
chapter one on the road

I felt something cold went on me.I flung my eyes open to see Niall and Louis laughing like crazy.I groan and roll over and put the fluffy pillow on my head."light and up Harry" Niall said "yea you been sleeping for like 12 hours sleeping beauty" "well some human beans like to sleep""who said you were a human bean" "Santa clause"I said in a sarcasm tone."Zayn Liam get a guitar" Niall said "ok" Then they were back with a guitar and Zayn and Liam with them."group talk" Zayn said. Then they huddle together I roll my eyes and roll over and closes my eyes until I heard the boys start to sing.wake up little harry before we through you out of the window la la la lalallala wake up before Louis hits you in the balls do do doooo do do


"No I don't feel like it too (yawn) tire" "ok then you lead us no chose"

"1,2,3!!!! the boys shouted then I felt someone grab my ankles and pull me off the bed. I landed with and (thump) on the floor.Then water guns start to hit me "alright alright I'm up" I said and ran my fingers through my hair.They all laugh and ran out of the small room.Let me explain a little so you can catch up. We are on a tour right know we are going to America to perform live for all of our fans now back to the story.I walk out of the little tour bus door.I saw all the guys talking or on the phone tweeting. I roll my eyes and walk off to the kitchen and grab some twix chocolates.Then I plop myself onto off Liam."harry get off (breathing heavily) of me" Liam said out of breath."after I eat my chocolate" I took little nibbles of my chocolate.Then Liam push me off. "are you trying to kill me"?!?!?!

I got up from the floor "It would be one lest un human thing in this world" I said chuckling.Then the tour bus halt I smack myself in the wall "oww" I groin.Then we heard our bus driver yelling at someone.We all grumble like a 'shut up' I shove the rest of the chocolate in my mouth and sat on the floor. "sooo board" "shut up Harry" "your the ones who woke me up"I grumble at them "yes but you love us dearly" "sometime when you guys aren't being dic- I got cut off by rain our tour bus driver "were here guys" she said "I know we can here the screaming" Louis said "ok guys suck it up and give your best smile" Liam said "alright" Then we open the door smiling and waving to the girls and to their boyfriends that just roll their eyes at them.

We went in the hotel with girls screaming the song what makes you beautiful.We got our room key and went in our room."finally away from those girls" I said "yes they give me headaches sometimes" Louis said "yea so we have like five hours before we have to sing" Niall said "yup so I am going to look around" "I coming" "me to"yea so I am going to sleep here"Zayn and Liam said at the same time."ok bye. Louis Niall and I went out the door.I close the door with my foot."remember that time when we try to jump off the stage""yeah but we always fail" Louis said and sigh "yea the only one who gotten so far was Niall" "yea" we were climbing down the stairs for like ten minutes.Then we wet pass a bar.I back up to the bar the other boys follow me.

I went in the bar to the counter.Niall went up to me and said "what are you doing were not suppose to drink before the show"I just roll my eyes and face the cute bar tender."Hi how can I help you fellows""one beer for me" "is that all"? "yes it is" "ok coming up" she dispersal through the kitchen.She haves light brown hair tan skin and big brown eyes and a perfect smile. She was back with a glass beer in her had "here you are sir" "thank you" "and that will be $1.25 cents please" I took out a 20 bill and handed to her."keep the change" she smile at me "thank you" "good bye love" "bye" she said and blush a bright red.Then I took my beer and went out of the little club.

*5 minutes later*
I finish my beer in 2 minutes.And now we are heading back to the hotel room."Hey guys" I said they were sitting in the living room and turn there heads tours us" hey we should get ready for practice now"Zayn said and tap his watch 'ok hold on let me get something" Niall said then he disperse through the hall then I heard him fall we snickered a little then he came back empty handed."ok ready?" Louis said to everyone
"yup" we all said at the same time.Then we storm out of the room.

chapter 2 unexpected voice

We were heading to the practice room. Then I stop dead in my tracks.The boys stop and turn there heads tors me."Harry lad what wrong?" Niall said in a confused tone."shhh and listen" They stop and look at each other and nodded and listen.There jaws hit the floor they heard the girl singing. "who" "is" that" Niall Louis and Liam said "I don't know come on" I said and ran to the singer that voice sounded like a beautiful angle.I ran across a hall my sneakers sliding against the tiled floor the voice grew louder and louder.I heard the other lads behind me.

I heard a piano and a girls voice.Then everything went silent the voice came through a door a few doors ahead of me.then when I open the doors nobody was their.I saw a little note book on a piano I grab it and held it closet to my chest then Louis scream "their a ghost here o no!!!"Shut up" I said then I handed them the book. They flip through the pages with there eyes glue to the pages.Then Zayn spoke "these are songs" "no shit Sherlock" Niall said in a duh voice. Then I saw a song and start to read it

I'm broken
Do you hear me
I'm blinded
Cause you are everything I see
I'm dancing, alone
I'm praying
That your heart will just turn around

And as I walk up to your door
My eye turns to face the floor
Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say

When he opens his arms
And holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah
When he lays you down, I'm might just die inside
It just don't feel right
Cause I can't love you more than this
Can't love you more than this

If I'm louder
Would you see me?
Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me?
Cause we are, the same
You saved me, when you leave it scarred again
And then I see you on the street
In his arms, I get weak
My body feels I'm on my knees

When he opens his arms
And holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah
When he lays you down, I'm might just die inside
It just don't feel right
Cause I can't love you more than this

I've never had the words to say
But now I'm asking you to stay
For a little while inside my arms
And as you close your eyes tonight
I pray that you will see the light
That's shining from the stars above

When he opens his arms
And holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
Cause I can't love you more than this
Cause I can't love you more than this

When he lays you down, I'm might just die inside
It just don't feel right
Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah

When he opens his arms
And holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
Cause I can't love you more than this

When he lays you down, I'm might just die inside
It just don't feel right
Cause I can't love you more than this
Can't love you more than this

(yea I know I took a 1D song but just pretend that its not a 1D song Thanks now back to the story) "wow she is a really good song writer" Liam said "and singer"I said "yea but she probably never coming back" Liam said then Louis smack him "you horrible man saying a thing like that" Zayn said "I have an Idea"Liam said "what" we all said at the same time. "we hold try outs for singing and then we would fine that girl" Liam said

"yea but what happens if she doesn't show up" Zayn said "stop thinking negative" Louis said "ok guys lets do it" I said.They all smile and nodded."ok grab your phones lab tops and make posters and tweet" "ok Harry lad" Louis said and patted my back "but umm lads we have to practices before the show stars" Niall said and tap on his watch."after the show we will start then" 'alright" they all said.

We headed back to the practice room. And practice for 2 hours.But my thought keep drifting back to that girl voice.


We just fished our concert.Then we ran back t the room."lets get to work lads" I said They nodded and grab out their phones and lab tops. Then Zayn handed me one of the posters it said:one direction wanted girl WE ARE LOOKING FOR A SINGER TRY OUTS WILL BE HELD AT MIAMI MALL COME ON AND SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT

"soooo"? "its perfect" I said and a small smile tug on my lips.

chapter 3 try outs

Today was the day when I meat that girl.She been all I can think of like when we did the 'what makes you beautiful' music video I like the girl but that was different.Now I was falling hard for this other girl."HARRY"! Zayn said/shouted at me."what"? "I been talking to you for 20 minted already and you where just blinking and staring in space" "well sorry it just.... I trailed off and my mind drift back to the unbelieved voice."God Harry listen" Zayn said He was piss his arms cross over his chest and taping his foot. "Well we have to go now lads" Louis said then diapered into the kitchen. "Niall Liam Louis lads lets go" Zayn yelled.

Niall and Liam were back with big grins on "Ready to go boss" Niall said and put on his baseball cap on."Louis come on" I yelled then I put on my sunglasses "um didn't you drop those in the toileted"? Niall said I shrug my shoulders then I heard Louis running back.Then when I saw him he had 2 bags full of carrots."lets go" Louis said Then we went out the door.

We went down the the elevator and heard a lot of girls screaming are name."don't they sleep or eat" I said "apparently not" Niall said "O MY GOD ITS THEM" said a high squeaky voice. "well I think this is the beginning for us because where blowing up fast" Liam said "your right" "yea" Then the elevator stop. I walk out first are body guards by are side bright flashes from their cameras.I smile at the girls and they cried and scream louder and louder Then I felt a someone pinch my bum I jump up and turn around to see Louis their looking like and angle but when he lies he gets a big grin on."Louis did you just pinch my bum"? "no" he said but his smile gave his crime away.

"ok Louis whatever you say" Then I saw the black van we rush too it before our fans get to crazy."I am so hungry" Niall said in a whinny voice."shut it Niall" "yea your always hungry" "yeah but its just who I am" he said and shrug his shoulders. "leave Niall alone hes right you know" I said and put my are around his shoulders "about that hes a leprechaun"? "no" "that one day he will marry ice cream" no" "you never know" Niall said. We burst in laughter.Then the van stop."ok ready boys" "yup" they said.

WEe were out of the van and we say a lot of girls lind u."well this is going to be hell" Zayn said "you got that right" Liam said "but good thing I got my lucky socks" we look at Niall."did you say Lucky socks"? "o um ya my grandma made me them" he said and put his head down "aww Niall its all right we all have our embarrassing moments" Louis said and put his arm around Niall and pinch his cheeks."ow that hurts" "yea that's what my grandma does too me lad" Louis said.But instead he got a death glare from Niall.Then Niall smile "yea your right"

"ok lads lets see whose the best singer" the boys and I yelled yeas and threw are fist in the air.Then we took are seats behind a black curter then in a few seconds it drop to screaming fans.Then Liam spoke "alright lads first girl up" Then I saw a girl with firm boobs and a skinny body and she was pale and a good bum. "ok ready when you are babe" Louis said and wink at her that made her blush like a big tomato."ok I will be singing sk8er boi" she clear her throat and sang
He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
He was a punk.
She did ballet.
What more can I say?
He wanted her.
She'd never tell.
Secretly she wanted him as well.
And all of her friends
Stuck up their nose.
And they had a problem with his baggy clothes.'

Then she stop and smile it wast the girl and she sang that song off key not trying to be rude or anything."thank you love but sorry you are not the one" Liam said and smile at her but she keep her smile and said "thanks for listen good day to y'all" "next" Zayn said and another girl came up she sang and was not the girl.

8 hours later

"ok ladies the boys are very tire so tomorrow they will be more try outs have a good day"Paul said the girls had frowns and their faces some where crying some just left without an word."ok this is really tiring" "you can say that again" "yea when are we going to eat"? "Niall can you not think about food for one second" "no I will always love food and think about it" "yea ok that's go in the van go to our hotel and sleep" I said "and eat" "yea we didn't eat all day" "yea" "ok boys lets go" "can I have a piggy back ride paul" "no now lets go" "awww pwes pauly" he just sent me the death glare mean to shut it or else.

I put my hands up in surrender "alright alright I am going" 'Louis" I whisper "yes harry"? "distract Paul for me" "alright" Louis ran up to Paul and start to talk then he fell backwards. Paul bend down to help him back up then I ran up and got myself a free piggy back ride. Louis stood up rate away and laugh like the others Liam take a picture" "alright' he took out his phone and took like a billion of images. "alright Harry you had your fun" then in a blink of a eye I was on the floor "well that didn't hurt" The boys just laugh at me "your just jealous" "of what? lying on the floor like a dumb bat" "yea" then I got up and skip to the van.Leaving the boys confused.

chapter 4 she comes again then leaves

"where here boys" "thanks Paul" "yea thanks we- "I need food!" Niall said and push his way through. "bye Paul" we all said he nodded then left."were Niall go"? "our room to get FOOD"! Louis said and wave his hands up and move them crazy. "yea thats Niall for you" everybody laugh.Then I took out the room card key and slid it in the lock."I am taking a shower" zayn said and went to the room to gets his Zayn stuff you know.

I flop myself down on the couch "share the couch Harry" Liam said."no then I have to move" "fine then" then I felt Liam bum on me."get off of me" "then make room" "fine fine" "ok" then he was off of me and I sat up."happy" "very" Then I heard knocking at the door."come in" Niall said with food in his mouth.The door open and it was our manger Fred."Hi Fred" "hey guys guess where your going to" "wait we don"t want to go anywhere" "to bad. Its a black and white party" "ugh we just came back from 846 girls singing" "hey that was your call not mind but now my call is a party and ALL of you are going that's finely" "fine" we all mumble "great here are your suits' then like five ladies came out with white suits.

"try these on" "fine" we all try them on and they fit perfectly."o and boys" "yes"? "put on these mask" Fred handed us these black mask "I felt like its hallw- "yes yes now the party starts in an hour and the drive is 45 minted away."that far" "yes now- "why do we have to where these mask" "because so girls don't crowd you when your trying to have fun" "yea but we never wanted to go" Zayn said "o well your going that's it no buts it or anything until were at the party understand"? we all nodded in agree meant."good lets go your car is waiting" "car"? "yes its a rental" "ok" we all went outside to the car. But when I saw the car it was not really a car.It was just falling a part.We all got in.


We all got out of the car I drove us.Fred gave us the directions.We went in the back door.I saw everybody in black and white clothes.Girls in white or black dress and boys in black or white suits."I feel like a girl wearing a mask" I said "well you are a girl" "no" "right your un human" "wait are you saying I am not human" I don"t know why ask your four nipples" "shut up Louis" "ha I win" "no" "guys please stop fighting lets try to have a good time" Liam said in a calm voice we nodded our heads."I am going to get some punch" "alright lad hurry up" Niall said I mumble a ok before I left.

Then the wo front doors open to a girl in a blood red dress black heals and a black mask she has black hair too. She started to head to me.I just stood their stun at her beauty. she stood next to me.Then my mind saidSAY SOMETHING STUPID

"um You know its a black and white party" she gave a small laugh "sometimes I like to break the rules" "um ok you look um really pretty" "um ok thanks I guess" "um yea" I went back to drinking my punch then a slow song went on. ask her to dance

"um do you want t-t- "hey want to dance" she ask. "sure I like that"

She took my hand and we walk to the middle of the dance floor.she slid her heal to my foot then back to hers 'what is that"? "I am just having a little fun" then we move are hips and feet to the music.Then she rap her left leg around my wast I pick her up then she lift her other leg up in the air the lights sparkle off her shiny shoe. Then she brought both legs down.Then start to speed around then I caught her back and gently lean her back.Then brought her back up.Are faces barley apart both of us breathing heavily.Then that when we heard clapping"you are amazing" "thank you" "your welcome" I said and then I felt a grin come on my face "whats your name"? I ask "well I shall not give it out" "what"?

"what's your favorite song"? She ask. "o well I like um gotta be you by one direction" "ok I will be rate back" then she dispersal into the crowd. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder."holy shit who was that girl" Niall said Then I saw the girl on stage.Then the first words that came out of her mouth my jaw hit the floor.

Everybody clap and cheer for her but that was the girl with the voice the one."O my gosh" Niall said "that's the girl with the amazing voice" "and moves" Louis add on "yea" then all the lights shut off then went back on.But their was no girl."where the fuck did she go" "Niall their is no need to cuss" Zayn said "yea but hes is Irish" I said the rest of the boys laugh. Zayn just rolled his eyes but Niall fist pump the air.

"hey want to dance" another girl said to me "no thanks" "why not" "um because I am umm gay" "o I am sorry I thought that girl was your girlf- "no sister" "ok I should go bye" bye" then she speed off into the crowd. "really Harry really" "well I am sorry but their was no other way" "yes their was you could of said please leave or I am really tire" Liam said "well my bad" Liam just roll his eyes and walk off."where is he going"? I ask them all shrug their shoulders. "ok then I am going to the snack bar" "ok I be here I guess" I said and shrug my shoulders. "well I am going to go outside" Zayn said then Louis but his arm my shoulder "well its you and me" yea" want to dance"? "why Louis should I dance with fine ok" we both grab hands and start to tango.

chapter 5 now shes stuck in my head

We just got home or in the hotel. Its like midnight and that girl was still stuck in my head her red dress and her black high heals and black mask and black hair. I just sat in my bed with these thoughts about her.All of the boys are asleep well not Liam hes doing a twitter video thing.I groaned and flip over on my face in the bed.Then I close my eyes and sleep overcome me.

I woke up bright and early well if you call one p.m bight and early. I got out of bed and got out some close and them a went in the bathroom.I took off my pants but then a little piece of paper fell out. Then I open it. It read hello Harry soon you will fine out who I am just wait and keep and close eye out love one direction wanted girl

I read the little piece of paper over and over."YES"! I scream then I heard knocking at the door well banging really."Harry are you ok" Zayn said "am I ok?yes I am I feel wonderful" then I open the door to have crazy looks on the boys.

"what"? "well you kind of sound like you have gone insane" Niall said "well if I have gone insane then is this piece of paper fake" I show them the little note."ok I was wrong sorry" "its all right I so happy" "yea but you only know what hair color she has" Zayn said "so she might sing them we will know" "ok then" "yea I am going to take a shower" "alright save some warm water for me" "alright" I went in the bathroom and turn on the water.


I finally finished my shower I brush my teeth.Now I just laid down in my bed.I tired to go to sleep but I couldn't.That girl was stuck in my head.I squeeze my eyes close and tried again to fall asleep but I couldn't.I sigh I got out of bed.I went in Liam's room because I knew he was awake doing twitcam."Hey Liam?" I ask "yes Harry?" I came on the couch and sat down.Then I wave to the fans then I look at the views 100,023 and still going up."Gosh how long you been up doing this" "um er like 2 hours or so" "ok" "yup so folks is anybody going to see us live in three more days?"

Then a lot of twits came in."I guess that is a yes" I said "Well bye Liam" "bye Harry" I got up and went to the fridge but I saw Niall their searching for food."Niall?" he jump up and turn around "god harry don't scared me like that" Niall said and grab his shirt like he was having a heart attack.I laugh."What are you doing up?" he question "Well I am in a kitchen and a kitchen has food so I am skate boarding" I said "cool" he said and grab two bags of chips and hurry to his room.I went to the fridge and grab a cold pizza and took a bite out of it.Then I went in my room.I threw the pizza some where then I laid in my bed and finally fell asleep.

chapter 6 I think I just blew it

"Are you ready Harry to fine out who I am" said her dreaming voice "Yes" I said and smile she pick up both hands and took off her mask.and I gasp "SIMON!" "no you retard your dreaming" he said or she."What?" "good bye Harry" "wait Simon or what?" I was so confuse then Simon dance off "HARRY" someone said I look up in the sky "god?" "NO wake up" "who's wake up" then I felt someone siting on my arm."Ow" I moan and open my eyes to find Louis laughing "really you thought the girl was Simon" then he continent to laugh his ass off.I look at my arm and their was a red mark on it "did you pinch me?" "well you didn't wake up and you where having your date with Simon" he snicker I wake him with my pillow "shut up" "I thought you love me are you cheating on me!" he yelled and mad the Louis sad face.

I rolled my eyes and laid back down."Come on Harry lad we need to get up and do the auditions" I groan and rolled over "get up you sack of potatoes" Niall said and left my room "ugh fine" then I got up and Louis whistle "what?" "your just growing up to fast I just can't keep up" then he walk out of the room fake crying.I sigh and got out my clothes and put them on and my sun glasses And shoes.I ran down stairs and found the boys eating breast fest."Hello" I said in a cherry voice.They all return a 'hello' back.

"when do we leave" I said already heading to the front door."Wow hold on lad and eat"Liam said and grab my shoulders and pull me back."Ok just a bit" I said and grab some toast and shove it in my mouth."Ready" I said throw a mouth full of food "gosh Harry your eating like Niall now" Liam said "VAS HAPPING" Zayn scream "hello Zayn" we all said "what's for breast fest?" he ask "you fine whatever you want" Niall said and shrug.Zayn just rolled his eyes at him and turn my way. "Hello cheeky Harry" "what do you want zayn?" "breast fest?" I sighed and turn around and got out a banana."Here" I threw it at him. "that's is NOT food" "sure it is" I smile at him he rolled his eyes and grumble something then grab the banana and went to his room. "Somebody got up on the wrong side of bed" louis said coming in. "you could say that again" Liam said and got up from his chair with his dish in his hand.He put the dish in the sink.

"can we go now" I said getting mad."Ok ,mate lets go" "finally" I said then hurry off to the car. The boys were behind me Louis got in the driver seat."Don't go to slow Lou" Zayn joke "shut up" he said then drove to the mall.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AT THE MALL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ok ladies are you ready for ONE DIRECTION!!!" the laddie i think her name is Judy said.Her answer was a bunch of screams and yelling."I take r=that as a no then" she smile then continua "here they are the hot cute British and Irish boy band ONE DIRECTION!!!!" a cute girl with long blond hair came up. "Hello" we all said "HELLO!" she chirp in. "Were ready when you are" Niall smile. She return a smile to."Ok" she nodded then open her pink lips. "Here I am once again fellin lost but now found I breath it in to let it go........." "thank you ,babe" I wink she grin big."No probable love you guys so call me sometime" she laugh then walk off.

We all finished today and was heading back to the car.Then a pretty girl came up to us."Hey-
I cut her off "yea yea I get it your the one" I grumble she smile "so you do know?" "stop lying kid I have to go" "lying? kid? how dare you?! why can't you believe me??? I am the one" "O ya PROVE it" I spit out "relax ,lad" Louis said and place his hand on my shoulder but I shook it off still glaring at the girl."Shut the door,turn the light off I wanna be with you I wanna feel your love I wanna lay beside you, I cannot hide this even though i try, Heart beats harder time escapes me, Trembling hands touch skin and it makes this harder and the tears stream down my face,"

I just stood there with my mouth open eyes wide with love and joy "you are- she cut me off "leaving" she said and turn around. "wow wow wait up" I said and caught her arm but she snag it away "why? I'm just a lying kid

" she said with her angry rising."look I was wrong to saw that but you have to understand that I had no sleep at all and I was tire so ya"

"Whatever you just blew your chance HAROLD EDWARD STYLES!!" she yelled in my face and ran off.I just stood their hurt then a new feeling came in "O YA WHY IN HELL WHY I WANT YOU!!!!" I scream back then turn around with tears stinging my eyes."let's go lad- "I'm walking" I said to Niall."I'll come with you" "no j-j-just leave me alone" I said to louis then walk away leaving my band mates lost and confusion and hurt."Give him some time Louis" I heard Liam said to Louis. Before I turn a coiner.

chapter 7 Sorry for a sorry

I walk away leaving my friends hurt.I heard a crash of thunder then it started to rain.Hard. I saw a little kids park with a girl on the swings damp and hurt. I sighed and walk over to her. Her black hair all down and wet.I sat on the other swing by her.An after a while I finally got the words out."I-im sorry" I said and look over to her.She lifted her head up her nose all read and eyes all puffy and red to. And my gut told me hug her and tell her how much I love her and say sorry but my mind said let her calm down a bit.She sniff and rub her eyes "no no I should be I'm the one who said those horrible things" "no I am I the one who didn't give you a chance to speak" "no I'm the on- be fore she could finished I crash my lips against her pink ones.She kiss back to then pulled away daze."How about an sorry for an sorry" I suggested.She smile and nodded and put her head on my shoulder.

I grin and wrap my arms around her "I love you" she look at me looking in my green orbs as I look in her light brown ones "I love you to harry" she smile and kiss my cheek.We sat in the rain still holding each other.Never wanting to let go. But that's when the monster came. "Who's the lady harry?" the guy said and snap pictures of us."Dating" my love said."Is this the girl Harry? the one you wanted? or is this a different one?" "the same one" I smile at her and she return one."Well bye now" he said then hurried off. "Is that going to happen all the time?" I sighed "yes but after a while it will die down" "ok" "what's your name?" "Erica" she chirp in. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" I smile she blush."Stop it" "no I'm good you need to here it" she laugh then got up then frown "what's wrong?" I said and got up to getting worried."nothing it just I have to go home" I frown to "can I have your number then?" "sure its XXX-XXX-XXXX" "thanks ,babe" I smile she wave to me and hurried off leaving me smile like an idiot."YES!!" I sang happily knowing that this was not a dream.And that I finally found her the one.I smile at that thought.Then walk away still smiling like I just one the lotto.

chapter 8 first date

Erica's P.O.V

I laid in bed and smile as a laid wet not caring when I sleep later I just found my love and I did a really good job playing hard to get.My black hair hold still as I breath a happy sighed then my phone started to ring to 'who let the dogs out' I smile as I pick up the phone "SPILL EVERYTHING OUT!" "ok ok jeez Gabby!" "well?" she calm down a bit but then started to speak again "is it true that out of ALL the girls you are dating Harry Styles I mean THE Harry styles?" "uh please don't scream but yes" "Omg heart attack!" she joke and my laughter filled my room then I pipe down."So whens the big date?" "soon I think" "I think? I THINK! hell no you KNOW!" "ok ok hush up" "fine" she grumble "ok calm?" "yes" "alright ya so were dating and he said he call me!" I squeal and she squeal to "ok I'll be over in a sec!" "wait bu- she hung up.Sometimes she can be a real pain.I grumble a few cursed words at her but got cut off by a door slam and somebody pounded their feet up my stairs "what the fuc- "LETS GET YOU DOLL UP!" Gabby jump up and down and clap her hand together "well one thing I have nothing to wear and no make up so see you next year" "well I knew this was going to happen so- she went out my door and came back with dresses and make up.Dear lord help me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.06.2012

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I like to make this out to 2 people my friends and one direction

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