
The moving sun

"Is it dark already?" asked the little girl, Nanami.
"You should know that I couldnt possible answer this, Nanami." answers a young boy.
"But, how does it feel? Like day or like night?"
"The sun is moving towards the west."
"When is it to go down?"
"Then when it should be."
The boy moves out of the room of the little girl. Nanami thinks that her older brother became so cold because he couldn't see anything. Not how a little butterfly will be created neither the sunrise or the dawn or how beautiful the roses, that he culivates, are. What a sad life.
The door opens again.
"Nanami! Why was he in your room?"
"Mother. I asked him to bring me some of the beautiful blue roses."
"Is that so?" Nanami's mother, Lady Mirabelle, had for a second a troubled face. But Nanami didn't notice. She knew that her mother always reacts this way if it comes to Nanami. Because she know that she was going to die soon, she was scared to look into her own mothers face.
It knocked three times. After that Rico with a sweet tea and Nanamis Medicine came in.
Nanami knew about her condition through Rico, her older brother, who didn't think twice about hiding it all from her. That's also a reason her brother and her mother don't get along well.
But Nanami, even then knowing she was going to die in a year or so, was glad that she knew the whole story.
Now looking back, her brother did never lie or hid something from her if she asked him directly.
Her father didn't care that much about anyone so she only knows his face from the pictue-books Rico brought with him.
"The sun is going down behind a mountain of rocks." disrupts Rico Nanami thinking about all this dark stuff. "I will go then or do you need anything else?"
"Err. Big brother I want to introduce a friend of mine to you, is that okay?" says Nanami a little bit blushing.
"Yeah it is. But does he only come when the night is active?" "Yes, but he is a really nice person."
"Then I will come later and bring some good cacao, how does that sound?" suggested Rico.
"Good, till later."
This friend of Nanami was really someone who came almost everynight. Because Nanami couldn't do anything at the day. She is always up late.
"Hey Levid. Glad to see you."
"Hi little princess."
"I would like to introduce my older brother to you."
"How much is the difference in your ages?" asked Levid worried.
"Don't worry. Even through I call him older brother the whole time he is only two years older than me."

The midnight snack

It knocked three times on Nanami's door then it was opened by a thin boy with long black hair.
"Hey, older brother."
"Like always. Way to active, aren't you?"
"Come here." Nanami gave that boy her hand. And lead him toward Levid. Levid knew with one glance that the boy was blind, so he introduced himself before the boy could feel his coldness.
"Hello, how are you. My name is Levid, a friend of the little princess."
After he finished the boy just touched him. And said:
"Hello, as you can probably see I'm blind. My name is Rico, the little princess' older brother."
With that done Rico just said he would go to sleep again. But Levid was nervous. But what he heard after that shocked him more. He didn't know that the princess was going to die. So he promised her in eleven years he will be back.
Before he did finally go, he stopped by the room of Rico and drank a little bit of his blood. He was hungry but he couldn't hunt here anymore. The people have become aware of such simple facts from the many deaths. These villagers who hunt down every little abnormal being were seen by him at one of the many executions. But it shocked him more than anything that that boy's blood only have a little bit of human smell in it. The rest he couldn't identify but when he will come back for the girl he will definitly also solve his mysterios midnight snack and will be peaceful once again. So fled the last vampire to the city and out of the countryvillages. Without even knowing that a very big storm will hit the ones that saw him the last time for eleven long years. And without knowing what will become of the young ones.

Eleven years later

Levid is back at that remote countryvillage. Like he promised to Nanami eleven years ago.
But now he wonders. The number of villagers has decreased a lot in these eleven years. Could it have been an epidemic or a disease of humans? What a strange occurrence to happen after he left the village. But did it also strike Nanami and her family too? Family? Oh, yeah! Her older brother Rico could have gotten that disease too. That's if it had happened. So Levid stopped at one house near the house of these two siblings. Where he already has seen a family living, that were spying on him. So he knocked at their door.
The door was opened by the old woman who have kept her eyes on him.
"What do you want?"
"Excuse me, my lady, but I was away from this village for eleven long years and I would like to know about a family in the neighborhood of your house."
"Neighborhood, you say? There is only one house near ours. But there don't lives a family just a boy. And to top it off that building doesn't look very solid, I wouldn't risk to take a step in."
"Is that so? That I will thank you for these usefull information, but I have one last question, the boy who lives there, is he blind?"
At that queston the womans face lost all colours and said in a whispering voice: "Who knows." So she disappeared into her own house.
And so Levid has started to go to the direction of that old house the woman mentioned, thinking about her actions and reactions.

A Demon?

'There it is. That old house?!' the villagers who spyed Levid whispered to each other. But Levid already knew that they were tailing him, he could even hear them. Suddenly he stops in front of a old building. It was his surprise that restrained him from moving, not fear as the villagers might think, it really was the house where Nanami lived.
Two kids, each holding a white rose, where trying to run away or so it seems, but they were catched by a slender looking boy with long white hair. That boy has gone confidently to the next tree, dragging the two kids along, and so started talking with that tree.
But behind the tree, there was the woman, that Levid talked to before, standing.
The boy gave the two kids to the woman, who scolded them about five minutes with a loud voice. Then the villagers went away. Only the woman talked to the boy again and than she did also go away.
The boy turned towards Levid.
"So what do you want?" asked the boy with a cold voice.
"Just searching. Do you happen to know what happened to a girl called Nanami that lives here?"
"She died ten years ago, didn't you know?"
"What she died? I lived here eleven years ago, so how did it happened?"
"The police said it was her heart-disease, but her parents were both cuelly murdered."
"Yeah. But if you ask me, they were all killed and that killer is still in the village. Every year the villagers found some bloody corpses."
"Is that so... Wait than what about that girls older brother?"
"Older brother? She didn't have any siblings. She was an only child."
"Why do you live in that house now?"
"What's with the 'now'? I lived always here."
And those said the boy turned around, going to the backyard of the house. Levid naturally following him as his questions weren't answered at all. Was it the work of the enemy's of his kind that murdered so many?

The girl's last words

Levid took a deep breath in to organize his own feelings about the things he heard so.
"So you still want something?" disturbed Ygg's voice his thinking.
"Yeah. Is there anything the girl could have left behind?" Yggs expression was very keen when he said: "Follow me."
Leading Levid into the house, searching a little bit through the cupbourds there. And then finally found it and gave it to Levid with a expressionless face.
Levid opened the manuscript and began to read.

'To Levid,
Hey how are you? Surley you're fine for you are you.
I couldn't tell you that night that I might die in
the following year. So Rico suggested that I write
these things down, but I really wanted to see you.
But I get the feeling everyone here is in danger,
they are all so tense? Would you mind doing me a
favor? Just that... Could you find out which demon
it is? And for what reason he havokes the village
every 18 years? You can read the story about that in
the book 'Old Rumors'. Rico said that that story
wasn't just a story nor less a rumor. Maybe he knows
something, what do you think?
Yours sincerly,
Nanami Zarena Couhjo'

"What a strange way to write a will, isn't it?" asked Ygg.
"Just the way she was. Could you tell me about this rumor?"
"Yeah, I could tell but now it gotten really late. I will go to sleep. You can sleep here if you want."
"Oh thanks, but why a little friendly all of a sudden?"
"A promise is to be done."
So Ygg and Levid prepared for the night and soon Ygg was asleep.

Truth or trust?

That night is really stormy as if it want to warn one. Levid loved this sort of nights just because it wasn't quit. He is terribly frighten just by the absolute soundless. He decided to search Ygg who was watching him moments ago. But was he really watching? Or was that a trick played on the mind?
Those questions tormented Levid as he walked the stairs up to the first floor.
He couldn't resist to take a look at Nanami's old room. It didn't change much except the dust there and the rust on the metal things. So he just looked through almost every door in this floor, when he stumbled in front of a locked door.
On the door was something like a handwritten plakat. It said: 'To the one opening this door. What do you want here? Truth or trust?'
Levid just opened it a little bit to steel a look. But what he saw surprised him because Ygg was already in the room, sleeping real peacefully in the bed.
Levid looked closer to the wands he could see. And he saw a bunch of paintings there. In front of them was a lonley and little picture of the family that once lived here. A proud father, a beautiful and gentle mother and a little and smiling girl. But the boy was nowhere to be seen.
The next morning Ygg came down the stairs.
"Hey, Levid."
"What's the matter?"
"We should attend the funeral."
"Let's go."
And so they have gone to a old church because it was raining, Ygg had a umbrella with him, a complete black umbrella.
Levid completly zoned out when he saw the people of the village. They cried with low voices never dare to raise it and their clothes were just in blue, yellow or red. As Ygg partly in black clothes came they looked at him and began to whisper mean comments that he can hear.
But only Levid saw that Ygg was grinning. It still rained on and it was so cold but never just once was it complete quit.

The funeral

"Hey Ygg?"
"What's the matter?"
"Why is there no one except you in some kind of black colour?" asked Levid quitly.
"That's because they think black is an unlucky colour."
"Why unlucky?"
"That, you can hear for yourself." answered Ygg with a nod towards the people around them.
Mass was somewhat different from what Levid has expected. But he couldn't describe it in words very well. So he just thought that the ceremony is that of a marriage not of a funeral.
The person whose funeral this is, was a young farmer.
Levid heard again the evil whisper around Ygg and him.
'Hey. Isn't that the boy from that old house.' 'Right, that's him. Look he wears dark clothes.' 'Does he want to be eaten by the demon?' 'Who knows.' 'But Phil had worn dark clothes on the funeral before, hadn't he?' 'Yes, he had worn dark clothes like all the others before him.' 'That boy will be eaten by the demon next.' 'That's for sure!' 'We should leave him alone. Before we become also the demons next target.'
And so they saved a distance from Ygg to them. Levid looked from them to Ygg. Ygg smiled somewhat lonley.
Phil, the farmer, who died, had been buried while Levid was listening to the ladys talk.
Ygg meanwhile was standing in front of the grave and suddenly gave a speech with the umbrella still in his hand. The rain has begon again but while Ygg was speaking nobody dared to interfere.
"So you died. Was your heart that weak already? Who knows. Would surley be your answer. But you would laugh if you could hear the villagers talking like that. A demon killed you. There was even for a short while in your mass a moment when they said 'I' killed you. Laughable, isn't it. I would have liked to say thank you when you were still alive. If you ask what they think about who will be the next target. I would answer as calm as ever that it would be me. I know you don't like the rain, so I will leave this umbrella with you." That being said Ygg put the Umbrella on the grave. And so Ygg turned around and was already going away. Levid followed Ygg and the villagers behind them were speechless.

The true demons

It was already one full moon since the farmer's death and now the time would come when the demon will be seen. His target must be Ygg. Not only because of his dark clothes but also because what he said at the funeral. Levid already knowing all sort of rumors about the demon, had the light premoniton that Ygg was the demon. But why should he now set himself as target?
Ygg and Levid were in the garden, the villagers creeping in the bushes to see if the demon would attack that boy.
Suddenly there was a really cold breeze, Ygg instantly looking towards the direction of the breeze saw a big, cold full moon. In front of this very moon there was a shadow, it only lasted for a second and disappeared then reappeared in fron of Ygg.
Levid, surprised by the form of this fellow, was standing still. No one dared to even his breath be noticed.
'You! Why do you wear black?' asked the demon.
"To express my sadness."
"Yes, because of what have become out of you."
'Out of me? You know me?'
"Yes I know you. Mostly better than anyone."
'Then who am I? What happened to me?'
"You were forced by your parents to commit suicide with them that was almost eleven years ago. And you became a demon out of agony. Naturally you couldn't live for longer but the agony of your own parents forcing you to something like that stayed all the time. I am sorry I couldn't help you that time, Nanami."
'Brother? Is that really big brother? I m-missed you so.'
"Eleven years have passed and Levid is also back."
'Thank you, Levid. But brother, I am a murderer!'
"No you aren't. That was the peoples talk. Don't let it get you all those who died the past eleven years, just reached the end of their lifespan."

CONTINUATION IN: Break through


Texte: Right lies by the Writer.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.04.2011

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This book is for everyone that always has supported me in times of a crisis.

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