
“You can’t be here anymore Sage, you don’t belong” the blonde woman who I once called my Mother stood on the steps of our rural home shouting at me, luckily neighbors were far and few between nobody heard. A brown suitcase landed in the white snow beside my feet. I shivered in my black long sleeved sweater and the blue and pink care bear pajama pants I wore. I looked down at the suitcase now covered in snow and picked it up it was light. My Father shoved his way out the door passed the old hag with the short dark brown hair.

“You’re Mother is right Sage, you are no longer welcomed here, you are not one of us anymore. Here take this.” he threw his hand out with a tiny white piece of paper in it. “You need to get here before your Birthday, they’ll be expecting you,” he said. I grabbed it from him and looked at it, then placed it in my pajama pocket.

This man was not my biological Father; he had a medium built with blonde hair and blue eyes, the total opposite of my Mother and me. My real Father was killed when I was born; my Mother never spoke of it. He turned back to the house where she stood allowing the wind to blow through her hair. She rubbed her arms to keep warm, as I stood out in the freezing cold. They did not say goodbye, not even a wave or a kiss on the cheek, just a slam of the door.

I turned towards the snow covered roads and hills in the distance. There was a lot of ground to cover before dark I had to walk a few miles to get to the nearest bus station in town; I also did not own a cell phone, so I could not call for a cab. This was not just a random act, it had been brought up a few days prior, I just did not believe them until now.

My body was just warming up when I finished walking down our long driveway, no plow even bothered coming through this area, it was a town with a population of only 100 people, everyone owned farms out here, there were sheep farms, winery’s, veggie farms you name it we had it. In Cherry Lake, it was our way of survival.

I finally passed the first traffic light on Main Street about an hour and 30 minutes from departing my house, the snow was starting to get heavier and instead of feeling colder, my body became warmer. I turned the corner and found myself on Conklin Street where the bus station was. I breathed a sigh of relief when I found the bus station that was enclosed, still out in the cold but it had a sliding door to protect the people waiting. I crossed the street and made my way over; all of the town stores behind the glass-enclosed bus stop were closed for the day. The snowstorm had ripped through Cherry Lake and it had been the worst winter in years.

I took a seat on the wooden bench inside the bus stop. I plopped my brown suitcase on the concrete below and rested my head against the glass. I closed my eyes and thought what 15 year old gets kicked out of their own home for never getting in trouble. It wasn’t trouble that got me kicked out it was Family genes, well on my Fathers side anyway, he had a secret, one that Mom had kept from me. It’s a secret that from my knowledge when I turn 16 I’ll end up finding out the truth. I had a big calendar in my room back at home, ever since the New Year I had been keeping track of each day as it passes. Last night I crossed off the list March 10th, my birthday was on the 15th. Just another horrible birthday to add to the list.

She told me that things would change on my Birthday and I began to feel changes already. Although I was cold from the winter weather, I didn’t feel it as much as I used to, and within the past few months, I went from 4’11 to 5’5, that’s so not normal. Something bubbled inside of me and my stomach cramped. I reached down into my pocket and grabbed the piece of paper she had given me. The bus could only take me so far, it would take me to The Maple Wood Pines a community about 3 hours away. Maple Wood was a community that kept to themselves mostly, they had a population of 50. All of the homes there looked like log cabins, it was always quiet and peaceful. Behind the community were large pine trees and a forested area that spread out for miles, within that area would be the place where I had to go. She said, they were waiting for me.

So to sum up some more of my past, my Mother married my stepfather when I was 8 years old. I never really liked the guy but I tolerated him, and I had never met my Dad so I couldn’t hate him for taking his place. I never once caused trouble for anyone, and he never really caused any trouble for me.

I never told Mom but I had found a picture of her and my real Father in her bottom drawer, she had held onto it for 10 years, it was way before I was born. They looked happy, Dad was tall with bushy eyebrows, and dark brown hair. He was a very hairy man, his facial hair hid his lips, but in this picture, you could see them, they were lifted upward into a smile. I ripped her out of the picture and only kept the one of my Father. She claims he died in a hunting accident right after I was born. I made sure the picture was kept safely in my pockets.

When I opened my eyes up again the big greyhound bus roared outside the bus station. I stood up grabbing the suitcase along with me and pushed through the glass doors. The doors to the blue and white greyhound opened and the driver looked down at me. I walked up the steep steps and showed him my ticket to Maple Wood Pines. He was an older gentleman at least in his 60’s, with white hair and a white beard. He took the ticket from me and welcomed me aboard. I grabbed a seat that was a few rows in and sat against the window. There were still plenty of hours left with daylight for me to enjoy the scenery. The busload was small, maybe about 10 or 15 people. I was able to place my suitcase next to me without worrying about making room. I lay my head back on the black and blue seat and looked towards the window. The bus made a hissing noise and the doors closed. I felt us moving a few seconds later. In my own way I waved goodbye to Cherry Lake unsure of weather, I’d see it again. I would never be back to see my parents because they didn’t want me anymore. If I were any normal girl I’d hate my real Father for doing this to me, it’s all because of him, my Mother would say.

I barely realized I had drifted off, but when the bus hit a bump, my eyes fluttered open. I looked down and notice a blue blanket covered my body. I looked around, there was no one sitting in the row beside me or in front of me. A scent wafted from the blanket it was a woodsy smell of pine and wood chips. I suddenly felt comforted by the scent of the mysterious blanket and pretty much didn’t care who had put it there. I didn’t even realize it, maybe I had been shivering, someone noticed, and were kind enough to give me his or her blanket. I watched outside to see where we were, a few cows roamed around looking for food. We passed some horses too behind a white picket fence. A big green highway sign wizzed by me. Maple Wood Pines 3 miles. I could not believe I had been asleep for almost the entire bus ride, I felt a little stiff from the position I had been in and sat up to adjust myself.

The skies were gray and miserable, kind of, like how I had felt at this moment. I was being forced to go somewhere away from what I knew. If only I was dreaming. Looking through the window, I could see my reflection it wasn’t me. My usual straightened dark brown hair was tangled in knots, and my dark eyes were blood shot. I rubbed my crinkled forehead and that’s when we passed another sign signifying that in less than a mile we’d be at our destination. I’d have to get off there and walk the rest of the way, straight into the path behind the community.

I knew the pines were close I could see the trees, they reminded me of giant Christmas trees. Imagine, how big the presents would have to be to go under those trees? There would definitely be some happy kids in the world. I watched as the snow plopped off the big green branches. The forest looked huge, and I was beginning to wonder how on earth I would find this place. I could see only a few feet away. There was a huge archway, a sign with black lettering was underneath. It read “Welcome to The Pine Region” below it said est. 1850. The bus turned right and went under the huge arch into the small town. We pulled in and only a few cars lined up along the street. A long strip of stores ran along both sides of the road. There was one bank, a bakery, a salvation army, and a small food mart on the right side in the middle. The bus station was right in front of the food mart. It consisted of a small blue sign that said bus, and a wooden bench for people to sit. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders, it would keep me warm for a short while.

When I stepped off the bus, I felt a cold chill run through me. I looked around to see if maybe there was a diner I could stop at, I was a bit hungry and hadn’t eaten since last night. When the bus pulled away, I noticed a small 50’s looking diner on the opposite side of the street. It was only a two-lane road and without a lot of traffic, it was easy to cross. I could see in the glass windows that lined along the front of the diner. Inside was red and black, the tiles, the seats and tables, as well as the walls. I stepped in and a young man with his hair slicked back and a white suite on welcomed me.

“Welcome to Mimi’s Dinner, just one today?” he questioned. His blue eyes met mine and I smiled.

“Um, yeah just one” I said. He nodded and pulled out a menu from the basket that hung on the back of one of the booths. He walked me to a booth right by the window.

“Best seat in the house for a lovely lady” he said allowing me to sit and then giving me the menu. I smiled graciously, he was slightly older than I was, he had to be 21 at least. He walked back up to the front of the dinner and greeted a few more guests that had come off the bus too.

I ordered a burger, fries and a strawberry malt. It felt good and I was beginning to feel re-energized for my trip into the woods. The young guy who had taken my orders and seated me came back over. I pulled the piece of paper with the directions out of my pocket and looked up at him.

“Excuse me, could you possibly give me some direction on to where I would find this cabin?” I asked handing him the small slip of paper. I watched his facial expression, he furrowed his brow at me. The dimples that appeared when he smiled was gone. He placed the paper down on the table.

“Walk straight up through the main street, the path through the forest is pretty much covered so good luck finding your way. The cabin is about a mile from the start of the trees. A young girl like you should not be going up into that area, it’s dangerous” he said. I took the paper back and slid it back into my pocket.

“Dangerous how?” I asked him. He shook his head and then handed me the check.

“Just leave the money when your ready” he turned around and started to walk away towards the front of the diner.

“Wait!” I called after him. He turned back around.

“It’s not my place to talk about” he sounded serious, and turned back without saying have a great day. I flipped over the check and looked at my bill. I felt eyes eagerly awaiting mine when I looked up. Across the way was another young guy with shaggy brown hair, and greenish brown eyes. Scruff lined his chin and cheeks. I looked down feeling my face grow warm, and then rummaged through my suitcase to find my money. I heard the sound of a chair move. I looked back up and nearly jumped because he was standing right beside me at my table. He was tall I felt a crick in my neck as I looked up at him.

“Didn’t mean to scare ya” he said. His lips curled up into a smile, and I swore I had seen a twinkle in his eye. I nodded and went back to counting my money, and when I had found enough, I placed it on top of the bill. I noticed the shadow still lingering above me.

“Can I help you?” I questioned stuffing my suitcase closed again.

“You’re her aren’t you?” he asked. I stared at him hard trying to figure out who “her” was. I chuckled slightly.

“Who’s her?” his smiled widened.

“You are, your Sage Bandacot, I knew it was you” he said. He was like a young puppy realizing his master just came back home. I expected to see his tail wagging.

“How did you…”

“I’m Devon Lane” he held out his hand to me. I was still in shock from him knowing my name and I didn’t know how to react. He grabbed my hand and picked it up from the table shaking it quickly. My hand slammed down onto the table.

“My Mom sent me up here to get you. Your coming to Forest Place right?” he questioned. I nodded, okay so he knew that too, who was this kid?

“We should head up there, she’ll be so excited to know that you’re here already” he grabbed onto my hand and pulled me out of the booth. When I stood up I had to look up, I thought I was tall but this guy, definitely was over 6 foot. My hand tingled with a weird sensation until he let go. I felt a weird connection filled with trust the second his hand reached mine, so after a minute of hesitation I walked with him towards the doors. The waiter saw me walking with the guy and shook his head, he began to whisper to another waiter behind the counter area.

“Ignore them, they know nothing” Devon whispered. I looked up at him, and then back at my feet, it was getting harder to put one foot in front of the other. I nearly tripped over my own two feet as we approached the door. He held it open for me and I thanked him with a head nod. He wasn’t wearing a jacket, it was a bit odd, I mean I know I was just wearing a sweatshirt and, oh crap! I looked down realizing I still had on my Pajama pants with care bears all over them. My cheeks flushed. I could sense that he knew what I had been thinking because when I looked back up he was eyeing me with a grin.

“What?” I questioned still embarrassed about my pants.

“Nice pants” he chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

“If you must know I was kicked out of my house at approximately 7am, I wasn’t prepared to go anywhere. But of course you already knew my name and where I was going so … you most likely already knew that.” I crossed my arms as we continued to walk down the long main street. We were now getting into the area where most of the people lived.

“I know specific details, but I wasn’t informed about the care bears” he smirked.

“If I knew you, I’d probably smack you upside the head by now” I told him.

“You are not a shy one are you?” I shook my head.

“Not at all, and apparently you aren’t either. I mean you just waltzed right over and then yanked me out of my booth real slick.” He elbowed me lightly getting me to look at him again. This time I got a good look, on the left side of his face was a scar that went from the top of his cheek to the bottom. It was covered by the scruff on his face, so I hadn’t noticed it earlier. His eyes did that sparkling thing again, either that or I was hallucinating from this crazy day I had been having.

“Well you see this is how I pick up girls. I can read your mind and I know your name and all of your information. I’m psychic” he said simply.

“You’re a jerk is more like it” I said to him. He smiled and nodded.

“I won’t deny that.”

“So where are we going anyway?” I questioned.

“That is something you can’t know until your 16. So 5 days from now” he shrugged.

“Oh, did you read my thoughts again?” I asked rolling my eyes.

“I think you’ll fit right in.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“Oh, don’t you worry, you’ll find out.”

The next few blocks were silent, every 3 houses we passed were the start of a new block. There were about 20 blocks in the small town. As we passed each one, he told me that the population had increased in the last year in the town so they added more housing. He also had said that this was the smallest town around. He mentioned that he had lived in the forest since he was born and that I would enjoy being secluded from civilization. I had to explain to the so-called psychic boy that my closes neighbor had been a mile away. We finally reached the end of the small town, the sign above the other arch read “Thank you for visiting.”

“So why is this place so far from town?” I questioned him as we walked underneath the arch made of stone.

“You are so nosey. Don’t worry everything will be explained.”

I had no clue why I had even bothered coming here, or why I was following a stranger. Maybe it was because deep down inside I had a gut feeling that I was doing the right thing. However; when I was younger my Mom had told me never to go off with strangers, but this was different. This guy knew my name and knew where I would be heading. I was told to come here and that was the bottom line. As scared as I felt inside I was not going to show fear, somehow I felt a little safer with each step I took.

I still held the blanket tightly around my body, wondering who had put it there. It couldn’t of been this kid, he wasn’t even on the bus he was here waiting for me. I could see the day coming closer to an end, it must have at least been about 3pm by now. I realized that somehow, we had been on a path, the one the guy back at the diner told me was covered with snow, although he was right I was still able to tell the path apart from the rest of the forest. I felt eyes bearing down at me again and looked up. He didn’t smile this time, it looked more as if this guy was trying to read me.

“So why the silence, I thought you were miss talkative?” he questioned after about 20 minutes of silence. His eyes were off of me and back on the path ahead. I shrugged. A second later, his attention was back on me.

“Can’t a girl think?”

“Hmm … let me see.” he scratched the fuzz on his chin.

“Nope, thinking definitely not allowed.” he said shaking his head. This time I elbowed him, I could feel his smile.

“So be honest, how did you know who I was?” I questioned.

“I heard you talking to the waiter and then realized you were the girl I was waiting for.” finally an honest and serious answer out of the guy. Although I did enjoy the fighting it was nice to have a serious conversation about what was about to happen.

“Are you scared?”

“I am scared of the unknown, I don’t like not knowing.” He nodded.

“Understandable” he said.

“If I tell you that you’re going to be okay, would you believe me?” he stopped walking causing me to stop and look up at him. I got a good look and underneath his shirt, he had a 6 pack just waiting to come out. I now noticed the muscles in his arms bulging through his shirt. He wasn’t a thin guy and he wasn’t heavy either. I got a good look at his face again and his mysterious eyes. I felt some sort of comfort in his eyes. It was hard to imagine just a few hours ago, I was kicked out of my home, something struck me, I didn’t cry. I acted more shocked than anything, it was like I had expected it. I wasn’t sad that my Mother didn’t want me, I felt relieved. He was watching and waiting for my answer.

“For some strange reason I do.”

“Well good because we’re here” he motioned towards the big luxurious log cabin sitting in front of me. It was surrounded by various bushes and gardens that were now buried under the snow slightly. Pine trees ran along the border of the property. The first floor was all-stone, while the second floor looked exactly like a log cabin should look. On the left side was a pale stone stairway that wrapped around to the back of the cabin. Smoke poured out of the chimney made of stone on the right side of the roof. The windows were outlined with a dark red wood, the same wood that the door looked to made out of.

“Keep your mouth open like that and you’ll end up catching flies” Devon chimed in a few moments later. His pointer finger reached under my chin to pull my mouth shut.

“What… what is this?” I questioned. He laughed.

“It’s my Mom’s house, c’mon she’ll be so excited to meet you” he said grabbing my hand again. He pulled me up a stoned pathway, towards the red door that looked very inviting. I could smell some sort of tomato sauce being cooked, it smelled of onions and oregano. I pulled my hand away as we approached the door and stopped. His hand went to reach for the door when he realized I wasn’t moving.

“What’s wrong?” he questioned.

“Would you make fun of me if I said I was scared?” I questioned him. He shook his head and went to grab my hand again. His hand was filled with warmth, it made me feel like I was at home. I had no clue what was going on, still trying to figure out the secret as to why I had to come here. What would happen a few days from now when I turned 16? I couldn’t keep my mind off of why I had been kicked out, maybe now is when the realization had kicked in. I was trying to fight back the tears, wasn’t I just saying how after getting kicked out I didn’t even cry? It hadn’t registered until I smelled the homemade tomato sauce, and the way this place made me feel. Somewhere in my heart, I suddenly wanted to turn back and run away. I could feel the knot bunching up deep in my throat.

“I’m sorry” I cried as a tear rolled helplessly down my right cheek. With his other hand, he wiped it away with his thumb.

“Don’t be sorry, I promise Mom will make you feel welcomed. All of the others have felt welcomed too.” he reassured me.

“There are others?” I questioned. He nodded.

“Yah, they all had the same thing happen to them, kicked out of their homes and forced to come live here. It will all make sense soon I promise. I thought you trusted me?” I nodded.

“I do, I’m sorry just got a little… flustered I guess.”

“So then are you ready?” he asked as he placed his hands back on the door to open it. I nodded. He opened the red door and stood aside to let me in. I almost had to have him close my mouth again when I entered this home. I mean from the outside it was definitely a luxurious cabin, but from the inside, it looked like a mansion. We stepped into a wide rectangular shaped room, with huge windows looking out into what looked like a lake, except it was covered in ice and snow. There were also mountains far off into the distance. I was in awe. The whole inside of the cabin was made of a light stained wood, the walls and the floor. There was a living room set in the middle of the big room, two gray couches facing each other with a glass coffee table in the middle, and various colored rugs underneath the furniture.

“Do I have to close your mouth again?” Devon questioned with a chuckle. I smacked him lightly.

“This house, it’s amazing. You would never know what was lurking behind it, it all just looks like forest from way back” I said.

“You are going to love the lake in the summer.” I took in a deep breath and smelled the homemade sauce again. It wafted through the house and it made me extremely hungry. I looked over at Devon who was smiling at me.

“Devon was that you?” a sweet voice came from a room off to my left side. I figured the kitchen area was where that sweet aroma had come from.

“Yes Mom, Sage is here.” he called back. I heard a few pots and pans rattling, it almost sounded like she threw what ever it was in her hand across the room just to come inside and meet me. I felt honored to have someone be that excited, it was something I was not used to. When she appeared I was in awe, she was so feminine and beautiful. Her hair sparkled from the lighting, it wasn’t white but a silvery color, and her green eyes glimmered just as Devon’s did when I had met him. Around her waste was a white cooking apron. Her eyes lit up when she saw me.

“Sage, it’s just such a pleasure. I mean come here and give me a hug” the sauce smell drowned out when I walked over to her. She smelled like home, it was a mix of gingerbread and cinnamon. Her arms wrapped around me like I was her lost child that she hadn’t seen in years. I thought I would feel awkward about hugging a woman I didn’t know, she had more of a Mothers touch then my Mother ever had.

“Where’s everyone?” Devon questioned.

“They are out for the evening, it’ll be just us. Dinner is almost ready so why don’t you show Sage to her room. She can get settled and then come down for dinner. Maybe you’d enjoy a nice hot bath.” I was almost hesitant to pull away. I can’t say that my life at home was horrible but I can’t say it was good. I knew that my Mother did care, but at the same time, she was distant. At school all the other kids Mom’s would come to pick them up. My Mom never did, she had our maid Grace come and get me. That was until 5th grade when she pulled me out of school and hired a home schooling teacher. She claimed that the school was just too far, and that the bus company refused to drive to where our home was. Now I think it was because she knew when I was 16 she’d be kicking me out, and she didn’t want that to go noticed with the school.

“Sure Mom.” I felt his warm hand on mine as he tried to pry the suitcase out of my hand. I looked at him.

“I can carry it myself ya know.” I said once his Mother was out of the room.

“I was just trying to be a gentleman” he smirked. I rolled my eyes at him.

“Shall I show you to your room?” he questioned.

“Yes sir you shall.” I mocked him. He just shook his head and started walking towards the other side of the cabin. Directly across from the kitchen entrance was the beautiful wooden stairway. I followed behind him, looking at the pictures against the wall. They must have been the kids he was talking about. There seemed to be four others besides Devon. It was pretty even, there were two other girls in the pictures and two other guys. They all looked so happy. There was a picture of the Family camping at the lake, and one with them all crowded around the dinner table. I smiled thinking that maybe I could be apart of someone’s Family pictures. I didn’t realize that I had stopped until I heard Devon clear his throat. I looked up at him.

“Sorry” I trotted up the few stairs to where he was standing. The upstairs hallway was huge. Right as we walked up the stairs I was blown away once again by the gigantic windows that took up practically the whole wall in the hallway. The sun was setting in the background and I could see it’s orange glow even behind the gray clouds. On both sides of the room were doors, I was guessing each led to a bedroom.

“Each bedroom has it‘s own bathroom.” he was walking towards the room closest to the window on the right side. The door to the room blended in with the walls, aside from the golden doorknob. When he opened the door, I was once again shocked. The room was a huge rectangular shape. Right up against the wall where the door was a huge stone fireplace with a wooden mantel. The bed had to be king sized with a see through white canopy on top. Next to the bed was a beautiful bay window looking out into the forest. Looking out into the lake, I had sliding glass doors with a balcony. I placed my suitcase on the bed and turned to look at Devon.

“So I’m guessing you like it?” he questioned. I laughed.

“Like isn’t the word for it, Devon it’s gorgeous. Everything about this place just amazes me. I’m honestly scared to see the bathroom. I feel like I dunno… I think you should pinch me see if I’m really awake, because honestly I don’t believe that I am” he chuckled. I looked over at the door that led to the bathroom.

“Go check out your bathroom, if you pass out from shock I’ll know you loved it.”

I walked past him and opened the door to my new bathroom. I could not believe my eyes, the floor was black marble, in the far left corner was a hot tub? Really a hot tub? My god! I covered my mouth with my hands and let out an “Oh my God!” out loud. I heard laughter from behind me. I had a beautiful white sink with a counter top and mirror right above it. In addition, there was a regular bathtub as well. I felt a sharp pinch on my arm.

“OW!” I yelped. I turned around to find Devon laughing.

“I figured I’d do it before you asked me again” he smirked.

“Okay I didn’t mean literally” I laughed. I couldn’t contain my smile, this was so worth it. To come to a nice loving home where everything was so luxurious and beautiful.

“I’ll let you wash up for dinner.. You know maybe change your care bear pants” he snickered. I walked over and smacked him across the arm.

“These are the most comfortable pants in the world, and I will wear them again I can promise you that.” “You’ve been warned.” I added pointing my finger at him. He smirked.

“I’ll see you at dinner” he went to leave.

“Hey Devon..” I called after him right before he was about to shut the door.


“Thanks. For you know pretty much everything” I said unsure of what I was thankful for, but I knew I needed to say it. He smiled and nodded.

“No worries.” he closed the door behind him. I listened as his footsteps walked across the hallway to the other side, then a door shut. I was alone again, I ran to the bed and jumped onto my back, looking up through the see through canopy. I took in a deep breath and then sat up. I wondered how I got from point A to B today, and I began to feel so tired, but I couldn’t let myself miss a home cooked meal. I quickly got up, rummaged through the suitcase, and looked for something normal to wear. I’d definitely have to buy some new clothes, there wasn’t much in here. I walked over to the closet on the other side of my bed and when I opened it, I noticed clothes all lined up nicely with a note.

Dear Sage, I really wanted you to feel at home. I hope that you are happy here with us. Things will become clearer as the days go on I can promise you that. Please if you need anything, let me know. These are for your I figured you wouldn’t have much in your bag, so I did a little shopping. Love Camille.

I couldn’t help but smile and cry out a single tear. With my stomach in knots, a bit I walked towards the bathroom and turned on the shower. I decided to be quick, I’d be able to take a nice warm dip in my hot tub later tonight. There was shampoo, soap a lufa, and a razor waiting for me on the sink. Inside the closet next to the door were a bunch of towels, I pulled out the pink one. I stepped inside the steamy hot shower and let it work it’s magic.

I picked out one of the shirts from the closet of close I had adopted. It was just a simple purple v-neck t-shirt. I pulled out a pair of jeans that was stuffed in my suitcase, one of my nicer pairs. I slipped on some ballet slippers that were also in my case. Then I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom applied some light make up and blow-dried my naturally straight hair.

When I left my room, I could smell the sauce again and my stomach growled. I walked down the stairs and saw Devon sitting on the couch reading a book. He looked up when he heard me.

“You look nice.” he placed the book on the glass table and stood up to greet me. I felt my cheeks flush.

“Thanks. Sorry I took so long.” I apologized.

“Long? You were only up there for about an hour. The food is just finished. Mom’s got it all set up in the dining room.” he said walking over to me.

“You are going to love the dining area.” he informed me. I wouldn’t doubt that.

He led me into a room right off the kitchen, I didn’t really get to see what that looked like. The dining area was towards the back of the house. I stepped in through beautiful French doors and into another gigantic room. The wooden table was lined with food all down the middle, including a large candle in the center of the table. Above was a crystal chandelier, and it light up the room just right. Of course, the table was right in view with the big window that showed off the lake once again. It had started snowing again, and the sun was now completely down. I walked over to the window and just stared at how the new forming moon was bouncing over the frozen lake. It wasn’t full yet.

“There you kids are” Camille happily said as she entered the room. I turned to see her coming in with a few more dishes.

“Do you need help?” I rushed back over to the rectangular table. She shook her head.

“Oh honey please, don’t you worry your pretty head off. Please sit.” she gestured towards the table and vanished again. Devon pulled out a chair in the middle and told me to sit down. He ended up sitting right next to me, and his Mother sat across from us. When she finally sat down Devon and I had already piled out plates with angel hair, bread, and everything imaginable.

“Mm.” I thought I was moaning to myself and when I looked up I noticed them staring at me. I felt embarrassed. They both chuckled.


“Don’t be sorry sweetie, I am sure you are starved. Please eat as much as you can. If you don’t it will be all gone by the time the crew gets back.” she said.

“When will I get to meet everyone?” I questioned.

After swallowing a bite of her food, Camille looked at me. “Tomorrow afternoon. You’ll just love everyone I know you will” she reassured me. I nodded.

“When did you leave this morning?”

“Well I was literally kicked out around 7am or so” I answered.

“Kicked out?”

“Yah, I was nearly shoved out of my house like I was diseased or something. I mean I was expecting to leave because that is what I was told, but I wasn’t expecting the goodbye I got” I looked down at my plate and twirled my angel hair.

“I can tell you that you are not diseased. You are anything but that. You are very special and you must know that I will explain everything once your birthday comes. It’s not something you should fear, because like I said it’s a special privilege to be who you are.”

“I got this thing from my Dad though.. Right?” I looked up at the two of them. Camille took a swig of her coke while Devon started to slurp his food.

“Yes, yes you did.” she said.

“I never got to meet him” I spat out. She nodded.

“I know.”

“How do you.. I mean did you know my Father?” I questioned. She nodded.


“What was he like?” I looked at the two of them who were looking hard into each other’s eyes. I felt like I wasn’t being let in on a secret.

“He’s a great man Sage. Very respectful and very handsome. You would love him” she smiled brightly.

“How did you know him?” I know I was asking to many questions, but I was so determined to find out the answers.

“We grew up together your Father and I.”

“Oh, that’s nice.”

“So what is it that you want for your birthday my dear?” she questioned. I shrugged.

“I honestly wasn’t expecting anything. I mean my Mom and I haven’t been the best of friends lately and I just kind of figured it would just be like any other year. I never asked for any gifts except for when I was a kid. I just always now assumed I wasn’t getting anything.” I shrugged.

“You never had a birthday party or anything like that?” Devon questioned. I shook my head.

“Nope, never one of those either” I sighed.

“That can change this year you know?” I shot him a look.

“No, it doesn’t have to. I am so used to it. I mean every girl dreams of turning sweet 16 right? Well I certainly didn’t.”

“I mean I knew I wasn’t going to get a sweet 16, you know I used to watch those shows on T.V. about those over the top ones, and deep down I wanted one, but I already knew that I would have to deal with what I had.” I shrugged.

“I never celebrated my sweet 16 either. My parents they were divorced and my Father and I had no money. So we celebrated it with a Twinkie and two candles. Oh and Dad bought me a dress from the thrift store and I wore it around all day.” she said smiling. I could tell that had meant something to her.

“That sounds so perfect” I said finishing off the last of my meal. She smiled.

“It was the best night of my life.”

“Well I never had a sweet 16 either.” Devon pouted crossing his arms in front of his chest. I snickered.

“Are you kidding me? You’d look so great in a beautiful pink dress too. We’re just going to have to give you a sweet 16.” I looked over at him and he nudged me. Camille laughed and then stood up.

“Would anyone want some cinnamon buns? I just baked them fresh.” she questioned taking Devon’s plate and then mine.

“Mm.. I’d love some” I told her.

“I’ll be back in a jiff’ she said taking the plates and leaving the room.

“Your Mom is sweet” I said once she left.

“She’s okay.” he smirked.

“She’s better than what I had” I reminded him.

“Well if you loved her for her cooking, wait till you taste her baking.. Mm you are not going to want to stop eating” he said as she returned with a tray of cinnamon buns. Smoke was coming off of them, and the aroma filled the room. She placed them down on the center of the table and grabbed one for herself.

“Dig in” she told us. Devon was so right, these cinnamon buns were the best things I had ever had. There were so many left after we had crammed about 4 into our stomachs. Devon was shocked that I could stuff that many down and still maintain my figure.

“You only live once” I told him. He smirked.

“A girl who loves to eat. I think I love you” he blurted out with a chuckle. I shook my head and smiled. Camille got up and started to pick up some more dishes.

“Let me help you with dishes and the clean up please, it’s the least I can do” I said as I grabbed a few plates and some silverware. She was about to protest but I insisted. I followed her into the enormous kitchen down the hall. All along the wall was counter space, in the middle was the sink, on the left was the dishwasher. A big fridge was at the end of the wall between the cabinet and the windows, and the stove was on the opposite side. A small island counter top took over the middle of the kitchen with green marble on top. We filled up the dishwasher and when we couldn’t stuff another dish in, she began to wash and I helped her dry.

“It’s nice to have some help around here. Mostly everyone leaves the cooking and cleaning up to me.” she said handing me a white plate.

“I’ll help you around the house, I mean you are taking me in. I don’t know why you are, or why I was kicked out of my home, but I feel like I owe you. I just know I’ll love it here and I need to show my appreciation” I said placing the dish on the counter and moved over to the next one.

“I think I may just take you up on that offer.” she smiled.

“So in a few days I will be able to have knowledge as to why I went from 4’11 to 5’5 in only a few short months. And also why I feel the urge to run, and something deep inside feels all bubbly like my insides are on fire” I explained. She nodded.

“If you can wait four days, I promise it will all make sense, and I think you may be happy with what will come out of it all.” she winked.

An hour later, we finished in the kitchen and I was exhausted. Before I left the kitchen Camille gave me a great big hug, and kissed the top of my forehead, the way a mother would. She even said goodnight in a sweet tone. I couldn’t help but walk away smiling.

Once again, Devon was on the couch reading a book and when I entered, he stopped and looked at me.

“I’m going to bed.” I told him. He stood up and turned off the lamp on the small end table against the couch.

“Thanks for helping my Mom out.” he walked over to me with his book in his hand.

“I feel so welcomed here. It’s nice.”

“I’m happy to see that. Shall I walk you up to your room?” he asked. I nodded.

“That would be nice.”

“Do you have a Father?” I questioned him as we walked up the stairs.

“He died when I was 6, Mom’s been there ever since. She keeps me grounded.” he explained.

“Her good friend Charlie takes care of us the way a Father would. They wouldn’t think about dating though, they are so wrong for each other. It’s just nice to have a Father figure around.” I nodded.

“Will I get to meet this Charlie guy too?” I asked.

“He’ll be around soon. He went on a.. uh. Business trip type of uh thing.” We stopped at my door.

“Well I guess this is goodnight then.” I said. He smiled and nodded.

“I had fun today Sage.”

“You know I really could say the same thing, I mean after being kicked out and all the day didn’t end so bad.”

“Well goodnight” he held out his hand. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his muscular body.

“Goodnight.” I squeaked as I pulled away. His face look flustered, but he still managed a smile. I waited for him to walk away and then I opened the door to my room.

I undressed and got into bed in just my underwear and a tank top. I curled up under the light green comforter and snuggled into my new bed. I felt like I belonged to a Family again, for so many years I felt left out and unwanted. Mom always seemed disappointed in me, in what I’d become. I wish I knew the secret as to why she felt that way, but I guess soon enough I’d find out. If I had my calendar, I would cross out the day and it would be down to 4 days. 4 days until I found out my fate, with a Family like Devon’s by my side I was confident enough that I could handle what was next

Part 2

I woke up refreshed the next morning, I stretched and yawned. I hadn’t slept that well in - well never. I smiled at the thought of being warm and comforted by my blankets. I pulled them off and cracked my back, twisting my body until I heard a solid crack. A knock caused me to jump; I couldn’t get my words out before Devon opened the door. His jaw dropped to the ground, and when I looked down I realized I had still been in just my tank and underwear. I felt my face flush red with embarrassment. I grabbed the pillow I had slept on and threw it towards him.

“Get out!” I yelped covering myself with the blankets. He slammed the door so fast and hard I thought that it would break. I ran my hands through my messy hair and placed my head back on the wooden headboard. I cannot believe that just happened. I uncovered myself slowly, fully knowing he wouldn’t attempt to come in again, but still afraid that he just might. I scurried to the bathroom and shut the door. I leaned my head up against it and stood there for a few moments before recollecting myself and hoping in the shower.

After I was done, I quickly made myself up again and put pig tail braids in my hair. I threw on some of my new jeans that were left in the closet for me, and a plain black long sleeved shirt. I took one deep breath before opening the door, and then journeyed into the hallway. Sitting in front of the window was Devon. He sat Indian style with a reddish brown acoustic guitar in his hands. He was strumming quietly and humming to himself. He looked up when he heard my door shut.

“Hey” he said in almost a whisper.

“Hey” I said back, but it came out all gargled because my throat was dry. I cleared it and spoke again. It was awkward for the first few moments, and then I walked over to him. I looked out and noticed the sun was shining a bit, the snow had passed.

“Playing anything I should know?” I sat down next to him and brought my knees up to my chest. I placed my cheek on the top of my knees and looked over at him. He shrugged.

“Just fooling around, really. Tell me what you think.” he gave a quick smile and then looked down at his guitar. He began to strum the guitar lightly, switching chords so quickly I could barely recognize any of them. I remember taking guitar lessons in 8th grade, yah that didn’t turn out to well. For someone like me being tone deaf, it just wasn’t for me. He played a sort of jazzy tune; he plucked at the strings like they were nothing. About a minute in he began to hum along and nod his head. I watched him in amazement, he looked so content playing his guitar, it was like the hall was his stage, and beyond the big window was his audience. He stopped at looked at me.

“That bad huh?” he questioned. I shook my head.

“I loved it actually.”

“You’re just joshing’ me.”

“Nope” I said, stretching out my legs and placing my hands behind me on the floor.

“You ready for a real Family breakfast?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. He smirked.

“Oh you’ll see.” He said motioning towards the stairs.

I heard loud noises from downstairs. Today would be the day that I’d meet everyone. I pushed myself off the floor and stood up. I don’t even remember falling but apparently I did. I didn’t fall to the floor; Devon caught me in his arms. I know this because, one minute I was standing up watching him get up, the next minute I was looking up into his green concerned eyes. He was holding me up with his one arm and brushing my hair out of my face with his other hand.

“Hey” his voice was deep with concern.

“I um... Why am I in your arms?” I questioned trying to stand myself up. He must have been worried because he grabbed onto my waste as I stood up. I pulled away and turned to him.

“You passed out. You shouldn’t have gotten up so fast you... You should sit.” he spoke faster than usual. I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair.

“I feel fine.” and it was the truth, I mean my head was a bit foggy, but I still felt, okay.

“Maybe I need some food.” I said about to walk for the stairs. He rushed in front of me and put his arms out stopping me from going anywhere. I looked at him and crossed my arms.

“Let me by so that I can eat Devon. I need food, that’s probably what happened.”

“Let me go get your food. I’ll bring it up for you to eat.”

“Devon, I am fine. Please let me go. Plus I have to meet everyone down there today right? Sounds like they are having fun, wouldn’t want to miss out on a big Family breakfast.”

“BRANDON STOP STEALING ALL THE BACON!” I heard a female voice yell.

A few other screams shot through the house. My ears started to hurt; I tried to smile to let him know I was okay. I placed my hands over my ears, for some reason they were sensitive this morning. He looked at me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“I’m fine! Let’s just go get food.” I walked around him to the stairs. He just stood there and stared at me.

“Apparently some guy name Brandon is stealing all of the bacon, I don’t know about you but I’m a pretty big fan of bacon.” I tilted my head and smiled hoping that maybe he’d come around. I really wanted to just get on with the day. His concerned look turned to a smile and I breathed a sigh of relief. I tucked my arm into his and looked back into those eyes again.

“Just in case I fall, I need some guidance.” I chuckled. He nudged me.

“Just admit it you wanted to touch me.” he snickered.

“Yah, sure that’s it. I am almost as excited as I was that you saw me in my underwear this morning.” I rolled my eyes, and pretended to be chipper.

We both came downstairs and each step we took I got a little bit more nervous. For some reason I had been more nervous walking down those stairs this morning then I had been trotting through the snow with Mr. perfect. Wow, that fainting spell sure made me crazy. I squeezed his arm tighter not even realizing it until he pulled slightly.

“They won’t bite I promise.” he said as we got to the doors of the dinning room.

We walked through and the loud racket suddenly came to a halt, everyone stopped and looked at me. I felt myself tighten my grip around Devon’s arms, he laughed a little. One kid even had pancakes in his mouth, with part of it sticking out, he had stopped chewing.

“Guys…” Devon started.

“This is Sage. Sage this is everybody.” he pointed around to everyone. I moved my hand away from him and waved at everyone. The kid with the pancakes in his mouth smirked causing a few pancakes to plop back onto his plate.

“The pig over there is Brandon. He’s an athlete, but he eats like a pig. We have no clue where all of it goes.” Brandon smiled.

“Hi Sage” he said allowing more food to drop out of his mouth.

“Ignore him.” a dark haired gothic looking girl said.

“That’s Trish, she’s a newbie too.” she smiled.

“My cousin Tucker is the one who’s at the end of the table, eating silently. And well Bethany is the one who’s staring at his muscles as he eats.”

The blonde typical looking girly girl looked over at me, and then tossed some sausages at Devon playfully. Tucker was dark and mysterious; no wonder she was watching him. He had Devon’s face slightly, the same button nose, and some scruff. He looked up and did that half a smirk thing that guy’s do, when they don’t really care what’s going on.

“Some of the food was saved. You should have come down a little earlier, there would have been a lot more.” Trish smiled sweetly at me. She reminded me of a girl I had met at summer camp one year, my only friend in really my whole life. I liked that about this girl Trish, she felt friendly and relatable. She pulled the empty chair next to her away from the table and gestured for me to sit down next to her. I pulled away from Devon and walked around the table to meet her. Everyone’s conversation went back to full notch, it hurt my ears again. It was complete chaos, everyone yelling at each other, but for some reason it felt comforting to be sitting at a big table, kind of like a big dysfunctional Family.

“Where’s Mom?” Devon questioned.

“She went out for a bit with… to do some business.” Tucker spoke in a deep yet sexy voice. He seemed like the tough guy of the group, but still he was quiet and reserved. He looked all macho in his leather jacket, looking all biker like. I looked up and Devon was staring at me, he had that worried look on his face again. I hadn’t realized it but I had barely touched the food and was moving it around on my plate, just memorized by everyone.

“You okay?” he mouthed across the table. I nodded and then looked over at Trisha who was smiling at me too.

“He’s cute isn’t he.” she whispered into my ear. I looked at her funny.

“You mean him?” I asked pointing across the table at Devon. She nodded. I shook my head.

“He’s alright.” I said stabbing some eggs onto my fork.

“Are you kidding me he’s been watching you this entire time during breakfast. He’s usually much more talkative. But today he is fascinated by you.” she giggled. I was a bit confused, this girl was a completely Goth in her purple straight legged jeans, with zippers on the bottom, and high top converses. She didn’t look the type to giggle.

“We’re going to go ice skating today, your coming right Sage?” Bethany questioned. I looked down the table at her; she had finally torn her eyes away from Tucker.

“I um... Don’t know how to ice skate.” I felt embarrassed. Every winter I’d beg my Mom to let me skate on the pound out back, she’d always tell me that I’d fall through the ice. So she never bought me skates and never allowed me near the pound in the winter.

“Its okay, Devon’s an expert he can teach you.” Brandon chimed in, this time no food fell from his mouth.

“C’mon you can borrow my extra pair of skates, what size are you?” Trisha questioned. I looked at Devon with the help me look, but he just smiled.

I ended up with black ice skates that had skulls on them. I was sitting on the dock by the lake tying up my laces. The others were skating freely doing these double and triple turns, skating backwards and Tucker just did a back flip. I shook my head and wondered what kind of magic was at work here? Who could do a back flip on ice? Devon skated over to me.

“Nice skates.” he chuckled. I gave him the stink eye and continued to tie up the laces.

“I have no idea what I’m doing, and I will most likely crack my head open. Make sure you have 911 on speed dial.” I warned. He laughed.

“You’ll be fine. Here I’ll help you.” he held out his hand. I tried to ignore touching his hand, because every time I did some weird electric shock pulsed through my body. It happened this morning too, but I ignored it the best I could. I hadn’t been feeling too amazing after my fainting spell. But well enough to enjoy being with a big Family. I hesitated, but he wasn’t going to allow that, he reached in and grabbed me. I practically slipped and broke my ankle; I landed on my ass and slid right by him. He skated to me and couldn’t stop laughing when he reached down to grab me.

“Maybe I will try to get up on my own you jerk!” I yelled. He couldn’t hold himself together he was bent over with his arm around his stomach. I swept my leg underneath him and caused him to fall on his ass, but it didn’t matter he was still laughing.

“Shall we try again?” he questioned. I stood up on my own and watched as he got up as well.

“If you stop laughing at me!” he was still giggling like a little school girl. He held out his hand and I took it. I felt warm inside. We started to skate, and I wasn’t falling or slipping. It was slow and steady, kind of like rollerblading. I was getting the hang of it, when he twirled me around and into his arms. I spun in a circle and came crashing in.

“Are you dancing with me?”

“Yes, yes I am. Now just twirl out.” he said. I skated out of his grip and kept my hand on his.

“Skating like a pro already huh?” Trisha questioned as she zoomed passed us. I smiled at her, as she twisted around in the air and landed perfectly on her two feet again. I wasn’t really concentrating on everyone and what was going on, when I heard a deep growl from across the lake. I turned around or at least tried to that’s when Devon grabbed onto me.

“Devon, I can’t breath.” my face was scrunched in his chest. I heard the growling again, and my heart started to race. I wanted to see what was going on but he was covering me shielding me with his body.

“Trish, take Sage inside now!” Devon yelled. I felt another set of arms grab me.

“Just keep skating straight, don’t look that way.” she kept saying as she skated with me to the dock.

“What’s going on, was that someone growling?” I questioned.

“Keep looking this way Sage. You don’t want to see what’s going on.” This time I definitely heard a growl and I heard a sharp scream, almost like someone was getting murdered. I wanted to turn around, I almost got myself around but Trish was strong.

She led me back to the house, and by that time when I had turned around to look out the window everyone was gone. I saw a hat that Brandon had been wearing lying on the ice. A few ripped pieces of clothing as well.

“What just happened?” I asked Trish as we placed our skates on the towel sitting by the door. She shook her head.

“It was nothing.”

“Trish, I heard something growling. And look, there are clothes sprawled out on the ice. Something isn’t right I can feel it. I can smell …” I took a sniff in the air and something was off. I smelled something rotten, something dead. It wasn’t pretty; it made me kind of nauseous.

“What is that god awful…” I covered my mouth with my hands and jetted into the downstairs bathroom. It was just as big as my bathroom, except there was no bath tub or shower. I wrapped my arms around the porcelain bowl and emptied this morning’s breakfast into it. I could not believe that awful smell. I knew I had never smelled death before, but for some reason my body knew it was death. When I thought of it, I puked again. I felt all clammy and hot. A knock startled me.

“Sage. It’s Trish. I am going to get you some ginger-ale and toast. Okay?”

“Mm” I couldn’t speak, because I felt the urge to puke again. The smell wafted past the bathroom window on the other side of the room. I heard the bushes against the house move like someone had raced by them.

When I opened the door no one was in site. I grabbed the railing to go up the stairs; it took me a few moments to get up there. When I did I heard someone on the phone, it was in the room next to mine.

“Yes, she’s just beautiful Charles. Oh you’re going to love her. Yes just like you.” it was Camille’s voice. She was talking on the phone to someone, I was guessing about me? I listened for a few minutes longer.

“She hasn’t asked any questions. Yes she did. Nope no significant signs yet. I was informed she passed out in Devon’s arms this morning. Yes they’ve bonded already.” Ugh, I couldn’t hear anymore of this, the sick feeling came back and so did that smell, and I dashed into my room and back for the bathroom.

Part 3

The room seemed to stop spinning maybe an hour later. I was lying on my bed with a garbage pale next to me. I had to lay down I couldn’t sit on the floor anymore. My whole body ached. My bones hurt so much I thought for sure they were stretching inside of me.

Since I was slightly better I decided that now I should think, re-think this whole staying here thing. Everyone seems great, but something is off about this place. I can’t quite tell what it is. I suddenly don’t feel extremely safe anymore. First they hid something from me; someone or something was growling I know they were. Then I smelled death, I know it was death. It smelt of a rotting corpse, and the way flowers smell at a funeral. Maybe I should run, I tried to sit up but I felt too weak. Maybe I needed a nap. I was about to close my eyes when I heard a tap on my door.

“It’s Devon. May I come in?”

“I guess.” I murmured. The door opened slowly.

“You dressed?” he asked. I nodded, unable to joke about the underwear incident. He stepped inside, he was holding a tray. It had the toast that Trisha had promised me and ginger-ale. He shut the door quietly behind him. My head began to hurt. He pushed the puke bucket away from the bed, thankfully I had not puked it in, and how embarrassing would that be? I tried to sit up, but my body was not cooperating. He put the tray on the nightstand next to my bed, and rushed to help me. He placed his one hand on the small of my back, and the other he grabbed onto my stomach. He pulled me up into a sitting position and fixed the pillows behind me. The tray was set on my lap as he climbed into bed next to me.

“Trisha said you got really sick.” I nodded.

“Care to tell me what’s wrong? Was it the breakfast?” I shook my head as I took a bite of the toast. Luckily the smell was gone, now it was just Devon’s scent. I never realized it before but he smelled kind of like the blanket, of woods and pine. He looked at me.

“I smelled something awful. And would you care to tell me what you were shielding me from out there? I mean I’m a big girl I can handle things ya know.”

“There was a wild bear, he went to attack Brandon. Tucker always had his gun ready for those suckers. They are always around.”

“I didn’t hear a gun.” I said. He sighed.

“Look Sage. I was just protecting you okay? Can’t we just leave it at that?” he sounded angry. It was the first time he had raised his voice since I had met him.

“Protecting me from what? And by the way this whole big secret about what will happen when I turn 16 is really starting to get on my nerves. Why can’t I just know already?” I screamed.

“You just can’t, okay? It’s not like I can explain that.”

“Well then you know what, if you guys are going to not tell me then I’m just going to leave.” I tried to get up and nearly knocked the tray over in the process. I started to feel dizzy; my head swirled with colors and shapes.

I woke up to Devon’s face and a cool damp cloth on my head. His hands were brushing through my hair softly. I blinked a few times before I fully gained conscious.

“Try not to get up this time.” he warned.

“What’s going on here, I have never fainted before in my entire life until today. I can smell things; I smell things I have never smelled before. I can hear them playing…” I listened for a moment. “…Pictionary downstairs in the living room. What’s going on? Please just tell me.” I felt a tear escape from my eyes. He wiped it away quickly with his thumb and then caressed my face with his entire hand. Now I was scared, I wasn’t before but now this was too much for me to handle, and I just broke down right in front of him. He sat me up and wrapped his arms around me. I shook with fear as I cried in his arms.

“I thought you trusted me?”

“I do. But you have to tell me the truth.” I whispered in between breaths.

“If I tell you now, it will mess everything up. You have to wait. You’re down to 3 days. You can handle that can’t you? Just 3 days.” he was rubbing my back to calm me down.

“What do you mean 3 I thought it was…?”

“You have been past out since 4 this afternoon. It’s just about midnight now.”

“Is this normal?” I asked.

“What? Passing out well… its letting us know that your body is ready to handle what’s to come.”

“My body doesn’t feel very ready.” I sighed.

“You’re doing just fine. Just please believe me if you wait out the 3 days it will all be just fine.” I didn’t want to fight him anymore on this subject, and I didn’t want to tire myself out.

My Mother must have known what was going on, her and my Step Father. I wonder why they were allowed and I wasn’t. I calmed down a bit and he put his arm around me, and I put my head on his chest. He was breathing calmly, but his heart was beating a million miles and hour. I placed my hand on his hard chest. I felt his cheek against my hair.

“What are you doing?”

“Listening to your heart rate, if I didn’t know any better I’d think it was going to pop right out of your chest.” He snickered.

“Maybe you just drive me crazy.” I looked up at him not sure weather to believe him or not. His eyes were serious for a moment and then I noticed the lines under them from his smile. I smacked his arm and put my head back down.

“I hate you.” I mumbled.

“Love you too.” he joked. I closed my eyes and listened once again to his heart beating. I was so tired from just everything, mentally exhausted is more like it. His heart was calming me and making me fall asleep. I listened to the rhythm it was like a song, and somehow it calmed me and made me feel safe again. I took in a deep breath, and was out like a light.

I was in the forest looking back at the beautiful house that I was in. I knew in my heart that it was wrong to leave, but I had to. I started walking further and further away. That’s when I heard a branch move from a bush a few feet away. There was a growl, so low it almost sounded half human.

“Hello is anyone there?” I yelled.

“Hello?” there was no answer. I walked forward and that’s when it jumped out of the green bush. It looked human but it was tall thin and pale, with these fangs that looked like it could cut through anything. I jumped back as the thing shoved me to the ground. That’s when I felt it; my body was being pulled in both directions at the same time. It hurt so badly, I screamed in pain, and that’s when I heard my name.

I awoke to green eyes staring down into mine. It was Devon again; he was still in my room. The blankets were torn off and I saw feathers all over the bed. I sat up quickly almost head butting him. His hand was on my back.

“What… Why are… What just happened?” I questioned. I noticed that outside it was gray and miserable again, but it was definitely the afternoon, I could sense that somehow. I had slept practically all day, until this nightmare woke me up.

“You ripped the pillow in your sleep.” he placed some loose hair behind my ears.

“I did that?” I looked around; it looked like a wild animal had come into my room and tore apart the pillows. It wasn’t a wild animal it had been me. I never had nightmares not once in my life, not even as a kid. My dreams were always just dreams. I had never awakened in a sweat like this before. I rubbed my forehead and tried to focus on what was going on.

“I’ll clean up, why don’t you relax in the hot tub for a little while, get your mind off of things.” he suggested. I nodded; since I had been here I hadn’t used the hot tub that was right in my bathroom. I nodded and got off the bed. I rummaged through the dresser that was given to me, and found a bathing suit hiding in one of the drawers. I shut the bathroom door and started the hot tub. It started to bubble and I could not wait to step inside. The steam cleared my head as I changed into a red bikini. It definitely wasn’t my kind of suit. I covered my stomach hoping that he wouldn’t come in. With each step I took into the hot tub my body became lighter, and when I was full submerged I leaned my head back and sighed. The bubbles massaged my body, and my bones no longer ached.

“Hey everything is cleaned up….” I shot him a look as he just barged in. I wrapped my arms around my upper body and looked up at him in his blue swimming trunks. I couldn’t help but stare, what had been hiding under his shirt was muscle after muscle.

“I… thank… What are you doing?” I stuttered, still staring at his beautifully sculpted body. His arms were huge just as I had thought.

“Can’t I come in?” he questioned. I shrugged.

“I don’t, I don’t want you to see me like this.” I protested.

“Like what?” he questioned putting his left foot into the tub. His eyes rolled back from the sensation of the warm water. I made sure I was as far away as I could go when he finally stepped in.

“Do you want to talk about your dream?” he asked he sat down. I shook my head.

“Maybe later, okay?”

He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. I felt out of shape compared to his perfect body. I kept my arms around my body. His left eye opened to look at me.

“That’s creepy ya know?”

“What, that I am looking at you like this?”

“Yes, now stop.” I flung water in his direction. He spit it out and laughed. The next thing I knew we were having a full on water war. It wasn’t enough to soak the floor but it was enough to leave our hair dripping wet. Both of us had water droplets sliding down our faces. After the night I had I finally had felt better. I had only known him for 2 days, but he was keeping me sane from everything that had been going on. I needed to keep Devon close because he made me feel something that I had never felt before.

“Wait stay still.” he moved close to me, I mean we’d been pretty close in only a matter of 24 hours, but this closeness was just begging for his lips to touch mine. I couldn’t help but stare at them as he moved in, they looked so soft. I even noted that his top lip was slightly bigger. Sage, stop it I thought to myself, hold your-self together. His thumb touched right underneath my eye, he was breathing heavily, and I wondered if he had been feeling the same.

“You had an eyelash.” he whispered not moving an inch after he had removed it. I was now looking into his eyes again; it had been an on-going thing to crave, to look into his eyes. They were so relaxing, they made me feel worry free. It made me forget everything that had just happened. Gravity was pulling us towards each other. I wasn’t sure who had made the first move if it were him or me. I waited, and when our lips grazed each others my heart almost screamed with excitement, until we heard the door open. Both of us pulled away quickly and looked up to see Trisha standing at the door.

“Oh, did I interrupt something?” she giggled. I shook my head.

“No, I just need to relax in the…” another figure appeared behind her it was Tucker, Devon’s cousin. I suddenly felt my face flush red. He looked at me and nodded his head in approval.

“Nice Cuz.” he directed towards Devon, who rolled his eyes.

“Are they ready to…” another voice and another figure right behind Tucker it was Bethany with her hands on her hips.

“Oh- my- god.” I felt like submerging myself under the boiling water.

“Bethany as you can see these two are definitely not ready to go on the camping trip.” Tucker said biting his finger nail and then looking at it as he shook his head.

“Guys, nothing is going on. Please get out so that Sage can get ready.” Devon stood up showing off his perfect body. He grabbed a blue towel that sat on the sink across from the hot tub and rubbed his face down. Trisha was staring and so was Bethany.

“We’re leaving in 2 hours man, hurry it up.” Tucker turned and put his arm around both girls. He pushed them out of the room, but the both of them kept turning back to look at him.

“What camping trip?” I questioned. I stood up and got out without covering my body. Being the dope that I am I got out too quickly and slipped on a patch of water. Devon had come to my rescue again, catching me before I crashed to the floor. I looked up at him and smiled.

“Thanks.” he brought me up a little bit closer. We were just as close as we had been right before we were interrupted. He looked into my eyes again, worried like usual.

“Your clumsy around me aren’t you?” he laughed getting me back on my two feet. I grabbed the towel that had been next to his and wrapped it around my body.

“So what if I am?”

“You like me don’t you?” he grabbed onto my waste and pulled me in towards his body. His smile widened and once again I found myself staring at his lips. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip, and the top. I took a deep breath.

“Actually, no I really don’t. I don’t even know you really.” I shrugged trying to pull away. He shook his head and pulled me back in. His arms were snug around my waste. My towel fell off of my body and I wanted to cover myself so badly. I could feel his muscles up against my not so flat stomach. I had a pouch and I was so embarrassed, but he didn’t seem to notice.

“I think you do. Know me that is.” his breath lingered on my lips.

“In only 2 days?”

“Hey it could happen.”

“What would you do if I kissed you?” he questioned. I shrugged.

** “I don’t know. What would you do if I kissed you back?” I retorted.

He didn’t answer my questioned, and I did not answer his because before either of us could, gravity appeared again. It pulled us so quickly this time that I didn’t even have time to realize what was happening. All I knew was that his soft warm lips were on mine. I felt more of the shock that I had felt when I was holding his hand, or when I touched his skin. I felt like he and I were meant to meet, meant to take this messed up weird journey together. Although my head was screaming, we just met; my heart was saying something much different.

When we pulled away at the exact same time, he walked away with a smug look on his face. He didn’t say anything as he walked around me and out the door. I almost screamed when he left, but I had no time to do that because Trish barged into my room with the biggest smile on her face.

“Oh- my -god! You have to tell me what happened?” she shouted jumping onto my bed.

I found out that every time a new kid comes everything that changes about them happens with this camping trip. I didn’t quite understand why anyone would want to go camping in this weather. It wasn’t snowing but the skies still looked as if they were about to open up any minute, but this is what they said would be best. Trisha told me about what to pack, and to be downstairs in about 45 minutes. She heard everything that had been going on in the past few hours, I told it all to her. The entire time she kept this smile on her face, like she was excited. She was a little too peppy for a gothic girl. A knock startled my thoughts.

“Excuse me Sage, may I come in?” it was only Camille.

“It’s open.” I yelled back. She opened the door and stepped in. She was dressed in her camping gear. She looked warm and cozy, with her white sweatshirt, straight legged jeans with leg warmers, and black boots.

“We’re heading out in a few moments, are you feeling well enough to go with us?” she sat down next to me on the bed. I nodded.

“Yeah, I am feeling a lot better.”

“Devon told me about you getting sick and the pillow incident.”

“Yah, should I be scared that I ripped up a pillow in my sleep?”

“You don’t remember it?” she questioned. I shook my head, I couldn’t look her in the eye, and instead I looked down at the floor, and ran my feet across it nervously.

“I remember the dream. I was attacked by … It wasn’t someone it was something. And then I felt this weird ripping sensation throughout my whole body. It hurt, like it was actually happening. When Devon woke me up I looked around me and my pillow was destroyed and there were feathers all over.” I looked back at up at her face quickly and then back down at my feet. She placed her arm around my shoulders and squeezed me in a motherly gesture; it was one that I craved as a child.

“I will tell you one thing. You have to promise not to be scared.” she looked at me waiting for my eyes to meet hers for approval.

“What’s that?” I finally looked up at her; she had a comforting smile sprawled across her face.

“You are going to change. It’s going to hurt, but you will be okay. You will be one of us soon.”

“I wish I knew what you were.” I said.

“You only have two more day’s sweetie. In just a short amount of time everything will finally make sense. Now look here at me,” she placed her pointer finger under my chin and pulled my face up.

“I know this is a lot to take in, but I want you to feel as comfortable as possible. Once it is all over, believe me you will feel much better.” She stood up and looked down at me.

“I’ll let you finish getting ready,” she headed for the door.

“I’ll be down in a minute.” I said with a smile. She nodded.

“Take all the time you need.”

My time wasn’t long, maybe about 10 minutes longer, while I finished throwing things into a backpack that Camille had given me. Then I headed downstairs everyone was already down there. They were loud, and I had heard them the entire time I was packing. Bethany was off staring at Tucker again who was throwing a football around with Brandon. I waited for Camille to yell at them but she was too busy speaking with Devon in the corner. He noticed me first; I could feel his eyes on mine as I entered the room. Trisha ran over to me, and started gabbing about something. I really couldn’t pay attention because Devon was smiling in my direction. It seems as if Camille was trying to get his attention as much as Trisha was trying to get mine.

“We’re going to be tent mates, won’t that be great!” Trisha squealed with excitement. She had on a black bubble winter jacket, and her dark hair was in pig tails under a hat that looked like an anime character.

“I mean I am no strong handsome Devon, but I’m still great.” she carried on. I looked at her just as Devon was looking away, and nodded.

“It sounds great.” I really was excited, Trisha had been nothing but nice to me. I didn’t have many friends back at home; it was all due to the home schooling.

“Here. I grabbed you one of my extra jackets.” she handed me a purple version of her bubble jacket.

“Thanks. I definitely will need this.” I said putting my backpack on the ground, so that I could put the jacket on. I was becoming occupied with trying to zipper my jacket when I heard Devon stomp off angrily. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched him leave out of the back door, ahead of everyone. Camille sighed in the corner.

I walked through the forest with Trisha as we left the comfort of our big warm home behind. I could see in the distance Tucker and Devon walking ahead of everyone. I couldn’t tell if they were arguing or just talking. This was a lot different then walking from the other way; there were a lot more trees, and wild life further out this way. The sun had come out a bit causing some snow to melt; a few drops fell on us as we passed under a couple of trees.

“Do we sleep in tents?” I questioned Trisha as we crunched our way through the melting snow.

“Yah, but these things are humungous, it’s a 2 bedroom tent, and all four of us girls can fit into one. I requested that you and I get one side. I hope that‘s okay”

“That’s perfect actually. I don’t mind at all.” and I really didn’t, I liked Trisha and bunking up with her would be great. I felt arms wrap around me and when I looked back Bethany was behind us.

“Hey roomies!” she smiled. I didn’t really talk to Bethany, I mean she was nice but not someone who I could see myself being best friends with. People like her were the type to be independent and have little mini-me’s running around. I wasn’t a mini-me.

“You girls sure got a good view.” she was referring to Tucker and Devon. Although they were far ahead, I knew she was staring at their behinds.

“Mm Mm.” she came around to my side after dropping her arms.

“So you and Devon seem pretty close.” she bumped my hip causing me to hit into Trisha.

“We’re just friends.” I said shrugging.

“Are you kidding me? Okay, I have known Tucker and Devon for a really long time. My parents were really good friends with Camille. And well I have never seen Devon attached to someone, when we used to go to school at Pine Community he was a loner. He barely noticed the girls who would giggle about his good looks. I thought he was gay.” I wasn’t sure how much longer she was going to ramble on about this but for some reason I just let her.

“Plus the way he looks at you. C’mon you can’t tell me, hey wait a minute, you two were awfully cozy in that hot tub.” she crossed her arms and looked and me while continuing to walk. I shrugged.

“For the record I wanted to take a nice warm dip by myself. Devon just felt like joining me. I had nothing to do with that.” It was the truth.

“I see right through you Miss Sage.” she said poking at my arm.

“Plus you’re blushing.” I hadn’t realized that my face felt flushed and I knew that she was right. Trisha was smiling at me.

“So what if Devon likes her. She is perfectly capable of telling the boy to back off.” Trisha said.

“Oh, guys look we’re here.” Trisha exclaimed changing the subject. I gave her a look of thanks, and then looked into the camp grounds that we would be spending the next two days at. There were two big tents, just as Trisha had explained. They were blue and gray, the tent shape was odd. The front portion looked like those tubes you go through as a kid, except this one was much wider. Then the back which I assumed was the bedroom part was an off looking rectangular shape, and was a tad bit higher than the front part. In the middle of the two tents, which were set up on slants, was a fire pit. It looked like it had been set up just recently.

Everything seemed normal, like nothing was happening to me, and like this is where I had actually been my whole life.

Night approached quickly and it got colder, although everyone didn’t seem to be that affected by the cold. We sat around the fire for the first few hours, Devon was missing again. Camille said he had gone to get some more wood for the fire.

I was now lying on my cot next to Trisha’s. Camille and Bethany were in the other room. The tent walls were thin, so it didn’t feel like they were in the next room; it just felt like we had a curtain in between us. Trisha was shining her flash light up at the ceiling of the tent and humming. I tried to close my eyes for a moment, but a sharp image of the creature with teeth flashed in front of me. I opened my eyes and gasped. The thick scent of death wafted in front of my nose. My stomach clenched and my eyes watered. I began to feel all hot and flustered. My bones ached, I felt like someone was using a hammer to mash in my bones, and then they were taking them and stretching them. I moaned so loudly I hardly recognized my own voice.

“Sage, are you okay?” Trisha now stood over me, her face flushed and worried. She had her hand wrapped around mine and held it tight. I was just about to speak when a sharp pain traveled up and down my body. I then saw her mouth move, but for me no words had come out. I kicked my blankets off of my warm body. My head was pounding and my heart was throbbing. A few minutes later, I swear everyone was in the tent, everyone except the one face I might have wanted to see.

Camille was talking a million miles a minute, and still I could not hear one word coming from her mouth. The pain struck again as I stretched my body out, and this time when I screamed I heard it, as well as the other voices.

“She can’t be turning already can she?” they were talking as if I wasn’t even there. Camille looked at Tucker, who ran out of the tent with the glare he was given. Brandon and Bethany followed, leaving me with Trisha and Camille. Trisha was still holding my hand; I could feel her thumb rubbing up against the top of my hand.

“Wha … s.. go .. go going on..” I stuttered in between screams.

“You’re going to be fine. Okay? Don’t worry we’ll explain when you are in less pain, just relax your body.” Camille spoke in her Mother like voice. It was soft and delicate, and made me feel really comfortable.

It was almost a stampede like sound that barged back into the tent a few minutes later. The stampede was no other than Tucker and Devon. He looked exhausted, his shaggy brown hair was all out of place, and his eyes looked blood shot and worn. His face had dirt stains on his cheeks and I could see some dirt on his arms too. He didn’t waste any time and practically pushed Trisha back onto her cot. He intertwined his hand in mine and kneeled down next to the cot. Just having him there made my body stop convulsing and doing all of these crazy things. I shut my eyes and closed them tight as the pain subsided. My breathing steadied, but my head still throbbed. It got quiet in the tent, and by the time my eyes opened again, it was just him and I.

“Hey sweetie.” he did what I loved, and ran his hands through my hair, pushing back the hair that was in my face.

“Okay you..” I choked a bit.

“You.. Have to tell me what’s going on.” I finished clearing my throat.

“Something is happening and I am sick of not knowing.” I tried to sit up.

“Don’t work yourself up now Sage.”

“I will work myself up if I want! I want to know what’s going on, and I want to know now!” I yelled.

“You’re a werewolf Sage.” an unfamiliar voice sprang up out of nowhere. Both of us jumped and turned. A man who looked to be in his early 40’s popped up. He had the hairiest face I had ever seen. He had a thick dark beard and dark hair. His eyes were the same color as mine, a bright green. I sat up and looked at him, and it took me a few moments before realization had set in.

“Your.. Your.. Dad?” I cocked my head to the side and looked at the man. A familiar woodsy scent waved over me. It was the same smell that the blanket had when I had been on that bus. I couldn’t believe it standing here in the flesh, was the guy in the picture whom I thought was dead. I felt teary eyed; I wasn’t sure which emotion it was from though, happiness or a mixture of anger and sadness. A rush of feelings came over me and I didn’t know what to do first.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2010

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