
chapter one

"STOP IT Niall" Zayn yelled "No" And I just laugh my bum off and record every second of this because Niall is trying to eat Zayn hand because Zayn ate his last chip.Then Liam came barging in and trying to break up the fight."Louis help me"Liam pleaded "I am" "how?" "by video tapping all of this" Then Harry came in the room naked like he always does.its a harry thing that you will never understand.Then my phone started to ring.I dug it out of my pocket.And It was my little sister phoebe .I answered it."Hi Phoebe" "Louis it mommy" "what about mum" I said and felt my smile go away as my sister told me the horrible news.

"what's wrong Louis" Harry said "I need to get to the hospital my mum was just in a accident" "ok I will drive" Harry said "wait I need to get my cote" I said then I went in my room and grab my cote that was in my suit case.Then ran back to the boys."Lets go" I said and push the boys out the door.I put on my cote while I was running.Then I just remember our fans.I stop dead in my tracks.All the boys did to."What is it?" Liam ask "Our fans how are we going to go out their all of our fans our surrounding Harry car" we all thought a second then Niall beam with happiness "Lets walk?" "no office Niall but that's the stupendous idea ever" I said then he pouted "I was trying to help" then Liam hug him "It's ok mate" I just rolled my eyes because of the 'Niam' dram.

"Ok here's the plan call Paul" Zayn said then we all said "ooooooo" I pulled out my phone and flip it open not knowing what to do I mean hes a bodyguard how the hell am I suppose to know his phone number."Call already" Zayn said "what's his phone number" I said in a panic voice."Uhhhh" then Liam snatch the phone from my lose grip.Then he dial his phone number.And slam it to his ear."Hi Paul we need help" then he fell silent "Great hurry we need help fast"then he hung up.and look at me and smile "Paul is on his way" I sigh in relief "perfect" then their was an odd slice.Then I said "BABIES ARE MAID FROM CARROTS" "What?" Niall ask I look around and the boys had crazy looks on their faces but let me tell you the4ir dame funny."Well its true because of baby carrots" "Your weird but I love you" Harry said.Then we heard my phone ring I dug it out and it was Paul.

"Hello" I answered "Louis I will be there in a second what floor are you guys on" "uh er the six" "ok" then the line went dead "Who was it?" Niall ask "the cookie monster who else?" "holy crab really" I look at him and there was a big grin on his face his eyes sparkle with existed "No" "never kid around with the cookie monster" i just rolled my eyes Then the elevator door open to fine Paul and other guys."Let's go" we all look at each other then hurry up in the elevator.I was really squish by the boys and bodyguards.

And once we got out let me tell you there was girls everywhere.Don't gt me wrong I love girls but not crazy.We all hope in the van and speed off to the hospital

chapter two I am related to that???!!!

I keep running in the halls getting yelled at by people but who cares? its MY MOTHER! My toms shoes squeaking as I ran down the shiny new tides then I fell over somebody."Ow watch it!" a girl scream I turn my head and look at the girl she kinda look like me same face same blue eyes but black raven hair."Louis lad!" Liam yelled then help me get up.I tried to help the girl up by giving her my hand but she swat it away."I really don't need your fucking help" she spat in my face "hey he was only tr- "I know trying to help but I really don't need it I been alone forever sine our mum left me" I just stood their trying to remember if i had her for a sister but nothing came to me."Wait what do you mean OUR mum?" I said totally confuse. She gave a harsh laugh "you know we both came out of her- "yes yes please don't say that" I said really gross out."Hey you ask" she shrug then slid her back against the wall and sat down.Then Harry pip up "so your Louis sister?" "true that" she nodded then continue "but that's the sad part I'm related to you" she frown "and what's that suppose to mean" I said and cross my arm on my chest.She rolled her eyes "I'm related to your fucking retard ass"she said with no emotion in her voice.

My stomach drop and I felt my smile turn upside down."What?" "you heard me" then Liam step in and put his arm around my shoulder."There is no need to talk like that" she curl her hands up into fist then turn her head really fast and look at me and Liam straight in the eyes."Yes there is now go run to mum before she... you know" she said broadly."Yea whatever" I said then turn around "shes the other way" she scream I turn around the other way "thanks" I mumble "no prob" she smirk at me as I ran down the halls looking for the door it is 134.I stop then open the door to see my pale mother lying in bed as he heart beep was slowed."Mum?" she tun her head a bit to face me then let out a smile...but it was force."Louis ,honey" "mum" my eyes burn with tears as I made my way to her then drop down on my knees."Shhhh its going to be alright" she said unsure like she wasn't going to be.

"Mum do I have a sister?" "about that" she laugh my eye brows shot up."Wait she not crazy she is really my sister" I shouted at her."Louis William Tomlinson there is no need to talk to your mother like that" I bow my head just a slim "sorry mum" "its alright just be nice she HAS been throw a lot just be nice" "fine" I said while getting up"and one more thing" "what's that?" "let her stay with you and the ,lads no butts or anything just do it" "fine" I said again then went out.I saw the boys leaning on the wall sharing quit whispers.

"Bad news" then=y stop talking and there faces drop Harry was the first one to step up "were sorry Louis but everybody dies" "what? no no I have to let my 'sister live with us" "the girl in the hall?" Zayn ask and pointed at her lying flat on the floor."Yes" Harry smile "what are you smiling about?" "nothing" he said and walk away as his grin grew "that boy sometimes" I rolled my eyes then walk over to the girl."Hello" I said lightly and smile.

She look up to me "what?" "well would you lik- "YO BITCH!" someone scream which she filch but smile and stood up "YO MY MAN WHORE!" then ran in each other and hug then let go. They both had big goofy grins on but I think I got a little jealous."Ok ok like I was saying why don't you come live with me" I said turning her around so she can face me."Why?" "because well uh you had a hard life and I want to make everything up to you" "thanks but no thanks" "what why?" "because nobody can make it up to me" she said and started to walk away but I grab her sweeter sleeve and look right in her eyes "but I can" "fine! go ahead but I warn you" she said.Great this HAS to be fun...........

chapter three hell must where she came from

"But,Can I say goodbye to him" She beg me with sorrow in her voice.I sighed because I'm not that rude so I nodded my head.She smile a bit and ran over to the guy.He gave her a tight squeeze while glaring at me with daggers.He lean down to her ear and move his lips so I couldn't hear.He pulled back and smirk at her but she only frown and nodded to him.What did he just say? My brain question.I might just meet her but she is my sister I love her.Even if she hates me I will love her.

She walk over to me and smile,But I knew it was force."Well,I am Liam its nice to meet you" He smile warmly at her blank face.She smile back "nice to meet you to Liam and my name is Winter" She smile warmly at him back.But again force..."I'm Niall" Niall blush at her and smile big.She keep on the last smile and smile at him "Nice to me you Niall" "I'm Zayn" "Nice to meet you Zayn" She had that force smile again..please be a real smile and I'm not just thinking weird.

"I'm Harry Styles and your just one beautiful girl" Harry wink,But i think I just lost it.?I stood in front of ,Winter."We should go,Come on Winter" I said and lightly grab her hand and walk her to the SUV."There isn't enough room..." "You can sit on my lap" Harry grin cheeky at her."No she is my sister and I really don't know her so she is with me." Harry look hurt,Which made me feel a bit bad but he is a player with girls hearts I can't have him around my sister.

"Well ok" She shrug and claim on top of my lap.But she is very light,just like a feather.She yawn a bit and put her forehead on the window."Tire?" "Yes" she mumble lightly I smile lightly as she was trying to force herself awake but she finally lost and just close her eyes and started to to light breaths."Aw she looks so cute when she sleeps!" I whisper."You really love your new sister don't you Louis?" "yea" I gush."Aw my boo bear loves his sister!" Harry said.I sighed "Harry,I'm sorry how I acted a bit back about my sister,IT just your a player and I don't want her to get play" I finally got out."Its alright Louis,I understand" well that was easy "So mate we should eat!" Niall sang "We ate already Niall" "Ya but..that was an hour ago" He groin and clutch his stomach."Ok we can stop at- "NANDOS!" Niall yelled.

My sister move in get sleep and whimper."Don't" She whimper.We just stare at her mouths open."Did she just say" "yes" "I said.Still mouth open.Looking at her,scared for her at what was in her past that she face by herself.

chapter four ~what are those on your arms? :'(


ok before we start this chapter i gotta say something! sorry for not writing in a while i just got hit my the lazy bus ya know anyways this chapter was kinda hard to ride for me :( so um ya here it is!

As we pulled in Nados the car was turn off and Nial jump out.My sissy was sleeping my lap with her fingers tugging on her hair.I didn't even know the boys were out yet until Liam woke me up from my daydreaming."Time to eat ,lou" "ok but..what about my sis?" "Paul will look over her no worries come on" He grin all daddy like.I nodded and slid out of the car and started to walk in of Nados...


I stern in my sleep again as another flashback came creeping in my dream again."Worthless" He grin as his bright blue eyes shone with evil in them.He creepy toward me with the knife in his hand,ready for action.My eyes became glassy with tears as my back hit the wall.I slid down slowly,shaking as the man kept going towards me faster and faster his pearly white teeth showing."P-Pleas-s don't h-hurt me" I sluttier and sob at once."I won't hurt you.Not at all just Mr.Blade will" He laugh deeply right before slashing my arms with the blade carving some in my back as I scream out for help.He finally threw me down and spit on me."Just worthless" He laugh right before walking away leaving me in the cold basement to bleed.

I gasp and shout out but only to bag my head on the car roof."Owww" I whine and rub my head a kinda chunky guy turn aroun in the drivers seat."Are you ok?" "meh kinda A ok!" I said and smile force once again.

"Well ok then..O by the way I'm Paul your brother bodyguard." "well ok then" "How long was i sleeping?" I said trying to break the silence "O um an hour o so I guess" "O where my um brother?" I hesitate to say 'brother'."O he just eating and didn't want to wake you.But you can go in the rest-runt if you want." Um naw I'll just chill here" "chill?" "ya know hang out?" "You are nothing like Louis now are you?" "probably not" I shrug and turn my head to see what's outside.But only saw my brother and his friends laughing and coming back to the car.

"Well hi sleepy head!" Louis almost shouted.I groin "You don't really have to shout!" His smile faded "Um I'm sorry?" He scratch the back of neck.I sighed "Its fine" They all slid in and I sat on the floor.My legs tucks in my chest."Why don't you sit on my lap sissy?" "No thanks" I said but didn't even look up."O ok.." "Ya whatever" I blink and feel into my daydreams again..but i really wish I didn't.

"Your stupid nobody loves you..not eve your own mother that's why she threw you in the streets and your brother hated you to" I said to myself while I stare in the mirror.The ice cold razor in my hand ready to do its 'thing'."Hes right" I whisper."I am fat ugly and -gulps- worthless" I slides my skin breaking it so it would gush blood.But I kept doing i not knowing what I was doing until..I finally stop and saw the word carve into me. 'WORTHLESS

' I felt kinda happy I was doing this to myself but I knew its not a good thing to do...Its a bad thing.

I woke u[ again by hush soft whispers."Why are there scars all over her!?" A worried voice ask."I don't know probably from her past" a clam voice answer "But the real question is why does it look like worthless?" I open my eyes and sat up."That's because I am"


Texte: ?
Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: me
Übersetzung: ?
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2012

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to my best friend who never left my side

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