
Chapter 1

It was so hot outside, Lada sat at the front seat on the bus; she went to her best friend apartment Mara. Lada and Mara had met for the first time when Mara accidentaly brought Lada's shopping bag when her shopping bag was exchanged with Lada's in the elevator three years ago. They both like shopping, Mara is a shopaholic, considering of her super expensive lifestyle she might spend all her money for stuffs, in the other hand Lada only shop whenever she has a bad mood about few of things in her life. Mara lives with her husband and a fat furry cat. Mara is a fashion designer and also an editor for fashion magazine; she is a year older than Lada. Lada is a fantastic food blogger; she is studying at one of famous university in Uppsala. Lada is struggling for her Phd degree in behavioral science; she came to Uppsala four years ago from Jakarta. Lada has been traveling to some of countries in Europe in order to finish her thesis. Lada has been working out her thesis since five years ago and it seems like an unfinished business for her. So she came to visit her uncle in London to get more data about some of local foods in Europe and their histories. Her uncle asked her to go for a research about local and traditional foods all around Europe and that's why she visited one of her uncle's best friend in Uppsala three years ago.


Lada rang the bell so someone came to the door and opened it for her. "You're late Lad! Come in please", Mara asked her to come inside and let Lada sit on the couch. Mara went to the kitchen and made a drink for Lada who looked so tired and unexcited. "It's a hot day, really! I thought I would never see the sun in this country", Lada spoke and giggled. Mara came to her and gave her a glass of orange juice with a small plate of chocolate pudding. "Wow! Did you really make these meals for me?", Lada ate the pudding and drank her orange juice. "So how did you meet him?" Mara asked her about a man who broke her bicycle yesterday. Lada took a deep breath and ate the pudding still, she pretended as she was a deaf and ignored Mara's question for a little while. "Come on Lad! you need to tell me about him, you know I am worry about you ", Mara spoke and chuckled. Lada knew that Mara is a nosey person even though Lada knew she would not tell about all the secrets that she has told her to her husband, not even to her fat furry cat. "Well he hit me with his bike too, he did not even realize how pissed I was that time", Lada said. Mara turned the tv on and watch her favorite cooking program, Lada yelled at her "Stop it Mara, you did not listen to me when I told you about a man who has broken my bicycle?” Mara smiled at her and said "I have to make a good dinner for Andrew, and I think you should sue that man and ask him to fix your bicycle". Lada drank her orange juice and gasped; she closed her eyes and then said "Fine, he gave me his phone number so I could call him". Mara went to her room and took her phone, "Here you can use my phone in case you don't want him to call you back or bother you with lots of calls", she handed the phone to Lada and went to the bathroom. Mara asked her to go with her to the mall; they have read a fashion magazine last week about a big sale for their favorite clothing brands.


"Hello?" said a man on the phone, "Oh hi, my name is Lada, do you remember me?" Lada said. "Sure, how are you?" a man said, Lada rolled her eyeballs and sighed so that man heard it and said "Are you alright there?", "Of course I am alright, I call you because I want you to fix my bicycle", Lada said. "Alright, when will we meet again?", that man said, "I think we can meet tomorrow, around 4 o'clock in the afternoon", Lada said. There was no response from that man for a second so Lada said "Hello? are you still there?", that man said "Oh yes I'm sorry I was thinking about the time, can we meet at noon instead? I have to work at 4 in the afternoon". Lada felt so bad she knew that man was a little bit annoying before but then she said "Okay you tell me a place so we can meet". There was another silence for a minute until finally he said "Hambergs Fisk". Lada smiled and said "Okay!”


Mara was ready to go, "Come on Lad!", she said. Lada still sat on the couch and read a food magazine that she just bought yesterday. "I like the restaurant that he told me on the phone", she said. Mara was confused and said "Who has told you?". Lada smiled at her and showed the picture of a seafood’s restaurant to her. "Oh well I don't really like seafoods Lad!” Mara laughed at her. Lada sighed and said "Mara, that one is not funny at all, he asked me to meet him up there". "Oh the man who broke your lovely bicycle?", finally Mara recognized that man. "I see, so he seems like a good man for you Lad!” Mara smiled at her and grabbed her purse from the couch, "Let's go Lad!", Mara asked Lada to get up from the couch.


"There are not so many people here Mara, are you sure that we come at the right time for shopping?” Lada said. Mara walked faster to the store that she liked and said "Trust me Lad!” Lada walked slowly behind her and took her iPhone out from the purse and she got two messages from a man that she has been chatting with for two years. Mara looked at her and yelled "Hi Lad!! Come on here!” Lada walked to the store and joined with Mara and other buyers there. Mara took a sweet purple purse for her, "Look this one Lad! It's Prada and the price is so affordable", Mara said lively. Lada grabbed that purse and yelled at her "Look at the price Mara? I cannot afford it, I have a lots of bills to pay this month and I just lost my part time job, do you remember that?” Mara smiled at her and said "I got Andrew's credit card and this is your birthday month so I'll buy it for you". Lada shook her head and said "No Mara it's too expensive, I don't mind my old purse, but thank you for your kindness", Mara smiled and then said "Okay then I'll put it back!". Lada smiled and said "Make sure you hide it from another's eyes", Mara smiled and nodded her head, "Lad, I have to go to the toilet but I'll be right back here, there are few things that I still want to see here, they're gorgeous!” she said.


Lada sat in a small white chair near that store and checked her iPhone, she seemed so excited because she just got 2 messages from a man that she has been talking with for a long time. They were chatting for a while until Mara came back from the toilet and surprised her with a 'boo' expression. Mara looked so curious about Lada's iPhone and she said "Well what did I miss here, Lad?” Lada sighed and smiled at her and said "Nothing!” Mara sat next to her and snooped out, Lada noticed that and said "Mara please", she got pink blushed all over her face. Mara jumped from her seat and said zestfully, "OH MY GOD, Lad!" she nearly shocked all the people at that mall so Lada asked her to calm herself down. "So tell me about him, look at him? He is super hot Lad!” Mara said. Lada couldn't help laughing at Mara's silly face expression but she could control her emotion better than Mara. Lada went to a coffee shop and bought 2 cups of Mocha Latte, "Here, drink it you need to calm yourself down Mara", Lada said and giggled.


 "So now you have to tell me about that hot man, Lad!" Lada smiled and sipped her Mocha Latte once before she told her about that man. "Well I have been chatting with that man for two years, can you believe that?" Lada said and giggled. Mara saw a happiness on Lada's face when she said that sentence. Mara said "So how dare you keep it as a secret from me, Lad?" Lada sighed and then said "Because he is so far away from me, Mara!" Mara said with curiousity, "Where does he live?" Lada said with a little doubt in her voice "Perth" Mara giggled and then said "Come on Lada! that's near your hometown!" Lada sipped her Mocha Latte and lied her body on the chair, she didn't say anything for a little while. "Lada for how long that you've been a single woman?" Mara asked her with a sad face. "I will be okay, Mara!" Lada smiled at her, Mara got closer to Lada's ear and whispered "Or maybe you want to wait for that annoying man who broke your bicycle yesterday?" Lada laughed and said "This Aussie man is much cooler than him actually, he's a great scientist and a charming prince" Lada said with a cheerful face. "Well then you have to ask him to visit you here, Lad!" Mara said and then sipped her Mocha Latte. "Alright Mara, I might ask him to come here but he is actually a busy man, so I don't know if he will come and visit me here or not" Lada gave her one wise answer. Mara winked to Lada and then smiled at her. Lada smiled when she got a reply from that silly man, Okay I don't have Skype, if we're meant to be we will meet soon in reality, Lada smiled and wrote him another comment You seem not so bad lately, why is that? I really want to meet you! Lada laid down on her bed as she waited another reply from that silly man. She checked her iPhone to find another thing on her Skype and she got lots of messages from Flyn, she read all his messages and frowned because Flyn was not as sweet as she thought. Lada got another reply from that silly man, When do you want me to cook another sea food for you? Lada smiled and giggled then she wrote back to him As soon as you can! I want to taste your Shrimp cocktail! Lada smiled and felt so happy that night, she thought about a funny imagination where she could find that silly man at Hamberg Fisk and she felt like he worked there as the chef.  Lada waited for two hours but that silly man didn't reply her last comment so she would come to Hamberg Fisk on the weekend to make sure about her intuition.


Chapter 2

Lada answered a call from Mara's phone "Hello who is this?" A man's voice spoke from the other line "Hi there, how are you?" Lada recognized the voice so she said with a gloomy face "Ah well it's you again? I'm okay, well can we meet today?" That man said with a hoarseness "I am so sorry I feel unwell today, I can not meet you" Lada looked so pissed with his answer because she could not use her bike if that man would not fix it as soon as possible, so she sighed and said with an annoyed tone "Come on man! I do need that bike to get a new job and to do things in my life, because I am not local people and I don't have much money to rent a car here" That man giggled and then said "Ok Ok" Lada was a bit shocked with his annoying response and then said "Fine! If you don't care about my bicycle we don't have to meet. Just remember that I don't want to talk to you again, you are an idiot!" Lada hung up the phone and went to the kitchen where Mara cooked a dinner for her sweet husband Andrew.


Mara turned around from the cabinets and saw Lada's sad face, she sat next to Lada and said "What's up Lad?" Lada sighed and said "He pissed me off that stupid man who broke my bike!" Mara was shocked and worried but she took a glass of water and asked Lada to drink and take one deep breath. Lada drank the water and felt a little bit better and she said "Well he said that he's sick so we can't meet today" Mara held Lada's hand and smiled at her "Well Lad, I will talk to Andrew to help you fixing your bike so no worries!" Lada put her head on Mara's shoulder and thanked her for everything. They're just like sisters even though they're not siblings, Lada has a sister who is younger than her, she doesn't talk much to her family because she is a busy woman. Mara has no sibling, she is a rich woman, her parents own a big company in UK, she came from UK after her fiance broke her heart so badly five years ago. Mara is a very beautiful lady and she is a warm hearted person, her husband Andrew is a cool friendly man. They met in Uppsala a year after Mara came to visit one of her aunt here four years ago. Andrew is a CEO in a big store in Stora Torget, it's a place where many people spend their weekends for relaxing and shopping because there are so many good stores at that area. Lada and Mara were met for the first time in a small elevator, that time was the second week for Lada staying in Uppsala with one of her uncle's best friend.


Lada stayed for a month at her uncle's best friend house in Malmo but she didn't really like living with Hannah and her husband Christopher because they're not a good couple even though Hannah is a good woman but she had lots of arguments about life with her husband. Hannah is Christopher's second wife, he has two wives and still he dates a woman who is 15 years younger than him. Hannah hates that young woman so she told Lada to find another place to live because  she knew that her husband and her would never stop arguing about things. They have no kids but Christopher got four kids from his first wife Helena and those kids hate him and Hannah. Lada didn't like a complicated thing like that, because she grew up in a very good family, her mother and dad never had a problem like that and that's why she told her uncle about Christopher and his wife. Lada got a permission from her uncle to find a place and live by her own, even her uncle sent her enough money so she could hire a place to live. By that time Lada went to a mall and she bought few of stuffs that she needed at mall where she met with sweet Mara there.


 "Lad, please taste this food, do you think it's tasty?" Mara gave Lada a plate of beef steak with vegetables. Lada smiled and then ate that steak, "Oh My Gosh! it is so great Mara!" Mara smiled and said "Oh Thank God, because Steak is Andrew's favorite food ever!" Lada giggled and said "Well, when will you teach me to cook a dish?" Mara said "Whenever you're ready Lada!" Lada took a deep breath and then said "Well I have noone to cook for" Mara sighed and said "See?? therefore you need to go out with a man" Lada said "Yeah I guess so, but time will tell" Mara held Lada's hand and said "Come on Lada! I know you better than anyone else so call your charming prince in Australia and ask him to come and visit you here!" Lada giggled and said "Well I don't even know his phone number, Mara! " Mara laughed and said "Well I mean you can tell him when he's online later!" Lada nodded her head and they enjoyed the foods that Mara cooked for Andrew. "Well I should take few pictures of your delicious steak" Lada said and took out her camera from her purse. "Make sure you'll write an awesome story about my dish on your blog" Mara said and giggled.


"I'm home!" Andrew came in and kissed Mara, he smiled at Lada and said "Hey Lada, how are you?" Lada smiled at him and said "I am fine, thank you, and how are you?" Andrew put his satchel bag on a small wooden tabel near the couch and said "I am good, I just ate good foods too" Mara frowned and said "No! I just made a special food for you, honey!" Andrew smiled,kissed Mara's forehead and said "Of course I'll eat your food too honey, don't worry." Mara smiled and rolled her eyes at him and said "You better!" Lada giggled and said "You guys are so sweet!" Andrew went to the bedroom with Mara. Lada laid down on the couch and watched tv, she watched a cooking program and posted all the pictures that she just took on her blog. She was surprised by a comment underneath one of her picture. Fresh seafood is the best and this picture looks so bad, look at those eyes? those fishes are not fresh, you need to throw them in to a trash can!! Lada was so mad at that comment and she replied to the man who wrote that cynic comment about one of her favorite picture. You think so? Well are you smart enough to cook a delicious seafood for me? Because I am not just a food blogger I am a food critical too, so prove it to me that your dish is fantastic!!!. Lada got up from the couch and said "Mara.. Andrew, I will be going now!" Mara got out from the bedroom and said "Are you alright Lad?" Lada nodded and gave her a big hug. "No you're not that alright" Mara asked her to stay and tell her about a thing that must has just happened to her, Lada said "I'm cool. I really have to go now" Lada smiled and walked out of the door. Andrew came from the bedroom and said "What's going on with her, honey?" Mara sighed and shook her head. Andrew sat on the couch and said "I just ate a delicious seafood from Hambergs Fisk" Mara sat next to him and said "Really? well Lada told me about that restaurant couple of days ago and she said that restaurant is good although I don't like seafood that much" Andrew giggled and said "I can take you and her to that restaurant this weekend" Mara smiled and kissed Andrew's lips "That's a good idea, honey!"


 Lada checked her iPhone and waited for new messages from Flyn. She got no messages from him so she texted him something and then logged in to her blog. She couldn't believe her eyes when she got a new post from the man who has pissed her earlier. That man posted a picture of his dish, a plate of grilled salmon with cranberry sauce.



That dish looked so delicious but Lada was still annoyed with his comment about one of her picture so she wrote a comment for him, well it looks okay i still have to taste you need to send me your dish! She went to her bathroom and took a shower, she turned a classic punk rock song out loud from the speakers on her laptop so she could not hear when her iPhone rang and it was a call from Flyn on Skype. Lada dressed up and checked her iPhone, she got ten messages from Flyn and a miss called, she frowned because she really wanted to talk to Flyn about something, but it was too late for her to answer his call. Flyn wrote that he would be very busy for next month so he apologized that he could not come and visit her. Lada sighed and talked to herself in the mirror "It's okay Lada! You're a big girl! Don't worry about him. If he is meant for you then he would meet you someday, yes one fine day!" She went to the livingroom and laid her body down on her pink couch, she tried to close her eyes but somebody rang the bell and she got up from the couch to open the door.

 It was a small brown paper box, there was a hand writing on the top of that box said TRY ME! Lada took that box inside and opened it, she was shocked by the thing that she found from the box, it was a plate of seafood that she just saw like thirty minutes ago on her blog, that silly man sent his dish to her address. Lada got panic for a bit so she went to kitchen and drank a glass of water, she wanted to call Mara but then she went to her livingroom and stared at that dish, she took her laptop from her bedroom and checked her blog out but that man didn't make any comment and that picture of his dish looked excatly the same with a mysterious dish that she had in her hand. Lada sat and mused for a moment, she finally decided to taste that dish, and that dish was fantastic.

Chapter 3

In the morning, Lada got up from her bed and grabbed her laptop from a square wooden table in her livingroom. She got shocked when she found a new comment from the man who posted his dish on her blog yesterday. Good Morning, my sassy girl! Did you sleep good? By the way I bet you enjoyed my dish! Lada smirked and giggled, she knew that man has annoyed her with his previous cynical statement about one of of her favorite picture two days ago, somewhat heartening that he sent her a plate of delicious dish. Lada thought about something in her mind and then she replied to his comment, well that is not seafod so I think I can't give my opinion about your were mocking on one of my seafood picture, so now you better cook something better than an awful salmon, yuck!! Lada lied to him about the taste of his dish, but she wanted to make him feel sorry for a comment that he's posted on her blog.


Mara kissed Andrew before he went for work and said "Honey, I will call Lada today" Andrew smiled and said "Good! Make sure she'll go with us this Sunday" Mara smiled and gave a big hug to her sweet husband and said goodbye to him. "Hello, Lada's speaking here" Lada answered a call from Mara. "Hey pretty girl! How are you today?" Mara said and giggled, "I am okay, just woke up here, and you Mrs. Wilkins? Lada said, "I am doing great!" Mara laughed, "Well that is so good Mara!" Lada said and smiled, "Listen Lad! Would you like to come with me and Andrew to Hambergs Fisk this Sunday?" Mara said, "Really? but why that place? Lada asked her, "Well Andrew told me that restaurant is awesome, they have a lots of good foods, and some of them are not seafood which is good for me" Mara chuckled a bit when she spoke, "Oh well I think I can go with you and Andrew, I don't have any plan this weekend" Lada said, "Great! So what are you doing now Lad? Are you working on your thesis?" Mara said, "Yeah I really have to work it out again, and I am looking for a new job on google" Lada giggled when she spoke, "Ok, so we can not meet today?" Mara said, "I am afraid so Mara, I will come to your place tomorrow, ok?" Lada said. "Okay Sweetheart!" Mara said and hung up the phone.


 Lada sat on her bed read some journals about foods and cultures in Europe, she typed some more paraghraps for her thesis. She wrote about the history of foods in Europe and defined a brief history of european dishes. Lada enjoyed a moment when she could carry on her thesis, she knew that she would get her Phd in summer that's why she has been struggling so hard for it. Lada spent five hours typing on her laptop she was tired and stopped for a moment, she took a break and made an instant noodles in the kitchen, she made a jar of lemonade and then took some of pictures of her dish and posted them on her blog. She ate her dish and then went back to her bedroom, she checked her iPhone but there was no any message from Flyn, she was upset but then she laid her body on her bed and took a nap.


In the afternoon, Lada woke up at 5 o'clock and she needed to go to the store to buy few of ingredients to make a fuit pudding. She wanted to make something for Mara and Andrew because they've invited her to go out with them on the weekend. Lada got up from her bed and chekced her iPhone, she got three new messages from her uncle, her parents and one of her best friend in Jakarta. She was happy because she hasn't talked to those people in a while so she sent them messages. She grabbed her laptop and got a new comment from the man who has sent her a delicious salmon dish, ya ya ya..if you want to taste a plate of seafood you just have to wait and see! Lada felt a bit funny because she knew that man has annoyed her, she thought it would be better for her if she did not reply to his comment, but somehow she was really curious about him so she wrote back to him For your information, if your seafood dish taste awful just like your salmon..I will never reply to your comment anymore! Lada changed her clothes and then went to the store.


 Lada walked in to the store she saw a lovely yellow bicycle on the display area, she felt so bad because that lovely bicycle reminded her of her broken one. Lada got all the stuffs that she needed for a fruit pudding and she stood in queue at the cashier, she hummed one of favorite song for a moment and then she saw someone that broke her bicycle. "Hey you! stop right there!" She yelled at that man, she left the queue and then ran after him. A security guy saw her and then he stopped her "Sorry you can not run here, mam!" he said, "Oh really? you don't know that stupid man broke my bicycle!" Lada said aloud to that security guy. Lada couldn't do anything, she thought about her bicycle because she needed it and she really hated that man. 

"Hello?" a man said, "Who is this?" Mara said, "I broke your friend's bike, how is she doing?" that man answered, "You're a bad guy! She needs her bicycle, you have to fix it for her!" Mara spoke with a little anger, "Ok! I'll fix it for her!" that man said and hung up the phone.


Lada put all the ingridients in the referigerator and then she went to her bedroom to check her blog, she got a new comment from that annoying man, Really? can you cook a better dish than a bowl of poor instant noodles? hahaha! Lada read his comment and got pissed and then she wrote back to him Well my dish taste wonderful and well I haven't seen any seafood from you, dummy! Don't make any stupid comments because someone has just ruined my mood! Lada sighed and went to livingroom to watch a tv program and that time she watched a horror movie. She heard something rang from her bedroom it was her iPhone so she answered a call from Flyn, "Hello my fantastic are you? Flyn said, "I am totally awesome now because you talk to me" Lada answered him, "Awee..what's the matter now?" Flyn asked her, "It's just a stupid man who broke my bike last week, I met him at the store couple of hours ago" Lada answered with a little of frustration in her voice, "That's good so you can ask him to fix your bike, can you?" Flyn said, "No I can not! He ran away from me, he's an idiot!" Lada said she was so dissapointed, "It's going to be okay, by the way I can not talk for so long I need to get back to work now!" Flyn said, "Well okay thank's for calling me Flyn!" Lada said and smiled, "Ok no problem, beautiful! Till later, ok?" Flyn said, "Till later Flyn, take care!" Lada said and hang up the call.


In the evening Lada typed some more for her thesis, she wrote about the elements of ancient cultures in Europe and the influence of those elements on some of european dishes. She really enjoyed her moment until the bell at her door rang out, she got up and opened the door, she got another little brown paper box and she read another hand writing that said TRY ME AGAIN NOW! she smiled and brought that box inside. She sat on her couch and she put that paper box on the table, she found a plate of oysters with chase baked.

She grabbed out her laptop from the bed and logged into her blog, she found another comment from that man, look? did you get my seafood? hope you'll like it! Lada chuckled when she read his comment and she ate the oysters, she was totally enamoured by that silly man seafood, she couldn't avoid a funny feeling that she felt about him and his dishes so she wrote something for him, yeah a plate of silly oysters, not so bad for a beginner like you! she logged out from her blog then went to her bed and slept.

Chapter 4

"Hello" Lada answered a call from Mara, "Hey Lad! What are you up to?" Mara said, "I'm in bed now, what's up Mara?" Lada said, "Awee poor little girl" Mara giggled when she said that to Lada, "Come on it's still 7 o'clock and it's Saturday, for god sake!" Lada yawned, "Okay Lad, I got a call from a man who broke your bike yesterday, he told me that he would fix your bike" Mara said. Lada got up from her bed happily and then said "Well Mara, I met him yesterday at the store and he ran away from me" Mara said, "Oh he's a bad bad man" Lada said, "How will he fix my bike?" Mara said, "He'll find out a way that's what he said to me yesterday" Lada sighed and said "Yeah I don't think he will" Mara said, "Well Lad, Andrew could fix it for you, don't you worry about it, ok?" Lada smiled and said, "I will try, by the way thanks so much" Mara smiled and said, "So are you going to my place today?" Lada said, "Yes sure I'll be there at 10 o'clock, ok?" Mara said, "Okay dear!"


 Lada went out for a jogging and she found out that her bike was not bound on the fence where she used to put it outside her small flat. She was so shocked and angry with that situation so she went back inside and called Mara. "Yes Mara's speaking, what's up Lada?" Mara said, "You won't believe it, I just lost my broken bike" Lada spoke with a sad voice. "What? Are you sure it's lost?" Mara asked with a distrust in her voice, "Yes it is Mara, I am not kidding you" Lada said with a fretful voice. "Okay dear just calm down now, I will come to your place soon" Mara said and then hang up the phone.


 Mara will come later and Lada hasn't made the fruit pudding for her, so she went to kitchen and made the pudding for Mara and Andrew. She enjoyed the moment when she could cook something for her or people that she knew well. She could release the anger out from her chest slowly but sure. Lada did all the things to buy that bike the first time she came to Uppsala. She remembered that time she didn't have enough money to buy a new bike so she went to a second handed store and bought that bike. She felt so bad although she knew that she could tell her uncle in London about it and he would surely send her enough money to buy a new bike. She planned to do that because she needed a bike to work and she couldn't take the bus for good, she would not like waiting for the bus to come, she's an impatient woman but still a friendly one.


Lada has finished her cook, she smiled and then went to bathroom and had shower. Afterward she dressed up and grabbed her laptop from a small table in her livingroom. She logged into her blog and got a new picture posted by that silly man. He didn't write anything about that picture but Lada could see the delicacy of food in his picture.





A beautiful plate of classic shrimp cocktail with two different sauces. Lada couldn't take away her eyes off of that picture, she sat on her couch and drooled. She knew that silly man has prepensed this situation, she knew that he wanted to tease her again with his lovely sea food picture. Lada sat and waited for the door bell to ring, she thought that silly man would deliver that dish to her like before, but she waited for an hour and there was nobody at the door, she felt a little bit dissapointed until she heard someone rang the bell. She got up from the couch with an excited face and walked quickly to the door, "Finally!" she said but then she saw Mara stood up in front of her and smiled. "Wow did you miss me that much Lad?" Mara chuckled and went into Lada's flat. "Oh well I thought you're a paper box" Lada said with an unhappy face. Mara was confused and then said "What am I again? a paper box? Are you sure that you're okay?" Lada giggled and explained, "Mara someone has sent me two plates of delicious dishes yesterday" Mara made a silly facial expression and then said "Wow! you got a secret admirer again?" Lada sat on the couch and showed Mara about those pictures from that silly man, "Please take a look at these wonderful pictures and those annoying comments from him" Mara sat next to her and then took a look at those things on Lada's blog. "Well who is he?" Mara asked Lada, "Just a stranger who made silly comments about one of my sea food picture" Lada answered her. "A stranger? but why did he send you the foods?" Mara said. "Because he's such an arrogant person, he wanted to show me that he's the best" Lada rolled her eyes and sighed. "Lada, come on..your life is a bit weird, isn't it?" Mara spoke and giggled, "Yeah I guess so!" Lada said.


"So please don't get bad mood just because you don't get that Shrimp cocktail, Lad!" Mara tried to cheer her best friend. "Oh well I feel okay, by the way I made a fruit pudding for you and Andrew" Lada said. Mara smiled and then hugged Lada before she went to kitchen and got that pudding out of the fridge. "Wow it does look yummy!" Mara said and smiled. Lada took her iPhone out of her bedroom and texted a message to someone. "Hey! who is that? Tell me about your hot prince!" Mara said and giggled. "Come on Mara! we're not dating yet!" Lada said and then showed Mara that text message, "So it's not for your hot prince?" Mara asked her, "Definately not! I text my uncle to send me some of money for a new bike" Lada said. Mara smiled and ate the pudding, Lada saw her eating that pudding and said "OMG!! If you eat it now your husband can't taste it later!" Mara giggled and said, "Well Andrew doesn't really like deserts!" Lada rolled her eyes and said, "But at least save the last bite for him" Mara nodded and said "Yes Mam!"


 "I guess I have to go now Lad!" Mara got up from the couch and grabbed her purse and that pudding. Lada nodded and said, "Okay, so what time for tomorrow evening?" Mara said, "Andrew and I need to go to visit one of his friend and then we will come to pick you up at 7 o'clock in the evening" Lada smiled and then hugged Mara before she left her flat.


Lada checked her blog again and she didn't find any comment or new picture from that silly man, she was upset that time. Lada watched another cooking program on tv and ate a bowl of bread pudding from Mara. She felt a little bit sad because she hasn't heard from that silly man that night. She typed more for her thesis and chatted with few of her friends on Skype. She didn't chat with Flyn because he was not online so she just killed the time with another friends who were there that night. Lada was so bored because she could not sleep. She typed another chapter for her thesis and then went back to the livingroom to check her blog, she didn't get any comment or pictures from that silly man. She was very curious with that silly man, she tried to get more information about him but he didn't tell much about his profile. Lada was fed-up with him because she didn't like the fact that she wanted to know more about him. Lada realized that she got a big crush on Flyn since years ago, she really wanted to be his lover because she thought that Flyn could complete her life. She used to have a bf when she was in college, she really loved him but he was not ready for a serious relationship so she was so brokenhearted and left that man. She got a chance to get a scholarship abroad and she promised to herself not to date a man until she got her Phd. Mara told her that she didn't have to worry about anything because she's a pretty woman. Lada realized that her life was already fine but there's still an empty space in her heart and she needed to find a missing puzzle that she's been looking for.

Chapter 5

Lada sat on her bed, she looked not so excited for the dinner because she was still thinking about that silly man. Lada went to her bathroom and took shower, she washed her wavy long black hair and brushed her teeth. She was really not in a good mood but she couldn't cancel the appointment with Mara and Andrew at 7 in the evening. She went back to her bedroom and opened up her cupboard, she stared at few of old dresses that she bought from Jakarta 4 years ago. She liked a black lacy dress with a cute maroon ribbon belt, she wore that dress with a maroon tighs and her black pumps. She combed her hair and then made a high pony tail with a black ribbon. She put smokey eyes make up on her lovely big eyes and maroon lipstick on her kissable lips. Lada saw herself in the mirror and smiled, she forgot about that silly man. Lada grabbed her iPhone from her bed and checked few of text messages, her uncle would send her money for a new bike that text message made her smile, her mom sent a text message and asked her to come home this summer. She sighed and then went to the livingroom, she sat on the couch and turned the tv on.


"Hello?" Lada said to someone on her phone. "Hi there!" a man spoke to her. "Flyn? Is it you?" Lada was a little bit shocked. "Hey my fantastic girl!" Flyn said and giggled. "Where are you? how have you been?" Lada said. "I am fine actually! Don't you want to take a look out of your window now?" Flyn asked her to see something out of the window. "What? okay hang on!" Lada walked to the windown and she saw someone that she really adored. Flyn stood in front of her apartment and he wore nice suits, he looked like a handsome business man. Lada couln't believe in her eyes, she was happy because her prince finally visited her. "Wait! I'll go down in a second!" Lada went downstairs. "I really think you're pretty Lada!" Flyn hugged her and then kissed her forehead. Lada smiled and giggled, she was totally blushed and shy because she thought she would never meet Flyn in reality.


"WOW!" Mara and Andrew came with their car and saw Lada and Flyn when they were hugging to each other. "Come on Lad! Am I dreaming here?" Mara said and laughed as she couldn't believe if Lada finally met with her hot prince. "Hi mam, nice to meet you, I'm Flyn" Flyn spoke to Mara and shook her hand. Andrew was still in the car, he smiled at Lada and Flyn but he didn't want to waste the time because that sea food restaurant wouldn't wait for so long. "Come in!" Mara asked Lada and Flyn to come inside the car, "Well where will we go my dear?" Flyn asked Lada, "Well Flyn, Mara and her husband Andrew would love to invite us for a dinner" Lada said and smiled. "Yes sure!" Andrew spoke from the car and smiled, "We can't be late!" Mara spoke before she got into the car, Lada and Flyn smiled at Mara as they got into the car.


They arrived at Hambergs Fisk, Mara and Andrew went to the receptionist desk to check in for a table. Flynn and Lada walked hand in hand like a charming prince and beautiful princess. Mara and Andrew asked Lada and Flynn to follow them, they got one fine table with lovely silky white tablecloth and silver cutlery. Mara sat next to Flynn and they still looked a little bit awkward to each other. Mara and Andrew smiled at them and thought about their first date few of years ago. "So guys, I can see love in both of your eyes!" Mara started a conversation and broke the silence among us. "Really?" Lada said and giggled, "We're good friends" Flyn said and smiled. Lada was a little bit shock with Flyn's statement but she didn't want to ruin a good moment so she just smirked at Mara. Mara saw her face was not so happy anymore so she tried to change the subject. "Well for how long you've been chatting with my best friend Lada?" Mara asked Flyn a serious question. Flyn smiled and then answered Mara's question with doubts, "Well I'm not sure ha ha ha" Lada was confused with his attitude she expected him to be a gentle man not an idiot. Andrew and Mara looked at Lada and they got no clue about Flyn's answer. "I have to go to the restroom" Lada excused and then left them, she went to the restroom but she couldn't find it so she met an old man with a happy face and grey hair near the kitchen's door, she asked that old man for the restroom and that man showed her the way.


Mara asked Flyn about his job and family but he didn't really answer her questions properly. Andrew rolled his eyes at Mara by the time Lada came back from the restroom. "What did I miss here, guys?" She asked Mara and Andrew. "We just have an excellent conversation my dear!" Flyn spoke and giggled. Mara and Andrew were disoriented by Flyn's demeanor. Lada sighed and rolled her eyes at Mara, she was so upset with Flyn she gave a sign with her eyes to cut the dinner off but Mara didn't want to dissapoint her husband and then she asked the waitress to bring the foods that they've ordered right away. "I am so happy that I can be with my fantastic girl, Lada!" Flyn said and giggled. Lada was totally bored with his words and she looked like an angry little girl. Mara and Andrew tried so hard to help her so Andrew asked Flyn about his interests. "I like golfing, clubbing, hanging out with some of good friends, actually I just got back from Lisbon last week" Flyn said with an arrogant tone in his voice. "Wow then why are you here now?" Lada asked him. "Of course because you asked me to visit you, all the time" Flyn said and smiled at Lada. "Okay guys our foods are here now!" Andrew spoke and smiled. Mara and Lada saw each other and they felt a little bit unwell about Flyn, Lada ate the shrimps and she couldn't believe in her tongue. "What Lad? Do you like the foods?" Andrew asked her. Lada was speechless but then she said "It's so delicious!" Mara tasted the shrimp eventhough she didn't really like sea foods, "Oh god! this time I have to admit that I fall in love with this shrimp!" Flyn giggled and said "Come on guys! It's just a normal sea food, I have been to Japan last month and tasted the real delicious sea foods there!" Andrew saw Lada and Mara, they were upset with Flyn's manner and his boring jokes.


"Thank you very much for the dinner Mara and Andrew!" Lada smiled and got up from the chair. Mara and Andrew smiled and hugged her. Flyn was still in the restroom so Lada said "What can I do with that clown?" Mara and Andrew laughed at her gloomy face. "Well you can tell him to go home" Andrew said and chcukled, Mara rolled her eyes and then said "You just have to tell him to stay at the hotel!" Lada sighed and nodded. Flyn came back from the restroom and picked up a call from his iPhone. "Oh hey mate! Sure! I'll be there tonight!" He hung up the call and then said "Lada my dear I can't stay at your place tonight!" Lada smiled and said "Oh Great! it's alright Flyn, no worries!" Flyn smiled and hugged her, Mara and Andrew saw Lada's face and they giggled. Flyn was confused and said "What's so funny here?" Lada rolled her eyes and sighed "Nothing Flyn, apparently Mara and Andrew are so happy tonight because they can meet you in person" Flyn laughed and shook Mara and Andrew's hands before he left the restaurant with a taxi. Lada grabbed her purse from the chair and walked with Mara and Andrew to the car. "OMG! I can not believe it Lada!" Mara yelled at her in the car. Andrew smiled at Lada and said "See? you can't just like a man from the internet!" Lada sighed and laid back on the seat, "I know guys! but trust me he was so sweet when we talked on Skype!" Mara said "Guys! you've been chatting for 2 years!" Lada said "I know it sucks!"


"I might back home this summer guys!" Lada said. Mara and Andrew were so shocked and then Mara said "Lad! I'm sorry for what I've said about Flyn!" Lada smiled and giggled, "Really??Don't be sorry! He is annoying!" Andrew said "So why do you want to go Lada?" Lada smiled and said "Because my mom asked me to visit her this summer!" Mara frowned and said "But you haven't finished your school here!" Lada smiled and giggled, Andrew spoke to Mara "No honey! She can finish her thesis anywhere!" Mara rolled her eyes and said "But you write something about Europe and you still have to get more informations about European dishes here! What about your bike? Doesn't your uncle send you the money?" Lada smiled and said "Enough Mara! You talked too much now, I can go back here after I finish my thesis to get my Phd!" Mara smiled and said "Keep your words!" Lada laid back on the back seat and said "I really like that sea food! I wonder who has cooked that dish at that restaurant?" Mara smiled and giggled, Andrew said "Do you want to know the chef?" Lada smiled at Andrew and nodded slowly.


Mara and Andrew went home as Lada came into her apartment, Lada was so tired with things that happened at the restaurant. Lada undressed herself and had a shower, afterward she wore her Paul Frank pajamas and laid her body on her comfy bed. She kept thinking about Flyn and his clumsy attitude, she felt a little bit hopeless because she couldn't handle her complicated heart. Lada realized that she couldn't be with Flyn in reality, she thought Flyn could be just good as a friend. She checked her iPhone to see if somebody sent her text messages, there was a text messages from her old friend in Jakarta, she asked her to visit her this summer, Lada smiled and sighed. She didn't want to come back home because she kept thinking about that silly man and her bike, she had an unusual feeling about the man who broke her bike as well. She couldn't sleep that night, her thoughts flew away to a wild imagination of a man who had cooked a plate of delicious shrimp at that restaurant and then calmly she fell asleep.


Chapter 6

"Hi!" he stood behind Lada when he spoke to her. Lada turned around but she couldn't see anyone so she kept walking to an narrow alley in the darkness. "Hi there can't you see me?" Lada heard a voice again so she turned around and checked all the walls in that alley, she found a letter and she wrote it, that letter is written in Swedish Jag verkligen vill fixa din cykel it means I really want to fix your bike. Lada was stunned and she couldn't think for a moment. She kept looking for that man who had greeted her before but she didn't find anyone behind her. Lada walked out of the alley and said "show me your face!" but she didn't hear anything from anyone. She walked through another alley and she got another letter that has been attached on the bricks, she opened the letter and found another sentence in Swedish Vill du ha en annan fisk och skaldjur? it means Do you want another sea food? Lada was a little bit trembling because she realized that she had a serious problem with those letters. Lada walked through the alley and she had a headache so she stopped by and took a deep breath and she saw a shadow of a man in front of her, "Hello there!" Lada spoke to that shadow as she knew there was a man behind the wall. That shadow had gone slowly and she could see a man walked to her but he hid his face behind a mask, a mask that she saw in one of her favorite movie V for Vendetta. She could fell a numb on her body so she yelled at that man "Stop! Don't hurt me please!" but that man didn't care about her fear and he walked closer to her, "Don't you dare!" Lada yelled at that man as she tried to move her feet but she failed and then she fell down to the ground. "Come on take my hand!" that man gave her one of his hand and Lada grabbed his hand tightly. That man pulled her body up and hugged her, Lada felt so comfortable when he put her body against his. Lada could feel a strange feeling in her heart but she couldn't really talk to him she just felt so happy until she heard something rang aloud next to her bed.


"Oh good lord!" She spoke to her iPhone as she snoozed the alarm off because it was so late for her to work, she just got a call from a lady who worked at the cafe near her apartment two weeks ago. Lada got up from her bed and then took shower she had to see the lady at that cafe and apologized because she woke up late. She dressed up and put a make up on her sweet face then she walked out the door and went downstairs, she couldn't believe in her eyes when she saw her bike has been put by someone right at the place where she used to put it. She took a look around her apartment to fiind someone who has put her bike there but she didn't find anyone. She checked her bike and it was fixed, she smiled and giggled but deep in her heart she thought about the man who broke her bike. She rode her bike down town and arrived at the cafe, she put her bike outside the cafe and locked the wheel. She met with the lady who had approved her to work with them for couple of weeks. Lada worked as a waitress there and she could still type for her thesis on the break time.


Lada checked her blog and found an annoying comment from that silly man, she smiled as she read his comment below one of her fruit pudding picture. Well I thought you don't like desert! Lada giggled and then she wrote to him Hey Mr. Heart Breaker how are you? I have been waiting for your stupid comments, Lada realized she just wrote something corny to him she understood if he would never talk to her again later but she was so happy that time. "Hey Lad!" Mara spoke to her on the phone, "Hey Mara! What's up?" Lada said, "Well did you prepare for your plane ticket?" Mara asked her, "Mara, the summer will come in a couple of weeks, so I have time to take care of that stuff later" Lada said and giggled, "Oh do you want me to help you?" Mara said, "Sure if you don't mind!" Lada smiled, "Andrew has a friend who works at the Indonesian embassy here, don't you know that?" Mara said with a cheerful voice. Lada smiled and then said "Really? that will be cool if he can help me", Mara giggled and said "Of course silly!", Lada smiled and said "By the way I got my bike!", Mara said with a happy voice "Wow cool when did you buy it, Lad?", Lada said "No I don't but a new bike, it's my old bike, someone put my bike this morning at my apartment", Mara said with a doubt in her voice "Well someone? Why is it so weird?", Lada giggled and said "Don't ask me because I dont have an idea about it", Mara giggled and said "Alright the point is you got your bike now! So are you at work now?", Lada said "Yeah it's a break time and yes I am happy that I can ride my bike again now!", Mara smiled as she said "Okay Lad! I think I have to call Andrew now, I will tell you if his friend needs to talk to you, see ya!", Lada smiled and she said "Ok Thanks!" as she hung up the phone.


Lada went home right on 5 in the evening, she rode her bike and accidentally she hit a dog. She got off of her bike and checked the dog, she was worried if the dog died so she took the dog with her and brought it to a vet near her apartment. She gave the dog to a nurse as she sat down at the waiting room, she saw so many animals there but she was not into them, she didn't pet any animal and actually she didn't really like dogs. A vet guy called her name out as she finished read a cooking magazine from the book shelf next to the seat where she sat for thirty minutes. "Are you Lada? the owner of this dog?" he asked me, "Oh actually i hit this dog accidentally, I was worried about it so I brought it here, what's the matter, doc?" Lada said with a guilt in her voice. "No the dog is fine, but who's the owner?" that vet guy asked her, "I don't know" Lada said, "Ok do you want me to keep this dog?" he asked her again, "Well how much do I have to pay for the treatment? Lada said. He held Lada's shoulder and said "Don't worry about the money", Lada sighed and then smiled "Okay I have to go home now", that vet guy waved his hand as she said "Take care!", then Lada walked out the door and rode her bike home.


 Lada came into her apartment and grabbed her laptop out of her bag and checked out her blog, there was another comment from that silly guy and she smiled when she read it. Oh did you miss me that much? she knew he would be even more annoying because she wrote an incompetent comment to him. She thought about her dream and she wrote to him Actually I had a nightmare about you last night...She smirked at her comment and waited for his reaction. She took shower and then ate two slices of pizza that she bought after work. She took out her iPhone out of her bag and she got ten miss calls from Flyn, she threw her iPhone to bed and enjoyed her pizza. She laid down on her bed and thought about the man who broke her bike and that sea food. She realized that she had to find out the chef who worked at Hamberg Fisk and she needed to talk to him about that delicious shrimp. She checked her blog again and that silly man wrote something to her Seriously? tell me about your dream, Lada thought about that silly man because she realized that she only talked to him on her blog, she wondered if he had a chatting account so she wrote back Yes so do you have Skype? We can talk there i think! She smiled and she waited for him to reply her comment.

Chapter 7

Lada arrived at Hamberg Fisk, she parked her bike in front of that restaurant and then stepped in. She talked to the receptionist guy about the chef who worked las weekend around 7 o'clock in the evening. That recepcionist guy was so confused with her questions, he asked her to go to the kitchen and talked to a chef supervisor there. Lada sneaked around to find the kitchen because she forgot the way to the kitchen but she knew that the restroom was located near the kitchen so she asked a waitress there for a way to the restroom and she walked through an alley where she met that old man with grey hair. She opened the door and found that old man in the kitchen, she greeted him as she walked closer to him, "Hi how are you? Do you speak English?" Lada asked him and smiled at him, "Ya just a little" he smiled at her as he asked Lada to sit on a small wooden chair behind his kitchen table. Lada sat for a moment because she saw nobody but him in the kitchen, "Are you the chef supervisor, sir?" Lada asked that old man, "Yes I am, what do you need from me here?" he asked Lada as he washed her hands at the sink and then took another vegetables from the fridge. "I am looking for a chef who cooked a delicious dish last weekend, I came here with friends and it was last Sunday around 7 o'clock in the evening" Lada explained. He smiled and then said "Did we meet before?", Lada nodded and said "Yes we did..Do you remember that day? when we met?", that old man nodded as he cut the vegetable and put them in a big aluminum bowl. Lada got up from that wooden chair and said "Do you need some help, sir?", that old man shook his head and asked her to sit back, "I'm fine, and he's not working anymore he gave up" that old man said. Lada was so sad with his statement but she really wanted to know about that mysterious chef so she asked more about him to that old man, "But do you know him well?" Lada said, "Well not so well" he answered her with a doubt in his voice. Lada knew that situation was a little bit strange so she just made her goal to get his address, "Do you know where he lives?" Lada asked that old man, "Why do you want to meet him so bad, sweetheart?" he answered her, "Oh well because I am a blog writer and I would like to know more about him, I love cooking too" Lada said with a big grin on her face.


That old man sat next to Lada and said "He lives on his own now, but he told me that he likes someone", Lada listened to him as she took out an apple from his hand, he was a nice person he gave her a cup of tea and chocolate and he put all those foods on a small wooden table next to a chair where Lada sat and ate her apple. "So does he have a name?" Lada asked that old man, "Well I don't really call his name a lot but I call him barnslig it means naughty kid" that oldman said and giggled. Lada was very interested in their conversation she thought about that old man and his friendship with a mysterious chef that she liked. "How old is he?" Lada asked him, "Well I'm not sure he's 29 maybe, do you want his address?" that old man asked her, "Of course I do!" Lada said with a big lovely smile on her face.


Following by a week after Lada met that old man at Hamberg Fisk, she finaly decided to come and visit that mysterious chef house, she was riding her bike when her iPhone rang out loud, she's got a call from Mara, "Hello Mara" Lada spoke to Mara on her phone, "Hey Lad! it's been a while how are you?" Mara said with an anxiety in her voice, Lada giggled and said "Don't worry about me, I am fine", Mara sighed and said "Okay can we talk about that guy who works at the embassy? When will you need your passport and tickets?" Mara asked Lada like she was her mother, "Yes we still have two days until summer" Lada said, "Okay I will ask Andrew to arrange an appointment for you and that guy" Mara spoke as she knew what's the best thing for her best friend, Lada smiled and said "Okay but now I have to go because I need to do something now", Mara said with a curiosity "Where are you now?", Lada rolled her eyes as she replied "Mara, I will be fine, ok? I will call you back later! I love you, bye for now!" Lada hung up the call and put her iPhone in the bag.


Lada rang the bell as she stood in front of the front door and she waited for 5 minutes until someone opened the door for her. Lada saw a beautiful woman stood in front of her, she wore yellow shower robe and her long blonde hair was wet. "Can I help you?" she asked Lada, "Oh well nothing I think I got wrong address" Lada smiled and left that beautiful lady as she took her bike and went home. Lada felt so bad because she thought about that beautiful woman, she remembered that old man told her about that mysterious chef's mistress or someone that he liked the most. Lada rode her bike qickly and she didn't see the road clearly because she wasn't focus anymore she thought about Flyn, her family, her passport, that beautiful woman, that mysterious chef and that silly man. Lada was confusing with all the situations that she had in her life, she couldn't breath well, her vision went out and slowly but sure she fell fromher bike.


"Lada? stay with me!" Mara spoke to her when Lada opened her eyes at the hospital. "Where am I?" Lada didn't remember anything for a while. "You're at the hospital sweety!" Mara said and held Lada's hand gently. "What? why am I here?" Lada asked Mara, "Someone has brought you here, but he didn't take your bike, I'm so sorry I think you lost your bike" Mara frowned and cried a little tear, "What? My bike? Oh No! I have to go home soon" Lada got up from the bed but she couldn't really walk, she felt light headed so Mara asked her to lay down on the bed. "No Lada! Don't you dare! You're still so weak. Listen doctor said your head got a mild bump when you feel down from your bike and hit the sidewalk" Mara explained. "I don't remember things that I've done before, but I do know who you are" Lada sighed. "Good. We're best friend. My name is Mara and my husband's name is Andrew" Mara said, Lada saw Mara's face and smiled. "Really?" Lada giggled and smiled at Mara, "Yes really!" Mara laughed and kissed Lada's hand. "So what about my tickets and passport? Lada asked Mara. "Oh you still remember about those stuffs?" Mara said with an excited tone in her voice. "Yeah sure I still remember things like you, your husband, my family, my uncle and my bike..Oh why do I have to lose that lovely bike again now?" Lada said and sighed. "Take it easy Lad! Relax! Andrew will ask his friend to come and visit you here. "Oh that's great Mara, thank you very much" Lada said and smiled. "You can go home tomorrow I have talked about it with your doctor" Mara said and smiled. Lada winked at Mara as she blew a kiss for her from the bed.


Lada woke up and felt a little bit better, she saw a man in brown suits sat next to her. "Hello are you okay?" that man asked her. "Yes I feel better today, who are you again? Lada asked him back. "My name is Erik, I am Andrew's friend who works at the embassy" that man said and smiled at her. Lada smiled and said, "Ah..okay Erik how's it going?" Erik gave her a big brown envelope and said "You can check all the documents that you need inside this envelope and if you need another thing just call me up, there is my card in this envelope too" Erik said and smiled. Lada opened the envelope and took a look at the documents inside it and smiled. "I got all the documents, thanks a lot Erik" Lada said and smiled. "Sure anytime! When will you get home?" Erik asked her, "Today, in the evening" Lada said. Erik nodded as he said "Oh I see, do you need a help?" Lada smiled and said "No thank you I have packed my stuffs a week ago" Erik got up and said "Alright I have to go now because I have an appointment with my girlfriend", Lada nodded and said "Okay hanve fun!" Erik walked out the door and Lada found his card and got another shock when she read his address. Lada remembered that address in sudden and she could recall few of memories from yesterday.


Mara said on the phone, "Hey Lad, are you home now?", Lada said with a curt "Yes I am now, what's up Mara?", Mara was worried about her because she never heard Lada talked like that to her before so she said "Are you mad at me because I couldn't drive you home?", Lada rolled her eyes and said "Well Mara I am not mad at you, believe me" Lada didn't want to tell her best friend about Erik and her feelings about him and his beautiful girlfriend, she didn't want to make it a big deal eventhough she felt unwell. "Okay so tomorrow morning I willl drive you to the airport, be on time I will come to your place at 8 o'clock in the morning" Mara said and hung up the phone. Lada knew that Mara felt a little bit upset, she would apologize to her later so she grabbed her laptop and logged into her blog. She found a new comment from that silly man underneath one of her picture, I know you've missed me so much, haven't you? Lada giggled when she read that comment, she thought about Erik and that silly man, she felt so bad because she became a jerk to Mara on the phone, but she couldn't help it because deep down in her heart she fell in love with Erik and his delicious shrimp cocktail.


Chapter 8

"I'm sorry Mara for my bad attitude to you yesterday when I talked to you on the phone" Lada frowned and put her head down. Mara smiled and gave her a big hug, "I know Lad! I'm sorry too because my mood was not so good yesterday, I will miss you a lot", Lada smiled and kissed Mara's cheek, they got into the car and went to the airport right away. "So you have to call me when you arrived in Jakarta, ok?" Mara said, Lada nodded and smiled at her. "I will call you and we can talk on Skype too Mara!" Lada said as she grabbed a box of chocolate from her purse and gave it to Mara. "Wow! You're really nice Lad! Thank's!" Mara said and smiled at Lada.


Lada said something to Mara before she went into the check in room, "Listen! Don't you worry about me, I will be here again next year to show you my Phd certificate" Lada smiled and hugged Mara tightly. Mara sighed and cried a little tear as she kissed Lada's cheeks, she smiled at her and said "I know take care! Stay in touch!" Lada giggled and said "Of course Mam!" then she walked into the check in room and left Mara behind her. Lada waited for an hour because the plane got a delay, she just sat and read a novel. A man came in and sat next to her, he nudged Lada's suitcase before he sat down by accident and Lada took a look at his face. Lada could'nt believe in her eyes when she saw his face, "You? Really?" she shouted at him, that man got a little shock and then said "Hi there!" Lada goggled and said "You broke my bike and now try to break my suitcase?" that man smirked at Lada and rolled his eyes. "Listen I hope you're not sitting next to me on the plane!" Lada talked to him with an annoying tone, "Ya ya ya" he rolled his eyes and laid his body on the chair. Lada couldn't stop thinking about her bike and his annoying attitude but she kept reading her novel and ignored that man completely.


"For you!" that man gave a white lunch box to Lada, she saw his face and still felt bad but she took that box from his hand and opened it. Lada got another surprise when she opened that box she found shrimp cocktail and it looked delicious. "What is it? Did you cook it? Lada asked him, that man smiled and nodded, "If you're hungry you can eat that shrimp" he said, Lada was surprised because she hadn't eaten anything since she woke up so she smirked at him and said "Okay but I hope it's delicious or I'll puke it out on your lap!" that man giggled and said, "You're taking it too seriously!" Lada ate one of the shrimp and she really liked it, "It's not bad but too salty" she lied to him because she didn't want to make him feel good. That man laughed at her and said "You're too sour!" Lada was mad at him when he said that to her, "What? here take this garbage with you I won't eat them, Yuck!" that man giggled and put that box into his bag. Lada knew that man would be so annoying if she asked him one question but she couldn't help herself because she was so curious about one thing in her head, "So are you a chef?" she finaly asked him that question. That man smiled and nodded as he said "Ya I am a second chef" Lada got a little bit shock because she got a weird feeling after he said that to her, "Where do you work?" Lada asked him, "At a restaurant" he said, "Well does that restaurant have a name?" Lada asked him, that man nodded and said "Hamberg Fisk!" Lada was really shocked when he said that so she shook her head and said "No way!" that man saw Lada's face and smiled "I know you'll know about me eventually" Lada was confused and said "What do you mean?" that man giggled and said "I'm sorry I broke your bike, I stole it from you for few of days and I fixed it for you and I cooked those foods at that restaurant and I knew you came with your friends and I made bad comments about your pictures too so overall I am a jerk and I understand if you don't want to talk to me again, no worries" Lada stared at him and she shook her head still, "No it's not possible! You're stalking me?" she said, that man smiled and winked at her "Well my name is Ilien" Lada didn't talk because she was still in a shock. "Are you okay?" Ilien asked her, "No I'm not! Did you steal my bike again when I got that accident two days ago?" Lada asked him. Ilien shook his head and said "No I didn't! but my brother told me about that story so I noticed it was you ha ha ha " he said and giggled. Lada woke up from her reverie when a lady on speaker asked all pessengers to go on board. Lada walked away from Ilien and she didn't want to turn around when he asked her to wait for him.


"Hello again!" Ilien said and smiled at Lada who sat next to his seat on the plane. Lada rolled her eyes and said "I knew it! Oh god! why are you haunting me all the time?" Ilien giggled and said "Maybe because I'm a jerk and you're an angel?" Lada sighed and shook her head again, "Oh come on you're such an annoying person!" Ilien smiled and said "Did you think Erik was me didn't you?" Lada rolled her eyes and nodded, "Yeah because I'm a weirdo just like you" she said and smirked at Ilien. "Well I will be in Jakarta for a month" Lada saw his face and said "Really?" Ilien nodded and smiled at her. They didn't talk for half an hour because Ilien fell asleep and Lada read her novel, "So do you like my foods?" he finaly spoke to her, Lada rolled her eyes and said "Ya ya ya!" Ilien giggled and said "Come on, admit it that you like them!" Lada said "Okay I like your foods I love them!" Ilien smiled at her and said, "Do you love Erik?" Lada shook her head and said "He's taken!" Ilien giggled and sighed, Lada closed her novel and put into her purse and said "But..I fall in love with a man who got no recipe for love" Ilien giggled and smirked at her, "Who is that silly man?" Lada sighed and said "I can't tell you! Unless he gives me more shrimps to me" Ilien took out that white box from his bag and gave it to Lada, he said "There you go!" Lada smiled and said "Thank you!"





Bildmaterialien: Hestrin Zantya
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.06.2014

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