
chapter 1 the worst wake up

"Red wake up wake up wake up"! my best friend Lizzy yelled."go away I was having the best dream ever" I mumble then I put a pillow over my ears."Well now your awake" "so I can go back asleep" then I felt her tiny little hands rap around my ankles then pull me off my bed."good now I can sleep on the floor" I said and curl up in a ball. "Red do not make me throw out the refrigerator" Lizzy said in a cold voice.Then my eyes lids flew open."ok ok I am up now what" "ok you will never believe what I got" "a job a boyfriend a life" "no I got ONE DIRECTION TICKETS"!!!!! "so point is" "just had to tell somebody" then she skip off.

"why did I incited for her to live with me" I got up from the floor and headed to the bathroom. I reach for my hair brush then I turn so I could see myself in the mirror.I have dye red hair hated blond and its matches my name and I have weird eyes one Hazel and one crystal blue pale skin red lips thick eye lashes. I finally finished brushing my hair. I grab my tooth brush and splat mint tooth past on the brush and I finished in like 30 minters. The I grab some clothes and change into white shorts and on the coiner a little hot pink skull and a plan black T-shirt with black leather boots.

"Red brunch"! "brunch"?I question in my mind I took out my phone and it said 1:22 "jeez I need to go to bed early" I mumble under my minty breath then I went to my night stand and grab my contacts.And no I do not need glasses I have 100 percent vision I just like to match my eyes."coming Lizzy"! I yelled then I ran down stairs.To the table which had just empty plates."where is the food"? "um you know if I cook this house will no longer be here" "yea but I like for somebody to cook for me for once" "well get a maid you live in a mansion and your rich" "yea but I am not lazy like some people name Lizzy" "hey I am not lazy I move from my bed to get food" "like I said lazy" "whatever" she said and rolled her eyes at me.

"so what time are you going tors o the um concert thing"? "tomorrow but if you want to- "no" "come on it just 3 hours long" " yea but in 3 whole hours I could eat pudding" "please" she whine "no" "please please please PLEASE" "no no no NO" I said Then she got on both of her knees and put on her puppy dog eyes."pretty please I would get a job" "really"? "no but I would do some stuff around the houses" "no and if you ask one more time I will rip up your ticket" I hiss at her.her eyes became wide with fright "no non no you can't I would died if you did" "you will died"? "YES"!!! she scream "ok where is the ticket" "shut up" she laugh

"well I am going to the store to get water balloons" I said "why"? " because I need water balloons" "but wh- "shhhh" I said and put my finger to my lips."ok I be out" "whatever" "I grab my purse with my cash in it" then I took out my black berry and call my friend Dave but I call him the big D or just D.

"hello" he answered

"hi big D want to come to the store with me"?

"well OK I will pick up up in a sec"

"wait you got a car"?

"no just my skate board bring yours"

"OK later D"

"later Red" then the line went dead. I ran to my closet and shuffled through all my junk.Until my hands touch my board.I close my closet doors and ran back down the starts.My skate board is black on top duh and on the the back its all black but my name is all red.O and little white skulls to and with neon green wheels.Then I heard knocking at the door. I open the door to fine D."ready"? "of course" I slam the door closes and then we both skated to the store.


We finally got back from the store.I look at D he was sweating like crazy.His tan skin got a little darker and his blue hair all wet.Perfect pink lips and his brown eyes. "Now I call that a work out" he said "yea me to" then we both flop down on the couch.D start to play with my hair."what are doing"? "playing with your hair duh" "why" 'I just thinking what you use to look like with blond hair" "but now that hair is just from the past" "drama queen" D mummer "hey I heard that" I said and playfully smack his chest."well its true" Then I gave him the death glare."what?" I just rolled my eyes at him.

Then I heard the front door open then close."Red?" Lizzy called "yea" "can you give me a hand" she said then she came in the living room with bunch of food in her hands.I got up from the cough and start to clap."What are you doing?" "giving you a hand" "please help" Then D got up and took some stuff out of her hands."where you want them?" "kitchen" then he turn around and walk off."good thing somebody can help" Lizzy said then turn around and walk to the kitchen.

"I need food" I said "D"? "yes"? he said and pop his head out behind the kitchen door."can you get me food" "why can't you?" then I reach my hand out trying to grab the door that was like 10 feet away"its to far" I whine "whatever" he said then sat down on the couch."your mean" "your lazy" "ya but your a block head" "a block head?" he question and turn to face me with on eyebrow up."um yea I guess" I shrug then turn to face the T.V. Then I felt something vibrate."somebody phone is ringing" "its mine" D said and look at the caller ID. he sigh in frustrate "I have to go" "awww ok see you at work then" "ok" then he left.

"Lizzy"? "sup" she said then sat on me."will you get off of me" "do I have to really"? I sigh then push her off."ow" she said then ran off."wait I need food" I yelled then I got up and went in the kitchen. "where are my cookies" I wonder and tap my pointer finger on my chine.Then I saw the blue box of chips ahoy on top of the fridge. "there you are" I jump up trying to get them but fail.I grab a chair then climb to get my cookies.Then my hands touch the box "YES I GOT THEM" then I jump down. Then took out 2 cookies and shove them in my mouth.

I look at the clock it said 9:30 p.m "I have to go to bed Lizzy" no answered "ok then I will just talk to myself" I mumble then I clime up the stair case.Then I open my bed room door I jump in bed and as soon my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

chapter 2 WHAT?!??!??!

yea here Red's bedroom ^

I woke up bright and early.I jump out of bed and ran down to the kitchen.But on the fridge there was a note. It read Hiya its Lizzy went to the 1D concert early will not be back for dinner bye love ya ~Lizzy~

"YES!!! I have the whole houses to myself for a while" I said then start to do the happy dance.Then my phone just rang."hello?" I answer "hey red its me ash" "o hey ash girl" "um can you go to work early like now" "ok" "bye Red" "bye ash" then she hung up.

Now I need to get dress and go to work at the cherrykiss club.I am the owner.I went through my draws then I pick out my black skinny jeans and my blue cookie monster shirt with my white converse.(10 minters later

I pull up in the club.I parked my car in my parking spot.I got out of my car and went in the back door.Then I saw Ash her neon green hair all down her pink lips in a big smile and her pale skin glowing with her brown eyes twinkling in the light."hey ash" I yelled " she turn around and her smile even got bigger."hey" she ran up and gave me a big bear hug. "Ash you are crushing me" I said then she let go and put on her serous face on."sorry boss it will not happen again" then we both busted out laughing.I never take anything serous so that's why we are laughing.

"Red you have to go on stage and perform" "ok what song should I do" I ask Ash "um you should do ummm payphone" "HA! I just listen to that song" "well go on stage and sing it do not make your fans wait" Ash said and handed me my microphone and start to push me."alright alright" I said then I walk onto stage.Posters were everywhere girls and guys there screaming my name.Then the song start and I start to sing payphone.

3 hours later

The crowd cheer and scream when I finally finished."thank you all for coming I love you all you guys and girls are the best I love you all Red out" I said in the mic then i walk off the stage."Red you were great" "thanks ash" "no prob. want to get some ice cream" she ask "i would but I am really really tire" "ok see ya" "ok but wait" "yea"? "what time is it"? she took out her phone. "its 2:17 a.m" "o ya I am going home" "alright night Red" "night ash" I said and push my way throw."GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY" I yelled "NIGHT RED" they all said back.I went out the back door and hop in my car and drove off.

10 minters later

I park my car in my drive way.Then open the front door of my houses.I close it gently.Trying not to wake up Lizzy.I tip toe up my wooden stairs then walk to my room.I open my bed room then step in then close it again.Then I saw 2 boys in my bed and one of them was sleeping with my bra.I scream when I saw them.Their eyes open so fast once they heard me.then my bed room door slam open to fine 3 more boys and Lizzy."who are you guys" then one boy in my bed spoke first. "I am Louis" he said and put out his hand for me to shake it.But I just stare at it."Lizzy why are they in my houses" I said "well I kinda won a contest for them to stay with up for 2 mouths" she said really fast.I felt my eye twitch.I smile "will you excused me I have to do something" I said and went out my door to the kitchen and grab my box of cookies but they were empty.

"WHO ATE MY COOKIES" I yelled they all came down stairs."I did" A boy with blonde hair said I went up to him and lean to his ear and whisper "Do not touch my cookies if I say ok understand" he nodded fast."ok then" "i am going to D houses be back tomorrow" I said to Lizzy then went out the door.

I start to drive away some cars pass my way.Then I stop at a red light.I got out my phone and dial D's phone number."hello?" I heard him whisper ""hey can I come over"? "sorry but I am out of town family business" "OK um bye then" "bye Red" then the line went dead.I sigh who else.I thought for a moment then it hit me.Ash. I dial Ash number and on the fourth ring she pick up.

"hello" she said in a sleepy voice."hey can I come over for the night" "sure" "thanks I e there in 20 minters" "k bye" "bye Ash" then I hung up.The light finally turn green.Then I speed off.Then I finally turn a coiner to find Ash little houses.I park my car on the grass.Then got out I walk up to her door and knock 3 times.Then it open to find a sleepy Ash.her hair was all mess up no make up on and her pj's a tang top and some shorts."hey" "hey" then I went in.

"do you have any pj's that I can use"? "yea in my room" she said then walk down the hall then turn to her room.Then she came back with some clothes in her right hand."here" she said and threw them at my face."thanks"I mumble Then walk to the bathroom.And change into the pj's.I open the door and walk over to the couch.Then I saw Ash sitting down crises cross apple sauce."why are you here"? she ask.I sigh "well you know Lizzy" "yea" "well she won a stupid contest to have one direction stay with us for two freaking mouths" I said then look at her.She had a blank face.Then she took a breath."OK I tell you this be nice to her and the boys you guys are best friends do not let this little thing break you guys apart"

"Your right our friendship is more important and I should respect her for this little thing" "right now I am off to bed night red" "night Ash" I said in a soft spoken voice.Then I lay down on the soft couch and shut my eyes and fell in a dreamless sleep.

I was walking down a hallway it felt like forever I was walking then I saw a little white door.I open it and the boys where in it singing to Lizzy.Then one of the boys came down the stage up to me.He ha dark brow curly hair and a big smile on and his green eyes twinkling in the lights."come on I won't bite" he said in a cheery tone.He stuck out his hand for me to take it and I did.I felt the coiner of my lips went up into a grin.He start to spend me around.Then I stop to another boy.Chestnut hair deep brown eyes and a small smile."hello their" "hi" I said in a small voice.Then he spend me around then I stop to another boy.Blonde hair and crystal blue eyes and a beautiful smile and red lips."hello their" he said in a Irish accent."hello" I said Then he speed me around to an another boy.Dark kind brown eyes and a small smile."hello I am Zayn" "Hello I am Red" I said trying not to smile but fail.Then he took my hand and spend me around to another boy.I stop rate in front of a cute boy.He has dark hair and blue sparing eyes that will make you melt.And a big smile on."hello my lady" He said and lightly grab my hand ad brush his lips on my hand.

Then I felt the light coming in from the blinds.I woke up from my weird dream.I rub my eyes and yawn "well that was a odd dream"


I woke up to hearing a crash in the living room.I put on my red fluffy slippers.Then walk down the wooden stairs.Then I found the boys trying to clean up some glass of a picture frame."sorry we broke this" Liam said "it alright" I said then went over to the mess and pick up the picture and brush off the glass.I look at the picture and smile sadly."Who is that in the picture" ask Niall "well these are Red's parents and her Twins brothers.And this is red five ears old.I said she had her blonde hair in pigtails and she was smiling and her eyes did match both where hazel green."where is her parents"? ask Zayn. "dead" I whisper "wait then where are her brothers" "dead" "how did her family died"? ask Harry.

"Red was seven years old when her parents and her one brother died.It all happen in a car accident and Red was in it to" "that's so sad but you said one brother what happen to the other"? ask Louis "well he got Red after that but after 3 years he comment suicide" "I feel so sorry for her" Niall said "yea" Then somebody clear their throat we all turn around to find Red arms cross over her chest."feel sorry for who"? Red ask then Niall ran up and gave her a hug "we feel sorry for you" he said then let go then red bit her lip ever time when she gets really nerves.

"ok whatever" then she brush pass Zayn and Liam and headed to the kitchen.I fallow behind her."Red wait up" I said now by her side.But she just look a head pretending I am not here."Hello? anybody there" I said and wave my left hand in front of her face.Then I saw her getting tense up."Hey what's wrong" "what's wrong?WHAT'S WRONG!?!?!?" she yelled in my face. "Why do you have to tell people about my horrible life" she whispered yelled."Well they ask what happen" "yea but if they ask me to tell them your deepest darkest secret it would be ok then" "no I I sorry" I said and started to stuttered my words.


I look over at Lizzy and her eyes started to water up.I didn't mean to make her cry but I hate it when she tells somebody about me and thinks its okay to tell whoever.I sighed in frustration."look I didn't mean it like that I just.... meant it like just um" I sigh again and run my fingers in my hair."I just meant please do not talk about my past" she nodded her head ok."Sorry buddy" "Its alright" I said and wrap both of my arms around her and gave her a big hug then let go."O I called Danny to see if you where alright but he said you where not with him" "I was at Ash's houses" "O so do you want breastfed" "YES" I said well really yelled.She laugh.I open the kitchen door and look for the boys but they where on the couch watching football (soccer)

"Hey guy what do you want from mickey D's?" They look at each other like they never ate at McDonald's "you know McDonald's" then they all smile and Niall got up from the couch first."I'll have three big macs and 2 large fries and 6 pieces of chicken nuggets and a large coke" "Ok hold on I need to write down that" I said then headed to the kitchen and on the kitchen table I grab a note pad and a pen then went back in the living room and handed the notepad and pen to Liam."Here write your stuff down I need to put on my shoes" then I went back in my room and look under my bed for my converse.Then I found my black ones. I slip them on and tied them then hurry back down.The boys where still wring down their stuff.I mean how munch food can these guys eat.

"Here you go" Zayn said and handed me 3 freaking pages long."Ok thanks" then I turn back around and grab my keys and my created card and hurried back down "wait I want to come" Lizzy said "what about them" I said and pointed at them "their not little kids gawd" she said and rolled her eyes."Whatever lets go" I said Then we went out the door and hoped in my car.

We drove for like 15 teen minters then we finally got to mickeys D's.I went to the order box then the little voice said "hi welcome to McDonald's would you want to try our new bacon burger"? "no I would like 9 big macs and 8 large fries and 6 cokes and 1 diet and 6 pieces of chicken nuggets and that's all" "ok that would be 45 dollars and 11 cents "ok" then I drove up to the window.The guy open the little sliding door.I handed him my create card.He slid it in the created card thing then he handed it back to me and said "have a nice day" "cool you to" then I push my foot on the gas petal.then the girl open the little sliding door and handed me 3 large bags full of food. "Thanks dog" I said and handed Lizzy the bags.

I took some fries and stuff it in my mouth.But I spit then back out."Ewwww that's gross"Lizzy complain I started to fan my mouth "Jesus that's really hot" "what did you think its going to be freezing?" "no I thought it was going to be warm" "whatever" Lizzy said and rolled her eyes at me."Hey don't give me any sass" I said and laugh.I park my car in front of my houses.Lizzy ran out with out helping.I groaned and grab all three bags.I slam my car door with my foot.I speed walk to the door.I open the door and ran to the kitchen because the food was burning my arms.

I put the food down on the wooden dinner table.And scream "dinner" on the top of my lungs.I heard somebody running "you said food" Niall said and he was rate behind me that cause me to jump a little.Niall laugh "a little jumping eh?" "well that's only because you snick up on me" I said and smack his chest playfully.Everybody else went in the kitchen and started to grab their food and drinks I grab two Burgess and my diet coke.And jump on Harry's lap.He look at me and smile and I return a smile.And then I look at the T.v that was playing kim and the kardashians.I grab the remote out of Niall hand then change the channel to adult swim and the show that was playing was family guy my favorite show in the world it always makes me laugh.But at the same time it makes me stupider.

"I love this show" Harry said "so do I" I said and stuff my mouth with my burger.I look over at Niall and he was already on his second sandwich."Holy cow Niall you eat a lot" everybody laugh "well that's Niall for you" Louis said I laugh "I can see that now" I smile then relax a bit.

chapter three secrect out

I let out a board sighed and rolled over in my bed it was a little past midnight but I was so board and cant sleep.So knowing me I got up and shuffle my feet in the kitchen but I found the door open and food moving.But I couldn't see who it was the door was blocking him."Hello?" I said in a dark guys voice.The person jump and fell backwards and it was Harry but he was naked....."Dear God" I said trying to cover my eyes "HARRY PUT ON BOXERS OR SOMETHING MAN!" I yelled "sorry ,love" "Just get" I said and swing my hand to his room."Wait" "what?!" "your eyes" I took a big gulp of air and gave out a nervous laugh "yes Harry I have two eyes" "no there" he scratch his head please don't say it PLEASE DON"T SAY IT! my brain scream "different" he finally mange to get out "don't tell styles got it?" "but there- "GOT IT!" I scream cutting whatever he was about to say off.

"ok ok don't be so rude" "bye Harry" "what?" "JUST.GET.TO.YOUR.ROOM!" I said getting piss "alright" "drama queen" he mummer under his breath but I heard I started to fake cough "shit face 'cough' 'cough'". I said loud enough he would hear me.He went up the stairs and then I heard a door close and some mummers I wonder? I said in side my head then tip toe up the stairs and push my ear and the boys door "So she has weird eyes?" "ya but there beautiful" "what do you mean Hazze" "ones a light electric blue and hazel green" "maybe shes blind in one eye" I stumble back as my back hit the stair bar.Then the door open to have Harry in boxers thank God...."you ok ,love" Louis chirp in.I stood up and bolted to Harry and grab him bye the curls "I SAID DON'T TELL!" "only a few people" "but do you not get the words DON"T TELL!" "yes but- "I do not think you do" the I push him on the wall.Hard.

But I guess Lizzy woke up."RED STOP!" "he is a stupid ass wipe who WILL burn in hell once I'm finished with him." "please?" she beg in a soft voice I stare him right in the eyes the lead till my lips were at his ear "never I mean NEVER make me mad again or your head will go up in your buddies ass" I said the back off.I storm off until I slam the front door and speed off in my car piss.


"Are you alright Harry?" "y-yea I guess so" o great Red scared Harry.The boys help him up "I'm sorry about Red she can me a little mad when you learn something that is suppose to be a secret" "sorry" "why are you saying it to me?" "o I'm no which I meant- "spit it out Harry" I rolled my eyes "where is Red going?" "probably to jump off a bridge" "WHAT!!!" they all scream at me."Um ya it gets her ore time to think and its a rush" "what bridge" "here I'll drive" "let's go,lads" Liam said as we all ran out the door and jump in the boys car.

chapter four cliff jumping

A few tears escape my stupid eyes I mean why did I have to have different eyes? Its all my fall my parents are dead and sister and brother then a flash back hit me like a ton of bricks


"Come on mama and daddy!" I cheered happily as my Blond wavy hair smack my face as the wind bluster across from me."Coming sweetly!" My mama holler out as my mama and daddy twirl their finger together and gave love stars at each other while my brother and sister pretend to fake throw up."O stop it you two" "get a room then" my brother Matt groin with a eye roll behind that "maybe we will" my mama wink at them but they already have a room do they need a new one? I shook out of the thought as I saw a pink butterfly fly by I chase after it"lets go sweetly" daddy said I ran to him as he scoop me up and grin and kiss my pale red rosy cheek.I giggle then jump down "ok let take a walk to the park?" "no no the candy shop!" I smile at them they look at each other and then smile "okay" "yaaaaa!" I clap my hands and rush to the car and open and jump inside and close the door.I sat in the middle my sister Amber sat on the left and Matt sat right on me.Mommy and daddy sat in front and held hands together and daddy drove away.

Its been minters we been on the rode listening to some tunes like 'hey there delilah' I sang along and laugh until daddy started to honk my mommy let out a yelp and daddy turn the wheel in the forest area and before the car flip Matt push me out of his side with tears in his eyes but it all happen so fast.I rolled out and crash in a big tree as the car made its way to another tree I got up but my leg hurt and my neck felt sore I look up to my car and ran to it but when I got halfway it blew up sending me backwards to another tree glass

flew tires you name it I saw my Matt a few inches away all burned and breathing hard I crawl over to him leaving a blood trail behind "Matt" I croak out he cough and blood splatter all over my face then he smile his teeth stain with blood and put his hand on my cheek "I lov- he didn't even finished his sentence before dying with his eyes open.....

I blink back tears before giving out a shaky breath I look down as the waves rush over the rocks making everything swirl before me I stumble back scared at the flashback then headlights and door slam close as I laid on the ground I think having a pain attack.

"did she jump?!" and flash lights shone everywhere wildly but becoming a blur."Uh look over the cliff!" a guys voice shouted "wait there she is!" a light shone my eyes as I breath deeply and fast "what's wrong with her!" everybody came over by me as my eyes close and my whole body shut down.Almost."Red whats wrong" Lizzy yelled and clutch my hand in hers."Its my. fault.that there dead" I breath out before going down.....


dun dun dun! whats going to happin to Red! well comment below on what you think! thanks for the hearts :)


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Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: me
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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.07.2012

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to one direction and to my lovely parents for begin their for me

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