

“Are you ready, Razor?” my leader asks me.
I crack a smile and just chuckle in a very low voice. King looks down at me, his lips twitch up for only me to see before it fades back to a serious grimace. I watched in front of me, judging our opponents, Zilos. Zilos were, unlike us who were the largest, dominant, and number one gang in Cali, Zilos were only third. Tonight they wanted to fight for the royal crown of top gang.
King was my leader’s nickname. Mine was Razor and in a moment, the others would see why I was named that way. They would see why I was King’s second in command.
The other gang had brought twenty of its best fighters while we only brought ten. Since we were the best, we didn’t need as much people.
I sniffed the air, trying to see what type of supernormal (supernaturals is the classic word but we gangs don’t use it much) they were. I could smell five vampires, including the leader, three wolves, two cats, a hellion, and four half human half fey.
I heard the wolves sniff the air too, trying to see what type we were as well. All they would smell was two vampires, including King, two cats, two wolves, and three warlocks and a strange smell from me, the only dragon in the human world, but they won’t know that. I smirked at them, already confident on who would win.
I wasn’t usually cocky but then again, I was the key to winning this. The other leader watched me curiously, smirking at me. I got that a lot. But most who underestimated me, never did after I was done with them.
“ Your second is a chick? Let me guess, since she’s the only female in your gang she’s your princess Razor,” the other boss said. I said nothing, letting my chief to handle it.
“ I guess this would be your first time to meet her?” he said. I hid my hands behead me, not really caring of what they said about me. This was a leaders’ conversation which meant I wouldn’t be able to talk until the fight began.
“ Heard she got raped by a member of Rejects. True?” he asked my boss. I forced myself to stay expressionless. King glanced at me, trying to make sure the words didn’t bug me; it didn’t. All I wanted to do was kick some ass since the past few days has been stressful.
“ Sure, but did you hear what my princess did to them? Why do you think she’s my second and called the Razor? I’m warning you, you better not mess with her,” he tells the other dude.
“ Whatever. I was just hearing but I guess we’ll soon see how good she is. By the way, what type is she? I don’t recognize her smell. The other gang don’t know either,” he asks King. I smirk and just stay as still as I could.
“ And what makes you think that I’ll be telling you? I guess you’ll have to guess like the others,” my leader chuckles. The other isn’t amused. I’m not surprised.
“ Fine, whatever. Anyway, tonight will be the night that you Hackz will be dethroned,” he yells out to King. I roll my eyes.
“ Sure, kid, whatever helps you,” he hollers back. And the fight was on.
King and the other leader move to the side to battle. I go to the other second. He was the wolf that was right next to his boss. I just walked slowly to him as my other gang brothers went to fight their own fight. When I got to him, the wolf brings his fist up, ready to punch me in the face. I notice his hand had changed a little to reveal claws. His eyes had gone yellow and his whole head was quickly shifting into a wolf head.
I did the same. My eyes turned into a shiny yellow-gold, appearing more as cat eyes, and my fingers turned to six inch black claws. Underneath my grey muscle shirt, my stomach and chest were now covered in invisible scales. They were stronger than any metal in the world, making almost impossible for me to die.
I ducked, so that the clenched hand missed my face. I then stroked his stomach with my claws. It teared his shirt, reaving four claw marks and a whole lot of blood. The wolf yelped in pain and then stuck his foot out to catch me in the stomach. He then howled from the impact of his toes being crushed by my scales.
I then stood up, grabbed his foot and pulled him to the floor with it. He was nearly two hundred pounds of muscle but to me it felt like five. The dude growled at me and then struck me in the leg with his free foot. I felt the liquid trickle from my leg. I glanced at his shoes, realizing that his claws had gotten me. I smiled at him. Unlike any shifter, dragons healed faster; proving that our scales weren’t our only armor.
I then decided to surprise him. I lifted my hands into the air, lifting him. The wolf’s eyes went wide open. My magic surprised him. Yup, I could not only shift into a dragon but dragons had the second strongest type of magic in the world. What beat their magic was the Gods’ powers but angels’ magic only came third to ours.
“ What the hell are you?” the wolf second asked me, astonished and now completely frightened. I smiled wickedly at him.
“ Your worst nightmare.” I responded.
He gulped and before he could pee his pants, I kicked him in the stomach then grabbed his neck. I didn’t like using my magic much when my opponent wasn’t a magic user either. I let him down but my hands were on his neck still, squeezing until he was knocked out. I then went to the others.
My next opponent was one of those half fey. I could tell my his blue eyes and pale skin that he was half air fey. He held is hands out then closed them carefully. I suddenly felt constricted as air was forced out of my body. I then used my won magic. I made my magic circle around the guy and then I clenched my own fist. The human fey’s eyes widened as air left him. I then used my mind to do the rest. I blew out a bit of fire from my mouth, not letting the others see where the fire had come from. Before it was out, I made the air around him, turn into a little tornado, trapping him inside. The fire grew as it touched the tornado. In seconds, the dude was scorched and unconscious from the loss of air.
I kept fighting like that. I took down another guy down. He was easy because the cat was just hissing all the time. I just hit his side, kneed him in the face, and just kicked his crotch and he was down in less than a minute. But before he did, he got a good claw on my arm. My final fight was between the two vampires. They circled me, their eyes going red with hunger and rage. I watched them both and judged the time to finish one each. They were tall and skinny but that didn’t mean that they were weak.
They both struck at the same time. Before their teeth could sink into my neck and shoulder blade, my scaled came out, covering my human skin. They both groaned in pain from hitting my scales. One swore at me and covered his mouth with a hand. I gave him a right hook, clawing him along the process. The other vamp was a chick. I hated girls for a lot of reasons, making me hate her immediately. I struck her in her side but that didn’t seem to affect her. She then used her long nails to scratch my unprotected neck. I growled as her claws got me in the middle of my throat. I used my left hand to grab her right fist, using my own right hand to claw her face and her side. I sunk my six inch claws into her side. She screamed in pain but didn’t faint in pain. This girl was tough but I was tougher.
“ Bitch,” she yelled at me. Her voice was high.
I then slapped her with the back of my hand and unclenched her hand so that I could grab her neck. Before I could, she tried to stop me with her manipulate me. She tried to put her own thoughts into my mind. I wouldn’t let her. My mind was walled, making sure her manipulation wouldn’t work a rat’s ass on me. I swiftly got her neck and dipped my claws into it. I crushed her throat and before she knew it, she was out and on the floor as well.
I looked around, finding out I was the last to finish. King glanced at me from the corner of his eye, still staring down at the terrified leader of the Zilos. I went to my brothers’ sides. Three of them looked badly injured while the others only had minor flesh wounds. I went to them, gathering magic into my hand.
“ We don’t need it, princess.” Scorch mumbled to me. I shook my head, not letting him refuse me. I looked up to see the others shake their heads. I grunt.
“ You all need my help and I don’t give a damn about how you won’t let me help you.”
“ The boss is gonna need it more than us,” this time Stone replies. I don’t back down, even his broadness won’t scare me.
“ I don’t give a rat’s ass so how about you all just leap me heal you or else I’ll just have to do it the hard way.” I tell them.
Scorch, Stone, Hacker, Fang, Sicko, Merciless, Cracker, Trashy, Spooks, and Speedy all glared at me. They knew not to mess with me when I go all doctor on them. They cave in and I begin.
Scorch stepped up, looking miserable. I didn’t look for any of the wounds. I just surrounded him with my magic and began to think: heal. It was hard because unlike witch or fray magic, they create magic to heal again while I, like angels, can only heal whatever was there before an injury. It was tough but since I’ve lived with these guys for so long, I was used to healing any type of wound. It only took me less than a minute to heal him. I turned to the next and next until I was finished.
I didn’t have to heal them much though. Since they were fast healers anyways but I like helping their own bodies to heal faster. I think that since I’ve done it for so long, their own bodies’ abilities to heal is faster than any of their kind. Which was why it was easy to finish them up and not get tired so quickly.
When I was done, King stepped up. His dirty blond hair was messy, which to me made him look hotter. His pale skin was stained with blood and his orange-brown eyes were still bright red, angry. I could see a little of his firm abs from his ripped up shirt. I shivered a little with desire to touch those muscles and firm buttocks. I shook my head to clear those thoughts away. But I couldn’t deny that my leader looked twenty-five and hot when he was a two hundred year old vamp.
I began to heal his. With my magic, I could see that he was clawed badly on the ribs and neck and a couple puncture wounds from fangs along with a bruised stomach. He wasn’t badly injured yet I healed him in case any other disasters happened later. I heal him as fast as I would.
“ So, how many did you finish off?” King asks me.
“ Five.” I said when I finished. King came over to me to see how I was. I let him circle me. I didn’t have any bad ones. The scratches were all gone, the bites gone and the only thing left on me was the ripped clothes.
“ Okay, Razor, good. Lets go celebrate,” he said out loud and we all just followed him. I walked right beside my leader.
“ You know, we’ll go broke if we celebrate every fight we win.” I tell him.
“ You’re the one without he major job. We all just chip in with what we can to keep our base open. Oh, that reminds me, we should start and change our hideout again. I don’t think the base we’re in right won’t hold all the brothers. We need a new house,” he says, never looking down at me for my opinion. I guessed it was already a deal that was done. I was fine with that. I lived in a condo which meant I only cared how safe my bros would be.
“ Cool.”
“ Where are we going to celebrate?” Scorch asks.
“ My restaurant; on the house.” I say quietly. They all cheer out loud. I laugh at their crazy dances. I owned the best supernatural restaurant, called Royale, in the downworld. It was also the largest so I was busy most days with it. I needed to get an assistant but I couldn’t find one yet and I just really didn’t trust anyone with all the responsibility. I was the only person besides King that actually had a career. King was a magic shop owner.
“ Hows the business by the way? All going good?” King asked me.
I nod. “ Busy as always. I’m interviewing a new chef tomorrow and since I don’t have one right now, the others are having trouble keeping up and that means I’m going to have to open the restaurant tomorrow morning.” I explain to him.
“ New chef? What happened to Saucy?” he asked. Saucy was my old chef and a very good one. All the staff loved him.
“ He had to leave because he was moving to the otherworld.”
“ Did he even find a way to go to the otherworld?” King was surprised.
“ He’s a hellion. Obviously he can find a portal.” I jab him lightly on his side. He jabs back which starts a jab and pushing contest.
We all laugh hard when we get to downtown. I could see a lot of different types of naturals. They were all wearing a glamour so that the humans wouldn’t see what they really were. We still haven’t told the humans that other creatures existed besides them but for some reason the naturals politics always said it would be easier and since the elections for a new ruler was going to begin in a couple of months, no one knew if we were ever going to reveal ourselves.
I then find my glamoured restaurant. Humans would only see a three story building that was an old shabby restaurant. In reality, it was just my big dark brown colored restaurant that held a lot of naturals. I made it my mission that only naturals were allowed in and that all my staff was as well.
When we got in I could see that a lot of people were in today. My waiters were all busy and I could see their pockets were full of tips. I smiled; it was a plus that I didn’t pay my waiters anything since the people payed them for me.
“ Go and tell Kelly to find you a seat. I’ll be right back.” I tell them.
They do as I say and only King follows me. I go to the back where the kitchen was. Baxter, my baker was covered in flower, trying to make as many bread as he could.
“ Hows it going Bax?” I hollered to him through all of the steam and heat and other hollers. Baxter looks up from the dough he was making. Baxter’s white hat sat perfectly on his head. I couldn’t even see his light brown hair. His orange eyes were fixed on the dough he had in his hand. Baxter was fit for a pixie. He glares up at me.
“ You need another chef, Brites. All the others are struggling to make them as good as Saucy’s cooking. Get one fast or else we’ll fall,” he screams back.
“ I know and I’m sorry. I’m interviewing another chef tomorrow and he’s right for the job then he’ll start that moment.” I sympathize with him.
“ You better, Brites, or else you’ll lose half the staff,” he warns me.
I laugh at that. “ Why would they? I’m the only owner who pays my staff enough to make a living out of it and still have enough to get whatever they want.” I yell back a him. He grunts and turns away to put a tray of dough bread into the oven.
I leave him be and go to see how my other chefs were doing. They were all yelling over each other. The kitchen was hot and I could see them all sweating while others couldn’t sweat and a whole lo of magic. I took an apron from the wall and threw another one to King.
“ Come on, Caden, lets help my poor staff, “ I tell king.
“ They really need all the help they can get,” he whispers to me. I smack him in the head.
“ Obviously, obviously.” I tell him.
We go and wash our hands and arms so we could help out. It was a good thing that Caden and I were good in the kitchen. It was a perk when you own a restaurant. I held my hands.
“ Does anyone need help?” I yell out.
“ Yes!” they all say.
“ Damn.”
“ That bad?” Caden tells me. I don’t answer, just pushed him to the nearest chef while I went to Yoshi, my Japanese-American chef that was a killer fish food cook.
“ What do you need?” I question him.
“ More crab and lobster. We also need more puffer and a bunch of oysters,” he tells me. I go to the big fridge at the back of the of the kitchen. I open it. There wasn’t a lot of supplies left. Oh yeah, the market truck would come here tomorrow which meant that if all of the supplies were finished tonight, we would have to close early. I took a look at my watch. It was already ten thirty. That sucked. We only had two ours left.
I grabbed the bucket of oyster and what was left of the puffer fish and gave them to Yoshi. He took them and began frying the oysters while he skinned the fish. Yoshi was an elf so the little magic he had, he used it to help him cook.
“ How the kids?” I ask him. Yoshi was only twenty-four and yet he already was married and had three kids.
“ My baby girl is going to start school while the two boys are still thinking they’re superheroes.” he laughs.
I smile and just leave him once he doesn’t need my help much. I then go to another cook that needs help. Caden and I spend the rest of the two hours like that. When we close down, I help the chefs and the cleaning crew to tidy up the kitchen. I make sure that nothing was dirty. When we were all finished they came out to the front and they all stood up and glared at me. Geez, I was giving them hell.
“ I know, I know, we need a new chef or maybe two but don’t worry because I’m interviewing one tomorrow morning.” I put my hands up and look at them all in the eyes. My staff don’t say anything but I could tell that they were relieved because they relaxed a little.
“ Good, cause we’re all need a chef or two to come so that they can worry about the main dishes.” Baxter said. They all agreed.
“ Oh, nock it off. I’m paying you all better on summer season. Don’t complain or I’ll cut your wages and if you even dare threaten me with leaving then I can easily fins replacements.” I tell them even though I know they would never do that. We were all family in the kitchen and outside of it. They loved me too much to leave me.
They said nothing but went to their lockers in the back so they could all go home and rest. My night staff were all exhausted. Unlike my day staff, my night staff didn’t have a chef and I was now worrying, wondering if I had to get one of the morning chefs to come and fill in for a while. My restaurant was never not busy.
“ You okay?” King whispered to me.
“ Not really. I have to get a chef.” I sigh out.
King and I walk to my office and I sit there for a while until Caden comes to me and begins to kiss my neck. Did I forget to mention that my leader and I were occasional lovers? We were only friends but with benefits.
“ Then how about I try and make you relax a bit?” he murmurs in my ear. I smile, his words sending a tingling feeling all over me. His breath tickled my ear. I turn around and stand up, grabbing at his waist. He bends down to kiss me.
The kiss is sweet and soft. I lean into him and wrap my hands around his neck. His tongue slips into my mouth, deepening the kiss. I moaned which made boss shudder in pleasure. King grabbed my hip and hauled me up onto my desk. I laughed and my hands go under his ripped up black shirt. I began to feel moist down there when an intruder called out.
“ Hello? Anyone here?” a deep voice called out.
King and I separate from each other and go outside, Caden irritated that someone had just disturbed him. I on the other hand, was furious. I needed sex right now. It was the only thing that made me relax quickly.
“ What?” King yells out.
“ We’re closed. Can’t you see the damn bright red sign outside?” I holler.
When I turn the corner I shut my trap before I let an insult.


The guy was a hot as hell guy. He had a lean build yet still packed with muscle. His skin was light brown, lighter than most African-Americans. His eyes were jet black, like his hair that were tightly braided into cornrows. His cornrows went straight down to the back of his head with a little dangling down; some of them were blond yellow while others were black. He also had a short, thin mustache and beard. He had a great bone structure which turned me on. The cop seemed young but then again, so did most naturals.
“ What?” I asked but it wasn’t as snappy as I would have liked. He stared at me and I stood there with my arms crossed, waiting for him to answer him. I could feel King tense up a little. I wondered why? The next moment, I found out why.
“ I’m a supernatural cop. I’m sorry to bother but I know who both of you are,” he finally answers, taking out his badge out. I tense up quickly.
“ Okay, who do you think we are?” I snapped out, ignoring his yummy body.
“ I’ve been following you and I know for a fact that you’re Razor and King,” he replies.
I stay still for a long moment. Caden begins to mind talk with me.
How did he follow us? King asks me.
You think I’ll know? Probably using an invisible ring. I can see it on his left hand.
Okay, should we run or what?
No, King, we’re going to find out what type he is and why he’s looking for u

s. I reply.
“ What type are you?” I say to the hot cop.
“ I’m a snake shifter,” he responds. That took me back a bit. Snake shifters were rare in the natural world. I smiled up at him. He was about the same height as King; five inches taller than me. I didn’t mind but it did make it harder to kiss swiftly.
“ What do you want from us?” King questions him, suspicious.
“ I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Malik, king of the serpents and part of the Supernatural Bureau of Investigation. I need to make an offer to both of you,” he tells us.
I stare at him for a second longer before I break down and laugh. I hear Caden chuckle behind me. I couldn’t believe it. In all of my twenty-four years I never thought to see this day.
“ Care to tell whats so damn funny?” he snaps.
“ You, an SBI want our help.” King manages to say. I laugh harder. My sides begin to ache but that didn’t help me much.
“ We need your help. I’ve heard that the Hackz princess was raped by a guy from the Zilos?” it was more of a statement than anything else.
That made us instantly stop. I glare daggers at Malik. Caden pushes me behind me. I looked up to see he was now irritated again.
Five years ago I dated a guy who he called himself the shadow. He was kind to me and really hot. One day in november, he showed his true face. He raped me and before he left, he looked back down at me and said, ‘long live the Zilos’. After that I went and almost killed all of the Zilos, which won me the name of Razor because of my razor sharp claws. But even when I did, I somehow knew that he wasn’t a gang member. To this day, we have never found him.
“ What about it?” Caden spat at the guy.
“ Hey, hold up. I just want to help you find this guy. He raped one of my female snakes and has also to other groups. We’re trying to find him but we need to know how he looked. My snake told us his description but we need to know if he’s the same guy.” Malik explained.
I shuddered with disgust and terror. How could this guy do that?
“ What do you know about him so far?” King questioned him
“ Thats confidential,” he stated.
“ So’s my princess. We want in. And when we find him, I’m going to kill him as slowly as possible so he could beg mr to just end his life,” my leader threatened. I sighed. All I wanted to do was forget it ever happened. But if this guy was raping other girls then he had to be stopped and out of the streets for good.
“ So he’s a rapist?” I ask.
“ He turned murderer now. We found a dead girl near the beach. When one of our ghost speakers went, she said that a guy had raped her. Thats all we know and a little of his description.” Malik tells me.
I stay still and quiet for a while. If this guy was now murdering girls then we definitely had to stop him. I didn’t want to do this but saying no was just as bad as letting that guy kill others. I looked up to my boss. King’s eyes were now orange with worry. He nods, sighing. I smile up at him He knew me so well.
“ We’ll do it.” I blurted out.
“ But only one a couple of conditions.” Caden chimes in.
“ Yes?” Malik didn’t skip a beat.
“ One, you can’t tell anyone we’re helping you,” he begins.
“ Fine.” Malik agrees.
“ And two, you have to clear all of me and my gang from your files.” King finishes. I smile up at him, admiring him so much.
“ Understandable,” he agrees, though it was a slow nod. I snickered, knowing it was going to be hell for him to clear that up for us.
“ Thats it.”
“ Really? Nothing about not arresting you?” he asks.
Caden crosses his arm and grins at the other guy, “ Why? You’re going to clear our names and even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t be able to.”
“ What makes you so confident that I wasn’t be able to catch both of you?” Malik was amused at the statement my leader just said.
“ Because,” I step in, “ you can’t. You can try to arrest King but you have to get through his telekinetic powers. And about me? I’m impossible to catch.”
“ Which reminds me, I couldn’t smell what you are. What type are you?” he asked.
“ I can be anything you want me to be, babe. I’m your worst nightmare, your angel, or invisible.” I tell him. Malik chuckles and I grin up at him, still from behind King. I din’t bother to try and walk out to be beside him because I knew King would just push me back and then I wouldn’t be getting ass for a month.
“ All right, how about I see you, Razor tomorrow at lunch? I’m a little busy and thats the only time I’m free.”
“ Only Razor?” Caden demanded an explanation.
“ For now. You could come if you like. I'm going to talk to her tomorrow here, in one of those private rooms you have here. All right with you?” he asked both of us.
I let boss nod before I did. When it came to me, King was serious and merciless. I was always his top priority.
“ Okay then, I’ll let both of you have a good night,” he said and left.
“ It was good until you came.” King hollered out. I smacked him upside the head. Caden rubbed his head.
“ See what I mean?” he tells me. I laugh and just go back into the office. I take out my keys and quickly begin to lock the place up. The place was big which meant it took almost twenty minutes to finish locking up. When I was done, I locked the front and back door and just before we left, I murmured something and threw my hands out. Swirling misty magic came out and covered my restaurant. I then felt it, feeling that it was now properly locked and safe.
We quickly began to walk towards my condo. King was beside me, holding my hand. I felt a little awkward. Caden has never held my hand in public. What was he thinking? Did he want us to be the real deal? I didn’t doubt it. I wouldn’t mind much and anyway it wouldn’t affect us much because were already lovers.
No, I didn’t mind and if he did want to officialize this. I loved him already. From the moment he rescued me from abandonment and death to the moment he made me part of his gang and personally taught me to fight to the moment he wanted us to be lovers. He was mine and I would never betray him.
“ I’m sleeping at your place today. I’m too tired to walk to the house,” he tells me. I sigh, still remembering Malik.
“ Okay but no sex. I’m tired and have to open the restaurant tomorrow.” I answer him.
“ How about quickie?” he looked down at me.
“ No quickie. A quickie for you is three hours and the rape thing has ruined my night.” I replied exhaustedly. Caden swore under his breath.
“ I told you our night was better until he came. I’m going to make his life a living hell for ruining my night,” he mutters. I laugh and lightly punch him in the arm.
“ Hey, he’s hot so I don’t care what you think.” I laugh out.
“ I don’t care. You’re mine. I officially say today that you are now my girlfriend,” he whispers to me. I stop for a second. Did he read my mind? I looked up at him and his grin. I pout, really punching him in the arm.
“ Don’t do that! I’ma fuck you up next time.” I yell at him. He knew I hated when he read my mind.
“ Sorry, I was bored. But I don’t care, you’re my girl from now on,” he tells me.
“ Just because Malik was here?” I teased, knowing he would go all jealous on me. He did. When it came to the gang, he was unpredictable yet when he came to me, he was the most obvious person in the world. And he did get jealous.
Caden stopped me and gave me a long, deep kiss in public. I didn’t mind because my lips were answering to his. I loved his soft kisses but the urgent, jealous ones were more delicious. We came out for a breath a while later. My eyes were dazed and a big smile was on my face while King’s face stayed annoyed.
We turned left and right to get to my condo. It was on the third floor. I opened my door and inside was cool. My kitchen was all granite counters, wooden cabinets and shiny new metallic equipment. I had no table and just ate at the bar counter that had four long, black chairs.
My living room was different, though. It was all colorful. I had two lime green couches that were at the far back wall that met my bedroom and two light blue couches that covers the bottom part of my big window.There were color spotted pillows laying on the four couches. My plasma TV was on the opposite wall of the green couches and in the middle of the living room was an orange glass small table that sat on top of the huge black, white, and grey rug that covered most of the hard wooden floor.
I had three rooms and three bathrooms. One room was a guest room which was all dark wood and pearl white. The bed was king size but it was low. It had a small brown couch and a small TV and a drawer that supported it. There was also a small, white bathroom and shower in it. The other room was my workroom. It was all completely green and glass. I had a full long white couch that covered the wall that was on the left side of the door, I put some lime green pillows on it. On the right side was three long, colorful cabinets. I had two filing cabinets and a lot of shelves full of crap inside. It was magically locked with my magic and on;y I could open it. My desk was on the opposite side of the door. My glass desk was completely empty but for my silver looking laptop. My black rolling chair was there as well. There was an electric lime green filing cabinet on my left side of the glass table. There was a white rug right under it all, also covering the polished wooden floor. Her room was the best part of her home. My king size bed, covered in silky grey covers and pillows was opposite the door. In the left was a glass slide door that entered to the bathroom that had a huge, long mirror and a counter. It was mostly granite and glass. There was a window where I had a drawer and beside the drawer was a walk in coset. I loved my house.
“ What you got to eat?” he asleep the moment we entered my apartment. I also went to the kitchen. Unlike most naturals, I ate more than any person. I blamed it on my dragon metabolism. I always had a full fridge and everything.
Right now I was hungry as hell since I used my magic. I opened my fridge, full of everything. Chicken, beef, popsicles, ice cream, tomatoes, milk, eggs, bacon, fruit, and anything I would need for any type of meal.
“ I’m too lazy to cook. Go and take out the microwavable food from the freezer.” I tell him and move towards my bathroom. I stepped into the glass shower and turn the water to mildly cold. It was one of my things. When I was a kid, someone told me that cold showers relaxed the muscles and its true. Ever since, I take cold showers and every night I sleep like a baby.
I step into the shower and immediately feel soothed. Goose bumps fill up my skin and I shiver a little from the cold. I combed my hair with a comb I always placed in the shower and began to lather it with shampoo. I cleaned myself quickly and was out of the shower in less than fifteen minutes. I look at myself in the clean mirror.
My light dark brown-orange and sometimes black hair that made my exotic light brown skin look lighter. It was braided into cornrows that reached down to my upper back. I had grey-green eyes that were so light they almost looked clear and see through. My lips were pale pink, chapped and a bit on the thin side. My nose was normal and the perfect size only a little sharp making me look easily scary if I wanted to. I had more of an athletic build than anything. I had a small, tight but and normal sized breasts that were neither too small nor too big. I was thin, fit, and hot. I loved my body and myself. I was happy the way I am.
I came out with my robe and wet hair. Caden was done with cooking forty Hot Pockets. I grinned up at him and kissed him on the cheek.
“ Twenty-twenty?” I look up at him from my natural curly lashes. He waggles his eyebrows and I laugh.
“ Thanks for the meal but still no quickie.” I reply to his unspoken question. I hear him grunt. I laugh at him, just kept eating until it was all gone. It would have to be enough until morning. I had no problem with eating. I would never get fat. When we were finished, King left for the bathroom. I got under my covers, not even waiting for him to come out all wet and hot. I was too damn tired for it today.
I ended up sleeping a dreamless sleep.


I wake up with a heavy weight around my stomach. I glance down and find Caden’s arm right there. I look up into the alarm. It was already six. I slowly got up from my comfortable silky bed. I threw my leader’s arm back to him. I didn’t really care if he woke up or not. He turned around and just burrowed himself into the covers.
“ You lazy ass son of a —“
“ I can hear you, you know.” Caden interrupts.
“ I know. Why you think I was sayin’ it?” I asked him. I was tired and cranky for having to wake up so early in the morning. Usually when I’m in a bad mood, I go all ghetto talk on people.
King chuckled and just turned to his other side and went right back to sleep. I roll my eyes, going to take my shower. It was pretty quick and since I was fast and used my magic. I put on a white bottom up shirt and blue jeans. I didn’t wear much make up since it was annoying. All I ever did wear was mascara, eye liner, and lip gloss or chap stick. I would stick with chopstick since my lips were cracking again.
By the times I left my place, I was ready to tackle anything in the day. But I would have to tackle it moody. I opened the restaurant the minute I jumped out of my red Chevy Cruze. My magic was still there and not even a stain on it. I unlocked my restaurant, It wasn’t easy being a manager, especially of one that was very popular, but a girl had to do what a girl had to do. It was hard for gals like me to actually get a good career.
I then went to the back to wait for the market truck. It came a couple seconds later. It was full of fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and anything else we needed. The man threw them at me, knowing I would catch them with my magic. It wasn’t really hard since I was very strong. Actually, I was so strong I could have taken over my gang by now but that would be betraying my boyfriend and I loved and admired him too much to do that to him.
I quickly put away the food in the fridge so that I could clean the place up a little while I waited for the chef to come and be interviewed. I didn’t have much to do; we had cleaned well yesterday and nay a few things needed to be tidied up. When I thought everything was fine, I checked my watch. Six-thirty. I told him he had to be here on time and just as I was about to curse him, someone came in.
“ Hello? Is anyone here? Miss Brites?” the guy called out.
I sigh in relief, walking towards the entrance. The guy comes in and I check him out. He was fit and thin with few muscles showing anywhere. The guy’s blond hair covered most of his black eyes. His skin was tanned and he looked pretty good in his black jeans and white T-shirt. All in all, he was a cute kid.
“ Uh, what was your name again?” I asked him. His whole body turned towards where my voice was. He was also shy because he blushed a little. I smiled at him, trying to put him at ease.
“ Terris, I’m here to be the new night cook?” he stated it more of a question. I chuckled, knowing this guy would be great friends with the others in less than an hour.
“ Yeah, I checked your resumé and I think you’re good. Since you’re here now I’m going to tell you that I have to check your skills so that its what I think it is. If you pass, you’ll be starting tonight. You okay with that?” I asked him, finishing up my speech.
Terris slightly nodded, his hands in between him. I stifled a chuckle as I showed him my kitchen.
“ So your resumé said that you’re a half vampire, half magician.” I stated. Terris nodded, taking a real look around my restaurant at the same time.
“ We prefer to call ourselves as sorcerers because only wizards are magicians.” he corrects me.
“ So what?Whats the difference with a witch, wizards, mages, and sorcerers? They all do magic.” I speak out my opinion. I really didn’t see much difference but then, I wasn’t any of them so I didn’t know the difference.
“ Witches get their magic powers either by emotion or by their surroundings. Wizard have to use a staff to control their powers and have to say words to let their magic work like weak witches do. Mages are only more powerful wizards. Sorcerers don’t need a staff or magic around our surroundings or say words to use magic. We can see the threads of unused or unpossessed magic and can manipulate them to do whatever we want them to do. Thats the difference.” he informs me.
“ Does that mean you are born seeing magic around you?” I ask him nervously. I can use magic and if he can then I would be in big trouble. He would ask questions that might lead to things that I didn’t want others to know.
“ Not really. Only when I use my magic can I actually see the threads.” he waves shyly.
I silently sigh, relieved to hear the answer.
“ So when do we start?” Terris rubs his hands, smiling, can’t wait to get started and begin cooking. I was starting to like this guy.
“ I’ll show you around. Then I’ll have you make certain foods that are both on and off the menu so that I can get an idea of how good you are.” I tell him, already walking him throughout the kitchen.
“ Ok.” he blushes a little. I chuckle, worsening his blush. The kid was just so dang cute! He was definitely going to fit in easily. Maybe I can persuade him and Caden so that he can join the gang. Plans began to form in my mind as I gave him a tour of the place.
“ Have you eaten here before, Terr?” I say when the tour was over.
“ Yeah, I can’t think of a single natural that hasn’t. I love the food here. I can’t believe you serve all types of food here. Blood, raw meat, and other creepy stuff.” he blurts out then blushes when he finishes.
“ Well, I have a lot of different naturals and if I didn’t serve all types of food, how would I manage here and keep it at a five star level? And when my night chef moved, my staff and I were freaking out. So I really hope you’re as good as they say. I need to see how good you are in kitchen in every aspect, not just how good it will taste.” I say seriously. When it came to managing this restaurant, I was serious because that was how I actually paid my bills and paid the others.
“ I totally understand.” he mumbles.
And we got started. I had brought some of the ingredients I had at my house so we didn’t have to use the ones in the kitchen. I told him what to make, helping him sometimes.
He was good.
I don’t mean just great tasty food good but also good in cleaning, health hazards, bossing around, and anything else a chef needed to know. The food was great and since he was a vampire, I knew he could make good blood food. By the time my morning chef came in, which was at seven thirty, I was full and happy.
“ You’re hired. You’ll do good. I just have a curious question for you.” I tell him.
Terris smiles a small smile and nods for me to go on.
“ How can you withstand the sun? I read that you could walk on the sun but I see no magical ring on you.”
“ I’m half vamp and sorcerer. I can do anything a vamp can only that I can walk through the sun. And in sorcery, I can do everything but I don’t tire as easily because of my vampiric side. It looks like I got a win-win for a hybrid.” he scratches his head, looking as cute as ever.
Boy, did he have it all. I got the feeling that I would have to spy on him myself since he was stronger than I anticipated. Or if I couldn’t then I would have to use the best people in the Hackz to actually follow this guy….
Nah, I’ll just do it today.
“ Okay, so I’ll see you tonight. Be on major time and I’ll introduce you to your colleagues.” shaking his hand, I said.
“ Oh, before I leave, while I was bending magic, I noticed something about you.” he mutters. Uh-oh, did he find out so easily. Seriously, why was it that everyone wanted to know what I was? Yesterday first and now today? I walk him out of the kitchen and into my office. Because he already knew I could use magic, I proofed my office so that no one could hear us talking.
“ What have you found out?” I demanded, arms crossed, not really happy.
Terris noticed quickly that I could change moods easily.
“ Oh, I was just wondering if you were human. I mean, I’m very nosy so before I actually work for someone, I like to know what type they are. But While I was trying to figure your type, nothing came out. No magic or shifting abilities. To me, you feel like a normal human. So… are you? A normal human I mean.” he told me, going completely red and shivering with fear. I stood there, in front of him, processing his words. I sighed.
“ Sorry dude, but you’re gonna have to guess like the others. You don’t get special treatment just cause you can cook and the next time you try to find out to find out what type I am or poke into my personal and non-personal business, I’ll have no choice but to fuck you up.”
The hybrid nodded profusely, still shivering. I relaxed a little. I felt immediately bad because of how the kid was reacting to my words.
“ I didn’t mean to scare you. I just don’t like people digging to know about me.” I explain to him.
“ Sorry, it was by accident. I didn’t mean to but when I didn’t see any type of magic or anything that would tell me you’re a natural I was surprised and was curious. I promise it won’t happen again.” he sobbed out.
“ Oh heck, you’re so cute, you know that, Terr?” I told him, patting him on the head. He was so cute that I would love to tease him. I could feel myself getting myself attached t this guy. He would be my little brother is I kept up at this. I would love him to be my little brother. I shook my head, trying to shake those thoughts away. I still didn’t know the dude so I had to be careful. Looks can be seceding, I know that personally.
“ I’ll see you tonight, Terris.” I told him, pushing him towards the door. He shyly grinned at me. I mirrored him the nudged him a little to the entrance of the restaurant. He then walked out by himself.
I waited five minutes before following him. I covered myself with my magic so I would be invisible. It wasn’t hard to use my magic. All I ever did was think of what I wanted it to do and it would do it all by itself. But I never thought that it was also hard for other magical people to actually find out what type I was. The fact that I was the only dragon in the human world was a reason for it. I somehow liked and disliked being the only dragon here.
I snapped out of my thoughts and focused once again to Terris. He was already a ten feet to the North. I followed quietly. He first went to a cheap breakfast place. The place’s name was called Deni’s Brunch Place.
I clearly haven’t heard about it, which was kind of odd for me because I know every single restaurant, both cheap and expensive, in all of Cali. The fact of never knowing this place made me wonder if it was actually a restaurant that I’ve never seen or heard about or its just a cover for his little magic group. I entered the moment he did.
The moment I entered, the view surprised me. The place looked really homey. The walls were bright yellow which made the room bright and calming. There was two brown, worn out couches that were in front of the right wall. There was a lot of chairs and tables and cups.
And there were also a lot of mages, at least I think they were mages. I couldn’t believe about the amount of them. Oh, and did I mention the smell? It stank like hell. There was so much of the same type of magic that it clogged my nose. Yep, that’s right, I can smell naturals which usually helps me identify them easier. I just smell them and for some reason I know what type naturals are. Well, all except for the mages and witches and whatever human or half natural magic user since they all smelled the same to me.
Anyways, since the smell of all the same type of magic, I knew that this must be his little group. I didn’t like or want to snoop around but I had to make sure that he wasn’t a threat to my restaurant or my people and my gang. These guys and girls were wearing robes the color of snow white with a dark purple flower in the middle of their chest. I knew that sign. Terris belonged to the Clematis group.
The Clematis group was a group of witches— er, I mean mages that not only help protect the paranormal world but also to keep them from being found out. They are the most powerful magic users in the human world. To actually see them like this was kind of like an honor, just that I didn’t care about them. I was a dragon and the witch, mage, wizard, whatever humans who could use magic world didn’t really interest me.
All I needed to know if he was spying on me or not. I mean, the thought of him spying on me wasn’t much of a shocker. Most naturals know about me through my restaurant and when they try to figure out what type I am, I get pissy. I’ve become very popular in the natural world because of my mysterious powers and my mysterious past. I’ve also become the richest natural woman out there, which gets on my nerves.
When the supernatural world found out about the gang that I was in, all hell broke loose. A lot of reporters tried to interview them, asking them about what they knew about me and if they knew what type I was. They tried to interview both me and my boss when they couldn’t get anything with my gang. I had to practically hide all day and night. That was when I got so good at hiding and following people without them knowing I’m there.
Its not that I don’t like people to know about me, I just don’t want to be the most wanted person in the world when they find out that I’m a dragon. Its reason enough for me to not tell anyone about me. The only person who knows about what type I am is King. And I preferably would like to keep it that way.
The meeting was mostly about magic and protection and the people they needed to watch out for and the people they either owed or needed protecting.During the whole meeting, Terris didn’t talk about me. I was about to leave so I wouldn’t feel fully guilty when Terris finally caught my attention.
“ Oh, before I forget, I am now part of Brites’ staff.”
I freeze in both anger and curiosity. The oldest member, which was an older man that looked to be about fifty. lifted his eyebrow.
“ And what did you find out, Terrius?” he asked him.
Terrius? What the hell kind of name is that? Terrius.
“ Nothing, yet. Like others of our group have said, her magic cannot be felt or seen and I still have no idea of what she is. I’m still trying to find out who she is.” he replies.
“ Did you at least find out her last name? Or what she does?” the old man asked.
Terris shook his head. “ No. I’ve haven’t had the time to talk to her staff or her gang. I have just barely started and I think by the end of this week, I might have something for you.”
“Fine, you will have a week.” the old man nodded.
“ If I may ask, sir, why is the Clematis so interested in her? Could she be special enough to ask for help. Can we even trust her; enough to tell her about you know what?” Terris asked.
That made me perk up. The Clematis was interested in me? Why did they need my help? Why would I trust them and vise versa? And what is the ‘you know what’? So many questions and not enough answers.
“ We are interested because she could be the only one who could help us. We need her to trust us and help us with this secret. We don’t have much time left and if she does not help us, then everything will be over. We need her because she just might be our secret weapon to win this.” old man answered not only to him but to the other members who might have had the same question.
Well isn’t that great? I’m supposed to be a secret weapon for what? A war? And what are they hiding that they might need my help for. All this was too fishy. Something didn’t feel right. All this talk made me shiver with terror for some reason. I had to find out. I’m not much of a curious cat but when it came to me and my family, I would kick anyone’s ass.
I knew I would find out more information later. It was a good thing I couldn’t be seen. I made a mental note follow him the whole week so that I could find out more. Terris has just now become a person of interest and the only way to use him was to make him believe I’m playing his game when he would actually be playing mine. For now, I was just glad this freaking meeting was over.
The set of his day was boring. He then went to eat lunch and go to the park with his boyfriend and prepare himself to work for me.
Once he was inside Royale, I went home. It was already seven and Caden should be up by now. Caden loved his sleep as much as food so I was pretty certain he was now up and drinking all the blood I had at home.
When I got there, I noticed that the door was unlocked. I didn’t like that. I entered I found him eating pizza and drinking B-Cola (Blood-Cola was popular with vampires. It was just drugged human blood, which was almost like a vamp coke).
“ Don’t tell me you drank all the B-Cola.” I said to him as I returned from invisible to visible. Caden jumped a little from the couch, Spilling some of the coke on it. I just looked at my couch as Caden looked at me in surprise and fear. Yeah, Fear, I had a very bad temper.
“ Don’t do that. Why were you invisible? If you didn’t surprise me then I wouldn’t have spilt coke on your couch.” he scorned me.
“ You’re blaming me for this? You know I only allow food in the living room during special occasions. Otherwise, eat in the kitchen.” I told him. My voice went up a little.
“ This is a special occasion, Brites.” he tells me, trying to look sexy and innocent at the same time. I placed my hands on my hips, showing him it wasn’t working.
“ Oh yeah? Whats the occasion?”
“ We are now going out. Thats a special occasion so we should celebrate.”
I stared at him as if he had something on his face. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.
“ You spilt coke on my couch so clean it up before I kick your ass.” I tell him.
“ It would be an honor. Later tonight, we’ll be doing something that involves your ass.” he chuckles. I ignore him.
“ So where did you go? Where were you all day? The guys said you never came to the hideout.” I went to my kitchen to see if I could get something to eat. I took out a bag of cheese balls and a real coke and ate as I watched him clean up after his mess.
“ I was following Terris.” I answered after I drank some coke.
“ Who?”
“ Terris, my new chef.”
“ Anything interesting?” he asked, already finished cleaning up and taking the food and can into the trash. He came behind me and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my neck. I his fangs lightly poked my skin. I smiled, liking the intimacy.
“ He is very interesting. So interesting that I’m going to play with him.” I murmur.
King kept kissing my neck, going up to where my mouth was. He turned me around, kissing me. His lips were soft. A little of the coke he had was still there, smearing me with blood. His tong was sly and soon enough, we were entangled into each other. Caden licked my mouth, cleaning the blood. His right arm went under my breast, caressing the skin there while his left hand went into my hair. My breath hitched, loving the way he touched me. I could barely keep my thoughts together. I had to tell him what I had found out before this went on. If I didn’t stop our little game, he would be into my pants and I won’t be able to tell him what I had found out until the next day. Then, when I tell him, he would be pissed and blame it all on me. I ousted him away a little as our lips parted ways.
“ No really, Terris turned out to be more interesting than he let on.” I tell him. I was breathing hard, hardly able to speak no louder than a whisper. I was satisfied that he was also out of breath.
“ Okay, tell me what you found out.” he tells me, looking up into my eyes. I was surprised to find myself on his lap in the couch. How we ended up there was a mystery to me.
“ Turns out my new chef is part vamp part mage.” I tell him. Caden’s eyebrows go up. I nod, knowing how surprising that was. He waited for me to finish.
“ He’s also part of the Clematis group.” I tell him.
Caden puts me down on the couch then faced me, curious and serious as ever now.
“ Why is a member of the Clematis trying out for your restaurant? Are they trying to find out about you? I am really getting tired of people trying to find out about you.”
I nod, “ I know. Anyways, I also found out that they are interested me and they might want to tell me something.”
“ And what do they want to tell you?” he asked.
“ I don’t know. All I know is that it’s really important. They kept talking about it as if this thing is very secretive and important. They said I might be the only weapon to defeat something and that they are running out of time and I might be the only thing to stop this thing.” I said.
“ Is it a war? This is why I hate magic users. They hide things that are too important to be kept hidden.” he says, looking up into the ceiling.
“ I know. Something really bad is going on. They said that they needed to earn my trust and vise versa. I don’t know about you, babe, but I think we should let him into our gang.”
Caden said nothing. I looked back to him. He was watching me with dreamy eyes and a cute smile that makes me want to kiss him. I smacked him in the arm.
“ What are you doing?” I asked.
“ You called me babe.” he said dreamily. I smacked him again. I didn’t know my boss could get all mushy with just one word. I actually didn’t think him much of a romantic. I guess I didn’t know him like I thought I did.
“ Did you not hear me? I said we should have him into our gang.” I repeated.
“ No.” he said, waking from his dream.
“ Why not? I need him to think that I’m going to trust him so I can find out what is going on. We’ll just make him think that he’s in and I’m going to feed him false information.”
“ You’re going to place our gang in jeopardy, Brites.”
“ I know. But I’m gonna talk to them and tell them the deal. I need to know what Clematis is hiding from the rest of us.” I try to convince him.
King sighs, pressing his hand to the back of his neck, looking down the whole time, thinking. I waited for him to answer me. It didn’t take long for him to make a decision.
“As long as none of our brothers get hurt then I’m fine with it. But if he makes even one slip up, I will kick him out of the gang and out of your restaurant and all you would be able to do is sneak into their hideout.” he warns me.
I nod, happy as a clam. I kiss him and we make out for a while until my phone rang. I took my O-zone from my pocket and answered while Caden continued to kiss and nip my neck.
“ What?” I demanded, pissed that someone had disturbed our make out time, again. Caden never got mad but that didn’t mean I was going to keep my trap shut just because he didn’t get mad. It was how I earned respect.
“ Ms.Brites? This is agent Malik, I was wondering where you are right now or did you forget about our meeting?” he asked curiously. I could hear his teasing smile in his voice.
“ She forgot, agent. She was busy —!”
“ — with other business. I’ll be there in ten minutes so wait near my office door.” I replied and hung up before Malik could ask any more questions.
“ I really want to kill you right now, Caden.” I mutter under my breath as I stand up and push him away. He came behind me and began buttoning my shirt up. I let him, letting him know I wasn’t really mad but a little moody because someone had bothered us.
“ Sorry.” he whispered in my ear.
“ Fine, whatever, but don’t do that again. I’m trying to act professional and I’ma fuck you up if you ruin it. You know I play no games.” I told him.
He answered me with a kiss on my neck. I sighed and leaned onto him. I really didn’t want to go. The thought of me having to go back to that day was horrible. But if this creep was doing the same thing he did to me, I would have no choice but to help out. I would have a guilty conscious if I didn’t help so if I had to, I would.
After I got ready to leave, my phone rang again. Who was it this time? If it as that cop, I would knock him on the head when I see him.
“ Pick up, babe, I won’t get mad if its that snake cop.” King said and went to the kitchen.
“ Fool, do you got no patience? Because right now, it looks like you’re desperately wanting me.” I said.
A man chuckled from the other side of the phone. I really wasn’t going to like this. I knew the man. I stiffened and froze in place.
My biggest nightmare had just come to life.


As soon as I froze, my king came towards me. I didn’t do anything. I was frightened of who this person was.
“ Shadow.” I whispered into the phone.
“ Still remember me, baby?” he chuckled through the phone.
My knees were getting weak from the fright and anger and pain that was mixing inside me. The only thing that helped me from falling was Caden’s taught abs and his arms wrapping around me.
I was comforted but only slightly. I didn’t know what to do so I asked the most obvious question.
“ What do you want.” I asked, feeling rod of myself that my voice didn’t break.
Caden must have thought so too because he kissed my neck. I grabbed one of his hands and squeezed it as hard as I could.
“ Well isn’t it obvious, baby?” he asked, “ I want you back. I’m sorry that I raped you at such an early age but I couldn’t hold myself. Hey, at least I didn’t cheat on you.”
He said it as if I was going to give him props for it. Fuck that.
“ Mothafucka, the next time I ever see you, I’mma fuck you up. So bad that you’ll regret ever messing with me.” I threatened him.
“ Aww, isn’t that cute? You’re acting as if you’ll ever get the chance.” he said in a babyish voice. I didn’t like it one tiny bit. I really wanted to kick his raping ass now.
My anger began to take over my fear.
Caden let of me, probably because he knew when I got angry, it was never a good idea to be close to me. I began to pace.
“ Oh, trust me, I’ll find your white skinny ass and I’m going to put my foot up your ass so hard that you’ll never be able to use that stick of a dick of yours ever again. But then, you won’t have to because when I find you, I will give you a slow painful death.” I growled at him.
And what did this big idiotic dickhead do?
He laughed. He actually laughed in my ear. Now, I was pissed off.
“ I’ll call you again, baby. But next time, I’ll make you listen to the screams of my next victim.” he said and hug up.
My anger finally boiled over. I screamed in rage and threw my phone and when it hit the wall, it exploded into tiny little pieces of plastic. I began to pace back and forward.
“ That lil’ bitch is gonna pay. I’mma kill him, even if its the last thing I do. Oh, when I find him I’mma make that mothafucka scream so loud that he’ll burst out his own eardrums. I’mm whoop he ass to kin’dom come…”
“ Uh, sweetheart?” I heard the King say. I didn’t listen.
“ I should’a known he was a bastard but no-o, I was too stupid to notice. But this time I’mma make him pay. I’mma fuck him up. I’mma grab a wire and fill it up with my fire and whip him so hard, he’ll think we were back in those days where slaves were whooped….”
“ Babe” Caden said again.
“ Oh, I’m goin’ make that sonovabitch pay so much that he’ll regret for ever fuckin’ with …”
“ Brites!” Caden finally yelled.
I stopped pacing and turned to him slowly. He looked at me, both angry and worried.
“ We have to go see that damn snakehead, remember?”
Oh, yeah.
I was about to walk out the door when my boyfriend stopped me again.
“ Honey, your magic is all around you. Its coming out of your pores and your skin turned scaly.” he said.
I looked down and noticed that my magic was around me, swirling around fast as if I was in the middle of a tornado. And my skin was scaly. He must have noticed it because mu skin and clothed looked weird.
I let my anger fizzle out with a deep breath out. I breathed in and out slowly until I was finally calm.
“ Better?” he asked.
I stared at him as if I was going to punch him for asking such a stupid question. He got it loud and clear. I was glad I didn’t have to spell it out for him.
“ Right, well, thats fine for now. Lets go before the bastard stands us up.
Wasn’t it the other way round?

We got to my restaurant as fast as we could. Ten minutes and we were there. I jumped out fast. I was still trying to calm down but by the time we got there, I was almost calm. Calm enough to keep my true powers hidden.
We walked in and found Malik in the last table on the far corner. He saw me and stood up quickly. I moved my head towards my office, he nodded, and we went.
“ What took you so long?” he asked me.
I was still seething from just a few moments ago so when he asked me, I snapped.
“ Shut the fuck up, nasty ass mother fucking cop, you have better be glad that I even showed up tonight.”
He stood quiet, stunned. Yeah, that what I was going for but not from him. I went in and heard my man whisper something to him.
“ She’s pissed off so be cautious of her. She can blow up any second.” he said.
I guess he wanted me to hear because I calmed down again.
“ What happened?” he asked me, softly.
I sat down on my comfy chair before I answered him.
“ That damn ass bastard called me the second you hung up.” I said.
That got him to sit straight.
“ What did he say?” he asked.
“ Told her that he’ll call her again and make her listen to his next victim’s screams while he raped her.” Caden said.
“ How long did the phone call last?” Malik asked me again.
“ About half a minute.” I said.
“ Okay, we’ll be monitoring your phone calls, if it’s alright with you.” Malik began.
I stood up on that. My anger came back to me.
“ Oh, hell no, pal. You aren’t going to see who calls me and if you try then I’ll go down there and beat you senseless. You got me?”
Malik looked frustrated. Yup, that’s me, frustrating.
“ Then how will we know when he calls you again?” he asked me.
“ Look, Malik, sure, I’ll help you in any way I can but I cross the line when it comes to my privacy. I’ll find a way to track ohm so don’t worry.” I told him.
He crossed his arms, doubting of what I had said. “ And how’ll you track him? Will you tell us? When will this be done?” he asked.
“ Watch your tone, Malik, you’re talking to my girlfriend.” Caden growled at the snake king.
“ Hey, I’m just doing my job here.” he hissed. I could see that his eyes were slowly turning into snake slits and glowing a little bright.
“ See, I’m part of a gang, the most dangerous and infamous gang in Cali. I’m the second in command and I the only reason I’m still free is because no cop has found out my plans or my fights. Now, say I let you hear my calls. You’ll easily know wherever I am and who I talk to and what I do. I can’t have that. I’d kill myself before giving away my family. So, hella no, I’ll not let you abuse my privacy.” I said.
“ Fine, you find a way, and when you find him, call me. I also want to ask you a favor.” he said.
Oh? I would do any favor he asked only if I could get a chance to kiss those luscious looking… wait, where did that come from?
“ What?” I asked, crossing my arms and trying not to look like I was crushing on him. Especially in front of my boss/boyfriend.
“ Is it okay if or when we find another one of his victims, which I hope won’t happen, you can come and see? I would like your opinion in this investigation.” he said.
My mouth shot down to the floor. I couldn’t believe of what he just said.
“ Why?” I asked.
“ Yeah, Malik, why?” King asked him, crossing his arms and looking almost lethal. I say almost because when he wanted to be lethal, he could shoot daggers and fire through his eyes. So far, he was only shooting lasers.
Malik turned to look at my boyfriend.
“ Because since she’s beaten many people she knows what to look for. I would ask you but I don’t want to disturb the King. Besides, Razor wants to catch this son of a bitch so she’ll do better, no offense.” he said.
Ouch, I couldn’t believe he actually dared to insult him. He wasn’t the king of my gang for nothing. I didn’t want to get in the middle of this but I knew that if I didn’t stop it they would eat each other up.
“ Okay, okay, snake king, don’t get your panties in a bunch. I’ll help you but I expect respect whenever one of your little cop friends are there and when I see someone I know, you better play along that you’re trying to catch me. You’ll ruin my reputation with your damn request. Got it?” I asked him.
He nodded, his eyes brightened a bit. I didn’t want to know how his scent smelled. Too bad I found out because when I turned my gaze to Caden, he had stiffened with anger. I glared at him, trying to send send him a message.
Caden, if you lay a hand on him I swear I’ll kick yo ass. Please don’t make me.
What the hell, are you defending him, Brites?

Caden’s eyebrows frowned and I could see a hint of his fangs peeking out. His jaw was locked tight and I knew that if I said the wrong thing, he would snap.
No, you idiot, I ain’t denfendin’ no one. He a cop, Caden, so if you kill him or beat him up, the damn cops will finally get a chance to catch you. I don’t want that.
I blushed a little. I looked back at Malik so I didn’t have to see the King’s reaction. Malik’s eyebrow went up, amused. I glared at him.
“ Are we done here, officer?” I asked him.
He gave me a quick smile and stood up. I didn’t like the smile; it was promising something that I was tempting me, hard. Too bad I wasn’t as stupid as I was when I was a kid.
“ Yes, we’re done,” he turned to Caden and stuck his hand out, saying, “ I apologize for angering you a minute ago. I didn’t want to offend you in your territory.”
That stupid snake head was challenging the King. Not really the best idea but who was I to judge. He was, in fact a king, too. King of the snake.
“ Of course you did. I’m guessing we’ll meet soon?” he asked.
My eyes went a little wide. They shook hands and I thought I caught muscles bulging from their arms for a second. I knew men were testosterone driven but right now, I could smell a truck load. I didn’t like this.
“ Yes, we will. Until then.” Malik said and left.
I went to the door, closed it, went to where Caden was, who was now sitting on my table, and socked him in the arm.
“ No more fighting, Caden, not here. He’s a cop you idiot.” I told him.
“ You actually think I care, Brites you know better.” he said, his voice had a little growl in it.
“ Boy, I know you did not just growl at me.” I growled back.
Well what do you know, my anger never left me.
“ Fine, whatever but I’m going to ask you a favor— no, scratch that, you’re going to do what I tell you if you really want to help that slimy worm.” he told me.
I sighed. I couldn’t really say ‘don’t order me around’ because he always did whenever we were in gang business. I had no choice. Wow, I’m such a weakling.
“ What” I said it more as a statement. Yeah, that was as rebellious as I could get with him.
“ Whenever you’re going to see him, you’re going to take someone from the gang with you. If you don’t then I’ll personally go with you and if you try to hide with him, I’ll make it my mission to destroy him.” he told me.
Of all people in the world, I had to date this maniac. This egoistic, stubborn, ass, loving, caring, funny as hell guy, who happened to be king and that person I loved. Why me?
“ Fine, you win but don’t try to control me or my life because you’ll regret it if you do.” I told him.
We were quiet for a second. We were glaring at each other. His eyes seemed as if they grew changed into a darker brown-orange. And then they turned glossy. He was now looking at my lips. His lips were looking so tasty from where I was standing.
I wanted to suddenly touch him everywhere and I wanted him to touch me. I was about to restraint myself until I remembered that we were in my office. I licked my lips and thats all it took for him to attack me.
He grabbed me and pulled me into him and kissed me. His kisses were urgent and ravishing, as if he couldn’t get enough of me. I was the same. His tongue caressed my as I slid my tongue into his mouth. I loved the taste of him so I leaned into him and angled my head so he could kiss me better. I hugged him and slid my hands under his shirt. His muscles stiffened a little when I caressed him. He placed his own hands on my hips and turned us around, me now sitting on my desk. He quickly unclipped my bra. I gasped a little when his hands caressed the skin under my bra.
He began to make a line off kisses down my neck. My nails bit into his skin and he growled and chuckled at the same time. He took my shirt off and I ripped his apart with my hands. Once the cloth was gone, I began to touch his chest and abs. And boy did I love them abs. He grabbed my breasts and squeezed them gently. I gasped again and his lips returned to mine quickly. His thumbs were playing y my nipples. I touched him all over his chest but I wanted to do more than that. I parted with his lips as I began to bite and kiss the skin that was in-between his shoulders and neck. I kissed my way upwards until I got to the line of his jaw. I loved the little stubble he had, from not shaving this morning. He mouth came down on mine once more but it was quick because he lifted me up again. I wrapped my legs around his hips, locking us tight. He made a muffled sound that sounded so delicious that I moaned myself.
He sat us down on my comfy chair. The moment we sat down, his mouth found my right breast. He played with my tit with his tongue while he played with the other with his thumb. I gasped and groaned. I wriggled a little and he groaned. I felt his cock growing from his pants, touching the soft spot in-between my legs. I put more pressure there. He groaned more and quickly he made me stand up as his pants along with his boxers flew down to the ground. I took my own off as well and then we were seated again. His cock caressed my sensitive area. I groaned and my nails bit his back again. He growled since he was still busy with my breasts. I put more pressure on his cock until he couldn’t take it any longer.
He lifted me up gently and slowly, he slid into me. I sighed in pleasure and relief while he groaned in pleasure. We then fell into a slow rhythm that was quickening by the minute. But, as always, he slowed down, holding back our climax. He knew how I liked my sex. My lips found his and we kissed slowly, this time. I slid my hands into his hair as he placed one hand on the back of my neck and the other on my hips. A while later, he went back to thrusting in me fast. I cried out the faster he went. Pain set in but it wasn’t much since he felt so good. And then, I cried out one last time as I came. A few thrusts later, he came as well and we just sat there, trying to get air back into our lungs. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
We were like that for a few moments.
“ I really needed that.” I told him.
He chuckled and lightly kissed my lips. They felt swollen. I was guessing that my lips were just as red as Caden’s.
“ Anytime, baby, anytime.” he told me.
I got up a few minutes later and we began to dress ourselves.
“ So what are you gonna do next?” he asked me.
I was pulling up my pants when he asked me. I was putting my bra on when I answered.
“ Right now I’m just going to manage here until it closes. Then I’ll have to go and try to find someone who can teach me how to track someone. You?”
He was holding up his ripped up shirt in front of me, grinning like a maniac. I rolled my eyes. So I was crazy, not like I hadn’t done it before.
“ I’m going to see the gang and see if we can tighten up security around our territory. Oh, and I know a really good witch who can help you with the tracking. I’ll give him a call and then I’ll go back to your warm bed and tight little body of yours.” he said.
I laughed at that.
“ Whatever, I cant’ wait. So, I’ll see you later?”
He nodded and kissed me before he left, his ripped up shirt in his hands. Loving the tumble, I had to go back to work. Great.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.11.2011

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