
chapter 1
I got up like I always did.I grabbed my school clothes and pulled them over my Underwear.Even though I was one of the richest family's in town my family and i didn't speak.To them I was a They left me here in our vacation house once I turned 15.I've been living by myself for 2 years now and still no contact with me.They pay all my bills buy my clothes and food.But they never speak to me.I guess thats why they call me Lee for Abandoned child.I went to the washroom.I found my brush and started brushing through my bedhead.Once i finished that i looked in the mirror.Pale skin,Grey eyes,and black hair that went to my waist.I looked nothing like my parents who were both blonde haired blue eyed bueaties.After my parents had me they stopped having kids.I don't have any friends so I really am an abandondened kid.I took one last glance in the mirror and left.I lived two blocks away from my school so I walked to my school.I had one neibourgh that was always concerned about me Mrs.Frank.She was an elderly lady.I waved to her as I passed her house.She waved at me.I started walking again."Lee, wait."Mrs. Frank called down to me.I turned ,and started walking to her."Yes mrs.Frank?"I asked."My Grandkids.They moved into town....I think you three would be good friends."she said nodding at me."I don't think they would want to meet me."I said.Most people thought I was scary so they stayed away from me."Nonsense.If i like you then they'll like you."she said with a smug smile.I sighed she wasn't going to let this go."Fine.Where are the kids."I asked looking for little 2 year olds run out to their grandma."They're probably in school."She said.I must've had a confused look on my face because she gave me a laugh."They're not two year olds Lee.No these boys are in high a matter of fact I think they're going to Finlan Highschool."she said.I stared at her in shock."They're twins."she said smiling.My watch started to beep. I looked at it.It read 7:50.I was going to be late if i didn't leave now."I'm sorry Mrs.Frank but if I don't go now then I'm going to be late."I said leaving with a wave of my hand.If they did go to finland High then i might just see them.Because I too go to Finlan High.

chapter 2
"Why do I have to come."Jimmy complained.JImmy had just been elected vp of his school so of course he wouldn't want to leave.I shook my head at him.Even though we're twins we are nothing alike.I'm the not so nice guy that will skip school and not do his homework.Unlike Jimmy here who always did his homework.Never ever missed school.Had tons of friends.I rolled my eyes at him."You don't have choice.Your only 17 so until your 20 You cant leave."My dad said glancing at me."What?"I asked in a carfree tone.He sighed."Just Pack your bags. Okay."He said patting my shoulder.He left soon after that.I looked at Jimmy He was face down into his pillow crying."Your such a baby."I said.I walked to the closet and pulled out my sling bag.When I turned around He was sitting right up on his bed.He sniffed and looked at me."How can you not even care about this."He said.I ignored him.Walked to my dresser. "Steven."He whispered."You Wouldn't want to leave if mom was still here."I froze.ever since mom died I've been a jerk."Why would that stop me?"I snapped back.I yanked out the last bit of my things innto the sling bag.He didn't answer.He was looking at the picture of mom and us right before she died.I stood up and Yanked away the picture.He flinched."I'm going For a walk."I said leaving.
We left Two week ago.Now My dad ,My brother,and me Are offically moved into Finlan.We live in a small house for three.My dad's making me go to school so I guess there won't be a chance for me time.I heard a growl in the bushes.I walked over there to see a starving cat.I gasped at it.It was no bigger than a kitten. It couldn't be that much older.I tried picking it up but it clawed my hand away.I went back into the house.Into the kitchen and went to the cabnets.I got a bowl and the milk out.Once I finished pouring it into the bowl I took it outside and put it on the steps.There was another rustling in the bushes.The kittens head popped up.It ran straight at the bowl of milk."I'll call you Butterball."I said noticing the multi colored skin.butterball finished its milk in no time."a-ahh-ahchoooo!".I turned my head to see a super pretty girl walk by.She was wearing a school uniform had black waist length hair.she walked like a super modle would."Wow."I said without thinking.The girl jumped.she stared right at me scared.She must be one of the popular kids.I waved at her.She looked around thinking I was waving at her.We were the only 2 in sight."Excuse me,but are you waving at me?"she asked."Who else would I be waving at."I said asking a retorical question.I got up and walked to her.the kitten was rubbing aginst my leg begging for more milk.I ignored the kitten but The girl didn't.She knelt down on her knees and started petting her."You seem to like cats...ummmm I dont know your name."I said.She looked up shocked."Its Lee."She said looking down upset.I crouched down in front of her."I'm Steven ."I said offering her a hand.she looked at me then at my hand skeptically, she took it after a while and shook it.The door creaked open then closed.I turned to see jimmy on the porch staring at me in shock."I'm sorry..steven ,but i have to go to school."she said walking away.I waved back at her."Who was that?"Jimmy asked coming behind me."She said her name was Lee."I replied dully."She was cute ...Why did she talk to you?...she probablly has way more friends than you've ever had."he said playfully.I gave him my go to heck stare."I doubt I will ever see her again."I said walking away.there was silence for a while then he said,"Wait where are you going?"he finished by running up to me."To school where do you think."I said asking a retorical question.a few minutes passed before I realized I was walking alone.I stopped and turned looking for jimmy.He was gaping at me."What?"I asked in annoyance.He didn't say anything."what are you smirking at four-eyes?"I said taking his glasses.He looked at me and smiled.I rolled my eyes.He and I were nothing alike.

chapter 3
I don't know how it happened but on second I'm on my way to school when a normal guy just comes up to me and starts talking.he even asked me for my name!an eraser came flying across the room.the jocks were playing football wiith the eraser again."hey nice shot nathan."the smaller one said sarcasticlly.I reached down and picked up the eraser that almost knocked my head off stood up and put it on the board.What was with jocks and their stupid ways.I went back to my seat and pulled out "To dance with death" it was one of my faveroute books.I was Halfway done with the 1st page when some one screamed out my name.I looked up shocked."Lee?!....omigod it really is you."he said. It was the boy from earlier but with glasses."steven?"i asked unsure.The room was quiet even the footballeres stopped to listen to me."Oh right you havent met me yet I'm Jimmy.Steven's twinn.He's told me so much about you."he said sitting next to me.I stared at him blankly.still everything was silent .One of the preppy cheerleaders took my silence as a challenge and said, "You said your names jimmy right?.. Well I'm Katay."She said offering him a dazziling smile.I rolled my eyes and went back to my book.Jimmy glanced at the cheerleader smiled lightly and went back to me.I heard several gasps come from around the room.No one ever refused katay's smile.I heard her stamp her foot angrily. "Let me tell you this so we're cool....that thing,"she said pointing at me when she said thing,"is a good for nothing loser.So who's it going to be Jim-ay?" she said exagerating the ay.I looked up at her.Her eyes were wild with rage.I laughed quietly to myself."this thing Is a human and her name is not thing it's Lee.And I choose her...I'd rather have my friend rather than a stuck up prep."Jimmy said rejecting her offer once again.Katay walked right to where I was and raised her hand to slap me.I braced myself for a hit in the face.Before she could hit me someone stopped her."Geeze what is it with you preps thinking your better than other people." Steven said sighing.I looked up shocked at his sudden appearance."You came I'm so happy."Jimmy said giving him a hug.Katay snatched her hand back."Whatever don't say I didn't warn you."she said walking back to her seat.I stared at steven still in awed shock.He shook off his brother then turned to me."Didn't think I'd see you again."He said with a stupid grin.I nodded my head and went back to my book.A few minutes passed when i felt someone breathing on my book and bouncing off into my face.I looked up to see Steven leaned across my desk staring at my book then he noticed me staring at him."What are you doing?"I asked annoyed.The thing I hated most was when someone blew into my face."Well it looked like you didn't want to talk so I want to read too."steven said smiling dumbly.I was getting annoyed at him."Go away."I sighed.I looked up when He didn't reply.He looked as if I slapped him."What?"I asked.He shook his head."nothing I just thought You and I were friends."he said clearly stung by my words."Friends?"I asked in shock.He looked up confused."What?....Wait don't tell me you don't have any friends."He chuckled.I could feel my face go warm.I Got up from the chair and ran from the room with tears starting to fall from eyes.I could feel everyones eyes on me as I left.

chapter 4
"way to go Steven."Jimmy said sarcastclly.I rolled my eyes."I didn't even do any thing."I mummbled.I was only kidding when I said she didn't have any friends.I didn't think she wouldn't have any at all."Hey!..I thought you were on her side."Kaytay said from across the room."I am."I sighed.She rolled her eyes."Then why was she crying.You must really be a jerk.I mean I know I'm mean and all ,but at least I stick by my friends."she said annoyed at me.I looked at her.She was almost as pretty as Lee was. Dark curly hair that was all the way to her shoulder,Blue eyes,pale face.Yeah she would've been the it girl back at my school."all I did was make a joke."I grumbled annoyed.Kaytay rolled her eyes."whatever." she said turning back to her friends.Why did I say something that made her cry.I feel like such an idiot now."Steven?...Don't you think you need to go apologize."Jimmy asked me.I looked at him.He had the same sad look in his face the day mom had died.I tried forcing the memory back but it came faster than I could stop it.
I was 13 when she died.I had it all.Or rather I felt like I did.I was black haired like my mom.and Blue eyes like my dad.My mom would always tell me I was her handsome man.Back then I would always roll my eyes at her when she said it, but I wish that I hadn't done that now.On the day of her death both me and Jimmy were in school.I of course was passing notes to a cute girl in class.Jimmy taking notes.Then a teacher bursts in the room and tells me and Jimmy that our mom was in an accident.When we got to the hospital mom had passed away.That was when I started to stay away from the world.Jimmy would look as if he had been given a bad mark on a test.But for me I was lost.
"Steven?!..Are you listening to me."Jimmy asked frustrated.I got up from my seat." yeah I got it go find lee and apologize gotcha." I said sighing as I left the class.As soon as I left the hall the bell rang meaning school had started.Oh well it's not like I've never missed school before.I was just starting on my third set of stairs when I saw her.She was sitting in the windowsill.She was looking out the window when I came up so she didn't see me standing there.I heard her sniff a couple of time then she wiped her eyes but it did no good she was still crying silently to herself."You know that can be dangerous."I said.She jumped when I spoke.she turned slowly to look at me."What do you want."she said in a sad voice.*sniff* I sighed.What was I doing.Why did I care if a girl I barely knew had no friends.Why did I want to see her smile instead of cry.I walked over to her.She didn't like it obviously and tried scooting away but couldn't."Lee,...I'm sorry.It's just that I," I said but couldn't find the right words. It was silent for a few minutes.Lee had gone back to looking out the window."It's not like I can't make friends.I just have my reasons for not wanting any."she explained still not looking at me.I looked at her.Her face was puffy from crying so much.I wiped a tear that escaped from her eye.She flinched at my touch."If you choose to not have any friends then why cry."I asked curiously." You wouldn't understand." she sighed." No one would." That made me think for a second but I let it go.It would be better If I asked her about it later when I had her trust."Well..can I at least be your friend.I have friend issues to ever since my mom died I have."I admitted."is it the same with you?Did some one close to you die?" she looked at me sadly when I said that."We were close at a time.But now I don't think they even remember."she said but by the tone of her voice I could tell she didn't want to talk about it.I held my hand out to her."you know the teacher will be mad at us if we go to class now."I said smiling.She looked at me and gave a half-hearted smile but she took my hand and jumped down from the window."I'm glad."I said.She looked at me confused.I chuckled to my self but didn't say anything at all afraid I might scare her more.

Chapter 5
3 days have passed since I met Steven and Jimmy.the two black haired blue eyed twins.Their the strangest boys I have ever met.One is a rebelious and the other one...well lets just say he's a nerd.But When steven made me cry that day.I didn't think we would become friends.No I thought he would end up bullying me.
My alarm clock went off.I opened my eyes slowly and layed in the bed for a few more minutes.I stretched then pushed the cover off me and walked to the bathroom.I don't know if it's the lighting or something but recently I don't look the same.My face looks the same but for some reason I cant figure it out I don't look as pale as I used to seem.Even my grey eyes seemed to glow.
I stepped into the shower letting the warm water envelope me.I sighed happily.I'm in heaven.It only took me a few minutes to get clean.I got out and put my uniform on and brused my hair.Once I was done with that I was off to school.
I was almost past Mrs.Franks house before she noticed me and called out to me."Lee.come here before you go to school please."She asked.I sighed but did as she asked."yes Mrs.Franks?"I asked. It was noisier than it usually was at her house."I have some people who I would like you to meet."She said smiling."now wait right here and I'll go get them."she said and turned into her house.I sighed again.I really didn't have time for this.She came back 5 minutes later with two twinns who I had met at school.My jaw popped open from the shock.Steven and Jimmy were Mrs.Franks grankids."Hey Lee."jimmy said jumping down the steps and waving,"I didn't know that you knew our grandma." I was still trying to figure it all out when steven guessed what I was doing and helped me out."she's our grandma on our mom's side lee." he said finishing his piece of toast."I sure am."Mrs.Franks said proudly."ummm...Mrs.Franks I've already met them."I said not sure of what I was supposed to say.She looked at me."Oh."she said.,"Well then you can all walk to school toghether then." she smiled and pushed steven down the steps.He stopped himself before he fell down."not cool Granny."He said catching his bag that she threw at him.Jimmmy however got hit in the face with his."Well come on Lee.We better go."steven said not even helping his brother.Mrs.Franks smiled down at me and waved.I waved back why was she being so weird.It took me a moment to realize that I was moving but I wasn't walking.I gasped as realized what happened.While I was lost in thought steven had gotten tired of waiting and picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder like a two year old."You need to eat more.Youre too light."he said."could you put me down now."I asked embarrased.He stopped and let me get into a piggyback position but once I was there he started walking again."Hey let me down!"I complained.I didn't want people to think he was giving me a piggy back ride or anything like that."no...We'll get to school faster this way."he said tightining his grip."What that makes no sense."I said rolling my eyes.i heard him chuckle."Didn't say it had to."He said looking up at me smiling.I smiled back.I didn't know the last time I was this happy."Hey.Dont act like i'm not here."Jimmy said annoyed.I looked back shocked.I had forgotten he was even there.i just new that steven was here.I felt like an idiot only thinking of Steven."sorry Jimmy."I said ashamed.I rested my head ontop of stevens.He didn't seem to mind."You two act like a couple would."Jimmy said amused at how we acted.I looke back at jimmy and rolled my eyes.He laughed at that."So what if we're friendlier to each other than most friends."Steven asked.There was silence for a few minutes."I'm going to run on ahead."Jimmy said with his face towards the ground.It had shocked steven for a short second.I jumped and was freed.I smiled to myself."You!Ggrrrr....I'm going to get you just you wait." steven said playfully.And then he was on Jimmy."Well are you going to go or not?"Steven asked coldly.Jimmy sighed and walked on."What was his deal?"I asked Steven.He had his back to me so I couldn't see his expression."Steven,"I asked touching his shoulder He jumped and yelled at me to not touch him.I took my hand away slowly."Sorry."I said hurt."I'm going to go ahead too."He looked at me shocked when I said that.I didn't wait for his reply I took off down the street.

Chapter 6
I knew I was going to have issues with Jimmy if I made friends.He would alway think that I would confide with them about Mom's death, but really the only person that I've done that is Lee.And by now she probably hates me all over again.I sighed and kicked a can out onto the street."You shouldn't do that boy."an older voice said shocking me.I tturned about to say something smart then i saw who it was.It was the town police."I hear you the one hangin out with that Lee girl."He said eyeing me."And what's that supposed to mean?"I asked rudley.The man shook his head."That girl is trouble I'm warning you......Steven .....umm....Frankies."He said trying to get my name.I glared at him.His badge said ronny."Its frank mr.Ronny."I said like an idiot.He nodded his head and turned around ."You stay outa trouble now."He said.Great.Just what I needed.A cop that hates me.I sighed oh well.I walked past the high school.what was the point of me going if everyone was mad at me.

Chapter 7
I didn't know why I ran off the way I did.I didn't know why I wanted him to say everything was okay.I figured he would be in school by now.I let out a low sigh.In the past couple of days I'd grown so fond of Steven.In fact when Jimmy said we acted like a couple I was a little happy , but when he glared at me I knew he wasn't thinking like that.I didn't go to school.I didn't know how I would be able to face him all day so I ran to the park.If you kept walking past the park and into the small forest you'd see a small tree house.I found it a few months ago and cleaned it up.It was a good hiding spot.I had even managed to save the small couch it had in it.It may have a couple of holes in it but it was so nice to sit on.I picked up a red blancket I brought over here and sat on the couch.I stretched out and threw the cover over me.I closed my eyes and was about to drift off into sleep when I heard something.It wasn't really loud so I figured it was a squirrel or some other animal so I let it go.then I heard another noise and threw something I don't know what at the side of the door to scare it off.It was silent for a long time.then I heard tap tap tap. It was no animal some one was coming up my ladder.What if it was the original owner....what if it was a rapist.If it was I would have no wheere to hide the treehouse was a long jump too.I was trapped.then they stopped.

Chapter 8
I skipped school guessing that no one would want to talk to me especially lee.All she did was touch me and I stared at her like she was some weirdo.I sighed.I didn't know where I was going.It looked like a old one at that.No one was here the swing set was the only thing not completly broken.I saw something in the corner of my eyes.something red.I looked in the direction but didn't see anything.But for some reason my legs made me go that's where I saw it.It was a good distance from the park.a good hideout.I took another step towards it then stopped.I thought heard something just then.Like a book being thrown aginst a wall.I shook it off and continued up the ladder.It was very highup so when I got to the top i took a breather.Then I went in there.It was very clean.I looked back at the view.It wasn't very pretty.I heard something like breathing.I froze.I didn't even think of a person being in here.I turned and saw what I had missed.In the far off corner a small couch.I didn't know who was sleeping there.I took a step to the person.It had to be a small boy to be able to lay in the couch like that.Then I saw long dark hair.I moved closer and gasped.It wasn't a boy.It was Lee.Why was she in a place like this.I took another step closer.I was so close I could feel her breath.Then I blew in her face by accident.A bad mistake.Her eyes flew open rage clear in them.I don't think she knew it was me at the time because her hands hit me.She hit me hard too."Owww!"I gasped blocking her next attack.I managed to get ahold of her hands.She looked at me then.She gasped when she realized what she had done."Steven?!"She said confused.I looked at her she was obviously paniking.I sighed. She had to hate me to be freaking out like this.I hated the thought of her hating me.I hated it so much.Why did I hate it.Did I like her or something.I looked at her and decided that I did.I liked her alot." Lee,..."I said getting her attention.She looked up at me."I'm sorry steven."She said hanging her head.Then she noticed our hands still together.She tried pulling them away but i didn't let her.She looked up at me.I was staring at her confused expression.Before I knew it I Had one of my hands pulling her towards me.I kissed her lightly one time on the lips.Then I realized what I did. I let her go and backed away. "Lee I'm so sorry.....I don't know what got into me."I said blushing.She look at me suprised and confused."Steven....Do you like me?"She asked flushed.I nodded my head like an idiot would.Then I quickly said,"So what I do....Do you like me?" I asked her turning so she wouldn't see my face.I couldn't believe myself first I kiss her and now I'm saying stupid things.She grabbeed my hand."I like you too steven."She said squeezing my hand."I thought I made you mad so I hid here ."She finished.What!? I glanced at her.She didn't have a joking look on her face.I turned around then."Really?"I asked.She nodded her head.It took a minute for me to register that.I like lee.Lee likes me.So does that mean we're together.I gave her a hug."Lee shelly martin ,...Will you be my girlfriend?"I asked still hugging her."Are you sure?"she whispered.I looked at her shocked."Yea of course it is."I said.She looked at me then away."Then I will be your girlfriend."she said giving me an awkward smile.To think this is all because of A little argument we had earlier as friends.I Kissed her again.She looked up at me and said,"Steven there may be a time when I cant tell you a secret but will it be okay?"she asked.I nodded my head and smiled."I don't mind as long as it is about me."I said playfully.She laughed.

Chapter 9
"Geeze....Why do you two have to be everywhere together?"Jimmy asked annoyed.I knew he was playing when he said that but I still flinched.I looked at steven.He was rolling his eyes at Jimmy."haha Sorry Jimmy.....What do you miss you brother?" Steven asked playfully.Jimmy laughed.I shrank in my seat.Steven noticed."what's wrong?"he asked putting his arm around me.I looked out the window."nothing."I said turning back to him."Do you want to come over to my place later?or the park or the tree house?"he asked.I looked at him and blushed remembering the treehouse.I laughed softly to myself."Can't today I have to clean the house."I said.He sighed."That sucks.....okay I'll just come over till your done.Your parents wont care"He asked.I stiffened."no."I said right as the school bell rang.he smiled at me as the teacher walked in.he gave us a look."Miss Lee, Please move to the front of the room."My teacher , Mr.Kert( A really young teacher),said.I looked up shocked."Uh...Where to?"I asked looking.the entire front rows were filled.He pointed right at kaytay's seat."There....Kaytay will you please move?"he asked.Kaytay looked up angry and shocked.she rolled her eyes."whatever."she said getting her bag and going to my seat."Move."She commanded me.I flinched."Kaytay be nice or else.Come on Lee."he said.I looked at him.His hazle eyes were glowing behind his glasses.he was really handsome for a teacher.He looked like a male modle.I grabbed my bags and went to kaytay's seat.It felt weird sitting there in between the footballers and cheerleaders."okay now we can begin."the teacher said smiling.He looked at me and winked.Huh??? I looked at him.What was that....maybe it was just my imagination.I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned to see Kaytay's cheerleader friend waving at me."Hi i'm Jenny.You can call me Jenn."She said waving at me.I looked at her expecting her to say go to heck like Kaytay's eyes would.I waved at her."I'm Lee."i told her.i Heard some tapping at the front of the class."I'm sorry am I interuppting?"the teacher said sacasticlly.Jenn giggled and turned back to me."I'll talk to you later."She said smiling.I looked up shocked.I felt daggers stabbing me in my back.I glanced back to see Kaytay staring me down angrily.I turned back to front of the class.I sighed.This was going to be a long day.

chapter 10
I looked at the front of the class room to where Lee sat alone.She looked so bored.I sighed.Kaytay looked and glared at me.I rolled my eyes at her.Like I cared what that stuckup thought.Bam!Mr.Kert had dropped his textbook on Lee's desk and was glaring at her.what happened to make him do that I wonder.On instinct I stood up really fast and yelled ,"Leave Lee alone!".The class went silent.Lee turned to look at me with a question on her face.I froze realizing my mistake.He was just messing with the class."Hallway Now!"Mr.Kert said darkly."sorry Lee."I said exiting the door.I heard Kaytay laugh loudly so I could hear.I sighed and leaned aginst the wall.The door opened and closed quitely.Mr.Kert stepped in front of me then."What was that?"he asked me calmly.I looked down and sighed."You were glaring at Lee."I said.when I looked up I saw him smirking at me."What"I asked."I was just playing with Lee."He said starting to laugh.His laughing made me mad.I clenched my hand into a fist."I want you to stay away from Lee."Mr.Kert whispered.I looked up shocked.He wasn't joking around anymore."your not the boss of me or Lee."I said boldly even though I was starting to freak out at my smart tail replys."I'm warning you."was all he said."You can come back in now."I stood there pissed.That teacher.who did he think he was.

chapter 11
Mr.Kert walked in first.My heart was racing.When he slammed his text book on my desk and glared at me he handed me a note and whispered to where only I could hear it."I have a message from your parents.Meet me at my house and we'll talk about it." was what he said.and then Steven jumped up and shouted at him.What if he heard what he said.The door opened and the angry looking steven walked in.He glared at mr.kert as he walked pass him.then he looked at me.His gaze got a little bit kinder but not by much.I looked down out of embarrasment.I looked back up when he walked past me to find Mr.kert staring at me.I felt like everyone was attacking me.Jenn turned to me and whispered,"It's okay don't let that bother you."she said kindly.I looked up shocked.did I look as bad as I felt.I nodded my head and smiled."yeah thanks." I replied.she smiled one last time before turning back.I looked at my had a small note on it now.I looked up at mr.kert.He had his back to me writing equations on the blackboard.He felt me staring and stopped writing.He turned his head my way slightly but then turned back.It looked like he had smiled and winked at me then but I wasn't sure.I picked up the note and put it in my pocket.The bell rang for lunch.everyone but me got up and left.steven got his things and walked over to me.he looked at the other side of the room and then at mr.kert who was staring him down coldly."Steven go to lunch."he commanded."Lee, a moment if you dont mind."He said looking at steven to me.I nodded then said,"sure....I'll catch up with you in the lunchroom then."steven sighed and nodded."Whatever."He said leaving.I looked down.I got my bags and walked up to the front of the room."You needed to see me?"I asked.He looked at me with a warm gaze.His look made me feel all warm.I looked away getting embarrased.He wore glasses that made him look smart but i doubted he need them.He had deep hazle eyes and dark chocolate brown colored hair.He was a little higher than I was but not much.He wore a dark red longsleeved dress shirt that made his tan skin look white."You got the note?"he asked in a sweet tone.I shook my head yes no longer trusting my voice or mr.kert."good.....Then I'll see you later on today."He said grabbing my hand.shocked i froze.He pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it.I yanked it back.He looked up and smiled. "Who do you think you are?"I asked confused.He just smiled and waved."If you really want to know then stop by sometime."He whispered so low I had to lean in just to hear it.

chapter 12
I found jimmy and walked over to him.He was still being a cold grouch but there wasn't anything I could do for that.I sighed and he looked at me."What's up with you?"He asked.Me and him had different first blocks so of course he wouldn't know."My teacher has a thing for Lee...."he said.Jimmy looked at me stunned."What?!"he asked shocked.I looked at him and sighed."In class Mr.Kert pulled me out of class to tell me to stay away from Lee."I explained.Jimmy looked at me through his glasses."Mr.Kert....and Lee? that I think about it didn't he just get out of high school?"he said.What?He just got out....but then how did he get a job here without going to college?I looked at jimmy and asked,"What do you mean ...did he just got out of college?".Jimmy laughed and said,"No ,he just finished highschool.His family was so rich that he had his own private tutor that taught him and he went to boarding schools so he had like all these really good grades,at least that's what Katelyn said."I looked at him.Of course that explains so much."Who's katelyn ?Is she your friend?"I asked changing the topic.Jimmy could tell that I didn't want to talk about Mr.Kert anymore and said,".She's the president of the school.She and I were talking about who would take her spot when she left school next year."Oh so another obsessed fangirl for mr.kert.I rolled my eyes.Lee came rushing past us soon after.She looked upset.I caught her by the arm."Lee?What's wrong?"I asked.Jimmy looked confused and said,"Lee?"Lee turned around and said,"let go of me."I loosened my grip some but didn't release her."Not until you tell me what happened."I said.POP!She slapped me as hard as she could across my face."I said let go of me."she yanked her arm away and ran down the hall.I stood there in shock.Jimmy looked frantic on wheter to console me or to chase after Lee.What did Mr.Kert do?I turned around and ran back to his classroom.He was still there only he had a red hanprint on the side of his face too.So lee got to him too?i laughed to myself."Steven?what are you doing back in here?"he asked like he was interested.I glared at him and said,"What did you do to her?Why did lee run out here upset?"He glared at me.It was dead silent in the room all you could hear was my heavy breathing and his.he laughed and walked over to me.He patted me on the back and said,"what happens between a teacher and a student is private Steven."he walked out of the room.I started walking to catch up."Mr.Kert,"he stopped and turned,"you better stay away from Lee not me."I said.He glared at me and said ,"Silly immature steven.You'll only end up getting hurt.I'm just looking out for you."He said sarcasticlly and laughed.He left shortly after that.I really hated that guy and what on earth did he do to Lee.

Chapter 13
My life sucks.It's like the world doesn't want me to be happy.I wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled the covers over my head.Mr.Kert knew about my family leaving me here.He had been in contact with them.He told me they wanted to see me, but he would only tell me why if I went to his house.He also told me to stay away from Steven.Steven.I slapped him and he was just trying to help me.Urgh.I hate myself.I tossed and turned but couldn't find sleep.I sighed and got up.I walked over to the bath room and let the warm water run filling up the tub slowly.I undressed and got in.I sighed in relief letting the stress loose.I laid my head back and closed my eyes relaxing.I finished taking a bath and got out.I put on my bathrobe and went out to my room.I walked over to my closet and grabbed some denim jeans and an american eagle shirt.It was a dark blue my favorite color.I walked over to the bathroom blow dryed my hair and dressed.I quickly staightened my hair.Then I got the grey jacket I bought at a second-hand store.I pulled out the directions to Mr.Kerts house and left.It was a 30 minute walk to get to his house.I wasn't big or anything just a simple 3 roomed house.I took a deep breath and rang the door bell.It opened shortly after.Mr.Kert had answered but I didn't recognize him.His hair hung in front of his eyes like the boys usually did in my grade and he wore no glasses."Um...I'm looking for Mr.Kert?"I asked hoping I got the right place.He smiled and laughed."Come on in Lee."he said opening the door.I looked at him questioningly.he sighed and said,"I'm Mr.Kert Lee....Would you feel more comfortable with my hair pulled back and my glasses on?"I slowly nodded my head taking baby steps in his house.He went into a room on the right and came back looking like he normally does."I was starting to think you wouldn't come.But now that you are here do you want something to drink or eat?or we could sit and watch t.v."he said entusiastic.I took a step away from him."Uh...I came here about my parents."I said.a look of shock came across his face but he said,"Of course,"he walked back into the room he had gone earlier and came back shortly with a letter in his hand,"here it is the letter from your parents."he handed it to me.I took it and slowly opened it.It read, 'Dear Lee, We've been thinking recently about your future.What are you going to do in life who are you going to marry and all this other stuff.I mean you can't live off of us your entire life now then can you.Anyways we've decided that you are to marry Henry L. Kert, and be his loving wife.Now we know that there is a difference in your ages but you'll learn to overlook it.Now then moving on I think we should tell you something very imporrtant we've had another child.A boy.His name is alex and he's 3 years old now.and yes he's your brother.We'll be visiting in November.,Love your parents' .I stumbled back in shock.I re-read the letter to make sure I got everything correct.My parent's were making me marry Mr.Kert teacher!!and on top of that I have a little brother!I turned to look at mr.kert.He was studying my every movement.I asked him,"Did...did you know...about this?"I threw the letter up in the air."Yea...I'm the one who came up with the idea."he told me.I looked at him bewildered."What?Why would you do that?I don't want to marry you."I said.he came over to me."It's okay.It's okay.With time you'll eventually come to love me as well."he said hugging me.I tryed to escape from his grip but he just squeezed me tighter.I finally escaped and when I did I slapped him even harder then I did earlier.I ran out of his house crushing the letter in my hand.Why?Why did the world hate me so much?Why couldn't I have been the perfect daughter for my parents?tears ran down my cheeks,but I didn't care.I kept going until I was at the treehouse.I climbed up it closed the wooden windows and grabbed a blanket and climbed onto the small couch.After a few minutes of crying I finally fell asleep.

Chapter 14
Being that it was a weekend I walked to grandmas.Jimmy said to leave it be but I needed to know more about Lee.why she wasn't telling me anything.She didn't say much about her family either.when I got there Grandma was already on the porch.she looked at me and smiled."Hey grandma."I said waving.She waved back and said,"A visit from steven to what honor do I bestow this." I rolled my eyes."Grandma can you do me a favor?"I asked her.She looked at me skeptically and said,"Depends on what it is." I smiled at her.She looked so much like mom it was shocking.She was still pretty young to be a grandma too."Can you tell me more about Lee and her family?"I asked.Grandma sat there on her rocking chair for a while with a shocked look."I don't know much about her family.They used to come down every summer for vacation and then one year they left and I never saw them again.In there place was Lee who I believe lives alone....and that's all I know about them.Lee tends to keep to herself....why do you want to know all this about Lee?"she finished.I took a deep breath.Lives alone."Grandma where does Lee Live?"I asked.She said,"Now steven don't go stalking her.....but she lives down the block from here in the mansion house." I Looked at her and smiled."thanks Grandma.See you later.Love you."I said and jumped off the porch."Bye bye deary do take care.I love you too."grandma said waving.I walked the rest of the way quickly.There were kids playing and dogs barking every now and then every few yards I passed.And then I stopped.I stood in shock at what I was seeing.It was a huge mansion that looked out of place but yet in place.It was a pretty shade of cream yellow.had a nice european feel to it too.I walked slowly to the door suddenly nervous.My hands were sweating.I slowly knocked on the door three times.After a few minutes of silence I rang the door bell.It took another five minutes ,but The door opened to reveal Lee in pajamas.She had red eyes and bags up under her eyes."Steven?"she asked."What are you doing here?"

Chapter 15
It shocked me to see Steven here.How did he know where I lived even? "umm....I .... I want to learn more about you."Steven said grabbing my arm.I stood in silence looking at him."Go home."I said starting to close the door.Before I could close it he shoved his foot in the door way and said,"Lee...I know your keeping things from me but you have to let me in on your secrets." I didn't say anything."Why do you want to know so much about me...Leave me alone Steven.."I said.He was silent for a while.Before I could stop him he shoved the door open and said ,"Look Lee I'm sorry for doing this but I gotta know more about you." I snorted and bursted out laughing."You'd go this far as to breaking in my house just to get to know me?"I asked.I couldn't help but smile.This was the first time somebody had cared enough to do that.I didn't know if it was a good thing or bad."Of course.You are my girlfriend after all."Steven said.I blushed and looked away."It's a very long story...are you sure you want to hear it?"I looked back at him.He nodded.We went to the living room and sat down.He looked around and stopped when he got to the last family picture we took.I was 10 and looked nothing like my parents."Is that you?...and your family?"He asked.I nodded and said ,"Yea...thats my mom and dad."He looked at my parents and then at me and said ,"You look like them." I stared shocked.I looked at the picture of my parents then at me in the mirror.It was true I had the same height as my mom and I guess the head shape was almost the same as dads but other than that I didn't see anything."You and your mom....look like twins only she has gold hair."steven said.Tears started to come down my face."Whats wrong?"He asked paniked.I shook my head,"Nothing...It's just this is the first time I've ever been told that it's a little much to take in." He didn't say anything he stared at me with a sad expression on his face.I sniffed a couple of times till I was able to say in a clear voice ,"Well shall we begin with my life story."

Chapter 16
And then she started."My parents and me ... we just have nothing in common I guess.Ever since I was little my parents would do anything they could to get rid of me.And because of their hate towards me I've just haven't been able to trust anyone ever again.I'm always afraid they're going to hate me.....The only person who was ever kind to me when I was little was your grandma and the maid my parents hired to look after me.Her name was ms.linda an old lady.She taught me everything I know almost.She died when I was 12.My parents replaced her with a new maid but they didn't treat me the same.They never wanted to talk to me to do anything with me.I was completley alone like I've been my entire life.....When I turned 13 My parents bought this summer house...We would come here every summer thats when I first met your grandma.She was so full of life ... she still is... When I turned 15 they left me here.I went to go get groceries and when I returned they had packed up and left.There was a note telling me this place was going to be my new home that I'd been enrolled at the school here.It was very shcoking time for me.....And then you and your brother came.I felt things that I never thought I'd have felt in my life....And Mr.kert ..He told me to stay away from you I asked him why and he told me to come to his place that night.So I did.What I discovered however was the biggest shock in my life ever...He told me the reason that I was supposed to stay away from you was because my parents gave him their blessing to marry me as soon as I got out of school.They want me to marry my teacher!Can you believe that!me marrying my teacher whom i barely know!"Lee explained. It was alot to take in that her parents had abandoned their child and took off that they were forcing her to marry Mr.Kert. Mr.Kert of all people."So now you know."Lee said. I stared at her for awhile.she was breathtakingly beautiful."What?"She asked noticing my stare. "I'm going to find those parents of yours.and when I do I'm going to smash their freaking heads in."I said angrily.
Lee flinched and said,"It doesn't even matter anyways.I'm not going to do anything they tell m e to.". "Good."I said.After that she told me it be best to leave so people wouldn't suspect anything and I left.And the fist place I went to was straight to that stupid teacher's house.

Chapter 17
I stood there watching him walk away for awhile.It suprised me to see him at my house and demand to know about my life.I closed the door when he was out of sight.I looked in the mirror.I was a mess.My hair wasn't brushed,I didn't have any makeup on,i was wearing my sweats,I didn't even brush my teeth yet.I stretched and yawned I went up to my room.Got out some blueish blackish pants and a bright red shirt.I took it to the bathroom and set them down on the counter.I grabbed my peach scented shampoo and conditoner from up under the sink.turned on the hot water and left to get the towell and rag.Once i got back I changed the knob to where it would make it into a shower.I dont know how long I stayed in there just thinking when a knock from downstairs snapped me out of my thought.I turned off the water.Pulled on my robe and went down the hall.I went to the window to see who was at my door.Whoever it was had dark brown hair.Mr.Kert?I opened the window and shouted ," Um..Excuse me?" He looked up shocked.It was mr.kert.I sighed."Why aren't you seeing me at the door?"he shouted back. I said,"Welll I would come down there but I'm kinda in the middle of a shower right now." He started to blush. Pervert i thought to myself."Oh...Um..can I come in till your done I got something to tell you." He said. I didn't say anything for awhile and then I said,"You wont come up the stairs right?You'll only stay in the living room right?"I asked him.I must've been really stupid to be inviting him in my home."Promise."He said. I sighed and walked down the stairs.I grabbed my house coat to put over my robe and went over to the door.I unlocked it and opened it.Mr.Kert stood there staring at me."What?"I asked annoyed at him.He shook his head and said,"nothing ...soo,where's the living room?"He asked.I pointed into the room on the left and said," can watch t.v while you wait if you want...No coming up the stairs."I said.He nodded his head.I turned to go up the stairs.when I was halfway up he said,"Peaches?hehe." I could tell he was smiling.I stopped for a second and then continued.I Quickly finished bathing and then went to get dressed.I went back to my room and found my white boots.I went downstairs.Mr.Kert had fallen asleep.I stared at awe at how cute he was when he was aleep.NO!I shook my head.Trying to get that weird idea out of my head.I walked over to where he was and started shaking him saying,"Mr.Kert wake up wake up.Wa-"I got stopped by mr.kert pulling me onto him in a bear hug.He was still asleep.I tried to get away from his grip but he held tight."mr.Kert!Please wake up!" I said trying to stay calm. He smelled like roses.I realized I was sniffing him.I jerked back in shock.He was still asleep."Lee"He said.I jumped in shock.I looked up at him.He was still asleep ,but he was talking in his sleep.He was having a dream about me.For some odd reason I felt oddly touched.My eyes started to get heavy and my head fell back.The smell of roses was putting me to sleep.I tryed to fight it but I still fell asleep.I thought as I was drifting to sleep that I heard something say "that didnt take long huh?" but then again i was asleep.

Chapter 18
When I went to Mr.Kerts house he wasn't there.I looked in the windows to see something was a Mr.Kert as a younger boy maybe 8 years old and....Lee? He was Hugging her in the picture and she was giggling and smiling.No.That wasn't lee she would've said something to me.I knocked on the door one last time.Still no answer.I sighed and went back home.Jimmy was home with the student body president katelyn Sharrks.She was in her third year of high school.She had bright blond hair and brown eyes.She had a scarr going across her cheek.and had a russian accent."Hey jim?"I said.He waved up at me and went back into deep conversation with Katelyn.They were talking about some politician debate thing i think.I walked into my room.I started to clean up when i found a note addressed to Jimmy from our old school.Apparently he wasn't only the president there but also the vice president's boyfriend.I thought of doing something evil to him being that he kept it secret from me but decided aginst it.Lee wouldn't approve if I did anything bad to jimmy.I sighed and dropped the note on jimmy's bed.Then flopped down onto mine and went to sleep deep in thought.

Chapter 19
I opened my eyes feeling refreshed and stiff.I could smell roses.I opened my eyes shocked.I looked up to see mr.kert looking down at me.awake.I couldn't say anything.did he see me breathe in his scent just now."did you have a nice sleep?"He asked.I still couldn't say anything.I looked away and tried to get up.He didn't let me."Look I'm sorry I fell asleep in your arms okay...I came down here to wake you but you're the one who pulled me onto you and then i just passed out......can I go now?"I said embarrased.He kept staring at me.then without warning he started sniffing my hair.I froze.He started to laugh and said,"Do you imagine how I felt having the girl I like sniffing me like this unconsisally?It drove me insane.Next time I wont be able to stop myself you know?"He said kissing the top of my head.I froze was imprinted in my head.then He released me.I sat up and said,"It's late...I think you should leave." he got up and said," okay...I'll just tell you right now that your parents are coming down next week.Be perpared." and with that he got up and left.Next week?! He turned around before leaving the door and looked at my panic stricken face.He froze and said,"Lee?"He came back to me.He knelt down grabbed my face in his hands and said,"I promise I won't let them hurt you." I looked him in the heart started to race."Please keep that promise."I said looking away.He smiled and left.I fell back on the couch feeling really exhausted.Next week.What a great timing for a family reunion.

chapter 20
I hadn't seen lee for the rest of the week.When i went to her house to see her she wouldn't come to do the door.I look over at jimmy.He noticed me looking."what are you still worried about Lee?"He asked me.I looked at him like he was an idiot."Of course I'm worried I haven't seen her all week she won't answer me at her house.....somethings wrong jimmy." I said.He rolled his eyes and went back to studying.I got up and walked to the door and went outside and stood on the porch feeling the suns warm light envelop me.shortly afterwards Jimmy came and stood beside me on the porch."Do you want to go somewhere?"he asked me."It beats doing nothing so i suppose i could go."I replied.we got in the truck and after a couple of minutes we arrived at burger king.I look over at jimmy and say,"Really?this is where you wanted to go?" he looked at me and said,"Yea.why whats wrong with here?did you have a place you wanted to go instead." I shook my head and said,"No this'll be fine." We walk in and order our food and as we go to sit down at a booth we see mr.kert eating and talking with a person wearing a hoody over their face so we couldn't see who he was talking to.I was about to run over to him when jimmy stopped me and said,"Watch who he's talking to closely.Don't you think he's acting weird?" I took a closer look at the guy in the hood.He was all crouched over and he kept looking out the window.I rolled my eyes and said,"so what he's a druggee so what does that have to do with us?"Jimmy sighed and said,"You need to pay better attention to your own girlfriend." that stopped me.I looked back at the hooded guy again and could tell that it was in fact lee.Her hair had been hanging out of the hoody."Lee!?"I yelled out automatically.She jumped and stared at me in fright when she heard her name.Mr.Kert looked at us as if he had interupted something important.I walked over to their table and said,"What the hell did you do to her you bastard." I was glaring at mr.kert. "STop it steven!"Lee yelled at me."Lee?"I asked. "Just leaave me alone."she said. I backed away in shock.Lee stood up shaking.Mr.kert went and stood beside her while she held onto him to steady herself.I grabbed lee's hand.She jerked it away from me."Stay away from me."she said.They left after that.I turned to jimmy.He gave me a sympathetic look.I went to him and sat down at the table and said ,"Why do I feel as if I was just dumped?"

chapter 21
Mr.Kert drove me home.He didn't say anything the entire way.As we pulled into the driveway I saw my mom's car there.I looked at mr.kert in shock."You lied!"I yelled at him my voice shaking.He looked at me shocked and said,"Lee ,what are you talking about I told you she'd be coming this week." I started to freak out."What if she judges me on how I look now?"I said frantically.He sat there for a second before saying,"When we go inside run to your room and get dressed and cleaned up while I distract your mom." "But don't you have stuff to do for you work?"I asked him.He shrugged his shoulders and said,"it can wait." I gave him a thankfull smile.Mr.Kert was my hero.we walked quickly to the house and opend the door quietly.I shot up the stais faster than I ever had.when I got into my room I threw my hoody off and put on a dark red turtleneck shirt and black skinny jeans.I pulled my hair into a bun took a quick look in the mirror.I looked better but not beautiful.I sighed in dissapointment.took a deep breath in and slowly went to my door.I opend it slowly and went down the stairs.I saw my mom and mr.kert enjoying themselves in their conversation.Mr.Kert noticed me and said ,"There's our lee." I walked up to them and said in an akward way,"Hey mr.kert.....hey mom." I didn't look either one of them in the eye."Hello Lee,"My mom said,"I've missed you so very much."She got up and went to me.When I looked at her she smiled and gave me a hug.I stood there not knowing what to do."mommy!Mommy! Look at wha I found!"I heard a childs voice yell.A Little boy with curly golden hair and blue eyes came running in the room holding up my old toy puppy from when I was little.when he saw me he just stared at me and the ran behind the couch like a sared kitten. "Jacob come out from behind the couch and come meet your older sister."mom said.He peeked his little head out from behind the couch and giggled at us."That's my little brother?"I asked mom.She nodded not taking her gaze off of him.After I said that he ran straight towards me.He gave my leg a hug and said ,"aw you ma sista?" I laughed at his baby way of saying things."Yes jacob that's Lee.She's your older sister,and this is Henry,"she said pointing at mr.kert,"and he'll be your big brother soon." I stood there shocked. I had completely forgot that my mom wanted me to marry mr.kert. "What's wrong Lee?"my mom asked noticing how quuiet i was. "Why are you making me get married?"I asked."Lee,don't you remember what you said when you were younger?"my mom asked me. I shook my head."She doesn't remember anything from when we were kids."Mr.kert said to my mom. My mom looked sympathetically at me."Oh what a shame.Well ,I'm sure she'll remember sooner or later."my mom said. "Remember what?!"I said. My mom looked at me said,"You don't remember meeting Henry when you were younger?....ha..I just rememberd how you two would always play house and you two would start it at the wedding.It was too cute." What? I looked at Mr.kert.He noticed and smiled back at me. "Well anyways the reason why I came down here was to tell you two to start packing."my mom said putting jacob on the ground to go explore some more."What do you mean?"mr.kert asked her."George and I have decided to buy you to your very first house near where we live.Once we get there and you two are settled in we can have your wedding." mom said.I stared in shock at her."That wonderful." mr.kert said. "I don't want to go."I yelled. My mom looked irritated now but smiled and said,"Honey,we're not letting you choose what you want to do.You have to move because we've already sold this house."mom said.I stared in shock and anger at her.How could she do this to me.

chapter 22
For the next week and a half neither mr.Kert or Lee were there at school.I went up to the substitute teacher and asked,"Hey mr.....Umm...tompson?..Where's mr.Kert?" He laughed at how long it took me to remember his name and said,"Your teacher mr.Kert moved." "Really?why?.. and do you know why Lee hasn't been comint to school?" he looked at me and said,"i don't know why.and who's lee?" "She's a girl in this class.I haven't seen her all week."I said.He looked at his list of all the students in the class.when he finished he put on his glasses and looked over it again.after he finished looking at the list he looked back at me and said," sorry kid ,but there isn't a Lee in this class." Huh?But she is in this class.After school was over I grabbed jimmy and said,"Take me to Lee's house." He looked at me confused but took me anyways.when we pulled up what we saw was shocking.A huge white sign stood in her yard and on the sign it said sold.Lee had moved.


the second book will come out soon I hope it all depends on my schedule.But the second book will be called the move.Thanks for reading.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.08.2012

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