
I don't wanna Leave!

Running as fast as i could through the forest with my chocolate brown fur whistling in the wind,"WHOOOOOO,OHHHYEA!"I yelled, as i slid down the white pearl like snow down a hill."Alisa!We didn't come out here to play!" I turned around to see my beautiful sister as her Light blonde fur followed the rhythm of the wind."Bah!your such a let down Camie" My sisters name was Camie, i thought she was super beautiful, Her eyes where a Deep green that anyone could get lost in, but mines were regular, Deep blue i looked like my father while my sister got all the beautiful features of our mother.I gave a wide smile as she came down tumbling the snowy hill transforming into her human form. " Geez, You know,your a handful Alisa" Camie said rubbing her back head. I couldn't hold it anymore i started laughing really loud at her for tumbling down the hill.She looked really ticked so i stopped and smiled at her sweetly. One of the things I'm very grateful of is people say i have my mothers smile, its super kawaii(cute) and i just love to see that look on her face. " Geez, your lucky i can't resits that smile, just like mom.." she laughed lightly. I pulled her up giving her clothes instead of staying naked in the middle of a forest, she blushed at the thought of forgetting to put clothes on. " I'll go change behind there" Camie nodded sweetly as I got up and headed for a big oak tree covered in white pearls(snow). As i finished changing i headed back. We both started to the pack house and knocked on the door. Uncle Sam opened the door adjusted his glasses to see who it was, smiled at let us in. I ran upstairs to jump on my bed. Oh just to tell you, my name is Alisa Jones, Some people like to call me Ali ( Al-igh pronounced) which i perfer better,I am 17 while my sister is 20 but people say i act like I'm 12. i started to nod off into dreamland, -dreaming- I saw a really hot guy with blonde hair and aqua blue eyes. He gave me a cheesy smile which turned into a sad frown and went off into the darkness i started to yell no over and over until i woke up to my mom. " Hun,It's time for your first day of school, i left toast and eggs on the table bye!" she kissed my forehead and rushed out the door in inhuman speed. Walking to my closet I took out short shorts with a baggy striped purple and white sweater and purple vans with a miniature bow. Walking to the shower i took about 10 minutes until i noticed I was gonna be late, i dressed in inhuman speed and ran down ate breakfast and flew out the door to my yellow Nissan." School, here I come!" i smiled as i started driving out my parking space. Seeing my two best friends Elizabeth and Zara, i jumped on Zara's back and we all laughed as she tumbled to the floor. " What up ma homie biscuits!" They returned my smile as we all did fist pumps. " Your in the zone today Ali" Eliza laughed. The bell rang as i waved goodbye to them,Stuffing my new Camera in my bag, as the day ended i drove home smiling wide." BEST LIFE EVER!" i yelled, a old lady with a white poodle in her car made a frown at me and motion the words " Teenagers these days" As she continued driving, " Old people these days " i said mocking her while making a short giggle. I ran outside the car to see a alerted mom and dad. May we talk for a second Hun?" " s-sure??" i said nervously." Let's get straight to the point, where moving kiddo." My dad said in a short mumble,I was so shocked i started to well up and tears flew down my face without my permission."Why!?" "Your a new job.." My mom said trying NOT to make contact.I couldn't bother to make my parents worry, so i just got up wiped my tears and headed off to bed. I texted my two bffs and they were so shocked they didn't text back but imedeitlly called at once. "Why!?" hearing those same words that escaped my mouth once, i think i felt how my parents where feeling." My dad got a better job with paying money.." We exchanged our goodbyes because they both didn't have time to come visit. Personal reason, i guessed.Tears welled in my eyes as i fell asleep whining to stay to my inner wolf, but she seem to be not listening. I survied the last few days of the week and ended up suddenly on saturday.



New House,New living,New Mates

(A/d Hue hue,sorry i did't keep my promise huh? :/ well sometime this month i'll TRY to make the picture book of who's who :) all the characters aren't out ya know it would kinda be spoiling! :P i talk to much BACK TO THE SHOW!<3)

-Moving day-

I wake up on a Saturday "moving day.." my inner wolf whispered in my mind, already i felt tears welling up in my face. I quickly push them back thinking -Hey! new friends! how about that-. "Hun! breakfast hurry up and eat then start packing" "okay!" i yelled back at my mom in a singing kind of tone.I walked to my closet and started packing,after packing i jumped down the steps and made a big plump on the kitchen stools, and swang around it a few times before blowing on my coffee, and picking up the fork to play with my eggs. As i finished breakfast i walked upstairs to go into the shower about 5 minutes later, I got out to get ready, i pulled out the outfit i picked to wear, short shorts a half top pink shirt that says " I got the bad's" and some simple slippers." Ali, were ready are you!? if you are come down with your stuff" -what nice parents making me get my heavy luggage- Oh, i forgot to tell you, i have a brother,too but he's not here he lives in California He's around 19, and my sisters 20 can u believe it!? he already moved out but my sister is still hear wow. I walked down the stares making sound affects for someone to come help me, but they were all to busy. as i carried my luggage to the car i forcefully pushed it into the back while my arms turned a pale color." Some people you are" i thought as i rolled my eyes and jumped into to car putting in my headphones.Half an hour later or so, we started driving my sister Camie was wearing something completely opposite from me, she was wearing a purple tight v with black skinny jeans and dark drown boots. I'm not a lesbo,but she really fit that style. Listening to "Glad you came" By The Wanted I slowly drifted of to sleep. Again, there was that dream! It was that same blonde guy with that cute but cheesy smile and the same way how he frowned and walked into the darkness. I woke up still feeling puzzled but just happy to know I didn't scream in front of my family no like I did last time.Just then i saw a welcome sign it said "WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA" I was pretty happy to finally see my brother again after 2 years, yes we've been separated since he was 17 because he wanted to stay with grandma until he could mature a little, then move out because a little months later grandma died. We pulled up at this really large house or should I say MANSION! It was BIG and a light yellow that could be mistaken as white. " Uh.. Why so big!?" i looked at my mom in joyment. She gave me her beautiful wide smile which quickly turned into a frown and said " I told you your dad got a better job with paying money... and plus a few pack members will be staying" she said the last part a little soft. My happy look wore down,"Why?" "Because our pack needs to stay together,and oh your brother will be moving here too!" she smiled more this time. "How many?" I said with a soft frown " 11....or 10" she mumbled. My mouth shot open so wide. " We'll barely be at home because of business trips, but you'll be here with Camie" she smiled. I smiled a little thinking PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG BITCH, my inner wolf gave a small chuckle, she seemed kinda happy to " why are you so happy"? I asked her " THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A MATE!" my inner wolf was now smiling wide, well I could feel It at least. "Okay " I said running to open the door of my new home. It was SUPER BEAUTIFUL! The walls were coated in light purple as well as for the kitchen, a Neon orange. I ran upstairs to find my room. Passing a massive bathroom and a Neon green colored room. which was my sister's favorite color so I decided not to choose that one, (a/n: Hi so uh, I'm back in business<3 and I'm losing interest in this book so the ending might not be so good :I kBye.)Next was a room coated in turquoise, my favorite color.Running to the bed I landed with a big plump as the soft covers try and bring me into an everlasting sleep.KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! My eyes swung open as I flinched at the sudden presents of a new wolf. " Hey um are you Alisa? Hope your not ugly, I'll be your new neighbor I'm gonna be next door mind If I come in?" His sudden entrance made me a little surprised both shocked. We exchanged glances and I nodded. " Hot babe~' He sang eyeing me from every corner. Glaring I got my brick/pillow and swung It at his dirty minded face. " Dam Perverts.." " aw common at least I'm sexy too, be happy" This caused me to glare more. Just now I noticed he was pretty cute but definitely NOT my type. He had Light blonde hair and a tint of brown mixed, with really light aqua blue eyes. He winked at me noticing I was "checking him out" I just rolled my eyes and got my pillow ready for throwing, He noticed this and back up two inches with hands up like surrendering." Okay okay, I'm leaving I'm leaving" He slowly backed up until bumping into my sister I sensed this so quick I couldn't believe it. Mate to Mate first time contact. This was just Insane, He stopped in shock staring at my sister lovingly and instantly started to stutter. " U-um Hi I-I'm Lyan" He said blushing a Bright red rose color. Wow never knew he had this side to him. My sister on the other hand more confident than him but a little stuttering replied with her same lovely smile mouthing the words "Camie" out loud.This was like the movies, love quickly filled the air so much I think I was gonna barf at that exact moment. I turned to go sat on my bed, but then I wanted to go tell Camie to make me a sandwich but as soon as I turned around I find two people making out in front of my doorway. "OH GOOD GOD GET A ROOM!" Nearly yelling, this " Lyan" guy only smirked and grabbed my sisters hand to pull her into his room.One word.ew, pf might as well get my own sandwich. Before I got into my room mother told me a little about the pack and said little by little they'd take there time to come and invade my new home, packing up every single room that is in this house. As I started eating my sandwich I felt the presence of someone irresistible close by. Could this be my mate? I felt this presence getting close and closer by the second, I couldn't take this feeling anymore and busted open the door, to be meeting eyes with the most sexiest guy I've ever seen. He had Chocolate dark brown hair which seemed to be a little damp at the edges,and deep forest green eyes I almost felt lost in them for a moment. He only stared at me with shock at my outburst, but haven't noticed that I was his mate because I was hiding my scent and any potential of knowing so. (A/n: YU KNOW U WANT MORE<3 more studies Kbye). " U-uh I'm guessing your one of thoes new pack members too h-huh?" He only stared until grabbing me into a large hug. " Woah! pervert alert!" i pushed back falling onto the floor and feeling completly embarresed. " ow.." he finally had the nerve to speak up. " I'm sorry! are you okay?? I-I didn't mean that I just saw you and well..instincts?" dam I think he figured it out, clever I'll call him that for first impression. He slipped out his hand as I firmly grabbed it the small spark invaded my skin as I pushed away once again. " asdfff. u-uh bye! nice meeting you" I grabbed my camera by the table and dashed out the door. " Godd, hope I don't end up in that situation again" i whispered to myself as I walked, at the moment outside was beautiful I didn't know where exactly I was going, but the scenary was just breath taking. I took several snapshots before arriving at the large bridge next to a pizza shop.The veiw was just amazing. The blue ish green lake whispered soft noises. I took as many pictures as possible from the angle I could only see." Ah don't you just love nature?" i smiled as I felt my inner wolf nod along. " So you like this stuff?" I turn around to see the once again that horrible person. " Oh it's just you perverted alien freak" "Quite a nickname you have for me" he chuckled softly slipping closer to me. "  ew get away who know's if you gonna flip my shirt up next..dam pervert." I walked as fast As I could back to the house wanting to see If Camie had finish her make out session, I still want my sandwhich. " Hey wait up!" He caught up with me as we walked back to the house. First time seeing such an annoying person, How will I put up with this?

And the Torture begins!

(A/n Hey my sexy's. So So I've decided to not be a bitch and try to not skip over bad grammar and work more often on this :) -slow clapping for me please!<3 and by the way I decided not to make a picture book use your imaginatio! makes the characters way hotter haha.- enjoy read my other books too kthnxbaii)



 We walk back slowly to the so called new pack house which I'm sappose to be comfortable in,NOT. I glance at the guy who is sappose to be my future mate. " Uh so your just gonna hug me,stalk me over to a bridge and not tell me your name? nice one for picking up girls.." He seemed kinda surpried and hurt," I'm So sorry! I-I well I just saw you and.. Mind if we go over that park?" " okay, mr.stranger why don't we hop in your van too?" I roll my eyes, jeez how worse can this get. I mean I don't have a reason to hate the guy but honestly I just have that small part of me who wants to dash off runnning and hope he can't find his way home. " Comon Please for a few second, I'm not gonna rape you were practically ya no.. I think you sensed It way before me..." " No shit sherlock.." I grabb his hand and we walk over to the nearest bench to sit. " so you gonna give me candy now?" " will you just stop fucking with me for a second! I wanna talk seriously.. I mean It" He looked deep and seriously into my dark blue eyes which just gave me this weird shudder that I kinda liked. WAIT that's not the point here! I  shook myself mentally. " alright.. speak or forever hold your peace" " well lemme introduce myself, I'm lee. I'm sure you met my brother Lyan he's a bit older than me I'm 18 and he's 21." " uh my names Alisa, I'm 17 and i love photography." "Alisa..Beautiful name" I blushed a little." T-This is no time for that! what do you need kidnapper van man!" " I'm just trying to make convo, but I'm sure you know that were you know.. mates" "yea I figured my life time wish would be somehting along these lines having worst nightmare coming true" I rolled my eyes getting up to jog back to the house. He followed like a lost puppy right behind, " Hey why not hangout now?" " Uh no I got stuff to unpack" I replied " Okay that's cool metoo, how about later pizza and home movie?" I was really siked at the idea of home movies, i just LOVE them I can't refuse that " sure I'll invite camie and Lyan their like new make out buddies" I laughed a little as he gave me a grin. " So he found his one too. I'll catch ya later Alisa" " yea whatever candy van man ". Okay He's not as bad I mean home movies comon! they are the best! I feel really excited now. I ran up stairs skipping pass Lyan's room passing by kissing noises. Bleh. AFter unpacking my stuff and fly down to the kitchen for a drink, to see camie and Lyan sitting around the kitchen bar table eating. I stare in shock. " Camie How come you didn't make me any!" I wined "Oh, Sorry Ali, I thought you were sleeping or something." I pout my face pouring some orange juice to sit with them. "So first day moving in and your raping my sister's lips. Remember harm her and I WILL kill you Lyam!" I said glaring at him with my most hurtful look. He look a little uncomfortable but then shook it off with a smirk wich made me a bit mad. " Why are you smirking for idiot!? no one made a joke" " nothing, I wouldn't hurt this beautiful lady I should be saying that not you" He chukkled a little and my sister gave him a awe smile as I gagged. Just then, Lee came In and their was complete silence, but that idiot my sister is dating just wouldn't keep his mouth shut.




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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2012

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