

It's been 10 years since she met her doctor last week. Sera Minsky is one of those who have sleep disorder case that's called Hipersomnia. She sleeps approximately 20 hours a day, it's started when she was 7 years old. She lived with her father in Capetown for a year, her father is a doctor and her mother was a nurse. Ironically, she got Malaria and almost die. She lied on the bed for a month and got a serious brain damage caused by enterobacter. Her father brought her back to Spain, meanwhile he divorced his wife and left her on her own. Sera lived with her grandparents for years because her father had to work abroad. She lived in a harmonius family, she has recovered from her Malaria and became a smart student at her school. Sera does not know why did her father left her mother in Capetwon. The only explaination that she heard from her father is because her mother did not want to stay with them anymore. That fact is surely hurting her, she tries so hard to endure that's because she does not feel love from her mother anymore.

She's 17 years old now, and still lives with her grandma. She never hears anything from her father again. She is struggling with a condition where she has to be the backbone for her gradma since her grandpa died last year. One day she felt something bad in her head, she knew it was not an ordinary headache but she did not tell her grandparents about that. She had to work as a waitress at a conventional store and study hard to get a scholoarship from college.

"Sera!!" a woman calls her name, she wears a black gown. She sits next to her and put her arms around her shoulders. "You look so pretty, I miss you so much" that woman said. Sera can not recognize her face, she thinks that woman is just a stranger even she does not know where she is now. "Hi, how do you know my name?" she asked her. That woman does not answer her question, she stands up from the chair and walks away. Sera sits and thinks, what's happening here, why doesn't she answer her question. Sera runs to her and grabs her wrist, "You know that we haven't met before, then how do you know my name?" she's yelling at her. That woman smiles and kisses her cheek, "I am nobody, but I have something for you" she said. "What is that?" Sera said. "Here, it belongs to you Sera!" that woman got a Turqoise ring out of her tiny purse. "You have to keep it with you, it's from your mother" she smiled. Sera sits and thinks for hours, she doesn't know about that ring at all. "But I never have it in my life" Sera said with a trembling voice. That woman smiles and walks away into a white fog. "Wait! I don't want to wear it! Come Back! hey Lady!!" Sera yelled at her.

"God, Sera are you okay?" her grandma kissed her cheek. Sera opens her eyes and sees there are so many people in her room. "What's going on here?" she asked her grandma. "You slept for hours Sera! I thought you would never wake up again! I called all neighbors here because I was worried" her grandma said. Sera gets up from her bed and says "Yes I am fine, now you can go home, please". She drinks a water and gives a hug for her grandma. "Are you okay Sera?" her grandma asked her, "Yes I am, don't worry about me" she smiles at her. Sera knows that dream is weird, she does not tell her grandma about it, she does not want to make her grandma feel bad. She has to find out another explaination about her dream, she does not know for how long she will sleep. She doesn't feel alright although she tries to feel okay. "I can't go there with you" said someone on the phone, "Can we meet again?" Sera asked her, "I am not sure Sera!" that woman said. "But Doc, I need to talk about it with you" Sera said, "Okay then meet me tomorrow!" She hung up the phone.

Sera wakes up and finds out herself in a place with so many white roses on the floor, "Hello!! Hello!!" she shouts. She sees her finger and that turqoise ring is there, she realizes that she did not see it when she woke up next to her grandma last night. She is wandering at that mysterious place. There is nobody in that place until suddenly someone calls her name again "Sera, are you here?". Sera turns her body around and she finds that woman that she met last night. "You? what are you doing here?" she asks her, that woman smiles at her and asks her to have a walk with her. "Wait, I wont go anywhere with you!" Sera yells. "Sera you're fine. Don't worry about me, I am not going to hurt you" she said. "Could you please tell me about this ring?" Sera asked her, she smiles and then says "It's a pretty turqoise ring Sera!". "And who are you?" Sera asked her, she takes a deep breath and says "I am Turqoise, nice to meet you Sera!". Sera gets confused and says "I don't understand about it. I don't know you! How do you know my name?". That woman smiles and says " Because you don't remember, your mother gave me this ring years ago". Sera doesn't know anything about her mother, her father told her to stop asking about her. "But my father never says anything about her. Frankly I don't know much about my mother" she said. That woman smiles and says "It's okay Sera, now everything is fine, I meet you here and I know that your mother will be happy for us". Sera doesn't know what is she talking about, she never cares about her mother and she doesn't want to know about her. "Stop it! whoever you are! you don't know about my life!" she said. That woman asks her to close her eyes and holds her hands, suddenly Sera feels so peace inside. "Mom?" she can't believe that she sees her mother again. "Sera! I miss you!". Sera feels so happy and kisses her mother's cheek, "I miss you more Mom!" she cried in her shoulder.

"I meet her in my dream" Sera told her doctor. "You know that you have Hipersomnia, Sera?" Dr. Mills said. "Yes I know! but it's crazy that I could meet with my mom in my dream" she explained. Dr. Mills sits on his chair and asks Sera to tell her about her dreams. "I never remember my dreams until I have these dreams Doc!" she began her story. "I have told you about my past and you know that I never know my parents really well" she spoke with a sad voice. "It's okay Sera, calm yourself down" said Dr. Mills. Sera lies her body on the lounge in Dr. Mills room, and continue her story " I miss my mother but I never know about that ring" she said. Dr. Mills is surprised by her statement "For a hipersomnia patient it's normal to dream about something weird, but what ring that you're talking about here?" he asked her. "It was a Turqoise ring Doc!" she explained. Dr. Mills stands up from his chair and speaks " So what's weird about it Sera?". Sera clears her throat and says " I met a woman named Turqoise in my dream, and I never know who she is". Dr. Mills drinks his coffee and says "Turqoise? It's interesting now". "But that ring..I gave it back to Abena two months ago, because I did not want my son notices it, Turqoise got an accident because she was upset with me, she told me that Abena is a great woman and she regrets it that I left her on her own and marriy to her" Alan said sadly. "Your daughter needs that ring I guess. Alan she has hipersomnia caused by that malaria virus, and you seperated her with her mom, and now she figures out things through her dreams, this is amazing but I want you to meet her because she is your daughter" Dr Mills said.



"Hello, how are you?" said Dr. Mills to somebody on the phone. "Mills? Oh my god, it's been a while!" said a man on the phone. "I need to meet you face to face Alan!" said Dr. Mills. "Alright meet me at my office tomorrow after lunch, Ok?" he said, "Okay, Bye!" Dr. Mills hung up the phone.

Sera cleans the tables and mops the floors, she still thinks about her dreams, is it just her imagination or it's really a weird dream that she has to figure out. She knows that next month a reception announcement from college will be sent to her house. She worries about her scholarships, she doesn't have much money to go there without it. Everybody knows that Sera is a smart girl but she is not as smart as she used to be, she lost her cheerfulness right after her parents left her years ago. She doesn't want to blame her grandparents for all the things that she has now. Although she feels so sad deep within and fights for her life day by day. Her grandma is 85 years old now, she is so old and sickly. She has to feed her with her money and works really hard for living.

"Hey Sera, clean this room now!" said Chad. Chad is her manager at the conventional store, Sera knows that Chad always gives her a hard time. Her best friend Chloe said that actually Chad likes her. Sera doesn't think about love anymore since her parents left her. She only knows there is no immortality in this world not even an everlasting love or romance. She grows up with her grandparents and lives her life as normal as it possible. "Yeah I'm coming in a sec" she said. "Hey, don't you know that I need you to clean that room now?!" Chad spoke with an annoying tone. Sera stares at his face, she knows that actually Chad is not an annoying guy, Chad is only 3 years older than her, and he has everything that he needs in his life. Chad has a rich family and his father has a hospital in Hawaii. He moves here because he wants to be a success man, even though he can get money easily. Sera likes his effort and strong principle to reach his goals, but she doesn't like him because he is a bit cocky when he asks her to do things. "Why can't you just talk to me nicely Chad?" Sera said. Chad stares at her face, he scrutinizes Sera with his mysterious gaze and then says "Because I want to do it right away". Her heart is beating faster and suddenly she feels something's running in her head.

She opens her eyes and sees that woman that she met in her dream is there with her, she wears her black gown and says "Good to see you again Sera". Sera doesn't remember anything and she tries to get up from a white bed that has many white roses on it. "Why am I here?" she asked her, "Cause you're sleeping again Sera" she answered her question and giggled. "But why you always here, in my dream, I dont know you Turqoise! Can you call my mom again now?" she said. "I have the same dreams Sera, I meet you in my dream too" she said quietly. "What do you say? Please call my mom now!" Sera could not wait anymore she got up and walked on. "Mother!! please come!" she cried, "Sera you'll not meet her this time, I am here to explain who i am" she said. Sera sees her face once again and sits on a white chair behind her. "That ring is something that your mom gave to me, you have to find it and keep it" she said. "I could not meet you in real life, and I don't know if we would ever meet actually" she cired a tear. Sera gets up and gives her a big hug, "Please don't cry, It's not your fault, I just miss my mother so much" Sera said. "So do I " she said, "I met your mother last year and she gave me that ring to you, I went to Africa with my husband and my son for a vacation to capetown and i met her there". Sera listens to all her words patiently, she feels so happy somehow. "My husband is a doctor and he married me when he was working in Mexico, we met there, and then we have a son but he doesn't like us, he fights with my husband all the time. So in that vacation I met a beautiful native lady named Abena. She's a pretty lady but she doesn't have a husband, she told me that she had a girl but she lost her. She loves you and I know you because finally My husband told me about you and your Mom. I married to your father Sera, he left your mom because he had to, your mom doesn't want to leave her homeland, and thats why she gave me that ring, I can't wake up anymore Sera, I don't think so" she cried. Sera tries to understand her story but she is surprised because she married to his father. "My father?? is he still alive?" Sera asked her. "Yes Sera he lives near you. He will meet you eventually" she explained.

"Come in Mills! said a man, "Hey Alan it's been a while!" said Dr. Mills. "What brings you here Mills? Do you have an interesting story for me?" Alan said. "Yes Alan, I think I find your daughter". Alan gets shock and he can't believe the things that he just heard from his friend. "What do you mean Mills?? Sera? where is she?" he asked Dr. Mills. "I thought of you since the first time I met her actualy, but I wasn't sure that time. Until she told me about her dreams" Dr. Mills explained. "She met your wife in her dreams Alan. That's for sure and when I investigated her identity I find out that she is really your daughter" Dr. Mills added. "Oh God!! I miss her. I thought her my parents brought her to England, because you know that I married to Torquise 5 years after I brought her here, and I know that she will hate me that's the reason why I can't meet her again. But Turqoise met Abena couple of years ago when we went to Capetown for a vacation, and that's the time before she got that accident" Alan said sadly. "But Alan, look out now! you dumped your daughter and your parents are getting old!" Dr. Mills said. "I know my father's died a year ago and I came there to his funeral. I came there at night I prayed for him, I just couldn't forgive myself to meet my daughter and my mom, I know it's all my fault Mills!" Alan cired a tear. "Well Alan your daughter told me about a ring that Turqoise brought in her dream" Dr. Mills said.

Sera wakes up from her dreams and sits on her bed for hours. "Are you okay Sera?" Chad said. "Yes I am okay. Did you bring me here Chad?" she asked him. "Yes I don't know that you have this kind of thing, I mean sleep disorder well your grandma told me, but God! you slept for 15 hours Sera!" he explained frantically. "Dont be afraid of me Chad, I am okay, are you?" Sera asked him. "Yes well I am now" Chad said and smiled. Sera gets up from her bed and grab her cell phone "Dr. Mills we really need to talk again" she said, "Oh hey how are you Sera?" Dr. Mills asked her, "I just got another weird dream and I need to tell you about it" she said. "Okay Sera just come to my office tomorrow morning, I would give you a little surprise, bye!" he hung up the phone.

"So who is Dr. Mills?" Chad asked her. "He is my shrink, why do you want to know?" Sera asked him back. "Because my step father is a doctor too, Sera!" he said with a little bit anger in his voice. Sera asks "Do you like him?", "No, he suffers my mom, I love my father but he's died when I was 15 yo and Mom married to my step father" he explained. "And now where your Mother is?" she asked him, "She is in coma at the hospital near here" he answered. Sera feels sorry for Chad, "I am sorry Chad, hey don't give me that face, come here we can be friends" she gave him a hug. "Chad if you want please come with me tomorrow morning to meet my shrink" she said. "Are you sure you don't mind? because I am curious about your sleep disorder" she smiled. "Well it's more than sleep disorder Chad, It's all about my dreams, It's a long story anyways, you'll know it tomorrow, ok?" she said. "Fine by me!" he said.

The Ring

"Good morning Dr. Mills" Sera came in. "Hey Sera! who is he?" Dr. Mills asked her about Chad. "My name is Chad, I am her friend" he explained. "Sera there is something that I want to tell you about. It's all about the ring and the name that you mentioned from your dream" Dr. Mills said. "Okay what about them? are they serious?" she asked him. "Well Sera, I have a good friend of mine who'd love to tell you more about it" Dr. Mills said.

"Good morning everyone!" Alan said, "Oh God! why are you here Alan?" Chad yelled. Alan is surprised by his question, he never knows that Chad will be in that room. "Alan its Sera and her friend Chad" Dr. Mills said. "No way. I know who he is" Chad said with anger in his voice. Sera can't say anything, she gets a shock because she meets with her father again. "Sera my love!" Alan said. "Don't touch me!" Sera yelled at him. "Dr. Mills why does he come here?" she asked. "Sera you really need to hear from him, trust me, now calm yourself down. And you Chad please sit down and calm yourself down" said Dr. Mills.

Alan looks so pale he is stuttering, he tries so hard not to cry but he can't help himself. "Im sorry Sera!" he started his explaination. "Abena is your mom, Dr. Mills told me about everything, about your dreams. You met your mom in your dream and that woman named Turqoise, she is my wife now" Alan said sadly. "What the hell is going on here people? what the fuck you say Alan, stop saying anything about my mother! she is in coma now you suffer her!" Chad yelled. "Chad sit down, please" Sera asked him. "What the hell are you talking about Alan? you left me on my own, and now you say this non sense?" she cried. "Sera listen to your father" Dr. Mills said. "I left her because she doesn't want to move with us Sera! and that time we were living in danger situation, you got Malaria and that's why I wanted to move you and her here but she said no, what could I do? Forcing her? I did not want to hurt her or force her to things that she doesn't like. So I brought you here, and I went to USA for my carreer and I met a woman there, I am so sorry that I never contact you again since then but that is because I am ashamed. I don't deserve you and my parents love. I am a jerk and an ambitous doctor. I met Turqoise, she's a sweet person but she got hurts by her ex husband" Alan said. "Stop saying about my father! You know nothing about him Alan!" Chad said. "I know Chad because your mother told me about her life too. You hate him as well, because your father left you when you're 10 years old. You never forgive him thats what she said to me, but Chad I never want to be a bad guy for your mother. And your mother met my ex wife Abena and she loves her. She got that accident because she feels sorry that my ex wife should have lost Sera. Don't you understand that Chad? and she worries about you, because you never back home and she misses you! she was drunk that night when I was not at home, she called me and said that she doesn't want to lose you just like Abena lost Sera" Alan explained.

"Oh no!! Mom will die now" Chad said. "No she won't die, but she will not be able to walk again" Alan explained. "Dad!" Sera said. She gets up from the chair and gives a big hug to her father, "I miss you so much!" she said and cried on his shoulder. "Sera my baby! I miss you too and I am truly sorry for everything that I have done to you" Alan cried. "Hey Alan. I need to go to see my mom now" Chad left the room.

"Hi, Mother!" Sera said to a pretty woman who sits in front of her. That woman looks so pretty even when she is still having a shock. "Oh God! Who are you?" she asked her, "My name is Sera and I miss you so much" suddenly that woman jumps from her seat and says "Oh my daughter! where have you been?" she said. "I am coming home to you Mom!" Sera said. Abena gets a little Turqoise ring out of her wallet and says " Are you looking for this thing?" she asked her. "Yes. and Miss Turqoise tole me about it in my dreams" she explained. "Sera my love. This is a special ring that I got from my ancestors for many generations in my family, this ring is called Turqoise. My family believe this ring will return our love back and in this case you are my love Sera, I met Miss Turqoise few years ago when she visited Capetown and I got a feeling that she will bring you home to me" she said. "Mom , Miss Turqoise can't come here with me, she is in Spain with dad and Chad, but she told me that she really wants to give you a hug" Sera explained. Abena smiles and gives her another hug.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.06.2013

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