

I come here once a year, on this very day of Hollow's Eve. To return to the place it all began, and tell the tale of my death to the children willing to listen. The story of how I, a priestess turned into a demon. This willow tree harvest my soul, and my mortal body rooted at it's roots with the enduring fear it relinquish from the earth. The haunting of my life began here, and I shall bring forth the events that happened.

The Unknown

A single moon beam, bestowed itself upon a child.
She gazes at a clear blue pond.
Her body surely frozen in time, while her hair being playfully touch.

A single moon beam, bestowed itself upon a child.
A single fragile smile, brought forth a flickering light.
Her warm eyes beckon, the darkness forward.

A single moon beam, bestowed itself upon a child.
The darkness creeping forward, with each dwindling second.
The pond grew muddy, and the light dimming away.

A single moon beam, bestowed itself upon a child.
Her body now in motion, engulf in pitch darkness.
Ugly shrieks, now present themselves.
Her mournful cries, muffled by the others.

A single moon beam, bestowed itself upon a child.
The gleam of it's light, revealed a bloody scene.
Be aware of the darkness.
You just may never, know what lurks around.

Prisoner of My Body

The harmful desire of death, shrouds this despicable mind.
The throbbing feeling, brings forth my agonising filled screams.
A lust for blood sets me on this path, of such darkness.

I no longer fear death!
Those rusty bars finally broken.
My evil self freed of this happy prison.

The throbbing of my throat, claims my life.
I can no longer control it.
Run before your delicous blood, is upon my hands.
These inner thoughts are now unleash.
My body filled of fresh flesh, and lost on this mindless journey.

The comfort of piles of their bones.
Brings me a mallivalent happiness.
A horror filled rountine comes upon me.
Those mortal creatures fear me!
Simply sacraficing a single pure child, to strifely my abundant hungry.

Mindless Cravings

My corruptive souls, yearns for more.
I vigorously destroyed myself, clawing at this itchy flesh.
I ignored the bubbling blood.

It's settlement, no where near satisfaction.
Those untrustworthy barriers, in still this deep vulnerable yearning.
This box they contain me in, must be destroyed for once.

The possession of this corruptive, soul trembles in only fear.
My empty body, lying on the ground.
A pool of blood surrounded my deformed body.
My eyes release a blank stare, and my essence dwindles.

A Dream Come True

A bewilder tension grows, in a familiar nonsense.
It's icy cold winds, creep closer and closer.
A foreseen tyrant spreads, its depressing dark wings.
As I edge corruptively towards this brute.

A bewilder tension grows, in a familiar nonsense.
My fears grows hastily.
My heart pounds uncontrollably.
As my mind knows I'll be dragged to hell.

A bewilder tension grows, in a familiar nonsense.
It's black button eyes, filled of torture souls.
My feet reach their new masters throne.
The brute's wings grew wide.
His scent smelt of rotten flesh.

A bewilder tension grows, in a familiar nonsense.
My body trembles, underneath his horror.
I'm frozen in fear.
While this madman, swiftly peaks at my peeling flesh.
This horrible death, is miserable enough.

Haunting Lullaby

An echo of music, soothes the beast inside me.
It claws at my inners.
It's sure desperation claims, this lifeless body.

An echo of music, soothes the beast inside me.
It's now in charge!
My horrible howls, exclaimed through the barren land.
This two-face life, has grown tiring.

An echo of music, soothes the beast inside me.
My heart quivers, in tear.
My hands, covered in fresh blood.
It forces my head, closer towards my shaking hands.

An echo of music, soothes the beast inside me.
I began to lick them, devouring them whole.
My red stain eyes, clearly seeing their numb corpses.
Her force of controlling this body, puncturing myself dearly.

An echo of music, soothes the beast inside me.
She inches my shriveled face, barely inches over their own.
My tongue touches their face, and I secretly aroused.
This strong heart, begins to crumble at once.
The shroud of darkness, now engulfs it helplessly

Bound by Hell

Thunder rolls from inside this hollow coffin.
Once an angel, awoke as a demon.
From those black stain lips.
Mournful groans relinquish from the depths of her soul.
Her trifle shrieks, beckon for help.

A mence stirred from the bottom of hell.
An unforgettable beast, lurks in the shroud of darkness.
My new life surround by unwavering darkness.
The hinder of mortal screams tortures me.

That hidden beast releases me from this prision.
In return for rescueing me, he brought me to hell.
Where my true suffering shall begin.

Travels of the Undead

Ashes travel in the distant wind.
My mind shedding gruesome thoughts.
This human body, shredded to the bone.
My dried blood, floods the floor below,

They scoop my eyes, leaving my eye sockets bloody.
My miserably brain, pulled through my acing nose.

This place is truly unbearable.
Though this isn't the half of it.
Daily, I'm force to burn others.
Their shriveled pleads, no longer bother me.

My cold-heart finally developed.
This evil soul, harbors my inner peace.
I once more, return to that realm of stupid creatures.
Be aware of my obvious territory.

Upon My Final Moments

The wind howls with it's chilly breath,
Tangling a child's dangling hair.
She sits alone, in this horrible place.
Where only the dead roam free.
Her face filled with red stain tears.

Her shrieks echo, in the vast unknown.
Those cherry lips, her icy cold blue eyes.
They still haunt me for miles around.

The wind howls with it's chilly breath,
Tangling a child's dangling hair.
I can see her, deadliest fears, and I never summon my strength.

In my nightmares, I see her face.
She stands above my corpse, with a lovely black dress.
She admires her affliction upon me, as she gently closes my swollen eyes.

My final wish: is to see her bloody filled tear face.
In my last whims, secretly demand for me viciously.

To lovely Daniela

This Weary Soul

This tarnish soul, brings forth a terrible tyrant.
My agony travels through, this weary soul uncontrollably.
My strife never compares, to it's unwavering fury.

The untold mercy of the gods.
Hinder upon my very soul.
This sticky black blood, I continuously vomit.
Bestows more fear upon it's thorn crown.

I can no longer, serve to it's quench.
The beat's power, over whelms this body.
My savior surely dead.

My bones are shattering.
My organs are becoming dust.
This body leaking blood in every crack.
I can no longer exist.
A new vessel comes in order.

Taste of Vengeance

My happiness now engraved with vengeance.
That face confides me once more.
I can no longer, be silent!

That horrible person, sent me through this life.
The remembrance of betrayal, boils my blood!
The affliction bestowed upon me, hardens this never ending rage.

Even though, my minds wishes to forgive.
I cannot allow him to live.
He killed me for kicks, and now I shall do the same.

Once more I unleash this monster inside me.
My conscience screams inside me, of how wrong this is.
I have no control, over this monster.
I can only sit, and watch the destruction I cause.

Regrets of Life

Engulfed by darkness, nearly misunderstanding this world.
My body paralyzed for once.
A creeping warmth restores itself.

This unfamiliar weight, craving for nurture.
I cannot bless it's wishes.
I'm no longer rotten, from the inside out.

Though I am damned, to walk the earth immortally.
I am no longer, able to confide myself in lust.
No longer allowed to love another.

The forbidden gift, given to me.
Is the very weakness, of my life.
Even though, my love is out there.
I can no longer face him.
For my head now hangs in shame, as I longer wish to live.

End of the Line

The monstrous holds me captive.
As it destroys every human crossing it's path.
My body is tired, as we enter the willow witch's forest.

My pace shortens, as the sun rises.
My heart beats frantically.
The monster strips it;s power, leaving me exhausted.

My cries of sorrow, grows louder.
The blood covering my shaking body, horrify me.
My state of mind, unknown to even me.

Her voice beckons me forward.
The cryptic noise, steadies me.
That woman, surrounded by moving trees lures me closer.

Her beauty entice me so..
I can no longer hold this trans of hers, my body heeds closer to her.
My body burns before the trees, sent to a grave underneath her own.

7 Feet Under

The horrid confusion of death, bestows my long life dream.
Even though this was my wish.
I truly regret it.

I'm forevermore diminish, underneath this demonic tress.
As that wicked woman, takes my youth for hers.
My mind clouded with darkness.

The warmth of dirt disguise my cold heart.
Though my heart reveals sadness.
I somehow feel at ease.
For one day she shall, be consume by another.

Sorrows of Growing Regrets

The howling moon beckons me to follow.
My bones shattered in pure destruction, ack of loneliness.
The clouds march side by side, bringing forth the darkness.

The light consume of darkness, it shuns my oppurnities.
Swarms of insect, shrivles upon my skull.
Disgusted of this lingering world!

My body walks as her shadow.
My fun no where close to satisfaction.
The hardness inside my throat, developed by her.

Her misery no where close, to my imangination.
My cold-heart, threaten in defeat.
The exhaustion worries me so...

The night is no where diminished, as this woman savors my years.
The thought brings terrible fear.
This rusty ruined heart, acks once more.
Henceforth, my killers silent voice provokes me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.10.2011

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To nightmare5hale for awakening my inner evil self.

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