

It was a Saturday morning and I groaned when I woke up. Like all Saturdays, it was family day. Family day was when the whole family just stayed home and hung around each other. Lucky for me, I didn’t have to since my family completely hates me. I was sad about it at first but then, a girl gets used to it.
I got up and went to take a cold shower. It was a quick shower since I always took a shower at night as well. After, I went to her closet.
It was full of old, cut up clothes. I wasn’t poor yet I had closet full of hand-me-downs and cheep rip clothes. It was because her rich, snobby family hated her. They never gave her allowance and since I was sixteen I had to work to pay all my things. It was a miracle my family actually didn’t make me pay rent or electrical or water bills.
I chose a pair of blue faded out jeans, a black muscle shirt, and my old black and white All Stars Converse. I then went to the mirror and began to put on thin, black eyeliner, black mascara, and a bit of light pink lip gloss. I brushed my hair quickly. It wasn’t hard to brush since it was straight already. But is was thick so brushing my hair was just a tad bit hard.
Once I was finished, I went to her door to look herself in her body length mirror. She sighed sadly when she saw herself.
I was a tallish girl and completely opposite of my, which I liked to call the family’s looks. I was five foot nine thin girl, while the family were shorter and normal looking. My hair was oddly white, something I always wondered about and the family’s hair was blonde. My eyes were the lightest shade of grey, almost to the point of being white, while the family’s eyes were blue. I had a normal nose, not too small nor too big and had perfectly full lips that were the lightest shade of pink I had ever seen. My skin was pale white, as white as a corpse’s skin. I had an average looking chest, not too big, like my mom and sister’s, but not too small. It was enough to make me look slightly attractive. My butt was also average and my legs were long and good looking. They weren’t too thin nor too fat. In the end, I looked, well, average.
I grabbed her black skateboard, walked out the door, and went downstairs. As I was walking through the living room, heading for the door, I caught a glimpse of my family in the kitchen.
My ‘oh so big’ lawyer father, who I called Larry, was kissing my prissy model looking mother, who I called Daray. My super genius nerdy sister, Chalondra, was eating her eggs while studying something boring and my jerk jock of a brother, Andy, was playing with his bacon.
I hated them so much, my family. They were all assholes and bags of douche. I was very glad I wasn’t part of the family. I was about to head out when I heard the father’s voice yelling from the kitchen.
“ Kira, come here, we have to talk to you.” He said.
I groaned inwardly. As I was walking to the kitchen, I was praying slowly to myself, please don’t let me catch the bitch disease, please don’t let me fill up with shit. I don’t want to be a bag of douche. Please, don’t let me catch the bitch disease.

Just as I walked into the kitchen, the father and mother were sitting down.
“ Yeah?” I asked, dully.
The father glared at me. “ Don’t use that tone with me, Kira.”
I rolled my eyes. Only a douchey father would think I was using a tone. But if he considered my ‘you are a bunch of assholes’ tone a tone, then yeah, I guess I was using a tone.
“ What do you want, Larry?” I said, already tired of seeing him. I thought my eyes were going to pop out of their eye sockets, screaming ‘you horrible person, making us look at that fat man’s face’. I felt bad for my eyes.
“ You’re eighteen right?” he asked.
I was technically seventeen, I thought. Suddenly, my phone rang. I picked it up and saw that my calendar was reminding me something. I opened it and read under November Twentieth: Happy birthday!
Oh yeah, I guess I was eighteen. How I could forget my own birthday? I didn’t know. It must be because I have already overexposed myself to all the shitiness that the family had.
“ Yeah, I’m eighteen.” I told him.
“ Good, so when are you moving out?” he asked.
I stood there quiet for a moment. This is how I looked:
- On the outside: calm and mildly surprised.
-In my head: What! Are they throwing me out?! You have got to be kidding me! Oh my god, I thought I wouldn’t live to see the day but I have. I actually lived to see that the ‘rents have finally exploded. They were like volcanos that were blowing out all the doucheyness they had inside.
And after all the surprise, anger filled me to the bone. I couldn’t help it. I slightly glared at them all, making them all squirm, uncomfortable.
“ As soon as possible.” I said in a low voice.
“ Good, but if you stay here for another month, you’ll have to pay rent.” The mother said.
Oh yeah, great job mother, take all my money with you as well, it's not like I’m going to need it to buy a freaking house.
“ Fine, whatever.” I muttered and left as soon as I could.

I spent the rest of the day skateboarding at the Skateboard park. I lived in rich town, called Height Village, Pensilvania, which I liked to call Penny. It wasn’t as quiet as most people thought since New York was its next door neighbor. By eight at night, it was completely dark, the street lamps were the only things that lighted up dark, besides the moon.
I was about to head home when my friend, Ami, called me.
“ Yeah?” I said over the phone.
“ Oh my god, Happy birthday, Kari! You’re finally eighteen!” she squealed. My best friend loved squealing, screeching, yelling, hollering, and yelling that it was so funny. She was also nineteen. All of last year, she whined about why my birthday couldn’t come any sooner.
“ Yeah.” I said bluntly. I wasn’t very screamish today. My birthday was ending just like I thought it would, like crap stuck under my shoe.
“ You have to come to Fangs, Kari. You’re eighteen, you’re old enough. Oh my god, my little girl is growing up,” she said.
I laughed at that. I met Ami when I was in high school. We met when I ditched class one day. I found her under the stairs with her friends. I was passing by when she noticed me.
“ Hey,” she yelled at me.
I stopped and turned to her. I had mild interest in her and her friends but she seamed interesting enough that I stuck around to hear what she wanted to say.
“ Yeah?” I said dully.
“ Hang out with us,” was all she said before she went back to talking to a goth guy I later came to know as Keir.
I was shocked for a moment. I was a loner back then and kind of liked it that way. Eventually I shrugged and hung out with them. After that, we became inseparable. Ami thought of me as a little sister since I was new to many of her gothic culture.
Anyway, as I was saying, Ami was completely crazy excited that I was eighteen. I didn’t feel much of her happiness but I knew that when I saw her, she would infect me with her gothic love.
“ I’ll be there in ten.” I said.
And true to my word, I was at Fangs in ten minutes. Fangs was the hottest club in Penny. Only the cool people went there and the bouncers only let the cool people in, as I always noticed.
I looked up to see the famous club in all its glory. Fangs was three stories high and about half the size of Wall-mart. There was blue lights in the roof corners of the building and in big white and red lights was the words that said Fangs. The parking lot was full and the bouncers were all in black and looking really mean. There was a huge line too.
I groaned inwardly when I saw the line. It would take all night to get in. I had a decent amount of patience but by the look of the line, I would die before I got in.
I was about to call Ami that I wouldn’t make it when she suddenly came out from behind a bouncer with a bald head.
“ Kira!” she screamed my way, waving her hands like crazy as well.
Ami had short black hair and big eyes and a smallish nose. She was wearing black lipstick and think black eyeliner and mascara and black eye shadow. Her skin was fair and creamy smooth, like mine. Ami was wearing her usual black skirt, a black corset that made her small chest look bigger, and black combat boots. She looked the total opposite of me, which was how and why we were best friends.
A whole bunch of people stared at me and her when she screamed. I was so used to the stares that I hardly noticed. Ami turned to the bouncer just as I came behind her.
“ She’s my friend, Eddy, she’s eighteen today so don’t worry.” She said.
The bouncer Eddy nodded and smiled at me. For a bouncer who looked scary as hell and had had a bald head, Eddy had one heck of a nice smile. I nodded back.
“ Go ahead and go in, Ami.” he told her.
I was about to pay Eddy when he held out his hand and shook his head.
“ On the house, kid. Happy birthday, by the way.” He smiled at me.
“ Thanks.” I said and went in, following Ami.
The club was as loud as hell. It was so loud I thought my ears would burst, making me deaf. Daft Punk was playing and everyone was dancing. It was also warm inside. Fangs looked really cool from the inside.
There was bars on both the right and left side and booths were all over the sides, filling up the corners. There were women and men dancing in cages and the DJ was in the middle, standing on a large platform. The platform turned was turning in circles. And around the platform was almost everyone dancing around, moving to beat. It looked wicked awesome. I looked up to see others dancing upstairs. More booths were on the second floor. And all I could see from the third floor was far away people looking down at the dance floor from the window. I guessed they were private parties.
Suddenly, Ami pulled my hands and walked me to a booth where the rest of my friends were. There was a total of five in our group. There was Keir, Ami’s goth boyfriend, Jett, the shy cute goth boy, and Kass, the quiet one in our group.
“ Hey guys, Kira’s eighteen today.” Ami said to them. I waved at the guys.
The guys looked irritated. I guessed Ami was reminding them I was eighteen all day. I didn’t blame the guys. Ami was a total nut job when she was excited about something. I was eighteen so my best friend was out right loony.
“ We know, babe, we know for the hundredth time.” Keir said.
“ Okay,” was all she said before she kissed him. I sat next to Kass and bumped fists with him. I particularly like Kass because he was quiet and funny in his own way.
“ Lets dance, Kira.” Ami yelled to me.
“ I just sat down.” I told her, stating the obvious.
“ Come on,” she ignored my last words and dragged me to the dance floor. That night, I danced like crazy. See? Ami had infected me with her loony love.
I danced for what felt like hours. By the time I checked my watch, it was already midnight.
“ Shit!” I yelped and got out of the club. I told Kass to tell Ami that I left before I left. He nodded and kept dancing.
I quickly began to skateboard my way home and out of downtown Penny when I had the weirdest sensation that someone was following me. I looked behind me.
There was nothing but dark houses. I passed the skateboard park I knew so well, telling me that I was already halfway home. I crossed the park, wanting to get home soon. But I couldn’t get the feeling that someone was following me. I turned around again, only accomplishing to see trees. I walked normally, not really wanting to hint I was agreed, which I was.
All that time, I was thinking of who could it be.
It could be a stalker

. I thought but quickly shook my head. I wasn’t that hot.
It could be a perv, though

. I shivered at the thought that it was a pervert following me. But I shivered at my next thought.
Or worse, a pervy bag of douche.

I shivered at the thought and began praying to not have a pervy asshole behind me.
I finally couldn’t stand it and turned again for the final time. And right their, behind me was this tall man. The man was wearing all black. He had no hair and his eyes were completely black and he was as pale as I was. And then I looked at his open mouth. They were all white and normal looking except that he had to large looking teeth that looked like fangs. And boy, the fangs looked like sharp. My first thought was that it was a vampire.
This was how I looked:
- Outside: calm with mild surprise and mild Terror.
- In my mind: Oh my god, it's a pervy bag of douche vampire. I’m gonna get raped by a pervy asshole vampire. Or worse, a pervy bag of shit vampire is going to suck my blood and kill me.
Before I could even try to scream, the tall man slapped his hands around my mouth and dragged me into the darkness. I struggled with all my might, trying hard to escape but just like I suspected, the pervy vampire was strong as hell.
“ Your blood smells so sweet, little girl,” he whispered to me.
I mentally gagged at his words. His breaths smelled as if he had sucked the blood out of a shitty person.
I kept struggling, scratching the guy’s neck and kicking all over the place. The vampire laughed and then turned my head slightly sideways, exposing my pale neck.
“ You’re so pale, little girl. I can practically see your artery pumping blood.” He said.
I whimpered a little, something I had never doe before. I bit down on the vampire’s hand but he didn’t let go. All he did was hiss in pain.
“ You’re going to pay for that, you little bitch.” He whisper yelled at me and before I knew what was happening, he bit me.
I screamed when he did. The bite was painful as hell. I could feel my blood being drained out of me.
Great, I’m going to die by a pervy bag of fuck vampire.

I thought to myself.
I couldn’t struggle anymore because I was too weak. I began to feel dizzy as he kept sucking. I felt so tired I wanted to sleep but I knew that if I closed my eyes, I would claim defeat, something I really wasn’t good at.
But just as I thought it was all over, the sucking stopped. I dropped down to the ground. I moved my eyes up to see another vampire behind the one that was sucking my blood. I could barely see him since it was too dark and I was too weak and lazy to move.
“ I said not to feed in my territory, kid.” He said to the pervy vampire.
Kid, he looks about the age of my grandmother.

I thought to myself
The perv hissed and jumped to attack the intruding vampire. I heard slaps and hisses and cuss words but I couldn’t see it. I sighed, pitying myself. I really did have a sucky life. I waned to close my eyes so bad but I didn’t let myself.
An eternity later, a dark shadow stepped in front of me. I moved my eyes up to see only shiny, Dilated, black eyes and white fangs.
“ Aren’t you a fighter.” I heard the vampire say. He was a dude.
The vampire bent down and gently grabbed my head and turned me on my back. I looked up but I couldn’t seem to focus on anything and my vision began to blur. That was not good, not good at all.
“ Drink.” The vampire dude said. He opened my mouth and I faintly felt drops of liquid touch my tongue. My mouth slowly filled with the liquid. I used all my strength to swallow. Once I did, I felt a little warmer,
“ I’m sorry for this, Kira.” he whispered to me.
I didn’t know what he meant until he licked my neck.
Oh, he’s going to finish me off

. I thought. In the end, a pervy bag of douche was going to kill me.
And he bit me. But it wasn’t painful this time. No, not painful at all. Instead, it felt good. It was very pleasurable but I wasn’t really happy. I was dying. And I thought my last thought before I died.
Fuck my life.


That son of a shitty mother fucker. He was going to pay, big time.

I thought to myself as I was trying to warm myself up. Just because I was a vampire didn’t mean that I was immune to the weather. Who said we couldn’t feel weather changes?
It was a cold spring night. I was wearing a light grey skirt, back knee length high heeled boots, and a black tank top. Over that, I wore a soft white fake fur jacket. And even with those, I was freezing cold.
I’m pretty sure I’m going to be infected by many diseases.

It could be true, my thought since the house was right in the middle of downtown Penny. Many types of people passed by and most were really crappy people.
And there were a bunch of diseases out there, like the bitchy disease, doucheyitis, full of shit disease, snobphoma, shittiitis, and many, many more. I have never caught one of them so I didn’t know if they were permanent or temporary. I didn’t want to know.
I was about to go into another rant of curses when I sensed another vampire coming. Yeah, vampires have a little of a sixth sense when it came other vamps. I mean, we do have superhuman hearing and vision and speed and whatever the crap they, uh, I mean we have but the sixth sense is what most rely on.
Anyway, I turned around and saw my second in command, Kass. Yep, the same Kass from my lil group is a vampy.
Kass is about my height, only an inch taller. He was just as pale as I was but less, in a way. Kass had that hot long black curly Orlando Bloom hair. He had black eyes and thin lips. He was had muscle too but he had that broad shoulders but lean body look that made him look hotter. He was wearing a long black leather jacket and black skinny jeans and what appeared to be a black muscle shirt. I really wanted to touch him all over but I had to control myself.
“ He-y.” I heard him say. I turned to him and gave him a bored look.
“ What?” I asked him bluntly.
“ Why are you here?” he looked at me as if I was a little crazy.
“ Because I work here and I bite people, vampy Kass.” I told him in my Dracula voice.
“ No duh, snow queen, I mean what are you doing outside?” he said, waving his arms around.
“ I, uh, well…” I felt a little ashamed for what I was about to tell him so it was a struggle at getting the words out.
“ Oh, fuck, what did you do this time?” he sighed.
“ I kind of pranked the sire.” I began.
“ Fuck.” he whispered to himself. I stood quiet for a moment.
Before, Kass used to be really quiet and nice and everything. Now, I learned that he loves to say fuck, is more flirty and he talks a whole lot more. It shocked me at first but now, two years later, I’m just simply surprised.
“ Kira, what did you do?” he asked one more time.
I sighed and looked down to my feet, then said in a small voice, “ I sorta kinda bombed his room with a garlic stink bomb.”
Kass, at first, blinked at me a few times then burst out laughing. I knew how he left because I laughed like crazy when I saw the sire come out of his room so fast, I thought he would fall. Garlic isn’t really something that could kill a vampy but we don’t like it because since we have superhuman smelling, garlic is just a horrendous smell.
And just as quickly Kass laughed, he just as quickly went back to being semi-serious.
“ You shouldn’t have done that.” he scolded me, was quiet for a moment, then added,
“ How the hell did you block the odor of the garlic?”
“ I told him I had sprayed his room with a flowerish perfume. It was foul but it was good because the garlic made it worse.” I told him.
Kass chuckled and winked at me.
“ Of a lot of keeper leaders I’ve seen, you’re definitely the most fun.” He said to me.
“ I’m younger than most vamps so of course I’m going to be fun.” I said, half dully, half obvious.
“ Youngest keeper, yes, but young means weak so be careful. I still can’t believe that you actually beat our old keeper leader on your first day of being a vampire.” he told me.
I stood quiet for a moment, reliving that time two years ago.
I was just a vampire. I woke up, gasping for air, something I didn’t need anymore. I looked around and realized I was alone in a huge bedroom.
The bedroom was draped in crimson red and black and the walls were completely white. The bedroom was very simple as well. There was a long drawer with a big mirror on top of it and a black and white bathroom on my left and a walk in closet beside it. The bedroom was king size silk black sheets. I simply loved it.
And then I noticed her.
There was a girl right in from of me. She was pinkish and blonde. I suddenly felt something powerful move from inside me. I saw the girl more as food rather than anything else. I went to the girl and noticed she was either asleep or knocked out. I didn’t care because I just wanted to eat her. I looked at her curiously.
I wonder if she’s shitty or not? Does she have a disease?

I thought to myself.
But I couldn’t hold my hunger any longer. So I, unconsciously, took the girl, moved her neck, and bit her. I began to drink.
The blood was delicious. I couldn’t stop myself from drinking. It was sweet and juicy and so good. As I finished, I licked my lips and wiped my mouth with my hand. I then looked up to see myself in the mirror.
My eyes were glowing red and my fangs were hugely long. Blood was all over my lips. I looked savage. My memories came back then.
I was now a vampire.
I was horrified at what I had done but I couldn’t go back. I began to cry for some reason. It wasn’t that being a vampire was terrible. I cried because I didn’t know what to do with myself. I felt alone.
I heard a door open and I turned to look at a man with a bald head and dark blue eyes and very mean looking.
“ Hello, Kira.” he had said. I looked at him warily.
“ Who are you?” I muttered.
“ I’m the keeper leader of this brood. I see you have finished eating your breakfast. Good, I didn’t like her much.” he said, looking at the dead girl.
I was disgusted then. What had I done? I had bitten and drank a girl who was a bag of douche. I looked up angry at him.
“ You fed me an ill person.” I whispered to him angry.
“ Ill?” he asked.
I went to him and hit him as hard as I could. I began to cry but I didn’t stop hitting him. I couldn’t because of what, I thought back then, he had done to me. I felt alone and hungry and terrible.
It wasn’t until Kass came in when he saw that I had beaten up his boss to death. It was a very horrible first day.
“ Kira?” Kass was asking, waving his hand over my face and snapping.
I shook my head from the memory and looked up to him.
“ What?”
“ I asked if you want me to take your shift.” he said.
A small smile bloomed in my face. I don’t smile much but that didn’t mean I didn’t make an effort. I wasn’t peppy tonight so I was only a small smile girl.
“ Would you?” I asked.
he nodded, “ yeah, but you’ll have to take me to a movie later.” he told me.
I nodded and bumped fists with him. I then left him. I walked slowly. I know, vamps can use superhuman speed but most of us still like human speed. It also helped us blend in with the other houses.
Kira, come to me, right now.

I heard someone said in my head.
It was my boss, the sire. I rolled my eyes and began to walk to his office. Boy, I had a feeling this was gonna be a hell of a douchey day.

Ah, hell

I was walking to the sire’s office when I felt his anger. I was the only one who could feel his emotions emitting, which was petty weird in the vampy world. Ain’t that a great bitch? I’m actually just as weird as when I was human. God, my life doesn’t change no matter what I change into.
I didn’t think a garlic stink bomb could piss him off so much but then, ever since I came in a picture, the sire’s life is hell, I made sure of that.
I was now in front of his office, where the sire did all business (not the personal, though). I knocked and opened the door.
It still took my breath (even though I didn’t need the air; I’m dead yet undead) whenever I looked at the sire. He was super handsome and hot as hell.
He was about half a foot taller than me. He had light brown hair went forward, making him have sideways bangs. The bangs were completely dyed in black. He had golden pale skin and bright green eyes. I loved his eyes. He had a straight nose and full-thin lips that were light pink that were very kissable. The sire had a diamond earring on his left ear, making him look hotter. He was very lean, muscles barely showing yet somehow I knew that he had abs under his shirt. He had long legs, arms, and fingers. He was wearing a plain white shirt and fading grey jeans and some cool black boots.
I really wanted to do more than just stare at him but I couldn’t. It was sad but even if I could, I doubt the sire would be interested in me. I’m, well, average.
I had to clear my mind quickly before he had read it. Sires could read minds as well as talk to another in mind (allowing the other vampy to respond as well). I still lightly breathed in whenever I saw him. This was how I looked:
- On the outside: bored with only one eyebrow raised and a barely visible hint of a grin.
- In my (walled up) mind: Holy douche bags, he is so frigging hot. I want to lick him all over and do the chaka chaka (aka. sex) with him. Lord, give me the strength to resist him. Give me the strength to resist the temptation of that hot, sinful, apple.
I finally walked in and sat down at one of the two chairs in his office. His office was quite simple. He only had a wooden desk that had a laptop and pens on the table and two chairs opposite him. He had nothing else. It had no windows or anything. See? Simple.
The sire looked up, an eyebrow raised.
Oh, right, I had to respectfully bow to him. I slightly dipped my head and did nothing else. I wasn’t suck up to a hottie jerk wad for nothing.
“ Hello to you too, Kira.” he said.
I had to force myself not to close my eyes and smile. His voice was deep with a hint of huskiness. I always loved hearing his voice. I had to seriously control myself before I did something I would later regret. I looked at the sire with dullish eyes.
“ Sire.”
The sire sighed and scolded me, saying, “ Will stop that? Just call me Nero, Kira. Don’t be so formal with me.”
I had to because I felt that if I didn’t I would definitely lose control. I then realized something: Was I catching the like bug? I shivered a little.
I didn’t want to catch those illnesses either. Like bug, love bug, stalkeritis, the jealous disease, lovephoma, and others that I haven’t yet named. I don’t mean that I don’t want to fall in like. It was just that I don’t actually know how to act if and when I get it.
I know, I have it now but I wasn’t about to accept that. I was in denial and I was in denier about the denial. God, I’m so confusing, I’m confusing my own self. Poor me, pity me.
“ I’ll call you whatever I want, boss. Why’d you call me?” I asked him.
The sire sighed and shook his head then went back to business.
“ A dead vampire has been spotted. I need you and the clean up crew to go check it out and see how he died.” he ordered.
I nodded.
“ Okay, that’ll take me about an hour. Where’s the body?” I asked.
“ Its about an hour away from here, near Fangs and your friend’s coffee shop.” he answered.
That actually surprised me like hell. like always, I didn’t show it in face, all I did was slightly open my mouth. The body was near Ami’s coffee shop? The sire actually looked a little amused and shocked at the same time.
“ Now, I’ve never seen that expression before.” he said.
That snapped me out of my shocked state. I was now a little pissy. I couldn’t think of her right now. I would think of her later, after my job was done.
“ Shut up, boss. I’m going now. I’ll call you to give you the results.” I said and stood up to walk out. Before I could even get a foot out, I heard him call out to me.
“ My name.” he said.
I looked back at him. What the hell was he talking about? I didn’t know.
“ What about it?”
“ What is my name, Kira? Say my name.” he said, sounding a little frustrated. I lightly swallowed the big ball in my throat.
“ Why?” I asked. I was biding for time but I knew that eventually I would have to say it.
“ Say my name.” he said, urgently and with a hint of his force. I couldn’t do anything when he used his force. Using his manipulating force would make me do whatever he wanted, no matter how much I didn’t want to.
I was beginning to realize that the sire was becoming one big piece of ass of jack. No, I think I knew ever since he bit me.
I knew that if saying his name, I would be binder closer to him. I mean, I was already bounded to him since he was the one who made me but if I said his name, even with a hint of passion or meaning, I would feel closer to him. I so wanted to be closer to him but he was my boss and no matter how much I liked him, he would never like me back. This was a lost cause.
So, what the hell, I was going to do something that I knew I was going to regret for a long time. But it didn’t matter since I was never going to be in that type of relationship with him, no matter how much I wanted to. I looked him straight in the eye.
“ Nero, your name is Nero.” I said. I had pushed as much passion and like behind the words. I then grinned, something that caught him off guard. I knew because his mouth went wide open.
I then walked out, feeling like I was the queen of the world. God, I could be such a bitch sometimes. Wait… that wasn’t a good thing. I made a mental note to fix that whenever I had the time.

I was at the crime scene an hour later. It was still freezing outside, which wasn’t much of a shocker but that didn’t keep me from hating it. I looked down at the undead dead body with disgust.
The vampy was a dude that looked to be about thirty. He had dirty blond hair and a very long, pointy nose. His lips were practically invisible and his eyes were completely black. That happened, as it seemed, when a vampire died. I didn’t know much about it but the same thing happened when I accidentally killed the last keeper leader.
I was about to step back to let the forensic cutie do his job when I noticed something. I bent down a little and sharpened my vision. The undead dead vampy dude had two needle like holes in his neck.
That was either very creepy or very false. Vampire fangs weren’t needle thin. They were sully like mine, longer than your other teeth and a bit triangular with a very shaper point. This was not like that.
“ What do you think happened?” the sire’s forensic vampy guy asked. His name was Myles. He was really cool and hot for a forensics guy.
He had bright yellow blonde hair which were painted red at the tips of his spiky hair. He had orange-brown eyes and pink lips. He was about my height and he had no muscles as far as I could see by his skinny jeans and his thin jacket. It didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous though so if would be foolish of me to underestimate him. Myles also had a necklace with a silver cross.
Vampires didn’t die or burn in a presence of a cross, by the way. It’s a very big myth along with other lies like we can’t see ourselves in the mirror or that silver can kill us or that we can’t enter a church. Truth is that while we do have reflections, we didn’t have a shadow. We could enter a church but its very uncomfortable since we were dead. And only wood or fire could kill us. Its hard to kill us but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t impossible.
Humans could hardly kill us but another vampire could. It was why this was a very fascinating crime scene.
“ How’d you think he died?” I asked, fascinated with disgust.
“ I don’t think a human killed him, thats for sure.” he said. I looked at him as if he was talking nerd.
“ I’m so glad you’re in our side or else I would have never known a human didn’t kill him.” I said, patting his back hard.
“ Was that sarcasm?”
“ Gee, sherlock, what do you think? Anyways, back to the point, do you think a vamp killed him or some other monster that goes bump in the night?” I asked.
“ You’re so mean, you know. You’re hot but cold.” he complimented me.
I was cold, what did he think I would act? Happy? I was freezing my butt off and all he was doing was talking and not working. I was beginning to think that Myles has a little bit of doucheyitis or full of shit disease or he could simply have ADD. I didn’t care; I was cold and he wasn’t working fast enough.I hit him in the back of the head.
“ what killed him!” I practically yelled at him.
“ I don’t know. Maybe a vampire though, I don’t think those fang marks are real. Or it could have been a were but I don’t smell like an animal. Who knows, I’ll only be able to know if we bring the body back to the house.” he spilled out.
Ah, hell, I knew it. This was just perfect. I had a murder case on my hands and I was going to have to work to find out who did it. I just knew that I wasn’t going to get paid enough for this. I patted his head as if he was my beloved pet.
“ See? not that hard.” I said.
“ You’re one cruel bitch.” he said.
“ I know, right? Where did I get the botchy disease? Who knows, probably from Ami or from Mallory.” I told him.
He smiled and began to bag up the body. I had a very bad feeling about this. As far as I knew, there were no other vamp from another house on our territory. Our territory was all of Pennyville. No vamp, rogue or claned, would enter it without the sire’s permission. Something iffy was going on and I didn’t like it. I took my phone out and dialed the boss. He answered on the first ring.
“ What?” he asked.
“ Murder.” I said.
“ Who?” he said.
“ Rogue.” I said.
“ Killer?” he asked.
“ Unknown.” I answered.
“ Find out.” he said and hung up.
“ Bye to you too, you little piece of douche.” I said.
Myles chuckled. Well, wasn’t he a little snoop. I didn’t care since all vamps were like curious cats.
“ Tell me the results when you have them. I’ll see what I can do when you do.” I said.
“ You rhyme a lot.” he said.
“ I don’t, and since I’m done here, I’ll see you later.” I told him and began walking back to my warm car.
“ Where are you going?” he called out.
“ Ami’s.” I said and drove off.


Ami’s coffee shop was still open, which wasn’t much of a shocker. Her coffee shop opened a few months ago and it had quickly become popular that many people just came to drink and hang out.
Her shop’s windows were all covered in black, semi see through paint. The only thing that was lit outside was her blue and red neon sign that said Hush.
I went into the shop and brought one of my eyebrows up, a tiny ghost of a smile still in my lips at what my best friend had done to her shop. There was a lot of black tables and couches and red stools by the bar. There were lounge tables in the corners that looked comfy and creepy. Her bar, where she mixed the coffees and little desserts, was black with a few creepy spider statues and sparkles. I liked it a lot.
“ Kira!” she yelled out to me and waved her hands like crazy, signaling me to go over to her. I liked her ought today.
She was wearing a black glossy underbust corset with side straps and a skirt with lace layers and a hook and eye belt. She was also sporting fingerless gloves with black ruffles and laces and black pentagram earrings and necklace. Her lips, as always, were black and she had very thick eyeliner and mascara. It was all totally goth and totally her.
“ How come you don’t visit me anymore?” she whined, a frown replacing her smile.
“ Sorry, I’ve been busy.” I replied.
I still hadn’t told her I was a vampire. But it wasn’t like I got a choice because the sire wouldn’t let me. I think that was how I got the damn bitch disease. Guess the bitchiness is going to stay permanent. I frowned a little.
“ Whats wrong?” Ami asked, her voice became softer.
I snapped out of my daze and looked back up to her. She had a worried look that made me want to hug her. I controlled myself.
“ Nothing, its just that we don’t really see each other much. Its my fault.” I mumbled.
That was true and it hurt. God, I was becoming a huge bag of douche. I shivered at the thought.
“ Don’t worry about it. I know you’re busy with your job and stuff. How is that going, by the way?” she asked handing me a strawberry coke, my favorite.
Ami had thought that I worked in a secret division of cops, Kass coming along with me. At least I didn’t lie about what I did, much.
I raised my eyebrow once more and then thought about telling her that there was a dead vampire near her coffee shop. But I couldn’t tell her that. She would lose customers and then she’ll think I’m sick, which I am. Damn bitchiness.
“ There was a dead body found in an alley.” I muttered.
I wasn’t much of a loud talker and most times I talked in a small, low voice. Though, lately I’ve been finding myself talk louder. Not. Cool.
“ No way! Really? Where?” Ami asked, her eyes went wide.
“ Can’t tell you.” I told her, then drank some of the coke.
Ami groaned, “ Aw, come on, Kira. You’re not much fun anymore and I barely see you. You owe me, dude. Plus, if you don’t tell me I’ll start telling you that you’re such a, what did you call it? Oh, yeah, a bag of douche.” she said.
I stopped mid-drink. I didn’t like the thought of that. This was how I looked.
- On the outside: Stopped drinking, looking, I hoped, thoughtful.
- In my mind: I knew it! Ami found out I have the bitch disease. God, I am a bag of douche. But I can fix this, right? Ah, to hell with it.
“ The body was found eight blocks away from your coffee shop.” I muttered, looking down at my drink.
“ What?” Ami’s voice went up a couple notches. A few humans turned to see what was going on but they quickly returned to their usual chatter.
“ Ah, fuck, this is bad. Does anyone know he’s there?” she asked.
I looked at her as if she had grown a new head.
“ No, Ami, I work for a secret police division. Its called secret for a reason.” I told her.
Ami nodded and then just shook her head.
“ You were right, you shouldn’t have told me.” she said came over to my side of the bar and sat beside me. I took her hand and squeezed it lightly.
“ Don’t worry, Ami, I’ll have some undercover cops watching over this area so you don’t have to worry. Just don’t go out by yourself or be in a lot of public places.” I mumbled to her. She nodded then frowned.
She took my hand then my other hand.
“ Oh my god, Kira, your hands are fucking cold.” she said.
“ Its cold outside.” I stated the obvious. Which was true, thank goodness. It was time to go before she asked more questions. She nodded and then went back to the other side of the bar.
“ So, you have a lead or what?” she asked casually.
Yup, it was time to go. I stood up and took out a five dollar bill.
“ We’ll go shopping one of these days, I promise but I have to go right now. Call me, ‘kay?” I asked and began walking to the door.
“ I’ll call you if you don’t.” she said.
I waved goodbye and got in my car. I started to head towards the house but I took longer than usual. The body still creeped the crap out of me and I didn’t know what to do.
I quickly got back to the house, already hoping that my forensic cutie had something for me. But first, I was hungry.
I went to the kitchen, where all the new kitchen tech was clean and awesome. The kitchen was very simple. Grey walls, white tiled floors, and five long tables with about twenty chairs on each one. Yeah, my house was that big.
We had three hundred vampires, a small amounting Penny. There was actually very few vampires in the world. About five hundred that are rogue and ten houses, each holding about two to five hundred in every house. My house had about three hundred, the first hundred here and the other two hundred all over Penny.
On some of the seats were some men and women who had thousands of bite marks on their necks and wrists. They were called blood whores. Others called them blood beggars. I called them lunch.
Did I just say that? I did. But I was just too hungry to care. My house didn’t all have humans to snack on. We also had animal blood and donated blood as well. I went and took out my coffee mug. It was a white coffee mug with a vampy smiley face. It was not me but I liked it because it was cute. I liked cute things.
“ And you weren’t going to call me to eat with you?” Kass said behind me. I turned to him and looked at him with a bored expression.
“ You came anyways.” I mumbled.
He huffed a little and then began to fill my mug. He took out his plain black mug. Once it was half full, he went to the warm refrigerator. We had two refrigerators. A normal one to keep eggs and milk and human foods while the warm one kept the blood warm and fresh. He got out a bag of AB-neg, my favorite and the most expensive. He filled the rest of the mugs with it.
Blood was like sugar. It was sweet and even better than chocolate. But there were many types of blood. Healthy blood was the sweetest and most expensive blood, for the obvious reasons. Healthy blood was like fine wine or liquor. Normal human blood was the most common. The alcoholic and drug user bloods were the really cheap ones, like cheap liquor, that could get vampires drunk.
I liked the expensive, healthy blood, like most vampires. Kass, handed my mug back to me. I took it.
“ Thanks, Kass.” I muttered.
“ So, how was the crime scene?” he asked.
“ Dead vamp, two unrealistic bite marks on his neck and nothing else but that. Myles is testing the body for any other things that we might have missed.” I told him.
He blew out a low whistle. I nodded, knowing what he meant. This would be one bitch of a case.
“ Is there even an idea of what might have done it, at least?” he asked.
I looked at him as if he was the stupidest vamp dude in the world. Shit, I think I was always smarter than him even during my human life.
“ Sometimes I pity you.” I told him, caressing his cheek with the back of my hand. He looked a little strange. I frowned then continued.
“ I have no idea of what might have killed him.” I told him. I sipped my coffee and almost, almost, moaned in delight. Kass grinned.
“ Wow, thats a first. You usually know what kills a vampire.” he said.
I nod, agreeing with him. “ I know, but I’m also a newbie vampy girl, you know.”
“ You’re new? Kira, you act as if you’ve been a vampire all your life.” he complimented, surprised I didn’t know that.
But I didn’t know it at all. He must be saying it to get in my pants. Like that would happen.
I was about to respond when I heard someone enter the kitchen. I looked behind me and saw my second best friend, Sauda.
Sauda had light chocolate brown skin. She had hazel eyes and full lips. She braided her hair all the way down her back. It was was a beautiful black color, her hair. She was as tall and as thin as a model. She was wearing a simple black top and ripped up jeans. The air around could tell anyone to be careful with her. Which was true, she had an attitude no one really wanted to face.
“ Girl, you must be drinking cheap liquor if you don’t know who the vamp killer is.” she said.
“ Sauda, shut up.” I muttered.
She laughed and took out a bag of O-neg, her favorite. She then came to sit with us.
“ Well then, there must be something real fucked up that you can’t know who killed that damn fool.” she huffed.
Sauda called anyone she didn’t like a fool. I liked her because she made me more confident. I slightly grinned at her. She grinned back. Kass looked at me surprised.
“ Oh, so you smile at Sau but not at me?” he whined.
“ Yes.” I said then sipped the rest of my coffee.
“ Girl, you got to go. Myles is waiting for you and he looks like he’s about to pee his pants if you don’t go.” she said.
“ He found something? So fast?” I asked. Both my brows were up, impressed at how fast he found results. I stood up and placed my mug in the sink and left without a word to either at them.
I went downstairs to Myles’ lab. His lab was like a chem lab with every new techie thing. Myles loved new equipment as much as I loved healthy blood and chocolate.
“ What did you get, Myles?” I told him as I came down. Myles was all over the place, pacing and mumbling crap.
‘ Myles!” I said louder, to normal voice level.
Myles jumped and turned to me. He looked paler than normal. I slightly frowned, worried now.
“ What did you find?” I asked.
“ She’s back.” he whispered.
“ Who’s back?” I asked, confused as heck now. I didn’t like secrets that were kept from me. He walked towards me and put his hands on my shoulders. His irises contracted into small little points. Ah, crap, this wasn’t good.
“ Who’s back?” I asked again.
“ The Ghost.” he said.
All hell froze, right then. This wasn’t bloody good, not at all.
Ah, shit, this had just gotten even more complicated.

Oh, hell no

I swallowed a ball a knot that was stuck in my throat, worried now. I was pacing for both me and Myles. The Ghost had come back.
The Ghost was a famous Supernatural assassin. It kills any type of supernatural and otherworldly things that go bump in the night but it mostly kills vampires for some reason. I say it because no one knows if the assassin is a girl or a dude and no one knows what it is either. I had only heard stories about her but it’s infamous. I heard that she had killed five werewolves, ten witches, and five vampires last year. Thats a lot when it comes to the creepy things from my new world.
“ Ah, shit, the boss won’t be happy about this, not happy at all.” I muttered.
Myles said nothing. I ooh up at him to see that he was staring at me, in astonishment. I was really getting annoyed of that look.
“ What now, Myles?” I demanded, stopping right in front of him.
“ You’re pacing.”
“ And?”
“ You never pace, Kira.” he said. One of my brows goes up but it was back down as fast as it went up.
“ Whats the sire doing right now?” I asked.
“ He’s about to get lunch. Why?” He asked.
“ Because,” I began as I walked upstairs, “ The only way for me to tell him this is when he’s happy. And when is the vampy sire happy? When he’s feeding.”
I was up the stairs quickly. Just as I was going to open the door, Kass beat me to it. I almost jumped back in surprise.
“ Geez, Kass, you scared the shit out of me.” I told him.
“ I’m surprised you even get scared.” He said.
“ Seems like I’m full of surprises.” I mumbled.
“ You bet.” he said seriously.
I punch him in the arm and start walking towards the sire’s room, which was on the second floor. Sauda was in the living room, drinking a blood bag when she saw us. She quickly came to us.
“ Where ya’ll going?” She said.
“ The sire’s room.” I said.
“ Why?” She asked.
“ Yeah, why, Kira? The sire gets mad when his lunch is disrupted.” Kass added.
I stopped and turned behind me to look at them both. They both looked at me, waiting, their eyes full of curiosity. I sighed.
“ You know the dead vamp body in the basement?”
“ Yeah?” they said at the same time.
“ The Ghost did that.” I said.
Sauda was in the middle of drinking when I said that. She almost choked and ended up spitting blood all over me. And at the same time, she had squished her blood bag, making it explode and throw blood everywhere. It also fell on my face and shirt. It was B-Neg. I didn’t like B-Neg.
This was how I looked like:
- Outside: One of my brows were up, my face was almost emotionless except for my brows knitting together, my lips were closed tight.
- In my mind: Oh my god, did this bitch actually spit blood on me? Oh hell no, she did not just do this. And who’s blood is this? What if its an infected blood. I don’t want to catch shittiitis! I am so going to pummel that bitch.
Sauda looked at me, afraid at what I was about to do. Kass looked literally afraid at me and at Sauda. Damn right, they should be afraid.
I wiped the blood from my face with my hands and shook them, letting the blood spill on the floor. I looked back up at Sauda and slightly glared at her for a long time. It was the best I could do to glaring at her.
My fist flew quickly to her face. She was caught off guard so my fist went right to her left eye. She flew back and fell back on the bottom of the stairs. She was on the floor for a minute before she sat up and came back to where I was.
“ Yeah, I probably deserved that.” She groaned out.
Remember when I said vampires have super strength, well that was what I used, and I used a ton of it. But her bruise was healing fast because we had superhuman healing as well. It sucked because I wanted that bruise to stay in her eyes for a couple of days.
Kass suddenly started laughing loud and hard. We both looked at him as if he was nuts, which could possibly be true. I glared at him.
“ You’re next.” I muttered to him.
Just as fast Kass had laughed, he quickly stopped and looked back to serious mode. Well, almost serious mode.
“ I’m cool now, chill girl. But back to the Ghost, I don’t think Nero will like hearing it.” He said.
“ He’s right, if you tell him, he’s going to go ballistic on you.” she added.
“ He’s my boss, guys, if I don’t tell him, he’ll go crazy vampy ape man on me. I’ll tell him right now.” I mumbled out, now walking towards his door.
“ You want us to go in with you? You know, for moral support.” he asked.
I shook my head. I shooed them away one I was standing info rot of his door. I took in a deep breath then let it out. It was a bad habit I had, sighing. Sire had said it would go away but I knew it was going to be my new thing.
I knocked then went into his room. It looked the same as when I first saw it two years ago. But it also smelled good. He must have cleaned it while I was out. I then saw him in the middle of the room.
He had a blood whore on a chair in the middle of the room. She was moaning while he the sire was drinking from her wrist. His eyes were deep crimson red. He then stopped and looked at me.
The sire looked up and down at me, a curious expression in his face. He was probably wondering what had happened to me. I stood at the entrance not saying anything, my lips were sealed tight. Why I was acting this way? It probably had to do with the bitchiness and the like I had for him.
“ You may go now, Kelly.” he ordered the girl.
She nodded and walked towards me. She looked completely happy and in peace. I wanted to smack the crap out of her for looking so happy. It was a good thing I had great control.
“ Anything new from the dead body?” he asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked a little irritated but then, I was having a heck of a bad day too, so I didn’t care much.
“ Did you finish feeding?” I said, ignoring his question.
“ Why?” he asked then a smile bloomed on his face then said, “ Are you offering?”
I entered his room then and closed it. The sire didn’t like his room wide open.
“ No, I was just asking.” I muttered.
“ What happened to you? You’re covered in blood.” he asked.
He must have known that the blood wasn’t mine. All blood tasted different and smelled different as well so it wasn’t hard to know which blood was your and which wasn’t.
“ Sauda spilled it on me.” I told him.
“ What did you do?” he asked.
“ I punched her in the eye. Damn shame that she heals fast.” I mumbled out.
He chuckled and then came to me. I was on high alert then. I always am when I was close to him. My vampy heart was still but I swear whoever he came to me, my heart would want to beat.
My face was emotionless as he touched my cheek, wiping some blood with his finger. He held the finger to his lips and tasted it.
“ I don’t like B-neg.” he whispered, his voice had gone husky and lower than before.
I swallowed a little, nervous.
“ Good for you.” I said.
“ You want to take a shower in my bathroom?” he asked, teasingly.
I was tempted but I said nothing.
“ Or would you like me to lick it off you? B-Neg won’t be so bad if its on your skin.” He offered. He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. I would prefer the second option but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he affected me.
I was as still as a statue. I didn’t know what to do. I was so aware of him and his warm cold hands. I wanted to lean into that hand but I forced myself not to.
He was circling me for a second, getting closer. He then stopped in front of me and looked me into the eyes.
His beautiful green eyes staring right at me. I wanted to just be in those pools of green eyes forever.The sire was coming closer. I didn’t want anything to happen so I backed up.
“ Stop.” I whispered out.
“ I don’t think you really want me to do that.” he told me walking to me. I walked behind me then walked backwards in a circle until I hit his bed.
The sire then pushed me back on his bed, him on top of me. His eyes were full of lust. I didn’t know why. I was an average looking girl.
“ Do you want me to stop?” he whispered in my ear.
He nipped my ear a little. I bit my lower lip to keep me from gasping or making any other embarrassing sound. He then began nipping my neck, taking his time and sucking at my nape.
I placed my hands in the middle of his chest. I tried to push him back but it seemed like my arms and legs had gone weak.
“ Do you want me to stop now?” he whispered to me when he got to my collar bone. He began to lightly kiss and nip his way down to the middle of my chest. His hands began to slowly move up under my shirt. My muscles jumped whenever he touched a particular part of my stomach.
“ Now?” he asked.
He went back to my neck and licked it. I involuntarily made a small sound but I stopped it before it became loud. The sire stopped for a second before he returned to licking and kissing my neck, moving his way up to my jaw line.
“ Now?” he whispered in my ear.
And just as he said it, his hand got to my right breast. He squeezed, making me moan a little. I bit my lip again.
He pressed his hips to mine, hyper aware of how his crotch was slowly growing. I wanted to kiss him then. I was very thankful that I had great control.
“ Sire.” I whispered out, my voice husky as well.
“ Nero, call me Nero.” he said to me, squeezing my breast again, playing with my nipple as well. I had to make him sot before we both did something naughty.
“ Sire, I know who killed the vamp.” I whispered out, a little groan came out before I could close my lips again.
“ You decide to tell me now, of all times?” he asks me.
He pushes me up to the middle of the bed then takes my wrists with one hand and pins them down above my head. He goes back to kissing my neck and licking the blood from my face. He quickly goes down to my chest and begins to lick the blood that was on top and in-between my breasts. His tongue was slow, raising goosebumps after the trail it made. I really wanted him to keep licking me until I remembered something Kass had told me a long time ago.
“ Nero can be such a flirt. Be careful of him or you might just find yourself with a broken heart in your hands.” he had said.
I didn’t think much about it then but what a bad timing to have such a thought. Anyways, it was enough to knock a little sense in me.
I grabbed my boss’s face in my hands and pulled him back to my eye level. He looked down at me, curious.
“ Sire.” I began.
“ Call me Nero, Kira.” he murmured softly to me.
I ignored it. I tried to mentally smack myself to stop staring into his deep green eyes. It must have worked because I was sobering up and a little panicked.
“ I know who killed the dead vampy.” I whispered.
“ Who?” he asked, he still looked a little dazed.
“ The Ghost.” I mumbled out.
That brought him back down to earth. He quickly sobered up. His face quickly turned rage and jumped off me in rage and in surprise.
“ What?!” he screamed.
I knew how he felt, kind of.


The sire was walking back and forward, utterly outraged. He must have been even more frustrated that I didn’t want to speak out his name.
“ How can you not tell me?” he practically yelled at me.
I was quiet for a moment, blinking a few times before answering.
“ Uh, because we were, uh, busy.” I muttered the obvious answer.
He blinked a few timed before his mouth made an o shape. Yet, despite that, he was still angry at me.
“ Well, why didn’t you try to tell me earlier?” he asked, still trying to blame me.
I blinked a few more times, not really understanding what his problem was with me. He was hot, he was a player, and he obviously can make any girl he desired fall for him. He had quite the charm. For some reason I was jealous that he could get whoever he wanted.
“ I did, moron, twice yet you just ignored me because we were, uh, busy.” I told him, folding my hands, already angry at him.
“ Don’t disrespect me, Kira.” he told me, the threat wasn’t really threatening.
“ Oh, sorry, I forgot I can’t call you a moron. What if I said moron boss, moron sire? That make you feel better?” I asked him.
He glared at me. Well, apparently that was my answer. I didn’t like it.
“ Don’t go all prissy bitch on me. I expect that of Sauda but not you.” I told him.
He looked at me as if I had slapped him. I shrugged and just sat there, on his bed, nervous and very scared. I wasn’t easily scared so the feeling still felt kind of new to me.
“ I have never heard you defend yourself before. Especially from me.” He told me.
“ I’m getting that a lot, the ‘ I never have seen you do this or that before’. Seriously getting annoying by the way.” I told him. He nodded understanding a little.
He suddenly shook his head a little then went back to being angry.
“ Ah, shit, ah, fuck, I have frigging major problem at my hands.” He said.
“ You got right.” I chimed in.
“ You’re not helping.” he growled at me.
“ I wasn’t trying to.” I muttered to the both of us.
“ I heard that.” he yelled at me.
I just clapped my hands then gave him a two thumbs up, a sarcastic ghost of a smile in my face.
“ Kira, you don’t understand. I’m the sire of Pensilvania, part of the state council, national council, and part of the international council. They’ll put pressure on me and tell me that I must try to catch her and kill the assassin. If I don’t, that’ll lower my rank in the council.” He said pacing back and forward again.
All three councils were made up of the strongest leaders of their race of mythical things that mostly went bump in the night. Each state had a state council but my sire was the one who represented the vampires of Pensilvania, and the US. There was a lot of pressure to that. If they said that he was going to have to catch The Ghost then he’ll have to. If he fails they might reconsider the vamp to represent the vamps of Penny and the US.
“ I’ll see what I can find out. You want me to go talk to the Penny werewolf pack and the witches and the others?” I asked him, trying to really be helpful this time.
“ Yes, and have your keepers walk to house’s perimeter as well as the whole city. Tell the wolves and witches to do the same if they wish.” he told me.
I nodded, agreeing.
“ Yes, ma’am, uh, sorry, I mean yes sir!” I told him in the loudest voice my mutters could go. I stood up and saluted him a little sarcastic and a little teasingly.
“ Don’t test me, Kira. I’m not in the mood for your sarcasm.” he told me.
“ I can’t leave your side of the killer is near, sire. And when I do leave, then you’ll have to stay inside the house, the house, sire, not the perimeter of our house, while I go do my business.” I told him.
He didn’t like it and neither did I but as the leader of the Keepers, I was also his second in command and his guardian. It was my job to protect him and be there when any other important people came to visit or if he was to go to the council.
“ I don’t need protecting but if it must be then fine, whatever. You can’t leave either, not unless you must. I need you at your highest. I’ll be calling the councils so go do what you must.” he told me.
I rolled my eyes and got out of the room.
Outside Kass, Sauda, and a few others were standing a little away from the sire’s bedroom door. They looked a little afraid and a little pity for me. They were right to pity me.
“ Heard it didn’t go well. But then he stopped yelling, we thought he grabbed you and killed me.” Kass said. The others nodded.
He did grab me but not in the way to harm me. I shook it out of my mind. I smelled the air around me. It smelled of me and the anger the sire had emitted. I was glad that the smell of anger was enough to cover the smell of the sire’s and my lust.
“ I’m going to go shower and go out.” I told them.
“ You can’t go out now, Kira.” he told me.
“ Why?” I murmured my question.
“ Theres only an hour until the sun comes out.” Suada explained.
Was it that late? I guess it was. I nodded, knowing that it wouldn’t be enough time to go to the weres’ and witches’ house and come back.
Before I made a move for my room, which was right next door to the sire’s I told my keepers what to do.
“ And Kass, I want you to go see if there is anything else Myles had missed.” I told him and went into my room. My room was white and black.
My curtains were black as well as my plasma TV, my drawer, and my make up table. The rest, my king size bed, my computer, my bathroom and my carpet, were all completely white. I had white sheets and white pillows. I has no pictures on my walls and the only thing that I did have was a ton of tiny stars that covered my ceiling.
I went to my closet and took out my towel robe and my white fluffy slippers. I then took my clothes off and left them in the floor. Just as I was turning the shower knob on and getting into the cool shower water, Kass enters my room.
“ I think I should go with you to talk to the other beasties.” he yelled out to me.
“ I don’t think so, Kass.” I told him in normal voice level, something that sounded more of a yell from me.
“ Why not? I’m your second in command. I’m supposed to protect you and help you, and protect you.” He said.
“ You’ll be doing the helping part then, when you’re done, you can do the protecting part.” I told him.
I massaged my hair and began to lather the rest of my body, trying to get rid of the blood Sauda had squirted at me.
I then got out, expecting that Kass would be gone by then. He wasn’t.
“ What else do you want?” I asked him.
He was looking at me with that same weird look that the sire had given me earlier. I was going to roll my eyes but I controlled myself.
“ What?” I murmured.
“ Fuck.” he whispered.
One of my eyebrows went up, a little amused and wary. Kass’s look was making me nervous. The look he had on was making my body react the same as when the sire had stared at me.
“ Stop.” I told him.
He got up and upright kissed me in the mouth. His tongue parted my lips.
This was how I looked.
- Outside: mildly surprised and completely still.
- In my mind: What the hell is he doing? I’m going to kill this wad of jerk in the— oh, his lips are soft. Wow, what a kisser. I can get used to this.
I moved my lips slightly but I quickly broke the kiss off, much as it hurt me to do so.
“ We, can’t, Kass. You’re my second in command and my friend.” I told him.
“ Go out with me, Kira. Be my girlfriend.” he whispered to me, placing his forehead against mine.
“ I can’t, Kass.” I told him. It wasn’t right.
God, what was it with kass and the sire today? Maybe they had caught the bug of like disease or they were just acting like bags— no, like a basket full of douchey, smelly shit. I didn’t know.
“ Please, Kira.” he whined, almost begged.
“ I can’t, Kass. I have things to do.” I told him.
“ Just say yes or no, Kira. Its that simple.” he told me.
But it wasn’t. I was confused. I liked both him and the sire. I couldn’t just choose like that. I was confused and I didn’t like it.
“ When will you tell me? If I don’t push you, you wan’t answer.” he told me, a little annoyed by now.
“ How about this: I’ll give you my answer when The Ghost is Captured.”
“ Does that mean never?” he asked me, not liking my bargain so far.
“ Fine, either when she is caught or when she leaves Penny.” I told him.
He didn’t answer for a while. but eventually he nodded.
“ Fine, we’ll do this your way.”
“ Like you had a choice in it?” I asked him, confused.
“ Shush, as I said, we’ll do this your way. I’ll be waiting for your answer.” he told me and then left my room.
I sighed and began to tuck myself under the sheets. I sighed, tired and confused and utterly energyless. Before I could even bother to think of what to do with Kass, I went into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up the next night when the sire called to me in mind.
Change of plans.
I was curious to what he meant by it. I took a quick shower and wore black skinny jeans, white top and a thin, grey jacket. I put on my new Converse and went out to meet the sire.
He was already downstairs and wearing black jeans and a black sleeveless shirt with his black boots and his black leather jacket. He looked really good in them. I imagined many things of what I could do to, or with, him. I thanked the gods again that I had very good control.
He looked up at me and slightly smiled. I wasn’t going to give him the pleasure to make me uncomfortable. I wanted for him to stop tempting me and just mow on to the next girl.
“ Whats the change of plans?” I asked.
“ I called for a meeting. We’ll be discussing this. Also, another vampire from the international council is coming.” he told me.
“ I thought you were the only one.” I muttered, an eyebrow raised.
“ No. The international council is made up of each continent’s national council. There are five other vampires in the international council.” he explained to me.
I ahed and got to where he was.
“ Kass is in charge?” I asked him.
“ Yes, he’ll be keeping the house secure until we get back.” he told me.
I nodded and we walked out.
We talked a little while we were driving to Fangs, where the council went when meeting came. It wasn’t the brilliant idea I have ever heard but it was secret and no one knew about it. The meeting was held under Fangs. It was really cool.
“ So, you think The Ghost is a chick?” I asked him.
“ I have no idea.” he told me.
“ I think it is. I have a feeling that a chick is killing anyone that she doesn’t like, which is everyone.” I told him.
He looked at me, thinking about what I said.
“ Why do you think that the ghost is a she?” he asked.
“ Lets pretend that it is. It would obviously easier to take down a guy if you’re a chick because guys usually let chicks get closer to them. If it was a guy, then he’ll have to be sneaky as hell to just even get close enough to attack a vampy.” I explained my reason.
He was nodding.
“ You’re right. No sensible vampire would let another male get closer to him. Only girls can because most vampires think of them weak.” he said.
“ I just said that.” I muttered.
“ I heard that.” he told me.
Like I cared.
The night was early and many people were at Fangs.
As we got out, I came to the sire’s side, only behind him and ready to face the state council.
“ You ready, Kira?” he asked.
“ Do you care?” I answered his question with a question.
“ No.” he said simply.
“ Well, there’s you answer.” I told him.
And then we went in.

The F**k?!

I walked behind and to the right of the sire. The sire himself was walking as slow and deliberate as he could. I had on all the weapons I could carry without slowing me down, which wasn’t much. I had three thin, strong, magicked daggers tucked into my waistband on both of my side and my back. I had smaller knives inside the sweater I wore two razor sharp hair chopsticks on my hair bun that I did while we were driving to Fangs.
I was ready for the fight. I mean, if anything bad happened.
We had parked about eight blocks away from fangs, close to an old abandoned building. I had told him that it would be best and I wanted to know if I could bait the assassin. The sire agreed and allowed me to park.
Allowed. What a bunch of shit of bull.
I looked up at Fangs. It hadn’t changed much. I haven’t been in Fangs for a while but then, I was busy fighting the sire’s enemies and training my keepers and learning the vampy ropes I had. God, I love my job.
“ I wish the council could have chosen a different place to hold meeting and do other birding crap.” I told the sire.
“ I never understood why you didn’t like this place.” He told me as he began walking towards the large building. I followed.
“ Its not that I don’t like fangs, its just that we can get infected. Do you have any idea of how many germs are in there?” I asked him.
“ We’re vampires, Kira, we can’t get diseases. No germs in there can kill us.” he told me.
“ You have no idea. There are walking germs in there. And we can’t die but we can infected either way. The diseases will rub off on us and we’ll be infected. Trust me on this, I know my diseases.” I told him matter of fact.
“ Oh yeah? And what diseases could infect us, enlighten me.” He said, not believing me.
“ Well, there’s shittiitis, doucheyitis, snobphoma, bitchy disease, full of shit disease, fuckphoma, the loser virus, you know, and other crap related to them.” I told him.
“ Those aren’t diseases, Kira.”
“ Sure they are. I’ve already have the bitchy disease. You have about half of those infections. I’m starting to wonder if you gave it to me…” I said.
“ Oh, shut up, keeper, you’re such a dork.” he told me.
“ I’m infected with that too?” I asked exasperated.
We got to the bouncer and he let us in. We stepped in and everything became darker than outside. I liked it but didn’t at the same time. The music immediately gave me a head ache.
“ Hey, baby, how about a little lap dance for me and my buddies?” a drunk guy asked, trying to put his hands on me.
“ Shove off, loser.” I said and lightly pushed him out of my way.
“ See? Like I said, walking germs.” I said.
The sire chuckled and just kept going until we got to an employees only door. We went in and walked straight until we got to the fifth door on the right. The boss opened it and I saw a flight of stairs that led down to what I guessed would be both the basement and the council meeting room.
We went down the stairs quickly. I was now on alert. Whenever a council meeting was held inside the council rooms, everyone was on good terms, everyone was allies, and no one ever fought. But that didn’t stop the rest of the other clan’s keepers to come ill prepared. This was my third meeting and I knew that all keepers were always to support their clan’s leader.
Once we were down, I saw that everyone was there. The witch clan, with the queen, who was about half a foot shorter than me. She had long, messy blond hair and blue eyes with bright red lips. She was wearing a simple dark blue dress and black sandals. She always looked a little messy and, of them all, was the odd one. Her keeper was a warlock who had dirty blond hair and dark grey eyes. He was serious, as always with his sharp features and thin lips. I never liked the dork.
Next was the shapeshifter leaders, or alpha. The male leader alpha dude was buff. He was like a little over the slim buff size and looked like he could be a wrestling model. His skin was dark brown, making his brown eyes lighter. He was wearing a mask of what looked to be menace. He was wearing decent pants and shoes this time, thank goodness. His mate was about my height, shorter than her man. Her skin was just a shade lighter than her husband’s skin. Her hair was black and long and straight and her eyes were glossy black, which were really creepy. Her features were slightly softer than her man’s but she did have an athletic build. They brought two male keepers. One had short, light brown hair and dark brown eyes while the other one had light brown hair and hazel-grey eyes. Their features and body build was similar to their leader’s. It was a little weird and hot which, above all of them, I liked them best.
Then there were the faeries. The faerie queen of the Seelie court had bright, curly, yellow blond hair. Her eyes were and odd color of iridescent ice-blue. Her lips were thin and her nose was a little pointy. She was wearing a long puffy, ancient yet beautiful looking bright blue dress. She looked as if she was an old queen of england, which wasn’t far off since she was queen after all. She looked bored and a little irritated. Her guard keeper had black as night hair and eyes. His nose was also a little pointy and he was about an inch or two taller than his queen. He had a lean body, as if he had no muscles. His shoulders looked brought but that might be because of his prince looking jacket and tight pants. Spandex was so out of style but I wasn’t about to tell him that. Both their skin colors were pale, nearly as pale as my skin but as always, no skin could compare to mine.
I followed my sire to a seat that was at the opposite side of the door. He sat down while I had to stand behind. Damn him that vampy bastard. I slightly glared at him no one could tell, because of them all, I had the best to hide all my thoughts.
“ When do you presume that that bloody vampire friend of yours will present himself?” the seelie queen asked.
“ Not long, queen Gretel, do not lose your cool just yet.” my sire said.
Yeah, Gretel, don’t get your panties in a bunch.
And a minute after he said it, the vampire that represented Europe came in. And boy, what a show he put on.
The dude was as tall as the sire, only about an inch or two taller. He was lean, no muscles showing but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be dangerous. His skin was as white as grey chalk. His brown hair was combed back. He had a semi pointy chin and a pointy nose. His eyes were the lightest hazel that I thought they almost a gold color. His legs and arms were long and his shoulder broad. His fingers were long too. He wore a very expensive looking suit and fine shoes. He looked the exact opposite of the boss. Crapola, he was just as handsome as the sire. I bet whoever looked at him would swoon and cheat on their boyfriends. I also bet that he was over centuries old. I didn’t like my men thousands of years old.
I was too shocked of how good looking and how much aura of strength he had that I couldn’t think of anything in my mind. I eventually got a handle on myself because I was sure betting that I had shown slight shock. I looked down at the boss and saw that he had seen me from the corner of his eye. He had stiffened and a flash of annoyance showed in his face. It was gone as fast as it came so I might have mistaken his expression, though I highly doubt it.
“ I apologize for my late arrival, there is a lot of traffic here in Pennsylvania.” he said.
Oh, an english accent. I was a loser for english accent because that accent could make anything sound sexy.
“ No worries, Lestat, now that you’re here, we can finally begin.” he said.
Uh-oh, trouble in vampy paradise. I said nothing and kept my face passive. Lestat must of picket it up because his eyebrow went up slightly. I didn’t other aught it because it didn’t move much but I was a very good observer.
We moved into the next room, where the real council room was. There was a round table in the middle that took up about half the space of the room. It was made of glass, just in case of anything. All the leaders moved into position with the faery queen on the East and the wolves on the North and the sire in the West. Lestat was sat in the South, where the guests sat, which was farthest from the door.
“ So, there was some major news that you wanted to tell me, Nero?” he asked my boss.
“ Yes, There is. I have also made the meeting because the others have not heard yet.” he added.
“ Well, what are you waiting for?” Lyall, the wolf alpha said, a hint of a growl in his voice. I glared at his bodyguards, but it was more of a stare with a hint of a glare because I was trying to keep my face emotionless, something I had mastered since I was in middle school. The two keepers moved slightly, a little worried, trying not to look me in the eyes. I had always wondered why everyone was afraid of me when I was angry.
My sire was quiet for a moment, trying to get a growl out of the old wolf. I checked my mind, trying to see if he let his mind open for me. He did.
How many times have I told you that your shitty pauses doesn’t work on the wolf? Have I not told you that patience is something they have enough of to last them until they die.

Damn vampy bastard.
Fine, but we’re going to have a talk when we get back home.

I said nothing more which told him he had won. God, why was I so soft on him? He finally spoke.
“ The Ghost is back.” he said simply and loud for everyone to hear it. Everyone sat frozen in their places. I could hear the wolves little growls inside their throats and the faery arched both eyebrows up, which meant she was as surprised as everyone here. I looked toward Lestat stood a little stiffer than before. His face was mostly expressionless but even for a thousand year old vampy, he didn’t have the skills I had. His mouth was more tightly closed and a small twitch in his cheeks gave away his fury.
“ When did you find out?” he asked.
“ Yesterday” The boss said.
“ How many are dead from your clan?” he asked.
“ None, we hadn’t known the man which meant that either I have a roach infestation, which I highly doubt or I The Ghost brought it in when she came in, trying to tell us we’re her pray.”
“ Ha, I would never fall prey to this murderer.” Lupe, the alpha’s girl said.
“ My people will be warned although I highly doubt that she will try to mess with my people.” The seelie queen said.
“ I will put more of my keepers out in the street and caution my clan to not go out alone.” My sire said.
“ We’ll put more of my wolves out as well. If any information is found out, it must be also shared with the rest of us.” Lyall said.
“ Vey well, we’ll do the same but I will not guard anyone other than my people. Agreed?” she asked.
They all nodded. Lestat looked at my boss. “ Do you suppose it will be alright to share the information of the dead body with me and the council? Just to show the rest of how The Ghost works and what trails she leaves behind.”
Sire nodded and said to me, without looking up to me, “ Go get the files of him from the car. My apologies, I had forgotten that you all might need the information.” He said to the council.
Ouch. I knew what he was doing. He didn’t want to share information because, like the queen said, he didn’t care if their people died so he didn’t care if they knew how The Ghost killed.
I went up the stairs, through the club, and out the door. I began to walk to the car as fast as I could while trying to look human, which was as slow as a snail. There was no one around by the time I got to the sixth block. Everything was quiet. The area near fangs was surrounded by businesses and hotels. Everything was dark. The sixth block was where the bad part of down town was. I was still surprised that Fangs hadn’t been robbed once in the past ten years.
I got to car in vampire speed since no one was crazy enough to be out here at night. The car was slick black and had double tainted window, in case the sun ever caught the sire at dawn. I was about to open the door when I sensed something.
I, for some reason had the best senses in the clan, besides the sire. I always had and I probably guessed because I never owned anything above a hundred dollars, like an iPod until I had gone bitey.
I checked around for a second. There was nothing but something caught my eye. I looked into the car windows. And there, I saw a small shadow slipping towards me. It had stopped when I had paused. I couldn’t let the shadow know that I had spotted it, so I improvised.
“ What was I here for again? Oh, right. God, I’m such a klutz. Really, of all people, me a vampire who can’t even do anything right.” I muttered to myself. I faked taking out my keys out of my pockets and looked down at the locked car. I heard it make a move.
I dropped to the ground and slid aside as it pounced on the air I was in seconds before.
“ Sorry, kitten, but I’m way out of your league.” I whispered to it.
I could see the person better. The Ghost wore complete black. Black leather pants and jacket, black gloves and mask, and all. I wasn’t impressed. I would have thought that The Ghost would look better but than a normal looking thug. And then I saw it. The ghost was slender and thin with small muscles popping out of her jacket and almost invisible boobs that were so small I bet she could only use training bras. The Ghost was a female, which wasn’t shocking since I kind of knew she would be.
My realization only took half a second before The Ghost ran to me at full speed. She was slow, which was surprising. I would have thought she would be faster than a vampire. She had a knife out in a flash. She began to gain more momentum to hit me in head with her feet.
She had another thing coming. I had lived with a loser big brother who took up martial arts freshman year and tried to subconsciously kill me. I moved away from her foot, a few seconds before she could get her foot up. God, she was as slow.
I grabbed her foot and made her go airborne. I swirled her a few times and let her go. She crashed into the abandoned building. I ran to her, a second before she rose.
“ I’m surprised you killed so many with such slow reflexes.” I murmured to her.
She let out a gasp. She tried to push me and her wooden knife ended on my side. I didn’t hiss, trying to be as professional as a two years old baby vamp could.
I took the knife and threw it behind me. I heard it break.
“ You just made a big mistake.” I whispered to her and grabbed her. She slipped through my hands barely a millisecond too late. Boy, that Wooden knife was kicking in fast.
She grabbed me by my hair and pulled me down. I bend down as much as I could. I placed one of my feet back and then used as much strength and momentum as I could to do a back flip. I was too tall to kick the girl in the face but I did take her neck and squeezed as hard as I could.
Pain shot up from my fingers. It dawned at me that she had a wooden necklace on her. But Even with that, I had still choked her. She let go of my hair and grabbed a weapon as fast as she could.
I grabbed her wrist and pushed her to a brick wall. She grunted, breath coming out of her fast. She kicked me on my stomach but I just grunted, not really letting myself loosen my grip.
“ God, you must of gotten the bitch virus when another bitch bit you in the ass, huh?” I asked her.
She said nothing, obviously.
I needed her alive, but my patience and my reason part of my brain were leaving me quickly. Was it the wooden knife? I didn’t know and right now, I didn’t care.
I squeezed as hard as I could, trying not to kill the girl.
She struggled, and tried to claw me to death. For once, I was glad I had long limbs because her claw looking fingernails weren’t even close to my face. She then tried to pull my grip out of her but that didn’t help much. I was determined and I knew that if I stopped, I wouldn’t be able to do it again.
Finally, the Ghost girl almost stopped until she reached into her pocket. I must have either been retarded or the knife had some shit in it because I did nothing. She got out something and began to spray me.
It was garlic and hawthorn wood mist. I hissed in pain as the mist touched my eyes and nose. How the hell did she do that? I slightly loosened her neck. She threw a kick at me and sliced another of my sides. I hissed again.
She then ran and left. I wanted to double over but I knew that wouldn’t help. I grabbed the broken knife that The Ghost left behind and placed it inside my waistband. I then took a lighter out of my pocket. Yes, I had a lighter. I only used it when I had to burn my blood. It was important because if I left it there, witches could use it and get a hold of me. I didn’t want that.
I walked slowly out of the building, pressing my hands to my sides to stop the bleeding. I wasn’t surprised that I even got inside it. How the hell did the bitch turn wood into mist? It smelled more like smoke rather than mist so I know that the mist wouldn’t damage me but just temporarily hurt me until me body healed itself. The healing for the mist would only take a few minutes, thank god.
As I got out of the building, I saw my sire walking to the car. He looked up at me and his face froze in surprise and concern.
“ The fuck happened to you?” he asked.
“ I’ll tell you once I stop bleeding.” I gasped out a whisper.
He came to me and gently lifted me into his arms. I wondered what he was doing but I was too tired and delusional to fight him.
“ We have to go talk to the council. They’ll want to hear what you say.” he murmured to me softly.
Oh, this was going to be good.


My sire took me back to the club but not the same way we came in last time. He took me to the black and a bouncer let us in. His name was Big Williams, I called him Biggy. He was part of our clan so he helped us get in when we were in trouble.
I was mostly shocked so I couldn’t remember anything when we got in only hat somehow I had made it back into the council room.
This is what I looked like:
- Outside: eyes slightly wider, closed motionless lips, haired messy, clothes full of blood and speechless.
- In my mind: Oh my god, The Ghost came after me and I kicked her ass a lot. Shit, I hope I don’t want to get any more infections. Bitchy disease is enough. Oh God, please don’t let me get full of shit from her, don’t let me get doucheyitis from her, bitchiness is enough and I seriously don’t want to be a bag full of shit. Oh God, please don’t make me be a bag of douche.
I finally noticed that everyone was looking at me, their faces had gone a little pale and most of them either got angry or serious.
Lestat actually stood up and went to me. He grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. His eyes weren’t as pretty as I thought. His eyes made him look older than he actually looked like. I didn’t like it because it creeped me out. His eyes began to glow a little red. I wondered why. Maybe his vampy mojo finally came out.
This reminded me of the day I met the sire because he had doe the same thing. After I had killed his keep leader, Kass took me to the sire. The first time I had seen the sire, I had almost dropped my jaw, almost. He was the hottest guy I had ever seen. We stared at each other for a moment before he sent Kass back out. He came to me and grabbed me with both his hands, making em face him. His eyes turned red and then he began to speak.
“ Are you all right?” he had asked.
I was so stunned that he was either flirting eight me or he was talking to me in a flirty worried manner. I didn’t like. He was like all the other guys I had seen. I took his ands into mine and made them let go of my face. My bored face was back on.
“ I’m fine, thanks for asking.” I had told him. He also stood still for a moment but that was about it before he went back to what seemed to be his normal self. Anyways, Lestat was acting the same way and I wasn’t falling over myself.
“ Are you okay?” he asked me.
Oh, wow, that line must work wonderfully with the ladies in Europe. Unfortunately, his charm didn’t work on me. There must be something seriously wrong with me but either I’m a lezzy or I just don’t find him attractive enough. It must be the age difference.
My shocked face disappeared as my normal bored looking expression came back. I looked at the sire, who seemed to be silently glaring at Lestat. Wow I am dense because I didn’t know why he was mad. The sire turned to me again, this time with a worried expression.
“ I’m fine.” I told him.
He nodded and began to look down at me, trying to see what wounds I received. His eyes landed on my left side and stayed there. What was so interesting on my left side? I didn’t really know or care at the moment.
“ Your bleeding in your left side.” He said to me. Everyone could hear but he didn’t seem to care. I could see that they were all watching us, aka me, from my peripheral.
“ It’ll heal.”
“ No, it should of healed by now. What was the knife made of? Wood?” he asked me.
I finally looked down. The moment I remembered that she had knifed me, my pain receptors decided to work. Great.
“ Yeah.” I whispered and gasped out at the same time. Yeah, I aching my mind about not caring. It hurt like a bitch. I grabbed my left side but I forced myself to keep straight. I was in front of predators who could kill me just for looking weak. I was way too young to die, again.
“ Sit down.” he said and grabbed me gently by the arm and took me to the chair that was beside the door. He sat me there and once I was settled, he gently lifted my shirt up. I gasped, looking up at the ceiling. The others walked closer to us.
I looked down at my sire and saw he was grimacing. I then looked down at my side. I didn’t gasp but I almost said crapola with a dose o holy fuck but I stopped myself, the leaders were here.
My left side had a huge gash that had cut half of my stomach. It began a few inches away from the side of my breast and it stopped a two inches away from my belly button. The cut was two inches wide and getting wider every few minutes. My skin around the injury was turning black and my black red blood was running down, unable to stop or heal itself. That was what wood did to a vampy. I began to feel lightheaded.
“ Hawthorn wood poisoning. Thats the most lethal wood out there.” I heard Lestat say. It was more of a whisper but I knew that everyone had heard him. I wanted to smack him silly now. I wanted to tell him why the hell he said that in front of the enemy. He was lucky that I was badly injured.
“ I can smell the same thing on her eyes.” Lyall commented.
“ Thats just ground up wood mist. That’ll heal in a few hours.” the boss said.
The wolves, witches, and faeries looked at my sire.
“ And how do you make that?” Chepi, the witch leader, asked. Lestat looked at her since it was the first time she had spoken. The rest didn’t since we were all used to her whiteness. Chepi only chipped in when she needed to or when she was too curious.
“ Like I would tell you.” he said.
I bit my lips from laughing. He looked up at me and gave me a quick smile before going back to grimacing.
“ She’s lost a a hell of a lot of blood.” Lyall said.
“ How will you heal her with a wound as huge as that. Can, vampires heal from injuries made from wood?” Chepi asked.
“ Yes, if not then all my clan would have been dead by now.” he said. They all nodded.
Wow, the council was stupider than they appeared to be, so sad, so sad.
“ So…. hungry.” I whispered, it was harder to speak now.
“ Hold on, baby, I’ll get you someone to feed on.” my sire said.
Everyone backed away slowly, warily, now. I wanted to grin but I was too weak to do it.
“ Just stay awake, okay? I’ll be back soon.” he said.
“ It can’t be a douche.” I told him before he left. I heard him chuckle before he used his vampire speed to leave.
“ What is your name, vampire keeper?” Gretel asked me.
“ Kira, queen Gretel.” I heard my voice murmur.
“ You are strong, Kira.” Lupe said to me.
This time I forced myself to show a hint of a smile.
“ Trust me, alpha Lupe, this is all for show.” I murmured. I was beginning to see a little black, or white, whichever it was.
“ Oh?” Chepi said.
“ If I show weakness, alpha Lupe’s wolf will kill me, just like the rest of you will do.” I whispered. I could see that all their ears were perked, trying to cat my voice. They got closer to me but none of them close enough to choke me since Lestat suddenly began to play bodyguard.
“ This is the council room, Kira, killing is not permitted here.” Lyall said.
“ Doesn’t make me feel any safer.” I whispered.
I was beginning to get sleepy. I saw little black spots and I wanted to close my eyes really bad.
I slightly heard a door swing open but what really caught my attention was a human heart beat that was in the room. I perked up, my eyes more open now. I saw the sire move to me, to unconscious humans in his hands. One girl and the other boy. I didn’t see them well because I was focused on their necks, hearing their soft heartbeat. I licked my lips.
The council must have moved farther away because my boss was now in front of me. He held the girl in front of me. I looked up at him, not daring to bite the human.
“ You have my permission to feed, baby, now feed.” he said softly.
I still didn’t bite. I could see that he was getting frustrated now.
“ What? I am your sire and I said to feed.” he said, slightly using his will on me.
I looked up at the rest of the council, they were looking me. It wasn’t really weird to feed in front of others but I was new to this game so It was weird to have curious strangers watch me feed.
He looked behind him and finally got it.
“ I beg all of your apologies but may I ask for you all to leave for a moment? My keeper is still a new vampling and is a little shy.” he said.
They all hesitated but I was watching the humans like candy and then looking up at the council, which made me stop wanting to feed on them.
They all finally left a minute later. Lestat stayed.
“ You too, Lestat, if you please.” He said.
Lestat nodded and left a second later. We were now alone. He then grabbed the girl and bit on them, making their blood slip out. I finally pounced.
I bit on the girl and kept feeding. I had forgotten how good it was to feed on a human. The first time I had blood all I could think of was how good it tasted but I was ravished and didn’t care about anything else. But gradually, the feeding became like doing something sexual. Feeding was like sex, exactly good and wanting more. It wasn’t uncommon to see a vampire have sex and feed because that makes a total bliss feeding, so I’ve heard.
My sire carefully put me down on the floor with the girl. He then moved the boy to a side while he began to kiss my neck. I made a small moan, loving how it felt. He kept kissing me and slowly began to squeeze my breasts. I almost stopped feeding but I was very hungry. But I stopped feeding on her. I don’t know how but my subconscious knew when to stop feeding.
“ More blood.” I asked my sire, it was more like a moan than a demand.
“ You didn’t finish your food.” he said.
“ I’m not a killer, sire.” I told him.
“ Call me Nero.” he told me.
“ Do you want me to die? I don’t think so. Now, blood.” I said.
He grinned down at me. God, I loved that grin. Actually, I loved those lips.
He grabbed the human boy and gave me his neck. I bit down and I fed. He kept searching my body, touching my breasts and my hips.
“ Your wound is healing nicely but it wouldn’t heal completely until you feed on me. Its the only.” He told me, grinning.
I believed him. I had heard that huge fire or wood wounds needed blood from the maker to completely heal.
When I finished with the boy, he moved him away and he came towers me. I thought he was going to kiss me but he just offered his neck.
“ Bite.” he said.
I did.
He tasted so good, better than human blood. I placed my arms around him, wanting to be closer to him. He moaned and grabbed me by the hips and lifted me into his lap. I wrapped my legs around him. I wanted him to moan again, loving how his voice sounded when he did.
He lifted my shirt and my bra up. He started to squeeze my breasts, playing with my nipples. I moaned into him, sucking more. He gasped.
“ Not so fast, love, or I’ll pass out.” he said.
I fed slower. He went back to playing. It was all too good. It all felt good but I wanted more. I ground my hips into his. He moaned again and he lied me on the floor, him on top of me. He grounded into me harder. I arched my hips up, wanting to get closer to him but it was hard with all the cloth on.
At some point, I had stopped feeding because my sire had suddenly captured my lips with his. I kissed him back, our tongues dancing together. I I bunched his shirt up, wanting to touch him all over. His abs felt good and his skin was so smooth and cool to the touch that I wanted more of him. He moved his mouth to my breast. I gasped.
It felt amazing. I wrapped my legs on his hips again, putting pressure on my wet spot and on his growing pants. He made a noise between a grunt and a moan that sounded zoo sweet to my hears. He went back to my lips and I moved my head to the side, giving him better opening to my lips.
We were like that for a while before his hands traveled to the zipper of my pants. Alarms sounded in my mind. Something brought me back up to the real world, putting a hold on pure bliss and pleasure.
“ Stop.” I told him, gasping from how much I wanted him not to listen to me.
“ Why?” he whined.
I gave him the quickest grin in the world. I wasn’t a grinner like he wasn’t a whiner.
“ We’re in the council room.” I said.
“ So?”
“ They’re right outside, sire, they’re waiting for me to finish feeding. I’m done.” I said.
“‘ No,” he whispered, “ your still hungry.”
He pressed his erection on my sweet spot. I gasped, trying to stifle the moan that came out.
“ See? Still hungry.”
“ You’re such a dick.” I told him.
“ Yes I am.” he said.
I glared at him. Eventually he sighed and stopped exploring.
“ Fine.” he said and helped me up to my feet. I felt better yet not.
He gave me one last deep kiss that was zoo good that I had to grab onto him, fearing that my knees would leave me.
We came out for air a few minutes later, trying to get air back into our lungs. We began to fix ourselves to be the most presentable we could be.
The sire then opened the door and in came all the council, slowly. Lyall and his people smelled the room, frowning.
I didn’t blush or anything. I had my bored expression back on.
“ I see you are done?” Gretel said, looking down at the humans with disgust.
“ I apologize, queen Gretel. I’ll clean up the mess right now.” I muttered. She nodded, approving.
“ You didn’t kill them.” One of Lyall’s guard said.
“ I thought made vampires killed when they fed.” the other guard said.
“ Well, as you can see, they don’t. Pardon my language, Lyall, but can you please shut them up.” he said.
I looked at sire, worried. His skin was a shade paler than before. I took the bodies and went to leave them into the back entrance but Biggy came down and grabbed them from me. I looked up at him, waiting for an answer. He just smiled and went upstairs. I went back into the council room. They had a chair beside the sire’s. I guess they wanted to interrogate me.
I told them everything. By the time I finished, they were all quiet, most of their questions answered.
“ Okay, then, since we know she is small and slender, that narrows it down.” Lyall said sarcastically.
“ Well, yeah, since we started without knowing The Ghost’s gender. Now, all we have to do is to warn our people about small, short girls.” Chepi said.
I hid the hit of a smile I had.
“ Keeper Kira, you said that she was faster than a human but slower than a vampire. Why did you compare her to a vampire?” Lestat asked me.
I replayed the fight again and saw nothing that would tell me she was vampire. But some part of me was gnawing on me that she was a vapor though she didn’t smell like it. I wonder if she could have hidden her vampire scent. Only the super strong, powerful, or old vampies had the power to hide their vampy scent. She seemed too young to be any of those.
“ I don’t know,” I said, “ but no matter what I think, my instincts say she is vampire. She’s not old or strong enough to hide it and she’s slow. All those point weaker specimen but instincts tells me she’s vampire.” I said.
he nodded. “ Well, if any of your people see something off in a short, thin woman, immediately tell us.” Lestat said to all of the council members.
They all nodded.
“ Well, if we are done here, then can we consider this meeting closed? I am hungry and sleepy.” The boss said.
Everyone nodded and we were the first to leave. The boss and I were at our car a few minutes later.
“ Lestat will be our guest in our house so you’ll have to tell Sauda to fix a room far away from mine so that he can move in tomorrow night.” he said.
I nodded.
Once we were home, I didn’t wait for the sire to stop the car. I ran to my room with vampire speed. I knew that if I stayed longer, he would want to do more of what we did on the council floor and I was too tired and shocked to go through that. Plus, I was confused with the whole thing about Kass. God, my life sucked so bad right now. I lied down on my bed and in minutes, I was fast asleep.

Calm down, calm down

I woke up the next morning with Kass yelling at me to get the fuck up.
“ Oh yay, we’re saying curse words in the morning now?” I asked him, whispering a huge yawning. I wanted to go back to bed but it was already too late. He had woken me up and now I couldn’t get back to sleep. What a bag of douche.
“ Kira, wake the fuck up or else Nero will.” he yells at me. That woke me right up.
With my vampire speed I got out of bed as quickly and began to search for for soap and shampoo for my shower.
“ I’m up, I’m up, no need to wake the boss.” I mumbled through another soundless yawn.
“ Wow, are you that afraid of sire that much? You’ve never been this much of a pussy since you became a vampire.” he said.
I looked at him with one of my eyebrows raised slightly. He didn’t know why I was afraid. I had a major make out session with the sire then stood him up last night and fled to my room like a helpless coward, which I was.
I didn’t know how sire felt about me today but I had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be loving or caring. So yeah, I was afraid of sire lately, but only because I’m afraid fo more than our growing relationship.
“ I’ll be the pussy today. I’d rather fight The Ghost than eat breakfast with the sire.” I muttered and went into my bathroom. I began to take my clothes off and turned the shower on.
“ So it was true? You fought with The Ghost?” he asked me. I heard him gulp a little. I decided to ignore it because I didn’t know wether it was for me going nude almost in front of him or because he was afraid of the Ghost. I was hoping it was choice one but I put my bet on choice number two.
“ Wow, talk goes around fast.” I said.
“ Obviously, we’re vampires.” he says.
“ Yeah, yeah, vampy senses and super jumping abilities and stuff. I swear, sometimes I feel as if I’m like Spiderman.” I tell him.
I hear him chuckle. I like his laugh, deep and a little husky. But his deep voice couldn’t compare to sire’s….
What the sack of douche was I talking about. I was losing my mind. I came out of the shower to find Kass gone. I let a breath, I didn’t know I was holding, out. I quickly changed into some jeans and a black, strapless top. I put heavy eyeliner and some mascara on. I used moose to make my straight hair like it was wet, which, by now, was dry. I put on some sneakers and headed out to the kitchen.
I used my vampy speed to get to the kitchen. All I wanted to do was be out of the house as long as possible and come whenever the boss is busy. Yeah, if that works I’ll be the queen of the world.
I got to the kitchen in seconds and took my mug out and took out a bag of AB-neg. and poured it into my mug then filled the rest of my mug with hot chocolate. I sipped it, warming my dead insides. I wondered if they were really dead or if they turned vampy as well.
“ Well, well, well, if it isn’t our bad ass ass kicker. Kass told me that you really did beat up The Ghost. Tell me all about it, girl, down to the last detail.” Sauda said from behind me.
I almost jumped from the hearing her. I must have been more sleep deprived then I had thought. I put my boring expression back on my face, hiding my tiredness and the slight shock I had on my face and turned to look back at her.
“ I’m barely three years old and I did give her a hell of an ass whoop but trust me, she did way worse to me.”
“ So it was a she.” Sau said.
I nodded and took another sip of my bloody chocolate milk.
“ Well, among anyone, I don’t think there are many gay vampies running around here so I just guessed a really pretty girl.”
“ How’d she look like?” Kass said from behind me.
I practically jumped out of my dead skin. Great, freaking yay, I had been surprise attacked for the second time this morning. I had used a lot of my efforts to keep my emotions in control but I guess my eyes had gone a millimeter bigger because Sauda was now staring at me, concerned.
I sipped more of my coffee. My day had just turned wonderful now that Sauda was gonna start my pity party.
“ Hey, Kira, you aka, girl? You look a little tired. I can’t say paler than before since you’re about the whitest vampire I have ever met.”
“ Seriously, she was a tad less pale when she was human. i’m surprise she survived with all the sun around here in Penny.” Kass said.
I was about to squirt my drink out when I heard him say my nickname for Pennsylvania. God damn him, now I had to make up a new word. I was deciding either Pennsy or Pencil. I could choose later.
I looked back up at my two friends as they kept chatting about me but began to circle around back to talk about The Ghost. Since they weren’t interested in me anymore, I finished my drink and began head out.
As I was about to open the door, someone else opened it for me and almost hit me in the head. Lucky for me, I was quicker than most vamps so I sidestepped and was safe barely a second later.
I had my expressionless slight glare on and was about to go a little bitchy but I saw who opened the door before I could utter the words. I bit my tongue.
It was Lestat.
Great, now I was supposed to act formal and all that crappity crap.
“ Hello, lord Lestat.” I said, bowing slightly.
Bowing fully to a sire that wasn’t my own was against the rules and could mean death. The best all of us could ever do was call them lords and bow slightly.
“ How are you, Kira? I hope your injuries were ugly healed.” he said.
I looked up into his eyes. They were red again. Why was he doing that, he was just irritating me more. Good thing that I was an emotionless expert.
“ Lord…” I began.
“ Ah, Kira, Sire is asking for you.” I heard one of my keepers say. Saved by the bell from this freak.
“ I’ll be tight there.” I murmured to him. I turned back to Lestat.
“ Lord, I apologize but I must go attend to my sire’s needs. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll make sure you are shown to your bedroom.” I muttered and turned to go to the kitchen.
“ Sauda.” I murmured.
Sauda came to me immediately. Kass followed her.
“ What you want, girl?” she asked me with all her sassiness out. What did Kass do to anger her?
“ Show the lord Lestat to his room.” I murmured to her.
“ And who are you to boss me around, little miss prissy pants.” Sauda said, crossing her arms and giving me an irritated frown.
“ I’m the keep leader…” I began.
“ You’re only three years old, too young to handle the damn job.” she said.
Now she did it. This id how I looked.
- On the outside: My brows were slightly furrowed and my eyes slightly glaring at Sauda. My mouth was slightly made into a line.
- On the inside: God, please give me the strength to not kill this bitch infected girl. Oh and god, please don’t interrupt me when I go and murder Kass’s ass.
Sauda took a step backwards, he face changing from anger to wariness. Yeah, she should be wary. I wasn’t in the mood for her bulldoodoo.
“ Sauda, as you noticed before, you know I’m not in the mood for your bipolar attitude. If you fought with Kass, don’t take it out on me. I’ll forget this but if you confront me in front of everyone again, I’ll take it as a challenge for my position. I won’t hold back and you’ll regret crossing me. If I were you right now, I would be very careful on your next words.” I whispered to her.
She gulped down her saliva and she looked a bit frightened. Shit, I didn’t want to frighten her, I just wanted to warn her. Why do I always end up scaring people when I’m angry? I had to figure it out myself but I knew my best bet was to just ask someone.
“ I’ll get on it, keep leader Kira.” I heard Sauda say before she left.
I turned around and headed toward sire’s room. I could feel all my vampire coven’s eyes on me. Since I was sire’s second in command, I knew that I had a slight power over the vampires. They could only feed off of my anger slightly but slightly was enough to turn them foul. I could control my emotions but I wasn’t so good at it as I thought because I could feel their slight anger.
I quickly left and was up to sire’s room in seconds. I had to find a way to control my emotions but I didn’t how.
I didn’t bother to knock on the door because I both really didn’t care much and I knew sire would just know it was me.
“ What?” I murmur into the room as I enter.
“ I told you we would finish what we were doing yesterday, the moment we got home.” he said as I heard the door close. I turned around to see that he wasn’t even ready to meet Lestat. He only wore a pair of black pajama pants. His chest looked so smooth and there seamed to be sweat on his chest. I lightly gulped down some of my drool. I looked back up to see that my sire was looking at me oddly.
I needed to distract him before we both went wild. I pointed to the door.
“ Lord Lestat is here.” I told him.
“ He can wait another five minutes. Now answer me, why didn’t you come to my room.” he commanded me. Boy, was I getting tired of his little pouts.
“ I’m not a toy, sire, I don’t like to be played with.” I muttered to him angrily.
“ What does that even mean?” he asked me exasperated.
It was seriously taking all my strength to look calm. I showed him the same face I made for Sauda.
“ When you figure it out, call me.” I told him and walked passed him to the door. He was there before I could even bother to open the door. His speed was incredible. No wonder he was the king of this house. I rolled my eyes when he slammed the door.
“ Don’t toy with me, Kira, I’m your king. Don’t make me compel you.” he says through clenched teeth. He looked really angry and I slightly felt frightened.
I crushed it and just stood there, glaring at him.
“ Go ahead, sire, do as you wish. I mean don’t you always. If you really want to know what I mean then just force it out of me.” I told him.
He was quiet for a moment, his jaw clenched harder. I was about to continue talking but my phone interrupted me. Damn it.
“ Yes?” I muttered, a little of my poisonous anger seeping through my voice.
“Kira, we have a bit of a problem on our hands.”
My yes furrowed a bit more and my mouth was becoming more of a line.
Calm down, me, calm down,

I kept thinking, Whatever he did to make Sauda mad isn’t your fault.

“ What is it?” I asked.
“ Why are you so.. never mind, look, there’s another dead body found.” he said.
I froze, I could see from my peripheral that so did the sire.
“ Vampire?” I asked, not really wanting to know the answer. If it was then that meant I was going to kill the girl. I was the keeper leader after all.
“ No, human.” he said.
I sighed in relief. I know its bad to think that humans can go to waste once in a while but if it was a vampy, especially one that was our own, It wolf make both sire’s and my mood go foul to the point of no return. I was afraid of feeling so much emotion.
“ I’ll be right there.” I told him and hung up.
I opened the door at once with my vampire strength but I didn’t need to since sire wasn’t going to stop me.
“ Kira, we’re not done with our conversation. I hope you come to me when you return or else I’ll really have no choice but to force your will.” he threatened.
“ Yeah, yeah, don’t get your panties in a bunch, vampy sire.” I muttered and left.
A few minutes later, I was at the directions that Kass had texted me. It was about three miles away from our house. Great, pretty princess bitch infected girl was taunting us. She had killed a few miles away from our clan house and without us knowing. I slightly grimaced.
I got out of the car and noticed where we were. I froze in utter shock. I checked the address again and just as it said, I was here. I must have been to angry to recognize the address and now I was frozen for all to see.
“ Kira?” I heard someone say.
I looked at Keir’s surprised face. I looked around to see the rest of my old group look my way.
I was back at the park I used to hang out.
My day— uh, I mean night has just gotten much chipper.

The dead man

I looked at my friends, well, what used to be my group of friends. Keir and Ami had expanded the group. I felt a pain of jealousy of how much friends she had and I wasn’t part of that anymore.
This was how I felt:
- On the outside: I seemed to be bored and milady surprised. I just stood there before walking again.
- In my mind: Damn you, sire, for making me go vampy. I want to kick the shit out of you so bad. God, give me the strength to not kill that mother fucker when I get back home. He’s suck a sack of douchey shit and has sexual issues but that can’t be his fault. Maybe the person that turned him had it and passed it to him. Poor old man, but still, help me not to assassinate him or jump his big bone down there when I get home.
I wanted to slap myself but I was in front of almost descent people. I went to Keir and he hugged me hard.
“ I’ve missed you so much Kari, I mean Kira, where have you been?” he asked.
Kari was a little cute name he and Ami used to call me. I didn’t really get it but I didn’t really care much, back then.
“ Doesn’t Ami tell you anything?” I asked, making my voice a little louder than I liked. He was human after all so he wouldn’t be able to hear me if I whispered.
“ Yeah but she only says that you’re in a sorority thing and that you’re working at someplace she can’t tell me. Are you okay? If you’re in any kind of trouble, just tell me and I’ll get Kass to come with me to kick the living hell out of the guy.” he told me.
Yeah, about that, Kass would never let him come to the rescue since he’s too weak and human to even try to kick the living hell out of my boss. Nice try though, so I gave him a little credit for that.
I gave him a bigger hint of a smile. He wouldn’t know if I was smiling or not if I twitched my mouth a little, since he wasn’t a vampire.
“ I’m all right, Keir, just here on some business, unfortunately, not with you guys.” I told him. My voice felt odd when I talked loud.
“ Wow, you look so young. You really haven’t changed a bit. Thats good, that you’re the same as ever, makes me feel like we’re still good friends.” he tells me.
I give him another ghost smile.
“ Thanks but don’t get so affectionate or Ami will blowtorch my face.” I told him, making him laugh.
“ Yeah, hey, I was wondering if you and Kass would like to go out for a movie with Ami and me. We haven’t seen you both for a while and I wanna catch up, you know?” he said.
I was thinking whether I should accept his offer or not. He looked desperate to get our intimate group back together. What was wrong with him? He seemed a little off. Was he and Ami in a fight? I didn’t want to ask. He was a great friend and since I hadn’t seen him in so long, I felt it would be wrong if I asked.
I looked back up to him and nodded.
“ Sure, why not? here’s my number so call me and I’ll see if I have time. Well, I have to go, work, you know?” I told him.
He gave me one last hard squeeze and I left. I tried to not use my vampire speed but the moment they all went back to their business, I ran to the crime scene. I could smell the burnt flesh now. Why didn’t I smell it from where I stood with Keir? Probably because some of the guys were drinking and smoking.
I got to where Kass was, he was looking down at the dead human man. He was burnt to a crisp, and I do mean a crisp. I could see the skin had been burnt black and the organs were all fried and full of bubbly holes. I could see the melted eyes from its skull and all the way down to his little guy down there, and I do mean little. I had to pinch my nose from the horrendous stench but eventually I let go because I knew it was wrong if I disrespected the guy like that. Doing that was crossing the line, and thats saying something coming from me.
I blew out a low whistle. He looked up at me and nodded.
“ Yeah, thats what I said when I came here. Myles will be here soon.” he added.
“ Boy, I guess he’ll be warm and toasty for the whole spring, don’t you think?” I asked Kass, still looking down at the man.
“ Are you being sarcastic?” he asked.
“ Are you being a hole of ass?” I asked him in return.
“ No” he said simply, looking a little offended.
“ Oh, well, there’s your answer.” I mumbled.
“ How come you’re not sarcastic all the time? It fits you well.” he told me.
“ Well, if I was sarcastic all the time then that would mean that I would lose my secret talent.” I told him.
“ Yeah, and whats that? Sarcasm?” he asked, amused.
“ No, shit of dip, my talent is using sarcasm to piss people off.” I muttered and knelt down as Kass laughed at my statement. It wasn’t meant to be funny but the whole house always laughs when I’m angered. Only they shut their hole fit for pies whenever i glare at them. I still had to ask someone about that but I couldn’t ask Kass. I was angry at him for making Sauda mad at me.
“ Why are you so aggressive right now?” he asked, confused.
I stood up slowly so that I could let my anger rise.
“ What did you say to Sauda before you left?” I asked him.
“ Nothing, just that I liked you and that she should help me get you, why?” he asked.
Wow, straight forward and to the point. I liked that about kass. So why was Sau so angry that he said that. I mean, Sau is beautiful and she can get whoever she wants in the world… unless…. oh, crap. She likes Kass. I almost fell but I caught myself before my knees tried to give. Well, that explained why she was so angry.
“ What, Kira?” he asked
I shook my head, not really angry anymore. It wasn’t my fault that Kass was dense and ignorant but the fact that Sauda liked him was really weird. I mean, besides his good looks and charming attitude (sometimes), he wasn’t worth looking over twice.
“ Nothing, hey, how about you try and help me find out what killed him so we can give Myles a little break.” I muttered to him.
He bent down next to me. We looked at the gory body that used to belong to a living human man.
I saw that, just like the body of the vampy cockroach, the man had two small pin pricks that could possibly belong to The Ghost. There was no scent of her anywhere near the body. That was weird, I realized that while I was fighting her, not only did I think she was a strange thing resembling a vampire but that she had no scent on her. I didn’t smell of her or take a whiff of her. Something was odd with that girl.
“ Kass, The ghost’s scent isn’t on the body yet she had touched him. I mean, either she has telekinesis or The Ghost has no scent whatsoever.” I whispered to him.
He made a weird face and sniffed the body. I couldn’t help but teasing him.
“ You look a little like a dog when you do that.”
He gave me a look like I had offended him, which I did.
“ Ouch, Kira, that hurt. How dare you compare me to a werewolf or any dog in that matter. Don’t you know we vampires have more class than they do.” he told me, pride and ego being omitted out of his pores.
“ Yeah, yeah, we vampies like to act as if we’re old and be as still a statue.” I waved his words out. My brain was too infected with the bitch illness to care at the moment.
I touched the body and began to feel the man.
His skin was and bones had melted together. How the hell did that slow ass bitch burn him this bad without the man screaming or anyone hearing. I was curious but my imagination began to take over of how the man was tortured. I wanted to murder my own brain for coming up with horrific ways to kill someone.
“ Are you bothered by this, Kira?” he asked.
I looked to him as if he had asked the weirdest question ever.
“ Aren’t you? I mean, if you don’t then I congratulate you that the killing profession is available to you since this doesn’t even seem to bother you the slightest bit.” I told him, applauding him as if he had discovered a way to let vampires walk out in the sun.” I told him. He frowned a bit.
“ Thanks, Kira, no wonder I hand the fuck out with you.” he said. I gave him a small hint of a smile because he had found a way to put the word fuck into that sentence. He must be more bothered than I had thought. Kass only said fuck whenever he was weirded out or angry.
“ Fine, thanks for that. I think the bitch disease is infecting just more than my brain.” I mumbled out.
And even before Kass could even bother to reply something snarky, We felt Myles’ presence even before we saw him. We were a clan of tight knit vampires so it was obvious why we could sense each other at any time.
“ Hey, Myles.” I muttered out, knowing he would hear me even if he was halfway to us.
“ Hows the body?” he asked.
“ You’ll have to see it to believe it but this guy has been burned to the crisp.” I told him.
A minute later, he was here and with us. he made a very long, low whistle, Kass and I nodded.
“ Yeah, we know.” we both as well simultaneously said. I glared at Kass for making it seem as if we coordinated it on purpose. He just shrugged and made grinned at me wickedly. I didn’t bother to let him know it was amusing because I knew he would take it as an initiative to keep flirting with me.
“ Wow, don’t want to get on The Ghost’s bad side now.” he said to me, giving me a grim smile.
“ Yeah, I think its way passed too late for that.” I murmured to him.
“ I can see that. What I’m always asking whenever she kills someone is why? Why does she hate supernaturals and why is she even killing people? And what the hell is she that we can’t get her at all.” he asked.
“ I’m taking those as rhetorical questions or else I might infect you with the bitch disease.” I told him.
He chuckled and game me a genuine, hearty smile.
“ I knew I would like you the moment I saw you. You’ve got quite the humor, I like that. Too bad I’ve already imprinted with the love of my life.” he said.
Oh yeah, vampires imprint to one person and only one person in their lifetime, making that person their loves forever as long as they lived— or, uh, lived an undead life. I had forgotten that he imprinted on Mallory because most of our clan rarely saw her. I, of course, saw her more than the others because she was part of my keep. Mallory was kind of our witchy vampire. But sire didn’t know because when she bit her, she had no coven and didn’t show her essence of magic. When he did turn her, he found out she was a rogue and was very powerful with her magic. She was a black witch, which didn’t exactly mean she was bad. Most people thought that black witches were bad and mean and white witches were not but thats not the case. Being mean or not, bad or not, was based on the witches’ attitude. Mallory spent most of her time as either a healer, tracker, or PI and information girl. Right now she was off trying to get information off of one of sire’s enemies.
Anyways, I gave him the biggest hint of a smile, I say big because I was almost, almost going to smile at him. He smiled wider because he knew that was the farthest I had given anyone so far. Grinning was a quarter way through a smile but even near hadn’t gotten much as I had given Myles. Myles was my left hand man, just like Kass was tight hand man.
“ Did you just smile at him, Kira?” Kass asked.
“ Don’t be stupid, Kass, if I ever smile at someone, it’ll be when hell freezes over my dead body.” I told him.
He said nothing but shrug. We went back to the body.
“ You were right, Kira, he’s burnt to a crisp. He must have died within seconds with burned like this. The bubbled all over him and his organs are the oxygen and water inside him cells bursting out one at a time. The fire must have been so hot that His body couldn’t handle it.”
“ I’m so glad I’m a vampire right now.” I muttered out.
“ Yeah, sarcasm of the year.” Myles nodded.
I gave him an odd look and he just shrugged. His statement didn’t make much sense but I got it because he knew I would. We were like to peas in a pod, brother and sister. I didn’t know if I liked it or not.
“ So how and where the hell did she make a very hot fire? This fire must be huge and very hot that anything around it could melt. Where the hell did she make such a fire without melting everything around it?” Kass asked.
“ I’m thinking it might be in a volcano but the closest one would be in Hawaii.” I told them.
“ Fuck” Kass swore.
“ If you guys want, I’ll ask Mallory if she knows where to make a fire this hot.” he offered.
“ No offense, Myles but I rather suicide than get on Mall’s bad side for interrupting her work.” I told him, holding my hands up.
“ She’s got a point.” Kass agreed.
Myles grinned and shook his head. I did say Mallory was nice but if anyone dared interrupting her when she was busy, her mood would change as fast as a blink of an eye.
“ Fine, so where do you think, in Penny, could Ghost fry someone like this and no one hear it or smell it?” he asked us.
I was thinking of all the clear space there was in Pennsy (yeah, thats my new word) that the bitch infected bitch could go. The only thing that came to mind was the local werewolf pack’s territory. Well, that was it since Pennsy was all of Lyall’s pack territory.
“ Lyall’s woods is the best guess I can come up with.” I told the boys.
They nodded, I was guessing they were thinking the same thing.
“ And now how are we going to know if its in their territory? I doubt Lyall or Lupe will be up to having us investigate their land.” Kass said.
I gave them both a hint of a smile, knowing just the person call for a situation like this. Both guys looked at me, not liking what they saw.
“ There goes her eyes again.” Kass whispered to Myles.
“ Last time I saw them like that was when she had pranked Nero.” he said.
“ What about my eyes?” I asked them, curious. They shut their mouths just then.
“ Nothing, Kira, nothing at all. So, what evil plan do have this time?” Myles asked.
I looked at both of them each and gave a slight wider hint of a smile. They began to squirm.
“ I know someone who an help us with this situation.” I murmured out.
They stared at me curiously. I knew it was a good idea to still keep in contact with this guy. We were friends after all for a very long time.
“ Who?” Kass finally asked.
“ Don’t hold up your pesky informants, Kira, I’m even wondering if Nero knows and if he doesn’t, whether to tell him or not.” he said.
My gaze stopped every muscle in his body, making him motionless for a very long time. I did the same with Kass.
“ No, you can’t because if you do, I’ll die.” I told them both.
They got a confused face but they nodded at the same time, understanding my words. They probably didn’t but I wasn’t really going to explain to them my plan.
“ So, who is this guy?” Kass asked.
Instead of answering him, I took my phone out and dialed his number that I knew since I was in middle school. He hadn’t changed it for years. He answered at the second ring.
“ Hello, sweet Kira.” the guy said, his voice full of honey sweetness over the phone.
“ Hello, Conri.” I said over the phone.
I heard him chuckle.
“ Finally, my life feels complete. What favor do you want, Kira dear?” he said, his voice full of mischief and sarcasm.
I was quite for a moment, liking the suspense I was putting on the boys. I heard Conri gulp.
“ I’m not going to like this am I?” he asked.
I gave a slight more hint of a smile. Myles and Kass both gulped the same way Conri did and looked at each other with wary eyes.
“ No, you’re really not.” I said.

My ex

Myles, Kass, and I all returned back to the mansion when I finished talking to Conri. They had asked who Conri asked but I wouldn’t tell them. I had told Conri, and in front of both the other guys, that I needed him to get us access to the pack territory. He immediately agreed and hung up.
We were back at the mansion and by then Kass and Myles were both so frustrated with suspense, wanting to know what Conri was. I just held on to the ghost smile I gave everyone.
“ So, what are you gonna do now? Tell Master about…” Kass asked but he didn’t finish because I gave him a glare-y looking stare. He knew my look meant that he should stop talking about it before…
“ Tell me what?” Sire asked from behind me.
too late.
I glared at Kass as I slowly turned around to meet sire’s eyes. I wasn’t supposed to see his eyes but since I was his second in command, I could do almost whatever I felt like. Besides, he let me and he knew if he didn’t, I wouldn’t care much.
“ That the human is burned to a crisp. You might want to see him so you can see what we’re dealing with.” I told him.
Sire nodded and we walked towards Myles’ lab. Unfortunately, Lestat took that opportunity to interrupt us.
“ Is there any business that I need to be informed of?” he asked.
Uh-oh, not good. If Lestat found out that we can’t protect our territory well, he might have sire dethroned. I could let that happen, not in a million years. I checked if sire’s mind was open to me but it wasn’t. I nudged his mind with mine, prodding him to let me in so I could tell him something. He hesitated at first but eventually let me in.
Just tell him that there was a human body burned but it was found somewhere along the wolf’s territory.

Sire gland at me quickly, slight amusement in his face. That bothered me. Was he beginning to learn what I have done all my life? I didn’t like it. Those were my expressions and my moves, not his. God, why can’t people ever use their teeny tiny brains for their own imagination?
Why are you bossing me around, Kira? Why bring the wolf pack into this? Whats going on here?

I gave out the tiniest sigh I could muster so that only my boss would be able to hear it.
Because you ass from a hat, the body was burned into a bloody crispy black and the only place that a fire that hot and big would burn would be in the caves, which are in wolf territory.
Are the wolves involved in this?
No, The Ghost’s needle pricks are in the man’s neck. I’ll tell you the rest once you get this idiotic vampy lord out of my sight, my eyes are screaming at me why I was torturing them for making them look at him.

Sire smiled a little before it was gone again. He then faced Lestat and gave him a serious look.
“ My keeper leader’s second in command found a dead human body near wolf territory. I was about to go see the body and talk to the alpha wolf to see what his opinion of this was.” he lied.
I smiled in my mind, loving how sire didn’t care if he lied or not to another lord. Then, a happy emotion that was sire’s came through our open bond and I looked at him. Had he felt what I was feeling inside? I immediately closed the bond and kept my emotions back in check, beck to being invisible.
Sire flinched but he said nothing. Lestat was nodding at him.
“ All right. I’ll ask for more updates on this assassin, yes?”
Sire nodded, “ Of course, I’ll tell you what happens once I go and meet with the wolf leader. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have my forensics cleaning up from the last body so that if the wolf permits us, we can take the body into our hands to investigate.” he told him and without seeing his answer, sire and I left for the stairs.
Kass and Myles were about to follow us but I gave them another job to do, saying that sire and I had to talk strategy. Kass glared at me slightly but left because he knew not to get on our boss’s bad side.
We flew down the stairs and when we entered, he closed the door from the entrance so no one would be able to hear us. He then looked back at me and pinned me with his stare.
“ What is going on, Kira?” he crossed his arms and leaned on the work table Myles used for placing the bodies.
“ How about you take a good look at it for yourself.” I said and unveiled what before was a living human. He took in a breath when he saw it.
“ Oh my damn, what the hell happened to him?” he asked me.
“ Burnt to a crisp, sire. It was found three miles away from here and I know that the only place that this can be done without having others hear or see it is the caves, which are in wolf territory.” I told him.
He looked at me and crossed his arms. “ And how do you expect me to do? Tell the wolf alpha that I think the Ghost is torturing people in his territory and that if he doesn’t let us in to investigate in his own lands? Kira, I want to choke you right now.”
I had stopped putting attention to his words when he tried to explain why it was a bad idea. My phone began to vibrate in my back pocket so I grabbed it and took the message as I held a hand to sire, telling him that he should shut up now.
ok. done. Hurry up so I can c that lil ass of urs.

I chuckled in my mind and looked back up at sire, who was giving my the stanky eye.
“ Who was that?” he asked.
“ Doesn’t matter right now because I just got a text that the alpha has just invited us into his territory to investigate. Lets go.” I told him and turned towards the stair door when he grabbed me and pulled me back close to him.
I looked up at him, wondering what his intentions were. They were looking down at me with a lot passion. I wanted to just live and breathe and just be in his deep green eyes forever but I knew that there was no chance in hell that he would be with me forever. It was just another of my useless vampy dreams. With that thought, I pulled back a little from him, trying so hard not to kiss him.
“ Shall we go, sire?” I asked him again.
He shook his head, answering me. I sighed but when I did, he pulled me back to him and lifted me so that I sat on the dead people table. He then lifted himself so that I was on the bottom and he on top. I was beginning to get irritated of him always abusing me. At some point he had to know that I didn’t like to be controlled. Besides, this bag of douche had to get a little taste of his medicine.
I grabbed his shoulders and using my vampy speed, I turned us around so that I was on top. Sire was still blinking, probably wondering how he had gotten on the bottom. I gave him a hint of a smile. He couldn’t look away. Good.
“ Sire…”
“ Nero, call me Nero.” he interrupted.
“ You’ve been willingly satisfying me. I think its my turn to make you happy, don’t you think?” I asked him, making my voice as seductive as I could make it.
My boss nodded vigorously. I gave him another hint of a smile. I took his favorite black shirt he had on, the one with skull in the middle, and ripped it in half. He didn’t seem to care at the moment. I then slipped my fingers on his skin and began to touch his abs and his soft skin. I bent down and kissed his jaw. Sire’s mouth was open and he now grabbed my hips with his hands. Instead of kissing him in the mouth, I trailed little nips and kisses down his neck and halfway down his chest. I placed one hand lightly on his back, caressing a part of it. I felt him shiver in pleasure but he was still a little tense, wanting more. His desire for me turned me on. I slipped my other hand to his pants and unzipped it. I began to caress the hard erection he had. My hand wasn’t under his pants yet and I could see that sire wanted my hand to touch his skin.
But I didn’t. I slowly kissed my way back up until I reached his neck. I then sucked a little on his neck, wanting to make him a hickey. I heard a small moan slip from his voice. I moved my hips down, so that his erection was getting caressed by my sweet spot. Sire’s breath were shallow and I loved how his body reacted to mine. He suddenly used his hands and brought my hips down more, pressing his erection to my wet spot. I almost moaned out at how good that felt. I needed to finish this quick. When I finished one hickey, I turned to the other side of his neck and gave him a quick hickey.
I was about to tease him about something else but my phone vibrated again. It was great timing too because if it didn’t, I don’t think i would’ve been able to stop. I quickly got off him, way before he could keep a good hold on my hips. He growled a sound of frustration but I still went to the other side of the room. I checked my message.
I’m w8ing

I looked back up at sire, and the dight of him caught me a bit off guard. He was sweaty and looking so good. His erection was making a dark circle on where it was and his lips were still a bit open. His eyes were closed and he was still breathing shallowly. I wanted to go to him just then but I restrained myself.
“ We have to go or else the alpha will not give us another chance to his territory. I’ll meet you there since you need to clean yourself a little.” I said, my voice back to normal.
He glared at me fr a second but desire filled them quickly.
“ You bitch.” he said, his voice husky.
I smiled at him and placed my hands on my hips. I knew I had caught the bitch disease because this just proved it. I had never done this. I wasn’t a coward or angry all the time, like I was when I was human. Something in sire, and being a vamp had changed me. And I liked it, though not as much as I would have liked because I still couldn’t have sire to be mine and mine only. A sigh came out from me.
“ Karma’s a bitch, huh playboy?”
“ Playboy?” he asked.
I stared at him for a long moment. He was kidding, right? He still didn’t get it. I guess I had to spell it out for him.
“ Aren’t you? These past three years I’ve seen you flirt with the girls here and then throwing them away. You’re a spoiled sire and you can’t always get what you want. Since you’re this dense, I’ll spell it out for you. I like you but you’re a player and my sire. I don’t want someone who only likes to play with people’s feelings so stop teasing me and just leave me the hell alone.” I told him.
He was quiet for a long time. He was opened his mouth, about to say something but I interrupted him.
“ Hurry up or we’ll lose the chance to see if The Ghost is living in wolf territory.” I said and left. My heart was beginning to hurt. Why was my heart hurting? Like is like but it wasn’t lo…
I mentally kicked myself for even trying to think of the word. I quickly straightened up and went to my car. I only had a few minutes before the alphas changed their mind.

“ I’ve heard that The Ghost might be using our territory as a safe place.” Lyall said to me as I got out of my car. We were in the edge of his territory, where he had a small parking lot that led to his pack’s home, which was a mansion as big as sire’s. The woods were very close as well.
He was only wearing pants and that was enough for me. I knew wolves preferred being naked and I thanked god he wasn’t naked.
“ I am only guessing, alpha Lyall, I only came here because we found the body burned. I did not come here to offend you and I wish that you still give me safe passage through the caves.” I told him.
He humphed and looked down at me. I wondered where Lupe was since I knew she must be jealous that her mate was here to meet me.
“ So, you know Conri, I presume?” he asked.
I showed him a slight grinned, making sure it wasn’t much of a grin at all.
“ Yes, alpha Lyall, I do.” I said.
My sire interrupted our conversation by arriving. He was quickly getting on my god damn nerves.
“ I’m sorry to interrupt but may I ask who Conri is?” he said from somewhere behind me.
Lyall glanced at him and grinned at him too.
“ Conri is my second is the leader of my guards.” he said.
“ I thought your bodyguard was.” Sire said, confused.
“ Conri doesn’t like to be seen much. He thinks it is better that way so he can protect the pack more efficiently.”
Sire then turned to me. “ And how, if I may ask, do you know this Conri, Kira?”
I suddenly felt Conri was behind me. I turned to meet jim. He was an inch or two taller than me and he was still as I remembered. He had muscles of a professional karate kid and his skin was light brown. is hair was still that beautiful black that I used to love. He had a square jaw and sharper features. His eyes were still the same chocolate brown that I used to fall for.
“ I’m her friend.” he said.
Lyall nodded and began to lead us towards the cave. Sire wasn’t buying it.
Who is he really, kira?

I waited a few minutes before answering, filling him up with suspense.
He’s my ex-boyfriend.

I suddenly felt his shock seep into my mind. he didn’t turn around to see me but I could see he was tense now.
We’ll be talking about this later, you know.

I gave him a yes then closed the bond we had. He was angry, I could feel it. I said nothing or did nothing to comfort him. He was a playboy and he had no right to demand any explanations from me.
“ Here we are.” Lyall’s voice snapped me from my thoughts and looked around.
I looked up and around, notching that the trees were covering the caves. I could barely see the entrance but I knew it might have been this way so no one would be able to find it. I used my mind to see if there was anyone here. I was feeling nothing until a slight movement in the area stopped me. It was faint but I could tell that it was The Ghost’s mind.
“ She’s here.” I said.
“ Then she must be expecting us.” Conri says and we both ran down to the cave’s entrances, both of us on each side of the big open hole. Our sires followed and stood behind us. I entered first and began to use my vampy senses. My eyes adjusted quickly to the super dark cave. The cave made the night feel like dawn. I could barely see much. It wasn’t because it was too dark but because dark was like light. Too much light and it could blind you. It was very dark in here making the darkness into brightness. But I could also see everything in cave. There was water dripping down from the ceiling and the walls were bouncing sound from all over the place. I used my ears to see if I could hear anything out of the normal. I used my silent glides to move around the cave. I touched the walls, feeling how slippery and very hard they were. I entered other little caves within the caves. But none of them held The Ghost. I was getting frustrated now but I kept going, knowing that I was bound to find her at some point.
And just as I was about to enter another cave, something came out of it. It was The Ghost and she must have been running as fast as she could because I heard her fast heart beat she had. I ran behind her but it didn’t take me long to grab her hair. She froze mid step, knowing that if she ran, a huge chunk of her scalp would be gone.
“ I’m a vampire, you bag of slut, you can’t escape from me.” I whispered in her ear.
She jabbed me in the stomach with her elbow. I backed up quickly and then grabbed her arm and placed it on her back.
“ Nuh-uh, you are not going to poison me again.” I said and then kicked her on the back of her knee. She fell but not until she kicked me in the shin with her other foot. I heard my bone crack as it broke but I was a vampire so I knew it would only take a second for my knee to be fine again.
“ Oh, yay, you have the advantage now, go ahead try to escape, I’ll be right behind you.” I said, using everything I had not to scream. Just because I could heal fast didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt. I felt my knee recovering quickly.
“ No, I won’t escape just yet. Shall I give you a spray of wood for your eyes too so you won’t follow me?” she asked as she took out the spray she had used at me before. I didn’t hiss, showing her I wasn’t afraid of her.
“ Honey, I’m more than you are. I can’t die that easily and you know it.” I told her.
“ I know, you bitch, its why I do this.” she told me and took out her sword.
I didn’t bother to move. I wasn’t alone here and she was too stupid to know it. But her words caught me unguarded. What did she mean by that?
And just as her sword was going to slice my neck, Conri took it and ripped it away from her.
“ No one touches Kira and lives.” he growled out and broke the sword in half.
The Ghost glared at me.
“ I’ll be seeing you sooner than you think.” she said and then ran.
Conri followed her and turned wolf as soon as he jumped into the air. I was about to follow them when another hand caught my shoulder.
I watched as Lyall went running in full rage to follow his subordinate and the Ghost. We just stood there, not really doing anything.
“ We can’t fight here. It would be against the law and it could cause a war.” he said.
I nodded, understanding. He squeezed my shoulder, making me look up at him. He turned me to him and scanned me with his eyes. I wanted to blush but I was glad I couldn’t.
“ You’re all right.” he stated.
I nodded. We were quiet for a long time. We just stood there, looking at each other. I was trying hard not to jump on him and just do the nasty right here and now. She could feel herself go hot a little. She even felt her heart beat for him, coming faster and faster for him to…
Wait, I didn’t have a heartbeat. So what was that ticking sound? I looked around and suddenly saw a little red light, barely visible under a small rock.
“ What?” Sire asked me, looking down at what I was staring at.
We looked back up at each other then back down at what I barely figured out that it was a bomb. Holy crapola, we were in big trouble.
“ We have to go.” he said.
“ No shit, sire.” I said and we began to run with our full vampire speed. There were so many mini caves that we couldn’t find the exit. Sire grabbed my hand and began pulling me to what seemed to be the entrance but it was nothing. I was beginning to panic.
Out, out, I needed to find an exit quickly. I quickly took the lead as I used all of my vampire senses to hear and see. I was the keeper leader. I had to find a way to get out of here. I used my mind to feel any animal larger than a rabbit, trying to see if I could use my mental senses to get out. It must have worked because I sensed a wolf’s mind nearby. I used the spot that the mind was to lead us out. I was guessing we were about two and a half miles into the cave. I began to run to where the exit should be.
Sire must have gotten the drift because he began to take over when I could feel nothing anymore. He must have figured out how to find the way out, like I did. But it was too late because I heard a huge exploding rising. We needed to get out now and we still had about half a mile left to run. It wasn’t long but bombs were still faster than vampires, which I really didn’t get.
We ran together closer to the exit but I could feel the earth trembling and the heat of fire getting closer. I felt the heat burning my skin to the point that I wanted to scream forever. Then, a quarter of the way to the exit, the ceiling caved into us. I stopped my sire from running through it, somehow knowing that if I didn’t stop him, he could die. While rocks couldn’t kill us it could severely damage a vampire because rocks could still crush our skulls. The rocks kept falling as we watch and I felt the ceiling above us was shaking as well. The fire was seconds away from us. There was nothing else to do but to take cover. We dropped to the ground and placed our hands on our heads. Sire got on top of me, protecting me from the chucks falling down.
Really, this man was getting on my god damn nerves. I was the keeper leader, my job was to protect the idiotic man and what does he do when we’re in danger, taking the blows the rocks were making on him. I was keeper leader so there was no reason his beautifully hot body needed to be damaged. I used the same speed I had used when we were back into Myles’s lab and coved his head and face with mine. I heard him growl but I pinned him to the ground, using all my strength to keep him from flipping us.
“ Get off.” he screamed at me.
“ No” I muttered back.
“ I said get off, I am the sire.” he yelled at me.
I looked down at him and hissed in his face, I could feel my anger rising until I couldn’t control it. My face was slightly scrunched up and I was showing my teeth, glaring at my stupid boss.
“ I’m the keeper leader, not you, my job is to protect you so let me do my job.” I said in a normal voice.
I was pissed and he must have seen it because he had stopped complaining and let me protect him. Yeah, that was what I thought.
I let go of my senses and finally felt the pain. The rocks were sharp and tearing my skin a little as the fire burned my skin. I was lucky I was wearing kind of a thick sweater or else the fire would have given me scars. I didn’t make a single noise of the pain because if I did, the sire might have taken the chance to turn us over. I was still full of vampy adrenaline so I was pretty sure that I would come out of this unscathed.
About five to ten seconds later, the earth stopped moving and the fire was gone. I was still on top of him for a few seconds longer, making sure nothing else was going to happen.
Once I thought the coast was clear, I got up from him and helped to his feet. He began to scan me over but what I did was turn him in circles, making sure that he had no serious injuries. I nodded in approval when he was fine.
“ Now that you’re done being mother, how about we begin to kick these rocks out?” he asked.
“ Those are the greatest words you have uttered so far.” I muttered to him and we began to throw the rocks out. It took only about five minutes to kick and throw all the ruble out. When I met fresh air I took in a deep breath.
This was how I looked.
- On the outside: My hair was messed up and the back of my clothes were burnt and my back ached from all it had to endure. My face must have been covered in dust and water and I looked like I had just finished mining.
- On the inside: Oh, land, you beautiful piece of earth that can’t move. I want to kiss you and make love to you. Oh, and air, how much I love you, even though I don’t need you anymore but you still smell so good. I will never take any of you for granted. God, thank you for saving me and that ass of jack.
After a while of just standing there doing nothing but looking at our surroundings, Conri and Lyall jumped out of the forest woods and looked at us and the mess we had created from throwing the rocks out.
“ Are you okay, Kira? Lord Nero?” Conri asked us. I could see he was fighting the urge to come to me. His wolf must not have been over me. I stared at him and gave him a slight grin.
“ No one touches Kira and lives? Really?” I asked him.
He blushed a little and just shrugged. “ You know what I mean. You’re like my little sis now.”
I huffed.
“ If I was your sister we wouldn’t have done what we did back then, Conri but I get your point.” I told him.
“ My apologies Nero, I didn’t know the Ghost was using my territory as her killing base. I will put more of my wolves on my borders.” he said.
“ So this means you didn’t cat her?” sire said. Lyall shook his head.
“ I swear we had her in a corner and after I blinked, she was gone, as if she had disappeared into thin air.” he growled out.
Lyall must be pissed right now because I doubted his wolf was angry an intruder had slipped into his territory, and very close to his pack.
“ I think we’ll be leaving now, Lyall, and thank you for your kindness to let us in.” sire said and stuck his hand out to shake.
“ Of course, and I expect that you will return the favor later on.” he said, shaking sire’s hand.
Sire nodded and we began to leave. Conri waved at me and mouthed to call him later. I winked at him and followed sire out to our car. When we got to the clearing, he stopped and turned back to me. I froze and looked up at him.
“ When you get home, go to sleep and don’t tell anyone of what happened until tomorrow. And when you wake up tomorrow, the first thing you will do is come to my room. We need to finish our little chat from earlier.” he said.
Of course we would.
I nodded and with that, he got to his car and left. I checked my time and gasped at the hour. It was already five thirty. That only left me an hour and a half to get home before the sun came up.
I got into my car and drove as fast as I would allow myself. I got home with fifteen minutes to spare before the sun came up. I went to the kitchen nag grabbed a bag of my favorite blood and went into my room. I closed my window and dropped my curtains down. When I finished my drink, I closed my eyes, trying to relax a little in my bed. Unfortunately, I dozed off without even taking a shower.

Mind blowing

I woke up the next night feeling like someone had dumped a ton of shit that had come from a bag of douche. I could just tell this was going to be a douchey day. I sighed and opened my eyes to my partly empty room. I didn’t feel like doing much today but I knew that I had to get up. Today was saturday, which meant that today and tomorrow would be keeper time. I usually trained my keepers on the weekend but sometimes if I didn’t have a busy day, I would train them for an hour or two during weekdays.
About seventy percent of the people in our house were keepers. Since I was the leader of them, I had to train them and discipline them, something that I didn’t like to do much because I’m usually lazy. Most of my keepers were guys but some females did get in. I trained them hard, which meant the only type of like I had for them was hard like. They either hated me or loved me but either way I trained them hard so that they would survive to live another day. If I had to punish someone because they failed at a job or mission or whatever they were in trouble for, I would make everyone of them train harder because I felt like a failure for making them fail. It was the only thing I could do for them.
I got up and did my usual morning routine. This time I had decided on only a simple black top and black miniskirt with thick eyeliner and mascara. I put on a black hoodie and went out of my room. I stopped just as I closed my room. Right, I had to go see the boss before I started my day. Unfortunately yet not, Kass came over to me, smiling.
“ Hey, Kira, what we doing today?” he asked.
He wrapped his hands around my hips and pushed me closer to him. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to keep a little distance between our faces.
“ Let go of me Kass, before I kick you.” I muttered to him.
“ What if I don’t want to? Make me, sweetheart.” he flirted with me.
My eyes went a little wider when he called me sweetheart. Its not that I didn’t like the likey dovey thing but I didn’t like it when Kass told me. He was cute, sure, he had a hot bod, yeah, but did I like him? I didn’t know. I felt a little uncomfortable whenever he did these kind of things. I didn’t know if I liked it or not but in any way, I was his boss and he was my subordinate. I pushed him away from me until he let go.
“ I have to see the sire right now, since he won’t let me do anything if I don’t so for now, go wake up my ill infected keeper children and make them run until they can’t run no more.” I said.
“ And if they don’t want to?” he asked, grinning down at me.
“ Then just tell me and I’ll make them run five thousand times.” I said.
“ For a cute looking face you have, Kira, you’re way more cruel than I thought you would be.” he said.
I sighed, nodding, “ Yeah, but its my job and I’ve been infected with a permanent bitch disease. If you find a cure, call me, until then just do as I say.” I said.
He nodded and left. I began to walk towards the boss’s room. I was about to knock when someone grabbed me from behind. I turned around and even before I could process of what was happening, Kass was kissing me. I was immobile for a mount or two and I tried not to let him in but he pried my mouth open with his lips and his tongue entered. That was as far as he got because I pushed him away. I wanted to slap him so bad but I didn’t; I wasn’t angry enough to do it and I just got more confused by his kiss.
“ What. The. Hell.” I said slowly.
“ Just wanted to do that. See you at practice?” he said and left with his full vampire speed.
All I did was stare at where he had been, not really knowing how to react. I was more of a thoughtful vampy rather than a reaction vampy.
After a few minutes, I turned around and opened the door. Sire was awake and pacing back and forward. He had nothing on but his boxers. I raised an eyebrow quickly but put it back down just as fast.
“ You wanted to see me?” I asked.
His attention snapped at me and he came with full speed towards me and grabbed my arms, closed the door, and slammed me to the wall. I slightly flinched a little. I was used to getting hurt but pain was pain so it still hurt.
“ What did I do now?” I mumbled out.
“ Why did you kiss Kass? Why did Kass kiss you?” he asked, his voice was deep with anger. I slightly raised an eyebrow at him.
“ Personal business. You have no right to ask.” I whispered.
“ Of course I do, I’m your sire and I need to know what is going on here everyday.” he said.
“ Well, if you must know oh great lord of the house, Kass kissed me because he wants me to go out with him.” I sarcastically murmured.
“ And your answer?” he asked, curious all over his eyes.
“ And I should tell you why? Besides, this is not what you came to ask me for, or is it? Because you’re just wasting my time and I need to keep my keepers fit.” I said.
His nails dug into my skin a little. I flinched again.
He must have seen it because he let go of me then. I knew I would get a quick bruise there. He was pacing back and forth again. I sighed and waited for him to as me his question. I was guessing it would be related to what we talked about yesterday.
He finally looked at me and began talking. “ I’m not a player, Kira.”
My guess hit the target of accuracy. I raised an eyebrow not saying a word because I wanted to hear everything he was going to say.
“ I’m not a player and I haven’t had sex with every girl here. And I am a one woman type of man. And I’m especially not playing with you.” he said, glaring and pointing at me.
“ You are a player, sire, I’ve seen you and you can’t lie about it.” I said.
“ I’m not!” he yelled at me.
I didn’t bother to make a reaction or expression.
“ How would I know that? Why were you having so much sex with every girl here, huh? The only reason you really have is because you just wanted to fuck anything that moves. I bet you would fuck a dog if it let you.” I told him, cursing my arms.
He came to me and slammed be on the wall again. I hissed a little because it hurt more than before. What was wrong with this man?
“ Yes, I would, but I do have a reason for why I was having so much sex and you want to know why?” he asked me.
I looked into his bright green eyes. They were flared with what seemed more of frustration than anger. I said nothing and looked to his bed, not wanting to see his eyes any longer, knowing he would keep talking even if I said nothing.
“ Because I’m in love with you, damn it.” he whispered to me. I heard his words waver with emotion.
I looked back up to him, my mouth slightly parted. He didn’t stop talking after that.
“ I’m in love with you and I’m going crazy about it. I miss you when you’re not here and when you are you frustrate me because you never say my name and you don’t pay much attention to me. I want you but you’re so damn stubborn that I want to knick some sense into you. Did you know I’ve liked you since the day I turned you? But I’ve only restrained from attacking you because you’re still young and I wanted to see if you would fall for me. But you make holding back so hard I had to get released somehow. Its all your fault I became a player. Its all your fault for making me this way so don’t tell me you’re with Kass because I’ll just die.” he said, finally ending his rant.
All I did was look at him. I swear I thought I felt my heart beat. His eyes were pained and said and frustrated yet full of like and passion and even lust for me. My stomach felt as if it had butterflies in it.
We stared at each other for a long time, not saying a single word. It was sire who sighed and slammed me to the wall again, this time more lightly.
“ Say something, Kira.” he said, his voice full of frustration.
And instead of talking, I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him. Sire was surprised and still for just a second before his arms went around me. He opened his mouth and I slipped my tongue inside. He moaned in pleasure of our tongues dancing together. He pushed me hard into the wall and lifted me up and off of the floor. I folded my legs on his hips, not wanting to break contact with him. He kissed me harder and harder each time and we kept kissing for what felt like forever. We didn’t need to breath so my lips felt hot and bruised already.
His mouth slowly left mine and kissed me until he got to my neck, and he bit down. I gasped and moaned out something that sounded like a yes but I didn’t know. Pleasure zinged through my body as he kept biting me. I looked up and closed my eyes as he grabbed me and crushed me to the wall with his hard, sexy body.
After that, he quickly lifted my shirt and bra off and looked down at my breasts as if they were the most magnificent thing he’d ever seen. My nipples were already hard and insisted he give them attention. I arched my back, moving them closer to him so he could touch them. He did. His mouth went on one and his tongue moved my nipple around. I gasped and groaned, my nerves already alert and my nipples really sensitive. He did the same thing to my left breast and yet again I gasped. His lips were soft and his mouth was hot.
I quickly pulled him up to meet my mouth again and he gladly did as I demanded. I began exploring his chest and back, loving how he felt. His chest was hard and his skin was soft to the touch. I could feel his powerful muscles on his back and how they were working to keep me up and do the thing I loved his hands to do for me. My nails bit into the flesh of his back and he groaned.
I let my fangs out and immediately went to his neck and bit. He made another pleasure sounds and other tiny noises that made me want to hold him harder. I tightened my grip on his hips and he rapidly placed his hands on my hips and squeezed. me closer to him, moving me a little so that my sweet spot was rubbing of on the bulge in his boxers. I stopped biting and placed my head on top of his chest, whining of how much I wanted him in me.
He must have agreed to my plea because the next thing I knew I was lying on his bed and he was taking every little cloth I had left on me. All he had to do was drop his boxers down and I was entirely enraptured on his erection. And wow with a touch of wow, it was something so magnificent I decided to call it the beast.
He crawled back up to me and arched my hips to meet his erection. He felt so good and I felt even more hot as we explored each other’s body. We kissed a bit more before he began to tease me. He rubbed himself on me and I whined whenever he didn’t put it in me.
“ I want it, sire.” I moaned out.
“ Nero, baby girl, not until you call me by my name.” he said, his voice was huskier and I liked how sounded. I made a noise in-between a moan and a whine. I would do anything just so he could claim me.
“ Nero,” I said breathlessly, “ Nero, Nero, Nero, now please put it in me.” I yelled, yes, literally yelled, at him.
His eyes and lips lifted up, now full of more energy than before. He kneeled up and took my thighs with him. He pulled me closer to him and his erection was just about to enter me when he looked back up at me.
“ Are you sure, Kira?” he asked.
I whined, nodding, “ now, Nero, now. Don’t tease me.”
He smiled and slowly he entered my body. I felt him enter me and it was both painful yet pure bliss. I heard him groan as he went in me.
Slowly, he began to thrust in and out in a slowly rhythm. It was a but painful because his erection was a beast. It was a given that I would call it that. But the pain swiftly turned to a pleasurable feeling as he went in and out of me.
He tried to stifle the sounds he was making but I wasn’t having it. I moved my hips up to me his and made him go in me hard. That must have snapped him out of his nice mode because he grabbed my legs and he began to thrust in and out faster each time.
I couldn’t help but literally moan in more than a normal voice. I kept groaning and moaning out his name louder and louder as he got into me.
Each time, he thrust deeper into me, I would see little stars. He was making delicious sounds but I was too busy on how his erection felt inside me. He kept thrusting faster and faster until our climax came and we came together. I sighed and he came down so our faces met. He kissed me slowly and more sweetly this time.
My nerves were still raw so I could feel his hard chest on my belly. He then flopped beside me and his arm became my pillow as I hugged him, one of my legs on his.
“ Wow” we both said at the same time.
“ Mind blowing.” he said. I laughed and nodded to him.
He looked down at me and his smile went wider. I gave him a confused expression.
“ What?” I said.
“ You’re smiling a few seconds, a full genuine smile, Kira.” he chuckled and kissed me on my lips.
“ Well, I don’t like showing expressions but who wouldn’t with what you did to me.” I said, smiling up at him again.
“ You’re twice as alluring when you smile. From now on, don’t show that smile to anyone but me.” he said
“ AS you say, Nero.” I answered.
He pressed me closer to him and I willingly let him. We were quiet for a moment before he spoke again.
“ So…” he said.
“ So” I replied, laughing this time. He looked at me and kissed me on my lips again. I guess he’ll be doing that each time I surprised him.
“ Conri, what was up with that?” he said, his voice turned different.
I pulled myself up on one of my elbows and turned to him and saw him trying to look everywhere but me. Was he jealous?
I smiled down at him, happy that he was.
“ What about him?” I asked.
“ Was he your first timer?” he asked.
I nodded to him slowly. He frowned a little and said nothing me.
I got on top of him and kissed his mouth. He opened his lips for me and I met his tongue halfway. His hands went on my cheeks.
“ Between, a werewolf and a vampire, which sex did you like better?” he asked me.
I laughed at that and smacked him on his tummy.
“ Did you know that I’ve named your boy down there a beast? Does that answer your question?” I said.
He laughed at that, letting me see his smile. I wanted to gasp at how handsome he was when he did that.
“ It sure does.” he said.
We went back to quiet again because he flipped us over and he began to kiss me. One of my hands went around his neck while the other went to do some more exploring of his back.
We were about to go at it again when he stopped. I sighed out a sound of frustration.
“ What now?”
“ What about Kass?” he asked me.
I looked up at him and sighed. What was I going to do with him? I didn’t want to hurt his feelings but I also didn’t want to lose the sire— Nero, now that I had him.
“ I’ll just have to reject him.” I decided.
He smiled sown at me but it was replaced with a sad smile.
“ Don’t be too harsh on him. I know how much of a bully you can be sometimes.” he said.
I gave him a bored expression for that. He laughed and went back to kissing me. This time I had to stop it and he gave me a frustrated look.
“ I have to go and take care of the keepers.” I said.
He groaned out a whine but let me go by going back to my side. I agreed with him there. I didn’t want to go because I was warm and glowing. I eventually sat up and went to take a shower. Nero wanted to get in with me but I rejected his offer and he went back to pout in his bed.
When I came back out of the bathroom, I was back to fresh with all my clothes on. I had eyeliner in my pocket which was good because I looked like a mess with my old mascara smeared on my face.
The sire smiled up at me as I walked towards the door.
“ I’ll be waiting for you in my room before morning comes.” He said.
I blew him a kiss and winked at him before my normal expressionless expression came back on my face. I quickly went down to the kitchen and took out my mug and pulled out a bag of AB-Neg. out and began to pour it into my mug.
“ Wow, girl, who’d you fuck with? Because even though we can’t glow anymore, you’re glowing.” Sauda said from behind me.
I turned around to see that she was smiling, in a happier mood.
“ How’d you know?” I asked.
“ While we can’t glow, the air around you is different. You look more wild and I can tell you want to smile so bad right now.” she said.
I aahed and sipped my drink.
“ So, who’s the lucky guy?” she asked.
“ If you’re thinking Kass, then you’re way wrong.” I told her. When I looked up at her from my drink, I could see relief in all of her body. Her muscles relaxed and her eyes weren’t as intense.
“ What do I care if you had sex with Kass or not, Kira? I don’t mind at all.” she said, trying to play it off.
She knew I wasn’t buying it because I put my drink down on the counter and looked at her with my best ‘did you get that bag from the douche bin?’ look. She sighed and caved in, metaphorically speaking.
“ Fine, I like him, a lot. How’d you find out anyways?” she asked me while was sipping my blood. I looked at her as if she was the most dumbest person in the world, which at this point in time, she was. I sipped a but of blood and spit it all out on her face. Everyone looked at us.
Sauda had closed her eyes and after a moment, she opened them and gave me a bored look, almost as good as mine but not good enough. She wiped her face with her hands and looked back to me.
“ Yeah, yeah, I know, karma’s a bitch.” she said even before I could get the words out of my mouth. I gave her a hint of a smile and winked at her. She smiled and grabbed a napkin and began cleaning her face.
“ Friend, you know me so well.” I sighed to her in satisfaction.
She grunted and just left me standing there all by myself so she could go clean herself up. I was about to leave too, to go to the gym that we had outside but Lestat swiftly came up to me and blocked my way from the door. I wanted to throw him up in the sky with my foot up his buttocks.
“ Hello, Kira, how are you this morning?” he began.
I nodded and sipped my bloody good drink before I answered him.
“ Just fine, lord Lestat, just about to head out to train my keepers.” I mumbled.
He nodded and looked around, then looked back to me, looking at me as if he expected something from him. He looked at my mug and I finally understood. Did he want me to serve him something to drink? Did he think I was a slave or something?
“ Lord, are you by any chance thirsty? Do you want something?” I asked him.
He cleared his throat and stood up a bit taller and was more still, puffing up to look supposedly manly and serious.
“ Uh, yes, sure, why not? Do you have any A-Neg. with tea mixed in it?” he asked me.
OF course, he was British. Oh, and yeah, about the ‘manly’ pose…. it… it just wasn’t working for him. He looked like a tall stuck up girl. Was he already infected with snobphoma or was he already born with it? I was curious but I said nothing and just raised my hand. The vampire next to me lowered her head and I told her to get the ‘man’ what he wanted. She gladly did it quickly and efficiently. When he got his drink in his hand, he sipped slowly. I wanted to roll my eyes so bad but I didn’t because he was a guest and he could suggest the International council to have a different representative for the good new US of A.
“ I apologize that sire and I have not been able to tend to you, lord Lestat, but as you can see, our house is trying to find and get The Ghost before she escapes our grasp.” I muttered out.
“ Of course, I understand, no need to worry because your friend, Sauda, has been showing me a little around. If you mind me asking, may I go and see you train your keepers? I’m curious to as how you keep your keepers fit for anything.” he said, intrigued.
I waved off his compliment, trying to pretend as if I was a british girl blushing by such compliments.
“ Oh, lord, it is nothing. I’m sure there must be other keepers that are much better than mine.” I murmured out.
It wasn’t true, though. I’ve trained my keepers very well and everyone knows our house’s keepers were the best since we had won both the national and international keeper games last year. Many keeper leaders in the games always tried to spy on my children, wondering what the secret to my success was. Like I would ever show anyone; I surely wasn’t going to show this man my secrets either, lord or no lord.
“ Oh, stop it, miss Kira, but yes I want to see how you train them.” he said, more eager this time.
I gave him a slight nod and walked to the back door of the house, he following me. My keepers must have sensed me because they lined up quickly in one big row. I had two hundred ten vampire keepers under me, while the other hundred and ninety had other different types of jobs. Only one hundred five vampires came this early in the morning night, the others would come at the end of the night because they were busy securing the border and watching over the house.
Kass quickly came to me and lowered his head a little. He gland at Lestat and said nothing, his face expressionless, almost as good as mine.
“ Kass” I said bluntly.
“ Keeper leader, they have finished their laps.” he said.
“ Impossible, they all look perfectly fine, not even bending down slightly.” I said.
I looked at my hundred and five keepers but they were all too busy staring (or glaring) at the lord. Their faces showed nothing, just like I had taught them.
“ Well, I had to stop them at some point so that they wouldn’t get tired for the training.” Kass remarked.
“ Fine,” I said and walked back and forward so that I could get all of my keeper’s attention and not have them looking at the stranger.
“ Okay, remind me, what did we do last week?” I asked.
“ Strength” they all muttered out. I nodded and some of my keepers’ faces went up.
“ Okay, which means today we’ll do agility and next week we’ll do some more of emotional and mental control. Ready?” I said in a low voice.
They all nodded and stood up straighter. All of my vampy children sniped or snickered just as I said those words because they knew what would happen next. One way a kept others in the dark was that I used gibberish talk to tell them what they should do so that only we could understand each other. Lord Lestat wouldn’t know what hit him.
“ Okay, today we’ll be peeling the turkey, mashing the pies and you have to use the knife in all of your battles. I’ll be accepting challenges today so if you think you’re ready to beat me, go ahead and try.” I said and they all quickly got a partner and began to fight. I watched over them as they all used vampire speed. I walked around and straightened some people out while I punished others by making them run a thousand laps in five minutes.
“ You know they call her the snow queen?” I heard Kass tell Lestat. My ears perked up and Kass talked a little louder, trying to catch my attention. I stopped walking and just stood there, watching my kids fight and get bloody.
“ Why?” Lestat asked.
“ When Kira fights, she lets her hair down. Now, most people think that stupid because they can grab it but in reality she’s going way too fast that its impossible to catch it and while your eyes can only see her cold, white hair, she’s kicking you ass. Her graceful movements and her fighting technique makes it both effective and look as if its snowing.” Kass explained.
Right, if I was graceful then I would be queen Cleopatra.
“ Would you like a little taste of her fights?” he asked.
“ I would love to, thank you, Kass.” Lestat said.
I cringed, knowing where this was going. I heard Kass whistle, making everyone stop fighting. They all looked to him, wondering why he had stopped their battles.
“ Since lord Lestat is a guest, I have offered to show him a demonstration of keeper leader’s way of fight, how about we all watch so that we can learn something from her.” he yelled out. Every one of my keepers cheered out loud and began to circle around me. I crossed my arms, not liking of what was going to happen next.
“ Keeper leader Kira, would you please spoil us and show the lord some of your fighting?” he asked me.
I had no other option but to accept. I didn’t want the sire to lose his position just because I didn’t want to show the births muffin eating lord how I fight. I nodded and just let Kass do the rest of the work.
“ Okay, how about let us challenge our dear leader to a fight of one against ten.” Kass said. I wanted to frown and slap him until new brain cells grew in his head. He knew that seven was something that I had been practicing but I hadn’t mastered it yet. Did this loser really want to humiliate me in front of the lord? Right, like I would let him.
“ And even more challenging so that Kira won’t feel bad about hurting her opponents, how about we get our ten strongest students in the front.” he said.
He walked into the space that my students had made for me. Oh, so he was gonna fight me too? Fine by me. I gave him a hint of a mischievous grin. He gulped quickly but looked around to get the top ten vampies up in the front.
My ten students stepped forward. They were all in pairs of twos. I had a pair who were the fastest, another pair that was the strongest, another pair that could tell where a next hit would land, another pair that could copy me almost perfectly, and the last, which included Kass, who could fight me to the point of almost, almost winning over me. This was going to be one interesting fight.
I showed them all a quick grin and they all gulped. That satisfied me even more. I stretched my fingers and curled them into fists. I flexed my fingers and curled them into fists. This was going to be an interesting fight. I winked at my ten students before I put my expressionless mask back on.
“ Let the games begin.”

I knew it

I stood still, in the center of my top students. They circled around me slowly, checking me out, trying to find any weak spots I had. Luckily, I didn’t have much but they didn’t know that my weaknesses were in plain sight.
My two fastest keepers, Eara and Faust, were each on opposite ends, one to my left and one to my right. My strongest pair, Aitan and Ida, were both right behind me. My two movement predictors, Preruet and Michel, were on each side of Ida while my copy-cats, Coty and Corette, who were also twins, were both in front of me. My last two top student, Lita and my second in command, Kass were separated, Kass behind me and Lita in front of me.
I tracked them with my eyes and when I couldn’t see them, I used my mental senses to pick them up, they were vampires after all so I was able to track their every move.
Then, in front of me, Aitan and Ida attacked me, sensing that they would aim for spine. I was guessing their feet so I turned around in half a second, grabbed their feet from under them and used my vampire strength to throw them down on their backs. They landed just as I wished but I couldn’t do my happy dance since I sensed Coty about to land a punch on my side. I quickly turned to him and grabbed his arm just before it landed in my gut. I was going to throw him but I couldn’t because Eara and Faust were about to double tag team me from in front and behind me. Instead of going through my plan, I jump up high, making my Coty stand up, taking my place. My students were going so fast that by the time they realized that it wasn’t me who they were about to kick, it was too late. I heard them grunt in pain. I wasn’t too up high so I landed back on the ground, a few feet away from the accident. My top imitator, Corette, came after me quickly, almost as fast as my fastest student, Faust. I turn to her and held out my foot. I quickly kicked right in the chest. I then grabbed her hair and felt pins pricking all of my hand. I didn’t let go and just pulled her down from her hair then jabbed my elbow right under her armpit. She went down quickly and din’t say a word of pain. Smart girl.
I turn back to see Preruet and was about to punch him in the face but he had seen it and moved barely in time to escape. As he was turning away, I saw that there was a small second I could use to take him down but I never got the chance because Michel was about to kick me from behind. I bent down and just before I got to a hand stand, I kicked him on the shin. There were a few tricks up my sleeve that even they didn’t know and he seemed to be so surprised, Michel stopped what he was doing for a few seconds. I had stunned him, not that it was the first time.
I went back to Preruet and was barely, barely, able to escape from it. I felt the wind and the amount of force he had used in it and if it had ever hit me, I would have gone down long enough for the others to attack me.
I went back up and took a quick look around the field. There were only my two runner ups and saw that they were running for me. They must have been waiting for me to finish most of them off so that they would be able to see how I moved and what tricks I had. I felt disappointed in myself that I didn’t catch that but then, I was fighting my top ten best vampy keepers.
Lita was the first to catch up to me and her hand was out, a metallic sharp ended pole in her hand. Was she really going to try and beat me with that?
“ Girl, I know I taught you better than that.” I mumbled out and ran with vampy speed to her. I grabbed the other end of the metallic pole and pulled it towards me. I then let it go through my stomach. It stung like a bag of douche but I made no noise of how much it hurt. I would heel in seconds since whenever I fight, my healing power increases. Lita looked surprised but not long enough for me to do much damage. I punched her in the neck with my flat hands, karate style. She choked a little, grabbed my hand and pulled me down, wanting me to land on the ground but instead of that, I used all of my momentum to slide right under her opened legs and took her hand with me along for the ride. She did a front flip and I somehow knew that she landed harder than she expected.
I stood up and immediately had a second to sense Kass about to grab my hair. My hand flew out and caught his’. Kass chuckled and grabbed my wrist and used it to pull me off the ground and swing me a couple of times before throwing me down to the ground. I knew when he’d throw me so I was prepared to what would happen next. The moment he let my wrist go, I forced my body and it’s momentum so that once my hands touched the ground, I used my hands to give me more momentum so that Kass’s power roll through my body by rolling on the ground and be back to standing, not let his strength be in one part of my back no longer than it needed to. I then turned around and ran to him.
Kass just grinned and ran to me as well. Once we got close enough, we went all out on hand to hand combat. He would try to stick right hooks to my jaw but he missed every time while I tried to throw punches at his chest, gut and sides. I then made a round back kick, landing it in his stomach. Kass grunted a little but didn’t step back. Kass was really strong, I had realized. I was now more determined to make him go down. I did a hand stand and used my legs to wrap around his neck and use my body strength to pick him up that way and throw him to the other side of me. I was also on the ground but only for a second. It must have been enough time to let the rest of my students to get back up. I wasn’t liking this.
Oh, hell, Kass had tricked me. He was only biding time until his mates healed from the damage I did to them. I felt proud that they had at least learned some tricks I didn’t teach them. But while they were growing in skills and brains, I was always and would be always better than any of them, so I knew that to make them grow more, I had to beat the crap out of them.
We fought for a while, me barely escaping punches and kicks while they all went down again and again and again. It wasn’t until I had thrown a full blow right hook at Kass’s jaw that he finally gave up, along with the rest of my challengers. I had slowed down as the fight progressed and while I was as tired as a bitch diseased girl done from shopping, they must be tired enough to actually wish to be re-dead.
I wanted to crumble down to the ground and drink as much AB-Neg. as I could, I couldn’t because the first thing that I had ever taught my keepers was to never show weakness to the enemy, meaning that I even couldn’t go down. Not until I was safe from their views and stares.
I heard claps coming from all around me and I finally looked up to see almost everyone from the house surrounding us. They were all cheering and clapping. I didn’t smile or beam but I nodded, which must have been enough encouragement to keep clapping. I looked around to see if Lestat was still around and saw him at my right, clapping slowly, approval all over his face.
“ How about you join my house? I would be very glad if you accepted my offer to be my keeper’s master.” he said
“ My apologies, lord Lestat but I’m happy where I am now.” I answer him, rejecting his offer. Lestat frowned for one millisecond before his smooth smile returned. He must be pissed but I didn’t care. He was nothing to me.
“ Girl, you got mad fucking skills. And since you gave all of us a show to remember, I brought you five bags of AB-Neg. for you. Anything else you need, oh great keeper leader?” Sauda said to me.
“ How about a little more respect around here? Now, go back to what you were doing. Show’s over. Oh, and have someone burn all the blood here.” I tell everyone.
I grabbed the bags from Sauda’s hands and ripped bit into one. The sweet, rich blood quenched my thirst almost immediately. I felt myself almost about to smile but I stopped my self right before the thought got to my lips.
“ I thought you couldn’t fight ten people at the same time?” Sauda tells me.
“ Miracles happen.” I muttered.
Sauda looked around and so did I, watching everyone else leave as my challengers were helping each other up and probably heading to the kitchen. Lestat was following the crowd, talking to some of my house mates.
I didn’t like him talking to them, not wanting them to give him too much information, though they should know already by now that giving information to a stranger vampy was wrong to the point of being disowned by sire.
“ …to Kira, hello? Kira’s brain, can you please bring Kira back to me because I have some bad news she needs to hear right about now.” I snapped from my thoughts and felt Sauda using her knuckles to knock on my skull. I slapped her hand away and gave her a slightly irritated look.
“ Do that again and I promise you that you’ll be going to the medic room to get your hands and fingers reattached.” I murmured to her. I looked down at my hand that was supposed to hold three of the five blood bags Sauda gave me and found out that I had already finished them. Well, crappers, I really must have been thirsty. I ripped another bag of blood open.
“ Oh there she is. Kira, like I said, you need to go to Hush, right now.”
Now I was on full alert.
“ What? What happened, tell me, Sauda, now.” I command her.
She rolls her eyes but continues.
“ Its been attacked by The Ghost. She left another dead man there. And, Nina….” Sauda didn’t finish her sentence, letting me know something really bad had happened.
“ What, Sauda? Tell me.” I raise my voice a little, putting a little urgency into it.
“ We think she took Ami.” Sauda whispered.
Once the words left her mouth, I was using my vamp speed to get to my car as fast as I could. Sauda followed.
“ I knew it.” I whispered.
“ Knew what?” Sauda asked, curious.
“ That today was going to be the biggest, douchiest day, ever,” I respond, “ Go get me four more blood bags, pronto. I’m assuming sire knows this?” I turn to look at her. Sauda nods.
“ Then go tell Kass and have him accompany sire to Hush. I’ll meet them there. Sauda, you’ll be holding the fort until we come back. Have my top ten patrol the house immediately after they are rev-energized.” I tell her.
“ Yes”
Sauda begins to leave but I stop her just before she gets to the house.
“ Oh, and Sauda?”
“ What?”
“ Don’t tell anyone, and I mean anyone, about this but Kass.”
Sauda nods and quickly goes back in. I grab my car keys from my pocket, start my car, and speed as fast as I can to get to Hush.

The first thing I see in Hush is the ‘closed’ sign hanging in the entrance door. I hurry as fast as humanly possible to it. I open try the knob and see that its open. I enter the coffee shop and look around, trying to see if anyone is there. I could smell Ami all over the place. My heart hurt a little with the thought that it was my fault somehow that she had been kidnapped. I promised that when I found the bitch Ghost, I would do anything in my power to kill her. Because no one messes with my friends and gets away with it.
I could also smell Keir but I know better than to go to him so I did the next best human thing.
“ Hello?” I call out?
“ Oh, thank god you’re here.” Keir yells out to me.
I immediately turn to his direction, careful not to let my vampy speed slip. When Keir got to me, he gave me a huge, hard, hug. I was frozen for a second but patted him on the back, not really knowing what to do. He must be worried about Ami so bad right now.
“ What happened, Keir? Whats going on?” I asked him, separating myself from him.
“ I was just coming to tell Ami good night when all of a sudden, this person dressed in all black comes in and knocks Ami out. Someone tried to help but she killed him and then took Ami with him. Kari, please help me find her.” Keir’s voice was full of sorrow and worry and all he wanted was me to help…..
“ Wait, why did you call me? Why didn’t you call the cops?” I asked him.
“ Ami told me you were in some special task force and that you usually solve these types of things. Plus, Ami would kill me if they forced to shut Hush down.”
I was quiet for a second, weighing my options if I should be angry surprised or just annoyed with my bitch infected friend. That was when Keir took my hands and squeezed them with his. I looked up to see that fear was covering his eyes.
“ Please, Kira, help me get Ami back.” he whispered.
I nodded and slowly peeled his hands off mine.
“ I will, besides, when I’m not being a good friend, I’m at least being a better agent. Show me the body.” I tell him. Finding her would be the least I could do for her since I hadn’t been a good friend for the past year and a half.
He takes me behind the counter, where the kitchen was. He opened the refrigerator freezer and right there, was the dead body of what she thought was a mesh of both human and witch bodies. The sight digested me to the point of almost barfing on it to make the body even more awful.
The stench of two decomposing bodies was way worse than the sight or smell of a burnt one. There were literally maggots everywhere, all over the body, eating any dead flesh in its way. Both their skeletons looked as if they were crushed together, as if to jumble their body parts. Bones were sticking out everywhere and at one moment, a maggot burst out of one of the skeletons’ dead eyeball.
“ You said one body, Keir, why am I seeing two?” I asked him, still looking down at the skeletons of dead humans.
“ Theres two! Oh, hell, I think I’m going to be sick.” he said and rushed off to what I guessed was the men’s bathroom.
“ You’re here, finally.” I said and turned around to see both Kass and her sire standing next to each other, looked down at the body.
“ I know, I guessed right that witches weren’t made of spice and newt guts.” I tell them, nodding a little.
“ You’re one cruel bitch, Kira,” Kass said, a little disgusted, “ Can’t you see they’re dead? In Ami’s coffee shop?”
“ Yeah, I’m getting used to people calling me that.” I sighed, a little sad that they are.
Kass went to me and gave me a hard hug. I was a little surprised by his action, but it wasn’t that shocking since my best friend was missing and two dead bodies were meshed together in a meat freezer.
I was surprised, though, that sire was looking really deadly and Kass’s back. He looked as if it wouldn’t bother him if he murdered Kass then and there.
“ What was that for?” I asked him.
“ I thought you needed a hug. I know how close you and Ami were and how much it hurt that you couldn’t see her as much anymore.” He whispered softly.
I was stunned that Kass had seen all that over the months. I ended up giving him hint of a smile.
The sire about to say something but Keir interrupted us all by entering.
“ Kass? Kass!” Keir ran to kass and they gave each other a manly hug, Kass patting his friend’s back. Men, no show bigger emotion than that.
“ What are you doing here? Did Kari tell you about this?”
“ A little too late for my taste, but yes, she did.” Kass replied.
I hated when people did that, talk about me as fi I wasn’t there. I said nothing, still, because they were having a little bromance and I was amused by how they acted towards each other. I knew Kass and Keir were like girls when they were together but I guess, after so much time apart and not much time of group time, they were still best friends after all.
“ And who’s he?” my friend asked, nodding at the person behind me.
I looked back at sire, he still had a little irritation in his eyes but mostly he was still and calm looking, with all his aura of power.
I didn’t know you spent most of your human life surrounded by so much men, Kira. I don’t like it.

I raised my right brow slightly. Enough for him to understand I was teasing.
Very. From now on, you can’t be around men all the time other than me, you got that, Kira?
I was amused by his way of saying yes to my answer. I gave him a small smile and a small, respectable nod to go with it. It was enough to satisfy sire, for now.
“ Oh, he’s my s… ah….” Kass almost spilled the beans, luckily I was here to pick them up.
“ He’s our boss. When he heard of the news, he wanted to help as much as possible.” I said to him.
“ Yes, I promise you will get your girlfriend back.” Boss said in the most mature voice I had ever heard in a while.
“ Thank you. So, what can you tell of the body?”
I went back to the freezer and bent down to take a closer look at the body. It was very decomposed so it was hard for me to fins any special smell other then decay and maggot feces. Just as I was about to stand back up and shake my head at the guys, I saw something. I hesitated before I bent back down to take a closer look at one of the body’s hand. It was holding a piece of paper tight in its fist. I took my right hand out of my pocket and began to open the hand’s fingers.
“ Oh, really, Kira, must you really cruelly torture a body that has been already dead?” Sire said to me. I looked up at him, amused.
“ And we don’t do the same thing back at our forensics lab, boss?” I asked him, one eyebrow slightly raised.
“ You’re such a bitch today, Kira.” Kass muttered out.
“ And you’re not the douchiest bag of all douche bags, Kass? I mean, my friend was kidnapped and I have no right for my bitch coming out?” I asked him.
Kass stayed silent, not really knowing what to say. I looked to the other guys and saw that they were both avoiding my eyes.
“ Yeah, it’s what I thought.”
I turned back to the body and began to uncurl the dead, bony fingers. Once the hand was successfully open, I took the small sheet of paper. I turned back to face the boys and let them clearly see what I had in my hand.
“ Whats that?” Keir asked.
“ A recipe for how to torture a dead body.” I replied and swiftly un-crumple the paper. Once I had, I could clearly see that it was an address and under the address was what seemed to be a witch spell.
“ Skelto zhaowo aorta.” I said out loud.
Both the skeletons began to move—no, it was the witch’s body that began to shake uncontrollably.
“ What the hell did you do, Kira?” Keir asked.
I turned around at him immediately and smacked him hard enough on the head to make him go unconscious.
“ What the hell did you do that for?” Kass yelled at me, going to his friend.
“ He’s human. He would’ve fainted even if I didn’t hit him.” I muttered.
“ Holy shit.” I heard sire say and I turned around to see what had made him say it. I gasped when I did. The witch’s body was floating into the air, throwing down the human one. The skeleton’s mouth then opened, as if it was going to say something but nothing came out yet did.
Just as it was closing its mouth, a huge gaping whole began to form in the middle of the freezer. Yeah, Ami really wasn’t going to like this at all. That meat freezer cost her a lot of money.
The black whole was now about the same size for a human. And as I thought about it, something began to come out of the whole. My mouth opened slightly.
And then, the whole randomly disappeared, and in its place, it had thrown out a person. And not just any person, because as far as my senses and smell could tell, the person was the Ghost.
The Ghost was all in black and she was still on the floor before she sat up to look around where she was. The moment she saw me, she froze for a second, allowing me to see her muscles tensing up. Yeah, she should be afraid of me.
Anger began to accumulate in me and then I gave her my deadliest glare.
“ You douchey whole of an ass, bitch infected bitch.” I muttered.
That seemed to snap the girl into action. But it was too late because with my vampy agility, I was already grabbing her by the throat.
“ Where is Ami?” I whispered to her.
The Ghost seemed was struggling to escape my hold.
“ The Ghost seams to be human, how about we take away more of her air, sire?” Kass asked him.
“ Not a bad plan, though its going to wear the tiles a bit.” he answered back.
“ I’ll buy her a new floor, of course, once our keeper leader gets the answer out of her.” Kass talked as if this was the most normal thing to do.
“ Fine with me, thought its coming out of your paycheck.” Sire said and felt him begin to run with utmost speed into a circle. Kass did the same. I felt the air begin to get sucked out as heat began to produce from the speed the boys were going at.
“ Now,” I began. The Ghost struggled more and threw in good punches and kicks but it wasn’t enough to let her go. I was way too angry to even feel any of the small damage she was making, “ tell me where Ami is or else you’ll surely die. I don’t lie when I say that my boys can keep up this speed for a long time, long enough to suffocate you while I choke every single amount of air you have in those lungs.”
I said this the at the same time as I was slowly squeezing her throat shut. That made the girl panic even more. I soon began to feel magic around me. Magic felt as if the air around us was damp and the gravity lifting. It took me a second to realize that it was the Ghost who was creating magic around us. I looked at her curiously and a little angry.
“ What the hell are you?” I asked her. I then grabbed the back of her mask and began to pull it off but I only managed to get it off half way before she punched me in the face, though, that didn’t make me let go, fortunately.
“ Your worst nightmare.” she whispered back.
And then out of nowhere, she said a small spell and we were disappearing from Hush’s kitchen. I heard both sire and Kass call out my name and run to me. But it was too late because I was now surrounded with darkness. And the last thing before I blacked out, was the Ghost’s hair.
It was white.

I'm fucked

My sixth sense was on fire.
That the the first sign that I knew I was in some kind of trouble. That was also what had woken me up. My sixth sense was sending everything it got for me to wake up and wake up I did.
At first, I didn’t open my eyes. I used my hearing and my smelling to tell me where I was. My smelling didn’t do much but my hearing told me that I was in a huge empty place. A vampy’s ears are like a bat’s radar, only without all the screeching, which is how we prefer to sense things that we can’t see and why most vampires use it as a sixth sense. But, unlike most vampire, my hearing is a bit more because while I can hear what is around me, I can also hear what is beyond a confined space that I’m in. I can also hear the sound waves of objects or living things that come towards me or will come towards me in the very near future, which is why I can sense things others don’t.
Once I knew I was alone, I opened my eyes as fast as I could. It was as bright as the night, which mean that I could see as if it was human daylight. I turned my head slowly in all the directions it could move. I was in a huge box looking room. The room must have been as dark as caves because I could see everything perfectly well.
“ Good you’re awake.” a voice said from somewhere in the room.
Instead of the expected jump of fright that a man I don’t know would have expected, I only stood as relaxed as I could possibly be. I wanted to look around the room but instead I just quietly walked to what I thought was the back wall.
“ Fuck you too.” I nodded.
The man laughed and then stood quiet for a while.
“ Its an honor to meet you, uh, Kira. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.” he said to me. His voice sounded pleased, as if he had been admiring me for a long time from a long distance.
“ Cool. So, wheres the picture?” I ask him.
“ Pardon me?”
“ You know, a picture of me you took. Just give to me and I’ll sign it with a heart on it so I can go back home and find you and fuck you and Ghost girl up.” I told him as if it was the most obvious thing to do.
“ Sorry to disappoint but you’re going to be here until you either give in or die.” the man says to me in a humorous voice.
“ Figures.” I mutter to myself.
“ Has the hunger set in yet?” the man asked.
Suddenly the urge to feed hit me. It was so intense that I knew if I didn’t control it with all my willpower, the guy would see it and he’d play dirty. The only thing that I couldn’t control was the my fangs were coming out. When a vampire was hungry, our fangs would unconsciously come out. We can live for more than a century without blood but hunger could make any respectable vamp insane.
“ Hunger?” I asked, slightly dazed.
“ Yeah, I made sure that your hunger to feed should start right about now. I drained most of your blood and your body has been trying to stimulate more.” he responded.
“ I can manage. I’ve been hungry before.” I lie. It was hard talking around fangs but I did a well enough job that he wouldn’t suspect that I was intense on blood that I could pounce anything with a heartbeat just about now.
“ Really? Because I know that a vampling as new as you can’t have much control over your hunger. You’re only, what, three years?” he chuckled after.
I said nothing. My fangs were out and I didn’t feel like talking. My throat was beginning to get dry and my tongue felt as if it was taking over my mouth.
Crap, I was in big trouble.
“ How about I stimulate your hunger, Kira? Lets see how much control you really have.” the guy said.
And as he said this, a door opened. There was bright light coming in, blinding me. I forced myself not to hiss but I did scoot back a little. My skin prickled with goosebumps and burned from the bright fluorescent lights.
The smell of a human girl hit immediately the moment my ears caught her heartbeat. I could smell her blood because of the wound the bastards had given her. I willed myself not to turn around to see the girl but it was hard. Her heartbeat was racing and her blood was calling for me. Her blood was also AB-neg, my favorite. I felt like crying, which was pretty bad because no bag of douche had ever made me cry. The worst part was that I knew her.
Because she was my best friend.
“ Kira” her voice said.
“ Hi, Ami.”
Yeah, I was totally fucked.


“ I’m going to kill that bitch for taking Kira. I swear I will…”
“ Relax, Kira’ll be fine.” Kass told me.
“ Where is the keepers? If they are not here in five minutes, I am going to beat them all and make them go hungry for a decade.” I yell as loud as I can.
“ Hey, its only been three hours.”
“ And we still don’t know where she is. Are the witches done tracking the magic yet? I need to know where that magic took her.”
“ Kira’s the keeper leader, sire, I don’t think she’ll be vulnerable or weak against any opponent.”
He didn’t get it. I’ve always been interested in her ever since I turned her. She was the most beautiful, angel looking, sexy, badass human that I had ever turned. She mesmerized me with her hair and her eyes the moment I saw her when I turned her. I had no idea why I felt like I was the luckiest boss whenever she was by me. Kira was starting to become my all, which is why losing her drove me crazy.
“ Yeah but she’s still three years old. She’s too young to know everything about being a vampire. And besides, she’s mine.”
“ Keeper leader?” Kass asked.
I stared at Kass for a moment. I had been keeping a careful eye on Kass ever since I eavesdropped on his and Kira’s discussion. Kass didn’t have a chance at taking Kira away from me. She was too much for him.
“ No, she’s more than just my keeper leader so keep your distance. Now, where are those damn keepers!”
A minute later, the top ten of Kira’s keepers were finally here.
“ Where the second ten?” I asked.
“ Trying to track Kira’s scent.” one of them said.
“ Okay, you all will stay here with me and when the witches are done, we’re heading out and finding Kira, understood?”
“ Yes, sire.” hay all chorused.
I nodded and began to pace back and forward one again.
About half an hour later, a witch came up to me. Kass quickly stepped forward from behind me.
“ We’ve found the location. Apparently, she’s been taken to a downtown basement in new york.” the petite witch said.
I nodded and thanked her. The Ghost was going to pay for everything she was putting me through and Kira will never leave my side for a century the next time she even tried to leave with an enemy. Because now, no matter what, Kira would never be able to hide or escape from me. After calling the NY vampire boss, I turned around to see the top ten lined up and ready.
“ We’re going to run to New York because we’re obviously faster than any car. It’ll take us about half an hour to get there if we don’t stop so grab blood bags and head out.”
And as I ran all I could do was hope that my girl was okay.


“ You just had to be AB-neg, didn’t you Ami?” I whispered to her from far away. She was still by the now closed door and on the floor. I felt myself slowly giving in to the hunger I had.
“ Hey don’t be blaming me for my blood type. Blame my mama and my daddy for that. And who the hell told you be a damn vampire?” she retorted. She had a point. Like hell I would let her have the last word.
“ I had no choice. I like life too much. And besides, I’m trying not to drink your blood because its probably poisoned or infected with all those diseases in the world.”
“ Kira, don’t you dare say I have the bitch disease,” She warned me, a little angry, “ besides, I probably have the SO virus.”
“ SO virus?” I asked, confused.
“ Yeah, you know, the sex obsessed virus. I say virus because its contagious and you have it by now from all those years spending together.”
“ You know, I’m reconsidering you being m friend right now. This isn’t funny.” I sigh out.
“ Right, like you’ll ever do that. You love me too much to even try and choke me.”
Crapola with minced shit, she was right. Now I remembered why I could never really win any fight with her.
“ Oh, never mind, just get up.” I huffed out.
My throat kept getting dry every time I heard my best friend’s heart beat. My thought began to concentrate on the blood that that beautiful heart was flowing to her body. I wanted it so bad like a druggie needed the cocaine or meth or whatever they used these days. Great I was a blood crackie person. I shook my head, trying to get my thoughts to instead concentrate on our conversation.
“ Ami, did they give you any type of weapons?” I asked her.
Ami nodded stiffly. I stared at her for a while, trying to sense her emotions and see how bad they had really treated her. What I saw wasn’t actually bad but it wasn’t exactly good either.
Ami looked to be well fed. Too well fed and she only had some scrapes and bruises that they must have done to either get her here or to tempt me to bite her. Her clothes were a little dirty and ripped up and from what I could smell was that they hadn’t touched her but she was soaked in both dry and new sweat. Her breath was a little shallow but that must be because she might be a little thirsty and afraid of me. And then Ami swallowed.
It was a big mistake on my part because it made me think of her sweet smelling blood. It killed me a little that I was actually thinking of my best friend’s blood as a strawberry smoothie.
“ Yeah,” Ami said, pushing my thoughts back to reality, “ they gave me a knife and a sharp stick which I’m guessing is a stakey thingy? Wow, we’re totally screwed. You’re a tired vampire that needs blood right about now and I’m the snack that is too tired to move and getting sleepy every moment.”
“ Yeah.” I sighed.
I couldn’t let this mystery dude win or get to me by tempting me with Ami’s blood. Ami yawned, making me worry. If Ami fell asleep right about now, I might bight her without her having a chance to even defend herself against me. Thought of me drinking her blood just creeped me the hell out. It brought back the memories of my vampire attack and how I was hopeless against the bag of douche perv with mental breath issues. I didn’t want Ami to be like me and ruin her life.
I closed my eyes and began and tried to crawl into myself but that was impossible. Unlike most newbies who could do it in a flash, I had a little trouble a little. But something that I was good at that others weren’t was that I could convince myself for a long time that I don’t to feed. This skill is, how sire had put it, rare even among the oldest vampires. It was a good thing that my body could secretly feed off of energy around me and could block the energy that I didn’t want to feed off of.
I concentrated into my thoughts and began my mantra.
I don’t need blood. I don’t need blood. Feed off the non-living. Feed off the non-living.

I then added a little of my mantra that allowed me to specify on what I couldn’t feed on or off of.
Not Ami, Not Ami. Not Ami. NOT AMI

I kept repeating these words for a few more seconds until I began to feel myself feeding off of potential energy from non-living, and a little of non-living moving things from outside. I felt myself getting a little stronger little by little.
I suddenly mostly stopped thinking about Ami’s blood and slowly my fangs began to retract little by little.
I let my breath I didn’t know I was holding out and began to slowly stand up.
“ Finally couldn’t take it? Finally gave up Kira?” the guy asked.
I said nothing and just focused on staying up until I had enough energy to walk. Once I had, I slowly walked to Ami’s body on the floor?
“ Oh, damn, does that mean I have to stake you?… I really like your shirt and… I want to keep it but a blood stain… or a whole in the chest won’t… really be my type of thing to wear… Well, maybe it is but…. Fuck all mighty, Kira… please don’t make me kill you.” she huffed out, yawning in some places of her speech. My lips twitched up for a moment before I went back to my bored, lazy, and tired as heck face.
“ You won’t have to, crazy Ami,” I say, lifting her up into my arms. I began to walk into the farthest corner, away from the door, “ I promise I won’t drink you like hot chocolate or even eat you. I don’t like human meat, too weird tasting. So go back to sleep. I’ll protect you.” I whisper to her.
Ami manages a smirk before she yawns one final time and then snoozes off to sleep. Lucky bitch, she actually gets the chance to zone out on this part of nightmare down pervy street lane. I lay her down slowly and gently down to the corner I chose for her.
“ Wow, you really can control your urges. But can you fight and defend while you’re in that weak stage of yours?” the guy asks.
I turn around and who I see doesn’t really surprise me.
“ Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?” Ghost says.
“ Pretty much, yeah, wanna know why?” I ask her. She crosses her arms and takes a step towards me, nodding.
“ Because you’re probably really going to regret for hurting my best friend. You have no idea how powerful I can be when it comes to protecting what is mine and the things I care about.” I tell her.
“ Well”
“ Well” I agree.
She pauses for a moment and then smiles at me, slowly getting into a fighting position.
“ Lets see how much of those words are true.”

About damn time

Ghosty girl slowly walked towards me. She was halfway to me before she stopped. I turned to face her, a micro smile in my face.
“ I find nothing in this situation funny so why are you amused, Kira?” she demanded of me.
I took in her outfit one more time to make sure that I wasn’t getting anything wrong. She was black spandex leather pants and a black tank top with white high heels. She wore no jewelry or any weapons that I could see. In short, she was walking naked into a very dangerous predator’s den. Thats when I smirked.
“ Sorry, did I miss a joke?” she asked me, placing her hands on her hips.
“ Nothing you’d like to hear but if you insist. I was laughing that you look like a black and white bunny.” I told her.
“ Excuse me?”
“ You heard me, diseased bitch who works with a pervy bag of douche that shows signs of pussyitis,” I paused, frowning. I really had to find a way to shorten my insults, “ Like I said, you look like a black and white innocent bunny that is as weak as she looks.” I murmur.
That was all it took for her to snap.
She leaped from where she was and was looking as if she wanted to kick me in the face. The sad thing about this was that she wasn’t as fast as I was, which kind of left her with a big disadvantaged. Once she was close to kicking me, I did the fastest turn around and bent down and lifted my leg up to kick her own legs away from me. She went flying and slammed to a wall. The wall sanded a little, making me smile. Now I only needed a few more minutes.
She raced to me the moment her feet touched the ground. Once she was about to punch me, I went in for a defensive block. I quickly turned around to see where Ami was when I finally realized she was going to try and push me her way so Ami would get hurt in the process.
I stand my ground and quickly cross my arms. She punches where my arms meet, taking the force of her punch and rolling it through my body. I hear a crunch but I can’t tell if it was from me or her. I quickly grab her leg and throw her to the ground. I hear her grunt before she tries to punch me again.
“ Nice try but I’m better than you.” I whisper to her.
“ Really?” some behind me asks.
I turn around quickly but I don’t get a chance to see the man because bright fluorescent lights turn on from all over the room and while I was stunned for a few seconds, Ghost jumped and caught me from behind, holding a wooden knife to my throat.
The light blinds me completely because it was energy that came from the sun, which isn’t dangerous but it does weaken a vampire. It weakens to the point near poisoning when its a vampy thats as new as me is exposed to it. And that with the fact that I was feeding off of anything non-living, I was poisoning myself even more.
I quickly stopped myself from consuming the energy and just focused on feeding anything but the energy of the lights. I then began to rely completely on my nose and on my ears, shutting down my whole vision center. What I heard was amazing, something I had never experienced because I had never done this before. I not only could hear everything, it felt as if I could actually see everything (without color of course) because of the sound waves that bounced off of everything. I could even see the mysterious man.
He was about five inches taller than me and he was as thin as a cigarette and had big hair that wasn’t exactly curly. I couldn’t see any color, of course, but I could see that his features were soft and his eyes were a little big but in young way. His nose was pointy and his lips were thin. His arms and legs looked thin as bones themselves. Oh, and his lashes were long. Instantly off the bat, I somehow knew he was cruel and merciless and a big bag of shitty douche. I really wasn’t going to like him.
“ So, I have your friend Ami in my arms and I think she’d really like to go to the next world now. But look, she can either go there or be turned to one of you, with your help of course.” creepy man said. I made a sound in my throat that was in-between a hiss and a growl. The man laughed. For the record, I didn’t like to be laughed at, especially in front of my face.
“ So, what would you prefer, Kira? Your friends blood or yours?” He teased, placing a knife to my friend’s throat.
“ Don’t threaten me, it won’t end well.” I whisper to him.
“ Oh, I know! How about you get both their bloods my love?” Ghost said, a laughing tone in her voice.
Love? Wow, to think that two evil people can fall in love. Torture must be their favorite pass time, I bet.
“ Yes, take both their bloods and add two more tropes into our hall of fame.” he said in a dark tone. I tightened my lips and furrowed my brows a bit. I didn’t like where this was going. I mean, I might look great on a trophy case but that didn’t mean that I’d liking sharing that special place with anyone, especially Ami of all bitches.
“ I’m going to say this one, more, time. Do. Not. Threaten. Me.” I said slower, my voice sharp.
“ Oh, she has a temper!”
“ I wanna see how far you will allow me to knife your friend before you break or she dies. Your only two options are those so hurry and choose. I don’t like waiting.” Creepy guy says.
Right, like I don’t really have a short fuse. I then heard creepy dude begin to cut where her collar bone was. The smell of metal mixing with fresh blood angered me. This was not going to happen for long. I was sure of that.
I tried to pull away but I couldn’t because two things happened: One, the wooden knife began to cut my throat and two, the smell of my favorite blood type froze me in place. The desire to suck all that blood and cover my body with it was almost as powerful as my control. As each second passed, my own control began to weaken me. The fear that I could potentially kill my friend forced me not to even try to get near her. But the idea of doing nothing enraged me, blowing most of my fear away.
I was now gasping for air as my hunger began to grow and the energy from the non-living objects weren’t enough to keep me strong.
“ Look, she’s shaking! She’s hungry for her friend’s blood.” I faintly heard Ghost say to her lover.
I realized she was right, I was shaking. And it was growing by the minute. I felt something wild begin to unravel inside me. My vampire instincts wanted to take over but I denied them the control they wanted. I knew that if I let them take the reigns, I would lose myself completely and go and stay mad for the rest of my time until someone killed me.
I really didn’t need that right now.
But I couldn’t do anything because my iron strong will began to get eaten away by my wild vampy’s instinct’s thirst for what she wanted. For what I wanted. I was shocked to learn that that wild vampy was actually part of me. The part of me that I feared. And of all things that I didn’t want to do, I surely as fuck didn’t want to let my insane, wild part out of her cage. That just wasn’t my type of party.
“ Come on, Kira. I know you want to.” the guy teased.
Ghost laughed.
I wanted to snap back but I couldn’t since I was fighting with myself. I could smell the knife cutting deeper and deeper into Ami’s collar until it was just a few millimeters from her bone.
That was all it took.
I quickly found something ancient in my inner self. It was something I had never seen or felt before. In my mind, I could see a small ball that was a mix of silver and gold fluid. It looked silky and smooth….
And it was calling for me.
The urge to grab it was strong but I hesitated. It wasn’t until I heard Ami begin to hiss in pain did I finally make up my mind and called the ball to me. Little strings of liquid silver began to flow into me and spread all over my body. Once it reached my mind, I opened my eyes.
I could now see everything crystal clear. I began to shiver fast, and once I was shivering to the point that others wouldn’t be able to see it, I somehow knew that taking a step forward with the wooden knife to my neck wouldn’t kill me.
Because I went through it. I quickly turned around to see the Ghost’s surprise. It made me just a little more mad. I looked into her and saw the raw energy of her life force that had been fed by blood for just a few years. Somewhere in my mind said that that life force could give her energy that would last enough to not feed from Ami and to kill creepy guy. I walked toward her but Ghost took a step back. I glared at at her, freezing Ghost. I saw her shake in fear but I didn’t care. She had put me through enough hell that I just wanted her energy force. I walked to her again, this time with my hand held out. Ghost stayed perfectly still and in place.
Ghost quickly began to relax little by little until I got there. Once I was near enough to feel her warm breath in my face, I dipped my hand into her heart. My hand went through her skin like water. Her life source was bright but small and smelled really good. When my hand touched her energy source, I heard Ghost gasp.
“ My lady, “ she whispered to me. I looked up at her and saw that she was giving me a sad smile.
I caged her light with my hand and quickly pulled it out of her. I thought I heard a small string that held her life source in place snap. I quickly swallowed it. A burst of sweetness covered my taste buds. The ball felt silky and it tasted sweet and sour and salty all at the same time. I smiled when I swallowed it.
Ghost fell to the ground and the moment her body touched the floor, her bones and flesh turned to ash and earth. I looked down for a moment but quickly turned to creepy guy when he talked.
“ Holy shit.”
When I turned to him, he quickly closed his eyes. His hands began to shake so bad that he threw Ami’s body to the ground. When he did, the whole room fell to the ground, becoming into ash as well. I smiled at him. Dude gulped.
“ Thats what happened when I feed off of anything but blood.” I murmur to him.
The creepy guy then took out a small stake shooter and began to shoot me with it. I winced every time a stake hit my heart and stomach and shoulder. Each time a stake hit, I yanked them out. My body quickly healed with the help of Ghost’s energy light. I kept walking towards him but he backed away quickly.
That was when I noticed that he was a vampire. It surprised me a little but then I smelled that he obviously covered his essence by wearing a gold cross necklace.
“ You didn’t want me to know you were a vampire?” I asked.
He shook his head and then suddenly stood still the moment I reached him. He turned his face up to me, as if he was trying to look at me and gave me a big smile.
“ We’ll surely meet once again, Miss. Kira, now that I finally found you.” he whispered.
I was still trying to make out what his words meant when I heard a big swiping noise. I blinked for a second and when I opened my eyes again, he was gone.
Leaving a huge knife made gashing X that went from my shoulder to my stomach and hips. I was actually surprised that a vampire could have that quick of a reflex that even I didn’t know he had hurt me.
I then began to feel how deep he had cut. I gasped a little. My body began to heal itself but because of Ghost’s life light had finally stopped feeding me, I was beginning to think that I was royally screwed. I then turned around and looked down at Ami’s body. The sight of blood was enough to make me back away from her and bring me to my knees. I barely had energy left and I was too tired to feed off of non-living things. And to top it all off, my inner silver silk string was going back to mix with the gold looking fluid. Apparently, I was also too weak to call to it.
That was when I heard a huge door being knocked out. Really, Really? Just as I was dying, more enemies had to come?
“ Kira!”
Worse, the knights in shining armor had finally come to my rescue, way too late.
“ About damn time!” I whispered, taking most of my breath away.
In a flash, sire was kneeling my my side. He carefully put me in a sitting positions, using one of his hands as a pillow. I looked up at him to see that he was wearing a very concerned face.
“ Oh, like you’re the one whose suffering from an X gashed into you by a wooden knife.” I said to him and my attempt at an exasperated tone.
“ You’re going to be all right.” he told me sweetly.
“ Before you throw all of my efforts to waste, how about you go ahead and get Ami to a doctor. She’s gonna need it.” I mutter. “ Plus, I don’t want to smell her blood anymore.”
“ On it.” I heard Kass say. Turning my head to one side, I saw that Kass was now carrying Ami into his arms. I nodded in approval.
“ Bring her to our doctor.” I add.
Sire gives me a confused look.
“ She knows.” was all I could muster to say. Sire shushed me and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. Quickly he yelled behind him for someone to give him a bag of blood. Surely enough, one of my top ten went to him and handed him a bag of my favorite blood type. I instinctively took it in one swift movement and sucked it all up in mere seconds.
Yeah, I was thirty as heck.
Sire chuckled and I just scowled at him.
“ Well, are you going to look at me the whole time or are you going to take me home?” I asked him.
The boss kissed me on the forehead before he answered. “ Both”
I gave him a faint smile before I closed my eyes.
“ Oh, no you’re not.” he tells me, shaking me a little. I opened my eyes to see him with that stupid worried face.
“ What now?” I asked.
I finally saw how ride I was since I wasn’t getting pissed off.
“ You’re not sleeping until you drink your blood.” he commanded.
I slightly pouted but it disappeared and was replaced with a face that held no expression, hiding the pain I was getting when sire picked me up with his hot strong arms.
I was handed another bag and another. I felt my energy and sanity being regained with each bag that I sucked dry. I also felt my woulds healing enough to get me out of the danger zone, but by barely.
It was the that I yawned and began to feel sleepy.
Sire had slowly walked me to a black car that was waiting for us and he gently got in with me and sat down, never setting me down. It was then when I yawned.
“ Wake me when when we get home.” I whispered to him.
“ Yes” he replied, caressing my cheek again.
“ And don’t leave my side.” I yawned out.
I looked up at him and saw that he was smiling. He bent down and kissed my lips gently with his soft lips.
“ Of course.”
With one last look at his smiling face, I immediately dosed off.


“ Kira”
some whispers in my ear. The cool breath calming me for some reason. Yes, some vampies breathe just because it makes a cool tingle wherever it touches. But thats not the point. the point was that I was alive.
I opened my eyes to see my sire right above me, smiling. I just stared at him for a long, long time.
“ You need to feed.” he whispers to me.
I gave him a confused stare. “ What?”
“ You were knifed by wood and the only way that you’ll heal is if you feed on me. Now, feed.” he explains.
I look down at myself and see that I’m still wearing the same clothes I had on and that the gash was still pretty nasty looking. I looked up at him, at his neck. I licked my lips.
“ You’re hungry, I can tell, and I’m hungry for you, Kira, so please indulge me until tomorrow night.” he says.
What? My inner clock told me it was already ten in the morning. I must’ve slept for less five hours. I looked up at him and put my hands on his chest.
“ Feed me, sire.” I whispered to him.
Sire smiled and kissed me while I slowly moved my mouth to his neck. I felt my fangs grow and in seconds, I was on him. I turned us around and I lied on top of him as I began to suck that beautiful liquid out of him. Again, his blood was sweet and delicious. I felt him grab me on the hips and grind me to him. I slowly moved my hips around his groin, each time pressing myself harder to him. He made that delicious sound that would satisfy me to no end.
Then, we were taking our clothes off. He ripped the remainder of what I had on and pulled his pants and boxers off and ripped his shirt off. We were on each other once we were completely naked. I went back to kissing him, already done feeding, feeling my wounds finally closing up.
I felt breathless ( felt because vampires don’t have to breathe) and dizzy every time his lips touched mine and I made embarrassing noises every time his fingers touched me. He grabs and plays with my nipples and he fingers me and kisses me passionately in my lips and neck and everywhere. I explored him just he was exploring me, making me feel electric and alive.
Sire makes me feel weak and powerless yet I love how he can just take control when I don’t have any. I begin to feel the heat that we’re creating me, which can be both a good and a bad thing. This morning, it was a good thing.
“ Be mine, Kira.” he whispers to me as he kisses.
“ Yes.”
My sire smiled at me and I smile in return. The word came out of me unconsciously but I couldn’t take it back. I actually didn’t want to take it back because for once, I thought I could actually have a chance at…. the L word. When he said that, it made me want to do it. I wanted him. I wanted him to take me.
“ Say my name.” he whines.
The urge for him slowly takes over.
“ I want you.” I moan.
“ Say my name, Kira.”
I don’t say anything because I’m afraid to know what would happen if I did.
“ Please” I finally look up at him to see that his face is covered in pain. Was the urge for me to say his name that bad? Something in me broke when he showed me of how much I was hurting him.
“ Nero” I whisper to him.
Suddenly a wave hit me somewhere inside. I felt the bond between us grow. And it felt good. Nero smiled and then he slowly went inside me. I smiled, happy that he was finally giving me what I wanted. Satisfaction.
“ Again” he says.
“ Nero” I say again, smiling of how he felt inside me and how great it felt to have our bond grow stronger.
“ Again” he whines as his head touches my shoulder.
“ Nero, Nero, Nero”
He speeds up a little and goes deeper every time. I ahed and groaned to the point of screaming. But what made it so much better was that as I kept saying his name, we were growing closer and stronger. It was the most amazing thing that I had ever experienced in my life.
I felt great.

* * *

“ So, you and the boss are an item, huh?” Sauda whispered into my ear.
“ Hope your big mouth hasn’t spilled yet.”
“ Right, like your little insults even puncture my hearts.” she answers me.
I don’t say anything.
“ Fine, just remember to keep me updated since I am one of your best friends.” she says before she goes back into the house.
Its good to see Sauda happy again, which meant that Kass had fixed his mistakes. I look back out to my little troupe of keepers.
Oh yeah, this is going to be fun.
“ All right my little devils, lets start our training for the day.” I yell out loud.
Everyone immediately takes a buddy and begin to fight hand to hand. Well, everyone but Kass, since he was my second in command.
“ Hey, are you all right?” he asks me for the umpteen time.
I turn to him and stare for a very long time, making him uncomfortable. He had been asking me the same question for days and it was starting to get on my nerves. At first I just made sarcastic comments but he, along with everyone else there knew I was hiding something. Ever since the incident, they had been trying to open me up and tell everything, and I did, but only to a certain point. I didn’t tell them of how I had killed the Ghost or how I got the energy to kill her and how the rest of the ashes had turned to dust.
I was a little scared, thought I would never admit it, of what they would think of me. Probably that I was crazy and going out of my mind or that I was just traumatized, which is the most idiotic thing I had ever heard. I was also afraid of what they would think r do if they knew how much power I actually. The fact that I fed from non-living things and grab something from inside me and even use it to take Ghost’s life energy away freaked me out. At first I didn’t know what to feel of it but eventually I got the hang of myself and just face the fact that I had killed someone in a way that I didn’t know I could. What actually kind of comforted me was that Ghost would never kill again and that I was sort of badass because of the special secret ability I had. But the fact that the creepy guy had escaped just made me wonder what would happen in the future. I told only Nero about it and he swore never to tell anyone unless I said so.
And about Ami, she turned out to be fine. She woke in my house, inside our vampire doctor’s patient room. They also asked her questions but she just told them that she didn’t know how she got there or who the guy was but when I was fighting them she had already past out. My keepers were pissed that they couldn’t find the name or a description of the guy but I just told them to relax because I was going to do everything to find him.
I was just glad she was fine and a little freaked to find out everyone in my house, including Kass was a vampy like me. But after a few days, she got used to it and doesn’t really care much that I am one since to her, I was the same old me. I was glad she was okay.
“ Right, sorry.” he says.
His voice snapped me back to reality and just gave him a slight nod. I was about to turn back to see my keepers fight when he began to talk again.
“ So, did you make up your mind yet?” he asks
I gave him another slight nod.
“ Well?”
I sighed, a habit that I had noted to try to get out of. I was a hot vampire now, not some human. The only thing that was a downer was that I could still get infected with diseases. Bitch disease was enough for me but who knows what else I could catch.
“ I’m sorry Kass, but I can’t be your girlfriend and I think you know why.” I answer.
“ Because you don’t want to hurt my feeling when you actually like our sire?” he asks, a sad smile staring right at me.
“ No, because I’m afraid that little bunnies will find our combined forces terrifying. and turn into wolves and kill us.” I say, which isn’t my best sarcastic phrase.
Kass chuckled.
“ Fine, I’ll take your answer. I’m a little heartbroken but just the fact that you’re happy comforts me that you didn’t like me just because I’m not good looking.”
“ You’re one of my best friends, bag of douche, its why I can’t go to the next level with you.” I tell him.
“ Yeah, I know.” Kass puts his hand on my shoulder.
I give him a slight smile.
“ There, thats the smile I was looking for.” he says.
Kass soon left after that to check on our children of keepers. I start to get hungry again, which has been happening for a while but I think its because my body was fighting back the remainder of the sun energized light beams that the creepy guy had turned on. It just proved I was very weak and in order to get stronger was to get exposed by it more so that my body would be able to tolerate it just a little bit so more. Something I didn’t want to be was weak, especially for my keepers and my sire.
I had just got to the entrance when I saw that Nero was waiting for me there. He was smiling that sexy smile that he only gave to me. I didn’t do a thing, though, since I loved playing hard to get.
“ So, when are we going to tell the rest of our kids?” he asks.
Oh, right, since that night, only a handful of my keepers knew that we were actually something along the lines of together. I had threatened them that if they told a soul, I would give them hell in training and I would infect them by exposing them to the bag of douche disease.
“ How about a month from now. You have work to do and besides, Lestat is coming back check up on things since we kind of blew him off last time.” I say.
Nero grimaces.
Yeah, when we had come back home from the road trip, sire had told me that he had already left and gave him a note that said he would be back to evaluate how things are going along sometime next week.
“ Yeah, at least now he’ll be given the attention he deserves. He thrives on attention by the way.” my boss adds for me.
I ignore him and walk past him, almost halfway to the kitchen. It was then when he called out to me.
“ Keeper Kira, be back in my office this morning at five, we have to ‘discuss’ somethings for when Lestat comes back.”
I’m happy that my back was turned because I just couldn’t help the smile that was growing in my face. I stopped and covered it with my hand until I had a little composure back. When I did, I turned to him and gave him a slight nod.
“ Of course, sire, but you don’t have to yell. It makes you look like you’re pining for me.”
Then, I sharply headed to the kitchen. His chuckle was the last thing I heard.
It was good to feel like my douchey life, or , uh, undead life was turning better than I thought it would be.

To Be Continued….


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.10.2011

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