
moving in

"wake up u piece of trash" my mom yelled at me while kicking me in my stomach
"what now" i asked
"get your lazy ass out of bed and pack all of your stuff"
"what no!!"
"yes time is up" she tugged on my arm and threw me on the ground where my my luggage was
"i still got another week left" i protested
"not anymore me and Joe are tired of you're stupid complaining"
"but i dont got no where to live"
"well go find a place you're not my problem anymore"
me a problem well that women is just piece of shit her head must be fucking messed up cuz im no problem her and my fucking step-father is the problem and yes i said step-father. My real father died in a car accident and my older brother got all his money when my mother found out she married Joe. Joe is a rich,snob up guy definitely opposite of my father my father was rich but he was also kind,a gentlemen,he wouldn't just kick his daughter or step-daughter out of his own house unlike Joe the only reason im moving out cuz Joe hates my fucking guts cuz "i whine too much, and i dont do anything around the house, and that im nothing but a worthless whore" well first of all i dont whine at all and second of i always clean up the house cuz my lazy ass mom wont do anything but sit on the couch and watch movies all day long and third of im not a whore cuz im still a virgin and im almost 18 so fuck him. i packed all my stuff and left that fucked up house and called my brother Ryan. Ryan always had my back hes 19 and he left when i was 15 the only reason he left cuz he couldn't handle my pain ass mother and my stupid fucked up step-father
"hello" Ryan answered
"hey Ryan its me Katelyn"
"hey Katelyn so whats up" he asked
"oh just nothing only for 1 is that are fucked up mother kicked me out of the house!"
"yeah i had another week left and she said that she couldn't handle me anymore"
"im gonna come over there and beat her ass up" he said mad as hell
"no its fine you could do that later but the only problem is i got no where to live"
"you could live with me" he suggested
"really im not gonna be a problem for you"
"hell no i would of let you moved in years ago i just thought you like it better over there then living with me"
"hell no i hate that piece if shit house and mom and Joe i wish they all die in a hole one day"
"me 2 lil sis me 2 just stay there i'll pick u up in an hour or 2"
"ok thanks by the way"
"no problem lil sis"
i went and opened my car and yes MY CAR and put my luggage's in there i sat in my car and took out my i pod and putted the head phone in my ear i waited for 15 minutes i fell asleep after that and then i heard a knock on my window i jumped up scared out of my mind and looked around then i look at the window 2 see a laughing Ryan. I opened my door and got out of my car and slapped him across the face now im starring at a really pissed off Ryan.
"why the hell you did that for" he shouted
"you scared me half to death"
"well you didnt had to slap me"
"well you didn't had to scare me" i protest back
"well you should have been sleeping in your car"
"well i was fucking tired waiting for you"
"OK yeah im sorry you were just having a bad day"
"thank you" i say
"you wanna leave now?" he asks
"hell yeah"
"u wanna ride with me or u wanna take your car"
"ride with you" i say quick as possible
the only reason i wanna ride with him is cause he got a Lamborghini and i go this stupid Chevy car (no offense to people who have a Chevy) and yes i did say Joe is rich but he thought that im no good for a mustang or Lamborghini.
we walk to his car and i get in while he puts my luggage's away in the trunk i don't have much maybe about 3 or 4 cause my mother and Joe thought i don't deserve anything.
Ryan got in the car and closed the door and started up the car he backed away from the drive way and blasted the radio up.

we go through the drive way and i see this huge mansion house and i couldn't believe he got a mansion he parks in the drive and we both got out.
"nice house big bro"
"thanks lil sis"
we go through the front door and he gets his keys out and opens the door we go in the mansion and its much bigger in the inside then what it looks like outside.
"guys we have company!" Ryan shouts
"Guys?" i asked my brother
"oh yeah i forgot to tell ur gonna be living with 10 other guys"
"what!"i shout pissed as hell
then i see about 10 guys running down the stairs all of them looked about 18-21 years old.
"who's the chick" one guys says that has brown hair and hazel eyes that is practically eye raping me.
"this chick is my lil sis Katelyn and shes gonna be living with us for now on and you guys better not touch her" he says
"OK now let me introduce you to the guys this is Mike,Chris,Brandon,Brian,Trevor,Justin,Tyler,Zack,Noah,and Nick"
"hey" i say practically nervous standing around with abut 11 guys 10 i don't know.
all the guys were hot but i thought the most was Trevor he got black hair and hazel eyes hes about 6'0" tall. i come back from my thought cause i heard shuffling some of the boys had my luggage's.
"so wheres my room" i asked Brian
"right upstairs follow me i'll show you"
we went up the stairs Brian in front and me following him the boys were behind us carrying my luggage's. We stopped in front of a door and Brian opened it i squealed "i love it" it had a king size bed 2 walk in closets 3 comforters and my own desk
and my own bathroom well of course i'll have my own bathroom there's like 11 guys living here.
"i love it thank you guys"
"dont thank us thank Marisa, Ryan girlfriend"
"what! you have a girlfriend and you never told me about her"
"sorry lil sis i meant to but i didn't know how" Ryan apologized
"Its fine thanks anyways"
i hug Ryan and the other guys
"now everyone get out" all the guys leave accept Justin
"why?" asked Justin
"cause i need to take a shower" i answer trying to get him out of my room
"but-" i shut the door on his face while cutting him off i go to my bathroom and strip off my clothes and turn on the shower i wait till it heats which take like 2 seconds and get in the shower.

(30 minutes later)

i get out of the shower and wrap around a towel around my body i get out of the bathroom and go through my luggage's trying to find some clothes i get some white short shorts,black tank,black panties and bra i put them on and leave my hair to dry cause its naturally wavy i get out of my bedroom and walk downstairs i see Brian,Justin,and Trevor sitting watching a stupid football game there were no more seats left so i sit on Justin's lap. I got myself comfortable onto Justin's lap he puts his arms around my waist.
"so how was your shower" asked Justin
"good" he smells my hair which i find very weird for a guy to do
" you smell like strawberry's"
"is that a good thing?" i ask
"good thing i like girls who smell like strawberry's"
"so does that mean you like me?" i ask
"hell yeah you're sexy as hell"
"why thank you"
"wait wait" Brian says interrupting are conversation
"what?" i ask
"Justin likes me?"
"what!" i shout confused as hell
"yeah he says he likes girls who smell like strawberry's, i smell like strawberry's"
"but you're not a girl" Justin protests back
"but i smell like strawberry's you could of like me secretly and couldn't find a way to tell me" he says while crossing his arms
"but im not gay"
"you could be we don't know whats going on with you're head" i couldn't hold it anymore i had to laugh brain is way 2 funny i think hes gonna be my best friend in the house i after 2 minutes i finally calmed myself down and pay attention to whatever is going on with the game.
"you know im not gay right?" he asks i turn my head to look him in the eyes i nodded my head
"then proof it to me" he says i get myself more comfortable on his lap and put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me he toward my lips and kissed me he bit my lower lip asking for entrance which i granted, our tongues touched then we were interupted by a pillow hitting me and Justin in the head.
"get a room" Brian says
"ow" Justin says while rubbing his head
"that's what you get for kissing in front of us"
"hey she started it" Justin said while pointing at me
"oh real gentlemen like now i cant even look at you" i get up from his lap and walk away to try to make him feel bad about blaming me
"wait! no i was just kidding you know me right"
"NO i dont know you"
"come on Kaitlin dont be like that"
"be like what" i ask trying to act dumb
"that's it im tired of u and your stupid games" he says instead of him walking out and being all pissed like he sets his hands on my waist and pull me to his lips. I didn't respond for a second he bit my bottom lip asking for entrance. I gave him access our tongues clicked together. They were dancing together his kisses got more hungrier he left my lips and started trailing kisses down my neck. I started moaning then we heard someone scream he let go of me and looked ahead of him the only thing we found was my brother Ryan with a horrified expression on his face.
"Justin what the fuck are you doing kissing my sister" my brother shouted
"he wouldn't let me go" i said trying to be all innocent like while having fake tears in my eyes
"Justin you are in big trouble" my brother shouted he grabbed Justin by the ear and pulled him to the kitchen i wonder what his punishment would be hmm...
i walked into the living room and the boys were still watching football i went and sat on Trevor's lap and i tried to get myself comfortable. He wrapped his arms around my waist he smelled so good no wonder why he is so HOT!
"so why was Ryan shouting" Brian asked
"oh you know Ryan just being the old overprotected brother"
"what happened this time"
"he caught me and justin kissing!" i say a little to quick
"dang the next time we'll see Justin it will be in his coffin" Trevor says
"yeah that is true" i say agreeing with Trevor
i got bored of watching the game after 10 minutes so i took the remote from Brian and turned it to nickelodeon and sponge bob was on yay! my favorite show ever
"hey we were watching that" Brian said
"not anymore" i say
"ok be like that" he got up from his seat and left the room i watched it for 10 minutes and remembered that Trevor never left yet i wonder why hmm...
"aren't you gonna leave" i asked while turning around to face him
"no sponge bob i my favorite show and besides why would i there is a very sexy girl sitting on my lap" he said i started blushing when he said that i cant believe he thinks im sexy well of course he would think im sexy everyone thinks that duh.
"yeah sponge bob is my favorite show 2 but there's no sexy girl sitting on my lap" i say trying to be funny
"no but you're sitting on a very HOT guy" he says
"true that true that" i say trying to agree with him
"do you wanna kiss that very HOT guy?" he asks
i nod my head and he turns me around for me to get comfortable i cross my legs and he leans over and starts kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck he bit my lower lip to ask for entrance which i granted and are tongues clicked together. they started dancing with each other he found my soft spot and i start moaning like crazy no guy ever found my soft spot while kissing me he leaves my lips so we could catch our breathes.
"you're a good kisser" he says while out of breath complimenting me on my lips.
"yeah you 2" i say back
"you wanna try it again" he says while he has this huge grin on his face
"sure why not" i say we were kissing for the for like the past 20 minutes until sponge bob was over i got up from his lap and walked upstairs to my room i was gonna shut the door until i see Trevor coming in OK very weird i never heard him following me from the behind
"what are you doing in my room?"
"im bored"
"then go hang out with one of the guys if my brother sees you in here he is gonna make me watch you getting killed by him then he would kill him" i say a little scared i wonder what he did to Justin hmm..
"im not scared of your brother and plus just close the door"
"OK whatever" i close the door and i made sure it was locked i flop on my bed and turn on the TV, and yes i do have my own TV Trevor came and layed by me we were watching pretty little liars which was my favorite show on abc family. Until i felt someones eyes on me i turned my head a little to the left and Trevor was still starin at me.
"what are you staring at?" i asked
"you know you are so sexy"
i blushed a little and pecked him on the lips
"i know i am 'so sexy'"
he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me deeper into him. We were like that until i hear Ryan shout my name i got out of his arms and walked out of my room and went downstairs to the kitchen where i found Ryan standing there.
"yes" i said with an innocent voice
"what you want to eat today for dinner" he asked
"PIZZA!!!" i said with excitement i love piuzza its like one of my favorite food. Well not really its my second my first is ice cream i mean who doesn't love ice cream if you hate ice cream then you need to be sent to a mental institutional hospital.
"did i hear pizza Brian said suddenly jumping on my back i almost fell cause of this fucking idiot. I swear all the guys i met in this is house is alot bigger and tougher then me they are gonna kill me someday.
"yeah my sister is gonna get some pizza"
"GUYS PIZZA!!!" Brian shouted
next thing you know all the guys come down and tell us all the fucking toppings they want in all their fucking pizzas.
"everyone be quite" my brother told us they all quite down cause they knew if they didn't they would get a black eye the next day. He he called jets pizza and told them the order he put it under his name and hung up the phone.
"who wants to go get the pizzas" my brother asked all of us
"i will" i said while putting on my shoes and purse i went to get the keys off the counter until a hand blocked it i looked up and it was my brother.
"you are not going alone"
"what why" i say a little sad that i dont get my free time.
"cause if a perverted guy see you walk down these streets alone you dont know what they would do" he says sternly
"but im almost 18" i shout
"if you go by yourself im not gonna let you back in the house"
"OK OK who wants to go with me" i ask while looking at all the guys
"i will" Brian,Trevor,and Justin say at the same time
"OK then hurry up and put your shoes on" i say trying to get out of the house as quick as possible. So i can get my pizzas they all came out the same time. I walk out of the house to Ryan's car cause my shitty car is back home i unlock the car so we can all go in.
"were not allowed to go in Ryan's car" Brian says
"you're not allowed but i am" i say while i get in the car after i said that they all got in.I started up the car and backed away from the drive way and blasted the music

(10 minutes later)

we parked to the closest parking space they had we got out of the car and went to jets pizza. When we walked we told them the name we put the order under in but the problem was that there was a really creepy cashier man. He looked like he was 19 but he was skinny and 5'7" and really pale he was eyeing me up and down that fucking cashier man is not getting any of this. But Justin notice what he was doing so he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waiist and glared at the cashier man telling him lay a hand on her and you get you ass beat up you piece of white shit. He looked away scared as hell but the other man got all of our order "$47.05" the man said i gave him a 50 and told him to keep the change. Trevor had 5 pizza boxes Justin had 4 and Brian had 3 so all together we had 12 pizza boxes. I would of helped but im to weak and lazy to do anything and the guys knew it we got in the car and i backed away from the parking lot and blasted the music up ignoring all the weird looks we got from the old people.
(10 minutes later)
we parked in the drive way and took out the keys of the car we got out of the car and shuted the door. We went up to the house to open the door but the door opens and Brandon i think that's what his name is comes out and the other guys and rushes over to us and takes all the pizza boxes. They go in the house and take it to the kitchen i went in the living room and plopped down on the couch i took the remote and turned it to sponge bob. Then Justin and Trevor sit next to me on the couch Justin on my left and Trevor on my right and im in the middle like monkey in the middle duh. Accept im way more attractive then a monkey i mean monkeys are so ugly now these days. (sorry if i offended you if you think that monkeys are adorable) "why ant you eating" trevor asked
"cause i hate when i see guys fight over pizza"
"but by the time there finished the pizza id gonna be gone"
"what NO! they cant eat my babies" i got up from the couch and went in the kitchen all the guys were eating pizza and all the pizza was supposed to be on the table. So i went to the table and there was nothing nothing there was only empty pizza boxes i went on my knees and i swear i was about to cry my eyes out.
"NNNOOO!!! there's no more pizza" i shouted
"what are you talking about i saved you a box just for you" Ryan says while holding up the pizza i swear my eyes lit up like i found the love of my life and of course the love of my life is pizza. I will marry pizza someday but i would marry ice cream first cause ice cream is my favorite food. Then i would marry pizza duh. I got up from my feet and took the pizza out of his hand and ran to the living room where Justin and Trevor were sitting still watching sponge bob. I went and sat on Trevor lap and opened the pizza box and took a slice of pizza and took a huge bite out of it. I felt eyes on me so i looked to my left and i see Justin drooling over my pizza looks like im not the only one that wants to marry pizza. I took another huge bite and started moaning trying to make him jealous that i get pizza and he doesn't.
"hey Kaitlin can i have a bite of that" Justin asks
"Hmm let me think about that" i took another huge bite but savoring the moment that i have with the pizza
"umm no"
"why not you got 7 more right there" he says getting a little angry that he doesn't even get a bite.
"hey fat girl needs to eat and plus dont you got your own pizza" i say
"no all the guys ate it" he says a little sad
"Ok fine you can have some" i say while giving him a slice
after eating 1 more slice i felt full. So i got off of Trevor's lap and went upstairs to my room i locked the door and flopped on my bed. I felt really bored now i wish my old friends were here so i can hang out with them maybe i can hang out with Brian. I got up from my bed and unlocked the door and went downstairs to the living room hoping he was there and i was right he was there he was watching a football game with Trevor and Justin i went and sat on his lap.
"hey Brian wanna do something" i ask with an Innocent voice and look
"sure why not" he says
"Yay" i got off from his lap and he got up from the couch we went upstairs and we stopped to a random door he opened it and walked in i followed when i was half way i figured out it was not a random room but his bedroom. He had his own TV a desk with a computer on it a king size bed 3 walk in closets and his own bathroom. I flopped on his bed and he sat on a chair he needs to decorate his room more cause he had alot of open space that could be replaced with anything he wanted.
"so what you want to do" he asks
"i dont know anything that isn't boring"
"OK let me think"
he thinks for like an hour well it felt like an hour but it was really like 2 minutes.
"wanna go to the mall"
"sure that sound like fun"
"OK let me change then we'll leave"
"OK i'll go tell my brother" i got up, from his bed and went to Ryan's room. I opened his door and walked in he only had a towel around his waist.
"bro puts some clothes on"
"hey you're lucky that i only have a towel"
"yeah cause no one would like to see you're dick"
"hey lots of girls would glad to even suck my dick"
"eeww to much information OK so on with the point can me and Brian go to the mall?"
"yeah just make sure you have your cell phone with you and you got to bring 1 more guy with you"
"OK whatever" i say while i walk out of his room. I go downstairs to the living room where Justin Trevor and Brandon were sitting watching a football game. Brandon was hot but i knew he was a complete player cause how he dresses and talks. i sit on Trevor lap and get myself comfortable he wraps his arms around me. I turn my body a little to face him we locked yes for moment until i remembered why i was even here. I look away for a while then i face him again but looking anywhere else but his eyes
"do you wanna come to the mall with me and Brian" i asked him
"sure why not"
"Yay!" i got off from his lap and tried to pull him up but he was like so fucking heavy my god after a few minutes of trying i finally give up.
"damn you're so heavy" all the guys laugh at me like i said a really funny joke. I don't get what was funny about that cause he was truly heavy i would like to see one of the guys try to carry him or something.
"what are you all laughing at?" i ask a little pissed that they would be laughing.
"he weighs like fucking 200lbs no one can carry him" Brandon said
"well at least i tried unlike you lazy bums"
"me lazy i did the dishes today" Brandon says thinking that he might get a prize or something for doing the fucking dishes.
"good for you would you like a sticker"
"yeah i actually do want a sticker"
"Ok just wait 1 moment" i went to the supply's closet and got some duck tape. I went back to the living room where Brandon Trevor and Justin were still waiting. I go up to justin and took 5 inches off the duck tape and ripped it I put it over his mouth so he can shut the fuck up.
"there's you're fucking sticker" i say Trevor and Justin are all laughing and Brandon looks kind of pissed that i put it over his mouth. He took the duck tape off but he took it off like really fast.
"oooww" he says while holding his hand over his mouth.
"you dumb ass you should of known that would of hurt" i say Trevor and Justin are still laughing like retards after 2 minutes they both stop laughing and calmed there assess down. But Brandon is still holding his hand over his mouth i thought he was gonna cry but i knew this retard would never cry in front of people. Brian comes down with new clothes and converse
"hey whats up guys" he says while he does the stupid bro shake with all of the guys.
"nothing" they all say
"you ready" Brian asks me
"yeah let me just get my purse and by the way Trevor is coming with us" i say i went to the kitchen and my purse and Ryan's keys were on the counter. I took both and made sure i had enough money. I went back to the living room where Brian and Trevor were waiting.
"come on you both ready" i asked them
"yeah lets go" they both say
"OK" we walked out of the house and went to Ryan's car i unlocked his car and we all went in. I started up the car and backed out of the driveway i blasted the music up and drived to the mall.
(20 minutes later)
i parked to a parking spot but it was so fucking far from the mall so it took like 10 minutes to go to the doors i mean cause after 3 feet i started to walk really slow. Brian opened the door and held it for me and Trevor like a little gentleman maybe 1 day he'll find a good girlfriend for him or boyfriend whatever he prefers best. I mean Brian was cute and adorable but he wasn't hot and sexy i mean why would i date a guy that is like a friend to me. We enter the mall and first off i saw forever 21 i mean forever 21 is my favorite place to shop i mean the clothes are like really cute. I went in forever 21 and i bought my self a light blue knit top,white lace top,stripe top,black lace top,white denim shorts,dark wash denim shorts,black shorts,and love and beauty shimmer lip gloss all together was 134.04. I gave the cashier 135 and told her to keep the change. Then we went to champ sports so the guys can stop fucking complaining i mean Trevor was whining as hell and Brian every time he found me some shorts he would make me try them on and if it was good looking on me he would make me buy it and then if it was bad looking he'll make me try on a another dozen. Same thing with shirts he says that he like tight shirts on me cause it shows off all my curves. So we walked in champs sports the first thing i saw was these awesome Nike dunk high skinny they were orange and white mixed and it was only 85 dollars. So i went and bought a pair and Brian bought 2 pairs of shoes 1 was Jordan flight 23 and the other was Jordan SC-2 and altogether was 234.98. He paid 235same with Trevor he bought 2 pairs 1 was Nike zoom hyper dunk and the other was Nike air which altogether was 174.98 and he paid 175.
we left champs sports and left the mall cause we thought that was what we all needed and if we spend more money that Ryan might kill us and that's true he hates spending too much money in 1 day. Even though were rich we went to the car i unlocked it and the boys put all the bags in the trunk. I got in and so did the boys accept Brian was in the passengers seat and Trevor was in the back. I started the car and backed away from the parking lot blasted the music and drove 70 mph.
(15 minutes later)
we went through the drive ways and parked there we got out of the car and opened the trunk to get everything we bought out there I took my 3 bags and they took there's. Trevor closed the trunk and i locked the car we went to the houses front door and opened it while the boys were behind me. I went upstairs to my room and opened the door i went in and sat my bags down by my closet and went to close the door. I layed on my bed and took my laptop out i went on Facebook to chat up with my friends my best friend Cassandra was online i clicked on her name so we can chat.
ME: hey
Cassandra: hey girl where have u been all day i called u like 10 times
ME: sorry I've been pretty busy lately
Cassandra: were u hanging out with Antonio again
ME: hell no im over that douche
Antonio is my ex boyfriend i hate his guts i mean the only reason we were dating cause he was using me for the sex and second he cheated on me like 5 times and every time he would say fucking dumb excuses and i would always fall for them.
Cassandra: so where have u been
ME: well u know how i said im gonna move out in a week cuz my mom wants me out
Cassandra: yeah
ME: well she kicked me out today
Cassandra: omg where u at right now
ME: at my brothers house im gonna live here for now on
Cassandra: what! where u gonna go to school now
ME: i dont know but i know its not Greenfield High
Cassandra: r u serious i already i hate your brother!
ME: you've never met my brother how would u hate him
Cassandra: cause my best friend in the whole world that i love with all my heart brother wont let her go to the same school as me
ME: what ever i got to go bye
i logged out of my Facebook page and shutdown the laptop. I got up from my bed and put the laptop on my desk i went to get my cell phone which was by my bed on the floor. I picked it up and turned it on and damn it was already 2am no wonder i was so sleepy. I went to my closet and got out my white and blue patterned shorts,and white tank from Gilly Hicks which is my favorite store to get my bras and sleep wear. I went to my bathroom and striped off my clothes and put on my shorts and tank i tied my hair up in a bun cause that's how i always sleep with my hair in a bun. I went to the sink and turned the water on to warm and i took my toothbrush and toothpaste and squirted it on my toothbrush i put the toothpaste down and started brushing my teeth for 2 minutes straight after i was done i spitted it out and putted clean water in my mouth to take the toothpaste out and spitted it out. I did it for like 5 times straight now my breath smells minty i took the soap that was by my sink and rubbed it between my hands i put the soap by the sink and washed my face after i was done. I turned off the sink and took the towel that was on the hanger and dried my face off hey after that i closed the lights in the bathroom i went on my bed and put the blanket on top of me i turned off the lamp and dozed off after 10 minutes.

his little sister

Trevor's (pov)

i cant believe how hot is Ryans sister i mean shes hot but i know shes not a slut. Even though i met her for like a day i know shes not cause i know girls that are and trust me shes not if she was she would of already went in some guys pants. I was in my bed resting right now it was 11:00am i got up from my bed and went to my bathromm i shaved and yes i do shave im fucking 18 i mean if you're 18 and u don't shave that means you haven't hit puberty yet sucks for you. I brushed my teeth and took a towel i took off my boxers which was the only thing i had i went in the shower.

(10 minutes later)
I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist i went to my closet and got myself some boxers Abercrombie&fitch blue T-shirt,dark washed jeans,and white Jordan. I opened my door and went down stairs to eat some breakfast i went to the kitchen and i see Kaitlin already eating a bowl of coca puffs.
"hi" she says back
i went to the cabinet and got out some coca puffs i took a bowl out and poured the coca puffs in the bowl. I went to the fridge and took a cart of milk i poured it in the bowl and putted the milk away and the coca puffs i got myself a spoon and sat by Kaitlin.
I was eating my cereal while Kaitlin was getting up and putting her bowl away she went to the living room probably to watch some TV like usual. It was so awkward while we were eating probably cause that she was tired. I finished my bowl of cereal i got up from my seat and took my bowl and putted it in the sink i went to the living room and of course she is still there. I went and picked her up from where she was sitting she kinda was screaming cause she didn't know what i was doing and she started squirming around i tried to calm her down. i sat where she used to be i put her on my lap and she started calming down she got herself comfortable and i putted my arm around her
"so whats wrong with you"
"what do you mean?" she asks a little confused
"i mean you're all quite and shit"
"im just tired" she says yawning. She got off my lap and sat a little far from me she layed there and rested her head on my lap. So my lap was her pillow i didn't mind at all i started brush her hair away from her face so i could see her face clearly. She is beautiful i cant believe she and Ryan are related they look nothing alike i mean Ryan has black hair and Kaitlin has brown Ryan has brown eyes Kaitlin has these beautiful green eyes Ryan i mean there are so many reasons im just glad that she came and lived with us. I was out of my thought's when i felt someone poke my stomach like a thousand times i look down and it was Kaitlin.
"yes" i asked
"what are you thinking about"
"i know you were thinking about something" she said while she started sitting on my lap and not laying on my lap but she turned around to face me.
"i know you were thinking about something"
"OK to be honest i was thinking about you and how sexy you are"
that made her blush a little she tilted her head down to hide her blush. I put my thumb under her chin so she could look at me i got closer to her there was a little gap between us.
"you don't have to be shy in front of me" i said then i gave her a soft but passionate kiss then my kisses got more hungrier. I bit her lip to ask for entrance and she granted it to me she wrapped her legs around my waist and grinded against me i moaned getting very excited and i felt my dick getting bigger waiting to put it inside her pussy. I layed us both down while i was on top of her but being gentle not to break her and she was under me while she still had her legs wrapped around my waist we broke the kiss and i started kissing her neck until we got interrupted by......
"what the fuck are you doing" Ryan shouted while pulling me off of Kaitlin
"nothing bro i swear" i said lying
"it didn't look like nothing just a minute ago"
"i fell on her"
"oh really then why were u moaning huh" he asked a little pissed
"i knew it you were all over my sister" he says while looking at Kaitlin
"Kaitlin go to your room i'll be there in 5 minutes"
"but-" she says while getting cut off by Ryan
"no but up to your room now"
"OK but i swear if you lay a hand on him i will cut your dick off while you're sleeping and make you suck on it" she says while skipping to her room that kind of scared me if she would do something that cruel i mean then he would never fuck another girl in his life.
"would she really do that"
"hell yeah you only know Kaitlin sweet side you don't know the bad side of hers yet"
he said im a little scared now if i do something to upset her im scared she would do something back to me.
"OK so here's the deal im gonna let go of what i just saw but if i see you even touching you're out of here" he said with a serious face
" deal" he said
"deal' i said while me and him both shaked on it we finished shaking hands
"OK i got to go talk to Kaitlin" he said
"OK see ya men" i said he went upstairs to go talk to Kaitlin i went back on the couch and watched some TV.


i was in my room laying on my bed i was waiting for Ryan cause he said he was gonna talk to me. I wonder what he said to Trevor but i swear if he even lays a finger on him im gonna do what no man could even have the guts to do. Then i heard a knock
"come in" i shouted
then my door opened and it was Ryan he shut the door after him and came and sat on my bed.
"hey so how you feeling" he asked really cant he just tell me whats my punishment
"pretty good" i said
"you know im pissed at you"
"yeah but i don't get why i mean i did much worst stuff with other guys then what you saw what i did to Trevor" i said but i hope he doesn't think im a slut now
"yeah but Trevor is like a brother to me and if he's like a brother to me then he is like a brother to you and plus he's a complete player he uses girls like he was about to use you" he says but i just cant imagine him being a player and shit i mean i do think girls are all over him but i don't believe he uses them.
"do you understand me" he asks
"yes i understand you" i reply back
"good" he says he gets up from my bed and gives me a hug he walks to my door and opened it then closed it behind him.
i lay on my bed thinking what should i do i mean he is like a brother to Mike but he's so hot i mean is it really that wrong to date Trevor. Because Mike said hes like a brother to him i mean he's not like a brother to me he's like a hot guy that fell from heaven above. I mean maybe i should just talk to him i mean i don't even know if he likes me maybe he is just using me just like how others used me. I get up from my bed and open my door i close it behind me and walk downstairs in the living room where Trevor was still sitting on couch where i left him.
i sat on the couch beside him he had the remote and he was watching a stupid basketball game i took the remote from his hand and i switched it to pretty little liars yayyy!!! my favorite show ever
"yes" i ask all innocent
"you took my remote"
"i dont know what you talking back?" i asked all dumb-like
"i think you do know what i am talking about now give me back the remote" he said
"if you want the remote you have to come and get it" i said holding the remote up i got up from the couch and ran to the kitchen and went out through the back door. I ran around the house and i felt that he was just inches away from me i went through the front door and opened it i went running upstairs to my room. I was just inches away from the handle when i felt a pair of arms around my waist lifting me up and of course it was Trevor.
"haha i got you"
"let me go" i yelled while squirming around to get free
"not until you give me the remote" he said
"NEVER!!" i said why protecting the remote from him
"OK then if you don't give me the remote then i will have to make you give me the remote" he said
"oh really and how you're gonna do that" i asked
"by doing this" he lift me up and and put me on his shoulder
"hey put me down" i yelled while hitting him on the back he walked downstairs totally ignoring what i was doing. He walked to the kitchen and opened the back door and walked up to our pool oh yeah well i forgot yo tell you guys that we have a pool and its a really big one anyways this is not the time about what we have and not have he was standing by the deep end which im pretty scared of cause i don't know how to swim!!!!!!!
"no put me down" i shouted
he leans me more forward to the water i wrap my arms around his neck so if i go down hes's going down with me!!!
"hey let me go"
"not until you put me down" i shout
"ok if u insist" he lets his arms go so he's not holding on to me and right now im holding him around his neck but my legs are dangling. So he can just pull my arms off him and just let me fall in the water!!!!!! i wrap my legs around his waist so i wont fall off. But something weird happened we both fell in the water at the same time. But before we fell i felt like someone pushed us in the water. I let go of Trevor and tried to swim back to the ladder since its 10 feet deep and i cant swim very well. I finally made it to the ladder after like five minutes of swimming to it i got out of the pool and i looked at the person who pushed me in the water but it was more than 1 person!

pay back is a bitch!


i looked up and saw all the boys laughing their asses off even Mike my own brother was laughing at me and he knows that i cant swim! well they should know they shouldn't mess with me cause im the best you could ever know when it comes to pranks and shit like that.
when everyone started to calm down i finally ask
"who pushed me and Trevor in the water" i ask sternly everyone was pointing at one another but i know for sure that it was Brandon cause his eyes said it all and plus he was grinning who the hell grins when trying to blame someone cause he was pointing at Noah and no one else was grinning so i knew it was Brandon i hope he likes the color pink cause he gotta live with it for a week!
So later that day we were watching 21 jump street but we didn't pay attention to the time so its like 7pm and we haven't even ate dinner yet so we were like all starving especially me cause my stomach was grumbling like crazy.
"ok so whose gonna make dinner tonight" Ryan asked
then everyone was staring at me i got up while walking to the kitchen i mumbled "why do i have to do all the work" so then i asked everyone what they wanted and the guys wanted a whole lot of stuff so after 20 minutes of arguing about what they wanted to eat we finally agreed on macaroni and chicken wings cause first that's the only thing that i know how to cook that would tasted good and second its much faster then making pizza or shit. After an hour the macaroni and chicken wings were finally ready i set the macaroni and chicken wing on the table i called everyone to come eat i hear footsteps,pushing, shoving,and broken glasses the guys were finally here they all sat down and started eating like animals even i ate like an animal but i would only usually do this if im really hungry and now im really hungry after we were all done eating we cleaned up the place then went up to sleep cause it was 10pm and tomorrow it was the first day of school but before i went to bed i started texting my friends. after 2 hours of texting all my friend i started getting tired but i remembered that i was supposed to get revenge on Brandon so its like midnight and everyone is asleep so that means no can be in my way i went to my bathroom and i got my hair dyes and got the pink one then i went to Brandons room and then to his bathroom i emptied his shampoo bottle and put the hair dye in the shampoo bottle after i finished i walked out of his room and went to my room i had this evil grin on my face i hope Brandon likes the color pink cause he would have to deal with it for a week!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2012

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