
A girl and a boy walked out of the woods all cut up and covered in dirt and blood. The girl had a bloody knife in her hand and the boy had rope burn on his wrists. they both had a wild look on their faces that said they had been through too much.
Kate was in her Science class at Darwin high school. She was extremely happy, calm and relaxed even though she was dissecting frogs that day. Almost everyone was grossed out. The girls of her class were screeching how gross it was and a couple of people were getting sick from it. Most of the guys were joking around and playing sick jokes on the girls. For example Freddy the class clown was flinging frog guts in Patty's hair. It was getting her angry and she wondering why Mr. Jackson was and why he wasn't putting a stop to this, it was very disrespectful to the frogs body. She looked around for the teacher and saw him out in the hall talking to the schools nurse Miss. Dawns.
Then she noticed that Freddy had already stopped so she looked around one more time thinking how sad it was that Freddy had ruined her good mood so soon that was when she spotted him. Mr. Jackson had just come back in the room and he was apologizing for being late. He was tall, skinny, with short dark hair, broad shoulders, and eyes that shifted from blue to green. He had a light tan with very few blemishes she figured he must be new because she had never seen him before.
Then all of a sudden he looked up right at her. Kate quickly looked away embarrassed to be looking at him like an animal in a zoo cage. Then Kate realized something that the new kid was a witch. So she paid more attention to the teacher to who was just introducing him as Jonathan Taylor and was glad that she automatically covered her traces of power, seeming there wasn't supposed to be any young witches around here just one or two adult witches.
Which now there was only one other witch living in Topeka,Kansas who is an 50 year old witch that Kate went to visit a lot named Mabel Jones. There was another witch living there that was mean and practiced black magic, he was 95 when he died.
Kate knew that Jonathan had sensed the little traces of her magic and that was why he only gave her a 2 minute stare (which she ignored). Kate had hoped that Jonathan hadn't noticed that she was a witch because he was afraid that he was a witch that practiced dark magic. She was afraid of that because she was a witch who practiced white magic that there might be a problem, and she didn't want any fights.
Kate then thought that maybe Jonathan was only looking at because of her looks and would like to go out with her, but he would change his mind fast because she'd never had a boyfriend because they were all intimidated by how smart she was, and she was sure Jonathan wasn't any different.
Well she was going to find out soon because all seats were filled except for the one right next to her. She was nervous, she thought he might sense that she was a witch.
Jonathan was standing in front of the class thinking how strange it was that there were traces of magic around the school, there was only supposed to be one other witch living around here and she was an old hag. Then his thoughts turned to how even though it was just first period only one girl had caught his eyes. She was tall, with fair skin, golden hair that went to her waste, and green eyes. Lucky from the looks of it he was the lucky guy who got to sit next to her the only down part was since she was sitting by herself she was probably stupid and unpopular. It was a win or lose situation.
It was funny how every one was watching the new kid Jonathan walk down the aisle and all the girls were probably wishing that the seat next to them was open. Kate decided to just ignore him until he sat down. Since he was new and her lab partner Kate would have to show him where everything was in the classroom, which seriously sucked, he was most likely just another cute dumb popular kid. She just couldn't help thinking that this was going to a very long day.
Jonathan had the feeling that the girl he had to sit next to thought that he was stupid and when she introduced herself as Kate Mason and heard her voice for the first time it was like he was entranced. After a few minutes though he was getting angry it felt like she thought that he was stupid and he was determined to prove her wrong. Jonathan didn't know what it was about her that made him react this way, no other girl that he had met had been able to get him angry this fast.
It was nice to have his favorite class (Science) first period, he enjoyed learning about animals. He was broken out of his reverie when Kate asked him " What is your favorite class?" "Oh well your probably wont believe this but its Science." Kate looked surprised then a little suspiciously then said " It's my favorite class too."
Jonathan looked surprised that Kate's favorite subject was biology. Kate was offended that he thought she was stupid but then again she had just done the same thing to him. So she decided to ask him why he liked Science his reply was " I like to learn about animal, plants, the elements. What about you? Why do you like Science ?" " Basically for the same reason. The only problem is it's not really a challenge for me." " Yeah it's kinda the same for me." Since she was done showing Jonathan around they went to sit down and start the lab.
Both Jonathan and Kate were happy to have a lab partner who actually did their own work. It was nice to only have to do half of the work and have somebody who knew what you were talking about which would be helpful if one of them got sick and couldn't come to school if there was a project they had to present that day. Unfortunately they had almost every class with together and in every class they were stuck sitting next to each other it made it harder for Kate to hide the fact that she was a witch. Though both Kate and Jonathan were surprised by each others intellect.
Jonathan was glad he got to sit next to Kate but was curious about why in every class the seat next to her was open, so he decided to ask the next day. All day Kate was worried about Jonathan finding out that she was a witch. So she decided to wait until the next day to find a way to ask him what kind of witch he was.
That night Kate told her parents that there was a new kid in school who was a witch. Her parents responded with a series of questions. She decided to answer the only question that she could understand. "No I don't think that he knows that were witches. Although I'm sure that he sensed traces of my magic all over the place. He's also in every single one of my classes." "So I was wondering if I could just tell him the truth." Her parents paused for a moment giving her a calculative look then said "Alright but if he uses dark magic than you will have all of your classes switched." "Do you know where he lives?" her parents gave Kate a look when she hesitated and then said "Yes. That's kinda one of the problems he lives up the road so we ride the same bus." "Well then I hope that they don't use dark magic or things wont be pretty. And we want you to be extremely careful. Make sure that when you ask no one is listening. If he does white magic I hope you two get along you need a friend."
The next day Jonathan asked his question in lunch. He was amused when Kate said "It's cause I'm smart and a little outspoken those two facts alone intimidate the boys and make the girls envious of how I don't worry about my reputation." Jonathan couldn't help but laugh though her next words sobered him right up (he also noticed that when she said it she was a little embarrassed) she whispered "They have rumors that I am a witch. What they don't know is that their correct. I know your a witch because I can sense it. So do you practice light or dark magic?" He was shocked. "I I I don't know what your talking about witches don't exist." Kate got angry and said "Will you stop playing stupid I can sense your magic." Jonathan had a perplexed look on his face and said "No way the only witch around here is supposed to be some old lady."Kate waited a minute to make sure he was done sputtering before explaining. "Well before her there were two couples that both had children, my mother and father. My mother and father were supposed to move when they were old enough but they loved the place so much that they didn't want to move. So they got married pretended to move and then 1 year later on I was born."
Jonathan had to think about it for a minute and then said " I practice white magick. What about you?" Kate was surprised that Jonathan had taken it so well. She was also relieved that he practiced white magic so she said "Really me too I am so relieved that you don't practice dark magic. If you did my parents would never let me talk to. Sorry about calling you stupid." "It's all right I was being kinda frustrating. Do you want to sit on the bus together so we can talk more about this?" "Yes of course if you want you can even come over to my house for a little bit. I understand if you don't want to meet my parents yet but they wont be home for a while. They wont be home until late anyways my moms a lawyer and my father owns a business."
Kate had looked so hopeful it actually hurt Jonathan to look at her. It made him wonder no matter how hard she tried to hide it, how lonely she really was. All of a sudden looking in to her eyes he had to agree right then Jonathan dint think it was possible to deny her anything. It was like there was a whole universe in her eyes and he couldn't look away.
Kate couldn't see anything else except for Jonathan's eyes she barely registered him stammering out " Sure, sure of course I' ll um come over." Then they lost the connection when the bell rang and some body bumped into Jonathan. Jonathan watched as Kate's eyes got wide and she said " Oh my god were going to be late for class. Come on !" They were passing notes written in and old style of Latin the whole entire time. They would've just written in English but they didn't want the teacher to be able to read it if she caught them. Which the teacher did she looked at first Jonathan then Kate and said in a mean voice"Look at what we have here. It looks like Kate has a boyfriend and their writing love notes instead of paying attention in class."
Kate was embarrassed but got some satisfaction from the look on her face as she unfolded the note and couldn't understand what it said. they're teacher angrily threw the note in the garbage and said "The next time I see you two writing notes back and forth you both get detention." Pretending to look properly chastised they looked down solemnly down at their notebooks. Then Jonathan pointed out to Kate that the teacher had toilette paper stuck to her shoe, since neither one of them could hold their laughter in and they didn't need to get into trouble again Kate used her magic. So the next time the teacher moved the toilette paper stayed behind.
James looked at her in awe he had barely felt her use her powers and also how she hadn't used her powers to trip her or mess around with her head.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.03.2011

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