
Author note..

HELLO! to let you guys know i have no idea what i'm going to do in this soo I'm going to wing it :)ok I I would like to say that I'm writing to this book because i'm listing to one direction song moments and it has me in tears :'( To let you guys know their is going to be abuse,love,hate and break ups dun dun duuunnnnn AND..... If you would like PLEASE leave a comment but if its bad then keep it to yourself and if you don't like one direction then GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!!!!!!!! :) and i would want to thank you if you give me a heart or a comment or food....i rather have food got any? no awww me sad now :( AND this is not real...o how i wish i'll do an anything to get a one direction ticket.OK lets began with this fucking story.So lets do this poo.....Cough O MY GOD IS THAT KEVIN!!!! o crap your still here mmmm lets have a staring contest OK READY!!! 1,2, 3! CRAP I BLINK!!!! OOOO I SMELL BACON MMMMM wait... i never cook bacon CRAP I LEFT MY CAT IN THE OVEN AGAIN!!! my pussy cat :'( o well I will get a new one and call it HARRY STYLES PUSSY hehehe sounds wrong hehehehe. Ooooo my one direction posters fell on my bed BYE NOW I HAVE To errr ummm DO SOME STUFF ;) hehehe ok lets have a eating contest ready ONE,2,8 GO! wait did you say go because i already won (victory dance) ok later ,loves and no i'm not British and if i was you could NEVER shut me up or an Irish accent to LOVE YOU NIALL! and if you hate on him then i'm getting my guns.BYE AGAIN!!!! let's read........

chapter one Hit run and meet

"Get up you worthless piece of shit!" my dad hiss at me but I'm not sure if he is my dad because no dad should treat a child this way.I got up from the hard cement floor.Then my 'dad' grab a fist full of my hair."You are worthless" he breath before kicking me in the gut and knock all the air out of my lungs. "Get up you worthless piece of shit!" my dad hiss at me but I'm not sure if he is my dad because no dad should treat a child this way.I got up from the hard cement floor.Then my 'dad' grab a fist full of my hair."You are worthless" he breath before kicking me in the gut and knock all the air out of my lungs.He gave a harsh laugh "your just like you mother worthless and ugly" then let's when I snap.I push him away and smack across the check and it was hard because you could of heard it.He just stood their shock for a second then shook out of his daze.His eyes were flowing with hate."Now your going to get it" he laugh then I ran the other away."COME BACK HERE RAVEN!" he scream after me.But I didn't listen to him.Then I stop.there were crowds of girls everywhere."RAVEN!!!" the awful man scream.I just keep running not looking back."HEY WAIT YOUR TURN" a girl hiss a me.But I just pushing trow the crowd.Then there was a big rail.But then over the screams of the girls I could hear my 'dad' feet coming closer."RAVEN COME BACK OR ELSE!" he scream at me.

Then I stared to breath really fast and panic.I had no choice to jump the cold silver rail.I put both of my shaky hand on the rail and getting squash by the screaming girls.I jump over the rail and my shoe got stuck in a hole.I quickly untie it and took my foot out of my worn out black shoe."Hey you" yelled a big guy.which cause me to shriek and get up.Then I heard my 'dad' "RAVEN!" he yelled then jump the small rail.I suck in my breath then duck before the other guy can wrap his arms around me.I gild under his open legs."hey kid come back here" "RAVEN STOP OR I-I SHOT!!!" he scream which cause me to halt right in front of five cut boys.But I have no time to judge if they were cute.I turn around and stare at my 'dad'. A sliver gun in his hand and he was smirking evilly."That's a good girl now come to daddy" he laugh "Or what? your going to hit me? please just shoot me and get it over with" I yelled at him and then I just notice it became silent.He laugh the pull the trigger "fine then" I took a deep breath and close my eyes then whisper "I love you mom" the BOOM! I heard the gun went off.

I reopen my eyes but I was staring in a green pair of eyes full of worry."am I dead" I crock he shook his head no.I sat up and saw my 'dad' pine on the ground by big looking guys.I stood up fast but somebody grab my arm which cause me to shriek."Were are you going?" a boy said with dark brown curly hair and green eyes."I'm uhh" before I could even finished I left him behind I walk out the building and turn the coiner.

chapter 2 we meet again

~2 mouths Later~

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! my stupid alarm clock rang right in my ears.I sat straight up in bed but still a little groggy.I yawn the scratch my head and got got of bed.I grab my clothes then went in the bathroom in my small apartment.Which I brought with my money.I look in my mirror and it was a girl who look lifeless who was staring at me.But I knew that girl was me.Her Big blue eyes shimmer with pain and hate but is know just a dull silver.Her tan skin is now pale as a ghost her black hair just the same black as a Raven.I comb my hair all down.Then I plaster a fake smile on then started to walk to work.

I open the glass doors to the cir cream shop.But to tell you the truth I thought you only eat it not sever it.But I still do when I'm alone please don't tell I really need this job."Hi RAVEN!" said Lucy the most happiest girl in the world.But why be happy one day your going to die then you can celebrate.I sighed then grab my black apron and wrap it around my waist."Order up Rav" said Josh I turn around still showing my fake smile then nodded and grab the tray full of ice cream then I walk over to table two.With these guys had their faces cover in the menu."Here you go" I said in a fake cherry voice.Then the put their menus down.We all drop our mouths open."Hey your the girl who was going to get shoot" whisper a boy with blond hair and pretty blue/greenish eyes.I nodded my head and felt a frown form on my face."Yea and?" I said throw my teeth. "Its nothing really just need to see if you were alright" "ya I'm ok" I lied."No your not" a boy said with dark hair and brown eyes.

"Does it really matter if I'm am and not?" "yes it does" I gave out a harsh laugh "when did you care" "since you came in our life because I called this faith" "faith?" I question as the world rolled on my tough."Yes since when do a person you don't even know meets twice" "well I gues- "RAVEN GET TO WORK!" My boss yelled I wince when he scream at me because when my dad scream at me it just brought back bad thoughts.

I dip my head down "ok sorry" I mumble to mr.boss and left."Wait!" I heard the guy call after me "sorry uh- "Liam" he grin "o right Liam but I must go....bye" then I felt something fall in my apron but shrug it off.

chapter three Life going down again..but now getting help?

I walk out the door of the little place I work at.Still waring the dust apron with white flower all over it.I keep walking in the dark streets with dim street lights to let me see.I heard footprints behind me and I bite my bottom lip and turn around.Nothing.I turn back around and walk a bit faster.Not daring to blink my past back in this second.Then I saw a group of drunken guys yelling and swing their beer to their lips and taking big gulps and laughing at their own clumsiness.I put my head down trying to not make eye contact but...I felt somebody grip my arm and pull me back."Were a-are you going sexy" The guy breath on me but slurring his words.I didn't answer and just blink."What? Ain't going to talk? well I'll make you scream out my name." He pull me closer so our bodies could touch.His lips press on my neck biting it probably going to get me a hickey.

"P-please stop" I said and trying to pull back but he grip my arm tighter."We will pay you baby" "no I'm not like those kind of girls.The guy growl."Just shut up and come on!" He pull me to him well drag really."HELP!" I scream trying to run but another two boys held me back."HELP! PLEASE SOMEBODY!!" I cried out and pleaded but a hand clamp over my mouth and I burst into fresh tears.As I got drag away.

I didn't fight I just slump in the guys arms.He grin wider as he spotted his car.I got thrown in and 3 other guys step in to.The one guy scouted closer to me and his hand trail down my thigh.I shiver at his touch.The car ride seem short.I been threw this before but with father I was young to..13.Just 13 and let me tell you it hurts really bad.

"Come on babe"Drunk number one said.I just stare out the window not ready to go threw all this again.He let out an frustrated sighed then spoke."Ryan grab her" "alright Danny" I guess the one call Ryan grab my arm and pull me out.And push me to walk.But I just stood still."Stupid bitch" He curse under his breath then pick me up like the fireman way.He carried me in the house with Danny and the other one fallow close behind.

We step in the house and he zoom into an bedroom and threw me on the bed."Ryan's first hes the one who saw her first" Danny smirk but ryan just grumble."Thanks Mike" Danny said."Just use protection" He wink at him and went out of the room.He started to un button my shirt and then the rest was hell.....

I open my eyes to the sun right in my eyes and an arm wrap around my naked ashamed body.I got up carefully and put on my clothes.I saw the other two boys pass out by my feet.I grab my old apron and ran out like a mad man.I was bard foot.Couldn't fine my shoes.

************************skipping her running to her house cuz I'm lazy********************

I slam my door close and lock it.I threw my aparn across the room but a crumble up pice of paper flew out of the pocket.I went over and read it.

ELLO LOVE! its the guys who saw you almost get kill ya know the coffee shop to? we meet? REMEMBER?! well if you ever feel down and need to talk call us! we will pick up! Love you babe! 321-225-1564 (fake phone number)

I did need some body to talk to so I grab my phone out and dial the number.I heard it ringing then somebody pick up."Who is this?" "Um girl who almost got killed.." I trailed off not really wanted to say no more."O ELLO LOVE! Is something wrong?" My bottom lip tremble "yes" I whisper."Aww love you could tell me" "I got r-rape last n-nigh" I sob in the phone the tears falling down like the showers that are British."O NO LOVE! Im so sorry! Give me your address and me and the lads will be there for ever tear you will shed" I gave him my adders and my name he gave me his to.Liam.I hung up and fell on my bed in a ball crying my heart out...


I was just laying in the hotels bed by Niall.Restless at today's concert.But then I heard my phone buzz.I look at the ID and saw it was unknown I shrug and answer it."Who is this" I said in unison."Its the girl who almost got killed.." She trail off I'm guessing not really going to say no more."O ELLO LOVE! Is something wrong?" I ask getting a bit worried.She sniff and answer in a shaky voice "I got r-rape last n-nigh" She broke off in tears sobbing.I stood silent and bite my bottom lip "O NO LOVE! Im so sorry! Give me your address and me and the lads will be there for ever tear you will shed" I said trying to comfort her.She gave it to me and then hung up.

"WAKE UP LADS!!!" Louis snap up and snatch a pillow "WHATS WRONG!?" He scream "The girl who almost died and we meet at the coffee shop just got r-rape" I swallow the word."O no!!Yes I know its just so rude somebody did that to her" "It very is." Louis face harden then he jump on the bed "WAKE UP HAZZE WAZZEY!" "I'm up I'm up" He groin Then Niall woke up "Why is there yelling" then Zayn woke up t "This better be good Louis to wake me up!"Louis look at me and I sighed and told the boys everything.After I finished there mouths were in a shape of an 'O'. "We must go then!" Harry said waking up "Ok let's go" Louis cried and we all ran out the door.God let her be safe I prayed.


Texte: everything belongs to me but the cover.Please do not stell it mean and if you steal my book i will find you and...TAKE AWAY YOUR COOKIES >:(
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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.09.2012

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To K.C

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