
“Aaaahhh!” Kii screamed, my 3 years old sister. “Now what?” I thought. I walked into her room and turned on the lights. There she was, lying on the floor. Her long, curly, tangled, dark brown hair covering her small round face. I went to her and picked her up. She’s not that heavy. Actually, she’s not heavy at all. She’s only been eating milk and cookies, her favorite snack.
“What’s the matter, Kii?” I asked her. “There’s a monster under my bed, Kristi.” She answers in a small, shaky voice. “No, there’s no such things as monsters.” I grumble. “Yes, there is.” she argues. I catch a glimpse of our dog under the bed. “It’s just C.J see?” I go under the pink bed and take out the white furry dog out. “Now can you go to bed? Mom is going to kill me if she knows you’re still awake.” I say. “Can you read me a story than?” Kii asks. I was about to say no but that’s the only way to make her asleep. So instead I say, “Okay.” I took out a thick book from the self and started to read it to her. After a while, she’s asleep. I cover her up with a blanket. I turn off the lights, and go back to the porch. Some weird but good song was on. I sat in the middle of the steps and soon enough fell asleep.
“Kristina!!” I woke up. Did someone just call me? I decided I dreamt it because no one calls me by my real name. I realize I’m shivering. As I walk to my room, I hear it again. “Kristina!!” Wait. It’s mom. I run up the stairs to the kitchen. She’s there, looking at my pale blue eyes. I look back at her chocolate brown eyes, just like Kii’s eyes. The pang of jealousy hits my stomach with surprise. Not now, I push that aside for now. “Why weren’t you at school today, Kristina?” she asks. “Oh…How do you know that?” I ask her. “’Cause I went to your school to return your phone you left at my room last night.” She says. How could I have forgot that! I tried to think of an excuse. “Kristi….come on…” she said. She knew me too well so I couldn’t lie to her. So I said, “I missed the bus ’cause I woke up at 7:50.” “Krist-!” I covered her mouth with my hand. “Kii’s sleeping!” I whispered. “So, you are grounded for 3 days. Getting up at 6:00, back home by 9:00.” she said. “Mom!!” I whined. “And doing the dishes for 3 days.” She added. I took a deep and claming breath. I ran for the stairs. “Wait, Kristi. You have your driving lessons from tomorrow.” she said in a quite voice. I looked at her with my thousand watt smile and hugged her, then I ran for my bedroom.
My room is light green. It’s really claming. There are posters of skateboards and actors and pictures of me and my family in frames, I bought at the drug store. And there is another picture below my bed, in the box. Actually, make that two pictures. There are glowing stars on the ceiling. The bed is blue and the carpet below is soft, furry pink. I took my ipod out of the drawer, beside my bed, and tried to sleep with the music floating in my head.
The next morning, I work up at 6:30. I took a shower and waked Kii up. I dressed her up for school and made her some eggs and bacon. While she was eating, I went upstairs to get dressed. I wore my usual gym clothes- a white tank top with black shorts and black high-tops. My hair was still wet. My hair is the simple, boring dark brown and up to my waist and it takes hours to blow dry it. So I just left it out.
I went downstairs to find Kii playing with her Barbie dolls. I helped her put on her shoes. “Mom!! Let’s go!!” I screamed. She came downstairs and put on her shoes. She was in her jeans, so she will be at Aunt Maul’s all day. My mom works at the hospital, as a nurse. And sometimes she works at a bookstore. Well, it’s not a bookstore, it’s the bookstore. It’s the only bookstore you can find in this town. There’s not even a library. And my mom owns it. I work there with mom, Ray and Jane. But we’re still hiring, since it the only bookstore. So when she has her off, she’s usually at aunt Maul’s. Aunt Maul is mom’s favorite sister out of 3. I can’t even imagine what they do there! Sitting and gossiping, maybe?
As we were approaching the door I said to my mom, “You two go and wait for me in the car, I’ll be right back.” I ran back in my room and took my book bag out. I took my phone, ipod and a rubber band out of my desk drawer. I shoved them in my book bag. I took out a jeans and a pink shirt from my closet and shoved them in my book bag too. My homework was already there. Now I was ready. I looked at my reflection on the mirror for the last time and ran to the car.
After I finished exercising and swimming I checked the time. It was 7:30! Oh god, I was late for the driving lessons! I changed really fast into my jeans and shirt. I was in time for the bus. I took out some change from my pocket and put it in the slot.

“Bye mom, bye Kii.” I kissed both of them on the forehead and jumped out the car. “Bye Kristi!!” Kii screamed out of the window. “Don’t be late!” I waved to them until they disappeared from the road.
I went in this house and expected to find someone. But to my surprise nobody was inside! Mom had said the place is in Rain Street and I was in Rain Street. When I went outside the board said “For Sale”. It was a store. When I looked at the building next to the store it said “Roderick’s Driving Lessons.” I started to laugh. It was right next to the store and I didn’t even see it! People stared to stare at me so I stopped laughing. When I entered the driving place, there was a guy on the counter. He was hunched over, trying to fix something down on the ground. So all I could see was his morning brown hair.
“ Excuse me?” I asked him. “What!?” He said with a sharp tone. He turned around at the sound of my laugh. “Sorry. How can I help you?” He looked embarrassed. Even blushed. “I’m here for my lessons.” I told him. “Your name, please?” “Kristina Collins.” I answered. He checked the computer. “You are 20 minutes late. Your teacher is long gone.” He looked at me. “Damn it.” I mumbled. Mom is going to officially strangle me now. He took in my expression and I saw a small twitch at the corner of his mouth. I narrowed my eyes and said, “That mouth better not be laughing at me!” He chucked and replied, “I could teach you, if you would like.”. “That’d be great! Thanks. As long as you don‘t laugh at me.” I smiled. He smiled back.
“Nice car.” I said. It was red one with the open roof kind of thing. “Thanks. I got it for my 16th birthday.” So he was older than me. That was obvious. He towers over me. And I’m 5’6. He opened the door of the driver seat. I got in, he went to the passenger side. “Okay, now I get to know you.” He said taking out a bunch of papers. “Do I get to know you?” I asked. He grinned at my easy joke.
That’s how come both of us started to fill out the papers. When we were done we exchanged it. His named was Jacob, nickname Jake. He was 17. That surprised me. Yeah, right. He was 6 feet tall. When I was done reading I looked at him. Brown hair, and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. And the longest eyelashes I ever saw on a boy. Then he looked right at me and smiled. My heart did a triple flip. I looked away. What was that!? I could feel the blood rush to my face. The time on the dasher was 8:43! Oh god! Now I was late for school. He must think I’m a freak. “Hey, look. I am late for school. Umm… can I come tomorrow and we can start the lessons?” I asked him. He smiled and said, “ You seem to be late for everything, Kristina. How about I give you a ride to the school?” My heart beated furiously when he said my name, and his last words made it faster. “You don’t have to go to your school, Jacob?” I blurted the words before I even thought about it. He said, “I go to the same school as you.” Why didn’t I think of that. How can I be more stupider? Then he got off the passenger seat and opened the driver’s side. I got off and went to the passenger side. “Hey, call me Kristi.” I said. That was better right? “Hey, and call me Jake.” He mocked me and laughed. I rolled my eyes.
It was silent in the car except for the song on the radio. But it was not the awkward kind of silence. It was the kind of silence where you are afraid that if you talk you are going to break the moment. There was no need for words. When we reached the parking lot of the high school, no one was outside. And that proved we needed an excuse. He came up with one. To Mr. Klan, he said, “I lost my phone in the Y and Kristi was helping me find it.” And he gave a real innocent smile. I grimaced. The teacher looked at both of us with narrowed eyes but gave us the pass anyways. Wow, he was good. I can never get past Mr. Klan. He was such a, well, a teacher. When we were out of earshot I thanked him and said see you later. He smiled down at me and walked away. The last I saw of him was his red baseball cap. I went to my locker and took out my books. I heard hoots of laughter coming from the hallway. They were coming to me. They were my friends, Blake was talking to Rosie and Jas. And Drew, Robby and Chelsi were checking out each others ipod.
“Hey guys. S’up?” I asked. Robby was the only one who bothered to look up. “We’re cool. You seem to be a little late. And you don’t look like you ran like the wind to come here.” He looked at me suspiciously. When he said that everybody seemed interested. They all looked up at me. So I told them about my day and about Jake. “Hey, enough about your life.” Chelsi said. I rolled my eyes. Chelsi was your regular girly, girl. But she was nice enough. “Sara has a party tomorrow at her house. And everyone is invited. Well, everyone from the cheerleaders club. And of course their friends.” She informed us. Everyone started saying they’ll be there. “What time does it start?” I asked nervously. Eyebrows were raised. She looked at me and said, “It starts at 6:00 and ends at 8:30.” I sighed in relief and they sighed with me. They just knew me too well.
We were at the gym doing physic ed. I hate physic ed. Ms. Rags loves torturing people by telling them to run all around the school, especially me. Ugghhh, I hate her so much. I am definitely not athletic. No way! Maya Maser is. She has all this really skinny like legs and arm! Ewe…. really gross. I am not saying I am like the fat kind of person. I am the same size as Chelsi, and as you know Chelsi is the captain of the cheerleader club. And I guess you have to be proud of that.
“This is gross… I don’t know how you punks can eat it.” Jas said. “Jas, don’t say punks. It sounds like you were born in the 70’s.” Chelsi said. Jas glares at Chelsi. “Well, deal with it.” Jas snapped. Chelsi was about to say something back, but when I gave her the death look she stopped. They are always like this. “Jas, if you don’t like it, don’t eat it. I’m not forcing you.” I said. I had brought my favorite vanilla ice cream with peanut butter mixed. And everyone was giving it a shot. Everybody thinks its weird I eat that stuff, but they know better than to say that. I eat stuff like that when I’m depressed. Helps me calm down.
“I choose the front.” Jas shouted. Like always. She loves sitting in the passenger seat. She loves that seat. She is like married to it. Me and Dave sat at the last seat. Drew and Robby and Rosie sat in the middle. Chelsi got a big car, just like her big house, and like her big pool, and like her big room and like her big closet. She is like the richest person I ever met! But I’m fine with my own life. I wouldn’t want to live Chelsi’s life. It’s ’cause her parents are not so great. They’re about on the verge to get divorced. And I don’t know how I could live without mom and Kii. Well, it’s different with my dad. I feel really weird calling him that. Dad, I mean. I mean I have never seen him so I can’t judge him. But still. It’s complicated… “Kristi, you are not going to the party like that!” Chelsi interrupted my thoughts. I looked down at my clothes: The pink tee and a ripped in the knee jeans. “What’s wrong with it? There’s nothing wrong with this.” I complained. Chelsi and Jas took two coke cans from under their seats. I looked at them confused. They passed the coke to Drew and Drew passed it to Dave. But before I could understand what they were doing, Dave poured the whole two cans of coke on my Tee and Jeans! I was so shocked that I could only stare at them with my mouth hanging open. “What…..?” I whispered. Drew and Dave started laughing and the others tried hide their grins. Suddenly I knew what was going on. “Look Kristi. Here’s the deal.” Chelsi said. I gave her the death look. “Just give it to me.” I said grumpily. She took out a red dress and gave it to me. With my first look, I knew I would never wear that. It was a too short and a lot lacy dress. Chelsi sighed and took out a jean shorts and a red V-neck Tee. It was so not me. Chelsi sighed again and said “This is my last one. You gotta choose. Dress or Shorts.” I looked down at my now soaked Tee and stained Jeans and took the shorts and red Tee. Chelsi stopped at the Pizzarow. Pizzarow has the most nasty, not really cooked food. But it’s our hangout place. The view from the right side of the café is amazing. You can see the Ray River. And from here I can also see a blue house. It’s actually the blue house. No one knows who owns it. In this town, you know everyone. I mean everybody, even the postman. Small town and all you know. I got off the car and went straight for the bathroom. I changed into the shorts and the V-neck Tee. I avoided the mirror all together and started for the door. But I happened to catch a glimpse of myself anyways. I realized it didn’t look all that bad.
As I came out the bathroom, I was looking at my foot and lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly, there was a loud smack and I was falling backward. Before I had time to process what had just happened, someone caught me. When I opened my eyes, I was staring at those liquid brown eyes. I hated brown eyes. I instantly knew who it was. Will. The jock. The popular kid. Or whatever you call him. He started to smile. I waited for a minute. Knowing what was coming. Recognitions flicked across his face and he dropped me. Turned around and faded through the hallway. He was always doing this. Not catching me when I fall but turning around and walking away when he sees me. I picked myself up and tried to get rid of the expression on my face which I knew was confusion and anger.
I went back to my friends just thinking about everything when suddenly a huge shadow came over me.Before i could turn my head and look who/what it was, a large hand suddenly grabbed my arm and jerked me to the shadowy corner of the building.

My instinct came in and I started screaming. But a large hand slapped over my face and my scream was muffled. I kicked and screamed but this guy wasn't bothered by me at all. I suddenly stopped and became still. And the moment he loosened his hold on me, I pounced onto him and even though he was taken by surprise, he barely moved. I hit his kneecap with all my energy and he finally fell to he ground. Since I didn't want him to get back up again, I sat heavily on his stomach and pinned his legs beneath mines. "Who the hell are you?" I asked him. He cursed and complained about his knee but he didn't answer. I took this time to look at him. He really was a nice looking average man but when I looked into his eyes, it made me gasp. Another thing I noticed was he had very bright red hair. It was filled with evil, nasty thoughts. I found a sharp stone on the floor and pushed it toward his throat and asked again. But he still didn't answer. There suddenly was a loud noise behind me and when I turned to look something heavy hit my head. It made me a little dizzy but I was okay. I turned toward where the blow had come from and saw a black shadow but then that was it. I got hit in the head again...this time harder. I kept seeing red and after a couple of seconds everything went black....
My lids were heavy but I managed to get them open. I stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes before everything started sinking into my brain. The man. The blood. Will. My friends. The blood? I couldn't be sure of what happened anymore. It was all so blurry. Looking around myself, I knew I was in the hospital but no one was around. I got up to walk around but noticed that my hands and legs were restrained. Panic settled in and I started screaming. Soon enough nurses and doctors came and the room got crowded with people. "MOM! What happened?!! Why am I here?!"But she didn't answer, just looked at me with a broken expression. I stared struggling again but the nurses quickly held me down to the bed. Suddenly there was black everywhere again and I fell into a deep oblivion.

I glared at the house house in front of me looking solid, cold and strange. I was angry. They were sending me in there. In that white house. In that GROUP HOUSE!! What happened was, someone found me in the corner of the restaurant on top of a guy who was dead. Because of my position they automatically assumed that I killed that guy!! When I woke up the second time from the hospital, I told the police that but none of them believed me. I told them to show me pictures of the man who I apparently killed but it wasn't the man with the red hair. It was Jake. The guy I met at my driver's lessons. My mom talked with them for a short while when I started freaking out and crying. And when they came back they said that I was going to be put into a group home until anything was proven. "Lexi!" Mrs. Jones snapped. She was the board of a ministry of the group home and she was simply awful.I had to change my name because the police doesn't want any trouble. I refused to use any other name and simply used Lexi, my middle name given by my dad. "LEXI!" She snapped again, louder this time. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. "Yes?" I asked in a too polite voice. "Grab your bags and go up to your room. It's upstairs, last door on the right. I grabbed my bags (a carry-on handbag and 1 suitcase. Not much I know.) and ran up the stairs before I could get yelled at again. I ran straight to my room, dropped the bags and myself on the floor and started crying. I fell asleep on my cold, small bed that night and my dreams were filled with nightmares.
When I woke up the next morning, I could hear noises coming from downstairs. I tried to go back to sleep but curiosity kept me awake. I got up to take a shower but then remembered that I didn't know where anything was. I walked barefoot down the stairs trying to find out where the voices were coming from. I walked into what was sure the dining room and found 3 and a half pairs of eyes staring at me. There were 3 guys and 1 cute bulldog with just one eyes staring at me. "Hi?" I said uncertainly.A guy with blonde hair and green eyes got up from the table and said with a smile, "You must be the new girl." His voice was so...innocent...angelic. He even looked angelic with that perfect body, blonde hair and blue eyes. "Yup." I said."My name is David. This is my brother, Steve." He said pointing to a boy that looked the exactly like him but with a more devilish twist to him. Steve looked at me with his eyebrows raised. I shrugged and moved on the the last person. He was a normal looking preteen about 13. He looked up from his video game, nodded at me and went back to playing. "That's Pete. He's not really social." David offered. I snorted and reached for an apple. Suddenly I heard a voice that sounded more like a growl from behind me. I jumped and dropped my apple. "Jesus."I breathed and turned to glare at the guy behind me. My eyes connected with baggy sweatshirt that covered broad shoulders. I looked up still glaring and met a pair of amazing eyes. Eyes that keep changing color. From hazel to green, back to hazel and then to dark blue. Realizing that I was staring, I dropped down to my knees to pick up my apple.He bent down at the same time and our head bumped hardly. I heard some muttered curse and then he jerked back up again and barked,"Jones wants everybody in the living room." He turned and left. I kept staring at him because I was sure he felt it too. That electrical shocks that passed through me when we touched. I soon snapped back to reality and dissmissed any ideas that tried to enter my brain. I walked out the door and followed the guys. When we entered the living room,David sat down silently on the red couch. Steve flopped down on the floor and stated throwing the ball and the wall. Pete, without looking up from his game, sat down in the computer chair. The other guy, still didn't know his name, silently brooded in the corner. I sat down on the couch next to David. I looked around. This place was.... There was a flat screen T.V in front of me. In the table in front of me, I could see 4 laptops labeled to each one of the guys. Pete Harrison, Steve Prescott, David Prescott and.... Derek Stryker. So, his name was Derek. Stryker...Stryker. The name sounded vaguely familiar. I was going crazy. Of course I've never met him. I kept looking around the room. It was filled with priceless paintings. Just as I was judging a painting of a girl, Mrs. Jones came in the room.
She looked at me with disapproving eyes. I looked down and saw that I was still wearing my PJ's. I had on my sponge bob shorts and a shirt that said "Brunette is the new blonde." It didn't even make any sense since now I had reddish copper curls. I had to change all my appearance.Except for my eyes. They had tried to put green contacts but the contacts just burned through my eyes. So I still had my blue eyes. When I had gotten out of bed today, I had just slipped my feet into a pair of beat up converse. Now I understood why Derek had ran away from me. I looked like hell. I grabbed a sweatshirt next to me. I put it on even though it basically swallowed me. I looked back at her. "So, I guess you guys already met." Mrs. Jones said. "I still don't know your name." Steve said to me, completely ignoring Jones. "It's Kri...Lexi. It's Lexi." I almost messed up and said my real name. I looked at Steve to see if he noticed. But he just raised his eyebrows. "Lexi, I have to speak to you privately. Follow me." Jones said sharply. I joined her outside the door, passing Derek in the way. I heard the door shut loudly in the silence. "I got your reports faxed in today. You'll be staying her for about 5 months."Jones said. But I couldn't reply. Five months!! Five freaking months in this house for doing nothing.!! I didn't realize that I was screaming at Jones until she grabbed me by the arm. "Shut up!!" she screamed back. I then felt a prick on my shoulder and Black everywhere.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.12.2010

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to all the books I've read 'cause they inspired me.

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