

We, I , we, whatever, walked on through the steep hills of the canyons. The sand was hot as a mother fucking hellhole. Shit, I was beginning to think that this was hell. Yet while all this was going on, I was still confused on my situation.
We were now in Utah, sadly yet gladly away from the Rocky Mountain pack. I was a little heart sick from how me and my ex-lover, Jace (alpha of the pack), had ended. And now, I was going to California, to meet the vampire king, with my newly changed werewolf vampire, Marco.
Worst part about it? We were walking there. I didn’t know how to drive but that damnation of a bastard Marco could but he didn’t have any money.
“ I really want to swat you, Marco, swat you and stick you in a huge piece of amber.” I told him annoyingly. I was panting and sweating like a stuffed chicken. I hadn’t showered for days and all that we had to eat was frickin’ lizard meat, plants, and dirty ass water. It was barely the afternoon and the frickin’ ass hat of a sun was beating down on us, whipping us with lasers of heat. Yeah, really not my best day.
“ My apologies, my lady, I wish I had some way to comfort you. But don’t worry, we’re almost there.” he told me.
I smacked him upside the head the moment he stopped talking. He yelped in pain a little, rubbing his head.
“ I told you not to call me that, Marco. You want me to call you a frickin’ dumb dung beetle?” I asked him irritated by now that he still hadn’t gotten that in his head.
“ My apologies, my la— Nina, I did not mean to anger you. Forgive me.” he said, his head down now.
Marco has been believing that I’m the vampire king’s lost daughter ever since he had escaped rabidhood and returned back to a normal, but scarred, werewolf. The only way I could unbound him from Master was to kill him and then return him to life, but as part vampire. He is now a made were-vamp, like me only not.
You see I’m part part wolf, part vampire, which means I only have a few things that I have inherited from both. Plus, I was naturally born this way. Marco, on the other hand was a werewolf before I turned him, my first changeling (made vamp). Now, as far as I know and think, he’s a full wolf that has full vampire aspects, totally different from me. Either way, we had about the same strength now, though he’s stronger than me. Damn bastard.
“ Do you want to rest?” he asked me.
“ No, you think, you big piece of hellhole slug juice?” I said sarcastically.
He frowned, looking sad at my wards. Ah hell shit pit, he looked like he was feeling sad. I didn’t like seeing Marco sad. He was my first changeling so I didn’t know how our bond and relationship worked. But since he was supposedly one of the vampire king’s guardian warrior, he knew a few things of how this thing worked.
“ Sorry to snap at you, kid, I’m just tired and hungry for real meat and I seriously need a shower,” I held my arms up swatting out little area with stink, “ Look at that, I think that if I don’t shower flies will start thinking me as a traveling hotel. Dung beetles with crawl up my ass soon, too.” I told him.
Marco laughed at that and just lied down on the sandy ground. We were in the grand canyon. A log way from the Rocky Mountains, which took us about a week or two to cross over.
“ Do not worry, once I get to a public telephone, I’ll call the king to ask if he could pick us up.” he said. I looked at him as if he was a poor delusional kid. Poor, poor kid.
“ Oh shit no, you will not get even close to a phone. We’re going to my FWB’s place.” I told him.
“ FWB?” he asked.
I smacked him on the arm. “ It means friends with benefits. He was the first guy I had met when I got out of Master’s grimy hands.” I explained, “ He was the one who taught me and took a lot of my fear away.”
He ached and nodded, as if knowing what I meant, which might be a lie to keep me happy. So far, his lie was working.
“ So what is this friend called?” he asked, curious.
“ I’ll tell you later. All you need to know is that he’s the famous Silent Assassin.” I told him.
Marco choked a little, probably by his tongue. His eyes got really wide and big. It looked as if he was the eye eye, you know, the animal eye eye. It was very amusing but I said nothing.
“ You mean The Silent Assassin? The legit, real person?” he asked.
I nodded, realizing what I had just done. He wasn’t supposed to know about him. But then, he’s mu changeling so I’ll be able to force him not say anything about it.
“ Yeah, but you can’t tell anyone. If you do, we’ll slit your throat ourselves.” I told him.
He nodded. “ He’s the king’s most wanted person but I’ll do as my la— Nina wishes.” he said, catching himself. I nodded in approval.
“ He was the one who took me in when I was battered and he’s taught me not to fear. Plus, he’s my FWB so he’s a very important person to me.” I said, sighing in exhaustion.
Marco looked down at me with a weird expression. I looked up at him, still loving what I saw. Marco’s eyes were deep and black, unlike his wolf’s eyes, which are bright yellow. He had super light brown skin, on the boarder of being peachy-tan white. His dark brown hair covered his eyes, which didn’t really look good on him but he at least did look cute. His jaw bones were sharp and his chin was slightly pointy. He had a normal looking nose and long, slightly thin, pink lips. He was well built too, his shoulders slightly broad and big muscles coming from his shirt sleeves. He was very attractive.
He was looking down at me, as if he was checking me out too. I smiled at that, extremely amused at how he assessed me.
“ You like what you see?” I asked him.
He turned red, then.
“ My apologies Nina, I did not mean to stare at you.” he said.
I laughed and just ruffled his hair as id he was a small child.
“ You don’t have to apologize for every little thing. Only apologize when I say so, okay?” I said.
I stopped there, thinking of my words for a moment. Well hell bell, I just sounded bitchy bossy just now. I so didn’t like it.
After about what seemed like about an hour or so, we got back up and began to walk once more. The sun was still as hot as a boiling water trying to kill a frigging frog. If I was a frog right now, I’d be steamed and dead.
“ Tell me why we’re not walking as wolves again?” I asked him.
“ Because, my la— Nina, wolves don’t live in the Utah canyons and our fur absorbs heat so we could have heatstroke and probably die. We’ll be able to shift and move faster once night falls.” He told me.
“ See, thats where my problem is. I don’t want to be here when night falls. Once we get to the closest thing called civilization, I’ll use the pay phone and call my friend to pick us up. We can stay at his place for a while before we go back to see the king.” I told him.
“ Are you sure your friend will be okay for me to stay there with you?” he asked, concerned.
I liked that, him being worried about not being together. It was cute in a were-vamp way.
“ If I say so, he will and if not, I’ll punch his ass until he accepts. Either way, tonight I will be clean and sleep like a bear.” I told him.
“ Right.” he said, nodding.
I patted his pack and we kept going.

I was very dehydrated and weak and hungry as hell’s ass wanting to fart. But the good thing was that by the time night came, we had found a small town and a pay phone. I was so happy that I actually fell to the side of a light post and began to kiss and caress it. I was that grateful. Some people stopped to watch me and one even photographed me. I didn’t care. I was just glad I was among walking blood bags.
Later, Marco dragged me to the nearest gas station. I went in and asked if I could borrow some change to use the pay phone. I must have been as dirty as a homeless dog with flees up its ass because he gave me a pitying look and gave me the change. I wanted to bite his head off, suck him dry (ha ha, not, not that way you sickos) and then fry his body just to fill me belly. I was glad that I still had high standards, well, what was left of it anyways, to stop myself and leave him.
Marco was waiting for me by the pay phone. I got there and put the change inside. I then dialed his cell number and waited until he answered. I didn’t wait long.
“ Hello, Dr. Awesome talking. Who this?” he asked. Boy, he never changed.
“ Hello Dr. Awesome, Dr. Kick your ass speaking.” I told him.
My friend was quiet for a moment before answering me.
“ Its been a long time since you called me, Nina. You okay? You in trouble. Geez, you loser, why haven’t you called me? Kept me up to date? I want to kill you so bad right now.” he told me.
Marco growled low in throat, not really liking how my friend had threatened me.He wasn’t the only one. I told him that.
“ You ain’t the only one, dude, but I’d love to see you try.” I told my friend.
“ Who’s with you? Is that a wolf or someone chasing you?” he asked, his tone had changed from relaxed to serious and concerned. Somethings never change.
“ I’ll tell you get here. Now hurry up before I freeze to death.” I told him.
I was feeling like popsicle. If he didn’t hurry up he’ll have to lick me to unfreeze me, which won’t be that disturbing since I would kind of like him to do that to me, frozen or not.
“ Nina?” he yelled over the phone.
I held out the phone as far away from my ear as I could. That brought me back to earth. My ears rang from the yell gave me. I realized I should have called him the old yeller the moment I saw him. Poor, poor, old yeller.
Marco didn’t like that either. He suddenly growled and almost took the phone from me before I slapped his hand away.
“ I’m here, you ruffled up rooster.” I yelled back at him.
“ Whatever, sorry, whatever, where are you?” he asked.
I looked over my surrounding, trying to find the name of the highway that passed through here. Marco went running around then came back in a flash.
“ I-70” was all he said. I nodded and told him a muted thank you.
“ The first, or last town in Utah, by the Grand Canyon, the high way is I-70. Enough info, ruffled up rooster?” I asked, a little sarcasm in my tone.
“ Shut up, stop calling me that. I’m on my way right now so don’t you dare move.” my friend said before hanging up.
“ Like I would dream of it. I probably will though since I’m tired as hell.” I said to myself.
“ What do we do now?” He asked me.
“ We wait.” I told him, sitting down under the phone’s pole.
“ Great.” Marco said sarcastically serious. That amused me, making my day.
I guess I was rubbing off on the kid.


“ I’m definitely told him to hurry up. Guess somethings never change.” I said.
“ Is your friend usually late?” he asked.
“ When he’s not on a job? Yes.” I told him.
Marco nodded.
I was about to call him again when something caught my attention. It was a car that was coming towards us, it had come from the mountains. I wanted to know who it was but I was too tired and lazy to even bother check who it was.
Marco didn’t watch it either, flowing my lead.
“ Damn humans really don’t know that driving in the middle of nowhere can kill them.” I said.
“ They don’t know we exist, Nina.” he yawned out.
“ You’re right but still.” I said.
I was going to try to sleep when something caught me off guard. Five minutes after the car had passed, I felt a slight chill. I knew not to actually ignore it because my senses were telling me that there was something really bad was going to happen.
And it did because just as I was going to look around me, people stepped out of the darkness. They were all covered in magic, as far as I could tell and smell. Magic was something I never liked to smell. It was irritating and made my nose itch making it very difficult to smell other things.
There were three girls and two guys. The three girls wore the same type of black bras and black skinny jeans. The only way I could tell the difference was that one girl had brown hair, the other had red hair, and the last had blond hair.They all had no shoes on. Two of the girls were vampires while the third was a werewolf. The two guys were twins with only jeans that covered them. They were both witches.
And the worse part of all was that the last person that came out had come out from behind me.
“ Hello, Nina, Marco, I’ve missed you both greatly, Especially you, Nina.” said a man from behind me. Marco and I froze in place.
It was our old master, Master.
We both stood up quickly and turned to him. Marco snarled in rage that was building up in him. I was angry as well.
“ What the fuck do you want, you fucking whack job.” I snarled to him.
Master was short for a man. He was about three quarters inches shorter than Marco. He had also gained a little weight. The man had blonde hair that was whitening. He had on a huge jacket that cored most of his clothing except for his tan pants. His eyes were beady small and his nose was immensely larger than she remembered. Master was a witch, a warlock. And a black one, making him a very strong man for all his shortness.
The mother fucking bastard had found us.
“ Why did you leave me, Nina? Come back to me.” he told me, trying to act the sweetest he could.
“ I’d rather die and rot in hell full of half mad demons than return to your ass hat of a place.” I snarled at him.
Guess he didn’t like it because his face had turned to anger. Too bad his anger was the size of an ant’s crap scat compared to Marco’s fury. He wasn’t the only one.
“ Then I have no choice but to kill the rabid and take you by force.” he told me.
“ I’d like to see you try you literally mother fuckin’ bastard who doesn’t know his face from his ass.” I told him.
“ Get them, my dears.” he told the others before standing back. The others came forward to us. The guys walked while the girls ran.
We began to attack as well. One of the girls lunged towards me before being struck back by Marco. He was furious that they attempted to hurt me. I was going to kick him for trying to protect me but thought better of it. He tried to help and i had no reason to hit him except for being utterly stupid.
I walked to where Master was sitting, wanting to claw him to death. I was snarling furious. My sister wolf had come out to play as well because I could feel her anger as well. In seconds, our minds became one and I saw the world in both her and my eyes. We were at our highest. Our anger mixed, making us determined to give the Master a slow death.
The two twins came towards me, their hands touched, then they pointed their free hand towards me. I knew this wasn’t good. When two witches tried to elevate their power, they would usually hold hands.
I moved out of their ways as fast as I could, which was pretty damn fast. Tweedledee and tweedledum missed. I then ran as fast as my human legs could towards them. I growled as I gave the twin on my left the most powerful right hook I could muster.
I heard his head snap before falling to the ground, either unconscious or dead. The other one grabbed my by y hair and pulled. He then began to burn my skin to where his other hand touched my belly. I growled ferociously and began punched him in the neck. His grip on me faltered, giving me the chance to pull free.
I then felt pane from my scalp and as I stood right up again, I saw that the stupid bastard hell’s pet had taken a chance of my hair with him. Oh. Fucking. Hell. No.
I grabbed the guy as quick as I could then made my claws come out from y fingers. I then scratched his face and slit his throat with four of my claws. He went down instantly as his blood sprayed in my face. I took his neck and as quick as I could I drank had of his blood.
He wouldn’t come back.
I then turned to where I was going. The freaking pea sized dickhead was trying to escape quietly. I followed him. He wasn’t leaving. Not on my grandfather clock watch.
I ran towards him, going faster than before because of the blood. My wolf was making my eyes go red as well as my vision. But before I could reach him, someone pulled my hair, hard, making me almost fall to the ground. I caught myself by tightly grabbing the female vampire’s boob. She screamed as if she was in a horror movie, which right now, she was.
I punched her in the ribs, but that didn’t do much anger her. Her eyes were turning red but that didn’t scare me because, unlike her, I was much stronger. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down on the ground, using as much as my strength so that she would hit her head. She did. I then took the secret wooden and silver knife out of my waist band, where it was kept secretly hidden from any eyes. I then slashed her throat. But it wasn’t before she got to my neck and bit me hard. It felt horrible. To others that aren’t vampires, the bite is mostly pleasurable but since I was a vamp, it hurt as if she had bitten my ass with her shitty eating mouth.
I took her throat and smashed her back into the ground and jammed the knife deep into her heart. It took a few seconds before the knife hit the heart. Eventually, it did and she quickly died, turning to a rotten body of skeletons, which would turn to ash the moment the sun touched her dead body.
I looked back to where Master once was. He was gone but I knew he wasn’t that far off since i could still smell his horse farting scent. I quickly made my way to him, running as fast as I could. Since I was a vamp and a were, it wasn’t really hard for me to catch up to the frigid bastard.
In seconds, I was right in front of the Master.
“ Did you really think that you could leave without even bothering to fight me?” I asked him, not really wanting an answer.
“ If you wish. Just know that’ll you be coming with me either way, tonight.” he told me.
He then held his hands out and thrust them at me. He had made a deep slash in my collar bone. I didn’t bother to look how deep it was. It would take a few minutes for it to recover. For the time being, I was going to lose a little blood.
“ You did not just do that.” I growled under my breath. I ran back to him and hit him in the stomach as hard as I could, he fell with an oomph as he landed on the ground on his back. I quickly jumped on top of him and was about to slit his throat when he caught me by surprise. He pressed his hand into my stomach and in seconds, I felt something terrible. I had a high tolerance of pain since it was the only good thing, beside being a good sex mate, that had come out of actually being in his hell hole of a demon’s ass cell, full of shit and disgusting fumes. Not even joking.
The thing felt horrible but I knew I could tolerate it long enough for me to finish him off. I made my claws come out again and slashed him in the face.
“ That is for Marco.” I began.
I then grabbed him from his stinky, dirty ass balls that were so small it might as well have been a cricket’s penis and made holes in them.
He cried out in agony but that didn’t make me stop.
“ That one is for me.” I snarled at him.
I then placed my knife by his throat and put my face very close to his face, letting him hear my deep growls and my scrunched up face, showing him how much hatred and fury and disgust I had for him. I was still seeing red, still connected with Sister which made me at my highest point of strength.
“ And this one is for every girl’s lives you have fucked with.” I said to him the deepest voice I could muster.
Just as I was about to slice his throat open, he pressed both his hands on my stomach, whispered something, and shoved me away. I flew backwards, hitting my back into a tree. It hurt more than anything. It wasn’t all about my back but my stomach hurt like hell.
I could feel something moving from inside my stomach, giving me pain. I roared in misery of how the little monsters inside me were moving. It felt as if they were tearing me from the inside out.
I was down on my hands and knees. It took all my strength to look up, trying to find the damn bloody bastard. I couldn’t see him, meaning that he was gone, again.
That made my pain worse. I then dropped to the ground, losing more and more strength and energy by each passing minute. I heard someone call my name from far away but I couldn’t identify of who it was.
I tried to keep my eyes open, and tried to stay conscious but I knew I was losing the battle. Sister was whining but I couldn’t hear her well. She sounded farther off and away as seconds passed by.
Someone then took my and heaved me. Since I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer, I used my nose to identify who was holding me. I found that the one who was carrying me was the vampire assassin, my ex-lover and friend.
“ Evin.” I whispered to him.
“ Shh, my love, I’m here.” he told me in the softest voice I had ever heard from him.
I couldn’t really see him well because my vision was going black.
“ Marco.” I told him, trying to tell him that he was with me.
“ He’s alright, my sweet love.” he told me as he walked towards something. Probably his car.
“ How did you know?” I asked him with the last strength that I had.
“ Beside him fighting the nasty vamp bitches? He smelled like you, like your blood. You turned him, I presume?” he asked.
I couldn’t answer him anymore. I was beginning to drift into unconsciousness faster and faster. I was panicking from inside, trying to force my body to stay connected with me but I failed miserably because my body felt like a ton of lead.
“ Stay with me, babe.” he whispered to me.
He was starting to sound farther and farther away. I didn’t like that. I could barely hear my wolf by this time.
“ How is she?” Marco asked.
I was both glad and relieved that he was alive. I tried to answer him but suddenly a horrible thing happened. I felt the flesh tearing worm monster inside of me move. But it didn’t feel like he was the only one.
That gave me the final and remaining energy that I had left in my body to actually scream format he top of my lungs in pain. I groaned in agony as the darkness was devouring me once more. I was terrified yet relieved.
Relieved that both Marco and Evin were with me. Terrified, though, because I felt as if I was dying. The monsters moved inside me, not leaving my stomach. I couldn’t scream anymore because I had used everything I had.
“ Nina? Nina!” I heard both men say to me. The placed me down but I didn’t feel it anymore. I was done. I felt as if I was dying.
Dying wasn’t like in the movies. It wasn’t as if my life flashed before my eyes. It was more like thinking the last words before leaving. I regretted not killing Master. I wished I had more time to do everything I wanted to do. But those weren’t my last words.
My last words were:
Mother moon, please, I beg with all my soul to keep the people I love safe.
And I finally, the darkness devoured me whole, not leaving me with anything but pure, peaceful darkness.


“Help her!”
The vampire-werewolf growled to the other man.
“ I’m trying you dimwitted asshole!” The vampire retorted, angry as can be.
“ If you don’t help her I swear to mother moon that you’ll pay dearly.”
“ Ah, shut your shit eating trap, freak, I’m not a healer. She’s going to be fine, asshole. How do I know this? Because she’s been in worse shape. Now, let me do my job and quit bothering me!”
“ Thank you, finally. Now, come help me heal her.” The vampire said, his voice now calm.
The werewolf vampire went to him. One held the hybrid’s left wrist while the other held her right.
“ Now, when I count to three I want you to let her feed off of you. I’ll be drinking her blood to cleanse it but when I sense the creepers inside her try to get in me, I want you to switch. You do the same until she wakes.” he says.
“ How will I know when the dark wants to put some of itself in me?” the werewolf asked.
“ You’ll know. You’re a vampire so you’ll know.” the vampire said.
They both nodded and began to count. On the third finger,they began their plan. They worked quickly.
The pure vampire bit into the girl’s pail wrist and began to drink. The werewolf vampire slit his wrist. At that moment, the girl’s hand flew out to grab his wrist. The wolf bit his tongue to swallow the scream of pain he had. He hadn’t known that the girl was so very strong.
Both men looked down at the girl’s face but her eyes were still closed and her heart was still not beating. She moving for the wrist was just a reflex all vampires had when they are starved. She took the wolf’s wrist, held it to her mouth, and bit. She began to drink. And drink. And drink.
“ Wow, she’s a fast drinker.” The werewolf vampire huffed out, already out of breath. The other vampire nodded. The vampire then stopped sucking and both men switched roles. On the girl’s second drink of the vampire, she stopped for a few seconds before…

There was pain in my chest. I didn’t know what was going on but the dark was leaving quickly. I suddenly snapped back into the world. I immediately sat up and pushed the wrist from my mouth. Just as I was doing that, all my memories came back flooding my brain. I screamed really loud. Louder than a thunderbird, and they were pretty damn loud. I gasped for air. I placed a hand on my chest, my heart hurt like a mother fucker. I felt horrible since my whole body hurt like hell’s bone creatures giving me a massage all over.
I blinked a few minutes and looked around, wondering what was going on. Evin and Marco were both on each side of me. They looked at me relieved before they sat back to lie on the floor. They had let out sighs of relief.
“ Fuck me shitless.” I said. My voice was scratchy and dry.
Evin sat up quickly and placed his hands on my shoulders. I winced from how painful his grip was.
“ God dammit, Nina, you do that to me again and I swear to the king I’ll punish you. I’ll make you come so hard and fast that you’ll want me to both stop and keep going.” he threatened, his voice was damn near a growl.
I was quiet for a moment, staring at him for a minute. He still looked like the same Evin I had met two years ago. Ha ha, he was the same since he couldn’t age.
Evin had dirty blond hair. It looked rough when I knew that his messy styled looking hair was as soft as a pup’s fur. He had dark grey-blue eyes that were very good looking in him. I loved his eyes because they always either made me hot or cool, depending in his mood, which right now, they were ice cold. He also had bushy eyebrows. His lips were a little thin and were light pink. It all looked good with his normal looking nose and peach brown skin. He was also very tall. A few inches taller than me. He didn’t have a shirt on which was odd yet good, for me. He had semi formed abs, along with semi formed muscles in his arms. I knew he was stronger than he looked. I loved the way he looked, which was why were FWB. I went back to the matter at hand.
“ Thats a punishment?” I asked him, my voice was still dry.
“ Oh, trust me, just because sex is good doesn’t mean I can’t punish you with it.” he told me. As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized that it was a mistake. I could see the regret in his eyes. I didn’t care if he regretted it or not. He had said it and it stung so bad I felt that any minute the rest of the wasp hive were going to sting me. And I hadn’t even dipped my hand in their honey.
“ Yeah, Evin, I know it can be a punishment. You don’t have to remind me, you fucking insolent, cold hearted loser.” I spat out.
“ Well who said I was warm hearted?” he asked, shrugging off my insult. I had always hated him for that.
I hadn’t noticed Marco had left until I saw him coming back into the room with a glass of water. I took it, thanking him with a huge smile.
“ See? At least some men can be gentlemen.” I said to Evin.
He just snorted. “ Thats just because he thinks you’re the Vamp King’s lost daughter.”
I almost chocked on the water. Marco patted my back, glaring at my loser friend.
“ You could have killed her again you know, murderer. How about you finish your foul comments once she finishes her water.” Marco says.
I eventually stop coughing and finished the water. Marco was at my back, part of his chest on my back, flinching a little from the major ass back pain I had. I leaned back on him, feeling warmth and comfort from him. Evin glared a little but the flash of emotion was gone when I blinked.
“ How’d you find out? I doubt Marco would have told you deliberately.” I said.
“ I figured it out myself, ‘princess’. He kept saying milady” he said.
I jabbed Marco on his muscle tight abs.
“ I told you to stop calling me that.” I scolded him.
All Marco did was lie me back to his chest. I didn’t refuse to that.
“ My apologies, I had forgotten because you were in danger of dying so I didn’t think.” he told me.
I said nothing, not really caring. I was thinking about jabbing him again for saying sorry but the poor wolf guy had enough bruises on his bruises.
“ So what kind of trouble are you in, Nina? What is it this time?” he asked me.
I looked at him, a confused expression on my face. I thought I heard a tinge of anger in them. I shook the thought away.
“ Master found us again. See, Evin? I told you to hurry up and you didn’t you little neat freak toad.” I told him, angry at him.
“ Hey, not my fault that I have OCD.” he said, mocking hurt. I rolled my eyes.
“ But how did he find you? I mean, he hadn’t for two years but now he has?” he asked me.
He looked up at my little changeling, glaring at him. I knew just what he was thinking, which was creepy but normal.
But he had a point. I hadn’t been found for over two years until the day I met Marco. I doubted that Marco was lying to me since I had changed him. But then, could he have unconsciously brought them to me? I didn’t know but I was guessing that Marco beginning to see what we were thinking because suddenly stiffened. Holy mother of fuck, this was way beyond creepy. All of us were thinking the same thing, as if we were bees or ants. Not cool.
“ I’m not the one. I would never betray Nina. She’s the king’s daughter and if the king ever found out that I deliberately tried to kill her then he would have me executed immediately.” Marco said offensively.
“ I know, sweetmeat. You don’t worry because I don’t believe that you’re the one.” I told him in a soothing voice.
Marco slightly relaxed. Slightly.
Evin looked annoyed again.
“ How do you know he’s not lying?” he asked me.
“ I changed him into a vampire, Evin. He can’t betray me or lie to me…. but you can.” I told him, trying to fake suspicion on him.
“ I didn’t do shit, babe. I would never betray you. If I even bothered to try then you would have been back there two years ago.” he told me, looking a little rut and annoyed and angry.
I knew how he felt. I was having the same meatless emotional soup he was eating. I didn’t know what to think anymore.
As we were quiet, I felt something inside me moving slowly. It felt as if there were more than one. I quickly bended over, moaning in pain. Those little movements were making me go in pain so much I thought I was behaving like a human who had hard core PMS. Not something pretty to think about.
Marco grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me back, making soothing noises in my ear. Evin came to me and took my hands away from my stomach. I looked down as well.
And there it was. Three little worm monsters moving slowly in my stomach. They bulged out a little, making them visible to us. Wherever it moved, my skin would turn black before going back to it’s original color.
I screamed in disgust and in panic and in fright. This wasn’t what I was expecting. It felt as if I was pregnant. With three triplet stick monsters. I didn’t want to think about them anymore but as they slowly moved, I began to get dizzy, moaning in pain.
Now, I wasn’t much of a moaning person, unless you consider me moaning when I’m rumbling in the den then yeah but for now, I wasn’t considering that.
“ What are they?” I asked them, it was more of a gasp than my voice. I was seriously starting to panic.
Holy shit hole, I had three freaking worms inside me. That wasn’t my cup of tea. Having something other than a dick inside me was a very big pet peeve of mine. Shitless fuck shell, I didn’t even like the sound of a child in me. Not that I had a problem with babies but they weren’t really my thing.
“ Whats happening to her, Evin?” Marco asked.
“ I have no idea. Nina, are you okay?” he asked me, looking worried as hell.
I glared at him as if he was the most stupidest lunatic in the world. Which, at the moment, he was. And I wanted to strangle him for that.
“ No, I’m just moaning because I’m having sex in my mind with sister wolf. Would you like to hear?” I asked, putting as much gasping sarcasm in my words.
Evin grinned at me and blew me a kiss before making his face into a mask of concern.
“ I would love to but later, once you’re not giving birth to monsters.” he told me.
I cringed at the though.
“ Whats inside her?” Marco asked.
“ I don’t know but when you find out, call me or kill me.” I said, sarcastic.
They ignored me.
“ I don’t know,” Evin said, was quiet for a while. He then looked back up at Marco and me, “ but I know who might.”
“ Well ain’t that a bitch. You know and you barely tell us now. You really want me to die, don’t you?” I asked him.
Evin shrugged. “ Oh, shove off, hybrid freak, I barely remembered. I know who can help you?”
“ Who?” Marco and I said simultaneously.
Evin suddenly grinned at me. It was fully of future mischief and dislike. I just knew I wasn’t going to like his bitter cup of pee tea.
“ I’m not going to like this, am I?” It was more of a statement than a question.
“ Not really.” he told me.
Ah, Shit fuck.


“ I really want to kill you right now, Evin.” I told him.
I was lying on the back seat of his sleek black car. Marco was in front but he kept looking back at me with a worried face. I glared at him.
“ Stop looking at me like that, Marco, or else I’ll punch you in ass.” I growled at him.
I saw him hesitate before he finally frowned and looked straight ahead. Evin smirked and looked at me with the middle mirror. I glared at him, wiping that smirk from his face.
“ Whats her name?” I asked him.
“ Her name is Melissa.” he responded.
“ I really hate witches.” I gasped out. The worms inside me moved slowly.
“ Why?” Evin asked me.
I looked at him as if it was the most stupidest question in the world.
“ You’re not serious, are you?”
Marco must have given him the same look I did because he added, “ The answer is obvious.”
“ What?” Evin asked, confused like a squirrel not able to find its nuts.
“ Because, Dr. Duh, I hate females and I hate anyone who uses magic. Therefore, because witches are female humans who use magic, I hate witches.” I said, practically spelling it out to him. No, it was more like adding. It was as easy as 1+1=2. Girl+ magic= witch so witch= I hate her ass. See? Simple math.
I mean, yeah, I had could use magic too but that only came from my vampire side, so it was unnaturally natural. But witches learned to use and take magic that belonged to the world around them. That wasn’t natural.
“ Ah, sorry, forgot for a moment. I guess your have for your own gender hasn’t gone away yet?”
“ Never will, Evin, never will.” I told him.
The worms in my stomach moved. I sucked in a breath. Mother moon and father stars, they hurt. It was worse than being pregnant with ten babies.

Sister wolf said inside my head. She whined my name out. Ah, hell, you shitty bastard.
Not you too, Sister. You’re the only thing keeping me alive so stay strong and tell me to suck it up so I can live to see another day, which I will.
Easier said than done. You are me and I am you. I worry about you too. For once, let me protect you from the pain.
Over my dead body.

I meant it. She was the only thing/wolf I had through those dark days in bitchy, cummy hell.
Do not joke.

Holy shitless shit hole, did my sister just growl at me? She whined again.
Sorry. Its just that if you are gone, I will be gone too.
Thats my girl. Be a bitch right now. It’ll be the only way you’ll cope with me in pain. Trust me, I’ve been doing it for so long that its part of my personality now.

She said with a tone that was as ecstatic as a mouse being eaten by a snake.
Marco whined in the front seat, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. Evin did the same.
I growled at them. “ Eyes on the road, gosh damn it to hellhole shell hell. I swear one of these days I’m going to beat you guys bloody with a brick made out of the hardest rock I can find. I’ll hit you so hard the hard rock will crumble.” I told them between gasps.
“ Forgot about that mouth of your. Ah, how I missed your stress mets, Nina.” Evin sighed.
He didn’t fool me. His sigh wavered a little. There only two ways that a guys berate wavered. It was if they were having sex or of they were worried. I was betting my money on option two.
We were quiet the rest of the way there. About half an hour later, we finally got to bitch witch’s place.
Marco opened the door and before he could reach me, Evin grabbed me and gently lifted me up. He didn’t let me down, and at the moment, I was in too much pain to care. And just as I had the thought another popped in. The fucking witch would see me as weak, prey. I forced Evin to put me down. He hesitated before he did.
I looked up to see the house. It was a normal sized house, not too small nor too large. It was more like a cabin, really. The whole house seemed to be made of wood with no cement or bricks. The wood was a very dark, near black, brown. The roof was flat as well with only a cylindrical tup coming up, acting as a chimney. There was also two steps which lead to the porch. There was a rocking chair on the door’s left. The door was large and there was a window on each of the door’s side. It looked a little like a cartoon house a little kid would draw.
“ Well, ain’t that a bitch, the witch lives almost in the middle of the forest. Probably the perfect place so no one can hear her victim’s screams.” I murmured to myself.
“ Hey, I live near a forest, Nina.” he reminded me.
“ Oh, I understand your circumstances. You’re a vampire, obviously need the space to run and feed, you’re an assassin so secret hideout, well not really since I know where you live, and you’re just as evil as your witchy friend here.” I said, pointing at the witch that came out while I spoke my last statement.
Evin looked at me as if he wanted to hump me in front of Marco and the witch. He smiled at me, which was a little surprising.
“ Man, you are a cold hearted girl,” he said, “ what happened to the kind girl from two years ago?”
“ Sorry, you must have the wrong person. I’m a bitch, the human one, and you know it and I already know you love it, now deal with it.” I said, waving my dangling hand, as if I was trying to make a fly go away. I didn’t like others to call me a bitch but once in a while, I would tell them I am.
“ So you must be Nina.” The witch said from her door. I looked back at her, this time taking my time to take a good look at her.
She was a small thing for a witch. She was shorter than me, about five foot three, four inches shorter than me. She was thinner and slender than me as well and she had short, skinny, not anorexic, arms and legs. She was wearing a black cocktail dress that went down to her knees. She had normal brown hair that wasn’t sun bleached, which means she spends a lot of time inside. She had fair skin and her cheeks were rosy pink, healthy. Her lips were dark red and her huge eyes were black. She wasn’t smiling but she wasn’t frowning either.
She looked nice but too late for that because I hated her already.
“ Yeah” I said to her.
She bowed slightly and smiled. The smile made her look cuter.Too bad she was a witch, and a girl. I didn’t smile back and I hell no did not bow. I wasn’t a dog.
“ Hey, Melissa, she needs help.” Evin told her, starting to move me forward. I resisted for a second, not wanting to get close to the girl. Evin pushed harder and finally I gave in and walked closer.My nose scrunches up a bit and I frowned, not liking her scent. She smelled a lot like magic and dried herbs and other crap that I didn’t want to find out. I was so nervous I thought that the worms were actually just butterflies in my stomach, or cramps when humans got PMS. Don’t get me wrong, wolves and vampires get PMS as well its just that PMS is when we’re ready to mate so PMS is just when our scent changes.
Melissa frowned a little when she looked up at me.
“ Evin did say that you hated witches.” she said.
“ Well, color me fuck shocked.” I said, pretending being surprised. Marco chuckled. Evin ignored us.
“ We need help. Another warlock had placed some kind of things inside her. They look like worms and I can smell death around her. Can you take teem out?” he asked his friend.
I frowned. How much did he tell this girl when he left the room to get the car ready? If he told her what I was or any other info that she didn’t need to know, I would kill her and Evin both. I wasn’t in the mood for the ‘tell me about yourself’ game.
When I didn’t hear her speak, I looked down at the bitch witch and noticed that she was frozen still. I cocked up an eyebrow, curious. Her skin had paled a few shades and her smile disappeared, not something surprising since that always happened whenever someone met me.
“ What wrong with her?” I asked Evin, poking him in his side.
“ Melissa, you okay?” Evin asked her.
“ How many worms did you see?” she asked him.
“ Three”
“ Shit” she whispered under her breath.
I raised both eyebrows, amused. Evin frowned, Marco did too. I rolled my eyes. I could just imagine what they were thinking inside their pea pod brain.
“ Whats the matter? Is it something dangerous?” he asked.
“ Evin, you just smelled death around her, the same as I did and you still ask if its dangerous?” Marco said, a tiny growl hinting on his voice. His eyes were turning yellow.
“ I could be wrong but I need to check to make sure. Come in, please.” Melissa muttered and opened her door. She looked down at my stomach, gulped, then walked in right behind us.
I wanted to chew her up like a T-bone but I knew that I couldn’t. Evin must have her as an ally for a reason. He wouldn’t just pick any random witch to help him with his job. Did she know what he did?
“ Nina, can you please lie down on the floor. On your bak, please.” The witch said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“ I’m not a dog, witch, so don’t you dare make me go sit on the floor.” I growled at her. I was surprised the moment I had said it. My voice had changed into a very low tone, something I couldn’t do unless I was shifting into wolf form a bit.
Melissa and the others were surprised as well. They looked at me as if I had horns in my head, sheep legs, a tail, and turned red with an evil smile.
“ Sorry, I didn’t know why I said that. I’ll lie down but I want the others close to me.” I told her, grabbing both my boys’ arms and pulling them closer to me. I was possessive of them. I didn’t know why but my guess was that since I usually flee, I never take anything and the few friends that I ever made, I kept them close. Sometimes.
She nodded, understanding what I meant. Smart pup.
“ Fine, then I’ll want One of them to put your head on their lap, holding your arms and the other to hold your feet.” she said.
I nodded and went down to the floor in the middle of her living room. I finally took the chance to look around. Inside, the walls were made out of wood as well and they were empty, not a single picture to be seen anywhere. The couch was light brown and she had a little wooden table in the middle, a fire place in front of it and a T.V above the fire place. It was simple yet homey. I liked it, to some degree of course.
I lied down, my head in Evin’s lap and my feet held my Marco. I looked up at Evin. He was smiling— no, he was grimacing down at me. It was the closest he could get to a smile. Melissa had left to get some of her bitchy witchy equipment of torture.
“ Does she pray to Satan?” I asked Evin.
He chuckled, stroking my hair away from my face.
“ No, she prays to mother Earth. She’s a white witch, Nina. She’s a healer.”
“ Why do you have her as an ally?” I asked him, curious. His grimace finally turned into a grin.
“ Why? You jealous?” he teased me.
I glared up at him, “ Shit no, I would rather drink hell’s king’s piss and eat his sheep feet than be jealous of that bitch witch. Besides, she’s not your type.”
“ Oh?” he said, amused.
“ Yeah, your type is a mean, cold hearted people who can handle themselves well in a fight. You like types that can kick your ass up to heaven.” I told him.
He smiled. “ That sounds a lot like a girl I know.”
I said nothing and looked at down at where Marco was. He looked worried. I could feel his wolf pacing back and forwards inside his mind. He looked as if if he was about to whine.
I kicked him in the chin. He grunted and looked down at me.
“ Make that face again and I promise you you’ll see heaven’s stars and hell’s pit fire of hell shit.” I told him.
“ My apologies, my la— Nina.” he said. It was good he caught himself.
I gave him a tiny smile of assurance.
“ It’ll be fine, Marco, I’ll be fine and we’ll both go back to going to meet the vampire king.” I told him, trying to make him feel better. That perked him up.
“ So, you’ll meet the king. Can we go after we get out of here?” he asked.
“ No” Evin said immediately, before I could even utter a word of rejection.
“ Why?” He asked me yet still glaring at Evin.
“ Because,” I said, “ Do you want to kill the king? Cause if you do, then lets get outa here an’ hit the road. We can go blow up his mighty castle while we’re at it.” I told him.
“ Not funny, Nina.” Marco whined, frowning and frightened. Shit, I just altered were-vamp’s blood pressure. He could get a human heart attack any second.
“ Of course not numnuts, we can’t go to him while I’m in this state. We’ll go the moment these hell worms get outa me.” I told him.
I felt Evin stiffen. I looked up at him and noticed his face had gone expressionless. He was a master of expressionless. His expression of expressionless was squared twice. He was an assassin so it was obvious why he would be so good at emotionless but I didn’t like it.
I was about to say something but Melissa interrupted when she began talking. Guess bitch witch returned.
“ Okay, Nina, I need you to stay calm. I’m going to do a spell so that I can see what is inside you so I can find out what the things are inside you.” Melissa said.
“ Whatever, witch, just lets just get this thing over with.” I grumbled. Evin kept stroking my head while Marco gave me a foot massage. It felt weird being pampered. I didn’t like it but I wasn’t about to tell them to stop. I was just as nervous as they were. Shit holes in hellhound hell, I didn’t want them to stop since it was the only thing that was keeping all of us sane.
Melissa came to me and sat by one of my sides, facing my stomach. I stayed as calm as I could be, which meant that my calmness was the size of an ant’s fried heart eaten by a ant eater’s tube hole of a mouth.
She took some clear liquid, that was water mixed with an herb I never smelled before, and began to rub it on my stomach. It was cold, both the liquid and her hands. See? I always knew that witches were cold blooded.
She began to speak some words as she began to sprinkle more herbs and mover her hands in a circle motion above my stomach. Her eyes had closed shut and her words became louder. I smelled magic beginning to surround her. Then her palms faced down at my stomach and I felt her magic entering my body. My wolf growled deep inside me. She didn’t like to be invaded in her own territory. I didn’t like it either. I began to growl deep in my throat. I want to be let loose and claw the shit out of the witch.
Then I looked down at my stomach and froze, as stiff as a stone sculpture. Hell’s fuck house, I was beginning to think that I was a statue because as I looked down at my midsection, I could not only see my super dark pink and black organs, veins, and blood vessels but the frigid fucking shitty worms. And they were huge, and they were black. Evin and Marco gasped, surprised as a deer frozen in a UFO’s lights.
“ What are those things?” Evin asked.
“ Death” Marco whined out. I looked to him and saw a very frightful face. I had never seen Marco like that. Evin had the same face and he never had that look too? Was I the only one only nervous and not scared?
“ I don’t know but hold on. I think I know what they are but I have to make sure.” The witch said.
I snorted, pissed off and nervous, “ Let me guess, they’re satan’s little children playing the ‘kill Nina’ game.”
She grabbed a jar with clear liquid in it and opened it. The moment she did, the worms moved slightly towards Melissa. I gasped in pain. What I would do to kill both these hell’s gummy worms and the bitch witch. Melissa dipped her fingers into the water and then sprinkled drops onto my stomach. I gasped in pain.
What she did to me hurt like a bitch in labor with five thousand pups.
I screamed with all I had, my voice going a little lower than I liked. Sister wolf howled in pain, along with me and I even heard Marco howling along with us. Hearing sister wolf and in Marco in pain made my protective instincts to kick in. I pushed her to the farthest part of my mind, where the pain would only be dull, numbing her. Sister wolf struggled as I used my mental strength to cage her to protect her. I then thinned the connection between me and Marco but I was too late.
The skin on my stomach burned as if I was being lit by fire. I screamed again and tried to get some air in my lungs. But I couldn’t because the worms were moving really fast inside me, trying to move somewhere in my body that was sprinkled by the liquid. It hurt so bad that only my pure will kept me from going under the bus of dark unconsciousness. I couldn’t hear a thing because ringing, moving organs, and my heart beat was drowning everything. I realized that I had begun to see black spots.
The worms moved again, settling on my back, where it was safe for them. I made a sound that was in-between a groan and a whine. My heart beat a little faster than normal panic fast. I felt my fangs and claws about to come out but something stopped it. I then felt the power of my wolf keeping back both vamp and werewolf transformation.
Thank you

She said nothing. I whined in my mind.
I’m sorry, its a habit. I just don’t like hearing you in pain.
I want out. I want to help you, be there for you but you won’t let me. Let me, for once in our lives, Nina.

She whined to me. She sounded angry and frustrated and worried. A whole soup full of veggie crap. I didn’t like hearing her pain but I also didn’t like my wolf mad at me. I was debating wether protecting her from something she could handle would be better than losing her forever in hate and rejection. I knew she was at her final hay straw. She would explode and abandon me if I didn’t let her help. Thinking about her leaving me was more painful than the damn worms. I guess she won, for once.
I let her out of the mental cage. She ran next to my mind, our souls almost combining.
Thank you
I didn’t get a chance to respond because I was suddenly able to hear the world around me.
“ Don’t ever do that again, Melissa, or else I’ll kill you myself.” Evin threatened her. I looked up at him, seeing that his eyes were mexican border line from going red.
“ No, I will kill you personally. How dare you indulger Nina.” Marco growled at her. His voice was so very close to wolf. I looked to him as well and saw his eyes were already gold. I remembered he had howled in pain. It must have been the bond. I guess he had felt a little of my pain. Damn you, bond.
“ What was that fucking liquid, witch?” I asked Melissa. My voice was more of a whispered gasp. Evin and Marco turned back to me, their faces showed relief.
She didn’t answer me. She was pale and frowning.
“ What?”
She sighed, “ You were right. These are hell’s children. The liquid was holy water. Nina…”
“ What?”
The hell’s children thing was a joke. Was she taking it literally? I began to feel a sinking feeling. Holy satan’s balls, I definitely wasn’t going to like this.
“ Nina, you have three demons inside you.” she said.
“ What!” Both the boys screamed out at simultaneously.
I felt myself paling. damn, shit, and fuck all over. I was really going to kill Master the next time I saw him.
Evin, Marco, and the bitch witch were all quiet, taking all of it in. They looked down at me, curious of what my reaction would be. I looked at them all and sighed.
“ Well, fuck my luck.” I said.
And for the second time, I fell back to the pool of darkness.


I am in a huge room, all with black drapes, white tiled floor and red seats that are all filled. There are a lot of people here. They are all either staring at me or at Daddy, who has seated me on his lap. I don’t say anything because I’m scared. Some are serious while others are angry or scared, like me. I don’t squeeze Daddy’s hand or hug him. I am a big girl so I have to not show I am scared.

I’m scared, Nina.
It was my sister wolf. Mommy said I had to protect her and she will naturally protect me. I loved my little sister because she was small and got scared easy. I loved protecting her.
We’e fine, these are our people. They love us.
I imagined myself petting my baby sister’s light brown fur. The fur around her red-brown eyes was a darker brown than the rest of her fur. Her fur was my fur and my skin was her’s. She calmed down and went back to sleep.
“ Here, my baby girl.” Daddy says, handing me a big mouse.
I frown, “ I’m not a baby, I’m a big girl.” I say.
“ I know, now feed, sweetheart.” Daddy says.
I do as he says. He pulls me closer to him.
“ Oh, mother moon, did you really have to do that? You know I’m not good when I have to watch my girl kill a living creature.” I hear mom say.
Daddy said nothing but kiss her. I didn’t see because I was too busy looking at the mouse. It looked so juicy. I began to see a little red. Daddy said seeing red could be dangerous sometimes. I took the soft mouse and caressed it, trying to calm it down. I opened my mouth and felt my fangs come out.
I bit down on the mouse’s back. It said or did nothing. It only took a few gulps to be done. I felt some of the mouse’s blood stain my lips red. I look up at Daddy, seeing that he was nodding with a tiny smile for me.
“ Good, girl.” he said.
I loved Daddy’s smiling face. His eyes were the brightest….

I suddenly woke up from my sleep, making me lose the dream that was about to show me how my father looked like. I was going to murder whoever woke me up. I looked around and saw that I was inside a very dark room. There was not a single stream of sunlight anywhere. My senses said it was morning so that meant that I had slept in the witch bitch’s house. I wanted to shoot myself with a rifle.
My head was on top of something soft while my feet were warm and squished by something furry and warm. I sat up and looked behind me to see Evin staring at me, smiling. I almost jumped through the wooden roof.
“ Don’t do that, Evin, you fucking scared the living demons out of me.” I told him.
“ If only removing them were that easy.” he murmured.
My feet had gone cold the moment I started talking. I looked to them and noticed Marco was shifting back to human form.
“ Show off.” I heard Evin mutter.
Marco was one magnificent beast. And little Marco wasn’t even close to the word little. I looked back up to Marco’s face. He was studying me, seeing if I was fine. I grinned at him.
“ Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m fine.” I told him.
“ Sweetheart?” Evin asked.
I looked back to him, watching his face going sad.
“ Yeah, haven’t you noticed yet that he’s my changeling? He’s my kid I have to take care of since he’s bounded to me.” I said.
“ Ah.” Evin’s face went back to smiling. Boys.
“ Nina, we have to go tell your father about this. He has a lot of allies that owe him. I’m sure he has someone who could remove those demons in you.” he said.
“ I don’t think so, Marco. I’m ain’t ready to kill no king and his people with my problems. Besides, I have met worse demons than the ones inside me. At least, these ones play nicely while Master and his perverted posse are a bunch of Satan’s shard shit.” I said.
“ Well, aren’t you optimistic. Nina, your skin has gone a shade pale since you went unconscious. You’re sick and you’re getting worse.” Evin said.
“ He’s right. I can barely feel our bond and you’re smelling more and more like death.” Marco added.
What do you do when two boys who hate each other? Put demons in a girl’s stomach and they’ll become BFFs.
“ Look, I’m not planning to die. I have a lot to do once I kill Master. No damn demonic worms will ever succeed at killin’ me.” I told them.
We were quiet for a moment, letting what I said get absorbed. Then I went back to why I woke up.
“ Hey, why are we in a dark room? I sense its morning so why aren’t we out in the sun?” I asked them.
There was something smelly going on. Evin and Marco both shared a grim face. I didn’t like it one twixie pixie bit.
“ What, tell me now or forever hold your regret.” I told them.
“ You tell her,” Marco said.
“ No, you tell her, you’re bounded to her.” Evin replied.
“ You were her sex partner.”
“ But you’re the one calling her princess.”
I held my hands out to each of them, trying to make them shut up.
“ How about either one of you tell me or I kick both your asses and walk right out there.” I told them.
They gave each other one final look before Marco decided to have the balls. I always knew Evin didn’t have any but, wow, they must be tiny since he doesn’t do anything out of his comfort zone.
“ You can’t go out in the sun, Nina.” Marco said.
“ Because…”
He sighed, “ Because since the demons are dark creatures, they only survive at night. If you go out, they might kill by trying to get out of the sunlight.” he explained.
I let what he said sink into me.
“ Ah, holy mother of hell’s fuck, you’re shitting me right? You have got to be fucking with me because if you are or not, either way I’m gonna bring this whole friggin cabin down and once we die I’m gonna kill you all again and again until sateen eats my soul and shards it out.” I said.
I couldn’t believe it. I was stuck in the dark until I got these demonic gummy worms out of me. Great, whoop tee fucking doo.
“ Sucks, I know.” Marco said.
I glared at Marco but I couldn’t get any words out because the bitch witch came in, letting some rays of sunlight come into the room.
The worms wriggled only slightly but even their snail movements made me want to barf my brains out and faint. I gasped and moved to the back of the room. I glared at the witch.
“ Hey, bitch, why don’t you kill me now since you’re letting the frickin’ sun in.” I hissed at her.
She closed the door immediately.
“ Sorry” she blushed.
“ Get these things out of me or I will murder you like a cat assassinating mice. And, just like cats, I play with my food.” I said as I ran to her with my vampire speed. I was almost at her throat when both Evin and Marco tackle me down to the floor as hard as they could. I thought we were going to leave a crater in the earth and the news would start talking about it. ‘This just new, three freakishly weird people with supposed crazy power has made a crater in the earth, the CIA and FBI are beginning to investigate’.
“ Calm down, babe.” Evin whispered in my ear.
I began to see black. My anger had surprisingly filled most of my brain, barely having any control of my own body. I was so furious I wanted to kill both of the men and then eat the witch’s flesh while she was still alive.
“ Get off!” I yelled at them, my voice deeper than ever.
“ Nina!” Marco yelled into my ear.
I screamed and then stopped struggling as the black faded out. I lay down on the floor, shivering with fear. What the hell was that? I didn’t want to know but I was betting all my chocolate bars that it was the demons who had take over my thoughts for a moment. I didn’t like it.

It was sister wolf. But I barley heard her voice. That wasn’t right at all. Sister wolf and I always hear each other well. Were the demons silencing my wolf, or were they eating her. I was angry now. I began to think of ways to kill the damn demons once they were out of my mind. And then something else surprised me.
You love us.
You want us.
You will keep us.

It was the demons. I screamed. Great, not only are they worms but they’re talking worm. Boy, did my life suck more and more.
“ Get out of my head.” I screamed at them.
Marco howled in pain but I closed our bond, making it only to a thin thread, not wanting him to feel anything.
“ Nina!” both boys said. I could barely hear them. I also could barely hear sister’s whines. I didn’t like this at all.
“ The demons are trying to take over her body. If that happens then there is no hope but to kill her.” Melissa said.
Yeah, I wasn’t good at just lying down and die. Fuck that shit.
You want us
You want us
You want us

The demons said in my head. Their voices gave me headaches that were so painful, it could move mountains.
Did these worms ever sleep? Guess not since they want to take my body. Like hell I would. I’d rather go rabid than die by these freaking worms.
“ She has to concentrate on getting them out or else they’ll take over. Be quiet and let her concentrate.” The bitch witch said.
Easier said than done. I held my hands on my head, trying to force them to stop messing with my head. I did as she said. I concentrated on not wanting them to get in my head. I used my mental strength to push them out. It was hard since three demons were in me. It wasn’t fair but hey, life never is.
No, you don’t want to leave us.
You love us.
We love you.
We will keep you safe.
I heard them say the last part together. The worst part was that as they kept repeating those words, I began to believe them.
Oh, hell, no.
I pushed them farther. I heard them scream in frustration and began to push harder into my head. I had to use my last resort. I began to use my vampire and werewolf strength together. I began to push them away again. This time, I felt my head throb less. I kept doing it.
“ Get”
I began to say but it was hard to talk while I was concentrating. I gave them another mental push and when I did, sister wolf came running to me and my heart and my soul.
“ Out”
I felt her warming me up. She then let me use some of her power and together we began to push them away.
“ Of”
Me and sister wolf began to mesh our thoughts together
“ My”
And with one final mental push, I teared them out of my head.
“ Head”
I then began to shiver as the worms returned to their wriggly wormy forms. I couldn’t stop shivering because of all the cold I was feeling both inside and out. Marco pushed our bond back open and he felt how I was. He began to warm me up inside. I felt better.
“ She’s going to get sick unless someone warms her up. I need either Marco or you, Evin, to warm her up in any way possible. She could be hungry so one of you will have to go get something.” she said.
“ Why can’t you go?” Marco asked.
“ Because I need to find the only person who can take them out.” she huffed and left.
We were all quiet for a moment. I kept shivering as I felt the temperature drop a degree every passing minute. My teeth began to chatter.
“ She’s wolf and vampire. I am only good at finding blood but not meat that she’ll eat.” Evin told Marco. Marco nodded.
“ Fine, I’ll go. I’ll be back within the hour. Don’t let her die or I swear I’ll murder you.”
“ You can try, dude, but murdering is my specialty, you should know this by now.” Evin retorted and then took me into his arms. I heard Marco bang the door closed.
“ And theres only one way I can warm you and make you concentrate on me instead of dying.” Marco sin into my ear. I shivered a bit more. His warm breath felt good. I couldn’t make my mouth move because I was still as cold as a cactus in a snow blizzard.
He began to kiss me on my neck, his breath warming up bit by bit. I began to just think of him. I began to feel warmer and warmer as his kisses went up from my neck to my jaw, to my chin, and finally right next to my lips.
He gently pressed his lips down on mine. I loved how his lips felt like. And when I felt like I could move my lips, I opened my mouth and let him in. He quickly did. He was on top of me in seconds. I put my arms around him. I let my hands wander to his hair. His hair was as soft as I had remembered. I held him tighter, making the kiss deeper. I could feel my whole body tingling in warms and my nerves were aware of everything Evin did.
“ Oh wow, you’re as good as always.” he whispered into my lips as his hands began to explore my body. My hands wandered to his back and under his shirt.
“ You haven’t worsened yourself.” I told him.
He chuckled and went back to kissing me as his hands also went under my shirt. His hands were hot to the touch. My skin burned wherever he touched. I gasped into his mouth and his tongue began to caress the inside of my cheeks. I twirled my own tongue into his. His hips pressed harder into mine. I could feel the bulge under his pants. It made me go wet a little. My fingers tightened a little on his soft skin.
“ Oh, baby you got me so hard.” he groaned into me. I sighed in relief that I was making him feel good. My hands went to his chest and began to push his shirt up. He pulled my shirt up urgently and pushed my bra upwards. His hands immediately grabbed my tight nipples. I gasped and moaned at the same tight of how good his hands were on me. He smiled as he began to tease them. I moaned again and made my arms into fists and placed them above my head.
He then put his mouth down on my left nipple. He played with it with his tongue and then pulled on it softly. I groaned again and grabbed his hair. He then did the same with my right nippled then he began to kiss his way down to where my waist bend was. I arched my hips up to him, wanting him to just take me already. But, like before, he preferred to tease me far longer than I liked.
“ Oh, Nina, I can feel how hot you are under these pants.” he said.
“ Hurry up you idiot, before I punch you.” I whined to him.
He grinned up at me. Bastard.
He unbuttoned my waistband and slowly pulled both my pants and underwear down. He was about to touch me down there when I heard another voice.
“ I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Damn that bitch witch, I was going to boil her into her own cauldron.
“ And why would it be bad? Get out of here, Melissa, I’m kind of in the middle of something important.” Evin said, not at all amused. He was making a very deep frown that even I wouldn’t like to see him show to me.
“ We’re busy here, bitch witch from hell’s personal tool box.” I told her.
My face turned red a little but I wasn’t embarrassed enough to pull my pants up.
“ Because the demons could come out from there and enter you. You won’t want that and neither of you will not like it, I promise you that.”
I quickly put my pants up. Evin was about to protest but I just shook my head. Great, now I have hellholes in my pants that can let demons out. The thought of it made me flinch. Having three demonic worms come out from under there really wasn’t my shot of whiskey.
“ What are you doing here anyways?” Evin glared at her.
Melissa frowned deeply at Evin and crossed her arms.
“ I’m here with someone who can help you girl, pussy eater, she’s here and I want you to be appropriately dressed so you can meet her.” she said and walked away.
“ Evin, of all witches you could have chosen as a magic friend, why this bitchy hag?” I asked him.
“ I have no idea but I’m beginning to regret being her ally.” he grumbled and began to put his shirt down and zip up his pants. I didn’t even know they were unzipped. I really wanted to see the big boy down there. My mood turned foul instantly.
Damn you witch bitch.
Damn you Master.
I really wanted t get these monsters out of me so I can go back to normal sex obsessed self.


I was staring at the living room, finding that Melissa and Evin had covered all the windows with duct tape and black windowpanes so that everything was dark. I then stared at the woman who sat on the floor. She wasn’t the greatest beauty in the world but I knew she had her fair share of hot guys.
Her hair was dark brown, almost to the point of black. She had light blue eyes that were as light as the color of the sky and bright red lips the color of blood. Her face was heart shaped and features were soft. She had a small chest and she was as thin as bitch witch Melissa. This woman was beautiful in a way that she could make anyone fall for her if she wanted it. She was also wearing a black dress and had no shoes on. What was it with bitch witches and shoes?
“ Hello Nina, how are you? I’m Meave.” she said. Her voice was a little scratchy but it went well with her looks.
“ Yeah, yeah, screw the pleasantries, will you help get these hell worms outta me?” I asked her, almost growling.
My wolf didn’t like her and neither did I. I smelled darkness and death around her. She seemed as if she could torture anyone and not feel anything. She was a black witch of course, so I wasn’t surprised that she was heartless.
“ What are you?” she asked me, her face was full of curiosity. I didn’t like curious witches. They tend to experiment on anything they are curious with.
“ None of your business, why do you care anyways, all you have to do is help me take them out.” I said, doing my best to not growl at her.
“ And what would be in it or me?” she cooed.
“ I promise not to kill you.” I told her.
She laughed at that. I growled. SHe looked back at me and saw her face wasn’t smiling anymore. Yeah, I had that effect on people I didn’t like.
“ The demons are feeding off of her emotions. If she can’t control herself, they might attempt to take her mind again.” Meave said to Melissa.
Oh, then never mind, I guess I’m losing my touch. Just as I was going to make a retort, Marco barged in through the door. And as soon as he saw me, he closed it immediately with his vampire speed.
“ My apologies, Nina, are you alright?” He asked. I glared at him then went to him and hit on the back of the head.
“ One of these day’s I’m going to stick a pole up your ass and fry you over a fire made of hell’s children.” I told him.
He rubbed the back of his head carefully and then sniffed the air. He then looked at me and he was surprised. His face quickly turned dark after that. Boy, was he mixing an emotional soup.
“ Here, I brought you something to eat.” he said.
My heart broke just then. This guy was my changeling, my guard, my hot ass hell’s black fire vampire werewolf. I had to start accepting that Marco was part of me now. I hated that I cared so much about him. I should have let another vampire change him then me kill him or her.
“ Sorry, I’m just moody since theres two witches around me. I hate magic.” I told him and took his hand that had the rabbits he got for me.
“ Oh so you’re a player and a werewolf? How can that vampire boy stand to have sex with you?” Meave asked.
Marco growled and Evin glared at the woman. Melissa placed her at meave’s shoulder.
“ Meave, these people are dangerous, I think more than you fair share of customers so please just shut up and do as I asked you. You owe me a favor remember?” Melissa whispered in her ear.
“ Smart girl, that Melissa.” I told Evin.
“ Sometimes” he says with his jaws clenched tight as a snapping turtle beak.
“ Fine, but I have to know what she is in order for me to see if she has a high risk of getting her mind eaten or not.”
Both my vampire assassin and werewolf vampire laughed at that. Melissa and Meave just looked them, not really getting their inside joke, if they had one.
“ Whats so funny?” Meave asked.
I crossed my arms, waiting for their explanation. I didn’t like to be laughed at, at all.
“ Nothing, its just there is no way in hillbilly hellhole of a chance that she’d let that happen, as Nina would put it.” Evin said.
Marco agreed, “ I’ve only known her for a short while but I doubt my beautiful master would ever let something as demonic worms finish her off.”
“ Master?” Meave asked, curious even more.
I picked up a rabbit and threw at Marco’s head.
“ Ow, that hurt.” he said.
“ Don’t listen to him, he’s just a delusional doll of a werewolf.” I told Meave, showing her my wolfy smile. I saw her slightly move away from me. She wasn’t as strong as she appeared. Sister wolf yipped in satisfaction.
“ So will you tell me what you are?” she asked me again.
I sighed, I guess I had no chance in holy hellhole’s shell to get out of it.
“ Fine, but you need to be watching closely or else you’ll miss the second part.” I growled at her.
“ Second part?” I heard her say.
“ Just watch,” Evin began.
“And whatever you do, do not move a muscle.” Marco finished.
“ Why?”
“ She doesn’t know you.” Both men said.
I had already taken my clothes off and I was on all fours. I began to shift into my light brown furry wolf. It was quick and I felt no pain. I then looked up at marco and at the rabbit he had in his hand. I went to him as he stoke his hand out. I placed my muzzle in his hand and he began to caress my head a little. I opened our bond, wanting him to feel how much I cared about him. About a minute later, I nipped his hand and he gave me the rabbit in his hand.
I took it and walked a little away from the people who were looking at me.
“ Watch her eyes.” Evin said.
I looked up at him and gave him a wolfy grin. I then looked back down at the dead rabbit. I could smell it’s blood inside and I wanted it. I was hungry for the blood. I instantly bit into the rabbit but Instead of eating it whole, I just pierced my fangs into it and began to drink. My thirst was getting quenched.
As I was almost done finishing the little snack I heard Evin say my name. I looked up at him.
“ Open your mouth, sweetie.” I heard him say.
I didn’t like to be bossed around so I growled slightly but did as he said. Sister wolf didn’t like me bowing down to those who were weaker than us.
I heard Melissa and Meave gasp. I looked their ways and saw amazement in their faces. Sister wolf didn’t know them, neither did I so I growled at them.
“ don’t move a muscle or she’ll attack.” Marco said.
He threw the three rabbits left and I began to drink and eat them. When I was done, I licked my mouth then began to shift into my human form.
I looked up at the two witches and gave them a sly wolf grin. I loved scaring the shit out of people.
“ What are you?” Melissa asked, her voice breaking a little.
“ She’s half vampire half werwolf.” Evin said.
The witches looked to the boys just then.
“ And you guys?” Meave asked.
“ Pure vampire, baby, and nothing else.” he said. I didn’t like him calling anyone baby but then I was forgetting he was a cocky rooster who all hens wanted to be with.
“ I’m a werewolf who was turned into a vampire.” Marco said.
“ Is that even possible?” Meave said under her breath.
“ Is it possible that you bitch witches can contact your gods? Is it possible that fish can mate with a bird? Is it possible that hell’s satan’s toddlers are in me as if I was pregnant with triplets? Is it possible that both you are dense and more idiotic than I thought?” I asked them.
“ Are those supposed to be rhetorical questions?” Melissa asked.
“ Fish mate with a bird?” Meave said, looking a little confused.
“ Wow, you guys are dumber than a dodo bird waddling into a crocodile’s mouth because it thought it was its mother.” I told them.
“ What?” they both said.
“ What she’s trying to say is that anything is possible.” Evin said.
“ You understand her metaphors and similes?” Melissa asked.
“ I wouldn’t be her lover if I didn’t.” Evin shrugged. I threw him a rabbit head. Unfortunately, he caught it.
“ Who the hell in hell said we were lovers? Satin or his pet worms? I ain’t your lover. We’re just friends with benefit, as you said three years back.” I told him.
He chuckled and just threw the head back.
“ Of course, how could I forget. I did say that but I hope one day we can be more than that.”
I said nothing but looked down at the rabbit bones. I suddenly felt anger coming through the bond I had with Marco. I didn’t know what he was mad about but I wasn’t in the mood to care.
“ Anyways, since she has two types of blood in her, there might be a slim chance that she won’t go mad, but only if she doesn’t let her emotions go wild.” Meave told the others. Slim chance my fat ass. I was stronger than a bull on steroids.
“ Thanks, but I think I have more than a slim chance. Since you don’t know me, don’t tell me that I’m weak because, bitch witch, I can beat you any day of you fucking life.” I retorted.
“ Oh, I love your fiery attitude, where did you get it? Hell?” she asked.
She had guessed too close to the truth.
“ In some form, I guess it was like hell but how would you ever know little miss asshole?” I asked her.
“ Bad childhood?” she asked, curious.
“ You don’t know the quarter of it.” I told her and stopped talking.
We were silent for a while until something broke it. I got up and ran to the edge of the living room, sensing that something bad was going to happen soon. A second after I was under dark the shade of a tree melissa had, Marco and Evin had ran to me to cover me from what was going to happen.
Then the cabin door was shattered, wooden splinters exploded everywhere. I turned my head a little sideways then went back to see what son of a bitch did it. The sun blinded my eyes and I growled b all the brightness and of the worms only moving slightly. Even their slight movement made me want to throw up my weird ass brains out.
I looked back up to see that two women and a man had barged in. They had a very hellish grins. I knew them. They were part of Master’s partner and lovers. That damn bastard was dung beetle hiding behind a pile of shit of ‘protection’. Oh, sorry, I think that statement would be an insult to the dung beetle.
“ Who are they?” Melissa asked outraged, “ they just broke my damn door!”
“ They’re the ones who were after us.” Marco growled out, placing himself in front of me. Ugh, like I ever needed the protection. He was a few years too late for that.
“ They’re from Master’s group, I presume?” Evin said, his voice full of anticipation. I looked at him and saw that his eyes were a little glazed. I was guessing that by the look he had on, he hadn’t had a job for a little more than a month. This was bad yet good in a way. Evin wasn’t going to hold back. He was a killer, his profession was an assassin after all, and now he was going to use his talent. I loved yet hated that about him. It was what made me attracted to him. Right now, he looked sexier than ever before.
“ Master?” I heard meave say, as if she recognized the name.
The guy in front of the light laughed a crazy bull frog laugh.
“ Master has sent me to either take Nina, or kill her.” he said.
I remembered his deep black eyes and thin ugly mouth and his girlish body. He had raped me countless times, sometimes even without Master knowing. He was also a half demon.
I shuddered as a tiny spark of fear. I crushed it before it got to Marco’s bond but it was too late because he had felt it and he was now angrier than ever.
“ I want to kill her, she was always Master’s favorite and I want her to die because of that.” The gargoyle girl said. Her hair was burnt by dye and messy. Her eyes and face had many wrinkles and pimples from all the curdy make up she had.
“ Me too.” said the witch girl, who used to beat the shit out of me just because I was weaker than her. She was a few inches taller than me and she was anorexic meaning she wasn’t as strong as I was now.
I wasn’t weak anymore and I wasn’t a mouse in a house full of rats anymore. I was strong and I was going to get my revenge on them.
“ Oh, shit.” Meave said.
“ What?” Melissa asked, under her breath.
“ I know only one person who’s this much of a coward and calls himself Master.” Meave said. Her eyes went wide and her mouth was in a grim line. She looked angry and filling up with anger quickly.
“ Who is he?” Evin asked her, wanting to know what she knew.
And right before the action came, I heard her words that froze me and the others into place for just a second. My fears had been answered now completely.
“ He’s my brother.” She said under her breath.
And the battle began.


“ What!” I screamed almost at the top of my lungs.
All hell broke loose, the snake pit had finally been tipped and all of satanic snake looking children came out and flooded the room.
There was no time for me to get much more of a reaction than that. Both girls came to fight both my big boys while the other guy went to attack the bitch witches. I had literally no one to fight with. That wasn’t good.
That hell of a no wasn’t good, at all. I was pissed off and I was boiling over from rage, betrayal, and more rage. I needed to kill something. Now.
And I had gotten my wish because just as I was about to interrupt Marco’s fight, something caught my foot. I looked down and saw that another guy had gotten my foot. I didn’t know this one.
He had burnt shit hair and rough looking skin. He seemed to be about my age, maybe older. I smiled down at him. He frowned, confused.
“ Happy birthday to me.” I said out loud to myself.
I grabbed his hands and my claws bit into his skin. He hissed in pain. He opened his mouth wide, and when I say wide, I mean, hellhole wide. He had long curved fangs inside and had no other teeth. Holy mother of fucking shitless hellhole.
This guy was a shapeshifter. And not only a shapeshifter, but a reptile shapeshifter. Them guys were as rare as my hybrid ass.
“ Oh, hell no, dude, just because you showin’ of doesn’t mean I still ain’t goin’ to kick you in the hellhole where it most hurt you.” I told him, cracking my knuckles.
He tried to bite me but I grabbed his head and hands and moved my foot away. I wasn’t in the mood for this shit.
“ I feel so not sorry for you since I’m in a badder mood than a dragon burning its ass with its own fire.” I told him.
I grabbed him by the neck as my right hand claws began to come out. But before they could penetrate his skin, his skin turned scaly and slimy. It grossed me out more than watching me kill Marco and trying not to think about murdering the living ass out of Meave.
“ That don’t work, dude, trust me, you just messed with the wring bitch.” I told him.
“ I had expected a stronger girl but I guess you’ll have to do.” he hissed at whatever vocal cords he had left. I growled at him.
“ Call me weak, one more time.” I told him, trying to hold back my rage, not wanting the worms to have another chance to get in my head. But I knew the moment he would say it, I would lose all sense.
“ Weak” he hissed out.
All hell in me broke loose.
I squeezed the snake boy’s neck as hard as I could. But I knew constricting him wouldn’t help because he was a snake and he was as slimy and flexible as a goo monster made of cum, snot, and earwax.
I used my claws to scratch his face but he was fast and dodged it. His neck had elongated as he tried to fill me with poison again with his fangs. I growled and began to use my vampire speed. I swiftly gave him a round about kick to the neck and he hissed in pain. I then thought of something really fun to do.
I ran towards the kitchen and began look for the salt shaker and a water bottle.
“ I don’t think any knives will penetrate me, doll face.” he hissed to me.
I growled at him, not happy at all. I turned the sink on and threw in a towel in it.
“ Once I’m over with you, you’ll be thinking I’m Chucky.” I told him.
He laughed. I didn’t like people laughing at my threats. He jumped towards me again but this time he went completely snake on me. And he was faster than I had anticipated.
I ducked and then grabbed his tail and my claws bit into his dirt brown scales. The fast that his clay skin was slimy and cold to the touch almost freaked the mother fuckers out of me. He hissed in pain and I noticed that blood began oozing out of the claw holes I had made.
He turned around quickly, using its tail to wrap himself around me. I had to use brute strength to keep myself up. This guy was twenty times as large as a normal snake and a thousand tons heavy.
“ Well aren’t you a fat snake. What have you been eating, thunderbird eggs?” I asked him.
He hissed in anger.
I growled in return as I turned ourselves toward the sink and the wet towel. He began to contract me. The feeling wasn’t really good because he was also squeezing hell’s worms inside me. I didn’t feel them move but I began to feel their anger. Yeah, for once in my poor little life, I had to agree with satan’s fetuses inside me. This shitless, eggs and balls eating shitter had to get his tail whooped.
I grabbed him by the neck as soon as I saw that he was going to strike me. I had barely caught it with my right hands. I contracted his airway but that only made him angrier. His snake face was very close to me, its mouth opening wide, letting me see his gigantic fangs and his bad breath.
“ I think you’ve been confusing eggs with owl pellets and horse shit.” I told him, making a disgusted face. He lunged at me again, this time, squeezing me at the same time.
I felt and saw a little red just then. I used my left hand, grabbed the wet cloth, and threw it in his face and throat. He hissed at me and squeezed me harder. it was getting harder and harder to breathe but I held my conscious like I would hold Satan’s red ass so that he wouldn’t be able to throw me in a pit of black hell fire.
I then got the salt and uncapped it. I was still glaring at the cold blooded tailhole.
“ I know something snakes hate.” I told him.
“ Yeah, and whats that? You?” he asked, mocking horror. I glared at him again.
“ No,” And I threw him the huge container of salt in his eyes, face, and neck. He uncoiled himself from me and backed away, hissing at me the whole time.
“ You short little bitch.” he hissed at me, trying to take the salt away. But the salt was drying both the water and his skin quickly. His eyes must have been burning because the scales that had been touched by the salt was slowly cracking and looking really bad. I smiled cynically.
“ Oh, dude, you have made the worst mistake of your life.”
I jumped up and ran towards him. I landed on its what I was guessing was his zest and began to punch him, hard. Since he was snake, he couldn’t really protect himself. I was seeing a lot more read as each punch connected with some part of his skull. At this point I was seeing red and I felt my control and judgement slip away from me. I felt the guy shift but that didn’t stop me from punching the shit out of him. He then used what seemed to be most of his strength to push me away. I sat back a little, my legs loosening a little by my involuntary movement. That must have been enough for him because he pushed himself far from my grasp.
“ Don’t ever call me short, you mother fucker.” I growled at the guy as I stood up to walk towards him slowly. He got himself to where the sunlight was shining. I didn’t care and just kept going. I was about to step into the sun’s rays when I felt hands pulling me back. I struggled to be let free. I growled and scratched at the arms that held me.
I glared ferociously at the snake piece of shit as he looked up at me, frightened.
“ Don’t you ever call me short you motherfucker.” I yelled at him, my voice was lower than I would have liked but I didn’t care because I wanted to kill this boy. I could barely hear anyone else but some part of me made me listen to the words that one of my boys said.
“ This is your only chance I’ll give you because next time I’ll let her kill you. And tell Master that next time he brings his pets to attack us, we’ll kill them all.”
I growled, wanting to kill this son of a hell’s shit but the arms didn’t let me go. I growled louder and faced up to the sky and howled in frustration.
“ Better leave now before I let her go.” The same voice said.
I watched as the snake shifted and began to slither away. I growled louder.
“ Let me go!”
My voice was lower than ever but that didn’t stop me.

I tried to pry the hands off but that didn’t work.
“ She’s being taken control over. Her emotions are way out of hand.” I heard a female voice said.
I stopped and turned around to face the owner of the voice.
I stalked towards her, pushing my holder away from me, seeing redder than ever.
“ You” I said.
She looked at me and took a couple of steps back, wary.
Big mistake.
I walked to her and didn’t stop, no one bothering to stop me.
“ How dare you let your brother’s goons come after me and my guys.”
Her shocked face didn’t register anything to me but just made me angrier.
“ I didn’t tell anyone where you…”
I didn’t let her keep talking. I used both my vampire and werewolf speed and slammed her to the wall, almost breaking the wall. I snarled at her and held her by the neck, pushing her off of the ground and into the air. She began to struggle.
“ Do you know what your brother did to me? He made my life a living hell, a living nightmare. He raped me and beat me. I want blood; I want revenge. He’s going to pay for my pain with his life.” I whispered to her.
Four pairs of hands grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back. I growled as my hands tried to swipe the witch. My claws missed and only cut parts of her hair. I growled and howled in rage and struggled, clawing again at the people holding me back.
And then I felt something inside me whine, making me stop. I felt another presence inside me along with sister wolf.
They were both whining at me, wanting me to stop. But I didn’t want to. I wanted to stay mad and get my vengeance and make anyone in my way pay for what had been done to me.
Nina, calm down. I don’t want you to die.
Sister wolf was shining trying to console me with her love and her scent, my scent, around me. Then Marco also blanketed me with his loyalty and love and devotion and worry. He was shining a little bit.
I tried to calm myself down, for them but something else wasn’t letting me. I knew it was the demons because they were hissing and telling me what they wanted me to do and what they wanted me to feel. I placed both hands in my head and used my mental strength to push them away. They didn’t want to and It seemed that they had been getting stronger. Fuck me and lock me.
“ Help” I whispered out loud.
I smelled Marco’s scent around me and felt his presence trying to open our bond wider so that he could venture to my head to help me. Everything that made me a survivor, and a wolf screamed out that I should close the bond. But I wasn’t strong enough and I needed all the help I could get. I let him in my mind, letting him feel my emotions and letting him feel the battle that was going inside my head. Sister wolf also came to me and gave me half of her strength that was meant to be used as a last resort to any battle.
With that, I began to push the demons away. I pushed them all out, little by little until they were gone and angry. But I wasn’t out of danger yet. The worms moved inside me, making me throw up all over the place, almost taking my body into dark unconsciousness.
I felt my two boys around me, hugging me with all their warmth and support. I held onto consciousness again like a piece of string that was being held with a las thread and a mouse using its tail power to get the cheese and stay alive.
Once they stopped moving, I fell to the ground and gasped. My eyes burned, wanting me to tear up and cry for a very long time. I didn’t let myself. I wasn’t going to cry again, not since back in the mountains where Jace was.
“ Why is she like this? It wasn’t as bad last time.” I recognized Evin’s voice say.
“ The demons fed on her strong emotions and used her pain to control her.” Melissa said.
“ yeah, we already saw that very clearly, twice.”
“ Meave, I didn’t know you had another brother who was a psychopath.” Melissa said.
Melissa’s words froze me to place. I mustered enough strength to speak.
“ You have another brother beside Master.”
I was going to die. A bitch witch who was crazy and loved to screw with my head, an unknown brother, and Master who’s brain was a door unhinged and about to break off into complete insanity. I would have loved to see him in a loon bin, feeling crazy and frightened of all the terror I would make him for payback of all the years of torture.
“ So did you tell your brother or not?” Evin asked, angry.
Meave glared at him, angry. “ No, I didn’t. I haven’t seen Eddie in twenty years.”
So his name was Eddie. That was the dumbest name that they could have put on the kid. It was no wonder he had gone crazy.
“ How do we know you aren’t lying?” Marco asked.
Meave stared at Marco as if he was the stupidest person in the world. I had to agree with her in that one, unfortunately.
“ If I did, you would have smelled it, wolf, and I’m not lying because my younger brother and I hated him the moment he killed our parents just because they wouldn’t give him their book of forbidden magic.” she said, crossing her arms.
I could feel the truth and pain in her words. I stopped glaring at her, slightly and asked her something, wanting Evin and Marco to shut their mouths up so they wouldn’t ruin my chance of getting the damn hell worms of doom out of me.
“ Fine, I believe you so that should be enough to satisfy you. Now, will you help me or not? Because either way, I’ll find a way to get these out and then either way, I will kill your brother and I won’t let you interfere, got it?” I asked her.
She looked at me and stared at me for a moment. I held her gaze and just waited for her answer. She was slower than a sloth trying to get to another tree on the other side of a river.
“ Fine, I’ll help and I won’t stop you, all I want is that before you kill him, I spit on his pimpled face.” she said.
I liked her slightly more than before. I grinned up at her and stood up, the boys grabbing me when I thought I was going to fall.
“ Fine, by me all the way to rooster world. Now, will you try to get these outta me? I’m beginning to think I’m pregnant with hell’s leaches.” I told her.
She smiled slightly.
“ Yeah, though not today because you need to recover, Melissa needs to clean her house and I need to go get the materials for the spell I’ll be doing on you. I’ll be back tomorrow night so until then, just hang in there.” she said.
“ Don’t worry,” I said, patting my belly, “ I’m hanging on like a monkey hanging to a tree full of fire ants biting its ass and eating its lice.” I told her.
“ Huh?”
“ She’ll wait.” Marco and Evin said.
I nodded. Meave and Melissa chuckled.
“ What an odd girl you are.” Melissa said.
“ You’re not the only one who’s said that to me.” I told her.
“ Obviously.” Meave said before she left.
I returned to the dark room, waiting for tomorrow night to come quickly.


I was wide awake and full of energy by the time it was the next night. I couldn’t sleep las night, morning, night, whatever, and now all I wanted for my birthday present was to get hell’s hell hound black shit of worms out of me. Evin and Marco had been bringing me food the whole time and annoying me with their worried and sad looks. They knew not to pity me because I would have turned pro killer on them and send their asses where no light would shine.
I was giddy but instead of showing the happiness that my problem would go away soon, I turned it into nervous energy and began pacing, trying to catch Meave’s scent. I never really was worried for anyone up until now. The thought shot me through something.
I am worried and frightened. Daddy hasn’t come back yet. I want to see him but I know he and mom must be together, trying to protect me. I hated that I couldn’t do anything to help them. Sister wolf was trying really hard to comfort me but it wasn’t working since she was more scared than I was. I wasn’t strong so I knew that if I wasn’t strong but when a wolf was scared, it turned dangerous.
My body guard came to me. I didn’t look into his eyes but I did hug him. He was the only person I had ever let hug me, besides my true love.
“ When is dad coming back? I want to help.” I said into his chest. He hugged me back. He smelled like safety, a guard, a person I cared about more than my life.
“ He’ll be here soon. But he’s hiding you because he loves you. He doesn’t want to lose you.” my bodyguard said. I nodded and held him. He picked me up and then took us to the bed where he sat, placing me in his lap. I never let my true love do this because while I loved him, I wasn’t very intimate with him. I was only intimate with this man right here, before me.
“ Everything will turn out all right.” he whispered into my ear.
I still didn’t look up at him. I loved how he talked this way only to me. I sighed, worried. My people were out there, fighting for me and I was here, helpless and unable to do anything about it. I wanted to become stronger.
“ What if they succeed? What if I am caught? Why do they want me?” I asked him.
“ I don’t know, Nina, but they won’t have you. And if they do catch you, I will move the earth to find you. Remember that I’ll always find you, Nina, always remember. Are you listening?” he asked me.
I took my face away from his warm neck and looked up at him and smiled at him….

My dream was shattered by someone opening my door. I growled at Marco for akin away my dream.
“ Gee, thanks, Dr. Dumbass, for ruining a perfectly good dream. Or was it a memory? Whatever, just next time you interrupt me, I’ll kick your ass just how a train would break it when it runs over you.” I told him.
“ Trains?” he asked.
I sighed, rolled my eyes, and looked up into the ceiling, asking above why they had given me the most idiotic changeling in the world.
“ What were you doing? Did some of your memory return?” Marco asked, hope in his voice.
“ How the holy hell bombshell would I know? You interrupted me.” I glared at him annoyingly.
“ What was the dream about?” he asked, curious.
Was this guy even listening to me? I swear to my ass that he was getting on my nerves. Why I hadn’t killed him or sent him to isolation? Because somewhere in my fucking black heart, a little kindness was growing for him. I wanted to slap my heart around, yelling ‘what the fuck is wrong with you! He is nothing to be kind about. Men are horrible creatures that you can’t live with or without. No love for him, he hasn’t earned enough tequila points’.
“ It was about a supposed bodyguard I had and how much I loved him. Why are you asking me?” I questioned him suspiciously.
“ Did you see his face?” he asked.
I crossed my arms and glared at him. “ No, you little piece of changeling shit, because when I thought I was going to see his face, you interrupted me. But from what the I could tell, the supposed me really loved this supposed guy, more than the supposed true love I had.”
Marco was blushing a little, not looking into my eyes. There was a little sadness in his eyes. Why was he sad? I wanted to ask him but I didn’t since I knew how it felt when someone tries to rip information like ripping a scab from a still red ass pimple.
“ Marco, hey, where are you right now? Hell, heaven, or somewhere where I don’t annoy the shit out of you?” I asked him, trying to draw back his attention.
He finally looked up and blushed again before he began to talk.
“ I would never think of leaving your side, Nina, I was just thinking of why your memories haven’t come back yet.” he said.
I gave him one more suspicious stare before letting it go.
“ Okay, whatever makes your brain bell chime. So, why did you interrupt me anyways? Because if its for nothing, I’ll make your life a living hell cell.”
I hated cells. I had spent so many years in there since as far as I could remember. I shuddered at the thought.
“ I just came here to tell you that Meave is here and she’s preparing her circle for the spell. She wants you to come when you’re ready. You ready?” he asked.
I did a few leg and arm stretches. Marco watched me, crossing folding his arms into his chest, an amused expression in his face.
“ What in the world are you doing?” he asked.
“ Preparing myself.” I told him as I was doing leg stretches.
“ For what, kicking Meave’s ass?” he asked.
“ No, not only for that but just in case if a fight does go on, mentally or physically.” I responded.
He chuckled and when I was done, we went back to the living room. I noticed that the two girls and the guy’s body weren’t on the floor anymore and that Melissa and Evin had fixed the broken door. I felt bad for the door for being broken but happy that it was now fixed. Poor door, it had to have its ass kicked by a bunch of turds.
I saw that meave was sitting on the floor. I smelled chalk and dried, disgusting herbs. I also smelled some nasty pee smelling liquid. The thing was green and looked as if Meave had put green dye in the pee smelling juice.
“ What type of pee is that?” I asked her.
“ Gargoyle pee.” she said.
I backed up a little.
“ How the hell did you get it?” I asked her.
“ Its a long story so I’ll tell you later, if we ever see each other again.” she said, as if today would be my last day of life. She wished.
“ Why do we need gargoyle pee?” I asked her.
She sighed. Like I cared if she thought I was irritating.
“ Because the gargoyle is the Hell’s messengers. They’re hard to catch and harder to get their pee. They connect this world to Hell, just as angels connect us to Heaven.” she said.
“ I don’t believe in heaven but I do believe in hell.” I told her and went to get something to drink. Evin was there, his back towards me, his head down. I could coulees see his tense back muscles. What had crawled up his crotch and died?
“ Evin, you okay, dude?” I asked him.
He whirled around to look at me, surprise in his face. Had I caught him unguarded? I smirked.
“ Wow, Ev,” I said, crossing my arms and leaning into the kitchen wall, one leg hinged itself with my other, “ Your assassin skills have gone down a notch since the last time I saw you.” I told him.
He grinned up at me, but the grin wasn’t much to convince me that something was majorly wrong with him.
“ Naw, I just let you sneak up on me. You know when I have work do, I’m , how you say it, focused like a sharp pencil ready to be used for a test.” he told me.
Okay, I was the one with the stress mets but his try for them totally didn’t make sense cuz I didn’t get it.
“ All right, was wrong wit’ you?” I asked him, face serious.
One thing I liked about Evin was that he always told me the truth when I asked him if he had a problem. Tonight was no different.
“ Nina, I’ll be honest with you right now.” he said, coming to me and placing his hands on my shoulders. Wasn’t he honest enough already?
“ Nina, I’m worried that you might make it,” he continued to talk faster, knowing I would have cut in if he had let me, “ I know, I know, you say you can take it but that doesn’t make me stop from getting worried. I want you to live. I want us to have soothing someday.” he told me.
Ah, shit hole in hell shell. This was Jace all over again.
“ Evin, I don’t know if I’m ready yet. I have to find out about my past before continuing with my future. But when I do figure out my past, before Master, I’ll definitely let you know if we have a chance.” I told him.
Evin looked at me for a long while. I stared back into his beautiful dark grey-blue eyes were full of mixing emotions. I didn’t blink, because I wanted to show how sincere my words were. After finding what he wanted to see in my eyes, he nodded and let me go. A real smile suddenly bloomed in his face. I felt my body sigh in relief.
“ Okay, I’ll wait but don’t think I’m not going to nudge you. At least you didn’t reject me.” he said. He then gave me a small kiss on the cheek before going to the living room. I snorted and followed him.
Meave was done so I went to sit right next to her on the floor. I felt the worms go wary. They must have figured out that being close to Meave meant danger for them. Good, at least we both agreed that bitch witches weren’t worth trusting but unlike them, I only did when it came to me staying with the living.
“ Ready?” she asked me.
I nodded and she moved me in the middle of the circle. I lied down, staying still. I could feel a lot of her dark magic all around me. I didn’t like foreign magic near me but I had to tolerate it so I would be able to get Hell’s ass of shitty demons out of me. I had to be brave and have courage. If only my bravado could help me now but unfortunately, my suck fuck luck didn’t work that way.
Meave began to put herbs and salt around the circle, chanting something in a different language. I was quiet, not really saying or doing anything. She needed to concentrate and I wasn’t going to have her accidentally kill just because I rolled my eyes.
She came back behind my head and stood up. She looked down at me then took a knife out of her pocket.
Oh, hell no.
I tensed up a bit and I felt Marco using all of his control to not take the knife away from the black witch.
Meave cut my shirt and then took the jar of gargoyle pee and dipped her hand in it. She had better no spray it on my face. I was no hell plant or a fire hydrant. I hell of a no will not get sprinkled pee that came from Satan’s pet’s ass.
But instead of sprinkling the gargoyle pee all over me, she lathered it into the skin of my stomach. The green pee was cool and slimy and smelled really, really awful. The demons did nothing but I felt them sigh a little when she lathered the piss on me. I knew I would have to take five thousand showers in bleach water and angel piss to get the damn smell off. I was now convinced that everyone up in the sky hated me completely.
Meave kept chanting until she made a complete circle and then she sat above me. By now, I was calm and sleepy. Her chanting had soothed me and the demons. She grabbed a jar from behind her and then looked up at someone that I couldn’t see.
“ Grab her and and hands and hold her down.” I faintly heard her say. The words didn’t registered until I had felt pressure on my hands and legs. She then took out a knife and placed it above her head. She began chanting again but this time is was loud and full of force and power.

The demons felt anger and pain when they saw the knife. Somehow I knew it was a holy and purified knife. I didn’t want it close to me so I tried to wriggle but my body was too relaxed that I couldn’t move at first. lowly, though, I used my strength to began moving around as Meave moved a complete circle. She then sat back down and put the knife closer to me and my stomach. Was she really going to cut me? I wanted to kill her then. I moved away from her knife, arching my back and wriggling like a snake. I was a flexible person, something that came handy in any situation but it wasn’t enough.
Finally, the knife she had was a few inches above the skin on my stomach. I growled and hiss and couldn’t do anything anymore because my legs and arms were stretched to the limit and pinned down as if I had four hippos sitting on then. I suddenly felt tI wanted out, now.
I growled as the knife came closer but it was no use. I began to feel terror all around me Fire suddenly lit the circle around me and wooden shaving were thrown all over the place. I as now completely afraid. Wood, fire, and silver could still kill me, whether I was less allergic to them or not. I couldn’t tell anymore if the fright was mine or the demons’. Sister whined at me but she did nothing to comfort me. She sat there, watching me struggle, as if she knew something I didn’t. I wanted out.
And when the tip of the knife touched my skin, I growled a full growl, angry and terrified. The demons screamed somewhere out outside of my mind. The knife was painful and full of silverous poison that could kill me. The demons tried to take over my mind once again but this time, I couldn’t do anything. I was too busy with my feelings. So sister stepped up and guarded my mind, not letting the three of them to try and invade my mind for a third time.
M nerves were alive and alert, making me feel everything and anything that touched my flesh. I felt the knife begin to cut my sensitive skin, slowly. I screamed in horror. This was sending me back to the suffering that I had when I was in Master’s hold. All the pain from my past began to fill my brain, making me unable to do anything but scream.
The the silver chain was being whipped on my back. Over and over and over again. Over and over and over again. I could do nothing but take it because my hands were chained to a wooded chain. I was in pain and about to faint but I knew I couldn’t because they would whip me and do it with me until I could tolerate it no more. Sister wolf howled in torment. I had to protect her, at all costs or else they would rape her too. The only thing I was thankful was that I hadn’t been mind raped yet. I let them hurt my body, but they would never completely break me. I would never allow that….
I screamed and wriggled around as I was dumped in front of someone’s feet. I gasped and backed up until I felt the other man’s feet on my back. I looked up at the ugly face that was my new owner. He gave me a crazy look and a lustful grin. I shivered, terrified. I didn’t know what they would do but I knew I would never like it.
“ Well, lets see how good and tight she is, shall we?” the man said and began to walk towards me. I tried to move away from him but hands grabbed my shoulder and pressed me down, hard to the ground. He came towards me and took his pants off. It was skinny and long and dirty. didn’t want to look at it for much longer. Unfortunately, I took these words back when he pulled my legs and parted them. I was still a virgin. I was terrified, not wanting this at all. Sister wolf growled somewhere in my mind but I locked her up and away, I couldn’t let her get hurt. And then I felt the most terrible pain that I would only feel once in my lifetime. The pain was something that was torturous and awful, something I never wanted to feel in my life. I felt the man groan as I screamed in agony. I could do nothing but scream and try not to wriggle…..
The rabid wolf was biting me, eating my blood and making new scars on my back. I let it, knowing that if I struggled, I would ignite his animal instances and kill me. His claws dug in deep into my back. I only gasped. Master had whipped me before this so my skin was raw but I wouldn’t give any of them the satisfaction to hear me scream, not ever again would give them that satisfaction. So I took it, and let the pain consume me and distract me from everything else, letting it take me somewhere else but here…
Out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, now, now, now, now, now. I wanted out, now. I was filled with fury and revenge and hatred. I wanted out now. Escape, escape, escape, escape, escape, escape,escape. I wanted to escape now. Sister wolf was tired of sting in the sidelines and she was full of anger and pain. I didn’t let her protect me but soon, very soon, I would let her take over. I would let her lead the way away from here, and into freedom. I just had to bide my time. Soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon….

I wanted out now. But this time, I couldn’t. My blood was spilling out of my body and mixing with the fire and wood and salt around me. And then the silver knife was gone. I could still feel where it had touched my skin. Slowly, my skin was heeling but it wasn’t fast enough. Blood spilled and I felt the worms begin to move. I gasped at how they were trying to get away from the gaping hole that was made. I felt Meave’s magic keeping the cut open and trying to pull the demons out but all that did was make them move out of her magical reach. I gasped at how much the demons were moving. I didn’t know how long I could take this but I knew that it wouldn’t be long until I could take it no longer.
And just as I thought that, the pain stopped, The demons stopped moving and the witch stopped chanting. I could still feel the silver in my system but it was slowly heeling back. I looked up at the woman who had tortured me for this long. She looked exhausted. Her hair was a mess and her forehead was shiny, full of sweat and her hair was frizzing up from the sweat as well. The witch sat down on a couch and I could see that she was skinnier than before.
“ How long have we been at this?” I croaked out. My voice was dry and soar from all the screaming and growling that I made. Melissa went to Meave and gave her a glass of water. Evin did the same to me as Marco took my hair out of my face. He was whining but saying hotting.
“ Three hours.” Evin said softly into my ears.
I sighed, knowing what the answer to my next question would be but I had to ask. I needed to hear the answer come from someone else’s mouth.
“ Yes.” Meave said. I looked to her just as she threw the cup into the wall. I heard it shatter and Meave slumped back down. She then turned to me and sat back down next to me, she was caressing my face. Her eyes were full of tears of either for me or of her frustration.
“ I tried, I really did. I had to get into your mind a little to do the spell. It was when you were relaxed. I was there the whole time during spell.” she whispered to me.
I kept watching her. I was frozen in place. How in the world did she do that and not have me feel it? No, I must have felt it at some point but I must have not cared. I let her keep talking.
“ I saw some of your memories, I relived some of your pain with you. I’m sorry,” she choked out to me, “ I’m sorry for what has been done to you. I’m sorry for invading your mind, I’m sorry for making you relive the pain of your past. I’m sorry I couldn’t get the demons out. Nina I get why you hate witches like me and Mel. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” she said as she kept caressing my face.
I let her because I could see the genuine sorrow she felt. I gave her a small smile, it was all I could muster at the moment.
“ Hey, don’t be sorry. What the fucking duckling are you sorry for? You did nothing but help me. I’m sorry that you have to have such a hell’s dickhead brother like that.” I told her.
I couldn’t believe it. Holy mother fucking hen in a crocodile’s mouth, I was actually feeling some warmth for her, a witch. I couldn’t help it. Her parents had died and her brother killed them. She had to survive with no help but her other brother’s. I couldn’t help it. I was a sucker for stories like that like I was a sucker for hillbilly lollipops, made of grape jelly and sugar cane.
“ So, what do we do now? Does anyone know a witch strong enough to do this?” I asked.
“ We can’t take the demons out of you, Nina, in order to do it, Eddie has to come and undo the spell he made.”
“ Is there any other options? Any other choices?” I asked, looking from each face to the other, hope in my voice. I was desperate now, I was being an ant that was desperate to find food.
“ If only I was stronger,” Meave said as she stood up and away from me. She suddenly stopped and then looked back to me, “ Okay, we can’t get them out until you confront Eddie, but in the meantime we can hold the demons locked and unable to move?” she asked me.
“ Hey, make them stop moving and trying to leak out onto others and I’ll do whatever torturous spell to make that miracle work.” I said.
Meave smiled and nodded.
“ I can do it but I’m not very good at it and I don’t want to make you in any more pain. My other brother, on the other hand, can do it without making you in pain.” she said.
“ Where your brother at, Meave, call him and tell him you have a case he con’t turn down and if he does I’ll chase him like a cat chasing a mouse for dinner.” I told her.
“ How about we drive to his house? He has more space and you can’t be more relaxed there, trust me.” she said.
“ I don’t trust that easy, witch Meave, I ain’t a bird eating in a bird feeder.” I told her.
“ Fine, but he’ll heal your wound and he might help you to make a plan to face Eddie and his goons.” she said.
I thought about it. Marco and Evin looked as if they wanted to shout out their opinions of approval. Too bad I wasn’t as easy as fat butter in a pig pen. The bad thing about this was that I was going to have to tolerate another fucking witch. The good thing about this was that if the demons were locked only into one place in my body, I’ll be able to have sex without worrying about whether my baby demons would eat the other or not. I looked at Evin and his hot bod. My body reacted to his big stick under in his pants. I was sexually frustrated and I couldn’t take it for much longer. I needed to have sex with Evin, now.
Guess my sexual depression beat my hate for witches. I looked back up to Meave and nodded, grinning.
“ Fine, lets go.” I croaked out. I took a drink of water Evin gave me and Melissa began to pack some clothes for the trip.

It wasn’t until an hour later when we were on the road on the way to meet Meave’s other brother. His name was supposedly Din. I laughed at the name because I couldn’t help but think of hilarious insulting names that I could give him, like dingo Din, Din-Din-Din, Ring-a-Din-Din, Din-dong, you get my point. His house was close to here, Meave had said. We had to be because there was only four hours left in the night.
Two hours later, we were there and I was very tired and sleepy and hungry. All these meatballs of emotions and moods made me grouchier than the green snot colored monster in that kid show. Meave had called him so he knew we would be here.
Din opened the door when Evin’s car stopped in front of a huge house. The house was huge and white and also made of brick. I could smell a lot of fresh air, meaning his backyard must have been huge.
Din was also very handsome. He looked so much like his sister only more masculine. He wasn’t skinny since I could see muscles bulging out of his arms. His teeth were perfect and he wore a lot of white. White pants, white shirt, white shoes, white face. I was wondering whether Din was trying to look innocent or he was just being a cracker ass or something.
“ Welcome, Nina, to my home. I see you brought backup just in case.” he said. His voice was deeper than I thought it would be. I didn’t like it, much.
“ No, Mr. Ring-a-Din-Din, these are my lovers. You don’t know when a girl wants to get laid under the barn and have a good horse scare.” I told him. Din laughed at that and told us to come in. His house was nice but I could still tell it was a witch house because there was a lot of herby smells and tea and old shit that just didn’t belong in a house this nice.
“ So, you want me to seal the demons to only stay in one place of her body? Who put demons in her in the first place? Does she have a plan of comforting him or she?” Din asked Meave.
Din had just made me mad. I turned around to him and glared at him.
“ She can hear you, and the guy who put it in was one of your blood. You should know since the only person you hate the most is a jackass full of satan’s dick up his ass.” I told him.
Evin and Marco were beside me, both trying to comfort me and protect me. Din’s smile fell from his face. He turned to Meave and both stared at each other for a long time.
“ Eddie, did this?” he asked.
“ I’ll tell you more about it later. For now, lets sleep because I’m exhausted and need to refill my magical juices.” she said and left us all.
Din must have agreed because he began sending us to our own rooms.
“ Wait, what about the sealing thing-a-ma-shit?” I asked him.
Din sighed but still gave me a smile, “ We’ll do that tomorrow. You’re tired and so is the rest of your group. We’ll do it tomorrow. One more night won’t hurt, right?” he asked.
I went into the room he wanted me to use for the moment.
“ Yeah, sure, whatever makes you happy, drink your sleeping pills.” I said and shut the door in his face. I was mad and hungry but most of all tired. Sleep won out and I fell on the bed, already unconscious the moment the bed touched my head.


I woke up a few hours after the sun had set. I was getting depressed quickly. I was tired of having the demons inside me. I wanted to see the sun, oh that beautiful bright sun that used to warm my face up every morning when I used to wake up outside in the forest. I missed those days. Now I had to take care of a changeling, take the demons out, kill Master, and get sexual relief. Yeah, that would put a downer on anyone’s day in hell.
I got up and went downstairs to see that theaters were awake and already eating. Those damn bastards from Satan’s fuck mother.
I began to clap my hands, watching them turn to me. Evin choked on something while Marco smiled up at me but when he saw my glare, he swallowed.
“ Thank you, thank you all for waking me up and offering me food. You know, I am the girl with demons inside so treat me well or I’ll have them demons chop your asses and serve them to the holy mother of fuck.” I said, my voice was drenched in sarcasm.
“ You know this is my house right, Nina?” I heard Din-dong say.
I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at the guy.
“ Hey dude, Your house or mine, I don’t give a shitless cow in a pile of turd. If you don’t want me here then I can leave and you don’t have to worry about me at all.”
Ring-a-Din-Din clapped at me just like I did before. “ Great acting, how wonderful. Like you can fend for yourself in the state you’re at.” he said.
Marco and Evin stood up and looked at the warlock.
“ She’s not joking, Din.” Evin said and went to the kitchen.
“ You have no idea what she’s been through.” Marco added and came to me and slightly bowed. I while he was bowing I gave him a knuckle sandwich in the back of his head. He got up quickly and rubbed his head ferociously.
“ Ouch” he said.
“ I also don’t go back on my word, Marco. Didn’t I tell you that if you ever bowed to me again I would conk a tumor in your head?”
“ Do you really want me as informal as you can make me be?” he asked frustrated.
“ Yes, Dr. assfuck, I don’t want you to treat me like a princess who needs to have her ass wiped and licked every single day.” I told him.
“ Fine, Nina, as you say, I don’t care anymore.” he said and went back to sit down.
Did I just piss him off? His face had shown irritation, which made him cute. I wanted to hug him and make him be happy again but but I didn’t. Evin came in after with a hot plate that had both raw and cooked meat and a see through glass of blood with a straw. I licked my lips, trying really hard for my saliva not to fall.
“ I knew you’d be pissed but we let you sleep in because you needed it. Plus, I saved you the best meat for you.” he said.
“ Damn straight, Dr. Awesome.”
I smiled up to him and when he was about to hand me my plate I snatched it from his hands an blew him a kiss to his direction.
“ You see why we’re FBWs? Gosh, you’re like the most considerate person in the world.” I said and began to eat it. Marco took the open chair next to him and slip the chair out for me to sit. I did because I wasn’t mad at him anymore. I couldn’t stay mad to that hot dude. He was my changeling after all.
I finally noticed that the bitch witches and the dingo Din were watching me, mesmerized. Din dong finally spoke when he finished his drink.
“ You’re really something. No wonder you got them demons in you.” he said.
I crossed my arms at him and glared.
“ Has your sister not told you anything at all yet, dildo Din?” I asked him.
He chocked on his second drink and had a two minute coughing fit. The others were having the same reaction but only Marco and Evin laughed. Reason number two why I hated witches, no sense of sarcastic humor.
“ Fine, I’ll only put up with you so that I can kick Eddie’s ass and if I need you to help me, I will. But as soon as this is done, you are out of here.” he said, glaring at me. Marco sat up straighter and glared at the warlock. I squeezed Marco’s leg and he stopped the low growl he was making.
“ Fine by me Dr. Dickhead, I just can’t wait until I’m outta here.” I said then added, “ So, just to make this trip quicker than quicksand killing a fucked duck, when will you just hurry up and lock them demon children in me. I don’t want to give premature pregnancy. I have a few more days till then.” I said.
Din-Din-Din sighed and nodded and pushed himself up.
“ Yes, lets.” he said and began to walk away. I guessed he wanted me to follow. The other were about to follow when Din abruptly turned around.
“ No one follow, I need full concentration for this type of spell for this type of woman.” he said then kept walking.
Marco and Evin didn’t look happy but did as he said. I didn’t like that. No one commanded my boys unless it was me to kick their asses.
“ Wow, anger issues much?” I asked.
“ Bitch issues much?” he retorted.
“ Don’t feel so special Din, you ain’t the only one whose said that to me. And to answer your question, I’ve been a bitch since as long as I could remember.” I said.
“ You’re really straight forward aren’t you? You don’t shut up do you?” he said turning to me when we got to a black door.
“ Like you said, its no wonder demons weren’t inside me earlier.” I answered, patting my belly as I tried to emphasize my words.
He chuckled and opened the door with a magic spell. I really hated witches. Their magic always made me uneasy. He opened the the door wider so I would be the one to enter first. I gave him an over exaggerated curtsy and walked in.
“ Take off your clothes.” he said.
I turned back at him, amusement all over my face.
“ Well, and you say I’m straight forward.” I told him. He sighed and shook his head.
“ Don’t flatter yourself. I need to locate the demon worms’ exact position so that I’ll be able to shrink them and move them in the middle of your belly and trap them there.” he said.
“ In that case, I’ll give you a stripper special.” I said sarcastically.
I my black shirt and jeans off. I had forgotten to ask either of the witches if they had something different I could borrow. I would have to ask later. It was a good thing I had my bra and underwear on because I was still uncomfortable undressing myself in front of a stranger. The thought brought back quick memories of every time i had done this for other men. I shivered a little both of wariness and because the room was cold.
Din just stared at me. His eyes had gone wide.
“ Hoy mother of…” he began but didn’t finish.
Yeah, I was now getting used to those types of stares. He was probably either staring at my boobs and ass but I was sure he was staring at the scars in my arms and legs and stomach. They weren’t much, just four scars on each of my arms and legs and two on my stomach. Most were on my back but only the severe ones were on my wolf’s fur. I had told sister wolf to just let me keep them in my skin but since I never let her help me, it was the least I could give her.
Sister wolf was now with me, using her scent to comfort me and to cover my mind up, even though she could do nothing for my physical body. She was angry that this guy was staring but I told her it was so that the demons from Satan’s ass crack wouldn’t bother my anymore. Sister wolf still didn’t like it and went feral in my mind.
“ Eddie did this to you?” he whispered to me. His eyes had softened a bit and his mouth was still open. I glared at him.
“ Pity me and I’ll punch you in the face.” I growled at him.
That must have snapped him out of his ditzy daze. He came forward slowly.
“ I’m going to touch you so that I can see the worms’ positions. You’ll be telling me where it begins and where it stops. I’ll have to use a marker so I can see how they are placed.” he explained as he reached for a mercer near his desk. I nodded and just stood there, waiting for him to begin. He turned to first lump, which was right under my boobs. I felt his finger make a straight line through the worm. I told him where it started and where it ended as the marker chilled my skin.
“ Where do you think the others are?” he asked.
“ In my back.” I told him.
He slowly turned around to my back. Smart boy, he knew that if he walked to quickly, he could make my wolf snap. She was very angry that this man was very close to me. Neither of us liked it but he was doing his job so I would have to give.
He gasped when his eyes met my back.
“ Oh, my god, what are all these scars?” he whispered to himself. Must’ve forgotten I was two very supernatural creatures.
“ Oh, those? Those are nothing compared to what my wolf fur is hiding.” I tell him, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
He then touched the lumps on my back I winced but he didn’t see it, thank the fuck mother. He slowly marked the worms again and when he was done, he checked his handy work. He nodded in approval and went to get some stuff for the spell.
“ Will this hurt? Because I’m really tired of spells that almost kill me.” I said to him.
“ It’ll hurt but its because I’ll be because I’m going to move the demons into one place. You’ll have to hang on to consciousness or else it won’t work and there is a high possibility that the demons might wake up and control your body if you go under.” he said.
I snorted and gave him a look that was of defiance.
“ When hell freezes over and becomes a popsicle stick, then I’ll go under, until then, not even these ugly motherfuckers can kill me.” I told him, putting as much bravado into my words because Inside, I was more scared than a pony in a river. But that didn’t mean I was bitch, much.
He came back with a jar of green slime and I scrunched up my nose.
“ Let me guess, gargoyle pee?” I asked.
“ Yeah, unfortunately you have have this lathered on your tummy again.” he said.
“ Ain’t that my cherry of the day?”
Din chuckled and shook his head at me. He didn’t say much when he put the piss on me he then took a white powder and dipped his finger in it. He then began to write some witch shit on my stomach in a circular motion. What the hellfuck? I didn’t talk, not wanting to disrupt his concentration.
After he was finished, he grabbed me a chair and made me sit on it, then he looked at me.
“ You ready?”
“ More ready than a lion ready to mate in a desert full of hyenas.” I responded.
He nodded then and began to chant an unknown language at me. I slumped on the chair he had given me. I began to feel the demonic worms from hell’s pussycat move. It wasn’t as painful as I anticipated it to be but it still hurt like an ass getting a wedgie. I was using most of my strength to not lose consciousness and the rest of it to not fall out of the chair.
A few minutes later, I felt the worms in the middle of my stomach and felt them shrink. And the smaller they got the less pain I felt. Din walked towards me and touched my stomach, his finger somewhere inside the writing. he moved his fingers in a circular motion until he got to my belly button, and then it was over.
I was still slump, trying not to fall asleep.
“ By the way, I was wondering…”
“ Yes?” he asked.
“ Whats the white stuff you had put on me?” I asked.
He went away for a second and came back with a wet towel and some type of super strong fragrant soap. He began to clean my stomach.
“ The white powder? Its crushed angel bones.”
When he said that, my alarms went off inside me?
“ You killed a heavenly messenger? You’re gonna go to hell. Wait, you put it on me to contain some meaningless demons… ah, fuck my luck and burn my haystack of shit. Thanks asswipe, now I’m gonna go to hell with you. Well, I’ll meet you there eight centuries from now.” I said my voice getting smaller. Boy did I want to sleep for a long time.
When Din was finished cleaning his mess on my stomach, he opened the door and I faintly heard him say something but I didn’t know what. I yawned a huge hippo yawn.
I heard the door close and a second later felt someone grab me and put me on the floor.
“ What?” I asked the person irritated.
“ Hey, Nina.” Evin said into my ears, his breath making me shiver.
“ Hmm?”
“ Remember the last time we wanted to hit the hay, someone interrupted us?” he said.
I nodded, now wondering where this was going to.
“ Well, we’re alone now and I made sure no one will bother us.” he whispered into my ear.
That made me open my eyes immediately. I looked up into his beautiful eyes. Was he serious? He wanted to do it now? Here?
Evin moved on top of me and quickly kissed my lips. I opened them, inviting him in. His tongue danced with mine. I wanted more.
I grabbed him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed one of his hands on my thigh and the other pillowed my head. He began to caress my thigh and I opened them and twined my legs in his hips. He made a sound my mouth swallowed. His mouth crushed mine, bruising them yet wanting more of him. Much, much more.
He began nipping his way down my neck as his hand moved to my breasts. I gasped as his hands touched my nipple. I moaned a little as he began to play with it. I moved my hands in his hair as his tongue began to move my nipple around. His mouth then came back to mine as both his thumbs rubbed my breasts. I took his shirt and pulled it up.
“ You have too much clothes on.” I said, realizing my voice had gone husky and my breath was becoming shallow.
“ I think you’re right.” he tells me and stands up and took all of his clothes off in a second and a half. I wanted his body to warm mine up again. He quickly came back down to me and went back to kissing me. I wrapped my legs on his hips again. He unhooked them and I growled. He gave me a lusty smile and kissed his way down my neck, my breasts (after playing with them again), my stomach until he got in-between my thighs. My skin burned hot everywhere he had touched. He grabbed two of his fingers and placed them in me. I groaned out something but I didn’t know what. He moved his fingers in and out fast until my climax came and I had come. I clenched up on his head but he didn’t seem to mind much because he kissed my wet spot. He came back up to me and kissed me deeply. I could taste me in his mouth and that made me crazy wild.
I rolled us around so that I was on top. I kissed my way down to his shoulders then I back up, nipping his jaw and his ears. He was sweating a little and I loved the way he smelled. One of my hands stayed in his chest while the other grabbed the big boy down there. He moaned when I touched it. I began rubbing it and he grabbed me and moved me to his lips. I wasn’t as tall as he was so I had to let go to kiss him again. Fortunately, my wet spot met his and we rubbed agains each other, putting more and more pressure together. I wanted him in me, now.
“ Oh, Nina, how much I want you.” he said, his voice was huskier than mine. I loved the way he said my name. He grabbed my hips and made me sit on top of him. His erection rubbed my wet spot. I moaned.
“ I want it, Evin, I want it, now.” I told him.
My hands had gone into fists in his chest. He gently lifted my hips up a little and when his dick was ready to go in, he gently pushed me back down. I maned a long, slow moan. We looked at each other as he slowly went inside me. Once it was in, he sighed and slowly me moved our hips in rhythm as he pushed me up and down. I couldn’t help but moan at some points as we went faster and faster. And jus when I was about to reach my climax, he slowed down. I dug my nails into him and growled. All he did was chuckle.
“ You know you like it.” he said.
Ruffled up rooster.
I loved how he knew my body well because he went deeper and deeper, giving me more pleasure. I sighed overtime it went deeper. He sped up after each thrust then. I began to moan again and again until I screamed because I came. A few thrusts later, he came as well. But he wasn’t done then because we did it again, making me go hot all over. My body was on alert, loving how he touched me, caressed me, loved me. I was in the pleasure cloud. He thrust back into me and that time, we both came at the same time. After that, I was finally tired.
I fell down on him, my head in his chest. We were breathing really hard. He brushed my hair out of my face.
“ No wonder I call you Dr. Awesome.” I said, trying to get my breath back.
He laughed at that and kissed me on my forehead.
“ No, I believe your middle name is that.” he said.
I didn’t get what he meant but I didn’t care because I was with him and he made me and my body warm.
Half an hour after we rested and made out, we went to my room and took a shower together. I was happier than a bee finding pollen. I wasn’t sexually frustrated anymore and I just knew I would be glowing when we came out.
There was an extra pair of clothes when we came out and we changed into them. I had black sports pants and a white top while Evin got grey sweatpants and a big grey T-shirt.
We came out and down to the kitchen, holding hands. I slapped his hand away when I saw the witches and Marco. Marco was upset and I didn’t care why because I was, for one in weeks, very happy. The witches saw me and smiled.
“ Holy shit, he must be good.” Meave said.
“ You’re glowing like the sun.” Melissa added.
I shrugged at them and went to sit down with Marco. Evin sat on my other side, wanting to be with me. Evin always wanted to be close to me after we did it and sometimes I didn’t mind but today I was a little irritated. Can he not see we were in a room full of witches? And Marco?
“ So, the seal is finally closed and set.” Ring a Din Din said.
I looked at hi, confused. “ What the shitholes are you talkin’ about?”
“ In order to seal the spell, you had to feel a strong emotion that can’t be repeated everyday.” he said.
“ I don’t know about that.” Evin said, grinning.
I jabbed him in the stomach with my elbow and he grunted.
“ Now, that you’re able to walk in the sun with no problem, whats the plan?” Melissa asked, looking at both Din and Meave. They shrugged.
I was happy that I could walk on the sun, I didn’t even know I could until now and the fast that I could now just made my day more chipper than a beaver making a den. No one got to answer or make a suggestion because someone knocked on the door. We all looked at it, hoping that it wasn’t one of Master’s bitches.
“ Who’s gonna get it? Maybe its an early Christmas present telling me Eddie is dead.” I said.
“ You get go answer, if it is Eddie, we’ll be ready.” Meave said.
“ We have your back.” Marco said, his voice was quiet and i could barely hear it but I did. Why was he acting so weird? I didn’t want to ask him right then and there because the witches were looking at me. I sighed, shook my head and went to door. My eyes were turning red, just in case it was one of Eddie’s ass kissers.
I opened the door and I couldn’t believe who was outside.
It was a wolf with fur as black as the night ad another wolf that had grey fur and white paws. My mouth fell off and drops way down to the pit of Satan’s black fire. The wolves began to shift and I still couldn’t make a move or a sound as those hazel eyes sprinkled with gold. I took in a deep breath and then let it out, trying to control myself, trying straighten out my thoughts.
“ Hello, Nina.” he said, with a look of joy, worry, and sadness.
There was only one word that I could utter, and that was his name.
“ Jace”


Jace came towards me and hugged me, hard. I didn’t know what to do since I wasn’t a hugger so I just let him hug me while I just stood there, not really finding anything to say. I began to relive the last time we had spoken to each other.
I felt my heart cracking more and more as Jace kept glaring at me. What was wrong with me? Why was I letting him get to me?
And then it got me. I realized that I was actually falling for Jace.
Oh, that is just so sad, I thought to myself. I thought I wouldn’t live to see the day but I did and I didn’t like it. But I couldn’t do anything about it now. If he couldn’t accept that I was half vampire then I would just hold it in and leave before I got super fond of him. I wasn’t going to be a cat addicted to catnip. Once was enough, that was just the drugs.

I want you to leave. I want you out of my territory. he ordered me, pushing all his force and aura at me. It went through me as if it was just a huge gust of hellhound breath.

I can’t. The rabid will wake up soon and the first thing he’ll want is blood. I need to find him some before we leave. He’s new and I have to explain to him of what happened to him. So, too bad alpha boy but I’m going to have to stay in your woods for a couple of days. Then, I’ll leave you and your posse alone. I told him.

No. he immediately said. Gosh, he really did hate me.

I have to. Unless you want the humans to suffer. I told him. Jace growled at me. Yeah, I threatened him, bite me. It was the only thing I could think of for him to let me stay for a while. Ancient wanna be alpha boy was quiet for a bit before he spoke once more.

How do I know you’re telling the truth? he asked.

Aren’t you just a ball of fun. I promise— no, I swear I’ll leave your woods in five days max. You have my word. I said.

hope so because if you’re not, I’ll hunt you down. he warned

I rolled my eyes. Deep inside me, my heart ached, as if he had bit a piece of my heard and then punched me in the face. But I wasn’t going to show him how much he hurt me. He wouldn’t care and I sure as hell shell was I going to lose my pride, well, what little left of it I had.

Trust me, I can’t wait to leave. I’ll be out of your hair soon. I said and then looked back down at Marco’s calm looking dead face.
I looked back up to see Jace and Mika leaving, not even looking back. I wasn’t surprised. I looked at Jace’s tail as ti disappeared into the night.
And finally, after so much cracks, my heart broke, and I cried...

My heart began to hurt all over again. And then I heard Marco growl from behind me. I broke the hug and turned to Marco, seeing he was using a lot of control to sustain his animal instincts. Through the bond, I could feel his anger at Jace. Marco wanted to slash his that and burn his body a million times for me.
I pushed some of my scent into him, trying to soothe him. I could see it was working because his relaxed more and his growl became a rumble in his throat. I turned back to Jace once I had finished calming my vampling.
“ What in holy hell mother of fuck in a toaster are you doing here?” I asked him.
He looked the same as when I had seen him before. He was still tall and still had that military buzz. He was as buff as ever and his tan was slightly lighter and his sun bleached dark brown hair was still looking soft. His facial structure was still strong and he just looked so hot. I was still surprised that I had the chance to hit that.
Jace looked down at me and I could see so much sadness and flaming passion in his intense gold speckled, hazel eyes. I wanted to throw myself on him but I couldn’t. Because before he even arrived, I was with Evin. I didn’t want to hurt Evin and I didn’t know why Jace was here.
I crossed my hands and waited for him to answer.
“ I came to ask you for a second chance.” he said.
“ On what? Lovers? No, you royally screwed that up by barfing all over my raisin sized heart and I don’t think I want to clean up that mess again.” I told him.
“ Fine,” he said and hesitated before he continued, “ at least let me be your friend. I miss you, Nina, more than I thought I would. When you left I got depressed and all I could think about was you. And then I began to understand to why you didn’t tell me you were a vampire. I regret throwing you out of my territory, Nina, please forgive me for all the pain I have caused you.” he said.
I knew he meant it because I could sense it but his eyes said everything. I opened my mouth but I still didn’t know what to say. I still had conversation issues but it has gotten better. Right now I felt as if I had learned nothing but how to handle dung beetles in their natural habitat. I didn’t even get a chance to speak because I felt Evin behind me, beside Marco.
“ Who’s he, Nina?” Evin asked me.
I could do nothing but say the truth. Gosh damn it, I really needed to lose friends and lovers, they were just too much of a hassle. My head began to hurt and I felt as if the only way to make things better was to get high or go swimming, both of which I hated to the core of my heart.
“ He’s my ex-lover.” I said.
Jace sniffed me then at Evin and his face immediately showed anger and sadness. I crossed may arms and looked up at him, daring him to say something. I had sexual needs and it just so happened that my caring Evin had the tools to fix me up. I kind of felt as if I was using Evin but he knew I cared about him more than anything. He was the first person I had met when I escaped and he helped me even when I threatened to cut his balls off, and almost did. Evin was more than a sex tool to me, though his tool was a hell of a wow factor.
Jace nodded and looked away quickly before he took a step sideways to show Mika, my first female friend I had made. She squealed and ran to me, her arms stretched out wide. She gave me a devil squeeze of a hug and she kept moving us from side to side. I just patted her back, still not really knowing what to do. Gushy just wasn’t my thing.
“ Nina, I missed you so much, you would not believe of how much complaining I had to do just to get the alpha here to go look for you.” she said to me.
“ I missed you too?” It came out more of an unintentional question than what I would have liked but Nina didn’t seem to catch my mistake because she grabbed my boobs with her hands and moved them in circles.
“ And I’ve missed these boobs of yours, oh, those beautiful big breasts. Hello, breasts, how are you? Did you miss me? I missed you.” Nina spoke in a baby voice to my boobs. She was about to kiss them but I grabbed her face with my hand and pushed her face as far away from my girls.
“ Sorry, their private property. As long as I own them, I don’t think I’ll ever give you a chance to get your face near them.” I told her.
“ Ah, Nina, how cold you are.” she tsked and winked at me.
I grinned and when she took a sep back my brain began to work and realized that both these wolves were naked. And I had hugged them. Yeah, I was going to have to burn the clothes I had on with hell fire.
“ Why don’t I let you guys in and get you some clothes before you scare every living creature around here with all that skin hanging out.” I said and made Marco and Evin move to let them in.
As soon as Meave and Melissa saw Jace they choked on their drool and looked away, blushing like a pair of fire hot metal that was so red, even Satan would get jealous.
I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I knew exactly how she felt but I was a shifter so, not really. Wow, contradictions were not my thing but you get my point, if I have one…. whatever.
I used my vampire speed to get some clothes to both of them and come back, not wanting to let Evin and Jace talk to each other.
When I got back, they put the clothes on and Din offered them to bring them sit in the couch. I suggested that we move to the kitchen and Din immediately agreed, seeing that if he angered me, he would get a major ass whoopin’ from three wolves, which one was an alpha, and a professional vampire assassin.
I settled all of them down, having Meave and Din on each nod of the table and melissa, Jace and Mika to one side and Marco and Evin to the other side, with me. Evin and Jace both stared at each other. I could feel the tension building up and smell testosterone all over the room.
If you don’t have drugs or a pool, get the next best thing. Liquor.
“ Din, I need something to drink, you got anything?” I asked him.
“ Would you like some tea?” he offered me.
Yeah, he’ll definitely will get both my shoes shove up his ass one of these days.
“ I hate tea. Got any Vodka? Scotch? Tequila? Anything that’ll burn your tongue like a motherfucker?” I asked him.
Din seemed to understand why I needed the alcohol. I could see a little sympathy in his eyes but I decided to ignore it. It was his house and if I pissed him off, no liquor for me.
“ I’ll get you some bottles.” he said and left faster than a dog needing to pee all over his face.
Bastard, he had left me to handle a very delicate bomb which consisted of Evin and Jace having a cock fight. I meant a rooster fight since I wasn’t that perv…. never mind.
Din quickly came back with the drinks that I had named. He held them up in the air.
“ Which one is your preference?” he asked me.
I stood up and took them all from his grasp. “ I’ll be needing them all if I’m going to survive tonight.” I told him.
Din nodded and sat down once he had opened all of the bottles. I wasn’t even going to bother with a glass so I just took a swig from each and everyone of them. My throat burned as the liquid began to settle in my stomach. I couldn’t get drunk fast, which was a damn shame. I had a super, super fast metabolism which meant that I had to drink at least two dozen of each liquor I had now to even get the buzz feeling I wanted.
“ Nina, what trouble have you gotten in now?” Jace asked me.
“ What ever do you mean?” I asked him, trying to play innocent.
“ You smell dark, sick, almost like death.” he said.
“ Oh, that? Thats just the demonic worms she has inside her stomach.” Evin said.
I took another swig of Tequila, just knowing that Jace would explode. Three… two… now.
“ What!” Jace bellowed out. “ How could you let that happen to her? How did it get in here? Who did it? Where are they?” he asked everyone sitting in the table. Jace looked back at me, sympathy and slight pity in his eyes.
Oh, hells to the horse shit no.
I grabbed a candle holder from the table and threw it at Jace, hitting him in the middle of his forehead. Jace growled and glared at me. When he did that Marco immediately stood up and snarled at Jace. My hand in his was the only thing that kept him from attacking the alpha.
“ What the hell, Nina?” Jace growled, more surprised than angry.
“ You know I hate that look. You know very well I’ll smack anyone with anything to get my point across that I hate to be pitied.” I told him.
I felt Jace force his alpha power at me. It slid off of me. I glared at him this time.
“ I’m omega, dipshit nodder boy. Haven’t I showed you enough times that I’m alpha proof?” I said, letting go of Marco so that I could cross my arms under my chest. From my peripheral I saw Mika take the Scotch and took a drink from it. The other girls, and Din, followed as the bottle was being passed.
“ Tell me what has happened, please.” He whined.
I nodded and told him everything that had happened after I made a phone call to Evin. He got angrier and angrier as I told the story until I got to the point of here. I left out the part of me and Evin beating the drums together because Jace was having enough trouble controlling his anger now.
“ And that is how we got to this point, me drinking my bottles of liquor, not,” I took the bottle that Mika had passed from her hands, “ sharing since I wasn’t big on the whole ‘sharing is caring’ bullshit.” I said.
Jace took in some calming breaths in and out, trying to regain his composure. Evin was still staring at Jace, not really talking or doing much. Yeah, if I didn’t have my bottles, I would’ve died right now from testosterone poisoning.
Marco grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder. Jace saw but chose to ignore it.
“ So, whats the plan? I want to help.” he said.
Everyone, not including me, looked at each other, not really knowing what to say. eventually, everyone stared at me. Yep, I needed another dozen bottles of rum.
“ Well,” I said, taking a swig of vodka, “ Lets start with trying to find this son of a bitch, then we’ll go from there.”
“ So, what you’re trying to say is… that you got no plan?” Evin asked me.
“ Hey, you’re the professional assassin, I was hopin’ you would make a plan up, why did you think I even called you? Just to look at your body?” I asked, giving him a quizzical look.
Evin shrugged and winked at me.
“ I thought it was only that but if you really want me to, I’ll make up the plan, but first I need to know where he is. Can any of you witches do a finding spell for Eddie?” he asked around the three witches.
“ The only way to do a tracking spell is if we had either his scent or anything that he had made or touched.” Melissa informed us.
“ Well, I know his scent must be long gone by now since its been days and we have nothing that he owned.” Marco said.
“ Well, it doesn’t necessarily have to be something non-living. We just need something he had created himself.” Meave said.
“ Okay, what has he made that we have?” Din asked around.
My companions all began to think hard, trying to find the answer. I wanted to smack them all in the head with a pan and cook em for breakfast.
“ Oh, come on ya’ll, Can any of you even see the sun in the daylight? Do any of you know the sky is above us? I mean, the answer is as simple as an egg under a chicken’s ass.” I said.
“ What?” Din and Jace said at the same time.
“ She’s saying that the answer is right in front of us.” Mika said.
I shot her a thumbs up and watched as the other began to think of it. I rolled my eyes and smacked Marco, Jace, and Evin.
“ Me, you idiots. I have something that he made. The demons can lead us to his hiding spot, you bunch of dumb nuts.” I said.
They began to rub their heads, not really liking where I hit them nor what I had said for the answer.
“ It can’t be you, Nina, are you crazy?” Evin glared at me for even thinking the thought.
“ He’s right, you know, you can’t volunteer yourself to get a spell done on you.” Jace said, staring at the witches, daring them to even try to budge their way to me. The witches gulped and stayed where they were.
“ Holy mother fucking hell bomb, its the only way, nodder boy. Don’t listen to the ruffled up rooster right now because you all know that the only thing that we have left that can lead us to Eddie is the freaking demonic worms from Satan’s vagina.” I told them all, pointing at my stomach the whole time.
They were quiet for a long time. Did I ever mention quiet people drove me crazy? It was Marco who broke the silence first.
“ I’ll allow you to lead but as soon as we find him, all you need to do is stay behind me until we find the asshole who did this.” he said.
I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Marco smiled at me and squeezed my hand under the table. While he may look serious on the outside, I could tell Marco was a sweetheart on the inside. I loved being with him, since he was my vampling and all.
“ I’m with the ex-rabid, there.” Mika chimed in.
“ Us too” the witches agreed.
After all the votes, I only waited for the two overprotective, testosterone filled men that were my ex-lover and current lover. They agreed at each other again before they nodded at me. And with that, I finished all the bottles, placed them back on the table, and stared at them.
“ Okay, so now that we have a deal, Din, Meave, and Melissa will all try to find the tracking spell for this type of tea while Evin plans on what we should take and Jace and Mika can do whatever they want. Marco and I need to have some vampling, master alone time and I want to go out and hunt. No one follow us or I swear I’ll cut something off.” I warned them all.
Jace and Evin weren’t too happy with what I wanted them to do but I was the girl with the demons inside me so it was best for them all to just listen and do as I say for the time being.
Before Marco and I left for the woods, I turned to look at Jace and Mika.
“ Oh, by the way, who’s taking care of your pack if you’re here, Jace?” I questioned him.
Jace smiled at me for a moment. I just gave him a ‘what the fuck are you looking at’ face.
“ My second in command, Leroy is taking my place while I’m here with you. Thank you, for caring enough to ask about them.” he said.
I just gave an awkward nod and walked out the door, Marco following behind me. I then shifted and headed for the forest, hungry for a hunt.


About an hour later, I was full from eating some dear and a few rabbits. I didn’t do most of the hunting since Marco was the one making me stay put. He had hunted most of what we ate and I didn’t like it. Once we were about a few feet from steeping out of the forest, we began to shift back to our human skins.
“ Hey, Marco, can I ask you something personal?”
Marco nodded, as he put on his pants. His had a really good body that I just wanted to touch. But of course, because I had enough men in my life, I held back.
“ Shoot” he said.
“ When you woke up from when I turned you, what did you feel?” I asked, “ I’ve always been curious of what a made vampire feels when he turns up with fangs.”
He ahed and nodded, as if he understood. It had always been secretly nagging me if I had done the right thing for Marco. Something that I always hated myself from that moment was that as I tried to save his life, I had also broken his will. He was connected to me and I wanted to know if he ever resented me for turning him.
We sat down after we changed and I just stared at Marco, waiting for him to speak. He looked up into the sky, then back down to me, smiling before he answered.
“ When you sucked out all of my blood, I felt like I was dying. When I died, I do not really remember much about it but the moment I woke up, I felt so many different things.” he said.
I kept quiet, wanting him to continue.
“ I knew I was different the moment I opened my eyes. I saw even better than when I was a werewolf. I could smell more than before and I felt stronger as well. And then I felt no connection with Eddie. That relieved me and When I saw you, sitting besides me, I felt our connection. You have no idea how I joyful I was when I could feel the new connection between us. I felt your sadness and worry and everything that was going on in your body. At that moment, I had decided that I loved the new me. I wanted to protect you, like I had so many years ago. After that, I finally got the hunger pains for blood.” he finished.
I was silent for a long time, wanting to think really good at what I was going to say next.
“ How…. what do you feel from our bond?” I asked.
I blushed a little when I said it. I didn’t like blushing because only mating squirrels did that when they were having sex in the middle of the public. I hurriedly continued on so I could explain myself.
“ I mean, to me, if I wish it, I can feel you, the whole you. I can feel how healthy your body is and I can feel every emotion you have. And if I also wanted to, I could track you and I could talk to you, although I haven’t tried it because I’m not a big fan of having someone in my head. I can also feel the power that I have. I feel it all the time, the power to control you and will you to do whatever I want. I can thin our bond and I can put up walls against you invading my thoughts but I also have a feeling I can do more than I know now.”
He gave me a deliciously sweet smile, one that made my stomach giggle. What the fuck was wrong with me? It was the first time that I actually felt attracted to Marco, as if today I barely realized how freaking hot he is. I put my walls back up quickly, not wanting him to catch anything of what I was thinking.
“ Thats funny, because all I get from our bond is how you feel, how well you are, and if you want to talk to me. I can sense the power you have on me but the fact that you haven’t used it satisfies me enough to know you wouldn’t force me to do anything I didn’t want to unless it was urgent. I love the bond, Nina, because its a bond I only have with you.” he replied.
We stared at each other for a long time, not really saying much after that. I stared at Marco with fresh new eyes.
His black eyes were mesmerizing, catching me in a trance. I could see them begin to turn a little golden yellow, telling me his wolf was lingering near. His lips looked kissable and my fingers wanted to touch him everywhere they possibly could. I was beginning to feel hot, wanting to take off the clothes I had barely put on.
And then I felt sister wolf nearing. She must have felt the heat too because she was looking at Marco with desire as well. I felt Marco nearing me and I stood in place, not wanting to move. His muscles were stretching and contracting as he moved towards me and I was lustful to make them jump from my touch.
And just as Marco was only a foot away, I heard my phone ring. I immediately snapped out of my trance and blushed quickly. Have I mentioned that I hated blushing?
I was a little glad that my phone rang in time before I became a world know slut, not that I wasn’t anyways. Marco was more than just a one night stand to me, so I knew I had to keep my distance from him. I didn’t know why I was beginning to like Marco but I didn’t like it…. no, that was a lie. I actually liked it a lot but it must be the master-vampling love relationship. I decided to go with that lie for the time being until I could make up a better one.
I controlled myself fast and picked up my phone.
“ What!” I yelled, angry and irritated.
“ Why you so pissed off?” Evin asked me, getting pissed off himself.
“ Because you’ve interrupted my master-vampling moment, you fucktard.” I explained.
“ Well, sorry to interrupt your love time but as you FWB, I’m calling you because Din is ready and needs you here to do the searching spell.” he said.
I made an over exaggerated sigh, making sure Evin was able to hear it.
“ Fine,” I said in a deep voice, rolling my eyes, “ I guess Marco and I will have our sex time later. I swear, chicken boy, you’re more annoying than a tick sucking blood outta both my ass cheeks. I’ll be there in two.”
I hang up quickly, knowing that he’d counter it with another of his smart ass comments. Marco laughed out loud once I hung up and I gave him a bow.
“ We’re having sex now? Without telling me?” Marco asked, amused.
I nod as I walk out the forest.
“ Of course we are. I’ve been drugging you at night and having my way with you. Its about time I have my own fun with someone instead of the other way around, don’t you think?” I asked him.
Marco kept silent. I looked at him and saw he had become serious again. This bitch, for reals.
“ I meant it as a joke, you sloth. Relax and lighten up a little, dude, before I stick the devil’s tail up your ass. Or do you want the pitch fork? Its your decision.” I said to him, holding my chin with my thumb and index finger, squinting my eyes as well.
“ Not funny, Nina, or should I say, my lady?” he countered.
I hit him in the head again, harder and more quickly than ever.
“ Call me my lady and you’ll see how much I’ll make your life a living hell. Just do as I say and relax. No ones going to kill you and I promise I won’t put any ants up your pants.” I said, holding my right hand up.
He laughed then and as a reward, I gave him a smile. And that was how we entered into dingo Din’s house. As I was beginning to open the door, Evin smacked the rest of the door on the wall. He looked really pissed. When he saw me, he began to sniff me, as if he was a werwolf.
“ I get it, chicken boy doesn’t suit you. You like dog boy better, don’t you?” I asked him.
He down at me and glared.
“ You lied to me.” he stated.
I rolled my eyes, “ Oh my twixie pix God, I did that?! I’m so sorry, I promise it will never happen again, hybrid’s honor.” I said, putting my right hand up but I hid my left hand behind my back, crossing my fingers.
“ Stop fucking around, Nina, you know I don’t like it when you play with me…”
“ Are you sure about that?” I asked teasingly. He just continued talking.
“ Like that. Stop saying you’re sleeping with someone that you’re really not. Because if you joke about that again, I’m going to have to beat the living shit out of anyone who dares to take you.” Evin sighs out, sad, as if he had no choice.
I shake my head at him but eventually give him a small smile. He relaxes then and pulls me by the arm, trying to get Marco and I as separated as he could get us. I didn’t like being possessed in front of people I cared about or in front of strangers. I pulled my arm away from him and shoved him aside. I walked in front and found Din in the living room, with a mirror and a kitty pool filled with water and green leaves.
“ Are you going to try to teleport guppies from the mirror to your kitty pool?”
Din glared at me slightly but ignored my comment. Holy hell cow, I hated a lot of things, even being ignored. Wouldn’t anyone hate being ignored?
“ I’m going to raise and image from the mirror while the pool will just give us a general direction of where Eddie should be.” Meave explained to me.
“ Stop insulting the ways we do our spells, Nina, how would you feel if we insulted and stereotyped vampires and werewolves?” Melissa looked pissy, making me wonder if it was her time of the month or not.
“ I wouldn’t care much. But if you ever insulted me, I’d insult right back, or probably kick ya’ll’s asses, whichever one is convenient at the time.” I respond with the most factual tone I had ever voiced out.
Jace and Mika chuckled while the others either just, sighed, shook their heads, rolled their eyes, or all three.
“ So, you ready to do your voodoo spell shit on me? Because I’m planning that we should go and kill him as soon as we can.” I suggest.
“ She’s right, we don’t want him to move or try to find us.” Jace added.
“ We’ll see, depending on how far he’s hiding.” Din told us.
I nodded and then stepped towards him, my hands on my hips, “ So, where to do you wan’t me, oh great powerful Din-dong?”
“ I want you in the middle of the kitty pool.”
“ I already took a bath. I’m no fish needing a clean rain shower from Satan’s piss.” I inform Din quickly. Holy hell fart bombs, I was more nervous than a turtle shitting on it’s owner’s floor.
“ What?” All three witch bitches said at the same time.
“ She’s nervous, guys. Who wouldn’t when she’s already taken a beating from every spell you guys have made on her.” Marco said.
“ Marco’s right. You should just let her act like a maniac until the ‘demonic worms from Satan’s ass’ are gone” Evin said, making quotes with his hand on the demonic part.
“ You for got crack.” I tell him.
“ What?”
“ You should have said demonic worms from Satan’s ass crack. Otherwise than that, great sentence.” I tell him, giving my assassin lover two thumbs up. He just waves his hand, as if he was shooing away all the twixie pix giggle dust away from him.
“ Whatever, you get my point.” he said.
“ Can we just get this over with?” Mika asked us both, irritated at Evin for probably talking to me. Mika was such a alpha’s girl.
“ Fine, fine, don’t get them thongs stuck up in your cracky ass.” I tell her.
She growls at me and I only return her a smile.
I take my shoes off and then dip my feet into the kitty pool water. The water began to cool my hot feet. I sighed at how good the water felt.
“ Now that you’re in bliss wonderland, how about we get the show on the road?” Meave said to us all.
Din took out a book which looked to be as old china’s history, he flipped to a page and began to read from it.
“ Acsama ortiga llaramare” Din said out loud in a deep, booming voice. I felt the power that he had going into them and felt his power begin to wrap around me.
Magic had always felt weird to me. Magic felt as if something cold and slimy yet hard and warm. It was hard to explain but the closes that it could be would be how the inside of an egg shell would feel. I tried not to shudder from how disgusting it felt.
I looked down as I felt the water swirl around my feet and leaves colliding with my ankles. I looked up to see what was going on with the mirror and I almost jumped from surprise. The mirror was also swirling but it had colors inside it. The swirl was first slow but as each few seconds passed, it kept going faster and faster. My head began to hurt and I tried keep myself ground by looking away from the mirror.
“ Oh my…. ass.” I heard Mika gasp out.
“ Would ya’ll just not use my words? I paid for ‘em and so I keep them and they are mine, so mouth off my sayings.” I said irritatingly at Mika.
“ Nina, face forward.” Mika ordered.
I growled at her in defiance but did as she said a few minutes later. I looked towards the mirror and barely was able to control myself.
The mirror looked to be foggy for a second but the colors began to blend quickly and a picture was forming.
It looked to be an abandoned factory from what I could tell since the building was about three stories tall with broken windows and rusty doors and bars all over the place and weeds and over grown grass covered most of the pebbly place, filled with trash all over the place. The only new thing that was in the picture was a shiny new silver car.
“ Thats his secret evil layer? Wow, even I can choose a place better than that.” Melissa says out loud.
“ Hey, the boy’s a cheap bastard.” I explain to her.
“ Does anyone know where that is?” Jace asks out loud.
I shake my head, “ I don’t, its been a long time since I’ve been here and even then I didn’t go out much.” I said.
“ I wonder if Eddie’s real HQ is in some state neighboring ours.” Evin thought out loud.
“ Does anyone know the place or not?” Mika yelled at us all.
“ Chill your ass down, Mik, we, the adults, have got this covered.” I tell her, grinning.
She began to laugh out loud, hard. Her head flew back as she arched her back and she clapped a couple of times.
“ Whats so damn funny?” I asked her, glaring.
“ Nothing, its just that you consider yourself and adult.” she laughed out.
“ I know the place.” I heard Meave say.
“ Ah, from now on, I’ll be less hateful to you, witch bitch Meave.” I tell her in my sweetest voice, which went very nicely with my very sweet smile. Meave backed away.
“ Okay, I get it, I won’t say it again, just as long as you never show me that smile again.” she said.
I agreed and we went on.
“ Oh, yeah, I know where that is. Isn’t that the old meth house?”
“ Right, I remember it was on the news about ten years ago, give or take. I don’t know the directions to the place but you do, don’t you Din?” Evin asked him.
He nodded.
“ Well, what are we still doing here? Lets go and kick some ass.” Melissa said, walking to the hallways closet and getting out a black sports bag. I stepped out from the pool and walked towards her. I smashed my fist into my other palm, feeling that my cynical grin was coming on.
“ Come on, me boys, its hunting time. I’ve been craving dead Eddie meat for a while.”
Sister wolf agreed. I could feel her pace back and forward, anticipating the blood that will be spilled from Eddie’s own veins.
We all began to walk out the door, all of our energy was electrifying the air around us and it vibrated through my bones. I loved the feeling because it was the feeling of power. It was the feeling of how pumped up we were to finally kill that fatherfucker.
It was the feeling that revenge will be, for once, fulfilled.


It had taken all of us about five hours to get here, which left us little of the night. I could smell the sun coming up but I wasn’t worried because them fuckin worms from Satan’s toe fungus were trapped and couldn’t escape. Anyways, we were now at Eddie’s safe house, only we parked a quarter of a mile away so he wouldn’t sense us with his pussy witch power.
“ Wow, for a secret evil layer, its the most lame and smelly one I’ve ever seen.”
Yeah, it was so fucking bad, even I could smell it from a quarter mile away.
“ So, how are we going to take him down?” Melissa asked.
Evin immediately began to tell us his bright plan.
“ We’re going to sneak in from A secret tunnel that has been scratched from the blueprints.” Evin began.
“ Wait, how do you know there’s a secret tunnel?” I asked him.
Evin just looked at me, as if he was expecting me to get it…. which I did after a second.
“ Thats where you finished most of your jobs?” I was a little stunned to even think he had used to do all his work in that freaking building.
“ Hey, whats that disappointing look in your eye?” Evin asked, pouting a little.
“ I just can’t believe even you couldn’t find a better place than this. I mean, come on, Evin.”
“ Watch it, Nina, I’m a professional assassin.” Evin pointed at me.
We all then suddenly heard a growl, which was coming from and growing from Marco’s throat. I touched his shoulder, telling him to stop with just a touch. Marco did but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t glare pitchforks from Satan’s personal stash at Evin. I didn’t bother to tell him to stop because that would be overboard and I liked the fact that even Evin couldn’t mess with me without having to fight a very pissed off and vengeful Marco.
I made a noise that was in-between a laugh and a snort as I rolled my eyes from what he had said.
“ Please, you love me the way werewolves would love T-bones and vampires drug overdosed blood.” I told him.
“ Alright, enough, quit the lover’s quarrel. So, once we’re in, how are we going to find him? How are we going to take him down?” Meave asked us.
“ We’ll just have to take out as much drones quietly as possible. Mika and I can definitely do that job. The witches can try to cover us so that we can become more invisible and Evin can do whatever since he is, of course, a professional assassin.” Jace explained this all in just one breath. We all just looked at him as if he was the smartest person in the world.
“ You know, that’s actually not a bad idea.” Evin replied, which shocked me even more because weren’t they supposedly fighting over me? Holy fucking Hell with twixie pix fart bombs from Satan’s ass, I must have overestimated my being their number one concern and attention.
“ Okay, with that, how about we enter now?” I ask the others, trying to regain my fuck-with-me-and-I’ll-kick-your-dick bad-assness attitude.
They all nodded and we all silently filed out of the car. I was debating whether to turn into a wolf but decided against it since I didn’t want to fight and not able to talk. Of every weapon I ever had, my insulting mouth was the one that both made me a survivor and the one that got me into trouble. I was hoping that it would make me into a survivor once more.
Marco, who was beside me the whole time, was in wolf form and was protectively walking in front of me. I could feel the protective tension and feeling he was having; it was something I didn’t like at all.
I reached out to him with my mind and tried to make him relax just enough to release most of his tension. In return, he touched my mind as well, throwing all his feelings of affection, admiration, appreciation, and loyalty with a whole load of protectiveness. His emotions were drowning me a little, making me want to just stop whatever I was doing and just pet and take care of my werewolf-vampire changeling.
Luckily, having lived with Sister my whole life and live with the worms for more time than I liked, I tolerated it until it all wafted away from me, little by little.
I heard two smaller growls that made me turn my head, realizing that both Jace and Evin were glaring at Marco. Ha! So, they would threaten my changeling who had no emotion for me yet not growl at each other? Was there a lover-ex-lover contract that says they can beat down an opponent who isn’t even in the freaking competition? Oh, hell no, When hell falls over and makes me queen will I let them try to bully my guard.
I hissed and growled at the same time, opening my mouth to let them see my fangs, showing them how pissed I was getting. It must have been enough because they gave Marc one last ‘I’mma kill your ass’ glare and walked ahead.
“ I don’t know how you juggle so many men, Nina.” Mika, whose on my other side, mutters.
“ Thanks for calling me a slut, Mika, appreciate it.” I bump her.
“ Any time, girlfriend.” she replied, chuckling.
“ Only if I was gay, I would be. Unfortunately yet not, I’m straighter than a toothpick. Damn shame I like men, huh?” I ask her.
She nods, a twinkle in her eyes, probably from humor, “ Yeah, a damn shame. If you weren’t though, I would definitely use every flirty tactic to get you in my bed.”
I was about to respond but Din all interrupted us my stopping.
“ Okay, from here on, no one talks. We’re about five minutes away from the building so we must be at our most quiet.” He says.
“ Why, thank you Mr. Duh, for pointing the obvious.” I said, slightly bowing my head at him mockingly and we all kept walking.
Five minutes later, we were right indoor the secret door that Evin had known. We opened it as quietly as we possibly could and one by one, filed in. Once we were inside, Marco and I both lead the way, using our noses and our ears to try and find where that Satan’s shit stain was hiding. It didn’t take long to hear Eddie but when we did, we saw guard guarding a latter, which I assumed lead the way to shit stain’s room.
All of us immediately hid, Jace, Mika, Melissa and Meave on one side while Din, Marco and I were on the other. The witches nodded at each other and began to murmur some words. Din closed his eyes and then waved his hands towards Marco and I. Just then, I could feel magic begin to wrap around me, smothering me with its weird feeling and just ugh.
It must have been an invisibility spell because Evin was silently making his way towards both guards, talking out a dagger. Once he was in a close enough range, he did a super cool and swift move. He had first cut off the head of the right guard then did a freakishly fast twirl towards the other guard, who didn’t even have time to react, and sliced his skull in half. I could see blood oozing out from the straight line that divided his nose in half, from the slice Evin had made.
“ I’m finally admit it, Ev, I’m fucking impressed.” I tell him once both guard fall to the ground. Evin smiled at me.
“ Thats an honor coming from you, since you rarely compliment or get impressed easily.” He replies. I say nothing more because now that blood had been shed, my wolf and vampire instincts were wide awake and wanting of blood from the person that had tortured me for over so many years.
I ran to evin but instead of hugging him, something he must have expected, I began to quickly climb the ladder. The instant I opened the floor door to the building, Eddie’s stinking smell filled my nose and my throat. It just made me want to kill him even more. I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier by the minute.
I began to use my werewolf nose and my vampire eyes to locate the asshole’s position. I didn’t get far before I saw more of his guards. I made a slight growl from my mouth and immediately began to fight them. Since I was invisible it wasn’t much of a fight since I break one guard’s neck and then crack the other’s head. I didn’t bother to see what type of SN’s (SuperNatural) they were.
“ Whoa, calm down, Nina.” Mika whispered to me from behind.
Marco growled at her. His fierceness began to spill into me, filling me up with rage.
“ You don’t get it so stay out of it, girl.” I growled at Mika and turned back to find my prey.
We passed and killed more easy guards. I didn’t stop for anything, trying to find Eddie. I was getting more and more frustrated from how big the damn factory was and how many passageways it had that I was about to howl in irritation but something had stopped me. It was more of a smell than anything else. We were now in a hallways that had many doors in them. But that wasn’t what made me stop. It was the smell and the feelings that did. I could smell the sadness and the craziness all over the hallway. The smell reminded me of the different men’s cum and the tears some of the girls had shed in the past. It was the smell of torture. It reminded me of a sudden memories that I had forgotten about.
I was now sober, after what seemed forever since I was drugged. From the small calendar I had stolen from a client, I realized that I had been overdosed and high for about twenty-five days. I felt tired and barely alive. I felt my mind and myself wanting more of the mix of cocaine, heroine, and amphetamines. And now since I was sober, I could smell it again. The smell of girls’ pains and sadness. I smelled the tears from every girl and I smelled the rape inside them. I smelled the illness and the sickness of every girl becoming crazy and becoming even more sick, mentally and physically and even becoming sick in every way possible, becoming one with every girl. It was the smell of innocence becoming stained and of the innocent turning into a cheap sex toy. It was the smell of girls who were too high to care, who just wanted the drugs now and sober girls getting traumatized and of girls who have given up and have gotten used to the life that seemed so much like hell. It was the smell of the sex-trade. And it was driving me crazy….
I was finally out of Master’s torture house. I was still running into the deep forest. The forest, it was my only escape. If it wasn’t there, I would’ve been found out by now. I loved the forest, and I never wanted to leave it. I soon found a small lake, and deciding to stop there, I began to rest. For a while, I would rest for a while or else they would find me again. I looked down at the lake’s water. What I saw surprised me.
My hair was thin and my arms and legs were just bones with flesh to cover them. My eyes were deep within my skull and my lips were cracked. I saw some of the scars on my arms and legs. I was still in the panties and bra I had been using for years. I saw some scars in my stomach. Noe of it bothered me much because it was scars of a survivor and I knew I could gain weight in time. What made me crazy enough to cry was the smell. The damn smell of what I had run away from. The smell of every man that had ever raped me and from every lash that the given up whores had given me. It was still there and I wanted to wash it away. I wanted it gone so I began to wash myself in the lake.
But that must have not been enough because I could still smell it. The smell of crazy and drugs and rape and tears and torture and the dirtiness of it all. It was the smell of the sex-trade. I wanted it all gone so I scrubbed furiously with my nails but that did nothing because the stench was in my hair and in my skin and in my bones and in my blood. The smell wouldn’t come off. I was so frustrated that the smell wouldn’t come off that I was about to cry out in rage. But I controlled myself because I wasn’t about to cry over some frivolous smell. I finally gave up washing it off after hours of cleansing. I was now beginning to realize that the smell would never come off. It was worse than the scars because I knew that I had breathed so much of that smell it was now permanently stuck to me and it would never come off. And I could do nothing to clean it away. Finally, after I had realized this, I began to cry…

All of this flashed through my mind in lightning speed. The smell was still there, but barely. And now that I was once again surrounded by it, I wanted to kill it. I wanted the smell gone not just from me but from every girl that were in the rooms.
I smell it too. I heard both Marco and Sister say at the same time. It was enough to anger me.
I opened the door that was closest to me and saw that one of Eddie’s guards was raping a girl, who wasn’t even making a noise of resistance. I snarled at the guard and jumped at him. I had surprised him, shocking him enough to get my hands around his neck. Using my fangs, I placed it on the skin of his neck but instead of biting, I ripped his skin with it. The guy was about to scream but I covered his mouth and snapped his neck. I looked down at the girl in the bed. She was thin and high, her eyes unfocused. I lifted her up and carried her out of the room.
“ Thank you.” I heard her whisper.
I didn’t look down or do anything to let her acknowledge that I had heard her. Outside, all of my companions were watching me. I placed her into Mika’s arms.
“ I want the girls out,” I said straight into Mika’s eyes, “ Get every girl out of here and help them get that smell off of them.”
Mika nodded and carried turned back to walk to where she had came from. The others nodded and began to bust the doors. I looked down at my changeling. He looked back up at me, watching me, expecting me to say something, probably a command.
“ Lets go get this son of a bitch.” I told him.
Marco suddenly began to run. I followed him, leaving the rest of my teammates take care of getting the girls out.
Anger rolled inside me like tidal waves that were going to bring in a huge tsunami. Sister wolf was excited and getting impatient as she walked back and forwards inside my mind. I was just as eager as she was, my fangs coming out unconsciously, which only happened when both my vampire and werewolf instances were uniting in one motive. One motive that could help me set myself and my past free.
Kill Eddie
I then felt Marco and I joined. Like we were using different bodies but our minds were the same and they were together. I could feel everything he felt and probably he felt what I felt. I had his scent inside me and I wanted to protect him. He was, after all, my precious changeling. I got in front of him once the thought came up. Marco growled but I snarled, daring him to defy me. All he did was lick my hands before he nudged my leg, telling me to hurry it up. We were now in the middle of the building and we still hadn’t found Eddie yet. I was now completely frustrated.
I stopped where I was and gave a huge scream of rage. When it ended, I tried to control myself. But then something caught my attention.
There was clapping. I looked up and around, finally finding the man that I wanted to find.
“ Well, that was pretty good for a girl. How have you been, Nina?”


Eddied was now walking down some stairs, coming towards me. I didn’t move but I sure as an assfuck’s hell, did snarl. He just gave me pitying eyes. I hate being pitied.
“ Aw, did you miss me, Nina? Because I sure did miss you.” he said with a baby voice that made me want to choke his brains out.
“ Look, fucktard, I just came here to kill you so can we just get on with the program here? I’m on a tight schedule and I’m supposed to be out of here in time for dinner.” I tell him sarcastically.
“ Ah, how I missed your sarcasm. I loved the way I would beat ou into bloody near death afterwards.” he tells me.
I practically had to ore myself not to shiver in the flashing memories of every beating he had ever given me just for being sarcastic, not that it helped taking it away anyways.
“ Oh, come on, Nina baby, you can’t possibly really hate me that much. I mean, I made you stronger. I manned you who you are now. And what are you now? Nothing but strong and fierce… and a whore.” he ended.
I made a deep growl within my throat. I had never known how low my growls could go but this beat all of the past deep growls I had ever made.
“ Look, Satan’s herpes virus, you really don’t want to piss me off right now.” I tell him as calmly as I could manage, which was pretty damn calm. My voice and my muscles were as calm as the peaceful eye of a hurricane.
“ How are the demons, by the way? Have they scarred enough tissue that you’re finally numb to the core? Are you internally bleeding and doing your last act of revenge?”
Oh my fucking ass hat, he really was the most moronic person in the world. I was betting a thousand pounds of twixie pix dust that Eddie was dumber than a blind worm. No wait…. aren’t worms already blind?
“ What me to release them from the cage they’re in?” Eddie viciously grinned and that was the last straw.
I leaped into the air and grew my claws from my fingers within milliseconds. I was tired of talking and I was hungry for his blood. Once I was in front of him, I clawed his face, forcing him to tear a scream out of his throat. The scream hurt my ears but I loved it. His scream was music to my ears, addicting me to wanting to kill him even more, slowly so that I could hear it again and again until my urge to have my revenge was quenched and satisfied.
I was about to give him another claw to his head when I heard magic words coming out of his mouth. I knew what the words would do so before he could even finish his spell, I was already ducking and hitting him in the stomach, taking his breath out as the spell sparked from his hands. Eddie fell to the ground. He lode a little shocked as I stood up.
“ How the…”
“ Hey, nutless, Haven’t you learned? I know every words your spells say. I learned your witch language back when you had caged me. Ain’t as stupid as you thought I was, huh?” I asked him, spitting in his face.
He looked angrier now, which pulled out a psychotic grin from my mouth. His eyes turned wide before they turned into tiny slits.
I didn’t like to be glared at so I pounced on him again, before he could even make it up on his feet. I sat on his bulging stomach as I gave him the strongest right hook I could throw on his neck, squeezing his throat closed and making his head turn red from the lack of oxygen and from the pain. Eddie’s eyes were wide once more.
Before I could even more damage, my wolf ears picked up an extra pair of feet that were just right behind me. Before the guy or girl could even push me off of Eddie, I quickly turned around and punched the person right in between the legs. I heard an oof before I saw a guy fall to the ground. I snarled at him and went back to the dickless bit I was punching.
Too late, I had realized that the guy must have been a distraction because I finally heard the last spell words that Eddie had said before he punched me right into my chest. I flew back a few feet and landed on the ground hard.
Suddenly, I felt something unravel within my stomach. A sharp pain began to edge its way into my brain, filling my whole nervous system so fast that I wasn’t able to move or do anything else for a few seconds.
“ Lets see if you like that, bitch.” I heard Eddie say from far away. I tried to figure out what was happening to me until I heard the horrible three voices within me.
Hello Nina

The demons, my slow brain told me, he had released the demons. My anger grew more once I had found out what Eddie had done. I was so angry at him that I didn’t care about anything else. Slowly, the pain began to fade into the back of my mind and the demons began to move closer and closer into my brain and thoughts and soul. I felt sister wolf near me, as angry as I was.
We no longer cared for anything else but to kill Eddie. I wanted revenge, sweet bloody revenge. Revenge so full of rage and anger and pain that it was part of my hunger for blood. I wanted revenge.
And I wanted it Now.
We can help you with that.

This time, for the first time since the demons were in me, I welcomed them, their voices, their souls within me. I let them inside me and I used their power to fuel and ignite the rage that was ravaging me.
Eddie, Kill
Kill Eddie
Yes, Kill Eddie
The voices seemed to say within me. I agreed with them. Sister wolf slowly began to push herself in front of my thoughts, wanting me to have her power with me so that I could have enough strength and speed to get the job done.
I quickly jumped up and began to look around for Eddie. I saw no one in the room, which meant he was running away, like the pussy he was.
I didn’t care if he was running much because I knew that with Sister wolf’s power combined with the demons’ powers, I could find him easily. I closed my eyes and began to use my vampire senses to hear every heartbeat in the factory building.
It took me less than a second to find Eddie’s heart beat. A demonic smile grew in my face, loving the way of how loony I was becoming.
With my vampire and werewolf speed, I flew threw the hallways of the factory, I was going so fast that only my werewolf instincts were keeping me from hitting a wall. I saw nothing and heard nothing but the heart beat of Eddie’s twisted heart.
I got to him in two minutes and when I did, I immediately pounced on his back. I heard him gasp in surprise. I laughed at that.
“ You really thought you could run away from me, Eddie boy?” I asked him, my voice deep.
“ Eddie turned to me, his eyes going wide, his pupils dilating into tiny dots. I took a deep breath in, smelling him. I laughed and looked down at him.
“ Did you know you smell like fear? You’re marinating in it. I could’ve used your fear to track you down instead of your heartbeat but its too late for that, Eddie boy.” I told him, giggling a little crazy giggle.
Eddie’s mouth began to move, spelling out the words for a throwing spell. Sister wolf growled, not liking what he was doing. I frowned down at him.
Big mistake
Attack, Nina

Yes, attack.
The thought came to me a little too late because I felt Eddie punch me in the chest, the power of his spell going through me. But the funny part was that it did nothing. The only thing it did was blow my hair behind me. I slowly bent down a little, snarling at the man who had beaten me countless times in the past.
“ You don’t think your witch power can help you now, do you Eddie boy?” I asked him, my voice deep.
Eddie began to shake and sweat broke from his forehead. His fear was wafting into my nose like smoke from a fire. I loved the fear I was smelling and I smiled down at him.
“ My turn to torture you, Eddie boy.” I told him, using the sweetest, most girly voice I could muster.
I began to stand up, pulling Eddie, from his collar, up with me. My hand quickly went to his throat the moment his feet touched the ground. I began to slowly close his throat, making Eddie turn purple. Eddie scratched my hands, trying to stop me. I then threw him into the wall behind him. Eddie hit the wall with incredible force. I was a little surprised and happy that Eddie was still conscious. I slowly walked towards his body, which was on the floor.
“ Do you like to hurt little girls, Eddie? No, don’t answer that. I know you do because you hurt me. Do you want to feel what I felt every single fucking day I was in your cage, Eddie? Every time I was whipped by your whip and every time you had raped me and every time I was hungry and every time I was high on drugs and every time I had to fucking grovel to you, like a submissive, just so I could be left alone? I want you to feel what I had felt by your hands, Eddie.” I tell him with a sweet voice.
“ And, unlike you, I’m not going to give you any breaks to recover.” I tell him.
Eddie slowly shook his head but he couldn’t because of how hard he was shivering. I began to murmur some spell words and his body began to convulse with the lashings and pain my new demonic powers were giving him. Eddie began to cry out in pain, telling me to stop, from the top of his lungs. I bent down to the ground, where he was and moved his head to face me. His eyes were big and wide and his screams got louder the moment my fingers touched his chin. I looked straight into his eyes as I began to talk once more.
“ Don’t think you’re off the hook, Eddie boy. I not only want you to feel the pain I felt, I want you to see everything that is happening in your body and I want you to smell your burning and rotting flesh. I want you to beg me to end your life.” I tell him.
I them mutter a few more spell words and I know from his dilating eyes that I had entranced him to a world of pain that he would never escape from.
I smiled as Eddie’s fear filled my nostrils and his screaming, crying, and begging filled my ears. I was satisfied and getting high on his pain. I saw what I had done to him and saw how his body was convulsing and bleeding from the inside out.
And I loved it.

I watched Eddie convulse for over twenty minutes before I heard another voice penetrate through Eddie’s own vocal cords. I turned around to see a girl that my brain informed me was Mika. I smiled at her.
“ Don’t you just love seeing Eddie in pain? Its total bliss.” I tell her, showing her a big smile.
Mika’s eyes went wide and fear began to permeate from her skin. She walked towards me and placed both her hands on each side of my shoulders. I looked down at her hands before I looked at her face.
“ Nina, I know how much you’ve been waiting for this but you have to stop.”
Her words made a laugh bubble out of me.
“ Stop? Why stop? Its what I’ve been waiting for.” I tell her.
Do not Stop
Keep going

Even the demons said so.
“ Nina, I know thats not you talking. The demons, they’re poisoning your thoughts with theirs. Nina, you can stop them.” she tells me, shaking me a little.
Wants to stop your revenge
She’s not a real friend

I glare at her.
“ How dare you shake me.” I yell at her and I easily push her at the wall behind her. She falls down to the ground. Her body twitches, telling me that she was still conscious, but barely. I didn’t care, she had to pay for shaking me.
I walked to her, pulled her up from the ground by the neck, and pushed her harder into the wall. She began to struggle to breathe.

I began to tighten her throat, wanting to stop her airflow completely. I kept glaring at her and I didn’t stop what I was doing until I feet someone else push me away from her. I took a step back and let Mika’s unconscious body fall to the floor.
I turned around to see two other boys behind me. My memory told me they were Jace and Evin. I began to glare at them. Their eyes went wide for a second before they began to glare at me.
“ Nina, the demons are taking over your brain.” Evin began.
“ Fight back, Nina, I know you can.” Jace added.
They’re wrong
We’re not doing anything
They think you’re weak

“ I’m not weak.” I yell at them. I hated to be called weak, because I wasn’t.
“ Mika!”
I turned around to see three witches run to Mika. I frowned at them. The male witch turned to look up at me and his eyes went wide.
“ She’s being poisoned by the demons. They’re taking over her body and mind.” the male said.
I growled, angry.
“ I’m not weak.” I scream at him.
From behind me, I heard Eddie’s scream go silent. I turned around to see werewolf male kill Eddie by slitting his throat, making his blood gurgle out, giving him peace from the pain I was giving him. I looked down at Eddie’s body, angry that it had stopped begging me.
Your revenge isn’t satisfied
He stopped it before you were quenched
He is on Eddie’s side

“ Nina, you have to stop this right…” Jace was began, but he never ended because the moment he touched my shoulders, I knocked him down to the ground.
“ Don’t touch me.”
“ Knock her to the ground and keep her there, Evin.” I heard a female witch say.
I turned around to face Evin to see him pounce on me. Before I could even do something, He had already pushed me to the ground. I was a little stunned from what he did before My brain started working again.
“ Nina,” Evin whispered into my ear, “ You have to stop this.”
“ No!” I scream at him.
I let the vampire keep me down, wanting ohm to think he had a chance against me when he really didn’t. I gave him a seductive smile but it didn’t seem to be working.
“ Nina, You’re hurting Marco!” Evin yelled into my face.
The moment I heard the name of my changeling, all the fight left me. Part of my brain told that was a bad thing but the rest of my thoughts told me it was a lie. I was now confused.
“ What?” I asked.
“ The demons are poisoning him, Nina, they’re killing Marco. You have to stop this.” Evin said more softly.
I suddenly felt sad because I didn’t want to hurt Marco. I felt the bond we had and used it to feel Marco and felt that he was in pain. I felt every pain he was getting from the bond, making him fall to the ground. I was angry for the person who was giving him pain.
We’re not hurting him
don’t stop

My head began to hurt from the different and opposing thoughts I was having. It was until I heard Sister wolf’s far away voice that I finally snapped back to reality.
You’re Hurting him, Nina. The demons are taking over you. Stop them.

It was then when I finally realized what was happening. I began to feel the demons’ inside my brain, my thoughts, and they were poisoning my soul with theirs. I didn’t like it and it was hurting me. It was hurting Marco.
“ You’re right.” I whisper.
It was the last words I could say before I began to cried out from the pain that was going inside me. My ears began to bleed from the screeches the demons were making inside me. I tried to push them out but they wouldn’t budge. They were now far too deep inside me. And I couldn’t stop it or do anything about it, which infuriated me.
I didn’t like it.


“ Din, make it stop!” I heard Evin say from far away. I could barely hear the outside world because I was both shrieking and howling from the top of my lungs and because of the war I was fighting within me.
I felt the demons all over my mind and soul, scarring them with their own. It hurt, everything that they were doing was hurting me to the core. I couldn’t seem to stop them or stop myself from voicing out my pain. The demons were beginning to push my wolf away from me and they were tearing her away from my soul. I didn’t like it at all so I began to push with all my mental strength, trying to get them out but it didn’t seem to work because they had now caged my sister into their own demonic cage. They began to whip her.
Instantly, I felt the pain she was getting from the cage’s whips and touch. I was now crying not only from the outside but also from inside. I was filled with rage now. The demons had now pained both my sister soul and my changeling and they were taking over.
Oh fucking hell no.
I used the remaining power in me to push them back and attack them. I heard the three demos screech in rage from how far I was beginning to push them. They swiftly began to scar me again. They filled me with their demon poison and began to fill my mind with the same pain that they had given Eddie. The pain and vision was terrible.
I felt my body begin to tear itself apart, attacking itself and making me bleed from within. It hurt so bad that I slightly heard myself beg fro mercy, beg for the pain to stop. Every organ inside me began to rip apart too fast for my immune system to fix. I began to smell my skin and organs begin to rot as well from the poison the demons had injected within me. And then the visions began.
I saw a lot of terrifying visions. It first began with the vision of how my organs were rotting and how the poising was working its way through my whole body. I saw every tear that they were making and how the poison was eating away at every single cell in my body, making the pain that much worse.
And then, at the same time, I began to see hell. I don’t mean hell as in terrible pictures and terrible doings and feelings that could make someone think they are in hell. I mean the real thing. I saw hell from what it was. And it was terrifying. I saw and felt how hell was not only fire and cries of every the sinful but it was as freezing as space, hot as the core of the earth. The sight of hell also gave me the experience of what hell felt like. It felt as if my soul was being crushed by everything in the universe and it felt as if it was tearing to pieces and it felt as if someone was eating my soul alive. I felt the pain of my wolf and the pain of Marco and how his soul was making mine feel even as thin as paper, getting ripped and bitten and crushed until it was nothing more than particles from one’s imagination.
And then I saw Satan.
The Master, God of hell was pure evil. Satan wasn’t a half man half goat with a pitch fork and a forked tail. Satan was more of everything and nothing at the same time. He looked like the worst nightmare and looked to be nothing at all. It was hard to describe because I was too preoccupied with the terror that was going through me. I was shivering and throwing up and I was still and quiet and screaming all at the same time. I was crying for mercy and begging for the torture to stop because just the sight of Satan was killing me thousands of times. Satan was more than just death, it was terror itself, he, it was everything more horrible than anyone could imagine and I just wanted him to go away.
All this was going through me in seconds, I knew that much (somehow, just don’t ask me how I know this) but for some reason it felt like this going on for years and years and I couldn’t stop it.
I was so tortured with pain and sadness that I was at the point of giving up and giving in. It was too much and all I wanted was for everything to end…..
As I thought it, for some reason, it was then that everything did stop.
And I, at last, was given peace.

* * *

“ Nina? Nina, darling, wake up.”
It was that mile long, far away voice that woke me up.
And the moment I woke up, my memories of the last few minutes came flashing through me like a lightning bolt. I sat up screaming in pain and suffering, trying to hold on to something just to make it stop.
I immediately felt warm, strong arms surround my aching body. I held onto these arms and this back with my whole being, digging my nails into this flesh. I felt tears rewet my dried, crust-feeling face.
“ Its alright, Nina. Its alright, my love. Its all over, its all finally over.” I heard that familiar voice say softly. I closed my mouth, stopping the noise I was making. But I still hold on, terribly afraid that I would be left alone and defenseless again. I close the bond I have with my changeling, not wanting him to feel everything I was feeling. I felt the familiar body that was holding me tense.
“ Ouch, that hurt, Nina. Open up so I can help you.” I heard the familiar voice say.
I slowly push back, but not stop holding, the familiar body to see that it was Marco that was holding me, that I was holding. I quickly move onto his lap, wrap my arms around him and hug him fiercely, crying even more tears.
“ I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Marco.” I whisper into his ears.
He hold me tightly in return.
“ I’m alright, Nina, don’t worry about me. Its you I’m worried about.” he tells me.
I don’t listen because I’m using the bond to check how much he’s lying and how he really is. I see that the pain he had been feeling was coming from the pain that the demons were unconsciously giving me. They were hurting me to hurt him.
“ I didn’t mean to hurt you, Marco, I really didn’t. Please forgive me. I’m so sorry of what I did to you.” I tell him.
Marco lightly laughs and pushes me away so that he’s able to see my face. I look down at my hands, not wanting to meet his eyes. I was afraid of what I might see in them. Marco lightly growls and used his hands to lift my chin up, forcing me to look up into his eyes.
Marco looked tired. He looked older as well and his eyes were red and he had bags under them.
“ How long was I asleep?” I asked him.
“ One week.” he tells me.
I nod, understanding that I was passed out far too long for it to be healthy. But then, who wouldn’t pass out from the experience I had. I look back up to Marco.
“ What happened?” I asked.
“ What, before or after Evin threw you to the ground?” Marco asked.
His words made me flashback to when I had hurt Mika and Jace….
Mika, Jace.
“ How are they?” I ask quickly. I was afraid that I had hurt them so much for them to hate me. I wouldn’t blame them of course, but I was being possessed by three freaking demons from…. never mind, the point was that they should at least forgive me before they stop being my friends. Marco began to caress my cheek as he answered me.
“ Mika is fine, when she woke up a few hours later after you passed out, she asked about you. We told her you were fine and she understands it was the demons that were doing that to her….”
“No,” I interrupt Marco, shaking my head, “ It wasn’t all completely the demons’ fault. I still had some of my own consciousness when I did that. I was just too angry to see what I was doing myself. I have to tell her that. I need her to forgive me with the fact that I did to her as well and not just the demons. I have to tell Jace that too.” I tell him.
Marco shakes his head.
“ Not right now, Nina, they went to buy some food and medicine and a few other things with the witches so they won’t be back till nightfall. And you need rest.” he tells me.
I pout, annoyed that he’s trying to order me around.
“ Not until You tell me what happened.” I tell him, crossing my arms.
“ Which part, Nina?” He sighs out.
“ The part where I’m going to stick something spiky up your ass if you don’t answer the question you know well I’m asking.” I threaten him.
My threat seemed to make Marco smile, something that I hadn’t seen in what felt like centuries. I liked that Marco was smiling for something I said.
“ Thats the Nina I know.” he tells me, caressing my cheek again.
I smack his hand away, blushing a little in the process. I didn’t like blushing so i annoyed me that I did anyways.
“ Just tell me what happened.” I tell him, not looking at him anymore.
“ Well, I wasn’t there but everyone seems to be telling me the same thing.” He begins.
“ Get on with it.”
Marco pauses before he continues.
“ After Evin threw you to the ground, and after he heard you whisper ‘you’re right’ you screamed you lungs out. You kept yelling out to stop the pain, you begged for mercy and you kept begging to just let it all end. Evin tried to calm you down but from the torturous pain he was seeing in your face, he could only yell at the witches to hurry up and help you, to make you stop screaming what no one wanted to hear. Din began to draw the demons out but it was too much for him. He then made a star circle with the help of Melissa and Meave and then all three of them began to chant some kind of ritual. The ritual and spell wasn’t long, only a minute or two, before they finally placed a glass bowl, made out of the most purest things and cleaned in holy water, and sucked the demos out.
The ritual took a lot of the energy you had because the demons were using it against you. That was what made you pass out. I was surprised that you had enough energy to last a week without water or blood. After you passed out, The pain inside me, the pain I was feeling that was coming from you stopped. I knew that was bad so I used the bond to get to you. I saw the mess that happened and told them to tell me every detail that had happened. The witches and Evin were trying to help you heal. You were internally bleeding to Evin was sucking your blood and returning it to you clean. The witches were doing something to patch you up, which I didn’t know what that was but it seemed to be working. I helped by trying to heal you with the bond I had to you. Once you were recovering nicely, we cleaned up the mess we made and took you back to Din’s house, which we’re in now.”
By the time he ends, Marco is hugging me.
“ Well, I should be thanking all of you for saving my life.” I say softly.
I was never going to live this down. I had actually screamed to make everything stop. I really had got to learn when to keep my mouth shut. Ah, fucking A, this sucked more than sucking an unwashed, dirty dick.
“ You should, Nina, because you don’t know how terror you put us through. You especially scared the life out of me because for a few seconds, your heart had stopped.” he confessed to me.
I stopped mentally whipping my head when he told me that. I checked the bond we hand and felt that it was still there. That was strange.
“ Wait, I thought that once the a master dies, the changelings were free from his control?”
I felt Marco’s chin move, meaning that he was shaking his head.
“ No, a bond between a master and its changeling is far more powerful than death itself. Yes, it can sometimes be weak enough that vampires can barely feel it, as if its not there but it can never be severed. Strong bonds, though, like ours are harder to weaken and sever, Nina, meaning that the moment you had died for a few seconds, I was in so much pain, it was much worse than the pain you were giving me while you were being possessed by the demons.” he informs me.
I grab both of Marco’s hands and hold them. Yeah, I was definitely never going to live this through. But for the moment, I let this caring bullshit moment pass, because, One, I was way too tired to move away, and far too lazy to stop it. I was beginning to feel sleepy so I placed my head on Marco’s lap.
“ Then I should say sorry twice. Once for the pain I gave you alive and once for the… the pain I gave you dead.” I said, yawning as I said the last part.
“ All is forgiven, my lady.” he tells me.
“ Don’t call me that.” I tell him, not really putting any heart into my words.
“ Of course.”
We were quiet for a moment, relishing in the silence that seemed to be comforting both of us. I was now really, really tired.
“ Marco?”
“ Yes?” He answers.
“ I gave Eddie a horrible death.” I tell him.
“ You didn’t kill him, Jace did.” he told me.
“ No, but I tortured him with demon magic.”
Marco placed his hands on my shoulders. I leaned more into him, loving the comfort I was finding in them.
“ He deserved it, though.” he tells me.
I turn around to see Marco’s beautiful eyes, shaking my head furiously in the process.
“ No, Marco,” I tell him, “ Yes, he did deserve to be tortured and be given death but he didn’t deserve to be tortured with demon magic. No one deserves that, not with demon magic… not with the last vision you have is the vision of hell… or Satan.” I whisper the last part as I turn back around. We went back into our original positions. I am shaking a little from the horrible memory of me seeing hell and Satan. I knew that I was only seeing the visions in the matter of minutes and a few seconds, less than five, if Marco’s story was true. That was enough time to traumatize me for the rest of my life. But Eddie had been seeing it for over twenty minutes. To see hell and Satan that long…. must have been the most horrible torture there has to be. I felt a horrible guilt over torturing him that way wash over me.
“ I’m the same monster he was, Marco, maybe even worse.” I mutter, shivering a little more violently.
“ No, you’re not, Nina. That wasn’t you back there.” Marco tries to console me but that doesn’t work.
“ But I part of me…”
I never got to finish because Marco interrupted me, his voice a little louder than before. “ No, Nina, I don’t care if you were partly there because I know, I can feel, that that person wasn’t you. And it will never be you so don’t compare yourself with that asshat.”
I smile a little, amused with the fact that Marco had partly cursed. It was enough to calm me enough to agree with him. For the moment, of course.
“ Besides, he’s dead so he can’t be tortured anymore.” he adds.
I shake my head again, more slowly, though. But this time I’m smiling and I feel a source of serenity surrounding me.
“ No, he’ll be tortured the right way in hell, with Satan.”
“ Yes, he’s not here anymore. He’ll torture you no more.” Marco said.
I nod, happy that my worst enemy had finally gone away. I was glad that he would never live to torture another soul again, especially me. Well, not in the living physical way but I had a gut feeling that he wouldn’t be leaving my dreams for a while. Damn and Fuck my gut for being right all the time. Still, I could now let part of my past go.Which reminded me….
“ What happened to the girls?” I asked Marco.
“ They’re all gone. After we cleaned them and took care of them for three days, they all decided to leave. They’re doing their own thing but they told us to thank you for what you did to them. I think they’re going to return to Eddie’s original place so that they can save the rest of the girls that lived with them.”
“ They’re probably going to try to stop the supernatural sex trade. I would if I didn’t leave there before they did.” I say. Marco kissed my head, showing me his agreement.
I relaxed even more, relieved that they would be fine. I knew that they would never forget the memory of being there and living the way they were. They would never take off or stop smelling that horrendous smell but at least they would now live better lives. That was enough to make me feel prideful over them.
We went back into the peaceful silent. I enjoyed his emotions for me and I tried to return them but I was never good with emotions and shit.
“ Marco?”
“ Hmm?”
“ I don’t want to be here anymore. I want to go see the king now.” I tell him, yawning after I said it.
“ We’ll be leaving this place soon, Nina, so don’t worry about it. Now go to sleep.” he whispers to me and he moves my head to a pillow and then embraces me from behind so that we’re laying down together in a spoon position. I fit perfectly into him.
“ Marco?”
“ Yes?”
“ We will see the king next, right?” I ask because I was curious to know if a freaking king could really be my father. I was definitely doubting it though.
“ Yes, Nina, we’re going to see the king next. We’ll be leaving a day or two after you’re rested up and completely back to normal.” he whispers to me.
I nod, satisfied with his answer.
“ Now go to sleep because I’m tired too.” He yawns out.
I close my eyes smiling, for once, doing as my changeling said. I couldn’t wait to get out of here, where nothing but trouble seemed to follow me. I began to enjoy this small, happy moment as much as I could before my freaking life went back to normal. I enjoyed this moment because I had a feeling not many of them would be given to me in the next few months, maybe years.
“ Okay”
And I fell to sleep smiling, consuming the making of this peaceful, comfortable, blissful day, which was…

To Be Continued…
Watch out for the next book in this series… Hybrid Hunted


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.11.2011

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