
chapter one what just happen?

Have you felt like you been flying threw air but still on the ground? Well I have but not for love,For truth.This might be one of the oddest stories ever told from my lips.But sometimes people need to deal with crazy.And sometimes they need to jump and just see where they land in life,Like I did with Ethan his name is Hebrew that means strong,firm and constant.It suits him perfect but we must stay away as long we must can well we try to but fail, here's how our little story went.

With the swish of the Fall leaves that blew in the baby blue sky and a cold breeze pierce my skin.I shiver a bit but keep on walking on the dirt path rode.It might be a bit chilly but I must keep on moving.My head swish around to see where I was at.I was in the middle of the soft green dark forest where it holds all secrets.And I must find the key.My shoulders sunk as I heard the birds chirp and the trees move to the sound of the wind.but other then that it was quite to quite.I sat down with my legs cross together.I shut my eyes and try to make out ever sound.But nothing just the stupid wind and growls...Wait growls? My eyes shut open and look up to be meted by a pair of electric green pair of animal eyes.A wolf.A white wolf with the mouth open with blood around the fur.Fresh blood to.

But I just stood there and stare.And no I wasn't in shook or anything but in in well i don't know.But then I heard another ground behind me and the wolf freak out and started to snap it jaw to the sounds.I turn my head and look at an all black furred wolf but with an human hang dangling from its bloody stain teeth.This did frighten me and I shoot up out of the dirt and stumble back like in one of the movies were the wolves jumps in for the rescue...but this isn't like the movie one bit.

The white wolf join the black one side and growl at me.I blink and I could do was breath or gasp at the scan I am just witnessing with my bare eyes.My mouth was open in a gap as the black wolf spit out the arm right in front of my feet and huff and scrivener away in the deep dark trees with small trail of blood falling down its fur.The white one keep its eyes on me the whole time but they seem to have worried in them? yes worried.It past up to the other wolfs but stop and look again with me with worried and sadness mix together in thy let out a shrieking call out of a howl and leap off leaving me stun at the scan.but these were NOT any other wolfs these were big ones I mean HUGE ones.It left foot prints behind but they were slowly fading away like thin air...did I just made up all of this? no I am NOT cray I know it... but am I?

chapter two voices

Its him..hes coming for you..his dear mate

its been a week now and now a voice is coming and going in my head.i sigh and rolled over in bed and shook my head trying to get rid of the voice.It went away and I smile a bit then got up and shuffled my feet down the stairs into the kitchen.I got out left over bacon, eggs, bread and stake.I put the mountain of food on my plate and stuck it in the microwave and push buttons.It light up and then I turn my head as my stomach grumble in hungry.I groan and rolled my eyes and sat on the couch and turn on the t.v.It turn on the news..ugh.I was about to change but... "Today in Northcreck woods there was a killing.but not any normal killing and animal...It left huge footprints in the dirt over there but doesn't match any animal but a big size wolf? maybe big foot is real..or were close to the end..I'm Jackie sports and this is Fox 27.

the camera went dead.Like my emotions I just sat their staring at the black T.v my mouth open in a gape.

'I knew it was real' My mind said as I couldn't speak the words.I blink a couple of times as my mind cleared up a bit so I could speak again.The microwave beep as my stomach growl.I got up and went to get my food.I took it out of the microwave and started to shove hand fulls of food down my burning throat.And after a little bit I was finished.But my stomach growl again.I ignored its hungry and grab my bag and ran out of my door as my bag slap the back of my legs as I ran out..To the woods.


Texte: @copyright is all mine... :)
Bildmaterialien: not saying sorry
Lektorat: my friend
Übersetzung: me?
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.12.2012

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To whoever i really dont care

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