

I loaded my gun and healed it tightly in my hand.My eyes scan the smokey dark room barley can see anything.I swallow down my fear and moved as I saw Brandon rope down in the chair blood covering his face his black short hair with blood in it.He tried to keep his head up but he look to weak to do that.I made sure that no one was in the room before I crawl over to him.He lifted up his bloody face and his eyes widen "No" He dint he even finshed his sentence before his eyes close The loss of blood must gottan him to faint. tried to un tangle him but coundn't un do the knot so I grab the knife that was in my boot.The blade cut threw the thick rope slowly it snapping away.The rope fell slowly on the ground to my feet.I grab Brandon and threw him over my shoulder and breath in deeply on how heavy he was.I drag him out threw the tiney room.I open the door and saw another chair with rope by it and a light just shinning on the chair.I gulp knowing someone was near.I tried to grab my gun out of my belt loop but it was stuck.I tried harder and harder getting frustrated.Then I fekt something cold and round press on my neck."Long time since we meet Rebel" I smirk "Yes it has been Ashton" "Why don't you drop the boy and have an set" "No no Im good I was just passing bye" "Sit." He commanded "No" I said with much power in my voice showing no weakness.The gun push harder in my neck.

 I sighed and drop Brandon and walk over to the hard old metel seat.Ashton smile and snap his fingers Two of his men came and tied me down.Tight."Can't a girl breeth?" Ashton laugh darkly "No you must die every since you messed up everything" He spat at me words full of hate.I glared at him "That happen so many years ago give it up." "No!" He yelled then he blink and strighten out."I mean uh no" He said more calmly "So what are you going to do to me Ash" "Dont call me that" he said darkly "I can call you whatever want"  I said He grip his knukels tight as they turn white.He smirk "Its either you can die or we can do this the good way" "I rather die trying" I said "well if you must"  He said and pulled out his gun and press it against my head."Night sweetie" He smile I felt something sharp in my pocket My knife.I grab the knife and cut the rope.And in a brift moment I kick the gun out of his hand and it slid across the hard cold ground.Everything felt like it was in slow motion.We both stared at the gun and then rech out to get it I grab the gun and smack it across his head knocking him out cold.I grab Brando and hurried out of the room it was cold in the building but I still hurry my knees were wobbley from his weight.

I saw the old steal doors and hurry toawrds them.Brandon feet were draging behid.I got out and hurry toawrds the street I sat at the bus stop with Brandon and grab my phone out.Eight missed calls from Alex."Hey alex its me Rebs...I got Brandon" "Rebs! Where are you?! The gangs been worry sick!" I rolled my eyes "You sound like an parent" He sighed "Ok Ill get cat to pick you up." "ok thanks bye" I shut of the phone and was tired my eyes begain to drop.My eyes shut as the world shut down.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my best friend delilah love her xxx :)

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