
Chapter 2

He just left. My life is over I don't know if I will ever cope with this. The whole entire family not just him. Alice, oh Alice I was just strting to think of her as my sister. Emmet, the sweetest bear-sized human on earth, gone. Esme and Carlilse, my second set of parents.

*************************** Five years later**************************************************

"Jakey where's the bleach?" I said very confussed.

"It's under the bathroom sink." He said removing all of my confussion.

"Okay thanks. Hey can you get Abbigale and Joshua dressed and ready. They're going over Charlie's house today. Oh, and pack them an over-night bag they'll be there until tomorrow at three o'clock."

"Okay honey."

My life has gotten alot better. Jake was always there when I needed him. One thing led to another then we started dating after 6 months, then after year from when Edward left we got married. Nine months after the honeymoon I had two beautiful twins. My life cannot go downhill from where I am right now. I'm so happy. I have a successful career as a lawyer and a great husband. My life is perfect. Well not totally. I am a vampire now. I changed one day when Jakey was in battle. A vampire snuck over to the reservation and bit me. We couldn't stop the change. So now I'm a vampire but I still live life as a human.

"Bella! We have a problem!" Jacob called to me in complete urgency. I ran into the living room to find two puppy sized wolves on the couch.

"Please tell me that those are not my four year old twins in wolf from on my newly cleaned couch." I whined.

"Okay I won't tell you but it is. They were arguing over who Charlie likes better. I walk in from their room and find them like this."

"This can only mean one thing Jake. Vampires are back in forks." And as if to conferm every thing I just said, in runs Paul, Sam, Jarred, Quil, Seth, Leah, and Embry bursting through my front door in panick they all yelled.


"Jacob what happened to your kids?" Sam asked astonished by the site.

"They turned into werewolves about five minutes ago." He replied very sarcasricly.

"That is a big problem. Bella do you think you can get them to calm down?" Sam asked turning to me.

"Yea one sec." I turned to my kids and said," Who wants a lolipop?" Immediatly they started changing back into their ,human, selves.

"I do, I do" they both said in perfect harmony jumping on my couch.

"Okay go get dressed and when your done come back in here and get your prize. Ready , set , go." I said watching my kids run up the flight of stairs to thier rooms to get changed.

I turned around to the pack. Jake was the first one to talk.

" What are we going to do ?" He said turing to Sam.

"We'll have to scope out the area. Bella get Abby and Josh to Charlie's place. You can do any of the things that you need to do for the house , but when you are done you go stay at Charlie's too. Jake, Seth, Quil, and Embry you four take the western perimiter. The rest of us will take the eastern perimiter."

"Okay" we all said nodding to Sam.

Jake turned to me and with a sheepish grin he said," At least we know that they don't have a fever like the doctor said." I rolled my eyes at him. " Becareful, Please don't do anything stupid." I said starting to tear up.

"I won't." was all he said before he left the house.

I got our bags packed and in the car. Five minutes later we were in the car and pulling out of the driveway. I had to give up my truck for a more pratical car. I got a Camero. Not the orange one that I wanted but a silver one that said ' I am professional'. When I was three blocks away from Charlie's house I saw a silver Volvo following me. I just ignored it. This town is so small he's probally just going into town. I turned on Claire De Lune , my favorite song, on to calm me down. When we pulled into Charlie's house I walked to the trunk of the car got out our three small suit cases, closed it and turned around. The silver volvo was parked infront of my driveway and the driver was staring at me. When he saw me looking at him he sped of. Talk about creepy stalker. I walked over to the kids doors and opened them. They got out of the car and ran up the pourch stairs and started banging on the door. Charlie opened the door in a moments notice. Abby jumped into his arms while Josh wrapped his arms around Charlie's legs.

"Hey kids. Hey Bells." I waved at him.

"Hey,dad. I have the kids bags right here. Jake had something to do with the pack is it okay if i stay here tonight?" I asked with a 'do you get it' expression on my face.

"Yea, take your things upstairs to your room."

"Thanks dad." I said grabbing all of our bags and carrying them upstairs. My room brought back alot of memories. Good and bad, but it doesnt matter any more. The past is the past. I can't change it now.I set the bags on the bed. I turned to walk out of the room when I felt a small draft coming from the window. I don't remember opening that when I came in here. Oh well I'll just close it anyway. I walked over to the window. Looking out of it I saw a tiny girl. She had to be an adult for she was not dressed like a kid. She had a bright smile and a pixie like stature. She also had spikey hair. "Wait only one person I know has spikey hair like that. I can't be I must be seeing things again." I closed the window and walked away shaking my head.

I walked back downstairs to see Charlie wrestling with Abby and Josh. One of these days they are going to hurt themseleves.
"Hey, dad I'm going to the store do you need any thing?" I asked my father.

"No, Bells I'm good."

"Okay." I said walking out the front door.

I started walkinng out the door when I looked up and noticed a yellow porche sitting in my driveway. Who ever was in the car noticed me looking at them and sped off. I could tell this was going to be a weird day. I drove to the grocery store and got some food for the house. Jakey and the pack eat alot so I have to buy alot. The clerk stared at me when I arrived to the check out counter with my two carts full of food. I just looked at her and smiled. The clerk had a young boy help my take the groceries to my car. We got them into the car in record time. I drove down to the reservation to find the pack sitting in a circle around the bonfire pit. When they saw me open my trunk and take out the first grocery bg, the were all more than willing to help me carry them.

I got the bags in the house and unpacked. By the time I left, one eight of all the food was gone. These wolves are going to eat me out of house and home.

I got back in the car and drove to Charlie's house again. This time instead of a silver volvo following me, there was a huge jeep following me. Ok I'l buy that the first car following me was a coincidence and that the yellow porche was an adress mix up, but now it's just getting really creepy.

I pulled into Charlie's drive way and parked my car. I took my phone out of my purse and my car keys out of the egnition. I put both items in my jean pockets then got out of the car. I locked the door then closed it shut. I turned to the road, and started walking down the driveway. I glanced up at the huge jeep that was parked on the curb. I smiled then took off running into the woods. The jeep cpuldn't follow me, and who ever was in the jeep cpuldn't follow me on foot any way. I love running now. Every thing feels so alive now. I went to my usual spot to chill for a minute. I always come to this little clearing I don't know how I found it. I just know that I always feel safe in it.

I stopped in the middle of the clearing and layed down. Not but ten seconds after I was down I heard someone approaching me. Not just one person but several. They were coming from all directions. I stood up to look around. then I saw the unbearable. The entire Cullen family. My breathing started getting cut in half. It's a good thing I don't need air.

"Carlilse, Esme, Rosalie, Emmet, Jasper, Alice, and....... Edward. I whispered the last name before taking of in the direction of Charlie's house. I remember the little trap door that I had instaled in the ceiling of my room one week end. And I was going to use it. I climbed up the nearest tree, and pushed the button unlocking the trap door. I leaped onto the ceilng turning back to the woods. I saw all of their faces, but the last one that I saw pained me the most. Edward. I jumped down the door and onto my bed. Pushing the button over my bed post I locked the trap door back. I went over to my window and stared out of it. They were all still there. So I pushed button number two. This button sealed all windows tightly then put up four layers of jail cell bars on the windows.

I ran downstairs to Charlie who was casualy watching t.v.

"The Cullens are back I guessing?"

"How did you know?"I asked faking as I was out of breath. I haven't told Charlie that I wasn't human any more. Yet.

"Kido you only push that button when you start to panick bout seeing the Cullens. So where did you see them?"

"The clearing."

"Your going to have to face them sometime soon." He said sounding like a real parent now.

"Yeah I know."

I really don't know what to do at this point. I could go and visit them, but I'm not ready to face them. So I did the smart thing to do. I called my husband.

"Hello" Jacob said answering after the second ring.

"Hey, Jake. Can we talk for a sec?" I knew that he could tell by the sound of my voice that something was wrong.

"Sure, whats up?"

"Well I ran into some old friends today."

"Really who?"

"The Cullens." I knew that one name above all else ticked him off.

"Where." He said in an anger filled voice.

"The woods behind Charlie's house."

"Ok we're on our way." Man no matter how many times I hear it I will never get over the pack plural.

I walked back up to my room not wanting my kids to see me like this. I lied down on my bed wishing that I could just fall asleep sometimes. If only I could. I always could tell when Jacob was around, by the heavy padder of feet. But this time they were on my roof. I already knew what he planned on doing. I do sometimes regret giving him the button that unlocked and opened the trap door. Right on cue the door opened, and Jacob jumped down landing on top of me.

"Grrr" He said pretending to take bites of me.

I turned over and sat up so he could look me in the eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I just never thought that they would come back. It doesn't matter. I have you and the kids and Charlie. That's all I need." I said with a half hearted smile. I knew that he could tell that I was still baffled by this.

"The pack stopped by there house. The Cullens are all moved in." He said with a disgusted face.

"Okay. How much of the food did you guys eat?" I asked Jacob wantinhg to know the extent of the damage that had been done to my fridge.

"You might need to go grocery shopping again in a couple days."

"Uh.. you guys are going to eat me out of house and home. Forget it. I'll just go back later. What was Billy doing when you guys left?" Billy moved in with us. I couldn't imagine him on his own.

"He was getting ready to come over here, to watch a football game with Charlie." He smiled at me. It was a mistevious smile so I knew tht he was up to something.

Next thing I knew I was air born. Jake threw me into the air so that He could lay on the bed. I landed on top of him. He kissed me the minute I was on him. He was holding my waist while I was holding his hair. We probaly looked like a sene from a movie. The guy sneaks into the girls house without her parents knowing.

Jake was me hero. He was the guy in the movie who always got the prettty girl. It all started back when he stopped me from jumping of the cliff. Instead of me jumping, like an idiot, by myself for the first time; he grabbed my waist and we jumped together. I was totally safe. Even though the water was choppy I was okay.

We continued kissing until we heard many little taps on the door to my room.

"Come in" Jacob yelled pulling my face from his.

"Daddy!" The kids came in yelling in perfect harmony.

"When did you get here?" Abbigale said tugging on Jake's arm.

"I just got here. I came through the roof." Both kids looked up on the ceiling to see if there was a whole in it. Naturally there wasn't so they didn't believe him.

"No you didn't. There is no hole." Joshua said while Abby nodded her head in agrrement.

"Ok. Fine you caught me. I came through the winow before your mommy trapped us all in here." He said laughing sarcasticly to the children.

" Ha. Ha. Let's all laugh at mommy for taking precaution." I said with a bit of an attitude. I am still nineteen. So I still have teenage hormones. Not my fault.

I remembered that I was going to cook dinner tonight so I said " Who wants to help me cook dinner tonight for grandpa Charlie and Grandpa Billy?"

Before I could even finish what I was saying they started jumping up and down saying "Me, Me I want to help."

"Then Jacob cleared his throat pointing to himself. " Oh, and who want's to help make a second battch for Daddy?" I said staring at Jake with amuzed eyes.

Again they both jumped up and down yelling. " I do, I do." While they were jumping up and down yelling they were pulling on my arm and Jakes arm at the same time. We walked down stairs into the kitchen. We all washed our hands and we all started to cook. I decided that we were going to cook Charlie's favorite. Granms Swan's Beef Strouganof. It didn't take long to cook. Exspecialy since I had three extra pairs of hands helping me. Once I got dinner on the table I excused myself and stepped out side. I went into the back yard and climbed up my favorite tree.

I liked this tree for many diffrent reasons. One, was because it wa high off of the ground. Two, because near the top five diffrent branches intertwined into each other creating my own little nest. layed down in my little nest thinking of every thing that was going on right now. I dug in my pocket for my little vile of blood. Before the transermation was complete, I asked Jake to get a small vile of my blood. Even though that was the weirdest request known to man he did it any way.

I was almost totally relaxed when I heard a noise. I sat up and stiffed the air. It wasn't a wolf because I would've smelled their scent. It was a vampire. Then I heard an all to familiar voice.

"You know, I would've thought that with time you would've gotten a sense for fashion. I was terribly wrong. Look at what your wearing. It should be illegal."

I looked to my left to see Alice standing next to me with a smile on her face. I haven't seen Alice in so long. I forgot how tiny and pixie like she was.

" Hi Bella." She whispered now.

"Alice!" I jumped up and gave her a big hug I was so excited to see her.

"Hi Bella." she said again.

"How are you Alice?" I was sooo happy right now.

"I'm good. I see that you finally became one of us. I always new it was going to happen sometime."

"Well you were certainly right. And don't think I'm going to forget the comment about my clothes. I dress perfectly acceptable for a lawyer." I said with a smirk.

"You're a lawyer now congrats. We should go celebrate some time soon." She said hugging me again.

"You would think that when you became one of us, that I would be able to hear your thoughts. I too, like Alice, was wrong." A seductive voice said from behind me. I turned around to see my first love. Edward Cullen. I turned back to Alice. You could see the hurt and pain in my eyes.

"How could you." I muttered.

"Bella you need to talk to him. There's no use in running back to Charlie's house. Emmett and Jasper are blocking it."

"Fine, I won't go to Charlie's. I have some where else I can hide." With that I took off in the direction of the Quilluete border.

" Alice stop her. Those Mutts will rip her to shreds." Edward yelled to Alice.

If that's what they thought then let them think that. I didn't have far now. And I could already hear the wolves running to the border line. I bounded over the edge of the river into 'no mans land' and did a backflip over the line of wolves to land directly behind Sam.

"Alice and Edward stared at me in amazment. I stared back at them with a dark look in my eyes.

"I suggest that you don't pull any thing like that ever again." I said this in a cold tone. If they were wise they would take this warning. It's the only warning they get.

I Started walking back into the village, telling the wolves to come on back with me. The wolve growled one last time at the two Cullen family members who were still staring after me. I let down my shield to tell Edward one thing.

'Try something like that again and I'll rip your head off. I'm not fragile Bella any more.' I turned back around to see Edward get wide eyed. He opened his mouth so that it made an o. I Sent him a giggle in my head then I closed back up my shield. When he left me he took my soft side with him.

I ran back to La Push with the wolves on my tail. If they were to let me get hurt Jacob would literally kill them. When I reached our house I turned to the wolves promising that I was safe. I ran to the phone and called Jacobs cell. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hello" a husky voice said into the phone.

"Hey, Honey. It's Bella."

"Bella what are you doing at home. I thought you were in the back yard at Charlie's house?"

"I was but the ... Cullens showed up. Then I bounded off into the woods, and crossed the boundary line and the Pack walked me home." The line went silent.

Chapter 2

Jake made it there in like ten minutes flat.

"I left the Lids with Charlie. Now please explain what happened."

"Okay, I was in the woods. The Cullens showed up. I got mad. Ran away. They tried to stop me. They didn't. The pack walked me home. End of story."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.08.2011

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