
New Beginning

SMASH! Perfect. I dropped the huge box of CD’s and DVD’s. I’ve always been known to be a klutz. I just hope I didn’t break any of my CD’s. As I bent down to pick them up, I felt someone standing over me. “Juliette, when are you going to stop being so clumsy?” I did not even look up at my mom because I knew the exact facial expression she had. I really did not feel like dealing with her looks and her nagging. I had too much going through my mind for that. “I got it mommy, don’t worry.” I replied. “I’m not worried, but we are going to be late. You have so many things that you haven’t put in the car yet and your dad is waiting.” She said kneeling down grabbing the last few DVD’s and CD’s. “Give me the box. I will bring it to the car. Hurry up and go get the rest of the stuff from your room.” My mother said as she walked down the stairs.
I walked into my room and felt different. It was halfway empty, but my bed was still made nicely. I was leaving all my teddy bears behind. It was time to really let those go. I will be a college girl now. What would people think if they saw me walking around campus holding a teddy bear? I’m a grown up now. Although I refuse to throw them away, I also refuse to take them with me. They will be safe here. I walked over to my dresser and looked at the pictures on the mirror that I would be leaving behind. It was a picture a me and friends. Who am I kidding? These were people who felt sorry for me because I didn’t have any friends. I got to hang out with these people from time to time, we were in chorus together. I thought they really were my friends until I found out what they really thought of me. Now I looked at the picture with disgust. I looked horrible. I was fat. Senior year of high school, I was 5’7 and I weighed 237 pounds. I really hated myself then. I looked at myself in the mirror and cracked a light smile. I now weighed 160 pounds. Too bad my hair was ugly and I did not have a dress code. But that was all going to change.
“Juliette!” I jumped to see the reflection of my mom in the mirror with me. “What are you doing? We have to go!” My parents always had to be on time to everything. Orientation was starting at 6pm and it was 9:30am. She was starting to annoy me even though I knew she was right since it was a seven hour drive. She walked over a grabbed my luggage. “Are you ready?” She asked. I was surprised that she was so ready to go. Almost like she flipped the script. I was the one who could not wait to get out of this house and now I was starting to think it was a bad idea. Why is she acting like it is easy for her. I know she doesn’t want me to go and I bet she cries. “Yeah I am ready mom.” I said. I picked up the last box of stuff, glanced at my room one last time before I headed to the car.
I got in the back of the car and put my seat belt on. I reached in my back pack beside me and grabbed my note pad, my cute fuzzy pencil, and my seventeen magazine. I’m not sure if I should still be reading seventeen magazines since I am now eighteen, but whatever. The advice they give in this magazine is amazing. My mom loaded everything in the trunk and got into the passenger side of the car and put her seat belt on. We were ready to head out. My dad in the driver seat turned around and gave me the biggest smile. “Are you ready kiddo?” I cringed a little. I did not want him to call me kiddo anymore, especially not when we got to campus. “Yes dad. Remember what we talked about?” His smile faded, “Yes Jules, I remember.” I gave him a nod and he turned around in his seat, started the car up and began to drive away. I looked back at my house, I felt sad. I was going to miss it, but I would be back. I smiled and turned around in my seat. This ride was going to be long; it is going to be the time to write my goals and plans for this first semester of college.
I read a few articles in the magazine about dating and laughed about some of the embarrassing stories girls shared. Those embarrassing stories reminded me of the time in middle school, where I wrote a letter to my crush and it somehow landed in my teachers’ hands and she read it to the whole class. That was humiliating. To make matters worse, he looked at me and screamed “Ewwwww!” I cried for days after that. Kids were mean. College boys should be a lot more mature than that. I was now ready to start writing down my goals. I know what I wanted to accomplish for the first semester of school.

Jewels Goal’s for Fall 2012 Semester

1. Good Grades
2. Good GPA
3. Make some friends
4. Get a Job
5. Be more fashionable
6. Learn to do makeup
7. Lose 20 more pounds
8. Go on a date
9. Get a boyfriend
10. Stand your ground (Have more attitude)
11. Have FUN!!!

As I looked more and more at this list, the more frighten I got. I never knew how to make friends. I always got nervous when I talked to a boy, and it might be hard for me to lose 20 pounds without my personal trainer. This was a fantasy. The only thing on this list I knew I could do was keep my grades up. Not only am I a klutz, but I am also a big nerd. I am a straight A student with a 4.0 GPA. I was not valedictorian or anything like that, thank goodness. There were geekier kids there at my school then me. I started to feel sick and my palms started to get sweaty. At least I had my parents there when kids teased me at school, but now I will have nobody. Who will make me feel better after a bad day of school? I had to stop thinking about it before I made my parents turn the car around and head back home. We were already an hour into the drive. I couldn’t read and write anymore either because I started to feel carsick. I grabbed my IPod and closed my eyes. I had to tune out my thoughts and fall asleep. Hopefully when I wake up, we will be there.

The Roomate

I cried for two hours after my parents left. Orientation went well, and my dad kept his word and did not call me kiddo. My mom teared up a little, but I try to avoid it. I did not want to cry. I was trying to be strong and show them that I would be fine, but inside I was terrified and screaming for them to take me back with them. I gave them the biggest hug and they left. After they left the room was so quiet. I then started to feel empty. My roommate was not even here yet. My parents helped me put away all my things, so there was nothing left for me to do. I looked through the orientation packets they gave us. On the cover there were multiple pictures of students and activities. There were pictures of the cheerleaders and football team. I begin to wonder if there would be try outs for the cheerleading team. I always wanted to be a cheerleader; I just never was comfortable enough with my body to try out. An extracurricular activity would be good for me too, to keep the weight off, and hopefully make some new friends. I took a post-it and wrote, Find out more info for cheerleading. I took the post-it and stuck it on my desk next to my new lap top. The lap top was a graduation present from my parents. It would have been nice for them to give me a car, but I have not received my driving license yet. I’m a little scared to drive. It would be cool though. I would be a freshman with a really cute car. I’ve always imagined myself in one of those beetle looking cars. I started to browse the web and look for cute girly cars when suddenly I heard a SLAM!
I jumped when a heard the slam and looked around the room a noticed a person standing right in front of the door. She looked angry and it made me really nervous. Why did she slam the door like that? “Freshman? I cannot believe this! They put me in a room with a freshman!” the unfamiliar girl said. I was speechless. I did not know what to say. She was already unhappy with me, and I didn’t even tell her my name. “How did you know that I didn’t want the bed by the window? That is so not roommate etiquette honey.” She continued. “I’m sorry. I will move my things. I don’t really care to be by the window.” I replied nervously. I wanted to kick myself. Already this girl knew that I was weak and could not stand up for myself. Number ten in my goals list said for me to stand my ground and have attitude. I needed to work on that because I was miserably failing at it. “It’s too late for that. I have places to go. Just forget it.” She said as she threw her things down on the bed by the wall. She then walked to the mirror, brushed up her makeup and walked towards the door. She then turned and looked at me, smiled and said “And it doesn’t really even matter because you won’t be here for long anyway.” She then walked out of the door and slammed it behind her. I just wanted to cry. This is not the relationship I imagined me and my roommate to have. Right now it was far from what I imagined. My very first shot of making a friend and that turned out horribly.
I was so bored. There was nothing for me to do and there was no one for me to talk to. I took a shower and changed into my pajamas and got ready to go to bed. It was only 10:30pm but I was so ready for this day to be over and start a fresh new day tomorrow. I grabbed my goal list from my backpack, looked at it and said, “I got to do this for me.” I kissed the paper and stuck it under my mattress. I grabbed my IPod and put it on my favorite playlist. It was a Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera playlist with a splash of Backstreet Boys and Nsync. This playlist always helped me get through my roughest times. I put my IPod in my ear hopped on the bed and shut my eyes. Tomorrow is going to be a brand new day. Tomorrow is going to be the day I start to work on my goals and get things right.

First Impression


When I woke up that morning, my roommate wasn’t even there. Where could she possibly be? I checked my cell phone and saw that it was 8:47am. She was probably out all night having fun and just stayed with a friend. Understandable, why would she want to stay in a room with a dorky freshman? She looked like a fun person. Like she has a ton of fun. Just wish she would’ve me a chance to show her that I could be fun to. At least I think I could be fun. She was also very pretty, perfect dark hair with nice blond streaks. Her makeup was flawless; it made her crystal blue eyes pop out. Wonder if we became friends, if she would give me a few pointers about how to do my makeup. Who am I kidding though? She probably was in the housing office demanding for another roommate. Oh well. That’s when I shook my head, signifying my dumping out all those thoughts. Who cares if she isn’t my roommate anymore? Maybe the next person I live with will be a lot nicer and welcoming. She is making me feel uncomfortable; it is only more second day. My life is hard enough. Right then, my stomach growled. I did not feel like eating the granola bars I had in my room. I wanted real food. Some good breakfast. “You must eat right Juliette” I could hear my personal trainer Lindsay telling me. I think I hear that every time my stomach tries to get the best of me.
It’s a good thing that I paid attention during the tour at orientation, and I remembered where the cafeteria was. Ask me where my classes are and I wouldn’t know. I tuned out on those parts. I was only interested in finding out where the dorms and the cafeteria were. That was all the really mattered at that point. I will probably regret that on the first day of classes Monday. But I’m not going to dwell on that now, besides I bet they’ll be a bunch of lost freshmen’s like me. My stomach was not giving up. It just kept on growling. “Okay, okay Mr. Tummy. I’m going to put food in you. Chill out.” I said jumping up off the bed. I couldn’t go with my PJ’s on. People would think I’m a weirdo. So I grabbed my towel and hopped into to the shower.
By the time I was done getting dressed, it was 10:56am. Mr. Tummy was really upset. But I didn’t care. I wanted to make a good first impression. Even though my clothes weren’t that fashionable, I managed to put a great ensemble together. I threw on my long sleeve shirt my mom made for that said cutie, with my favorite pair of ripped jeans, and black flip flops. It was my favorite outfit to wear. I always felt confident when I wore this outfit. I repeated this outfit so many times in high school. I was glad that I would not see those people again. I could wear this outfit here, rock it, and not have to worry about anyone knowing I repeated an outfit. I smiled when I looked at my myself in the mirror. The only thing that killed the outfit was my glasses, with tape holding one of the sides. I really need to save some money to get contacts. I would look a lot better. But besides the contacts, I look great. I put a bunch of moose in my hair, it wasn’t a big frizz ball, and slicked it back into a nice ponytail. I was ready to face my peers. I was ready to feed Mr. Tummy. I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out the door.

Cafeteria Shame



As I walked through campus going towards the cafeteria, I started to re-think my outfit. My favorite outfit was not my favorite outfit anymore. The girls were so pretty. The guys were so handsome. Everyone was dressed so nice. Felt like I was in a live movie. Maybe it was my insecurities playing on my mind, but I felt like everyone was staring at me. I began to pick up the pace. The sooner I got to the cafeteria, the sooner I could find somewhere to hide. I finally reached the cafeteria and now I was waiting on a line, waiting to get in. The cafeteria was packed. My nerves started kicking in. Not sure I wanted to eat in here. I had no one to sit with. I would look like a loner. Not how I would want to start my first official day on campus. I saw someone leave with a to go box, maybe I will do the same. I wonder how long I would have to keep getting to go boxes. Really hope I make a friend soon. “Next!” The lady at the cash register shouted at me. I was so spaced in my thoughts, didn’t realize how fast the line moved. I began to walk toward her, but wait, I thought food was free. “Meal plan?” she asked. “Yes” I automatically replied relieved and started to walk away. “Wait wait wait honey. I need your meal plan card.” Then it clicked, right that’s the card I always needed to have with me when I came to the cafeteria. They said this at orientation. “Come on girl. Let’s move this line!” A male voice shouted behind me as I fetched for the card in my wallet. “Geez, its not rocket science.” A female voice then stated and then I heard a few people laugh. My face flush when I finally gave the card to the cashier. She looked at me almost like she could hear my thoughts. I was embarrassed. I quickly took my card away from her and asked for a to go box. I tried to get away from that line as fast as possible. I felt like I was a walking on a runway. So many people were already sitting an eating. It didn’t even look like there were any empty tables available. Good thing I got a to go box. As I walked through I looked around and noticed someone pointing at me. Oh no. It was my roommate. She was sitting with so many people. It looked as if they connected three tables together in order to sit with each other. She was smiling and smirking with some girls in her table. She noticed that I seen her and she shouted, “Hey freshman!” I don’t know why, maybe just instincts, but I smiled and waved. She laughed and then said, “Nice shirt, cutie!” Then her entire table just burst into laughter. My smile faded. I wasn’t that hungry anymore either. But I had to get something quick before I regretted it later. I officially hated my shirt. I wanted to cry. But I was not going to cry. As I stuffed my to go box with pancakes, eggs, sausage, and fruits and felt my eyes burning and rapidly filling with tears. No, no, no Juliette! Hold it back. You’ll be fine. Forcing my to go box shut, I took a deep breath and hurried out of the cafeteria and headed back to my room. I hope I have enough food to last me the whole day because I did not want to come back to the cafeteria at all today. As I got further away from the cafeteria, I slowed my pace and wiped the tears that were running down my cheeks. How did I already make an enemy? My roommate hated me because I was a freshman and because I took the bed by the window. I offered to switch my things, but she just being cruel. Then embarrassing me about my shirt. That sucked. There were some cute guys sitting with her at the table. Feel like my reputation is over. Thinking about calling my parents and attending a different college where I could start completely over. “Hi! Do you have school spirit?” a perky voice says as she passes me a flyer. She was in her cheerleading uniform, and she was very pretty. She gave me the nicest smile. “You should come try out! We have tryouts tonight at 6:30!” Yes! I do want to try out. Maybe I can make some friends here. Don’t want to be locked away in my room all day. “Yes, I will come.” I reply. “Great! We will see you there!” She says as she gives me another smile and begins to walk towards another group of girls to pass out her flyers. I wasn’t that sad anymore. Now I just wanted to get back to my room and practice my moves. I would love to make it in the team and be friends with someone like her. When I got to room, I finished all the food in my box. Man, I was hungry. Then I turned on my playlist on my lap top and started to dance to Nsync dirty pop, and trued to work on my cheer moves.

New Routine


I was browsing YouTube videos for cheer moves and following some of the routines I found. It was like a workout. The only problem was that I was not that flexible, I could not do a cartwheel or a back flip. I couldn’t even do a split. I attempted and got scared. How was I going to make this team? I am hoping that they just think I could do the dance moves well, and pick me for the team. As I start to practice my simple audition routine, I hear the door slam again. “Really?!” says my evil roommate. “Who listens to Nsync anymore? That is so 1990!” she says as she puts her purse down on the bed. Surprisingly, I ignore her and keep working on my routine. “Um hellooooo! Earth to freshman.” She realizes that I’m ignoring her. I turn and face her, “My name is Juliette. Can I help you?” I say with sarcasm. Wow, didn’t know I had it in me. I stood my ground. She looked shocked. “Okay Juliette, can we cut the 90’s music? I need some sleep.” she yawns. “Get some earplugs.” I said and her jaw dropped. I smirked and continued to work on my routine. “That’s rude.” She said. “Yeah, and so are you!”I snapped. I do not care for her feelings at all since she clearly doesn’t care about mine. “Wow. Ok fine! Let’s see what the RA has to say about this!” she says as she picks up her purse and walks out the door slamming the door behind her. For a brief moment, I felt satisfaction. But then I got scared. Oh no. The RA is going to think I’m the trouble maker, when really I’m not. I just had to stand up for myself. I began to get a little nervous waiting for my roommate and the RA to walk into to the room. I turned the music off and sat on my bed waiting. I was prepared to tell the RA everything. But minutes rolled by and I realized that it was probably her intention to make me feel scared so that I’d turn off the music. I don’t think she went to the RA out all. She didn’t seem like the type to run to the RA when she had a problem with her roommate. I laughed to myself. She is something else. I was proud of myself though. I will not let this roommate from hell defeat me. I will not call my parents to pick me up and I will not attend another college. I will make some friends and I will go to this audition tonight and try my hardest to make the squad. Who would have thought that Cruella Deville would be my motivation? I smile and turn the music back on and turn the volume up louder to practice my routine. I have to make this team. 


So here is another thing I learned about myself tonight...I am not a dancer! I would love to be.  These girls look like they have been professionally dancing all their lives. I just dance in my living room watching music videos. Plus a little Zumba last summer, which I could hardly keep up with. It would be a miracle if I made the team. It would be amazing if I made the squad. The girls were all so nice and happy. It would keep me active, give me the opportunity to make some friends and not be a loner.  I did meet someone tonight. His name is Sebastian. He is a male cheerleader. He felt the need to really emphasize to me that he was not gay. I did not care if he was or not, I do not discriminate. He went on and on about his cousin who is on the basketball team who is very popular and how he thinks his cousin will make it to the pros. I honestly wasn’t all that impressed but was excited to be having a conversation with somebody. He then started telling me about this girl he had a super crush on, and how he was afraid to approach her because she may turn him down. I tried to tell him to take a chance...But who am I kidding. I was giving him advice, but would be in the same boat if it were my situation. Anyway, Sebastian seemed almost like the male version of me. He was a nice guy, a little awkward, but cool at the same time. Then they called him up for his audition and I realized he is not the male version of me at all! That boy got moves!

I just knew he killed that audition and most likely made the team. Maybe we could be friends and he can teach me a thing or two. But he left before I could even exchange contact info with him. Hopefully I will see him around campus. After the auditions, I approached the coach and tried to start a conversation with her. She was really sweet and cheerful. I was trying to figure out if I made the team. We both knew the answer to that, but she did not want to say. She kept insisting that the list would be posted tomorrow. But I was impatient. I knew my name would not be on that list and I was sort of desperate. She saw my desperation and said this, “Tell you what? We are in need of an equipment manager. You will do inventory and some other things. That way you can be around the team all the time, and after hours you can use the gym and practice your moves. You never know, maybe some of the girls will show you a few things or two?” I smiled so hard and said, “Yes! I’ll do it!!” and hugged her and said, “Oh thank you!!” She laughed and said that she would see me tomorrow for practice tomorrow afternoon at 5 pm! I was so excited. Yes I know I did not make the squad, but I am still technically part of the team and the Coach made me an offer I could not refuse! I wanted to tell someone and have them feel my excitement, but then I realized I was still a loner. My roommate still isn’t here, and I did not want to call and tell my mom. She would hear it in my voice that I was lonely and didn’t feel like her killing my vibe. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day of classes and practice. I picked out my outfits and set my alarm. I am excited!


Life Saver


So maybe I should have paid attention to where my classes were. For some reason, no one looked as lost as me.  The classes were huge and no seats.  My palms instantly were sweaty when I walked into class and couldn’t find a seat. Then it happened! An angel waved me done and said, “There is a seat right here.” I quickly rushed over, bumping a few people as I squeezed by. “Thank you!” I stated as I plopped down on the seat. I must have plopped down really hard because the girl in the row in front of me turned around and gave me a look of disgust. Geez the students in the school are mean. The angel saw the whole thing happen, and giggled “No problem Hun”.  She looked as if she was holding back laughter. I wanted to burst out laughing too. What a day I was already having. “You’re a life saver!” I whispered trying to start a friendly conversation. I know. Not the time to start a convo but she looked like a fun person and she was also gorgeous. Plus she really did save my life; I could have had an anxiety attack walking around this big classroom to find a seat. Next time I will get here super early. She laughed. “No worries Hun. It always like this for the first week of classes.”She whispered back. Then it hit me that she was not a freshman, she has experienced the first week of classes already. I did take lots of honor classes in high school, so I was able to bypass a couple of college classes.  I really wanted to be her friend now. She can give me the 411 on campus activities. Let me know what is hot, what’s not hot. Throughout the class period we exchanged smiles and laughed at some of the funny things our teacher said. I knew I was going to like this class. It was Music Appreciation. It was between that and Art Appreciation. I am not really an artist and I love music, so I decided to take this class. Glad I did. The professor was awesome.

After the class was over, I wanted to spark more conversation with the beautiful life saver. “Hey, so what is your major?” I asked her. “Music. Yours?” She responded. “Nursing. My mom is a nurse.” I replied. She had a confused look on her face. “Are you doing Nursing because your mom did it, or is that what you want to do?” I didn’t really know how to reply. I never put too much thought into it. I just knew that I wanted to go to college and I guess Nursing was an easy pick for me because I saw my mom doing it. “No I’m doing it for me.” I wonder if she could tell if I was unsure about my major. “Oh ok. Well both of my foster parents are Pharmacist. I refused to go that route. Can you say Boorrriiinnng?” She laughed. I chuckled and started re-evaluating my major at the same time. Then it hit me, she said foster parents. Wow! “My name is Anastasia but everyone calls me Ana. What’s your name?” She said interrupting my thoughts. “Juliette. But you can call me Jules.” I said with a smile. I was happy that she was interested in asking me for my name.  “Nice to meet you Jules. So you’re a freshman right?” Ana asked.  I blushed in embarrassment, “Is it that obvious.”  She laughed. “Kind of.”  I laughed embarrassingly with her. “Don’t worry. We all had to be a freshman sometime.” She reassured. That made me feel better. “True, thanks.” I said looking down at my feet noticing that one of my toenail polishes was chipped. Ugh! “Well Jules, I have to run. I have a performance tonight to practice for.” She said walking swiftly towards the door. Then she stopped and turned back at me. “Maybe you should come check it out tonight at 7:30pm. It’s at the restaurant on campus called Jazz moon. Swing by!” She said. “Sure! I’ll be there. Thanks.” I smiled. She smiled back and said, “Great, see you then.” and she walked out the classroom. I was pumped! What was I going to wear?!

Trouble Maker

I totally forgot that practice was today at 5pm. I was going to have a very eventful day. I had three classes today and all we did was go over the syllabus. I kept thinking about what I would where tonight and how excited I was to go to an event tonight. I really feel like I have to redeem myself tonight. After my class was over, I headed back to my dorm room. To my surprise, the roommate from hell was there. “So it looks like we’re going to be stuck together.” She said. “Look so.” I replied. Go me and my attitude. For attitude almost seems natural. She brings it out in me. She was so rude to me, I can’t help but to care about her feelings either. “Listen, we are going to cohabitate together, so let’s start over. I’m Stacey. What’s your name freshman?” She asked. “Well it’s not freshman!” I snapped. “Wow! You’re sensitive.” She replied sarcastically. “My name isn’t freshman. Once upon a time, you were a freshman.” I replied. She really gets under my skin. “Ok! Geez. What is your name roomie?” Stacey said. She looked irritated now. Good. “Juliette.” I replied. There was nothing else I wanted to tell her.  “Well nice to meet you Juliette. I’m sorry we started off on the wrong foot. Your right, I was a freshman before. It was not right of me to act that way towards you. Hopefully we can have a good year.” She said. I could tell she was really trying to get along with me now. I nodded. “Sooo, where are you from?”Stacey asked.  I didn’t want to let my guard down with her, but she was being nice and actually trying to initiate a conversation with me. I guess and can try to be nice. Maybe we really can be good roommates after this. “I was born in New York, but lived in ft. Lauderdale for about 6 years now.” I answered. “Oh cool, I’m from Jersey! We’re neighbors!” Stacey replied. I laughed a little, “Yeah, I guess we are.” Stacey smiled. “So do you have plans tonight Juliette?” Yes I do! I wanted to shout. But I had to be cool about it. Didn’t want her to know I was a loner. “Yeah. I have cheerleading practice and then going to Jazz moon after. What about you?” I said calmly. “You’re on the cheer squad! My best friends are also on the team!” Stacey replied. Crap. Maybe I gave her too much detail. “Well I didn’t make the team; I will be the new equipment manager.” I said not making any eye contact. “Oh. Ok. Cool. My best friend Heather is the Cheer Captain and my other bestie Bianca is also on the team. They wanted me to try out. But cheerleading isn’t my thing.” I started thinking maybe if we get along, she can put in a good word for me and I can get on the team. “Yeah, I was never really into cheer leading either, but wanted to try something new.”I replied. “So that explains the dance moves to dirty pop.” She laughed. I chuckled, “Yeah.” She walked up to the mirror and I couldn’t help but to admire her beauty and style. “I’ll be going to the Jazz moon tonight as well. Do you know what you’re going to wear?” She took that question right out of my brain. “My closet sucks.” I can’t believe I said that. She looked at me through the reflection in the mirror and smirked, “I’ll hook you up girly.”


Is everyone in this school beautiful? Coach introduced me to the team. I got to put a face to Stacey’s besties Heather and Bianca. Heather was pretty, but Bianca was drop dead gorgeous. Everything was perfect on her. Beautiful long blond hair, with green eyes, perfectly tanned, perfect body, and a pearly white smile. In practice, everyone surrounded her, including our captain Heather and Sebastian. Sebastian made the team, and the way he was looking at Bianca, I can tell he was not gay either. Maybe she was the girl he was crushing on. I could see why he would be afraid to talk to her. Bianca was like a celebrity. The more I admired her, the more I wanted to be her friend. My thoughts were then interrupted by the Coach and Heather. “So Juliette, you will be responsible for locking up the gym after practice.” Coach Mary stated. “We practice Monday, Wednesday, and some Fridays.” Heather stated. “No one is allowed to be in the gym during and after cheer practice.” Coach Mary stated while handing me the key. “Ok, got it.” I nodded. “You’re responsible for picking up all the equipment left up and storing them away before you lock up. Practice is for an hour and the gym closes at 7pm.” Heather stated. She was slightly arrogant when she said that. “Alright, no problem.” I replied. “Great!” She said sarcastically and walked toward the team. “Don’t mind her. I will be leaving early today. But if you have any problems, do not hesitate to call me.” Coach Mary said. “No worries, I will.”  A few minutes after Coach Mary left, Heather and Bianca walked up to me. “We are shutting practice down early. But you still have to stay until 7.” Heather said. Was that even allowed? It was only 5:15pm.What was I going to do by myself in a gym until 7. “I can’t just close up early?” I asked. “No you cannot. Just in case Coach calls you or something, she will think we are still practicing.” Heather said crossing her arms and looking at me as if she wanted to bite my head off for even asking the question. I gave her a nod. She sort of scares me a little. They then went back to the team and I heard her telling the team about finishing practice early and started going through the schedule with them. I sat in a seat outside of the gym in the doorway watching them laugh and giggle while gathering their belongings. Maybe I can practice my cheer moves until 7 after they all leave. “Ahem.” I looked up to seeing a tall, handsome male stood over me. “Um...Hi.” I didn’t know what else to say. He smiled. “Can I get in beauty?” I felt myself blush. Did he really think I was beautiful? “No you know you cannot come in Cameron!” Heather stated from behind me. Good thing, because I was going to let him in. “Give me a break, it’s the first day of school. And I’m a real athlete.” He chuckled. “We are athletes too Cam.” Bianca smiled. He winked at her. “Cameron, you know the rules! Stop trying to take advantage of our new equipment manager.” Heather said angrily.”Cameron looked at me with his gorgeous eyes and said, “Am I taking advantage of you cutie?” I couldn’t even respond. I was too focused on not blushing! “Leave her alone Cameron!” Heather said. Cameron laughed. “Wow fine! See you around cutie.” And he walked out of the gym. I was freaking out inside. Did he really think I was cute? Was he really looking forward to seeing me around? No one has ever called me cute before, except my parents. Oh my God, I think I am blushing. When I looked around to see if anyone noticed, Heather was burning a hole in my face with her eyes. “Cameron is trouble and a big flirt. If you know what is good for you, you should stay away from him. No one is allowed in the gym after we leave, Capiche?” Heather stated. “Yep. I got it.” Heather and the team walked out and I was alone now in the gym. I picked up my cell phone and started browsing YouTube for a song to practice to, and that’s when I heard a basketball bouncing. It must have been Cameron waiting on the girls to leave. He is a rule breaker. I went to look and it was another guy walking in with headphones on bouncing the basketball. He was handsome but looked so serious. “Sorry, you can’t be here right now.” I said stepping in his way. He gave me a confused look. Then he took out his headphones. I guess he could not hear me. “What?” He said. “The gym is closed. You can’t be here.” I said. “It looks open to me.” He said and walked right pass me. I chased after him. “I’m really sorry. Those are the rules. You can’t be here.” He looked annoyed. “Rules? What rules?” He asked. I didn’t know the rules myself. “Coach Mary said no one is allowed in here during cheer practice.” I said. “I don’t see any cheer practice going on.” He was rude. I did not want to have to call Coach Mary on my first day, plus the girls would probably be upset with me if I blew their cover. I had to be stern. He put his things down and started removing his jacket as if to tell me that he was not going anywhere. I then grabbed his basketball. “What are you doing?” He said looking at me irritated. “You have to leave.” I said sternly. “Give me the ball.” He said walking towards me. I quickly backed up. “No. Leave.” He tried to grab the ball from me and I quickly turned and tried to run with the ball. He was fast and caught up to me. He tried to grab the ball and we tussled until he finally got the ball back.  “Don’t do that again.” He said walking toward basketball hoops. I was furious. If he wasn’t going to leave, I was going to be irritating. I walked onto the court. “Seriously?” He said. “Do you know who I am?” he asked. “No, and I really don’t care. You’re going to get me in trouble.” I said. He looked offended. Who was he? Why couldn’t he be like Cameron and just leave peacefully? “Listen, I’m just going to play a few games with my boy Cam and then we will leave okay?” He pleaded. “Cameron already came and left. He follows the rules.” I snarled. “Oh wow. Guess I’ll be practicing by myself then, unless you want to go a game of one on one?” He laughed while dribbling the ball around me. “No I don’t. I want you to leave please.” I said trying to be nice. “Here, I’ll tell you what. You make a shot and I’ll leave. I’ll give you three chances. If you miss, you can go sit over there and let me practice. Deal?” He smiled, almost like he knew I wasn’t athletic at all. It was worth a try, I had three chances. “Fine!” and I grabbed the ball from his hands. “Feisty!” He laughed. I stood close to the basketball hoop and took my first shot, it wasn’t even close. He laughed again. He looked a lot better when he laughed instead of looking so serious. I took my second shot. He shouted, “Missed!” I turned around and gave him a look of disgust. He laughed even harder. Now I was focused more than ever. I tuned out his laughing and shot the ball. It hit the rim, and fell out. I almost made it. “You lose!” He laughed. “Whatever” I said, accepting my defeat. Who was I kidding? Never played basketball a day in my life. Always avoided basketball during PE. I began walking to my seat in the doorway, when he said, “Hey, I didn’t catch your name?” I smirked and sarcastically replied, “I never threw it.” His jaw dropped and he put his hand on his chest signifying I broke his heart. I laughed and walked to my seat. I was still upset. To him I would be a mystery. I will be the equipment manager. I just wanted him to hurry up and finish so that I could lock up and go to the Jazz Moon to see Anastasia’s performance.

What's Happening?

 Just like I thought, that jerk took his sweet time to leave the gym. I was going to be late for the performance. I was finally able to lock the gym up at 7:15pm. I still had to head back to my dorm and change into the awesome outfit Stacey picked for me and do something nice with my hair. I had to do all of that and try to make it there my 7:30pm. All of this for some show off. All this guy was doing was shooting the ball and doing all these fancy tricks with ball. I caught him a few times looking back at me to see if I was looking. I was not impressed. I wanted to drag him out the gym. He could tell that I was angry. I literally felt heat running through my body but then eventually cool down when he decided to wait for me to lock up the gym so that I wouldn’t be myself. He kept trying to start conversation with me, and offered to walk me to my dorm. I guess he started to realize that he was wrong for holding me hostage in the gym. I declined his request. I didn’t want him to see me running. I wanted to make it on time. Anastasia could potentially be the first friend I make; I didn’t want to mess that up. I eventually made it back to my dorm. It was almost 7:30 that last time I checked my phone. I jumped in the shower for about 30 seconds and hopped right out. I nearly slipped and cracked my head open at the rate I was going. Stacey gave me an outfit that she recently bought but didn’t really like anymore. It was a cute fall on the shoulder black top and with a pair of ripped gray skinny jeans. She also let me borrow some of her accessories. Silver hoop earrings, a black choker, and a pair of black sandal wedges. I cannot walk in heels but could walk in the wedges. When I put the entire outfit on, she told me to apply some eyeliner and some of her pink lip gloss and leave my hair down. I somewhat trusted her and did exactly as she said. I washed my hair in the shower, so I detangled in and added some moose so my natural curls would be free and not frizzy. It would eventually dry by the time I got to the Jazz Moon. When I checked the time on the phone, it was 8:07pm. Oh my God. I most likely missed everything, but I still had to go. I glanced at myself in the mirror quickly and couldn’t believe the person I saw. Who was that? She looked hot. She looked like she belonged. Despite the fact my hair was all wet; I loved the girl that I was looking at in the mirror. Stacey has talent. I wondered if fashion was her major. How did she know what was going to look good on me? After how she treated me, why was she even willing to help me like this? Maybe this was a way to make up for treating me unfairly. Whatever the reason was though, I am super happy and super late. Before I could go though, one last tip she told me was to lose the glasses. I took them off and put it on my night stand. Everything looked blurry. I have never gone anywhere without my glasses. I hope that I don’t regret this.



What was I thinking leaving my glasses behind? It was now 8:39pm. It took me almost 30 minutes to get to this place because I could barely see a thing and it was dark out. By the time I realized that I made a stupid decision, it was going to take more time to go back and get my glasses. I had to just deal with it. Boy that was rough.  The Jazz moon was full of people.  This was bad because I didn’t know anyone there except Ana, and I could barely see a thing. How was I going to find her?  I walked to the cashier and asked her where the bathroom was. She pointed to a sign that was fuzzy in my eyes. That was my escape until I could figure out a plan. As I walked to the bathroom, I heard someone say my name. “Juliette! Hey girl!”  I was so relieved that it was Ana! “I’m glad you came! You look great!” Ana said while approaching me and then giving me a hug. She made me feel a thousand times better, not only at the fact that I couldn’t see, but I was also super late, and she said I looked great. “Sorry I’m late. Did I miss your performance?” I asked.  “Yeah you did. But no worries girly, there will be lots more.” Ana replied. I still felt bad for missing her performance and wanted to tell her about my hostage situation.  “I would have been on time, but some jerk..” I started to say and then got caught off by a male voice. “Ana baby!” the male voice said, and he walked over and gave Ana a huge hug to the point her feet lifted off the floor. “Jason! I’m so happy you’re here!” Ana replied in his grasp.  To my surprise, it was the jerk! My stomach did back flips. He released Ana from his hug and turned and looked directly at me. “Excuse, my rude brother. This is...” Ana started to say before Jason cut her off. “We met.” He said. “Oh.” Ana said. “Well she was just about to tell me about some jerk.” Ana laughed.  My stomach was on the floor. “Oh...Sorry for interrupting your conversation. I would love to hear about this jerk.” Jason smirked. This was not happening right now. “Um...It’s nothing serious. Maybe some other time.” I quickly responded. He knew I was talking about him. What are the odds? “So you two are related?” I asked. Well duh, she did say brother. “No, he isn’t really my brother. But he is like the brother I never had and always looks out for me.” Ana said giving him a nudge on his arm. Oh. I looked at Jason and he still had that smirk on his face. He was making me feel real uncomfortable. I quickly looked back at Ana, I think she could feel the awkwardness. I was searching for something to say, and Ana beat me to it. “So, I’m going to go mingle with a few people.  Jason, why don’t you get her a drink? I’ll catch you guys later.” She said before walking away. I watched her walk away and disappear into the crowd. I didn’t want to look at Jason. I could feel him staring at me with that stupid smirk on his face. “So you think I am a jerk, huh?” Jason asked.  Yes you are, I thought to myself.  “I’m sorry you felt that way, I wasn’t trying to be sweetheart.” He continued. Only my dad and grandparents call me sweetheart. I was in shock and was speechless. I didn’t know what to say. “So what do you want to drink?” He asked. “Um, I’m okay right now. Thanks.” I finally replied. I looked at him. My eyes fell into his. He was staring at me, and now I couldn’t break my own stare. “You look nice.” He smiled. I glanced away from his gaze and smiled. “Thanks” I replied. “Can we start over?” He asked. I instantly thought déjà vu. First my psycho roommate, now him. I looked at him again. He was really handsome. He was wearing a v-neck t-shirt and jeans, with some very stylish and clean sneakers. He looked relaxed. He looked like a fun person to be around. I liked his smile. I liked his eyes. He was tall. “Ok.” I replied. He smiled again. I gushed. “So what is your name pretty girl?” he asked. I smiled. “Juliette and yours?” That was reflex. I already knew his name. I was just super nervous now. “I’m Romeo.” He laughed. We both then laughed together. “My name is Jason. Some of my friends call me Jay.” He answered after he stopped laughing.  “Oh ok. Some of my friends call me Jules.” I replied. “I like that. For now on, I’m calling you Jules.” He smiled. I smiled back. Once again, I didn’t know what to say. My mind was going 1000 miles a second. This was the same guy I wanted to drag out of the gym. Was he flirting with me now? Did he really think I was pretty? Is that why Ana left? Did she pick up on that? He wants to be my Romeo. He can be my Romeo. “Hey Julie!” I hear another male voice say. What was happening? I looked to see who it was, but my vision was blurry. As the male got closer, I realized who it was. “Hey Sebastian!” I think I sounded a bit too excited to see him.  “Hey Julie. Jason. ”Sebastian replied.  That was a friendly hello to me. Not so friendly to Jason. “Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian, what’s going on bro?” Jason said. This was weird. They know each other, but it did not seem like they were friends. “Not much.” Sebastian replied awkwardly. Jason now looked annoyed. “How do you know Jules?” Jason asked. “I know all the pretty girls.”Sebastian quickly responded back. Jason looked at him, shook his head, and gave a little laugh. “Oh really? That’s why you joined the cheerleading team?” Jason asked. I could see Sebastian face turn red. These guys are not friends. “How about you and my cousin mind your business, ok?” Sebastian snapped.  Jason threw his hands in the air and laughed. “I’ll catch you some other time Jules.” Jason then walked over and kissed me on the cheek. “Hope to see you around.” He said and walked away. I gushed more but then felt guilty because Sebastian was standing there looking at me. “Are you okay?” I asked Sebastian.  “Yeah, that’s my cousin’s best friend. Their so annoying.” He replied. Then I remembered the day I met him, when he was telling me about his cousin and talked about not being gay. These guys probably tease him a lot for being on the cheerleading squad. I wanted to detour the conversation. “So what brings you here Sebastian?”  I asked. Instantly I saw Sebastian get nervous. “I uh, I was walking around and saw this event. So I um, I um decided to stop by.” He said nervously. Why did he get so nervous? Do I make him nervous?  Without even saying anything else, he then said, “Hey, I got to go.” And just rushed into the crowd and out the door. That was weird.



I had a very eventful day, and I was exhausted, but I wouldn’t change a thing. It felt great to come in after Stacey. So after the weird encounter with Sebastian, I sat down at a table and ordered a soda and just browsed through my phone enjoying the great music. I saw Ana, she was really mingling with lots of people. She is very popular. I felt honored to be invited to her performance although I totally missed it. She said that there would be others, so I had to make sure I didn’t miss that. Anyway, I saw that Stacey was there with the head cheerleader Heather and Bianca. I was sitting by myself and thought about walking over there and joining them, since me and my roomie were on good terms. But I could not strike up the nerve to do it. I was still unsure about Stacey, and definitely wasn’t sure how Heather and Bianca felt about me. They were laughing a lot and seemed like they were having a great time, I didn’t want to intrude. At that point I started to feel like a loner. No one was sitting by themselves. As I browsed around the room, I spotted Jason standing with a few guys. I smiled replaying our previous conversation, and then he turned and looked right at me, which totally freaked me out. It was as if he heard my thoughts.  I quickly looked away. Has he been watching me the whole time? I smiled again. “Girl, what are you doing sitting by yourself?” Ana said as she approaching the table. How embarrassing? “Don’t really know anybody.” I shrugged. “Well you know me!” Ana shouted over the music. I smiled and before I could have another thought, Ana grabbed my arm and said “Let’s do Karaoke!”She yanked me out of my seat and I started to plead with her. “No no no! That’s ok Ana! Maybe some other time.” But she ignored my plea. Next thing I know is that we were on the stage. O..h my God. All eyes were on us. Including Stacey, Heather, and Bianca. Even Jason. Help! Now my palms were sweaty. I was extremely nervous. I didn’t want to embarrass myself. I was trying to redeem myself tonight. Not make myself look worse. Especially not in front of all these people! “Fergalicious or Genie in the bottle?” Ana asked. “Neither. I can’t do this Ana.” I replied. I felt so not cool. “Pick!” Ana replied. I panicked. “Genie in a bottle!” I quickly replied. Ana laughed. “Fergalicious it is!” Wait! What? No! I knew the song but couldn’t remember the words. I knew all the words to Genie in the bottle.  Next thing I know, Ana is telling the DJ that are about to kick off Karaoke singing Fergalicious. I felt like I was going to be sick, and heard the music cut off. The DJ got on the mic to introduce us. This was really happening. “So we going to kick off some Karaoke starting with some sexy mamacita’s Anastasia and Juliette and they going to sing FERGALICIOUS!” The crowd roared. My heart was racing. Ana handed me a mic and mouthed to me “Breathe”.  I took her advice and tried to breathe. “Just have fun.” She said and the music kicked on. The  DJ started rapping, “Listen up y’all, cause this is it. The beat that I’m banging is the next shit.” Then Ana took it away, “Fergalicious definition, make them boys go loco..”  I watched as she sang, danced and laughed and still couldn’t believe that this was happening.  She was having so much fun with it. I couldn’t help but to laugh and finally join in. I was in chorus before and I sang in the mirror all time, I could do this.


We laughed and giggled. I stumbled through the words but I survived and had a great time at the same time. Just being up there with Ana made me feel at ease. Plus everyone’s face was still a little blurry since I didn’t bring my glasses. The crowd loved us though. I heard a few people singing along with us. They cheered and applauded when we were done. I can’t believe that I did that and couldn’t believe how much fun it was! I wanted to do it again. Ana and I got off the stage and I immediately hugged her. We both laughed. "That was so much fun! I can't believe I did that!" I shouted. Ana smiled, "I knew you could do it girl. It's all fun. Everyone is here having fun." She was right. Other people started looking up songs to participate in karoke. I could tell that Jazz Moon was the hangout spot. I still could not believe that I didn't fall on my face or did not get boo'd off the stage. I just couldn't stop smiling. I was knocked out of thoughts when Ana yanked my arm again. "Let's go chat with a couple of my buddies." When I realized she was dragging me towards Jason, my stomach dropped and he already made eye contact. I had no time to protest. He was standing there with another guy who didn't take his eyes off Ana for one second as we walked towards them. Was that her boyfriend? "Well well, if it's not delicious and ta-ta tasty tasty" he joked. "How about you get up there and show us what you got Shawn?"  Ana replied. Shawn grabbed his throat, "I dont want to outshine you guys with my vocals" he smiled and winked. "Whatever!" Ana blurted charging toward him as he laughed and tried to hide behind Jason. Shawn stopped her attacks and gave her a hug and kissed her on the forehead. I melted. That was the cutest thing. I stood there watching them in awe. I wanted that. You could feel the chemistry between them two. Ana and Shawn started chatting away, not paying attention to me and Jason standing there. Thats when I felt Jasosn staring at me. My stomach dropped again and I felt heat rush through my body. I was afraid to turn to look at him but I wanted to. I wanted him to see that I caught him staring. I wanted to connect to his gaze. I turned and looked at him. He was smiling. "You're full of surprises Ms. Jules." I smiled back, "Why do you say that?" Then he walked closer to me. My heart started speeding up. He was really close to me. "Thought you were a shy girl." I laughed. A nervous laugh. "I am. I am shy." I replied. He shook his head. "No, no your sexy." Someone catch me, I thought I was about to faint.

My Night

Stacey is passed out in bed. I think this is the first night we both will actually sleep in the same room. This feels nice. Couldn't believe that I was the one awake and she was sleeping though. I just had such a great night, I couldn't stop reminscing. I sat there on my bed fully clothed day dreaming. So after Jason told me that I was sexy, I blushed and became mute. I had nothing to say. My mind was going crazy, and waves of flutters were going through my body. I think he noticed because then he put his arm around me and asked Ana what we were planning to do after we leave Jazz Moon. Ana shrugged, " I don't know, what are you guys getting into?". Shawn chimmed in and said, "It's a nice night for the beach." Jason then looked down at me and said, "You want to go to the beach?". I was still mute. I was so nervous, I looked at Ana for the answer. I think she understood. "I'm down" Ana replied. That is when I finally said something "Okay." Jason smiled and said, "Let's go. I'll drive." He kept his arm around me as we walked out. I was so nervous. I felt like I was going to mess this up big time. I have never been ths close to any guy. I've never gone to beach at night with a guy. Was this a double date? What were we going to do at the beach? Oh my God, I'm a virgin. I've never kissed anyone. What time was it? I barely know these people. Well, I knew Ana. Well, I barely knew Ana. I trusted her. She seemed like a person I could trust. Does Jason like me? Why was his arm still around me? Jason is very cute. He is sexy too. What does he possibly see in me? Is he trying to get in my pants? Oh geez, my mind again. I had 1 million questions. He had a very nice car. A four door black dodge charger. He finally took his arm around me and pulled out his keys to unlock the car. "Shotgun!" Shawn shouted as he dashed to te passenger side. Oh good, I would sit in the back with Ana. Maybe I could get my nerves together. I sat behind Jason on the drivers side and Ana sat behind Shawn. I looked at Ana after we put our seatbelts on and nervously smiled at her. She grabbed my hand and smiled, "It's cool. Don't worry." Wow. This girl knows me already. I smiled back at her and took in a deep breath and tried to calm my thoughts. Shawn turned the radio on and Jay-Z song 99 problems was playing. Shawn and Jason started rapping along. Ana laughed and joined in. I finally relaxed and decided to join the fun too. It was really a nice night. Our windows were rolled down and I had the nice breeze flowing through my hair, while we cruised down the streets blaring the radio, singing our lungs off. Once again, I was having fun. At one point I saw Jason adjust his rear view mirror. Maybe it was my mind but I think he adjusted it to look at me. He kept looking up at the mirror, and everytime he did I looked right back. He smiled. Then I smiled. Aw man, I like him. I'm gushing. I looked away from the mirror and looked out my window. After a few songs, we finally made it to the beach. Jason barely parked the car before Shawn and Ana ran out. I guess they were really excited. I watch them run onto the beach being very playful with each other. Shawn picked up her and tried to bring her into the water, and now they were wrestling in the sand. I laughed. Jason got out the car and opened my door. The looks he was giving me was making my heart race. He held his hand out to help me get out of the car. I took his hand, and with one tug, I was out. He was strong and I was very close to him. He pulled me closer and he closed the car door shut. Wonder if he heard or felt how fast my heart was going. Then he brushed some hair out of my face and he stared deeply into my eyes. Oh my God, I was going to go into cardiac arrest. What is going on here? What does he want from me? "I want to get to know you." He said as if he heard my thoughts. "What um, what do you want to know?" I found the nerve to reply as i backed into the car. He came in closer, and replied "Everythig" and touched my face again. God help me.


Let It Rain

 We talked for hours. He asked so many questions. I never had someone ask me so many questions before. He wanted to know about my childhood, and where my family was from. He asked me about high school and if I missed my friends back home. What friends? But I lied and said yes. I also left out the part of how fat I was and how lonely I felt in high school. I did not want him to see that side of me. I wanted him to think I was cool and popular. I wanted him to feel like I was a catch. Other then my father, I have never been close like this to any guy. I looked over towards the beach and saw Ana and Shawn sitting next to each other. They finally stopped play fighting and looks like they were doing the same thing we were. Just a few moments later we heard the rumble in the sky. No rain please, Go away rain. I did not want this night to end. I looked at Jason and he smirked. "Look like its going to pour down." No rain, go away. Just then I look over and see Ana and Shawn getting up, brushing the sand off their clothes. Maybe it was time to wrap up this amazing night. Ana shouted towards us from across the beach, "It's going to rain!" At that point it started drizzling, and then began to pour down. I could hear Ana shrek and Shawn starts to laugh. "Oh shoot!" Shawn shouts, while laughing and running to take cover. Jason runs towards the car door, and shouts at me, "Jules get in!" I smiled at him, and said "I'm not scared of no rain. Let it rain!" I laughed.  I could tell he was surprised at my statement because of the look he gave me. He slammed the car door shut and laughed. Thats when I started running towads the beach. Ana and shawn at first were confused to what was happeneing. They stopped running towards the car and joined me in this laughter and madness. When I looked back, Jason was right behind me joining in on the fun. "We better not get struck by lighting!" Ana stated twirling in the rain. "Let's get in the water!" Shawn shouted. I laughed and tried to ignore Shawns statement. I guess Jason picked up on the fact that I ignored Shawns statement and came up from behind me and pcked me up. He laughed and then said to me, "We're going in the water." I panicked, and then I laughed. He was so strong, and his grip was so tight. My feet were not touching the ground as he lead me to the water. "No, no wait" I pleaded and laughed. He then said "Why? We are already wet." I some how broke out of his grip and ran away from him. He started to chase me and caught me. I laughed so hard. I forgot he was an athlete. Did I really think I could escape? He grabs me by my arms and bear hugs me. We are so close now. He is looking deeply in my eyes and his smile begins to fade. I think he wants to kiss me. I want to kiss him. I could see the seriousness in his eyes. Oh my goodness. Is this about to happen? Am I going to get my first real kiss in the rain, all soaked and wet. My thoughts were going mad again. I started referring back to an article in Seventeen magazine saying I should not kiss on the first date. Was this a date? I don't know if we could consider this a date. I did not know what to do at the moment, and he was so serious, I could not hold the stare and looked away. He grabbed my face again and turned my face towards him again, and smiled at me. He leaned in and kissed me on my forehead. I melted. It seemed like he knew I was not ready to be kissed. I wanted to kick myself though because I think I was ready, but I let fear get a hold of me. He then released me from his grasp, and said "Hey Shawn, we have to go. Practice tomorrow morning." Shawn looked at his watch and said "Shoot, its almost 3 in the morning!" My parents would kill me if they knew I was out until 3 in the morning on a school night. What they don't know wont hurt them, and tonight was definetly a night to remember. We all headed back to the car and rode back to the school. We sat in the same seats, and I caught Jason looking at me a couple of times again through the rear view mirror. I smiled. He made me feel amazing. I prayed the connection we had would continue. Maybe he could be my Romeo. I gushed more at the thought.


Now I'm sitting on the bed in my wet clothes just reminscing the whole night, while my roomate is fast asleep. I want her to wake up so that I could tell her all about my night, but it is almost 4 in the morning and I'm sure she has class in the morning. I do to. First day of Chemistry. I know that I am going to need a huge cup of coffee to stay awake. Chemistry is not an easy class. I needed to get out of these wet and sandy clothes and hit the bed. I took a shower and got into my Pajamas. I had to gush some of my feeling into my journal, set my alarm, and fell fast asleep with probably the biggest smile on my face. What an amazing night.




 My alarm went off and I literally felt like I just laid my head on the pillow to fall asleep. When I finally struck up the nerve to snooze my alarm clock, I see my roomie in her bra and jeans in the closet searching for what I was assuming a blouse. I sit up and groan. "Good morning Stacey." She looks back and says, "Well good morning to you too. You look like hell." I felt like it to. I was so tired, and today was the first day of my chemistry class. Chemistry isn't easy. "Yeah I got back really late." I reply. "Oh yeah, what were you out doing? Or should I say who?" she jokes. "No no no, I was at the beach." She picks a t-shirt and puts it on. "That would explain your hair." She says sarcasticly. I instantly get up to look at myself in the mirror. I had a huge frizzball on my head. There was not enough time to straighten my hair before class at 9 am. I panicked. What if I see Jason going to class. I want him to still be interested in me, and not look at me like I was a huge dork. I was starting to freakout and started grabbing my hair to see if I can attempt to straighten it with my hands. I look back at Stacey and said "help" with a pouting face. "Ugh, you better not make me late. Sit." Stacey grabs a chair and a bottle of mousse from her dresser. "You're the best roomate ever." I say to sugar her up. "Yeah yeah." She replies. As she is detangling my hair and practically adding the whole bottle of mousse in my hair, I begin to tell her about my night. I told her that we all got stuck in the rain and we were carefree about it. "So, you like Jason huh?" she asked. I don't know why that question scared me so bad. Would she say something to him, maybe revealing the dork that I'm already am? Or tell him that she has been picking out my clothes and doing my hair and makeup. Was she really trying to be a friend? Did she like Jason? "I think hes hot." I say prematurely but wanted to kick myself after I said that. Stacey laughs and says, "Girl, you are not the only one." That sort of made me feel at ease. But wait, she thought he was hot too? "Don't worry though Juliette, he is not my type." That made me feel even better. I finally began to breathe like a normal person. She was done with my hair, she did a pretty french braid and made sure she pulled a few of my baby hairs out. I wish I could hire her to always do my hair. Then she added some concealer and foundation to cover the bags under my eyes. She yelled at me to keep still while she applied eyeliner to my eyes. "Open now" she says so bossy. "Great, now add this lip gloss to your lips and your good to go." she said with a smirk. I got up to apply the lipgloss and was amazed when I looked at myself again in the mirror. I was a new woman. I applied the lip gloss and I felt even more beautiful. Stacey grabbed her books and her bags and was almost out the door before I shouted, "Wait!" I made her jump alittle. "What happened? Oh my goodness." she sounded annoyed. Feeling embarassed I said, "What will I wear?". Stacey sighs, "You dont have to dress up for class. Borrow my blue hoodie, with some skinny jeans, and sneakers or sandals. You will look cute, but wont look like your trying to hard." she winks at me and then walks out the door. I was so happy and I was praying that I would run into Jason today. 


Stacey was right. Almost everyone wore a hoodie and looked comfortable. I felt comfrortable and confident at the same time. This is something I am not used to, and I am loving it. I got to class alittle earlier to make sure I would get a seat. This was a Chemistry lab class, so I picked a table where no one was sitting. Didn't want to force myself on anyone who was already sitting at te othe tables. I've always liked science so I was actually excited for this class. I had a feeling that Jason would not be in this class since he told me that he was majoring in Bussiness Administration but I was hoping I could run into him after class. Later this afternoon I had to be a cheer practice and help them with the equipment, possibly I might see him then. I felt at ease in this classroom because I felt like if you were taking chemistry, you were as dorky as me. I could be as dorky as I wanted to be and no one would know. I smiled. My plan was to get and A in this class. I grabbed one of the syallabus that was already on the desk and started to look at when all the exam days were and when the assignments would be due when I was startled by a male voice. "Hey gym cutie. Is this seat taken?" My heart raced, when I looked up it was Cameron from the gym. He was real charming that night at the gym. But Heather warned me to avoid him. She said he was trouble and a big flirt. "No. No one sitting here." I said alittle flustered. He was handome. "Great!" he says with a smile and takes off his back pack and plops down in the seat right next to me. He leaned in closer to me and said, "Whats is your name beauty?" Oh yeh, he is definetly a flirt. "Juliette." I smiled. I am such a dork. "You have a pretty smile. I'm Cameron. I remember you from the other night, but got chased out my the cheer monsters before I was able to get your name. First year?" He said. I know I was blushing. I could feel it. I was in my head trying to keep cool. "Yeah, this is my first year. Sorry I could not let you in the gym last night." I replied. "It's all good. I know it was not your fault. So, what is your major?" He asked. "Nursing. How about you?" WHat the heck was he even doing in here. He was an athlete. Would never expect him to be in my Chemistry class. "Pre-Med." he says and my jaw almost drops. "You want to be a doctor?" I reply with amazement. He chuckles, "Not all Jocs are dumb and want to play sports professionally." Ouch, hope I didn't offend him. "It's okay, you not the first person to have the reaction." He laughs almost as if he heard my thoughts. I felt my cheeks get warm. "sorry.." I reply. "Your good." he smiles. "Maybe we could be study buddies?" he asks and before I could reply, the teacher walks into the room and begins to introduce himself. The answer was yes! I would love to be Camerons study buddy.




Texte: Melissa Gaston
Bildmaterialien: Melissa Gaston
Lektorat: Karine Gaston
Übersetzung: Chantal Gaston
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2012

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