
chapter one running to save

The gun shook a bit in my hands as he just smirk at me."No your lying" I whisper but only made him chuckle."O no we do know your brother hes Liam Payne in one direction at your house right now" He said giving me a full answer.I grip the gun "Don't you dare touch him!" My voice boom towards him."O we should,Hes your brother and if we take away someone you love your probably just hand over what we want yes?" "No.I won't give it up" He sighed and look at his watch."You only have 13 hours to save him,Kat good luck" My teeth grip together and I pulled the trigger and a bullet rush out of the gun shooting the guy dead on the ground.

I back up slowly then stared to run to the airport to save my brothers innocent life.Hes all I have.My feet quicken there past as i stood dead by the side of the rode.Eight more blocks towards the airport,I can do it in five minters.I took a breath then ran across the busy rode.Cars hoking and swearing trying not to hit me I made it across the rode and stared to cut threw the gas station my eyes spotted a guy with his keys in his hands opening his car door.

I ran straight towards the man in glasses and grab his keys and push him down."What are you doing!" He yelled at me but I just jump in his car and jam the key in.The engage roar to life and I slam my foot on the petal with all my might I had.The car speed off.I cut in front of another car and it honk at me.I zoom in the street going faster and faster by each heart beat.I saw the air plain up in the sky heading towards the airport.I'm closed.I speed faster and I stop the car when it was a red light."COME ON!" I honk at the other car but it honk back.I groaned and rub my face with my hands.I had no time for this!I got out the car and cars honk and people scream at me.But I ran towards the airport I am a very fast runner just like my brother but Im just a bit faster then him.Don't tell him I've been letting him win for years well I let him win when I last saw him when I was thirteenth since then I ran away at what danger I could of brought my family towards.

I ran in the airport building and ran to the front desk.The lady look up at me while I just swallow and took a breath "One ticket to London" "Alright that will be- I threw the money on the table "Hurried up please!" She blink and took the money and gave me my ticket."Have a nice day?" She said but she really put it in more of an question.I rolled my eyes and snatch it and took of running The London plain.I saw it and ran to the man "Here" I said breathlessly."Have a nice- I ran in before he could of finished.I took my seat by the window and lean my head on it then the intercom went on."Ello ladies and gentlemen!Im captain Nick and this flight will be 12 hours long due to the storm I hope you all will have a nice flight enjoy!" My face flush as he said 12 hours and the ride to my house took 45 minters once we will land.This is just perfect! Hahaha no Bloody hell! why do I have to be in this business saving my family lifes I'm just 16!Why me!?

I rub my face again trying to claim down maybe a nap will help.I laid my head on the cold glass and close my eyes and my thoughts just started to drifted away as I fell in a dark dreamful sleep.

"I hope all of you had an nice flight in America Air lines Have a good trip in London Lads!" My eyes shout open and I shoot up to.I push pass people who grumble and yelled at me.But only one thing just came in my mind Save Liam


And so I got out of the plain and pick up my running past a bit.I open my phone and called an taxi.I talk to the guy on i was in luck he was a block I ran to the taxi and the door was open for me I jump in and told the guy the house number he grumble an yes then drove off a bit my lip and my hands were sweaty from my near vs.

*Skipping in the car ride a bit*

I only had a few minters to my house and the sun was setting.I was only on block away from my old hose where my family was the ones I ran away from.Guilt stab my stomach What are they going to do when they see me?Shoe me away? Or hug the crap out of me?Who knows.I saw my house only a few inches away the cold London air was now getting to me.I went threw the grass and up my front door and I slam it open.It quite down when everyone eyes landed on me.A few gasped escape from few mouths while some stay stun."K-kat?" Liam slur his words I nodded fast "You don't have much time they are coming! We must leave now!" I bark at them now confusion flooded there faces "what? Kat honey no body's coming relax baby girl" Mum try to cooled me.I huffed and rolled my eyes "Mum Im not lying now let's go befor- The window smash open sending glass start toward me.I slam my body on the ground.And eight guys can threw the window smirking at Liam."Shit there here.

chapter two Fight back and question are best not to answer

I was on the the floor and everything was going in slow motion now by each heart beat by heart gave.I saw the one guy reach in his jacket grabbing his gun.I look over at Liam as his flush cheeks and wide eyes.No I can't let him die its been three years for protection him wasting my life on him,Wait not wasting I've been protecting him.I grab my gun that was hiding in my bra and then got up and spirit towards the man aiming the the gun towards Liam.I flew my body towards him.My body slam him down both of our guns sliding across the floor under the couch.The other guy friends try to pull me off but I kick and punch.I look towards Liam and he look back shaking and wide frighten eyes on."Liam!" His name rolled off of my tough because its been forever since I used his name.His eyes snap toward me and blink."Liam!Grab the guns and shoot these men!" I scream at my very lost brother.But he act fast he ran over to the couch and search for the guns.I smirk at the one gun who I was fighting "Think fast bitch" I said then kick him right in the jaw hearing it crack.

He went flying down on the ground in pain.I look at the four other guys who were circling me."Make a move boys" I wink at them,they look at each other smirking."We will kill you unnamed,and everybody in this house but before we kill you we will kill your brother first making you watch as he cries out in your name 'Why unnamed why! I hate you!'" He said in a high voice 'trying' to sound like my brother.?I rolled my eyes "H-he won't say that" I slur my words..Will he? "Of course he will you left him and your family" My eyes moved towards my family then to Liam who still trying to fine the guns then my eyes snap towards the guy."I left to protect them not to hide!When I was walking home I heard you guys in an ally taking about my brother and making plains to kill him so that's why I took the big rock and smash that one guys head open and now ever since I vow I would kill each one of you as you try to kill me and my brother." The guy chuckle and star at me "Well there one of you and more of us honey so make your move" He growled at me.I smirk "Of course honey" Then I ran towards him and threw my fist towards his face.

But he grab my small fist and push it back down.I star into his green eyes and he stared right back into my blue fake ones.I needed to changed my well everything so I put on contacts and dyed my hair brown it use to be really light chest nut brown but I dyed it dark dark brown.I threw my punches again and I kick my foot up towards his mans area.He fell down and moan.I smack him then punch him over and over blood was going all over my fist and shirt."Found them!" Liam yelled then the other guys snap there eyes towards Liam.O great.I gave him one more punch then ran to the other guys leaving the other guy crumple on the good.I jump on the guy with blood hair with black in it.?He tried to yank me off but my nails were digging in his neck to tight.

Then he slam me into the wall over and over.I look up towards Liam and yelled out "SHOOT THEM!" He blink his eyes at me and frown "Come on Liam this is life or death here!" He gulp and held the gun up to the guy with very shaky hands."Now Liam!" He did what I said but he shoot the guys leg.He fell down and I went down with him.I rolled over so I could get up faster."Liam gun now!" He threw the gun over and I smirk at the other he guys.I shoot the one guy in the stomach and his brown eyes rolled back and he tumble down coughing up blood.I walk over to the other scared guy and he just shook in fear.I push in on the wall and went to whisper something in his ear."Leave now and don't come back" He nodded then ran out the front door.I drop the gun down and swallow back my tears."K-kat?" Liam ask shaking again I turn around and blink at my brother what to do or to say to him.

I got my phone out and called the police "There's been a break in with shootings one got away please come now." I told them were we lived I hung up."Ok I'll be going now" "NO!" Liam yelled to me and ran toward me with an bear hug and I hug back "I won't be long until the cops leave I'll be back" I kiss his tear stain cheek "Love you Liam" He smile threw his tears and I sighed "Bye Mum and other boys I don't know who you are" "O those are- "Liam I have no time good bye" I ran out the front door and started to run down the side walk and in the gas station the cops won't know I'm here.

I went in the bath room and started to get clean.I push my face again and again until and the dried blood and dirt that was off.Then I just felt a sting in my arm. I took of my hod then saw a piece of glass stuck there.I sighed and grab a lot of paper towels and bit on some.Then I took my fingers and grab the glass out.I scream but they were muffle as the paper towels that were in my mouth.

Once I got the glass out it gush blood everywhere "Dammit" I cuss under my breath and wrap toilet paper around my arm.I look up in the mirror and saw me well a very horrid of me.My hair was a mess looks like 12 rats live in there!Faces all dirty and dried blood on it that didn't come off.I sighed and took out my contacts and threw them away with everything else I used.I slid back on my hod and had a sad smile on my lips.Should I go back to him? Or not?

Kat Payne

I'm Kat Payne...Yes Liam Payne sister I know OMG YOUR SOO FREAKING LUCKY! Hahaah no.Look im saving my brother from the Undecided gang.You never know what they are going to do or to kill but i finger out it every time.But here's the thing They WANT to kill my brother im still trying to finger out why..maybe its random just maybe..I killed so many of there group leaders but every time I kill more and more try to fight me all at once.Listen kid I gotta go and remember keep my identity hidden if anybody ask if they see this girl just say shes shes unnamed.

chapter three Brother and sister at once again <3

I peeled my eyes off of my refection and look down why me?I look at my phone time and it said 8:36 P.M its been two hours so the cops should be gone.But can I see my brother? He did miss me a lot what it looks like O hell I miss him i'm just going back.I started to moved out of the bathroom and I saw the gas station guy look at me."Take ladies forever in there" He mummer under his breath.I rolled my eyes And open the door.I put on my shades and stared to walk back.Yes I know Why shades on in the light? Like I said I need to be hidden.I turn around the sidewalk and was getting close to my house but I felt an another appearance with me.I smile at who it could be "Hello Brandon" "Ay little wanted girl" He said coming up to me."Why begin so stalkerish in thy night hmm?" I raise my eye brows but keep my eyes on the ground.

He huffed "Its not light I'm walking around with a gun in my bra" He mummer I chuckle lightly "don't have one" "I guess I have to cheek then" He grin showing his bleach white teeth."Naw I'm good" "He frown "Awe" I smile and look at him and bunk my hips on to his playful."Perv" "Yes I am" we both laugh.He ran his fingers in his honey gold hair and smile to himself."What are ya thinking" "O nothing" "Come on tell me" I whine "Fine fine" He breath in a big gulp of a air."Just imagine seeing me kissing you" I rolled my eyes but I'm sure he can;t see with my shades on.

"Yeah ok Mr.flirt" "Whatever your just missing out on this" He pucker his lips I laugh."So what brought you here from America to London?" "I was wondering where you were going" "O so your my shadow" He rolled his green eyes "whatever you new kids like to call it these days" I sighed "I- "you gotta go don't you" He frown but yes he was right.We were standing outside the house right now and the dim porch light was on probably waiting for me.I just realize I was staring at the house the whole time."Yeah I'm sorry but I'll meet up tomorrow- "Save it little wanted girl go with your family while you still have the chance alright?" "Alright" I hug him and he hug back we stay like that what seem like forever.But we broke apart."But little wanted" He wink then disapered in the dark street in the cold London wind."Bye Mr.Flirt" I smile slightly then I turn around and look at the house and took a breath Well here goes nothing

chapter four I Just had to

I sighed and started to walked on the door steps then up the door.I took a small breath then open the door.I saw pale faces tears stain and confusion mix all over there faces."Kat!" Liam ran up to me and embrace me in a hug.His face snuggle in my neck while I just stood there awkwardly then I cleared my throat."Um Liam- "I miss you so much Kat! O wait until i tell you what I've been up to!I can't wait till you lived with us again we all miss you so much and and and- "Liam please stop I still have to go!" I yelled but then calm down as I study his sorrowful face."What?" "Yes I can't stay with you ,Liam you saw those guys yeah? Well that's only the very few of them there more of those guys out there trying to kill you!I must protect you Liam!" "Kat i do have bodyguards" Liam said calmly while my face harden "Well I didn't saw any when those guys tried to kill you now did I Liam?!" He stayed quiet while I waited for an answer."Answer me" I said in a flat cold face that made Liam filch "n-no" "Well see why I have to go now?" I said back in my normal calm voice.

"I do see but I have a better plain" He smile at me and a flash of excitement flair in his brown eyes.I cross my arms on my chest "And what is this wonderful plain?" "Stay with me and you can still protect me" I bite my lip as my eyes fell on the floor.It isn't a very bad plain but its not more easier really I mean hes going to have nightmares when he see's me kill more guys.But he is my brother but what if- "KAT!" My eyes shot up to a worried Liam "Yes?" "I've been yelling at you and shaking you for the pass 15 minters,Are you alright?" "I'm fine Liam I just do that a lot" I shrug as its not a big deal.He study me as if he thought I was lying,Which I'm not!"Um ok" He scratch the back of his neck.

"Liam" I started and put my hand on his shoulder.He blink and his eyes started to get all watery."O No No no no!" Liam shook my hand of and turn around and sat on the couch.Then a boy with lightish darkish brown hair and a strip shirt went by Liam."Liam lad what is it?" He said in a very high voice."She's going to leave me again!" He yelled then slam his fist in the couch.I gulp and open my mouth to speak but Liam's mouth started to talk rubbish."This is all my fall!I-if I wasn't targeted by those people she would of never left me!" "Liam its not your fall don't blame yourself at all Liam and I am going to stay BUT for a little while Liam that's it to make up some years" He smile at me then attack me with a bear hug "Thank you thank you thank you!"

I push him off "Yeah no prob" "Ok ok ok so let me tell you about my life" "Liam honey its late how about you guys sleep now" mum said in a caring tone that I was used to when I was young."Alright but tomorrow I'm telling you" Liam smile and I smile back."Ok I'll sleep on the couch- "no no no! Sleep on my bed Kat I'll sleep on the couch" "No i will liam" "No I will Kat" "Liam?" "yes?" "Shut up I'm sleeping on the couch" "No I'm sleeping- "O MY GOD BOTH OF YOU SLEEP ON THE BLOODY COUCH!" "ok" We both said at the same time."good night" mum said then started going up to her room.

"Night!" we both said and waved."So Liam who is the guys over there?" "O they are my band mates! That's Zayn and that's louis and that's Niall and that is harry" "Hello" They all said and waved."Yeah well night!" I said and threw my body on the couch.Liam chuckle "night sis" "whatever" I said and close my eyes.I felt a pair of lips on my forehead then pulled off "Night kitty" "Meow" I grin.He laugh then the lights went out...what did I get myself in to?

chapter five Fights and forgiveness

I was laying in the pale white snow with nobody around.I got up and look around seeing I was nowhere.I gulp and rub my eyes as I saw a building up ahead.I stared to run towards it for some reason my footprints getting left behind in the snow and my heart beat quicken as I heard a cry for help.I froze as I knew that faint cry for help and a name made it way on my lips.""Liam" I rush faster to the building and I came to it.It was all board it up and closed down and dirty.I threw the doors open and saw a dim light in the center of the room."Liam?" I whisper and heard nothing but the sound of my feet walking towards the light.I blink as I stood right in the middle of the light.Then I saw a shadow coming towards me.I got ready to attack but I saw it was Liam as he went in the dim light."Liam!" I smile and ran to him and hug him but he just chuckled."Liam?" I question and look up to his face as he just had on a pair of cold eyes.He grip my wrist tighter and tighter and made me whimper "Liam it's me Kat what are you doing?" He smirk and let go "I'm sorry dear sister i just thought you were someone else..can I get a hug? I'm scared" "Um yeah sure" I walk towards him slowly then hug him but he didn't hug back."You were always stupid" He laugh darkly "What are you- I took in a sharp breath as a sharp pain hit my stomach.I fell down on my knees as Liam just watch me drown in pain.My hands my there way toward my stomach and touch it lightly then pulled back and look at my hand tears burn my eyes.I look at liam as one tear fell down on my cheek."Why?" Was all the words i can get out."Because your just a stupid girl Kat and deserve to die" The word started to fade and my eyes started to shut but I keep them open."I hate you!" I scream at Liam but it ended with a cough.He laugh "I know see you in hell kat" He wink then started to go away to leave me to die "LIAM! Please stay with me!I'm sorry!Come back!HELP!" I scream at the top off my lungs now I was in a pool of my own blood "Please" I whimper.

"KAT WAKE UP!" Someone scream at me and my brown eyes flutter open to all the boys right by my face."What?" "You were screaming in your sleep?" Liam said but it sounded like a question really.I sat up "Yeah I do that a lot so don't worried about me" I smile then got up and started to walk in the kitchen.I grab a bowl and some milk."Don't worried?" Liam came in and glare at me."Yeah its not a big deal" I shrug and went back making breast-fest."How can I not worried? My sister is screaming in her sleep about me" I sighed and slam the milk down "Alright alright! I had a nightmare where you killed me Liam! Ok now you fucking know now shut up!" I bark at him as his face got red "Don't use that word with me young lady! Mum raise you better to do that!" "Does it really matter Liam?I did much worst then just said fuck Liam" I rolled my eyes and grab a fork out.What? I'm scared of spoons to! Just like liam!don't judge me! "Like what?" "God Liam are you a blond today No offense Niall" I said towards him He shrug and started to grab a bag of chips.I snap my eyes toward Liam his eyes were glaring at me.

"Blonde getting mad?" I smirk at Liam."Shut up and go to your room" "You are not my mother" "but I am your older brother so go to your room" "No" I said simple then continue to eat."I wish your dream was real!" He yelled at me causing myself stopping everything.I put the fork down."So you want me dead?" "Yes!" He blared at me I got up from the seat I was in "You know what Liam?!I am DONE protecting your stupid ass!I hope those guys do kill you!'after everything single breath I took on trying to protect you and this is how your repaying me?! O hell no!" I started to walk to the front door "And you know what Liam!I tried so hard to protect you and you just tell me to go die So maybe I will!" I went outside and slam the the shut then kick a flower pot.It flew on the lawn breaking and spilling dirt everywhere.I look at the sky "WHY DO I EVEN LIVE!!!!" I scream at it then turn my head at someone looking at me as if I was crazy "What the hell are you looking at whore?!" The guy turn around=d and went back in his house.

I let out an frustrated sighed and sat down in the walk way path.And let my head fall in my hands."Why does Liam hate me?" I sob then heard the door open then close."Are you alright love?" A deep British voice ask.I look up to see harry looking down at me as I look up."No" I croak out.He sat down with me and we just stay silent "d-does Liam really want me to go die?" He shook his head and his dark brown curls swoosh back and forth."No he was just mad" I sniff "Are you sure" "Yeah right now hes balling his eyes out like when Niall has no food" We both laugh.Harry got up and struck out his hand for me to grab which i did.I stared in his bright green eyes that had twinkles in them as he stared back into my light brown hazel ones.We stay like that for a kinda long time and I just remember I was holding his hand.I blush a bright red "Sorry" I mumble and let go of his hand.

He grin showing me his two dimples "Its alright I kinda like it" I blush harder "So did I" Wow I must look like an idiot right now who is red.He chuckle "Wanna go back inside" "sure" I nod as we walk back in to an crying Liam.He look up at me "KAT! I'm so so so sooo sorry please forgive m-me!" "I will forgive you only IF you give me five dollars" He search in his pockets for a five dollar bill and pulled out an 20 "I only have an 20 got any change?" I grab the 20 out of his hand "Nope!" He smile which cause him to smile back "AWWWW THEY MADE UP!" Louis screech right in my ear. And grab the both of us and hug "THIS IS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!" I broke apart."Alright now what do you guys do for fun?" I ask as they all just smirk "Truth or dare" Harry smirk at me I mentally face palm myself of course I had to say fun.


Texte: @Copyright belongs to me, Jasmine chang
Bildmaterialien: not saying!! ^.^
Lektorat: my friend solana
Übersetzung: ?
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2013

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