
chapter one ~ The news...

Have you ever hate someone so much the feeling of hate turn into love? well that happen to me..but it was from a famous boy.I'm Sophie Sky and this is my crazy love story...

I sank down in my set looking out the window.The rain drop slowly fell down as time slow down its past.I'm waiting on Simon my producer.He says he has some "Good News" for me.But my stomach said it was really bad news."But Simon!-" A light British accent yelled at Simon."No Louis You have to" Simon grumble at the boy name Louis.There was an pause "Does she know?" another pause "No well she in my office right now I have to break the news to her" She in the office? Wait! I'm the only one in the office..CRAP! There bad news!! I knew it! I going to get kick out the company? No no no! I love singing Simon can't do this to me!Wait! the door knob it turning! shut up and relax!

I did what my brain said and sat up st straight.

"Hello Sophie,Let's get down to business now shall we?" Simon said and taking a seat at his desk."Um y-ya" I sluttier my words.Simon raise his eye brow "Felling okay Mrs.Sky?" "Never better!" I chirp and smile.His eyes scan me a second but then sighed,I guess he bought it."I need to share something with you." He began Then open his mouth once more "You been in the perfect relationship now have you?" Well this is awkward."Um ya I guess" "mmmm yes but its time to get a new 'boo bear'" "what?" Simon sighed "Louis may you come in please?" I turn my head slightly Not HIM.The Louis Tomlinson from one direction God no. "I've have read a lot of fan fictions that girls make up to have you two an amazing couple soo you to have to date"

"You GOT

to be kidding me" I said my eyes glaring at Simon."No now please wing this and make it believable" "but hes he is well famous!" "so?" Louis ask and turn his head over to me and cross his arms over his chest.O great the sassy one."I want a regular boyfriend not someone who is cover with screaming girls who want to kill their girlfriend every second" His arms uncross and his face soften "O" "ya o" I rolled my eyes."So when do we start killing i mean dating each other" "Tomorrow be seen in the park holding hands and carrying each other" "YES! She gets to carry me!" "hahah no" I growl at him Louis smirk at me "I mean Louis carries you" I smirk back at him then stare at Simon "soooo were not going to be living with each other now right?" Simon laugh "no no just be a happy couple" I sigh in relief no way I'm giving up my house.

"Now you two go Shoo" Simon said and wave his hand to the door.Louis gotta up and open the door for him and slam it close."Rude much!?" I scream to him behind the door.Then huff and open it but I stop as the door was open."If you think that I'm going to falling love with this skunk bag then your wrong Simon" And with that I slam the door close and headed out I open my phone to have one miss call..Brandon.My boyfriend..wait till he hears the news....

Sophie Sky

HEY! My name is Sophie Sky! I'm a pop singer and I love the color Red and black.I love the singer Ed Sheeran that man can write his songs! Lol and yes I can fan girl over some singers.Just cuz I'm a singer doesn't mean I can't gush over other ones! lol soooo I have a bet puppy name Cat...Yes odd but I'm odd just like my unicorn Fred! Ok so I play soccer or Football in he English people words.I love SUPERMAN!!!! I hate skirts and girly things ugh! Ok I love to skateboard and eat strawberries! YUMMY! and I love candy! and monster! I love Energy drinks! OK I must be calm! lol no ok so my dislike are! Plastics The girls who get fake anything! ugh And my favorite person is My best friend Grace Belver :D My twitter is THE_REAL_SOPHIE_SKY@ Fallow! ?I support my fans without them wouldn't be here <3

chapter two~you cheated on me!?!

I walk a bit faster then I turn a corner, sharply and cut threw the ally so no fans would trample me on my way.I saw Brandon's house and let out a long sighed.What will he think of me now? A ugly little sunk bag girl? a hoe? I hope not we love each other so everything is going to be ok.My shaky had turn the door nob and open the door.But I hear...a girls giggle? A friend must be here? My heart squeeze in my chest making it hard to breath as what was going on right in front of me.A girl and Brandon snogging each other.My heart crumble into a million pieces.But with all my energy I finally brought words to my lips."B-Brandon?" The giggling stop and I felt everything gone gray.

"Sophie?" he push the girl off as she just blink blank but had on a smirk on he nicely panted pink lips."I didn't hear you come in" He said calmly like nothing happen like five seconds ago."How long?" My voice said with all my energy the words flew out of my mouth.He look at the girl and then back to me "like one mouth after I meet you" he shrug "so you cheated on me?" The blond girl sighed "Yes he cheated on you because he wanted your money not your ugly ass self bitch" She spat at me making me cringe.

Brandon wrap his arm around the girl."Ya Britney is right" I shook my head and gave out a force smile "I hope BOTH of you burn in hell you fuckers" I said right before running out the door.It was pouring rain.I sighed and keep running not knowing where to go or to hide.This never happen to me EVER.I always thought Brandon was the best perfect boyfriend ever.But I was just an stupid girl as he played with my strings.He was like a puppet master and I was just the slave.My feet slowly slow down as I just finally broke.I sob and drop as my knees couldn't hold my weight no longer.I sob in a ball all curled up on the grass of somebody's house.But I really didn't care my heart was still pumping but it has a razor in it still pumping with pain.

I felt alone.

My sobbing finally stop but soft tears slowly slid down my cheeks.But it just look like rain drops all over my face.I sighed and slowly got up and wipe away my tears.I started to walk away all wet to head to toes.My makeup probably look screw up by now.I finally got over to my big house and slam open the door.And shut it close.My feet went up the stairs to my bedroom.I fell in bed with a small thump.Still damp from outside.Still sorrow from Brandon still in pain feelings mix in confusing and pain.I shut my eyes praying tomorrow will be a better day.


HEY hoes! Im Brandon captain of the football team.Dating this bitch name Sophie Sky ya know the singer? Ya ok well its all fake cuz this bitch got some money shes drop dead ugly!!! ugh but i have o do this for us me and brit love that girl xxx well I gotta go smoke some weed now bye dicks!


Hey jelly ugly ass bitches! Im Britney but only my friends can call me Brit! love the color is PINK! hahah lol Im so beautiful! and your not! well bye bye me and my boyfriend will fuck soon bye Tramps! xx Britney

chapter three ~Hes not that bad of a guy~

I open my eyes and expedited the birds to chirp, But they didn't just a gray clouded flooded around me.I felt like I was turning gray I was breaking from joy into depression over a guy.I have to pull myself together! before I really break.I have a "date with Louis Tomlinson today.Just what I need.I rolled my eyes at the comment my brain made.I wish I could have some time.I sighed and sat on my bed.I buried my head in my hands.Then I heard a knock at the do.My head snap up as tears were down my cheeks again.I quickly wipe them away and walk down stairs.I open the door not caring what I look like in the other persons eyes.I was always ugly.It was Louis with a big grin on but then once he saw me it turn up side down."What happen to you ,love?" He ask calmly.My bottom lip tremble and my head fell down to stare at the floor so I didn't have to look him in the eyes.

"I he nothing" I finally got out probably not making much sense "So a guy did this hmm?" My head snap out "How did you know Brandon cheated on me with a slut ass plastic bitch?" I weep out but not breaking down in tears."I didn't" "but how did you know-" "well you did said 'he' and then you started to blabber what happen" "O" I blush and gave a small shy smile."There A smile not a big one but its still a smile" He grin then struck his hand out."My lady,Its time o be fake boyfriend and girlfriend now" I took his hand."What are we waiting for? Lets go make people thinks this crap is real" We laugh then got in his car.

"So Simon said we have to go to a park and YOU have to carry me Mr.Tomlinson" "NO Simon said you have to carry me" My eye brow shout up."O did he now?" He shook his head yes but his blue eyes gave it all away he was lying."Shall I call Simon" His eyes became wide."NO!" I chuckle "that's what I thought" He pouted "no fair" "yes far" "no" yes" "no" "yes" "yes" No?" I question lost what we were talking about."AHA! so you do think its fair" "what's fair?" He chuckle "o nothinggg" "Fine don't tell me I don't even care" "ok then" "come on tell me" I whine. "No now shush child" "Ughhh you drive so slow" "We don't want a ticket now do we?!" I thought for a moment "yes" "then your paying!" He smile "aww you can't make a lady pay on the first date! that's for the second date!" "I would never make a lady pay even if she had to" He grin to me.

He finally stop and we both got out of the car."Let's play tag!" He squeak and started to run away.I chase after him laughing and smiling.Louis Tomlinson isn't really that bad he is kinda of nice and funny.I think were going be good friends.

chapter four ~mix with words and thoughts~


Texte: @Copyright belongs to me, Jasmine chang
Bildmaterialien: not saying!!
Lektorat: me!
Übersetzung: Kevein o.O
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.01.2013

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To my lovely fans! and one direction and Simon.c for making my favorite singers!

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