. " okay Alikah. I believe in you. You're so dam hot right now, you look exactly how Beyonce would look at her concerts. " I begin to pat my face for reassurance. My little sister sleeps soundly next to her giant bear. " Shit, I can't just leave her here " 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2013

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